Beckiev new appointments. Voronezh. Opposition rally in support of employees of Sozvezdie. The main areas of production activity of the concern

  • 29.05.2020

Childhood Azreta Bekkieva- the grandfather of Avtodor player, vice-champion of Europe among juniors Tamirlan Bekkiev, like many of his peers from Kabardino-Balkaria, had to be exiled to Central Asia. In 1944, at the age of one and a half, he was sentenced to deportation to Kyrgyzstan on a national basis.
In these difficult years, sports were an outlet. The spirit of rivalry, the desire to excel in front of the elders, to become a strong man known among friends, took possession of the minds of young people. The first freestyle wrestling lessons for the future famous athlete were taught by his elder brother Ilyas Bekkiev. Azret Issaevich recalls how often he and his brother fought in front of his father, and how ashamed he was when his father, seeing his defeat, said: “Well, everything was gone Azret”

In 1958, Azret Bekkiev 15 summer teenager returned to his homeland and, at the invitation of coach Bashir Bogotov, took part in freestyle wrestling competitions in the Chegem region. Taking first place, he came to the attention of the famous coach Shanibeev. 2-3 months after the start of classes in the freestyle wrestling section, Bekkiev won the zonal competitions in Stavropol. At the age of 17, he became a member of the USSR youth team in the 87 kg category.

The first adult tournament for Bekkiev was the Russian Championship in 1960. In the final, Azret was opposed by a very formidable opponent, a student of the honored coach of the USSR Dzagoev Andiev. He was 25 kg heavier than Bekkiev. As a result, Bekkiev won silver. Then there were preparatory camps under the leadership of Dzgoev, after which Bekkiev became the winner of the championship of the central Council of the Spartak society.
In 1961, Azret Bekkiev became a master of sports of the USSR and played for the USSR national team. Fans of freestyle wrestling of those years remember his bright victories over USSR champion Sarah from Estonia, Mendiashvili from Georgia, country champion Vaskin from Moscow, World Cup winner Abdul. At the USSR championship debut for Azret in 1961, he won a silver medal and became the first honorary master of sports of the USSR in freestyle wrestling among the Balkars.

In 1967, Bekkiev won the USSR Sambo Championship, in the late 60s he won belt wrestling. Azret Bekkiev is a six-time champion of the North Caucasus and a master of sports in national sports of Russia.Bekkiev's coaching career began in 1965. For 20 years of work, Azret Issaevich brought up 15 masters of sports of the USSR, many of whom are well known in the wrestling world.

Having won almost all the titles in the country, Azret Issaevich could not achieve recognition in the international arena, although, according to many, he could well become a prize-winner or champion of Europe, the world or the Olympic Games. The reason for this was that Azret Bekkiev had a relative abroad, although he did not even know him. In view of this, Bekkiev was banned from entering international competitions.
Bekkiev Azret Issaevich (grandfather of Tamirlan Bekkiev) Born in 1942, Nizhny Chegem; Balkar; Lived in: Nizhny Chegem. Sentence of 1944: deported to Kyrgyzstan (on a national basis) Rehabilitated on September 28, 1995.
Bekkiev Ilyas Issaevich (brother of Azret Bekkiev) Born in 1938, Nizhny Chegem; Balkar; Lived in: Nizhny Chegem. Sentence of 1944: deported to Kyrgyzstan (on a national basis) Rehabilitated on September 28, 1995.
Bekkiev Issa Bibertovich (grandfather of Tamirlan Bekkiev) Born in 1870, Nizhny Chegem; Balkar; Lived in: Nizhny Chegem. Sentence of 1944: deported to Kyrgyzstan (on an ethnic basis) Rehabilitated on September 28, 1995 Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kabardino-Balkaria
Deportation of the Balkars - a form of repression that the Balkars, who mainly lived on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, were subjected to in 1944. The leadership of the USSR blamed the Balkars resettled in Central Asia for "treason" and "inability to defend" the territory of the KBASSR from the Nazi troops. More than 21,000 NKVD troops were assigned to carry out the operation. On March 5, military units dispersed in the Balkar settlements. The population was informed that the troops had arrived to rest and replenish before the upcoming battles. The deportation was carried out under the leadership of the deputies of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Colonel General I. Serov and Colonel General B. Kobulov.
The operation to evict the Balkars began on March 8, 1944. It lasted only two hours. Everyone, without exception, underwent transportation - active participants in the Civil and Patriotic Wars, war invalids, parents, wives and children of front-line soldiers, deputies of the Soviets at all levels, heads of party and Soviet bodies. The guilt of the deportee was determined exclusively by Balkar origin
The deportees were loaded into Studebakers prepared in advance and taken to the Nalchik railway station. 37,713 Balkars were sent to the places of settlement in Central Asia in 14 echelons. Of the total number of deportees, 52% were children, 30% were women, and 18% were men. In addition, 478 people of the "anti-Soviet element" were arrested. There was a case of shelling of the NKVD ambush by a group of three people.
During the operation, it was proposed to be guided by the instructions of the NKVD of the USSR on the procedure for eviction. According to the instructions, each migrant was allowed to take food and property weighing up to 500 kg per family. However, the organizers of the eviction gave twenty minutes for packing. The sixth paragraph of the instruction provided that livestock, agricultural products, houses and buildings were to be transferred on the spot and reimbursed in kind at new places of resettlement. However, this did not happen - the resettlement of the Balkars was carried out in small groups, on the ground no land and no funds were allocated to them.

During the 18 days of the journey, 562 people died in unequipped cars. They were buried at the railroad tracks during brief stops. When the trains followed without stopping, the bodies of the dead on the way were thrown downhill by the guards. On March 14, 1944, at a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, L. Beria reported on the successful operation. On August 22, 1944, 109 people from among the organizers of the deportation of the Balkars were awarded orders and medals of the USSR.

On April 8, 1944, the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was renamed the Kabardian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The southwestern regions of the republic - Elbrus and the Elbrus region - were transferred to the Georgian SSR. Renaming orders followed. settlements. The evicted Balkars were distributed in the new areas of residence as follows: in the Kazakh SSR - 4,660 families (16,684 people), in the Kirghiz SSR - 15,743 (9320 adults), in the Uzbek SSR - 419 (250 adults). Tajik SSR - 4 people, Irkutsk region - 20, in the regions of the Far North - 14 people. The deportees were mainly employed in agriculture. Thus, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry Agriculture and state farms of the Kazakh SSR, there were 11,373 Balkars.

In places of exile, all special settlers were registered. On a monthly basis, they were required to register at the place of residence in the special commandant's offices and did not have the right to leave the area of ​​​​settlement without the knowledge and sanction of the commandant. Unauthorized absence was considered as an escape and entailed criminal liability. For any violation or disobedience to the commandant, the settlers were subject to administrative penalties or criminal charges.
For the majority of Balkar children, it was difficult to get a school education: only one in six of them attended school. Obtaining higher and secondary specialized education was almost impossible. The first years of the Balkars' stay in Central Asia were complicated by the negative attitude towards them from the outside. local population, which was subjected to ideological processing and saw them as enemies of Soviet power. Since the summer of 1945, demobilized Balkar front-line soldiers began to return from the army. They were ordered to go to the places of exile of their relatives. Arriving there, the front-line soldiers were registered as special settlers.

In November 1948, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On criminal liability for escapes from places of compulsory and permanent settlement of persons evicted to remote areas” was issued. Soviet Union during the period Patriotic War”, the essence of which was that the repressed peoples were deported forever, without the right to return to their ethnic homeland. By the same decree, the special settlement regime was tightened even more. The document provided for unauthorized departure from the places of settlement 20 years of hard labor. In fact, special settlers could move freely only within a radius of 3 km from their place of residence.

Rehabilitation. The restrictions on the special settlement of the Balkars were lifted on April 18, 1956, but the right to return to their homeland was not granted. The return of the Balkars to their homeland was very intensive: by April 1958, about 22 thousand people had returned. By 1959, about 81% had already returned, by 1970 - more than 86%, and by 1979 - about 90% of all Balkars.

On November 14, 1989, by the Declaration of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, all repressed peoples were rehabilitated, repressive acts against them at the state level were recognized as illegal and criminal in the form of a policy of slander, genocide, forced resettlement, the abolition of national-state formations, the establishment of a regime of terror and violence in places of special settlements. In 1991, the law of the RSFSR "On the Rehabilitation of Repressed Peoples" was adopted, which defines the rehabilitation of peoples subjected to mass repressions in the USSR as the recognition and exercise of their right to restore the territorial integrity that existed before the forced redrawing of borders. In 1994, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree "On measures for the rehabilitation of the Balkar people and state support its revival and development". March 8 in the modern KBR is the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the deportation of the Balkar people, and March 28 is celebrated as the Day of the revival of the Balkar people
When writing this material, an article by Albert Dyshekov "Lord of the wrestling carpet" from the newspaper was used

April 28 marks the anniversary of Azret Yusupovich Bekkiev, a specialist in the field of atmospheric physics and quantum radiophysics, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Azret Yusupovich was born in 1952; in 1975 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University (MGU) named after M.V. M.V. Lomonosov, doctor of technical sciences.

In 1981-1990. - junior researcher, senior researcher, head of the laboratory of the High Mountain Geophysical Institute; 1990-2000 - Director of CJSC "Rosvooruzhenie - KBR", director of the State Institution "High-mountain Geophysical Institute"; 2000-2004 - Head of the Department for Coordinating the Development and Reforming of the Military-Industrial Complex of the Ministry of Industry and Science of Russia; 2004-2006 - Deputy Director of the Department of the military-industrial complex of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia; 2006-2008 - Chief of Staff of the Committee State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Industry, Construction and High Technologies; currently Head of Department corporate governance and Development, Member of the Board State Corporation Rostekhnologii.

The main scientific research of A. Yu. Bekkiev is aimed at solving the problems of propagation of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere and ensuring the safe functioning of various systems. He personally and as a member of scientific teams developed the conceptual foundations of laser diagnostics of condensed matter by the method of spontaneous Raman scattering; measuring complexes of phono-target situation and evaluation of parameters of non-stationary processes; theoretically and experimentally studied the features of the propagation of powerful electromagnetic radiation in a wide range of waves on high-mountain routes in an unstable atmosphere.

Under his leadership, an automated tactical control system was created and introduced into production. military formations, which collects and processes intelligence data, calculates combat missions and generalized information based on the threat model, which makes it possible to connect combat assets (aircraft, ships, weapons, groups of military personnel) to a single information network.

A. Yu. Bekkiev conducts teaching work - he heads the Department of Infocommunication Systems for Special Purposes, which he created at JSC Concern Sozvezdie, supervises graduate students.

A. Yu. Bekkiev is a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize, the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Prize of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the Order of Friendship and many departmental awards.

The team of the Bulletin of the Department of Earth Sciences heartily congratulates the dear hero of the day and wishes him good health and further creative success!

Good evening! 03.04 (Tuesday) at 17-00 at the movie theater "Proletary" a rally in support of the employees of the concern "Sozvezdie"

In Voronezh, employees of the Sozvezdie concern openly talked about the upcoming layoffs.

Last week, all 6,000 employees of the head office of the Sozvezdie concern, located in Voronezh, found themselves in a unique situation. Each of them received a notice that his position was abolished. This means that in exactly two months the employee will be fired due to redundancy.

After an article in "MY!" about the mass reduction of employees of the Sozvezdie concern, the Voronezh prosecutor's office for supervising the implementation of laws at high-security facilities began checking on the facts of what is happening in the organization.

The main areas of production activity of the concern:

  • automated control and communication systems of the strategic link;
  • automated control and communication systems of the tactical level;
  • telecode, voice and wire communication systems for air defense and missile defense systems;
  • automated communication and control systems for special purposes;
  • automated systems and means of electronic warfare;
  • professional (corporate) systems and means of communication;
  • systems and means of communication for general use;
  • radio relay equipment with increased noise immunity;
  • security alarm systems;
  • RFID systems;
  • autonomous navigation systems;
  • energy efficient technologies based on solar energy;
  • training of users and maintenance personnel of the created systems and complexes;
  • repair and maintenance of means, complexes and communication systems.

General Director Bekkiev correctly noted that patriotic sentiments are strong in the team, and it is, of course, more difficult for him to manage such people. Apparently, therefore, he issued an order to change organizational structure enterprise management, in connection with which staffing all positions are excluded, except for the positions of general director and general designer. All the other 6,000 workers received notices of dismissal, and only one "general without troops" remained.

The rest of the employees are trash for him. Whatever I want, I will do with them. He spit on the law. Everyone knows that product development contracts include 10-15% of the money for the so-called kickbacks. The first thing Mr. Bekkiev did was to give a bonus to the board of directors of the concern. Millions of rubles. For what? Then arranged a corporate new year party for management at the expense of the enterprise. This is the money allocated for defense, in relation to which D.O. Rogozin promised that not a single ruble would "float away".

Employees are frightened by the upcoming dismissal, everyone is in a depressed mood. Instead of developing products, a lot of time will be spent on the reorganization and organization of a new team, and 1,500 people will generally remain behind the gate of the enterprise.

The Communists, together with the opposition group "For Fair Elections Act" in defense of the employees of the enterprise and the observance of the rule of law.

master of sports of the USSR of international class in sports acrobatics, Voronezh

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Information for thought
Azret Yusupovich Bekkiev, General Director of OJSC “Concern “Sozvezdie”
Was born in 1952. Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (1976) and postgraduate studies at Moscow State University (1981). Worked: High Mountain Geophysical Institute, Nalchik (1981-1990); CEO OJSC VEO RAS, OJSC Rosvooruzhenie-KB, Nalchik (1990-2000); Head of the Department of Military Programs and Defense Industry Reform of the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation (2000-2004); Deputy Director of the Department of the Military-Industrial Complex of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation (2004-2006); Head of Staff of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for Industry, Construction and High Technologies (2006-2008); the head of the Department industrial policy, innovation and strategic development Russian Technologies State Corporation, member of the board of the state corporation (2008-August 2011).
Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize, State Prize of the Russian Federation, Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation. awarded Honorary diploma Government of the Russian Federation.
Doctor of Technical Sciences. Corresponding member of the RARAN, full member of the Academy of Military Sciences.

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Let's not be naive children. In our time, directors are appointed not for production, but for cash flows. With "Constellation" the same picture. They sent a faithful comrade from above, who has neither an ear nor a snout in a specific production. But he has a different task - to optimize. This happens with all defense industry enterprises where there are serious incomes, money orders and the prospect of large budget financing. In addition, there are pleasant bonuses along the way in the form of buildings and territories in the city center, warehouses outside the city and health resorts on the coast. And completely trifles like several thousand tons of non-ferrous and ferrous scrap metal in the form of working production equipment. Well, so, today it works, but tomorrow it won't. This is achieved with one stroke of the pen.

There is an excellent example - FSUE "Basalt". The most advanced design office in the world and the production of grenade launchers, not counting other topics like planning aerial bombs. It smelled of money and a joint project with Jordan. A new director was immediately appointed, and the former was dragged to prisons and courts, as he resisted. In just a couple of years, "Basalt" was erased from the world map of arms manufacturers. The design bureau was actually dispersed, production was closed, development was stopped. But the money from the state defense order is coming. And smeared on the accounts of third-party performers. And the authorities are not poor. And Rostekhnologii believes that everything is in order, development is underway, success is tangible.

The Ministry of Defense decided to go to the modern level of technology, so there are billions ahead for automated control systems, electronic warfare, communications, and so on. And if there is an opportunity to impose a paw on these streams, it will certainly be imposed. Bakkiyev was lowered from above in August last year. But he had to wait for the elections, before that no social upheavals could be provoked. But now it's possible.

The scheme worked out at Basalt and proved to be effective will work perfectly in Voronezh as well. Frightened people agree to everything for the sake of work - on low salary, worsening working conditions, etc. The obstinate will be fired regardless of qualifications. The frightened will be gradually reduced over the next two to three years. The rest will be driven into one building, the rest of the premises will be used for other purposes or sold to right hands. Production will also be reduced by transferring orders to subcontractors. They will retain architectural supervision and eat dividends. At the same time, they will receive unexpectedly large orders for R&D from the Ministry of Defense, the terms of reference for which will surprisingly coincide with existing developments.

Then, on the basis of the concern, a holding will be created, in the depths of which everything that was screwed up before will be buried ...

Not a single successful enterprise will escape bureaucratic raiding. At least for the next six years. And no Rogozin will help. There ta roof.

Azret Yusupovich Bekkiev, General Director of JSC Concern Sozvezdie, member of the Bureau of the Board of the Union of Machine Builders of Russia, was awarded the medal For Valiant Labor.

In order to develop an automated command and control system for troops at the tactical level, in the area in which the Sozvezdie Concern is the leader in Russian Federation an industrial enterprise, taking into account the development trends of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the enterprise, headed by the General Designer of the ACS TZ A.Yu. Bekkiev is working on the creation of new unique robotic control technologies.

Robotization today is a solution to problems for the future. It is necessary to protect human resources. Robots on the battlefield should soon become an element of the combat system. Where people are in danger of life, where quick and appropriate solutions are required, there is a place for robots. Technical progress don't stop.

To control a system in which people, weapons, technical means controls and robots require new knowledge and skills. The knowledge and skills realized today are not enough for this.

Using scientific and technical background and results innovation activities, the specialists of Sozvezdie Concern OJSC have developed new methodological approaches that make it possible to combine single system heterogeneous sources of information, control objects, communication objects, electronic warfare objects, artillery, etc. Decision-making in control is carried out using neural network models. Elements artificial intelligence, technologies for processing large volumes of information made it possible to move to a new technological level of development. As a result, the characteristics of control systems are significantly increased, namely, the stability of control, the territorial coverage of the system, and also in the face of a reduction in the number of the Armed Forces, the combat potential of troops is significantly increased.

A feature of the ongoing developments is the lack of a rigid binding of system solutions to the used robotics samples.

A set of standards unique to the Russian Federation will ensure the development and expansion of the system, taking into account the rapid development of robotics technologies in the next 15-20 years.

In the course of the research, the experience of similar work carried out abroad was taken into account. According to experts, the implementation of the developed technology will make it possible to reduce Russia's backlog in this area to almost zero, and in some respects even surpass foreign analogues.

The state's needs for products developed using this technology are colossal. The areas of application are determined not only by the military sphere. These are both civilian products and specialized products for use in emergency situations, in the oil and gas industry and other areas associated with a danger to humans. The implementation of this technology is of particular importance for those places mass application robotics in which operating conditions are harsh, for example, the Arctic zone

Azret Yusupovich Bekkiev, General Director of OAO Concern Sozvezdie.
Was born in 1952. Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (1976) and postgraduate studies at Moscow State University (1981). Worked: High Mountain Geophysical Institute, Nalchik (1981-1990); General Director of JSC VEO RAS, JSC Rosvooruzhenie-KB, Nalchik (1990-2000); Head of the Department of Military Programs and Defense Industry Reform of the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation (2000-2004); Deputy Director of the Department of the Military-Industrial Complex of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation (2004-2006); Head of Staff of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for Industry, Construction and High Technologies (2006-2008); Head of the Department of Industrial Policy, Innovations and Strategic Development of the Russian Technologies State Corporation, Member of the Board of the State Corporation (2008 - August 2011), since April 2013 - General Designer of Automated Control Systems TZ.
Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize, State Prize of the Russian Federation, Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation. Awarded with the Honorary Diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation. He has the Order of Friendship, the medal "For Valiant Labor".
Doctor of Technical Sciences.

As it became known to Kommersant, as part of the inclusion of the United Instrument-Making Corporation (OPK) into the Ruselectronics holding, the leadership of the Voronezh concern Sozvezdie, which is part of it, has officially changed. Azret Bekkiev, CEO of the company, was approved as Deputy CEO of Ruselectronics, and Alexander Yakunin, head of the defense industry complex, was appointed in his place. As part of the united holding, Sozvezdiy will be assigned the role of the parent organization in the field of communications and automated systems control (ACS).

About personnel appointments in Constellation, Kommersant was told in Ruselectronics. Recently, the board of directors of the holding agreed on the candidacy of Mr. Bekkiev for the position of deputy director of the holding, and Alexander Yakunin was approved as the head of Constellation. The appointments took place shortly after Gennady Elkin, general designer for communications and automated control systems of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, was approved by the interim general director of Ruselectronics.

“Bekkiev and Yakunin have significant leadership experience in power structures and industry,” Mr. Elkin commented on the appointments. - Azret Bekkiev was in the management team that stood at the origins of the formation of Rostec, long time headed Constellation. Alexander Yakunin is one of the direct ideologists of the ongoing changes - he oversaw the integration processes, first as the director of the radio-electronic industry department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, then in practice he headed and brought the OPK holding to a successful position ... This is a real personnel investment in the creation of a united company.

Prior to the current integration, OPK and Ruselectronics worked in parallel on the markets for communications, automated control systems, microwave electronics, computer science and telecommunications equipment. The unification that has begun is called upon to “finally eliminate internal competition” and “to organize comprehensive work to achieve the results necessary for the state in specialized areas,” Ruselectronics emphasizes. Also, one of the key goals of the merged company will be the creation of new products, including complex projects and "markets of the future", noted in Rostec. "Constellation" in the association is assigned the role of the parent organization in the field of communications, information and technical confrontation and automated control systems. Integration should be completed within four months; at the same time, the management team of the holding will be formed. The most fundamental personnel issue is the definition of a new position for the ex-director of Roselectronics Igor Kozlov, who so far remains without an official position.

So far, Ruselectronics, established in 1997, includes more than 100 production and scientific organizations. After integration, their number should grow to 170, and the total revenue - up to 180 billion rubles. in year. They will produce products for both military and civilian purposes. In addition, Rostec continues negotiations with AFK Sistema on the consolidation of assets in the field of IT, radio electronics and microelectronics.

On the basis of the combined structure, it is planned to form centers of competence of the Rostec radio-electronic cluster in the field of finance and investment, as well as product divisions. Separate segments should also include enterprises operating in the field of automated control systems and aircraft communications, radar systems, microwave products and other types of radio electronics. According to the industrial director of the Rostec radio-electronic cluster, Sergey Kulikov, it is planned to attract investors at the next stage.