How to choose your own wedding concept. How to open a coffee shop: choosing the concept of an institution How to choose a concept

  • 23.07.2020

In the last article, we talked about how to select several event agencies and determine the winner of the tender. The final choice will largely be based on the concepts that the agencies will offer. Therefore, we decided to understand in detail what the concept is. corporate event how it looks, how to evaluate it and choose the best offer.

What is the concept of the event

The concept must meet corporate standards, company traditions and brand position in the market. And the idea - understandable to all guests of the event: employees, management, partners and customers.

How it works. The concept sets certain rules of the game and allows you to select better ways to achieve the goals of the event. The central idea creates a holiday atmosphere. On its basis, a visual design is selected, a show program and other elements are prepared.

There are events where the concept is not needed: for example, trainings. Here it is enough to write down the timing - what events are expected and at what time.

How concepts come up

Concepts are prepared based on the requirements of the brief. If you have wishes for the topics of the event, please indicate them in it, or ask the agency to come up with the topics yourself. If you do not propose your own topics, the agency will discuss them before participating in the tender in order to understand the direction of work.

What are the concepts related to?

  • Reason for the event: the 100th anniversary of the company, its achievements, rewarding partners, for example, in the style of "Oscar";
  • company traditions;
  • Certain abstract themes, such as "Rock" or "Hipsters".

Thematic formats are good because they allow you to visualize the idea, create a vivid and memorable image. For example, New Year's celebration can be decorated in the traditions of any country: Scandinavian or Chinese New Year. The selected image is then used in all elements of the event from invitations to memorable souvenirs after the end of the holiday.

It is important that ideas are not repeated and the concept is new for employees

When coming up with ideas, be sure to take into account past events. It is important that ideas are not repeated and the concept is new for employees. That is why this information should be indicated in a separate paragraph of your brief.

How to fill out a brief and not die

It is necessary to strike a balance between the requirements of the brief and the scope for the agency's creativity. Do not come up with the details of the event yourself, specify only the important restrictions so that the agency has the opportunity to create a really fresh idea.

What does the concept look like?

The agency will develop a presentation for you in which it will offer one or more concepts for the event. Usually - 2 or 3 options. The concept includes everything important points regarding future events.

1. Explanation of the general idea

Description of the essence of the concept on one or two pages, its connection with the theme of the event and the company. For example, employees can turn into special agents for one day, saving the company from universal evil, or get into a rock party. It is important that the idea is connected with the activities of the company, and the central elements emphasize this connection.

For BCS Global Market* for the New Year, we proposed ideas for boxing fights between Santa Clauses. As you know, almost every country has its own “Santa Claus”. Guests come to "underground fights", place bets on the winner and find out whose Grandfather is cooler

2. Necessary preparation

If preparation is required for the event, then this information is indicated in the presentation. Preparation can be a preliminary competition between employees with the awarding of the winner at the party, a casting to select those who will be the stars of the holiday, the presentation of invitations, and so on.

Each guest receives a secret invitation to Santa Claus fights. Real fights, not staging - this is not to be missed

3. Space decoration and welcome zone

A brief description of the scenery of the event and what awaits the guests who come to the party. The meeting area is the first contact with guests. It is important that they immediately understand the essence of the event and feel the atmosphere. For example, at a party in the Eurovision format, guests can get on the red carpet, like invited stars.

Each guest is greeted by beautiful hostesses. They offer to take a picture against the background of a branded banner with Santa Claus, go to the bar and listen to New Year's songs, covered in the style of rock or rap. All this creates an atmosphere of approaching battles.

4. Activities

What entertainment awaits guests? For example, at a rock party, activities might include areas where participants are dressed up as rock stars and photographed with musical instruments, or competitions for the best rock performance.

We entertain guests at the entrance. Can be approached beautiful girl and bet on your beloved Grandfather. Or arrange a virtual boxing fight in the image of Grandfather Boxer on a prefix with an immersive effect

In the semi-finals, Finnish Joulupukki fights Santa Claus from the USA, and our Santa Claus goes up against Japanese Oji-san

5. Program of the evening

Description of the show program, what performances and numbers await the guests. There are also options for presenters, artists and groups performing in the show program and throughout the evening.

Between fights, ballet dancers will add variety and dance in burlesque and contemporary styles, and a stand-up artist will amuse the guests

6. Climax and finale of the evening

A memorable final moment that ends the holiday. It can be a disco, awarding the winners of competitions or the best employees, fireworks, headliner performance - famous artist.

The main event of the evening is the final fight of Ded Morozov in the ring. The host announces the winner of the fight as the "official" symbol of the New Year and awards prizes to lucky guests who made the right bet

The evening ends with New Year's fireworks and a performance by a famous singer. And for the most persistent guests, a fashionable DJ will play his set

7. Site options

A list of venues that match the idea of ​​the concept, the format of the event, the budget of the client and the number of invited employees. For example, bike bars or rock bars are suitable for a rock party.

We have listed the main structural elements of the concept. But the main thing is the idea itself. Depending on it, items are added or excluded in the presentation. For example, a description of gifts for participants, a list of hotels to stay at an outdoor event, additional activities at company points of sale or city parks can be added.

How to evaluate concepts

When choosing a concept, pay attention to the presentation, compliance with the theme stated in the brief, creativity, and the variety of activities offered. Rate the effort the agency put into developing the presentation.

Always keep in mind the purpose of the event and evaluate the proposed ideas against this purpose. First of all, pay attention to the reliability of execution, compliance with corporate values ​​and the freshness of the idea. Do not save the budget at important stages of the implementation of the holiday to the detriment of the overall idea.

How not to waste your event budget
Key features of a good concept:
  1. Understandability - the concept will become the basis of a good party only if its elements are clear to all participants of the holiday. For example, you should not base a holiday for accountants of pre-retirement age on the motives of a newfangled computer game. They will not understand the analogies and metaphors, symbols, images and facts used in the program. As a result, the holiday will not be interesting for guests. A good concept is always focused on the participants of the event.
  2. A bright central element - the concept should have bright key points that help guests get into the spirit of the holiday. And of course the central message around which the event is built.
  3. Integrity - the design, venue, program, music and other elements must correspond to the invented concept and the chosen topic.
  4. Unusual - the event should surprise and entertain employees, be different from the usual festive feast or ordinary party.
  5. Uniqueness - it is desirable that a similar concept is not beaten on the market, at least among the company's direct competitors. You can find ready-made concepts on the Internet: if the option offered to you is easy to google, then the agency has cheated.
The concept should fit into the framework of reality:
  • Be feasible - the proposed ideas can be implemented in practice, they are not fantastic.
  • Meet the budget - venues, shows and other elements meet the specified financial limit. It will be strange if the agency offers a concert of world-class stars for a company with average financial capabilities.
  • Involve employees - the event revolves around the company's employees, activities, contests, and other options for employees to participate in the holiday should be provided. The more employees, the more engaging activities need to be included in the concept.

The professional agency does not use templates and prepares individual concepts for the tender. You can distinguish a template from an individual offer by the following features:

  • quality and depth of idea development;
  • the relevance and correctness of the selection of sites;
  • references to your brand or company traditions;
  • document design - branding, unique name, design in corporate style.

The idea may seem good at first glance, but it doesn't work for you.

Ask the representative of the agency clarifying questions about the implementation, specific sites and activities. The idea may seem good at first glance, but it doesn't fit in your case.

An agency needs a lot of information to develop a proposal, so be prepared for additional brief questions and answer them patiently. And best of all, take the initiative yourself and be creative with the agency. No matter how professional the agency is, you still know better the desires of your employees, the traditions of the company and the preferences of the management.


To choose the best concept for a corporate event, you need to:

  1. Propose in a brief or discuss with the agency 1-3 suitable ideas.
  2. Make sure that the presentation reflects the key points of the future event - the idea, design, show program, venues, activities.
  3. To check the compliance of the concept with the goals of the event, the brand and positioning of the company.
  4. Assess the quality of the concept, analyze the feasibility of ideas and their budget.
  5. Look at the event through the eyes of the guests - how it will be clear and interesting to them, whether they will be involved in the holiday.

When choosing a concept, consider not only entertainment, but also how the idea solves the tasks. Based on the accepted concept, the agency will develop a detailed script / timing of the event, which will also be sent to you for approval.

In the next article, we will make a small digression from the preparation for the event and tell about trends in the event industry . The article will help you choose a modern concept, stay ahead of the trends and truly surprise your guests.

The concept of the store is one of the main components of its future success, so its choice should be treated with special attention. Format, area, category, assortment, target audience - all these issues need to be resolved at the stage of concept formation. And Denis Petrochenkov, an expert in store building, will help in this.

In order to build the concept of your store, you need to understand the following questions:

Step #1. Decide on an assortment.
Need to determine what you plan to trade? What will be the range of products? What can you offer the buyer? Wide and/or deep assortment, exclusive products?

Step No. 2. Select a store format.
What will your store be like? In the format "At home" or a supermarket? Specialized or general purpose? Or maybe it's a boutique or stock store?

Step No. 3. Decide on the area.
Based on the format of the store, it is necessary to determine its area. To do this, you need to understand what assortment you want to present, as mentioned in paragraph number 1. When you define a range, focus on satisfying a large number of customers or a narrow circle regular customers, the question immediately arises of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe store. For example, for a kiosk selling science fiction, detective stories and romance novels near the metro, a large area is not needed. People take books on the go, novelties and bestsellers sell out quickly. But if you plan to introduce textbooks and stationery, which are common for a regional bookstore, into the assortment, then it is better to select the appropriate area so that customers can easily choose products.

Step No. 4. Decide on the store category.

In terms of pricing - expensive / cheap. There are several options competitive strategies that help determine pricing policy shop.

Most low prices: it's simple. Buy as many goods as possible, reduce all costs as much as possible due to the scale of purchases, logistics, self-service, savings on commercial equipment, and so on. Of course, this option assumes that all your efforts will be aimed at reducing costs, which creates a certain reputation for the store, however, attracts thrifty buyers.

Unique products and exclusive service: in this case, the emphasis is on the fact that no one else can satisfy the buyer like you do. In this case, you can set high prices, afford the high costs.

Average prices at elevated level product quality: with this choice, you will need to optimize your costs, however, do not put their reduction at the forefront. You can create additional value for your products with the customer by offering advice. For example, in one of the cosmetics stores, it was decided that professional makeup artists would work with the buyer. Special equipment was made - tables with mirrors and lighting, special chairs for applying makeup were purchased. Such additional services are not expensive, but they can significantly increase sales.

Step No. 5. Find your target audience.

The target audience is a group of buyers who need the products of your store. These are the people for whom you start a business and who will ensure its prosperity. For example, the target audience of a board game store:

  • Young people under the age of 25: students, junior staff with higher education. They buy games for themselves, because it has become boring just to gather with friends and drink beer. They come on weekends, buy 1-2 games once a month.
  • Enthusiasts-fans of board games are fans of this type of leisure. They come often, they buy little, they may come in the future during the daytime.
  • Men and women aged 35-50: buy games for their children as a gift after learning about the newfangled hobby.
When determining target audience demographics should be taken into account. Demography is the collection of data describing and analyzing changes in the size, composition and reproduction of the population.
Key demographic characteristics:
  • Age
  • Income
  • Employment/position
  • A family
  • Own

Step No. 6. Determine the coverage area.

Availability of convenient parking, entrances, as well as the coverage area of ​​the store. Under the coverage area we mean the following: whether the store is within walking distance or can only be reached by car.

The following coverage areas for pedestrians can be distinguished (the coverage areas for motorists are defined similarly):
1) 5-10 minutes on foot / by car - close
2) 10-15 minutes on foot / by car - average
3) 15-20 minutes on foot/by car - farthest
An example of zoning is shown in the figure below.

Depending on the specifics of your activity and the format of the store, more buyers from zones 1 and 2 (neighborhood store) may come to you, and in the case of a specialized store, customers will be ready to go for your goods for an hour and a half by car.

Many authors find a relationship between the time spent by the buyer in the store and the purchase. They believe that the longer a person is in a store, the more they will buy. However, research cited by Dr. Herb Sorensen, PhD, in What Is the Buyer Thinking About? (Inside the Mind of the Shopper) say that this dependence is incorrect. The number of purchases depends on the convenience of the store: the purchase conditions for the buyer. The faster he finds what he needs, the greater the likelihood of a purchase and the amount of the check.

Step No. 7. Choose a work schedule.

Determine the store's work schedule: days and hours, the presence or absence of a "lunch" are an important factor. The more convenient a store's opening hours are, the more likely it is to buy. Some shops selling mobile phones in Moscow, switched to round-the-clock operation, adjusting to their customers. For grocery supermarkets, 24/7 operation in Moscow has already become practically the norm.

Step No. 8. Offer additional services.

Sentence additional services gives the customer a feeling of comfort. Such services can be: delivery (both large and small goods), a bank branch with the possibility of obtaining a loan for a purchase, a children's room with an animator, hemming of trousers, etc.

In addition, it is very important to create the inner atmosphere of the store, its world. The buyer should psychologically feel cozy and comfortable. Responsible for these sensations: sound (music in the store), properly selected individual materials, shop equipment, lighting, display of goods. We will also consider all these aspects in more detail and in detail.

Sooner or later, any retailer, beginner or advanced, faces the question of choosing a concept solution for their store. What will my store be like, how can I see it through the eyes of the buyer, does the concept correspond to modern trends? Agree, at this stage there are countless questions, doubts and desires. Let's try to figure everything out.

This is especially important in the current situation, when retail is experiencing better times and everyone is fighting to increase sales, and the store concept is one of the most powerful tools to achieve this goal. Most likely, the most important issue for you has already been resolved: you understand what you will trade, you have already chosen specific suppliers of goods, one or more, and maybe even already placed an order for the supply of goods. Or you are a wholesaler who decided to sell not only in large quantities, but also at retail, and you already have your own goods. In other words, we have already decided on the assortment.

And here your situation can develop in two directions:

First option: your supplier already has turnkey solution on the design of its retail spaces, and you open a store on the basis of a franchise agreement and are obliged to follow this design.

Second situation: you open a store without a franchise agreement and do not have the right to use the style of the brand directly or even open a multi-brand store. Here everything gets completely confused, because. there are many suppliers, the goods are different in style, suppliers from different countries It is not at all clear how the store will look like, and the task of bringing everyone together in one convenient and comfortable space becomes almost insoluble.

In the first case, all the steps are clear: the franchise owner will provide you with a brand book, help you with the layout of the store and the formation of the assortment, so it makes sense to go straight to the second case.

It is pointless to simply rely on a designer, besides, there are an infinite number of store design options and styles. Yes, and the style of the store is not main factor commercial success of the store. If you do not set clear boundaries for your architect, the process can take from 4 months to a couple of three years until you understand each other. And you no longer have time, the clock began to tick quickly, because in 4-6 months you will already receive the first delivery, which will immediately begin to “become obsolete” ....

What should be paid attention to in order to make the concept creation process fast and efficient? But first, let's ask ourselves a few questions and try to answer them.

Why are you opening a store?

1. This is your first, and maybe not the first store - it doesn’t matter much, the main thing is that the main motivation for creating a store concept is to make it beautiful so that it is the most attractive in its niche, right?
2. Your strategy has changed, your pricing policy has changed, your assortment has changed, in other words, your positioning in the market has changed, you have already thought it all out and therefore you understand exactly what you will sell, who your new customers are and what they want to see in your store. Do you need a concept to fully satisfy the needs of your customers?
3. And finally, the simplest motivation for opening a store - do you want to get the maximum profit?

We are sure that you have now answered “YES” to all questions. But we would like to clarify something, otherwise mass-market stores would not differ from luxury-level stores, and the differences between them are quite serious. So what is the point, what are these differences? As always, it's all in the details.

The first thing to do is to determine in which price category your store will be: mass market, Premium or Luxury.

Depending on this, your customers will expect different level design and details in the store, different levels of finishing materials. A mistake in this matter could cost you sales. Too much high level decoration and equipment in a store with a low price category of goods "scare the customer." One way or another, stereotypes have already taken root in our heads appearance shops of certain categories. We go into outlets according to our "wallet" level, without even realizing this fact. Topshop-level clothing will not be sold in a Dior-designed store and vice versa.

Mass market stores

  • Much more filled with merchandise and should look tighter.
  • As a rule, the filling of a clothes hanger is 25-35 units per linear meter.
  • It is not customary to use too many details in the decoration in them, as a rule, there is more play with the color of the walls and images than with design delights.
  • DO NOT use expensive furniture. Customers in this category will not appreciate this, it will seem to them that due to this your product has become more expensive. This approach will also help save your opening budget.
  • As a rule, stores in this category are lighter and more open, with wide entrances.
  • A more open floor plan as customers take more care of themselves by choosing products themselves and should find what they need easily. There is no one-to-one service here, so very clear and understandable navigation is needed. In addition, there are fewer sellers in such stores than in premium stores, the entire area should be clearly visible so that the seller can simultaneously monitor the safety of the goods. It's no secret that sellers are financially responsible, and theft from the store is a heavy burden on their wallet, and with convenient navigation for buyers, they will be able to work more with customers in the hall, which definitely leads to increased sales.


This is exactly the opposite approach.

  • Filling with goods from 7 to 12 units per linear meter of the hanger
    Small amount of equipment and a lot of free space
  • Chipboard furniture already looks out of place, materials should be closer to the context of customers' lives, materials that are used in the design of apartments are already used here. There are a lot of purely design details in the design, some pleasant “trifles” that declare that you are not only an expert in clothes and accessories, but also in design in general.
  • The design becomes more comfortable, when zoning large open spaces are not welcome, the atmosphere becomes more intimate.
    The service is individual, while the client is one-on-one with the seller and a place is required for calm, measured communication.
  • The size of fitting rooms and waiting areas is increasing, there are more places to relax. Your client, buying expensive clothes or accessories, needs a longer selection and fitting.
  • Usually in these stores, the checkout node fades into the background and sometimes becomes a hidden zone altogether.
  • Lighting becomes less bright and 100% focused on the product, very little general lighting, everything is directed to the product and accent areas.
  • The client should feel that he was taken care of in all aspects and created maximum comfort.

Premium level

It is perhaps the most difficult one. Here it is necessary to balance between the first and second categories. Your client already expects due care from you, but is not yet ready to pay for the highest level of service. The price is still important for him, in fact you need to guess what will not scare him away, but will attract him. The cost of opening such a store in terms of decoration and renovation is already quite high and you will have to apply some tricks.

Leave a few design elements in the store (this could be a decoration on the wall, a chandelier or a carpet, an armchair or a table), but you should not look for too expensive materials on the "technological" equipment on which the goods are directly displayed.

Fitting rooms should be larger than the standard size of 1200x1200, make them 1350x1200 and, despite the small difference, they will be much more comfortable. The space can be either open or divided into separate rooms, it depends more on the size of the store.

The most common mistake in choosing a store design style

There are very good rule: do not perceive the store as an apartment, do not try to bring into the interior of the store everything that you yourself dream of, bring in what will be comfortable and necessary for your customers.

If you sell, for example, Italian clothes, let it somehow be read in the design of the store, create a context for your product. The design of the store is the "wrapper" of the "candy" that you sell. And it doesn't have to be the country of manufacture, it could be the context in which your customer will then wear your product. If you are selling office-style clothes, you should not design the store as a nightclub.

When shopping with family or alone at the entrance or in weekdays, we are looking for like-minded people in our perception of reality, style, fashion, prestige level, etc., which is why we subconsciously love those stores that meet our needs.

Ekaterina Agatova,
deputy CEO Company Project line

The demand for clothing is at a high level. It is needed by people of all ages and social statuses. However, during the period of prevailing factory production, it is quite difficult to find exclusive and inexpensive clothes.

Here the showrooms come to the aid of the consumer.

What it is?

A showroom is a place where clothing is displayed. Shows are aimed at attracting wholesale buyers. The showroom exhibits exclusive clothing, presented in one copy.

it a place that allows novice designers to find their customers. A home store can also act as a showroom.

Unlike a boutique, clothing in a showroom is sold at a reduced price. Tax-free trade is carried out on the territory of the institution. For this reason, the cost of production is significantly reduced.

The product is presented in one copy, which makes it exclusive.

Which direction do you prefer?

Having decided to open a showroom, an entrepreneur must decide where to start, that is, choose a concept.


  • Studios. Samples of factory samples or goods of large manufacturers are exhibited. Clients are wholesale buyers
  • Studio. Serves as a showroom for designers who have not yet had time to gain recognition. Allows them to find their buyer. Clothing can be made to order. Clients are people of all ages.
  • The room in which product samples of several designers. Underway retail finished goods. Clients are people of all ages.
  • boutique at home. The sale of goods purchased abroad or in an online store is carried out. Sale is carried out with a small margin. Clients are predominantly young people under 35 years old.

It is easier to cooperate with wholesale buyers. In the showroom will be presented samples of products that are present in mass production. The owner of the establishment will have to conclude contracts with suppliers of goods. Finding clients for such a showroom is more difficult.

If an entrepreneur plans to create a showroom aimed at selling goods to retail customers, he must understand that these people are looking for an exclusive product.

To make a profit, the owner of the establishment will have to organize the supply of products from abroad or conclude a contract with the designer. An entrepreneur can sell goods purchased in an online store.

Products are sold at a small margin.

Particular attention should be paid to the name of the showroom. It should reflect the concept of the institution. For example, if it is planned to sell branded European clothing, then the name “Rococo” or “Passage” should be used.

Features of the legal side

Having decided to open a showroom from scratch, an entrepreneur must decide on the form of ownership. For the kind business will do registration as an individual entrepreneur or opening an LLC.

The final choice should be made based on the planned size of the business and the availability of partners.

For IP a smaller package of documents is required. To register as a sole trader,the registration authority will need to provide:

  • Statement;
  • Copy of TIN;
  • Copy of passport;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

To open an LLC the list of documents is much wider. The list includes:

  • Statement;
  • The decision to establish an LLC;
  • Charter of LLC;
  • Receipt of payment of state duty;
  • Application for the transition to the selected taxation system;
  • Letter of guarantee from the owner legal address or documents confirming its ownership by one of the founders.

It is much easier to open an individual entrepreneur, but the entrepreneur is responsible for business matters with all his property. In case of indebtedness to creditors, liability with individual is not withdrawn, even if the business reorganization procedure is underway.

More funds are needed to set up an LLC. The company must have an authorized capital, the minimum amount of which is 10,000 rubles. However, an LLC can have multiple founders. The created organization will be a legal entity.

The owner of an LLC is liable only for the amount of money or property that he has invested as authorized capital. The final choice of the form of ownership should be carried out by the owner of the showroom, based on the goals pursued.


The entrepreneur will have to buy cash machine. Its cost starts from 10,000 rubles. When buying a device, a contract for its maintenance must be concluded.

Cash register needs to be registered. To complete the procedure for the entrepreneur need to provide documents:

  • Statement;
  • Technical passport of the cash register;
  • Agreement on the maintenance of the cash register;
  • Applicant's passport;
  • Documents confirming the purchase of a cash register;
  • The lease agreement or documents confirming that the premises where the cash register will be located are owned by the applicant;
  • Cashier's journal;
  • A copy of the financial statements for the last period.

When opening a showroom, an entrepreneur often refuses to register any form of ownership, arguing that no one will know about the activities of a small home store.

Ignoring the law is fraught with high fines. Better not to take unnecessary risks.

Supplier search

Having decided on the form of ownership, the entrepreneur must start looking for a supplier. His choice should be based on the concept of the institution.

AT a list of popular places where clothes for the showroom can be purchased, includes:

  • outlets. These are peculiar markets organized in the form shopping center. Here you can find branded clothing sold with big discounts. The advantage of outlets is that the buyer can purchase goods in a batch of any size.
  • ready-to-wear factory. The product is sold in bulk. The advantage of collaboration is the ability to work from directories.
  • Factories that make clothes to order. An entrepreneur can order an exclusive collection here. However, the business owner must understand fashion and clearly understand what will be in demand at the moment.
  • Warehouse. The product can be purchased at a high discount. The entrepreneur can independently choose the goods for the showroom.
  • Online shopping. The product can be purchased at a low price, for example, by ordering it from China. A businessman can choose exclusive products from the existing catalog.

If you plan to cooperate with novice designers, then you can get to know them when visiting clothing exhibitions.

Selection of premises and equipment

Having decided on the supplier, the entrepreneur should think about choosing the right premises. It should be a bright, spacious room, made in the same style.

The size of the premises depends on the turnover of the premises. The optimal area is considered to be 100-150 square meters. m. The showroom can be located in a studio apartment, located in a separate building or be opened on the basis of a shopping center.

Having decided on the premises, it is necessary to carry out repairs in it. A memorable design is especially important if the specialization is narrow, for example, when opening a showroom for wedding dresses or children's clothing. Recommendations for design can be found on thematic forums.

The showroom should make a positive impression on customers:

  • The atmosphere plays a special role.
  • The establishment must be kept clean.
  • The room should smell good.
  • At the time of work, you need to turn on calm music.
  • Mannequins should be placed in the room, demonstrating the best examples of clothing.

A separate room should be allocated for storing clothes.. If not, then you should purchase a sufficient number of shelves and hangers. They should be placed along the walls.

If you plan to show clothes potential buyers, then you will need to purchase a number of comfortable chairs.

How to create the right atmosphere to increase the efficiency of the showroom, see the video:

If you plan to sell goods at retail, then you should think about the presence of fitting rooms and mirrors. It is necessary to organize at least 2 places where customers can try on the clothes they like.


For the normal functioning of the show room, 1-2 sellers will be required. They must be able to present the clothing sold in a favorable light, know the range of goods available.

When choosing staff attention should be paid to the following qualities:

  • The ability to find mutual language with potential buyers;
  • Presentable appearance;
  • Ability to work efficiently.

Recruitment can be carried out through bulletin boards or with the help of a special agency.

The establishment needs an administrator. His responsibilities include overseeing the work of the showroom and solving contentious issues that arise when working with clients.

At first, the administrator's duties can be performed by the owner of the institution.

Marketing component

Having decided to open a showroom, a businessman should think about the organization advertising company. If the establishment is located in a separate room, showcases should be installed. They need to exhibit mannequins with the best examples clothes or new arrivals. A bright sign should be placed in front of the entrance.

You can attract customers with the help of discounts and organizing sales. Their implementation will help sell stale goods and allow potential buyers to learn about the store.

Franchise work

An entrepreneur can start a franchise business.

In this case, the company chosen for cooperation will assist the businessman with the opening of a showroom and will supply goods at a significant discount. However, the business owner will have to give part of the profits to the company with which he cooperates.

Opening a franchise business will significantly save on the stage of organizing a business. However, in the future, the businessman will have to give the company a significant part of his earnings, which can be very unprofitable.

Drawing up a business plan

Having decided to open a business on their own, an entrepreneur must be prepared for the costs. The entrepreneur will need about 1 million rubles to create a showroom.

Showroom opening costs (average):

A set of necessary equipment

One of the important cost items is the purchase of equipment. About 200 thousand rubles will have to be spent on its acquisition.

To start a business you need:

  • Cash register - 1 pc. = 10,000 rubles;
  • Showcases - 1 pc. = 35,000 rubles;
  • Shelving - 10 pcs. = 30,000 rubles;
  • Shelves - 20 pcs. = 40,000 rubles;
  • Mannequins - 5 pcs. = 75,000 rubles;
  • Mirrors - 3 pcs. = 9,000 rubles.

Showroom profitability

For the salary and rent of premises to a businessman you have to spend about 200 thousand rubles a month.

A showroom usually has up to 200 regular customers. Each of them makes purchases in the amount of 15 to 45 thousand rubles every month.

Monthly profit can reach up to 500 thousand rubles. The business is able to pay off in 6-12 months from the moment of opening. The institution will begin to bring a stable profit in 1.5 - 2 years.


The opening of the showroom is one of promising species business. With the right approach, the level of profitability can reach 300%. At the same time, the business is associated with a high level of risk. There is a chance that you will not be able to attract customers.

If you create a business on your own, then the level of profit will be much higher. However, the organization of a franchise establishment will avoid mistakes at first. Business can pay off faster.

The entrepreneur must make the final choice independently, based on the specific situation. A business is able to bring a high level of profit at minimal cost.

The imagination of every aspiring restaurateur, no matter which restaurant he intends to open, draws pleasant stylish interior pictures, mouth-watering aromas of Italian pasta, Japanese sushi or Peking duck and, of course, grateful smiles of regular customers. Of course, dreams will come true if the concept of the restaurant is chosen correctly, and then patiently and competently implemented.

A good concept is the key to success

The development of a restaurant concept is, perhaps, the most important strategic stage, on which it depends, will the future business bring only money or, as desired, the pleasure of customers and the unspeakable pleasure of the owner. Can hardly be called good restaurant concept A popular trend among celebrities in recent years is a restaurant for the image, for themselves, for friends, a kind of “party for their own”. The owner of such an institution does not even think about how much profit his offspring will bring. He, as a rule, is a member of a certain party, creates an establishment-toy, in which the beau monde will go "to the stars." A newcomer to the restaurant market has yet to decide which restaurant to open in order to make decent money on it. Take the path of developing a fast food restaurant concept? Indeed popular and profitable restaurant format subject to the development of a network of inexpensive establishments united by a single brand, an experienced restaurateur can handle it. A lone fast food restaurant will most likely not be able to compete with a chain and become profitable. There are also profitable, but specific concepts“for the soul”, which are more suitable for experienced restaurateurs who are thinking about which restaurant to open next. it

  • premium format - an expensive institution with high-class service, where the main source of profit is high margins;
  • the club format is an inexpensive restaurant in which profit is achieved by minimizing production costs.

Inexperienced novice restaurateurs, who are thinking about the question of which restaurant to open, should take a closer look at the cute format of small, cozy, conceptually seasoned city restaurants. restaurants of daily demand that attract customers high quality and democratic prices. Modern townspeople are already fed up with the format of the “glamour for the poor” restaurant, in which they were treated to a menu of European-Asian dishes, but they are happy to spend time in the cozy atmosphere of small cafe restaurants with well-prepared dishes of their favorite national cuisine and moderate checks. The future owner of the establishment can even choose the concept of the restaurant, based on their own preferences for a certain national cuisine, and if it is talentedly implemented, like-minded people will be found among the visitors very quickly.

Italian restaurant

Of European cuisines, the concept of an Italian restaurant is more suitable than others for the format of an inexpensive city restaurant-cafe. Of course, among the many pizzerias you will have to show ingenuity to open an Italian restaurant with a "own face", unlike the others. Let's start with the premises: it should be spacious enough, approximately 150-200 sq.m. and located, if not in the city center, then definitely on a busy street, have a front entrance and an attractive signboard and a stylish sunny, mediterranean interior. After all, initially the concept of an Italian restaurant involves a holiday - melodic Italian music, good wines, delicious food and sensual dances - and customers should feel this magical atmosphere even at the entrance to the restaurant. To open an Italian restaurant that will never turn into an ordinary pizzeria, you need to carefully consider the menu, in which pizza will never play a leading role. These can be interesting seafood and meat dishes, lasagna, traditional Italian desserts, excellent coffee and always good wines. Definitely desirable invite an italian chef, otherwise a casual Italian visitor with the replica “this is not Italian food” can nullify a great undertaking.

Japanese restaurant

On the one hand, the idea and concept of a Japanese restaurant is very popular among both restaurateurs and customers, because it is in perfect harmony with the wonderful fashion of recent years on healthy eating and healthy lifestyle life. On the other hand in the face of fierce competition, surrounded by many tired sushi bars, it is extremely difficult to open a Japanese restaurant that is completely different from similar establishments. If you approach the concept of a Japanese restaurant, as to popularize not so much food as the unique Japanese subculture, then you can surprise the sophisticated public and find your regular customers quite quickly. The indisputable advantage of the idea is the fact that you can open a Japanese restaurant in a very small space: even the basement of a building with low ceilings for 8-10 tables is suitable. Fans of Japanese culture come to the restaurant not so much for food as for the atmosphere, and therefore the interior must be kept in a minimalist Japanese style with a predominance of black and white colors with expressive bright elements. In serving generally well-known dishes, their excellent quality is very important. compared to sushi bars quality and presentation ceremony. For example, a tea ceremony in one of the Japanese provinces can be turned into a feature of a Japanese restaurant.

Chinese restaurant

Surprisingly, the concept of a Chinese restaurant is better than others for starting a business, because classical Chinese cuisine is almost not represented in the domestic restaurant market. If you open a Chinese restaurant surrounded by Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai and other Asian restaurants, it will will be the most exotic and this will attract new customers. The role of the interior in the concept of a Chinese restaurant cannot be overestimated: every stroke in it, images of flowers, birds, animals are filled with deep meaning. So that the attributes of national symbols are not interpreted ambiguously, it is better to turn to specialists in interior design of a Chinese-style restaurant. Chinese cuisine is extremely diverse and filled with many dishes, starting with the familiar dumplings and roast duck and ending with exotic shark fin soups and the famous black eggs that the Moscow Peking restaurant was once famous for. To open a successful Chinese restaurant with classic Chinese cuisine, it is advisable to invite a Chinese chef at the initial stage. Even if the cost of paying for his labor seems high, they will pay off very quickly: the diverse, unusual, sometimes exotic and very tasty Chinese cuisine, with almost no competition, is simply doomed to a stunning success with visitors.