Odegov, Yu. Organizational culture (Yu. G. Odegov). List of scientific papers

  • 13.09.2020
  • Collection of articles - Personnel logistics (Document)
  • Bashkatova Yu.I. Controlling (Document)
  • Nikonova, M.N. Text Theory (Document)
  • Presentation - Controlling (Abstract)
  • Lebedevich S.I. Audit. Organization and methods of audit. Environmental audit (Document)
  • Presentation - Recruitment (Abstract)
  • n1.doc


    Preface to the Second Edition Introduction ______________________

    Part I. Personnel audit: theoretical foundations

    1.1. Organization as an audit object ____________

    1.2. Audit as a form of diagnostic research

    1.3. Classification of audit activities ______

    1.6. Audit in the system of total quality management Part II. Management audit ___________________

    2.1. Goals and objectives of management audit _________

    2.2. Organizational foundations of management audit

    2.3. Management audit process______________

    2.4. Collection of information__________

    61 _72 1.5. Improving the organization's management system

    Through audit_________________________________78

    165 .174 .181

    Part IV. Practical work of the HR auditor 230

    4.1. Analysis of labor indicators as the basis of an audit

    Personnel 230

    1. Job audit

    2. recruitment audit

    1. Layoff audit^

    2. Compensation audit 291

    3. Audit of working conditions, safety and health 315

    4. Audit of intellectual capital _322

    5. audit of the work of personnel management services 353
    Part V. Controlling the personnel management system
    organizations 363

    1. Controlling: basic concepts, goals and objectives

    2. Personnel costs and their structure

    1. Maintenance cost planning procedure

    2. Analysis and controlling of personnel costs

    Bibliographic list

    Attachment 1. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of April 1, 2002 No.
    No. 26n “On approval of the form of a license form for
    implementation of audit activities” 438

    Application 2. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2002
    No. 34n "On approval of the form of the qualification form
    auditor's certificate" 440

    Annex 3. Scheme organizing and conducting
    internal audit of the PM system

    Appendix 4 Structure of the ISO 9000_445 family of standards
    Appendix 5 ISO 9000 446 series standards

    Appendix 6 Member information card
    competition "Russian organization of high social
    efficiency" 448

    Application 7. Examples of quality control procedures
    for an audit firm

    Appendix 8 GOSKOMSTAT Resolution Russia

    "On approval of unified forms of primary

    Accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment "

    April 27, 2001 468

    Appendix 9 Report Structure Examples

    Annex 10. Main directions and indicators,
    used in the audit of personnel

    Annex 11. Average number of employees _ 489
    Annex 12. Analysis of the number and composition of employees_498
    Annex 13. Frame Movement Analysis 505

    Annex 14. Analysis of the use of working time

    And labor rationing_ 508

    Annex 15. Analysis dynamics and level
    labor productivity

    Annex 16. Labor performance indicators
    managers and specialists

    Application 17. Analysis of the use of the fund

    Salary_ 524

    Annex 18. Personnel utilization indicators 526

    Annex 19. Labor productivity indicators 529

    Annex 20. Determining the need for personnel 533

    Annex 21. 2000 labor costs

    (to be filled in for employees accounted for

    AT average headcount) _538

    Annex 22. Mathematical support of the system
    personnel management 541


    The first edition of this textbook was met with great interest by specialists professionally involved in personnel auditing. Approving feedback was also received from the employees of higher education.

    The volume of the first edition of the book could not meet the demand. In this regard, the authors faced the task of either releasing an additional edition of the book, or undertaking its new edition. Taking into account the fact that during the time that has passed since the publication of the first edition, the authors have accumulated additional material and received individual comments from readers of the book, a decision was made on a new edition.

    In preparing this publication, the results of scientific research of the Department of Human Resource Management of the Russian Academy of Economics named after. G.V. Plekhanov, as well as the experience of teachers of the department in the role of consultants for enterprises in various industries.

    The changes and additions made to the book affected almost all of its chapters. Chapters 1, 3, 4 and 6 have undergone the greatest changes and additions.

    Taking into account the increased interest of managers and specialists of enterprises involved in the improvement of audit systems in new areas of management development, the authors considered it appropriate to supplement the book with new chapters. Thus, chapters on quality audit and intellectual capital audit have been introduced.


    The successful activity of any organization, whether it is a state enterprise, an institution or a private commercial firm, is inconceivable without an analysis of labor indicators, which allows a more accurate assessment of the technical and economic potential; to determine the reserves for more efficient use of the enterprise's personnel, improvement of the organization, working conditions and its remuneration; find ways to normalize social and labor relations in the team, etc.

    For a long time in our country, the management of any organization (enterprise, institution) was mainly oriented towards ineffective, rational and economic use financial and material resources in achieving the set goals, and understanding the role of personnel in effective organization the functioning of the enterprise was markedly reduced. This is especially evident in the level wages in Russia: its share in GDP according to official data is currently just over 40%, while “in countries with an efficient market economy, the cost of labor in assessing the contribution to the national wealth of the country is from 50 to 65%” .

    One of the acute problems of modern Russian production is the deterioration of working conditions and labor protection at enterprises. Every year more than 4 thousand people die in the country from accidents at work (1999 - 4259 people, 2000 - 4404 people 2), more than 9 thousand people become occupationally ill (1999 - 9055 people, 2000 - 9280 people 3).

    Materials of the Ministry of Labor and social development of the Russian Federation to the meeting of the "round table" on the topic: "State policy in the field of evaluation and efficiency of the use of the national wealth of Russia", held on July 19, 2001 in the Council of Federations,

    Russia in numbers. Brief stagastic collection, - M., 2001. S. 91.

    Russia in numbers. Brief statistical collection. - M., 2001. S. 91,

    A similar situation in Russia has developed not only because of the collapse of the economy, the depreciation of fixed assets and other “global” reasons, but also because of the negligent attitude of the heads of organizations towards the employees of their enterprises, because of their desire to get as much income as possible without any or investments in personnel, security, labor organization, etc., as well as due to the inattentive attitude of the state to these issues.

    Given the above, domestic entrepreneurs need to learn that the organization's personnel is the main value, that this is the main thing in understanding the organization's management process.

    However, paradoxically, the study of working personnel, the conditions in which they work, is weak link among other issues in the analysis of the activities of the Russian Federation. The indicator of the success of the enterprise is, as a rule, the final economic criteria, stability, etc. But there are a number of specific indicators, without which the company's activities cannot be successful: the effectiveness (efficiency) of activities structural divisions and individual workers; satisfaction of the personnel with their work, conditions, organization of labor at this enterprise; staff turnover; compliance labor discipline; the presence of conflicts at all levels of relations; staff readiness for organizational change; the nature of the socio-psychological climate and the characteristics of the organizational culture that have developed in the organization.

    The objective processes of decentralization of the management systems of the national economy and its branches, the transfer of the center of gravity to the micro level, to the level of organization, cause the emergence of an urgent need to bring all elements of the emerging management system in line with adequate management methods. Therefore, there is a need to create and test new forms and methods for assessing the activities of an organization, including new methods of analysis. labor relations and indicators that would not only reflect their actual state, but most importantly - ensure

    Chiwali would advise and develop recommendations on the organization of labor and production, personnel management and provide practical assistance aimed at improving the efficiency of social, labor and economic activity organizations by independent experts in the field of labor, since without a thorough study of all these criteria it is impossible to effectively manage the organization, and regardless of the nature of its activities, size, form of ownership of the organizational and legal form.

    That is why government agencies with the participation of social partners - trade unions and entrepreneurs, need to develop and implement new, modern ways of managing and controlling the activities of organizations, enterprises, firms in the field of labor and labor relations.

    One of the ways of external assessment of the organization's activities, and in particular, the analysis of labor indicators is the creation of a special area of ​​audit activity - the audit of the labor sphere (staff). At present, the audit is mainly used to evaluate financial activities organizations. Checks in individual areas labor activity: on labor rationing, on the organization of workplaces, on labor protection, personnel management, etc., which allow minimal , r> control the state of the labor sphere. At Russian enterprises, inspections are carried out (and often not carried out) or carried out formally, especially in private firms, they are all independent of each other, and the analysis and results of these inspections are in most cases not related; personnel audit is not carried out and therefore there is no data on the effectiveness of their conduct, impact on activities. The legal framework has not been developed, auditors are not trained in this area, there is no clear methodology for conducting an audit in the labor sphere, and the analysis and evaluation of one indicator or phenomenon in isolation from others give only a one-sided idea of ​​the object under study. In this regard, a comprehensive analysis is needed that would study the level and dynamics of any individual indicator in close relationship with changes in the level and dynamics of all others.

    This problem is poorly developed and is represented in the literature by the developments of a number of specialists, outlined in the work under the guidance of Doctor of Economics, prof. Kolosova R.P. (Economics of labor and social and labor relations: A textbook for universities / Ed.: G.G. Melikyan, R.P. Kolosova, ch. 15. - M. CheRo Publishing House; Moscow State University Publishing House, 1996) , research by scientists from the Belgorod State Technological Academy of Building Materials and the Belgorod branch of the Moscow International University of Business and information technologies(Garmashev A.A., Zakharov V.M. “Organizational and personnel audit”, - Belgorod: publishing house of the Belgorod Center for Social Technologies, 1998), study guide Kulintseva I.I. "Economics and sociology of labor", ch. 8 - M., publishing house of CJSC "Center for Economics and Marketing", 1999, and the textbook "Personnel Management of the Organization" (ed. by Prof. A.Ya. Kibanov, ch. 9.6. - M., INFRA-M , 2001), as well as in a number of works by the authors of this book.

    In these works, the main characteristics of conducting audits in the sphere of labor are considered, the emphasis is mainly on the audit of personnel as such, and not on a comprehensive analysis of all aspects related to the labor indicators of the enterprise, the main issues of personnel audit (types, methods, audit parameters *) , are considered very briefly, the methodology and technology of conducting are not given, there is no scheme for concluding contracts for auditing and issuing audit reports, etc.

    However, there is objective necessity in the detailed development of a mechanism for conducting an audit of personnel. This mechanism should be distinguished by the complexity and interconnectedness of all its constituent elements, be built taking into account the requirements imposed by the market on the activities of an enterprise in the sphere of labor. Such an “expertise” will make it possible to objectively evaluate the activities of an institution or enterprise in the field of organizing the labor process and make sure that this activity and the company’s development strategy, the regulation of labor relations and the laws, rules, instructions and methods that determine them are mutually consistent. Based on the results of the audit, directions can be determined for establishing, changing and improving the standards that determine the organization

    Ganization of the labor process and the formation of social and labor relations in the organization (for example, internal regulations, job descriptions, qualification characteristics, etc.). An audit can contribute to personnel reshuffles that improve the quality of employees, promote the most promising employees and develop their creative activity, and will also increase the role of personnel management services, bring their activities closer to the goals of the organization, focus their attention on the most important issues. Personnel audit allows you to make sure that the labor potential is used fully and efficiently, and the organization and working conditions comply with the requirements of the law. Thus, the audit of personnel is an entrepreneurial activity for the implementation of independent non-departmental audits of economic entities in the field of labor and labor relations.

    Its main purpose is to evaluate the performance economic entity in the sphere of labor and labor relations, the establishment of Z.S compliance of the forms and methods used by the economic entity with the organization of labor activity and labor relations with the legislative and legal acts in force in Russian Federation, as well as the development, based on the results of inspections, proposals for optimizing the organization of labor activity and labor relations carried out by an economic entity. The achievement of this goal should be facilitated by the features (requirements) of conducting audit activities: independence and objectivity in conducting audits; confidentiality; professionalism; the competence and integrity of the auditor; use of methods of analysis of labor indicators; application of new information technologies; ability to accept rational decisions according to the audit; friendliness and loyalty to customers; the responsibility of the auditor for the consequences of his recommendations and conclusions based on the results of audits.

    The object of the personnel audit is the state of the labor sphere of the economic entity, and the subject is the labor

    Lective, his activities; organization, regulation, conditions and labor protection of personnel; observance of the rights and obligations of employees of all levels provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. It should be especially noted that in countries with a market economy, great importance is attached to the condition of employees, since they are the most important factor ensuring the profitability of the company, and this has long been confirmed by the existence of special personnel services at enterprises, the functions of which include the organization of the labor activity of the personnel of the enterprise during all its manifestations, as well as analysis of the effectiveness of this activity.

    PART I



    " Richard Jacques Audit and Analysis economic activity enterprises / Per. from fr. - M, UNITI, 1997. S. 146.

    The modern level of understanding of management assumes that organizations are the object of management activity. The term "organization" in management has two meanings:

    • it is a system" as an economic entity (enterprise,
      company, firm, association, bank, company and other legal entities
      wild faces);

    • is the process of creating the system itself, functioning from
      its individual elements (organization of transport, warehouse
      th, energy management, labor organization, etc.). AT
      In this case, the term "organization" is used in the extended
      nom interpretation, especially in a not entirely conceptually successful
      combination of "organization of enterprise management".
    In the context of this book, an organization is a certain structured set of people (stafforganizations) realizing their individual goals and forgiving in the process of group interaction through the prismorganizational interests.

    Human behavior in a complex, multifunctional, dynamic system (which is an organization) is subject to special laws. Without their understanding, effective management is impossible.

    The key point in this case is the definition individual interests of members of the organization(through research

    Determining the actual levels of needs and the motivational structure of activity) and organizational interests(formalized and expressed in the mission, goals and objectives of the organization). Their coincidence or difference ultimately determines the effectiveness or inefficiency of the entire organizational system (see Fig. 1).


    external environment (real society and conditions specific market)

    Organization (organizational environment as a way of coordinating public and personal interests)

    People (personnel of the organization)

    i 1

    L 1




    1 G 1


    Rice. 1. Interaction of interests of members of the organization with organizational interests

    When considering any group of people as an organization, it is necessary to take into account sociality organizational mechanism, which leaves its mark on the consideration of a number of aspects of organizational activity. It means:

    • the whole is greater than the sum of its parts;

    • human behavior is determined not only by individual
      motivation, but also the context of his inclusion in the organization;

    • the system is its history (it is necessary to take into account not only
      current situation)

    • the dynamics of the development of the organization, i.e. organization behavior
      and its members is ultimately determined by the organizational
      paradigm 1, without changing which it is often impossible to
      hush real effect innovation, innovation.
    Any organization, depending on its size and nature of activity, is a more or less complex system consisting of individual elements. Each of these elements can, in turn, be considered as having an internal

    1 A paradigm is a theory (or problem setting model) adopted as a figurative solution to research problems. - Approx. ed. fourteen

    The structure of the subdivision and, therefore, be a subsystem, also consisting of a number of elements inherent in it.

    The complexity of technological, organizational and economic relationships between the elements of systems and subsystems predetermines the need to take into account the specific features of the methodological principles of system research in the process of studying the patterns and characteristics of firms' activities.

    Firstly, The properties of a system are not simply the sum of the properties of its elements. The system also has other properties that arise precisely because of the presence of relationships between its elements. (law of emergence).

    Secondly, the complexity of the firm as a real-life object of study requires representation in the form of a series of simplified (compared to reality) models. Each of them should be focused on solving a specific range of problems and be only some more or less significant simplification of a really existing object, a simplification that reflects only the most important (from the point of view of a specific task) study of the properties and interconnections of elements and the system as a whole.

    Thirdly, the firm as a system cannot function without interrelations with the external environment, which has a significant impact on the conditions and results of the firm's activities, and therefore it is an open system that is in continuous interaction with others, in other words, it is itself a subsystem of a more general higher-level economic system.

    The audit is based on systems approach, within which the organization is a complex of interconnected systems (see Table 1):

    • first, how open system, i.e. located in condition
      viah multi-variant market development;

    • secondly, as a closed system, i.e. having a fixed
      new organizational and regulatory structure, but there is
      blowing inside open.
    open system. The organization as a subject of market relations is considered within the framework of the marketing concept,

    Significant management of the organization on the basis of external market criteria: the so-called macro- and microenvironment factors, market conditions. The macroenvironment is determined by factors of economic, technical, social, legal, political, etc. character; while the microenvironment - the behavior of consumers, the actions of competitors, the policies of suppliers and intermediaries. The current relationship between supply and demand, the specific conditions of the economic activity of the enterprise form the market situation.

    Management based on "external" criteria involves the creation of the following subsystems in the organization: »subsystems for the perception of external (market) information;

    Her main function-- organization of market events


    • subsystems for processing the received information, presuming
      providing an analysis of the results of market research and
      drawing concrete conclusions necessary for the strategy
      organizational development planning;

    • response subsystem, including measures
      acceptance in the market, aimed at the formation of
      positive attitude towards the organization itself, and its final
      products, services, as well as measures that regulate
      competition, i.e. creating a competitive advantage.
    The constant maintenance of such a system, oriented to external conditions, creates the possibility of a “normal” survival of a business entity in the market. Of course, all of the above will be true only for an organization with serious internal potential. To recreate a complete picture of the organization, it is necessary to consider it as a closed system.

    Closed system - involves the division of the organization into internal interdependent and complementary systems that ultimately form its (organization) content.

    When considering the organization as an open system, it was about the marketing concept of management, i.e. exactly the brand

    Thing was the main instrument supporting its existence. When considering an organization as a closed system, strategy is such a main tool. The strategic skill of leaders is the most important condition for the existence of an organization as a closed system. Management of such a system involves the formation of system components. This is: “a subsystem within which such elements of the organization as mission, goals and strategy are interconnected. This subsystem has the character of a superstructure;

    Content (static) subsystem of the organization. Sta
    tic subsystem is described by morphology (structure
    "empty seats" or organizational structure consisting of
    departments and specific positions) and functional
    strength ( functional structure, characterize
    all functions performed within the organization).
    Compliance or non-compliance matters a lot
    functional and morphological content. They were carried
    responsibility leads to various forms of organizational
    pathologies. The most important indicator of the content system

    Organizational culture, as describing the values ​​of the organization;

    Organization development subsystem that forms, evaluates
    shaya, optimizing the criteria for development and growth. Necessary
    It can be noted that the development of an organization largely depends on
    factors external environment and performance
    organization as an open system.

    In table. 1 contains a brief summary of the main provisions of the systems approach.

    A special place in the activities of the organization is the development of a strategy, or strategic planning - one of the main management functions, which is the process of determining the goals of the organization, as well as ways to achieve them (see Fig. 2.).

    Strategic planning forms the basis for all management decisions. The functions of organizing, motivating and controlling management are focused on the development and implementation strategic plans.

    Table 1.

    Organization as a system




    Subsystem Description

    Organization as a subject of market relations (as an open system)

    Marketing Concept: Perception and Management BASED ON

    from external criteria

    perception of external (market) information

    conducting market research

    market information processing

    analysis of marketing information; formation of development directions

    "response" response

    market events; shaping consumer attitudes; regulation of competition

    Organization as a closed system

    The concept of strategic behavior

    mission and goals of the organization

    formation of the mission of the organization; formation of the organization's goals

    development strategies

    formation of a development strategy

    content organization system (static level)

    definition of the morphology of the organization; determination of functional fixation (analysis of functions implemented within the framework of the organization); determination of their compliance or non-compliance; definition of organizational culture

    functional system of divisions (functions implemented within a separate division)

    definition of the goals of the unit; unit functions; organizational culture of the unit; assessment of the value of the unit for the organization; adaptability to the goals of the organization

    development, growth of the organization (dynamic level)

    definition of development criteria; determination of pocia indicators

    The development and implementation of the strategy is the most important function of the top managers of the organization. As part of

    Strategic planning addresses the following issues of organization management:

    • development of a corporate strategy;

    • preparation of strategic decisions in individual farms
      venous areas;

    • analysis of the competitive environment;

    • definition of the main goals of the organization;

    • management of strategically important factors of activity
      on the market;

    • formation marketing strategy on the individual market

    • the study life cycle products on the market;

    • order portfolio management;

    • shaping the strategic prospects for financing
      nutritional investment;

    • formation personnel policy organizations;

    • formulation of the general concept of enterprise development;

    • analysis of prospects in this area;

    • study of the cost structure.

    Mission of the organization


    Assessment and analysis of the external environment

    - w







    Strategy evaluation

    Management survey of strengths and weaknesses





    Implementation of the strategy

    Choosing a strategy




    ical native

    * - -


    Rice. 2. Process strategic planning

    Strategic planning determines the nature of strategic management. The implementation of strategic plans, strategic control and identification of emerging problems are in the area of operational management of the organization(See Fig. 3).

    strategic plan

    Company (enterprise) development plan

    Diversification plan

    Acquisition plan and merger plan

    Development and research plan

    Basic research planning

    Research and development plan for new products

    Marketing planning

    R&D financial plan

    operational plan

    Administrative and management plan for research and development

    Implementation plan for individual projects

    Production plan

    Implementation plan

    Administrative management and plan

    Financial plan

    Rice. 3. Internal planning

    An important factor in strategic planning is that the strategy developed by senior managers must be supported by middle managers and all employees. The latter should clearly understand their role in the activities of the company and the achievement of its long-term and short-term goals. To do this, they must be informed accordingly. Without a clear formulation of goals, there is no way to unite the efforts of all employees to achieve them.

    An important aspect of managing an organization is the study and analysis of the external environment and internal problems of the organization. Analysis of the external environment allows you to answer the following specific questions:

    • Where is the business currently located?

    • Where does senior management think it should be located?
      in the future?

    • What should managers do to get the organization out of
      the position in which it is now has passed into
      night position in which the leader would like to see her
    The diagnosis of internal problems is determined in the framework of a management survey, which is an assessment of the functional areas of the organization to identify its strengths and weaknesses. Surveys typically look at: marketing, finance, operations (manufacturing), human resources (staff), and organizational image.

    It is very important to carefully analyze the following operating conditions of the organization:

    Cycles her business activity;

    • changes in market conditions;
      "availability of labor force;

    • sources of material and financial resources;

    • cooperation with government and other enterprises
      yatami industry;

    • the organization's main competitors and other factors (see
      rice. four).

    (mission of the organization and correlated in

    Structure (organizationalmanagerialorganization chart,hierarchicaldevice)


    (existing in

    organization order and basic

    ways of activity)



    operational and

    tactical tasks)


    (means of organization

    and/or their methods



    (people who are

    members of the organization,

    their knowledge, skills

    and skills)

    Control (fixed order

    interaction between members of the organization)

    Rice. 4. Basic elements of the organization

    For a qualitative and complete understanding of the intra-organizational processes that determine its external image, it is necessary to single out its essential elements (see Fig. 5) 1 .

    To study the activities of firms, the analysis of organizational, managerial and economic and technological structures of firms on the basis of appropriate models 2 is of the greatest importance.

    A look at the organization through the prism of development cycles makes it possible to more accurately identify its main values ​​and orientations, to specify the tasks facing the organization, the features of managerial approaches and staffing.

    Personnel management: a textbook for universities, ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremin. - M.: Banks and exchanges Yu11ITI, 1998.

    3 See B.R. for model details. Adamov, S.D. Ilyenkova, T.P. Sirotina, S.A. Smirnov "Economics and statistics of firms", Moscow: Finance and statistics, 1996, pp. 53-92.

    Initial position analysis


    \ -



    expectations of changes restrictions interests obstacles

    " ».

    clientele personnel company management owners government financiers partners



    business area markets competitors pressure factors political factors

    business area markets competitors social factors political factors


    » .


    in production on the market in



    in production * on the market \\ economics in management in resources


    Responding to forecasts

    Responding to the expectations of related groups

    Exploiting Opportunities

    Hazard Prevention

    strengthening strengths and their use

    Strengthening weaknesses


    Strategic plans operational plans

    Rice. 5. Analysis of the starting position in the work of the organization "

    1 Utkin E.A. Company management. - M.: AKALIS, 1996, p.513.

    For IBM, the exemplary values ​​(or code of conduct) are:




    V. S. Polovinko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Human Resources Management, Omsk State University

    N. G. Mitrofanov, PhD in Economics, Head of the Human Resources Department of the Main Department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for Moscow

    0 41 Odegov Yu. G., Nikonova T. V.

    AUDIT AND CONTROLING OF PERSONNEL: Textbook. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Alfa-Press Publishing House, 2010. - 672 p.

    ISBN 978-5-94280-414-5

    The personnel audit, management audit, personnel audit methodology and practical work auditor in this area.

    Particular attention is paid to controlling the organization's personnel management system (basic concepts, goals, objectives; personnel costs and their structure, budgeting of work with personnel as a controlling tool; analysis and controlling of personnel costs).

    For students, graduate students and teachers of economic universities, managers and employees of personnel services, as well as a wide range of readers interested in topical issues of audit and personnel controlling.

    UDC 005.95 BBK 65.240

    © Odegov Yu. G., Nikonova T. V., 2010 © Publishing house "Alfa-Press", 2010


    Economic analysis and forecasting as a scientifically based prediction of possible directions for the development of organizations and their structural divisions solve a number of problems: identifying trends in the most important economic phenomena in the past and present; assessment of the possibilities of distribution of the found regularities for the future; anticipation of the most probable situations and problems of economic development in the near and long term; search for possible directions of economic growth; substantiation of the most preferable development strategies in the future. The results of analysis and forecasting are used to select development options, develop recommendations for the implementation of the most optimal of them.

    The successful activity of any organization, whether it be a state enterprise, an institution or a private commercial firm, is unthinkable without an analysis of labor indicators, which makes it possible to more accurately assess the technical and economic potential; to determine the reserves for more efficient use of the enterprise's personnel, improvement of the organization, working conditions and its remuneration; find ways to normalize social and labor relations in the team, etc.

    For a long time in our country, the management of any organization (enterprise, institution) was mainly focused on the efficient, rational and economic use of financial and material resources in achieving the goals set, and the understanding of the role of personnel in the effective organization of the functioning of the enterprise was significantly reduced. This is especially clearly demonstrated by the level of wages in Russia: its share in GDP, according to official data, is currently slightly more than 40%, while “in countries with an efficient market economy, the cost of labor in assessing the contribution to the national wealth of the country is from 50 to 65%.

    A similar situation in Russia has developed not only because of the collapse of the economy, the depreciation of fixed assets and other “global” reasons, but also because of the negligent attitude of the heads of organizations towards the employees of their enterprises, because of their desire to get as much income as possible without any or investments in personnel, protection, labor organization, etc., as well as due to the inattentive attitude of the state to these issues.

    Given the above, domestic entrepreneurs need to learn that the staff is the main value of the organization, that this is the main thing in understanding the process of managing it. However, paradoxically as it may seem, the study of the working personnel, the conditions in which they work, remains a weak link among other issues in the analysis of the activities of enterprises in the Russian Federation. The indicators of the success of an enterprise's activity are usually the final economic criteria, stability, etc. But there are a number of specific indicators without which the activity of a company cannot be successful. These are: the effectiveness (efficiency) of the activities of structural units and individual employees; satisfaction of the personnel with their work, conditions, organization of labor at this enterprise; staff turnover; observance of labor discipline; the presence of conflicts at all levels of relations; staff readiness for organizational changes; the nature of the socio-psychological climate and the characteristics of the organizational culture that have developed in the organization.

    The objective processes of decentralization of the management systems of the national economy and its branches, shifting the center of gravity to the micro level, to the level of organization, make it imperative to bring all elements of the emerging management system in line with adequate methods of management. Therefore, there is a need to create and test new forms and methods for assessing the activities of an organization, including new ways of analyzing labor relations and indicators that reflect not only their actual state, but most importantly, provide advice and develop recommendations on: organization of labor and production ; personnel management; providing practical assistance aimed at improving the efficiency of social, labor and economic activities of the organization by independent experts in the field of labor. Without a thorough study of all these criteria, it is impossible to effectively manage an organization, regardless of the nature of its activities, size, form of ownership, organizational and legal form. That is why government agencies with the participation of social partners - trade unions and entrepreneurs - need to develop and implement new, modern ways of managing and controlling the activities of organizations, enterprises, firms in the field of labor and labor relations.

    From August 1, 2005, new requirements for the amount of information that Russian enterprises - issuers of securities must report about themselves, and from January 1, 2006, domestic companies of the first echelon are required to have a documented strategy for disclosing information, i.e. Russian business is becoming more and more transparent.

    One of the ways of external assessment of the organization's activities, in particular, the analysis of labor indicators, is the creation of a special area of ​​audit activity - the audit of the labor sphere (staff). Currently, the audit is mainly used to evaluate the financial performance of the organization. Checks in certain areas of labor activity - labor rationing, organization of jobs, labor protection, personnel management, etc. - allow only minimal control over the state of the labor sphere. On the Russian enterprises audits are (and often are not) carried out or carried out formally, especially in private firms. All checks are independent of each other, and their analysis and results in most cases are not interconnected; personnel audit is not carried out, and therefore there is no data on the effectiveness of their conduct, the impact on the activities of the enterprise. The legal framework has not been developed, auditors are not trained in this area, there is no clear methodology for conducting an audit in the labor sphere, and the analysis and evaluation of one indicator or phenomenon in isolation from others give only a one-sided idea of ​​the object under study. In other words, a comprehensive analysis is needed to assess the level and dynamics of any individual indicator in close relationship with changes in the level and dynamics of all others.

    This problem has been poorly developed and is represented in the literature by the developments of a number of specialists outlined in the work under the guidance of Professor R.P. Kolosova (Labor Economics and Social and Labor Relations: a textbook for universities / Edited by G.G. Melikyan, and R. P. Kolosova (Moscow: CheRo; Moscow State University Press, 1996); research by scientists of the Belgorod State Technological Academy building materials and the Belgorod branch of the Moscow International University of Business and Information Technologies (Garmashev A.L., Zakharov B.M. Organizational and personnel audit. Belgorod: Publishing House of the Belgorod Center for Social Technologies, 1998); I. I. Kulintsev’s textbook “Economics and Sociology of Labor” (Moscow: Center for Economics and Marketing, 1999); the textbook "Personnel Management of an Organization" edited by Professor A. Ya. Kibanov (M.: Ipfra-M, 2001), as well as in the works of the authors of this book.

    In these papers, the main characteristics of conducting audits in the world of work are considered. At the time, it is mainly focused on the audit of personnel as such, and not on a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of the enterprise's labor indicators. The main issues of personnel audit (types, methods, audit parameters) are considered very briefly, the audit methodology and technology are not given, there is no scheme for concluding contracts for auditing and giving audit reports, etc.

    At the same time, there is an objective need for a detailed development of a mechanism for conducting an audit of personnel, which is distinguished by the complexity and interconnectedness of all its constituent elements, taking into account modern market requirements for the activities of an enterprise. the sphere of labor. Such an “expertise” will make it possible to objectively evaluate the activities of an institution or enterprise in the field of organizing the labor process and make sure that this activity and the company’s development strategy, the regulation of labor relations and the laws, rules, instructions and methods that determine them are mutually consistent. Based on the results of the audit, it is possible to determine directions for establishing, changing and improving the standards that determine the organization of the labor process and the formation of social and labor relations in the organization (for example, internal regulations, job descriptions, qualification characteristics etc.). Audit contributes personnel changes, improving qualitative composition of employees; promoting the most promising employees and developing their creative activity, allows you to increase the role of personnel management services, bring their activities closer to the goals of the organization, and focus on the most important issues. Personnel audit allows you to make sure that the labor potential is used fully and efficiently, and the organization and working conditions comply with the requirements of the law. Thus, personnel audit is an entrepreneurial activity for the implementation of independent non-departmental audits of economic entities in the field of labor and labor relations.

    Its main goals are to assess the activities of an economic entity in the field of labor and labor relations; establishing the conformity of the forms and methods of organizing labor activity and labor relations used by the economic entity with the legislative and legal acts in force in the Russian Federation; development, based on the results of inspections, proposals for optimizing the organization of labor activity and labor relations carried out by an economic entity. The achievement of these goals should be facilitated by the features (requirements) of conducting audit activities: independence and objectivity in conducting audits; confidentiality; professionalism; the competence and integrity of the auditor; use of methods of analysis of labor indicators; application of new information technologies; the ability to make rational decisions based on audit data; friendliness and loyalty to customers; the responsibility of the auditor for the consequences of his recommendations and conclusions based on the results of audits.

    The object of the personnel audit is the state of the labor sphere of the economic entity, and the subject is the labor collective, its activities; organization, regulation, conditions and labor protection of personnel; observance of the nature and duties of employees at all levels, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. We note in particular that in countries with a market economy great importance is attached to the condition of workers. They are the most important factor ensuring the profitability of the company's activities, and this has long been confirmed by the existence of special personnel services at enterprises, whose functions include organizing the labor activity of the enterprise's personnel in all its manifestations, as well as analyzing the effectiveness of this activity.

    the principle of standardization in personnel management, a standard was developed for the personnel management process when opening a new chain store, which allows optimizing costs and increasing the efficiency of forming new chain units.

    The main provisions of the dissertation work of M.B. Ionina used CJSC Prod-torg, trading network"Astor", as well as in the training of economists at the Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky.

    5. S.G. Leonov on the topic "Development of a motivational model for managing the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university" in the specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (Labor Economics).

    In this dissertation work, a scheme of a motivational model for managing the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university was developed, a methodological approach to the classification of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university was proposed, a technology for distributing the educational and scientific workload of university teachers was developed, and an algorithm for assessing the level of effectiveness was proposed. professional activity scientific and pedagogical staff of the university.

    The main provisions of the dissertation work of S.G. Leonova used in the activities of the Altai Academy of Economics and Law, Altai State University. I.I. Polzunov.


    Odegov Yu.G., Rudenko G.G. Personnel economics. Part I. Theory: textbook. - M.: Alfa-Press, 2009. - 1056 p.

    Odegov Yu.G., Rudenko G.G., Fedchenko A.A. Personnel economics. Part II. Practice: textbook. - M.: Alfa-Press, 2009. - 1312 p.

    Recently, in Russian organizations, there is a growing understanding of the value of human resources and there is a willingness to invest in the creation and enhancement of their human capital. The great interest in this issue is explained by a number of circumstances, in particular, the reduction in the working-age population in our country, as well as the influence of the globalization of the world economy, the acceleration of the pace of technological change, and the expansion of cross-cultural interaction that contribute to the unification of technologies, goods and services. Under these conditions, the reserves for the use of material and technical resources of an individual organization are significantly reduced. The only unique resource that distinguishes one company from another is the human resource. The development and effective management of personnel based on the formation of balanced social and labor relations can become the basis for an enterprise to achieve a real competitive advantage.

    This textbook is devoted to a systematic presentation of a fundamentally new in its content and structure of the course "Personnel Economics", which is at the junction and develops the problems of labor studied in the courses.

    "Labor Economics" and "Personnel Management". Its creation is due to the need for an in-depth study of the fundamentals and modern trends labor economics, practical personnel management by future specialists in the field of human resource management, regardless of their professional specialization.

    The advantage of this textbook is an innovative approach to personnel management, taking into account the socio-economic role of a person in an organization and based on the design of human capital formation processes and modeling the necessary competencies.

    The present work discusses in detail the issues organizational development and culture, the formation of the internal labor market and the competitiveness of personnel, philosophy, strategies for its management, as well as the main areas of activity personnel service and modern personnel-technologies.

    For better assimilation of the material, at the end of each topic, appendices are provided containing interesting factual data and practical recommendations for working with human resources in organizations. To self-test the degree of mastery of the material at the end of the textbook, a final test is given.

    The textbook is intended for students and teachers of economic universities, scientific and practical workers in the field of labor and personnel management, heads of organizations.

    Academic degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences

    Academic title: Professor

    List of scientific papers:

    Monographs, textbooks, teaching aids:

    1. Odegov Yu.G., Abdurakhmanov K.Kh., Kotova L.R. Evaluation of the effectiveness of work with personnel. M.: Alfa-Press, 2011. 752 p.

    2. Odegov Yu.G. Izhtinoy sokha iktisodketi. Tashkent: Iktisodiet, 2013. 418 p.

    3. Odegov Yu.G., Dolzhenkova Yu.V., Malinin S.V. Outsourcing in personnel management. M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. 389 p.

    4. Odegov Yu.G., Labadzhan M.G. Personnel policy and personnel planning. M.: Yurait Publishing House, 2014.

    5. Odegov Yu.G., Nikulin L.F., Polovinko V.S. Network management 3.0. Omsk: OmGU Publishing House, 2013, 240 p.

    6. Odegov Yu.G., Rudenko G.G. Personnel economics. M.: Alfa-Press, 2009.

    7. Odegov Yu.G., Rudenko G.G. Labor Economics 2nd ed. per. and additional Textbook and workshop for academic baccalaureate. M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014, 2015. 423 p.

    8. Social partnership in the field of higher professional education in Russia: institutional, organizational and managerial aspects. M.: Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “PREU im. G.V. Plekhanov”, 2013. 242 p.

    9. Human resource management: textbook / under. ed. Yu.G. Odegova, V.V. Lukashevich S.A. Kartashov. M.: KNORUS, 2015. 222 p.

    10. ​Odegov Y., Babynina L., Krajňáková E. Kompenzačný model odmeňovania v organizáciách. Plzeň: Aleš Čenek (Czech Republic), s.r.o. 2014. 196 s. ISBN 978-80-7380-500-5

    11. Precarious employment: theory and methodology of detection, evaluation and reduction vector. /Bobkov V.N., Kvachev V.G., Kolmakov I.B., Lyutov N.L., Loktyukhina N.V., Novikova I.V., Odegov Yu.G., Odintsova E.V., Pavlova V.V., Shichkin I.A.( Monograph) - KnoRus, 2018, 341 pages.

    12. Odegov Y., Rudenko G, Galiakhmetov R. Personnel Management. en Universitaa GYOR Norprofit kft. Gyor, 2012. 251 s.

    13. ORGANIZATION HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. / Odegov Yu.G., Abdurakhmanov K.Kh., Babynina L.S., Ivanova I.A., Kolesnikova O.A., Loginova E.V., Pavlova V.V., Polevaya M.V., Polovinko V.S., Pulyaeva V.N., Rudenko G.G., Fedchenko A.A., Khaliulina V.V., Shcherbakova O.I. Moscow, KnoRus. 2019.

      INSANE EMPLOYMENT IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION: THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF DETECTION, EVALUATION AND REDUCTION VECTOR. /Bobkov V.N., Kvachev V.G., Kolmakov I.B., Lyutov N.L., Loktyukhina N.V., Novikova I.V., Odegov Yu.G., Odintsova E.V., Pavlova V.V., Shichkin I.A. MOSCOW, KnoRus. 2019. (2nd edition, stereotypical)

    14. LABOR ECONOMY. / Odegov Yu.G., Rudenko G.G. Textbook and practice. M.: Yurayt, 2019. Ser. 58 Bachelor. Academic course (2nd ed., trans. and additional
    15. LABOR ECONOMY. / Odegov Yu.G., Rudenko G.G. Textbook and practice. M.: Yurayt, 2019. (3rd ed., trans. and additional)
    16. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. / Odegov Yu.G., Rudenko G.G. Textbook and workshop / Moscow, Yurayt - 2019. (2nd ed., trans. and additional)

      OUTSOURCING IN HR MANAGEMENT. /Odegov Yu.G., Malinin S.V., Dolzhenkova Yu.V. Textbook and workshop / Moscow, 2019. Yurayt. (1st ed.)

      ERGONOMICS. / Odegov Yu.G., Sidorova V.N., Kulapov M.N. Textbook and practice. M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2019.(1st ed.)

      ERGONOMICS. / Odegov Yu.G., Sidorova V.N., Kulapov. Textbook and workshop M.: Yurait Publishing House, 2019(1st ed.)

      PERSONNEL POLICY AND PERSONNEL PLANNING IN 2 HOURS PART 2. PERSONNEL PLANNING. /Odegov Yu.G., Labadzhyan M.G., Kartashov S.A. Textbook and practice. M.: Yurait Publishing House, 2019(2nd ed., transl. and additional)

      PERSONNEL POLICY AND PERSONNEL PLANNING IN 2 HOURS PART 1. PERSONNEL POLICY. /Odegov Yu.G., Labadzhyan M.G., Kartashov S.A. Textbook and workshop M.: Yurait Publishing House, 2019(2nd ed., transl. and additional)

    Articles in collections:

    1. Features of the formation of the labor market of a single-industry town / Yu.G. Odegov // Modern economy and models of innovative development: materials of scientific and practical. conf. - book. 2. M. M.: FGOU VPO “PREU im. G.V. Plekhanov". 2013.

    2. Odegov Yu.G. Employment of the population in the XXI century: between the crisis and strategy / materials of scientific and practical. conf. "Competitive advantages of economic education: state and prospects". Tashkent, 2014.

    3. Odegov Yu.G. Russian experience in the development of information and communication technologies in the activities of universities / materials of scientific and practical. conf. "Internet and information and library resources in science, education, culture and business". Tashkent, 2013.

    4. Odegov Yu.G., Balokhanova D.K. State policy regarding the family / Sat. scientific works “Development of the institution of the family as the basis of society. Tashkent, 2012.

    5. Odegov Yu.G., Kartashev S.A. II Social Forum "Labor Market and Employment Policy: State and Development Prospects" // Man and Labor, No. 12. 2012.

    Articles in magazines:

    1. Odegov Yu.G., Nikulin L.D. Determination of the proportion of technically sound norms // Rationing and wages in industry No. 3. 2013.

    2. Odegov Yu.G. Innovation-oriented organization: problems of labor management // Rationing and wages in industry No. 4. 2014.

    3. Odegov Yu.G. Personnel market and its development trends // Labor market and employment policy: state and development prospects. II Social forum. M. 2012.

    4. Odegov Yu.G. Modernization of the economy and the importance of talent for its development // Bulletin of the Omsk University. Series "Economics" No. 4. 2012.

    5. Odegov Yu.G. Some methods for assessing and analyzing the quality of labor cost norms // Rationing and wages in industry No. 11. 2012.

    6. Odegov Yu.G. About hunting for hands and hunting for heads // Science and practice. No. 1. 2014.

    7. Odegov Yu.G. Ensuring the safety of jobs and equal opportunities in employment (foreign experience) // Rationing and wages in industry No. 8. 2013.

    8. Odegov Yu.G. Problems of Ensuring Equal Opportunities in Employment (Foreign Experience) // Rationing and Remuneration in Industry No. 9, 10. 2013.

    9. Odegov Yu.G. The role of personnel policy in improving the efficiency of the organization's employees // Rationing and wages in industry No. 12. 2013.

    10. Odegov Yu.G. Talent management as an HR technology / Yu.G. Odegov, S.A. Kartashov, D.V. Shatalov // Bulletin of the Omsk University. Series "Economics" No. 1. 2013.

    11. Odegov Yu.G. Conditions of equality in employment (foreign experience) // Rationing and wages in industry No. 4. 2014.

    12. Odegov Yu.G., Loginova E.V. Actual issues of corporate social responsibility // Rationing and wages in industry No. 2. 2013.

    13. Odegov Yu.G., Loginova E.V. Corporate social policy and social responsibility of business // Rationing and wages in industry No. 1. 2013.

    14. Odegov Yu.G., Nikulin L.D. The concept of formal modeling of the manager's performance as the basis for the growth of labor productivity // Rationing and wages in industry No. 6. 2014.

    15. Odegov Yu.G., Nikulin L.D. Scientific hypothesis about two strategic trends // Science and practice. No. 1(1). 2012.

    16. Odegov Yu.G., Nikulin L.D. The procedure for establishing and changing existing norms // Rationing and wages in industry No. 9. 2012.

    17. Odegov Yu.G., Razinov A.E. Labor productivity in Russia: features of the current stage // Rationing and wages in industry No. 7. 2014.

    Odegov Yu.G., Rudenko G.G. Instruments for the development of organizational culture: directions of transformation // Management of corporate culture. 2012. No. 1. P. 18-27.​​​


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