Presentation on the topic of a small social group. Small group presentation and communication in them. Signs of a small group

  • 21.04.2020

Social studies, profile level

Lesson 88-89


D.Z: Section 34, ?? (p.359),

assignments (p.359-360)

© ed. A.I. Kolmakov

  • explain concepts and terms: "small group", "reference group", "interpersonal relations", group integration, "sociometry", "deindividualization";
  • systematize social information, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problem tasks;
  • promote development of a civic position, responsible and tolerant behavior of students.

Universal learning activities

  • Know: distinctive features small group, describe and analyze the types of small groups, identify the features of interpersonal relationships in small groups
  • Be able to: carry out individual and group educational research on social issues, apply knowledge in the process of solving cognitive and problem tasks

  • small group;
  • conditional group;
  • reference group;
  • group norms;
  • sociometry;
  • deindividualization;
  • group integration;
  • friendly relations.

  • Conditional groups.
  • Reference group.
  • Interpersonal relationships in groups.
  • Integration in groups

different levels of development.

Remember. What are the groups in which people and society unite? What role do social groups play in personality development? What are group norms?

Studying the structure of a small group, researchers identify functional responsibilities group members in their joint activities role set (a set of expected actions from a person who is assigned certain functional responsibilities) and set of norms , performing the functions of social control ( a set of prescriptions, requirements, wishes for socially approved behavior ).

friendly relations deep emotional attachment of people to each other.

Group integration has a downside - the process deindividualization of the personality in the group, when the feeling of "We" becomes stronger than the feeling of "I".

check yourself

  • List the characteristics of a small group. What is considered its main characteristic?
  • Specify three signs of a small group as a system.
  • Define conditional, real and laboratory groups.
  • What are small natural groups?
  • What are the groups called, with the values, norms and attitudes of which the individual correlates his behavior? Describe them.
  • Describe the types of relationships in a small group.
  • What is a sociometric method for studying a small group?


  • What have you learned?
  • How?
  • What have you learned?
  • What difficulties did you experience?
  • Was the lesson interesting?

A.1. Does not belong to the conditional group

a) residents of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

b) people with higher education;

in) a family;

G) individuals

A.2. A small group of people whose members are united by a common activity and are in direct personal communication.

a) small group;

b) large group;

in) reference group

A.3. Are the following statements about small groups correct?

A. The primary group is identified with the small

B. The small group is a social, open and dynamic system

a) only A is true;

b) only B is true;

in) both judgments are correct;

G) both statements are wrong

A.4. What characterizes the reference group?

a) normative and comparative functions;

b) not significant to a person;

in) a group where a person does not have a standard of behavior

A.5. A group of people with higher education from one subject of the Russian Federation, but not knowing friend friend and unrelated

a) conditional;

b) real;

in) natural;

G) laboratory

A.6. Ivanov joined a group of people, considers it only a place of residence, and believes that it will not affect the value system. What group did Ivanov join?

a) membership group;

b) conditional group;

in) real group;

G) large group

A.7. Are the following statements correct?

A. The presence of the so-called "we feel" many social. Psychologists consider the main characteristic of the group.

B. Responsibility in the group is "dispersed" to all members of the group and it is easier to do what you would not do alone.

a) only A is true;

b) only B is true;

in) both judgments are correct;

G) both statements are wrong

A.8. Are the following statements correct?

A. The family is a natural basic group.

B. In secondary groups there is direct contact between its members.

a) only A is true;

b) only B is true;

in) both judgments are correct;

G) both statements are wrong

A.9. From the characteristics below, choose the one that belongs to the small group

a) the large composition of the group;

b) psychological and behavioral community of its members;

in) association of people who do not have direct relationships and contacts with each other;

G) created to perform experimental tasks

A.10. Are the following statements correct?

A. Sociometry - measures only the most significant communication situations for the group

B. Sociometry - measures all types of interpersonal relationships in a group

a) only A is true;

b) only B is true;

in) both judgments are correct;

G) both statements are wrong

IN 1. All terms, except one, refer to the features of the concept of "formal group":

organized, formal, spontaneous, systematic.

IN 2. Below are some terms. All of them, with the exception of one, refer to the concept of "groups":

large, small, reference, real, ecological.

AT 3. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, refer to the concept of "groups":

referential, illusory, conditional, laboratory, formal

AT 4. Match

BUT. Greenpeace

B. Poetry circle.

AT. Classroom.

G. International Association for the Protection of Animals

1) small group;

2) large group

AT 5. Match

BUT. A family

B. People with higher education

AT. Class

G. Brigade of workers.

1) conditional groups;

2) real groups

Tasks S.

C.1. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of reference groups. Make up two sentences , containing information about the reference group.

C.2. You are instructed to prepare a detailed plan on the topic "Small groups". Make a plan , according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

C.3. You have been given a statement. Write an essay.

“Everything in us is social, but this does not mean that all the properties of the psyche of an individual are inherent in all other members of this group.” L.S. Vygotsky.


  • Sorokina E.N. Pourochnye developments in social science. Profile level: 10th grade. - M.: VAKO, 2008.
  • Baranov P.A. Social science: a complete guide to preparing for the exam / P.A. Baranov, A.V. Vorontsov, S. V. Shevchenko; ed. P.A. Baranov. - M. : AST: Astrel, 2009.
  • Losevsky Alexey Mikhailovich, teacher of MBOU PSOSh No. 1 named after. G.V. Alisova;
  • Maksimova Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher of history and social studies, MAOU secondary school p. Opechensky Posad

Topic 3

Small group psychology

Main questions:

Purpose of the lesson:

  • Definition of the concept of "small group" of its boundaries and features.
  • Classification of small groups.
  • Socio-psychological phenomena and processes in a small group.
  • Psychological structure of a small group.
  • get acquainted with the concept of "small group", its quantitative characteristics, main features and types;
  • to study and comprehend the socio-psychological structure and processes of a small group;

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

Signs of a small group:

  • the presence of two or more people;
  • implementation of continuous contacts

and communication between them;

  • the presence of a common goal and joint activities;
  • the emergence of mutual emotional and other ties;
  • manifestation of a sense of belonging to this group;
  • the formation of common norms and values ​​acceptable to all members of the group;

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

Quantitative characteristics

Lower limit:

  • "dyad" (2 people),
  • "triad" (3 people)

Upper limit:

quantitative parameters that are dictated by the needs of joint activities.


Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of small groups

Small group -

a small group whose members are united by a common activity and are in direct personal communication, thanks to which emotional relationships, group norms and group processes arise.

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

Classification small group

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

Socio-psychological phenomena and processes of a small group:

  • small group relationships
  • group aspirations,
  • group opinion,
  • group sentiment
  • group traditions

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

The psychological structure of a small group






Functional relationship substructure

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

Dynamic processes in a small group

group dynamics

- this is a set of dynamic processes that simultaneously occur in a group in some unit of time and which mark the movement of the group from stage to stage (its development).

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

Dynamic processes:

  • the process of formation of small groups (the phenomenon of group pressure on the individual, the development of group cohesion);
  • leadership and group decision-making processes), the process of team development.

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

  • Education process small group

Group pressure phenomenon -"conformism"

Conformity is the degree of "submission" of an individual to group pressure, which is stated only if there is a conflict between the opinions of the individual and the group.

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

Types of conformity:

  • External conformity (outwardly agreeing with the opinion of the group, the individual continues to resist it)
  • Internal conformity (actual acceptance of the opinion of the group).

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group


This is the formation of special bonds in the group, which allow the externally given structure to be turned into a psychological community, the unity of people.

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

The structure of a small group consists of three layers ("strata"):

  • outer layer - direct emotional interpersonal relationships, which were traditionally measured by sociometry.
  • Second layer - value-oriented unity (COE), i.e. coincidence of orientation to the values ​​concerning the process of activity. Relationships are built not on the basis of likes or dislikes, but on the basis of the similarity of value orientations regarding activities.
  • third layer - the unity (commonness) of the goals of group activity among the members of the group, therefore they have significant motives for choosing each other by the members of the group. This layer of relationships is the "core" of the group structures.

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

Cohesion - it is a process of development of intra-group connections, corresponding to the development of group activity.

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

  • The problem of leadership and leadership

B. D. Parygin names the following differences:

  • the leader regulates interpersonal relations, and the leader regulates official ones;

2) leadership arises in a microenvironment (small group), leadership can be an element of the macroenvironment;

3) leadership arises spontaneously, and the leader is appointed or elected (purposeful process);

4) leadership is less stable;

5) management has a more specific system of sanctions;

6) the decision-making process of the leader is more complex and mediated by many different circumstances.

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

The Phenomenon of Leadership and Leadership

This is an element of the group structure (a leader or leader is unthinkable alone), so it belongs to the dynamic processes of a small group.

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

The question of the nature of leadership and the reasons for its origin was solved in three main theoretical approaches:

  • "Damn Theory"(sometimes called "charismatic") focuses on innate qualities leader. In American psychology, sets of these traits were especially carefully compiled, but it turned out that the task of compiling such lists could not be solved.
  • "Situational Theory of Leadership". In specific situations in the life of a group, individual members stand out who are superior to others in at least one quality. If this quality is necessary in this situation, then the person possessing it becomes a leader.
  • Two opposing theories have generated a compromise option - "synthetic theory of leadership", considering leadership as a process of organizing interpersonal relations in a group, and the leader is the subject of managing this process. Leadership is a function of the group, but the characteristics of the personality of the leader are also important.

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

styles leadership

K. Levin identified 3 styles:

  • "authoritarian",
  • "democratic",
  • "permissive" ("anarchist").

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

  • directive ( authoritarian) the leader himself determines the goals of the group, informing only about the immediate tasks.
  • Collegial the style suggests instructions in the form of sentences, a friendly tone.
  • conniving the style is characterized by the fact that things in the group go by themselves, the leader does not give instructions for any cooperation.

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Topic 3 .3. The concept and classification of a small group

Group decision process(closely related to the problem of leadership and management).

Two regularities are revealed:

1) group discussion allows participants to see different sides Problems;

2) if the decision is made by a group, then it, being the conclusion of the discussion, turns into a group norm.

Socio-psychological problems of the group

Lecture 8 Common problems of a small group in social psychology. DYNAMIC PROCESSES IN A SMALL GROUP DEVELOPMENT OF A SMALL GROUP

Plan: Stages of research development. Definition and boundaries of small groups. Group structures. Classification of small groups. general characteristics dynamic processes in a small group. Small group education. Leadership and leadership in small groups. The effectiveness of group activities. Small group New approaches to the development of the group Psychological theory of the collective Stages and levels of development in the psychological theory of the collective Methodological significance of the socio-psychological theory of the collective

The first stage is the 1920s of the 20th century. The question was clarified whether the individual acts alone better than in the presence of others, or, on the contrary, the fact of the presence of others stimulates the effectiveness of each

The second stage is the transition to the study of interactive groups, facilitation occurs when well-trained people do easy work, and inhibition occurs when poorly trained people do difficult work.

The third stage Various characteristics of the group are distinguished: structure, composition, types of group processes, approaches to the description of the general activity of the group.

A small group is a small group whose members are united by a common social activities and are in direct personal communication, which is the basis for the emergence of emotional relationships, group norms and group processes.

Group structures. The composition of the group is the age, professional or social characteristics of the members of the group.

models of the structure of a small group: interpersonal relations between members of a small group, power structure, communication structure

Classification of small groups. 1) "primary" and "secondary"; 2) "formal" and "informal"; 3) "membership groups" and "reference groups".

The main directions of research of small groups: sociometric, sociological; school of "group dynamics"

characteristics of dynamic processes in a small group. “group dynamics” is a form of solving psychological problems, a designation of certain methods, a set of those dynamic processes that simultaneously occur in a group in some unit of time and which mark the movement of a group from stage to stage, i.e. its development.

differences between a leader and a leader 1) the leader is mainly called upon to regulate interpersonal relations in the group, while the leader regulates the official relations of the group as some social organization; 2) leadership can be stated in the conditions of the microenvironment, leadership is an element of the macroenvironment, that is, it is associated with the entire system of social relations; 3) leadership arises spontaneously, the head of any real social group is either appointed or elected, but one way or another this process is not spontaneous, but, on the contrary, purposeful, carried out under control various elements social structure; 4) the phenomenon of leadership is less stable, the nomination of a leader largely depends on the mood of the group, while leadership is a more stable phenomenon; 5) management of subordinates, in contrast to leadership, has a much more specific system of various sanctions, which are not in the hands of the leader; 6) the decision-making process of the leader (and in general in the management system) is much more complex and mediated by many different circumstances and considerations, not necessarily rooted in this group, while the leader makes more direct decisions regarding group activities; 7) the leader's sphere of activity is mainly a small group, where he is the leader, the leader's sphere of action is wider, since he represents a small group in a wider social system

characteristics of the effectiveness of the group: the dependence of efficiency on the cohesion of the group, on the style of leadership, the impact on the effectiveness of the method of making group decisions

Small group - a small group of people (from 3 to 15 people) who are united by common social activities, are in direct communication, contribute to the emergence of emotional relationships, the development of group norms and the development of group processes

three kinds of goals in a small group are short-term prospects, goals that are quickly realized in time and express the needs of this group; secondary goals are longer in time and lead the group to the interests of the secondary team (the interests of the enterprise or school and in general); long-term perspectives unite the primary group with the problems of the functioning of the social whole. The socially foamy content of joint activity should become personally significant for each member of the group. What is important is not so much the objective goal of the group as its image, that is, how it is perceived by the members of the group.

The group has the following general patterns: 1) the group will inevitably be structured; 2) the group develops (progress or regression, but dynamic processes occur in the group); 3) fluctuation, a change in a person's place in a group can occur repeatedly.

The psychological theory of the collective (A.V. Petrovsky) as a group consists of three strata (layers), the first layer is realized primarily by direct contacts between people, based on emotional acceptability or unacceptability; in the second layer, these relations are mediated by the nature of the joint activity; in the third layer, called the core of the group, relations develop based on the acceptance by all members of the group of the common goals of group activity

A. V. Petrovsky identifies two vectors in the typology of groups: 1) the presence or absence of mediation of interpersonal relations by the content of group activity (X) 2) the social significance of group activity (Y)

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Small groups The presentation was made by the teacher of history and social studies of the Municipal Educational Institution of the city of Kurgan "Secondary School No. 56" Kashina Irina Viktorovna

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Question 1 Establishment and development of contacts between people in the process of joint activities, scientists denote the concept of 1) freedom 2) communication 3) exchange 4) creativity

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Question 2 Which of the following concepts unites all the others? 1) interpersonal relationships 2) formal relationships 3) informal relationships 4) labor Relations

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Question 3 Grandmother taught her granddaughter how to cook pies with cabbage. What form of communication does this example illustrate? 1) exchange of opinions 2) exchange of information 3) transfer of experience 4) expression of experiences

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Question 4 Are the following statements about communication correct? A. Communication accompanies a person throughout his conscious life B. Communication can evoke any emotion in a person. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

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Question 5 The human need for communication caused the emergence of: the collective labor of language learning activities

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Question 6 Mechanisms of cognition and understanding of each other by people reflection causal attribution identification empathy attraction

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Question 7 Reflection is ……. a mechanism of self-knowledge in the process of communication, which is based on the ability of a person to imagine how he is perceived by a communication partner; a mechanism for interpreting the actions and feelings of another person, the desire to clarify the causes of the subject's behavior;

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Question 8 A communication barrier is ... a psychological obstacle to the adequate transfer of information between communication partners a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people a process that includes the development of a unified interaction strategy, perception and understanding of another person

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Question 9 Three interrelated functions of communication identified in social psychology imperative perceptual dialogic communicative interactive

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Question 10 "All girls are crybabies" - this statement demonstrates Attraction Identification Empathy Stereotyping

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The concept of a small group A small group is a small group of people whose members are united by common activities (goals and objectives) and are in direct personal communication. The vital activity of the individual is carried out in the community of people. Small groups, collectives are an example of communities of people of various levels and scales.

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A small group is a small association of people from 2-3 to 20-30 people engaged in some kind of activity. common cause and in direct relationship with each other. The small group is the elementary cell of society. In it, a person spends most of his life. Small groups can be different in size, in the nature and structure of the relations existing between their members, in individual composition, in the characteristics of values, norms and rules of relationships shared by the participants, in interpersonal relations, goals and content of activities. Examples of small groups that are most significant for a person are the family, classroom, labor collective, associations of close people, friends.

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Characteristics of a small group Psychological commonality Based on the fact that people are aware of their belonging to a certain group - a group that has its own special interests, norms, values, goals. behavioral commonality

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Communication and joint activities are considered as the basis for the emergence of emotional relations in the group (likes, dislikes, indifference) and special group values ​​and norms of behavior. Group norms are certain rules that are developed or adopted by a group and to which the behavior of its members must obey.

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Small group: social system. Dynamic system. open system. Has self-sufficiency.

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Types of groups Conditional (nominal) - groups that unite people who do not have direct relationships and contacts with each other. Real - really existing associations of people connected with each other by certain relationships and realizing their belonging to it. Laboratory Created specifically by social psychologists for experimental tasks. Natural Arise in the course of the development of society. Large Small Ethnic, Classes, Professional, Sports. teams, gender and age. yard companies of friends.

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Natural groups Primary There are direct contacts between people. This group is identified with the small group. Family, group of friends, team. Secondary Groups, where there are no direct contacts between group members, and "intermediaries" are used for communication.

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Small groups Formal Created by a specific organization with specific tasks to achieve any specific goals. Informal Voluntary Communities, formed on the basis of common interests, friendships, mutual sympathy.

small group is a small-sized association of people connected by direct interaction. Its lower and upper boundaries are determined by qualitative features, the main of which are contact and integrity.

contact- this is the opportunity for each member of the group to regularly communicate with each other, perceive and evaluate each other, exchange information, mutual assessments and influences.

Integrity is defined as a social and psychological community of individuals belonging to a group, allowing them to be perceived as a single whole.

Per lower bound size of a small group, most specialists accept three person, since in a group of two people (dyad) group socio-psychological phenomena proceed in a special way.

Upper bound small group is determined by its qualitative characteristics and usually does not exceed 20-30 people. Optimal size small group depends on the nature of the joint activity performed and is within the limits 5-12 people. In smaller groups, the phenomenon of social satiety is more likely to occur, larger groups more easily break up into smaller ones in which individuals are connected by closer contacts.

Small group structure - it is a set of connections that develop in it between individuals.

Since the main areas of activity of individuals in a small group are joint activities and communication, in the study of small groups, the structure of connections and relationships generated by joint activities(functional, organizational, economic, managerial), and the structure of connections generated by communication and psychological relationships(communicative structure, structure of emotional relations, role and informal status structure).

It is customary to allocate formal and informal group structure.

Formal group structure- this is a set of connections and relations between members of the group, determined by formal prescriptions ( job descriptions, hierarchical structure organizations, etc.).

Informal group structure- this is a structure of connections, communications and influences that is really developing in the organization. A distinctive feature of organized groups is the presence in the group functional structure, i.e. distribution among its members of the functions necessary to achieve the goals of joint activities.

Communicative structure of the group is a set of connections between its members, characterized by the processes of receiving and transmitting information circulating in the group. Main characteristics: the position occupied by group members in the communication system (access to receiving and transmitting information); frequency and stability of communication links in the group; type of communication links between group members (centralized or decentralized "communication networks").

Role structure of the small group- this is a set of connections and relations between individuals, characterized by the distribution of group roles between them, i.e. typical behaviors prescribed, expected and implemented by participants in the group process. AT general view when analyzing the process of interaction in a group, the roles associated with solving problems and the roles associated with providing support to other members of the group are distinguished. An analysis of the role structure of a small group makes it possible to determine which role functions and to what extent are implemented by the participants in group interaction.

Thank you for your attention!



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Slides captions:

The structure of a small group Completed by: Shelomentseva M.A.

A small group is a small group of people connected by direct interaction. Its lower and upper boundaries are determined by qualitative features, the main of which are contact and integrity.

Contact is the ability of each member of the group to regularly communicate with each other, perceive and evaluate each other, exchange information, mutual assessments and influences.

Integrity Integrity is defined as the social and psychological community of individuals in a group, allowing them to be perceived as a single whole.

The Lower and Upper Boundary Most specialists take three people as the lower boundary of the size of a small group, since in a group of two people (dyad) group socio-psychological phenomena proceed in a special way. The upper limit of a small group is determined by its qualitative features and usually does not exceed 20-30 people. The optimal size of a small group depends on the nature of the joint activity and is in the range of 5-12 people. In smaller groups, the phenomenon of social satiety is more likely to occur, larger groups more easily break up into smaller ones in which individuals are connected by closer contacts.

The structure of a small group The structure of a small group is a set of connections that develop in it between individuals. Since the main areas of activity of individuals in a small group are joint activities and communication, in the study of small groups, the structure of connections and relations generated by joint activities (functional, organizational, economic, managerial) and the structure of connections generated by communication and psychological relations (communicative) are most often distinguished. structure, structure of emotional relations, role and informal status structure).

Formal and Informal The formal structure of a group is a set of connections and relations between members of a group, determined by formal prescriptions (job descriptions, hierarchical structure of the organization, etc.). The informal structure of the group is the structure of connections, communications and influences that actually develops in the organization. A distinctive feature of organized groups is the presence of a functional structure in the group, i.e. distribution among its members of the functions necessary to achieve the goals of joint activities.

Communicative The communicative structure of a group is a set of connections between its members, characterized by the processes of receiving and transmitting information circulating in the group. Main characteristics: the position occupied by group members in the communication system (access to receiving and transmitting information); frequency and stability of communication links in the group; type of communication links between group members (centralized or decentralized "communication networks").

The role structure of a small group is a set of connections and relationships between individuals, characterized by the distribution of group roles between them, i.e. typical behaviors prescribed, expected and implemented by participants in the group process. In general terms, when analyzing the process of interaction in a group, the roles associated with solving problems and the roles associated with providing support to other members of the group are distinguished. An analysis of the role structure of a small group makes it possible to determine which role functions and to what extent are implemented by the participants in group interaction.

Thank you for your attention!