Principles for developing an integrated communications strategy. Integrated marketing communications: concept, strategies, management. Types of marketing - the essence of marketing

  • 02.11.2019

The solution of strategic and tactical tasks of the IMC is a complex and multi-stage process, determined by the very specifics of the instrument of influence on the consumer, which is the system of marketing communications. The complexity, scale and, at the same time, the simultaneous use of all components of the system impose increased requirements on the compilers of such programs for knowledge of almost all aspects of the market economy, issues of integrating the capabilities of various communication tactics.

The core of all strategic and tactical decisions is the integration or full interaction of the components of the marketing communications system in each period of the promotion. Based on this, the goal is set so that each target communication contact is both used to transmit the corresponding advertising message and is accompanied by receiving responses to it.

As part of the development of strategic and tactical approaches to solving the problems facing the advertiser, it is necessary to determine the degree of integration and coordination of various forms of communication, as well as the degree of consistency of produced advertising messages; consider what temporal and spatial opportunities exist for contacts with the consumer segment, determine which mode of using advertising and communication channels to apply, what should be the general tone of advertising messages, and also what ultimate goals must be achieved.

We formulate typical questions that are solved in the process strategic planning IMC:

1) collecting information about the consumer, namely, finding out the processes by which the consumer makes decisions about buying or visiting the place of sale;

2) what are the media channels that can be used during the implementation of programs;

3) in what sequence contacts with the target consumer occur; what communication opportunities create the necessary prerequisites for this;

4) what attitudes or behavior of consumers are planned to be affected;

5) what form of communication is needed in each particular case; what are the quantitative indicators of the goals;

6) what needs to be done and what communication program is better to carry out in each specific case: "pure" advertising, direct mail, sales promotion, PR or something else;

7) what budget should be approved for the selected sequence of programs;

8) who should be responsible for the implementation of each program and how the degree of success of its implementation will be measured.

Based on the nature of the marketing goals set, decisions are made on the use of a specific IMC strategy. Practical experience says that all strategies are divided into four main types.

1. Extensive development strategy(or a strategy to increase primary demand).

It is aimed at conquering new markets, new consumers. When developing it, at least two market situations are always considered, which determine the choice of ways to achieve the goal.

A. New market. This situation creates favorable conditions for the cost of IMC, which can be regarded as a long-term investment. By declaring itself in this way, the company becomes known in the market and positive image in the eyes of local consumers.

B. The market is far from saturation, but is in a state of stagnation. The market is characterized by the fact that potential primary demand exists, but does not manifest itself. In such circumstances, consumer behavior can change at any time, for example, as a result of exposure to advertising, or due to the appearance of a new product modification, or an improvement in price / quality ratio, etc. The successful results of the use of IMC in such a market depend on two circumstances: the firm must have a strong position in the market and it is necessary that the demand be amenable to change under the influence of advertising.

2. Intensive development strategy(or strategy to increase consumption).

This strategy is being developed to boost secondary demand. It seeks to change the demand for the product in such a way that there are:

Growth in consumption of goods;

Growth in intensity of use and frequency of purchases;

More frequent product updates;

Increasing its popularity and demand;

New ways to use the product.

In such a market, a full range of IMC is used: from the impact on the consumer of all types of advertising to sales promotion measures.

3. Strategy of trusting relationships. The aim of this strategy is primarily to preserve the existing clientele, which

thanks to the trust in the company, it supplies new customers for it. At the same time, one must understand that the most stable consumer confidence takes place in the case of expensive and prestigious goods. To form a trusting relationship, first of all, the possibilities of advertising are used by:

Maintaining the popularity of the product at the achieved level;

Improving the image of the product through a constant reminder of its high quality;

Creating an idea of ​​the appearance of the product that meets modern trends through regular updating of logos.

4. Competitive strategy. It is the most commonly used type of strategy. Its basis is deep Scan competitive situation in the market for a particular product.

As for the IMC tactics, it makes no sense to talk about any general schemes or developments. The main thing to know is that tactical tasks are solved purely “personally” for each product. Based solely on the specific situation and within the framework of the developed strategy, work is underway to determine the place that each communication component of the BCI system will occupy in the communication program.

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1. Intensive development strategy (consumer increase strategy).

Purpose of the strategy: used to increase secondary demand and contribute to:

An increase in the intensity and frequency of purchases:

Growth in consumption of goods;

The emergence of new methods of using the product;

Growth in popularity and demand for the product.

2. Extensive development strategy (strategy for increasing primary demand)

Purpose of the strategy: aimed at conquering new markets and new consumers.

Situations that determine the choice of ways to achieve the goal:

1) the market is far from saturation, but is in a state of stagnation. In such a market, there is potential primary demand, and consumer behavior can change at any time. The success of using integrated marketing communications depends on the stable position of the company in the market and changes in demand under the influence of advertising;

2) new market. The organization gains popularity in the market and a positive image in the eyes of consumers.

3. Competitive strategy.

The basis of this strategy is a thorough analysis of the competitive situation in the market for a particular product.

4. Strategy of trusting relationships. The goal of the strategy- preservation regular customers that help attract new ones.

improving the image of the product through a constant reminder of its high quality: creating an idea of ​​the product that meets modern trends.

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7.1. The essence of marketing research In modern society, information processes and resources acquire a special place and importance. It is they who in the modern world are the first cause of both great successes and failures, disasters. “To live effectively,” wrote an American scientist

By questioning previous results, you can improve your skills.
Richard Blundel

The changes that have taken place in world marketing are characterized primarily by cardinal changes in the communication strategy. Competition forces companies to spend efforts not only on creating fundamentally new unique products, but also on creating unique promotion technologies.

The search for economical and at the same time effective ways of communicating with consumers is activated, without which the success and the very existence of the company are jeopardized. The conditions for the success of communication strategies are consumer knowledge, openness, and the company's communicative initiative.

While Belarusian manufacturers and specialists in the field of advertising, PR, etc. are trying to master new technologies for promoting goods and services for the domestic market, the global process is rapidly developing in the direction of integration - painfully familiar, but, in fact, incomprehensible to Belarusians term. Promotion strategies today are not seen as the sum of active communications everywhere, often bigger and louder.

The modern approach is an integrated communicative complex of the most rationalized and optimized influence of the manufacturer on the decision-making process of the client. Thanks to this approach, the famous formula of advertisers has already been refuted today: "I know for sure that half of advertising money is wasted, but I don't know how much." A formula that was for many advertisers an excuse to the client for not always efficient spending of the marketing budget.

The trend towards integrating marketing communications with other elements of the marketing mix is ​​one of the most significant marketing developments of the 1990s. The integration stage passed and overcame various barriers in the minds and stereotypes of the behavior of the staff and company management.

The integrated marketing communications (IMC) - integrated marketing communications - a concept that combines all methods and means of communication into a single complex - advertising, PR, personal selling, sales promotion, Internet marketing channels, direct marketing complex.

As arguments “for”, experts refer to the fact that, firstly, thanks to the IMC, a single funding is introduced and the eternal dispute over budgets in different areas, which takes time and effort, is eliminated. For Belarus, this argument is not yet convincing, because. there is no problem of in-house lobbying of advertising and PR specialists. There is more global problem lobbying for active marketing and marketing communications in most private, joint-stock, and even more so state-owned enterprises.

Secondly, there is a single “control center” for the product promotion campaign, which is designed to unite the efforts of all specialists. The IMC campaign involves not only specialists from the marketing and advertising departments, but also technical specialists and production managers.

Thirdly, systematic campaign planning is being introduced. This eliminates the effect of "discordant sound" of various and sometimes even contradictory "messages" about the product, appeals from different persons, various departments and specialists.

The basic principles of the IMC come down to several important theses:

Thanks to IMC, the place of communications in the marketing mix changes:

The place of communications in the marketing mix. Stereotypical and advanced approaches

Stereotypical approach

  1. product decisions
  2. pricing decisions
  3. distribution channel decisions
  4. promotion decisions ( Marketing communications including)


  1. Attributing consumer properties to a product based on the manufacturer's guess about the actual needs of the client

At each stage of decision-making, errors are possible that are detected only at the stage of progress.

Advanced Approach

  1. Marketing Communications - Product Decision
  2. Marketing Communications - Pricing Solutions
  3. Marketing Communications - Distribution Channel Decisions
  4. Marketing Communications - Promotion Decisions


  1. Initial focus on the expectations and actual needs of the consumer.
  2. Focus on the competitive environment
  3. As a result, it is much easier to promote such a product, because it has real competitive, and not fictitious, consumer properties.

Attribution error is minimized

Zhanna Grinyuk Director of the Center for System Business Technologies SATIO

In a dynamically developing market and growing competition, any company is interested in achieving attention potential buyers. And most effective method achieving such a goal is the combined use of methods and tools feedback with the consumer.

What are communications (IMC)

This term should be understood as the process of establishing a connection with the end consumer, which differs from those methods used by large advertisers. In fact, the IMC implies the planning of marketing communications, which are based on the need to evaluate their (communications) separate areas and strategic role.

In the IMC process, all means of influence, programs and messages are consolidated, combined and directed to potential or actual consumers of the company's services and products.

Why IMC should be considered relevant

The concept of integrated marketing communications did not appear by chance. The idea of ​​such measures to promote goods and services became popular already in the 90s. The reason why this system was found to be practical lies in the fact that the traditional ones could no longer provide the level of efficiency necessary for the successful development of companies in a changing market.

Therefore, many enterprises have gone through the combined use of various marketing communications tools, the total impact of which turned out to be much more effective than the influence of each direction separately. In addition, IMC allowed companies to consolidate budgets, optimize them and get more tangible returns.

BCI concept

Obviously, that inevitably implies certain marketing communications. The integrated approach, in turn, leads to the solution of two problems that are related to each other.

The first task of the IMC is to create messages of a communication nature, in which various means of the QMS (standard communication system) will be used, which do not contradict each other and are quite easily coordinated with each other. As a result, a single positive image of the communicator is formed.

The second goal of the IMC is to define maximizing the level of effectiveness of marketing communications by finding the most suitable combinations of synthetic and fixed means of the QMS.

The essence of the QMS

In the process of implementing integrated methods, the tools of a standard communication system are used. We are talking about a combination of such elements as subjects, channels, means and forms of interaction, as well as direct and feedback links used in the process of the marketing system with representatives of the external environment.

Using these tools, you can clearly and attractively convey the essence of the marketing message to the end consumer. It is important to take into account the fact that the cost of the goods can also be used as effective way transfer of information about the product (expensive, therefore, high-quality).

All these elements of integrated marketing communications, including the product itself, as well as its cost, make it possible to convey key information about the company's offer to the representatives of the target audience.

Simultaneous use of several types of presentation and feedback is profitable strategy, which is significantly superior in its effectiveness to the use of any one technique.

Key issues within the IMC strategy

The concept of integrated marketing communications involves getting an answer to 3 key questions:

  1. At what points in the marketing channels is the most effective reaching of the buyer and the increase in the reaction rate in favor of purchasing the company's products?
  2. What scheme of combining sales promotion and advertising is the most effective in achieving communication goals?
  3. How competent is the appeal and each type of advertising communication with the overall positioning of the brand from the standpoint of their combined interaction?

The answers to these questions make it possible to draw up a competent plan for the implementation of the IMC within the framework of specific tasks.

Elements of the IMC

An integrated marketing communications system consists of several key elements:

  • Public relations (public relations).
  • Direct marketing. This includes Internet and TV marketing. Speaking about promotion through television, it is worth noting that it comes down to providing the viewer with the opportunity to place an order for a product while at home, after he sees a specific product in action and familiarizes himself with its characteristics. In the Internet space, the same principle is used, only the possibilities of promotion in this case are much higher.
  • Advertising. These are certain measures, the purpose of which is the effective achievement of any marketing task.
  • Stimulating demand for a product by introducing additional benefits and, as a result, increasing benefits.
  • Business and retail advertising. The process of interacting with competitors in retail always leads to fleeting changes. This is explained by the fact that corporations often come to the market with a product that is dynamically moving forward.

  • Complex of integrated marketing communications. It implies the use of international advertising. This is an advertising campaign that goes beyond the country where the manufacturer is located. At the same time, for such a level of promotion, the product must be a leader in its niche.
  • Fairs and exhibitions. We are talking about events in which the manufacturing company is directly involved, presenting its products to the end consumer.
  • Enterprise plan. It means overall strategy product promotion using various marketing tools.

BCI performance

The modern concept of integrated marketing communications involves the use of certain principles. One of them is efficiency.

The essence of this principle is to use both initially planned events and those circumstances that arise involuntarily to implement the processes of strategic communications. It should be understood that any well-analyzed information is potentially capable of causing the formation of a BCI complex. Moreover, you can make an informational occasion from virtually any division of the company's internal data flows.

The principle of openness

In this case, we are talking about a horizontal form of communication with partners of the enterprise. This allows you to make the business more sustainable, so it is important to focus on an open attitude towards the possibility of developing partnerships. A good example of the implementation of this principle within the framework of the strategy of integrated marketing communications are joint companies to promote the goods of such famous brands like McDonald's and Coca-Cola. Now you can often find promotions for manufacturers of washing machines and powder, sweets and tea, wine and cheese. With this approach, in addition to increasing the level of effectiveness of marketing measures, opportunities open up for optimizing their budget.

Personalization as an IMC principle

The result that the implementation of this principle brings makes many companies use it stably and actively. Personalization should be understood as the formation of a personal relationship with each client of the company. Of course, such an approach will require a lot of costs and efforts, since it will be necessary to develop both new technical equipment and special projects.

Moreover, the availability of specific skills from the staff will also be required. But in the end, the company will receive a high level of customer loyalty and, as a result, a significant increase in sales.


This principle, through which integrated marketing communications are organized, can be defined as the main one, since it implies the competent interaction of all components of the IMC. The fact that a combination of promotional measures is much more effective than their simple summation has been proven time and again by the experience of various companies.

One of good examples implementation of the principle of synergy can be called student sales teams in contact with potential consumers on the street. Such activities involve virtually all methods, the use of which implies the concept of integrated marketing communications:

  • the demand for specific types of products is assessed;
  • there is direct contact with representatives of the target audience;

  • by solving such a social problem as youth employment, the company gets the opportunity to enter government contacts, which opens up new prospects for business development;
  • a salesperson dressed in branded clothing is a source of constant advertising.

Obviously, the principle of synergy makes it possible to use virtually all elements of the IMC, and with high level productivity.

Integratable Marketing Communications: Structure on the Internet

The use of a combined method in the online field implies the presence of certain factors that play an important role in achieving the goal.

  • Competitive environment. The advantage of analyzing competitors on the Internet comes down to quite simple ways tracking their activities and rankings. Moreover, due to the fact that all information on the web is presented in digital form, statistics collection systems can easily acquire the necessary data on the most popular resources of competing companies.

  • Price formation speed. The manufacturer has the ability to set dynamic pricing for products within the network. These can be, for example, discounts on the purchase of goods when purchasing a certain number of units.
  • Feedback. We are talking about the possibility of feedback through the site and special forums.
  • Data update. Thanks to the content management tools that are available on the Internet, the company gets the opportunity to change both the form of communication and the information itself at any convenient time.
  • Management of integrated marketing communications within the network. It implies the use of the personalization factor. This technique is most relevant when working with banner advertising on websites, within which specific users are personalized. This approach is used by industry portals, websites and other resources.
  • Free communication. It is no secret that with the help of Internet resources, various rumors can be quickly spread. This opportunity is often used by various firms to reduce efficiency. advertising campaigns competing business structures.
  • Flexible PR opportunities targeted at representatives of the target audience. In this case, we are talking about the possibility various formats submission of materials designed to build brand loyalty and promote specific products. Specially prepared materials can be used for the selected audience.


As a result, it can be noted that integrated marketing communications are the most effective and fast-acting strategy for promoting both a brand and a particular product on the market.