Download presentation theme my small homeland. "My small homeland" presentation for the lesson on the topic. Project "My small Motherland"

  • 21.04.2020

PROJECT "MY SMALL MOTHERLAND" Pupil 1 "A" class School No. 6 Zhukovsky Bashirov Nikolay I LIVE IN THE VILLAGE OF BYKOVO, RAMENSKY DISTRICT, MOSCOW REGION ______ _____ ______ __ _______ ______ ____ ______ _________ _ _____ ____ _____ ____ _______ _ ________ _______ _____ ___________ _ ________ _______ ________ _____ ______ _______ Coat of arms of Bykovo The image in the coat of arms of the settlement of the bull indicates the name of Bykovo. Probably the origin of the name is connected with the transshipment of cattle from the Volga region and the Kalmyk steppes to Moscow. On the spacious meadows, located in the interfluve south of Bykovo, there was a large cattle drive point, where, after a tiring journey, cattle were fattened before being sent to Moscow. Flag Bykovo Silver Wing - a symbol of speed, mobility, activity, flight. In the coat of arms of the urban settlement of Bykovo, the silver wing symbolizes the airport of the same name, one of the oldest in the country. Although the operation of the airport began in 1933, the first aircraft landed here as early as 1923. It was from here that the first Yak-40 aircraft began to make regular flights. Silver is a symbol of purity, perfection, peace and mutual understanding. Red is a symbol of labor, strength, courage, beauty and celebration. Blue color is a symbol of honor, nobility, spirituality and sublimity; the color of the endless sky. Manor "Bykovo" The Bykovo estate was founded in the second half of the 17th century by the former Governor-General of Moscow, and the favorite of Catherine II - M.M. Izmailov. For the arrangement of his estate, he invited the best architects of that time. For the construction of the palace in the then fashionable Neo-Gothic style, Izmailov hired one of the most fashionable architects of that time - Vasily Bazhenov. Simultaneously with the palace, Bazhenov created the entire architectural and park ensemble, including a church, a park, ponds, a winter garden, a grotto and the Hermitage. Pavilion at the pond South facade of the estate Near the current territory of the estate is the Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, it was built in the Bykovo estate in 1789. Near the current territory of the estate is the Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, it was built in the Bykovo estate in 1789. The white-stone church in the style of Russian Gothic has no worthy analogues in the temple architecture of the Moscow region. Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Bykovo Bykovo station The urban settlement of Bykovo is located 34 km southeast of Moscow and has the same name railway station of the Moscow railway(from Kazansky railway station). Bykovo station Airport "Bykovo" The airfield was created and began to operate in 1933. It served flights to large industrial centers of Russia. The airfield was created and began to operate in 1933. It served flights to large industrial centers of Russia. He accepted aircraft types Yak-42, An-12 and lighter ones, as well as helicopters of all types. It was also possible to receive Il-76, Tu-154 aircraft. Bykovo Bykovskaya secondary school No. 15 Bykovsky Pond Church of the Resurrection of Christ Bykovsky Secondary School No. 14 Bykovsky Orphanage Sanatorium "Sosny" Cadets of Bykovskaya secondary school No. 14 at a rally near the monument in the village of Aparikha

My famous countrymen: The village of Bykovo is the birthplace of film director Pavel Chukhrai, writer Vladimir Sorokin, singer Nikolai Rastorguev, football player Alexander Kvasnikov. Come visit us in Bykovo!

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Class hour "My small homeland" The presentation was made by the teacher primary school MKOU secondary school No. 2 with. Vegetables Yaitskaya Natalya Viktorovna

Map of Russia

MY - because here is my family, my friends, my house, my street, my school ... SMALL - because this is a small part of my vast country. MOTHERLAND - because people close to my heart live here.

"Motherland" "Motherland" Motherland" - when we talk about our state, about our big country called Russia. "Motherland" - when we talk about our village, where we were born and live.

I have a favorite village...

The village of Vegetables It is believed that the name of the village comes from the name of the Tatar Ovoshch who once lived here. The author of the book, inspector of the Stavropol Directorate of Public Schools A. I. Tvalchrelidze (1858-1930), specifically stipulates that the village had two names: Ovoshchinskoye and Uchi, and the second also comes from the Tatar language (“three”).

Geography The village is located in the central part of the Stavropol Territory, 110 km northeast of Stavropol, on the Ucha River. Three ravines divide the village into three parts with historical names: Krasnaya, Poltavskaya and Selivanovskaya.

History Everything in the world has a history. For the village, Vegetables, it began in 1864, when the first settlers from the Voronezh, Moscow, Poltava, Kursk, Yekaterinoslav, Oryol, Tambov provinces settled on the free lands of the eastern part of the Turkhmyanskaya steppe. The settlers settled in the streets and gave them the names of their former native places, some of which have survived to this day - for example, Poltavskaya and Moskovskaya streets. The village was located on an open steppe zone near the Ucha stream. Three large ravines cut the village into three parts: Krasnaya, Poltava, Selivanovskaya. The first settlers named the village Uchi, in honor of these three ravines. And already in 1864 the village began to be called "Vegetables" by the name of the oldest Tatar who once lived here - Vegetables. The settlement was started by the families: Annenkovs, Dedovs, Zhilnikovs, Krasnokutskys, Storozhenkos, Fomins.

In 1875, a church was built in the village in honor of Sts. Cyril and Methodius.

In the 1890s, 3600 inhabitants lived in the village, and in 1903 - already 5200. They were mainly engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding: they grew wheat, rye, oats, flax, millet, barley, bred horses and sheep. At the beginning of the 20th century, the village had a volost government, two schools, two grain warehouses, 13 trading establishments, and several mills.

One of them, the Zhabina mill built in 1906, is still used for its intended purpose.

The municipality has three settlements. Administrative center - with. Vegetables with a population of 2.5 thousand people, the village of Krasnaya Polyana - 191 people and the village of Otradny - 178 people. Russians (96.1%), Armenians, Georgians, Tatars, Ukrainians live here. The total area of ​​the administrative territory is 28,177 hectares, including 14 hectares of settlement land. On the territory of the village council there is a large agricultural enterprise stud farm "Lenin's Way", the main branch of which is crop production and animal husbandry. The total land area is 28163 hectares, employing 400 people.

In Vegetables there is a secondary school for 650 children, a kindergarten for 100 students, an outpatient clinic, a pharmacy, several shops, a bakery, a post office and a club.


Chapter municipality– Grishchenko Aleksey Sergeevich, Elected head of the village council in the municipal elections on March 13, 2011

We are proud of our country

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Performed by Usacheva Natalya Ivanovna, teacher of history and geography.
My small motherland

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1. Show the importance of the homeland in the life of every person 2.Expanding and deepening students' knowledge about the history of their native farm .. 3.Educating a sense of love and pride in their small homeland. Tasks: To teach children to see and feel the beauty of their native land.

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1. The guys prepared photos of the beautiful places of their farm. 2. Prepared messages about their family history.

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My small motherland
MY - because here is my family, my friends, my house, my street, my school ... SMALL - because this is a small part of my vast country. MOTHERLAND - because people close to my heart live here. What is RODINA for a person? What he considers his homeland: the country in which he lives; the house where he was born; birch at the native threshold; the place where his ancestors lived? Probably, all this is the homeland, that is, the native place.

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“Small Motherland
Small Motherland - Island of the earth. Currants under the window, Cherry blossoms. The apple tree is curly, And under it is a bench - My affectionate small Motherland!

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Almost every word is dear and close to our hearts and marks the beginning of all life on earth: family, fatherland, stream, sea. My family, my home, a small homeland begins with this. A person is born to live, and the main place in his life is occupied by family, work, service to the Fatherland. Your own mother, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books and games, nature - such simple, warm, human values ​​become the basis of true love for the Motherland. They belong to each of us, it is impossible to take them away under any circumstances, because they are stored in the very heart.

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They say that all paths lead to the house, They say that he started the beginning. A man, like no one else, In any way Yearned for him and missed him. The man was born here. And from here he will go forward, Only wherever he settles, his native home will call him again. And sometimes it is impossible for us to return to where half our lives have passed. The house is far away, and the years are rushing by, But only there we are light and warm.

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There is a farm in the steppe

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There is a farm in the steppe
A small homeland is the place where a person was born, grew up, studied, where his relatives live. This is the place, the love of which settles in the heart of a person forever. But awareness of one's Motherland, feelings of love for it do not arise immediately. And this process is different for everyone. For a child in childhood, the most important thing is the mother and father. But, growing up, he begins to feel attachment to friends, to his native street, to the river, to forests, fields, to his village or city. And it does not matter what your homeland is: a large industrial city or a small village and how this city or village looks like. The main thing is that this is all native, familiar to you from childhood.

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Pokrovsky - a farm in the Morozovsky district of the Rostov region. The population is 150 people. It is part of the Gagarinsky rural settlement, located in the east of the settlement and the district, near the administrative border with the Volgograd region. There is a feldsher-midwife station on the farm, and there is a small pond in the south of the farm. There is a passenger motor transport connection with the administrative center of the region - the city of Morozovsky.

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H. Pokrovsky - my small Motherland

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Natalya Klimova
Presentation "My small Motherland"

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What does mine mean small motherland?

MY - because here is my family, my friends, my house, my street, my kindergarten ...

SMALL– because it is a small part of my vast country.

MOTHERLAND- because people close to my heart live here.

I live in a small but very beautiful village of Satis. That's mine small motherland.

The village is good in winter and summer, spring and autumn, at any time of the year.

My small motherland is my home, my family is dad, mom, grandmother, sister and brother.

I love my home and my family!

I go to kindergarten "Spikelet". Next to the garden there is a forest where slender tall pines grow, their peaks go up into the blue sky.

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I have many friends here. I always have fun with them.

There are many beautiful places in my village where we have a rest with the whole family. I want all the inhabitants of my small Motherland treated nature with care, cared for its forests, rivers.

When I grow up, I will probably live in another place, but this corner of my native land will remain the most dear and dear.

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My small homeland is the village of Gigant

If they say the word "homeland" If they say the word "homeland", The old house immediately comes to mind, there are currants in the garden, A thick poplar at the gate. By the river there is a birch - a modest one And a chamomile hillock, And others, probably, will remember Their native Moscow courtyard. In the puddles the first boats, Where recently there was a skating rink, And a large neighboring factory A loud joyful whistle. Or the steppe, red from poppies, Virgin gold... Homeland is different, But everyone has one! Small Motherland Dear children! You were born in a country called Russia! You are Russians! Russia is a huge country! It spread freely from the snows and ices of the Far North to the southern seas. We have high mountains, full-flowing rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, bright birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields. Russia is located immediately in Europe and Asia. Small Motherland We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its hardworking and talented people. But each of us has our own Little Motherland - that corner of the earth where you were born, where you spent your childhood, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located. For some, a small homeland is a small village or village, for others it is a city street and a cozy green courtyard with swings, a sandbox and a wooden slide. In a word, everyone has their own small Motherland! Small Motherland Small Motherland is an island of earth, Under the window, currants, cherries blossomed, Curly apple tree, and under it is a bench, My affectionate small Motherland! Favorite green meadow Probably, many of you have your favorite green meadow near the house or near the lake. Here, under the supervision of your mother or grandmother, you play with friends, admire the first spring flowers, watch the leisurely flight of an important bumblebee or motley butterfly. When you become adults, the memory will surely return you to serene days, to the sunny meadow of your childhood. Glade of childhood Glade of childhood! How far you are... Only in my memory you are preserved With a winding overgrown river, With a weeping willow that bent over it. With a high silky ear, With the innocent look of a white daisy, With a small clear voice, With a cozy house-tower of a snail. We all have a glade of childhood. On it, carefree crumbs frolic, Joy hovers over it, laughter flows. It has bright sources of our life! Small Motherland Small Motherland is the land where you were born, where everything seems special, beautiful and dear. Everything about him is painfully familiar. But there are moments when our own home becomes more precious than anything in the world, and we associate the concept of human happiness with our stepfather's house, street, village ... Small Motherland The well-known writer of the 20th century Veniamin Timofeevich Chistalev, having lived a couple of months away from his small Motherland, wrote such lines: “My beloved native land, the land! How I missed you. How fun, how joyful, it turns out, to live at home, at home. Only then you will find out and notice this when you leave your house. Everything turns out to touch you on your native side, and every event here seems to be loved. Childhood is immediately remembered. You'll tear up as soon as you remember! Favorite native side! How I love you, how I miss you, and I can never forget you. Small Motherland The 21st century gave people the opportunity to live in different parts of the globe, travel around cities and countries, study and work in various parts of the world. But, when you meet such a traveler with a suitcase at the airport or at the station and ask him the question: “Where are you going?”, He will answer with a smile: “To your homeland, visit your native places, breathe your native air.” Small Motherland I know, since the creation of the earth, It probably does not happen differently, Wherever your dreams take you, The road will lead to your home. Where nothing needs to be explained, Where everything is clear and familiar without words. You just need to come, quietly take off your shoes, And listen to the silence of your home. Small Motherland Small Motherland is also the place on earth where a person was born and grew up, where the graves of his ancestors are located, where he knew the first joys and failures. It is no coincidence that in difficult critical moments of their lives, people remember the place where they were born, that is, their small Motherland. Today we will talk about our small homeland, the village of Gigant, Salsky district, Rostov region. Giant means: great, big, showing great success in something, majestic. Small Motherland rare person in our country have not heard of the village "Giant". And here on the Don everyone knows about it: both townspeople and rural residents. They know and are proud of this oldest grain farm, the first-born. Small Motherland In the spring of 1928, the hot Salskaya steppe, which until recently was buzzing from the stomp of cavalry, bent in the bloody battles of the civil war, was filled with another, unusual noise here. In the very center of the fertile, but deserted expanses scorched by dry winds, there was a rumble of never-before-seen machines. Then hundreds of tractors went out into the steppe to awaken it to a new life. Small Motherland The people who came here as conquerors and pioneers in June 1928 unrecognizably transformed the once barren Sal steppes. Where the hot sun and the steppe winds that dried up all living things reigned supreme, the revived land responded to its care with high yields of wheat and other crops. Small Motherland You will go out into our steppe in the summertime - the spirit is breathtaking from the boundless green expanse. Wheat crops are spread here, sunflower stands nearby, followed by plantations of corn, beets, various vegetables and fruits. Ribbons of forest belts stretched along and across this green kingdom, taking on their elastic crowns the cruel blows of the steppe robbers - dry winds and their inseparable companions - black storms. 1200 kilometers of forest belts, about two thousand hectares of forest in a dry, waterless steppe. Little Motherland "Giant" straightened his shoulders and gained strength at that historical moment when a mass collective-farm movement began in the country and the peasantry turned to the socialist path of development. It was at this time that, by decision of the Party, new large grain state farms were created, and the first of them was the hero who rose in the Salsk steppe. Malaya Rodina State farms became not only large factories bread, which the country so badly needed at that time, but also the strongholds of socialist reconstruction Agriculture. The first grain state farm successfully fulfills both of these missions throughout its activities. Small Motherland The Gigant has gone through a difficult path of development over the years of its existence. This path can be divided into several main stages. The first is the organization and growth of the state farm. According to the initial plan, it was supposed to be created as a collective farm - state farm plant with an area of ​​more than 400 thousand hectares. On the allotted lands, the economy received high yields compared to the surrounding villages and farms. Small Motherland Then the second stage began - the disaggregation of the state farm. On the territory of the Gigant, seven independent state farms were formed: Tselinsky, Yulovsky, Salsky, Peschanokopsky, Yegorlyksky, Rogovsky, named after Lunacharsky. Small Motherland The war and the German occupation were a heavy burden on the shoulders of the economy, causing him enormous damage. The fields fell into disrepair, many industrial, cultural and amenity premises and housing were destroyed. Beginning in 1945 new stage in the history of the state farm - the healing of wounds inflicted by the war, the restoration of the economy. Small Motherland In the center of the Gigant village, in the park next to the Maxim Gorky Palace of Culture, surrounded by various trees, shrubs and flowers, there is a mass grave. They served the Motherland faithfully and faithfully, these five hundred and thirty-five soldiers who died on the battlefields in battles with the German invaders and were buried here. They gave for her honor and freedom the most precious thing they had - life, and now the heroes sleep in this mass grave with the eternal sleep of heroes. Small Motherland As a sign of unchanging love and gratitude to the defenders of their native land, flowers bloom here from early spring to late autumn, and on Victory Day, May 9, thousands of residents of the village come here to honor the memory of the dead, lay wreaths and flowers, mourn their husbands , sons, brothers and fathers who did not return from the battlefields. Malaya Rodina The settlement grew under grain state farm « Giant", which was created in 1928. Initially, the state farm was called "Sovkhoz No. 1", and its center was located near the railway station " virgin soil". A few years later, the central estate of the country's first grain farm was moved to Trubetskaya station. Small Motherland In September 1929, a well-known proletarian writer M. Gorky. School No. 2 of our village was named after him, during the construction of which Gorky laid a stone. Small Motherland On February 10, 1933, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to classify the newly emerged point at the Trubetskoy railway station, the North Caucasian Railway, as a workers' settlement, giving it the name "Giant". Small Motherland Today, the Gigant village is the center of the Gigantovsky rural settlement of the Salsky district of the Rostov region. Small Motherland Our favorite village! What do we, its inhabitants today, know about it? What can we tell about him to those who do not know anything about him? What streets, native places call us on holidays and weekdays? Palace of Culture. M. Gorky In the center of the village Salskselmash Stadium Market MBOU Secondary School No. 76 MBOU Secondary School No. 78 MBOU Secondary School No. 2 Salsk Agricultural College SSHC Kindergarten "Mermaid" Kindergarten "Kolosok" Police Department Shop "Magnit" Shop "Pyaterochka" Shop "Computer" world» Shop «Dana» Shop «Auto Parts» In the park In the park In the park Pond I love you, dear Motherland I love you, dear Motherland! I admire your beauty! I love you, little motherland! And I will stay with you forever! Small Motherland Guys, a person must remember from childhood what land he was born on, remember that he has duties to this great beautiful land in the world, which is called the Motherland. And she has one person. Today we have seen what it is, our small Motherland. I think that you will be worthy citizens of your country and do many good, useful deeds, and maybe one of you will become a famous person or accomplish a feat. I would like love to live in your heart for your family, for your native village of Gigant, for your country, for your homeland. We call this land Motherland Every day, our Fatherland is more mile, With its hills, grasses, forests. The quiet noise of the fields excites the heart And the crane wedge over the heavens. We call this land Motherland, To look at it, we can't look enough. About her alone, so beloved since childhood, We sing our best songs. Silence slumbers in the evening meadows, The wind sways the flowers as it flies by. And the moon shines brightly in the river, Sparkling like a goldfish. We call this land Motherland, To look at it, we can't look enough. About her alone, so beloved since childhood, We sing our best songs. A nightingale clicks on a branch, And the raindrops tinkle like bells, What could be dearer their land Forever bequeathed to us by the fathers! We call this land Motherland, To look at it, we can't look enough. About her alone, so beloved since childhood, We sing our best songs. Song about the Giant The giant is a sea of ​​noisy bread, Squares of endless fields, And the cry of a crane and the noise of tractors, And the rustle of poplar leaves. A giant is mountains of wheat, Our gift to the country from the Don, And your heart is proud of you, And you ring with a song in me. Here your father and brother plowed the land, We will repeat their feat again And we will leave the fairy tale a simple blooming Giant to our grandchildren. A giant is mountains of wheat, Our gift to the country from the Don, And your heart is proud of you, And you ring with a song in me. Small Motherland - Gigant village The presentation was prepared by Siroshtanova E.A., MBOU secondary school No. 76, Gigant village, 2014