The most effective advertising for services. The most effective advertising for small businesses - which one to choose? The main types of online advertising

  • 16.11.2019

Can free advertising deliver effective results? Where is the best place to place free advertisements advertising? What makes good free online advertising different and why is it beneficial for business? How to competently create advertising for free and increase the profit of the company? What are the advantages of a flash mob for brand awareness for the whole country? The answers to these questions are in our article.

What are the benefits of free advertising

The obvious advantage of free advertising is that it does not require any costs. For businesses, this cost reduction will be very helpful. Today, many buyers are beginning to be annoyed by too intrusive (and also very expensive) advertising. Therefore, to search for the necessary information, they increasingly visit free classifieds sites.

An interesting and proven fact is that users perceive free advertising as more objective. At the same time, in terms of its effectiveness, free advertising confidently competes with paid advertising. Over time, when the company grows, it is not always solid to use free advertising. But at first, or even in the work of medium-sized businesses, free advertising becomes a reliable tool for powerful promotion and justified savings.

Upside down alphabet stickers and billboards in the subway

Elena Kolmanovskaya,

Editor-in-Chief, Yandex, Moscow

We decide to launch an advertising campaign when a great idea appears that meets 2 conditions - we like it and people find it useful. So, for example, we decided to place stickers in the subway "The driver does not give information, all questions to Yandex." Or street advertising - the placement of billboards, on which the first in the name of the company was an inverted "I", so it was possible to attract attention and provoke discussion.

What should be free advertising

You should carefully consider the issues of professional and competent compilation of free advertising. An advertising message can be executed in different ways - graphically or using text, or it can combine both options.

The main condition is a concise, catchy and capacious ad. Modern users do not have the desire and time to get acquainted with a huge offer. That's why best option- graphic images with a minimum of text, which should accurately reflect the meaning and essence of its message. Learn how to create effective advertising for your company in the course ".

Guerrilla Marketing as a Way to Advertise Yourself for Free

Companies spend 5 million rubles. every year to attract new customers, and consumers no longer pay attention to advertising of goods, as they see 2,000 advertisements in a day. One of the solutions to the problem is guerrilla marketing, which distinguishes brands from competitors at a minimum cost. The editors of the magazine "Commercial Director" prepared an overview of two examples where guerrilla marketing worked perfectly.

40 free advertising options

1. Newspaper ads. On the market printed publications only newspapers with commercial and private advertisements remain among the free ones. If you manage to disguise your commercial ad as a private message, you can get a free advertising tool. Nothing terrible will happen if the editors reveal your attempts at such a trick - at most they will block the submission of ads from the current issue.

2. Social stands. They are located on the territory of almost every yard. They are not forbidden to glue charges - however, this method is unlikely to be particularly effective. After all, such stands are studied mainly only by people of the older generation.

3. Stamp printing with a memorable and distinct logo, information about the company. Such an option will not please with special aesthetics. Although we have been using such free advertising for more than 7 years, it confirms a fairly high efficiency, especially in the areas of repair, household services etc.

6. Competent and understandable form of the signature in the working e-mail. You should indicate not only contacts, your full name, line of business. You can supplement the information with a short advertising message.

7. mailing lists . The newsletter can be organized on your website, or you can use a specialized service or programs. It is worth being careful enough, because often such advertising is regarded by recipients as email spam. Therefore, for proper effectiveness, it is important to correctly compose an ad by contacting a professional copywriter.

9. Business card as free advertising. The summary should be offer With reverse side your business card. There is no need to provide contact information at all. foreign language- for foreigners it is better to prepare a separate business card.

10. Online auctions. An effective tool for organizing sales and attracting new customers.

11. Conferences and forums on the Internet for free advertising. There must be a message relevant to this conference or forum, otherwise it will be deleted soon.

Get a blog secretary

Inna Alekseeva,

CEO PR Partner, Moscow

Sophisticated users usually immediately notice hidden advertising. In particular, if the company's brand is written too correctly (Ecco, not Ecco - after all, the second option is easier to write), intrusive advertising.

An excellent alternative to hidden advertising is to directly indicate the interest of the user for whom the product is being promoted. For example, a blog secretary will formally lead discussions on behalf of the company, defending the brand's reputation and conveying information about new products.

12. Joint Marketing. Several companies are engaged in mutual advertising - 8-9 organizations, for more. Joint advertising efforts allow you to distribute advertising more effectively, with the distribution of brochures of your company and partners, the placement of emblems and signs from each other, cooperating in a sales organization. As a result, the effectiveness of advertising increases at a lower cost.

13. Aggregators of goods and services. Specialized catalogs for placing your products with prices and photos - similar to an online store. Usually, news and other features are allowed here. Such examples are the resources,, etc.

14. Forums for advertising. Moderators and administrators of such resources are not very fond of free advertising - deleting information almost immediately. A more flexible approach is needed here. We select all thematic forums and the largest forums in our area. We read the topics on them and meaningfully answer. Only after understanding with whom you have to communicate, you can unobtrusively convey information about your product. Sometimes you can agree with the moderators to create your own separate topic, in which you will act as an expert. For example, "Everything you wanted to know about buying laptops" if you are selling computer equipment.

15. Q&A Services. Here you need to expand, relevant and simply answer user questions. In this case, the information in the message will allow you to solve someone's problem and convey information about your product. Examples of such services are and

16. Advertising with videos. In particular, you can think about creating training videos, or prepare unusual advertising attracting attention. We upload any recordings made to video hosting sites - for example, Youtube. The basic rule is maximum detailed description video so that users of video hosting and search engines can find it.

17. Article in a magazine. Free magazines and online publications. If you consider yourself an expert in a certain field, you have useful information for readers, you can agree on a free article writing. But this free advertising pays off - you get an additional way to communicate about your company.

Useful content is more effective than direct advertising

Natalia Radchenkova,

Marketing Director of Alfa-Content service

Publications in trade journals, mass media, blogs, in social networks about what excites consumers, always meet with a positive reaction from the target audience. If you provide useful information and a solution to a problem, you will get much more loyal customers than when you simply declare yourself with an advertising slogan. However, independent searches for really good sites that will make free placement often lead nowhere.

Today, for very little money, content marketing can be ordered from specialists, and every ruble spent will be repaid with a vengeance. We recently made placements for a spare parts store on a popular auto portal and YouTube auto channels. The materials were seen by more than half a million people, the store's sales doubled, and the transitions continue to this day without any financial costs. The bonus from useful articles and for business development is obvious.

19. Barter with banners. Providers are widespread on the Internet, ready to provide free space on their server for your site, but they will place a banner. It is quite acceptable free hosting to host a website for a start-up business.

20. Start a blog. Recently, the popularity of blogging has increased significantly. A promotional offer can also be published here, but only if you can keep an online diary yourself.

21. Free advertising paired with another company. You agree with the interested company on the production of advertising leaflets at its expense - they will place ads of both the partner and yours on different sides. You will also be distributing flyers.

You can do without advertising costs with the help of partners

Andrey Khromov,

CEO of Aristos, Moscow

For example, a company in the market for the supply of automotive components agrees to place advertisements on taxi cars (or on seat headrests). A supplier will recommend this taxi to their customers. The costs in this case are limited only by the price of printing flyers.

Such symbioses are most common in the field ecommerce. Most often, we come to an agreement that the online store puts our Flyers with a promo code to receive an additional bonus or discount. We do the same for our orders.

Here it is important to choose the right partner for cooperation. You can work effectively even with conditional competitors, which are other online stores. Although it is better to look for more suitable options - for example, for a shoe seller it will be a shoe care company, for a tour operator - a beach accessories store, etc.

22. Advertising in public through articles. In social networks, you can find thematic groups - study the content of one of the publics, write new article appropriate for this community. The group should also be mentioned in the text. Then we publish the article in our public and report it to the moderator of the selected community. He, at a minimum, will post a link to your community, and at most, he will publish the entire article in his group, indicating the authorship and link.

23. Become an advertisement yourself. If there is not enough money for advertising, become it yourself. Inform everyone about the company - including relatives, friends, acquaintances, random interlocutors, etc. Put a sticker with the name of the company on the car, wear a T-shirt with a logo, etc.

Carry information about the company on review sites

Alexey Shtarev,

CEO of SeoPult Systems

A great and completely free way for a company to advertise itself is to talk to people who write reviews. If they write well about you, thank them and promise “goodies”, if they write badly, show participation and help sort out the situation. It will only cost you time, but it is difficult to overestimate the effectiveness of such work. There are many services to search for reviews, in our system these are free SERM module used by many businesses.

24. Communicate and talk about your product / company/service. Don't forget to participate in all public events where you will have the opportunity to convey information about advertising - including holding press conferences, seminars, exhibitions, fairs, forums, etc.

25. Participation in various competitions to receive grants, subsidies, or status the best company in your field. There is always a chance to win here, especially since the media usually write about the participants of the event, providing you with free advertising.

26. Word of mouth- is considered the most effective advertising option. After all, people trust the advice of friends and acquaintances more. Even if you still have rare clients, you should inspire them through small incentives. You can even promise a percentage of the profits for referred friends.

27. Offer potential buyers product discount. You can sell at cost or dumping - we need to attract the attention of the target audience, luring it away from competitors. However, you need to know the measure, so as not to make your business unprofitable.

28. Search engine optimization of the site. Internal work - optimization of the content and structure of the site. External factor- work with the reference mass on the site. Here you get an advantage in comparison with commercial sites - after all, you publish unique, author's information. Therefore, users refer to non-commercial sites more often.

29. Exchange articles with other sites. Advertising in the form of links to your site, posted in articles from different resources. Special articles should be prepared that can be made available to other resources. That is, you prepare articles for advertising in the form of a link or a banner to your site for free. But the articles must be of high quality so that the site owner wants to publish them.

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31. SMS distribution. An effective tool for advertising existing and new customers of the company about news and promotions. Today, various free mailing services are available on the Internet, although they usually become paid after the end of the test period.

32. Create memes- in the form of pictures with a funny caption. Such advertising is based on viral distribution, effectively declaring itself on the Internet.

33. Arrange flash mobs. A pre-planned mass action. The more creative and original the planned scenario, the more potential clients be able to attract. Moreover, such events are actively covered by various media, and people tell their friends.

34. Live advertising- cheap but very effective tool advertising. With proper organization, such advertising can be very successful. The basis of such advertising is that a person wears suits, accessories, clothes, signs with advertising on himself, sometimes even appropriate tattoos, etc.

35. Souvenir products- advertising of the company is applied to stationery. These products are distributed free of charge. A very effective tool when Everyday life the client is using your souvenir products- pens, notebooks, notebooks, etc.

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36. Unidentified city object. Weird items are put on public display that may or may not be related to your products. For example, in different districts of the capital, cars pasted over with leaflets were placed to advertise the film “Fool”.

37. Street performance. The UMMC-Agro company accompanied the launch of the new brand on the market with a street action in the city. Green elves participated in pagan dances calling for summer and mentioning Mr. Green (brand name).

38. Graffiti, with the image of the logo of the company or product. Suitable for applying walls and sidewalks.

39. Intriguing news that can interest people, motivate them to send them to their friends. For example, on the large banners of the pharmacy chain there was a message "Cut out this coupon and get a discount." News appeared in various media that he cut out a 2-meter banner, according to which he received a discount at a pharmacy.

40. Go for the trick. The director of the costume shop quenched a thousand coins, each covered with a layer of gold and silver. When buying, the seller imperceptibly placed such a coin in his jacket pocket. The buyer was happy with such a find and would definitely tell all his friends about it at every opportunity.

Free seminars for clients

Vladimir Sizykh,

Marketing Director, Smart Business Technologies, Moscow

The number of participants in one seminar is 15-30 people, half come to the office, half prefer online classes. Among the costs for the company is the payment of employees' time, and about 5-10 thousand rubles are spent on tea and coffee, catering. With the help of seminars, 2 serious tasks are solved:

  • informing customers about services;
  • adjustment feedback with customers.

It is unlikely that it will be effective to sell services at seminars. After all, usually the event involves people who do not have sufficient authority to make the final decision on the purchase. But they can suggest what their companies need, and the information obtained can be an important tool for successful marketing work. Another aspect is that seminars become a successful option for working with clients, but only if you have an expert reputation. Otherwise, such an event will be too small.

  • Trigger Emails: How to Achieve Good Conversions with Almost No Effort

3D drawings are an inexpensive way to advertise

Maria Zborovskaya,

business analyst at Prozbor, Yekaterinburg

The return received usually significantly exceeds the investment - by about 3-4 times. For example, street artists depicted several cups of coffee with the company logo in front of the Loft Cafe in Donetsk. The costs amounted to 10 thousand rubles - paid off in the form of revenue in a few days. Even at the stage of creating such advertising, the number of visitors increased by 30%. Moreover, many took pictures and published pictures on the Internet, posted information and city newspapers, thereby increasing the cafe's recognition and the number of visitors by 40%.

What you need to do before launching a free advertising campaign

Step 1. You should decide on the target audience of your product. If possible, you need to get the most detailed and detailed portrait of the client. With what emotions, where and under what circumstances makes a purchase. You need to evaluate the compliance of your products with the expectations and needs of the target audience.

Step 4. We calculate options for the development of events. We need at least two scenarios for the possible development of events - optimistic and pessimistic.

Information about the author and company

Elena Kolmanovskaya, Editor-in-Chief, Yandex, Moscow. Yandex is a Russian portal that offers users key Internet services, including Internet search, site directories, payment system, maps, encyclopedias, email, a spam filtering system, free hosting, a catalog of store offers, and more. etc. The company earns by selling advertising, 80% of the turnover comes from contextual advertising. According to research companies TNS Gallup Media, FOM and Komkon, Yandex is the largest resource on the Runet in terms of audience size.

Inna Alekseeva, CEO of PR Partner, Moscow. She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and the Faculty of Philosophy of Novosibirsk State University. She trained in the field of sociology, PR and journalism in the Netherlands, Italy, Germany. Since 1999, she worked in various positions in PR agencies, then as a PR director at the DOKI real estate agency, and headed the PR service at DeltaCredit Bank. She took first place among the heads of PR agencies in the rating of the magazine "Profile" (2012). Entered the top 10 most influential women in Russian business, published by The Moscow Times (2012); won in the nomination "Irreproachable reputation" of the international award "Business Women - 2014". Author of trainings and seminars "Training top officials to work with the media", "Marketing top officials", "Secrets of effective PR", "PR for 100%: reboot", etc.

Vladimir Sizykh, Marketing Director, Smart Business Technologies, Moscow. CJSC "RDTeH - Reasonable Business Technologies". Field of activity: management and technology consulting, development and implementation information systems. Number of staff: 286. Annual turnover: 2.029 billion rubles

Andrey Khromov, General Director of the company "Aristos", Moscow. LLC "Aristos" Field of activity: management of Philips branded online store ( Number of staff: 80

Maria Zborovskaya, business analyst at Prozbor, Yekaterinburg. LLC "Prozbor" Field of activity: information and consulting support for commercial and financial activities organizations. Main customers: manufacturing and trading companies Ural federal district operating in the b2b and b2c markets (sales automation projects, investment efficiency calculation, etc.)

For a small business at the initial stage, advertising is of great importance. A well-built campaign in this area will help you get your first customers and start making money. In the later stages, it is also of great importance. At the very least, you need to convey information about new promotions and offers to the audience. At the same time, the business will not refuse to expand its customer base at any stage of its development. Which ad is the most effective? It is difficult to answer this question without considering a specific situation, but we can still give some assessment.

Offline advertising methods for small businesses

At first, a novice businessman is forced to face a lot of difficulties. As long as a small number of people are aware of its products or services, and suppliers and potential customers do not even know about your existence, it is impossible to talk about doing business.

Proper organization of an advertising strategy helps a lot at the initial stage. You should not choose expensive advertising methods if the budget is tight. It is better to offer a better service (product) so that people start talking about your business and spread the word of mouth. The advertising campaign itself should be selected taking into account the characteristics of a particular business, because otherwise you will have to carry out an unscheduled campaign.

telephone marketing

The very concept of telephone marketing involves making calls to contact the widest possible audience of potential customers of the enterprise. Whether they are individuals or legal entities, it depends on the specifics of the business. The key purpose is to inform you that certain goods or services can be obtained from you.

For skilled "phone salesmen" it is not so difficult to even pre-deal on the first call. You can get positive results if you have some communication skills. For insecure entrepreneurs good decision will hire a special employee who will conduct calls through the database of numbers. negative moment at the same time, the interlocutor may not have free time for communication, or he may not be interested in your offer at all.

leaflet distribution

This method is quite well known and is actively used to this day. The distribution of leaflets can be effectively dealt with by agreeing with the management of the supermarket. In such cases, at the checkout, the buyer is offered a leaflet on which your offer is presented. Flyer printing is a relatively cheap advertising method, but conversion rates are usually not very high. To inform the audience at the initial stage, handing out flyers is an excellent method.

You can hire street consultants who will not only hand out brochures to potential clients, but also answer a few simple questions. When using flyers, it is important that they are made with high quality, because for an uninformed person they will become the “face of the enterprise”. The content should be concise, but capacious - you need to clearly convey the essence of your activity.

Advertising signs on asphalt

This type of information dissemination is relatively new for Russia. The inscriptions on the asphalt are a creative move, but not for everyone. At the preliminary stage, it is extremely important to understand exactly where your potential customers are “concentrated”. Sometimes placed inscriptions do not bring effect simply because:

  • they are not visible due to the large number of people;
  • potential customers do not use the route on which the inscription is placed;
  • it was worn out due to precipitation and people walking;
  • it is forbidden to place in specific places.

At the same time, quality bright advertising on the pavement for a number of business areas can be an excellent tool to arouse consumer interest. For example, advertising will look great on the roads to educational institutions preschool level.

Outdoor advertising on the streets

This includes all kinds of signs, banners, billboards, signs on the walls of buildings, signs, advertising structures, car stickers and much more. They can be decorated with or without LED illumination, in volume or flat form, etc. Almost every business that has its own retail space, uses this type of advertising in one form or another. It is important to understand that if you can make a sign over the entrance to the store without big expenses, then placing your advertising banner on city billboards will often be expensive. Of the advantages of outdoor advertising, one can single out a large reach and a rapid increase in recognition.

Among the disadvantages is the high cost, which is a rather big minus for starting a business. Difficulty of competition - many people use such approaches, which requires a lot of creativity to attract the attention of a potential client. Contact is usually quite quick, so your offer may simply not be remembered.

The most effective advertising on the Internet

Advertising your business on the Internet for most entrepreneurs today is almost impossible. mandatory article expenses. Its simplest direction is to create your own website, which will attract visitors. The web site itself can serve both for informational purposes and directly become an additional (or even main) " trading floor» of your business. It all depends on the specifics of your offer. On your website you can place all the necessary information about own business. Today it's enough cheap product, especially when it comes to an online business card.

You can attract visitors to your site in different ways, which differ in both cost and efficiency, but we'll talk about this below. Social networks have become an important aspect today. Will it be a public page, the use of advertising in other communities or personal accounts to attract to the online platform or directly to the store (office)? In each case, you need to approach with your own decision. According to statistics, the cost of attracting one client on the Internet is one or more orders of magnitude lower than when using offline methods.

Online advertising tools often need to be combined for maximum results. Sometimes it happens that one of the methods shows a low conversion, however, if it is abandoned, the level of efficiency of the other method also drops. Such things are difficult to predict, and you can only notice in practice. Home positive side advertising on the Internet is its speed of distribution. There may not be much time between launching an advertising campaign and getting the first client.

contextual advertising

The fastest and most effective method of advertising on the Internet. Its main problem is the difficulty in setting up for unskilled professionals. For this reason, you will need to contact a special agency that will conduct advertising campaign. Fortunately, today such services are widely available, so they are cheaper than hiring a separate staff of "advertisers".

The advantage of contextual advertising is its clear customization for specific user requests in search engines, which allows you to select the target audience as accurately as possible. This is used by online stores when attracting customers for individual popular items or commodity group. This is a fairly versatile tool that, with the right settings, will begin to bear fruit very quickly.

SEO promotion

This is a "long-term" method. Search engine optimization allows you to get customers for free when they search for something online. It should be understood that getting to the first page will require quite a lot of effort, since almost every niche already has a host of competitors. At the same time, not using SEO is definitely a bad option, since this method includes a number of engineering works on the site and its comprehensive improvement. by the most best time to start work on search engine optimization is the stage of developing your site. This will avoid a number of mistakes in advance. The main advantage of SEO is the free transition of the target user to the resource, while in contextual advertising you have to pay for every click.

Free classifieds boards

This is a rather controversial instrument in many respects. The main problems in using it are - high level competition and low user confidence in offers initially. Another aspect remains that, against the backdrop of an increase in the number of offers in recent years, the number of those who come in search of purchases is increasing more slowly. The good news is the versatility of such sites - you can offer both goods and services on them. It is worth focusing on the most visited message boards - their use will definitely not be superfluous.

Public pages in social networks

Today, VKontakte remains the largest Runet social network in the Russian Federation. This platform offers the possibility of creating targeted advertising and retargeting (appeals to people who have already become interested in your advertising). This is an effective and fairly cheap tool that many people actively use today. advertising agencies. Similar tools are available in other social networks, but it is much more promising to start working with this site, since it has the widest audience and attendance.

Advertising can be purchased both in groups, whose members can potentially become customers of your business, and you can order its placement in the user's news feed. Not every company will find this type of advertising useful, but those who offer goods can find buyers here, and the created group can be used as a feedback board about your services. The most common problem when using this advertising tool is choosing the right groups. In case of an incorrect choice of advertising placement, you can simply waste money. is a separate issue, so we will not dwell on it in detail here.

For every business "the most the best advertisement” will have its own, and it is impossible to give uniform statistical indicators in this case. In a tight budget, you will have to choose “what is cheaper” and work out a strategy to attract customers as clearly as possible. Try as much as possible wide range tools to evaluate what is most effective for your case.

The most effective service advertising

To the question of which service advertising is the most effective, the answer is unambiguous - high-quality execution. Of course, you should not rely solely on word of mouth, however, it is important to understand that reviews in this case are extremely important. There are specialized platforms where people share their impressions about certain enterprises in a particular area. Statistics show that more than half of consumers, when faced with information about a new seller (service provider), look for more detailed information and reviews. If acquaintances cannot suggest anything, then they ask questions on the Internet.

It is important to monitor such network resources and promptly respond to complaints. This will not only clarify that you have already solved any existing problems, but also reveal the bespoke posts left by detractors. You need to collect reviews in text form and video format from customers on your website. In return, it is better to offer a discount - the client will return again to use it. Such a solution must be implemented to increase customer confidence, but it alone will not be enough.

At the initial stage of work, while there are not so many clients or not at all, you need to use active methods advertising. If your business involves the provision of services in the territory of one city, leaflets and outdoor advertising will be the most effective methods. For those who provide consulting, accounting and other services that can be provided remotely, it is better to resort to contextual advertising and search for clients in social networks.

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Today I propose to consider one of the most important aspects of running any business - advertising and talk about how which ad is the most effective. For an entrepreneur, especially a beginner, advertising is often a kind of "dark horse": he does not know whether it will work, whether it will give the desired effect, or, conversely, will only result in extra costs.

In this article, I will consider the issue from the point of view of a representative of small and medium-sized businesses, since big business is advertised according to several other criteria, setting other tasks for the advertising company.

3 rules for selecting the most effective advertising.

Rule 1. Your main goal is not to “promote”, but to increase customer flow and sales. If a large business can advertise only in order to increase brand awareness, become more popular, create a certain image for itself, then this approach will not work for a small business - advertising will be unprofitable, which is unacceptable. The most effective advertising for small businesses is the one that actually increases the number of customer requests (visits, calls, visits to the site, etc.) and, as a result, the number of sales.

Rule 2. You must treat advertising as an investment. Namely, to invest in an advertising company, immediately calculating when they will return to you and what income they will bring. If, according to forecasts, your income from advertising does not cover its cost, then such an investment is simply pointless. And vice versa, the more you plan to earn thanks to a specific advertising company the more effective it will be for you.

Rule 3. Consider 3 components effective advertising in complex. The most effective advertising should correctly combine 3 key components:

3. Target audience.

If at least one of these components is chosen incorrectly, advertising will not bring the desired effect.

And finally, one more general rule:

Which ad is the most effective?

Surely every entrepreneur immediately wants to get an answer to the question “What kind of advertising is the most effective?” and invest in it. But, alas, there is no unique answer here. The choice of an advertising company depends on a number of factors:

- The target audience;

However, no matter what type of advertising, you can always highlight it. key features that determine efficiency. It's no longer a secret to anyone that main function advertising - to influence the subconscious of potential customers, encouraging and motivating them to take advantage of the promotional offer. Based on this, it is possible to identify those components of the advertising offer that best provide psychological impact on people. These components have been determined through numerous studies and analysis of the effectiveness of advertising, so they can well serve as a starting point for developing an advertising proposal in any form, be it graphic, text or media advertising.

Next, I will list and briefly describe 5 key points that the most effective advertising should include, and give examples for each of them, in which you will surely recognize the advertising offers that you encounter on a daily basis.

5 components of effective advertising.

1. Having a problem. First of all, in order to draw attention to advertising in principle, it is necessary to identify the problem. It can even be quite negative, because people subconsciously perceive the negative more than the positive. You can even “embellish” the problem in a certain way, imperceptibly increase its significance. At the beginning of advertising, you need to show that there is some kind of problem that needs to be solved, and this will immediately attract the attention of those people who are close to it - that is, just your target audience.

- You bad smell from mouth?

Tired of constant stress?

- To you ? Tired of collectors?

A well-formulated problem already means that your the target audience will definitely look at / listen to your advertisement, that is, at least pay attention to it. It's already good! Move on…

2. Solution to the problem. So, the target audience is attracted, now it is necessary to competently “process” it. She should get what, in fact, drew attention to your advertising, namely, the solution to her problem. This should be a continuation of your promotional offer.

Partizan, (( "2016-10-07T15:35:32+00:00" | date "longDate"))

We have not used well-known methods of advertising such as Yandex Direct or Vkontakte Targeting Advertising for a long time. End customers from these sources are very expensive.

Below we will list the advertising sources that we consider the most effective, but first, let's divide them into two categories: Active and Passive. Active ones require constant participation or periodic launch and bring customers immediately. Passive ones do not bring customers immediately, but they work without your participation and on an ongoing basis.

Active advertising methods:

1. Email newsletter- This is our favorite advertising method, because the costs are minimal, and the efficiency is incredibly high. There are a million nuances here: through which programs to send emails, what bases for emails to use, how and where to parse the email addresses of the target audience, etc. etc. On this topic, we have a huge number of free videos on Youtube Channel and more in Video Courses. If you do everything right and with the Mind, then the results from Email newsletters you can get really impressive.

2. Skype mailing list- This is, I would say, a more narrowly focused form of advertising. Not everyone uses this messenger, but still it is one of the most popular. And mailing on it is relatively easier to do than on others. social networks. And unlike Email mailings, there are no such strict spam filters, although sending in millions is much more difficult here. But the open rate of messages in Skype is much higher than in email mailing. We very often use Skype newsletters to notify our clients about new products or new video courses. So much more efficient and easier.

3. Mobile mailing. This can be referred to as mailing to mobile messengers such as WhatsApp and Viber or regular SMS mailing. In the first case, it is much more difficult to launch a mailing list due to the constant evolution of these mobile applications, but in principle it is possible if you are constantly in trend and find appropriate programs for mailing. In the second case, everything is much simpler. There are more than enough programs and services for SMS mailing, but it has become much more expensive than it was 3-4 years ago. The cheapest way to send SMS, at the moment, is sending through the operator itself using programs and an external module, such as a modem or a SIM bank for several SIM cards.

Passive advertising methods:

1. Youtube Channel. If your product or service can be recorded on video, then I advise you to think about this method of advertising. Of course, do not expect your videos to immediately gain a million views and a billion subscribers. It will take months, and in some cases even years, for the development of the YouTube Channel to little results.
But if you correctly set up the YouTube channel for key queries, place tags and descriptions, upload videos with good frequency on an ongoing basis, do not violate the rights to copyright content and treat the YouTube channel as a separate brainchild, THEN it is very likely that it will give You will be a constant source of advertising for many years to come, gradually increasing the flow of traffic to your site.
For example, our YouTube channel Guerrilla Marketing already now provides more than 1000 views per day and about 300 transitions to our pages DAILY! At the same time, we do not invest a penny in its promotion. And this is just 2.5 years after the launch of the channel. Of course, not the most striking example, but given our specifics, we are leaders in Runet in terms of the number of views and subscribers in our niche.

2. Own site. Of course, many will now tell you that developing a site is long and very labor-intensive. BUT if you do not start doing it now, then in a couple of years you will greatly regret it. I'm not talking about a landing page or a one-pager now. Need a website! Only on the site you can make a large number of pages interconnected, set up Tags and Meta tags on each page for better indexing, etc. This is exactly what search robots need to index your site in Yandex and Google. There are a lot of platforms for creating websites. Our site, for example, is made on the Platform PageKit. You can also try to make your site on this free modern system.

3. partnership. There are a huge number of projects that already have your target audience in subscribers or clients. And no one bothers you to write to the authors of these projects about mutually beneficial cooperation. Either in the format of exchanging links on your resources, or simply buying advertising space. As partner portals, there can be YouTube Channels, Groups in Contact, other sites, and even programs. Lots of options. For example, we very often cooperate with various projects as mutual PR without additional financial obligations.
Of course, this can also include Affiliate Program, but we still have to study, configure and implement this.