Practical tasks for the course psychology of management. Alexander Trus - Psychology of management. Workshop. The subject and tasks of management psychology

  • 05.03.2021

Alexander Trus

Psychology of management. Workshop

Reviewers: Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank (Head of the Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor G. V. Gatalskaya); doctor of psychological sciences, professor I. A. Furmanov.

© Trus A. A., 2015

© Design. UE "Publishing House" Higher School "", 2015


In 2014, the publishing house "Higher School" published a textbook "Psychology of Management". The book, aimed at a student audience, was also positively received by students of the system of additional education - specialists undergoing retraining in personnel management, undergraduates, students of MBA programs, as well as heads of various organizational and managerial levels of state and commercial enterprises, HR-specialists, business coaches and organizational consultants.

Taking into account that in study guide"Psychology of Management" was highlighted wide range theoretical provisions of the activity of a modern leader, ranging from issues of effective self-organization to the psychological aspects of individual and group work with employees, it was decided to write workshop, which would allow readers to gain not only knowledge useful for their work, but also to form relevant managerial competencies.

The work of both the future leader and the already formed manager, focused on progressive career and obtaining high results in his work, as well as in the activities of the organizational entity he leads, should be continuous. At present, as the coaching and consulting experience of the author shows, most large organizations have corporate training centers for the implementation of continuous training and retraining of personnel. The question, in our opinion, is the desire of the manager to systematically and purposefully replenish his baggage with relevant “knowledge - skills - skills”, form and develop the necessary personal characteristics in order not only to respond to the challenges of the current situation, but to implement a proactive approach to their activities. .

This book will allow the manager to work independently to develop their managerial competencies, and can also be used in the university educational process and in a corporate format. Working on its substantive content, we, first of all, started from the very concept of "workshop". In the dictionary of the Russian language S. I. Ozhegov (1987) we find the following definition: “Practical work. In higher educational institutions: a course of practical classes in some academic subject.

The word "workshop" consists of two independent components - "practitioner" and "mind", the combination of which can be interpreted in two ways: "practical (or practical) mind" and "smart practice". Regarding the first phrase, the well-known Soviet psychologist B. M. Teplov in his book “The Mind of the Commander” (1990) notes: “The difference between theoretical and practical thinking lies in the fact that they are related to practice in different ways; not that one of them has a connection with practice, while the other does not, but that the nature of this connection is different. The work of practical thinking is mainly aimed at solving specific problems - organizing the work of a given plant, developing and implementing a battle plan, etc. - while the work of theoretical thinking is mainly aimed at finding general patterns - the principles of organizing production, tactical and strategic patterns and etc.”

The workshop and its electronic supplement present a large number of organizational, managerial and communication situations taken from the experience of domestic leaders at various levels.

Further, from B. M. Teplov we find: “A practitioner’s ability to use hypotheses is incomparably more limited, since these hypotheses should be tested not in special experiments, but in life itself, and – which is especially important – a practical worker does not always have time for such kinds of checks. Harsh conditions of time are one of the most characteristic features the work of the practical mind." Let's turn to the second phrase - "smart practice". The book, in which you have already read several pages, is a kind of simulator for developing various managerial skills and forming professionally significant personal characteristics. The experience gained can and should be carried into your practical activities, using not only proven tools, but also implementing ideas that you will undoubtedly come up with when performing the proposed tasks.

The best thing a book can do for a person is to make him act.

Thomas Carlyle

Further, B. M. Teplov notes: “If we already establish gradations of activity according to the difficulty and complexity of the requirements for the mind, then we have to admit that from the point of view of the diversity, and sometimes internal inconsistency of intellectual tasks, as well as the rigidity of the conditions in which mental work, the first places should take the highest forms practical activities».

Taking into account the relatively young age of management psychology as a science and a field of professional practice, as well as the complexity and uneven development of its individual provisions, we turned to the ideas set forth in the works of some authoritative experts from related fields, which are referenced in the text of the workshop. If desired, the trainee (student, listener, undergraduate) or educator (teacher, business coach, organizational consultant, coach) can refer to the primary source for more detailed and detailed information.

The workshop is aimed at improving the managerial competence of a particular reader - both today's student planning to make a managerial career in the future, and a "veteran of the managerial movement". The more competent managers there are, the more successful a single structural unit and the enterprise where they work will be. The more efficient enterprises the stronger and more prosperous our country will be. We hope that the book “Psychology of management. The workshop will make a certain contribution to the achievement of these goals.

Chapter 1

Renowned psychologists Jim Lauer and Tony Schwartz (2014) point out that we live in a digital age. We race at full speed, our rhythms are accelerating, our days are cut into bytes and bits. We prefer breadth to depth and quick reaction to thoughtful decisions. We glide across the surface, hitting dozens of places for a few minutes, but never staying long. We fly through life without pausing to think about who we really want to become. We're online, but we're offline.

The first step in the work of a psychologist (consultant, coach) with a business owner (professional manager) is to analyze the personal characteristics of the client. Such an analysis reveals individually for each of them the meaning of a short but capacious phrase: "Know thyself."

We offer readers techniques aimed at conducting personal, managerial and professional introspection.

"Know thyself" - these words were written over the entrance to the oracle in the Delphic temple. Subsequently, they were repeatedly repeated by many sages. Examples of successful business people– business owners and professional leaders – have confirmed that this council is working.

Self-knowledge is the greatest achievement of our species.

Founder of positive psychology M. Csikszentmihalyi

“Management begins with oneself” - this phrase must be accepted by each subject of a difficult managerial process as an axiom. A leader who knows his strengths and weaknesses, his shortcomings, but continuously learns - develops - improves, creates the prerequisites for professional growth of their employees, and therefore, to improve the efficiency of work structural unit or the organization as a whole. Self-knowledge of a leader is the first step towards setting clear career, managerial and professional goals, determining personal resources to achieve them, directing energy towards a steady movement towards them. At the same time, he will be able to competently organize himself, his working time and space.

1.1. Conducting your own SWOT analysis as a manager

SWOT technique (the abbreviation is made up of the first letters of English words: strength, weakness, opportunities and threats) involves identifying strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities, as well as establishing chains of links between them, which can later be used to formulate a strategy and assess the feasibility of the planned results of the manager's activities.

From all of the above, it follows that management psychology is a branch of psychological science that combines the achievements of various sciences in the field of studying the psychological aspects of the management process and is aimed at optimizing and increasing the efficiency of this process.

2. Subject and tasks of management psychology

The understanding of management as a profession based on various achievements of the interdisciplinary field of scientific and practical knowledge occupies a strong place in modern society. Currently, it is believed that a leader at any level is called upon to solve two interrelated tasks:

· master theoretical foundations rational management, i.e. management science;

· to be able to creatively apply the provisions of this science, that is, to master the art of management. The first task is solved in the learning process, the second - in the process of practical activity.

The activities of leaders (managers), implemented in the performance of basic management functions, this is the subject of management psychology.

The subject of management psychology is the psychological aspects of the leadership process. various types joint activities and interpersonal communication in organizations, i.e. psychological aspects of managerial relations. A specific manifestation of the subject of management psychology can be represented in the following levels of psychological and management issues:

1. Psychological aspects of the leader's activity:

Psychological features management work in general, its specificity in various fields of activity;

Psychological analysis of the leader's personality, psychological requirements for the personal qualities of the leader;

Psychological aspects of making managerial decisions;

Individual management style of the head and problems of its correction.

2. Psychological aspects of the organization's activities as a subject and object of management:

Possibilities of using psychological factors to solve managerial problems;

Patterns of formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the organization;

Patterns of formation of optimal interpersonal relationships in the organization, the problem of psychological compatibility;

Formal and informal structures of the organization;

Motivation of work of members of the organization;

Value orientations in the organization, management of the process of their formation.

3. Psychological aspects of the interaction of the leader with the members of the organization:

Problems of creation and functioning of the communication system in the process of interaction;

Problems of managerial communication;

Optimization of relationships in the link "leader - subordinate";

Awareness as a factor in improving effective management.

The fundamental attention of managers is paid to making decisions on all principal and strategic tasks, coordinating the work of executors, selecting and educating personnel.

The main task of the manager is the overall management of the process of functioning and development of the management system.

Under the management system, understand as a holistic organizational association, characterized by:

Functions and goals of activity;

specific set constituent parts, which are in subordination;

The mode of external relations (subordination, coordination, contractual relationship etc.);

Legal regulation of the structure, connections, powers, activities of the management system as a whole and its elements.

A survey of many managers showed that under the subject management activities they mean management decisions, teams, personnel, etc.

The subject of management psychology can also be the subject of administrator's work - information. The manager receives information both about the system as a whole and about individual processes or subsystems. Then he transforms it, giving the information a qualitatively different character. The transformation of information is focused on subsequent points in time, on the near or distant future, i.e. on the system of models: static (fixing some ideal pattern) or dynamic (fixing the pace, temporal aspects of the functioning of the system). The information coming from the manager (what is commonly called a managerial decision) has an incentive function. Thanks to this, the solution is implemented through the activities of the performers. The result of this entire cycle should be a change in the state of the managed system.

The subject of management psychology is the activity officials leading teams, and management psychology - a complex system knowledge related to the following aspects of management activities:

Psychological factors that ensure the successful and effective activities of the manager;

Psychology of motivation of people in the course of their activity;

Features of group behavior and interpersonal relationships;

Psychological aspects of leadership, features of decision-making;

Psychology of power and organization;

Issues of the psychological climate in the team;

Psychological conflictology.

The psychology of management deals with the specifics of the psychological factors of joint activity, the method of its psychological organization.

In addition, managerial psychology provides psychological training for managers and leaders. We can talk about two parameters of the effectiveness of the work of the head, manager:

Non-psychological (we can talk about the profitability or unprofitability of the enterprise, its competitive prospects, etc.);

Psychological (in this case, the degree of satisfaction of people working in the organization, the quality of communication, the motivation of their behavior, etc.) are taken into account.

Obviously, both of these parameters are interrelated: the effectiveness of organizations, i.e. the ability to solve the problems they face with the best or optimal way, increases if an appropriate psychological climate is created in them. And the knowledge gained by managers as a result of studying the psychology of management helps to competently manage people, avoid unnecessary conflicts, understand the psychological nature of management processes, effectively solve the problem of recruiting personnel for the organization, analyze and improve the psychological climate in the team, and correctly evaluate their own activities.

Thus, management psychology seeks to facilitate the work of managers and make it more effective with the help of knowledge about the psychological characteristics of a person, about the various manifestations of the psyche, its functional, changeable nature.

Tasks of management psychology:

Psychological analysis of the activities of specialist managers;

Study of the mechanisms of mental regulation labor activity under normal and extreme conditions;

Study of the mental characteristics of leadership;

Studying the processes of group interaction;

Study of the mechanisms of human motivation.

Psychological analysis of the activities of specialist managers. In order to competently manage a team and successfully perform work, you need to be able to analyze your actions, on which the adoption of the right decisions depends.

The study of the mechanisms of mental regulation of labor activity in normal and extreme conditions. In order to make an adequate decision in any situation, it is necessary to study the mechanisms of labor activity.

Study of the mental characteristics of leadership. Leadership is a process by which one individual influences the behavior of others and organizes their activities in accordance with the relationships established by the organization. Leaders differ in their individual style and approaches to management. One of the key differences is how much managers direct their subordinates, i.e. the extent to which they tell subordinates how their work should be done. Another difference is the measure of their autocriticality or democratic nature in the decision-making process, i.e. to what extent they allow subordinates to participate in this process, for this it is necessary to study the mental characteristics of leadership.

Development of psychological recommendations on the use of psychological knowledge in the management process, in conflict resolution, changing the psychological climate in organizations. Attitudes towards work and colleagues are stable feelings, expressed in beliefs and types of behavior, they are aimed at production activities, at members of their working group, organizational environment. The most important indicator of attitude towards production activities is job satisfaction.

"Tasks on the psychology of management"

/ Psychology

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Subjects of control works

Topic 1. The content and objectives of the discipline "Psychology of management"

Option 1.

1. What is the subject and object of science "Psychology of management"?

2. What concept is the main category of the discipline "Psychology of Management"? Analyze it.

3. Do you agree with the statement that the contradictions and paradoxes of management in most cases have psychological causes? Illustrate your answer.

When considering the first question, correlate the difference between the object and subject of science "management psychology". The object of management psychology is the organized activity of people, not just united by common goals and interests, it is the activity of people united in one organization, obeying the rules and norms of this organization. The subject of science considers the psychological aspects of the process of managing various types of joint activities and interpersonal communication in organizations, i.e. psychological aspects of managerial relations. Some authors define the subject as a system of "man - technology" and "man - man", while others only as "man - man". This question is debatable, your right to cite the opinions of various authors and analyze them.

SecondThe question involves consideration of such a concept as managerial activity. It is no coincidence that the management psychology course covers in detail the psychological structure, composition and content of the leader's activities; reveals the system of his managerial functions and characterizes their main psychological patterns.

Describe in more detail the essence of managerial activity, which is defined as a form of an active attitude of the subject to reality, aimed at achieving consciously set goals and associated with the creation of socially significant values. It should be emphasized that human activity is conscious; associated with the manufacture, use and storage of tools; is social in nature, carried out in a group, according to social laws, and in its process a person enters into complex social interactions with other people.

ThirdThe question involves an independent analysis of the socio-psychological aspect of the phenomenon of management. Give any specific example of a contradiction in management due to psychological reasons. The psychological aspects of the leader's activity include the psychological characteristics of managerial work in general, the psychological analysis of the leader's personality, the individual management style, and much more.

Aksenenko Yu.M., Kasparyan V.N. etc. Sociology and psychology of management. - Rostov n / a, 2001.

Veresov N.N. Psychology of management. - M., 2001.

Urbanovich A.A. Psychology of management. – Minsk, 2003.

Kasyanik P.M. Psychology of Management: Lecture Notes. - M.: AST, St. Petersburg: Owl, 2005.

Option 2.

1. What is the difference between the science of management and the science of psychology of management?

2. How does management psychology compare with general psychology?

3. Specify what problems management psychology studies, in contrast to labor psychology?

a) compliance of the employee with a particular organization

b) compliance of the employee with his profession

c) analysis of the influence of the organization on the socio-psychological structure and development of the team and personality.

d) studying the personality of an employee in an organization

e) professional selection

f) career guidance

The firstthe question involves, first of all, an analysis of the concepts: "management", "social management", "organization", "subject and object of management". social management it is a continuous process of influence of the leader (management subject) on an organized group of people or on any of this group separately (management object) to organize and coordinate their joint activities to achieve best results. It is important to note that the system of managerial relations is based on two socio-psychological phenomena: proper management and subordination.

When considering the subject of management psychology, you can distinguish the following three levels of psychological and managerial issues: psychological aspects of the leader's activities, psychological aspects of the organization's activities as a subject and object of management; psychological aspects of the interaction of the leader with the members of the organization.

SecondThe question involves the consideration of those concepts and phenomena that are the subject of study of both psychology and management psychology. These are such concepts as: motivation, personality, will, emotions, feelings, etc. It is important to note that, unlike general psychology, in which the main problem of study is the problem of personality, in management psychology it is considered in an applied aspect: as a subject and object of management .

When answering the third question, you should think about what management psychology studies in contrast to psychodiagnostics and sociology.

Johnson R., Kast F., Rosenzweig D. Systems and leadership. – M.: Progress, 1971.

Karpov A.V. Psychology of management. - M., 1999.

Milner B.Z. Theory of organizations. - M., 1998

Ramendik D.M. Management psychology. – M.: Moscow-Forum, 2006.

Kurtikov N.A. Psychology and sociology of management. - M .: GUU Knizhny Mir, 2005.

Topic 2. Psychological aspect of the management process.

Option 3.

1. Describe such a function of the subject of management as goal setting.

2. Name the specific forms of organization of activities and characterize such a form of management as an organization.

3. Which of the following factors that affect a person's satisfaction with work are related to the actual motivational (directly related to the labor process)?

a) salary

b) labor success

c) working conditions

d) degree of responsibility

e) official and professional duty

In answering the first question, one should consider the place and role of this management function along with others. Goal setting involves reviewing past experience, analyzing the present situation, and setting realistic goals for the future. How are goals related to motivation, can they stimulate the processes of self-organization. There are a number of concepts of personal and organizational effectiveness that are based on an in-depth process of goal setting. We can consider some of them, for example, six types of goal-setting by R. Dilts.

When answering the second question, one should start with the fact that the organization involves the creation of such a system in which three components logically fit: a working person or group of people; economic relations; technical means. Identify specific forms of organization of activities and describe them. The modern information society has contributed to the emergence of new types of organizations: adhocratic, multidimensional, participatory, and entrepreneurial type organizations. List the factors that contribute to the emergence of new organizational structures.

Third questionrefers to the concept of motivation. When performing the test, you must remember that motives are based on a system of human needs, form his activity, encourage him to make choices and determine goals.

Stolyarenko H.D. Psychology of management. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2006.

Shikun A.F., Filinova I.M. Managerial psychology. - M .: Aspect - Press, 2006.

Mashkov V.N. Psychology of management. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002.

Milner B.Z. Theory of organizations. - M., 1998.

Rozanova V.A. Psychology of management - M .: Personnel management, 1999.

Option 4..

1. What is the function of motivation in management for?

2. What role does the control and correction function of management play and what should be the control?

3. Which of the following requirements apply to control?

a) constancy

b) totality

c) openness

d) efficiency

e) formality

First questionwill require you to elaborate on the concept of motivation. Motivation is the totality of the most persistent motives that determine the direction of the individual, its value, orientation and activity in general. Sometimes activity and stimulation of orientation are added to this definition. Pay attention to the position that any needs are the basis of motives and motivation. Try to prove that it is the creation, maintenance and development of the motivation of performers that is the most important function of a leader.

The answer to the second question presupposes consideration of the control and correction function of management, and not just control as a check. It is important to dwell in detail on the principles of organization of control: efficiency, focus on results, adequacy of the content of the activity, simplicity, economy, objectivity. The control system should be adequate to the personality of the leader.

When answering the third question, one should refer to those characteristics of control that make it possible to consider it as an important corrective management function. Think about whether all of the listed requirements can be considered as mandatory for the implementation of control?

Practical psychology for economists and managers (under the editorship of M.K. Tutushkina. - St. Petersburg, 2002.

Mashkov V.N. Psychology of management. - St. Petersburg: Neva, 2002.

Maslow A. Motivation and personality. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003.

Maklakov A.G. General psychology. - St. Petersburg, 2005

Kabachenko T.S. Psychology of management.- M., 2000

Vesnin V.R. Practical management of a person. - M., 1998

Option 5.

1. Motivation as a personality control factor.

2. Consider the main provisions of the concept of "ideal bureaucracy" by M. Weber. Note what can be attributed to the shortcomings of bureaucracy.

3. In what case can we talk about effective control in management activities. Give a specific example and justify your conclusion.

First questioninvolves, first of all, an analysis of the very concept of motivation and only then an appeal to existing concepts of motivation. Most authors reduce it to the concepts of mental phenomena, which at a certain moment become incentives for action. (K.K. Platonov). What hierarchy of needs did A. Maslow propose? It is important to note that he was the first to propose a classification of needs and the relationships between them, building a kind of hierarchy in which higher demands do not come to the fore until the lower needs are satisfied. Consider A. Maslow's scheme and analyze it.

Second questioninvolves not just a listing of the principles of the ideal construction of an organization, proposed by M. Weber at the beginning of the last century, but also an analysis of this “order”. What can be attributed to the shortcomings of bureaucracy today. Think about the question: how the strengthening of psychological factors in management is reflected in the creation of new organizational structures of the enterprise.

Third questionis devoted to such a function of managerial activity as control. pay attention to modern principles organization of control, as well as the problem of compliance of the control system with a certain style of management. The example you gave should illustrate the position you are defending.

Maslow A. Motivation and personality. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003.

Aseev V.G. Personality and significance of motives. - M.: IP RAS, 1993.

Ladanov I.D. Practical management. – M.: Nika, 1992.

Sushkov I.R. Psychology of relationships. - M., 1999

Urbanovich A.A. Psychology of management. - Minsk, 2003

Topic 4. Personality as a subject of management.

Option 6.

1. Correlate the concepts of "person", "individual", "personality"

2. Consider the structure of personality.

3.Relate psychological schools study of personality and their representatives.

a) K. Jung, A. Adler, E. Fromm.

b) I.P. Pavlov

c) A. Maslow, K. Rogers.

1) learning theory

2) psychoanalysis

3) humanistic psychology

The answer to the first question should include detailed definitions of the listed categories. When defining the concept of man, it is important to note that this is a generic concept and at the same time it is a specific, unique unity of biological and social. As a biological being, he is subject to biological and physiological laws; as a social being, he is a product of social development. Personality expresses the relation of a person to a particular society, a particular era and culture. Note that individuality is an indispensable and most important sign of personality, the unity of the unique personal properties of a particular person.

When answering the second question, three positions of the personality structure can be distinguished: 1. universal human properties (sensations, perception, thinking, memory, will, emotions); 2. socially specific features (social attitudes, roles, value orientations); 3.individually-unique features (temperament, combination of roles, self-awareness) Describe in detail these components of the personality structure.

Third questioninvolves a detailed analysis of these areas. Describe such a direction as psychoanalysis. What psychoanalysis says about the sources of psychic energy, impulses and instincts, whether the conscious or the unconscious is more significant in shaping thinking and behavior. What is the essence of the concept of I.P. Pavlov, how the concept of a conditioned reflex was applied to the theory of learning by J. Watson. What are the main provisions of humanistic psychology.

Psychology and ethics of business communication (under the editorship of Lavrinenko V.N.) - M.: UNITI, 2006.

Krysko V. Social Psychology.- M., 2003

Kunitsina V.N., Kazarinova N.V., Pogolsha V.M. Interpersonal communication. - St. Petersburg: Neva, 2001.

Ostrovsky E.V., Chernyshova L.I., Psychology and Pedagogy. - M .: Vuzovsky textbook, 2005.

Stolyarenko A.D. Fundamentals of psychology. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 1997.

Egides A.P. How to understand people, or the psychological drawing of a personality. - M .: AST-Press-Kniga, 2002.

Nemov R.S. Psychology: A textbook for students of higher pedagogical institutions. - M.: Prosveshchenie-Vlados, 1994.

Jung K.G. Psychological types.- M.: AST-Press-Kniga, 1998.

Topic 3. Psychology of the subject of management.

Option 7.

1. What is the role of cognitive processes in management activities.

2. How do moral standards of behavior differ from etiquette standards in management activities.

3. Correlate the concepts and their definitions

a) personality

b) temperament

c) character

1) individual psychological characteristics of a person, which determine the dynamics of the course of his mental processes and behavior

2) a set of essential stable mental properties of a person that manifest themselves in his attitude to reality and leave an imprint on his behavior and actions

3) an individual included in the system of interpersonal and social relations, the subject of conscious activity

When answering the first question, one should briefly dwell on the characteristics of the main cognitive processes: sensation, perception, thinking, memory, etc. It is important to note that sensations, perception and thinking are inseparable parts of a single process of reflecting reality. Attention as a psychophysiological process characterizes the dynamic features of cognitive processes. Memory is the basis of mental activity, dwell on its types, properties, individual characteristics. The main attention should be paid to the role that these processes play in managerial activity.

Second questioninvolves an appeal to such a difficult topic as moral problems in management activities. Define the concept of morality. It is important to note that moral norms are expressed in general ideas, commandments, about how one should behave in society, but it is precisely in the contradiction between the proper and the real (really existing morality) that the contradictory essence of business communication and human behavior lies. Describe the concept of etiquette, paying attention to the fact that a feature of etiquette is the observance of formal rules of conduct that regulate the behavior of people in certain business situations. Compliance with etiquette standards professional activity does not imply that he has moral culture. The example you provided from your own business practice will make your answer more persuasive.

When answering the third question, correlate the concepts: “person”, “individual”, “personality”. Distinguishing between the concepts of temperament and character is important in management psychology, because. unlike temperament, character is a set of stable properties of an individual, in which the ways of his behavior and ways of emotional response are expressed. Temperament acts as the natural basis of character. Give examples of the manifestation of these psychological characteristics in a managerial situation.

Radugin A.A. Psychology and Pedagogy.- M.: Center, 1999.

Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. Psychology: Textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. - M.: Academy, 1998.

Rozanova V.A. Psychology of management.- M .: LLC "Journal" Personnel Management ", 1999.

Psychology and ethics of business communication (under the editorship of Lavrinenko V.N.). - M .: Unity - 2006.

Option 8.

1. Why is the awareness of responsibility the most important regulator of human behavior in a team?

2. Describe the main styles of management.

3. Define the terms:

a) memory

b) thinking

c) perception

d) feeling

1) the mental process of reflecting objects and phenomena of reality in the aggregate of their various properties and parts with a direct impact on the senses

2) the mental process of reflecting the individual properties of objects and phenomena of the material world that directly affect our senses

3) a form of mental reflection, which consists in fixing, preserving and subsequent reproduction of past experience

4) a generalized reflection of objective reality in its laws, the most significant connections and relationships

The answer to the first question presupposes an understanding of the concept itself - responsibility, as an obligation imposed on someone or taken by someone to account for any of their actions and take the blame for their possible consequences. It is important to point out that responsibility is directly related to the fulfillment of obligations, which is understood as "a promise or contract requiring unconditional fulfillment from the one who accepted them." Responsibility is the most important property of a person. It is necessary to consider the question of who is the subject of responsibility and what is the importance of awareness of responsibility in management activities.

When answering the second question, pay attention to the characteristic personal qualities manager, influencing the effectiveness of management (dominance, balance, creativity, responsibility, etc.) When analyzing traditional leadership styles (authoritarian, democratic, liberal), it is important to correlate their psychological characteristics. What mechanisms of influence are characteristic of these styles.

Third questionit is recommended to start with a consideration of the role and significance of cognitive processes in management activities. How significant is the role of individual-style differences in perception, memory, thinking of people who are subjects or objects of management activity.

Frankl V. Man in search of meaning (Translated from English and German - M .: Progress, 1990.

Frommm E. Psychoanalysis and ethics (Translated from English - M.: Respublika, 1993.

Aronson E. Social animal. Introduction to social psychology (Translated from English by M.A. Kovalchuk, edited by V.S. Magun - M.: Aspect-Press, 1999.

Shikun A.F., Filinova I.M. Managerial psychology and applied value. - St. Petersburg: Neva, 2003.

Option 9.

1. What is special about coaching as a management style?

2. Give and analyze the comparative characteristics of leadership and management.

3. What concept is characterized by the definition: “a person’s awareness and experience of responsibility based on self-assessment of the performance of duties”? How does this concept relate to the moral responsibility of a leader?

a) debt.

b) conscience.

c) locus of control.

First questioninvolves the analysis of such a management style that focuses on obtaining results in the process of personal development of the student. The question to be answered is whether coaching is only a management style or is it also a management consulting process. Can a coach advise in several professional areas? Is the coach solving the problem itself or helping the person to find own solution. Is coaching an analysis of the mistakes and problems of an employee or an analysis of future opportunities?

Second questionshould be considered on the basis of the position that if leadership is a management function, then leadership is defined as a natural socio-psychological process in a group, built on the influence of the personal authority of the leader on the behavior of group members. What are the sources and forms of influence on the organization of the leader and manager? List the common traits of a leader and leader.

Third questionis not just a definition of the most important moral concept, but also involves consideration of the role and significance of the moral responsibility of the manager in the process of managerial activity.

Kabatchenko T.S. Psychology of management. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005.

Ognev A. Organizational consulting in the style of coaching. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003.

Gibson JL, Ivantsevich DMonelli DH, Organizations: behavior, structure, processes. - M.: Progress, 2000

Kochunas R. Fundamentals of psychological counseling - M., 1999

Todd J., Bogart A.K., Fundamentals of Clinical and Counseling Psychology. - St. Petersburg: Progress, 2001

Option 10.

1. Describe the concept of the effectiveness of managerial activity - the "managerial grid" of Blake and Mouton.

2. Describe the managerial abilities of senior management.

3. Which of the following factors affecting a person's job satisfaction are "external" in relation to the job itself?

1) recognition of merit

2) degree of responsibility

3) social status

4) job retention guarantees

5) working conditions

When answering the first question, indicate what measures Blake and Mouton proposed to measure the effectiveness of managerial activity. What five types of leaders can be identified using such evaluation criteria as: “degree of attention to production” and “degree of attention to people”. Describe these management styles and indicate which of them are most common.

Second questioninvolves consideration of modern changes in management activities. Analyze why today's top managers should be able to build and develop teams, focus on employee development, delegate responsibility and create the need for initiative. It is important to consider such top-level management abilities as: cognitive (information retrieval, conceptualization, conceptual flexibility); directive (impact, self-confidence, presentation); proactive abilities (orientation to success); motivational (interpersonal search, managerial interaction, development orientation).

Third questionallows you to dwell on the concept of motivation and the mechanisms of motivation. It is important to note that if the motive acts as an internal motivation of a person to act, then the stimulus is an external circumstance that, affecting the basic needs of a person, encourages him to act, i.e. becomes a motive. These concepts should also be correlated with the category of need, which is the psychological state of a person associated with a feeling of lack of something. Give a specific example of your chosen motivational factors.

Kochetkova A.I. Psychological foundations modern management personnel.- M.: Zertsalo, 1999

Schmidt R. The art of communication.-M., Progress, 1992.

Santalainen T., Voutilainen E., Porenne P. Management by results. M.: Progress-Univers, 1993.

Molodchik A.V. Management: strategy, structure, personnel. - M .: HSE Publishing House, 1997.

Sidorenko E.V. Motivational training. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2000.

Lyubimov A.Yu. Communication skill. – M.: KSP+, 2000.

Topic 4. Psychology of the control object.

Option 11.

1. Describe the content theories of motivation (A. Maslow) and process theories of motivation (Vroom, Porter, Lawler)

2. Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation.

3. What concept is characterized as "an official in an organization endowed with authority and responsible for the performance of all management functions"?

a) leader

b) manager

c) a group member who plays a key role

When answering the first question, one should start with the fact that, according to the concept of A. Maslow, the behavior of a person is determined by his most powerful need at the moment. List these needs and explain what factors contribute to the satisfaction of secondary needs. What is the difference between process theories of motivation, for example, the theory of expectations.

In answering the second question, it is important to correlate the positions discussed above with Herzberg's position that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are caused by different factors. Name the factors of job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction. What did Herzberg understand by "hygienic factors"? How true is this concept today.

The answer to the third question involves not only right choice term, but also the characteristics of these socio-psychological concepts. Give specific examples to clarify these concepts.

Morozov A.V. business psychology: Textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Union Publishing House, 2000.

Shadrikov V.D. Psychology of activity and human abilities. - M.: Logos, 1996.

Meskon M., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of Management (Translated from English - M .: Delo, 1997.

Topic 8. Psychological features of the development and execution of management decisions.

Option 12.

1. Name and describe the stages of managerial decision-making

2. Describe the methods of individual and group decision making.

3. Indicate which method of decision making is preferable:

1) collective

2) individual

a) under time pressure

b) to avoid subjectivity

c) for greater thoughtfulness of possible consequences

d) in the presence of a conflict situation

e) with low qualification of employees

f) to reduce the resistance of those who disagree

When answering the first question, it is important to point out that management decisions are made at all stages of management. Decisions are made in the performance of all management functions (planning, organization, leadership, motivation, control). Give a specific example of a managerial decision and list its stages, starting with the formulation of the problem and ending with the control of the implementation of the decision.

Second questionIt is recommended to start with the definition of the concept of management decision. Describe the types of leaders who make decisions, the choice of the correct decision-making method depends on this. Indicate whether the leader is relieved of responsibility when making a group decision? Consider situations of constructive choice of collective and individual decision-making methods. (You can use the concept of V. Vroom and F. Yetton of five decision-making styles).

Third questionis a logical continuation of the second. Illustrate the performance of the test with a specific business example.

Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. – M.: Aspect-Press, 2000.

Burnard F. Training of interpersonal interaction. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

Kelly G., Armstrong R. Decision-making training. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

Aseev V.G. Personality and significance of motives.- M.: IP RAN, 1993.

Rozanova V.A. Psychology of management. - M .: LLC "Journal" Personnel Management ", 2003.

Option 13.

1. Types of management decisions.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of the collective decision-making method.

3. Specify the sequence of stages of the decision-making process:

1) consideration of solutions

2) decision-making

3) problem study

4) analysis and control of solution implementation

5) development and goal setting (problem statement)

6) bringing the decision to the performers

7) selection and justification of efficiency criteria and possible consequences of decisions made

8) choice and final formulation of the decision

When answering the first question, it is important to start with the definition of a managerial decision, which is defined as the choice of an alternative to achieve a set goal. Management decisions can be classified according to various criteria: by the degree of influence on the future of the organization, by scale, in accordance with the time horizon, by the duration of the implementation period, by functional purpose. Describe and characterize these species.

Second questioninvolves consideration of the concepts - managerial activity and managerial decision. What are the fundamental differences between collective and individual decision making. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method. Give examples to illustrate your conclusions.

The answer to the third question will allow you not only to determine the sequence of stages in making managerial decisions, but also involves an analysis of the content of each of the stages you have named.

Litvak M.E. Command or obey. Management Psychology.-Rostov-on-Don.: Phoenix, 2003.

Morozov A.V. Business psychology: Textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 2000.

Markova A.K. Psychology of professionalism. - M .: International Humanitarian Foundation Knowledge, 1996

Topic 9. Leader's health. Management activities in extreme and stressful situations.

Option 14

1. Concept and types of stress.

2. What are the ways to prevent and manage stress.

3. Match the concepts and their definitions:

1) affect

2) stress

3) frustration

4) depression

a) a condition that occurs in an extreme situation, requiring a person to mobilize strength and energy

b) a state of mental disorder, depression, characterized by a breakdown and a decrease in activity

c) the emotional state arising from failures, accompanied by an experience of hopelessness, the collapse of hopes

d) a short-term, violently flowing emotional reaction, an emotional outburst that violates volitional control

When answering the first question, it is important to characterize the concept of "stress", to indicate which of the researchers first analyzed this phenomenon. Name and describe the types of stress. Do the same irritants act on people in the same way, if not, what is the reason for this. What is the difference between "stress" and "stressor". List and describe the phases of stress. Answer the question - are stresses necessary condition people's lives.

Answer to the second questioninvolves considering the problem - whether stress is amenable to control influences. List ways to prevent it. Analyze whether weak people are more stressed than strong ones; are stressors - high claims; Is it easy to identify sources of stress?

Third questioninvolves not only the choice of the correct answer, but also a detailed analysis of the listed psychological concepts. Give a specific example from business practice.

Myasishchev V.N. Personality and neuroses. - L .: LGU, 1960.

Markova A.K. Psychology of professionalism. - M.: Knowledge, 1996

Kurtikov N.A. Psychology and sociology of management. - M .: Knizhny Mir, 2005.

Tarasov A.N. Socio-psychological features of the functioning of the personnel service in modern conditions. Textbook.- M.: GUU, 2003.

Pankratov V.N. Self-regulation of mental health. - M., 2001.

Carlson D. Common Mistakes small business. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1998

Option 15

1. Causes and sources of stress.

2. stress and distress

3. Which of the following statements are false.

1) Stress is for weak people

2) I cannot be held responsible for the stress in my life, we are all victims of it

3) I always know when I am overstressed

4) All people react to stress in the same way.

5) when stressed, all you need to do is first of all relax

6) The most important intervention in the fight against stress is psychotherapy.

In answering the first question, it is important to start with a definition of stress. Indicate who introduced this term into scientific circulation and developed the concept of stress as an adaptive reaction of the body to the impact of extreme factors. Indicate whether the stress effect depends on external influences on the type of specific adaptive responses to them. Name the phases of stress development. Briefly describe the physiological nature of stress.

Second questioninvolves the correlation of the category "stress" and "distress". Indicate whether any emotional shake-up is a stressor (source of stress). Indicate whether this increases the resistance of the organism. What causes distress. Give an example to illustrate your reasoning.

The answer to the third question should not only be in choosing the correct positions in the test, but also in analyzing the content of the statements you have chosen.

Eysenck G., Eysenk M. The study of the human psyche: Translated from English. Moscow: Eksmo-Press, 2001.

Linchevsky E.E. Mastery of managerial communication: a leader in everyday contacts and conflicts. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002.

Pankratov V.N. Self-regulation of mental health.- M., 2001

Steiner K. How to relieve stress. - M .: Progress-Univers, 1993.

Topic 10. Administrative and psychological consulting.

Option 16

1. Essence and tasks of management consulting

2. Psychological problems of managers and entrepreneurs

3. What group exercises are used in the process of socio-psychological counseling in the organization:

1) group discussion

2) role play

3) brainstorming

4) psychodiagnostic methods

When answering the first question, it should be noted what the content and objectives of management consulting are. It is important to point out that management consulting is focused on ensuring that the subordinate or the group as a whole achieves professional competence on their own, solving the problems they face and achieving the greatest realization of their abilities. Does the socio-psychological competence of the manager affect the level of management consulting. Indicate whether management consulting should be aimed at achieving goals only in business or also in interpersonal relationships, health, career, education.

When answering the second question, it is important to point out that psychological problems in managerial activity are due to the laws of power hierarchical relations of control and subordination. Name and characterize such personal deformations in the professional activities of a manager as: authoritarianism, demonstrativeness, reassessment of one's own experience, professional aggression, social hypocrisy, economy of strength, overcontrol. Analyze whether professional deformation essential component of professional experience.

The answer to the third question involves the analysis of the concept of "managerial - psychological counseling". Answer what tasks it solves and what are its functions.

Kochunas R. Fundamentals of psychological counseling.- M.: Academic Project, 1999.

Ekman P. Psychology of lies. - Kyiv: Logos, 1999.

Rogers K.R. A look at psychotherapy. The formation of man: Per. from English - M.: Progress, 1994.

Fomishin S.V., Chernov Yu.V. Management consulting. International experience. - Rostov-on-Don.: Phoenix, 2006.

Drucker P.F. Tasks of management in the 21st century: Per. from English: Uch. settlement - M.: Williams, 2002.

Option 17

1. Coaching as a type of management activity.

2. Key skills in coaching.

3. Compare the following types of communication barriers in managerial communication and their definitions:

1. Semantic.

2. Logical.

3. Substituting-distorting.

4. Phonetic misunderstanding.

5. Stylistic.

A. The communicator's reasoning is either too complicated or seems wrong to the recipient.

B. Different dialects, speech defects, incorrect grammatical structure.

B. Difference in systems of meanings (thesauri) of participants in communication.

D. Distortion of information when transmitted through several people.

D. Discrepancy between the communicator's speech style and the situation (psychological state) of communication.

When answering the first question, it is important to start by defining the concept of coaching as a process of learning and personal development of another person, in which the main emphasis is on the student achieving his goals on his own. What is the primary focus of coaching? Is coaching a type of management activity only in business? Should the coach be an expert in the area in which the client works. What is the difference between coaching management and coaching consulting.

When answering the second question, it should be noted that the key skills include: listening; active listening (summarizing, paraphrasing); communication cycle; asking questions; Feedback. Describe the listed skills. What is their role in the management consulting process.

The third question involves not only the answer to the test task, but also the characteristics of these types of communication barriers. Provide specific business examples that illustrate the consequences of communication errors.

Psychology of management: Lecture notes / Compiled by P.M. Kasyanik.- M.: AST, St. Petersburg: Owl, 2005.

Kochetkova A.I. Psychological foundations of modern personnel management. - M.: Zertsalo, 1999.

Whitmore J. Coaching new style management and personnel management. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001.

Personnel management of the organization (under the editorship of Kibanov A. Ya.) - M., 1997.


Tests in the discipline "Managerial psychology"

List of didactic units

In the discipline "Managerial psychology"

1. Management psychology, its subject and object.

2. The concept of personality, its structure.

3. Individual typological personality traits.

4.Motivation as a factor in personality management.

5. Management and leadership. Leader personality.

6. Leadership styles. Building relationships with partners.

7. Small group as a socio-psychological characteristic of the organization.

8. Phenomenology of the group.

9. Socio-psychological climate in the group.

10. Psychological aspects of human communication.

11. Management technologies.

12. Nature and social role of the conflict.


in the discipline "Managerial psychology"

1. 120 minutes are allotted to complete the task in the form of tests for the course "Managerial Psychology".

2. Tests include 80 tasks, which contain:

32 tasks, each of which requires "Find the right answer"

28 tasks, in each of which you need to "Find a match"

20 tests with tasks "Finish the sentence" and "Set the sequence"

1.Find the correct answer:

Management psychology is...

1. The science of the patterns of manifestation and development of the psyche

2. An industry that studies the patterns of human behavior in groups

3A branch that studies the psychological aspects of management.

2.Find a match:

A. The object of managerial psychology

B. The subject of management psychology

1. Mental processes

2. Collectives of people

3. Find a match

A Tasks of psychology

B. Principles of Psychology

1. Unity of consciousness and activity

2. Management of mental processes

3.Personal approach

4. Understanding the essence of mental phenomena

5. Development of the psyche and consciousness in activity

6. Determinism.

4. Find a match

A. Aristotle

B. Plato

1. The soul is material and consists of atoms

2. The soul represents three types of spiritual phenomena: reason, courage, will.

5.Continue the offer

Plato argued that the soul is represented by...

6. Find a match

A. Behaviorism

B. Psychoanalysis

B. Neo-Freudianism

D. Humanistic School

D. Cognitive school

1 TO. Jung, A. Adler

2.A. Maslow, K. Rogers

3.D. watson

4.Fr. Hyder, Newcomb

5.3. Freud

7. Determine the sequence in personality blocks

BUT. 1st part

B.2nd part

B.3 part

D.4th part

1. Stable features of mental processes

2. Socially determined personality traits

3.Knowledge and skills

4. Biologically determined personality traits.

8. Find the right answer

Individuality is...

1. Reasonable consciousness

2. A unique combination of mental characteristics

3. The ability to be in certain relationships with other people

9. Find a match

A. Ability

B. Makings

V. Talent

D. Genius

1.Anatomical and physiological predisposition

2.High degree of ability for a certain activity

4. Feelings

67. Find a match

A. Passion

B. Stress

B. Frustration

1. Mental state caused objectively or subjectively by insurmountable difficulties

2. Long-term stable intense state associated with some interest

3. Emotional state caused by unusual situations.

68. Find a match

A. Psyche

B. Consciousness

C. Self-awareness

1. The highest form of mental life

2. A person's awareness of himself as a person

3The ability of the brain to reflect the world around.

69. Find conformity

A. Attention

B. Memory

B. Imagination

1. The process of organizing the preservation of past experience

2. The process of creating new images and ideas

70. Find a match

A. Feeling

B. Perception

1. The process of reflection of objects and phenomena in general

2. Mental process of reflection of individual properties of objects and phenomena.

71. Finish the sentence

Methods of research in psychology are...

72. Determine the correct answer

Questionnaire is a method that consists in the fact that ....

1. The subject is given tasks and answers to them

2. Helps to determine the status of a person in a group

3. A written survey of a large number of subjects is carried out

73. Continue the offer

Sociometric research helps ...

74.Find the correct definition

A. Affect

B. Mood

1. Certain actions aimed at achieving consciously set goals

2. Mental state, colored by rapidly growing emotional stress

3. Weak in terms of strength of manifestation, the general emotional state, which is reflected in human behavior

75. Determine the correct answer

Depending on the specific activity, branches of psychology are distinguished ....


2. Comparative

3. Pedagogical


5. Sports psychology

76. Finish the sentence

Interviewing is a method of psychology in which ...

77. Finish the sentence.

Testing is a method of psychology in which ....

78. Indicate the sequence of the hierarchy of needs according to A. Maslow

1. Self-expression

2. Physiological needs


4. Need for respect

5. Need for safety and security

78. Find the right answer

1Appeal to the identity of the employee

2. Appeal to primary needs

3. Representation of complete freedom of action

79. Find the right answer

Democratic leadership style:

1. Appeal to the team

2. Appeal to psychological needs

3.Introduction of self-management

80. Find the right answer

Visual means of communication:

2.Gestures, facial expressions


4. Distance to the interlocutor

The key to answering tests in the discipline "Managerial psychology"

3.A-2, 4; B-1,3,5,6

6.A-3; B-5; IN 1; G-2; D-4.

7.A-2; B-3; IN 1; G-4.

9.A-3; B-1; IN 2; G-4

14.A-4; B-3; IN 1; G-2

17.A-3; B-4; IN 1; G-2

22.A-3; B-1; IN 2

23.A-1,3,5; B-2,4,6

26.A-4; B-2; IN 1; G-3

29.A-2; B-3; AT 4; G-1

31.A-2; B-1; AT 3;

32.A-2; B-4; B-1; G-5; D-3

34. rules of conduct relevant to a particular institution, activity, situation.

35 ... the interaction of people in their activities, the transfer of information and decision-making.

37.A-2.5; B-1,3,4,6

39….a scientifically established method in which a psychic phenomenon is studied in specially designed and controlled rooms.

40 .... in which the researcher systematically and systematically observes the actions and deeds of a person or a group of people and, based on their behavior and actions, draws a conclusion about the mental phenomena observed.

41….a person viewed as conscious. a rational being that has speech and the ability to work and is in certain relationships with other people.

42. Behaviorism, neobehaviorism, psychoanalysis or Freudianism, neo-Freudianism, cognitive and humanistic schools.

44…..processes through which a person learns the world around him. These include sensation, perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, speech.

45.A-2;.B-3; IN 1

46.A-1;B-3; IN 2

47.A-3; B-1; IN 2

48.A-3; B-1; IN 2

49.A-3.6; B-1,2,4,5,

51.A-3; B-1; IN 2

54.A-2.3; B-4; IN 1

55….to action with a specific focus

56.A-2.4; B-1,3,5

58. Motivation………to achieve personal and organizational goals

59. A-1,2,4; B-3.5

62. Need…..lack

63.A-2; B-3; IN 1

64 A-3; B-1; IN 2

65 A-4; B-3; IN 1; G-2

67.A-2; B-3; IN 1

68.A-3; B-1; IN 2

69.A-3; B-1; IN 2

71 .... ways of knowing the mental life of a person

73…..determine informal groups, an informal leader, the status of each member of the team.

74.A-2; B-3; IN 1

76 ... .. oral survey of a large number of subjects and based on their answers, the problem is identified and solved

Practical tasks

Analyze management situations in writing and answer the questions formulated after each of them.

Exercise 1.

Situation 1. You have recently been appointed Human Resources Manager. You still do not know the employees of the company well, the employees do not yet know you by sight. You go to a meeting with the CEO. You pass the smoking room and notice two employees who are smoking and talking animatedly about something. Returning from a meeting that lasted one hour, you again see the same employees in the smoking room talking.

What would you do in this situation? Explain your behavior.

Situation 2. You are the head of the department. The department is tense, deadlines are being missed. There are not enough employees. Going on a business trip, you accidentally meet your subordinate - a young woman who has been on sick leave for two weeks. But you find her in perfect health. She is looking forward to meeting someone at the airport.

What will you do in this case? Explain your behavior.

Situation 3. One employee complains to another about numerous and often repeated mistakes in her work. The second employee accepts the claims expressed as an insult. A conflict arose between them.


Situation 4. The head hired a specialist who should work for his deputy. Employment was not agreed with the deputy. The inability of the hired worker to perform his duties soon became apparent. Deputy memo reports this to the head ...

What would you do as a leader? Play out possible situations.

Situation 5. In response to the criticism from the subordinate, sounded at a business meeting, the boss began to find fault with him on trifles and increased control over his official activities.

What is the reason for the conflict? Define a conflict situation.

Task 2

Analyze the situations below and choose from the suggested answers the one that you think is the most appropriate for a particular situation.

Situation 1

Your immediate supervisor, bypassing you, gives an urgent task to your subordinate, who is already busy with another important task. You and your boss see your assignments as urgent.

Choose the most suitable solution for you.

A. Without disputing the tasks of the boss, I will strictly adhere to official subordination, I will suggest that the subordinate postpone the execution of the current work.

B. It all depends on how authoritative the boss is for me.

B. I will express my disagreement with the task of the boss to the subordinate, I will warn him that in the future in such cases I will cancel the tasks assigned to him without agreement with me.

D. In the interests of business, I will offer the subordinate to complete the work begun.

Situation 2

You received two urgent tasks at the same time: from your immediate supervisor and your superior. You do not have time to agree on the deadlines for completing tasks, you need to urgently start work.

Choose your preferred solution.

A. First of all, I will begin to fulfill the task of the one whom I respect the most.

B. First, I will do the most important task, in my opinion.

B. First, I will complete the task of the superior.

D. I will carry out the task of my immediate superior.

Situation 3

A conflict has arisen between your two subordinates that prevents them from working successfully. Each of them separately turned to you with a request that you sort it out and support his position.

Choose your variant of behavior in this situation.

A. I have to stop the conflict at work, and resolving conflict situations is their own business.

B. It is best to ask representatives of public organizations to sort out the conflict.

B. First of all, personally try to understand the motives of the conflict and find a way of reconciliation acceptable to both.

D. Find out which of the members of the team serves as an authority for those in conflict, and try to influence these people through it.

Situation 4

In the most stressful period of completion of the production assignment, an unseemly act was committed in the brigade, labor discipline was violated, as a result of which a marriage was allowed. The brigadier does not know the culprit, but he must be identified and punished.

What would you do if you were the foreman? Choose the solution that suits you.

A. I will leave the fact-finding on this incident until the completion of the production task.

B. Suspected of a misdemeanor I will call to myself, I will have a cool talk with everyone face to face, I will offer to name the culprit.

B. I will report what happened to those of the workers whom I trust the most, I will suggest that they find out the specific culprits and report back.

D. After the shift, I will hold a meeting of the brigade, publicly demand that the perpetrators be identified and punished.

Situation 5

You have the opportunity to choose your replacement. There are several candidates. Applicants are distinguished by the following qualities.

A. The first seeks, first of all, to establish friendly comradely relations in the team, to create an atmosphere of mutual trust and friendly disposition at work, prefers to avoid conflicts, which is not understood correctly by everyone.

B. The second often prefers, in the interests of business, to aggravate relations “regardless of persons”, and is distinguished by an increased sense of responsibility for the task assigned.

B. The third prefers to work strictly according to the rules, is always accurate in the performance of his duties, demanding of his subordinates.

D. The fourth is distinguished by assertiveness, personal interest in work, focused on achieving his goal, always strives to bring the matter to the end, does not attach much importance to possible complications in relationships with subordinates.

Situation 6

You are invited to choose a substitute. Candidates differ from each other in the following features of their relationship with their superiors.

A. The first one quickly agrees with the opinion or order of the boss, strives to clearly, unconditionally and on time to complete all his tasks.

B. The second can quickly agree with the opinion of the boss, carry out all his orders and tasks with interest and responsibility, but only if the boss is authoritative for him.

B. The third has rich professional experience and knowledge, good specialist, a skilled organizer, but sometimes not accommodating, difficult to contact.

D. The fourth is a very experienced and competent specialist, but he always strives for independence and independence in his work, he does not like being interfered with.

Situation 7

When you happen to communicate with employees or subordinates in an informal setting, what are you more inclined to do?

A. Carry on conversations related to your business and professional interests.

B. Set the tone for a conversation, clarify opinions on controversial issues, defend one's point of view, strive to convince others of something.

B. Share a common topic of conversation, do not impose your opinion, maintain a common point of view, strive not to stand out with your activity, but only listen to your interlocutors.

D. Strive not to talk about business and work, to be an intermediary in communication, to be at ease and attentive to others.