What for me is an innovation presentation. Presentation on the topic: Innovative activity of the enterprise. What Venture Capital Companies Need

  • 28.03.2020

No change in a company faces as much resistance as innovation in commercial activities: the presentation of innovations causes a reaction of rejection in the team, which must be overcome. This is due to stereotypical thinking, rejection of the new, the desire to maintain the status quo. To overcome these difficulties, explanatory work is needed in the form of trainings, seminars, and coaching.

Classification and life cycle of innovations

First, it is necessary to explain to employees what innovation is. This term is commonly understood as an innovation introduced into business processes. This is an invention that has no analogues in competing companies. It allows the company to maintain high growth dynamics and make a profit.

The life cycle of an invention begins with an idea. It can originate in the bowels of the enterprise, for example, in the form of a rationalization proposal or an employee's initiative. The source of the idea can be outsourcing (acquisition of the idea outside the firm).

Presentation on the topic: "Innovative technology"

Performed by a student of PNK-21 Kovyazina Anastasia

  • Innovative technologies are a set of methods and tools that support the stages of innovation implementation.
  • There are types of innovative technologies: implementation; training (training and incubation of small enterprises); consulting; transfer; audit; engineering.

  • Innovation activity in its most complete development, it implies a system of interrelated types of work, the totality of which ensures the emergence of real innovations. Namely:
  • ● research activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge about how something can be (discovery) and how something can be done (invention);
  • project activity, aimed at developing special, instrumental-technological knowledge about how, on the basis of scientific knowledge, under given conditions, it is necessary to act in order to get what can or should be ("innovative project");
  • educational activities, aimed at the professional development of the subjects of a certain practice, at the formation of each personal knowledge (experience) about what and how they should do, so that the innovative project is embodied in practice ("implementation").

  • It is a complex of three interrelated components:
  • Modern content, which is transmitted to students, involves not so much the development of subject knowledge, but the development competencies, adequate to modern business practice. This content should be well structured and presented in multimedia format. teaching materials transmitted through modern means of communication.
  • Modern teaching methods - active methods formation of competencies based on the interaction of students and their involvement in the learning process, and not only on the passive perception of the material.
  • A modern learning infrastructure that includes information, technological, organizational and communication components that allow you to effectively use the benefits of distance learning.

  • This is an education that is capable of self-development and that creates conditions for the full development of all its participants; hence the main thesis; innovative education is developing and developing education.
  • At the moment, a variety of pedagogical innovations are used in school education. It depends, first of all, on the traditions and status of the institution.

  • Nevertheless, the following most characteristic innovative technologies can be distinguished.
  • 1. Information and communication technologies (ICT) in subject education. The introduction of ICT into the content of the educational process implies the integration of various subject areas with informatics, which leads to the informatization of the consciousness of students and their understanding of the processes of informatization in modern society.

  • 2. Personally - oriented technologies in teaching the subject. Person-Centered Technologies put the personality of the child at the center of the entire school educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, the realization of its natural potentials.
  • 3. Information - analytical support of the educational process and management the quality of student education. The use of such innovative technology as the information-analytical method of managing the quality of education allows you to objectively, impartially track the development of each child individually, class, parallel, school as a whole over time.

  • 4 . Monitoring of intellectual development.Analysis and diagnostics of the quality of education of each student with the help of testing and graphing the dynamics of progress.
  • 5 . Educational technologies as a leading mechanism for the formation modern student . It is implemented in the form of involving students in additional forms of personality development: participation in cultural events on national traditions, theater, children's art centers, etc.

  • 6. Didactic technologies as a condition for the development of the educational process of educational institutions. It - independent work using educational book, game, design and protection of projects.
  • 7. Psychological and pedagogical support for the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process of the school. A scientific and pedagogical substantiation of the use of certain innovations is supposed. Their analysis at methodological councils, seminars, consultations with leading experts in this field.

  • Thus, education is inherently already an innovation. Applying these technologies in innovative teaching, the teacher makes the process more complete, interesting, rich. At the intersection of the subject areas of the natural sciences, such integration is simply necessary for the formation of a holistic worldview and worldview. Innovations include the introduction of ICT in the educational process, software interactive electronic boards supplied to schools, modernization projects.

Motivational moment
“For us, a vital task is a significant
improving the efficiency and sustainability of the national
economy. With labor productivity, as you know, we have
big problems. Through widespread implementation
innovation, we must develop by improving
infrastructure, modernization social sphere and
creating the most favorable environment for
entrepreneurial activity»
V.V. Putin
What is innovation? How can they help improve
infrastructure, the formation of the most favorable
business environment.

The concept of innovation

Innovation - the use of innovations
in the form of new technologies, types
products and services, new forms
production organization
and labor, service
and management.

Classification of innovations

By degree of novelty

Classification of innovations

According to the object of application

Classification of innovation

By scale
within the company

classification of innovations

For reasons of occurrence

Classification of innovations

By efficiency:
- economic
- social
- ecological
- integrated

Innovation activity

is an activity aimed at finding and
implementation of innovations to expand
product range and quality improvement
improvement of technology and organization
Innovation activities include:
- Identification of enterprise problems;
- Implementation of the innovation process;
- Organization of innovation activities.

ideas for innovation.
Internal sources:
An unexpected event (for an enterprise or
industry) - success, failure, external event.
Incongruity is a discrepancy between
reality (what it really is) and
our ideas about it.
Innovations based on process needs.
Sudden changes in the structure of an industry or market.
External sources:
Demographic changes
Changes in perceptions, moods and values
New knowledge (both scientific and non-scientific)

The life cycle of an innovation is a period of time from
inception of the idea to the end of production
an innovative product implemented on its basis.
Stages life cycle innovation
market saturation

Innovation process

- the process of transforming the scientific
knowledge into innovation that can be
present as a sequence
chain of events during which
innovation matures from idea to
specific product, technology
or services and is distributed under
practical use.

Stages of the innovation process

Basic research;
applied research;
Experimental - design development;
Mastering the production of new
Concept, types and result
innovative activity.

innovation risk

probability of losses arising
when investing entrepreneurial
firm funds into production
new products and
services, which
maybe not
will find
market demand.

Innovation risk arises:

implementation of a cheaper method
production of goods or services
compared to those already in use.
when creating a new product or service
on old hardware.
in the production of a new product or
services using new technology and

Key performance indicators of an innovative project

Financial (commercial) efficiency,
taking into account the financial implications for participants
budget efficiency,
taking into account financial implications for budgets
all levels;
National economic economic
taking into account costs that go beyond direct
financial interests of project participants and
allowing value expression.

check yourself

1. What is innovation
a) a system of development activities,
development, implementation, production and
commercialization of innovations;
b) development of production and implementation of new
goods and services;
c) the introduction of scientific developments in
d) implementation of reconstructions and
technical re-equipment of existing

check yourself

2. What gives the enterprise the use of
a) cost reduction;
b) increasing the volume of production;
c) the conquest of sales markets;
d) increase in the mass of profits;
e) efficiency improvement

check yourself

What examples of Russian
innovations useful for development

"Quality Management System" - Benefits of implementing a quality management system. Russian systems certification. Lecturer - Ph.D. Trubchenko T.G. Most high level quality is currently achieved in Holland, Switzerland, Germany and the Scandinavian countries. International certification practice.

"IT Templates in Business" - Templates information technologies as a mechanism for implementing the company's strategy. IT templates in business - accounting. Literature. Patterns IT in business is a self-organizing system. IT patterns in business - business process automation. O. Polukeev, D. Koval. IT patterns in business - decision support system.

"Management Styles" - An example to follow. Reference style. First among equals. All over me! Teaching style. 6 management styles - 6 ways to the goal. Chief. Management styles and organizational climate. Consistency of decisions with the team, shared responsibility for the result. organization climate. Prophet, seer. Good team cohesion friendly relations in a collective.

"Modern technologies" - The current situation. Organizational structure project. 7. Situation at the Customer. GK " Modern technologies". 2. 4. 1. Training of personnel in new processes.

"Strategic management" - Table of contents (2). Some key strategic concepts(one). A look from the present into the future. Coordinate system (axes, units) Risks and compensations. Strategic management. Some key strategic concepts (3). Some key strategic concepts (2). I.G. Altshuler Strategic Management 2003.

"Innovation Management" - Composition of the firm's project portfolio. Main stages of development innovative project. Types of innovative strategy of the organization. Topic: "Innovation management". Symptoms of resistance to innovation. The main criteria for the selection of innovative projects. The main sources of innovative ideas. Organizational forms innovative business integration.

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Questions: Concept, essence of innovation, classification and functions of innovation. Innovative activity and innovative process. Life cycle of innovations. Innovation project Indicators and efficiency of innovations.

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Concept, essence, classification and functions of innovations.

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The concept of innovation

Innovation - the use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, new forms of organization of production and labor, service and management.

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Innovation properties: increase the efficiency of the current system. scientific and technical novelty.

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Innovation is the result of investment 1. Investment - 2. Development - - 3. Implementation process - 4. Obtaining qualitative improvement.

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The role of innovation is the creation of competitive products

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Classification of innovations

INNOVATION By scale of application By causes of occurrence By efficiency By object By degree of novelty

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Types of classifications of innovations

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    regional sectoral within the firm (enterprise) intersectoral By scope of application

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    By the object of application: Product innovations - focused on the production and use of new products (services) or new materials, semi-finished products, components Technological innovations - aimed at the creation and application of new technologies Process innovations - focused on the creation and functioning of new organizational structures, both within the firm and at the cross-industry level Complex innovations - are a combination of various innovations

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    For reasons of occurrence: 1. Reactive innovations - ensure the survival of the company 2. Strategic innovations - their main goal is to obtain competitive advantage in perspective By efficiency: - economic - social - ecological - integral

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    Internal sources: Unexpected event (for the enterprise or industry) - success, failure, external event. Incongruence is a discrepancy between reality (as it really is) and our ideas about it. Innovations based on process needs. Sudden changes in the structure of an industry or market. External sources: Demographic changes Changes in perceptions, attitudes and values. New knowledge (both scientific and non-scientific) Sources of ideas for innovation.

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    Innovation Functions: Reproductive Incentive Investment

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    2. Innovative activity and innovative process.

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    Innovation activity

    This is an activity aimed at finding and implementing innovations in order to expand the range and improve product quality, improve technology and production organization. Innovative activity includes: Identification of enterprise problems; Implementation of the innovation process; Organization of innovation activity. - this is a system of measures for the use of scientific, scientific, technical and intellectual potentials in order to obtain a new or improved product or service, a new method of their production to meet both individual demand and the needs of society for innovation as a whole

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    Main stages of innovation activity

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    Innovation process

    The process of transforming scientific knowledge into innovation, which can be represented as a successive chain of events during which an innovation matures from an idea to a specific product, technology or service and spreads through practical use.

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    Stages of the innovation process

    1. Basic research; 2. Applied research; 3. Experimental - design development; 4. Mastering the production of a new product; 5. Concept, types and result of innovative activity.

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    Structure of the innovation process

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    The most typical reasons that can disrupt the normal course of the project:

    Lack of coordination of resources and activities; Weak ties with stakeholders which leads to customer dissatisfaction; Insufficient estimation of the duration of work and costs of the project, leading to large expenditures of time and money; Inadequate planning of resources and actions; Poor quality monitoring of the project, deviations are detected too late; Insufficient quality control of the product.

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    Life cycle of innovation:

    The life cycle is the period of time from the birth of an idea to the removal from production of an innovative product implemented on its basis. Stages of the life cycle of innovations: Origin (accompanied by the implementation of the necessary amount of research work, development and creation of an experimental batch of innovation) Growth (industrial development with simultaneous entry of the product to the market) Maturity (stage series production or mass production and increase in sales) Market saturation (maximum production and maximum sales) Decline (curtailment of production and withdrawal of the product from the market)

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    Principles of good project management aimed at avoiding problems and achieving successful results:

    The project is represented as a final process with a specific start and end time; A project always requires management to achieve successful results; For complete coordination of actions, all project participants must clearly understand what the project is for, what goals it is supposed to achieve.

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    is aimed at ensuring that not only each link in the business operates productively, but also that the entire system of their interaction is aimed at obtaining the maximum multiplier effect, i.e. the effect that cannot be obtained by everyone individually, but can be achieved through joint efforts, organized in an optimal way.

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    Reengineering properties:

    Rejection of outdated rules and approaches and the start of the business process, as it were, "from scratch"; Disregard for the existing systems, structures and procedures of the company and a radical change in the way of doing business; Leading to significant changes in performance indicators, an order of magnitude different from the previous ones.

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    Reengineering process

    The desired image of the company is formed. A model of a real or existing business firms. A new business model is being developed. Introduction of the new business model into the economic reality of the company.

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    innovation risk

    The probability of losses arising from an investment by an entrepreneurial firm in the production of new goods and services that may not find the expected demand in the market.

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    Innovation risk arises:

    when introducing a cheaper method of producing a good or service compared to those already in use. when creating a new product or service on old equipment. in the production of a new product or service using new equipment and technology.

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    For an effective innovation policy in the Russian Federation, it is necessary:

    ensure the demand for innovations from the main domestic consumers of knowledge and ideas - businesses. At the same time, it is necessary to promote domestic developments. stimulate an increase in the supply of innovative ideas from domestic manufacturers - scientific and research organizations. the state must, by all means available to it, ensure communication between domestic producers of knowledge and their consumers, if possible, not only within the country, but also at the international level. decide on an innovation strategy.

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    Key performance indicators of an innovative project

    Financial (commercial) efficiency, taking into account the financial implications for project participants; Budgetary efficiency, taking into account the financial implications for budgets at all levels; National economic efficiency, taking into account costs that go beyond the direct financial interests of the project participants and allow for monetary expression.

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    Venture Capital

    It is one of the most suitable sources of financing for the investments of innovative companies. Specially trained stock brokers attract funds from the capital market to create venture capital companies and funds. Venture capital funds buy shares or convertible bonds of companies. They do not invest in order to receive immediate dividends; they give the company the opportunity to start operating effectively, which will ultimately make it possible to profit from the investments made.

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    Stages in the implementation of the project (or the activities of the company)

    Pre-funding; seed funding; Other financing options at the initial stage; Financing the market expansion phase; Interim funding; Financing the acquisition of a share in the company's ownership by management; Financing the acquisition of a company's share in the ownership of the heads of other companies.

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    What do venture capital companies need?

    internal rate of return; market potential of the project; proposed project management team; rights intellectual property with a technological breakthrough; investment size.

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    Stages of the funding process

    First Appeal A letter is sent to the venture capital fund with a brief business plan attached. Interview The main project leaders are involved and the role of each of them is discussed. Reviewing the Business Plan The management of a venture capital fund reviews the business plan in great detail, especially the financial, sales, and earnings projections. Evaluation VC fund managers give a detailed evaluation of the business plan. Investment Opportunity Assessment The Company may receive a proposal for a possible investment. Generally, no venture capital fund will want to acquire more than 35% of a company's ownership. The detailed investment scheme is set out in a legally binding document called the Shareholders' Agreement.

    Reduced costs per unit of production for the period T, (rub.)

    Zt = St + EnKud where St is the cost in period T; En is the normative coefficient of efficiency; Kud - capital investments per unit of production, rub.; EnKud - standard profit, rub.

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    Annual effect from the introduction of new equipment and technology (rubles)

    En.t. = (Sbaz - Znov) Nnew =[(Sbaz - EnKbaz)–(Snew - EnKnov)]Nnew where Zbaz is the reduced cost of production per unit of production using the basic version of equipment and technologies, rub.; Znov - reduced costs for the production of products using new equipment and technologies, rub.; Nnew - the annual volume of production with the help of new equipment and technologies, units; Cbas - the cost of production of the base variant, rub.; Snov - the cost of production based on new equipment and technology, rub.; Kbaz - capital investments per unit of output of the base case, rub.; Knov - capital investments per unit of production based on new equipment and technology, rub.; En is the normative coefficient of efficiency.

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    Total investment

    Ksum \u003d Kn.r + Kt.p + Kob + Kosv where Kn.r is the cost of scientific research, design, experimental and pilot installations; Кт.п - expenses for the purchase, delivery, installation (dismantling) of equipment, technical preparation, adjustment and development of production; Kob - replenishment costs working capital enterprises associated with the creation and use of new technology; Kosv - costs (profit) from the production and sale of products in the period of development of production, preceding the billing period.

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