Implementation of the wms system in the warehouse. How to automate a warehouse and manage warehouse storage systems. When managing employees

  • 08.07.2020

The automated warehouse management system 1C or on any other platform (English Warehouse Management System, WMS, BMS) provides operational management of warehouse business processes, such as topology, product range, control of warehouse operations to increase the turnover of warehouse resources. Automated accounting of goods in the warehouse solves the organizational and technological problems of warehouse management.

Goals of WMS

In what areas is the WMS system applicable?

Automated warehouse storage systems are being implemented by wholesale and retail companies, including distributed points, 3PL operators, production and distribution of FMCG and fashion goods.

Under what conditions is it necessary to implement a WMS warehouse management system

WMS warehouse management systems 1C or on another platform become necessary when a business grows and scales. Usually it is more than 250 unique SKUs and more than 1500 sq. m. warehouse space, and the turnover of more than 25 days. Also, the warehouse can move and expand.

According to what principles does the automated warehouse management system WMS work?

Upon receipt, goods are marked with barcodes and automated system Warehouse accounting WMS controls goods by barcodes, cells. Also, upon acceptance, storage conditions are taken into account, such as temperature, humidity, expiration date, manufacturer, expiration date, supplier, compatibility with other goods. Storage locations are allocated automatically.

Automatic receipt of individual commands to warehouse workers with the ability to control the execution of the task, resource billing and methods for resolving problem situations.

The position of analytics by the availability, location of goods online.

Key functions of WMS systems

The warehouse automation system performs the following functions:

  • Acceptance, shipment, inventory, packaging, posting of goods
  • Packing, taking into account the weight and size characteristics
  • Document management
  • Warehouse personnel control

Tasks that are solved when automating warehouse accounting:

  • Quick acceptance and posting of goods (also for safekeeping), checking compliance with the order.
  • Warehousing is automatic, taking into account the use of storage space.
  • Grouping orders, batch accounting.
  • Cross-docking.
  • Replenishment orders (pieces/boxes/pallets/partial pallets) are generated automatically.
  • Variable order picking.
  • Shipment, taking into account the sequence of delivery, labeling, documentary support.
  • Control of the state of goods, inventory, support for various methods of accounting for the warehouse.
  • Monitoring the work of warehouse workers, billing resources.
  • Optimize storage, the need to understand where the cell is located.

What are naval warehouse management systems (classification)

Navy warehouse management systems are a separate and independent class of software solutions, but interconnected with accounting ERP.

  • Entry-level WMS for keeping records of a small warehouse with a small assortment.
  • Boxed WMS for warehouses with a small turnover.
  • An adaptable, customizable and configurable system such as ABM WMS for distribution centers, warehouses with a large assortment and turnover.

Warehouse automation system to save costs. What will you get by implementing a WMS system in a warehouse

Warehouse automation system saves up to 13% of storage costs. The specifics of implementing a WMS system depends on the type of company's activity, but there are general aspects, such as:

Algorithm for building a WMS system

1st level - user interface. A window where an employee can enter and change data.

2nd level - a cloud server where data is stored and processed, commands are received from the 1st level and records are made to the database according to the algorithm.

3rd level, as a business algorithm, to process data from the server and output it as an algorithm to the 1st level.

We are ready to evaluate the efficiency and return on investment from the implementation of a WMS warehouse management system with you!

Warehouse management system - a program that controls all operations that are carried out in the storage process. The abbreviation WMS originated from the English name "Warehouse Management System". There are hundreds of varieties of WMS systems.

When using WMS, the computer automatically selects the best place for placing products, determines the optimal path for the cargo and the procedure. He also gives orders to the staff. Any manipulation (put an object on a shelf, take it, count objects, etc.) is performed by a separate command.

A characteristic feature of most WMS programs is that all actions are recorded in real time. Warehouse workers report after each completed operation. Information is instantly sent to the main server.

WMS architecture

Typically, the architecture of the program is built according to a three-level scheme.

First level: interface

At this level is what the user sees - the client application. Through it, the warehouse worker interacts with the machine: enters data, sends requests, receives reports. The application can be installed on a computer, smartphone and other devices.

Second level: server

"Hidden" level. This is a database server, where all the information is stored. An ordinary user can access it only through a client application. Often used "cloud" (virtual) server.

Third level: business logic

It is also called "processes" or "tasks". It is here that information is processed according to certain algorithms, transmitted from the user to the server and vice versa. The physical embodiment of this level is the program code.

The feasibility of implementing control systems

Installing a WMS system is a costly business. It's not enough to just buy the software. It is necessary to adapt the system to a specific warehouse, taking into account all the features of goods and premises. It is necessary to install special equipment, modernize the labeling system, and revise the schemes of trade. Staff will also need to be retrained. The implementation process can take a couple of years.

But the effort pays off: automatic system management allows you to significantly speed up work, increase turnover, reduce costs.

The main advantages of using WMS:

  • the warehouse is actively managed (the computer takes into account analytical data and makes forecasts)
  • you can instantly get accurate information about any product
  • significantly accelerates the search and selection of products
  • the terms of storage and sale of goods are carefully controlled
  • cargo handling processes are simplified (sorting, inventory, etc.)
  • thanks to accurate calculations, the premises are used as efficiently as possible
  • equipment maintenance costs are reduced (the program chooses the shortest paths for loaders)
  • improving the quality of staff

There are warehouses where it makes no sense to implement WMS. For example, filled with the same product - there is practically nothing to optimize. At a small facility where only 1-2 people work, there is no need to transfer control to a computer either.

Program functions

When properly configured, WMS systems are able to manage almost all processes occurring in the warehouse. But what exactly do they do? Let's list the main tasks.

At the stage of creating an order:

  • order grouping (orders are classified and then processed and sent in groups)
  • setting up the possibility of identifying goods by packaging
  • separation and consolidation of production batches

At the time of receiving the goods:

  • cargo identification (even if information about it was not received in advance)
  • fixing the arrival of products in real time
  • bar coding
  • acceptance of goods for safekeeping
  • reconciliation and correction of product information

If acceptance and loading occur at the same time:

  • redistribution of products for subsequent shipment to the customer
  • transit

When warehousing:

  • automation of the warehousing process
  • development of product placement rules
  • formation of warehousing tasks
  • creation of cells according to calculated parameters
  • determination of a specific place for each product
  • preparation for placement of bulk products received from different contractors
  • formulating rules for joint warehousing
  • handling of dangerous goods, creation of a control system

At the order picking stage:

  • object recognition using radio terminals and bar codes
  • formation of batches of products
  • control of stacking goods on a pallet (taking into account weight, shape and other ergonomic properties)
  • placement of products on the conveyor belt
  • selection of goods (units, containers, pallets)
  • opportunity to use different kinds assemblies (group, discrete, combined)
  • automatic delivery of voice commands to personnel
  • goods packaging management
  • order personalization
  • appropriation of goods identification numbers for further tracking

When loading

  • automatic creation of loading schedule (prioritization)
  • loading process control (radio terminals are used)
  • grouping and distribution of goods for sequential delivery
  • carrier definition
  • preparation of accompanying acts
  • marking of conformity
  • check sending status

During storage

  • providing information about all products in real time
  • the ability to search for an object by serial number, bar code, batch or container number, name of the owner of the cargo
  • inventory control
  • keeping track of shelf life and sales
  • development of replenishment strategies
  • support for various forms of replenishment of reserves (pieces, containers, pallets)
  • creation and submission of requisitions for replenishment of stocks
  • goods inventory
  • handling weight products
  • creation flexible system moving, regrouping, re-sending cargo
  • inventory consolidation
  • ensuring the most efficient use of space
  • release of goods according to FIFO, LIFO, FEFO, FPFO, BBD methods
  • checking warehouse equipment, sending signals about scheduled maintenance or refueling

When managing employees

  • formation, sending and tracking tasks for staff
  • working time control
  • creating reports on the use of human resources
  • definition of work standards, calculation of expected labor productivity

WMS Implementation Process

Automation of each warehouse is carried out according to an individual scenario. The procedure depends on the initial state of the object and the set of desired functions. But there is a certain general algorithm: despite the variety of WMS programs, they work on the same principle.

First of all, the space is divided into zones. Each procedure (loading, shipment, processing, storage) has its own section of the warehouse. This allows you to streamline the actions of staff and delimit responsibilities.

Then all information about the warehouse is entered into the program: physical parameters of the premises, characteristics of loading equipment and other equipment, instructions for operating mechanisms. Subsequently, this information will help to find the best ways for loaders so that they do not work “idle”. Also, the control system will automatically select the technique best suited for a given purpose.

Recorded in the database and product characteristics. Described the necessary conditions storage (temperature, humidity, co-location rules), expiration and sale dates, names of the supplier and customer are indicated. Based on this data, WMS determines the best place to place the cargo.

Warehouse workers are given radio terminals. These are special portable computers that support input and output functions. The entered information is transmitted to the main server via a radio channel. In response, the central computer sends personal commands to the worker. All tasks are divided into elementary phased actions.

Information is entered automatically. Upon arrival, goods are marked, most often with bar codes. The system can print labels with its own code or use an existing factory label. During the receipt of the goods, the radio terminal reads the barcode, and that information is recorded in the database. The same goes for the inventory process.

After completing each action, the employee scans the barcode again. This allows the system to fully control warehouse operations and minimize the human factor.

Information about all cargoes is updated instantly. Often WMS-systems support the function of graphical monitoring: all processes occurring in the warehouse are reproduced in the form of two-dimensional models.

Types of WMS systems

There are many versions of WMS programs, both foreign and domestic. Products of fifty manufacturers are widely used in Russian warehouses. In addition, there is a high percentage of “nameless” systems written by employees of the company itself.

There are two ways to systematize WMS. The first way is by the level of functionality. Here the systems can be divided into traditional (designed for a single sales channel) and multi-channel (with several distribution channels).

The second way to classify is to modify and adapt whenever possible.

Warehouse management systems are:

  • entry level

With a limited set of functions, designed for small companies with a modest range of products. The amount of processed information is limited.

  • Boxed

For warehouses up to 10 thousand m 2 , with a small turnover. The nomenclature can be quite diverse.

  • adaptable

They are used in logistics companies, distribution centers, as well as in large warehouses (from 5 thousand m 2). Initially configured for the needs of a particular enterprise.

  • Configurable

Programs with the maximum possible set of functions can be significantly modified during operation. They are created for large warehouse complexes with a high turnover and a diverse range of products.

WMS of the first and second types can be ready-to-install products created on the basis of ERP systems. Adaptable and configurable systems are usually made to order.

WMS(warehouse management system) is the brain of a modern warehouse, coordinating and synchronizing incoming and outgoing flows of goods, internal routine operations, work of personnel, loading and unloading equipment, robotic equipment and much more.

WMS class systems help organize efficient work warehouse. With the help of WMS systems, warehouse processes are managed in real time.

Regardless of the profile of the company, the volume of warehouse space, the type of goods stored on them and the level of staff training, automation of warehouse management using WMS warehouse management systems help improve warehouse efficiency.

AXELOT offers a new generation of WMS systems - AXELOT WMS X5. The AXELOT WMS X5 product was developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, is flexibly configured for the specifics of the warehouse and the company as a whole, and has a completely open source, which allows our customers to independently maintain this software product if they wish.

As part of the AXELOT X logistics platform, AXELOT WMS X5 integrates seamlessly with the management system transport logistics AXELOT TMS X4, which allows you to automate the entire logistics process in a complex.

Previous generations software products for warehouse management (WMS) developed by AXELOT - “1C:Enterprise 8. WMS Logistics. Warehouse management 4 "and" 1C-Logistics: Warehouse management 3 "- are also used in the implementation of warehouse automation projects; AXELOT also provides services for the maintenance of these software products.

There is a preferential scheme for migrating from previous generation WMS products to AXELOT WMS X5.

The SEVCO WMS computer system is a powerful and flexible warehouse management tool.

SEVCO WMS system:

    A high-performance system based on the 1C platform, has a huge useful functionality, great customization options.

    Able to manage warehouses with various racking systems and work technologies.

    Supports barcoding technologies using data collection radio terminals, 3D visualization, Pick by Voice, Pick by Light, Put to Light.

    Integration with robotic warehouse equipment.

    Information technology support in 24/7 mode.

    Among the users of the system are the largest distribution, manufacturing, logistics companies. Warehouse area - from 1500 m2 to 65000 m2.

    The geography of implementation - from Kaliningrad to Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

    Unique methodological and program developments in the field of warehouse operation analysis technology and personnel motivation system.

    Working with a highly professional team of warehouse logistics practitioners.

How to test the "SEVCO WMS" system:

    After familiarization ( telephone conversation and / or filling out a questionnaire) we will send an adequate commercial offer.

    We will conduct a remote presentation of the work of the SEVCO WMS system with a demonstration of the functionality you need.

    We will provide remote demo access to the SEVCO WMS system.

    We organize reference visits to working warehouses.

    In the "Documentation Library" section of the site, you can download presentation materials.

    Attend monthly practical events at working warehouses. Dates of events on the website

Operation of a high-intensity warehouse complex

The SEVCO company operates its own high-intensity warehouse:

    area 10000 m 2 , ceiling height over 7 m;

    has 16 loading and unloading posts equipped with dock levelers and dock shelters;

    modern handling equipment is used (stackers, loaders, lifting tables);

    equipped with frontal and gravity rack structures of EUR and FIN standard, with a capacity of more than 8000 pallet places;

    serves a company that is one of the largest distributors of food products in Russia;

    implemented modern system warehouse management "SEVCO WMS", technologies of address accounting and bar coding, data collection terminals are used;

    works on paperless technology and has implemented a unique analysis system.

The company also manages a motor transport enterprise:

    more than 40 vehicles of various carrying capacity;

    serves 270 - 300 delivery points in Moscow and the region daily, incl. all chain hypermarkets;

    implemented GPS monitoring system for determining the position of transport;

    own workshop.

The SEVCO WMS computer warehouse management system becomes a flexible and powerful tool with which you can achieve your goals. The system is able to support the work of both small and large warehouses with high work intensity.

Warehouses operating on the SEVCO WMS system

SEVCO WMS Implementation Stages

As a rule, a WMS-system implementation project is implemented in three stages:

  • development of warehouse operation technology (rules for warehouse operations);
  • installation (initial setup, integration with the corporate information system) and staff training;
  • commissioning.


The development of technology for performing warehouse operations is one of the key factors for the successful completion of a project to implement a warehouse management system. Technology refers to the rules for performing warehouse operations and the resources necessary for this. In our opinion, a well-designed technology is 80% project success. It should be noted that our company has an extensive library of standard, proven solutions for various warehouses. We formed the library on the basis of a study of the work of European and domestic warehouses, as well as our own 15 years of experience.

When developing technology, the specialists of our company are guided by the following fundamental principles:

  1. Research of initial data - how and for what the warehouse is used.
  2. Process approach:
  • allocation of warehouse procedures;
  • establishing their sequence and interaction;
  • their monitoring, measurement and analysis;
  • undertaking the actions necessary to achieve planned results and continuous improvement these processes.

    Use, if possible, the library of standard solutions.

    The technology for performing warehouse procedures should be simple to understand and execute.

The technology description contains three sections:

  1. Technological zones of the warehouse and rules:

      the composition and size of technological zones are indicated;

      types of storage and handling equipment used;

      types of equipment used for work WMS systems;

      personnel structure, subordination scheme, functional responsibilities;

      the composition of warehouse procedures is determined;

      establishes and describes the rules necessary to describe the rules for the implementation of warehouse and control procedures, incl. regulations:

Marking of places of technological zones (addressing system) and personnel;

Marking of goods and shipping units (pallets, boxes, bags, etc.) in the warehouse;

Stacking goods on shipping units;

Placement of goods in the warehouse;

Selection of goods in the warehouse according to customer orders;

Definitions of shortages and surpluses, etc.

    Rules for the implementation of warehouse procedures. The description of the warehouse fulfillment regulations is carried out by two types of documents:

      procedure card - it indicates how a group of employees, interacting with each other, performs the warehouse procedure;

      work instruction- it specifies in detail what and how the employee must do to perform the action provided for by the procedure card;

      description of the procedure map in the notation ARIS.

  1. Rules for the implementation of control procedures. One of the main tasks of the warehouse management system is to control:
    • safety of goods in the warehouse;
    • relevance of information.

Control procedures define a set of measures to perform the above tasks. The set and rules for their implementation are developed taking into account Russian reality. Allows you to effectively detect shortages, surpluses, errors in the work of personnel. The description of the rules for the implementation of control procedures is similar to the description of the rules for the implementation of warehouse procedures.

    Technical task to improve the corporate information system(hereinafter CIS) to ensure its integration with WMS system.

    Exchange of information between CIS and WMScarried out through text files in encoding ANSI according to the following principle:
  • two exchange directories are created on the server:

    IN- exchange directory from WMS in CIS

    OUT- exchange directory from CIS to WMS
  • when unloading data, the system uploads the file to the appropriate directory.
  • to download, each system checks for certain files in the appropriate directory, automatically downloads it, processes it, and removes it from the directory.

    To exchange between CIS and WMSit is necessary to finalize the CIS to perform the functions of file exchange. The completion of the CIS is carried out by the Customer and is not a difficult task. According to our estimates, it will take about 100 man-hours to complete them.

The results of stage #1 are:

  • The document "Technology of the warehouse".
  • The document "Working instructions for warehouse workers."
  • The document "Terms of Reference for the revision of CIS".


In accordance with the developed technology, our specialists, together with the Customer's specialists, perform the installation and initial configuration of the WMS system. The procedure for conducting a pre-launch inventory is developed and described.SEVCO specialists provide training for future key WMS users. Key users train all other warehouse personnel.For training, as a rule, it is necessary to allocate two specialists from the logistics department and two IT specialists-department. The training takes place over two days. The first day is theoretical, the second day is practical. Theoretical classes take place in the office with a demonstration on a warehouse model. Practical classes take place in the warehouse. Key users perform the main technological operations. The scope of training allows you to acquire the necessary skills to work with the WMS in accordance with the document "Technology of warehouse operation". Based on the results of the training, the Contractor conducts testing and provides the Customer with a report on the training.

The results of stage #2 are:

  • Installed and configured WMS system in the warehouse.
  • Trained key users.
  • The document "The procedure for conducting a complete inventory."
  • Document " SEVCO - WMS . User's manual".


Commissioning is one of the most critical and stressful moments of the project. The stage begins with an inventory, after which the warehouse begins to work on a new technology.SEVCO specialists are present at the facility throughout the entire stage, monitor the operation of the equipment and the WMS system and provide, if necessary, prompt assistance.

The results of stage #3 are:

  • sustainable work WMS


The main objective of this technology is to monitor and analyze processes in the warehouse. The basis for monitoring and analysis is the process measurement system. For this purpose, the system of numerical indicators of warehouse operation (hereinafter referred to as IRS) is used in the WMS.

IRS are calculated on the basis of measurements for the period for each warehouse procedure. Measurements reflect:

  • amount of work performed;

    the speed of the procedure;

    quality ;

    the time the warehouse is working on the procedure;

    the total time spent by all employees to complete the scope of work.

The list of IRS and the model of their analysis depend on the nature of cargo handling, the situation in the warehouse. The document "Technology for analyzing the functioning of a warehouse" contains the following sections:

    numerical indicators of the quality of the warehouse, the speed of operations, the efficiency of the use of personnel and equipment;

    reports in the WMS system that allow you to receive selected indicators;

    rules for the analysis of numerical indicators;

    decision-making procedures based on the analysis of numerical indicators.

The results of stage #4 are:

  • Warehouse operating on new technology.
  • sustainable work WMS systems and related equipment.
  • The document "Technology for analyzing the functioning of the warehouse."


Technology :

    Work under the control of the leading DBMS

    The main advantages of modern DBMS (1C Enterprise): high scalability and reliability, efficient management and settings, stability.
  • Integration with financial system enterprise and other external modules

    The system integrates with any operating financial system of the enterprise and provides interaction between the warehouse and the Sales Order modules.
  • Support for data collection terminals

    The system supports working with Batchand radio terminals for collecting and transmitting data from the world's leading manufacturers - SYMBOL, PSION.

    Support for barcode technology

    Automatic identification technology based on bar coding of products and storage locations is the basis of SEVCO's ideology WMS.

    Flexible system configuration

    Possibility of storage settings. The system has more than 100 parameters that define various types of warehouse configurations. Considering the flexible rules for zone formation, cell properties, restrictions, user rights, etc., a huge variety of possibilities is achieved.

Goods receipt management :

    Acceptance of goods received without prior order

    The flexibility of SEVCO WMS allows for acceptance without an order. All information about admission will be immediately transferred to the control system.

    Acceptance of goods received by pre-order

    Acceptance is carried out on the basis of a preliminary order (expected arrival), which allows you to track the receipt of goods and evaluate the quality of the supplier's work.

    Operations for the return of goods

    Operations for accepting returns are one of the most difficult to formalize operations. The system supports several types of returns (by documents, without documents, by adjusted invoices), which allows you to effectively control the processes of returning goods to the warehouse. The return procedure is in many ways similar to the acceptance of goods, but a number of special operations specific to this process are performed.

Product placement management :

  • Warehouse zoning

    The system allows you to organize a large number of zones in the warehouse with different placement rules. Zones can reflect the logical organization of the warehouse (acceptance zone, picking zones with various methods selection, etc.). Also, zones can be organized for different standard sizes of goods (pallet storage area, storage area for boxes or goods in pieces). In addition, these may be zones for storing goods with certain characteristics (a zone for flammable goods, a zone for frozen products, a zone for heavy goods, etc.).

    Controlled placement of goods in storage cells

    With managed placement, the system issues recommendations for placing goods in storage bins in accordance with the following criteria: this product is already or was previously in the offered cells, the turnover of the goods, the volume, size and weight of the goods, the size of the cells or the ease of access to available free cells. Of particular importance is the support of work with goods that require special conditions storage.

Country support:
Operating system: Windows
Family: Universal Accounting System
Purpose: Business automation

WMS warehouse management

The main features of the program:

    The program can work with any number of departments and warehouses. All branches will work in a single database via the Internet

    The system will assign unique numbers for storage locations, taking into account all the necessary parameters. Upon acceptance, there will be a check on the possibility of placement

    You will form a single database of customers with all the necessary contact details and details

    For each client, you can mark any planned or completed work, form and attach to the contract record

    Registration of any number of goods with all necessary data. Quick search according to the given parameters and the client

    Incoming and outgoing composition data can be easily and quickly imported from a variety of modern electronic formats

    The program automates all the main processes for acceptance, reconciliation of the planned and actual quantity and placement of cargo

    You will be able to specify all the services rendered to the client during acceptance and shipment. Cost calculations will take into account all the necessary parameters

    The system will provide a complete accounting of any movement of cargo, change of containers or pallets and its shipment to the client

    You will be able to rent or sell your containers and pallets, track detailed statistics on them

    All calculations are performed by the program itself.

    For the director, a whole range of management reports is provided that will help analyze the activities of the organization with different sides

    You will be able to maintain full-fledged financial accounting: keep income, any expenses, see profits and view various analytical reports

    The program will provide labeling of cells, containers and pallets. All goods can be searched both by the factory and by the internal barcode

    Integration with the latest technologies will allow you to shock customers and deservedly gain a reputation as the most modern company


    for staff

    for clients

    You can quickly enter the initial data necessary for the program to work. For this, a convenient manual input or data import

    The interface of the program is so easy that even a child can quickly figure it out.

Language of the basic version of the program: RUSSIAN

You can also order the international version of the program, in which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. Even the interface can be easily translated by yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

Warehouse management WMS is a system that optimizes and automates all warehouse processes. WMS warehouse management systems will allow you to more actively manage your warehouse, increase the speed of goods collection, receive exact information about its location in the warehouse, it is more efficient to manage products that have a limited shelf life.

By implementing WMS, you enter barcodes of all commodity and material assets into the database. Using automation, you will have the opportunity to keep records of any assortment of inventory items. The naval system in the warehouse organizes a single database of counterparties. WMS warehouse automation simplifies work with suppliers and buyers. The WMS warehouse management system provides detailed records of all customers, products, contacts and appointments, and records the results of each contact. Navy warehouse management system provides convenient work every employee of a company or organization.

Moreover, warehouse accounting WMS conducts organizational work on structuring and controlling all processes occurring in the warehouse, automatically accounting, planning and controlling deliveries. Working with the warehouse management during the inventory, warehouse workers read bar codes and enter information into the database, analyze the residual products in the warehouse. With our company, you will be able to manage your accounting, and, accordingly, your business, correctly!

The program can be used by:

After watching the following video, you can quickly get acquainted with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you can't see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to email us, we'll find another way to show the demo!

In addition to opinions about the USU program ordinary users Your attention is now presented to the opinions of experts. Anatoly Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952. Graduated from Odessa technological Institute refrigeration industry, engineer by profession. After graduation, he worked as a programmer. Then - system programmer. For the first time he appeared on the screen in 1989 in the club “What? Where? When? ”, Then - on the“ Brain Ring ”. In the television "Own Game" he won fifteen victories in a row in 2001-2002 and became the best player of the decade in 2004. Five-time champion of Ukraine in the sports version of "Own Game". Four-time champion of Moscow in the sports version of "Own Game", bronze medalist of the same competition, silver 2017. Silver medalist of the "Connoisseurs" - the World Games of Connoisseurs - 2010 in "Own Game".

Addition to the program for professional managers: to develop business and increase income. A unique product developed at the intersection of two sciences: economics and information technologies. There are no analogues

As technology advances, life speeds up. Everywhere you need to be in time - because the faster you do things, the more you earn. For this reason, it is very important to have a multifunctional mobile application at hand.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Alexander Druz - the first master of the intellectual game "ChGK". Six times he was awarded the "Crystal Owl" prize as the best player of the club. Winner of the "Diamond Owl" - a prize for the best player. Champion of the television version of "Brain Ring". In the television program “Own Game” he won the “Line Games”, “Super Bowl”, won the “III Challenge Cup” with the team, set an absolute performance record in one game. Author and presenter intellectual games and educational programs on various TV channels.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Maxim Potashev - master of the game “What? Where? When? ”, four-time winner of the Crystal Owl prize, twice world champion, three times champion of Russia, six-time champion of Moscow, three-time winner of the Moscow Open Championship in the game “ChGK”. According to the results of the general audience vote in 2000, he was recognized as the best player in all 25 years of the elite club's existence. 50 thousand viewers of the program voted for the candidacy of Maxim Potashev. He received the "Big Crystal Owl" and the main prize of the anniversary games - the "Diamond Star" of the master of the game. Member of the Board and since 2001 - Vice-President of the International Association of Clubs. By profession - a mathematician, marketer, business coach. He graduated from the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics, taught at the Department of General and Applied Economics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In August 2010, he was elected President of the All-Russian public organization Federation of Sports Bridge of Russia. He heads a consulting company that helps various organizations solve problems related to sales, marketing, customer service and optimization of business processes.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Sergei Karyakin. At the age of 12, he became the youngest grandmaster in the history of mankind. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Won the Candidates Tournament. FIDE World Cup Winner. World Rapid Chess Champion, World Blitz Champion. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Grandmaster of Russia. He was awarded the Order of Merit, III degree. Member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation VI composition. Repeated winner of children's and youth championships of the world and Europe. Winner and prize-winner of a number of major tournaments. Champion of the XXXVI World Chess Olympiad as a member of the Ukrainian team, silver medalist of the Olympiad as a member of the Russian team. He showed the best result on his board and got the first individual prize (on the 4th board). Champion of Russia with the best result on board 1. World champion in the Russian team. Semi-finalist of the World Cup. Winner of several international tournaments.

WMS warehouse control and management capabilities

  • Working with control, accounting of funds can be kept at several cash desks.
  • In the wms management program, each cash register can be assigned its own currency.
  • Supply chains allow you to create a large number of financial items.
  • At wms management, more financial items means more detailed financial statements.
  • The program for accounting for goods and materials in a warehouse allows you to work with both one warehouse and several.
  • When controlling and stock accounting, there will be a single database for all warehouses, departments, branches.
  • Thanks to the possibility of using the Internet, using the program, you can connect branches in different cities and even countries.
  • Supply management systems allow you to enter detailed information about stored inventory items.
  • Temporary storage warehouse control for each group of goods creates its own categories and subcategories.
  • In addition to the name, the supply registration system can store the barcode of the product.
  • The WMS accounting program has a multi-window interface.
  • For a product that does not have a barcode, product inventory will automatically assign a unique barcode.
  • Free warehouse accounting programs are in the demo version, which can be viewed on our website.
  • You can download the trade and warehouse program by contacting us with a request by e-mail.
  • The WMS warehouse program has much more functionality.
  • When you automate warehouse wms in your own company, save yourself a lot of trouble!