What is included in the concept of effective employment technology. The program of the course technology of employment. A Few Tips for Internet Search Strategy

  • 11.03.2020

The labor market is a special area where workers trade their own strengths, knowledge and skills. Such a market is not standard in the understanding of the layman. However, it functions successfully, allowing to satisfy the needs of all its participants. What is it, the labor market, the current state and problems of which remain at the stage of resolution?

In such a market, as well as in all others, its own laws operate - the law of supply and demand, and so-called prices are also formed. The price here is the salary of an employee, as well as the payment that may be offered to potential employers.

The more the applicant asks for the level of possible wages, the fewer potential employers can accept it (the law of demand). And the smaller wages offers the employer, the fewer employees are ready to start work (the law of supply). And only at the intersection of these two conditional lines allows you to determine the real labor market.

The labor market and its characteristics at the present stage draw attention to one important feature: the employer puts a potential employee on the acceptance of conditions that are obviously unfavorable for him, because otherwise he may be left without work at all.

What is the labor market in modern economic conditions

The modern market is a kind of disproportion that has already taken root, lack of motivation in the professional field, low pay. The minimum wage in the country is very small, much lower (up to several tens of times) than in developed countries near and far abroad. Today, there is practically no incentive for the professional development of employees and non-working specialists. Certain development criteria can be distinguished:

  • rising unemployment)
  • the emergence of migrants and refugees who are subject to employment)
  • inefficient use of the labor potential of employees - due to a decrease in production, the need to use the existing labor potential of employees in full disappears)
  • significantly lower unemployment benefit)
  • an increase in the growth of shadow employment of the population)
  • difficulty entering certain sectors: applicants with higher education are unable to access employment in certain sectors, such as the banking sector, due to monopolization, high wages and requirements)
  • real differences between the officially registered number of unemployed, as well as the total number of unemployed in general.

Unemployment is an unpleasant but necessary component

The modern labor market in any country determines the level of social status of the entire population. Its main component is unemployment. It is present in every country, but differs only in its level. The demand for workers can be regulated not by the level of the cost of their work, but by the direct volume of production. Therefore, the labor market is directly and very closely connected with the existing economy in the country, directly dependent on it.

Foreign experience should teach us that the correct and gradual development of the labor market and market relations necessarily provides for the alignment and effective protection of certain groups of the population.

The modern labor market and its requirements for a professional have been very clearly formed, and almost all employers have the same view on this. A valuable professional is a person who can meet certain criteria: first of all, that a person be a good specialist in his field. It should also be mobile and versatile.

Modern labor market and unemployment

Unemployment is a special situation in the presence of which a certain part of the working population cannot successfully find a job with the expected level of wages, or even find a job at all. It is known that it is simply impossible to achieve a balance of supply and demand. Due to the discrepancy between the declared demand and the proposed offer, this situation usually leads to different levels unemployment. Unemployment is mostly prevalent in certain circles, the most vulnerable of which are:

  • young women,
  • the youth,
  • national minorities,
  • persons who have left places of deprivation of liberty.

Three main components of unemployment can be conditionally defined:

  1. High level of existing wages. In the case of raising the level of wages above the average (for example, according to the requirements of trade unions), employers reduce the level of required offers to fill positions. This leads to unemployment. This phenomenon can only be combated by stabilizing the level of wages.
  2. A low level of demand is also a cause of unemployment. For example, when the level of demand for goods decreases, the level of demand for sales employees decreases.
  3. Imperfection and inflexibility of the market. It is believed that the emergence of unemployment is a derivative of the fact that many employers can not adjust at the right time to changes in sales.

To combat unemployment, efforts must be made to combat the factors that provoke unemployment. Among them are the most problematic:

  • The demographic situation in a particular region where the fight against unemployment is taking place. These are the birth and death rates, migration flows (both from the region and to the region), and the level of life expectancy.
  • The process of transferring ownership of enterprises from state to private through the conduct of a standard privatization procedure. In this case, a huge number of employees of such enterprises are presumably out of work.
  • Organizational and economic factors. This refers to the processes of changing any organizational and legal form, as well as mergers and acquisitions of various companies. In these situations, employees may be forced to change their actual place of work to other regions and vice versa. All of these movements affect fluctuations affecting the labor market.
  • technical factor. Taking into account the development scientific and technological progress today, as well as its development prospects in the future, many companies (especially manufacturing ones) no longer need certain categories of employees, which provokes global layoffs.

The labor market, its modern structure

The modern labor market in our country has the following structure:

  • Healthy competition. modern structure provides for the presence, in a mandatory version, of natural competition between employers and job seekers, as well as between representatives of the same group.
  • The mechanism of regulation of relations in the labor market at the state level.
  • Building a complete system social protection working population.

The subject composition of the modern labor market is very numerous. This includes employers themselves, already hired workers, unemployed persons, self-employed workers. All prospective members of the modern labor market, representing a group of job seekers, can be roughly divided into categories:

  • "Blue Collars". This category is represented by workers of factories and factories who perform exclusively physical work.
  • "White collars". This category is represented only by employees who use mental abilities and knowledge to perform work.
  • "Grey Collars" This category represents ordinary ordinary and auxiliary workers.

The main components in the labor market can be defined as a set of proposals that cover the entire labor force, as well as aggregate demand, which determines the overall need of the economy for hired labor.

Regulation of the labor market at the state level in our country

The state plays an important role in regulating the employment market. It has a great influence on some aspects that affect the formation of employment, both in individual industries and on a global scale. For example, the state can influence:

  • level of wages offered, working conditions,
  • providing additional benefits to individuals or categories of employees,
  • level of social security.

The state can actively fight unemployment by creating additional jobs, government agencies that control and fight unemployment, effective programs that make it possible to interest potential employers, etc. Often this includes government programs that allow employers to provide additional benefits in the employment of unemployed people with disabilities or specialists in certain professions, as well as to carry out the process of filling vacant positions and provide the unemployed with work.

State exchanges as a way to reduce the level of existing unemployment

The exchanges created by the state help to actively combat the existing level of unemployment in the country as a whole, as well as in its individual regions. The main focus of these organizations is that they must ensure the turnover of potential employees and provide them with employment. To achieve this goal, action plans are being developed aimed at changing the level of professional training, as well as changing the professional orientation of a potential applicant. Applicants are provided free courses professional development, training courses for certain specialties, etc. All this helps not only to gain additional knowledge, but also to find a job in a newly acquired profession.

Such institutions play an important role in the fight against unemployment, especially by increasing the social activity of the population, researching the labor market in the region and the country for the purpose of mobility job seekers citizens. They help to get other authorities to provide preferential lending programs for individual entrepreneurs with employees, improving service conditions, reducing the tax rate, as well as using and other types of incentives.

The special role of stock exchanges in the process of regulating market relations

Unfortunately, it should be noted that the work of the labor exchange can not have a very strong influence on the established labor market in the country. In our country, there is no obligation at the legislative level to fulfill the appointments of the exchange by entrepreneurs and enterprises. The latter try to independently determine the range of possible applicants through their own personnel departments. This allows you to make a choice in a fairly short time and make a decision on employment after communicating with a wide range of possible specialists. And applicants, in turn, in order to avoid the bureaucratic costs of communicating with exchanges, show a desire to communicate directly with potential employers.

Private recruiting companies

In addition to government agencies, there are private companies that recruit staff for a variety of enterprises. Such organizations also work for potential employers, satisfying their needs for specialists of various levels, and also help applicants for certain vacancies.

The work of such companies significantly affects the labor market. The current development trend helps to select personnel to fill a vacant position, as well as to select the necessary work for the candidate. The role of such companies in the regulation of the labor market is very large, since they actually show good performance in terms of employment and satisfaction of both parties. Since recruiting companies are private, their activities are entirely aimed at achieving a certain result, in this case, meeting the needs for employment.

Labor market regulation

Unfortunately, the established exchanges cannot fully fulfill the role of a labor market regulator. The issue of getting a job continues to be at a critical level. In an unstable economy, many institutions and organizations either stop working for a while or become bankrupt. Accordingly, all employees who worked at such enterprises remain without work. Naturally, not all of them can get a job with the help of stock exchanges, many will remain registered (especially if they are near retirement age or there is no corresponding profession). Also, the influx of unemployed occurs at the end of the academic year, since there are many universities and specialized schools, and it is not possible to provide all graduates with work, at least immediately.

These problems have always been known, but little attention has been paid to them. It is only recently that sufficient attention has been paid to solving these problems. The position regarding the labor market has changed, it is now possible to fill vacant vacancies after attending monthly job fairs, as well as other similar events.

Definitely, it is simply impossible not to accept the role of stock exchanges in regulating the labor market. As already noted, exchanges are engaged in reprofiling, retraining, training of potential employees, and also really help citizens in finding employment. In addition, it is of particular importance that the exchanges are collecting data on the number of unemployed already employed, determining the list of professions in demand, which helps to compile statistics and an action plan aimed at combating unemployment.

But no matter what the exchange does, it does not solve the main problem. A person who has lost his job, having come to the stock exchange and received an offer to acquire a new specialty, naturally agrees. But the labor market will give preference to potential employees whose age is up to 45, there is a certain work experience in the required profession. And real job seekers who are looking for work through the stock exchange do not have experience in a new profession, and their age is often near the boundary or even higher. The same happens with young people, who, during the period of reprofiling, may lose a real opportunity to find a job, due to the occupation of a vacant position by another specialist. That is, the issue of retraining cannot solve the problem of employment.

Since there is still a lot of time before the problem is completely eliminated, effective intermediate solutions can be taken. Although they do not solve the problem as a whole, they will not be superfluous at all:

  • increase in the minimum and maximum amount of benefits received by the unemployed)
  • focusing efforts on employment of the young population of the country)
  • the application of efforts for a real search for jobs for the unemployed population.

In today's conditions, the mobility of potential applicants plays a huge role in stabilizing and improving the economy in the country, as well as economic processes. That is, the ability of an employee, as well as members of his family, to change his place of residence from region to region, if necessary. It is this feature that can lead to an increase in productivity and efficiency of the economy as a whole.

Solving problems in the labor market

In the formation of market relations, the most important sphere of the economy is always affected - the employment of labor resources. With the right economic policy, the unemployment rate should not be higher than 5%, this is the ideal ratio. Today it is possible to achieve such a situation in our country. However, there are a number of factors that block the way to achieve this goal, namely:

  • The existing labor market is not balanced. There are a large number of vacancies posted by various companies, and there are a large number of unemployed people whose skill, training and work experience do not allow them to take advantage of the vacancies offered.
  • Existing restrictions, including legal ones, that reduce the real opportunities for mobility of the able-bodied population (the existing institution of registration and propiska significantly ties a person to a specific location).
  • Lack of affordable housing, which reduces mobility good specialists to other regions.
  • The level of labor productivity, in relation to other countries, remains at very low levels.
  • monopolized economy. This successfully and for a long time allows employers to dictate their working conditions and the level of remuneration for work, and the employee has no choice but to accept clearly unfavorable conditions.

By eliminating all existing problems, it is possible to achieve good performance in the labor market, in the economy, and in market relations. As it has already become clear, market relations and the economy as a whole are very dependent on the labor market. And it remains to be hoped that it will not be long before the labor market will be absolutely objective and will allow employers and employees to fight on an equal footing to satisfy their needs for employment.

  • Recruitment and selection, Labor market


1 -1

Labor market

Economy: Labor market - certain commodity-money relations, which are regulated by supply and demand for labor.

Sociology: Processes in the labor market are seen as social processes which are regulated not only by economic laws, but also by certain norms, attitudes, as well as the laws of social mobility of the population.

Economists talk about labor as a commodity, while sociologists often use the concept of the labor potential of an employee.

Components of the employee's labor potential:

1) Psychophysiological (performance, endurance, abilities).

2) General psychological (learning ability, creative abilities),

3) Socio-psychological (discipline, accuracy, enterprise, ability to lead).

4) Cultural (education, qualifications, general culture).

5) Value (values, attitudes, needs).

Based on the theory human capital: individuals who invest their efforts, money in education, the development of personal qualities, properties, have greater opportunities in the labor market - this increases their value in the labor market.

Differences between workers by position in the labor market appeared in a theory that distinguishes segments of the labor market:

· Primary segment. Includes employees who high salary, good working conditions, high level of social protection, high role of trade unions.

secondary segment. opposite characteristics.

This theory originated in the 1960s. (the emergence of a two-stage structure: trade unions and employers; USA). The secondary segment included: racial - colored, women, students. In Russia, the secondary segment includes: youth, women, illiterates.

Sociologists distinguish in the labor market:

1. Core - employees who work constantly, stably, full time.

2. Periphery (inequality of labor potential).

There are also people who are looking for work. They are either unemployed, or they have a job, but it does not suit them. A job seeker is a person who is looking for a job.

Employment channels - the means by which a job search is carried out:

1) personal contacts;

a. direct assistance (protection). More often it is provided by close relatives.

b. Providing information about the workplace (the applicant does not directly refer to anyone, but he has information that cannot be obtained from official sources). Source info friends, acquaintances.

c. Professional relations device (highly skilled workers)

2) independent employment;

a. direct appeal to the personnel department (unskilled labor force).

b. participation in competitions.

3) formal channels;

a. public employment services (they are engaged in unskilled labor, women are applicants, people of retirement age with insufficient labor potential, often they have unverified information, ineffective).

b. non-governmental organizations for employment (more often engaged in highly qualified workers).

Unemployment is an economic phenomenon when the ratio of supply and demand for labor is not beneficial for workers. Potential unemployment in labor organizations performs a stimulating function (fear of losing a job). The stimulating function can turn into a manipulative one: subjectivity in making personnel decisions (employment may be based not on the personal qualities of the employee, but on other qualities).

Sociologists view the labor market as social institution and social networks. The labor market as a social institution. The fact is fixed that the labor contract is just the starting point in a long-term interaction between the employer and the employee, i.e. there is a re-negotiation of the terms of the labor contract. Sociologists can empirically explore the very process of finding a job. There are 2 indicators of market exchange:

1) choosing from several options when looking for a job;

2) trading;

A few years ago, a study was conducted in Russia - the choice of several meeting options in Russia is rare. Formal intermediaries do not contribute to the harmonization of salaries and do not affect the quality of selection. Personal connections are the most common way to get a job. Dense social networks suppress market exchange (human contact with many people who know each other). Workers included in dense social networks, especially related ones, do not choose anything. Labor contract is not clearly defined. The labor market can be viewed as a social network. In the first place in Russia - personal connections.

There are 2 types of labor mobility:

1. Internal labor mobility - involves advanced training of personnel within the enterprise.

2. External labor mobility - the most qualified personnel are recruited from outside.

The mechanisms of internal mobility are associated with the improvement of the skill structure of the labor force, and the mechanisms of external labor mobility are associated with an improvement in the distribution and use of the labor force.

Employment technology

You probably know that employers are reluctant to accept inexperienced graduates. In order to interest the employer, you will have to show seriousness and efficiency, demonstrate your best sides: for example, energy, accuracy, punctuality, diligence, responsibility, creativity.


Inexperience, incontinence, frivolity. In addition, young people often look insecure or extravagant, and employers do not welcome extremes.

Quality plus

Your biggest plus is youth: enthusiasm, desire to work in your favorite profession, ease of learning new things, the absence of bad professional habits, age-related diseases. Tell all this to the employer, emphasize the dignity of youth!

Your tasks:

  • to find vacancy(through the media, acquaintances, employment service, etc.);
  • immediately declare yourself (vacancies quickly become obsolete), by calling on the phone, get an interview;
  • Convince an employer or HR professional that you are the right person.

To be persuasive, you need:

  • write a personal resume;
  • learn how to speak with a potential employer on the phone politely and briefly;
  • rehearse your visit to HR.

You may not need to convince anyone, and a person with your specialty is ready to be taken without talking and immediately (then why are you reading this?). However, it is better to be prepared and have insurance in the form of a resume and rehearsed communication skills with personnel officers.

Summary. The goal is to interest the employer, to attract his attention. Some people think that only people with experience or university graduates need a resume - this is not true! Even if you have no work experience and you don't aim for leadership position, it is better to have a resume - this is your advertisement, your engine in the labor market. A resume is not a biography, but brief information about your professional and personal qualities, education and abilities. In the summary, you can note all your achievements (good studies, study practice, sports, other acquired professional skills) and personal merits (describe yourself good). Naturally, the replicated resume should be without errors, printed on a standard sheet, a documentary photograph in the upper left corner will not be superfluous. Several copies of your resume will help you to be always ready for possible meetings with employers. Having a competent resume, you can independently take it (or send it by mail, e-mail) to those organizations where you would like to work. Often such an initiative is rewarded.

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Stages of employment

One of the directions for reforming the system that regulates the flow of labor

strength and condition of the labor market, is the formation of a network of specialized

organizations designed to optimize the process of employment and employees

intermediaries between employers and employees. On the one hand, this

the state represented by the state employment service, on the other hand, commercial recruitment agencies on employment and recruitment, as well as announcements. And, finally, independent employment, when employment occurs without an intermediary, that is, contacting the employer directly or creating your own workplace.

Technology of effective employment for a graduate educational institution includes three main steps:

Determination of the widest possible range of vacancies,

Presenting information about yourself to the employer, negotiating,

Fixing in a new job.

You must realize and accept the general idea: the labor market, like any other market, involves the presence of a seller and a buyer. While looking for a job, you act as a seller of your labor force, knowledge, qualifications, experience, and energy. No one owes you anything, including the provision of work. This is a rather difficult period in life, associated with stress, anxiety and self-doubt that appears from somewhere. The profession "employment specialist" is not taught in any university.

There is only one conclusion: “Do you want to be guaranteed a job? Make her search your second profession!”

It is necessary to think about getting a job even from the student's bench, it is possible to combine study with work, which is especially effective. When writing term papers and theses, when choosing the leaders of these works, consider the factor of future employment. During undergraduate practice try to get a letter of recommendation from the company or a letter of guarantee about employment at this particular company.

Consider the main ways of finding a job by a graduate of an educational institution:

1. Contacting the Career Development Center. The Center informs applicants about official vacancies for students and alumni through the mailing list, at information stands, on the website of the Career Development Center of the National Research University Higher School of Economics-Perm., in groups and communities of the CRC in social networks.

2. Search through friends and colleagues. This is one of the most reliable and traditional ways to find a job in Russia. A loved one with job opportunities will help you faster than all other ways combined. Acquaintances and colleagues who continue to work often know in advance about vacancies that are just about to open in their company.

3. Job search in the media. The media and their websites are also a good source of information when looking for a job. Most of them have online versions, where editorials on career topics and recent vacancies are posted. A number of central newspapers and magazines (Vedomosti, Finans, Expert, The Moscow Times, SmartMoney) on certain days publish vacancies for middle and top managers, as well as for young professionals. These business media are also important sources of information about companies and their corporate culture. Internet versions of www.vedomosti.ru, www.sfonline.ru, www.expert.ru, www.kommersant.ru, www.smoney.ru, www.finansmag.ru can tell a lot about your potential employers.

4. Search through Internet sources. If all of the above job search methods don't work, or if you just prefer being independent and new technologies, use the Internet to search for a job. Universal "work" sites are Rabota.mail.ru, Superjob.ru, Hh.ru, Job.ru, Joblist.ru. Here you will find a lot of various current vacancies, get the opportunity to create your resume and respond to interesting positions, as well as subscribe to mailing lists of vacancies you are interested in. Be careful when working with paid employment sites if you find them on the Web - they are often unreliable. There are special sites for job search by young professionals (students and graduates aged 17 to 25): www.egraduate.ru, www.futuretoday.ru

5. Sites for finding remote and freelance work are www.free-lance.ru, www.weblancer.net, www.kadrof.ru, www.vakant.ru.

This kind labor relations is now actively developing, tk. has a big plus for employers: a freelancer does not need space in the office and workplace equipment, social benefits and bonuses, no taxes have to be paid, the contract has ended - goodbye. But a remote employee freely manages his time, doing work when and where it is more convenient for him. By the way, if you have time and you need freelance work, you should start a personal website or web page with your portfolio and detailed information about your work experience. Just make it easy to find it through search engines.

6. Direct appeal to a potential employer. A direct appeal to a potential employer is one of the reliable sources of information about vacant professions and a relatively effective way to find employment, since some of the undeclared vacancies are filled at the request of citizens looking for a job. Even if you know the company of your dreams, it never hurts to look at its direct competitors - it is possible that they offer working conditions and opportunities for professional development just as good. Or maybe you have completely lost sight of the main market players. In order to compile a list of companies of interest to you, use industry ratings (both national and international - perhaps the company is just starting to enter the Russian market and has not yet been included in the national ratings) and ratings of employer companies. First of all, pay attention to companies that are growing dynamically, and not just market leaders, since it is in such companies that more new positions are opened.

Make a list of companies you want to work for, go to their HR department and ask if they have any open positions in your profile. Not every company is actively looking for people - often the earth is full of rumors about successful organizations, and the right people come to them by gravity. Good employers get used to this flow and are open to it. In addition, employers on their portals post information about the days open doors, exhibitions, presentations and other events designed to attract future staff, and often publish their latest vacancies that are not available on public sites. There you can also find addresses to send resumes. Many Western and Russian companies devote separate pages on their websites to career issues. Here you can find vacancies for experienced and novice specialists, information about internships and working conditions in the company, and on the forum you can ask a question to the HR manager or fill out a questionnaire. These opportunities are very useful for professionals who have a clear idea of ​​where they would like to work.

After sending your resume to the company, be sure to call back and make sure that the letter has been received. Sometimes it is difficult to get through, because the number of responses to the "appetizing"

the vacancy can be several hundred. However, sometimes a good call leads to a meeting, even with such competition.

What opportunities do students or graduates have in the labor market?

temporary positions. These are the positions that companies will always be willing to take.

There is a fairly high turnover of staff, because a student, having worked in such positions, quickly grows out of them and moves to other positions. However, these vacancies are quite convenient for students who are still studying in a busy schedule and, accordingly, cannot work full-time in more serious positions.

Usually, you can get such positions by attending job fairs, presentations of employer companies and career days, where you can talk with representatives of companies you are interested in, make useful contacts and find out hot information, as well as offer your ideas and services.

Job fairs are mainly focused on the selection of middle and lower-level personnel. They are most effective for finding a first job for beginners, including university graduates. Here young people can not only find open vacancies, but also to personally communicate with HR managers and learn first-hand information.

–  –  –

The creators of Vizualize decided to do away with boring lists of past jobs and descriptions of the qualities of candidates. To do this, they created a website that allows you to turn a resume into a bright, entertaining and unique infographic. All you need to create it is a LinkedIn profile, which automatically transforms into an infographic according to the selected template. In addition to LinkedIn, information can be imported from Twitter, Facebook, and even Foursquare. The service has several competitors that work on the same principle, for example, Vizify, Re, Kinzaa. They differ from each other mainly in design styles. At Kinzaa it is rather restrained and clumsy, at Re it is strict and graphic, at Vizify it is made in the form of detailed visual instructions.

2. Pathbrite The creators of Pathbrite primarily focused on people who are looking for a job for the first time in their lives, that is, students. Usually a resume implies a listing of places of previous work - it is not clear what to do for those who have no experience at all, but have the necessary qualifications. The service allows you to talk about your skills in the form of a constantly updated collage.

The personal page on Pathbrite is a visual history of the acquisition of knowledge and experience, fixing the personal achievements of the applicant. On it, you can publish certificates of completion of online courses, photos, videos, essays, examples of student work - everything that allows you to get an idea of ​​​​the features and creative potential of the applicant. Of course, the possibilities of the service go beyond the student audience.

The Pathbrite page can be a great addition to a standard resume, replacing the boring enumeration of a candidate's personal qualities:

initiative, ability to work in a team, ambition.

3. ResumUP Development of St. Petersburg startups. The service, firstly, has the functionality of Vizualize, that is, it makes it possible to create a summary in the form of infographics. But unlike Vizualize, it allows you to save the resulting summary in PDF format, and secondly, it makes it possible to build a graph career development. To do this, you need to tell the service what position the applicant occupies now and what he aspires to in the future. The service itself fills in the necessary intermediate stages and offers currently available vacancies. Jobs are added either directly from employers or through an aggregator-parser from the Careerjet website. Third, ResumUP helps you find people who might be helpful along the way. This is due to the analysis of the user's contacts on Facebook and LinkedIn.

4. Zerply Zerply is social network for professionals, designed to replace the obsolete LinkedIn. On the site of the service, you can create a page with an online resume and find other people working in your field. You can import a profile base from Facebook and LinkedIn or fill it out yourself. Then you need to choose the design template you like, and Zerply will do the rest of the work for you.

5. CVmaker Online resumes, infographics and new professional social networks are nice additions to the classic resume format, which is still a must-have on hand just in case. Good examples for such resumes can be found in the Google Template Library. But it is even more convenient to use a service that itself embeds information about education, jobs and skills into the selected template.

For example, the CVmaker website has six free classic templates. Everything here is strict, traditional and minimalistic. And most importantly, there is an adaptation for the Russian language. The summary is available for saving in three formats: PDF, HTML and txt. If you like the very principle of the service, but don't like the templates themselves, you can experiment with its analogues - Jobspice and Spongresume.

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The article is devoted to the study of the use of information technologies in the labor market of persons with limited labor opportunities.

The emergence of new information technologies has led to the emergence of innovative forms of employment that can be successfully used by people with limited working opportunities. Employment virtualization contributes to the implementation of a complex of societal functions from ensuring the availability of social and labor practices, increasing the efficiency of employees and freelancers to mitigating social discrimination and social inequality. Prospects for the application of new forms of employment using information technology in the labor market of specific labor resources is one of the conditions for the genesis of modernization processes in Russian society.

Key words: information technology, labor resources, specific labor resource, labor market, remote employment.

One of the global trends in the development of society is the development and widespread use of information technology (IT) in all areas of human activity. The use of IT is of great importance for improving the standard of living of citizens and the competitiveness of the national economy, expanding the possibilities of its integration into the world economic system.

For any field of activity, the use of IT is the key to ensuring sustainable competitive advantage. The effectiveness of automation, first of all, depends on how widely and deeply it covers the activities of the enterprise. Information technologies are used both in solving large-scale problems, in managing labor resources, and in managing labor resources that have limitations.

The market mechanism does not respond to the restrictions associated with the deterioration of the health of the individual. In addition, the market mechanism is very far from ideal and does not ensure stable economic growth, cannot always prevent and overcome excessive differentiation in the level of income of individuals and in the standard of living of the population of entire regions, and is not at all focused on the interests of non-competitive representatives of society.

The labor market of resources with health limitations appears to be part of the general labor market, having certain specifics. This specificity is primarily manifested in reduced competitiveness, which is reflected in the employment subsystems:

Limited health condition;

Relatively lower educational, professional and qualification level;

Fewer opportunities to improve one's professional and qualification level or change one's profession;

Low labor and territorial mobility;

The need for a significant part of the disabled in special jobs and light or specially created working conditions.

These factors of reduced competitiveness of resources with limited employment opportunities have an impact on the fact that employers have no interest in employing people with disabilities. A study of modern economic literature has shown that about half of the persons annually recognized as disabled are of working age. Employment of people with disabilities is a complex problem that requires an integrated approach to solving all emerging problems. This process requires extensive work with both disabled people who

must be competitive, educated, and with employers who do not have experience dealing with people with disabilities and do not perceive them as potential employees.

When employing disabled people, their ability to vocational training, fulfillment labor activity. Today, even those disabled people who were previously considered disabled receive recommendations for work. But at the same time, it is stipulated that they can be employed in those types of activities and under those working conditions that are adequate to the capabilities of their body. It should be noted that this is a kind of revolution, because there are still stereotypes about people with disabilities. At present, there are still many barriers to the employment of people with disabilities - this is the physical inaccessibility of many enterprises and the lack of information on creating special conditions in the workplace; people with disabilities still receive the minimum wage and do not really work (this is especially true for regions where laws on job quotas have been adopted); there is practically no available transport; stereotyped attitude of employers to the opportunities of disabled people.

At the present stage, the effectiveness of business management cannot be imagined without the use of information technology. A large number of publications are devoted to these problems. These works were initiated by L. V. Kantorovich, V. M. Glushkov, and others. It should be noted that even now these works have not lost their significance. Generalization of domestic experience at the first stage of development of automated control systems is presented in the work of Yu. I. Shendler, in the work of a team of authors. In the last decade, the application of information technology has undergone major changes, which not only brought significant benefits, but also required much more serious attention to the management of specific labor resources.

The efficient use of limited labor resources is a problem facing the country in a market economy. This allows us to say that the use of all labor resources, including resources with restrictions on labor activity, is one of the main factors in the effectiveness of their use, which causes the creation of innovative approaches in this area, and the problem of optimizing the management of labor

resources of disabled people has become the most important national economic task, and the main positions are based on modern approaches using IT, which contributes to their more rational use and development.

The problem of effective management of people - the labor resources of the organization, as well as the importance of man in the production process remains one of the most relevant in the history of the development of human society. Undoubtedly, the management of human resources is the most important aspect of the theory and practice of management. Managers will always be concerned about the quality of human resources.

In the social sciences, stratification is both social and economic. Its main is the stratification of society. Differences between individuals and their groups, inequality of access to resources are consolidated in the process of functioning of society. As a result, some structure appears and the possibility of stratification appears. It is no coincidence that scientists pay much attention to the division of society into classes, layers, strata, groups, categories. If there is a hierarchy in the differentiation of groups, it becomes possible to show the structure of society, the location of various social strata in it "in an extremely simplified form, like layers in a cut of rocks" .

For human society, unequal access to resources and rewards is a fundamental fact that translates into socio-economic inequality between groups of people. On the one hand, as a result of the development of society, social inequality is acquiring more and more complex and diverse forms, as a result of which social structure society. It is a collection of interconnected and interacting social groups, differing in their place in the social division of labor, available resources, social status, as well as values, needs, interests, behavioral strategies, way of life and lifestyle”, as a result of this, social stratification arises.

On the other hand, resources and benefits in economic stratification fix a person in a certain group, which, according to V. V. Radayev, occurs using a number of criteria:

The amount of income received;

Achieved standard of living;

The extent of accumulated personal property;

The scale of controlled production capital.

In economic stratification, an important role in economic life is played by:

Social and professional status (level of education and qualifications, official position and position in the labor market).

Labor status (conditions and content of labor, the degree of its autonomy);

In modern studies, there are statements “that the allocation of specific groups of labor resources is mainly associated with the limitations characteristic of various categories» .

Timely, high-quality, accurate and objective information is necessary not only in the process of managing specific labor resources, but also in managing the enterprise as a whole.

The most important reason hindering the intensification of the use of computer technologies is the lack of methodology and tools for designing programs and theoretical foundations, and in particular, the corresponding conceptual approaches to the structuring of information and information models, as well as methodological support for the algorithmization of problem solving.

The use of information technologies in recent years in the field of resource management with limited labor opportunities is associated with the desire of organizations to comply with world standards, in which great attention is given to the information technology aspect.

Increasing the efficiency of using the labor resources of disabled people is determined not only by the composition and structure of information, but also by its quality, since this necessary condition for making management decisions regarding this type of resource. Automation of information processes in modern conditions development of society offers the manager a powerful toolkit that helps to solve the problems of managing labor resources at a newer and higher quality level.

Given the relevance of studying information technology in the management of specific labor resources, it becomes necessary to consider this concept, as well as various variations - "information and computer technology", "computer information

tional technologies”, “automated information technologies”, etc.

Modern authors pay great attention to the study of information technology, but there are many definitions of IT, but it should be noted that the line that is in contact with the problem of limited labor opportunities is not covered. This interaction could solve the problems of people with physical limitations and "non-mobile" people, which has been repeatedly proven by scientists.

Here are the most famous definitions of IT in the order of their appearance.

Under IT, academician V. M. Glushkov means a paperless data processing process on a computer, which not only does not use intermediate data carriers, but also sharply reduces the amount of data recording on ordinary documents.

The American scientist J. Martin understands by IT (new IT - NIT) first of all the opportunity for a non-programming user to design a system and create programs himself (without intermediaries). At the same time, the productivity of designers increases by more than a hundred times. This possibility is achieved through the use of knowledge bases and other intellectual tools, primarily developed programming languages ​​oriented to a non-programming user (creating the so-called "friendly" software).

Following international legal standards, each state, in accordance with national conditions, practices and capabilities, develops, implements and periodically reviews a national policy in the field of employment and vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, including ensuring that persons with disabilities have the opportunity to obtain, maintain suitable work and advancement. Special positive measures designed to ensure genuine equality of treatment and opportunity for persons with disabilities and other workers should not be considered discriminatory against other workers. Measures are recommended to create employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in the free labor market, including financial incentives for entrepreneurs to encourage their activities in organizing vocational training and subsequent employment of persons with disabilities, reasonable adaptation of workplaces, labor operations, tools,

and labor organization to facilitate such training and employment for persons with disabilities, and to assist the government in setting up specialized enterprises for persons with disabilities who do not have a real opportunity to get a job in non-specialized organizations. This can improve the employment situation of disabled people working in them and, if possible, prepare them for work in normal conditions, and with the advent of new information technologies, innovative forms of employment appear that can be successfully used by people with limited labor opportunities.

Experts identify three main reasons for the high level of unemployment among people with disabilities, namely:

Social prejudice about the lower productivity of people with disabilities, leading to employers being reluctant to hire people with disabilities;

Physical inaccessibility and technical unsuitability for the disabled of most jobs in the open labor market;

Lower level of general education and lack or lack of professional training of disabled people in accordance with the requirements of employers.

At the same time, employment opportunities and the effectiveness of job search depend on factors such as the age of the disabled person and the age at which disability occurred, the type of disability (obvious and non-obvious impairments, the nature of the limitations - hearing impairment, vision impairment, mental illness, etc.), the level of education, existing skills, special knowledge and ability to retrain, the ability of the family to support a disabled person, etc.

The policy of social inclusion considers economic self-sufficiency in terms of the ability of an individual to influence and manage economic resources, as well as to cope with risks and uncertainty. On this basis, the goal of the new employment policy for persons with disabilities is their integration into the open labor market, with the participation of persons with disabilities themselves as partners in policy making and in the development process.

The achievement of this goal is hampered by such factors as the inaccessibility of the place of work and the unsettledness of jobs. The solution to this problem will help to move away from traditional levers, such as quotas and payments for non-fulfillment of quotas, to the search for innovative forms of employment. Policy aimed at the introduction of new technologies

and modern equipment, reducing hard, hazardous and physical labor, improving the working conditions of workers, can increase the prospects for employment of people with disabilities.

Remote work can involve all people in the process of employment, regardless of the degree of limitation of labor opportunities. Modern information technologies allow disabled people with various diseases to participate in labor relations, and they only need a desire to work.

J. Cook notes: “The information-electronic society predetermines the potential flexibility Everyday life, labor of modern man". These features must be taken into account when developing and implementing programs to promote employment for people with disabilities. The modern development of IT allows today to create jobs in a large number of specialties in almost all places where there is access to the Internet or any suitable modern communication resources. Having the necessary knowledge, a person with disabilities can organize his own business ( individual entrepreneurship) to work on the Internet or join organizations that carry out their activities remotely via the Internet. Among the options remote work- online consultations on legal, economic and other issues, online sales, translations and so on.

There is a situation of gradual replacement of “real, real” employment practices and mechanisms with virtual analogues. D. Ivanov means by virtualization any replacement of reality with its simulation, in an image, not necessarily with the help of computer technology, but necessarily with the application of logic virtual reality. This directly affects the specifics of social interactions, which become more flexible, transboundary and more saturated both in content and visual terms.

The Internet space is currently mastered by absolutely all categories of the population from children to pensioners, which is due both to its relative accessibility, information richness, visual appeal, and the possibility of implementing quite real social interactions, building sustainable communication links.

The post-industrial society expands the "field" of human employment and makes its boundaries "transparent". Distance employment is becoming transnational, potentially globalized. The spread of new forms of professional activity, types of its implementation is essentially the main trend in the development of social and labor relations since the 1980s. The specific forms of this innovativeness in employment depend on the factors that determine them. Thus, the transition to an information-digital society, which continues to take shape at the intersection of changes in communication technologies and in the motivation of people's labor behavior, causes significant transformations in labor relations, namely, the emergence of "remote relations" between the employer and his employees, which are part of the decentralization process. labor activity in time and space, that is, the process of forming a polymorphic, flexible, virtual labor market.

In modern Russian literature, there is no understanding of the concept of remote employment, which confirms the lack of a clear definition of this concept. In modern sources, there are various terms: remote work, work at a distance, telework, electronic homework, freelance. Researchers of this problem present dozens of interpretations of the phenomenon of “remote employment”, the meaning of which is popularized only as a kind of “home office” or even as a pseudo activity (for example, Kolosova R., Vasilyuk T., Merkulov M., Motsnaya O). The concept of “remote work” is defined as the execution official duties not on the premises of the company, but where the employee will perform them: at home, in another city, and even in another country. In Russian literature, the English term “teleworking” is translated as telework, when employees work at home, that is, they perform “remote work”. Remote work (synonyms: remote work, telework; variety: freelancing) is understood as a way of cooperation in which the employer and the employee (or the customer and the contractor) are at a distance from each other, transmitting and receiving the terms of reference, the results of work and payment with the help of modern means of communication. At the same time, there is no definition of remote employment in Russian legislation. In our opinion, remote employment is a special form of labor organization, the process of performing work

activities outside the traditional workplace in order to meet individual, social and societal needs, generate income using information and digital means of communication (for example, fax, IP-telephony, the Internet).

Russian freelance exchanges have already existed on the Russian labor market for several years, a number of companies create a remote mode of professional activity for their employees. In order to reduce unemployment among people with disabilities and improve their position in the labor market, they could be offered remote work places.

The newspaper Izvestia dated 15.02.2011 published an article in which D.A. would work like that." At the same time, this type of employment has already taken its special niche.

It is impossible not to note the advantages of such employment for people with disabilities, such as: free schedule, the ability to work from home, lack of adaptation in the workforce, optional compliance with the labor specialty, and many others. Despite the advantages, while remote social and labor practices, in most cases, are implemented sporadically (as a part-time job), they allow you to get an additional source of income, the opportunity to realize yourself, and increase individual competitiveness in the domestic and foreign labor markets. In general, the specifics of the organization of remote social and labor relations fit into the value ideas about the employment of the Russian population.

Distance employment today organically fits into the structure of global trends in the world of work. In fact, labor has become a global resource, because thanks to the Internet, labor crosses national borders (transboundary, transcendent trend). Undoubtedly, this can be used by resources with labor limitations.

For Russia and third world countries today, a person who has an information-digital communicative resource for remote work can be perceived by those who do not have it as "possessing value." Accordingly, the social status of the virtual worker increases. If we aim for the semi-

relatively high income, then they must make certain efforts to master the body of knowledge, professional skills and skills that are in demand in the virtual space, as well as which can be implemented remotely in a commercial way. As a result, remote work increases the degree of social mobility of a person, helps to equalize his life chances, and alleviates social inequality.

Thus, the analysis of the phenomenon of remote work in the context of the employment of people with disabilities allows us to consider it as an innovation for the Russian society. The expansion of the space of social and labor relations on the basis of distance contributes to the development of innovative trends in the employment of people with disabilities. Employment virtualization contributes to the implementation of a complex of societal functions from ensuring the availability of social and labor practices, increasing the efficiency of employees and freelancers, to mitigating social discrimination and social inequality. Remote work as a new form of employment for the disabled is one of the conditions for the genesis of modernization processes in Russian society.


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A.V. Gladysheva, O. N. Gorbunova

Article is devoted to studying of application of information technologies at labor market of the persons having restrictions of labor opportunities.

Emergence of new information technologies gave for itself the emergence of innovative forms of employment which with success can be used by people with limited labor opportunities. Virtualization of employment promotes realization of a complex of societal functions from ensuring of availability of social and labor practices, increase of efficiency of activity of hired workers and freelancers, before mitigation of social discrimination and social inequality. Prospects of application of new forms of employment with use of information technologies at the labor market of a specific manpower acts as one of the conditions of genesis of modernization processes in the Russian society.

Key words: information technologies, manpower, specific labor resource, labor market, remote employment.