What is a flyer. Advertising flyer. Cool flyer examples

  • 20.11.2020

Every marketer knows exactly the definition of such a thing as a flyer. But the information below will not interfere with a simple person, far from it. The word "flyer" most often refers to leaflets that are promotional in nature. This method of advertising is able to attract a large number of new customers. However, in order for this method to help you earn money, you need to clearly understand what a flyer is. His key features the following:

What should they be?

So, we propose to consider the concept of a flyer in more detail. It must be small in size and contain advertising or review information about the company or event. Sometimes such flyers can bring their owner small discounts on goods or services.

The distribution of flyers is used by company owners to inform a potential client about an event. It can be a seasonal sale, a store opening, a party, and so on. If you decorate the flyer with thematic images and suitable text, this will help to inform and interest the person in more detail. Any entrepreneur should clearly understand for himself what a flyer is, how best to use it for advertising purposes.

In what areas do they apply?

A well-made flyer can be used as its style should be carefully thought out in advance. Such leaflets are most often used in cinemas, restaurants, bars, discos and during mass cultural and entertainment events. In addition, brochures are often used for advertising purposes. This is due to the fact that the production and printing of flyers do not require large cash investments, and attract a huge flow of new visitors and customers. Think for yourself: who would be unpleasant to receive a discount, albeit a small one?

The most interesting thing is that this type of advertising really works, and today it is one of the most effective. Often a person takes several flyers to give a small discount gift to a friend or neighbor. That is advertising campaign can spread at an incredible speed, with little or no direct involvement of company representatives.

Recently, such leaflets have become very common. Almost every large store or hypermagret can meet people who distribute them. Therefore, today you rarely meet a person who does not yet know what a flyer is.

Non-standard solutions

Most often, leaflets are used for informational and advertising purposes. But some creative managers have gotten the hang of using them as passes or tickets to events. This allows you to make flyers more colorful and beautiful. Any guest will be pleased to receive a personal invitation, especially if it is printed on high-quality paper. A beautiful slogan or phrase can increase the rating of the event, therefore, more guests will visit it.


Most often you can find flyers with a standard size of 90x190 mm. But the customer is free to choose the format on his own and at the same time it is always worth remembering what a flyer is. This is, first of all, a compact leaflet. This is why handing out A5 flyers can be unprofitable and illogical. It is better to stick to standard sizes, but come up with some kind of zest.

Wanting to attract the attention of potential customers, many businesses rely on printed products advertising nature. This category includes all kinds of flyers and leaflets, which are affordable and very effective tool impact on the consumer. Despite the similar function, these types of printing products have a number of significant differences. They will be discussed in our article.



Flyer- a small flyer containing information about the company or event. In most cases, it provides the right to a discount, performs the function of a free pass or an invitation card that anyone can use. It has a bright colorful design that matches the theme of a particular event. Flyers are used as handout in various promotions and advertising campaigns. They are designed to attract the maximum number of interested people. Leaflets of this kind can be fashionable or informational character, contain pricing and a description of the benefits of the company. Flyers are most effective in services and entertainment. This type of advertising has a limited duration, which expires at the time of the event (sale, party, concert, opening ceremony, etc.).


Leaflet- a printed medium of an informational or agitational-political nature with text and images. It is an effective promotional tool. Leaflets are printed in large numbers and distributed in public places: at exhibitions, seminars, trade and entertainment centers etc. They can also be laid out in mailboxes, placed on the shelves of shops and pharmacies. Printed products of this kind act as a kind of calling card companies. That is why it should be as informative and visually attractive as possible. The main function of a flyer is to encourage its recipient to contact a particular company, make a purchase or attend an event. With its help, you can draw attention to a particular product or service and tell you where to buy it.


First of all, let's talk about the functional differences between advertising media. If the leaflet gives information about the company, the offered goods and services, then the flyer reports about any event. Often, it promises its owner some advantage in the form of a discount or free entry. In this regard, this type of printing is of great value and is almost always preserved by the recipient. Whereas the lion's share of leaflets immediately ends up in the wastebasket. If in the near future a person does not plan to use the services of the company or purchase the offered goods, he simply throws out the advertisement. After all, if necessary, he will always be able to find information about the enterprise by calling the help desk or wandering around the Internet.

Leaflets are printed on both thin and thick paper. However, in order to reduce the cost of production, preference is given to the first. Many leaflets cannot boast of a bright design and an abundance of colorful pictures; the main emphasis in them is on the text. Such advertising messages are sometimes completely executed in black and white.

From this follows another difference between a flyer and a leaflet, which is its colorful, attention-grabbing design. The key role in the printed media is played by bright thematic design and catchy illustrations that convey the atmosphere of the upcoming event. In this regard, flyers are widely popular among young people. But compared to leaflets, they have a limited lifespan and lose their value immediately after the end of the event. Flyers are printed primarily on thick paper and in a small format to make them easy to carry around. The maximum product size is 1/3 of a standard A4 sheet. The length of some copies reaches only 10 cm. The leaflet has a rather long validity period, because it reflects the address of the company and its contact details. It is printed in A4, A5, A6 and A7 format.

To summarize, what is the difference between a flyer and a leaflet.

Flyer Leaflet
Notifies about the eventProvides information about the company, products and services offered
May provide discount or free admissionDoes not promise its owner special advantages
Often saved by the recipientHas no significant value, often simply thrown away
Printed on thick paperPreference is given to thin paper
A colorful design that reflects the nature of the event is keyThe main focus is on the text
Loses its value after the end of the eventHas an unlimited service life
The maximum product size is 1/3 of a standard sheet of paperAvailable in A4, A5, A6 and A7 format

In contact with


Increasingly important today are the ads placed on the pages of sites and sent to potential customers via e-mail. But traditional advertising flyers printed on paper have not lost their relevance and are among the most popular marketing tools. And this is not surprising: the very fact of manufacturing flyers indicates that the company takes the issue of forming its image seriously and spares no expense for a well-thought-out and versatile advertising campaign.

An attractive and informative piece of paper can be the decisive reason for visiting your store or sales office, or it can play a completely opposite role. How to ensure that the advertising flyer successfully fulfills its intended function, and does not go immediately after receiving it into the trash?

What is the place of an advertising flyer among other promotion tools

The appearance of advertisements inviting customers to visit a store or any institution can be attributed to the 18th century. This was the time of the birth of advertising, which began its history in the form of announcements in newspapers and posters pasted on the walls of buildings.

The progenitors of advertising flyers can be called leaflets. Separate pages with information printed on them were the only means of agitation for underground groups of a revolutionary nature. Of course, their manufacture and distribution was illegal, so the activists threw them from the roofs of tall buildings near crowded places. Leaflets were carried by the wind through the city blocks, they were picked up and read away from prying eyes.

Thanks to this method of distribution, the name arose. "flayer", that is, "flying". With the advent of airplanes, flyers began to be scattered from them over the territories of trade shows, for example, in Paris. During the world wars, leaflets calling for surrender were scattered from aircraft over enemy positions.

It is rather difficult to surprise the modern buyer with flyers. Almost every person who does not even know the word “flyer” regularly takes out small pieces of paper from his mailbox, inviting him to visit the store or call the master to his house. Visitors to shopping centers are used to seeing young people at every step handing out flyers to everyone passing by.

Why is this method of attracting customers still so popular? The answer is quite simple: creating a design layout and printing an edition of advertising flyers will not be difficult and will not require huge costs, but the effectiveness of this method is very high. The opportunity to get a discount on a flyer, even the most modest one, or a small gift for a perfect purchase attracts a large number of customers.

An advertising campaign, as a rule, consists of several different tools that differ both in cost and in the degree of return. It is clear that any customer seeks to obtain the highest possible profit at low cost. This is possible if the development and production advertising products will be entrusted to professionals who know well what an advertising flyer should be in order to potential buyer there was a desire to come to the address indicated in it or dial a telephone number.

Printing flyers is inexpensive for the customer when compared with booklets, posters, calendars and many other types of printing. It is the low cost factor that is decisive for the mass distribution of flyers, so there are so many of them that you often have to watch how the wastebaskets are immediately filled with the leaflets received.

Therefore, those firms that do not want to abandon the use of advertising flyers have to look for new ways to distribute them:

    place under the "wipers" of cars;

    distribute exclusively inside shopping and entertainment complexes;

    attach a flyer to a sales or cash receipt.

What kind of non-standard way of presenting a flyer to prefer depends on the specifics of the promotional offer contained in it. To maximize the return, you need to take care of the exact hit in your target audience, where the percentage of those interested in this product or service originally above.

Printing houses accept advertising flyers prepared by customers in psd format.

Common formats:

    A5 (148x210 mm);

    A6 (105x148 mm);

    euro flyer (99x210 mm).

Possible colors:

    4+0 (full color printing on one side);

    4+4 (full color printing on both sides);

    1+0 (printed in black on one side);

    1+1 (printed in black on both sides).

Paper options:

    coated medium density 135-170 g/sq. m:

    thin coated 90-115 g/sq. m;

    dense coated 200-300 g/sq. m;

    offset 80gsm m and others.

What types of promotional flyers are there?

The easiest way to classify the whole variety flyers according to what they are intended for:

    Advertising of goods and services designed for the general public. The purpose of these flyers is to reach as large an audience as possible. They are used by companies whose products or services are needed by almost everyone. Exhibitions, fairs, shopping centers, that is, places of accumulation of a large number of potential consumers, become places for the distribution of advertising flyers of this type.

    Related (targeted) advertising. The person who made the purchase has already shown his interest in this type of goods or services in this way, so the advertising flyer attached to the purchase will most likely be studied by him. The leaflet may contain information about other products of the company, the system of discounts, the location of branches.

Another common option is to distribute flyers from other companies as part of cross-promotion agreements. For example, after paying a bill in a cafe, along with the check, the visitor receives advertising flyers for a beauty salon or fitness center.

    These flyers are usually identical in size to banknotes to make them easy to carry in a purse. In addition, in fact, this advertising flyer is the equivalent of money, since it allows you to save a certain amount when presented at the checkout.

    Printing advertising flyers for restaurants and nightclubs. This type of leaflet stands apart because such customers require frequent and urgent printing in small runs. This is due to the fact that the program in entertainment venues is constantly updated, and the number of visitors is limited. In this case, digital printing of flyers is used, which allows you to complete an order in a very short period of time.

Why an advertising flyer can be thrown away

Of course, it is a shame if the efforts and funds spent on the production of leaflets do not bring the desired result. Often, advertising flyers are simply thrown away. Let's analyze the main reasons:

  1. Wrong format selected. This indicator most often affects whether a person wants to take an advertising flyer. Its dimensions should provide ease of reading and storage. Leaflets intended for distribution on the street should be small enough to fit easily into a pocket or purse.
  2. Uninteresting design.

    An error occurred while choosing a distribution location. Distribution of advertising flyers will bring the desired effect only if it takes place where there is the greatest probability of meeting consumers interested in this service. It is foolish to hope to find many beauty salon clients in the automotive market. When choosing where to distribute flyers, be guided by the interests of the majority of people visiting it.

    Incorrect content. Simply putting the name of a product or service on a flyer is not enough to capture the attention of a customer. To stand out among the many competitors, you have to try.

    The promoter does not show sufficient diligence, but simply serves the working hours.

    The informational occasion is of no interest to people who are offered promotional flyers.

To be successful, you need to follow the system of creating a productive flyer.

As you can see, there are few reasons, but if at least one rule is not followed, your costs for printing and distributing advertising flyers will not pay off.

Situation one. You've made a flyer with the right content and the right format. However, they made a mistake with the place of distribution. As a result, your ideal flyer will not reach those who are really interested in the advertised product.

Situation two. You worked on the content, correctly chose a place with a predominance of the right audience, but the format was not suitable. You advertise for a tire shop, you distribute it at a car dealership, and the flyer is printed too big for men to put it anywhere. Yes, they will read it, try to remember the name, but then they will inevitably throw it away.

Situation three. The flyer distribution site is perfect, and the size is right, but the content is not. The result is the same - the nearest urn. Why would a person store excess garbage?

How to make your promotional flyer work as efficiently as possible

A leaflet acquires value for a potential consumer when it can be exchanged for a real benefit - to receive a discount, a gift, a bonus. Distribution of advertising flyers of this type really gives the expected result - attracting new customers.

The contacts of your company must be on the leaflet, because in this case the flyer also works as a business card.

The purpose of an advertising flyer is to draw attention to a product, service, or event. The task of professionals developing the design and content of the leaflet is to make sure that it stays in the hands of a potential consumer as long as possible. For this, a combination of “catchy” content and attractive design is important. The ideal promotional flyer should be designed to make you want to keep it. There are even peculiar fans who collect leaflets, which were designed by talented designers.

Another role of an advertising flyer can be to help form consumer communities. Include customer reviews with blog addresses in the flyer content. So you confirm the reality of your existence and help doubters make the right decision by talking with your regular customers.

What requirements should the design of an advertising flyer meet in order for the purpose of its distribution to be achieved?

    The headline should grab attention right away. and not let go until the entire text of the leaflet has been read by the person in whose hands it fell.

    Each phrase of the text should be clear and concise. to want to read the sentence that follows. The content of the flyer should be easy to understand and include maximum necessary information. The use of bulleted lists helps a lot.

    When designing an advertising flyer, use no more than two different fonts- one for the title, the second directly for the text. You should not choose fonts that are too fanciful, they will make it difficult to read, and a person will simply stop reading.

    Absolutely it is not necessary to fill the entire surface of the leaflet with text or an image. This makes it easier to understand the main idea.

    Thoughtful combination of design and color will help the advertising flyer stand out among the mass of similar leaflets, make you pay attention to its content.

    If your financial resources are limited, you can order black and white flyers using shades of gray. Against the background of colorful flyers, they will look stylish and attractive.

How to create the best promotional flyer

The leaflet will be of value to consumers if, in addition to the advertising message, it contains useful information - a metro map, a map of the area, emergency phone numbers. Given the rules for creating the perfect advertising flyer, discussed above, getting a flyer that a person does not want to let go of is quite within the power of even novice designers.

A successful conversion is one in which for every 100 flyers a company gets three to four new customers. This is despite the fact that one leaflet costs no more than a ruble.

    The most compelling argument for purchasing your product should be at the very beginning. A person will definitely read the first phrase or heading of the flyer, and how much they can interest a potential consumer depends on whether he reads your leaflet to the end.

    Focus on the benefit that the consumer will receive if they buy your product. Main mistake of copywriters who compose texts for advertising flyers is that they list in detail the characteristics of the product. The buyer is interested in why the product is better than the similar one sold by your competitors.

Your task is to clearly demonstrate what exactly he will win by becoming your client. If you find it difficult to formulate the benefits of a product, do a little research by interviewing your regular customers. This will help you look at the product you offer from a different perspective, and you can easily convincingly list in the flyer the benefits that the consumer will receive.

    Clearly define your target group, imagine what the needs of your potential customers are and how you can help them meet them. Use the promotional flyer as a communication tool and engage in dialogue with your potential buyer, so it will be easier to create an interesting and informative text. Try to give answers to questions that you have to hear from regular customers.

    Do not overload the product description with technical details that will not tell the majority of buyers. Instead of "washing machine drum speed 1200 rpm" write "you will save a lot of time if you buy this washing machine." Divide flyer text into small paragraphs to make it easier to read.

    Use concise headlines, stating the benefits that your customers expect. People need to understand that you have a good idea of ​​their needs.

    Try not to praise own address, it will be much more convincing to cite the results of a survey conducted among consumers of your products.

    Do not include information that will inevitably become outdated while the flyer is being printed. All information provided in the leaflet must be up to date for the period in which it is distributed.

    The leaflet must contain a maximum of useful information about the work schedule, types of transport by which you can get to the point of sale, contact persons. Depending on the specifics of the goods or services offered, add information that will help make the promotional flyer a source that can be accessed repeatedly.

It is difficult to get the perfect flyer as a result of all the efforts; you will have to take into account a huge number of nuances in order for the advertising flyer to work as efficiently as possible. There are no trifles in this matter, absolutely everything matters - the size of the leaflet, and its type, and the competent choice of the audience for its distribution.

The creation of an effective advertising flyer is influenced even by what time of the year it is planned to be distributed. Of course, virtuoso mastery of the intricacies of writing a selling text comes as a result of long work, but knowledge of the main rules, without which it is impossible to get good leaflet will help you find the right direction.

Positioning- the main factor influencing the effectiveness of advertising flyers. Often marketing tools applied in real world are much more expensive when compared to contextual advertising in the Internet. This is because offline it is difficult to comply with the scope of influence and make them as accurate as targeted messages on the network.

Of particular importance in the distribution of advertising flyers is where the leaflets will be distributed and, therefore, who will be the people to whom they will be handed. If among them there is an insignificant percentage of those who can be attributed to your target audience, then a big return on this action is not to be expected. Chances are, most flyers, no matter how good they are, will end up in the trash can.

How to prevent such an irrational approach to spending advertising budget? You can determine who your likely buyers are by answering the following questions:

    Where do your potential clients live?

    What are they doing?

    What places do they eat at?

    How do they rest?

    Where do their children study?

    What cars do they buy?

The maximum number of accurate answers will determine where your promotional flyers will find those to whom they are addressed. The better you can visualize your potential client, the more likely the flyer will work. This means that the conversion rate will be at a decent level, and the payback of the advertising campaign will approach 100%.

Consider how you will distribute flyers. Many actions do not bring any result due to the fact that this issue was not resolved before they began, and the actions to place leaflets were spontaneous.

An advertising flyer only fulfills its role when potential client takes him with him. To do this, it must be of a convenient size so as not to cause the slightest doubt in the person to whom it is offered.

For a man. Since most men do without bags and purses, the flyer should be small enough to fit easily in your pocket.

For woman. A bag for a lady is an indispensable accessory, so an advertising flyer addressed to women could be larger.

For all. In this case, the method of distribution comes first. If this is a distribution of flyers with a discount for lunch at a cafe located in the immediate vicinity, you can use the A5 format.

When it comes to a leaflet that will be used after some time, you should take care of the convenience of storing it. The best option is no more than a banknote.

In order for an advertising flyer to pay off and fulfill its function, it must arouse a keen interest among the likely consumer. Do you think that it is impossible to achieve this with such a small piece of paper at your disposal? You are wrong.

The decisive factor in this case will not be ideally built phrases and not the size of the discount. An advertising flyer will hit right on target if you manage to understand who he is, your client, and what he needs. In this case, just two or three offers will make him want to immediately make a purchase. How can this be achieved?

Here five must-haves, the observance of which guarantees success:

    Formulate a clear and persuasive offer.

    Enter an expiration date.

    Say exactly what you need.

    Instruct the client on the actions to be taken.

    Decorate the text with personal charm.

If we compare the flyer format and its content in terms of importance, the second is still immeasurably more important. It should be clear, easy to understand and contain the right message. At the same time, it should not be a leaflet at all, but rather your appeal to your customers. Usually an advertising flyer is created in Photoshop. If you wish, you can make an advertising flyer with your own hands, but professionals will do it much better.

Flyers and brochures do not aim to attract the attention of the consumer. They are handed directly to the hands, so all the efforts of the creators should be directed to filling them with compelling content.

Where and how best to distribute an advertising flyer

Although the history of leaflets began with their scattering from a height, this method, of course, remained in the distant past. Today, such actions can be regarded by the municipal authorities as an offense and entail an administrative fine. Advertising flyers are distributed in one of several ways:

  • "From hand to hand".

To get the most out of this type of flyer presentation, the choice of venue is critical. Many choose subway exits because there is always a large crowd of people, especially during rush hours. But such a solution cannot be called particularly effective: even if a person in a hurry took a leaflet, it was only to throw it into the nearest trash can without reading it. By the time he gets to work, he may meet more than one promoter, and it is unlikely that he was planning to fill his bag with waste paper.

A promotional flyer is much more likely to be scrutinized when it is presented in a quiet place, without fuss and negativity, close to the establishment whose services are being advertised. Of course, this option is also not a guarantee of a 100% hit, not every potential client turns into a real one. This can be prevented by a lack of time, funds, and even just the wrong mood.

Distribution of advertising flyers should be organized where representatives of your target audience may be. discount flyers for grocery store healthy eating will find a response in close proximity to fitness centers and gyms.

This is the name of the flyers that are distributed in mailboxes. The advertiser expects that the leaflet that got into the apartment of a potential consumer will be studied in a calm atmosphere. This type of distribution is inexpensive and effective, but you should not think that it works flawlessly. If the flyer does not grab attention with its design or catchy headline, it may very well end up in the wastebasket, which Management Company prudently placed next to the boxes.

  • "The attachment".

This distribution option is designed so that the consumer does not have the opportunity to immediately find the leaflet, which is either hidden between the pages of the magazine or lies in the box with the purchased household appliances, or attached to the sales receipt. Often this is how promotional flyers are given, designed to motivate the client for the next purchase. While sorting through a bag of groceries, a shopper finds a flyer at the bottom with discounts for next week. Of course, most likely, he will come to purchase goods at a reduced price.

Help flyers and marketers in the study of consumer demand. These are the so-called "returning" advertising flyers that are exchanged for a discount. By counting the number of flyers that brought new customers, you can analyze in which area the demand for this product is higher.

In contact with

In a world filled with various advertising agencies and companies that are at least a little versed in promoting a business, there must be a certain way to promote a brand, product, service. We need a way to express the identity of the firm. A flyer or leaflet is such a means of promotion. Now they are used everywhere and everywhere. Mass printing of flyers has been developed, which are distributed at "points": near shops, on the streets, in shopping malls and others.

Advantages of using flyers:

  1. Cheap printing of flyers in comparison with other ways of promoting goods is the first and very significant plus of this production. And in conjunction with the cheapness of products, the possibility of its extensive and easy distribution appears.
  2. Leaflet distribution provides a wide range of opportunities for a variety of creative activity and space for your imagination. Such production attracts mainly young people, which makes it possible to cover the maximum possible audience of consumers. Older people are interested in this way of realizing ambitions a little less often. But there are exceptions to all rules. For example, distribution of leaflets to support or to spread some idea, values, principles, views. In this case, all enthusiastic people begin to be interested in selling flyers, regardless of age and other indicators.
  3. Unlike booklets, which provide the client with detailed and specific information about your product, flyers have a special ability to attract an expanded and new customer base. This is possible thanks to the bright design and concise slogans. Keep this in mind when designing and printing your flyer.

Flyer design and design

The type (external image) of the flyer represents unlimited possibilities for imagination. It may vary depending on what goals the company pursues when releasing its materials. The basic requirements for good printing and flyer production are brevity, brightness, conciseness. You must understand what you need: to attract a new client base(if your company exists on the market recently), maintain interest among customers with whom you have previously collaborated.

In the first case, mass mailing list across various organizations. In addition, a great way to sell flyers is to simply leave them in various establishments: cafes, restaurants and others. In the second case, it would be more promising to place information about sales, discounts and other similar promotions on the flyer in order to strengthen interest in your products for a long time. You can leave these flyers in stores, give them away with the receipt, or use other tricks.

Do not forget to reveal the uniqueness of your products and correctly formulate slogans. In this case, you will be guaranteed success and quick profits.

Flyer production

The professionalism of material manufacturers is one of the the main reasons success in promoting and distributing flyers. Think about it: now they are just everywhere and everywhere. Literally on every corner, in any public place. Only the laziest do not know about their existence. And with the help of this article, you have enriched your knowledge about this topic and the advertising industry. You can start looking for various institutions that will provide these services in your area at the best price. For example, a great opportunity is to order flyers in Moscow. Now there are a lot of such companies.