Discovering the Organizations of the Future Frederic Laloux. Great by choice

  • 28.10.2019

Discovering the Organizations of the Future Frederic Lalu

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Title: Discovering the Organizations of the Future

About Discovering the Organizations of the Future by Frederic Laloux

Frédéric Laloux is a highly skilled and incredibly talented coach, consultant and facilitator, MBA holder, and a highly acclaimed writer. His book entitled "Discovering the Organizations of the Future" is addressed to all professionals involved in one way or another in the field of organizational development and management.

Each business owner or head of an organization understands how important it is to have an optimal scheme for managing your enterprise, as well as to build its optimal structure. The structures of work of various organizations adopted and still existing were considered unshakable and the only true ones. The schemes tested and developed over the years gave the desired result and everyone was satisfied. However, progress does not stand still. The incredibly rapid development of various innovative technologies has affected, among other things, the structure of the work of organizations.

One of the first to catch new trends, Frederic Lalu immediately created a book in which he reflected all the necessary actions aimed at quickly changing the structure of the work of organizations in accordance with the latest trends in management.

His book, Discovering the Organizations of the Future, is a simple, easy-to-understand textbook that details the latest models for creating a truly unique and thriving organization, whether it be a fully commercial structure or vice versa. Structurally, the book is divided into three parts, each of which, step by step, brings its reader to a clearer understanding of the new author's concept.

In the first part, Lalu conducts a detailed excursion into history with readers, revealing certain patterns that signify new stage in the formation of organizational models.

And finally, the third part reveals the essence of the necessary conditions for the successful work of a new generation organization. Demonstrates whether it is possible to change the usual organization model into a new one, how to do it and what the result will be.

Frédéric Laloux's book, Discovering the Organizations of the Future, is unique in its kind. It will be incredibly useful to all those who study management problems, all successful leaders, coaches and students who follow new trends and keep up with the times.

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Managing an organization of any type, each manager thinks about improving the results of its activities. But the traditional principles of management, the rules for building organizations give less and less effect. The thought comes that something needs to be changed, standard approaches do not work. But what can be changed? And most importantly - how? In Discovering the Organizations of the Future, Frédéric Laloux talks about completely new principles for building organizations.

The book begins with an analysis of what happened before. The author talks about different forms of management of organizations, and we are talking about both commercial and non-commercial. Power rested on strength, internal hierarchy, innovation and some other factors. But all this now does not give such development as before. It's time to build organizations of a different type - evolutionary, or, as the author calls them, turquoise.

Organizations of the future will resemble the human body, in which all systems work in harmony. There are no commanders, collegiality plays a paramount role here. A mentor can give advice, but not orders. This is something completely new that not everyone is ready to accept yet, but by studying the examples given by the author, you understand that this is already working in some organizations.

The book tells about the principles of building organizations of the future. The author talks about important conditions that must be observed. He tells how to build such an organization from scratch, how to transform an existing one and what you can count on. The book will be useful to anyone interested in new approaches to management, managers, business owners, consultants and coaches.

On our website you can download the book "Discovering the Organizations of the Future" by Frederic Lalu free of charge and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

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Frederic Lalu

Discovering the Organizations of the Future

"Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"


from the publisher

Scientific editor Evgeny Golub

Published with permission from Frederic Laloux and Johannes Terwitte

Published in Russian for the first time

Lalu, Frederick

Discovering the organizations of the future / Frederic Lalu; per. from English. V. Kulyabina; [scient. ed. E. Golub]. - M. : Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2016.

ISBN 978-5-00057-786-8

Modern management skills are hopelessly outdated. The traditional recipes offered by organizational development books turn out to be part of the problem, not the solution. The author of this book, based on many years of in-depth research, tells what will be the organizations of the future, built on completely different principles - integral, self-managed and evolutionary. It shows how such companies develop - both from scratch and evolving from existing organizations.

This is a book for business owners, executives, coaches, consultants, students and anyone interested in management and organizational development.

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by Vegas Lex law firm.

© Frederic Laloux, 2014

© Translation into Russian, edition in Russian, design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2016

Science editor's preface

I bought Frederic Lalu's book Reinventing Organizations a little over a year ago. Downloaded to Kindle and went to the airport. The plane took off, and I leisurely began to read, not expecting any revelations from the author. After two hours, I realized that I would do everything in my power to get this book published in Russian.

For twenty years I've climbed the winding career ladder largest international companies. The rules of a business visit will forever remain in my memory. sales representative and a list of Mars values. My immunity to corporate mythology has been tempered by my five years on the board of directors at Danone. I know hundreds of successful corporate managers of the most progressive companies with a worldwide reputation. We've devoured tankers of coffee comparing our experiences, and this experience, alas, paints the same bleak picture.

Corporations put potential candidates through an elaborate selection process that takes weeks and months. Huge amounts of money are spent on training promising employees. As a result, these talented and well-trained people will spend most of their time simulating meaningful activities. The vast intellectual resource of nations is now busy inventing reasons why sales targets are not met (or exceeded). The geniuses of combinatorics advocate brilliant versions of budgets, fit only for virtuoso splurge in the eyes of shareholders. Born leaders expend megawatts of charisma to get their teams to believe in the reach and necessity of obvious nonsense.

Are we doomed to humbly accept this everyday mockery of common sense? How long will consumers pay for a performance in this theater of the absurd? After all, is there really no other way to organize the large-scale production and distribution of necessary goods and services?

Many researchers undertook to answer these damned questions. The books on organizational culture that I have come across so far have mostly fallen into two conventional genres:

science fiction - a description of the structure of the "correct" corporation and a collection of magical recipes for turning any company into a "correct" one;

satire - a mocking description of the hopelessness of life in a corporation, plus a set of myths about how to find yourself in downshifting, startup or freelancing.

In practice, magic recipes, instead of the desired increase in the "involvement" of employees, only increase the degree of their cynicism, and the authors of satirical essays offer nothing but bile.

The book you now hold in your hands belongs to a completely different genre. This is a practical guide to creating organizations of the future - organizations fed by the inexhaustible creative energy of a Human being engaged in labor filled with Meaning.

After many years as a McKinsey consultant, Frederic Laloux decided to get serious about finding and systematically studying alternative ways company management. For three years, with all the thoroughness of a professional consultant, he studied examples of outstanding organizations of our time, analyzing their development from the standpoint of existing theories of the evolution of organizational culture.

As a result of painstaking work, Lalu, like a natural scientist, discovered the new kind organizations. He compares these organizations with “aliens from other worlds”, their culture and principles are so different from what we are used to. Over the past decades, these aliens have begun to quietly appear on different continents in a variety of industries: from engineering and food production to medical care and school education. They have managed to not only succeed in what has become Meaning for employees and founders, they achieve incredible results where, it would seem, nothing can be improved.

The founders of the organizations studied in the book did not know each other. However, their views and values ​​surprisingly coincide and can be presented as a special type of worldview. Frederic details how this worldview transforms the way we know how to manage. From a detailed description of everyday management practices and organizational processes, it becomes clear that it is impossible to enter the next round of organizational development with the help of declarations of values. Magic works only if you have managed to grow into full height human dignity. You can't pretend to be "different", you can become.

The author of the book calls the special worldview of the founders of the Turquoise organizations the main component of success. These organizations, like good messengers from our future, are encouraging: humanity is able to overcome the threatening contradiction between the desperate need of modern man for Meaning and that ersatz of meanings that the dominant control systems based on the fears of the oppressed ego can offer.

This book was published on English language in early 2014 as a PDF file on the website, which Frederick made up himself. Since then, thanks to the efforts of thousands of grateful readers, it has been published in many languages ​​and has become one of the most discussed books on organizational culture worldwide.

I am proud to have helped expedite the publication of this book in Russian, and I believe that Frederic will be able to inspire you as he inspired me.

Evgeny Golub


Formation of a new organizational model

Nothing can be changed by fighting the existing reality. To change something, create new model, which will make the existing one hopelessly obsolete.

Richard Buckminster Fuller

In 350 BC. e. The great Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle, in one of his fundamental works, stated that women have fewer teeth than men1. Today we know very well that this is nonsense. But for almost two thousand years the Western world considered this statement to be an unshakable truth, until one fine day someone was visited by a frankly revolutionary thought: let's count!


Discovering the Organizations of the Future

Discovering the Organizations of the Future is a completely new look at what we all used to consider eternal and unshakable. To build an organization. It is up to you to decide what your organization should be like - to maintain the rigid rational features of the orange ones, to be a warm, friendly, but not always effective green family, or to move to a new, second level of development and build a turquoise company of the future - it's up to you.

Frederic Lalu — About the author

Frédéric Laloux is a consultant helping leaders take their organizations to the next level. Lalu is a former partner at McKinsey & Company and holds an MBA.

Discovering the Organizations of the Future - Book Review

Historical perspective

Recently, the development of consciousness is going faster and faster exponentially. Never before have we seen so many organizational paradigms coexisting. If the trend continues, during our lifetime we can see the birth and formation of one or two more levels of development of consciousness and the organizational paradigms corresponding to them. The evolution of human psychology and organizational paradigms based on the integral theory of Ken Wilber

Organization type Description Examples Civilization breakthroughs


Red The constant display of strength by the leader. Fear keeps the organization under control. Short term vision. Thrives in chaos. Mafia

street gangs

Division of labor

The advent of the command system

Wolf Pack


Formal roles in the organizational pyramid. Top-down control - what is done and how. The future is a repetition of the past. Church



Formal roles




The main thing is to beat the competition. Profit and growth. Innovation is the main trump card. Management by goals and benchmarks. Control over what is done - freedom in how it is done. Modern international companies Innovation

A responsibility




Retains the classic pyramidal structure. Focus on culture and downgrading to achieve super motivation. Culture Driven Organizations - Southwest Airlines Empowerment

Culture Based on Values

Consideration of interests 360%

A family


An evolving organization. Self-government within the laws and rules of evolution. The greatest freedom and responsibility of each participant. Self management


evolutionary purpose


Structure, Practice and Culture of the Turquoise Organization

After the red gang, the amber army, the orange car and the green family, it's time for a new organizational metaphor for the turquoise organization as a living organism.
Even families have their oddities and problems. However, imagine what organizations could achieve if we treated them as living organisms and infused them with the evolutionary energy of life.

Self management. Turquoise organizations have found the key to effective work, even on a large scale with a system based on horizontal connections, without the need for hierarchy or consensus.
Wholeness. Teal organizations have developed a set of practices that encourage the internal integrity of the member and allow you to be fully who you are at work.
evolutionary goal. Organizations have their own life and sense of direction. Instead of trying to predict and control the future, the members of the organization are invited to listen and understand what the organization wants to become, what life goals it wants to achieve.

Teal Organization Principles and Practices

1. Structures. The main principles of the structures are decentralization and compression of planning and control functions (absence of bosses).

2. Practices of self-management:

  • Advice instead of direction - any team member can make a decision himself, but depending on its complexity or importance, he may ask others for advice
  • The CEO remains the CEO. At any moment he can make an authoritarian decision, since his responsibility is higher than the responsibility of any other member of the organization. However, this happens very rarely.
  • Public information - openness of information to all members of the organization - about costs, about plans, about projects, about salaries, etc. Companies believe that unequal access to information is toxic and kills trust
  • Conflict resolution - the presence of prescribed processes for self-resolution of the conflict. The types of meetings are spelled out, who collects them, how arguments are presented, how a decision is made
  • Definition and distribution of roles - clearly defined processes for creating "roles" within the organization and assigning people to them
  • Team-level results management - each employee receives his own individual feedback, but usually not from the "boss", but from those with whom he most interacted at work.
  • Layoffs - People tend to leave before they need to be fired. If the dismissal occurs, then this is the result of a team process, and not the sole decision of the head.
  • Compensation. Salaries in turquoise organizations- also the result of a team process, which often includes the determination of a fair level of payment by the employee himself. Compensation rarely depends on "performance" and tends to be fixed salaries with bonuses calculated based on the success of the entire company. In companies, there is a smaller gap between the highest and the highest low wages on the different levels hierarchy

3. Wholeness practices

  • Human attitude. Someone can bring dogs to the office, someone organizes in the office Kindergarten. It is important to make sure that work is a continuation and an integral part of life.
  • Attention to values. Attention is paid to common values ​​explicitly. This is always a serious item on the “agenda”, there is a dedicated time for discussions about the values ​​of the company, special efforts are made to convey them to all members of the organization.
  • Coaching and mentoring. All Teal companies have multiple coaching and mentoring practices. In the absence of strict vertical information flows, they help bring all employees to the same level of understanding of internal culture, values ​​and practices.
  • Offices and status symbols. Companies are ditching status symbols for individual employees. There are no separate canteens, offices, parking lots for senior management. Office spaces are democratic and open, and strive for a "home" atmosphere.

4. Evolutionary Purpose Practices

  • Competition, market share and growth. Companies compete with the "old" way of thinking, they can teach their principles to competitors, introduce practices that reduce their profits, but allow them to achieve their goals. And in the end, the most honest and consistent one inevitably becomes profitable, grows and increases its market share.
  • Making decisions through "listening" to one's evolutionary destiny. Employees, based on common shared values, can themselves understand what is right and what is not, they do not need a broadcast of goals and a course of action from above

Emergence of turquoise organizations

There are only two necessary conditions for the birth of the organization of the future:

1. The leader of the company must have a turquoise level of development. It is desirable, but not necessary, that there are several such people among the company's managers.
2. The owners of the organization must understand and accept the turquoise vision of the world.
Everything else is of secondary importance, but these two factors are absolutely essential.

Book by coach and facilitator Frederic Lalu “Discovering the Organizations of the Future” became an obvious sensation. It is about a real tectonic shift in understanding internal organization business structures. From the first pages of the book, your ideas about how to properly build a corporate structure begin to be questioned. At first you are discouraged, then you protest angrily, then you doubt, and then you want to know more about this form of organizing the joint work of people. At its core, the book is a transformative practice - after reading it, your life will never be the same. Therefore, in the first lines of this article, I strongly recommend that you, if you have not read it yet, read this book.

But Lalu, unknowingly or intentionally, is being disingenuous, describing the new approach as quite open to the public. I propose to consider some features of the "turquoise" organizations in applying this model to the Russian off-road.

Let's start with the fact that when the book was published, the word "teal" was translated without agreeing with the generally accepted terminology in the Russian-speaking integral community, which caused confusion. She, this confusion is already present, since both Ken Wilber and Don Beck use different colors to indicate the stages of deployment of the complexity of human systems. The history of this confusion is not interesting. In essence, of course, it is not so important what kind of symbol to endow such voluminous mental constructions, if you understand and appreciate what is behind the symbol more than this symbol itself. But disagreements still arise. Here is an illustration designed to minimize semantic loss:

According to Frederic Lalu's descriptions, his "turquoise" comes after the green, i.e. he is trying to describe yellow (in terms of Spiral Dynamics) organizations. But if you are well acquainted with this evolutionary approach to the development of human systems, then when reading the book you will often come up with the idea that the relationships described in the "turquoise" organizations are more similar to those generated by a pluralistic form of values, seeking universal agreement, creating community, striving for a high degree of involvement of everyone in the implementation of something big and meaningful. Those. Frédéric Laloux's book deals with green organizations. But this does not detract from the merits of the book, which describes a radical paradigm shift in approaches to building a business.

Frederic Lalu cites the following principles for self-governing organizations in his book, referring to Gary Hamel:

  • Nobody can ruin a good idea.
  • Everyone can contribute.
  • Everyone can become a leader.
  • No one can dictate his will to others.
  • You choose your business.
  • You can easily build something of your own based on what others have done.
  • You don't have to put up with bullies and tyrants.
  • Agitators are not isolated.
  • Perfection usually wins (but mediocrity does not).
  • Inciting hatred will backfire on whoever does it.
  • Great contribution to the cause receives recognition and fame

Based on these principles, you can independently infer the stage of thinking that gave rise to such principles.

It is customary to scold the green stage in the integral community, ironically over the culture of the new age and wishful thinking. However, let me offer you a point of view from which what is ironically called "green" is only a superficial ripple, an initial exalted form of spiritual euphoria, which has as little to do with a truly genuine pluralistic consciousness as myths about greedy, self-serving and short-sighted orange correspond to the real strength and depth of a rational, enlightened, inventive, self-sufficient modernity, or, for example, how a judgment about a righteous, honest, decent blue world order does not fit into the Procrustean bed of religious dogmatism and bureaucracy. Each string of the Spiral Dynamics carries with it its own special sound, coloring the culture with both harmonious and overly deliberate, discordant melodies.

True green is about mature, sensitive, sincere and responsible men and women who care.

True green is about mature, sensitive, sincere and responsible men and women who care. They found each other and united to fight for what we today consider the norm - for the right of women to vote, for the abolition of slavery, for the right of the child to a family, education and more. Green is much more complicated than orange, something is available to green that orange cannot even think of, drawn into the framework of its external invulnerability, its ideas about personal viability, its constant striving for elusive success. Green is directly and ordinaryly happy inside deep involvement in a common cause, the tasks of which he considers to be significantly greater and deserving of attention than personal status fuss and demonstrative gloss. Green has great luxury, which for orange is not even considered as a criterion for happiness - green highly values ​​​​his right to be real: sincere and vulnerable, he no longer compares himself with others and walks light - he has thrown off the shackles of conformity to someone else's opinion.

Today, some tasks of the green have not yet been resolved or not completed. We have not yet learned to admire the beauty of political, spiritual-religious, national and gender differences between people, countries and cultures. Green thinking, encountering a boundary that makes such a distinction, often seeks to erase it in order to realize its desire for generality. We are seeing such a crisis of multiculturalism in Europe as a consequence of an unjustifiably generalized approach to human nature. Green, like all other stages of the first order, considers only its own values ​​worthy of attention, it ignores or condemns everything that is not consistent with its ideas that, for example, trusting relationships between people are significantly more effective than control and coercion.

To understand the truly epochal significance of the innovations that Frederic Laloux describes in his book, it is important to keep in mind an adequate picture of green thinking, surprisingly holistic in its inconsistency. I repeat - we are talking about adults, feeling, sincere and responsible men and women who care. They are willing to work hard towards achieving their common goal, they are respectful to each other, they care, they are responsive and they, the key point, are self-organizing.

Approaching the question of what Frederic Lalu kept silent about, let's remember how MBA training programs came to Russia. “Organizations of the Future” bring green values ​​to us just as large-scale as MBAs brought orange values. Enthusiastically accepted at the very beginning, the MBA programs were soon subjected to justified criticism as unsuitable for domestic reality. But over time, when new formal methods and forms of work were put into practice, they adopted feedback and began to teach differently. Most likely, the “organizations of the future” will have to go through similar stages.

Criticism of the MBA was built around the difference between American and domestic cultures, although it was really about the difference between orange and red-blue thinking. Yes, the business organized in the format of the first MBA courses works in America and does not work in Russia, because American companies employ people who can extract confident music from their orange strings, and in Russian companies trying to play orange music on red and blue strings is doomed to failure. Two factors have contributed to the fact that the MBA remains a successful business school: firstly, we have adapted the MBA to Russian reality and secondly, our Motherland has learned to give birth to its own orange “Platons and Newtons”.

Likewise, introducing organizational forms, described in the book by Frederic Lalu, we run the risk of getting a modern crisis of European multiculturalism within a domestic company, repeated on a smaller scale. Why? Because Frédéric Laloux's companies employ people who know how to extract confident music from their brand new green strings. Yes, of course, such companies that successfully operate on the market are possible in Russia today. But they must have a powerful green filter at the entrance and understandable forms of ousting from their ranks those employees who managed to deceive such a filter. And for the construction of such companies, a personal transformation of a leader is needed, who no longer considers people as tools for manipulation to achieve his goals. Yes… just a personal transformation…

And for the construction of such companies, a personal transformation of a leader is needed, who no longer considers people as tools for manipulation to achieve his goals. Yes… just a personal transformation…

What is Frederic Lalu silent about? His "organizations of the future" look monochromatic - their employees are hardworking, caring, sociable people who solve all their problems in specially designed deliberative formats. Even being integrally informed, he does not write about the fact that this almost never happens either on a personal level, let alone on a personal level. social level. We are different, we are influenced by a lot of psychological, everyday, cultural and political circumstances. Perhaps, in order to inspire the reader, the author needed to generalize something. This, however, is permissible, it is only important to understand that we are reading reduced to brief description the results of the real experience of real people who have gone through a difficult path for the sake of these results. Most likely, the leaders of the companies described in the book have the music of the yellow strings in their repertoire, using them to create the most effective human systems from the available high-quality “human material” in Europe and North America. But still, these results look surprisingly monochrome - they are formulated in a relatively narrow value range - from ending orange through green to the initial yellow. This may be evidence of Frederic Laloux's persistent filter of perception - we receive through the book only what the author himself could notice. The organizations themselves described in the book can and most likely are much more complex and interesting.

There is another very important circumstance here. The fact is that the evolution of human systems is an inexorable and inevitable process. Business schools at one time performed and continue to perform a missionary task, teaching local "natives" not to eat their competitors, but to make a win-win situation with them - creating conditions for mutually beneficial partnerships. Frederic Lalu's book is one of the first swallows of a new evolutionary wave that will create its own schools and teach businessmen to see maximizing profits not as an absolute goal, but as a means to achieve more significant goals. And then, perhaps, myriads of unemployed coaches, inspired by the life-giving beauty of eco-friendly communication, will finally have something to do. Imagine that in a year or two, the majority of employees in your company, having found something to their liking, do not show off in front of others, do not pull the blanket over themselves, are able to negotiate, care about the common cause, strive to resolve conflicts quickly, soberly assess their contribution, be fair to to yourself and to others. In a word, every employee of your company masterfully knows how and loves to play on the green string of his soul. Then the organizational principles described by Frederic Lalu will come in handy.

Indeed, trusting relationships within the human system can work wonders. People who no longer feel the need to report their actions “to the top” get a chance to discover in themselves a responsible attitude to their work. Lalu gives the following figures: “About a third of employees (35%) are actively involved in the work process. Far more people are indifferent to what they are doing or have actively distanced themselves from their work (43%). The remaining 22% did not feel any support from the leadership.” Involvement in a common cause may be the result of a trusting attitude of the owner of the company to employees and employees to each other. This can create the conditions for the dormant green strings of their souls to wake up and start playing their better music.

The involvement of the green stage can undoubtedly enrich the organizational structure of business structures. But the very idea of ​​building organizations in monochrome strikes me as flawed. It makes the company overly dependent on the only possible format of relationships, creating, in fact, greenhouse conditions within a closed system for the same type of music with just one string. Really yellow in terms of Spiral Dynamics can be an approach to creating management by values ​​in a company, when people with different outlooks on life find acceptable forms of work for themselves. This approach is referred to as natural business design. Unfortunately, it is difficult to describe it in the format of a short article. Spiral Dynamics, as a non-linear integral model, born of more complex thinking, is actually a tool for solving problems created at the green and other stages of first-order thinking. We are introducing a hierarchy of values, we are again drawing boundaries where green thinking has tried to create a utopian realm of benevolent caring friendliness.

Frédéric Lalu describes to us innovative, successful, strong and very interesting green organizations. He, however, wants to think that he is talking about yellow organizations, calling them turquoise in Russian translation.

Frédéric Lalu describes to us innovative, successful, strong and very interesting green organizations. He, however, wants to think that he is talking about yellow organizations, calling them turquoise in Russian translation. Regardless of this confusion, what he describes is amazing. This is really a new approach, a new corporate life, a new business culture. As for yellow, yellow can be precisely the approach to creating such a self-governing, living organization. Yellow thinking is multifaceted and not tied to value paradigms, it contributes to the natural self-organization of chaotic systems. It's hard for me to imagine a monochrome yellow system, rather it is about the governing principle of coordinating multidirectional vectors towards a single goal. I don't think, frankly, that a yellow monochrome business is possible. How social phenomenon business starts on red, flourishes on orange, and ends on green, which already perceives profit making not as an end in itself, but as a means to something more important. Yellow forms of labor organization, project activities, can be assimilated within the orange and green paradigm, but I can't imagine a yellow business as such. Yellow has different tasks and a different structure, an order of magnitude larger. I repeat, in today's complex and fast-paced cultural and technological conditions yellow can, and probably should be the principle of managing an organization - the principle of flexible, unattached, fearless, integrating thinking.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the creation of a new type of organization in our country, which Frederic Laloux describes in his book, can bring with it qualitative cultural changes. Moreover, in a certain sense, we can say that the mentality of people living in the post-Soviet space is based on an internal craving for sociable involvement. We do not ignore deep psychological issues, we still strive to help each other, it is internally easier for us to trust than to verify, we strive to “reach the very essence” in everything. Perhaps it is the Russian-speaking people who will have to say a very significant word in this part of world history.

Now no one really knows how to create such organizations either from scratch or as a result of transformations of existing classical hierarchies. We should expect the emergence of research communities of businessmen around the topic of organizations of the future. These will be communities of interested practitioners, not consultants. Participants will be able to join forces for collective analytical work on a particular company. These communities will not be burdened with massive spiritual baggage, but its members may have experience of certain contemplative practices. Neither religious, nor political, nor ideological, nor national, nor gender restrictions will be able to interfere with these communities - they feel the Procrustean bed a mile away. These communities will be united by the issue of creating human systems in which each individual will have the opportunity to develop their talents and virtues in the most natural way. Members of these communities will create the future – literally and immediately. I would be honored to work with them.

Today, the knowledge accumulated by mankind over many thousands of years has become available at a distance of a few clicks of a computer mouse. All cultures born by people, all value orientations are equally actively present in our now common information field, generating both destructive upheavals and surprisingly beautiful new forms of humanity. In the global space of semantic chaos, new ideas are born and die with amazing speed. This is how our thinking evolves. We live in a busy time, when entire epochs have time to change during the life of one generation. Therefore, we have been able to trace the laws of evolving thinking and can apply them in practice.