How to improve the skills of the staff. Improving the qualifications of personnel at the enterprise. Staff development from the point of view of the employer and the employee

  • 16.06.2021

Personnel training and development is defined as the process of training the organization's personnel to successfully complete their tasks, that is, the improvement of standard competencies. At the same time, modern vocational training focuses not only on the tasks of today, but also on the future needs of the organization. Training and advanced training of personnel is an essential part of the professional development of personnel.

In modern organizations, training and advanced training of personnel is used for the development of personnel and the organization as a whole, acts as a tool for transformation, serves the needs of management in change management.

In the Russian Federation, the issues of training and advanced training of personnel are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to Art. 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to create employees the necessary conditions to combine work with education. In addition, the employer is obliged to improve the qualifications of employees if professionalism is an indispensable requirement for the implementation labor activity according to their positions. The employer himself determines the need for professional training and retraining of personnel for their own needs. Professional training of employees and their education can be carried out both in the organization itself and in educational institutions. The rights and obligations of the employer for training and advanced training are regulated by Article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the rights of employees for professional training and advanced training are defined in Art. 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In Japan, the annual costs of companies for the training and development of staff range from 10 to 20% of the payroll. Training of workers is considered as the most important element of their labor activity. This is one of the secrets of the "Japanese miracle". In France, a company must spend at least 1.5% of the payroll on training and advanced training of personnel annually. Otherwise, enterprises are fined, and unused funds are credited to the centralized national fund for training workers. In case of successful passing of exams after advanced training, employees can receive salary increases of up to 20%.

In the US, the costs of companies, taking into account the payment of compensation for the time of training and advanced training of personnel, have increased to $ 100 billion. At the same time, the growth in the scale of training and advanced training in corporations is the result of their own policy, and not a requirement of state bodies. In the United States, a number of measures are used to encourage employees of organizations to train and improve their skills:

    legislative measures - licensing for 3-5 years with subsequent certification;

    administrative measures - creating conditions of intolerance towards those who do not want to study (for example, refusing to be promoted);

    morale impact measures – creating an organizational climate conducive to learning

Training and advanced training are necessary in the following cases:

    first, when a person enters the organization;

    secondly, when an employee is appointed to a new position or when he is assigned a new job;

    thirdly, if a person lacks certain skills to effectively perform his job.

In modern literature, various definitions of training and professional development of personnel are given, some of which are given below.

Staff training- systematic and organized training and release of qualified personnel for all areas of human activity, owning a set of special knowledge, skills and methods of communication.

Training- training of personnel in order to improve knowledge, skills and ways of communication in connection with the growth of requirements for the profession or promotion.

Goals of training and advanced training from the point of view of the head of the organization and from the point of view of its employees are different. From the leader's point of view, the purposes of training and advanced training are:

    increasing labor productivity (increasing returns from one workplace);

    capitalization of personnel (increase in its cost value);

    formation and development of personnel;

    introduction of innovations.

From an employee's point of view, training objectives and advanced training are:

    maintaining and improving professional qualifications (the higher the professional qualification, the more demanded in the organization and the market resource);

    development of one's abilities, acquisition of skills and abilities, broadening one's horizons;

    formation of a social environment (creation of a comfortable environment for professional and personal life)

Principles of training and advanced training:

    staff training and development should be related to the strategy of the organization and the needs of employees;

    the main attention is paid to the training and advanced training of employees in the workplace and the formation of practical skills;

    when choosing the forms of training and advanced training of personnel, the opinion of the employees of the organization is decisive;

    the opportunity to learn new skills and improve existing ones allows employees to be ready for changes in the labor market, and organizations - for the dynamics of the external environment;

    managers act as educators and are responsible for disseminating best practices in their departments and in the organization as a whole;

    the main responsibility for the training and development of staff lies with middle managers.

Stages of training and advanced training

The first step is to identify training and development needs. Training needs are formed on the basis of the development needs of the organization's personnel, as well as the need for the organization's employees to perform their current duties. The needs associated with the performance of production duties are determined on the basis of applications and surveys of the employees themselves, their managers, as well as an analysis of the performance of the organization and its employees.

Determining the need for training and advanced training of an individual employee requires the joint efforts of the HR department, the employee himself and his manager. Each of the parties brings its own vision of this issue, determined by its position in the organization and its role in the process of professional development (see Figure 8.8).

Rice. 7.8. Defining a professional development need

The source of information about the needs are the strategic plans for the development of the organization and individual plans development of employees, compiled after evaluating their performance.

The second stage is the formation of a budget for training and advanced training. Budgeting for vocational training and continuing education is the process of determining the acceptable level of costs for training. At the same time, the available resources are assessed, priorities are developed in their distribution.

The following factors influence the size of the budget for training and advanced training:

    the financial condition of the organization;

    its needs for training and development of staff;

    the interests of owners in obtaining the maximum possible income;

    objective necessity and subjective factors of maintaining the labor force of the required quality and quantity;

    the interests of employees in obtaining the maximum possible income;

    state system of income taxation and mandatory contributions to various funds.

The third stage is the definition of the goals of training and advanced training and criteria for evaluating its effectiveness. The goals of professional training and advanced training of personnel are determined on the basis of an analysis of the identified needs. They should be specific, measurable, realistic, focused on obtaining knowledge and practical skills. You can't train everyone in an organization the same way. Ideally, for each vertical and horizontal in the organization, each employee should have their own training program, which will indicate the knowledge, skills and abilities that should be developed.

It is necessary to create an appropriate attitude towards the planned training and advanced training. The following factors may motivate employees to actively participate in training and development programs:

    desire to get promoted or take another position;

    interest in increasing wages;

    interest in the very process of mastering new knowledge and skills;

    desire to establish contacts with other program participants.

The fourth stage is the development and implementation of professional training and advanced training programs. The content of the program is determined by the goals facing it, reflecting the needs for professional training and advanced training in a particular organization.

When training employees of an organization, it is necessary to take into account the principles of training and advanced training of personnel. This usually includes:

    setting the goal of training and advanced training of personnel;

    clear, understandable and accepted by the employee motivation for training and advanced training;

    meaningfulness of learning, independence of assessments, independence of judgments, critical attitude to the material being studied, the opinions of others, sometimes even to the opinion of the teacher;

    connection of the studied material with work practice and existing knowledge (moreover, knowledge needed in the short term is preferable);

    focus on acquiring knowledge primarily about specific methods of action, and not about general principles, from which you can get specific actions;

    maximum intellectual involvement of people in the educational process;

    informal classroom atmosphere;

    practical consolidation of knowledge in the process of training and advanced training;

    a variety of applied training methods and advanced training.

Recently, in the field of training and development of personnel (training and development - T&D), it is impossible not to notice the revival and the emergence of new trends in Russian market T&D.

A good classification of employee training and development methods has been proposed by the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD), which conducts an annual study of the frequency of use of these methods by HR and T&D managers in the UK. Here is the latest poll data:

  • 99% of companies use on-the-job training;
  • external workshops, conferences, seminars - 95%:
  • courses - 93%;
  • training outside the workplace - 90%;
  • coaching (line managers) - 88%;
  • audio and video training - 81%;
  • · mentoring and buddying - 72%;
  • rotation, secondment, shadowing - 71%;
  • coaching (external specialists) - 64%;
  • e-learning - 54%;
  • · Internal knowledge sharing activities - 52%.

Western experts identify another method - "informal training" at work. This is searching for information on the Internet, connecting with more experienced colleagues and other employees in cross-functional or cross-cultural project groups, participating in professional associations, and so on. At first glance, these are ordinary, familiar processes, which is why Western HR managers are trying to this approach training and development of employees in the most effective way. The vast majority of the methods described above are also known in Russia. However, not a single study by Russian scientists regarding the training and development of personnel gives an intelligible answer to the question of what percentage of companies use this or that method in their practice. Recently, for example, data was published, according to which 63% of the surveyed trade and manufacturing enterprises use mentoring. And although the number of respondents was small, and the scope of the study is narrow, today even such figures are valuable.

Secondment - this is the name of one of the types of staff rotation, more precisely, the “secondment” of employees for a certain time to another structure for them to master the necessary skills. Secondment there is one significant nuance - it can be not only internal (when employees are exchanged by divisions of the company), but also external, in which employees are sent to companies operating in another area (commerce, public sector, schools, local companies, charitable organizations). In the West, secondment is considered almost the most effective method of staff development and retraining - 87% of English employers rated it as "very effective". It is believed that it is this approach that gives strong and “conscious” skills.

Most often in the West, external secondment is used. This method is especially appreciated by companies with a flat structure, which limits the possibilities for promotion of employees and, as a result, the development of additional skills in them. The exchange can be either short-term (about 100 hours of working time) or longer (up to a year). Such a program is suitable for employees of all levels: managers, line managers, specialists, technical staff, etc. The salary of an employee who masters new skills, as a rule, is charged by the company that “seconded” him. Payment can be made from the budget for training and development of personnel, or from the budget for relations with the state (if the employee is sent to a state institution), or from the budget for charity (if he works in charitable organization). Sometimes the costs associated with the remuneration of the "seconded" are reimbursed by the host organization. Definitely secondment - this is effective method staff development, as in the process of such exchanges, the employee receives a lot of information, learns new skills, and so on.

Western training and development managers are convinced that in the process of external exchange of employees, all three sides of the process benefit.

The worker himself:

  • Gets the opportunity for personal development
  • Gains a variety of experience in projects;
  • Gets the opportunity to use specific skills in various organizational environments;
  • acquires new skills and experience in solving problems-challenges.

"Giving" side:

  • receives employees who have mastered new skills;
  • Strengthens teamwork and cross-functional collaboration;
  • Improves staff motivation;
  • · develops a network of contacts;
  • · earns a reputation as a good employer and a socially oriented company.

"The host:

· receives resources for their projects.

Of course, holding a secondment is fraught with many difficulties. For example, the British are always worried about how painless the adaptation of an employee to a new environment for him and then his return to his previous place of work will be. However, this method is actively used in the UK (together with rotation and Shadowing, it is used by 71% of companies in Foggy Albion). Training managers of firms must include secondment in the staff training plan, prepare interesting exchange programs, support employees with special trainings before and after a “business trip” to another organization.

The “bottlenecks” of secondment in Russia are obvious:

  • The method is practically unknown in our country;
  • · there is no developed documentation for registration of external secondment;
  • · the mechanism for replacing a person sent on a business trip has not been worked out (his work needs to be done by someone!).

In the West, all these problems have been solved. The practice of secondment is maintained at the very high level: in the UK, it is believed that the rotation of employees, the exchange of experience and knowledge, the strengthening of ties between various market sectors have a positive effect on the country's economy.

Buddying (Buddy System) is support, assistance, to some extent guidance and protection of one person to another in order to achieve results through the transfer of educational and developing information to each other. This method used in the following cases:

  • · to train an employee in the process of adaptation (both a newcomer and when transferring to another position within the company);
  • To increase the efficiency of the transformations carried out in the company (the method has shown its effectiveness in any type of change);
  • To optimize the exchange of information between company departments;
  • To optimize the exchange of information between companies that have common projects;
  • for the development of "behavioral" skills of employees;
  • as a team building tool.

Buddying is based on giving each other information and/or objective and honest feedback while completing tasks (both personal and corporate) related to learning new skills. Sometimes buddying is called informal mentoring, peer coaching. When used as a tool for the personal development of employees, buddies (literally comrades), acting as a mirror, give each other the opportunity to see themselves from the outside: how a person manifests himself in relation to colleagues, what his words (deeds) "work", and which - no. From mentoring or coaching to buddying what distinguishes it is that its participants are absolutely equal - advice, information comes in both directions: there is no “senior” and “junior”, mentor and ward, coach and “coached”, student and student. This system requires constant attention from its coordinators - employees of the personnel service. Participants in buddying must be taught how to be honest, objective, and unbiased. feedback or give the necessary information that contributes to the development of the “partner”. For buddies, it is necessary to conduct special intermediate trainings and consultations.

Russian companies use this method when adapting newcomers, calling it mentoring. In general, in the domestic practice of personnel management there is often a confusion of concepts: mentoring is often called coaching or vice versa. Be that as it may, buddying is used in a large number of Russian companies - where the adaptation of employees involves securing a "partner" who informally introduces the newcomer to the course of business. In the UK 85% commercial organizations find this method (along with mentoring) very effective.

The Shadowing method is mainly used to train those who are just about to come to work in the company - university graduates. Its implementation is the responsibility of the training manager and employees of the HR service, who oversee the program for the selection of graduates to the staff. Shadowing (free translation - “being a shadow”) is used only by those companies that are ready to take on young people with no work experience. The scheme of the shadowing action is simple. Suppose a student wants to become an auditor (marketer, HR manager, accountant, etc.).

The company gives him the opportunity to spend a day or two or three next to a working auditor, in other words, to be the shadow of an employee. Perhaps the student will be given some minor assignment directly related to auditing, and even invited to a meeting with a client who is being audited. Thus, the student becomes a witness of “a day in the life of an auditor”, gets an idea of ​​the career he has chosen and what knowledge and skills he lacks. As a result, his motivation to master knowledge at the university increases. To make the learning process as effective, truthful and informative as possible, before launching the shadowing program, it is necessary to conduct a series of trainings for those whom these “shadows” will follow. It must be said that employees willingly agree to such an “additional task” - its implementation does not require much effort, and the probability of getting motivated employee in his department is significantly increased. By the way, in the process of implementing shadowing, not only the “shadow” learns, but also the one to whom it is assigned.

This method of learning contains many sound ideas, it is not for nothing that 71% use it. English companies. Western T&D managers claim that this is a simple, inexpensive and quite effective method. When using it:

  • Reduces the likelihood of hiring unmotivated and unaware of what awaits them, graduates;
  • the company improves its image by demonstrating an active position in the development of employees;
  • · the staff improves their skills in providing information in an accessible form (Western HR and T&D specialists claim that “mentors” eventually begin to work more efficiently - no one wants to lose face!);
  • · the partnership between universities and business is being strengthened;
  • · the system of education at the university is improving due to the increase in the motivation of students.

In Russia, this method of training is not yet used anywhere, except, perhaps, by audit companies.

Training is an active form of learning using practical exercises. Trainings are designed to develop certain managerial and commercial skills - performance management, planning, delegation, motivation, time management, effective sales, negotiations, presentation. Thanks to trainings, it is possible to increase the personal effectiveness of employees - to develop a focus on results, the ability to manage conflicts, communication skills, and leadership. More than 70 percent of training time is devoted to business games and their analysis, fixing the most effective strategies of behavior in typical business situations. Absorption efficiency new information at trainings is much higher than at lectures and seminars, since here not only knowledge of a theoretical nature is acquired, but practical skills and skills are developed in various role-playing games and training situations. The use of video equipment helps to increase the effectiveness of trainings, when participants can analyze video recordings of business games.

The issue of training companies requires serious study. Many HR and T&D professionals have the feeling that, despite its explosive growth, the learning and development industry is in crisis. We are concerned about the weak methodological base and, as a result, undeveloped, template programs, the low level of training of trainers, and the “non-specialization” of training companies.

A metaphorical game is a form of organizing the active work of participants, aimed at developing new forms of activity and changing attitudes in behavior. The main task of the metaphorical game is to find new way solving the situation. The uniqueness of this method lies in the fact that for the solution in business situation takes a metaphor.

The use of this form of training helps to activate Creative skills participants, provides an opportunity to take a fresh look at the situation competition and change stereotypes.

A metaphorical game can be used and applied to any problem situation. It can be based on fairy tales, parables, legends that convey the problems of relationships in business situations.

Benefits of using a metaphorical game:

  • · Development of employees' creativity;
  • Reducing the anxiety of participants about solving a particular problem;
  • · Increasing the attractiveness of the training for participants;
  • Encourage participants to independently find a solution to a given situation.

For effective program staff training can use a modular approach. A module is a separate, independent part of any system. For example, in training, a module is a completed fragment of a lesson aimed at solving a specific business problem or developing a necessary skill. The module clearly defines the learning objectives, tasks and levels of learning the material, defines the skills and abilities. The modules have a variety of teaching aids. They ensure the active participation of students, who learn information in action, and active work with educational material.

This form allows you to create a training program from separate thematic blocks aimed at achieving the desired result. The training course usually includes about three modules. In this case, a separate module can be a theoretical block, and practical work and final projects. There can be any number of thematic modules. It all depends on how much time is needed to master the skill and gain knowledge on a given material.

Modular training is widely used in the training of sales managers, HR specialists, managers, marketers.

The advantages of this method are: flexibility, selectivity, and the ability to change the sequence of modules depending on the request of the listeners.

Distance learning is widely used in the practice of Russian companies. This form of training involves the use of telecommunication technologies that allow you to train staff at a distance. By using distance learning The student can independently organize their classes, choosing a convenient time for this.

The distance learning scheme is as follows: the student chooses a topic of interest to him and passes a preliminary test. Based on this test, a conclusion is made about the current level of knowledge. Next, a trial lesson is sent, which must be completed. After completing a series of lessons on one topic, the student writes a control test. Depending on its results, exercises are sent to repeat the topic or tasks from a new topic.

This form requires good technical equipment and competent study of materials for training and control procedures. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is difficult to form behavioral skills through distance learning. In addition, for the qualitative assimilation of knowledge, the student must be highly motivated.

Advantages of distance learning:

  • · A large number of employees can be involved in the educational process;
  • · Training is carried out on the job;
  • Employees are less distracted from their duties;
  • · Ability to choose a convenient time for training;
  • · The knowledge acquired during the training can be immediately put into practice in your company.

Popular methods of personnel training in Russia and in the West

Russian companies

Western companies

Modular learning

Distance learning


metaphorical game

Shadoiwng training

secondment training

buddying training

On the job training

External workshops, conferences, seminars

Training outside the workplace

Audio and video training

As can be seen from the table, many modern methods of personnel development, such as shadoiwng, secondment, buddying, which are widely used in the practice of foreign companies, in Russian companies are practically not used. It seems that these methods simply need to be popularized among Russian HR and T&D specialists.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. And the main criterion when choosing one or another method of advanced training and retraining of personnel is its effectiveness in achieving the goals of training each individual employee of the company.

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AT Labor Code quite a lot of articles that mention the qualifications of an employee: an employee is required to present a document on qualifications when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); when offering a different job to an employee during various organizational or technological changes, the employer must focus on the qualifications of the employee (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); Salary depends on qualification. About what is meant by qualification in the sense labor relations, whether the employer should contribute to the improvement of the skills of their employees and how to do this, we will tell in the article.

The concept of employee qualification

The concept of employee qualification appeared in the Labor Code quite recently. Federal Law No. 236-FZ of December 3, 2012 introduced a new Art. 195.1, in which the legislator determined that the qualification of an employee is the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience of an employee. The qualification document confirms:

- assignment of a rank, class, category based on the results of vocational training (confirmed by a certificate of the profession of a worker, an employee's position).

Qualification feature, necessary for the employee to carry out a certain type professional activity, is the professional standard. Currently, such standards are being actively developed, and on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, by 2015 there should be at least 800 of them.

The procedure for the development, approval and application of professional standards, as well as establishing the identity of the names of positions, professions and specialties contained in the ETCS and CEN, with the names of positions, professions and specialties contained in professional standards, is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01/22/2013 N 23.

Mandatory professional development

Based on Art. 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the need for professional training and retraining of personnel for their own needs is determined by the employer. However, in some cases, the organization of advanced training for their employees is the direct responsibility of the employer, this is required by federal laws. Let's name some of them. Professional development should be:

- employees of the internal affairs bodies (Federal Law of November 30, 2011 N 342-FZ "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies Russian Federation and making changes to individual legislative acts Russian Federation");

— medical and pharmaceutical workers (Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation");

- civil servants (Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation");

- pedagogical workers (Federal Law of August 22, 1996 N 125-FZ "On Higher and Postgraduate Vocational Education");

- employees of the railway transport, production activity which are directly related to the movement of trains (Federal Law of 10.01.2003 N 17-FZ "On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation");

— drivers and other employees of automobile and land urban electric transport, ensuring safety traffic(Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ "On Road Safety").

Ways to improve the skills of employees

The purpose of advanced training is to update the theoretical and practical knowledge of specialists in connection with the increased requirements for the level of qualifications and the need to master modern methods solving professional problems. For such an increase in the professionalism of an employee, the employer can organize training. Usually for this they use the services of educational institutions for advanced training.

Note. Advanced training is carried out as necessary, but at least once every five years during the entire working life of employees. The frequency of advanced training for specialists is established by the employer (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 N 610 "On approval model provision about educational institution of additional vocational education(advanced training) of specialists", hereinafter referred to as the Model Provision).

Vocational training for advanced training refers to the vocational training of people who already have a certain profession or position, for the purpose of consistent improvement professional knowledge, skills and abilities on them without raising the educational level.

Professional development can be short-term (at least 72 hours). Such training is carried out at the place of the main work of specialists on issues of a particular production and ends with passing the appropriate exam, test or defense of the abstract.

Advanced training can be carried out by holding thematic and problematic seminars on scientific, technical, technological, socio-economic and other problems that arise at the level of the industry, region, enterprise (association), organization or institution. The duration of training in this form is from 72 to 100 hours.

Long-term advanced training - over 100 hours in an educational institution for advanced training for in-depth study of topical problems of science, engineering, technology, socio-economic and other problems in the profile of professional activity.

One of the sections of the curriculum for advanced training of specialists can be an internship, the main goals of which are the formation and consolidation in practice of professional knowledge, skills and abilities obtained as a result of theoretical training. An internship is also carried out in order to study best practices, acquire professional and organizational skills to perform duties in a current or higher position.

Note. The normative term for the passage of professional retraining for specialists to obtain additional qualifications is at least 1,000 hours of labor intensity.

Internships for specialists can be carried out both in the Russian Federation and abroad at enterprises (associations), in leading research organizations, educational institutions, consulting firms and federal executive authorities. The duration of the internship is established by the employer who sends the employee for training, based on its goals and in agreement with the head of the enterprise (association), organization or institution where it is held.

Let us pay attention to one point: for the period of advanced training with a break from work, the employee retains the average salary (Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Students from other cities who are sent to study outside of their main job are paid daily allowances according to the norms established for business trips on the territory of the Russian Federation (clause 26 of the Model Regulations). Recall that the amount of compensation to employees of organizations financed from the federal budget is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2002 N 729.

Where can you improve the skills of your staff?

Educational institutions for advanced training include:

— academies (with the exception of academies that are educational institutions of higher professional education);

- institutes for advanced training (improvements) - sectoral, intersectoral, regional;

— courses (schools, centers) for advanced training, training centers employment services.

The institutes for advanced training also include the following educational institutions for advanced training:

- training centers for professional retraining, advanced training and employment of military personnel dismissed from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, citizens dismissed from military service;

— intersectoral regional centers for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists.

Note! On the basis of paragraph 10 of the Model Regulations, training for advanced training can be carried out by faculties for advanced training of teachers and specialists, intersectoral regional centers, faculties for retraining specialists with higher education and etc.

The advanced training of workers can also be carried out directly at enterprises, institutions, organizations (Model regulation on continuous professional and economic training of personnel of the national economy, approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the State Education of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of June 15, 1988 N 369 / 92-14-147 / 20/18-22).

Qualification Documents

The qualification document confirms:

– upgrading or awarding qualifications based on the results of additional professional education (confirmed by a certificate of advanced training or a diploma of professional retraining);

- assignment of a rank or class, category based on the results of vocational training (confirmed by a certificate of the profession of a worker, an employee's position).

Based on clause 28 of the Model Regulations, educational institutions for advanced training issue students who have successfully completed a course of study, the following documents state standard:

- certificate of advanced training - for persons who have completed short-term training or participated in thematic and problematic seminars;

- certificate of advanced training - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of more than 100 hours;

- diploma of qualification - for persons who have completed training under the program in the amount of more than 1,000 hours.

Formation of relations to improve the qualifications of an employee

To send employees to advanced training, the employer draws up a training plan for the current year, which indicates the grounds and goals for training personnel, as well as the names of those sent for training. In accordance with the plan, the employer may conclude an agreement with an educational institution for advanced training (clause 7 of the Model Regulations). And with the employee you need to conclude a student contract - additional to the labor one. The rules for concluding a student agreement, the mandatory conditions that must be included in it, and the relationship between the employee and the employer in this area are regulated by Ch. 32 "Student contract" of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In order to send an employee for advanced training, an order is issued in which they justify the production need for training (the specialist certificate expires, new equipment has been equipped, etc.) and indicate that the employee is sent for advanced training at the initiative of the employer (or on his own ).

If advanced training is carried out with a break from work, it is necessary to record this period in the time sheet: the letter code "PK" (digital "07") is put, and if the employee is sent to study in another area - "PM" (digital "08" ).

Upon completion of training, on the basis of the submitted document on advanced training, information should be entered in the employee's personal card and work book.

In this material we will tell you what are the features of staff development and how to organize this process.

You will learn:

  • How is staff qualification determined?
  • Which employees need to be upgraded?
  • What methods of professional development of employees exist.
  • What are the steps in the employee training process?

Any leader wants highly qualified specialists to work in his company. To do this, employees undergo advanced training.

What is an employee qualification

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation mentions the concept of employee qualifications. Article 65 states that when applying for a job, the employer has the right to require documents confirming the qualifications and compliance of the person with the requirements of the vacancy. This may be a certificate of special training or graduation from a particular educational institution. Article 74 indicates that in case of structural or technological changes followed by personnel changes, the employer must take into account the skill level of the employee.

The legal definition of the concept of "qualification of an employee" appeared in federal law 236 as amended on December 3, 2012. The first part of Article 195 of the law states that the qualification of an employee is the degree of the totality of his skills, knowledge in the specialty, as well as work experience. A document confirming qualifications can be either in the form of a certificate or a full-fledged diploma of vocational training. The assignment of categories, ranks or classes based on the results of vocational training may be confirmed by a certificate of the position of a worker or the profession of an employee.

For the convenience of both the employee and the employer, there are specialized professional standards. They are needed to carry out certain activities. In 2018, the document includes a large number of positions and is being actively finalized. Not only new standards are added, but also new specialties. When completed, the document will contain information on more than 700 positions. How to correctly introduce, approve and apply these standards is established in the relevant Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2013 No. 23.

Tips from Yota to improve the skills of employees

Commercial Director magazine advises using the same approaches to staff development as Yota in order to effectively plan employee training at different stages.

How qualification level is determined

Conventionally, the process of determining the level of qualification of workers can be associated with such characteristics as education and work experience.

For example, in production, the qualification gradation of specialists performing work tasks consists of categories. They are awarded to employees depending on their length of service, professional merit, practical and theoretical training.

For the manufacturing sector, there is a well-established division of workers:

  • Highly qualified. Education and training for more than 2 years. Large fulfillment baggage practical tasks. Work with the equipment of mechanization and labor automation.
  • Qualified. Undergo training or training up to 2 years, have experience in performing work tasks. Perform complex engineering works, work with labor mechanization equipment.
  • Low-skilled. They were trained for a short time. They do not have experience in performing practical tasks. Perform medium to high complexity tasks. Rarely interact with automation and mechanization equipment.
  • Unqualified. They don't get trained and they don't study. Perform support tasks, work on maintenance work.

Which employees need to be upgraded?

The organization of advanced training of employees pursues certain goals. What goals can be achieved if you improve the skills of your employees:

  • Gaining new knowledge and mastering skills. Employees who have learned something new can not only make hypotheses for improvement production process but also to implement them, overcoming various difficulties along the way.
  • Increasing motivation and stimulation. When a person realizes that the management of the enterprise is interested in his growth, his motivation to work increases. It also has a stimulating effect on productivity and productivity.
  • Introduction of innovative technologies. Currently, innovative technologies and automation are present to some extent in every field of activity. To keep up with the competition, your employees must keep up with the times and receive training in IT and automation.
  • Create your own frames. Sometimes it will be less expensive to train and educate your highly qualified employees than to attract them from outside. For some companies, this direction is the preferred part of their HR strategy.
  • Reducing the level of turnover. This goal follows from the previous one. Gaining new knowledge and professional growth opens opportunities for career and salary growth for the employee. In this case, it will be more profitable for people to stay to work for you.

You should also decide which employees you will send for advanced training. Sending all employees at the same time would be impractical. In this case, you need to scale your personnel policy businesses determine the order in which people will be promoted professional qualifications workers. Also, this stage should be carefully thought out, since a person can be sent to learn what he already knows, and there will be no benefit from this event. Or too difficult training can scare a person away, and he will move to another job. Therefore, the main goals in advanced training are top managers and specialists who make the greatest contribution to the performance results.

Raising the qualifications of other employees is most often situational. For example, if new knowledge is an integral part of the work process, or if a change in the work profile is implied, a change in work algorithms.

The program of advanced training of workers should be thought out. It is necessary to assess the potential of departments, working groups and individual employees. This can be learned from HR specialists, as well as using specialized techniques. Consider possible methods for improving the skills of workers.

Methods for increasing the level of professional qualifications of employees

The choice of an appropriate methodology depends on the format of the education and training provided. So you will choose the right educational materials, tools, equipment, materials and premises.

A group of methods that include on-the-job training includes:

  • Production experience. People are actively involved in the purposeful acquisition of the necessary production skills and experience. This can happen both within the framework of the employee's working hours, and with the provision of time off.
  • Briefing. This method is usually carried out when a person finds himself in a new workplace. Even if the qualifications of a person correspond to the position held, the employee should still be instructed, since the new company has its own subtleties of work.
  • Rotation. Periodic change by employees of their usual jobs. There is a gradual acquisition of new knowledge and skills without interruption from the main production tasks. A person effectively learns the specifics and nuances of work processes in the structure of an enterprise.
  • Assessment. It is used when a person is being prepared for leadership position in the department where he performs production functions. This will gradually improve management skills. The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that in the future, when moving to a leadership position, a person will be well versed in the work of the unit.
  • Coaching. A long process of establishing student-mentor relationships in the long term. The use of this method is effective when even a skilled worker needs a lot of specific knowledge to adapt. This may be relevant in complex and high-tech industries.
  • Project teams. People who do not have sufficient skills and knowledge to solve all the tasks of projects are involved in work on real projects. With the use of cooperation and delegation, interactive learning takes place and the necessary skills and knowledge are obtained.

The listed methods are applicable and easily implemented within the framework of this enterprise. They are mainly practical and do not have much need for theoretical consolidation outside the organization.

There are also other methods in which there is a separation from production. They are implemented outside the workplace of employees and are:

  • Lecture courses . A popular and generally accepted system of advanced training for employees. Obtaining bare theoretical material will be ineffective without a combination with practical methods.
  • Courses with elements of programming. Simultaneous way to receive and test the knowledge that has been gained. This method is implemented using special programs that simulate a real production situation.
  • Seminars. This method is active and has a clear practical focus. It promotes the development of communication and socialization of employees, as well as gives skills in public speaking, leadership, emotional intelligence. The form of seminars can be different: symposiums, round tables, conferences.
  • Case study. practical method during which employees learn to solve real production problems. There are both individual and group training in a game or discussion form.
  • Trainings. Long-term training, consisting of several lectures and seminars, during which not only the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, but also their testing and consolidation takes place. Usually trainings are held in small groups.

There are also other types of professional development of employees. They use the best practices of modern staff training specialists. The main focus of all methods is to consolidate theoretical knowledge and practical skills using effective communication and methodological means.

Stages of organization of advanced training of employees

Raising the level of skills of employees includes several stages. Let's analyze each stage and figure out what the stage includes.

Identification of need

Initially, it is necessary to calculate the need for advanced training of employees. This needs to be done both at the company level and at the structural divisions. These needs may arise if the enterprise has plans to commission new or upgrade existing equipment. Also at the company level, the need for skills development may depend on plans to increase the number of jobs, as well as the introduction of new products into the product line.

Also, the need can be identified during the certification or personal career ambitions of the employee.

Method selection and budgeting

Once needs have been identified, a suitable training methodology must be selected. It is necessary to correlate the effectiveness of training with the costs that the enterprise will incur for training and due to the absence of an employee.

The budget for staff development needs to be planned at the beginning of the year. This will make it easier for the company to bear the associated costs. It is also necessary to document it with an indication of all items of expenditure.

Program development, selection of coaches

Then it is necessary to design an exemplary program for improving the skills of employees. Set goals and objectives for learning. This can be done both by your own company and with the involvement of special business consultants. You can use the services of companies for the training and education of personnel. Along with the program, they will offer professional trainers.

Carrying out advanced training

Decisions on its implementation depend on the chosen method. That is, where the process of advanced training will be organized: in the company itself or in a specialized training center.

After that, it is necessary to carry out procedures and activities to improve the skills of personnel.

Analysis and summing up

After graduation, you must conduct your own regular testing, even though the testing was conducted during training. Create a qualification commission, which will include heads of departments whose employees were sent for advanced training, as well as HR specialists. Notify all employees that there will be regular testing, inform about the forms of its conduct.

Based on the results of testing, correlate the goals that were set for departments, groups and individual employees with the results of passing the test. A similar event should be held in 2-4 weeks to assess the degree of suitability of the knowledge and skills that your employees have received.


Professional development of employees is an integral part of the work process. For the effective implementation of this management procedure, it is necessary to know the features of its implementation, understand which employees need to be sent to advanced training courses and when, and also apply suitable methods and methods of education and training.