Make a commercial offer for advertising. Samples and examples of advertising letters. How to write a sales letter: rules and procedures. Best Selling Proposals: Examples

  • 20.04.2020

Greetings, dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov is with you - one of the authors of the business magazine.

Today I will talk about some interesting tricks of writing advertising text. I’ll make a reservation right away that practice is necessary for professional possession of an advertising style.

As in any business, in this art you need to make your own mistakes in order to arrive at the best result.

The following tips and tricks will be especially relevant for aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have the means to pay for the services of professional copywriters. * and plan to independently develop promotional materials.

copywriter- Specialist in the field of writing commercial texts. Unlike an ordinary writer, a copywriter is engaged in the creation of texts, the purpose of which is to encourage the reader (potential client) to buy a product or service, as well as to perform another action planned in advance by the author.

For example, make a call to a company or follow a link (in the case of a copywriter creating content for websites).

While consulting existing entrepreneurs in the field of marketing and advertising, I saw that many of them make the same mistakes in advertising. As a result, its efficiency decreases, and as a result, the company's sales volume.

I will be very glad if my knowledge will help you in writing high-quality texts (ads, slogans) that will increase sales of your business.

1. What distinguishes good advertising text from bad

And really, what's the difference? Many people don't understand this.

Let's get straight to the point. Let's start with the bad.

Firm " feed me» offers pasta, cereals, eggs, dairy products, there are discounts!

We have good product, high-quality raw materials, convenient delivery of products to your home, so it is a pleasure to shop in our store. Inquiries by phone: 333-222-222.

Approximately so, not really bothering, most entrepreneurs write advertising texts. And their main mistake here is standardity. After all, such ads are not remembered and are lost in total mass advertising variety. Moreover, this unimpressive ad text is a statement of facts about the company and does not show the clear benefits of the client when making a purchase in it.

Compare this same ad, just with a different feed:

Hungry? Do you want to eat tasty, healthy and inexpensive?

« feed me» family natural products. Down with chemistry, long live natural food!

We deliver the best to your table.

Buy a lot - get a discount!

Call your relatives to the table and call us soon: 333-222-222.

Yes, I agree, it sounds like a fair, but it really works!

This is how merchants and merchants have long been inviting people to buy their goods. Can you imagine if they just stood there and said: “Merchant Ivanov, I sell milk, meat, cereals”, that is, they simply voiced the fact of their presence, as many modern entrepreneurs do.

This is just an abstract example. I think the point is clear.

Don't be like everyone else, stand out.

2. Why it is important to formulate the purpose of the advertising text

Remember the famous expression: "For a ship that does not know its direction, not a single wind will be fair." In advertising, this principle works exactly the same.

Surely, in this case, you want to encourage a potential client to take action. And it is right! What is the nature of such a call?

Here are some options:

  1. Call to the company. « Call now and find out more!»
  2. Making an order. « Place an order today and get a 10% discount!»
  3. A call to come to the store. « Come to our store and buy a Nike cap for only 500 rubles!»

3. How to write a catchy headline for an article: the molehill trick

We often hear: I bought this newspaper because the headline "hooked". Or: " I went there because the advertisement said: “Every second customer gets a toy as a gift!”". Surely you will remember many such examples.

Often we see very intriguing headlines and no one will stop us from reading the entire ad (article).

I advise you to write a few ideas on paper, and then choose the most successful one by combining them.

The most common example is a promise to provide big discounts.

Surely you have seen similar price "lure": DISCOUNTS UP TO... 50%, 70%, 90%.

Usually we see such inscriptions on shops and trade pavilions. When do we go inside outlet and we want to get the goods for nothing, expecting to buy a suit for 3,000 rubles, which costs 20,000, the friendly seller tells us that the discount applies only to accessories and purchases over 10,000 rubles.

You see, they didn’t seem to deceive you, but they “forced” you to go to the store, and there a professional consultant will process you, selling you what he needs.

Or another popular speculation on the value of goods: PRICES FROM: ...

When you contact a company or store to purchase a product or service at this low "FROM" price, it turns out that you need to either take a wholesale batch or buy last year's or defective goods.

Continuing the conversation about the rules for compiling the title.

The title of your ad should be short and concise, reflecting the main essence of your offer.

One of the most effective techniques when compiling the headline, it is to submit it as a question with an obvious answer, or we want to receive this same answer to such a question.

Please note that in each of the above examples, I use numbers, they attract attention and allow you to give some kind of quantitative assessment of the proposal advertised in the title.

4. An example of using PR technologies when writing an advertising text

Now, in a nutshell, we will touch on the technology of PR. In short, the main goal of PR is to form a certain opinion about an event, product or person.

Suppose you are an entrepreneur and sell furniture. You small shop and you decide to find additional clients on the Internet.

When creating presentation material, I draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to present your business from the most favorable side. Here's how it's done.

If you have been working for 2 years, then write in the text: “Company such and such has been on the market for several years!”. If you manufacture bespoke built-in furniture in addition to sales, submit this fact as a wide range of services provided by your furniture company.

If you buy imported furniture components, then write in the advertisement: "Components from the best foreign manufacturers".

Word "import" or "foreign" is still associated by our people with a better product. That is, you do not deceive the buyer, but simply position your business from the most advantageous side.

Here the principle of "meet by clothes" works especially well.

Remember that beautiful "packaging" often allows you to sell a product several times more expensive.

5. What are copywriters silent about when writing intriguing headlines?

Continuing the theme of catchy headlines.

Example: " An actor almost died in a car accident" or " Moscow pensioner found the corpse of an alien in her own dacha". Quite intriguing, don't you agree?

Now let's see what they actually write in such articles:

  1. About the car accident.Usually, this is followed by a description of the situation when this same actor starred in the next film, where there was a car chase outside the city. And in the process of filming the chase itself, cows grazing near this place came out onto the road, and the actor had to slow down sharply, which led to the exit into the ditch. And the article itself is actually just a veiled advertisement for the same movie with a chase scene.
  2. About "Grandma and the Alien".Reading the article, we find there interesting fact! It turns out that the pensioner, having found the "corpse of an alien", simply did not know that it was an ordinary dead mole, the carcass of which was severely disfigured by time. And she found him when she was digging up potatoes. Having called journalists to the place of the “incident”, the granny almost convinced them that she was right, as she had previously worked as a professional screenwriter.

Here I will give one of my favorite examples that clearly show how to create interesting headlines for advertising texts using simple PR technologies.

So, the example itself:

Even if you gathered two single moms at home and gave them a chocolate bar, you can safely say: “ Conducted a city social action for single mothers with the presentation of gifts! ».

In this case, the title might be: The loneliness of mothers was brightened up with gifts and sincere communication”- this is about an article in which you can advertise the same chocolates.

An example of such a template can already be used as a ready-made advertisement. If you dream up, you can add more shocking and even rhyme.

For example:

"Mississippi chocolate at leisure is very sweet!"

Although it sounds childish, the main principle here is (by the way, a good alternative to the KitKat advertisement with a slogan for office workers: « There is a break - there is KitKat»).

I think we figured out the headlines, let's move on.

6. What is the image of the “ideal buyer” for and what does it have to do with advertising texts

Since the purpose of any advertising text is to sell a product or service, you must first determine the “portrait of the ideal buyer”. That is, gender, age, financial situation, interests and other qualities that you think are necessary to characterize your potential client.

Think about what language he speaks, how he spends his time, what are his values, ideals? This is your the target audience.


“Kolya loves Masha, and Masha loves his “dynamite”. Why be friends with Masha? It's better to play football! The Dynamo football team is fun and friendly with us, and you don’t need to be nervous!”

What this means is that when you write an ad text, think about what will be important for your client to see there. Maybe it's price, quality, bonuses, etc...

So, once again, let's take a look at the steps of how to write an effective advertising text:

  1. Decide on a goal
  2. Create a catchy headline
  3. Formulate a portrait of the ideal buyer
  4. Set your priorities. What will be emphasized in your advertisement first of all.
  1. Make a good intriguing headline - this is a must!
  2. Use simple words and expressions in short form, rhyme them. This will increase the recall of your advertisement.
  3. Break the text into paragraphs to make it easier for the reader to understand it.
  4. Write paragraphs of no more than 50 words, 40-45 words are best. Less is also not desirable.
  5. Do not write paragraphs in one sentence. If you suddenly get a long sentence with adverbial phrases, break it into shorter and simpler ones (see paragraph 2)
  6. Use subheadings in the text if it is long.
  7. Use numbered and bulleted lists- all this will give the text structure.
  8. First, let's give the most important information in the ad, and then the secondary in descending order.
  9. Color your ad with a catchy themed illustration.
  10. Please provide your company contact details potential client knew where to turn. Here the required elements are: phone number, address. It is also highly desirable to indicate all auxiliary contacts and information: opening hours, website address, e-mail, directions.

8. Conclusion

If you are a beginner and faced with the need to competently compose advertisements in order to sell your company's goods and services, feel free to take note of them.

Practice, and before you get into a fight, analyze your competitors for strong promotional materials.

Then think about what you can do better and where your competitors are clearly inferior to you.

Even these simple actions can significantly increase the sales of your business and in the shortest possible time form the backbone of customers who will fly to you like moths to a fire.

Friends, I wish you good luck with this!

Have you already written sales texts? What works and what doesn't? If you liked the article, like and share your experience in compiling selling ads in the comments.

Especially for our readers, I have prepared samples of literate commercial offers, which can be downloaded in Word. So if you were looking for examples of a commercial proposal, then you came to the address

Hello dear friends. Alexander Berezhnov is with you and today we will analyze in detail the issue of writing a commercial proposal.

For several years of running entrepreneurial activity I have had to draw up a commercial proposal more than once, and friends from time to time turn to me for help in compiling a selling and effective commercial offer.

The article will consider the topics of design and content of a commercial offer, the psychology of the client's perception of your commercial offer, as well as personal chips and developments with explanations.

Let's start friends!

1. General recommendations for writing a selling commercial proposal

This article-instruction for drawing up a commercial proposal will contain a maximum of practical advice with clear examples. At the end of your acquaintance with it, you will have a ready-made system for writing a CP, which will not take more than 30 minutes of your time.

No water, no bullshit. Go!

Practice shows that “cold” commercial offers no longer work, especially if they are sent in the form of spam without prior notice to the potential client.

Therefore, “warm” commercial offers work. By analogy with "cold" and "warm" calls.

Further, we will talk about compiling exactly “warm” CPs, since I see no reason to send out the same information to everyone. Indeed, in this case, you are not only not familiar with the person to whom you are sending it, but also do not take into account the specifics of the activities of your potential client’s company.

Formulation and structure of the commercial offer

The CP is drawn up in one page, in some cases - a maximum of two. With the right approach, the whole essence of your offer, including the benefits of the client, brief information about the company and contacts, can be placed on just one sheet.

Today, people, especially entrepreneurs or officials (commercial offers are mainly drawn up for them) do not have a lot of time and are unlikely to read more than 2 sheets of A4 paper.

If we are talking about a classic good commercial offer, then it looks like this (from top to bottom):

  • hat;
  • title;
  • main part;
  • contacts.

Your CP must have a hat with the company logo or symbol(picture) of the item you are selling.

Sometimes people ask me if it's worth making a sales pitch that stands out too much, for example, using colored paper (if it's a physical version) or bright colors and outrageous pictures (for an electronic version).

There is no single answer here.

You can divide your customers into two groups, one send a bright and eye-catching CP, and the other a regular one and look at the response. Here it is worth considering that any conclusions can only be drawn by sending a large number of commercial proposals, for example, 50 or 100 to each group of your potential customers. Otherwise, your statistics will be heavily blurred.

2. 5 simple steps for compiling an effective commercial offer on the example of selling advertising services of the electronic business magazine

In order to see in practice how a commercial offer is made, I decided to write it for our electronic business magazine which you are reading now.

At the same time, you will be able to follow the steps of how the CP is compiled. There will also be illustrations and explanations.

An important condition that must be met before starting to draw up a CP is an established warm contact with your potential client. That is, you must know in advance which company you will send the CV to and what is the name of your addressee.


Step 1. We analyze our client

To know in what style to write a commercial proposal, to indicate in it the right benefits for your potential client, you need to analyze it.

First of all, we will analyze its problems and needs, since our product or service will solve them.

In our case, the offer for a potential client will be advertising in the business magazine in the form of a banner, review, or a mention in the target article of the products or services of our advertisers.

Let's think logically. Who might be interested in our offer.

We position our business magazine as a platform with instructions, recommendations and interviews for aspiring entrepreneurs.

At the beginning of the first step, we simply have a general idea of ​​our potential client and a blank offer form.

In our case, the form looks like this:

Important point!

Suppose that we have already found a certain company “Easy Start in Business” on the Internet, contacted it and found out that its leader Nikolai Ivanov was interested in cooperation with our business magazine. Now he is waiting for our commercial offer by e-mail.

We also know that the profile of the company "Easy Start in Business" is conducting online training webinars and trainings on organizing your business on the Internet.

At the end of the first step, our commercial offer will look like this:

Step 2. Compose a catchy headline WITH NUMBERS

The title of your CP is the most powerful tool to attract the attention of your potential client. In our case, such a header could be the following:

100,000 of your potential customers are already ready to pay for training at Easy Start in Business!

Let's now figure out why the title of our commercial offer is exactly like that?

It's simple, now our business magazine is visited by more than 100,000 people a month. Considering that these are people who are interested in making money and starting their own business, it turns out that all of them are, one way or another, potential clients of our fictitious company “Easy start in business”.

I think that if you were the head of this company, then such a headline would not leave you indifferent. :)

Also, the phrase “already ready to pay” further fuels interest in our commercial offer.

And everything is logical, if these 100,000 people came to our website in order to open their own business or get an idea for making money, then in fact they are READY to pay for really high-quality and structured information that will be given at the company’s online webinar “Easy Start in business".

And the figure of 100,000 specifies the potential revenue from sales of webinars.

For example, it would be wrong to write the title using the phrase “a large number” and the like instead of the number 100,000. After all, big is a subjective indicator and everyone understands it in their own way.

And here the head of the company can immediately figure out the calculation of potential profit - that same sales funnel.

For example, if 100,000 people saw his offer, 1% went to his selling site, that is, 1000 per month, and out of a thousand, another 3% bought services, that is, 30 people, while his average check is 5000 rubles, then the potential revenue for the month will be equal to:

30 people x 5000 = 150,000 rubles. Then it is quite logical that he can spend 15,000 rubles or 10% of potential revenue on advertising per month.

Moreover, if out of 100,000 people who visited the site and saw its offer, at least 3 people buy participation in the company's training (15,000 rubles), then advertising will pay for itself.

Now our commercial offer with a title will look like this:

Step 3. We speak with the client in HIS language and HIS words

We proceed to the preparation of the main part of the commercial offer.

Before sending your potential client the electronic file from the CP, I recommend that you write a short introduction-preface to the commercial offer, where you must definitely mention the problems and wishes of the client, that is, talk with him about him, about his company, about his tasks .

This is a simple psychology, and just an attentive and respectful attitude towards your partner (potential advertiser).

This is how it might look like:

This is the introductory message you will get before sending your CP.

Step 4. Describe the main BENEFITS of the client from cooperation with you (your company)

Now let's move on to the facts and benefits of the client, or describe here what the potential advertiser Nikolai asked us to do.

Facts about the electronic business magazine

  • has been online for 3 years;
  • attendance of more than 100,000 people per month;
  • all content on the site is of high quality and completely copyrighted, with visual colorful illustrations;
  • the magazine has a clear and loyal target audience(beginning entrepreneurs), a large number of reviews of the site's articles speaks for itself;
  • successfully acts as an advertising platform for companies and individual entrepreneurs interested in getting new target customers.

Your benefits from cooperation with business magazine:

  1. Your advertising message will hit the target, because your potential customers are our large readership;
  2. You will get a lot of high-converting clicks to your landing page due to the high traffic of our resource (more than 5,000 people per day);
  3. We will select the individual location and format of advertising on the site to increase its effectiveness ( advertising review, banner, mention in the target article);
  4. You will save the budget with long-term advertising (clients who place ads for a period of more than six months receive a 15% discount);
  5. Your product, service or company will become recognizable throughout the Russian-speaking Internet. This will increase the credibility of your potential customers and increase passive sales.
  1. Advertising review (article) about your products (services);
  2. Mention in the form of unobtrusive (hidden) advertising in our feature articles;
  3. Advertising banner in different parts of the site;
  4. Individual or combined options for advertising (negotiated individually).

Here we list the range of our services. Separately, you can also send the client links with examples of ads that he requested, as well as a price list with prices.

At this stage, our commercial proposal will look like this:

Step 5. Encourage the client to take action

This step is kind of closing the sale. Here we should write something that will prompt our potential client to call you as soon as possible. To do this, you can even come up with any trick on the go, as long as it turns out to be effective. But, whatever you write, it should ultimately bring additional value (benefit, benefit for the client).

For example:

Call us within 24 hours and as a gift you will receive 1 month of free placement of your ad in the target article.

For example:

Alexander Berezhnov, Client Relations Manager of business magazine

Phone: 8-919-739-52-33;

e-mail: [email protected]

Skype: berezhnovalex1988

As a result, we came up with the following commercial proposal:

It is not overloaded with unnecessary information and the client knows that he can get other details from the contact person indicated for communication.

Now you know how to quickly make a good commercial offer according to all the rules in just half an hour.

At the end of the article, I wrote several commercial proposals myself.

You can download them below.

3. Sample quotations for download

Dear friends, I suggest you download a sample commercial offer that I have compiled for people who want to make money on the site,


This is a real, valid offer for potential investors. Perhaps you will be interested in them.


That's all. Good luck with your own business proposals and many rich clients

A sales letter is a commercial text that contains information for potential consumers about your product or service. The purpose of such letters is to draw the attention of buyers to your products. Promotional emails are a great selling tool that allows you to get a large number of responses and increase orders. However, the question of how to write them leads to complete confusion. This will help examples of promotional letters that can be used as a template.

How to write a sales letter

Any organization involved in commercial activities should pay due attention to the advertising of products or services. There are two types of promotional emails:

  1. A document that contains information about the company itself.
  2. Letters describing offered products and services.

Also, various bulletins, brochures with more detailed information about the goods are used in advertising. They do not apply to promotional letters and are usually issued at the request of a buyer who already has primary information about the company and its products.

Rules for writing a company letter

  1. Informativeness. The text should be concise, informative, essential. No need to offer buyers detailed description company and its products. It is important to convey the most essential information that reflects the uniqueness of the company, the difference between its offer and all others.
  2. brevity. Promotional emails should not be longer than a page. Large advertising texts, most likely, will not be read.
  3. Unobtrusiveness. Do not offer your products too intrusively, so as not to irritate the reader. The text should be unobtrusive and persuasive.
  4. Accuracy. You should not exaggerate the merits of the company or individual products, post only information that has been proven in practice. Don't mislead potential customers.
  5. Strictness and rationality in design. The letter must be written on a form with all the required details without excessive registration. It is better to use a letter font of at least 13 pt with one and a half line spacing. To understand the design features well help samples of advertising letters.

Writing order

If the main purpose of the letter is to draw attention to certain goods and services, then it should be formed as follows:

  1. Appeal (for example: "Dear ladies and gentlemen!").
  2. List of products with indication of the main advantages.
  3. Additional terms.
  4. Possible forms of cooperation (retail or wholesale purchase, offer of services, and so on).
  5. Grantability Expression additional information about
  6. Signature.

If the purpose of the letter is to introduce the company, it is structured as follows:

  1. Contacting the recipient.
  2. short information about your firm.
  3. The main activities of the company, its advantages, achievements, advantages in comparison with other companies.
  4. Possible forms of cooperation.
  5. Expression of the possibility of providing additional information about the company.
  6. An expression of hope for a long and mutually beneficial cooperation.
  7. Signature.

Just a few words about such an important prop as a signature. In practice, advertising letters are signed not only by company executives, but also by ordinary employees. However, in order to ensure high level confidence and have a greater impact on a potential client or partner, it is better to sign the letter to the manager or one of his deputies.

Examples of advertising and information letters. Opening of a photo studio

Dear Sirs!

On st. Lenin ( shopping center"Aladdin", 1st floor) opened a new photo studio "World of Photography".

Professional studio photographers offer you the following services:

  • photographing weddings, other family holidays;
  • studio photo shoots in the interior;
  • making photobooks, graduation albums;
  • digital photo printing;
  • restoration of old photos;
  • production of artistic portraits.

In the studio you can buy:

  • photo frames;
  • photo albums;
  • cameras, lenses and related accessories.

We are waiting for you in our photo studio!

Example of a sales letter with a company overview

Dear colleagues!

Our company has been operating in the knitwear market for more than ten years. We offer knitwear from France, Belgium, Italy and Spain. The company for many years of cooperation has confirmed its status as a reliable partner, providing its customers high quality products at affordable prices.

We are engaged in the transportation of these products to the CIS countries and provide insurance.

For the summer season of 2018, we have formed a new fashionable collection of knitwear in a wide price range.

If you are interested in our offer, we are ready to send you a detailed price list and answer all your questions.

We look forward to a long and fruitful cooperation.

Sincerely, director of the company (company name, surname, name, patronymic of the director and signature).

Sending promotional emails

Letter advertising nature may contain various information, but the structure of such text, as a rule, corresponds to the one presented above. Next, the question always arises of how to establish a dialogue with a potential buyer. Distribution of promotional letters differs from other types of advertising in that it implies a response from the opposite side. This may be consent to the purchase of products, a request for additional information, a request for a meeting, and so on. The main thing is to get a response to your letters. If the addressee is silent, it means that the information indicated in the letter did not interest him. In this case, you can check whether the recipient received your letter, or after a while write a letter with a different content.

Drafting promotional letters

It is desirable to print the letter on high-quality paper in good polygraphy. It is even better to use a letterhead with a company logo for this. One of your main tasks is to establish the first eye contact with the addressee. In the first few seconds, the reader has time to get an impression of your company, choose the most important thing for themselves and either be interested in your offer or reject it. Then there is a closer acquaintance with the company, which, as a rule, only strengthens the first impression.

If you're planning to send promotional emails, you can choose a simple, non-distracting background in a neutral color for the design. Depending on the features of your proposal, illustrations can be inserted into the text that will attract the attention of the reader.

Rules for compiling the text of advertising letters

Determine key benefits your proposal - they can be highlighted in the text in bold, headings. Arrange various items of goods or services in short paragraphs, in blocks of two or three lines. Note that a long paragraph will be read last. At the same time, the gaze moves spasmodically between the lines in search of the most interesting moments.

To activate the reader's attention to the text, more personal pronouns should be used. Thanks to this technique, the letter becomes more personal. It would be appropriate to address the addressee by name and patronymic, especially if you met him personally.

To encourage action in a letter, it is recommended to use verbs in the present tense. Compare two options: "Only this week you have the opportunity to use our services with a 15% discount" and "You can use our services with a 15% discount." The first option would be the most preferable.

Of course, the letter should be written in a clear and competent language. It should not be overloaded with professional terms and jargon. Try not to write monotonously, dilute the text with an original, non-standard word.

The imperative mood should not be abused.

Studies show that a short text with small paragraphs is always much better remembered. As a rule, a person is able to immediately remember a sentence of five words, only half of phrases with ten words are remembered. Therefore, text blocks should be optimally separated from the point of view of memorability of information.

Before preparing for work, study as many examples of promotional letters as possible, highlight the benefits for yourself as a consumer and try to use them in your text. A well-written sales letter will attract buyers to your company and open up new heights for you and other employees. Remember that it is not the director who pays the salary, but the consumers.

Hello! Today we will talk about a commercial offer and how to write it. I have been asked similar questions more than once, so the article is “in the subject”. Let's start from the very beginning, about what a commercial offer is, how to make it and at the end I will give examples / samples of a commercial offer. This article contains the recommendations of many experts, so I have no doubt about the reliability of the information.

What is a commercial offer

Any businessman who wants to attract as many customers as possible thinks about developing a commercial proposal. It is it that encourages a potential consumer to buy a company's product or its service. It is often confused with a product specification, which simply introduces the customer to a specific product without prompting the customer to purchase.

Varieties of commercial offers

There are two types of commercial offers:

  1. Personalized. It is created for a specific person, inside the document contains a personal appeal to the addressee.
  2. Non-personalized. Another name for this type of commercial offer is “cold”. The document does not refer to a specific consumer or potential partner; the information is anonymized and directed to a large number of potential customers at once.

What functions does a commercial offer perform?

Before you start compiling a commercial proposal, you need to understand what functions it performs. In some ways, they are similar to the tasks of advertising messages:

  • To draw attention.
  • Interest.
  • Encourage purchase.
  • Generate a desire to purchase a product.

Based on these tasks, a commercial proposal is developed. Usually, visual effects are used at the very beginning, for example, the logo of the organization.

If a commercial offer is given to a potential client in hard copy, then special attention is paid to the quality of the paper on which the offer is printed. It is possible to apply special watermarks to the document for greater impact on the client. Laminated paper will make a good impression on the consumer of the product.

Standard Quote Structure (Template)

  • A title containing a graphic image (usually a logo).
  • Subheading that defines the product/service.
  • Attracting attention, advertising services and products.
  • All the benefits of cooperation.
  • Sender's contact details, trademarks.

When compiling a commercial offer, you need to understand that each structural element performs its own separate functions. So, for example, the title is used to attract attention, motivation for further study of the document. It is this part of the commercial offer that can be called the most important. The subtitle should interest the client even more, and the main text should justify the information that was written above. But at the end of the offer, as a rule, you need to approve the consumer in the need to purchase.

What should a good business proposal look like?

In order to create a proposal that gives the greatest return, you need to understand that the document must:

  • be specific and clear;
  • demonstrate all the possible benefits that the addressee will receive;
  • in no case contain errors;
  • be literate and structured;
  • contain information about special offers for client;
  • be drawn up in such a way that all doubts of the buyer will disappear.

Rules for compiling a commercial offer

Before you start writing a proposal, you need to determine who will be the target audience this document. Then the desires and capabilities of potential customers are determined. It is very important at this stage to find out the real needs of the buyer.

After the necessary information is received, it is necessary to structure it. For this, a rough plan offers, indicating the advantages of companies, various ongoing promotions. The content of this document may consist of the following sections:

  • A clear definition of the problem.
  • Resolution options.
  • Arguments that prove the need to use the services of your organization.
  • Description of various promotions and offers that increase the benefit of the buyer.
  • Call to action.

The title should mention the solution to a specific consumer problem. It is important to indicate to him the final product, which the goods of your company will help to make.

It is not necessary to include information about the achievements of the company in the commercial offer. Long stories about how it all began should be avoided. A potential consumer is unlikely to be interested in this.

When writing a proposal, you should avoid technical aspects, do not use scientific terms. You need to convey information in a simple and understandable language for the buyer.

It is worth using clear and understandable arguments that will really help the client to establish himself in the decision to buy the product.

Do not make a commercial offer too voluminous. It should be short, clear and to the point. It is unlikely that a potential client will want to read multi-page documents; such an abundance of information can simply scare him away.

It is very important that the offer is of high quality. It is worth using the services of a professional designer. Beautiful design can attract the attention of consumers.

As an argument, you can use:

  1. Feedback from other customers. This proof can be called, perhaps, the most valuable. Especially if this client is quite famous and authoritative. It is very important that the buyer's response has the same meaning as the commercial offer itself. That is, it is important that these two texts give the reader an understanding that the company is really effective in one area or another.
  2. Share your success story. Be sure to put your own company or yourself in the center of the story. It should be a selling story that will really interest the buyer, encourage him to take some kind of active action.

It should be understood that the commercial offer must be selling, and its author acts as a seller. It is very important to put yourself in the place of the seller in order to understand as accurately as possible what the buyer expects from the product or service. You need to use the right argument, build communication with the client. Only in this way will the commercial offer really give a positive result.

How to increase the readability of a commercial proposal

You can increase the readability of your sales pitch in the following ways:

  • Break information into paragraphs, do not make them canvases.
  • Use of subheadings.
  • The use of various graphic elements, including illustrations, bulleted lists.
  • Use of a serif font in print.
  • The use of different styles of text (using italics, bold or underline highlighting the necessary information).

A few more rules (sample drafting)

Title. It is this part of the offer that is most interesting to the consumer, if it interests him, then the potential client is more likely to read all the information to the end. It is worth evaluating how the words “new” and “free” will affect the buyer. In some cases, they can alienate the client.

Do not use a large number of negatives or generalized information. The text font must be the same. It has been proven that almost a third of readers pay attention to quotes and information enclosed in quotes. The title should not be capacious and informative.

Main text. In this part of the commercial proposal, it is very important that the reader does not lose interest. It is best to fit information in one small paragraph. And then pay attention to specific details. It is worth highlighting the advantages of the product, be sure to address the reader with “you”. Composing long and complex sentences can be intimidating. It is undesirable to use professional terms.

It is worth talking about the product in the present tense, indicating its price. It is necessary to provide the client with arguments - the results of surveys, studies, perhaps place one of the consumer reviews. It is undesirable to use superlatives, comparisons. Concreteness and clarity are the main conditions for compiling a good commercial offer.

Errors that are made when compiling

Unnatural praise of the client.

There is no need to use templates and duty phrases that will only repel a potential client.

Using critical remarks towards the addressee.

It is absolutely not necessary to do this, even if the goal of the company is to help a potential consumer. This can cause extremely negative emotions in the client. It is best to use a stick and a carrot - first highlight the pros, and only then point out very minor flaws.

Oversaturation of the offer with general information about the client.

Intimidation of the client or the so-called "horror stories".

In no case should you scare the consumer, tell him that something terrible can happen without your help. No negativity or stereotypes. It is worth highlighting the advantages of using products, casually comparing with what is now (use the words: more convenient, more profitable, more efficient), give only specific information.

Sending one offer to a large number of people at once.

Non-personalized information will cause less interest among potential buyers. The return on such offers will be minimal. No need to try to reach a large audience at once. It is better to single out the sector with which work is most likely to give an excellent result. It is important to write a commercial proposal in such a way that the reader can feel that he is being spoken to in private. It is possible to use additional information that will indicate that the communication is conducted with this particular client. It is worth using information about the previous communication, if it was of course.

Misunderstanding the concept of a "long" letter.

Many are sure that the client is not interested in large amounts of information. However, it should be understood that the reader will consider any boring and completely uninteresting letter to be long. The size of a catchy and really interesting commercial offer will not scare the consumer, because he will read all the information available in one breath.

No wonder people often call very short films boring and stretched out, and call a 3-hour movie the most exciting, without mentioning its duration. The same is the case with works of art, news, books, letters. The reader will not perceive 5 sheets of a commercial offer negatively if they are really informative and catchy.

To put in the foreground the correspondence of the sentence to the grammatical rules.

Such an attitude to writing texts can develop from the school bench, where the grammatical component was the main factor. In life, everything is completely different. It is much more important for the reader to understand what is written about. It is necessary that the information is read and perceived by the client easily and informally. It is worth building an offer so that it looks like a real communication between the seller and the buyer. Here it will be perfectly acceptable to use fragments of sentences and phrases, sometimes even desirable.

Give the customer a reason not to study your offer.

Do not be naive to assume that the reader will be extremely interested in information about your company, especially about its history. It's not like that at all. The potential buyer is the least interested. It is necessary to attract his attention with some kind of provocation, an unusual statement - in a word, with everything that will bring him out of balance and force him to read the commercial offer to the end. It is worth considering the fact that retention of interest is no less important aspect. You need to focus on what can motivate a person. Most often, the needs appear because of some fear, the desire to become individual, guilt, the desire to become beautiful or healthy. It is in this vein that it is worth considering the problem, dedicating a commercial proposal to it. And then to show that the proposed product can satisfy all needs.

It is unlikely that the client will be disposed to your commercial offer. You need to back up your information with concrete evidence. It is worth giving the clearest arguments. This approach will be able to convince the reader that he bought the product or began to cooperate.

Checking the commercial offer

There are several pretty simple ways, which will help you understand what impact the offer will have on the addressee.

  • The so-called check "on a cursory look." To do this, you just need to look at the document. It is important to understand which parts of the text stand out so that you really want to read them. These are headings, logos, selection of textual information, photos. If the information used there was able to help build a complete picture of the essence of the commercial proposal, then everything was done correctly.
  • Check for understanding. It is important to find among your friends and acquaintances such a person who would fall under the target audience of your offer. If, after the first reading, he caught all the main ideas of the document, saw the advantages of the presented product, then we can conclude that the proposal was drawn up correctly.
  • Finger check. It is worth trying to read the text without words about the product like “best”, “unique”. If it is interesting to read the proposal in this form, then everything is done correctly. It is very important that all eulogies about your company are supported by accurate data, reviews, stories, certificates.

Examples / samples of commercial offer

There are a lot of examples and samples of a commercial offer. All of them are good in their own way. I will show some of the most successful, in my opinion, which were developed by Denis Kaplunov.

It has long been proven that the more consumers know about your product, the higher the growth in sales and market share. Even if you produce a high-quality unique product at the best price, it is far from certain that it will be in demand among buyers. The way out of this situation is advertising. It will help to interest a wide range of consumers.

There is an opinion among businessmen that all certain types of advertising of goods or services have their drawbacks. The excessive cost of advertising on television, the low information content of banners and streamers, the small audience of listeners on the radio, the lack of interest of the inhabitants in periodicals like newspapers and magazines - all this serves as an obstacle to high-quality advertising.

Consider this example: you are selling underwear, for you this process is nothing but work - you are familiar with all the names, market value, suppliers, seasonality. However, for the consumer, the purchase of underwear is an instant impulse, the demand in this case will be more impulsive than meaningful.

In this situation, it is naive to think that once you see your advertisement, a person will constantly remember about the company or store, despite the advantages over competitors described in that ad.

  1. sentence
  2. limitation or deadline
  3. call to action

promotional offer

“Offer” is a specific and intuitive message that demonstrates to the consumer his specific benefit when buying a product or using a service.

An example is a special offer or promotion that is associated with a certain type of product or service in the form of a percentage discount, bonus.

Any unique, rare or even exotic offer will also attract attention, because attention is concentrated on what stands out. Interesting and creative advertising is, of course, great, but its effectiveness should be put in the first place here.

Making people yawn out of boredom is the main and sometimes fatal mistake of many advertisers. man, he potential buyer A person who sees an advertisement must feel a range of emotional experiences, because emotions are the most important factor in sales.

Efficiency mark

The modern consumer requires specifics, he no longer believes in beautiful slogans a la "our store is the best" or "we have the highest level of service." That is why each advertising message must be checked for effectiveness.

For this purpose, you can use the service contextual advertising Yandex.Direct. It will allow you to track the response to advertising and observe the positive or negative dynamics of its growth.

This service is very easy to use: you can select the audience of interest, then enter keywords and view the number of requests for them. Next, you can run multiple ad units with different titles and sentences. Success is 80% dependent on a good headline.


Restrictions are an important and effective factor. They can be due to both temporal and quantitative intervals. As for the time, this is a period from 3 days to two weeks. It can be indicated by specific calendar dates or the day of a certain event.

Quantity - 50-100 units, no more. Restrictions, albeit artificially, create excitement. The buyer wants to be "the fastest of all", as well as to get the "best thing".

In this situation, the consumer makes a rash, sometimes completely unnecessary, impulsive purchase, fearing not to be in time. Restrictions unconditionally contribute to an increase in demand, and as a result, an increase in sales.

Advertising call

Another element effective advertising is a call to commit a certain, beneficial to the seller, action. In some cases, after visual perception of informative advertising, a potential buyer cannot perceive it morally.

A thought arises in his head with something like this structure: “I have read the text and what's next?”. It is much easier for a person to make a decision "without taking it" - to follow a directive. In the conditions of informational noise, the buyer allows him to think and make a decision for him.

The most effective phrases: “Call!”, “Come!”, “Hurry!” The simpler the wording, the better. Thus, advertising creates an illusory feeling of care for the consumer: persistently offering a product, the seller has only one goal - to satisfy the needs of his client.

For example: “We think about you”, “Your comfort is our concern”, “Let's save money together” and so on. Specifying a specific algorithm of actions will increase the response by 20-30%.

The main task of the advertiser is to increase the response of customers, thereby increasing the turnover or to conduct a PR campaign in a certain direction. Accordingly, planning and conducting promotional activities companies is an indirect task that will increase profits.

Formulated in the twentieth century, the slogan "Advertising is the engine of trade", in whatever direction the economy develops, will always be