warehouse management wms linux livecd. WMS system - what is it? Types of automated warehouse management systems

  • 08.07.2020

Warehouse Management System is a computer program that provides a process for automating the management of warehouse processes in an enterprise.

The system allows you to optimize all internal business processes of the enterprise, increasing the efficiency of processes and resources, helping to reduce costs for each operation in the warehouse.

WMS warehouse management system provides effective leadership commodity circulation at the enterprise of various industries. A set of certain functional characteristics of the system allows you to systematize accounting in a warehouse that has a different hierarchy of accounting and the level of complexity.

WMS warehouse management system will allow you to:

  • human resource management;
  • document management;
  • monitoring warehouse operations;
  • product identification in the system;
  • warehouse operations with goods.

The automated warehouse management system allows you to quickly navigate the database of a large warehouse industrial enterprise, wholesale and retail base, customs terminal, transport company with a significant cargo turnover, a pharmacological company and other enterprises and organizations that carry out fast and error-free processing of goods.

This system is selected for each enterprise individually in accordance with real needs. It is possible to integrate WMS with other enterprise information systems, allowing you to check the entire turnover. In this case, all necessary reporting can be transferred to corporate system companies. It is not always advisable to use a WMS system with a full set of functionality. These systems require appropriate technical (server solution and Web technologies) and software.

An automated warehouse management system can be a ready-to-install software product. Such a system is developed on the basis of SAP, Oracle, Axapta and others ERP systems. It will be the optimal solution for a warehouse with simple standard technical processes. The system limits the ability to automate processes due to the versatility of the product. This system is designed for 10-25 WMS users.

A custom WMS system is being implemented on large enterprise with complex business processes. This system can be used on multiple platforms (typically IBM iSeries (AS/400) and Unix). Oracle and other high-tech DBMS are used as a database coordination system. The system is designed for 50 or more users. The functionality of the system is developed individually for the needs of the enterprise. The period of development and implementation can cover 1-2 years. World suppliers of these systems are Manhattan Associates, Catalyst International, RedPairie.

WMS-warehouse management system in real time manages the material, monetary and information flows that pass through the warehouse. The system provides a comprehensive check inventory at all stages of the technological cycle, taking into account all the characteristics of the product and the requirements for its storage. WMS allows you to streamline and optimize the course of warehouse work, significantly increasing its efficiency by reducing the duration and complexity of operations in the warehouse, increase the efficiency of accounting and the safety of goods during transportation.

The following automated warehouse management systems are in the greatest demand:

  • Solvo.WMS (SOLVO firm) allows to control the turnover in medium and large warehouses with various forms of goods accounting;
  • RadioBeacon WMS (Radio Beacon Inc.) is designed to automate complex distribution operations in the warehouse and increase the accuracy of work;
  • the Exceed WMS 1000 system (developed by SSA Global) will be the optimal solution for warehouse accounting automation in small and medium-sized enterprises;
  • Distribution Center Solution by Columbus IT Partner Russia has a number of developments for automating processes at trade enterprises, warehouses based on ERP systems and distribution centers;
  • AWACS from Lambda Business Systems will be the best solution for a warehouse based on ERP systems;
  • Avalon system vision (AVALON group) will allow online access to reporting data in the warehouse;
  • COS.WMS of the Center open systems and high technologies”;
  • System #1 by Adalius will be the optimal solution for managing production warehouses and terminals, distribution centers and safekeeping warehouses;
  • solutions based on 1C:Enterprise 8.0 products: Warehouse Management System and others.

One of the criteria for efficiency and at the same time increasing competitiveness in modern business- automation. The more processes that can be entrusted to computer control, the more time people have to solve problems. WMS systems are solutions that, due to their functionality, are quite capable of contributing to Russian enterprises in terms of increasing the level of automation of business processes. What are distinctive features such products?


First, a small digression into the subject of the main question. WMS-warehouse management systems are designed to automate and optimize the functions performed by employees of objects of the appropriate purpose in enterprises (or firms whose activities are focused on providing services related to the storage and accounting of goods). In practice, WMS are hardware and software platforms adapted, among other things, to work in distributed warehouse networks. As a rule, the capabilities of these systems include topology management, inventory management, operations planning, logistics, etc. The main goal of implementing a WMS-system for managing a warehouse and enterprises is to increase the turnover of the relevant structural divisions or the main resources of the company.

Features of WMS

WMS system - what is it, a variety of ERP solutions or an independent class of software and hardware products? Most experts agree that it is more fair to speak of the second option. Of course, WMS and ERP have some common points, as well as with CRM and other solutions designed to automate business processes at various levels. For example, ERP systems in general case associated with resource planning. It is clear that a warehouse is also a kind of production resource. And therefore, some experts admit it is possible to consider WMS systems as a highly specialized subspecies of ERP.

However, in practice, typical ERPs do not contain many resources for managing specific warehouses. And therefore they are distinguished by IT specialists, as a rule, in separate category solutions. CRM-systems, in turn, have a significantly greater dissimilarity from WMS - they are focused on the aspect of the relationship of the company with customers. Of course the warehouse is an example structural unit an enterprise that interacts with counterparties quite actively, accepting goods or shipping them. But the tasks in general are somewhat different from those that are typical for CRM - maintaining and expanding client base, increasing sales dynamics, increasing the level of service, etc. Thus, WMS systems are a fairly narrow-profile type of software and hardware products.

Of course, "hybrid" solutions are also possible in the aspect of those that we have listed. In this case, a certain software manufacturer may release a product that will be designed to perform several groups of tasks at once. Example - warehouse management systems SAP WMS, SAP EWM. As a way to save money, as an alternative to installing separate, narrow-profile distributions, implementing such solutions is a viable option. Many enterprises prefer complex software products from one IT brand.

WMS functions

It would be useful to supplement the general description of the warehouse management system that we gave at the beginning of the article, as well as the distinctive features of WMS noted by us with the enumeration key functions similar systems. Of course, depending on the solution from a particular supplier, their range will vary. But, according to experts, most modern WMS systems can do the following:

Manage basic warehouse operations (such as acceptance, inventory, picking, posting, shipment, etc.);

Modeling schemes for packing goods, taking into account their dimensions and transportation conditions;

Maintain document flow (both internal and in terms of interaction with external structures of the company);

Effectively manage labor resources;

Many WMS are equipped with other useful features, such as, for example, the simulation of traffic flows - both within the warehouse, and within the entire enterprise and even beyond.

In some cases, WMS modules can be complemented by solutions designed to manage orders and sales. First of all, WMS is a warehouse. And therefore, its functions in one way or another imply high autonomy of work. software package about the decisions people make.

Benefits of implementing WMS systems

Apart from the intensification of the work of the warehouse, what other advantages are there from the implementation of the systems in question? Of course, much in this aspect depends on the specifics of the enterprise. However, there are some common points here. Let's call them.

First, WMS warehouse management systems usually provide the highest accuracy of information about the number of goods in stock, as well as tools for monitoring values. This is achieved mainly through the synthesis of two mechanisms - address storage and statistics.

Secondly, the obvious advantage that a WMS warehouse management system provides is warehouse automation. That is, employees of the relevant division of the company or the core company spend much less time on the relevant calculations, and therefore work more efficiently.

Thirdly, the systems in question, as a rule, are able to optimize warehouse resources as much as possible, distribute the placement of goods in such a way as to use the available space in the most useful way. Many WMSs are able to model the placement of objects and calculate the optimal placement based on their height, width, length, weight, and so on.

If a person, as a rule, places goods based on approximate calculations, then WMS systems use highly accurate "formulas" in this process.

Fourthly, many WMS allow you to cut down on warehouse equipment. The systems calculate the optimal routes of the corresponding machines involved in the loading and distribution of goods, distribute the load on each type of aggregate. As a result, depreciation costs are reduced, fuel and electricity are saved.

Typical Tasks

What kind of typical tasks are solved by WMS warehouse management systems? Experts call the following:

Operative (often in real time) informing about the operations performed in the warehouse;

Optimization of the use of warehouse space and other resources;

Raise economic efficiency resource utilization (for example, allocation of unused space that can be rented out);

Selection of the optimal areas of the premises, based on the properties of a particular product (sensitivity to humidity, temperature, dimensions, etc.);

Statistics, archiving data, fixing and documenting information for accounting;

Tracking the correctness of the information in circulation among the warehouse personnel and the structures of the enterprise interacting with it;

Organization of the work of a team of employees through software and hardware solutions;

This, of course, is not an exhaustive list of tasks that the corresponding systems solve. There are WMS, concentrated on some separate directions. For example, it often happens that the main area within which the WMS warehouse management system operates is Or, alternatively, accounting. However, almost always WMS provides at least minimal means in terms of functionality for solving each of the above tasks, even if the purpose of the system is supposed to be narrow.

Areas of use

Which business sectors can use warehouse management information systems? The range of areas where WMS is used is very wide. This can be trade - both wholesale and retail: WMS will be especially useful for warehouses remote from the main points of sale, or distributed. This may be the provision of warehouse services in the form of outsourcing (just the option when the corresponding profile of activity is the main one for the company). WMS is very productive when used in enterprises Food Industry, factories producing electronics, clothing, household chemicals and other consumer goods.

When does a WMS system become necessary?

A reasonable question arises: how to determine that a company needs a WMS system? Such solutions are quite expensive. For example, a 1C WMS warehouse management system in some versions can cost several hundred thousand rubles. As a rule, the expediency in the implementation of such solutions arises in medium and large retail chains, in the production warehouses of large factories, from which goods are shipped for distribution.

Some experts divide consumers of WMS solutions into two main categories - these are users of logistics services and providers of corresponding services. The former include businesses whose activity is to sell goods of their own or third-party production. in this case is of an auxiliary nature. In turn, service providers are firms whose activities, due to their main profile, are focused on logistics. The main services they provide are responsible storage, as well as warehouse processing.

Main consumers of WMS solutions

Consumers of WMS-solutions of the first category, as a rule, feel the need to implement appropriate systems as warehouse space and the scale of the business as a whole grow. If we talk about specific figures, then a company that is a consumer of logistics services usually serves 300 or more nomenclature items, the area of ​​​​the warehouses it has is 2000 square meters. m or more, the dynamics of turnover of goods - 30 days or more. Of course, in some cases it is possible to transfer the management of warehouse issues to outsourcing. In this case, the company does not need to take into account many of the costs that are typical for such a process as the implementation of a WMS warehouse management system - employee training, for example. However, the specifics of many businesses may not be conducive to outsourcing the relevant functions. This may be due, for example, to a trade secret or the specifics of the products sold by the factory.

The main factors that can become an incentive for the implementation of a WMS system are the occurrence of practical difficulties in paper (or semi-automatic - using Excel tables, etc.) document flow and managing a team of specialists, moving a warehouse to a more complex architecture and a large area . There are firms whose management, in principle, may not know about such solutions as a WMS system, what it is. Seeing a presentation of such a software and hardware product and realizing that this is what they need, top managers of an enterprise or organization may immediately want to implement it in their organization.

Systems architecture

We explored how useful a WMS warehouse management system can be. The implementation of a WMS program, as we found out, is a process that is largely predetermined by objective factors - business growth, an increase in the area of ​​​​warehouses, etc. The next aspect of learning WMS that is useful to understand is the architecture of these systems. What might be included in the relevant decisions? As a rule, a three-level principle is observed here.

Regarding the first level, we can say that the user interface functions on it, that is, the application window on the monitor screen, in which the warehouse employee performs basic operations, enters and changes data, interacts with other specialists, and receives the results of automatic calculations of warehouse operations.

The main server of the system operates at the second level, where data is stored and processed. In modern modifications of WMS, it is usually cloudy. The server, receiving commands from the first level, makes the appropriate entries in the database, managed according to a special algorithm.

The third level involves the use of program code that builds the so-called "business logic" of the system. Here, the data received from the server is processed and returned in the form of the desired algorithm, which is ultimately displayed on the first level.

Main types of WMS

What are the main criteria for classifying WMS, apart from their functionality? Experts identify the following common types of systems.

Firstly, these are entry-level WMSs designed to manage warehouses of small firms and stores that do not have a very diverse range of goods.

Secondly, these are the so-called "boxed" platforms for managing warehouses of medium and large area (up to 10,000 sq.m.) and a variety of nomenclature, but in which the dynamics of trade turnover is relatively low.

Thirdly, these are the so-called "adaptable" platforms. They are used big businesses, whose main profile is logistics, as well as distribution centers.

Fourth, these are "configurable" platforms. They are designed to manage warehouses with a large area, a variety of nomenclature and high turnover dynamics.

The automated warehouse management system 1C or on any other platform (English Warehouse Management System, WMS, BMS) provides operational management of warehouse business processes, such as topology, product range, control of warehouse operations to increase the turnover of warehouse resources. Automated accounting of goods in the warehouse solves the organizational and technological problems of warehouse management.

Goals of WMS

In what areas is the WMS system applicable?

Automated warehouse storage systems are being implemented by wholesale and retail companies, including distributed points, 3PL operators, production and distribution of FMCG and fashion goods.

Under what conditions is it necessary to implement a WMS warehouse management system

WMS warehouse management systems 1C or on another platform become necessary when a business grows and scales. Usually it is more than 250 unique SKUs and more than 1500 sq. m. warehouse space, and the turnover of more than 25 days. Also, the warehouse can move and expand.

According to what principles does the automated warehouse management system WMS work?

Upon acceptance, the goods are marked with bar codes and the automated warehouse accounting system WMS controls the goods by bar codes, cells. Also, upon acceptance, storage conditions are taken into account, such as temperature, humidity, expiration date, manufacturer, expiration date, supplier, compatibility with other goods. Storage locations are allocated automatically.

Automatic receipt of individual commands to warehouse workers with the ability to control the execution of the task, resource billing and methods for resolving problem situations.

The position of analytics by the availability, location of goods online.

Key functions of WMS systems

The warehouse automation system performs the following functions:

  • Acceptance, shipment, inventory, packaging, posting of goods
  • Packing, taking into account the weight and size characteristics
  • Document management
  • Warehouse personnel control

Tasks that are solved when automating warehouse accounting:

  • Quick acceptance and posting of goods (also for safekeeping), checking compliance with the order.
  • Warehousing is automatic, taking into account the use of storage space.
  • Grouping orders, batch accounting.
  • Cross-docking.
  • Replenishment orders (pieces/boxes/pallets/partial pallets) are generated automatically.
  • Variable order picking.
  • Shipment, taking into account the sequence of delivery, labeling, documentary support.
  • Goods condition control, inventory, support various methods warehouse accounting.
  • Monitoring the work of warehouse workers, billing resources.
  • Optimize storage, the need to understand where the cell is located.

What are naval warehouse management systems (classification)

Navy warehouse management systems are a separate and independent class of software solutions, but interconnected with accounting ERP.

  • Entry-level WMS for keeping records of a small warehouse with a small assortment.
  • Boxed WMS for warehouses with a small turnover.
  • An adaptable, customizable and configurable system such as ABM WMS for distribution centers, warehouses with a large assortment and turnover.

Warehouse automation system to save costs. What will you get by implementing a WMS system in a warehouse

Warehouse automation system saves up to 13% of storage costs. The specifics of implementing a WMS system depends on the type of company's activity, but there are general aspects, such as:

Algorithm for building a WMS system

1st level - user interface. A window where an employee can enter and change data.

2nd level - a cloud server where data is stored and processed, commands are received from the 1st level and records are made to the database according to the algorithm.

3rd level, as a business algorithm, to process data from the server and output it as an algorithm to the 1st level.

We are ready to evaluate the efficiency and return on investment from the implementation of a WMS warehouse management system with you!

Warehouse management system - a program that controls all operations that are carried out in the storage process. The abbreviation WMS originated from the English name "Warehouse Management System". There are hundreds of varieties of WMS systems.

When using WMS, the computer automatically selects the best place for placing products, determines the optimal path for the cargo and the procedure. He also gives orders to the staff. Any manipulation (put an object on a shelf, take it, count objects, etc.) is performed by a separate command.

A characteristic feature of most WMS programs is that all actions are recorded in real time. Warehouse workers report after each completed operation. Information is instantly sent to the main server.

WMS architecture

Typically, the architecture of the program is built according to a three-level scheme.

First level: interface

At this level is what the user sees - the client application. Through it, the warehouse worker interacts with the machine: enters data, sends requests, receives reports. The application can be installed on a computer, smartphone and other devices.

Second level: server

"Hidden" level. This is a database server, where all the information is stored. An ordinary user can access it only through a client application. Often used "cloud" (virtual) server.

Third level: business logic

It is also called "processes" or "tasks". It is here that information is processed according to certain algorithms, transmitted from the user to the server and vice versa. The physical embodiment of this level is the program code.

The feasibility of implementing control systems

Installing a WMS system is a costly business. It's not enough to just buy the software. It is necessary to adapt the system to a specific warehouse, taking into account all the features of goods and premises. It is necessary to install special equipment, modernize the labeling system, and revise the schemes of trade. Staff will also need to be retrained. The implementation process can take a couple of years.

But the effort pays off: automatic system management allows you to significantly speed up work, increase turnover, reduce costs.

The main advantages of using WMS:

  • the warehouse is actively managed (the computer takes into account analytical data and makes forecasts)
  • you can instantly get accurate information about any product
  • significantly accelerates the search and selection of products
  • the terms of storage and sale of goods are carefully controlled
  • cargo handling processes are simplified (sorting, inventory, etc.)
  • thanks to accurate calculations, the premises are used as efficiently as possible
  • equipment maintenance costs are reduced (the program chooses the shortest paths for loaders)
  • improving the quality of staff

There are warehouses where it makes no sense to implement WMS. For example, filled with the same product - there is practically nothing to optimize. At a small facility where only 1-2 people work, there is no need to transfer control to a computer either.

Program functions

When properly configured, WMS systems are able to manage almost all processes occurring in the warehouse. But what exactly do they do? Let's list the main tasks.

At the stage of creating an order:

  • order grouping (orders are classified and then processed and sent in groups)
  • setting up the possibility of identifying goods by packaging
  • separation and consolidation of production batches

At the time of receiving the goods:

  • cargo identification (even if information about it was not received in advance)
  • fixing the arrival of products in real time
  • bar coding
  • acceptance of goods for safekeeping
  • reconciliation and correction of product information

If acceptance and loading occur at the same time:

  • redistribution of products for subsequent shipment to the customer
  • transit

When warehousing:

  • automation of the warehousing process
  • development of product placement rules
  • formation of warehousing tasks
  • creation of cells according to calculated parameters
  • determination of a specific place for each product
  • preparation for placement of bulk products received from different contractors
  • formulating rules for joint warehousing
  • handling of dangerous goods, creation of a control system

At the order picking stage:

  • object recognition using radio terminals and bar codes
  • formation of batches of products
  • control of stacking goods on a pallet (taking into account weight, shape and other ergonomic properties)
  • placement of products on the conveyor belt
  • selection of goods (units, containers, pallets)
  • opportunity to use different kinds assemblies (group, discrete, combined)
  • automatic delivery of voice commands to personnel
  • goods packaging management
  • order personalization
  • appropriation of goods identification numbers for further tracking

When loading

  • automatic creation of loading schedule (prioritization)
  • loading process control (radio terminals are used)
  • grouping and distribution of goods for sequential delivery
  • carrier definition
  • preparation of accompanying acts
  • marking of conformity
  • check sending status

During storage

  • providing information about all products in real time
  • the ability to search for an object by serial number, bar code, batch or container number, name of the owner of the cargo
  • inventory control
  • keeping track of shelf life and sales
  • development of replenishment strategies
  • support for various forms of replenishment of reserves (pieces, containers, pallets)
  • creation and submission of requisitions for replenishment of stocks
  • goods inventory
  • handling weight products
  • creation flexible system moving, regrouping, re-sending cargo
  • inventory consolidation
  • ensuring the most efficient use of space
  • release of goods according to FIFO, LIFO, FEFO, FPFO, BBD methods
  • checking warehouse equipment, sending signals about scheduled maintenance or refueling

When managing employees

  • formation, sending and tracking tasks for staff
  • working time control
  • creating reports on the use of human resources
  • definition of work standards, calculation of expected labor productivity

WMS Implementation Process

Automation of each warehouse is carried out according to an individual scenario. The procedure depends on the initial state of the object and the set of desired functions. But there is a certain general algorithm: despite the variety of WMS programs, they work on the same principle.

First of all, the space is divided into zones. Each procedure (loading, shipment, processing, storage) has its own section of the warehouse. This allows you to streamline the actions of staff and delimit responsibilities.

Then all information about the warehouse is entered into the program: physical parameters of the premises, characteristics of loading equipment and other equipment, instructions for operating mechanisms. Subsequently, this information will help to find the best ways for loaders so that they do not work “idle”. Also, the control system will automatically select the technique best suited for a given purpose.

Recorded in the database and product characteristics. Described the necessary conditions storage (temperature, humidity, co-location rules), expiration and sale dates, names of the supplier and customer are indicated. Based on this data, WMS determines the best place to place the cargo.

Warehouse workers are given radio terminals. These are special portable computers that support input and output functions. The entered information is transmitted to the main server via a radio channel. In response, the central computer sends personal commands to the worker. All tasks are divided into elementary phased actions.

Information is entered automatically. Upon arrival, goods are marked, most often with bar codes. The system can print labels with its own code or use an existing factory label. During the receipt of the goods, the radio terminal reads the barcode, and that information is recorded in the database. The same goes for the inventory process.

After completing each action, the employee scans the barcode again. This allows the system to fully control warehouse operations and minimize the human factor.

Information about all cargoes is updated instantly. Often WMS-systems support the function of graphical monitoring: all processes occurring in the warehouse are reproduced in the form of two-dimensional models.

Types of WMS systems

There are many versions of WMS programs, both foreign and domestic. Products of fifty manufacturers are widely used in Russian warehouses. In addition, there is a high percentage of “nameless” systems written by employees of the company itself.

There are two ways to systematize WMS. The first way is by the level of functionality. Here the systems can be divided into traditional (designed for a single sales channel) and multi-channel (with several distribution channels).

The second way to classify is to modify and adapt whenever possible.

Warehouse management systems are:

  • entry level

With a limited set of functions, designed for small companies with a modest range of products. The amount of processed information is limited.

  • Boxed

For warehouses up to 10 thousand m 2 , with a small turnover. The nomenclature can be quite diverse.

  • adaptable

They are used in logistics companies, distribution centers, as well as in large warehouses (from 5 thousand m 2). Initially configured for the needs of a particular enterprise.

  • Configurable

Programs with the maximum possible set of functions can be significantly modified during operation. They are created for large warehouse complexes with a high turnover and a diverse range of products.

WMS of the first and second types can be ready-to-install products created on the basis of ERP systems. Adaptable and configurable systems are usually made to order.

The competitiveness of a business directly depends on the level of its automation. With insufficiently automated accounting of goods, storage, inventory and other warehouse business processes, management efficiency is lost. At the same time, the more processes a computer controls, the more time is freed up for specialists to solve problems. The introduction of WMS helps to increase the productivity of the warehouse.


The abbreviation WMS, which stands for Warehouse Management System, is understood as a warehouse management system that provides complex automation the entire warehouse. This system is a program with capabilities such as managing warehouse operations, logistics, topology, inventory control, operations planning and other warehouse processes. The main goal of implementing the program is to reduce the cost of resources for management and increase the transparency of warehouse operations.

WMS functions

The Warehouse Management Systems presented on the market may have different functionality, as they are oriented to different industries. However, there are functions that most WMS solutions perform:

  • management of acceptance, picking, shipment and other basic warehouse operations;
  • calculation of options for shipping units and packaging of goods, taking into account their size and conditions of transportation;
  • automated document management;
  • workforce management.

Many programs also have features such as modeling flows within the warehouse and the entire enterprise. The main advantage of a specific WMS warehouse automation system is that it supports flexible configuration for the specifics of a particular business or not.

What gives the implementation of WMS?

The benefits that a particular warehouse receives as a result of the implementation of WMS depend on the characteristics of the warehouse complex. Nevertheless, such programs have common indicators of improving the efficiency of the warehouse:

  1. Are streamlined technological processes work with the main objects of logistics - material flows. Due to automated mechanisms of address storage, the system provides high (99.9%) accuracy of information on the number of goods and their placement.
  2. The productivity of the warehouse increases, the turnover increases and accelerates. The system optimizes the operation of warehouse space, expands capacity by 5-25% by automatically determining a competent cargo placement strategy. Many solutions are able to simulate the location of cargo units: WMS calculates their placement, taking into account the dimensions, as rationally as possible.
  3. Reduced warehouse operations time. Through the use of the program, the productivity of employees increases by 20-30%. Automation minimizes unforeseen situations and helps the employee to solve them.
  4. Operating costs are reduced as loading machinery and equipment are managed more efficiently. The system makes decisions about optimal routes for loading and distributing goods machines, evenly dividing the load on each.

Application areas of WMS solutions

automated Information system management WMS warehouse used in a wide range business sectors. Such a solution is effective in trade, including networks with remote warehouses, in the provision of warehouse services in the form of outsourcing, 3PL, FMCG manufacturers and any other production. Programs of the WMS category are also used to automate enterprises specializing in the production of food products, consumer goods, and industrial goods. WMS automation and optimization systems are productive in managing a warehouse in archival storage, in any kind of activity related to the receipt, accounting, and placement of large amounts of storage. In general, the introduction of an enterprise accounting system (WMS) is advisable in all areas where storage, accounting and movement of storage units is necessary.

What tasks does the program solve?

Typical tasks that Warehouse Management System solves include the following:

  • prompt informing about operations carried out at the warehouse;
  • management of warehouse space structure;
  • automation and optimization of management procedures for receiving, storing, processing goods;
  • automated statistics, storage of data on the movement of goods and materials in the warehouse for accounting;
  • automatic tracking of the correctness of accounting for data on the number and range of storage units;
  • organization and management of personnel and warehouse work using software and hardware solutions.

How to choose a program?

Different vendors offer different WMS programs, so choosing a warehouse management system for a particular business should take into account the following criteria:

  • solution functionality level;
  • qualification of experts;
  • experience in implementing the program in your or related industries;
  • flexibility of post-project support.

The choice of program depends on what functions a particular business needs. Large warehouses need more functional systems, small ones need solutions with minimal functions.

The effectiveness of the implementation of an automation system is affected not only by the solution itself, but also by the ability of the experts implementing the program to delve into the essence of the business processes of the enterprise and connect the functions of the system with real activities.