Leadership styles. Personnel management styles: how to choose the right one Representatives of an authoritarian management style

  • 17.08.2020

The way that the leader chooses to work effectively with subordinates is called management style. Each of them has its own tools and methods. An authoritarian leadership style is characterized by a high level of discipline.

What is an authoritarian leadership style

It is believed that the way of one-man leadership with the establishment of strict discipline is an authoritarian style of leadership. Its main principle is absolute authority, the supremacy of the leader. Authoritarianism is based on the ability to make quick decisions, on clear and precise orders, while not allowing objections, as well as on the denial of any manifestations of initiative on the part of subordinates. This leadership style is considered effective when the organization has reached a crisis in labor discipline. However, it is this style of management that is considered dangerous due to the occurrence of staff turnover.

In pedagogy

However, this pedagogical approach has disadvantages - the socio-psychological atmosphere of such a class is unfavorable, since the student simply does not have the right to express his own opinion. Any initiative coming from a student is perceived by an authoritarian teacher as an act of self-will, which is unacceptable for the latter. Suppression of the student's will has a detrimental effect on his further socio-psychological development.

in personnel management

Management and personnel management is the area in which it is most often used authoritarian method management. In order to increase the efficiency of the workflow, to streamline the provocative behavior of employees, a decision is made to apply a directive style. Thus, the chief himself is responsible for the progress of work, excluding the delegation of his powers in any form. An authoritarian leader gives clear instructions that staff members are required to follow unquestioningly.

Note! There are cases when the leader abused his power, which led the organization into decline - employees left their positions, from which the organization's activities as a whole suffered.

Advantages and disadvantages of such management

One of the main advantages of this management style is the effective behavior of the leader. The advantage of an authoritarian leader is that he is aware of the level of his responsibility and, in problematic, even crisis cases, is able to quickly orient himself and make certain decisions as soon as possible. It happens that companies that are in decline decide to accept help by hiring an authoritarian leader for the post of head. Undoubtedly, any existing democracy ceases to function, since new leader assumes a single goal - to raise the company and achieves it, first of all, through strict control over the implementation of work on instructions.

Naturally, it is not without drawbacks. First of all, the psychology of a modern person in the era of freedom of speech and action is not able to work in conditions of an authoritarian attitude, which a manager can achieve by insulting and belittling the professional qualities of an employee. In this case, staff turnover may occur, expressed in the constant departure of employees. At the same time, newcomers do not have time to get comfortable, gain experience, and either they are fired or they leave on their own. Sooner or later, in this state of affairs, the company will cease to exist.

Basic Mistakes

An authoritarian leadership style is a tool that is expedient to use for a limited time, otherwise an authoritarian leader can cross the line, feeling the power, starting to abuse it. Given that the authoritarian style does not allow ordinary friendly conversations with subordinates, many leaders often forget, and instead of issuing the usual order, they resort to sharp criticism, including insults and humiliation. Encouragement with this style of leadership is also not welcome, however, punishments for disobedience or improper execution of an order may take an inadequate form.

An authoritarian leader is a person with a huge amount of responsibility. It is unacceptable to neglect this responsibility, as well as an attempt to place it on subordinates. However, in the pursuit of performance, some leaders may lose their temper, taking out anger for existing failures, missed deadlines, etc. on employees. The only thing this will lead to is the loss of employees one by one, which clearly will not benefit the organization. It is one thing to punish or fire an employee for insubordination. Another is to intimidate him so that other team members decide to leave the workplace, devoid of motivation and faith in the positive result of hard work.

When is it effective?

There are a number of reasons why you should adopt an authoritarian leadership style. Among them, there are periods at the enterprise when the discipline of employees decreases, along with it financial indicators the organization itself, its income. An autocratic director is required to get the team working, albeit at the expense of tough measures. At the very least, the most weak links will leave their places, to which other employees will be hired. With characteristic management, an organization that is in decline will soon take up its former positions and rush towards progress.

Note! Employees who have undergone a change in leadership style should remember that this is a temporary phenomenon. With maximum patience, obedience and skills, each member of the team will be able to become part of that historical moment when the organization emerges from the crisis.

Examples of authoritarian leadership

One of the clearest positive examples of authoritarian leaders is Henry Ford. He approached the selection of employees so carefully that he literally studied all their ins and outs. Focus on structural detail, efficient and thoughtful work allowed him to found a world-famous company.

Another example belongs to another car company Chrysler, which had been in crisis for some time. In the end, a specialist was invited who managed to combine authoritarian and democratic governance. As a result, this commonality of management orientations helped the company break out to the world level.

The authoritarian leadership style is characterized as contradictory. Many consider this style to be cruel, since the opinion, experience and skills of subordinates are not taken into account. On the other hand, there are many examples where this type of government pulled organizations out of decline. One way or another, it has its place among leaders, it is often resorted to in cases where the company is in crisis.



Leadership styles (management)

Leadership style- this is a set of ways and methods of influencing subordinates, partners, suppliers, customers, which directly depends on the worldview, character and temperament of the leader.

Management style

Management style is the typical manner and way of behavior of a manager. Styles can be classified according to different criteria.

A. Criteria for the participation of performers in management.

The clearest distinction here is three styles:
- authoritarian(manager alone decides and orders - employees execute);
- complicit(employees participate to some extent in decision-making);
- autonomous(manager plays a deterrent role - employees decide for themselves, usually by majority)
(Fig. 44).

Rice. 44. The difference in management styles ( on the participation of performers)

The authoritarian style of management has varieties:
- dictatorial style(the manager decides everything himself, employees perform under the threat of sanctions);
- autocratic(the manager has at his disposal an extensive apparatus of power);
- bureaucratic(the authority of the manager rests on the formal hierarchical positions of the system);
- patriarchal(the manager has the authority of the “head of the family”, employees trust him unlimitedly);
- benevolent (the manager uses his unique personal qualities and enjoys high authority, therefore employees follow his decisions).

Participatory style also has options:
- communication style (the manager finds it difficult to make a decision and informs the employees, the latter ask questions, express their opinion, but in the end they must follow the instructions of the manager);
- advisory style management (the same, but decisions are made jointly deliberatively);
- joint decision (the manager puts forward the problem, indicates the restrictions, the employees themselves make the decision, the manager retains the right of veto).

B. Classification of management styles according to the primary criterion of management functions:
- management through innovation (development of innovation - as a guiding task);
- management by setting goals (at each hierarchical level, goals are set, there is freedom in the method of achieving it, limited by estimates and control);
Advantages: freedom of realization, implementation of personal goals, responsibility for the result.
Disadvantages: rigid planning system, intensive control, lack of employee involvement, control costs.
- Management through goal coordination (This is a mixed form of management through setting goals and through the involvement of employees. Employees take part in setting goals).
Advantages: coordination of goals is the best condition for achieving them, freedom in implementation, focus on the goal, not the method, the implementation of personal goals in work, general control, responsibility, ownership.
Disadvantages: rigid planning system, time spent on approvals, contradictions with the hierarchical system, intensification of control.
- Management through decision rules;
- management through motivation;
- management through coordination;
- management only in exceptional cases (the manager leaves decisions related to the performance of tasks to the employees. Intervention occurs in exceptional cases - especially critical situations, ignoring the possibility of a solution, deviations from the set goals).

B. The criterion of orientation to employees or to the performance of tasks.

Five typical styles are shown in fig. 45.

Style 1.1 (weak management) - there is no pressure on employees, there is no concern for them, and there is also little concern for solving management problems. The useful return is small.

Rice. 45. Styles of management according to the criterion of preferential orientation

Style 9.1 (management by task) - employees are treated like executive mechanisms, high efficiency can be achieved, but human relations suffer.

Style 1.9 (club management) - a friendly atmosphere prevails, but problem solving is neglected.

Style 5.5 (management along the middle path) - a compromise is achieved between the requirements for work and the interests of employees, the average labor productivity.

Style 9.9 (strong management) is the ideal style

The following management styles are distinguished.

Authoritarian(either directive or dictatorial) - it is characterized by a rigid individual decision-making by the head of all decisions ("minimum democracy"), strict constant control over the implementation of decisions with the threat of punishment ("maximum control"), lack of interest in the employee as a person. Due to constant monitoring, this management style provides quite acceptable results of work (according to non-psychological criteria: profit, productivity, product quality can be good), but there are more disadvantages than advantages: 1) high probability of erroneous decisions; 2) suppression of initiative, creativity of subordinates, slowing down innovations, stagnation, passivity of employees; 3) people's dissatisfaction with their work, their position in the team; 4) an unfavorable psychological climate ("toadies", "scapegoats", intrigues) causes an increased psychological stress load, is harmful to mental and physical health. This management style is expedient and justified only in critical situations (accidents, military operations, etc.).

Democratic(or collective) - management decisions are taken on the basis of a discussion of the problem, taking into account the opinions and initiatives of employees ("maximum democracy"), the implementation of the decisions made is controlled by both the manager and the employees themselves ("maximum control"), the manager shows interest and benevolent attention to the personality of employees, takes into account their interests, needs , peculiarities.

The democratic style is the most effective, as it provides a high probability of correct, balanced decisions, high production results of labor, initiative, activity of employees, satisfaction of people with their work and team membership, a favorable psychological climate and team cohesion. However, the implementation of a democratic style is possible with high intellectual, organizational, psychological and communicative abilities of the leader.

liberal anarchist(or conniving, or neutral) - is characterized, on the one hand, by the "maximum of democracy" (everyone can express their positions, but real accounting, do not seek to achieve coordination of positions), and on the other hand, "a minimum of control" (even the decisions made are not implemented, there is no control over their implementation, everything is left to chance), as a result of which the results of work are usually low, people are not satisfied with their work, the manager , the psychological climate in the team is unfavorable, there is no cooperation, there is no incentive to work conscientiously, sections of work are made up of individual interests of the leaders of the subgroup, hidden and obvious conflicts are possible, there is a stratification into conflicting subgroups.

Inconsistent (illogical)- manifests itself in an unpredictable transition by a leader from one style to another (either authoritarian, then conniving, then democratic, then again authoritarian, etc.), which leads to extremely low work results and the maximum number of conflicts and problems.

Situational style management flexibly takes into account the level of psychological development of subordinates and the team. An effective management style (according to most foreign management experts) is participatory (participatory style). This style is appropriate in science-intensive industries, in innovative firms, and in scientific organizations.

Personnel Management

Leadership styles

Leadership style- a method, a system of methods for influencing a leader on subordinates. One of the most important factors in the effective operation of the organization, the full realization of the potential of people and the team. Most researchers distinguish the following leadership styles:

Directive management style characterized by a high centralization of leadership, the dominance of one-man management. The leader demands that all cases be reported to him, single-handedly makes decisions or cancels them. He does not listen to the opinion of the team, he decides everything for the team himself. The prevailing methods of management are orders, punishments, remarks, reprimands, deprivation of various benefits. Control is very strict, detailed, depriving subordinates of initiative. The interests of the cause are placed much higher than the interests of people; harshness and rudeness prevail in communication. The authoritarian leadership style negatively affects the moral and psychological climate, leads to a significant decrease in initiative, self-control and responsibility of employees

Democratic management style characterized by the distribution of authority, initiative and responsibility between the head and deputies, the head and subordinates. The head of the democratic style always finds out the opinion of the team on important production issues, makes collective decisions. Regularly and in a timely manner informing the members of the team on issues important to them. Communication with subordinates takes place in the form of requests, wishes, recommendations, advice, rewards for quality and operational work, benevolent and polite; orders are applied as necessary. The leader stimulates a favorable psychological climate in the team, defends the interests of subordinates.

Liberal management style characterized by the lack of active participation of the leader in the management of the team. Such a leader “goes with the flow”, waits or requires instructions from above, or falls under the influence of the team. He prefers not to take risks, “keep his head down”, shirks the resolution of urgent conflicts, seeks to reduce his personal responsibility. He lets work take its course, rarely controls it. This style of leadership is preferable in creative teams, where employees are distinguished by independence and creative individuality.

There are no "bad" or "good" management styles. The specific situation, type of activity, personal characteristics of subordinates, and other factors determine the optimal ratio of each style and the prevailing leadership style. A study of the practice of managing organizations shows that each of the three leadership styles is present to one degree or another in the work of an effective leader.

Contrary to common stereotypes, the prevailing leadership style is practically independent of gender. (There is a misconception that female leaders are more gentle and focused primarily on maintaining good relationships with business partners, while male leaders are more aggressive and result-oriented.) The reasons for the separation of leadership styles may be more likely to be personality traits and temperament, rather than gender characteristics. Successful top managers - both men and women - are not adherents of only one style. As a rule, they intuitively or quite consciously combine various leadership strategies.

Leadership styles

Leadership style is a set of ways and methods of influencing subordinates, partners, suppliers, customers, which directly depends on the worldview, character and temperament of the leader.

Leadership style, at certain points, can contribute to the development of the company. For example, during a crisis, a leader can apply an authoritarian management style, increase personal responsibility and control over the actions of employees and resources. Also, this style is suitable at the initial stage of business, when many processes are not debugged, there is not enough experience. But the same management style can interfere with development, as it deprives the business of a creative approach, initiatives from the staff. This is especially well observed during the rapid growth of the market, behind which the company with an authoritarian leader does not have time to grow.

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each leadership style so that you know in what situations and for what this style is suitable.

The leader issues orders, employees only carry them out. For non-compliance or poor-quality performance, personnel are subject to sanctions. The leader focuses everything under himself. Any action of the employee requires the participation of the head. Rigid schemes are often prescribed in instructions and regulations.

The advantages of this style are also its disadvantages. On the one hand, this style implies a high degree of control and bureaucracy in management. However, this style threatens to develop into a complex bureaucratic machine, when decisions and actions become inefficient. If the company grows, then the situation with decision-making and actions can become even more complicated. Elementary cases can take several days to resolve. Also, this leadership style requires the manager to work 25 hours a day.

Use this style with care, as it carries the pitfalls described above. Good deterrents are tools such as strategy, tactical planning, management focus on results, and not on compliance with instructions, processes.

Management style is the way in which a leader manages subordinate employees, as well as a pattern of behavior of a leader that is independent of a specific management situation. Through an established management style, job satisfaction can be achieved and employee productivity is encouraged. At the same time, there is no optimal management style, and it is possible to speak about the advantage of one or another management style only for a certain management situation.

There are different management styles.

Task-oriented management style

The leader's efforts are focused on the task to be completed, while, according to Bisany, the leader:

    condemns insufficient work;

    encourages slow-working employees to put in more effort;

    emphasizes the volume of work;

    guides with an iron hand;

    draws attention to the fact that its employees work with full dedication;

    encourages employees through pressure and manipulation to even greater efforts;

    requires more performance from low-performing employees.

Research by Halpin-Wiener and Peltz shows that such leaders:

    are often more positively characterized by their superiors than personality-oriented leaders;

    are positively evaluated by their employees if the managers have influence “at the top”.

Person-Centered Management Style

With this management style, the focus is on employees with their needs and expectations. According to Bisany, Head:

    pays attention to the health of employees; takes care of good relations with his subordinates; treats his subordinates as equals;

    supports its employees in what they do or should do;

    stands up for his employees.

A leader who manages on the basis of personality cannot, however, immediately count on the full satisfaction of his employees. For this, the influence and respect of the manager “at the top” are important, on the basis of which he is able to protect the interests of employees.

Management style has three problems:

  1. The results to be achieved with a management style have several components that cannot be put together.
  2. The absolutization of the management style is considered as a way by which labor productivity is increased.
  3. The management situation is regarded as unchanged, while over time it can change and the manager must accordingly change his attitude towards individual employees.
Control styles can be single or multidimensional. The management style is one-dimensional if one evaluation criterion is considered. One-dimensional are authoritarian, corporate and other styles of management, and the first and second styles are diametrically opposed to each other.

Authoritarian management style

With this style of management, all production activities are organized by the head without the participation of subordinates. This style of management can be used in solving current problems and implies a greater distance in education between the leader and the subordinate, as well as the material motivation of employees.

The leader, by virtue of his legitimate authority, controls his subordinates and expects obedience from them. He makes decisions without justifying them to his subordinates, while proceeding from the fact that, unlike his subordinates, he has a great understanding and knowledge of the matter, which, of course, should not be. The decisions of the head have the character of orders that must be unconditionally carried out by subordinates, otherwise they may expect sanctions in relation to themselves;

The leader keeps a distance in relations with subordinates, informs them of the facts that they must know in order to fulfill their tasks. He controls whether his orders are followed and to what extent. Signs that emphasize the position of a person in the eyes of the people around him (for example, a car) support the reputation of a leader with power.

    high awareness;

    high self-control;


    good decision making ability;

    penetration ability.

Subordinates are recipients of orders. According to the "theory of x and xy:

    the average person is lazy and, as far as possible, shirks from work;

    workers are unambitious, afraid of responsibility and want to be led;

    pressure on subordinates and sanctions against them are necessary to achieve the goals of the enterprise;

    strict management of subordinates and private control over them are inevitable.

With this management style, the motivation of subordinates is often limited, because the leader separates socially, transfers, as a rule, less interesting work subordinates and maintains in them the fear of threatening sanctions. Subordinates become indifferent to the leader, as well as to the enterprise. They get information because of the information barriers set by the head in unofficial ways.

    recognition of the head by the sole authority;

    recognition and implementation of orders of the head;

    lack of desire to possess the right to control.

The advantages of an authoritarian management style are perhaps a greater speed of decision-making, success in everyday, ordinary work.

The disadvantages of the authoritarian style lie in the weak motivation for the independence and development of subordinates, as well as the danger of erroneous decisions through excessive demands from managers regarding the quantity and (or) quality of work.

Corporate management style

With a corporate style of management, production activities are organized in the interaction of a manager and a subordinate. This style of management can be used when the creative content of the work prevails and assumes an approximately equal level of education of the manager and subordinates, as well as non-material incentives for the employee.

Typical signs of a corporate management style:

The leader manages subordinates, including them in the decision-making process for which he is responsible. He expects concrete help from his subordinates, makes decisions taking into account their suggestions and objections. He delegates his powers as far as possible, and orders only when necessary. At the same time, he recognizes the abilities of subordinates and realizes that he cannot know everything and foresee everything. Only the result of the work is controlled, self-control is allowed.

The manager not only informs in detail about the actual state of affairs, which must be known to complete the tasks, but also provides other information about the enterprise. Information serves as a means of control. The leader does not need signs that emphasize his position in the eyes of the people around him.

Requirements for a corporate managing director, according to Shtopp:


    trust in employees;

    waiver of individual privileges;

    ability and willingness to delegate authority;

    official supervision;

    results control.

Subordinates are seen as partners who are able to carry out "daily tasks" relatively independently. When evaluating subordinates with this leadership style, they most often proceed from the “theory y theory xy”, according to which:

    the unwillingness to work is not inborn in nature, but the result of poor working conditions, which reduce the natural desire to work;

    employees take into account the target settings, have self-discipline and self-control;

    the goals of the enterprise are achieved in the shortest way through monetary incentives and the provision of opportunities for individual development;

    with a favorable experience, employees are not afraid of responsibility.

The active position of subordinates increases their motivation, which leads to improved work results.

Requirements for corporately managed subordinates, according to Shtopp:

    desire and ability to bear personal responsibility;


    use of control rights.

The advantage of corporate style is the adoption of appropriate decisions, high motivation of employees and unloading of the manager. In addition, the development of employees is supported. Disadvantage - corporate management style can slow down decision making.

Managing the Delegation Method

Such management is a technique in which competences and responsibility for actions are transferred, as far as possible, to employees who make and implement decisions. Delegation can be directed to any field of activity of the enterprise. However, one should refuse to delegate typically managerial functions leadership, as well as tasks with far-reaching consequences. When delegating authority, the burden is removed from the manager, the employees' own initiative is supported, their labor motivation and readiness to bear responsibility are strengthened. In addition, employees must be given the confidence to make decisions on their own responsibility.

In order to successfully apply delegation management, you must:

    delegation of tasks to employees;

    delegation of competencies to employees;

    delegation of responsibility for actions to employees;

    exclusion of the possibility of recalling delegated powers or transferring them from one employee to another;

    establishing the procedure for regulating exceptional cases;

    exclusion of the possibility of intervention by the manager with the correct actions of the employee;

    obligatory intervention of the head in case of an error and obtaining results, settled in a special manner;

    acceptance by the manager of responsibility for leadership;

    creation of an appropriate information system.

The transferred tasks should correspond to the abilities of the employees, be predominantly homogeneous, complete in form. Delegated competences and responsibility for actions should correspond to each other in scope.

Benefits of managing the delegation method:

    leader unloading;

    the ability to quickly make informed decisions; employees are transferred competences and responsibility for action;

    promoting the development of one's own initiative, labor motivation among employees.

Disadvantages of managing the delegation method:

    the leader delegates as few interesting tasks as possible;

    hierarchical relationships can be asserted;

    strong focus on tasks, not on employees;

    establishment of hierarchical relations "horizontally".

Why do managers not delegate enough authority?

1. Fear that subordinates are not competent enough to carry out orders (make mistakes).
2. Distrust in relation to the competence of subordinates.
3. Fear that subordinates acquire high competence too quickly.
4. Fear of losing one's value and its attendant benefits.
5. Fear of losing one's own authority or status.
6. Fear that the manager himself will lose control over this issue.
7. Fear of risk.
8. Unwillingness to give away work that the manager himself is good at.
9. Inability to advise subordinates and manage them.
10. Lack of time to advise and manage subordinates.

Why are subordinates not ready to take responsibility?

1. Lack of self-confidence.
2. Lack of information.
3. Fear of possible criticism.
4. Insufficient positive response to successfully completed assignments.
5. Insufficient employee motivation.
6. Negative workplace atmosphere.

How to delegate?

1. Carefully select the tasks to be delegated.
2. Carefully choose the person to whom to delegate.
3. Delegate predominantly "final results" instead of the exact methods of completing the task.
4. Be prepared for the fact that mistakes will be made and that they need to be forgiven.
5. Give enough authority to complete the task to the end.
6. Inform others what is delegated and to whom.
7. Delegate gradually and complicate delegated tasks.

The application of a particular style, as well as its results, depend on many factors. This is, first of all, complete mastery of one of the leadership styles, the predisposition of the team to the perception of the style of management and leadership sometimes imposed on it from above. When mastering the science of management, it is very important to avoid mistakes. Analysis of the activities of managers different levels and various enterprises allowed experts to identify the most common mistakes allowed by managers. The ten main mistakes in personnel management in an enterprise can be formulated as follows;

1. The desire to do everything yourself.
2. The tendency to let things take their course.
3. Prejudice against certain workers.
4. Frozen, schematic or doctrinaire installations.
5. Excessive susceptibility to a different, including critical, opinion.
6. Self-satisfaction or arrogance.
7. Immunity to the suggestions of employees.
8. Obvious disrespect for the personality of the employee, for example, the permissibility of criticism in front of others.
9. Explicit distrust of employees.
10. Insufficient consistency in actions.

Conversely, the experience of successful enterprises has shown that the leaders of these enterprises to a much greater extent:

1. value knowledge of the matter;
2. treat people as equals;
3. reward fairly;
4. detect errors objectively;
5. reliable and loyal;
6. listen to opinions that differ from their own;
7. appreciate progress;
8. have the authority of experts in the field;
9. devoid of bias;
10. endure criticism;
11. are capable of change than the heads of low-success enterprises.

The style of management or leadership is the most important factor in the management of an enterprise. Correctly defined and successfully applied style allows the most successful use of the potential of all employees of the enterprise. That is why in recent years many firms have paid so much attention to this issue.

Hello! If the leader holds power only in his own hands, one can even say that he is quite dogmatic and distrustful of his subordinates - this means that he has chosen an authoritarian management style. And today we will consider how justified this is and what are the pitfalls of such a pronounced directiveness.

general characteristics

It is not so common in the modern world, because the idea of ​​​​equality and support prevails. This allows you to unlock the potential of employees, inspire them to achieve and, in general, motivate them to work. In the Soviet Union, authoritarianism was very popular in various enterprises. The people of that time had few opportunities for development, but most did not even think about their vocation.

There are such varieties:

  • Dictatorial - the manager makes decisions, and his subordinates follow them steadily. But not because of trust in a significant figure, but because of the existing sanctions and punishments.
  • Autocratic - characterized by the power of the apparatus of power, which is simply limitless.
  • Bureaucratic - the use of outdated, sometimes ineffective management techniques in the work. The authority of the chief is formal.
  • Patriarchal - subordinates treat the director as a paternal figure. They are ready to follow him and voluntarily obey.
  • Favorable - the manager enjoys authority due to the fact that he is more good-natured towards his team than with other types of management.

The main features of authoritarianism

  • As mentioned above, dogmatism. That is, the faithful adherence to ideas that are considered indestructible, true. And this speaks of the inflexibility of the manager. He is not able to change his mind, even in those situations where it is extremely necessary to do so, otherwise very unfavorable consequences will follow.
  • Ban. On individuality, freedom of action, initiative and so on. Diligence is almost the only trait that is encouraged.
  • Lack of trust.
  • Rigidity in handling and exactingness. It is for this reason that performance is valued. The employee is obliged to strictly follow the instructions and in no case be independent.
  • Punishment. The staff is not responsible for the result of their activities, as they are deprived of the opportunity to make decisions. Why is it subject to punishment in case of non-compliance with the boundaries. For example, for being late, absenteeism, untimely execution of orders.
  • The microclimate in the team leaves much to be desired. Relations are purely collegial, official, superficial. People do not have a chance to get closer to each other, if only for the reason that even this process is controlled by the authorities.
  • A large distance between the manager and his subordinates. Even thoughts of closer fellowship are not allowed. The boss is too inaccessible a figure to take liberties in a conversation.
  • Lack of emotional support or empathy. Since employees are perceived only in professional terms, there can be no talk of any of their personal characteristics. What happens inside, what experiences and difficulties arise - no one cares. A person must perform his work qualitatively, despite the emotional state. You can get upset and worry only at home or after hours.
  • Subjectivity. Only one person has the right to an opinion, therefore, it is quite difficult to objectively think and evaluate the actions of the staff.
  • Few opportunities to show initiative, which can be "punished".
  • Vertical presentation of information. That is, only from a higher-ranking person to a lower-ranking person.



Let's remember dogmatism. If a person is not able to change his point of view, then he is not able to find a compromise. But how then to regulate conflicts and situations when something does not suit someone? When there's only one right opinion? Indeed, it is very difficult. In any case, one side must constantly obey and bend, even realizing that the authorities are making a gross mistake that will affect the success of the company, the enterprise.

Blindly following your own agenda can undermine your credibility. Employees will no longer consider such a leader as a professional, experienced and knowledgeable. Accordingly, what kind of trust can we talk about? Moreover, both sides will doubt each other's abilities. The bosses believe that employees cannot be left for a minute, otherwise they will ruin everything, and those, in turn, think that they are not very lucky with a manager who does not understand what he is doing. And not only does not understand, but also does not want to listen to those who offer sensible ideas.


The work of an authoritarian leader is quite highly paid. Just imagine how much responsibility one person has. He needs to think for a large number of people, make difficult decisions on his own that can cost him his career. This negatively affects his family relationships and health. Usually such people cannot afford to relax even during the holidays. After all, this is not just a type of leadership, it is already a lifestyle.

Respectively, wage must compensate for the sacrifices they have to pay. The company needs to put in all the hard work to not only hire a competent manager, but also to keep him as long as possible.


Due to the control of behavior, employees sometimes have a hard time in the workplace. Since there is practically no opportunity to get support from colleagues, help. Due to the fact that people are not united due to the lack of connections and cannot act independently, in the event of a manager leaving or “dropping out” of the system, the entire team will fall apart. They will not be able to function without a leader who tells what to do to whom.


The resources, creativity and thinking abilities of only one person are used. And, as we know, there are no ideal people and everyone can make a mistake, stumble. Therefore, the lack of an opportunity to look at the problem from a different angle, more broadly and objectively, is sometimes expensive.

Yes, and creative individuals do not withstand such pressure by authority. They need to have freedom of action, only then can they express themselves. The suppression of talents and desires can lead to an uncontrollable outburst of aggression, especially if you had to restrain yourself for a long time.

Benefits of an authoritarian management style


A person does not need to think, someone else thinks for him. No matter how scary or rude this phrase may sound, but in fact it also includes pluses - subordinates do not spend energy on finding solutions to problems. They do not need to be responsible for the process, the result, and so on. The only thing required is to follow orders. And if you do your job well, then there will be confidence in the future.


This style is most effective and justified in crisis situations. When there is panic, mismatch of actions, people cannot decide on the choice of a leader and, in general, do not know what to do, who to listen to. In such cases, directiveness allows not only to work effectively, but also to achieve results as quickly as possible.


It is believed that a person, if possible, will seek to avoid work. Therefore, when he is not controlled, he relaxes. Although this statement is quite controversial, the performance of the company with this management style is usually high level, as orders and threats of punishment do their job.

On the plus side, common tasks are completed faster when there is a clear flow of work, when responsibilities are distributed and everyone knows which piece of work they are responsible for. Creativity and liberality in such cases will slow down the process.

In addition, as you know, deadlines encourage you to work more actively, give your best at 100%, and a competent manager organizes them systematically. To keep the staff in good shape and develop the company as quickly as possible, bypassing competitors. Agree, a rare person will independently set tough requirements and difficult tasks for himself.


The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina


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On the topic: " Management Styles»


student gr. MUo-54

Ozhogina Olga Alexandrovna


Koneva Natalya Viktorovna

Mezhdurechensk, 2007


1. The concept of management and management styles

1.1 Governance in the organization

1.2.2 Democratic management style

1.2.3 Liberal management style

2. Efficient management

2.1 Factors affecting management effectiveness

2.2 American experience

2.3 Low-level personnel management

3. Leadership style example

3.1 Leadership style in management practice

3.2 Leadership Style of the Chairman of the Economic Policy Committee




The assessment of personal qualities and problems associated with the selection of leaders is one of the most difficult aspects management activities. The Polish research journalist D. Passent wrote that "the director must be a diplomat when he asks for something from higher authorities for his enterprise; tough when he requires the fulfillment of his orders and orders from subordinates or the fulfillment of contracts from suppliers; quirky when talking with representatives of the press; promising when meeting with young workers; an important statesman when receiving foreign delegations; a holy father when receiving complaints from visitors.

In these assessments, although playful, there is a significant amount of truth. The study of leadership style in the last decade has become an important direction in the process of optimizing human activity, as well as in the integral study of personality. Knowing the leadership style allows you to solve the problem of professional suitability of the administrative reserve. It is difficult for a leader to develop a style of activity that is able to satisfy all members of the team subordinate to him. A person's awareness of the causes and patterns of his behavior can radically change his attitude to production situations. Understanding the possible variety of causes and methods of management, a clear and at the same time flexible vision of problems make the manager freer and his activity more successful.

Each leader in management activities performs official duties in a certain style of work peculiar only to him. Chesterfield said that "style is the dress of thought." And Buffon even argued that "style is the man himself." The validity of these aphorisms is also confirmed by the modern interpretation of the style of work, which is assessed as a set of typical and relatively stable methods of influencing a leader on subordinates in order to effectively perform managerial functions and tasks.

In his term paper I will try to consider management styles, their concept, application. Find out which management style is best to apply in practice. What are the pros and cons of each.

1. The concept of management and management styles

1.1 Management in the organization

Activity management consists of activity planning, setting production targets, creating a measurement system production work and control over the execution of tasks. Performance management cannot be successful if people are managed incorrectly.

People management is the activity of managing the personnel of an organization. This area of ​​management is directly related to the work of the head. This type of management includes: ensuring cooperation in the team, personnel policy, training, informing, motivating staff and other components of the manager's work.

Management requires a lot of mental effort, no matter what area it concerns - the management of activities, environments or people. Managing the activities of an organization means striving to achieve maximum results of work. The job of a leader is to achieve people's personal goals.

In order for management activities to be carried out well, a number of conditions must be met:

1. The subject and object of control must correspond to each other. If they cannot understand each other in the process of work, then they will not realize their potential. So, if the leader and the subordinate are not psychologically compatible, then conflicts will begin between them, which will have a bad effect on the results of work.

2. The subject and object of management must be independent. The subject of management is not able to foresee all the interests of the object and possible options for its actions in different situations. When people with their own views on the situation, aspiration, thinking are the object of management, they should be able to realize their capabilities in practice. In the absence of such an opportunity, people either suppress their activity or try to get their opinion.

3. The subject and object of management should be interested in a clear interaction; one - in the return of the necessary commands, the other - in their timely execution. The ability of the subject to control is due to the readiness of the object to execute incoming commands. The degree of achievement by the participants of management activities of their goals should be directly dependent on the degree of achievement of the goals of the management itself. And this is the whole problem of management in the case when its subject and object are not connected by property relations.

Thus, we can conclude that management accompanies human activity everywhere. And every human activity needs to be controlled. Management makes this activity possible. The better the management is, the higher the likelihood of success. The reality of predicting the result, the clarity and consistency of people's actions depend on management. As well as the interest of a person - a participant in joint work in the general result. That is why, starting from a certain stage in the development of production and society, more and more attention is paid to management. The tasks of improving management, searching for new forms, determining the possibilities for its development, using the means of new technology, enriching information, and so on, are set.

Management style - is a set of techniques that a leader uses in relation to his subordinates. The effectiveness of a particular style is determined by how much it helps to influence employees in order to solve the problem that exists at a given time.

Management style- this is the way in which the head manages the employees subordinate to him, as well as a pattern of behavior of the head, independent of the specific management situation. Through an established management style, job satisfaction can be achieved and employee productivity is encouraged. At the same time, there is no optimal management style, and it is possible to talk about the advantage of one or another management style only for a certain management situation.

There are the following management styles:

1. Task oriented.

Bisani argued that with this style, the leader:

Reproaches insufficient work;

Encourages slow-working employees to put in more effort;

Emphasizes the amount of work;

Leads with an iron hand;

Draws attention to the fact that its employees work with full dedication;

Encourages employees through pressure and manipulation to even greater efforts;

Demands more from low-performing employees.

Research by Halpin-Wiener and Peltz shows that such leaders are often more positively characterized by their superiors than person-centered leaders. They are positively evaluated by their employees if the leaders have influence "at the top".

2. Learner-centered.

The focus is on employees with their needs and expectations. According to Bisany, Head:

Pays attention to the health of employees;

Cares about good relations with his subordinates;

Treats his subordinates as equals;

Supports its employees in what they are doing or should be doing;

Stands up for his employees.

A leader who manages on the basis of personality cannot, however, immediately count on the full satisfaction of his employees. For this, the influence and respect of the manager “at the top” are important, on the basis of which he must protect the interests of employees.

Management style has three problems:

1. The results to be achieved with a management style have several components that cannot be put together.

2. Absolute management style is seen as a way to increase productivity.

3. The management situation is regarded as unchanged, while over time it can change and the manager must accordingly change his attitude towards individual employees.

1.2 Management styles

With this style of management, all production activities are organized by the head without the participation of subordinates. This style of management can be used in solving current problems and implies a large distance in education between the leader and subordinate, as well as material motivation of employees.

A leader is one who knows how to serve, one who knows how to establish harmony in the relations of employees in an enterprise or people in a different situation, so that there is maximum productivity and a holistic result.

1. The leader, by virtue of his legitimate authority, governs his subordinates and expects obedience from them. He makes decisions without justifying them to his subordinates, while proceeding from the fact that, unlike his subordinates, he has a great understanding and knowledge of the matter, which, of course, should not be. The decisions of the head have the character of orders that must be unconditionally carried out by subordinates, otherwise they may expect sanctions against themselves.

2. The leader keeps a distance in relations with subordinates, informs them of the facts that they must know in order to fulfill their tasks. He controls whether his orders are followed and to what extent. Signs that emphasize the position of a person in the eyes of the people around him (for example, a car) support the reputation of a leader with power.

Subordinates are the recipients of orders. According to the "theory of x and xy":

The average person is lazy and, as far as possible, shirks from work;

Workers are unambitious, afraid of responsibility and willing to be led;

Pressure on subordinates and sanctions against them are necessary to achieve the goals of the enterprise;

Strict management of subordinates and private control over them are inevitable.

In this style of management, the motivation of subordinates is often limited because the leader separates socially, transfers, as a rule, less interesting work to subordinates and maintains in them the fear of threatening sanctions. Subordinates become indifferent to the leader, as well as to the enterprise. They get information because of the information barriers set by the head in unofficial ways.

Recognition of the head by the sole instance;

Recognition and implementation of orders of the head;

Lack of desire to possess the right to control.

Disadvantages of an authoritarian style lie in a weak motivation for the independence and development of subordinates, as well as in the danger of erroneous decisions through excessive demands from managers regarding the quantity and (or) quality of work.

1.2.2 Democraticmanagement style

With a democratic style of management, production activities are organized in the interaction of a leader and a subordinate. This style of management can be used when the creative content of the work prevails and assumes an approximately equal level of education of the manager and subordinates, as well as non-material incentives for the employee.

Typical features of a democratic management style:

1. The leader manages subordinates, including them in the decision-making process for which he is responsible. He expects concrete help from his subordinates, makes decisions taking into account their suggestions and objections. He delegates his powers as far as possible, and orders only when necessary. At the same time, he recognizes the abilities of subordinates and realizes that he cannot know everything and foresee everything. Only the result of the work is controlled, self-control is allowed.

2. The manager not only informs in detail about the actual state of affairs, which must be known in order to complete the tasks, but also provides other information about the enterprise. Information serves as a means of control. The leader does not need signs that emphasize his position in the eyes of the people around him.

Requirements for a democratically managing leader, according to Shtopp:


Trust in employees;

Waiver of individual privileges;

Ability and willingness to delegate authority;

Official supervision;

Results control.

Subordinates are seen as partners who are able to carry out "daily tasks" relatively independently. When evaluating subordinates with this leadership style, they most often proceed from the "theory y theory xy, according to which:

1) the unwillingness to work is not innate by nature, but the result of poor working conditions, which reduce the natural desire to work;

2) employees take into account the target settings, have self-discipline and self-control;

3) the goals of the enterprise are achieved in the shortest possible way through monetary incentives and providing opportunities for individual development;

4) with a favorable experience, employees are not afraid of responsibility.

The active position of subordinates increases their motivation, which leads to improved work results.

Requirements for democratically controlled subordinates, according to Shtopp:

Desire and ability to bear personal responsibility;


Use of control rights.

The advantage of democratic style- making appropriate decisions, high motivation of employees and unloading of the head. In addition, the development of employees is supported. Flaw-- democratic management style can slow down decision making.

1.2.3 Liberalmanagement style

Such management is a technique in which competences and responsibility for actions are transferred, as far as possible, to employees who make and implement decisions. Delegation can be directed to any field of activity of the enterprise. However, one should refuse to delegate typically managerial functions of leadership, as well as tasks with far-reaching consequences. When delegating authority, the burden is removed from the manager, the employees' own initiative is supported, their labor motivation and readiness to bear responsibility are strengthened. In addition, employees must be given the confidence to make decisions on their own responsibility.

In order to successfully apply delegation management, you must:

Delegation of tasks to employees;

Delegation of competencies to employees;

Delegation of responsibility for actions to employees;

Elimination of the possibility of revoking delegated powers or transferring them from one employee to another;

Establishing the procedure for regulating exceptional cases;

Elimination of the possibility of intervention by the manager with the correct actions of the employee;

Mandatory intervention of the manager in case of error and obtaining results, settled in a special manner;

Acceptance by the manager of responsibility for leadership;

Creation of an appropriate information system.

The transferred tasks should correspond to the abilities of the employees, be predominantly homogeneous, complete in form. Delegated competences and responsibility for actions should correspond to each other in scope.

Advantages delegate method control:

1) unloading the head;

2) the ability to quickly make informed decisions; employees are transferred competences and responsibility for action;

3) assistance in the development of one's own initiative, labor motivation among employees.

Disadvantages of managing the delegation method:

1) the leader delegates as few interesting tasks as possible;

2) hierarchical relationships can be approved;

3) strong focus on tasks, not on employees;

4) establishment of hierarchical relations "horizontally".

The application of a particular style, as well as its results, depend on many factors. This is, first of all, complete mastery of one of the leadership styles, the predisposition of the team to perceive the management and leadership style sometimes imposed on it from above. When mastering the science of management, it is very important to avoid mistakes. An analysis of the activities of managers at different levels and various enterprises allowed specialists to identify the most common mistakes made by managers.

2. Efficient management

2.1 Factors affecting the effectiveness of management

These objective factors include the size of the enterprise and the number of its employees. They also include features of production activities. An industrial enterprise, a stock exchange, an agricultural cooperative, a department store or a research institute objectively differ in the nature of labor, the quality of the workforce, and the specifics of management mechanisms. The management is influenced by the features of the production tasks performed, the conditions for their implementation, the methods and means of activity.

In management theory, not enough attention is paid to the study of factors influencing the achievement of management results. The grounds for selection are the position in relation to the subject of control (factors external and internal), as well as the vectors of the subject's activity (structural and activating). Each organization, each subject has its own external and internal factors of influence on the effectiveness of managing the situation. They are shown in the table.

Management of structural factors for the subject means, first of all, management of affairs, and activating - people.

Structural management factors require a rational approach, logic, objectivity and systematization. Possession of activating factors implies the dominance of creativity, knowledge in the field of human behavior, a sense of the situation and the problem. Positive activity is possible when the manager professionally owns the methods of managing both types of factors. Good result is ensured by effective activity only for a short period of time.

Table 1

Factors affecting the effectiveness of management



Active competitor policy

Psychological climate in the team

Sudden changes in the economic situation of customers

Irregularity, irregularity of deliveries and overload in work

Economic, political crises affecting the efficiency of the enterprise

Employee absenteeism, unmotivated absences and loss of working time

Socially Significant Events

Diseases of managers and employees

Structural changes in society

Events held by the trade union movement (strikes, rallies, etc.)

Adverse weather conditions

Industrial conflicts

Situation in the labor market: surplus of specialists, unemployment, insufficient qualification of workers

Dismissing or hiring new employees

Government Regulatory Measures social processes at the expense of employers

Expansion or contraction of the organization's activities

Repressive and aggressive to business legislation

Malfunctions of machinery and equipment, office equipment, communications

Migration processes that worsen the quality of the population

Criminal behavior of customers or staff: theft, fraud, embezzlement, technical vandalism

Sharp fluctuations in financial markets

Actions of influential persons assisting or interfering with the activities of the organization (lobby)

Unexpected changes in the market conditions for energy resources and raw materials

Factors of property protection and labor safety

Changes in the balance of political forces influencing the industrial policy of the state

Social initiatives of the team, invention and rationalization

New technologies for the production of goods and services

Development of management strategies, coordination of development plans with the team

Trade Union Requirements for Safety and Working Conditions

Administrative control, reward and penalty system

Impact of funds mass media on the formation of the image of the enterprise and its management

Positive motivation for creative and productive work of employees

Activating factors characterize the process of managing people, structural - the area of ​​technical skills. The relative share of the factors of the management process itself is growing due to the reduction of technical skills as the organizational level increases. Using the strengths of the leader's personality is essential to achieve high results. Factors influencing leadership style cannot be of the same order, identical. Some of them are permanent, while others are temporary. Permanent influencers include: Environment, social norms, typical personality traits, work situation. By temporary - leadership experience, emotions, psychological climate in the team.

2.2 American management experience

In the process of formation and development of the United States of America, the American style of management was formed. The features of this style are due to such factors in the creation of American society as the absence of remnants of feudalism, as well as the development of the territory and wealth of the country by energetic and resourceful immigrants. For a long time, the United States remained the "Mecca of the organization", where specialists and creative teams came to not only see for themselves this skill of American managers, but also to adopt their organizational and managerial experience.

Scientific and technological progress leads to profound changes in labor methods, which, in turn, requires new forms of organization and management of personnel, directions to improve the efficiency of the use of human resources. The search for appropriate motivators that would stimulate the purposeful behavior of individuals necessary for the successful functioning of the organization becomes a task of paramount importance.

AT different countries this task is solved on the basis of the characteristics of the historical, socio-political, scientific and technological development of these countries, as well as psychological, moral and ethical norms and styles of behavior of people, as well as their upbringing, traditions and foundations.

In recent decades, in developed capitalist countries, and in recent years in Russia, interest in the socio-psychological aspects, the "human" factor of management has increased dramatically.

An analysis of the American style of personnel management is of particular interest. Firstly, this is the area of ​​management where the differences between the American style and the fairly well-known Japanese style are most striking. Assumptions personnel policy, as well as the specific methods of its implementation, at American enterprises, differ significantly from Japanese ones. Secondly, the results obtained at American enterprises (for example, the growth rate of labor productivity) indicate that the methods of personnel management used there are quite effective. It is efficiency that attracts more and more attention of foreign researchers who, studying American methods of personnel management, are considering the possibility of using them in their countries.

The purpose of the work is to identify the features and characteristics of the American style of personnel management. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set:

Analyze the system of personnel selection in the USA;

To identify the features of the system of remuneration and incentives for labor;

Consider the system of training and advanced training of personnel;

To reveal the features of the service of senior leaders in the United States.

American companies highlight the acceleration of the turnover of invested funds and the increase in the value of shares as the main tactical task. It is by these indicators that the effectiveness of the work of the administrative apparatus is determined. For an American company, in accordance with the chosen tactical goals (focus on current profitability), a predominant focus on the maximum flexibility of the management system in terms of distribution and redistribution of all types of resources to increase profits in the short term is characteristic.

Fundamentally important point The defining approach to management practice is that traditionally American managers are focused on certain individual values ​​and results. At the same time, all managerial activities in American companies are based on the mechanisms of individual responsibility, the assessment of individual results, the development of clear, quantitatively expressed, and, as a rule, short-term goals. The ideal American manager usually appears as a leader -- strong personality, which closes the entire management process and is able to force its subordinates to work intensively to fulfill their specific goals.

The experience of the United States in working with senior administrative personnel can be useful for Russia, where very little is being done in this important area today. The most important thing here is to choose the right development strategy and determine the nature of the service of top managers.

Thus, identifying the most effective methods management will allow, if necessary, to further consider their use in the management of other countries, including Russia.

2.3 Low-level personnel management

In most works in general management, personnel management, management psychology and business administration, as well as in similar academic disciplines the emphasis is on the relationship "leader - subordinates". However, both practically and theoretically significant are the relations “one's own leader - one's own subordinate” and the so-called low-level organizational structures and personnel management technologies.

Structures oversaturated with bosses

There is such an informal assessment of the functioning of the unit and / or the enterprise as a whole. When a leader, for some valid reason, is absent from his workplace for a week, two or three, how does the system subordinate to him work?

Option A:

If the system continues to function normally and does not fail in the absence of its helmsman, then, as they say, it does not rest only on its boss.

Option B:

If it cannot do without continuous guidelines, spacing, "infusions", it means that the system is completely closed on the boss and envy only from him.

The first remedy is "everyone carries his suitcase". This suitcase contains job tasks, duties, rights and responsibilities, that is, the well-known toolkit organized management- official powers.

The second remedy is "I'm carrying my suitcase." The management suitcase also contains this toolkit, which specifies cases of absence for good reasons, organizational procedures for replacement, and a “substitution suitcase”.

Thus, one of the important regularities can be formulated organizational management: the better the work of the system is, the less it needs "its" leader. And, conversely, the worse the system is debugged, the more it feels the need for leadership or bosses.

The inability to organize the work of subordinates necessitates an increase in their number, which, in turn, requires ... more bosses. That is, by its unsettledness, it, as it were, proves to itself the need for a guiding principle.

The leadership system is quantitatively swelling. And in such “swollen” conditions, the law of reorientation comes into play: the system, increasing quantitatively, begins to work more and more for itself or for solving its internal problems. Therefore, the success/failure of solving these problems becomes the main limiter for solving those tasks for which the system itself was created (subdivision, organization, enterprise, institution).

In structures oversaturated with bosses, there is another very important problem - the interaction of leaders with each other. Management consulting shows. That the most common organizational disease not only in our country, but also in the world is the “farm syndrome”: each boss considers his own unit in the system to be the most important, and all the rest to be secondary. Therefore, the relationship and interaction of farms are small and / or big wars with each other, which negatively affects the current and final results.

The president of a large company, upon taking over the reins, saw that he had 23 deputies or vice presidents. Everyone seemed to be responsible for their areas of work, but this “leading team” could not really agree on a single issue! To ensure the effective management of the company, they applied the transition to a low-level management structure by enlarging and establishing interaction between managers in it.

Leader as a hindrance

In practice and in theory, a stereotype has been established: if a boss appears, it means that the management process has “started”. And there are certain reasons for this. However, the practice itself gives many examples of the fact that the management process has not "gone", but even "went down".

If we take the situation of a division or enterprise functioning for some time, then the appointment of a new leader does not automatically mean:

a) that its work will improve if it worked poorly;

b) that it will still work normally if it worked well before.

In the practice of public management in a number of Western countries, there is such a rule: politicians - leaders, for example, ministries, come and go, but the apparatus remains. Having a so-called good politician does not automatically mean a professional leader. However, a politician appointed to a leading position in some structure is rescued by a professional apparatus. Create the same new apparatus“for oneself” does not mean to preserve and/or increase the professional traditions of the former apparatus.

Some leaders who have headed one or another well-functioning division begin, willy-nilly, to feel ... their uselessness. This is the so-called pleasant-unpleasant organizational feeling. In those organizational structures where each employee has "his own suitcase" of official authority and where responsibility belongs to an important place, they retain a low-level organizational structure.

It happens that a completely incompetent person is appointed to the position of head of a department. Such a situation can be considered not only as a kind of experiment on the self-survival of a group (collective), but also as functioning in the “almost without a boss” mode. Experienced subordinates sooner or later learn the characteristics of the "appointee" and, if he has the necessary abilities and motivation, using his "subordinate means", teach him ... management. In similar situations, when the leader does not have the necessary abilities and "traction motivation" and, most importantly, he is not inclined to "bad administration", there is a process, in fact, of self-government, which does not require a strong leadership.

Therefore, in the understanding of "minor management" it is necessary to highlight two important aspects:

1) undersaturation organizational structure leaders, or the lack of a "leading fat";

2) activity, work is carried out by competent people who do not need detailed or petty guidance.

"Supervisory management" can take place: for the benefit of the system; neither for good nor for harm; and maybe - only to the detriment. Therefore, low-level management also needs to be considered variably, without at all absolutizing its advantages and disadvantages.

Disobedient subordinate

There is a type of people who are not genetically predisposed to submission. Nature created them, as it were, according to the scheme “You are your own leader, and you are a subordinate in yourself.” They consider the generally accepted attitude in social management or management "leader - subordinate" to be an anachronism that does not allow their professional abilities and individuality to manifest. If for some reason such a person finds himself in a situation of submission, then it becomes a severe stress for him. That is, such employees are not motivated either to the position of a manager as a subordinate in relation to the top boss, or to the position of a specialist reporting to someone. Usually such people gravitate to positions:

a) in low-level organizational structures, where the leader is “far and high”, and they are distinguished by a high degree of independence, responsibility and effectiveness;

b) where trifles of guardianship, everyday guidelines, far-fetched forms and methods of control, etc. are not required.

In principle, their "philosophy of insubordination", as it was possible to find out in conversations with such workers, boils down to the following provisions.

The first position is the rejection of dullness.

A lot in the relationship "leader - subordinate" is required for a certain grinding, adjustment, or "psychological coordination". A highly professional leader is a rarity. All around, especially in modern Russia, managers do not have leadership qualities, representing dullness, both professionally and individual plan. So why connect "official fate" with such a person?

The second position is the rejection of the double standard.

In practice, there are many leaders who tend to say one thing and do another. At the same time - if you do, then in favor of your pocket or your career. A subordinate or poorly subordinate employee, as a rule, has non-standard thinking, since the degree of influence on him by the manager is minimal or equal to zero. It cannot be "encoded" by some dogmas or far-fetched " leadership position”, since the most important evaluative subjects for him are real behavior and actual results.

The third position - a lot of time at the work of the head is spent simply on nonsense, which for some reason is considered a management process.

Why tell an employee how and when to do it, if he, having a high degree of professionalism and independence, knows this very well? Why hold empty meetings on “strengthening”, “strengthening”, “improving”, if the so-called installation information can be transmitted by local network to a personal computer? Why waste precious time on the transfer of important information such as "The auditor is coming to us", collecting and taking away from the workplace, and not using other information technologies for this?

Thus, nonsense is such types of work that bosses come up with in order to prove their need in one or another management system. And what is most surprising:

1) the fewer bosses there are in the system, the less time these bosses and their subordinates spend in principle on nonsense;

3) the less the employee is involved in the "nonsense" relationship "head - subordinates", the more he manages to do during working hours and the more effective his work is.

Experienced and people-savvy leaders exercise so-called selective leadership, in which attention is paid to the weak, less qualified and less responsible employees, and not predisposed to total subordination to employees who effectively work in "autonomous navigation". Therefore, low-level management can take place within the framework of the organizational structure, where, in principle, there are not so few bosses. However, these "many bosses" in their guiding technologies work like "small bosses".

Concentrated and non-concentrated leadership technologies

A pain point in Russian management practice is that many managers do not have special managerial training or management education. In a number of systems, they work like amateur managers and try to manage professional subordinates. As in every profession, there are talented nuggets and capable self-taught people among them. But they do not constitute the so-called critical mass in the total amount. Therefore, amateur leaders de facto prove with their weak skills how to manage ineffectively.

The most undesirable thing is that an amateur leader tries to turn a subordinate professional worker into an insolvent performer. This phenomenon is called "re-educational management", in the process of which efforts are directed not to achieve the required results, but to subjugate competence for themselves.

In practice, both professional and amateur managers use one of two technologies for managing subordinates - concentrated or deconcentrated. The leading concept in these technologies is the scope of rights vested in the leader, or in other words, "a piece of governing power."

If the manager uses a concentrated technology, in which subordinates act only according to his instructions, then he forms in them the psychology of a subordinate work style.

When another leader is appointed who uses a deconcentrated system, then subordinates experience an organizational and psychological shock, since they are required to have a high degree of independence and responsibility. The change from deconcentrated technology to concentrated technology is also associated with certain problems.

Combined work

For centuries, managers have developed a stereotype: if an employee is in front of their eyes, it means that they are working. However, in modern practice, more and more (if the specifics of the activity allows) “combined” work is used, when a person works part of the time from the working week in the workplace, and part - at home. So far, the most common five-day schemes working week are "4 + 1" and "3 + 2", where the first digits mean the number of days in the workplace, and the second - at home. The same schemes also began to be used for lower-ranking leaders.

The main reason for the transition to a combined work model is the growth of labor efficiency, which is based on more convenient, attractive and flexible conditions for a person. Perhaps, in the emergence and development of this system there is “work in the future”, when the current idea of ​​work, management, leadership, subordination will look dense and naive.

As you know, labor itself, its content and technologies, willy-nilly, have an impact on a person.

The use of "combined" work for poorly obedient people turned out not only in their favor, but inspired the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"well-obedient workers" about other possibilities and the need (due to the second part of the scheme or work at home) of greater independence, conscientiousness and responsibility.

On the other hand, the heads of departments where “combined” work is used and who themselves work according to the scheme, sooner or later began to understand that there are not only other labor technologies, but also manuals. After all, the meaning of managing a “working person” is not to constantly monitor him, keep him in a subordinate tension, but to create such conditions that contribute to the achievement of the necessary results. That is, the following formula works: do not manage totally subordinates in order to get the necessary results, but evaluate and manage according to the results in order to have a well-functioning management process.

In modern scientific literature, according to E. Komarov, there is a lot of idealism and romanticism about the so-called managerial relations. In practice, there is a completely different content of these relations.

When a person who is not inclined to obey is literally forced into a tougher “leader-subordinate” relationship, he, depending on the situation, tries to get away from these relationships in one way or another, because he values ​​\u200b\u200bthe results, not the relationship. And, on the contrary, there are structures where relationships are of paramount importance, and the result of the work leaves much to be desired.

Thus, low-level management is a phenomenon of achieving high results with minimal leadership. professional workers. And no matter how hard the theoretical and practical sages of management put pressure on the traditional strengthening of the guiding principle, the factor of low leadership with weak or autonomous subordination plays a very important role in the results of work.

3. Leadership style example

3.1 Leadership style in management practice

The essential difference between managerial activity and other forms of human activity is the adoption of socially significant decisions affecting the interests of many people and responsibility for their correctness and effectiveness to the owner. The resolution of the contradiction between the general and particular characteristics of managerial activity, as well as the influence of the leader's personal qualities on the decision-making mechanism, is expressed by the concept of "management style". It is important to emphasize the integral nature of the decision-making process, which requires special personal qualities. In the style of management, both general, algorithmic operations, as well as single, unique ones, reflecting the individual characteristics of the manager's professionalism, are fixed. They characterize his behavior not in general, but typical, "stable, invariant in him, constantly manifested in various situations." Traditionally, researchers distinguish three classical management styles: authoritarian, democratic and liberal. Of course existing styles there is only an outline of the many shades and specifics of managerial interaction.

When analyzing leadership styles, a number of authors find the most negative in the authoritarian leadership style. Authoritarianism underlies the vast majority of industrial conflicts due to the desire of the subject for autocracy. The autocrat's claim to be competent in all matters breeds chaos and, ultimately, negatively affects performance. The autocrat, by his willfulness, paralyzes the work of the collective on which he relies. He not only loses his best workers, but also creates a hostile atmosphere around him that threatens himself. Dissatisfied and offended subordinates can let him down and misinform him. Intimidated workers are not only unreliable, but also do not work with full dedication, the interests of the enterprise are alien to them, at the slightest opportunity they exercise the "right" to borrow the owner's property.

In the modern interpretation, the authoritarian style also has strengths: it makes it possible to quickly make decisions and mobilize employees for their implementation, and it allows you to stabilize the situation in conflict teams. This style can be effective in crisis situations, as well as in conditions of low professional level and low work motivation of employees. It is necessary in conditions of a low cultural level of the control object, weak managerial ties in extreme situations (accidents, man-made disasters, labor conflicts). A variant of the authoritarian management style is paternalistic. It involves treating subordinates as "children" and their labor motivation mediates through personal dependence on the leader. Service information is distributed from top to bottom, depending on the "favor" of the management, control of activities is carried out selectively, at the request and intuition of the head. Power is not delegated to anyone and is concentrated in the head, who is "king, god and military commander." This style of management is characteristic of a traditional society, and according to the author's observations, it is still widely used in Kazakhstan, especially in rural areas.

Recently, assessments of management styles among researchers have changed to a large extent. If liberal and authoritarian were not so long ago characterized mainly negatively, and democratic was considered the most positive, now it is understood that the optimal management style is one that brings more profit to the enterprise, ensures the stability of production, and the progressive nature of the development of the company. Increasing attention is paid to the subjective, psychological features manifestations of professional activity of the leader, his personal characteristics. The Russian psychologist R. Shakurov notes that each individual mental quality is not included in the composition of the style in its entirety, but only to the extent and form in which it is necessary for this activity. The forms and degree of manifestation of mental properties are regulated quite strictly, since managerial roles have an increased social significance. It doesn't cancel general position that the effectiveness of manager's decisions in a specific production situation depends, first of all, on objective external conditions and factors.

Since there are many views on management styles, in terms of results, it is necessary to strive for their synthesis. A good result can be achieved not only through the effective management of people, but also simply under the influence of chance.

From the point of view of many researchers, there is no universal, best management style. The non-linearity of the development of social events and the poor predictability of social relationships, especially for the medium and long term, require the manager to adequately assess the situation, creatively analyze objective limitations and subjective possibilities to overcome them, and predict the consequences of decision-making. In other words, the current situation requires the manager to put into practice the entire arsenal of managerial science, coupled with the conscious use of the strengths of the manager's personality. This approach is designated by us as an individual-situational style of management.

3.2 Leadership Style of the Chairman of the Economic Policy Committee

Each leader has his own individual style, the individuality of management styles is manifested, first of all, in the process of communication between the leader and subordinates. The leadership style of the Chairman of the Economic Policy Committee can be defined as democratic. Subordinates are given independence, in proportion to their qualifications and functions performed, they are widely involved in the preparation and decision-making. The committee encourages initiative and creative activity. The Chairman of the Economic Policy Committee treats employees with respect, he has business level communication, that is, communication on an equal footing, tries to help subordinates in emerging issues, takes into account their opinion and advice.

However, in practice there is no leadership style in its pure form, therefore, for the Chairman of the Committee, the features of liberal and authoritarian management styles are traced, depending on the situation. In relations with subordinates, one could see the features of a liberal style - the desire to help everyone, to please, influences subordinates often in the form of requests and by satisfying their needs.

In recent years, thanks to surveys of managers conducted abroad, it has been possible to identify a number of characteristics that are necessary for doing business in the field of business and management.

They are:

1) Breadth of views and a global approach - a characteristic that indicates the importance of a leader having a broad vision of problems that go beyond the tasks of the company. This feature of a manager involves overcoming a narrow, technocratic understanding of his tasks, forming his sense of responsibility not only for the economic, but also for the social, environmental, and moral consequences of his activities.

2) Long-term foresight - resists the modesty of some leaders, as they say, bury themselves in current problems and lose sight of the prospects for the development of the organization in a changing market environment, technological progress, the discovery of new energy sources, etc.

3) Decisiveness - firmness and courage in making decisions. A very important characteristic of any leader. Since the lack of determination, courage can lead to the fact that the decision will be made late or will not be taken at all, which can negatively affect the enterprise.

4) Hard work and continuous study is necessary due to the constant updating, replenishment of laws, regulations, with the release of any decrees, orders, resolutions of higher organizations.

5) The ability to clearly formulate goals is one of the ways to increase people's motivation to work. This quality is mainly the result of self-improvement of the leader.

6) Willingness to listen to the opinions of others, especially when those others are subordinates. At the same time, the demonstration by the leader of this quality in relation to any person, including a subordinate, means satisfaction of the important social need of the latter - the need for respect.

7) Impartiality, disinterestedness, loyalty. In the impartiality of the head lies an important resource for the effectiveness of the organization's personnel policy.

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