Business Consultant. How does a business development consultant work? Business consultant for small and medium businesses - it's very interesting

  • 15.03.2021

Hello dear friends!

In today's article, I will tell you how a business development consultant works.

And to begin with, I will remind you who this consultant is.

A business development consultant is a business consultant, a business coach who provides a business for its more streamlined and profitable work.

Believe that your business, although now, in your opinion, is working normally, can bring you much more profit if a business consultant, having applied, implemented and implemented a specific consulting project in your business, sets up all your business processes, and introduces the necessary measurements key indicators and reporting.

Friends, respected businessmen, invite a business consultant to your place to analyze your business in terms of increasing profits, sales and setting up business processes.

Having made an analysis, a business development consultant will identify problems and weaknesses in your business, give specific practical advice to quickly correct deficiencies and tell you what needs to be done to make your business run like clockwork and bring much more profit.

Knowing your busyness and lack of free time, you do not have to personally meet with a business consultant, this can also be done by phone, skype or e-mail.

You can contact me right now and get a practical one, and based on its results, decide for yourself whether you need a business consultant in the future, or you will continue to lose your profit every day and spin around in business like a squirrel in a wheel.

So how does a business development consultant work? Let me summarize all the points:

Analyzes your business. A business consultant simply talks with you for a certain time, asks questions and identifies problems in your business.

Coordinates a consulting project. If you understand that consulting, consulting services are necessary, then together with the consultant you agree on a consulting project and sign an agreement.

Project implementation. Implementing and implementing a consulting project, we solve business problems and tasks set in business, we achieve our goals and measure the results.

Here's how it all goes in a nutshell, and there's nothing to worry about.

I wish you and your business health and prosperity!

Sincerely, Sergey Zabolotny (business consultant)

What is business consulting? How can you improve your business with coaching? Where to order the services of a consultant to assess the state of the business?

The popular online magazine "HeaterBober" welcomes its readers! The duty author and part-time editor of the publication Denis Kuderin is in touch.

I'll start with a statement that does not require proof: successful business is a constant increase in profits, the capture of new markets and the eternal movement forward - towards progress and perfection. Not every businessman can achieve this. There are many reasons - competition, economic instability, unreliable partners, unprofessional performers, inflation, entropy, fools and roads.

But there is a great way, if not to eliminate all these factors, then to minimize the damage they cause. You just need to seek help from knowledgeable people, or rather, order business consulting from a reputable and competent company. We will talk about what business consulting is, what it is served and eaten with.

So let's get started!

1. What is business consulting and why is it needed

Any operating business is a living organism. And like any organism, it goes through the stages of birth, maturation, formation and maturity. At any of the listed stages, failures and errors are possible - let's call them diseases.

Diseases are short-term and long-term, dangerous and not very dangerous. Other entrepreneurs self-medicate their business or use traditional medicine. Sometimes this temporarily eliminates the symptoms, but does not cure the disease itself. These methods are ineffective.

Another thing is occupational therapy. - this is a qualified doctor who heals the business in accordance with all the rules. First, he conducts laboratory tests and diagnostic tests, then determines the disease, and only then prescribes a course of treatment.

The methods used by specialists are strictly scientific and tested in practice. In addition to treating a business, consultants are engaged in its prevention in order to prevent relapses.

The scientific definition of consulting is as follows:

is advising managers, management staff and other employees of the company on issues of economic, administrative, financial, legal and production activities.

Changes in modern business occur rapidly and continuously. Technologies are improving, new sales markets are emerging, and customer needs are growing. If the enterprise does not change tactics and strategy in time in accordance with the conditions, this will cause stagnation and regression. In other words, competitors will bypass you, as a racer bypasses an opponent on a turn.

Consulting is an intellectual activity with practical benefits. Professional counseling consists of identifying the problem, analyzing it, developing a “rescue plan” and putting it into practice.

A competent consultant does not leave the client until the problem is solved. Good consultants are expensive, but they almost always pay off. Increasing profits, accelerating manufacturing process making work easier and more fun.

Each consulting firm has its own tools and methods of work. For example, such a method of counseling as coaching is popular and in demand.

The peculiarity of this technique is that the coach (trainer) does not give the client ready-made instructions and recommendations. He asks the right questions, puts him in such conditions that the client himself finds a way to solve the problem assigned to him. Thus, personal and business qualities student.

Examples of tasks that business consulting solves:

  • development of an effective business plan;
  • assistance in investment decisions ();
  • complete revision of business processes;
  • creation marketing plan and implementation of new sales strategies;
  • strengthening the management apparatus of the company;
  • learning new technologies.

A professional consultant is able to solve a problem in a minimally costly way in a few days, over which the director of the company and his closest assistants have been fighting for months. And this is not because the consultant is too smart, but because he looks at the situation from a different angle and has already encountered a similar problem in his practice.

2. What services does business consulting include - 5 main services

The main task of business consulting is to increase the efficiency of the company. The means to achieve the goal depend on the situation. In one case, it is required to radically change the approach to resources at the enterprise, in the other - to establish interaction with customers, in the third - to modify the management structure.

Consider the main services that professional business consulting includes.

Service 1. Business valuation

This is the main activity of consultants. Specialists analyze and evaluate the work of the company, explore sales markets, determine the reasons for the decline in income, and identify areas that need to be strengthened.

The result of this work is a detailed list of recommendations for improving productivity, modernizing and developing the company. Consultants put the enterprise in perfect order: after their visit, business mechanisms begin to work in a new mode - more efficiently, economically and measuredly.

A separate area of ​​consulting -.

Service 2. Preparing a business improvement plan

Based on the analysis, the consultants develop a step-by-step plan to improve the company's performance and increase profits. The plan takes into account the economic and financial capabilities of the enterprise, human resources.

No self-respecting adviser will be guided only by experience or intuition: all the conclusions of experts are justified and supported by evidence.

Service 3. Create a marketing plan

Not all firms have full-time marketing specialists - it is not always profitable to maintain such an employee. At the same time, every businessman is aware that the successful promotion of products to the market is the main engine of trade.

". In comments from readers, a request was made to tell in more detail who a business consultant is in small and medium-sized businesses, what tasks this person performs, what knowledge he should have, and when he is needed. And today I am fulfilling my promise to the readers then. So let's get started.

Who is a business consultant?

I will not give dry definitions here, I think they are of no interest to anyone. A business consultant is the same person who is invited from outside to help find a solution to some problems. It is also obvious that looking from the “outside” very often helps to reveal what you would never find as an employee of the company.

I want to talk to you exclusively about business consultants who work with small and medium-sized businesses, because. with enterprises with approximately 5 to 70 employees. This work is in many ways different from what the specialists who are involved in such cases by large companies do. And, just, with these nuances it makes sense to understand.

So, what are the features of small and medium-sized businesses?

  1. The structure of the business is quite simple. Usually there is no need for complex logistics or analytics. Management is carried out by a small number of people. Many other structures are also missing, without which it is impossible to imagine the management of a large company.
  2. Small business does not have sufficient financial resources in order to involve a whole staff of different specialists in the work.
It is these two reasons - lack of need and cost savings - that have led to the fact that for small and medium-sized businesses, the services of a generalist consultant are the best solution.

I remind you that a generalist consultant (as opposed to a specialist consultant) is a person who is able to assess the business as a whole, outline general trends, see prospects and opportunities for improving the situation. Usually the situation is outside the scope of one process and/or function.

Of course, not everything is so simple. Understanding what is happening in business and finding the causes of "illness" is only half the battle. The decision must be specific, like a prescription from a doctor. Therefore, along with a general understanding of business processes, the consultant must have many related knowledge and skills. So, today it is impossible to imagine running a business without the use of software. Therefore, a business consultant must be oriented in the IT field, have knowledge of what solutions exist, what can be implemented on order, be able to set a task for a programmer, etc.

Why do you need a business consultant?

When dealing with new clients, I constantly have to answer this question. It is also often asked by my former colleagues from the IT field and employees of various companies.

It would seem true:

  • The structure of a small enterprise is quite simple.
  • To see the work “as a whole” can and even should be able to be a manager.
  • The "weak link" is not difficult to find, often even clerks understand which department "slows down" the work.
  • For automation, you can directly contact the programmer.
All this is, of course, true. That's how it should work small company. But the reality is somewhat different from any business scheme, and it usually differs for the worse. As a result, the company works for some time, current problems are solved as they arise more or less successfully. And then comes the crisis. And then the business consultant is called.

What does a business consultant see most often?

  • « The “bottleneck” of a business very often turns out to be something completely different from what the client was talking about.
    For example, you can be 100% sure that your company cannot increase turnover due to a slow warehouse. You buy computers and some kind of software to automate work. Hire more movers and storekeepers so that they collect orders faster. At the same time, the real problem lies in the ill-conceived work of the delivery department. It is enough to optimize transport routes, learn how to transfer documents to the warehouse in the correct order, and throughput this warehouse will grow without any other investments.
  • To solve the problem that arises, a complex and erroneous path is chosen.
    As you know, you learn from your mistakes. But is it worth learning exclusively from your own? A business consultant is essentially a crisis manager. He is called when the company is facing certain problems. The consultant analyzes the business, understands the prerequisites that led to the current situation. He sees many different erroneous decisions, as well as their consequences in practice. And, of course, he will not repeat such mistakes in his work. That is why the help of a business consultant very often saves the business from the “rake dance”, which your competitors have already visited.
  • When automating work, preference is given to far from the best tool.
    Most often, a business executive and a programmer speak “different languages”. As a result, the programmer either works without those tasks at all, i.e. compiles it for himself on the basis of what he himself guessed in a conversation with the client, or receives a technical specification, which actually forces him to do not quite what the client really needs. Moreover, any IT specialist, without exception, is limited in choosing a solution by his specialty. So, a 1C specialist will habitually modify one of the 1C configurations for the task at hand, at a time when an Excel spreadsheet or a separate program for sending mail may be enough to solve the problem.
So, a business consultant is the very person who will be able to competently diagnose the problems that have arisen in your business. He is used to looking not only at obvious symptoms, but analyzes the entire business process. After that, the business consultant will prescribe the right “treatment” for you. He has practical experience, there is knowledge and understanding of the mistakes of your colleagues, there are different solutions that have been tested in practice.

The business consultant must be an IT consultant

If a business consultant works with small and medium businesses, he must also be an IT consultant. Modern business processes cannot be imagined without automation. Many enterprises need new products, methods, and, as a result, programs. The introduction of some new process without software support is not realistic. And you need to be able to choose the optimal solution, as well as explain to the client why such a software product. fit better Total. In addition, it is very important to understand how it will interact with other programs and processes in the enterprise. For small business it is best if one person chooses the tactics and strategy of the business, as well as software support for new business processes.

At the same time, a business consultant cannot be tied to any one software product. Unlike a programmer, he must choose the optimal solution each time, without "getting hung up" on some familiar tools. A business consultant does not care whether the work of new processes will be built using 1C, some specially designed applications or standard Microsoft Office tools. He knows well what the modern IT market can offer, knows how to clearly set a task for a programmer, and always chooses the solution that is best suited for automating business processes in a particular case.

Turnkey work and other nuances

Highly important point for small business. The consultant will help to realize all your ideas and suggestions:
  • Prepare and help implement any personnel changes, operating mode changes, etc.
  • Prepare and implement new software solutions. All the nuances - from the choice of the program and ending with the search for a specialist and implementation - the consultant takes over.
  • In the process of solving the problem, if necessary, he will work out some nuances separately, including attracting experts of an advising profile to this.
  • Train staff in new ways of working.
Most often, a business consultant works with one enterprise for no more than 1.5 years. During this period, all assigned tasks are fully resolved. And when new business solutions begin to work in a regular mode, the company's employees themselves can continue to work in the right direction without help and prompts, the work of a business consultant with a specific enterprise is completed. As my practice shows, until the next difficult task.

Separately, I would like to say about one more function of a business consultant. This is the "lightning rod" function. Personally, I have not once encountered such a situation. The head of the company, even without my help, knew that the company needed change. Moreover, I understood in many respects which ones. But he also understood that these changes would lead to unpleasant personnel decisions for some of the staff. The team is friendly and hardworking. If you start introducing some innovations, they may be offended and leave, including those specialists whom you don’t want to lose at all. What is the result? Reforms are shelved for fear of making things worse

What happens when a business consultant shows up? He is a stranger, and it is he who is responsible for all unpopular decisions. Everything is simple and clear. The company has certain problems. The manager hired a specialist who then proceeds as he sees fit to solve the task. And all the negativity from the team is directed precisely at the consultant.

It would seem that these are all trifles. But it is precisely such “little things” that very often help in a small company to maintain both employees and normal relations in the team, and to carry out all changes as painlessly as possible. The consultant is not afraid of this negative. He worked and left. Yes, and he is paid money just for the implementation of changes, so the reaction is familiar, it does not cause any emotions, and the leader has one less problem, and an important problem.

How did I come to this?

The question of how I came to this profession, which is so rare for our country, is also asked to me quite often. Yes, and to understand the specifics of the work, it will not be superfluous to talk about it. Maybe even some of you would like to become my colleague. And here I hope that my way, my mistakes and achievements can be useful.

Incidentally, today Russian market business consultants for small and medium-sized businesses are in great need. This niche is still very poorly filled. And the work is incredibly interesting, and not only financially. I personally will always be happy to help any of you become my colleague, I will prompt and good literature and I will answer questions. Who needs it - write, I will be glad. And I will immediately recommend a book that I myself consider a desktop: « Management consulting. Introduction to the profession Edited by Milan Kubra .

So, I lived in Ufa, was engaged in business, was actually the deputy director of a fairly solid company. We sold auto parts, then it was profitable. It would seem, what else is needed? I had a very decent income, had a car with a personal driver, a quiet job and a “solid” 100 kg with some tendency to further increase in body weight. Here is such a classic "boss".

I know that, unfortunately, for most of the Russians, such a course of action is the ultimate dream. Too many of us are “sharpened” solely for profit. As a result, in our country there are even too many more or less successful sellers, while there is a clear lack of artisans, professionals who know and love their job.

Personally, when they say the word “craftsman” to me, I remember the German blacksmiths of past centuries, who for generations honed their skills, forged armor, swords, utensils. They weren't good sellers. They were specialists who knew and loved their job. And for that they were highly regarded.

What do I want to tell you? If you are a seller, if you think that profit is first of all, then you will most likely not be interested in reading further. But if you, like me, think that it is much more interesting not just to sell, but to create some value yourself, to be a specialist, then you and I are on the same path.

So, I am a rather active person, my well-established comfortable existence was not enough for me, I wanted something interesting. I read about business consultants, watched interviews with Western business representatives who managed to open branches in our country and become successful precisely with the help of such specialists, and I understood that I can do that too. Moreover, I want to do it. As a result, I gave up everything and moved to Moscow.

1C specialist or my training

Personally, I chose the path closest to me to study various business processes in practice. He graduated from the courses, received a certificate and became a 1C specialist. As you know, 1C programmers constantly work with business processes, with accounting, warehouse, trade, and other types of accounting. Therefore, in the process of working with the 1C program, it is very easy to study the features of a particular company.

The first company where I got a job was a company selling various pet products (pet food, cages, toys, other accessories). The company was actively developing, and even then it had an extensive network of stores. Somehow, in my presence, a dispute about pricing broke out. I already knew how everything works here, and therefore I took the risk of making my proposal - one of the options for a single pricing for all stores. At first, the reaction of the leadership even offended me. They told me: “Are you a programmer? Mind your own business". But then I realized they were right.

And then I made an important conclusion for myself: If you want to be seen as a business consultant, you must introduce yourself as a business consultant. Otherwise, you and your ideas will never be taken seriously. Businesses are run by people, and people tend to think in stereotypes.

Then I got a job as a project manager. Then he worked in several other positions. So I worked with 1C until 2008, before the crisis. By this point, I already had some ideas and developments, plus I had been working as a freelancer on various projects for about a year.

So, 2008. A crisis. I come to one enterprise, the owner of which is going to implement 1C Production Management. At the same time, I see that he himself doubts his choice and even whether he should implement this program. And then I suggested to start with a description of business processes. It turned out that the management could not understand what was happening in their company, and therefore I turned out to be very useful with my proposal. It should be noted that if not for the crisis, they would hardly have agreed to trust and try to change their company so radically. This project lasted more than two years and gave me experience and convinced me even more that I am going to the right way.

This is how I figured out what I need to do to start a career as a business consultant. . Many people have problems in business. I need to come to people, tell them what I can, I need to offer my services. They are really in high demand.

Today I have about 35-45 in my asset finished projects. Each project means new people, industry, new achievements, new ideas. I've worked with a clothing factory, smoothie and juice makers, cosmetics sales, auto parts, storage equipment sales, beauty salons, etc.

I have seen a lot of mistakes in business. After all, I, a business consultant, like a doctor, are most often called when the “disease” becomes apparent, and “self-treatment” does not help. That is why I saw a lot of the most diverse solutions, moreover, in practice. And I can immediately cut off erroneous ideas and choose the optimal “medicine” for a particular situation.

I am constantly learning, and not only in practice. If in our country business consulting for small and medium-sized businesses is very poorly developed, then in the West this specialty is very popular, there are many textbooks, interesting articles, there are some methods and even standards of the profession.

Each project is a complex and exciting task. Despite all the knowledge and skills, I do not and cannot have ready-made solutions"on the knee". Every time I have to study all the nuances of the business, starting from general trends and ending with the work schedule of employees, the system of rewards and punishments, the features of the transport accessibility of the office, warehouse, production, etc. etc. And only after understanding all the nuances of the company's work, I have the opportunity to identify a real problem and offer options for solving it.

A business consultant is not a job for the lazy. I will not talk about how much effort and time it takes to sell my services. On the one hand, they are in great demand, there is a real shortage of business consultants for small and medium-sized businesses. On the other hand, many businessmen do not understand how a business consultant can help them; they have to spend a lot of effort explaining what I am writing about here and now. But these are trifles compared to how much effort will have to be invested in the process of work itself. You have to constantly learn. First, you need to study the nuances of a particular industry, and even a particular enterprise. Secondly It is not enough to identify the problem, you need to solve it. And this is to think over and implement a software solution, to control the work of employees who, most likely, will sabotage your proposals at first, since the new is always perceived with difficulty. It is necessary to train personnel in new methods of work, constantly monitor the quality of this work and the effectiveness of the chosen solution, and much, much more.

Business consultant for small and medium businesses - it's very interesting!

Unfortunately, today in Russia small and medium business develops very slowly. One of the important reasons for this sad state of affairs is the lack of sufficient experience and knowledge of business processes among entrepreneurs. Business develops, in fact, by trial and error. While in the West, businessmen actively use the services of business consultants, thanks to which they avoid many "pitfalls" in their work and use their capabilities more efficiently.

I consider it very important that in our country the number of business consultants working with small and medium-sized businesses should also increase. And so that businessmen remember that they always have an assistant. A business consultant does not have any interests and preferences in your business, but is always ready to help in crisis situation, develop a reliable and effective development strategy, or even just give really good advice.

I hope that I managed to convey to you the main thing: why a business consultant is needed in small and medium-sized businesses, what he does and what knowledge he should have. And also how interesting this profession is, and how important it is for the success of Russian business that there are more of us, that people turn to us more often, so that together we learn to work even better!

Not selected Lomonosov Institute of Physics and Technology at IGiP RAS Financial University (former GUMF) AGPS EMERCOM of Russia AGZ EMERCOM of Russia AMI RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation (ANX under the Government of the Russian Federation, RAGS under the President of the Russian Federation) MIGUP (former APU) ATiSO AU Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation AFPS RF AFSB RF AHI im. V. S. Popova AEI AEiU ARBI VA Strategic Missile Forces im. Peter the Great (former VA named after Dzerzhinsky) VIU MO RF VUNTS VVS VVA them. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (former VVIA) VU MO RF (former VPA named after Lenin) VURHBZ WISV (former VU) VAVT Financial University (former VGNA) VGIK VKSH MEDT VTS S. Melkonyan VS GMU VSHPP VSHP VSSO VTU im. Shchepkina TI im. Schukin (former VTU named after Shchukin) VIU GASYS GASK GKA them. Maimonides Gos. IRA them. Pushkin GMPI them. Ippolitova-Ivanova RSAI (formerly GSII) National Research University Higher School of Economics (SU-HSE) GAUGN (former GUGN) GUS GUU GEI GEITI Humanitarian Institute GITR MGPI (now MGPU) DA Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation MOIUP Yurinfor UPS (until 2013) UPSM MOIU (formerly UPSIT) UPS RGIS (VSK) ISU MGIMO RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs IGA IGiMU GUU IGUMO IDK INESNEK IZHLT IITEM IIR IK IKiP IKSI AFSB RF IMBO IMPE im. Griboedov IMTP IMES IMPiPP IME IMEI (world economy and informatization) IPV IPO IPP IRESPiP ISB ISI ISBTISU ISN ISSO INEKBI IEiK IEP INEP IEKP FRAME IEFP IEPiUR IYaiK im. L. Tolstoy LI im. Gorky MATI MHSH MIGMT MIM Link MIEP MNEPU MIEPP at MNEP MSI im. Derzhavin MUM MUI KNOW MTI MAP (international) MGIIT them. Yu.A. Senkevich (formerly MATGR) MAEP MGAVMiB them. K.I. Scriabin (former MBA) MGAVT MGUPI MITHT MGAFK (Mossport Academy) MGAH MGK im. Tchaikovsky MGUTU im. K.G. Razumovsky (formerly MGTA, VZIPP) O. E. Kutafin University (MSUA) First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov (former MMA named after Sechenov) Mirbis RGAU-MSHA named after. Timiryazev MFYuA MAI MARCHI MBI MVVKU (formerly MVI, MVOKU named after the Supreme Council of the RSFSR) MVIREKV MGII MGPU MGPPU MADI MGAU them. Goryachkina MGAHI them. Surikov MGVMI RGGRU (MGRI) them. Ordzhonikidze MGGU MGIU MGADA (MGIDA, MIDA) MGIMO (U) MFA of Russia MGIM im. Schnittke MSTU MIREA NUST MISiS MIEM NRU HSE MIET MGLU (formerly Maurice Thorez MGPIIA) MGMSU them. A. I. Evdokimova Moscow State University of Humanities (formerly MGOPU) named after. M. A. Sholokhov MGOU im. Chernomyrdin MGSU NRU (MGSU-MISI) TI MGUDT (formerly MGTU named after Kosygin) MGTUGA MGTU named after. N.E. Bauman University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI) MSTU Stankin MIIGAiK MGUDT MGUIE (formerly MIHM) MGUKI MGUL MGUP im. I. Fedorova (formerly MPI) MGUPP MGUPB MGUP (environmental management) MGUPS (MIIT) RGUTiS (formerly MGUS) MESI MGHPA im. Stroganova MGEI MGI im. Dashkova NRNU MEPhI MIBD MIBUA MIIA MGAKHiS (VZISI) MIMSR MIMB at VAVT MEDT RF MIP MIPP MIGKU MIU (management) MU im. S.Yu. Witte (former MIEMP) MIEPP MKVI branch SPbGUKiT MNUI MOSA (former MOSU) MPGU (former MGPI named after Lenin) MPU MPSU (former MPSI) MRIVSEO MTUCI MTI (transport) MosU Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation MU Turo MIPT (GU) SPbGUP ( MF) SPbIVESEP in Moscow MFEI MGTA (formerly MELI) MEFI NOU MEI NRU MPEI (MEI TU) MAHU in memory of 1905 Leningrad State University. Pushkin in Moscow NIB IPPiP Continent<Евро-Азия> PMUI ITT (Moscow region branch) RAA them. Plevako RAZhVZ RAMiA RAM them. Gnessin RAP (justice) RAP (entrepreneurship) GITIS RGATiZ RGUFKSMiT (GTSOLIFK) RMAPO RMAT (MF) RPA MJ RF RTA REU im. G. V. Plekhanov RGAZU RGGU RGAIS (formerly RGIIS) RNIMU (formerly RGMU) named after. N.I. Pirogov ROAT MIIT (formerly RGOTUPS, VZIIT) RGTEU RGUITP RGUNG them. Gubkin ITLP MSUTU (former RosZITLP) RosNOU RPI St. John the Theologian RUDN RCTU im. Mendeleev RIU USMU (former RUI) SDI SGA SFGA (NOU SGI) UNIK MAO (UNN - Natalia Nesterova) URAO Financial University (FA) under the Government of the Russian Federation School-studio of the Moscow Art Theater NOU SA MITRO RSSU MGOU (regional) MIFKiS MABIU WORLD Moscow State University MFPU Synergy (former MFPA, MMEIIFP) MEPI MGGEI (former MGSGI) MIA MVSHM USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (until 1992) IMDT RAHI MHPI ITiG RUK (formerly MUPC) Moscow State University of Management MGIM IEAU MSEI INES NI VSHU MIMEMO (formerly MIMEO) MIL HSC MoSPI at Moscow State Pedagogical University PSTGU MTI "VTU" (former VTU UNESCO) NIEV AEB Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (former ANP FSNP RF) RIPTIB (IMC) Institute of Business and Design (former InOBO) Collège Universitaire Français de Moscou BHSAD IMSGS NES NID MGLI SEI MINRO UML at the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU NIM BBI OITiR IGTM (formerly IAYA) MIRTSHB MosAP under the Government of Moscow VIA im. Kuibyshev IPK IIM MNI SIYU IOSO RAO MI 21 MAMARMEN IMLI them. Gorky MAOK IMEMO RAS VA BTV GPI PIU AUMP MPI FSB RF (former MVI FPS RF) ASOU MVSHB SSE Russia USNG IEF Synergy MIAPP (IAPP) MVSHSEN IIS ABiP MIUS NMU MIP (psychoanalysis) IUiI MPEI (economic) MGUI RSCHP IAMT MOVUKI UIIT VPPPKRK PASS IFTI St. Foma IRT IPIU ISOM SFI VASHGD IGUPIT ITEF EEI SGEI ISPE MAGMU IRDPO FPI PI RAO PYU PIP ISE MAB IFEP OZ MIKB (former MAKB) MSGI IKT MVSE FI SIP IEUP MEGU IPE EUP IKM VAGSh Armed Forces of the Russian Federation OVA Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (formerly VA im. Frunze) INiSB MARTIT IUP IUEPI VGS them. Dubnova (former EUM) NISD VEGI IE RAS IZiSP under the Government of the Russian Federation IO RAS MIAN IGiP RAS MIU (Islamic) SIIA ION (former ANO) IE RAN SRI SP RF MIOO (former MIOPKRO) MUI RF Ministry of Internal Affairs ISK RAS GASIZhKK MOUI at PCPI Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (formerly IEFP) VKSR IPU RAS MTI (theological) ITIRSHB ISPT APK and PPRO GNII RNS FTS RF MIPK MSTU im. Bauman IRI RAS IUV NMHTS im. Pirogova VSHII MBSH IPB of Russia CEPL RAS GII RAS IS RAS RAS RISK (RISC) IMET RAS EAOI ISPI RAS ZNUI IEPP IDNT IEK IIC VSHDSI at RATI (GITIS) MSDS TAEKH VIESH INEOS RAS ILA RAN GIUV MO RF IPU Askeri RIK RAS MIEE FIRO IPMech RAS VNIIVGE IHO RAO ITTI IOF RAS VSTISP IIP IPD MFPA VVI (former. VVF at MVA them. Skryabin) FIAN im. Lebedev RZTI MIPK REU them. G. V. Plekhanov EPI IH im. Vishnevsky RAMS SIUS VKIA MERT IP RAS MUGU IOCH RAS MIPK RRiSHP INP RAS CEMI RAS IEA RAS im. N. N. Miklukho-Maklay MNIOI them. P. A. Herzen IIO RAO IPM them. M. V. Keldysh RAS IA Ph RAS AGPRF Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS IREI UKU IG RAS IPNG RAS ISZH IVI RAS IIST ITI im. P.M. M.N. I. S. Bruka AIS IPE RAS NISK IIS RAO (formerly NII OPV APN USSR) San Marino IMASH RAN im. A. A. Blagonravova MFPI IPKP IKSR SRI SPiPRL IHT AII VGKPI RBU ITPI IMM RAS MAFSI NIFHI IYAMS IATU APRIKT IKI RAS Kora Moscow IPKIR IPPC "Professional" TsNIITMASH IPC RAS ​​PPDS NIKFI IESO ISP RAS MPDAiS IONH RAS IVP RAS ISMO RAO IAP ICM RAS IA RAS IPKON RAS RISI INION RAS ASMS RRC KI UMTs ZhDT Cyril and Methodius Moscow School of Management Skolkovo MTS MEIEFP IOGen RAS INBI RAS VIAPI im. A. A. Nikonova GU IMEI RTI im. A. L. Mints SOPS RAS MITP RAS VNIIgeosistem MASI IPTC VINITI RAS RAPS (former IPK Russian Ministry of Railways) IVF RAO IRE im. V.A. Kotelnikov RAS Research Institute of FCM Roszdrav Research Institute of OPP RAMS TsNIIS IPKgossluzhby IFBT VIGIS PAPO ISOUKIT VNIIDAD IPK DSZN ISP RAO GKNPTs im. MV Khrunichev Academy of IT IUPFAN Centro Gregorio Fernández ARMO IISU MGAAAII S. Andriyaki Institute of Physical Chemistry RAN MISB MAA VNIINTPI ISO RAO IMAD Strelka IPG IIPR IPPD RAO University of Work Correspondents. Ulyanova VNIIZhT ABiSP MKTA IEUSP BON IPK FMBA of Russia SAMB ISA RAS VNIIMS ShAD TsNIIPSK im. Melnikova INO IRYA RAN Research Institute of Virology RAMS IBHF RAS OTI EYUI NII TSS GosNIIgenetika IMB RAS IEA IREA IGiSP IDM IESB MISAO NTSSSH im. A. N. Bakuleva RAMN MIGTIK VNIIPVTI VDA IU (MskUniversity) RAKO AIC YuI (MskUniversity) MOSGI MGIMT PU First of September Touro College - Lander Institute Moscow IUB AMIR NIIRPO IT (MskUniversity) IE (MskUniversity) IP (MskUniversity) I.P. Bardin IPSU GEOKHI RAS 25 State Research Institute of Chemmotology of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation VIEV MONIKI im. M.F.Vladimirsky ITIP RAO ENTS Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation NAMI Academy GRU NII SP im. Sklifosovsky IABiA MARSH INASAN GINFO IMEI (management, economics and innovations) MICTIR MINEKBIK SGLA IPPI RAS MBS TsNIIP urban planning RAASN ESMOD MOSCOU IMG RAS VFEU AVR (formerly. KI KGB) JIHT RAS MSEC Research Institute of Urology Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation MNIIP CBS RPU VNIIGiM im. A. N. Kostyakova INSTEP ICP CITO them. N. N. Priorova VNIIneft im. A. P. Krylov Higher School of Economics Konstantin Raikin MMI "Reaviz" GNITsPM IGE RAS GNTSSSSP im. V. P. Serbsky NIIOR them. V. A. Negovsky RAMS IFA RAS VKIA MFA RF acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS ISEPN RAS MBA School MEGI RNTsRR