Quality management system and its components. What is meant by a quality management system? Repeat audits, continuous improvements, recertifications

  • 11.05.2020

quality management?

Summarizing the various definitions developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) − international organization for standardization, a worldwide federation of national standards organizations (ISO member committees). We can say that the QMS is a documented management system that allows you to apply a process approach to all aspects of the organization's activities and ensures effective interaction and improvement of working methods and processes, including products. This management system is based on standards and principles that define methods for implementing effective quality management. The quality management system (QMS) is part of the overall company management system, which operates to ensure the stable quality of products and services provided. The methodology of the quality management system (QMS) is based on the principles of system and process approaches. The principle of consistency is implemented in the management of the company as a system of interrelated processes aimed at achieving the set goals. Process approach allows you to identify the processes that have the greatest impact on the achievement of goals. At the same time, inputs and outputs of processes, internal and external customers, suppliers and others are identified and measured. parties concerned. Thus, the running processes within life cycle products determine the construction of the organizational structure of the enterprise. The execution of all processes for all elements of the organizational structure is documented. At the same time, the effectiveness of the functioning of the quality system at each level is confirmed by the relevant quality data. Accordingly, a modern quality management system combines an organizational structure, a documentation structure and an information structure, as well as processes that affect quality. Obviously, for effective functioning, these structures must be interconnected, fully cover the organization and all processes.

The introduction of a quality management system and its subsequent certification bring companies a number of strategic and economic benefits:

  • Obtaining an advantage over competitors when participating in Russian and international tenders, exhibitions, auctions.
  • Satisfying the requirements of suppliers for the presence of a functioning QMS in the company.
  • Fulfillment of a condition for receiving a state, military or any other order that is funded from the federal or local budget.
  • Improving the image and investment attractiveness of the company in the eyes of foreign and Russian partners.
  • Improving the image of the organization in the region and industry, which is important for achieving superiority in the market.


  • Improving the management system and increasing its effectiveness and efficiency;
  • Optimization of business processes and increase in their manageability;
  • Improving the interaction of all divisions, services of the company, as well as management levels;
  • Optimization of the company's document flow, facilitating the transition to electronic document management.
  • Improving the quality of products / services through improving the quality of all processes;
  • Improving the quality of personnel work through a clear, specific, targeted distribution of responsibilities, rights and powers.
  • Creation of a base for the rapid and effective implementation of other quality and safety management systems (ISO 14000, HACCP, GMP, etc.)


QMS is designed to quality products or services of the enterprise and "tune" this quality to the expectations of consumers (customers). At the same time, its main task is not to control each unit of production, but to make sure that there are no errors in the work that could lead to marriage (poor quality of products or services).

To understand why quality assurance works the way it does, the following points of the quality philosophy help. The cause of marriage is always wrong actions. And in order to avoid them, it is necessary to formalize (describe) the right actions to create high-quality products or services, develop instructions for performing the right actions and control these actions.


QMS as a system consists of the following elements: organization, processes, documents, resources.

According to ISO, an organization is a group of people and necessary means with a distribution of responsibilities, authorities and relationships. In other words, the organization is understood as a set of elements of the organizational structure related to quality, the rules for their interaction, as well as the personnel responsible for quality.

Process - a set of interrelated and interacting elements of activity that transforms "inputs" into "outputs". In this case, the "inputs" of the process are usually the "outputs" of other processes. Processes in an organization are typically planned and executed with the goal of adding value (from "input" to "output").

The concept of procedure is of great importance in the QMS. A procedure is an established way of carrying out an activity or process. Thus, a procedure can be called a process (or a set of processes); on the other hand, it formalizes the correct way to perform the process.

Document - information (meaningful data) placed on the appropriate medium. Other organizational and administrative documents of the enterprise, for example, “Regulations on subdivisions” and “Job instructions”, should be associated with the documents of the quality system.

QMS resources - everything that provides quality (human, temporary, etc.).

Thus, the QMS is a system consisting of an organization, processes, documents and resources, aimed at the formation of policies and goals in the field of quality, as well as the achievement of these goals.

The presence of a QMS is necessary for any organization that supplies products for export or takes care of its own image, participates in tenders or seeks to expand sales markets and acquire new customers. The international standard ISO 9001:2008 is the most widely used standard for the creation and implementation of a quality management system.

World practice has shown that the application of the principles of the international standard ISO 9001:2008 (or Russian state standard GOST R ISO 9001-2008), today is a reliable tool for building an effective management system, increasing competitiveness and creating favorable conditions for investment growth.

Oleg Levyakov


The material was prepared by Levyakov O.M.

"Those who know do not speak, those who speak do not know." Lao Tzu.

An attempt to find out what a QMS is, by means of a direct reference to the text of the ISO 9000 series standards, usually ends with one thing: the QMS is simply regarded as another "scam" of Western management!

This is due to the fact that the texts of the standards are most often read in a “terrible” translation - the so-called “tracing paper” from English into Russian, completely separate from the necessary interpretation of some requirements, which, although they were borrowed from the socialism we lived through, were brought by the pragmatic West to the working class. states.

Moreover, translation from one language to another is much more difficult than it might seem to a non-specialist, because with the help of the same words, a language can sometimes reflect completely different processes (including management processes). It may happen that when translating from of English language into Russian it will be very difficult to find the right Russian word that would fully reflect the term, especially born in a capitalist country.

For example, for us the word “management” 100% means strict administration, and this is only one of the possible meanings of the English word “management”.

The word "management" was put into use in Russian only out of necessity, so as not to lose its main semantic load: management is a methodology for detecting and correcting one's mistakes!

And what are the terms validation and verification worth?

In addition, domestic publications are also trying to “create additional fog” in order to convince a potential customer to contact them for clarification and advice.

I did not want to talk about it here, but another reason may simply be related to the misunderstanding of the essence of things by the authors of such publications themselves.

To be honest, this is exactly the attitude I had after the first acquaintance with the previous version of the ISO 9001-1994 standard!

But as I grew into the topic while working as a consultant, I began to understand the “main military secret” of the QMS!

The paradox is that when reading the standard, even abstracting from the quality of the translation, it is really very difficult to notice it, because everything is constantly focused and “tied” to achieve customer satisfaction! And if you are interested in reducing the cost of production or, for example, reducing the time to bring a new product to the market? What does the “satisfaction” of the Consumer have to do with it, when it is “not yet”?

That is why let's start with a simple question: - what is the QMS for? The shortest answer is to increase the likelihood of achieving planned results. production activities.

Now let's think about what we need to do for this!

From the biology course high school we know that in nature there are only two types of reflexes, conditioned and unconditioned. Obviously, the ability to find and sometimes avoid a rake is not given to us from birth - this is a conditioned reflex. The repetition of these situations allows us to fix the causal relationship between our actions and results.

When hundreds of people pass through obstacles, one of them can come up with a technology to eliminate them. And if it is documented and everyone is trained, then everyone will achieve their goals faster (without obstacles, then!) This is the basis of the evolutionary principle of development.

And the basic principle of the QMS - see Fig. one.

Rice. 1. The concept of the semantic content of the QMS

Why is it so necessary to document knowledge and experience?

Because the circle of direct interaction of top management is 5-10 people, and it is they who “mediate” its management, its decisions, its vision. It is on them that it largely depends whether the desired and actual results of management will coincide. And here, just the “correct” statement of the problem, just the organization and just control, is no longer enough. Here, it is already necessary to negotiate with all the company's personnel - about a common understanding, a common vision, about what we want to have as an output. In the absence of this unity, we are faced with a situation where each of the participants in our business process understands it somehow very differently. And the result he also gets is “his own”, and may even differ significantly from what your company needs.

It is to prevent these dangers that documents arise that define, regulate, distribute rights and responsibilities - internal standards and regulations of the company - see Fig. 2, which shows the concept of the impact of documentation of actions on the quality of production activities.

Rice. 2. The concept of the impact of documentation of actions on the quality of production activities

Rice. 3. System content of the QMS concept

The structural content of the QMS concept in the general view and in accordance with the architecture of the requirements and principles of the ISO 9000 series of standards is shown in Fig. four.

Fig.4. Structural content of the QMS concept in accordance with the architecture of the requirements and principles of the ISO 9000 series standards

The strategy for the “correct” implementation of the QMS concept shown in Fig. 3 and 4 is shown in Fig. 5.

Agree that without mutual agreement and internal adoption of these new rules (QMS), the system can easily turn into a sham. Because without an “agreement” there is no such “transmission” of internal energy and the conviction that this particular thing is “right” and that it should be done right in this way. This is where the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard for ensuring staff involvement and management leadership will help you - see Fig. 5.

Rice. 5. Strategy for the implementation of the construction of the QMS

Moreover, the introduction of the QMS should be carried out only on the initiative from above, since this process requires a change in the established order of doing business, the stereotypes of employees of the enterprise.

If there is no interest in the QMS from the management side, then the probability of success tends to zero.

But because the main task of the QMS is not to increase the efficiency of the work of employees. Most often, such changes are the goal of the manager or owner, and this brings an additional headache to the employees themselves. As a rule, labor costs do not decrease with the introduction of QMS. The benefits of QMS are clear only top management. Usually they come down to improving the manageability of the enterprise and the possibility of expanding the business. But ordinary employees, with rare exceptions, always meet such changes with hostility.

For at least two reasons.

The first is the system of accounting and document flow that has developed in the company, which is presented to all employees as the “only possible” and, therefore, not subject to revision.

The second is that for the full-fledged work of the QMS, the collection and monitoring of much more information is required (for example, quality records management - which requires greater discipline of employees) than before. Of course, the increase in the volume of work cannot please either ordinary workers or financiers, who are tuned in to savings and reducing staff.

So what to do?

Practice allows us to identify the following main success factors for the implementation of the QMS - see Fig. 6.

Rice. 6. The main success factors for the implementation of the QMS

Let's comment on the main ones.

1. Conducting a preliminary survey and subsequent modeling necessary business processes. Any business consists of interconnected (correlated) actions. The implementation of these processes should be provided with resources (monetary, labor, material, informational, etc.). Each process has its own cost. The totality of enterprise processes makes it possible to calculate the actual actual cost of the business. And then you can competently solve problems financial planning, analysis, pricing, product quality, etc.

Achieving business transparency by identifying the business processes of the enterprise in accordance with the set goals is an urgent task for most enterprises, especially those that are actively developing.

The business model of the company is not only the basis for managing the organization. High transparency of the business, simplicity and accessibility of the system description allows you to develop the initial technical task to set up a resource management system (for example, ERP systems) and develop new requirements for improving (tuning) the resource management system. This allows you to provide the necessary resources, the required quality, in the required quantity, in the right place, at the specified time, for acceptable price, and reduce production costs, thus increasing the competitiveness of the company.

Based on the business model, managers receive the necessary administrative documents ( job descriptions, regulations, other management regulations, operational and strategic reports on the availability and movement of resources in the company, etc.).

This modeling work also forms the basis for the implementation of process management.

2. The key condition for success is the personal interest of one of the first persons of the organization in the results of implementation. In any case, the staff experiences some stress when implementing the QMS. Without the strong will and power of leaders, implementation cannot be successful.

3. Work with management - the formation and coordination with the top officials of the company of its mission, goals and objectives in the field of quality - the invisible and visible presence of the manager in the framework of the implementation of the system is a must, and his role simply as an interested person may not be enough.

This is especially evident when developing indicators and metrics for the work of departments.

An example of the goal setting concept, for example, project business- see fig. 7.

Rice. 7. An example of the concept of defining goals, for example, a project business

4. Formation of the implementation team and its training - no comments are needed here.

One can only add an example of personnel training for an external audit as a way of additional training.

5. Availability in staffing the position of Quality Director.

His alternative in the form of a representative of the management in the field of quality is just a crafty cover for the irresponsibility of the management itself.

For example, it is already accepted that the procurement system is headed by the commercial director, the training system is headed by the HR director, the finance system is headed by financial director. It is quite logical to conclude that the quality system should be headed by the Quality Director!

6. Staff motivation.

This is a delicate matter and is solved in each specific case in different ways.

Rice. 8. The concept of creating a system of personnel motivation

But for all that, it is very important to explain to the staff that the implementation of the system will only make the whole company better - see Fig. 9, and thus hint at the "inevitability" of change.

Rice. 9. The concept of improving production activities after the implementation of the QMS

7. Implementation of implementation in the form of a project. Must be developed and agreed upon by the high level the most detailed schedule of the Project for the implementation of the QMS with responsibility for the delay or disruption of its implementation.

Now it's time to “link” everything you read to the most important thing - to the concept of the quality of the company itself.

Rice. 10. Architecture of the concept "Quality of the company"

Thus, the QMS is not a “scam” at all, but a proven tool for organizing production activities, and aimed primarily at increasing the likelihood of the company achieving the planned results and, ultimately, improving the quality of the company - see. Fig.10.

But the staff is far from always able to get to the bottom of this essence!

But if you planned as a result to achieve only complete satisfaction of your Consumers, then we can say that you have built a QMS in accordance with the ISO 9001 model!

So QMS is a way of organizing production processes ensuring the achievement of planned results.

Thus, the QMS resembles an “iceberg in the ocean”: it has a tiny surface part in the form of a very small text of ISO 9001 and a huge underwater part of reengineering and business modeling, motivation systems, corporate culture, standards development, etc. - see Fig.11

Rice. 11. "Iceberg" SMK

But very often in the CIS, specialists from consulting firms who provide training in the implementation of the QMS do not reveal the essence of this entire “iceberg” well, limiting themselves to formally following the standard.

Resume (in a simple and understandable language for the staff).

The quality management system serves to improve the quality of business management.

It is called QMS and is a company's business process management system - see Fig. four.

The QMS provides clear instructions for all occasions of the employee's life: what, where, when and why. Moreover, when a quality system is introduced, an employee writes his own instructions.

To different companies when working with each other, we were sure that there would be no surprises from the partner and there is a certification procedure according to the ISO 9001 standard, which clearly defines what the governing documents should be in the company, how records of production, purchases and sales should be kept, how traceability should be carried out and identification of products, how suppliers should be selected, how to measure the performance of the enterprise, what corrective and preventive actions to take, what management needs to analyze, etc. etc.

The QMS provides for the creation of a business model of a company, where each service or process of obtaining a product is considered as a link in a continuous chain, at the end of which stands the Consumer. The model assumes the emergence of new horizontal links and relationships aimed at the disappearance of interfunctional barriers, since quality is often lost precisely at the junction of functional units.

After internal and external audits, analysis by management or at the initiative of the employee, these instructions can (and should) be improved and optimized. The meaning of all this is to leave the owner of the enterprise with a documented algorithm for the most effective actions of the employee, in case the old experienced master "Uncle Vasya" fell ill or retired.

In order for the regulation to be not just clear, but also good, corrective and preventive actions are taken to improve processes and such actions should be carried out on a regular basis.

Thus, the QMS turns out to be not a "stupid bureaucratic machine" for stupid foreigners who cannot take a step without instructions, but in fact very effective tool improving business quality.

And quite simply: The QMS turns a heroic guerrilla unit into a well-trained regular army battalion!

Mikhail Yurievich Rybakov Business consultant, business coach, senior partner of Just Consulting, certified project management specialist (IPMA)
Alexander Leonidovich Shmailov Leading trainer-consultant on quality management, head of "Quality Management" at Just Consulting
Magazine "Management News", №1 for 2008

“The time challenge for businesses can be summed up as “faster and more cost-effective mastery of an ever-increasing variety of rapidly changing tasks”.

Alexander Leonidovich Shmailov


This article is devoted to the creation and implementation of a quality management system (QMS) in Russian company. After reading it, you:

  • Find out what benefits your business will receive from the implementation of QMS
  • Explore the modern types of QMS and be able to choose the most suitable for you
  • You will be able to understand how to create a QMS in your company and prepare it for international certification

The article is practical and is based on world practice and many years of experience of the authors in the field of quality in such companies as:

  • Western: BEKO (factory in Russia), Daimler-Benz/Mercedes Benz Avtomobili, Trocal, KBE, TUV EC, Volvo Truck Corporation Russia, Kuhne+Nagel LLC Russia, etc.
  • Russian: BeeLine, Business Process LLC, Corbina Telecom, Moscow Business School, Sawatzky, Yukos NK, etc.

The entire article will be based on a single cross-cutting example. As our hero, we took the conditional company "Etalon". This is a multi-brand car dealer-center for the sale, repair and maintenance of cars of European brands. This example is good because:

  • firstly, many of us regularly use the services of stations Maintenance cars (STOA)
  • secondly, this example can illustrate the implementation of QMS in companies engaged in sales, production and provision of services.

History of the company. Problems

Etalon was founded in 2001. At that time, she was engaged in the maintenance of Volkswagen cars. Over time, a number of Japanese and Korean brands also began to sell and serve. Today, Etalon is one of the leaders in the regional market. However, recently the competition has become more and more fierce and therefore the company began to pay more serious attention to those points that had not previously reached the hands:

  • Service station personnel do not comply with time standards and company standards
  • The directorate believes that the productivity of the direct workforce (mechanics, electricians, diagnosticians) could be much higher
  • Customers are not entirely satisfied with the quality and speed of service
  • Rare customers re-apply for services: go to competitors

And consequently:

  • The company is losing market share
  • Owners and investors are not satisfied with the return on invested capital.

Of course, these problems were not new to management. And, of course, they tried to solve them:

  • Installed video surveillance of the work of mechanics, locksmiths and electricians
  • Raised or lowered the level of the bonus, linking it to performance
  • Trained receptionists in customer service
  • And much more

However, all this gave only a temporary improvement. And then one day the owner of the company heard that there is such a science - quality management, and decided to implement it in his company.

What is quality management and what does it provide

What are the business benefits?

Advantages that you can get are very diverse:

  • Reducing production costs and increasing profits
  • Increasing the capitalization and investment attractiveness of the company
  • Increasing the manageability and transparency of the company for management
  • Growth of motivation and loyalty of employees, improvement of the atmosphere in the team
  • Increasing customer satisfaction
  • Developing the image and increasing the competitiveness of the company
  • Opportunity to enter foreign markets and cooperate with major Russian companies
  • Continuous improvement of the company's performance

By what means is this achieved?

Simply put, quality is about how to build your business "wisely". Distinguish:

Quality management is the same area of ​​management as production, finance, personnel and others. But at the same time, it is more complex, influencing all aspects of the company's work, and therefore under the jurisdiction of its top management.

And all the successful companies in the world (from such giants as Daimler-Benz to small companies) in various business areas are dealing with these issues.

What are quality management systems?

There was a time when every leading company created a QMS on its own. However, in order to “not reinvent the wheel”, various best practices have been created based on the practices of the most successful global companies quality standards, for example:

  • ISO 9001:2000
    Talks about how to build an efficient, long-term successful company, regardless of its business area. It is also used to evaluate partners: how risky it is to work with them.
    This standard is the base for all QMS created in the world, so we will take it as a basis for further presentation. Other standards specify and detail the requirements of ISO 9001:2000 for specific countries and industries.
  • ISO QS 9000
    Standard for evaluating suppliers and contractors in the automotive industry. Adopted by the "big three" American car companies: Ford, General Motors Chrysler.
  • VDA 6.1/6.2
    European standard similar to ISO QS 9000. Adopted by German companies such as BMW, Volkswagen, Mercedes, Siemens.
  • ISO TS 16949
  • An international standard that has grown from the above.

But that's not all. If you have implemented a QMS, then you have reached a certain basic level for the industry. But the competition is growing, and if you want to develop further, your guide can be programs for further improvement, for example:

  • Statistical Process Control (SPC)
    A set of techniques for product quality control at all stages of the life cycle.
  • Quality Cost Management
    Cost reduction from low quality (marriage) due to its prevention.
  • Toyota production system - TPS and Lean Production
    Toyota production system. It is one of the most successful quality management systems in the world.
  • Advanced preventive maintenance (TPM) techniques
    A system of Japanese methods for evaluating and improving the overall efficiency of manufacturing equipment.
  • Six Sigma
    A system originally developed by Motorola. It is based on a project approach when implementing improvements and a clear organizational structure.

Basic principles of quality management

In the work on quality, one can distinguish 3 levels:

1. Ideology

2. Psychology

3. Tools

"What does this mean? - you ask. - What about the ideology? In our country, this was more than enough! Look at the results!

That's right, but the whole point is that an employee of the company can be given the best tools, machines and equipment, but if he won't want work efficiently, all your efforts will be a waste of money and time.

Ideology needed to form public opinion. For example, in Japan, the principle " good man ashamed to work badly." In the US Quality is often compared to religion. A person cannot be forced to believe in God. Also with quality. It is impossible to force - but you can convince, create the appropriate mood within the framework of a separate project, company or the whole society.

Understanding psychology an employee is needed in order to be able to convey the basic principles of quality to employees.

BUT tools help to put into practice the principles of quality.

Quality as a discipline was largely created by the efforts of individuals. They are often referred to as "Quality Gurus". It was they who laid the ideological foundation of quality as a management discipline, developed tools that are actively used all over the world.

Edward Deming is rightfully considered one of the founders of the world science of quality. In the 1940s In the 20th century, he worked as a professor of statistics at New York University. At that time, for the first time, he had the idea that statistical methods could be applied to quality management. He offered his developments to many American companies, but at that time his ideas were not accepted in the US business community. He tried to find understanding in a number of countries of the world, including the Soviet Union. He almost stayed in our country, but the country's leadership demanded that he publicly declare that Soviet industry is the highest quality in the world. Having familiarized himself with the state of affairs at several factories, he could not take such a step, which means that he was forced to continue his search for the country where his ideas would be accepted. Japan is such a country.

After the Second World War, Japan was in a very difficult economic situation, and the goods that its industry produced were completely uncompetitive due to very low quality. For six years, Dr. Deming lectured and advised Japanese business leaders and government officials. As a result, the Japanese were able to put into practice new management principles and become world leaders in the quality of their products.

Much later, in the early 80s, many years after the start of the "Japanese Industrial Revolution", in the book "Out of the Crisis" Deming formulated his famous "14 principles of quality", which reflect his many years of successful quality experience in the largest companies around the world.

The essence of Deming's approach is that the causes of low efficiency and poor quality are most often embedded in the system, not in the workers. Therefore, to improve production results, managers must adjust the system itself. Deming paid particular attention to:

  • need collection of statistical information about deviations from standards
  • reduction of deviations in the processes and products of the company
  • at the expense search, analysis and elimination of the causes of deviations.

So let's consider "The 14 Principles of Edward Deming" which to this day are the basis for quality management worldwide.

1. Striving for improvement

“Make it so that the desire to improve the product or service becomes constant; your final goal“become competitive, stay in business and provide jobs.”

Rice. Increasing quality in Japan and the USA

The Japanese are very fond of telling how they overtook America in quality. And do you know how they explain their success?

In the US, quality is improved on a case-by-case basis when there is some kind of technological or managerial breakthrough. In Japan, one of the components of any work is its continuous improvement (Kaizen). How this happens, we will look at just below (the PDCA cycle). In the meantime, I suggest you think about the question: how does quality change over time in Russia? Consider the quality dynamics of many brands that have appeared on the consumer market in recent years…

Iterative improvement (PDCA cycle)

One of the main principles in the development of quality is the principle of continuous improvement. It finds practical implementation in the implementation of the famous PDCA cycle (from the English words: plan- to plan, do- do, check- check, act- act), developed by Edward Deming.

This principle symbolizes the infinity of the process of improvement. Imagine that you are sailing on a boat towards a certain destination. The boat will be periodically carried away by the current, deployed by the wind. To sail to the intended goal, you will have to regularly adjust your course using the feedback principle. Note that goals can change… However, in business people often think that once they find the right solution, they can use it forever.

Rice. PDCA cycle

Often the PDCA cycle is depicted as a person pushing the wheel of continuous development up an incline. The circle symbolizes the continuous nature of improvement. This symbol is very popular in Japan, as is the technique itself. For example, the PDCA cycle is often a topic of discussion in Quality Circles.

2. New philosophy

“We are living in a new economic era. Leaders must rise to the challenge of this era, must realize their responsibility and become leaders in order to bring about change.”

If you want to run your company using the old "I'm the boss, you're the fool!" principle, it's best to stop talking about quality right away. The experience of most companies that have successfully implemented a quality management system suggests that everything starts with a belief in the quality of the top management of the company. And often at first you have to overcome the wall of misunderstanding and resistance on the part of the bulk of employees and middle-level managers. Quality is “doomed to success” only if top managers accept it as one of the main priorities in the development of the company, regularly proclaim its important role, and most importantly, they themselves adhere to the principles of quality in their daily work, convincing employees to follow the new course by their example.

3. Termination of mass checks

“Overcome dependency on quality control. Quality cannot be ensured through mass inspections, it must be the result of a sustainable product manufacturing process.

Initially, quality as a management discipline arose with the introduction of assembly line production at the beginning of the 20th century. Until then, the craftsman, who produced his products in small batches, could himself control the production process from beginning to end. And the worker standing on the assembly line became separated from the results of his labor, that is, those “10 screws” that he tightened every day from morning to evening were very far from the shiny beautiful cars that left the assembly line after assembly and finishing.

Then for the first time the idea of ​​creating OTK (departments technical control), that is, there were special units whose main task was to control the quality of manufactured products. The main problem of output control is that even if some scrap finished products found, fixing it can be very costly for the company, and often there are "hidden defects" that are discovered only when the product reaches the end user.

Also, the disadvantage of mass control is the psychological problems that arise in production in the presence of a large number of controllers. Who likes to work when you are constantly watching keen eye overseer?

The opposite of total control is development of business process quality and technological process so that the emergence of marriage will be impossible in principle. Also, one of the goals is to process reproducibility. For example, one car can be produced in a garage, but in order to make a thousand of the same, and even with workers different levels qualifications, just need quality management.

4. Caution with cheap purchases

“End the practice of buying based on finding the lowest price, instead, minimize total costs. Try to have one supplier for each of the components, work with him on the basis of a long-term trusting relationship.

Any company depends on the resources that it acquires on foreign market. Often management forces purchasing managers to focus on minimum prices. However, when choosing suppliers, it is important to pay attention not only to the price of purchased products, but also to total cost of ownership this resource during the entire period of its operation, which includes the cost of repairs, and spare parts, and losses from downtime of resources purchased cheaply. Often a simple economic calculation shows that it is better to buy more expensive, but high-quality products. You can calculate what is more profitable: invite a team of professionals or a team of guest workers to build your cottage, who are sober only at the time of the conclusion of the contract, and took the trowel for the first time a month ago. As the saying goes, "I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things"...

5. Continuous improvement of systems

“It is necessary to constantly look for the causes of defects in order to improve in the long term all production and service systems, as well as any other activity related to the enterprise.”

This principle tells us how important it is to analyze the causes of problems that arise during the work of the company. “There are no defeats - there are only Feedback", say the wise. Our mistakes and miscalculations are an invaluable experience that will make it easier for us to succeed in the future. Only a detailed consideration of the causes that led to a particular problem can eliminate it in the future. It is extremely important from the very first steps of project development to cultivate in employees the principle of a detailed analysis of emerging difficulties in order to take real steps to eliminate and prevent them in the future.

There are a number of tools that allow you to analyze the causes of existing or potential problems.

6. Personnel training system

"Create an on-the-job training system."

Have you noticed that often a young specialist who comes to work after studying at a university has no idea what needs to be done, even if he works in his specialty (which is a rarity these days)? How to grow professionals who will successfully cope with the tasks assigned to them, and will also become the backbone of the company in the future?

World experience shows that a mentoring system can help in solving this problem when experienced staff train young newcomers. This approach gives a “triple effect”: you educate young people, increase the loyalty of experienced professionals, unite the team, and lay the foundations for respectful relationships between colleagues.

7. Effective leadership

"It is necessary to apply modern methods guidelines designed to help workers do their job better.”

A well-known principle says that in order to get a different result, it is necessary to make some changes in the system. That is, if you do not change anything, then the result will be “as always”. Are you satisfied with the work of your employees? Not? Then who is responsible for making changes happen in your company?

In the new conditions, when more and more results are expected from the employee, as well as a responsible, creative approach to work, the leader is no longer the taskmaster over the “negligent worker”, which he often used to be before. Modern approach to management implies a partnership of employees and managers, in which the leader is assigned the role of a mentor, a “senior comrade”, who can show the employee the way to his professional growth.

8. Eliminate the atmosphere of fear

“It is necessary to promote mutual communication and use other means to eliminate fear among workers. Then people will be able to work effectively in the interests of the company.”

What are employees afraid of? It is worth starting a conversation about this with the fact that in any company with more than 100 employees, the interests of the business are largely replaced by the interests of building a career within the company. This means that all actions taken by the employee will be aimed at increasing their merits in the eyes of the authorities and hiding all the mistakes.

What does this lead to? People are starting to get scared. To be afraid to talk about the mistake made, once again turn to the management with a proposal for improvement: “How will they look at me? Will they not be punished? Will they make me responsible for the implementation of my proposal? What if I can't do it?" As a result, a person takes only the most “safe” jobs, seeks to shift responsibility to colleagues and managers. And what kind of creative approach to work can be said in such an environment in a team?

Another negative consequence of the fear of punishment in the workplace, the division of the company into "bosses" and "ordinary workers" is the emergence of mutual responsibility among ordinary employees. The negative consequences are many. This is both theft and mutual concealment of inaction and mistakes.

What is the reason for this situation? main reason confrontation between employees and management is usually fear. After all, it often happens that when problems are discovered (for example, the occurrence of a marriage), the management is engaged in “search for the extreme”, “so that it is disrespectful”. And the problem often lies in the problems of labor organization, the shortcomings of the system.

In a number successful companies the following principle was introduced: if an employee himself admitted his guilt in making a mistake, he is not only not punished, but also rewarded if he came up with a real way to prevent this mistake in the future. After all, now this employee has gained valuable experience! Of course, this does not apply to those who make mistakes every day. However, as practice shows, most employees really strive to do their job as best as possible. Don't bother them!

9. Eliminate barriers

"It is necessary to eliminate barriers between individual areas of the company's activities, divisions."

You have noticed that sometimes in companies you can hear such conversations.

Accounting: “These salesmen are bums! Not only do they come to the office only in the evening, but also the documents are constantly delayed!”

Sellers: “This bookkeeping is a complete swamp! Not only do they sit all day, wipe their pants, they also constantly make mistakes in the calculations, and you won’t get documents from them!”

If you hear such conversations in your project, it means that you have opposition of divisions. Why does it occur?

The fact is that most of the company's employees are engaged in their own narrow business, they do not notice the importance of what other departments are doing, the problems that exist in their work. Which means what other departments are doing starts to seem unimportant. As a result, conflicts and mutual accusations arise.

What to do in such a situation? As a rule, this situation is resolved by carrying out a series of procedures aimed at resolving conflicts and establishing constructive interaction between departments. Moreover, to hold such events, people are needed who will not be “their own” for any of the parties, and often a team of invited consultants plays this role.

10. Rejection of slogans

“It is necessary to eliminate slogans, appeals and warnings. They only cause opposition, because in most cases, poor quality is caused by the system, and not by the behavior of a particular employee.

“You must work with high quality!”, “Five-year plan - in three years!” - we have already heard all this somewhere, haven't we? When you hear such a fiery call, what desire arises inside? To work qualitatively, or to do something else in relation to the one who repeats this slogan every day?

Does this mean that propaganda is not needed at all? How to be? How to convey the necessary ideas to employees? Moreover, above the author spoke about the "ideology of quality". Is there a contradiction here?

It certainly exists, but there are ways to resolve it. First, modern methods of creating public opinion (PR) are much more subtle than just saying slogans. Secondly, there are other ways to convey ideas to the masses, for example, the work of Quality Circles, which, in our experience, work very well in Russia (of course, if they are properly organized).

11. Refusal of arbitrarily established norms (quotas) in production. Change of leadership

a) “Abandon quantitative quotas for workers”;

b) "Abandon the quantitative goals of the administration."

As the practice of implementing quality management systems shows, there is always a contradiction in companies: to work efficiently or work well. In general, our whole life is woven from contradictions. For example:

Car: prestigious or cheap?

Travel by train or fly by plane?

Employee: smart or accommodating?

One of the tasks of the project manager is to resolve such contradictions at the earliest stage of planning. Moreover, the situation is often complicated by the fact that priority quality in work contradicts those quantitative production standards, which are set for employees. They would be happy to work well, but at a certain level of workload it becomes physically impossible.

How to be? Find compromises between quality and quantity, and not hit one of the extremes.

12. Taking pride in your work

“Everything that calls into question the ability of every rank-and-file employee and every manager to take pride in their work must be eliminated.”

Have you noticed how different are those who go to work “just to earn money” and those who are proud of their professionalism, their team, their company? And, nevertheless, how many obstacles managers sometimes create on the way of employees to a sense of pride in their own company! To the extent that the employees of the recently spun off subsidiaries of one very large Russian company, who work side by side with it every day, are forbidden to wear its symbols! It's hard to see the bitterness in people's eyes when they talk about it! People just give up on being treated like this...

But sometimes it is necessary to take very simple actions to maintain self-respect in an employee, pride in his profession. Such methods as honor boards and award certificates are still relevant today. And how quite adult serious people rejoice when they receive a postcard signed by the head for a professional holiday!

13. Encourage learning

"It is necessary to create a comprehensive training program and an environment in which self-improvement becomes the need of every employee."

Are your employees frequently trained? Not? And you want them to keep up with the changes that are taking place in our lives?

They say about Japanese companies that everyone teaches everyone there, and this is one of the reasons for the rapid growth of the Japanese economy. In our country today there is such a situation that up to 70% of the population work not in their basic profession. Engineers are in charge, psychics treat, and everyone who could not find a place in other areas goes to salespeople. And what do you expect from such workers? It is surprising to observe what hopes the head of such a newly minted sales department places on his "eagles", of which one wanted to become a doctor, but quit, the other is looking for a job after a culinary college, and the third just came from the army. Of course, these can be quite worthy people, however, it never occurs to anyone to put a peasant in a pilot's seat and send him across the Atlantic!

Create such conditions in which it will be prestigious for the employees of your company to study. For example, you can link career with the passage of certain trainings, or obtaining a "second higher".

14. Transformations are everyone's business

"Get every worker involved in the change program."

The people say: "One man is not a warrior." Well, what will you achieve in the field of quality if your employees in the smoking room will giggle at you, discussing “another whim of the boss”?

One of the first tasks of the project manager is to involve all employees in the work on quality improvement. And make sure that people participate in it voluntarily and with enthusiasm.

It should be noted here that although Deming's principles have proved their effectiveness in Japan and other countries of the world, they have been developed for a long time, and the Japanese mentality is significantly different from the Russian one.

That is, when borrowing any advanced experience, you should creatively process it under the conditions of your reality. What principles will you develop for your company, based on the best world experience?

Creation of the QMS

So, how is QMS created? As with everything, there is at least two ways:

  • do it yourself;
  • order on the side.

Americans call it "make or buy". Both have advantages: in the first case, you will learn a lot, fill your bumps, and get the most adapted system, but it will take you a lot of time. In the second - spend more money, but save time and get a quick professional-level result.

Most people choose the second option. We will consider it using the example of the Etalon company.

There are a few milestones:

  • Training
    • Analysis of the state "as is"
    • Quality management training for managers and staff
  • Documentation development
    • Formation of QMS documentation
  • Implementation
  • Internal audit
    • Training of internal auditors
    • Conducting internal audits
  • Quality management report to top management
  • QMS certification
  • Re-audits, continuous improvements, recertifications.


Analysis of the state "as is"

To begin with, the consulting company conducts preliminary rough assessment of the client in order to determine the contours of the future project. Evaluated:

  • Industry of the company and directions of its business
  • Organizational structure, management structure, number of staff
  • Does the client need certification, if so, what kind, why and in what time frame
  • And other options.

Rice. Organizational structure of STOA

It is worth mentioning here that certification varies.. Companies can be classified in different ways. For example:

  • "Sale of the certificate" + QMS as a bonus. Wishful thinking.
  • Assistance in creating the organizational maturity of the company (speed, accuracy, quality of fulfillment of customer orders) + certificate as its confirmation.

The first option is more widely distributed on the market, and the second, alas, often comes down to the first in the course of implementation. A truly professional consultant can do both options, but initially focuses on the second. Its benefits have been described above in the "What are the business benefits?" section. It is about him that we will talk further.

Certification also happens:

  • Western(TUV, Lloyd register, BVQI, DNV, SGS, etc.)
  • Russian(GOST-R, VNIINMASH, Russian register, etc.)

Western certification bodies are good because they have many years of experience and reputation, they transfer successful experience from other companies, but their services are very expensive.

At the same time, Russian ones are cheap, but the emphasis during implementation is more on the administrative resource, coercion.

Based on a preliminary assessment consultant makes an offer to the client, where he describes the goals of the project, its stages, cost. As a rule, the client arranges a competition (explicitly or not) among consultants. A contract is concluded with the winner, in which the terms of reference (TOR) and the project plan are included in the annexes. This is very important, because allows "on the shore" to agree on mutual expectations and requirements, the scope of work. Otherwise, the project tends to "grow", which leads to dissatisfaction on both sides.

It is also worth mentioning that success or failure of the project largely depends on the client. So, often he strives to carry out the most expensive stages on his own, and does not do it, or does it poorly. And sometimes the project is greatly delayed due to the lack of key persons of the client (business trips, etc.), delays in providing information.

Likewise, in the preliminary stages "grinding" the consultant and the client. After all, mutual trust is important for success: a consultant often learns a lot of confidential information about a company. No wonder the preservation of trade secrets is an important point of any consulting contract.

For the success of the creation and operation of the QMS, the support of the key persons of the company, incl. its top management. Therefore, it is useful to carry out the so-called kick-off training, which describes the key benefits of creating a system, the mechanisms of its work and the stages of its creation.

  • identify weaknesses and risks in the client's business (non-compliance with the standard)
  • identify improvement potentials that can be implemented, preferably at minimal cost. Sometimes they are also called "low-hanging fruits."

A phased survey of the company's personnel is carried out, starting from top management to performers.

Further implementation largely depends on the literacy of this stage. If the consultant is competent, then already at this stage vision of "how it should be", and not only for him, but also for the client.

This stage ends formation of a QMS implementation project in company.

An example is provided at the beginning of this section. You can supplement it with a network diagram, a Gantt chart and a responsibility matrix.

Documentation development

Identification of the main processes of the Company

At the next stage, it is necessary to implement the concept that has developed after analyzing the current state of the company. And, first of all, it is necessary to develop a “company concept”, and not so much “as is”, but “as it should be”, taking into account the requirements of the ISO 9001:2000 standard. In quality management, this scheme is called process landscape: it contains the names of the processes taking place in the company and, possibly, the links between them.

Processes are divided into three groups:

  • Company management processes
  • Core processes (which add value to the customer and bring profit to the company)
  • Supporting (auxiliary) processes.

However, we follow the approach proposed by the Austrian consultant Karl Wagner (ProCon), which also highlights:

  • Measurement, analysis and improvement processes.

This allows you to ensure that the created QMS will actually perform its functions: to contribute to the prosperity of the business. If these processes do not exist, the QMS is just a declaration.

Rice. The relationship of processes in the company.

Displayed first basic processes as the most important for the company. We follow the entire path from receiving a customer's order to issuing a finished product or service. For example:

  • Finding and attracting clients
  • Conclusion of contracts
  • Fulfillment of orders
  • Development of new products (R&D).

Note that the division of processes into groups is very conditional and controversial, and primarily depends on the scope of business and the goals of the company. For example, for a bank, financial management is the main process.

  • Selection and evaluation of suppliers
  • Work with personnel
  • Life support of the office, technical processes
  • Safety.

For core and supporting processes to function successfully, they need to be managed. For this there are governance processes. For example:

  • Strategic Management
  • Tactical control
  • Operational management.

You can manage in different ways. It can be based on the intuition of managers, or it can be based on facts, preferably expressed in digital form. For this, it is necessary to produce measurements, then analyze received information. And based on the analysis improve operation of the entire company or individual processes. Let's say, in our example, the head of the workshop set the price of an hour for the paint shop to be 40 euros. Based on what: competitor analysis, customer surveys? Such a leader takes a very big risk if, for example, the cost of an hour is 37 euros: pretty soon his business will collapse, and he may not even suspect it, because. it does not have a system for collecting and analyzing evidence.

Detailed description and development of processes

  • Name
  • Owner (responsible)
  • Process boundaries (start and end)
  • Inputs and outputs (starting with outputs)
  • Process execution logic

There are many ways to describe processes, from the simplest to the most complex, such as IDEF0 and ARIS. However, we recommend using the simplest flowcharts: they are less scientific, and everyone can easily understand them.

Rice. Description of the order processing process in the STOA "Etalon"

In the course of the description, the processes are repeatedly adjusted and improved. Their landscape may also change. It is convenient to single out 4 working groups from among the company's employees, each of which describes the processes of one of the groups indicated above.

Definition of QMS management procedures

In order for processes to be effectively executed in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000, it is necessary to develop six mandatory QMS management procedures:

  • Document management
  • records management
  • Nonconformity Management
  • Management of internal audits
  • Corrective actions
  • Preventive measures

To documentation QMS was convenient to use, it is necessary to form some of its structure and document templates.

Entries needed to record how a particular job was done. Remember the sheet on which the cleaner marks the time of cleaning the restroom of a restaurant - this is an example of records.

Rice. Recording example. "Form of acceptance of a car for repair"

Nonconformity management is dealing with customer complaints, both external and internal.

Internal audits are necessary in order to assess what does not lend itself to the normal system of measurement. For example, the quality of documentation. First of all, the performers are asked about the implementation of the given regulations.

If during the audit non-compliance with the requirements of the standard was identified, it is necessary to take corrective measures that correct them.

And so that in the future inconsistencies do not arise in principle, preventive (preventive) measures are taken.

Formation of QMS documentation

Of course, the QMS must be documented. Documentation is built in the form of a pyramid:

Application area

Sets benchmarks in the field of quality

Whole enterprise

All employees

Describes the quality system in accordance with the established quality policy and objectives and the applicable standard

Whole enterprise

Inside: at the departmental level

Outside: project participants

Describes the activities of individual functional units necessary for the implementation of elements of the quality system

One or more company departments

Only within one or more departments

Consists of detailed working papers

Department, separate workplaces

Only within one department

  • At the top level— the company's quality policy and objectives, which are detailed in the Quality Management Manual. This documentation is presented in the most general form and is "advertising" in nature. It is provided to clients, suppliers, partners. However, it contains links to the next level, which contains the know-how of the company, which means that access to it should be limited.

Quality policy

  1. Customer orientation
    We focus on the needs of our customers and work with them in a friendly and considerate manner in order to achieve permanent partnerships reliably and in the long term.
  2. Economy
    We are committed to acting from an economic point of view. We find out the processes of our company from the point of view of their economic sense and efficiency. For our customers, we maintain up-to-date technologies and fundamental knowledge and guarantee this. We strive for the subsequent coverage of costs and the competitive cost of our products.
  3. Service quality
    Our activities are defined within processes that should ensure the highest quality of our services. Responsibilities and competencies are clearly defined in order to ensure clear information flows, regulations for the settlement of interfaces.
    Prevention or rapid resolution of nonconformities is part of our process-oriented QMS.
  • On average— descriptions of processes and procedures. These are documents that regulate the activities of the company: how to analyze the market, how to work with suppliers, create new products etc.
    The above is an example of a process description.
  • On the bottom- work instructions, job descriptions, drawings, operational instructions, document forms, etc.


Once the QMS is established, it must be implemented. For this you need:

  • Share Responsibility for the implementation of established processes between managers and employees.
  • To train. It is recommended to train managers first, who then train their employees.

Internal audit

Now we need to check how much what we planned corresponds to what we actually have. The main goal is to improve the created system.

Training of internal auditors

First of all, it is important to determine who will be the internal auditors. A good auditor can be a person who is configured not for authoritarian control, but for the search for opportunities to improve the system.

Then spend education both the audit procedures and the necessary skills, such as asking effective questions, listening, identifying the causes of problems, suggesting improvements, separating problems from specific people, etc.

Then spend exam where the future auditor demonstrates his skills.

Conducting internal audits

The audit is carried out approximately one week after the implementation is completed. When it is carried out, the following options are possible:

  • Everything is described and works. Everything is good here.
  • If it is described, but does not work, then they decide whether a description is needed.
  • If it is not described, but it works, then they evaluate whether a description is needed for the repeatability of processes, or whether it is enough to create a “checklist” or conduct a simple briefing under the signature.
  • Not described and not working. If the process is needed, then we come up with an optimal algorithm, otherwise we discard the process.

Implementation of improvement actions based on the audit

Based on the results of the internal audit, report, has the following structure:

  • General information about the state of affairs in the company in terms of quality management
  • Critical non-compliance with the requirements of the standard
  • Remarks
  • Recommendations

Based on the report, a list of events to improve the QMS.

Rice. Internal audit report schema

Rice. Internal audit report template

Quality management report to top management

When the QMS is established and internal audits are carried out, the Quality Management Commissioner submits a report to the top management of the company, which contains an analysis of:

  • Customer complaints
  • Company market shares
  • Corrective actions
  • Preventive measures
  • Internal audits
  • Dedicated resources
  • Work with personnel
  • corporate culture
  • Etc.

During this procedure, the authorized person "sells" the created system to the first person of the company, demonstrating to him all the benefits of using the QMS. Based on the results of the report, top management makes decisions on the final adjustment of the system, sometimes quite radically.

Rice. Agenda of the Report to Senior Management

QMS certification

When the QMS is completely ready, it is certified, i.e. confirmation by an accredited body that the created system complies with the standard. To put it simply, some reputable independent organization guarantees that your company works well and stably.

Certification has a number of steps:

  • QMS is being developed
  • Certification body selected
  • Applying
  • Documentation (quality manual) is sent to the certification body and checked in absentia
  • The time of the certification audit is set
  • Auditors check the working system. The number of auditors depends on the size of the audited company. During the audit, the auditors determine "critical deviations", comments and recommendations. If there are more than 3 critical deviations, then the certification is interrupted, the payment "burns out", and the next audit is scheduled. However, this happens extremely rarely.

It is worth noting that the cost of certification depends on the size of the company and the number of man-days of the auditor's work. The cost of one man-day of work of a Western certification body is equal to the monthly salary of an average Russian manager.

Repeat audits, continuous improvements, recertifications

Since the principle of continuous improvement was laid down in the QMS from the very beginning, so-called surveillance audits are carried out annually, and every third year - a mandatory recertification of the system.

So, the QMS has been created and is working. What did it give our company "Etalon"? A very simple and important thing - it has become more competitive and successful. And no matter what changes take place in the market, its shareholders and management are now sure that the company will be able to quickly adapt to them: not only save itself, but also reach a qualitatively new level.

With quality management, the winds of change become favourable!

What else?

Of course, there are other important aspects when implementing quality management in a company.

  • So, for example, one cannot do without tools, of which more than 600 have been developed to date: from the simplest to the very complex.
  • It is very important to work with the personnel correctly so that your QMS is not just a pile of paper, but a really working mechanism for increasing the company's competitiveness.

1 W. Edwards Deming, "Out of the Crisis." - Tver: Alba Publishing House, 1994

- this is component a general enterprise management system, which should ensure the stability of the quality of products or services and increase customer satisfaction. Methodologically, QMS is a system of business processes built on the basis of a process management model and aimed at managing the quality of an organization's product or service.

Leave a request for a free consultation

What is quality? Modern management experts consider the concept of quality in four aspects, which reflect the evolution of the definition of the concept of quality with the development of not only production technologies, but also management science.
Half a century ago, the civilized world considered a product to be of high quality if it meets the standards. Over time, it became clear that this was not enough. Then, to the definition of quality, they added that the product must correspond to consumption, i.e. if the product meets the standards, but is not needed by the consumer, then it is not of high quality. Then, in the 80s, they came to the conclusion that a product cannot be called high-quality if it cannot be used. The quality must match the application. And finally, today product is called quality if, in addition to all of the above, it meets the expected needs of the consumer. Goods and services are produced by enterprises to meet the needs of consumers. These needs and expectations of the manufacturer must be formulated in clearly defined requirements - specifications. Specifications- an integral part of the technical specifications. So, if the enterprise management system is not debugged in accordance with QMS standards, then specifications often cannot provide quality in its modern sense.

What does the QMS give to the consumer? First of all, the assurance that the manufacturer aims to continuously improve quality and meet its needs and expectations. Formal confirmation that the company has actually implemented Quality Management System and it meets international standards is management system certificate issued by an independent certification body.

    What will the implementation of a quality management system in an enterprise give?
  • the company's resources are focused on meeting the needs and expectations of consumers;
  • there is an optimization in the control system;
  • having received the ISO 9001 certificate, the enterprise is more likely to become the preferred supplier for large international companies;
  • With the correct implementation of the QMS, competitiveness in the market increases.

On the eve of the International women's day specialists of our company held a field seminar in Grodno on the basis of the State Educational Institution "Grodno Regional Institute for the Development of Education" "Requirements of ISO 9001:2015 (STB ISO 9001-2015). Actions on risks and assessment of opportunities in the context of improving the organization's risk-based management. Internal auditor of the quality management system (MS ISO 19011:2018, GOST ISO 19011-2013)”, as well as “Practical aspects of risk management in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015”.

The innovation management system helps organizations accumulate best ideas and constantly improve to keep up with the competition. A new ISO standard has recently been published in the innovation management series.

February 24-25 in the information and consulting training center our company held a seminar on the topic: "ISO / IEC 27001: 2013: information technology, security methods, management systems information security. Requirements. Internal audit of the information security management system”. The event was attended by specialists from several leading enterprises in the field of information and telecommunication technologies: Banking and Financial Teleset CJSC, Bevalex JV, MultiTech Engineering LLC, Light Well Organization Limited Liability Company.

On February 20-21, in Mogilev, the specialists of our company held a combined two-day training seminar on the topic “Requirements of ISO 17025:2017 (GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019), STB ISO/IEC 17025:2007. Internal auditor of the laboratory quality management system GOST ISO 19011-2013, ISO 19011:2018). The event was held in the conference hall of the Metropol Hotel.

On January 29-30, the specialists of our company held a training seminar in our training center: “Requirements of ISO 9001:2015 (STB ISO 9001-2015). Actions on risks and assessment of opportunities in the context of improving the organization's risk-based management. Internal auditor of the quality management system (MS ISO 19011:2018, GOST ISO 19011-2013)"

January 27-28 on the basis of our company and remotely, for representatives of manufacturing enterprises medical devices: CJSC "SOLARLS", IOOO "Unomedical", UE "Alkopak", PC LLC "Respect-plus", LLC "FOTEK" (Yekaterinburg) held a seminar on the topic: "Basic requirements of the international standard ISO 13485: 2016. Internal auditor quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 13485:2016, GOST ISO 19011-2013" the main speaker at which was the leading auditor of the "Russian Register Certification Association" Anna Vasilievna Gorbar.

The processing of biological materials in laboratories or elsewhere is essential to many industries: from the diagnosis of diseases to pharmaceutical and scientific research. But it is clear that there are dangers in doing so. Effective risk management of biohazardous materials means less chance of accidents, less environmental impact, more efficient use of time and other resources. Recently published a new international standard management systems.

On January 16-17, 2020, a two-day seminar was held on the basis of our company on the topic: “Product quality and safety management system based on hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP System (STB 1470-2012)). Requirements. Internal auditor of the food safety management system (HACCP (STB 1470-2012), ISO 19011:2018, GOST ISO 19011:2013)”. The participants of the seminar were specialists from such enterprises as: JSC "Gomelkhleboprodukt" branch "Gomel Combine of Bakery Products", LLC "LibretikGroup", LLC "Fistaris".

Dear colleagues, partners and friends! The outgoing year 2019 has become an important stage in the life of our company. On the way to creating management systems already well-tested by us and mastering completely new standards for our market, it was full of fruitful work and a series of bright events, in which hundreds of specialists from enterprises from Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova and other countries took part .

We do not stand still - the geography and professional orientation of our activities are constantly developing and expanding. And we are sincerely glad that through the development, improvement of safety and quality systems for an increasing number of enterprises, our work benefits in strengthening economic sustainability business and obtaining new competitive advantages.

On December 12-13, our company organized and conducted a two-day seminar-training " Lean(Lean Production) as a tool for continuous development efficient business» in the city of Gorki, Mogilev Region, for specialists from two enterprises: Molochny Gorki JSC and Gorki Food Plant IOOO.

The event took place on the basis of "Milk Hills". The leader of the training was a candidate of technical sciences, a practitioner in operational and strategic management Alexander Voronin.