An example of a PPR schedule for electrical equipment. Scheduled preventive maintenance of electrical equipment. PPR equipment system

  • 20.05.2020


5.1. The repair documentation of this Handbook is maximally unified with the documentation of the industry-specific "Systems for the maintenance and repair of power equipment". It is planned to maintain the following forms of repair documentation (forms 1-19):

a shift log of identified defects and work to eliminate them; repair log; list of defects; cost estimate;

certificate of delivery for major repairs;

an act for issuance from a major overhaul;

annual schedule of preventive maintenance;

monthly plan-schedule-report PPR or monthly repair report;

statement of annual costs for repairs;

an act to change the calendar period of repair;

shutdown schedule;

log of installation and removal of plugs;

act of acceptance of works after stop repair;

power equipment passport;

nomenclature of the main equipment of the workshop;

nomenclature of auxiliary equipment;

work permit for repair work;

production license earthworks within the territory of.

5.2. Changes and additions to the previously existing forms of repair documentation were made based on the results of approbation of the “Unified Regulation on Scheduled Preventive Repairs of Equipment industrial enterprises Russia” (Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Science of Russia dated May 29, 2003, 05.900 114–108).

5.3. The main document by which equipment is repaired is the annual repair schedule (form 7), on the basis of which the need for repair personnel, materials, spare parts, and purchased components is determined. It includes each piece of equipment subject to overhaul. The basis for drawing up the annual schedule is the standards for the frequency of equipment repairs given in this Handbook.

5.4. In order to link the terms of repair of power equipment with technological equipment the annual schedule is coordinated with the OGM of the enterprise. If it is necessary to use the services of the chief instrument operator, the planned repair time is agreed with the OCP. The terms of repair of the main equipment, limiting the implementation of the production program, are agreed with the planning department of the enterprise.

5.5. In columns 11-22 of the annual schedule (form 7), each of which corresponds to one month, symbol in the form of a fraction is indicated: in the numerator - the planned type of repair (K - capital, T - current), in the denominator - the duration of downtime in hours. Marks on the actual implementation of repairs in these columns are made by painting over the planned numbers with a colored pencil.

In columns 23 and 24, respectively, the annual downtime of equipment in repair and the annual fund of working hours are recorded.

5.6. The operational document for the repair of equipment is a monthly plan-schedule-report approved by the chief power engineer of the enterprise for each power shop and section (form 8). Instead of a monthly plan-schedule-report, it is allowed to maintain a monthly repair report (form 8A).

5.7. In this case, monthly planning of repairs is carried out according to the annual repair schedule.

5.8. In columns 7-37 (form 8), each of which corresponds to one day of the month, the symbol in the form of a fraction indicates: in the numerator - the type of repair (K - capital, T - current), in the denominator - its duration (current - in hours , capital - in days).

5.9. A mark on the actual performance of repairs is made after they are completed by a specially appointed responsible person in the OGE, in production workshops - as a workshop foreman.

5.10. The record book for installing and removing plugs (form 14) is maintained by the deputy head of the power department (head of the department, installation, shift supervisor).

5.11. Explanations on the procedure for maintaining the rest of the repair documentation are given above in the relevant sections.

5.12. The forms of repair documentation given in this section are typical. Depending on the specifics of accounting for repair and preventive measures that are not regulated by this Handbook (repair inspections, inspections, tests, etc.), established in the repair services of enterprises, additional columns (paragraphs) may be included in the repair documentation forms.

Form 1

Form 2

Form 3

Form 4

Form 5

Form 6

Form 7

Form 8

Form 8A

Form 9

Form 10

Form 11

Form 12

Form 13

Form 14

Director of CIT Projects and Solutions LLC (Kazan)

In my opinion, there is a certain stagnation in this issue at many enterprises. Namely, the PPR system inherited from the Soviet period, once worked out and debugged, is currently left without development and adaptation to new conditions at most enterprises. This has led to the fact that at enterprises a large proportion of equipment is actually repaired to failure or an emergency stop, and the PPR system lives its own separate life and is almost formal in nature - like a habit inherited from the past. The danger of this state of affairs lies in the fact that the negative consequences of this situation accumulate gradually and may not be noticeable in a short time interval: an increase in the number of accidents and equipment downtime, increased equipment wear, and an increase in the cost of its repair and maintenance. Many business leaders are unaware of what significant losses can be hidden here. One of the regulatory documents that determines the conduct of scheduled preventive maintenance is the PPR schedule.

Speaking about the PPR schedule, one cannot do without a purely symbolic digression into history. The first mentions of PPR are found in the mid-30s of the last century. From that time until the early 1990s, during the Soviet era, an extensive volume of technical documentation necessary for routine repair and maintenance of a wide variety of equipment. The PPR schedule, as one of the main documents of the technical service, performed not only organizational and technical function, but also served as the basis for the calculation financial resources required to provide material and labor resources for the entire annual and monthly MRO program.

And what is happening now? As shown by our experience and numerous meetings with technical staff various enterprises, in most cases, the PPR schedule has lost its original purpose. The process of preparing the annual PPR schedule in many cases has acquired a more symbolic, ritual character. There are several reasons for this situation, both objective and subjective, but all of them are mainly related to the fact that over the past 10-15 years the situation both inside and outside enterprises has changed radically. Let's try to deal with some of the reasons for the current situation and offer our vision of how to change the situation for the better.

To begin with, we will describe a typical scheme for preparing a PPR schedule: how it looks at many enterprises. By the end of the year, the financial department of the enterprise prepares a draft budget for the enterprise for next year and coordinate it with other services. The technical service must prepare its part of the budget, namely: the amount of expenses for materials, components, salaries for repair personnel and services of third-party contractors. As a basis for the preparation of the MRO budget for the next year, an annual PPR schedule should serve. However, when preparing the annual PPR schedule for the next year, it is actually formed without changes on the basis of the PPR schedule for the current year, i.e. the list of equipment, types and list of routine maintenance, as well as their frequency remain unchanged. In turn, the PPR schedule for the current year was obtained in a similar way - based on last year. We have come across a situation where such copying has been done for many years, and the personnel of the enterprise could not remember the origin of the original source. Of course, some amendments to the budget are still being made, but not on the basis of the future PPR schedule, but on the basis of the current year's budget. As a rule, all changes are limited to adjusting the budget amounts for the inflationary component of the cost of materials and work. As for the actual planned dates, the list and volume of maintenance work, these data are practically not adjusted, remaining unchanged from year to year, and they do not take into account either the actual technical condition of the equipment, or the residual resource and operating time, or the history of equipment breakdowns, and much more. . Thus, the PPR schedule, as a document, performs a formal bureaucratic function and is not a product of an engineering calculation.

The next stage - the coordination of the expenditure budget - is a consequence of how this schedule is formed. Namely, at the enterprise, all services related to technical know and understand that the PPR schedule is drawn up “in general” and “enlarged”. Therefore, the budget drawn up on its basis can be safely cut: by 10-15%, which, in fact, financial service and does. The technical service, as a rule, is forced to agree. Why? First, justify the presented figures with real statistics technical service cannot: there is simply no data that can be trusted. Second, last year financial department cut the budget as well, and got the desired result: the money was saved and everything seems to be fine. "Normal" most often means that the equipment broke down as usual. Thirdly, it will always be possible to find a reserve in the “copied” PPR schedule: some of the PPR will not be carried out or will be completed in a reduced volume, because the schedule is drawn up formally, and local specialists know what exactly can be done and what - not necessary. Let us repeat once again that such a “copied” PPR schedule has no connection with the actually required volume and timing of technical measures. Fourthly, if something suddenly breaks down and production stops, then the money for the next urgent purchase will still be allocated, even if it is over the limit. Who will allow idle production?

It turns out that the preparation of the PPR schedule and the budget for maintenance and repair costs is more like a formal process focused solely on justifying the budget for the next year. The main consumer of this document is the financial service, not the technical staff. And even during the year, the technical service refers to the annual PPR schedule mainly in order to report on the costs of the allocated limits. Is the situation described above someone's malicious intent? Hardly. I will give an overview of some of the reasons that led to the described state of affairs.

Regulatory documentation for domestic equipment that has remained at enterprises since Soviet times is outdated. Many of the pieces of equipment have exhausted their resource, and the standards provided for them did not take into account such "extra wear". And for new domestic equipment, reference books of that time do not take into account that other components are now used in equipment, often imported, with different characteristics.

A significant part of the equipment fleet at enterprises is imported equipment, for which there is no documentation. In Europe, the level of development of services is very high, and the lion's share of European enterprises use the services of third-party organizations to service their equipment: as a rule, equipment manufacturers. Our practice has developed in such a way that maintenance and repair has traditionally been carried out by the technical specialists of the enterprise itself. Therefore, domestic specialists, who are accustomed to receiving the necessary documentation along with the equipment, found themselves in a difficult situation: there is no documentation, and they are not ready to use the expensive service of a Western manufacturer.

Another factor that had a serious impact on the degradation of the PPR methodology is related to the fact that in Soviet times, in conditions of mass series production goods for national and industrial use, manufacturers were provided with mass-produced equipment. Therefore, it was technically and organizationally much easier to create and update standards for mass-produced equipment under centralized planning than at present. This was done by sectoral institutions, many of which no longer exist.

The next reason is that production capacity domestic enterprises assumed a constant and uniform load of equipment. For such production, standards for maintenance were also developed. Namely, a rhythmically working machine or a line is guaranteed to accumulate its motorcycle hours after a clearly established calendar period, which are necessary for the next MOT, MOT-1, etc. Now the situation is completely different: the equipment is loaded unevenly. Therefore, with the calendar approach, PPR is very often carried out either obviously earlier than the standard operating time, or with a serious “overmileage”. In the first case, costs increase, and in the second, equipment reliability decreases.

It should also be noted that the standards developed in the 60-80s were redundant and included a serious safety stock. Such insurance was associated with the very methodology for developing standards - this is, firstly, and secondly, at that time, diagnostic tools were not as developed and available as they are now. Therefore, one of the few criteria for planning maintenance work was the calendar period.

What is the future of the PPR schedule? How to be: leave everything as it is or try to get effective tool management? Each company decides for itself. I am sure that most experts will agree with me: only a “live” PPR schedule will allow an enterprise to plan competently and economically spend the enterprise’s budget funds. Obtaining such an outage schedule is impossible without the transition of the maintenance and repair system to modern management methods, which include the introduction automated system management needed to store, process and analyze data on the state of the equipment, and use modern methods preventive diagnostics of equipment, for example: thermography, vibration diagnostics, etc. Only with the help of this combination of methods (ACS MRO and diagnostics) it is possible to achieve an increase in equipment reliability, as well as significantly reduce the number of emergency stops and technically justify a reduction in the cost of maintaining and servicing equipment. How exactly, in practice, the introduction of modern maintenance and repair methods removes the acute issues and problems identified in this article - I will share these thoughts in the second part of the article. If you, Dear reader, have comments or additions to this article, write, I'm ready to discuss!

The totality of all types of work on the supervision, care, maintenance and repair of the machine park in order to minimize its wear and tear and more productive use, is combined into single system scheduled preventive maintenance.

It is based on three types of repair:

  • current;
  • average;
  • capital.
  • Current- minor repairs, associated with the elimination of individual defects that have manifested themselves during operation.
  • Average- more extensive, with the replacement of individual parts.
  • Capital- speaks for itself. The process is costly, labor intensive and time consuming. Associated with the repair of engines, the replacement of major parts and assemblies.

This system is formed on the basis of standards:

  • repair categories of complexity;
  • cyclical repairs, their structure;
  • a stock of parts to replace failed ones;
  • duration of operational periods;
  • laboriousness.

Sequence of individual repairs:

KR-TO-TO-MP1-TO-MP2-TO-SR-TO-TO-MP3-TO-KR (KR - overhaul, etc.).

When determining the cycle, the features of production, the repair base, the skills of repair workers, etc. are taken into account.

Approval of the required number of works during the repair, their volume

How much and what needs to be done at a particular point in time, in order to prevent critical wear of the machine park, can be established during operation.

  1. The conditions under which one or another unit of the machine park operates.
  2. Design features of the machine park, and hence the complexity of the work.
  3. The level of performance of previous work during the repair and the quality of service.
  4. Number of hours worked since the last repair.
  5. Availability of skills and skill level of workers, productivity.

These are the basic factors on which the system of all repairs is built. As a result of changes in some factors, the scope of work may change and be adjusted. They can be more or less, depending on their influence, which is different. The changes don't have to be significant.
The deterioration of the conditions in which the machine tools operate, which entailed an increase in the volume of repair work, is considered an abnormal phenomenon. This can happen due to non-compliance with proper supervision of the correct operation and normal maintenance of machine equipment, a decrease in the quality of industrial training and periodic instructing of workers. This is unacceptable and urgent action is needed.

Fundamental provisions of the PPR.

  1. During the normal, unchanged operation of the enterprise, the value of the amount of repair work can change solely as a result of a change in the amount of time the equipment operates without repair.
  2. Subject to the schedule of repairs in accordance with the hours worked by each machine, to ensure normal without emergency work enterprises, an increase in the volume of repair work, as a rule, is not required.
  3. With the mandatory planned withdrawal of machine tools for repair work, after the established time worked by them, critical wear of individual parts of the equipment is excluded, as a result of which an increase in the volume of repair work may follow. On the contrary, it becomes optimally constant (with optimal intervals between repairs).
  4. With optimal overhaul intervals, the required amount of repair work is reduced without compromising the technical condition of all machine equipment.
  5. The need for repair of all equipment can be ensured by compliance with all PPR cycles.

For non-emergency operation of any enterprise, a PPR schedule is built, which covers all available equipment. This schedule is approved and strictly observed during the operation of the equipment. Funds are being allocated to ensure that all necessary work is completed in a timely manner.

With the correct organization of maintenance and repair work, changes can occur only as a result of changes in production plans, the transition to the manufacture of other products and other factors associated with a change in the load on equipment or with a change technological processes.


Today, scheduled preventive maintenance is the simplest, but at the same time reliable method of carrying out work. With regard to the resumption of the operation of the equipment, the list of basic conditions that ensure it includes the following:

The units have already worked out a specific number of hours and a new periodic work cycle is coming, which must necessarily precede the scheduled preventive maintenance.

The normal level of repair work is clearly indicated by determining the optimal periods between scheduled periodic maintenance.

Organization of approved works. Control over them is based on the standard scope of work. Their responsible implementation ensures the further full functioning of the existing units.

Scheduled preventive maintenance of electrical installation equipment is carried out to the extent necessary to effectively eliminate all existing defects. It is also carried out to ensure the natural course of operation of the equipment until the subsequent repair. Typically, a scheduled preventive maintenance schedule is drawn up taking into account established periods.

In the intervals between the planned repair work, the electrical equipment is also subject to pre-scheduled inspections and a number of checks, which, in fact, are preventive.

Repair work of electrical equipment

Alternation, frequency of scheduled repairs of units depend both on their purpose and on their design features, operating conditions, dimensions. The basis of preparation for this work is the clarification of defects, the selection of spare parts and spare parts, which will subsequently need to be replaced. An algorithm for performing this type of manipulation is specially developed, due to which uninterrupted operation of equipment (machines) during repair is possible. Proper preparation of such an action plan makes it possible to carry out a full resumption of the functioning of all devices without disturbing the usual operating mode of production.

Organization of the process

Competent planned preventive maintenance provides for the following sequence:

1. Planning.

2. Preparation of units for repair.

3. Carrying out repair work.

4. Implementation of activities related to repair and scheduled maintenance.

The considered system of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment has stages: overhaul, current. They can be considered in more detail.

Interrepair stage

The overhaul stage allows repairing the equipment without disturbing production process. It includes systematic cleaning, lubrication, inspection, adjustment of units. This also includes the elimination of minor faults, the replacement of parts with a short service life. In other words, this is prevention, which is not complete without daily examination and care. It must be properly organized in order to maximize the life of existing equipment.

A serious approach to this issue can significantly reduce the cost of future repairs and contribute to a better and more efficient implementation of the tasks set by the enterprise. The main work that is carried out during the overhaul stage is daily lubrication and cleaning of the units, compliance by all employees with the rules for using devices, monitoring the current state of the equipment, adjusting mechanisms and timely elimination of minor breakdowns.

current stage

This stage of planned preventive repair of electrical equipment often does not involve disassembly of devices, but it includes the rapid elimination and elimination of all breakdowns that have arisen during the operation period. In this case, only the units stop. During the current phase, tests and measurements are carried out, thanks to which equipment defects are detected even at an early stage, and this is very important.

The decision on whether electrical equipment is suitable is made by repair specialists. This is within their purview. They base the issued decision on a comparison of the available conclusions obtained during the tests during the implementation of the planned current repair work.

The elimination of defects in the functioning of the units can be carried out not only during scheduled repairs, but also outside of it. This usually happens after the resource of the equipment has completely exhausted itself.

Carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance: medium stage

Allows you to partially or completely restore the units that have already served their purpose. The stage includes the disassembly of the necessary units for their inspection, the elimination of identified defects, the cleaning of mechanisms and the replacement of some rapidly wearing spare parts and parts. It is held annually.

The system of scheduled preventive maintenance at the middle stage includes setting the volume, cyclicity and sequence of the works indicated here in strict accordance with all regulatory and technical documents. Thanks to this, the normal operation of the equipment occurs.

Overhaul and its preconditions

It is carried out after opening the equipment, its full check with the study of the presence of defects in all parts. This stage includes measurements, tests, elimination of identified faults, due to which the modernization of the units is necessary. Here there is a 100% restoration of the technical parameters of the devices in question.

When is the overhaul of electrical equipment carried out?

Such manipulations are possible only after the completion of the overhaul stage. The following conditions must also be met:

A work schedule has been drawn up.

Conducted preliminary checks and inspections.

All necessary documents have been prepared.

Replacement parts and tools provided.

Fire fighting measures have been taken.

What does a major overhaul include?

The process of repairing electrical equipment in this case consists of:

1. Replacement / restoration of worn out mechanisms.

2. Upgrading devices that require it.

3. Perform measurements and preventive checks.

4. Implementation of work to eliminate minor damage.

Malfunctions and defects that are discovered during the inspection of equipment (machines) are eliminated during the subsequent repair. Breakdowns classified as emergency are repaired immediately. Equipment different types has its own frequency of activities related to repair work, which is regulated by the rules of technical operation. All manipulations are reflected in the documentation, the strictest records of the availability of units and their condition are kept.

According to the approved plan for the year, a nomenclature plan is created, which records the current / major repairs. Before proceeding with them, the date of stopping the electrical equipment (machines) for repair must be specified.

The scheduled preventive maintenance schedule is the official basis for drawing up a budget plan for the year, developed twice during the specified period. The total amount of the plan-estimate is distributed by months, quarters, taking into account the period of capital repair work.


To date, the preventive maintenance system provides for the use of microprocessor and computer science(stands, structures, installations for testing and diagnostics). This prevents equipment wear and tear and reduces refurbishment costs. Also, all this contributes to an increase in operational efficiency, and consequently, the profits of enterprises.

Scheduled preventive maintenance: drawing up a schedule for the year

Consider how the schedule for the year is drawn up. Scheduled preventive maintenance of buildings or electrical equipment is a full-fledged complex of organizational and technical measures closely related to supervision and maintenance. It applies to all types of repairs and is carried out periodically according to a previously drawn up plan. This helps to prevent premature partial or complete wear of equipment, accidents. All fire protection systems are in constant readiness.

Scheduled preventive maintenance is organized according to a system that includes such types of maintenance as:

Weekly technical fix.

Monthly maintenance work.

Annual pre-scheduled preventive maintenance.

The developed regulation on preventive maintenance is approved by the sectoral ministries, as well as departments. The document is obligatory for execution by the enterprises of the industry.

Scheduled preventive maintenance is always carried out in strict accordance with the existing annual work schedule, which includes each mechanism subject to current or major repairs. When compiling this schedule, the standards for the frequency of equipment maintenance are used. They are taken from the passport data of the units prepared by the manufacturer. All available mechanisms, devices are included in the schedule, which indicates short information about them: quantity, resource standards, labor intensity of one current or major repair. It also records information about the last ongoing current and major repairs.

Additional Information

The regulation on scheduled preventive maintenance contains information on intra-shift maintenance (supervision, care) and preventive inspection of existing equipment. It is usually assigned to operational and duty personnel. It also contains information about the implementation of the planned work.

The benefits of preventive maintenance systems include:

Fixing downtime of units, equipment, machines.

Control over the duration of overhaul periods of operation of devices.

Forecasting the cost of repairing equipment, mechanisms, units.

Accounting for the number of personnel involved in the activity, which depends on the repair complexity.

Analysis of the causes of equipment failure.

Disadvantages of preventive maintenance systems:

The complexity of calculating labor costs.

Lack of convenient and suitable tools for planning (implementing) repair activities.

The complexity of taking into account the parameter/indicator.

The complexity of the operational adjustment of the planned work.

Each preventive maintenance system has an accident-free model of operation/repair of units, but in case of accidents or as a result of wear and tear, unscheduled work can also be carried out related to the full resumption of the operation of the units.

The frequency of stopping the operation of equipment for major or current repairs is determined by the service life of wear mechanisms, parts, assemblies. And their duration is determined by the time that is necessary to perform the most time-consuming manipulations.

Lifting machines (aggregates), in addition to routine inspection, are also subject to technical examination. It is carried out by specialists responsible for the supervision of this equipment.

Scheduled preventive maintenance is the simplest and most reliable way to schedule repairs.

The main conditions that ensure planned and preventive relations regarding the repair of equipment are as follows:

The main need for electrical equipment for repair is satisfied by scheduled repairs performed after a specific number of hours worked by it, due to which a periodically repeating cycle is formed;

Each scheduled preventive repair of electrical installations is carried out to the extent necessary to eliminate all existing defects, as well as to ensure the natural operation of the equipment until the next scheduled repair. The term of scheduled repairs is determined according to the established periods;

The organization of preventive maintenance and control are based on the usual scope of work, the implementation of which ensures the operable condition of the equipment;

The normal scope of work is determined by the established optimal periods between scheduled periodic repairs;

Between planned and periodic periods, electrical equipment undergoes scheduled inspections and checks, which are a means of prevention.

The frequency and alternation of scheduled equipment repair depends on the purpose of the equipment, its design and repair features, dimensions and operating conditions. Preparation for a scheduled repair is based on the specification of defects, the selection of spare parts and spare parts that will need to be replaced during the repair. An algorithm for this repair is specially created, which ensures uninterrupted operation during the repair. This approach to training makes it possible to complete renovation equipment without disturbing the usual work of production.

Well-planned preventive maintenance includes:


Preparation of electrical equipment for planned repairs;

Carrying out scheduled repairs;

Carrying out activities related to the planned maintenance and repair.

The system of planned preventive maintenance of equipment includes a couple of stages:

1. Stage overhaul

It is carried out without disrupting the operation of the equipment. Includes: systematic cleaning; systematic lubrication; systematic examination; systematic adjustment of the operation of electrical equipment; replacement of parts that have short term services; fixing minor problems.

In other words, this is preventive maintenance, which includes daily inspection and maintenance, and at the same time, it must be properly organized in order to maximize the life of the equipment, maintain high-quality work, and reduce the cost of scheduled repairs.

The main work performed at the overhaul stage:

Tracking the state of equipment;

Enforcement by employees of the rules of appropriate use;

Daily cleaning and lubrication;

Timely elimination of minor breakdowns and adjustment of mechanisms.

2. Current stage

Scheduled preventive maintenance of electrical equipment is most often carried out without dismantling the equipment, only its operation stops. Includes the elimination of breakdowns that occurred during the period of work. At the current stage, measurements and tests are carried out, with the help of which flaws in equipment are detected at an early stage.

The decision on the suitability of electrical equipment is made by repairmen. This decision is based on a comparison of test results during scheduled maintenance. In addition to scheduled repairs to eliminate defects in the operation of equipment, work is carried out outside the plan. They are carried out after the exhaustion of the entire resource of the equipment.

3. Stage middle

It is carried out for the full or partial restoration of obsolete equipment. Includes disassembly of units, designed to view, clean the mechanisms and eliminate the identified defects, replace some wear parts. The middle stage is carried out no more than once a year.

The system at the middle stage of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment includes setting the cycle, volume and sequence of work in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation. The middle stage affects the maintenance of the equipment in good condition.

4. Overhaul

It is carried out by opening electrical equipment, its full check with inspection of all details. It includes tests, measurements, elimination of identified faults, as a result of which the modernization of electrical equipment is carried out. As a result of the overhaul, the technical parameters of the devices are completely restored.

Major overhaul is possible only after the overhaul stage. To carry it out, you must do the following:

Draw up work schedules;

Carry out a preliminary inspection and verification;

Prepare documents;

Prepare tools and necessary replacement parts;

Carry out fire fighting measures.

Major overhaul includes:

Replacement or restoration of worn mechanisms;

Modernization of any mechanisms;

Perform preventive checks and measurements;

Carrying out minor repairs.

Malfunctions found during equipment checks are eliminated during subsequent repairs. And breakdowns of an emergency nature are eliminated immediately.

Each separate view equipment has its own frequency of scheduled preventive maintenance, which is regulated by the Rules for Technical Operation. All activities are reflected in the documentation, a strict record of the availability of equipment, as well as its condition, is kept. According to the approved annual plan, a nomenclature plan is created, which reflects the implementation of capital and current repairs. Before starting current or major repairs, it is necessary to specify the date of installation of electrical equipment for repairs.

Planned preventive maintenance year- this is the basis that serves to draw up a budget plan for the year, developed 2 times a year. The sum of the year of the budget plan is divided into months and quarters, it all depends on the period of the overhaul.

Today, for the system of preventive maintenance of equipment, computer and microprocessor technology (structures, stands, installations for diagnostics and testing) are most often used, which affects the prevention of equipment wear, lower repair costs, and also helps to increase operational efficiency.