Choice of technology of cargo transportation. Technological process of cargo transportation Classification and characteristics of cargo transportation

  • 13.09.2020

Improving the efficiency of cargo transportation is associated with the technical improvement of rolling stock and handling equipment, the introduction of advanced technology, and the improvement of the organization of cargo transportation. Technical improvements make it possible to increase the speed of the rolling stock, reduce downtime for loading and unloading operations, increase the volume of a consignment of transported cargo, etc. The objective of the technology is to reduce the duration and complexity of cargo transportation by reducing the number of operations and stages of the transportation process.

Under technology of the process of cargo transportation is understood a way for people to implement a specific transportation process by dividing it into a system of successive interrelated stages and operations that are performed more or less unambiguously and are aimed at achieving high transportation efficiency. The task of technology is to clear the process of cargo transportation from unnecessary operations, to make it more purposeful. The essence of the technology of cargo transportation is revealed through two basic concepts - stage and operation.

Operation- a homogeneous, logically indivisible part of the transportation process, aimed at achieving a specific goal, performed by one or more performers.

Stage is a set of operations by which a particular process is carried out.

The technology of any process of cargo transportation is characterized by three features: the division of the transportation process, coordination and phasing, unambiguity of actions. The purpose of dividing the process of cargo transportation into stages is to determine the boundaries of immanent requirements for the subject that will work on this technology. Any operation should ensure the approximation of the control object to the goal and ensure the transition from one operation to another. The last operation of the stage should be a kind of introduction to the first operation of the next stage. The more accurately the description of the process of transportation of goods will correspond to its subjective logic, the greater the likelihood of achieving the highest effect of the activities of the people involved in it. The developed technologies must take into account the requirements of the basic economic laws and, first of all, the law of increasing the productivity of social labor.

Coordination and phasing of actions aimed at achieving the set specific goal should be based on the internal logic of the functioning and development of a certain transportation process. Technology is not created from scratch, but has a connection with the technology of the past and the future. The technology that works today must be based on principles that make it easy to remake it into the technology of the future.

Each technology should provide for the uniqueness of the implementation of the steps and operations included in it. Deviation from the performance of one operation is reflected in the entire technological chain. The more significant the deviation of the parameters from those designed by the technology, the greater the risk of disrupting the entire process of cargo transportation and obtaining a result that does not correspond to the project.

First, the technology of the entire process of cargo transportation is developed, and then - the individual stages. After the development of the technology of the stages, they must be considered from the standpoint of technological unity.

There is a cause-and-effect relationship between technology and technology, but technology is of decisive importance.

In the past, the technology of the process of transporting goods was formed in most cases intuitively. Technological processes of cargo transportation were not purposefully and consciously developed systems of stages and operations. Therefore, at present, many transportation processes are not efficient enough.

Systems theory states that every system is made up of subsystems. Every system is a subsystem of some system. It is accepted that any system can be described in terms of system objects, properties and relationships. The hierarchy and number of subsystems depend only on the internal complexity of the system as a whole.

Consider the features of the main types of transportation.

Unimodal (single-mode) transportation carried out by one mode of transport, for example, by road. It is usually used when the start and end points of the transportation chain are specified without intermediate storage and handling operations. The criteria for choosing the mode of transport in such transportation are usually the type of cargo, the volume of shipment, the time of delivery of the cargo to the consumer, and the cost of transportation.

Intermodal (integrated) It is customary to call the multimodal transportation of goods "from door to door", carried out under the direction of the operator on one transport document using a single (through) freight rate.

Mixed transportation of goods is usually carried out by two modes of transport, for example: rail - road, river - road, sea - rail, etc. In this case, the cargo is delivered by the first mode of transport to the so-called transshipment point or cargo terminal without storage or with short-term storage, followed by reloading to another mode of transport. A typical example of multimodal transport is the service of railway stations or a sea (river) port of a transport hub by motor transport companies.

Signs mixed separate transportation is the presence of several transport documents, the lack of a single tariff rate freight, a sequential scheme of interaction between participants in the transport process. In direct multimodal transportation, the cargo owner enters into an agreement with the first carrier acting both on its own behalf and on behalf of the next carrier representing another mode of transport. Because of this, the cargo owner is actually in a contractual relationship with both, and each of them makes settlements with the cargo owner and bears liability for the safety of cargo only on the appropriate section of the route.

Combined transport differs from mixed by the presence of more than two modes of transport. The use of mixed (combined) modes of transportation is often determined in drugs by the structure of distribution channels (or supply channels). For example, sending large batches of finished products from the manufacturer to the wholesale depot is carried out by rail (in order to minimize costs), and delivery from the wholesale depot to points retail- automotive.

Multimodal is such transportation in which the person organizing it is responsible for it throughout the entire route, regardless of the number of participating modes of transport when issuing a single transportation document.

In recent years, transportation technology, especially for multi- and intermodal transportation, has been associated with the use of cargo terminals and terminal complexes in chains and channels. Therefore, the corresponding transportations are called terminal . At the same time, unlike intermodal systems, where consolidated packages are transported at uniform rates and shipping documents with equal rights for all participating modes of transport, in multimodal transportation one of the modes of transport acts as a carrier, and interacting modes of transport act as customers paying his services.

In intermodal transportation, the cargo owner concludes an agreement for the entire route with one person (operator). The operator can be, for example, a forwarding company, which, using various modes of transport throughout the route of cargo transportation, frees the cargo owner from the need to enter into contractual relationship with other transport companies. The main principles of functioning of intermodal and multimodal transportation systems are as follows:

- Uniform commercial - legal regime;

– an integrated approach to solving financial and economic issues of transportation organization;

– maximum use of telecommunication networks and systems electronic document management;

- a single organizational and technological principle of transportation management and coordination of actions of all intermediaries involved in transportation;

– cooperation of intermediaries;

- comprehensive development of transportation infrastructure by various modes of transport.

Each of the above types of transportation has specific features in technology, organization and management, but they all have a common technological basis in the form of specific technological transportation schemes and the links or elements that make up these schemes. The transportation process at each stage (by link) can be represented as a specific subnet. The policy of control and management in such a system is modeled by the synchronization of positions at each stage (in each link). In turn, the constituent elements of the transportation of goods are characterized by certain laws inherent only to them. The operations that make up the transportation process are heterogeneous and vary greatly in duration. Some operations, when combined, create certain stages of this process, each of which performs its own tasks. Both individual operations and stages of the transportation process are dependent on each other (before transporting the goods, it must be loaded, etc.). In this way, this process is a multi-stage and multi-operational, with a large technological, operational and economic heterogeneity of operations.

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Modern transportation technologies in global logistics systems


Transportation is a key logistics function associated with the movement of material resources, work in progress, finished products to Vehicle ah on a certain technology. Transportation, in addition to the movement of goods, includes such logistics operations as forwarding, cargo handling, packaging, customs procedures, risk insurance, etc. logistics freight transportation

All logistic transportation operations are carried out in order to ensure the delivery of the right products of the required quantity and quality at the specified time and at optimal costs. The importance of transportation in logistics is quite large. According to various estimates, transportation costs range from 20 to 70% of the total logistics costs and can reach up to 300% of the cost of production for various industries and companies.

The provision of transportation in logistics requires the management of cargo flows from specific points of origin to specific points of redemption. To do this, it is necessary to solve the following transportation problems:

-providing a technological way of transporting goods: unimodal, multimodal, intermodal, etc.;

- choice of type (s) of transport;

- choice of vehicles;

- selection of logistics intermediaries in transportation (carriers, forwarders, agents, terminals, etc.);

-determination of rational routes;

-distribution of transport routes;

-assessment of the quality of transport service;

-determination of logistics costs associated with transportation;

-ensuring technical and technological interconnection of participants in the transport process, harmonization of their economic interests, distribution of risks and responsibilities.

In the course work, most of the tasks of transportation are considered, which makes it possible to form the most demanded competences of a logistician in various areas of logistics in matters of transportation. In the course, the models and methods used in transportation are presented, which allow you to effectively manage material flows. Methodological developments are accompanied by detailed practical examples.

The purpose of this work is to study the use information technologies(IT) in transport logistics.

To achieve this goal, the following main tasks are set in the work:

1. analyze the effectiveness of IT in transport logistics.

2. study the main transport information systems;

3. identify current trends in the development of transport logistics against the backdrop of the spread of IT.


I think the topic term paper“modern transportation technologies in global logistics systems” is relevant because at the moment Russia has an insufficiently developed infrastructure, such complexes as: the state of highways, nanotechnologies for transportation, acceleration of the transportation process, cargo tracking with the “glonass” system and many others modern technologies. At present, both the transportation process itself and the management of traffic flows along the entire technological chain, covering interacting links, need to be improved. different types transport. Improvement of multimodal transportation involving various modes of transport, increasing their efficiency can be given by logistics technologies as a means of managing the transportation process and delivering goods according to the "just in time" system.

FROM development of the system business in Russia, there was a real need for the implementation of projects to optimize transport logistics .
Long gone are the days when many companies ran their business with a profit margin of up to 100% or more, and the share transport costs in the total cost of selling the goods, was so scanty that no one paid attention to it at all.
Now it has become profitable for businesses to have a high-tech system transport logistics , amenable to real control and control.
A system that will make it possible to ensure the delivery of goods at a cost that can be optimization in terms of price and quality and able to hold a share transport costs within a certain predictable range.
Well understanding that it is impossible to buy this system in finished form, but to build it on your own very difficult and long many business leaders are still trying modernize my transport system on one's own.
As usual, our businessmen, first of all in this matter, focus on control system (set GPS navigation for cars, count every kilometer and every liter of fuel), but at the same time they often forget about analytical block , which is much more important than the control block.
Russian mentality based on the fact that "the main thing is not to steal" , does not allow many business leaders to concentrate on the main goal - to build a system capable of self-improvement, due to the correct analysis of the received data.
Due to what to buy and deliver GPS sensors much easier and clearer, having completed this event, many business leaders stop optimizing their transport logistics, never achieved the intended goal.


-Analyze what technologies were before, and how much they have developed up to the present moment

-Analyze modern technologies used in transport logistics

-Analyze modern systems and schemes of cargo transportation

- Calculate the approximate profit of a conventional transport organization, calculate and compare with the profit of an organization using new technologies to avoid costs as much as possible

1. Modern logistics technologies in transport. Ensuring the sustainable operation of the transport enterprise

Improving the process of production management in a period of serious transformation of the economic system is possible only through the use of modern technologies, in particular, logistics

In the middle of the twentieth century, fundamental changes took place in the world economy and in the international division of labor. Many countries that were previously colonial and dependent territories received political independence and the possibility of free development of their economy, including it in world economy. The formed objective presence on the globe of capitalist and socialist forms of economic management created the ground for powerful rivalry of these systems with each other in various spheres of economic and social relations. All this together required an immediate transition from an evolutionary course to a sharp qualitative leap in the development of science and technology, the organization of production, and the breakdown of established technologies. The features noted above are reflected, first of all, in road transport, as the most flexible and mobile component of the transport system. And the changes that have taken place over the past 15 years in the countries of the former socialist bloc have required the rapid development of international transport to meet the needs of ensuring the growth of international trade and freight turnover by dozens of times. It required a significant reduction in the unproductive transport losses of society associated with the delivery of a product from its place of production to the place of consumption.

It should be noted that today the insufficient development of the network and the state highways led to the fact that the average speed on the roads of Russia is almost two times less than in developed industrial countries, and the service life of cars is almost a third less than in Europe. This type of transport in Russia is the most resource-intensive: about 60% of all employees in the industry work in road transport; motor transport consumes more than two thirds of the volume of petroleum fuels, etc. The intensity of traffic flows has sharply increased and, accordingly, the load on rolling stock and roads has increased. A large number of foreign cars of different years of production and different technical condition appeared on the roads of the country. The most important distinguishing feature of the modern domestic fleet of vehicles is the variety of brands, heterogeneity and severe deterioration. Modern road transport in Russia in its current state does not meet the requirements for the design of vehicles, in particular, from the standpoint of environmental safety. The incompleteness of the process of creating a new economic system, the constant adjustment of provisions economic law, high inflation, sharp changes in the volume of production of various types of products, domestic and international economic relations make the external conditions for the operation of vehicles unstable.

There is a general decrease in the volume of cargo transportation by road; at the same time, the share of import-export cargo flows increases significantly. In addition, the low reserves of the transport capacity of the vehicle fleet, the high level of taxes and operating costs reduce the competitiveness of Russian road transport.

One of the main external factors is a change in the nature of demand for transport services. The volume of international cargo transportation today is determined by the development of political events in certain regions of Europe, the pace of formation of a single European market and increased trade activity.

The transformations taking place in road transport are carried out under the direct influence of political, economic and social reforms.

The transition to the market has become the beginning of a new stage of its development for road transport: new types of activities and forms of transport services are being introduced. An increasingly significant role in this belongs to independent freight transport enterprises, which, as a result of the denationalization, corporatization and privatization carried out in transport, have been able to independently enter the market. transport services.

The situation that has developed in the transport services market by the beginning of the 21st century required the rapid development of the information sector of the economy. In transport, it manifested itself in computerization, the creation, processing, storage and dissemination of information, as well as in the creation of its own infrastructure in the form of telecommunications, tracking the movement of vehicles and devices, and the transition to the use of paperless documentation. It should be noted that at present, for transport as a branch of the national economy, both within a particular region and on an international scale, the requirement to reduce the cost of goods by reducing the cost of moving inventory flows from places of production to places of consumption has become especially relevant. reducing the existing volumes and masses of stocks of raw materials and products in production. To do this, it is necessary to introduce the principles of logistics into production management and create high-speed transportation systems that have already been tested in practice abroad.

The subprogram "International transport corridors" of the Federal target program "Modernization of the transport system of Russia" provides for the use of the advantages of Russia's geopolitical position.

One of the key links in the development of the Russian economy is the improvement of the country's transport system and the realization of its powerful transit potential to ensure Eurasian ties.

To improve the efficiency of foreign trade and transit relations international organizations and interested European and Asian countries have begun to form a system of international Eurasian transport corridors, which are understood as a set of the most technically equipped main transport communications, as a rule, of various modes of transport, ensuring the transportation of passengers and goods in international traffic, in the directions of their greatest concentration.

The creation of international transport corridors involves not just the merging of existing highways into a single complex, but also the adaptation of current commercial practices to international standards, the removal of any unnecessary trade barriers in the light of economic, social and political concepts in force in one country or another. The process of forming an international system of intermodal transportation of goods and the formation of global international transport hubs and corridors continues.

In modern conditions, the necessary scientific basis for the strategy and tactics of the organization and functioning of intermodal transport systems is logistics. This is a complex direction in science. It covers the management of material and information flow in their interaction, and its scientific and practical purpose is to increase the efficiency of this management in order to minimize the material and financial costs of transport as not creating material and value reserves. For example, transport logistics, the main postulates of which were previously used only in the field of military communications and in the delivery of goods to large construction sites, is currently the scientific basis for solving global transportation problems. Logistics could not ignore the scientific analysis of the intermodal transport option in order to integrate the advantages of each mode of transport: road transport using a wide and extensive road network, flexibility in terms of delivery time and the nature of the cargo, when transport costs do not play a significant role in pricing policy; aviation - with its speed; railway - with its reliability; water - with its efficiency in the transportation of bulk cargo, combining the delivery of piece goods with their storage at fairly low operating costs. Logistics also could not but come to the conclusion that warehousing a semi-finished product or a finished product is not always unprofitable. In some cases, it improves the efficiency of production by transferring to the warehouse of individual processes for the manufacture of goods or ensuring the reliability of supply, distribution or distribution systems. Based on the principles of logistics, the concepts of interchangeability of services of transport industries were created, including specific species transportation of goods under special conditions, such as heavy and long, the concept of transport hubs and corridors. Logistics is at the heart of the creation of container technology. Delivery of goods according to the option "door to door" and "just in time" is called logistics. The requirement to improve infrastructure, develop uniform tariffs and customs rules, coordinate the movement of vehicles, methods of forming cargo flows are considered logistical.

The modern concept of logistics is taken as the basis economic strategy enterprises, when logistics is used as a tool in competition and should be considered as a management logic for the implementation of planning and control over material, financial and labor resources.

In the conditions of a modern market economy, the use of the logistics concept in enterprise management should be very effective both due to favorable economic, legal and political conditions, and because many provisions that were not called logistics in the past were, without a doubt, such in essence.

On the basis of logistics, a scientific and practical direction is being formed today - the economics of commodity circulation. Intermodalism becomes its tool as a means of concentrating cargo flows on optimal geographical communications. The economics of commodity circulation in its global and international application is designed to give objective assessment the effectiveness of existing and planned transport "bridges", "corridors" and "hubs". The commodity distribution economy that is emerging today must find optimal solutions based on an assessment of alternative logistics transport chains for the delivery of goods: direct transit, organizing the sale of goods through a system of warehouses, creating an assembly plant in the country where the product is sold, etc. Not only direct transport costs should be assessed by transportation options, but and factors such as the size of marketing costs, the presence of intra-industry competition in order to realize the synergistic effect of the most efficient management of transport, stocks and other functions of the complex as a whole. In the course of creating intermodal logistics transport systems, the dominant cargo traffic-forming value of a particular industry is taken into account. The presence of intermodal communication implies the management and coordination of traffic from a single center. Such centers are now created by associations of carriers and freight forwarders. They can be concentrated in large terminals, forming centers and also exercise control over cargo flows based on the merger of individual participants into a single complex and the integration of industries. Such an integration system presupposes a unified pricing policy and a centralized settlement system.

So, when choosing an intermodal option for the delivery of goods, the cargo owner (commodity producer, consumer or forwarding agent) has to give a cost and quality assessment of the following factors: delivery time, degree of safety, conditions of insurance and financing, freight, marketing policy of transport industries and terminals, conditions and cost storage, contract delivery schedules, etc. For example, the logistical concepts of the delivery of goods "just in time" lead to the conclusion that for a huge production cooperation the delivery of one huge mass of products from the conveyor to another assembly line, bypassing the warehouse, and for another mass of goods - through a centralized storage warehouse using standard containers in maritime and rail traffic at the “manufacturer-warehouse” section, and in all other sections, including the “door-to-door” option (for example, spare parts), by small shipments in road and air traffic. Thus, it is necessary to create such logistics centers that coordinate the work of various modes of transport, provide short-term and long-term storage of goods, cargo processing, customs clearance of goods and deliver goods to the clientele.

It has been found that the application logistics system able to provide:

1) reducing the level of stocks of raw materials and finished products by 30-50%;

2) acceleration of the transportation process by 1.5-2 times;

3) improved usage production capacity firms - manufacturers of products by 20-50%.

Unfortunately, in transport systems there is an inconsistency between the work of individual links, which usually manifests itself in two forms - in the inconsistency of the intensity of the process on individual elements and in the inconsistency of the flow of individual processes in time. The latter is especially typical for transshipment hubs. The situation in transport production is changing rapidly, and information about the progress of the process is often late. Under these conditions, a fundamental improvement in the operational management of the movement of transshipment cargo flows, continuous monitoring of the progress of transportation in real time is of particular importance.

Prospects for the development of road transport will be determined by the future demand for transportation, since the demand for transport services corresponds to the nature of economic growth, and the transition to a market economy is accompanied by structural changes not only in the economy, but also in the transport system itself.

1.1 Classification and characteristics of freight traffic

During the formation of a market economy in our country, the attitude towards the process of providing services by transport enterprises changed, the main attention was paid not to the fulfillment of the planned task, but to the most complete satisfaction of consumer requirements. At the same time, delivery technologies began to be based on the concept of transport and logistics integration, which led to a gradual organic fusion of transport with serviced production. However, transport has been and remains a key part of the logistics chain.

Transport is, firstly, a complex of technical means for carrying out the transportation of goods and passengers; secondly, a branch of the country's economy that ensures uninterrupted and timely satisfaction of the needs of the national economy and the population in transportation.

The transport system is a complex of different modes of transport that are interdependent and interact when performing transportation.

The transport services market is an economic system of relations with a built-in organizational mechanism for managing the transport system, through which exchange relations are formed between buyers and sellers of transport services (Fig. 1.1).

The carriage of goods is complex process consisting of a number of operations. This includes loading, moving cargo, unloading it. Upon delivery, it becomes necessary to receive cargo from the consignor and issue it to the consignee, draw up documents, escort cargo, etc. Considering that the conditions for carrying out freight transportation and the types of goods transported are quite diverse, it is customary to classify freight transportation according to a number of criteria.

2. Transportation alternatives and criteria for choosing logistics intermediaries

2.1 System of criteria for choosing intermediaries

The technological process of cargo delivery consists of a sequence of transportation operations: the movement of goods from shippers until they are received by the consumer, storage of goods in intermediate warehouses, packaging, labeling of packages, collection and disaggregation of shipments, etc. To ensure delivery to the consumer, it is necessary to choose a method of transportation, technologies delivery route. Transportation of goods can be carried out by the own transport of an enterprise interested in the delivery of goods, or with the involvement of logistics intermediaries who perform all or certain transportation operations, therefore, one of the logistics selection procedures, along with the choice of the method of transportation and modes of transport, is the choice of logistics intermediaries: carriers, forwarders and etc.

The decision of any problem of choice is made on the basis of certain criteria. Logistic selection procedures in transportation are complex multi-criteria tasks that are solved taking into account a system of criteria. The main criteria for choosing a transportation option are the cost of delivery, the time spent on transportation, the quality of delivery, the performance of related services, etc.

The choice of transportation option according to the criterion of delivery cost or total delivery costs is carried out by comparing the levels of these costs for different options, depending on at least two factors: the distance of cargo transportation and the physical volume of cargo. The cost criterion is one of the decisive ones in the case of choosing an independent organization of delivery or delivery using logistics intermediaries. This takes into account the costs of acquiring and operating our own fleet of vehicles, the costs of hiring, training, training the necessary personnel, the acquisition of the required documents (certificates, permits, permits, customs documents, etc.), the costs of paying for the services of logistics intermediaries.

Terms (speed) of delivery - a temporary criterion, indirectly related to the cost. Priority is given to this criterion, as a rule, in the case of emergency orders.

The criterion of delivery quality is a complex criterion, including compliance with delivery times, ensuring the safety of goods, willingness to change the terms of the contract, the image of the company in the market, safety, the quality of the risk management procedures applied, for example, the reliability of insurance coverage, etc.

In general, the system of criteria for choosing the type of transportation may vary depending on the type of cargo being transported, order parameters, business dynamics, including transport and related industries, and other factors.

In certain situations, only one criterion may be decisive for the consumer, and all others will not be taken into account. So, for example, it is known that delivery by air is used mainly only for valuable cargo and mail. However, if a missing part causes production to stop, the customer will be primarily interested in whether the supplier can arrange immediate delivery. Naturally, the procedure for choosing a transportation option according to one criterion is simpler. However, the choice is rarely made according to one criterion, since the most fast option it can be so expensive that the delivery of cargo through it will not bring the desired profit or even turn out to be unprofitable; the cheapest delivery option may be unacceptable due to the long duration of the transportation or the low reliability of delivery within the agreed time.

If several criteria are decisive when choosing a transportation option, then the choice of an option is made using methods for solving multi-criteria problems that provide for a compromise solution. The model for choosing a transportation option should provide for the possibility of changing the system of criteria, setting the significance (ranking) of the criteria for finding best solution with equal importance of all the criteria involved in the selection.

2.2 The main logistics intermediaries, Modern trends in forwarding logistics

When transporting goods, the participation of intermediaries has a great influence on the quality of service. The main logistics intermediaries in the transportation of goods include carriers and forwarders. The former, as a rule, perform various transportation services, the range of which is determined by the size of shipments, different transportation distances, types of goods accepted for shipment, and other features. Forwarders perform a set of complex services: they organize transportation along the route, choose the mode of transportation and the route, coordinate the work of different carriers, perform customs clearance of goods and other operations. The volume and content of a transport expedition is determined by many circumstances: the mode of transport, the type of message, the nature of the cargo, the technology of cargo handling, etc. According to the International Federation of Forwarding Associations (FIATA - FIATA), there are about 35 thousand forwarding enterprises in the world.

The main functions of a freight forwarder include the following:

Elaboration of the transport conditions of the purchase and sale contract and the choice of the most rational mode of transport, transportation route, vehicles, taking into account the system of criteria adopted for the transportation of goods;

Study of the conjuncture of the world market of transport services and development of recommendations for the organization of transportation;

Accompanying the goods during transportation with the provision of a set of information services,

Organization of cargo delivery, loading and unloading and warehouse operations,

Ensuring the maximum use of the carrying capacity and cargo capacity of transportation means (wagons, cars, containers, ships);

Conclusion of contracts with carriers or their representatives for the transportation of goods, settlements with carriers and other transport intermediaries;

Preparation of necessary transport and shipping documents;

Acceptance of cargo from the carrier at destination points with checking the amount of cargo (weight, number of pieces), and in some cases, its quality;

Registration of commercial acts and other documents upon detection of shortages, damage, damage to cargo or containers, surpluses, regrading, etc.;

Facilitating the organization of transshipment of goods when transferring cj one mode of transport to another;

Performing customs clearance, promoting sanitation! control and quarantine operations;

Implementation of cargo insurance;

Coordination of actions of participants in the transport process to ensure efficient delivery of goods, etc.

The performance of the specified functions of the forwarder is realized through a sequence of specific operations. So, loading unloading and warehouse work include the following operations: | loading, unloading, sorting, marking, packaging, counting, weighing cargo, picking and disaggregating shipments, forming and unpacking packages, repairing packaging and shipping containers, etc. At the same time, the forwarder can perform cleaning of vehicles and containers from cargo residues, maintain a fleet of reversible containers and packages and provide them | shippers, provide sealing devices.

To commercial services provided by forwarders include filling out shipping documents; registration and payment of carriage charges, fees, fines; declaration of goods in the customs authorities, execution of customs documents, drawing up acts on the shortage, non-preservation of goods and delay in their delivery on behalf of the cargo owner.

To information services Forwarders include informing consignees about the dispatch of goods, notification of the arrival of goods at their address, providing information and the location of the goods, about tariffs for logistics services performed during transportation, etc.

Freight forwarders with rolling stock can carry out transportation operations.

When involving a freight forwarder in a mixed message, it will be necessary to determine the benefits received by the user, which depends largely on the delivery scheme used. Let the seller and the buyer enter into a contract for the sale of goods, which provides for the obligation of the seller to arrange the delivery of the goods to the destination. In this case, the following operations should be performed: the cargo must be prepared for transportation, documents must be prepared, loaded onto a car, delivered by car to the railway station, unloaded there and stored for some time before being loaded into the wagon, transported by railway to the port of your country, unload at the port warehouse, temporarily store in the warehouse until the vessel arrives, load the cargo onto the vessel, send it by sea to the port of another country, process the cargo at the port of the country of destination, hand it over to the road carrier, which will deliver it to the destination specified in the contract .

In the situation under consideration, three main schemes for organizing this message are possible.

According to the first scheme (Fig. 2.1), the seller refuses the services of any intermediaries in the organization and implementation of transportation, i.e., acts independently. It can be seen from the diagram that in order to fulfill the delivery obligations assigned to him, the sender should conclude 6 service contracts (transportation and services) - according to the number of participants in the transportation and transshipment of cargo from one mode of transport to another. There may be more such contracts if more than one carrier is involved in the section of one mode of transport.

According to the second scheme, intermediaries - forwarders are included in the contract. Their contractual and legal status and activities in such a logistics chain of delivery fundamentally change the rights and obligations of the sender and the buyer, which is reflected in Fig. 2.2. In this scheme, the following types of transport expedition are distinguished:

When sending cargo, at the points of departure and loading;

Upon the arrival of the cargo, at the destinations, unloading;

When transshipping cargo, at the points of transition from one fork of transport to another, reloading.

The sender does not prepare the cargo for transportation, but instructs the forwarder to perform all the necessary operations. Instead of 6 contracts for the carriage and handling of goods, the seller concludes only 3 contracts for a transport expedition. At the same time, it should be noted that the concept of "forwarder" in this case has a narrow meaning, i.e. it is an operator in the transport services market, which tends to certain types of transport and activities on them, as well as to certain countries and regions. In this scheme, as a rule, one forwarder represents the interests of the buyer and performs the necessary operations with the cargo upon its arrival at its destination.

The third cargo delivery scheme shown in fig. 2.3 illustrates the essence and main principles of the organization and regulation of multimodal transport.

The multimodal transport operator is a freight forwarder, which has greater rights and responsibilities, as well as a wider scope of activity. The sender concludes one contract and delivers the cargo to the multimodal transport operator. The delivery process is under the constant control of the operator, and the cargo owner can at any time receive information about the progress of the cargo and its condition. Thus, intermodal transport operators organize and carry out transportation in accordance with the logistical principle “from door to door”. Multimodal transport operators have, in addition to their main offices, regional offices, subsidiaries, a network of agents in cargo generating centers and transport hubs.

Auxiliary logistics intermediaries in transportation (if forwarders do not perform the relevant functions) include customs brokers, information, insurance, security companies, banks, terminals, etc.

3. Modern logistics technologies for the delivery of goods. Principles, organization, efficiency

3.1 Modal transport: unimodal, multimodal, intermodal

Reducing transport costs is possible through the use of new transportation technologies, the reorganization of transport infrastructure and the integration of transport systems. Thus, the main tool in this process is the use of several modes of transport for the delivery of goods. It should be noted that this method of delivery does not have a common terminology in Russian and international practice, however, many authors have made an attempt to generalize the known definitions: mixed, combined, multimodal, intermodal.

The following terminology is adopted by the UNCTAD (United Nation on Trade and Development) rules.

Unimodal (unimodal) transportation is the transportation of goods by one mode of transport by one or more carriers.

Intermodal transportation is transportation by several transport vehicles with transshipment of goods, while one of the carriers organizes the entire transportation from one point of origin through one or more points of transshipment to the final destination and, depending on the distribution of responsibility for transportation, will issue various types of transport documents.

A segmented carriage occurs when the carrier organizing the carriage accepts responsibility for only part of the carriage carried out by itself. At the same time, he can issue a document for intermodal or combined transportation.

Multimodal transport occurs when the carrier arranging the transport assumes responsibility for the entire transport with the issuance of a multimodal transport document.

Combined transportation is the carriage of goods in the same package or vehicle by successively different modes of transport using a through document.

Multimodal transportation is transportation by at least two modes of transport.

A general scheme that allows you to determine the main characteristics of each type of transportation is shown in (Fig. 3.1)

Common features of multimodal transport are.

1) Consistent use in carriage of more than one mode of transport

2) Transportation is organized by one person - multimodal transport operator

3) The relationship between the customer and the provider of the complex transport service (multimodal transport operator) is regulated on the basis of one contract.

4) Multimodal transportation may have international status. In this case, the place of acceptance of the goods for transportation and the proposed place of its delivery are located on the territory of two different states.

3.2 Terminal transport: Characteristics of modern cargo terminals

When developing a delivery scheme, transshipment points are of great importance, in which transshipment operations are performed from one mode of transport to another, cargo batches are sorted and other operations related to transportation and storage work are carried out. In such points, special complexes of engineering and technical structures are organized, designed to interact with different types of transport and perform such tasks as receiving, accumulating, loading, unloading, temporary storage, cargo sorting, assembly and disaggregation of shipments. Such complexes are called terminals. At the terminals, in addition to warehouse operations and cargo handling, commercial and information service consignees, freight forwarders, carriers and other logistics intermediaries.

Terminals designed to serve a wide range of goods are called universal, and terminals that process cargo of one type are specialized. The delivery system organized through the terminals is called the terminal, the diagram of the terminal system is shown in Fig. 3.2.

One of the main indicators of the effectiveness of cargo delivery using terminals is to ensure high delivery speed in combination with high performance rolling stock. Thus, an extensive terminal system allows for international transportation across the territory of Western and Central Europe with a guarantee of delivery within 24-48 hours. The productivity of rolling stock in terminal systems increases by 40-60%, the cost of transportation is reduced by 25-30%. Such a high efficiency of the terminal systems is determined by the integration of a large number of logistics functions and operations and the observance of the technological integrity of the delivery process. The technology of cargo delivery through terminals includes preliminary training cargo and the documents necessary for it, the widespread use of a fleet of reversible containers, pallets, the consolidation of cargo flows, the formation of information systems for electronic document management, telecommunication systems for tracking goods in transit, and much more. The standard scheme of the technological cycle of the cargo terminal is shown in fig. 3.3.

The terminal system, in addition to the terminals at which cargo processing and warehouse operations are performed, includes subsystems for the delivery (collection) and delivery of goods, as well as a subsystem for terminal transportation.terminal transportation. Collection of goods to the terminal and transportation of goods from the terminal is carried out, as a rule, by cars of small and medium capacity. All types of transport are involved in trunk transportation. Automobile transport in the subsystem of long-haul transportation, it is represented by heavy vehicles, road trains with trailers and semi-trailers.

One of the important logistics procedures for the transportation of goods is the choice of a terminal or terminal system. To do this, it is important to know the location of terminals along the intended delivery route, specialization, capacity of terminals, as well as be able to evaluate the reliability of selected objects, the quality of operations performed and other parameters of the terminals. The procedure for choosing a terminal is similar to choosing a forwarder, sometimes both selection tasks are combined, since many forwarders are enterprises with terminal complexes, and the shipper needs both terminal and forwarding services, so forwarders with terminals may be preferred.

Terminal systems are of great importance in the delivery of goods along international transport corridors, which are understood as part of the transport system designed to provide international freight traffic between individual areas based on a single technology. The organization of international transport corridors creates the basis for the created global logistics systems and the integration of national: transport systems into the world transport system.

4. Modern technologies for quality control of transportation of products sensitive to temperature changes

Kukharenko A.V. LLC "Bruks LM", Transit Damage Prevention Specialist

In a highly competitive environment, the product with more high quality. In order to improve quality, manufacturers acquire more advanced technological equipment and improve quality control procedures. However, even if the production is lossless, thanks to precise control, losses still occur. These losses appear where control, for whatever reason, is not possible. For example, in the course of cargo transportation.

Transportation has always been a "black box" for the sender. What happens to the cargo during transportation, as a rule, is discovered after acceptance, when it is no longer possible to dispute anything. One of the violations that cause hidden damage to the cargo is a violation of the temperature regime.

To control the temperature, modern models of refrigerators are equipped with electronic recorders that allow you to track temperature fluctuations throughout the entire journey, but there are few such machines, most refrigerators have only thermometers. Of course, you can install such recording systems yourself, but this is only good for the company's own transport service, because these are expensive devices. There is another way to solve the problem of controlling the temperature regime of transportation, based on the use of a multi-stage control system in combination with the use of disposable temperature indicators.

The use of such a system has a number of advantages:

Thermal indicators are several orders of magnitude cheaper than even the simplest electronic systems;

Thermal indicators are freely read visually, without the use of reading devices;

Thermal indicators allow you to determine the cumulative duration of the temperature effect on the product;

Disposable thermometers are small multi-layered paper devices that turn red when the control temperature is exceeded. Such indicators are widely used to monitor the cold chain in the transport of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, donated blood and organs.

For frozen food and ice cream, the reference temperature is -18 degrees Celsius. Consider a system for monitoring the temperature regime of transportation using WarmMark temperature indicators (Fig. 1).

Rice. Fig. 1. Scheme of the working model of the system for monitoring the temperature regime of cargo transportation using WarmMark thermal indicators

The managing logistics system carries out preliminary preparation for the shipment of the cargo, within the framework of which the following activities are carried out:

Informing the recipient, the carrier company and the insurance company about the ongoing control measures;

After loading, thermal indicators are installed on control packages with cargo;

A note is made on the use of thermal indicators in the bill of lading;

The direct carrier (driver) is warned about the responsibility and that the cargo is under control;

Upon the arrival of the cargo at the destination, the recipient carries out the acceptance of the cargo in the presence of a representative of the carrier.

If the thermal indicator has worked:

A note is made on the fact of operation in the consignment note;

The sender is informed;

Random check is carried out;

If damage to the cargo is detected, a commercial act is drawn up;

The sender conducts an analysis of possible causes and makes management decisions;

If the indicator did not work, this means that there were no temperature fluctuations that could lead to damage to the cargo.

As practice shows, thanks to the use of a temperature control system for transportation, it is possible to significantly reduce losses during transportation (from 50% and more), moreover, the attitude towards the cargo on the part of the participants in the transportation process changes dramatically - the discipline of the warehouse personnel of the sender, drivers of transport companies, personnel recipient. The carrier tries to anticipate possible traffic situations and risks in advance, and more often conducts temperature control using an on-board thermometer. As a result, the products are delivered to the recipient without any loss in quality. Which is exactly what is required!

4.1 Modern technologies to reduce the cost of transport logistics

Groupa ANTOR Company.

Professional IT solutions to improve the efficiency of transport logistics and transport resources management

Posted on

ANTOR Posted on

LogisticsMaster™ - automation of planning routes for the delivery of products and local cargo transportation

ANTOR Posted on

Logist CPM- the financial analysis product delivery business processes

ANTOR Posted on

Intercity Delivery Planning - planning of intercity cargo transportation

ANTOR Posted on

MonitorMaster - satellite GPS/GLONASS monitoring and navigation of vehicles and mobile objects

ANTOR Posted on

PocketMaster - satellite monitoring of personnel transport (and transport) based on PDA.


Automated system for planning routes for cargo transportation

Planning optimal routes cargo transportation (delivery and collection)

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Reducing costs and optimizing resources

Posted on

Improving the speed and accuracy of planning

Posted on

Formalization of planning processesPosted on

and exercising control;

Reducing the influence of the human factor

Posted on

ANTOR software packagePosted on

LogisticsMaster tm provides effective solution problems of distribution of applications by flights in terms of maximizing the use of vehicle resources and mileage optimization, strictly taking into account the established “delivery windows”.

The data source for planning is customer requests automatically received from the Corporate Information System customer in ANTOR LogisticsMaster tm. In addition, the route planning system maintains a complete record of available vehicles (both own and rented).

In the course of planning, ANTOR LogisticsMaster tm distributes applications by individual flights, geocoding(binding flights to the cartographic base, transport graph and address base).

ANTOR Logistics Mastertm . Benefits of using

Option 1: By reducing the planning period for delivery routes and cargo transportation, we get the opportunity to more carefully pick and load orders into the car body, in accordance with the order of detour points, which can significantly reduce the time of unloading at the point of delivery, which means serving more customers.

Option 2: it becomes possible to use the freed time to increase the time for receiving orders (for example, not until 16.00 for next day deliveries, but until 18.00-19.00), which cannot but help increase sales and improve the quality of customer service.

4. 2 ANTORIntercityDeliveryPlanningautomation system for planning long-distance cargo transportation

Automate the process of planning routes for intercity cargo transportation;

Efficiently manage the profitability and cost of each flight

Form individual prices for each client, taking into account the associated costs and the rate of return

Reduce empty runs of vehicles (plan additional loading of vehicles, including after the start of the trip)

Plan fuel consumption

Improve overall flight safety

Increase the productivity and quality of the work of dispatchers

Increase the degree of control over the execution of cargo transportation

ANTORIntercityDeliveryPlanningallows you to plan all stages and parameters in detailflights:

Average travel speed

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Full (total) mileage of the vehicle

Posted on

Average mileage per day

Posted on

Quantity needed Posted on

Gas stations and overnight stays

Posted on

And much more…

Such planning allows:

Determine the costs (expenses) and the necessary resources for the organization of cargo transportation

Improve the safety of vehicles and cargo

Optimally manage the operation and maintenance of vehicles

Reduce the accident rate of cargo transportation

4.3 ANTORMonitorMaster

SystemGPS/GLONASS monitoring of vehicles and special equipment

However, all the benefits of effective planning can be reduced to zero due to the lack of a reliable control system. How much will your plan cost if the driver, leaving the warehouse gate, immediately forgets about it and determines the procedure for bypassing delivery points or, even worse, first of all, solves his own problems using corporate transport.

The function of monitoring and analyzing the actual movements of vehicles, operating modes of machines and mechanisms is successfully handled by the ANTOR MonitorMaster satellite GPS / GLONASS monitoring system for mobile objects.

Principle of operation

Specialized equipment is installed on the vehicle: an on-board controller (with a GPS/GLONASS receiver and a GSM modem) and, if necessary: ​​status sensors (fuel consumption, temperature, body opening/closing, axle pressure, etc.) or CAN/ FMS adapter for connection to the on-board computer of the car. Data transmission is carried out every 10-15 seconds (remote setting of this parameter is possible) via GPRS/EDGE channel (mobile Internet) through a specialized Internet gateway to the Customer's server. The received information is displayed on an electronic vector map and stored in the archive. Users can receive reports on the status, route and current location of vehicles - at a given point in time or for any past periods.


Legal basis for various transport logistics operations. Economic evaluation types of transportation. Analysis of the situation in the oil cargo market. Rail transport in the transportation of bulk oil cargo: traditional supplies and transportation.

thesis, added 02/09/2009

Theoretical and methodological foundations of multimodal transportation and intermodal systems. Transport expedition in multimodal transportation systems. Optimization of the container transportation route from China to Russia. Shipping cost calculation.

thesis, added 07/10/2017

Factors that determine the properties and quality of goods. Classification and organization of bulk cargo transportation. Transport characteristics and transportation of packaged goods. Features of transportation of dangerous goods and goods transported in containers.

term paper, added 04/11/2013

The main types of messages in the cargo delivery system. Terminal technologies in the formation of a logistics system for the transportation of goods. Technical and economic features of various types of transport and the scope of their use. Delivery and delivery of goods to the terminals.

control work, added 05/07/2011

Organizational structure transport company, functional tasks of its services (departments). Tasks for the organization of transportation of a transport company. Planning and organization of cargo delivery. Organization of transportation of monitors for computers, fresh greenery.

term paper, added 01/04/2015

Rules for the transportation of packaged goods by road and rail, comparative characteristics, advantages and conditions of use. Principles for determining the total logistics costs for organizing the supply of perishable goods.

term paper, added 02/06/2014

The essence and possibilities of transporting goods by sea, the advantages and disadvantages of this type of transportation. Conducting an analysis of the current state of the maritime container transportation market as the cheapest and safest type of cargo transportation.

term paper, added 10/26/2012

Methodological bases for the study of the logistical aspects of international transport. Content and classification of transport operations: essence and features. Strategic Framework for the Development of Transportation European Union and USA.

Under cargo transportation process technology is understood as a way for people to implement a specific transportation process by dividing it into a system of successive interrelated stages and operations that are performed more or less unambiguously and are aimed at achieving high transportation efficiency. Technology challenge– clear the process of cargo transportation from unnecessary operations, make it more purposeful. The essence of the technology of cargo transportation is revealed through two basic concepts - stage and operation. Stage is a set of operations by which a particular process is carried out. Operation- a homogeneous, logically indivisible part of the transportation process, aimed at achieving a specific goal, performed by one or more performers.

The technology of any process of cargo transportation is characterized by three features: the division of the transportation process, coordination and phasing, unambiguity of actions. The purpose of dividing the process of cargo transportation into stages is to determine the boundaries of immanent requirements for the subject that will work on this technology. Any operation should ensure the approximation of the control object to the goal and ensure the transition from one operation to another. The last operation of the stage should be a kind of introduction to the first operation of the next stage. The more accurately the description of the process of transportation of goods will correspond to its subjective logic, the greater the likelihood of achieving the highest effect of the activities of the people involved in it. The developed technologies must take into account the requirements of the basic economic laws and, first of all, the law of increasing the productivity of social labor.

Coordination and phasing of actions aimed at achieving the set specific goal should be based on the internal logic of the functioning and development of a certain transportation process. Technology is not created from scratch, but has a connection with the technology of the past and the future. The technology that works today must be based on principles that make it easy to remake it into the technology of the future.

Each technology should provide for the uniqueness of the implementation of the steps and operations included in it. The deviation of the execution of one operation is reflected in the entire technological chain. The more significant the deviation of the parameters from those designed by the technology, the greater the risk of disrupting the entire process of cargo transportation and obtaining a result that does not correspond to the project.

First, the technology of the entire process of cargo transportation is developed, and then the individual stages. After the development of the technology of the stages, they must be considered from the standpoint of technological unity.

There is a causal relationship between technique and technology, but technique is decisive.

The technological process was not invented today. Just as, according to Moliere, people do not think about what they write and say in prose, so workers motor transport enterprises, using a certain technology, do not think about it. In the past, the technology of the process of transporting goods was formed in most cases intuitively. Technological processes of cargo transportation were not purposefully and consciously developed systems of stages and operations. Therefore, at present, many transportation processes are not efficient enough.

Technological schemes of the process of cargo transportation:

a - one mode of transport; b - different modes of transport.

AT study guide a systematic analysis of modern technologies for the transportation of various types (types) of goods by water transport was carried out. The organizational features of the transportation of goods, as well as measures to prevent the occurrence of emergencies in transport and logistics systems.
The glossary used in the manual not only reveals the essence of marine technical terms, but also offers their English (international) equivalent.
The textbook is intended for cadets of higher educational institutions specializing in areas related to marine equipment and technologies of transport processes and can be used both for independent work, and as a basic publication in the discipline "Technology of transportation of goods".

Freight transport technology. Organization and structure.
Improving the efficiency of cargo transportation by sea or river transport is associated with the technical improvement of the fleet and handling equipment, the introduction of new technologies for the transportation of goods, the creation of specialized types of ships and at the same time their universalization. Technical improvements make it possible to reduce downtime during loading and unloading operations, increase the volume of the consignment transported and minimize the impact of the human factor. The task of the technology is to reduce the duration and complexity of moving cargo by reducing the number of operations performed and automating them.

The technology of the process of moving cargo is understood as a method for the implementation by people of a single transportation process by dividing it. on a chain of successive stages and operations that should lead to the maximum efficiency of transportation. The task of the technology is to remove all unnecessary or duplicated operations from this chain. The deep essence of the technology of cargo transportation is revealed through two basic concepts - stage and operation. A stage is a constructor of operations by which a particular process is carried out.

An operation is a monolithic part of the transportation process aimed at achieving a specific goal, in which one or more performers are involved.
The technology of any process of cargo transportation can be divided into three components: the division of the transportation process, coordination and stages, a strictly fixed procedure.

The division of the process of transportation of goods into stages is necessary to determine the exact boundaries of the requirements for the subject that works on this technology. Any operation should bring the control object closer to the goal and guarantee the transition from one operation to another. The last operation of any stage should smoothly flow into the first operation of the next stage. The goal of any technology developed should ultimately lead to higher productivity.

Topic 1.1. Loads. Nomenclature. Classification. Types and purpose of classification. Organization and structure of cargo transportation
Topic 1.2. Transport properties of goods. Transformation of goods in the process of transportation. Changing the transport properties of goods
Topic 1.3. Cargo flows. Principles of formation, characteristics. Classification. Freight traffic research. Formation of tonnage traffic patterns
Topic 1.4. Cargo delivery schemes. Selection and arrangement of vehicles according to the directions of transportation
Topic 2.1. Vehicles - types. Classification
Topic 2.2. Operational - specifications Vehicle
Topic 2.3. The crew of the vehicle, its functions and principles of formation
Topic 2.4. Transport cycle and its elements
Topic 2. 5. Carrying capacity
Topic 2.6. Business - plan of operation and use of the vehicle
Topic 3.1. Factors affecting the cargo during transportation and protecting the cargo from their influence
Topic 3.2. The microclimate of the ship's cargo spaces
Topic 4. 1. Types of general cargo
Topic 4. 2. Documents regulating the transportation of general cargo:
Topic 4. 3. Basic preparatory operations with general cargo
Topic 4. 4. Preparing the vessel for the carriage of general cargo
Topic 5.1. Enlarged cargo places. Types and transport characteristics of means of consolidation of packages
Topic 5.2. Organizational Features transportation of goods in enlarged places. Transport and technological systems for the delivery of goods by enlarged places
Topic 7.1. Types of bulk cargoes and their transport properties. Classification
Topic 7.2. Bulk Cargo Vehicles and Their Operational Characteristics
Topic 7.3. National and international regulations for the transport of bulk cargoes
Topic 7.4. Transportation of grain bulk cargoes
Topic 8.1. Types of timber cargo. measurements
Topic 8.2. National and international regulations for the transport of timber deck cargo
Topic 10. 1. Dangerous goods, their classification
Topic 10.2. Protection environment when transporting dangerous goods. Measures to prevent the occurrence and liquidation of the consequences of emergencies
Topic 11.1. Passenger Transportation
Topic 11.2. Passenger transportation quality indicators
Topic 12.1. Criteria for the operation of transport
Topic 12.2. Transport regulations
Topic 12.3. Transport performance indicators
Topic 13.1. Planning of the enterprise activity is a program for the implementation of the system functions. Shipping company fleet management
Topic 13.2. Voyage and ship planning
Topic 13.3. NGRF - a system for increasing the level of optimization of the transport process. Purpose and content of the fleet schedule. Logistics like special case optimization of the elementary process of cargo delivery
Topic 13.4. Organization information flows
Topic 13.5. Rationale for attracting and replenishing vehicles to expand the production of transport services
Topic 13.6. Material and technical base
Topic 13.7. Participants of the transport process and their functions
Topic 13.8. Transport and technological transportation systems

Organizations and technologies of cargo transportation and 196

The second direction includes the improvement of management, organization and technology of transportation.

The decision on the advisability of creating and introducing new technology is made on the basis of the economic effect, determined by the annual volume of production and use of new technology in the billing year. The first year after the end of the planned period for mastering the production of new equipment is taken as the accounting year. As a rule, this is the second or third calendar year of the serial production of new products or the use of new transportation and production technologies.

The technology of transportation of goods in enlarged places and,

The need to study the dependence of the cost of transportation on the volume of transportation work in industrial railway transport is due to the fact that the volume of work, as you know, is the most powerful factor affecting the level of production costs. The dependences found by researchers on public rail transport cannot be used in industrial transport for the following reasons: the transportation technology differs significantly; the calculation unit is, as a rule, 1 t, and not 1 tkm, hundreds of times less than the average transportation distance, another nature of work and the level of use of rolling stock.

Special (hot) transportation, which is carried out by the railway shops of metallurgical plants, also has the peculiarity that it is carried out in the rolling stock belonging to the main production shops, they are distinguished by high axle loads of the rolling stock, as well as transportation technology.

However, when creating excessive large enterprises Significant capital expenditures and a lot of time are required, production management becomes more complicated, the possibilities for uniform distribution of industry are limited, the volume of long-distance transportation of both finished products and raw materials and materials necessary for its manufacture increases. Therefore, when determining the rational size of enterprises, they proceed from taking into account economic factors, the location of the enterprise, the characteristics of the industry, as well as the achieved level of development of technology and production technology.

In the oil shale processing industry and the carbon black industry, it is planned to reduce the cost of manual labor through the introduction of labor-saving technologies, automation of packaging, unloading and loading of products, and intra-factory transportation.

The oil and gas industry, contributing to the development of other areas of the economy, provides a multiplier effect. The extraction, processing and transportation of large volumes of oil and gas creates the prerequisites for the development of domestic oil and gas, energy, transport engineering, telecommunications, petrochemistry, transportation, road construction and service infrastructure. This, in turn, will give impetus to the development of science and high technologies in these areas.

Another, largely conditional, disadvantage of pipeline transport, associated with its inherent technology, is the large share of initial and current costs, which do not depend on the volume of pumping. In this regard, the best economic indicators for pipelines are achieved at their maximum load. True, in other modes of transport, with an increase in the volume of transportation, their economic indicators improve, but in pipeline transport, this dependence is especially pronounced. Specific gravity dependent costs in total costs (excluding freight work) by mode of transport is visible from the data in Table. 34 .

The rationalization of transport and economic relations is a complex problem covering the spheres of production and circulation. The improvement of intra-industrial relations is mainly facilitated by the improvement in the location of enterprises, the introduction of new equipment and technology. The rationalization of relations in the sphere of circulation is associated with an increase in the scientific level of transportation planning, with the effective organization of logistics in the national economy, with the implementation of measures within the transport system that create conditions for reducing the cost of transportation.

Transportation technologies. High transport costs act as a barrier to any type of trade, and especially to trade between distant regions. But the improvement of means of transport has caused the globe to shrink, as it were, and this has greatly facilitated international trade. Aircraft are now delivering light, valuable goods, such as diamonds or semiconductors, quickly from one country to another. Oil is usually transported in huge tankers, which has greatly reduced the cost of transportation per unit volume. Grain is shipped to ocean-going ships from state-of-the-art granaries on the Great Lakes and coastal ports. Container ships deliver rail containers directly to foreign ports, where cranes unload the containers onto rail platforms for domestic transport. Natural gas flows through large diameter pipes from exporting countries to importing countries, such as from Russia to Germany or from Canada to the United States. Workers gut the fish on large fishing boats right in the fishing grounds. In special refrigerators, the fish is then delivered to foreign ports. Commercial aircraft manufacturers deliver new aircraft to overseas customers within hours, simply by flying them directly to their destination.

In the late 1970s, a logistics technology was developed in Leningrad, i.e., the operation of modes of transport according to the method of a transport hub, where they interacted. The concepts of i domestic scientists were studied by Western experts. At present, they form the basis for the development of a unified European transport system of the EU countries. In the late 1980s, an attempt was made in the USSR to introduce the Rhythm intersectoral system, which operates on the principles of logistics. A unified intersectoral technology for sustainable transportation of iron ore raw materials combined train schedules, the work of stations, enterprises - senders and recipients of goods to organize the promotion of technological routes. A logistics chain of delivery was developed and implemented hard coal from Kuzbass to one of the CHPPs in Moscow.

The policy of services provided includes all decisions and actions aimed at the integrated implementation of the transport process. This means that the organization of cargo transportation, taking into account the distance of their transportation, the number of delivery times, is planned along with the provision of additional services to customers. An analysis of the participation of carrier firms in the logistics activities of US cargo owners showed that transport enterprises are very willing to diversify their activities. This increases the potential for attracting customers, increases profits, accelerates the introduction of the latest transport technologies, and strengthens the position in the transport services market. In turn, manufacturing firms are no less interested in getting rid of many logistics functions and focusing on their core core activities in order to reduce costs and increase flexibility in work.

As a rule, these measures concerned customs barriers, control and technological procedures at border crossings, and the introduction of new transportation technologies (for example, intermodal). As a result, the time spent on the way of goods was reduced, the accuracy of their delivery and safety were increased, and the stocks of material assets at border terminals were reduced.

In addition, as already mentioned, a more progressive form of transportation organization has been developing recently, associated with the introduction of a new technology for transportation in containers, packages, flats and with the integration of many modes of transport.

Managing the work of freight forwarding offices in seaports and at border crossings broadened the horizons of specialists, made them universal transport workers, and made it possible to master progressive logistics technologies for transporting goods in combined and multimodal communications in the shortest possible time (for example, by sea to Singapore, then by river-sea ships sailing along the Mekong River to Cambodia or by sea to Bangkok, then by rail and road to Laos).

This technique can be applied in the case when the growth in freight turnover during the transition from one planning period to another at specific enterprises does not differ in high rates and does not require a significant increase in fixed assets of railway shops, that is, it is mastered by finding internal reserves, better use of available rolling stock, improvement of transportation technology, other means and methods. With this option, the range of costs depending on the amount of work will be somewhat wider than in the first. So,