What to do in your area. How to make money on your plot of land. Growing seeds and seedlings

  • 18.09.2020

Earning on your site is not only money, but also a great way to keep the property in good condition. You just need to know effective tools!


Renting out a plot of land is the most in a simple way profit from such an inheritance. In this case, almost no effort is required from the owner. One has only to advertise the lease of the site and, for sure, there will be a client quite quickly. After all, many people rent a summer cottage in the warm season. Why not capitalize on the desire of people to relax outside the city?

Growing strawberries in greenhouses

But growing strawberries in greenhouses already requires the constant presence of the owner. At the same time, such an activity can already be called small business. With the help of greenhouses, you can create favorable conditions for growing strawberries at almost any time of the year. Therefore, the income from such an occupation will be constant. This way of making money on a personal plot is quite common, and therefore we can talk about its high efficiency.

Growing potatoes

Growing potatoes for sale is relevant in cases where a large plot of land was inherited. Although potatoes will not bring the maximum possible profit, but they can provide a guaranteed income. After all, growing potatoes does not require any special knowledge and skills from the entrepreneur. Even a beginner can cope with this task. Selling potatoes is quite simple, even on your own. Or you can take it to the wholesale base.

Growing flowers

Growing flowers looks much more attractive. But this requires extensive knowledge, as well as special equipment. Indeed, without the same greenhouses, it is very difficult to grow some types of flowers for sale. Here it is necessary to mention quite expensive seeds, as well as fertilizers. But if you can figure out all the intricacies of growing flowers, then the income will be the maximum possible.

miniature poultry farm

On the plot you can also build a miniature poultry farm. To do this, you should build several chicken coops and purchase incubators. Of course, you should also think about poultry feed in advance. All the wisdom of poultry breeding can be easily found on the Internet. It is worth remembering that there are egg-bearing breeds, as well as meat ones. So it is better to treat the choice of breed with special attention.

Goats or sheep

Goats or sheep can also bring stable income. In this case, the owner will receive money from the sale of milk, meat, wool, and manure. This living creature is distinguished by its unpretentiousness. So if you follow the minimum rules, you can count on a pretty good result. Do not think that the list of products is limited only to milk and meat. After all, both meat and milk can be processed. And already sell butter, cheese, hard cheeses, sour cream, homemade sausage or other products. Surely among your friends there are those who want to purchase an environmentally friendly product.

Tourist hostel

What if you refurbish a private house to the hostel? Even if it's small! This option is especially relevant in cases where the property is located in a recreational area. After all, you need to squeeze everything out of the inheritance you have received. All its advantages should be properly used. If the site is located near the sea, mountains, health springs or other tourist attractions, then the hostel will become very good decision. In this case, the owner can live with his guests. This type of business is quite common in Western countries. Why not implement this decision and in our country?

home cafe

Own home-style cafe can be combined with the same hostel. Surely your guests will not refuse a hearty evening dinner or a fragrant cup of coffee. You should also look at the home cafe option when a large number of people pass by your site. It can be either a footpath or a motorway. It is important that the owner receives a large amount potential clients. And attractive advertising and good cuisine will surely do their job and help you get a significant income in the future!

Fish and crayfish

But if even the smallest river flows through the site, then it makes sense to think about breeding fish and crayfish. After all, you can order equipment and dig a pit on the site. Or even do it manually. A natural water source will fill the hole, and you will get a small lake. Next, you should launch fish fry or crayfish into the pond. In the case of fish, you should choose those breeds that are unpretentious in nutrition and are characterized by rapid growth. The most suitable option here is the common pond carp. That's the easiest one to start with. With crayfish, things are somewhat simpler. You can independently catch crayfish in a nearby reservoir. But it is worth remembering that you can catch crayfish and sell them no earlier than three years later. After all, crayfish grow quite slowly. So this is a long term option.

See details:


Beekeeping has always been considered a fairly profitable business. It's hard to argue with that! Everyone loves sweet honey. And if you list all the healing properties of this product, then honey becomes simply priceless. On your own site, it is quite possible to create a small apiary. Hives should be bought or made by yourself. But bee families will have to buy for sure. You also need to pay attention to the proximity of meadows and fields with flowers. After all, this condition is mandatory when growing bees. If you have a desire to start breeding bees, and the site meets the above criteria, then why not do it right now?

So we have listed ten options for earning money with the help of a personal plot. An inherited homestead can be a great source of income. So is it worth losing this extra income opportunity?

And again about making money in a crisis. This time the magazine Reconomica offers its readers options for making money on their land, based on the real experience of a young family from the Belgorod region, and this is by no means a farm, but a relatively small plot of land in the village.

Even at a cursory glance, rural life seems more honest, simpler and healthier. No wonder more and more people want to move to the countryside, or at least to a house in the private sector of the city. Free labor of free people on a free land - what could be better?

So, your piece of land. What can be squeezed out of it, besides growing food for our own needs?

My name is Savina Maria Gennadievna. As a family, we live in a small village in the Belgorod region. At the moment I am 25 years old, I am a young mother of a one-year-old son.

I am a purebred villager, from childhood I helped my parents with housework and gardening.

We milked cows by hand, grazed bulls, prepared supplies for the winter - hay, beets, pumpkins. Only milk and one-year-old bulls that went to slaughter brought us money.

After graduating from school, I entered the agricultural academy and moved to the city. Like any young girl, I wanted everything at once. I had to find a job so as not to depend on my parents, but at the same time study well and not lose a budget place. The search was in vain.

For two years of study, I have not found a suitable job for myself. But, oddly enough, she found her future husband and went with him to the Krasnodar Territory.

It was from there that my path to adulthood and my story about making money began.

My inspiration

It's no secret that the Krasnodar Territory and the Belgorod Region are leaders in the agricultural economy. Two centers are aimed at growing farm animals and plants, which are large enterprises and farmers.

But apart from individual entrepreneurs, ordinary local residents are also engaged in the cultivation of agricultural crops.

Basically, these are strawberries, cherries, apples and much more, who has enough imagination for what.

This is me on my land.

Picking berries

In the city I worked as a salesman, but on my weekends I went to work at local state farms to pick berries.

Everyone knows that the air temperature of the Krasnodar summer reaches 50 degrees, so everything had to be torn quickly, but carefully. At first, it didn’t work out very well, but in 4 years I got my hands on it and realized that this work is worth the effort.

The berries were handed over to resellers at the prices they indicated. The cost of fruits changed every day up or down. Having spent 3-4 hours on work, it was possible to get a net profit, on average, 3 thousand rubles.

Despite the fact that Krasnodar has fertile land and a prosperous Agriculture, I didn’t have my own plot for growing vegetables and fruits. Therefore, I returned home, to the Belgorod region, and there I seriously got down to business.

How it all started

I love the land and I know that I can make money on it. After discussing everything with my husband, we decided to try farming and raising chickens and pigs. After returning to the village, we consulted with the parents.

They had a small farm, and we decided to just buy more chickens and piglets. The only thing that worried me was the sale of vegetables, fruits and berries.

In the Belgorod region, sales to resellers are not so developed; they often buy vegetables and fruits from the south of our country and Asia. I caught myself thinking that it was useless to approach dealers. There is no time to stand in the market and sell products.

Our land.

The easiest way to implement

I decided to go the simplest way - to call friends.

It was the right decision, since we were not going to sell all agricultural products. One part of the food supplies went to the refrigerator and basement, the other part was sold to potential buyers.

Despite the fact that many of our acquaintances lived in villages, they simply refused to cultivate their plots and planted flowers.

Therefore, the likelihood that they would buy products from me was very high. I suggested:

  • delivery of products directly to the door of the house;
  • acceptable prices;
  • still warm, fresh meat;
  • high-quality, ripe, tasty vegetables and fruits.

I didn't go wrong with this.

Our first income

Since we all have official work, our small business was like a side job.

Sale of berries and vegetables

In the first season, we put up for sale such products as:

  • - 30 kg;
  • sweet cherry- 20 kg;
  • cherry- 20 kg;
  • onion- 50 kg;
  • - 50 kg;
  • beet- 10 kg.

In total, during the season we managed to earn 19,800 rubles.

This year's garlic harvest will be good.

Do not forget that almost half of this product went into the freezer and into boxes in basement. In winter, we also want to eat it.

Sale of meat

But the queue for the sale of poultry meat and piglets is coming closer to winter. At this time we are taking orders for meat. We sell most of New Year We eat the rest of the meat ourselves. Last winter we managed to sell:

  • pigs- 150 kg,
  • indoostriches- 60 kg.

Despite the fact that the meat is fresh and homemade, we sell it below the market price. As a result, they earned 52,500 rubles from meat.

Many will wonder why low prices for meat. The answer is simple - retribution for the fact that there is no time to stand in the market. All our clients are acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances.

Small income but...

Seeing such insignificant earnings, many will not even want to start anything. But it's not just about net income. Each of us buys all these products in stores, markets, from friends and spends the money we earn on it. We do it all a little differently.

We practically do not spend money on vegetables, fruits and meat. And if you calculate how much you spent in a year on eggs, pork, poultry, potatoes, onions, carrots, beets and much more, you will agree that a tidy sum will come out.

Personal experience

We started our small business with the help of our parents and the already existing farm and garden, so we did not incur significant costs.

Basic expenses

The main expenses that await every farmer is the purchase of:

  • birds and piglets;
  • special feed for chickens;
  • antibiotics and vitamins for poultry;
  • cereals and legumes for adult poultry and pigs,
  • vaccinations and veterinary examination of pigs;
  • allocation of a small pasture for birds.

To grow berries, vegetables and fruits you will need:

  • vegetable seeds;
  • soil treatment chemicals;
  • poison for pests (Colorado potato beetle, aphids, fleas, slugs, etc.);
  • free time.

These are all the things that we do.

Do not forget that we only have a small one that feeds a small number of people. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are waiting for big waste not only on feed and vaccinations, but also on hiring workers.

Unseen circumstances

In addition, as in any case, unforeseen circumstances can happen:

  • the case of poultry (pigs);
  • crop failure of fruits and berries;
  • crop failure of vegetables.

You need to be prepared for everything and not lose heart.

Our bird.

This year we have supplied two incubators and purchased broiler eggs for them. A little over 30 chicks hatched. Unfortunately the eggs poultry did not bear fruit, so we had to buy 30 more cockerels.

We took eggs and cockerels for 5 rubles / piece. Yes, yes, you heard right, we only spent about 500 rubles on the purchase. The most expensive are indostrauses - 250 rubles for one.

As for vegetables, we buy only seeds and get selected seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, and cabbage from them. So far, we do not sell these vegetables, since during the period of maturity they go one or two - food, twists, etc. But onions and garlic have to be bought in addition, since not all bulbs survive the winter.

Pros and cons of farming

Farming is not easy. The choice is only yours - to specifically earn money on it, or just eat for free, have a pretty penny in your pocket.

A huge plus if you have your own tillage equipment. We don't have it. Therefore, one has to contact and pay tractor drivers to plow the garden, hedge or plant potatoes. In our time, this is now a huge problem, since the tractor and the desired unit are hard to find.

The main disadvantage of this small business- constant supervision of birds and animals. They need to be fed and watered. Therefore, trips to the sea should be postponed until better times, unless, of course, you have people who will look after and help you with your household.

I told you the pros and cons that you need to be aware of when making a decision. Own business, even home business, is not easy, but when the first money comes, there is a desire to continue it.

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Gone are the days when many people with garden tools went out of town every weekend to weed and dig in their own dacha. Today the situation has changed dramatically - amateurs active rest Increasingly, they are thinking about turning land into a source of income.

There are a huge number of small business ideas for suburban property owners. The content of the cottage can bring not only the pleasure of spending time on it, but also a good profit for its owners. Let's talk about the most popular types commercial activities that can be organized at minimal cost.

Business on a personal plot

Before choosing the direction of doing business in the country, you need to decide which of your practical skills can benefit people. It is easy to guess that if a person is well versed, for example, in breeding crayfish at home or chinchillas, he is unlikely to be interested in growing flowers or seeds. Like any kind entrepreneurial activity, business in the country will need to be registered with the Federal Tax Service.


If fruit trees, shrubs and other honey plants are located near the summer cottage, you can organize the work of an apiary. At all times, beekeeping has brought good and stable profits to people, because such products are always in great consumer demand.

Even a small farm can provide quite a decent income, because in addition to honey, beekeepers sell wax, honeycombs, propolis, zabrus and other products that the apiary gives. Before you start organizing a business, you should understand the specifics of this type of activity.

The beekeeper needs to know how to place the hives on the site, properly disinfect them, care for and breed insects, work with special equipment, and collect honey. If a person decides to open an apiary, it is worth remembering that it is undesirable to simultaneously engage in livestock breeding, since bees do not tolerate neighborhood with animals - this reduces honey production.

To increase the amount of honey, it does not hurt to get a truck, on which the hives are taken out to the fields and other places where there are suitable plants. To organize an apiary of 5-10 bee colonies, large investments are not required. For season 1, a family can bring about 40 kg of honey (at a market value of 300 rubles per 1 kg, the benefit becomes obvious).


Often people come to their dachas with their whole families, so there are usually a lot of children in the villages. This fact should be used to make a profit, since on your own site you can organize a playground or a pool for kids. It also makes sense to consider installing equipment such as:

  • inflatable trampoline;
  • swing;
  • slides.

Such a business idea can be very useful and profitable, as parents will be able to leave their children in the children's town for several hours or even for the whole day. It does not hurt to think about what activities will be of interest to young visitors. As a rule, towns or game rooms in summer cottages work on the principle summer camps or development centers, and the payment for services is charged by the hour.

As for investments in the organization of a business, they depend on the capabilities of the entrepreneur. For example, to equip a game room, you need to invest about 30 thousand rubles, and installing swings and equipment on the site will cost 20 thousand rubles.

country workshop

If a person has a desire to make money on needlework, you can convert some building of the site into a country workshop. This type of business will become a profitable business for various kinds of craftsmen, because there will be plenty of work in the village. For example, many people come to country houses for own cars. Very often they require minor repairs, so it makes sense to organize a small workshop and provide appropriate services.

In addition, the inhabitants of the village often break down all kinds of equipment, agricultural tools and implements, as well as various household accessories. All this will provide the jack of all trades with a sufficient number of orders, and he will be able to earn good money.

Workshop activities are best organized in a garage or a small shed. It is imperative to install a workbench and fix the grinder on it. As for equipment such as a chainsaw, grinder, puncher and welding machine, they can be rented at first. People will quickly spread information about a good master among themselves, so he does not even have to advertise his activities.

Advice: the master can organize production at his summer cottage wooden toys. They are in great demand among buyers, respectively - such activities can bring a stable income.

Bath rental

This business option is ideal for those people whose summer cottage is located near the city (and, of course, if it has a modern bathhouse). Agree, there will always be plenty of people who want to take a steam bath, so it will bring good profit. The attendance of the bath is affected not only by the location, but also by the beautiful area near the cottage, as well as the high-quality interior decoration of the steam room and cleanliness. To create comfortable conditions for visitors, on the site you need to install:

  • a place to relax (preferably with a gazebo);
  • brazier or grill installation;
  • pool with cool water.

The bath can bring a stable income all year round. Many people prefer to visit the same places, so with the right organization, you can attract a lot in a fairly short time. regular customers. To do this, it is worth warming up the bathhouse at the time agreed with the customers, constantly replenishing the supply of firewood, and also ensuring the availability of various drinks and snacks. in great demand bath visitors use cold beer and water, so you should worry about the assortment.

Often, clients of the baths pre-negotiate with the owners the possibility of organizing a feast. This can bring good profit, because barbecue and various dishes in such establishments are quite expensive. The owner of the summer cottage often acts as a bathhouse attendant. If necessary, he can attract an assistant who wants to earn extra money in his spare time.

Many summer residents have already appreciated the prospects of this business and are investing in the construction of baths on their plots. With the proper organization of your own business, investments can be returned in less than a year. If you already have a ready-made bath, you need small investments at the start. The entrepreneur will need to purchase hats, brooms, wooden tubs, as well as supply own enterprise firewood and provisions.


In recent years, such a direction in business as ecotourism has become very popular. It is known that the frantic pace of life of people in large cities, where strong atmospheric pollution prevails, leads to various diseases. Therefore, many residents of megacities try to go out of town in order to actively relax in nature and gain strength.

What is necessary for organizing tourist excursions? First of all, it is extremely important that the cottage is located in a picturesque area (preferably with a pond) and not far from the highway. The organization of ecotourism requires considerable investments from a person. This is due to the fact that it will be necessary to develop a program of activities for people who come to rest. Many entrepreneurs organize, for example, farms for breeding ostriches and other exotic animals, where everyone can not only have a good time, learn a lot of new things for themselves, but also try the manufacturer's specialties.

On large land holdings, you can organize a whole complex where people will comfortably relax in nature. To do this, it makes sense to install a playground, prepare a parking lot, build a mini-motel, open a cafe or organize a kitchen with the possibility of self-cooking in nature.

Important: despite the fact that the ecotourism business requires a lot of capital at the start, investments in the development of the enterprise will pay off with a vengeance, since lovers of quality outdoor activities will not decrease in the near future.

Land lease

You can rent out your own dacha land and earn good money on it. Who would be interested in such a service? First you need to understand that not every person has a country house where he could relax.

People are ready to rent suburban areas in order to spend their time there on weekends. In addition, the use of foreign land for money may be required by those entrepreneurs who wish to organize there own production various agricultural products.

If the area of ​​the plot exceeds 6 acres, it is possible to grow on the land, for example, medicinal herbs, flowers and other crops in large volumes. Clients should be looked for at city business forums or through advertisements in the media. Renting summer cottages allows you to receive passive income and not invest in the development of the enterprise.

animal breeding

Breeding animals and birds in your own country house can also bring very good profits. This allows you to receive income from the sale of:

  • meat;
  • milk;
  • fur;
  • young.

If you get a few cows, you can get a very decent income. One animal gives about 30 liters of milk per day, which will bring 900 rubles. In addition, calves appear every year - they can be sold in live weight and receive additional money from this. In addition, it will be possible to produce cheese, butter, sour cream and cottage cheese from milk, for which there will always be regular customers. The same applies to breeding goats at home. In addition to dairy products, their content gives meat, which is valued on a par with lamb. Goat wool can be used to make yarn and make clothes or socks, which will additionally allow entrepreneurs to make good money.

It is impossible not to mention the prospects for breeding rabbits. For their maintenance, you will need to purchase cages, which should be placed in a spacious barn. In regions with harsh climates, indoor heating is recommended. There are no problems with the sale of products (meat and skins), since such goods are quickly sold out at the collective farm markets at a good price.

At the dacha, it will be possible to organize activities in the cultivation of poultry - quails, chickens, ducks, turkeys or guinea fowls. Their meat and eggs are highly valued, so entrepreneurs will constantly receive income. To grow poultry, you need to allocate a spacious building where you need to conduct electricity and heating. The cost of buying food and utilities relatively small. In addition, it does not hurt to grow chickens and sell them, which will also allow you to earn extra money.

Growing plants

You can organize a profitable business on your plot of land by growing various plants. To determine the choice of crops, you should focus on the climatic conditions of the region of residence. For example, in the south of the country, when installing a greenhouse, there is a chance to get a year-round harvest, which cannot be said about the northern regions.

The specificity of such activity lies in the fact that an entrepreneur should not switch to growing various kinds plants, it is better to focus on one thing. Good result will give the cultivation of greenery, which can be sold daily in the collective farm markets. The main advantage of this area of ​​crop production is the rapid growth of crops:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • basilica;
  • lettuce;
  • green onions;
  • celery
  • cilantro.

Each summer resident, if desired, can grow mushrooms at home (oyster mushrooms and champignons), while entrepreneurs do not require large investments. For a mini-farm, the premises of sheds, cellars, garages and other buildings are used. Mushrooms are grown in compost bags that need to be watered periodically. On an area of ​​50 m? you can collect up to a dozen tons of mature mushrooms. Wholesalers buy champignons at 100 rubles per 1 kg. The profit is obvious.

Important: enough good income brings the cultivation of strawberries and strawberries at home. To do this, it is recommended to find a room, place racks with bags in it, conduct communications and grow crops using one of the simple technologies (there are many of them on the Internet). Competition in this niche is currently insignificant, which makes this business very promising.

Early vegetables are expensive and therefore profitable to grow. To organize such activities, it is necessary to build greenhouses, conduct water for irrigation, as well as provide lighting and heating. Cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic are in great demand. If the prospect does not seduce retail vegetables and fruits, you can sell your products in large quantities to wholesalers (though at a lower price).

Earnings on a smokehouse

Despite the fact that many dachas have smokehouses, most people cook meat and fish for themselves. For this reason, the business of making and selling smoked meats does not have huge competition. Nevertheless, an entrepreneur who wants to earn money in this particular area will have to face a number of difficulties.

First of all, you need to determine the volume of production, calculate the dimensions of the smokehouse and the possible number finished products. You should also obtain permission for your activities in Rospotrebnadzor and the sanitary and epidemiological station, since it will be associated with the manufacture and sale of food products.

There are usually no problems with the sale of smoked meat, fish and poultry. Companies are happy to take them. Catering, retail stores and resellers in the market. If you combine raising animals with smoking meat, you can achieve good results and scale your business over time.

Growing seeds and seedlings

This type of activity is suitable for summer residents who like to work on the ground. Seeds, seedlings and seedlings can be grown in parallel with crops, vegetables, fruits and bring additional income in season. To grow seedlings, you need to build greenhouses and conduct communications to them. Even on small areas can accommodate several thousand bushes of various crops. Seedlings of bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage are in good demand.

It is also worth considering the option of growing seedlings of fruit trees, especially those species that produce a crop a few years after transplanting to a permanent place. They can be planted in spacious suburban areas. There is always a great consumer demand for such products, so the entrepreneur will not be left without income.

How much can you earn on your personal plot?

It is easy to guess that the level of income from your summer cottage will largely depend on the chosen area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity (it is still influenced by the geographical location of the site, the presence of communications, the type of buildings and other factors).

If the summer cottage is located within or near the city, it can be rented out. The price for it can vary between 20-50 thousand rubles per month. Growing onions for feathers and greens allows entrepreneurs to earn about 20-30 thousand rubles a month. At the same time, it is possible to harvest from your site up to 6 times in 1 year.

If the owner of suburban real estate decides to grow and sell flowers, his profit may exceed 100 thousand rubles a month. Investments in the flower business pay off within 6-8 months. The most popular crop is a rose, so you can grow its popular varieties on your site and earn decent money.

A small apiary of 10 bee families can bring about 400 kg of honey per season. If it is sold at 300 rubles per 1 kg, the income will be about 120 thousand rubles. Taking into account the sale of products of vital activity of insects, the profit can reach 150 thousand rubles.

When breeding rabbits, it will be possible to earn about 50-70 thousand rubles a month. As we have already said, entrepreneurs receive income from the sale of meat and skins. The activity is quite promising, since there is no high competition in this area. It is also worth taking a closer look at the enterprises that provide various services in the holiday village. In their absence, you can organize the work of a hairdresser or a car repair shop, which will undoubtedly be in great demand.

And again about making money in a crisis. This time we are considering options for earning money on our land, and this is by no means farms, but relatively small household plots or cottages. In no way do I pretend to be a complete coverage of all possible options - on the contrary, I hope that there will be many more additions from readers: for the benefit of everyone who is interested in this issue.

So, your piece of land. What can be squeezed out of it, besides growing food for our own needs? To begin with, we divide the areas of activity according to the principle crop production and animal husbandry(including the bird). Both summer residents and residents of the private sector can deal with the first, while the second can be done mainly only by the private sector.

So, crop production. Two directions can be distinguished here: the cultivation of products directly and the cultivation of seeds and seedlings. The second direction is often more profitable.

Potato. Second bread. And if the first bread (grain) is profitable to grow only on hundreds and thousands of hectares, then potatoes can be grown on several tens of acres. Especially in the northern regions, where, apart from potatoes, little grows at all. The technology is simple: we plow, plant, spud, dig, sell: if there is nowhere to store, we sell in the fall, if there is, it is more profitable in the spring. Incomes are certainly small, but they themselves with potatoes. In the south, there is another technology: we plant early, early ripening varieties, dig up and sell young early potatoes, then we plant them on the same site again and harvest the second crop late in the fall - for storage and for sale.

Tomatoes. Where I live now is a traditional way of earning. For some, the entire site is built up with so-called "booths" - film greenhouses with a width of 6 meters and a length of 10. They are made of wooden slats or metal structures, covered with foil in early spring, some put stoves, wood-burning or gas. Those who have their own transport carry the harvest directly to Moscow to sell, the rest are given to resellers. Tomatoes bear fruit from late May until late autumn. The profitability of this business can be judged by the fact that "tomatoes" usually do not work anywhere, they are engaged only in their own business, usually with their whole families. The volume of plantings is several thousand roots per plot of 12-14 acres.

Early vegetables and herbs. They go very well in spring and early summer. Of course, you need a greenhouse, preferably a stationary one made of polycarbonate with heating.

Flowers. In a crisis, of course, not the most necessary plants, but in many cases one cannot do without them. Therefore, they will still be in demand. Here it is appropriate to note that it is best to do what the soul lies in, what you know and know how to do well. If you don’t like to grow tomatoes, you won’t make money on them at all possibilities, and flower lovers manage to make money even on such a product that is not very popular.

And again tomatoes, this time seeds. I know a guy who does this professionally, grows dozens of varieties, collects them all over the world. And he sends it out by mail to everyone, of course, not for free. Here it is worth saying that any business requires a professional approach, even growing banal potatoes: planting a bucket and collecting a bucket - this happens to beginners, alas. To achieve commercial success in any business, you need to learn how to do it better than anyone, or at least better than many. Dry the seeds from a couple of tomatoes and advertise - who will buy them from you? It takes several years to work, create an assortment, client base, guarantee quality - only then will success come. Of course, not only tomato seeds are in demand, this is just an example.

Strawberry. In many places grown with big profit, especially early. But you will get even more profit. if you grow and sell varietal seedlings of strawberries. This is of course more difficult than just growing a berry, but also more profitable.

Seedling generally. Many plants are grown from seedlings, such as tomatoes, peppers, cabbages, many flowers, etc., while many people do not have the opportunity to grow seedlings, but need them. Seasonal, but quite profitable earnings.

Mushrooms. Growing has its own characteristics, but it is quite affordable, and the products are in demand. Favorable conditions - a warm basement, where you can grow all year round. Seasonally - in the greenhouse. The simplest and most proven technology is the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. Mushrooms are more difficult, the preparation of high-quality compost is required. These are the mushrooms that everyone knows and loves. Little-known varieties - you need to first study the sales market, most likely these are restaurants.

seedlings. Along with seedlings - very profitable business, however, requires a certain base, knowledge, training. Perhaps the simplest is grape seedlings. Even in a summer cottage, 30-50 varieties can be placed. Every autumn we cut chibouks, further actions in any grower's guide. Every spring we sell on the market. Of course, everything should be neat: a tag on each bush, color photos of bunches, planting instructions.

With tree seedlings it is more difficult, but the profit can be very significant. Those who buy seedlings from nurseries and then sell them in markets earn relatively little. Of course it's better to grow your own. I read an article about a family in the Homestead, which on its site has established the cultivation of seedlings of fruit trees with a closed root system. Such seedlings can even be sent by mail. So they have a record for years ahead.

Well, that's probably all about plants. Now animal husbandry. Perhaps the most accessible and widespread here is poultry farming.

Direct rearing of poultry for meat and egg production is currently low-profit due to the high cost of feed. However, the trend is that the cost of poultry meat and eggs will grow at a faster pace, so it is worth doing this now. You can increase profitability either by growing your own feed (corn, chickpeas, root crops, greens) or by using paddocks - if possible.

But the greatest benefit, of course, comes from the production hatching eggs and young birds. hatching egg at a price 10 or more times more expensive than food, even more expensive than chickens. The price of course depends on the breed. Appreciated meat breeds with a good return per feed unit. For example ducks, geese, turkeys. Always in the price of egg-laying breeds of chickens. In recent years, quails have been actively bred. But to engage in decorative and exotic species I do not advise birds now - interest in them will fade away.

rabbits far fewer birds are common, however, amateur rabbit breeders often achieve very good results in their business. Again, it is very profitable to sell young animals to those who simply raise rabbits for meat. Often this is done by summer residents in the summer season.

bees- Lots of hobbyists do it. Honey and other bee products are always valuable.

Recently actively bred goats. A goat is much smaller than a cow, so less food and trouble is required, and less room. And a thoroughbred goat gives milk up to 5 liters per day, which is quite enough for a family. Experienced goat breeders believe that it is more profitable to keep several goats than one cow. Plus, the goat gives valuable fluff. If you take the matter seriously and keep a few goats, you can sell milk and its products, as well as thoroughbred kids.

Well, about fattening pigs everyone knows that in our places in the villages, many do this, because there is simply nothing else. True, African plague has been raging in recent years, if you get into the quarantine zone, everything has flown by: the animals will be destroyed, the compensations are meager.

Cow— at present, this is generally a feat! The old people no longer have the strength to keep cows, the young do not want or do not consider it profitable. I can’t say how profitable it is to keep cows, but judging by the fact that our markets have enough sellers of homemade milk, sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese, this is not a loss-making business. Although, of course, not everyone can do it.

Well, I can't ignore worms, because he recently started. These quiet and inconspicuous animals actually bring great benefits. In fact, soil fertility is their merit. Millions of worms process biological residues into humus, which plants feed on. And mineral fertilizers kill worms, the earth becomes dead and it is necessary to apply them again and again to maintain productivity.

Worms are unpretentious, they process plant residues, manure and droppings, kitchen waste, etc. They can bring considerable income, it is not without reason that worm farms grow all over the world like mushrooms after rain. What can worms give? Lots of. Firstly, it is an excellent fertilizer, ten times more effective than compost. You can use it for yourself, and with large volumes of production - sell it. Worms biomass is an excellent high-protein feed, primarily for poultry, but also for fur-bearing animals, pigs and cows. Worms are willingly bought by fishermen, holders of aquariums. Worms are natural food for pond fish. Keeping worms is one of the few cases where junk waste is turned into income. The process of growing worms is simple, there are many technologies, you just need to choose the right one.

The earth, as you know, feeds everyone who puts effort, work, invests time and financial resources. There are many ways to earn money on your land, owning a plot. People make their choice, first of all, based on their capabilities, as well as on the possible prospects and desire to achieve the best result.

If you are the owner of the land and do not know what to do with it, then I will tell you how you can make money on it. The main thing is not to be lazy and to understand this issue well and then you can get a good passive income. This type of earnings cannot be said to be able to fully provide you good life and cover, although a lot depends on what kind of land and what you can offer on the market. In any case, passive income will not be superfluous. Whether you have a full-time job or not, simply making money from the land will help you stabilize your income. Let the earnings be not too big, but in the event of a job loss, you will know for sure that you will not be left without money at all.

How to make the most money with land

The first step is to evaluate your land. The estimate must be realistic, because then you can calculate how much income you can get from it. There are two options for how you can make a lot of money on the land: build a house and rent it out, or take care of the site yourself, having money from what you do on it. Either way, it's a profitable business. I will consider the second option in more detail, because: the essence is the same as with renting an apartment. But the second way is more versatile.

To begin with, if you do not want to rent out your land plot for any reason, you can earn money on your own, having land, by growing vegetables and fruits. Of course, in winter the profit will be very small, since you will actually be able to grow nothing and will only sell stocks received in summer and autumn. But you can find a way out of this situation by placing greenhouses on the site. Then you can quickly earn on the ground all year round.

What to do to make money on your land

The essence of quick earnings on earth is the same as in any other business: in development. You can sell not only grown fruits and vegetables, but also make conservation. Some did a good business on this, releasing various preserves, jams and preserves under their own developed brand. If there are buyers and there are many who like your products, the income will not be long in coming. Considering that many people live in big cities and do not have their own land plots, it is safe to say that there will always be a buyer for products. The main thing is not to be lazy and not stop, and then you will have your own customers and making money on the ground will become the main source of your income.

How can you earn a lot with land, doing development

By itself, development in our country is not a new thing. AT classic version this type of activity is associated with the purchase of real estate (old unprofitable buildings) for the purpose of reconstruction and subsequent resale at a market price. But a skilled developer (not to be confused with a development manager!) knows how to make money on the land, both during an economic downturn and during an upswing.

How to make money selling land without a contract

A very profitable type of operations with land is the sale. How to make money on land without a contract? By purchasing a plot, the buyer builds a house on his own, independently choosing a developer. Indeed, such plots always find their buyers and sell quite well, since the decisive factor here is the price. Having bought a plot of land without a contract, a person himself controls the process of building a house, focusing on his current financial situation.

Such land during periods of economic recession is usually bought at a fairly low price. But, it is likely that good sites without a contract during the period of market recovery will be in great demand. For those who are engaged in development, striving to quickly earn on earth, selling plots for construction without a contract is an excellent option for an almost instant return on your funds and making a profit. Judge for yourself, in this type of land transactions, the seller's obligations are minimal.

How you can make money on the sale of land by organizing construction

And, on the contrary, when selling land with a contract, the selling company takes on serious obligations: planning, project development, purchase of tools, etc., and this requires the involvement of serious financial resources of the company. In this case, you can earn more money on the ground, but you still have to spend money. It is unlikely that buyers will agree to pay big money for land without communications. The standard set provided by a developer who makes money from land is electricity, water supply, and a gas pipeline.

Sometimes a developer company is also involved in road construction, providing normal access roads to its sites. But, nevertheless, I would like to note that the quality of road surfaces in such settlements is still incomparably worse than in settlements with organized construction. After all, because of the constant construction and frequent movement of heavy vehicles, the roads suffer first of all.