How to lead a team without experience. How to be a strict boss and not go too far. Behave properly in the office, with colleagues

  • 29.10.2019

Authoritarianism: how it differs and where it is needed

Are you uncompromising, control-oriented, result-oriented without any excuses? Most likely you are looking for:

  • State structures, incl. power.
  • Security companies and security services of large companies.
  • Collectives prone to passivity, disorganization, internal conflicts, sabotage.
  • The business is in danger of collapse or bankruptcy.

Social and psychological trainings, career consultations are very useful. You will learn to trust subordinates more and delegate some of your authority to them.

Liberalism: what a gentle person is capable of

It is believed that a liberal is a bad manager. He is too human or carefree, prone to connivance. Instead, the informal leaders of the collective rule. They create conflicting groupings, which affects the results of work.

How to become a good leader with softness of character?

Find the most ambitious person on the team. Make him your deputy or adviser. It will help create an effective management structure and influence employees.

"Kind director - strict deputy" is one of the most effective management models. You will become an outlet for workers, and your assistant will be a disciplining factor.

Democracy: myth or reality?

Democrat in leadership position:

  • initiative, responsible;
  • creative approach to work;
  • knows how to negotiate and convince;
  • helps to develop ways to achieve the goal.

A democratic manager is expected in teams with high level development. Each employee is conscious, well motivated, not afraid to prove himself, to substantiate his point of view. High competence is combined with excellent communication skills.

The perfect picture? Realists will smile, and they will be absolutely right. In fact, you need to master all three management styles.

If you are thinking about how to become an effective leader, then it is time for you to master the skills of situational management. Then your market value will be very high.

How to build a career for a leadership position?

Start by taking control of your own life. It is important to set tasks for yourself, outline the paths to them, allocate time and form a useful social circle. Plan your development so that you are ready for the next step on the career ladder.

Consult with those who have already achieved success and are ready to provide you with professional assistance. help to develop a management career plan, offer effective methods achieving your goals.

Marina Nikitina

Being in charge, commanding a team and earning a lot - this is what attracts the masses in leadership positions. Therefore, every student dreams of growing up and becoming a boss. But there are two sides of the coin here. So what is really behind the loud and proud title of "leader"?

When a person first gets a leadership position, he asks himself: how to become a good leader? After all, a lot depends on it: the results of the work of the team, the atmosphere in the team, the reputation and profit of the company or department.

The question "How to become an ideal leader?" very relevant for young ambitious people who want to make a career. They are interested in knowing what qualities a person needs in order to get a leadership position and conquer career Olympus. And quickly develop these qualities in yourself.

Required Qualities

Psychologists (as well as examples of talented leaders) prove that you can lead in different styles and get the same high result. This is true. However, all talented managers have common features.

Portrait ideal leader includes a number of qualities, without which a professional manager will not work out of a person:

mind (wit);
ability ;
the ability to organize oneself and others;
the ability to get along with people;
learning and openness to new knowledge;
constancy in their demands and decisions.

The foundation of the leader's activity consists of 3 qualities:

Readiness for responsibility.

The ideal leader is personally responsible for the decisions made. He doesn't avoid it or pass it on to others.

A wise manager is not afraid of the new, he is not a conservative. To prevent his department or enterprise from becoming a lagging link, the leader strives to keep abreast of the latest innovations in the industry. It is open to new information, ready to learn and change the approach to business.

Objectivity and the ability to get along with people.

Fortunately, there are thousands of books in electronic and paper format on this topic. They can be found in a retail bookstore, online store, on the websites of publishers and authors. Some books on the net are freely available (in electronic format). Download and read on health.

Find a mentor.

Choose him among experienced managers who have been successfully managing one company for many years and enjoy authority. Get a job as an assistant to him and watch how his every day goes by, how he communicates with his subordinates and how he solves various problems. If such an authority has already hired assistants and does not need new personnel, ask for a free internship.

Attend trainings, seminars on leadership and personnel management.

Psychologists offer them today, educational centers practicing managers. If it is not possible to go to another city, the Internet will help you. Many of the trainings take place online. Coaches offer skype consultations, information products - training courses with delivery to your city. In general, you can develop the qualities of an ideal leader in different ways.

If your company is growing, profits are multiplying, and your subordinates respect you, consider that you have already passed the exam for a good leader. If not, then learn. The missing knowledge will come with experience. The main thing is to learn from problem situations.

March 21, 2014, 12:06

From this article you will learn:

  • Who can be the best leader
  • How to become a better leader
  • How to be a better leader for a woman

A real leader has many qualities that allow him to be a professional in his field and a person who is trusted by his subordinates. Leadership can look different - you can sit in the boss's chair or be the captain of the football team. In this article, we will tell you how to become a better leader.

How to become a good leader

How to become a better leader? What qualities do you need to have, and which are better to get rid of, in order to feel like a really good leader.

Of course, not all people can be bosses. After all, becoming a leader means taking responsibility, being an expert, building the right relationships with all subordinates. Not everyone is ready for this. But the phrase that causes the sincere envy of others: “I have the best leader!” Is a real confession.

If you want to reach the top career ladder, then, first of all, think not about how to quickly get to the peak of Olympus, but about how to become a better leader. After all, the main thing is to understand that a leader is an effective manager who should not know and be able to do everything in the world. Its main qualities:

  • be able to organize the work of narrow specialists so that they perform their work as efficiently as possible;
  • solve any problems that arise so that the work is not interrupted.

How to become a real leader not in words, but in practice? Take part in

If we consider this in the case of the editor-in-chief of a newspaper, then the best leader should not be a brilliant penman, although he certainly has journalistic experience, take reportage photographs, create a newspaper layout, own specialized computer programs and be able to repair equipment in the office.

But if he wants to become a good leader, he must know and be able to do many other things.

  1. The best leader knows what text and photos will get the most response from the readers of the publication.
  2. He knows how to solve the problems of the organization, supplying employees with the necessary resources, ranging from pens and pencils to company vehicles.
  3. The best leader is also a psychologist. He must maintain a positive microclimate in the team.
  4. The manager must be able to negotiate difficult interviews.
  5. The best leader knows who to turn to for problems with broken appliances, plumbing, etc.
  6. The manager must be ready to protect his employees from those who may be dissatisfied with the publications, or simply readers.
  7. The head always monitors financial deductions - salary, bonuses, bonuses.

Many careerists who dream of becoming a leader do not think about whether they can actually manage. They just dream of big money bank account and believe that they will learn everything necessary already in the process.

Of course, a smart and purposeful person in the position of a leader will be able to master new knowledge in a short time, but for this you need to have a certain temperament and be ready for development.

How to become a better leader? To do this, you must have some qualities that will help you go through this difficult path and become better, namely:

  • a responsibility;
  • knowledge of time management;
  • mental stability;
  • punctuality;
  • the ability to deal with their fears;
  • obligation;
  • humanity;
  • the ability to do everything;
  • attentiveness;
  • courage;
  • fast learner;
  • activity;

Find out how to get the most out of your staff with the least amount of training effort

As you continue answering the question of how to become a better leader, look for the qualities that will get in the way of your path to success:

  • laziness;
  • a tendency to squabble;
  • pickiness;
  • irritability;
  • authority;
  • inability to reason sensibly;
  • indiscipline;
  • rancor;
  • indifference.

10 effective tips on how to become a good and class teacher

Usually all novice leaders make similar mistakes. Let's discuss some of them.

  1. Never say the phrase "I am a young leader" even mentally.

When you use such an expression in your address, you seem to justify your mistakes in advance. You may be thinking, “Why do everything possible and impossible to achieve the goal, to become the best, if I am a “young leader”? Or perhaps you think that you will be forgiven for all your mistakes just because you have just entered this position? These are completely wrong thoughts. You will have people under your control who depend on your decisions from the first day. Find yourself a mentor, an adviser among experienced leaders who will help prevent failures; read specialized literature; get better; develop and forget the phrase "I am a young leader."

  1. Don't abuse power.

There is a proverb that makes you think about power: "Give a slave a whip, he will beat other slaves to death." Of course, when you are appointed as a leader, along with the position, you also receive official duties, a team, certain powers, a sweet "carrot" and a terrible "whip". You need to be extremely careful with the tools that you have in your hands if you want to become a better leader.

But you should not use extreme measures on a daily basis, this is not the best way, especially if you are just starting your journey. Remember only weak people solve problems with threats. The most important skill that a leader needs to acquire is the ability to communicate with employees, build partnerships, learn to negotiate in any situation.

If you show emotions and complexes, even the most loyal employees may leave you. Think about whether the person who is handing out cuffs qualifies for the status of "the best manager."

  1. Do not do work for employees.

This is one of the most common mistakes leaders of any level. How to become a better leader? When you are appointed to a certain position, you must decide the general issues of this unit in order to show the result of the correct organization of work. Then you can be proud of the status of "the best leader" and be proud of your achievements. And if you are still trying to do everything with your own hands, then soon your ship may sink.

  1. Protect business interests.

When you were in the place of a subordinate, you probably tried to be noticed and appreciated. You did your job well, gave 100% and certainly discussed with colleagues:

  • what kind of incompetent leader do you have;
  • how many mistakes he made in building business processes;
  • how illogically your responsibilities are distributed, etc.

When you were on the other side of the barricades, you probably knew the best way to optimize all processes. Now your colleagues have remained in the same positions, and you were able to become number one, so all these complaints will be directed in your direction. You will need to become a better leader than your colleagues think you are. And here you will find a difficult choice.

You can support your old views and criticize higher management, or you will understand the company's activities, see the relationship inner life departments within a large enterprise and begin to defend the more global interests of the corporation in front of their former like-minded people. How to become a better leader? Understand that now you are a representative of authority in your organization and you should work for the good of the company and protect its interests. Even if just recently you criticized the system and the people at the head. Now the head is you.

  1. Remember - everything is just beginning.

Do you think getting a leadership position is a reason to calm down and relax? You think: “I worked as a specialist for so many years, did not raise my head, worked to get a position and finally got it! You no longer need to prove anything to anyone and work overtime. Now you can sit in a leather chair, wait for the receipt of large sums to the account and order business cards with the inscription "Best Leader"? Such thoughts come to mind to those who do not see themselves as a real leader, do not want to become better.

Yes, they will have the opportunity to attend courses for the best managers, several people per department, a separate parking space and other things that are external manifestations of the new status. But it is worth remembering that leadership positions there is always a fight going on. If the manager calms down and ceases to be effective, the chances of those who will yearn for this position will increase significantly. How to become a better leader? Perceive any step in your career not as a finish, but as a start. You must again learn everything and even more, prove your competence again, overcome thousands of difficulties again, fight again and win again.

  1. First of all, you manage people, not reports.

Theoretical figures and calculations in business are certainly important. Therefore, many employees spend time and energy studying quantitative indicators of work, building schedules, discussing existing reports and development prospects.

But still, all these numbers are more a result of your ability to manage employees than your ability to operate with data. It is known that the best effective method improve performance - improve employee productivity.

  1. Don't show your emotions.

Everyone is well aware that the leader bears the burden of responsibility and suffers from lack of time. Just as they understand that the boss has to answer for failures, mistakes and voice bad news, so he can be upset, disappointed and angry. How to become a better leader? The best way- learn to suppress the desire to make a caustic or caustic remark that will remain in memory for a long time. No one expects perfect behavior from you, but try not to let your emotions make others feel worse.

  1. Evaluating your performance is your worst employee.

Quite often, managers judge their success by the performance of successful frontline workers. But the best employee is not your merit. His performance is the result of his work and success, not yours. How to become a better leader? Equate your managerial talents with the worst employee who shows the lowest level of performance. This will show what you are willing to put up with and what you will expect from other employees.

  1. Don't forget about encouragement.

You should not consider the cost of employees as expenses that need to be minimized in order to increase profits. AT business world there is a fair remark that for the average wages you get average workers. Perhaps, before the advent of the Internet, the salaries of specialists were a secret. Now anyone can find out what is the adequate price of his work.

  1. Become a role model.

To earn respect and become a better leader, you need to be a true professional in your field. Then colleagues will respect you, listen to your opinion and consider that you are the best leader.

Discuss your management experience. The best way to build trust in a team is to share what's going on in your career. If they can see why you are in this position, how far you have come, and how hard you continue to work, they will admire and rejoice at the opportunity to work under such a leader.

Act professionally. Especially now that you are a manager, the requirements for professional behavior are becoming more stringent, because you must become a role model. You need to look presentable, show up to work on time, and develop a professional manner of communication. The leader is the face of the company.

So, you have successfully overcome several steps of the career ladder, and now you have a very real prospect of becoming the head of a team. This is both encouraging and a little scary, since now you have to be responsible not only for your own actions, but also for the actions of other people. How to become a good leader? What exist today general rules people management? Is it possible, adhering to these rules, to lead a company without constantly encountering the same problems? Let's try to understand this issue.

How to manage a team

The current level of development of production contributes not only to global changes in the business sphere, but to a colossal upheaval in the socio-economic situation of society. The old mechanisms for managing this production, when the staff was perceived as a kind of faceless and sexless mass fulfilling a specific goal, have been safely forgotten in our time. Today, the management of any, even the most small organization, requires completely new tactics and strategies. New psychological aspects of team management have appeared, which are the main tools of the work of the current leader.

The classic, time-tested management theory is based on three pillars: people, financial policy, technical questions. In the first place, of course, is the human factor. The subtle, wise use of the creative potential of each employee, the adjustment of relationships in the team increases the productivity of not only subordinates, but also the company as a whole. Effective team management provides, first of all, references to the human factor.

Knowledge of psychology is a tool of a good leader

It is now impossible to become a good leader without studying the psychological aspects of communication with subordinates. It can be said that labor collective as an object of control is a kind of living being with its own character and habits. Knowledge of the peculiarities of people's perception of each other, orientation in the nuances of the relationship between the team and the administrative apparatus are fundamental components in managing people. Only by considering them, you can know exactly how to become a first-class leader.

This requires an understanding that any employee is first and foremost a person. This serves as a great incentive for the well-coordinated work of the organization and gives an almost complete answer to the question of how to become a first-class leader. It is very dangerous to treat subordinates as mechanical performers. For example, everyone, even a person with a grandiose creative potential, is characterized by stages of a decline in psychological activity, when excessive stress only reduces overall productivity. It is inappropriate to demand maximum dedication from him during such periods. High-quality work is involuntarily replaced by a kind of surrogate, which, instead of the expected benefit, can cause significant harm and production process and the performer himself.

People's feelings can be not just their subjective experiences, but also an excellent indicator of the general psychological mood of the team. A good leader should be open to emotional exchange in order to correct their own actions in case of negative situations. And such situations, as a rule, ripen from time to time in any organization.

Be attentive to employees

Another important rule of successful team management is attention to the interests of employees. Each person is unique, both motivations and goals are unique, so an attempt to impose public interests at the expense of personal interests can be fatal: the company will lose a valuable employee, who will not be easy to replace. But the association in any form of personal interests for the sake of the public will have a beneficial effect both on the atmosphere in the team and on the overall productivity of employees. When personal goals coincide, it is quite easy to create human groups, which are much easier to manipulate than each employee individually. Within such a grouping, as a rule, there is some competition from which a competent director can derive significant benefits for the organization.

However, one should not forget that competition often turns into conflict, when everyone strives with all his might to be the first to destroy a competitor. Such a situation, of course, is destructive, and it must be able to stop it at the very beginning. This will require emotional openness and psychological flexibility, based on close attention to the internal state of employees.

Such a management tool is quite effective, but its danger lies in the fact that the work of the leader will be reduced to control and maintaining a balance of power. A kind of dual power can unwittingly form in the team: the manager's control over employees, on the one hand, and his dependence on the behavior of these employees, on the other.

To avoid such a dead end, it is necessary to learn how to maneuver between loyalty to subordinates and authoritarianism. One of the methods of such maneuvering can be the unobtrusive orientation of the interests of groups of subordinates to the goals of the organization. And then the provision of solutions to the achievement of these goals by the subordinates themselves. This situation in the team is quite favorable. The task of the manager in this case will be the delivery of the necessary information and the adjustment of administrative issues. Therefore, in order to know exactly how to lead a team of one kind or another, you need to look at each of its members and determine exactly what role can be assigned to him. But first you need to learn how to choose the best employees, while adhering to certain conditions.

A novice leader inevitably faces such problems as the selection of personnel and the creation of the most favorable environment in the team. Unfortunately, there are no universal tools for solving these problems. However, there are certain rules, following which, you can achieve significant success in leadership.

How to become a successful leader? Some leaders try to apply proven "good" tricks: the selection of a team of like-minded people or the introduction of a leader into the organization - a professional who ignites others with his example. However, "good" tricks in reality may not be so good. No professional leader can replace the whole organization, and the most dedicated like-minded people always remain separate, independent thinking people. And their goals, in the end, may be different. In addition, for the successful development of any business, an established mechanism is needed, where each detail performs a specific function. And in the case of like-minded people, it is rather difficult to distribute these functions. After all, each of them strives to do exactly the work that he considers the most acceptable for himself. Involuntarily, you will think about how to properly manage a team of this kind.

In other words, the main thing for a novice leader is the ability to determine the place of each subordinate in the system of the labor mechanism. Someone will be most useful as a generator of ideas, someone - as a performer of routine work, and someone - as an inspirer, creating the atmosphere necessary for productive work in the team. In general, this is precisely the psychology of team management. Such a task is not easy, but it is quite solvable if people are selected not subjectively, from the position of “like it or not”, but in accordance with the task. The coexistence of different people in the organization, with all sorts of tastes and habits, is one of the most important incentives for its development. The unity of opposites always implies progress.

There are a lot of tips on how to become a leader, but they are based on one principle: a modern manager should remember that an organization is an association of people, and its goals are achievable only if their cooperation is successful. Plus, you need to learn to appreciate an employee, even if you don’t like him as a person. Can you leave personal preferences outside the office door? Become a great leader. And learn to restrain yourself. Sometimes we really want to take out our anger on those who depend on us. Yell at one employee, scold another subordinate. But before you do that, think about what drives you? Dissatisfaction with the work done or just a desire to let off steam?

  • 1 Can everyone become good bosses?
  • 3 Qualities of a good leader
  • 4 Common Newbie Mistakes
  • 5 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 5.1 Is it possible for a woman to become a good leader?
    • 5.2 Is it possible to become a leader with softness of character?

Despite the years of development of control theory, it is not always possible to successfully apply its mechanisms in practice. Many managers simply do not know how to properly organize the work of departments, the entire company, get out of a problem situation with minimal losses, choose the optimal leadership style, learn how to put into practice various management functions (planning, organization, support, control), etc. But if you study at least the basic foundation management theory, to establish the successful work of the team, if desired, each leader will succeed.

Can everyone become good bosses?

Almost every person strives to become a boss, but, as practice shows, you also need to be able to lead. In addition to the formal appointment to the position, the chief must have a certain set of professional and personal qualities be able to plan and create effective strategies, as well as control their implementation. It is important to have experience in the field and specialized education, although these factors are not critical.

The day of the boss, as a rule, is very dynamic - meetings with managers and executors, work with incoming and outgoing documentation, solving current problems, etc. Therefore, many decisions are made on the run, during meetings on other topics, you have to quickly weigh the risk of not making and making a decision. To become an effective leader, you must have a strong personal, emotional and professional potential, be able to correctly distribute your tasks and entrust most of the current affairs to performers, only controlling the process of their solution. For example, you don’t need to develop a buyer’s corner on your own, the boss only needs to approve the document and subsequently review the records and respond to them.

Advice: to make teamwork more efficient, the manager should develop his own staff motivation system (cash bonuses, accrual of points for receiving incentives at the end of the year, Thanksgiving letters families, etc.).

It is also important to be able to manage a team, improve the effectiveness of teamwork, which is not given to all managers. Becoming a leader without experience is also quite realistic. A positive result depends only on the desire to achieve success and the correct use in practice of the principles of effective leadership (to a lesser extent - on professionalism and knowledge in the chosen niche). One idea for a business, as well as just the intention to lead, is still not enough, it is necessary to plan it correctly and monitor the implementation of tasks.

Becoming a successful leader is really hard. As a rule, the position of leader is invited the best specialist from the team - good seller becomes the head of the sales department, the lead programmer becomes a team leader (this is an IT specialist who manages his development team). But it should be borne in mind that, despite this pattern, not all excellent specialists can become good managers, although it is desirable that they be experts in their field, otherwise it will be much more difficult to earn credibility and improve the quality level of work.

It is also very important to learn how to choose the right leadership style - not to get carried away with directives, but also not to be too soft. If employees are doing their job well and there is no need for immediate intervention, let them perform the assigned tasks on their own. You should not use power as a management tool, it is better to learn how to communicate with your people, negotiate, explain and build partnerships. Financial incentives for the good work of employees are always welcome, for example, the thirteenth salary, bonus payments. You can master the principles of a successful leader and effectively apply them in practice with the help of special business trainings and master classes, studying specialized periodicals and business books.

Qualities of a good leader

In addition to the appropriate education and work experience in a particular field, a good leader must have a set of professional qualities necessary for activities in the chosen field. But the main quality of a boss is trust, personal devotion and the ability to mobilize to solve a specific problem. After all professional problems the performers decide, and the leader must choose and approve one of the options for its elimination. For example, curators of customer loyalty programs must be able to professionally work with several market segments, be proactive, independent, have excellent presentation and communication skills.

Only experience and knowledge for successful activity in the chosen field will not be enough. The boss must develop and consolidate at least the basic qualities (personal, intellectual and professional) necessary for full-fledged management:

  1. Communication skills, the ability to establish contact with a person.
  2. Perspective thinking.
  3. Efficiency in making appropriate decisions, including risky ones.
  4. Consistency and purposefulness, consistency in actions.
  5. Self-criticism, the ability to soberly evaluate their decisions, use the positive experience of other leaders.
  6. The ability to become a leader.
  7. High resistance to frustration when faced with troubles and problems.
  8. Tolerance and objectivity.
  9. Ability to criticize constructively.
  10. Professionalism in the chosen field of activity.

Advice: it is very important for the leader to study and implement the principles of time management in daily practice. Thanks to this, he will be able to properly plan his working time, avoid confusion, errors and at times increase the efficiency of work without unnecessary labor.

Common Newbie Mistakes

The process of appointing a new boss is traditionally accompanied by specific difficulties and changes in the organization of the work of the team. In today's market conditions, they are even more noticeable due to the increasing complexity of the device of modern companies and the speed of doing business. Often, at the initial stage, a beginner critically lacks a detailed understanding of the tasks and the real cost of solutions. But at the same time, it is during this period that it is necessary to achieve dynamics in one's actions, as well as win the trust of the team.

A novice manager needs to adapt to a new place as soon as possible, avoiding blunders, and get closer to the point of self-sufficiency, when he can bring real benefits to the company.

Typical mistakes of a new leader:

  1. Incorrect positioning, lack of self-presentation at the stage of acquaintance.
  2. The desire to perform tasks on their own, and not just plan them, while the key competence of the boss is not to independently achieve results, but only together with the team. For example, in order to assess staff turnover, it is not necessary to look for the reasons yourself, HR specialists can do this, and the manager will only analyze the data and decide whether to optimize the work of the department.
  3. The desire to be good for all team members, especially for those with whom you have previously worked together, the choice of a liberal style of communication. A beginner often makes minimum requirements for assignments, analyzes the results biased, fearing discontent and conflicts in the team.
  4. Choice authoritarian style leadership, when power is actively demonstrated, all emotional contacts are reduced to a minimum, and the effectiveness of team work is built on tough diligence, a system of penalties, and the like.
  5. Exaggerated expectations from subordinates, neglect of their professionalism.
  6. The desire to do many things at the same time for a faster development of the project and carelessness in relation to important details that fall out of sight.
  7. Discussion in the team of misses and failures of the previous leader.

The consequences of starting mistakes for a novice leader can be both simply unpleasant and fatal in terms of career development: demotion, dismissal, partial or complete dismissal of the former team, difficulties in fulfilling a given volume of tasks, very low efficiency in using the working potential of employees.

Frequently asked Questions

Consider frequently asked questions on the topic.

Can a woman become a good leader?

Traditionally in society, it is believed that men have better professional competence than women. In addition, among the leaders, as a rule, there are always more representatives of the stronger sex. But in fact, good management does not depend on the gender of the boss, but on the spectrum of his personal and business qualities. The wider and deeper it is, the more effectively the manager will be able to organize the workflow and achieve the desired level of performance.

It is quite possible for a woman to become a good leader. But experts note that, according to statistics, some managerial functions men and women really perform equally well, but some are better realized only by one or another. For example, women are the best mentors and coaches (consultants and coaches who help overcome psychological and professional problems), and the stronger sex is more effective where tight control and directive style are required. A woman, if desired, can become a good leader, gender is not an obstacle. The main thing is to be a professional and learn how to properly manage a team.

Is it possible to become a leader with softness of character?

According to experts, it is quite difficult to become a leader with a soft character, and such people, as a rule, quickly end their careers. They fail to establish proper communication with the team and build an optimal system of personal relationships. Excessive softness and pliability, especially if the boss is a woman, almost always interfere with the quality performance of a given amount of work and the correct formation of hierarchical relations in a team, and do not allow the leader to become a leader. But at the same time, it is also impossible to completely do without this character trait. In a certain proportion and in specific situations, it must also be present. A good leader should combine seemingly mutually exclusive qualities: softness and firmness, the ability to demand and carry out assigned tasks, to control and trust, to be official and moderately close to the team.