Partial violation of the writing process is manifested. Dysgraphia is a partial specific violation of the writing process. Exercises for the prevention and correction of dysgraphia

  • 19.11.2019

- partial specific violation of the writing process, manifested in persistent repetitive errors.

To write a sentence, you need to mentally build it, speak it, keep the right order of writing, break the sentence into its constituent words, mark the boundaries of each word. analysis and synthesis, the lexico-grammatical side of speech, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, then there may be a violation of the process of mastering writing - dysgraphia (from the Greek "grapho" - writing).

is a specific disorder writing, which manifests itself in numerous typical errors of a persistent nature and is due to the lack of formation of higher mental functions involved in the process of mastering writing skills. How can you tell if your child needs speech therapy? And if there is no specialist, due to various circumstances, and the teacher, the parent cannot get qualified advice. How to help the child in this situation? First, the teacher needs to primary school(parent) knew which errors were specific, dysgraphic. Classification of dysgraphic errors. Errors due to the lack of formation of phonemic processes and auditory perception:

1. omissions of vowels; all-hanging, room-room, harvest-harvest;

2. omissions of consonants: komata-room, wei-all;

3. omissions of syllables and parts of a word: lines-arrows;

4. replacement of vowels: food-food, sesen-pines, light-light;

5. substitution of consonants: tva-two, rocha-grove, crop-harvest, bokazyvaed-shows;

6. permutations of letters and syllables: onco-window;

7. underwriting letters and syllables: through-through, on a branch-on branches, dictation-dictation;

8. building up words with extra letters and syllables: children-children, snow-snow, dictation-dictation;

9. distortion of the word: malni-small, teapot-thickets;

10. confluent spelling of words and their arbitrary division: two or two, for hours, for hours, for all;

11. inability to determine the boundaries of the sentence in the text, continuous spelling of sentences: Snow covered the whole earth. White carpet. The river froze, the birds were hungry. The snow covered the whole earth with a white carpet. The river is frozen. The birds are hungry.

12. Violation of mitigation of consonants: big-big, just-only, rushed off-rushed away, match-ball.

Errors due to the lack of formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech:

1. violation of the agreement of words: from a spruce branch - from a spruce branch, grass appeared - grass appeared, huge butterflies - huge butterflies;

2. violations of control: in branch-from-branch; rushed off to the thicket, rushed off into the thicket, a chair sits, sits on a chair;

3. replacement of words by sound similarity;

4. continuous writing of prepositions and separate writing of prefixes: in a grove-in a grove, on a wall-on a wall, on booze-swollen;

5. omissions of words in a sentence.

Errors due to the lack of formation of visual recognition, analysis and synthesis, spatial perception:

1. replacement of letters that differ in different positions in space: w-t, q-v, q-b;

2. replacement of letters that differ in a different number of identical elements: i-sh, c-sh;

3. replacement of letters that have additional elements: i-c, w-sh, p-t, x-zh, l-m;

4. mirror spelling of letters: s, e, u;

5. omissions, superfluous or incorrectly located elements of letters.

In the specialized literature, there are various classifications of dysgraphies, but they are all based on the causes of the violations. We single out the following types of violations of the writing process:

Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia

The cause of this type of violation is the incorrect pronunciation of speech sounds. The child writes the words as he pronounces them. That is, it reflects an owl's defective pronunciation in writing.
Acoustic dysgraphia (based on phonemic recognition, phoneme differentiation)
The reason for the emergence of this type is a violation of differentiation, recognition of close speech sounds. In writing, this is manifested in the substitutions of letters denoting whistling and hissing, voiced and deaf, hard and soft -t, w-sh, o-u e-i). Such substitutions and mixing are a clear indicator of OHP levels III-IV and are less common in children with FFN.

Dysgraphia due to violations of language analysis and synthesis

It manifests itself at the level of the word and at the level of the sentence. The reason for its occurrence is the difficulty in dividing sentences into words, words into syllables, sounds. Typical errors:

1. omissions of consonants;

2. skipping vowels;

3. permutations of letters;

4. adding letters;

5. omissions, additions, permutations of syllables;

6. continuous spelling of words;

7. separate spelling of words;

8. continuous spelling of prepositions with other words;

9. separate spelling of prefix and root.

Agrammatic dysgraphia

The reason for the occurrence is the underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech. In writing, it manifests itself in a change in case endings, incorrect use of prepositions, gender, number, omissions of sentence members, violations of the sequence of words in a sentence, violations of semantic connections in a sentence and between sentences.

Optical dysgraphia

The reason for the occurrence is the lack of formation of visual-spatial functions. It manifests itself in substitutions and distortions in the writing of graphically similar handwritten letters (i-sh, p-t, t-sh, v-d, b-d, l-m, e-s, etc.). Having determined the type of violations of the writing process, you can outline the main directions of work with the child.

If the teacher understands these problems in time and sends the child to a specialist, then timely corrective measures can make life much easier for a small student. But, unfortunately, much more often such a child gets to a specialist only after the whole complex of pedagogical influence, which would be good applicable to a student with ordinary problems. Also important is preventive work to prevent violations of the letter. With children who have an increased risk of dyslexia and dysgraphia, corrective and preventive work is carried out, which should be comprehensive and involve the participation of a psychologist, speech therapist, educators, and parents. There is a need for targeted special work on the development of mental functions and processes that ensure the mastery of reading activity and writing, the formation of written speech itself as a special type of sign activity. So, the content side of readiness to master reading is made up of groups of skills: linguistic (the ability to operate with various language units at the level of a word, sentence, coherent text; the ability to compare words, distracting from their objective meaning, etc.), sensorimotor (the ability to identify and operate with spatial features objects, the ability to operate with temporary concepts in practical activities, etc.), gnostic (the ability to quickly and clearly recognize and differentiate visual images, the ability to quickly and clearly recognize and reproduce auditory images (words, rhythms, etc.), semantic (the ability to establish the simplest causal -investigative and temporal connections, carry out semantic forecasting, etc.).Children at risk need to individualize the pace and methods of learning to read and write.The system of preventive influences should include measures to eliminate or minimize risk factors.


one). "I'm not to blame..." (Eremeenkova A.A.)

2) Kovalenko, O.M. Correction of violations of written speech in students lower grades secondary school: educational method. allowance / O.M. Kovalenko.-M, 2008

3). Drozdova N.V., Zaitseva L.A. , Khabarova S.P., Kharitonova E.A. Violations of oral and written speech: Teaching method. allowance - Minsk: UO "BSPU", 2003.

Writing and reading disorders (briefly)

In the primary grades of a general education school, there are children whose process of mastering writing and reading is impaired. Partial breakdown processes of reading and writing are denoted by the terms dyslexia and dysgraphia. Their main symptom is the presence of persistent specific errors, the occurrence of which among students of the General Education School is not associated with a decrease in intellectual development, or with severe hearing and vision impairments, or with the irregularity of schooling. Dyslexia and dysgraphia usually occur together. A complete inability to master writing and reading is called agraphia and alexia, respectively. The causes of dysgraphia and dyslexia are associated with a violation of the interaction of various analyzer systems of the cerebral cortex.

Dysgraphia manifests itself in persistent and repetitive writing errors. These errors are usually grouped according to the following principles: shifts and replacements of letters; distortion of the sound-syllabic structure of the word; violations of the continuity of writing individual words in a sentence - breaking a word into parts, continuous spelling of words in a sentence; agrammatism; mixing letters by optical similarity.

Violation of writing in the form of dysgraphia is closely related to the insufficient readiness of mental processes that are formed during the development of oral speech. It is during the period of mastering oral speech that generalized concepts of the sound and morphological composition of the word are created on a purely practical level, which subsequently, when the child moves to literacy and spelling, contributes to their conscious assimilation. To master literacy and the phonetic and morphological principles inherent in Russian writing, a child must be able to separate the sound side of a word from the semantic one, analyze the sound composition of a word clearly pronounced in all its parts. For fluent oral speech, it is often sufficient to clearly pronounce only those sounds that are necessary for understanding the word (semantic sounds). Those sounds that are less related to the listener's understanding of the word are pronounced less carefully and definitely in natural speech. Too clear articulation of all the sound elements of the word contradicts the orthoepic requirements of the language. At the same time, in the process of normal speech ontogenesis, a child acquires a fairly accurate idea of ​​the sound composition of a word, including its unclearly pronounced elements. This turns out to be possible due to linguistic generalizations that develop with the constant comparison of words with each other. In the process of correlating sound elements that reflect the difference between the lexical and grammatical meanings of a word, the child's cognitive processes are being prepared for understanding the relationship between orthoepy and spelling. Successful mastery of writing is preceded not only by the accumulation of a sufficient vocabulary, but also by the presence in speech experience of a conscious analysis of words according to adequate signs of correlating orthoepy and spelling. So, the child must be aware that the words fly in, fly in have the same root. The normal formation of oral speech is accompanied by the accumulated experience of cognitive work both in the field of elementary sound generalizations and in the field of morphological analysis.

Children with speech underdevelopment do not master this level of linguistic generalization and, accordingly, are not ready to master such a complex analytical and synthetic activity as writing.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish several types of dysgraphia.

speech disorders dyslexia dysgraphia

  • 1. Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia. With this form of dysgraphia, children experience various distortions of sound pronunciation (phonetic disorders) and insufficiency of phonemic perception of speech sounds that differ in subtle acoustic-articulatory features and (phonetic-phonemic disorders). Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia manifests itself mainly in the substitutions of letters that correspond to the substitutions of sounds in the child's oral speech. Sometimes substitutions of letters remain in the child's letter even after they are eliminated in oral speech. According to R. E. Levina (1959), this is because children with speech pathology do not develop generalized concepts about the sound and morphological composition of the word during the period of mastering oral speech. Normally, it is the creation of these generalizations that allows primary school students to consciously move on to acquiring literacy and spelling.
  • 2. Acoustic dysgraphia. In children with this form of dysgraphia, the processes of phonemic perception are not well formed. This is manifested in the substitutions and mixtures of letters, which denote sounds that differ in subtle acoustic-articulatory features. For example, substitutions and displacements of letters denoting whistling and hissing sounds; voiced and deaf; soft and hard; sounds r and l; substitutions of letters denoting vowel sounds. In addition, children may have an unformed sound analysis and synthesis, which manifests itself in writing in the form of the following specific errors: omissions, insertions, permutations, repetitions of letters or syllables. Omissions of letters indicate that the child does not isolate all of its sound components in the composition of the word (“snks” - sledges). The permutations and repetitions of letters and syllables are an expression of the difficulties in analyzing the sequences of sounds in a word (“korvom” - a carpet, “sugar” - sugar). Insertions of vowels are more often observed with consonant clusters, which is explained by the overtone that appears when the word is spoken slowly during writing and resembles a reduced vowel (“girl”, “Alexandar”).

Z. Dysgraphia associated with impaired language analysis and synthesis. This form of dysgraphia is due to the fact that students do not isolate stable speech units and their elements in the speech flow. This leads to the continuous spelling of adjacent words, prepositions and conjunctions with the subsequent word ("on a tree"); to the separate writing of parts of the word, more often the prefix and the root (“and dut”).

  • 4. Agrammatic dysgraphia. This form of dysgraphia is more clearly traced than others due to the lack of development of the grammatical side of oral speech in children. In writing, grammatical connections between words are violated, as well as semantic connections between sentences.
  • 5. Optical dysgraphia is associated with underdevelopment of spatial representations, analysis and synthesis of visual perception. This is manifested in the substitutions and distortions of letters similar in outline (d - b, t - w, i - w, p - t, x - x, l - m), the incorrect arrangement of letter elements, etc. This type of dysgraphia includes so-called "mirror writing".

A child with dysgraphia usually has difficulty developing graphic skills, resulting in uneven handwriting. The child's difficulty in choosing the right letter gives a characteristic sloppy look to the letter. It is full of corrections and corrections.

Dyslexia as a partial disorder of the process of mastering reading is manifested in numerous repeated errors in the form of substitutions, permutations, omissions of letters, etc., which is due to the unformed mental functions that ensure the process of mastering reading. Mistakes in dyslexia are persistent. There are the following forms of dyslexia.

  • 1. Phonemic dyslexia. It is observed in children with unformed functions of phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis. Children in the process of reading confuse letters denoting sounds that are similar in acoustic and articulatory parameters. With the underdevelopment of the functions of phonemic analysis and synthesis, letter-by-letter reading, distortion of the sound-syllabic structure of the word (inserts, omissions, permutations) are observed.
  • 2. Semantic dyslexia is caused by the unformed processes of evucosyllabic synthesis and the lack of differentiated ideas about syntactic relationships within a sentence. Such children master the technique of reading, but they read mechanically, without understanding the meaning of what they read.
  • 3. Agrammatic dyslexia is observed in children with unformed grammatical side of oral speech. When reading sentences, grammatical errors are observed.
  • 4. Mnestic dyslexia is associated with a violation of the establishment of associative links between the visual image of a letter and the auditory image of a sound, i.e. children cannot remember letters and compare them with the corresponding sounds.
  • 5. Optical dyslexia is caused by the same mechanisms as optical dysgraphia. When reading, letters similar in outline are mixed and interchanged by children. Sometimes "mirror reading" can be observed.

Children with dysgraphia and dyslexia need speech therapy classes, which use special methods for the formation of writing and reading skills.

According to our observations, the most important factor influencing this process is the massiveness of residual organic symptoms. Therefore, children with organic infantilism turn out to be less prosperous in such cases than children with cerebrosthenic infantilism.

Specific writing disorders

In the existing literature on writing disorders in children, there is no unity both in terms of terminology and in determining the nature of these conditions. As with dyslexia, in the West, to determine specific spelling disability (disorthografia), it is accepted quantitative criterion: lag in writing skills by two or more standard errors (or one and a half to two classes) from the level of assimilation of other subjects in the absence of significant impairments of intelligence, vision or hearing (ICD-10). Qualitative characteristics errors are not given importance for classifying the disorder as specific. Errors play a significant role in assigning disortography to one of the subtypes. According to E. Boder (1973), for example, the following subtypes are distinguished: dysphonetic (inversions of order or location predominate among errors), deseidetic (errors in the form of phonetic spelling instead of traditional, i.e. how they hear and write) and mixed dysphonetic-dyseidetic.

In the Russian speech therapy literature, the definitions of specific writing disorders have not been sufficiently developed to date. Here are some examples. “Dis-graphy is a specific violation of the writing process” [Lalaeva R.I., 1989], without any specific criteria for delimitation. "Partial disorder of writing processes... Their main symptom is the presence of persistent specific errors... not associated with either a decrease in intellectual development, or with severe hearing and vision impairments, or with the irregularity of schooling" [Sadovnikova I. N., 1995] . The latter definition seems to be more meaningful, but the diagnostic criteria are predominantly negative, excluding (the so-called "exclusion criteria"). The only positive criterion is the presence of specific errors in the letter. According to existing practice, it is the only working criterion in Russia. However, in this case, the question remains unclear: what errors can be legitimately considered specific and how do they differ from non-specific ones? The last question of a conceptual, theoretically substantiated answer is usually not given. Almost all authors confine themselves to listing specific errors and describing the alleged mechanisms of their occurrence. The range of errors cited in different papers varies quite significantly. From our point of view, it is legitimate to call specific only the disorder itself and its mechanisms, and not writing errors. Exactly the same mistakes are often found in healthy children at the initial stages of learning, but then quickly disappear [Ananiev BG, 1955]. With dysgraphia, they become persistent.

Dysgraphia in children is a specific difficulty in mastering the skills of written speech, which most often accompanies the underdevelopment of oral speech in dyslalia, dysarthria, alalia, hearing loss, but can occur and manifest itself independently.




Dysgraphia in children is a specific difficulty in mastering the skills of written speech, which most often accompanies the underdevelopment of oral speech in dyslalia, dysarthria, alalia, hearing loss, but can occur and manifest itself independently.

Agraphia and dysgraphia are various disorders of written speech that have arisen on the basis of incorrect or incomplete development of oral speech, violations of it, or as a result of lesions of specific mechanisms of writing, or, finally, due to other psychophysical disorders of the writer (poor attention, painful haste, poor memory for visual and sound images ....).

Dysgraphia is a partial violation of the writing process, in which persistent and recurring errors are observed: distortions and replacements of letters, distortions of the sound-syllabic structure of a word, violations of the spelling of individual words in a sentence, agrammatisms in writing.

I. N. Sadovnikova believes that, in relation to younger schoolchildren, it is more correct to speak not about violations, but about the difficulties of mastering written speech. The main symptom is the presence of persistent specific errors, the occurrence of which in students is not associated either with severe hearing and vision impairments or with the irregularity of schooling.

According to G. V. Chirkina, writing disorders in children are special difficulties that are caused by systemic underdevelopment of certain aspects of the child’s speech activity, which in children who have reached school age, with normal mental abilities and hearing, are manifested, first of all, in the insufficient formation of ideas about the sound and morphological composition of the word.

O. B. Inshakova, L. I. Belyakova believe that writing disorders are a fairly common defect that occurs in primary school students of a comprehensive school and, as a rule, leads to. To persistent learning difficulties. Writing disorders may be due to a delay in the formation of certain functional systems that are important for the development of written speech, due to hazards that acted at different periods of the child's development. In addition, dysgraphia occurs with speech disorders (A. R. Luria, S. S. Lyapidevskaya, M. E. Khvattsev).

In the domestic literature, the concept of R. E. Levina is widespread, interpreting writing disorders as a manifestation of a systemic speech disorder, as a reflection of the underdevelopment of oral speech in all its links.

Often one of the causes of violations of the letter. There are difficulties in the formation of the laterization process (functional asymmetry in the activity of paired sensorimotor organs). Unformed in time, as well as cross-folding lateralitis reveals that the dominant role of one of the cerebral hemispheres has not been established. This can lead to speech development disorders. In cases of delay in the process of laterization and in various forms of "conflict of dominance", cortical control over many types of activity is also difficult.

The symptomatology of dysgraphia is manifested in specific (not related to the use of spelling rules), persistent and repetitive errors in the writing process, the occurrence of which is not associated with impaired intellectual or sensory development of the child or with irregular schooling: distortion and replacement of letters; distortion of the sound-syllabic structure of the word; violations of the continuity of writing individual words in a sentence; agrammatisms in writing.

The writing errors are neither constant nor identical for a particular word. Such variability of violations shows. That none of the pathogenetic factors is decisive, but each is important in conjunction with others. It is impossible to find a universal explanation applicable to all cases of writing violations.

Dysgraphia can also be accompanied by non-speech symptoms (impaired cognitive activity, memory, attention, mental disorders). In these cases, non-speech symptoms are determined together with writing disorders and are included in the structure of neuropsychic and speech disorders (with dysarthria, alalia, speech disorders with mental retardation). At the same time, dysgraphia in children with normal intelligence can cause deviations in personality formation, certain mental stratifications. In children with dysgraphia, many higher mental functions are not formed: visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, auditory-pronunciation differentiation of speech sounds, phonemic, syllabic analysis and synthesis, division of sentences into words, lexical-grammatical structure of speech, memory disorders, attention, emotional - volitional sphere.

Classification of dysgraphia is carried out on the basis of various criteria: taking into account disturbed analyzers, mental functions, unformed writing operations.

M. E. Khvattsev identified 5 types of dysgraphia:

1. Dysgraphia on the basis of acoustic agnosia and defects in phonemic hearing. The mechanism, which, according to M.E. Khvattsev, is a violation of the associative links between vision and hearing, there are omissions, rearrangements, substitutions of letters, omissions of words, merging of two into one.

2. Dysgraphia on the basis of speech disorders.

3. Dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of the pronunciation rhythm.

4. Optical dysgraphia.

5. Dysgraphia in motor and sensory aphasia.

According to R. I. Lalayeva, the classification of M. E. Khvattsev does not satisfy the idea of ​​writing disorders.

Tokareva O. A. identifies 3 types of dysgraphia:


According to Tokareva O.A., it occurs with insufficient development of sound analysis and synthesis, undifferentiated auditory perception. Mixing and omissions, substitutions of letters denoting sounds that are similar in articulation and sound, as well as reflections of incorrect sound pronunciation, are frequent in writing.

2. Optical dysgraphia.

This dysgraphia, according to Tokareva O.A., is due to the instability of visual impressions and ideas. Individual letters are not recognized, do not correspond to certain sounds. Due to the inaccuracy of visual perception at different moments, the letters are perceived differently and therefore are mixed in writing:p - n, p - i, y - i, c - u, w - i, m - l, b - d, p - t.

In severe cases of optical dysgraphia, writing words is impossible. Pupils write only individual letters, a mirror letter is also possible (words, letters, elements of letters are written from right to left).

3.Motor dysgraphia.

Motor dysgraphia is characterized by difficulties in hand movement during writing, a violation of the connection of motor images of sounds and words with visual images.

According to R. I. Lalayeva, the allocation of types of dysgraphia on the basis of violations of the analyzer level is currently insufficiently substantiated, because. the process of writing is a complex form of speech activity, which includes a large number of operations at various levels: semantic, linguistic, sensorimotor.

The most reasonable is the classification developed by the staff of the Department of Speech Therapy of the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute. A. I. Herzen (L. S. Volkova,

R. I. Lalaeva and others). The following types of dysgraphies are distinguished:

1. Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia.

The child writes as he speaks. It is based on the reflection of incorrect pronunciation in writing, reliance on incorrect pronunciation. This dysgraphia is manifested in substitutions, omissions of letters corresponding to substitutions and omissions of sounds in oral speech. Sometimes substitutions of letters in writing remain even after they are eliminated in oral speech.

2. Dysgraphia based on phonemic recognition(differentiation of phonemes) or acoustic dysgraphia.

According to R. I. Lalayeva appears in substitutions of letters corresponding to phonetically close sounds. At the same time, in oral speech, the sounds are pronounced correctly. Most often replaced: whistling and hissing, voiced and deaf, affricates and their constituent components (h - t, h - u, c - t, c - s). Errors appear in the letter: when denoting the softness of consonants(“lubit”, “lick”, “letter”); vowel substitutions, both stressed and unstressed (cloud - "tocha", forest - "fox").

In the most severe cases, letters are mixed that designate articulatory and acoustically distant sounds (l - k, b - c, p - n) with normal pronunciation of these sounds.

Tokareva O. A. believes that the basis for the replacement of letters denoting phonetically close sounds is the fuzziness of auditory perception, the inaccuracy of auditory differentiation of sounds.

R. I. Lalayeva believes that for correct writing a finer auditory differentiation of sounds is needed than for oral speech, because, on the one hand, the lack of auditory differentiation in oral speech can be compensated for by motor stereotypes and kinesthetic images fixed in speech experience. In the process of writing, in order to correctly distinguish and choose a phoneme, a subtle analysis of all acoustic features of sound that are meaningful is necessary. On the other hand, in the process of writing, the choice is made according to the representation, therefore, due to the fuzziness of auditory ideas about phonetically close sounds, the choice of one or another phoneme is difficult, which results in the replacement of letters in writing. R. Becker considers the difficulties of kinesthetic analysis to be the main reasons for the replacement of letters denoting phonetically similar sounds. R. Becker's research shows that children with dysgraphia do not use enough kinesthetic sensations (pronunciation) while writing.

R. E. Levina and L. F. Spirova associate the substitution of letters in writing with phonemic underdevelopment, with unformed ideas about the phoneme, with a violation of the phoneme selection operation.

For correct writing, a sufficient level of functioning of all operations of the process of distinguishing and choosing phonemes is necessary. If any link (auditory, kinesthetic analysis, phoneme selection, auditory and kinesthetic control) is violated, the whole process of phonemic recognition becomes difficult, which is manifested in the replacement of letters in writing.

3. Dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of language analysis and synthesis.

This dysgraphia is based on a violation of various forms of linguistic analysis and synthesis: division of sentences into words, syllabic and phonemic analysis and synthesis. This dysgraphia manifests itself in writing in distortions of the structure of words and sentences. The most complex form of language analysis is phonemic analysis. Therefore, more often with this type of dysgraphia, there are distortions of the sound-letter structure of the word.

The most common errors are:

Omissions of consonants during their confluence (dictation - "dictation");

Vowel omissions ( at home - "dma");

Permutation of letters (dragged - "dragged");

Omissions, additions, permutations of syllables (room - "cat", glass - "kata").

Violation of the division of sentences into words in this type of dysgraphia manifests itself: in the continuous spelling of words with other words, including prepositions (it's raining - "grandfather", in the house - "in the house»); separate spelling of the word (white birch grows by the window»); separate spelling of the prefix and the root of the word (came - "stepped on").

For the correct mastery of the writing process, it is necessary that the phonemic analysis be formed in the child not only in the external, speech, but also in the internal plan, according to the idea.

4. Agrammatic dysgraphia.

According to R. E. Levina, R. I. Lalayeva, this dysgraphia is associated with the underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech and can manifest itself at the level of a word, phrase, sentence, text, and is integral part a wider symptom complex - lexical and grammatical underdevelopment, which is observed in children with dysarthria, alalia and mentally retarded.

In coherent speech, children have great difficulties in establishing logical and linguistic connections between sentences. The sequence of sentences does not always correspond to the sequence of the described events; semantic and grammatical connections between individual sentences are violated.

At the level of sentences, agrammatisms in writing are manifested in:

Distortion of the morphological structure of the word, replacement of prefixes, suffixes (swept - "swept", kids - "goats");

Changing case endings("many trees");

Violation of prepositional constructions (above the table - "on the table");

Changing the case of pronouns (around him - "around him"). Noun number violation("children run") ; agreement violation ("beladom" ); violation of the syntactic design of speech, which manifests itself in the difficulties of constructing complex sentences, skipping members of a sentence, violating the sequence of words in a sentence.

5. Optical dysgraphia.

This dysgraphia is associated with the underdevelopment of visual gnosis, analysis and synthesis, spatial representations and is manifested in the substitutions and distortions of letters in writing.

Most often, graphically similar handwritten letters are replaced: consisting of the same elements, but differently located in space ( c - e, t - w ); containing the same elements, but differing in additional elements (i - w, p - t, x - f, l - m); mirror spelling of letters; omissions of elements, especially when connecting letters that include the same element, superfluous and incorrectly located elements.

The etiological study of writing disorders is complicated by the fact that it is always retrospective, tk. the factors that caused these disorders may fade into the background by the time they enter school. Nevertheless, the analysis of literature data allows us to establish a number of causes that have arisen simultaneously or sequentially.

Violation of writing may be due to a delay in the formation of certain functional systems that are important for the development of written speech, due to hazards that operate at different periods of a child's development. In addition, dysgraphia occurs with organic speech disorders. R. E. Levina interprets a violation of writing as a manifestation of a systemic violation of speech, as a reflection of the underdevelopment of oral speech in all its links. I. N. Sadovnikova considers one of the reasons the difficulties in the formation of the process of lateralization (functional asymmetry in the activity of paired sensorimotor organs). Unformed in time, as well as cross-folding lateralitis reveals that the dominant role of one of the cerebral hemispheres has not been established. This can lead to speech development disorders. Dysgraphia may be the result of a disorder that occurs in a vast area of ​​praxis and gnosis, which provide the perception of space and time, because. the most important factor of dysgraphia is the difficulty of finding the starting point in space and time. And also in the analysis and reproduction of the exact and temporal sequence. Perhaps a combination of dysgraphia with mental deficiency, hearing or vision loss, bilingualism in the family, irregular schooling.

In the works of A. R. Luria and S. S. Lyapidevsky, the mechanisms of writing and reading are considered from the standpoint of modern neurophysiology. As we know from neurology, at the end of the 19th century, writing was viewed in a simplified way, as a purely motor process that easily relies on a narrowly limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cerebral cortex. O. A. Trkareva writes that the researchers of that time, along with the centers of visual functions, centers for auditory and motor speech, also spoke about a special "writing center" (the so-called Exner center - the middle part of the motor area of ​​the left hemisphere). The mechanism of the reading process is undoubtedly dynamic, forming gradually. In the process of learning to read and write, automated writing and reading skills are developed. “At the basis of their formation,” writes S. S. Lyapidevsky, “is a chain of conditioned reflexes superimposed on each other, entering into an interconnection. Thus, the gradual formation of temporary connections (conditioned reflexes) creates certain dynamic stereotypes in the process of learning to read and write, which in the language of psychology is defined by the concept of “skill”.

The act of writing is carried out by the coordinated work of a number of physiological components. Participating in the organization of this process. Various analyzers take part in the processes of reading and writing: auditory, visual, motor, violation of any of them creates a deviation in the normal course of the specified act. The role of a full-fledged auditory analyzer in the act of writing is extremely important. For correct writing, the presence of a precisely differentiated phoneme and its strong connection with the letter is necessary. Difficulties in teaching writing and peculiar errors in writing among students of a mass school are often associated precisely with defects in acoustic analysis and synthesis.

The acoustic analyzer is closely related to the motor and speech-motor (kinesthetic) analyzer. The significance of the motor analyzer in various arbitrary acts is exceptionally important. According to S. S. Lyapidevsky, in children, underdevelopment or weakening of the activity of the motor analyzer may be accompanied by the development of pathological inertia in the formation of motor reflexes, which is also reflected in the formation of writing skills. However, writing is not a narrow-motor act associated only with the movement of the hand. Writing is a kind of verbal expression. According to R. E. Levina, a full-fledged sound analysis is necessary for correct writing. Sound analysis involves sufficient mastery of the sound composition of the word, its acticulation and perception. In the process of writing, the sound composition of the written off word needs to be clarified. This clarification is carried out by pronouncing the written word.

I. M. Sechenov wrote about the connection between the development of auditory perception. According to the author, auditory sensations have the advantage over others that they are already closely associated in early childhood with muscle movements in the chest, larynx, lips, i.e. with feelings in his own conversation. On this basis, auditory memory is also reinforced by tactile memory.

OA Tokareva believes that the process of writing is not limited to the analysis of the sound composition of the word. There are violations in the letter, due to the predominant defeat of the optical systems in the cerebral cortex (occipital-parietal region of the cortex of the left hemisphere). A. R. Luria noted that this nature of the disturbances is due to the fact that the occipital-parietal region of the cerebral cortex is the central apparatus that allows for the whole visual perception of a person, translating visual sensations into complex optical images. Preserve and differentiate visual representations and, ultimately, implement the most complex and generalized forms of visual and spatial cognition. In some cases, with this violation, writing is generally impossible, since such a patient loses the graphic image of the letters and cannot reproduce them.

The process of writing is not limited to the participation of the considered mechanisms. The unit of writing is not a designation of a sound or a letter, but a combination of successive sounds that make up a complex of syllables that form a whole word. It is the observance of the desired sequence of sounds, and then the letters that display patterns of sounds, combining them into sound complexes of syllables. Forming then a whole word, it is difficult for children during the initial formation of writing skills.

Seek advice from a speech pathologist


This article is about dysgraphia. As a specialist, I am seriously concerned about the problem of dysgraphia, since there are more and more children with such a diagnosis. The purpose of the article is to help those who can help: to give an idea of ​​the diagnosis, advice, to introduce an unusual point of view.

With the beginning of schooling, some children suddenly find it difficult to read and write. The guys are at odds with the Russian language, although they do well in mathematics and other subjects where, it would seem, more intelligence is required. These "smart", but devoid of speech talent, sooner or later are sometimes sent to a speech therapist. More often to a psychologist, which is not entirely correct. Dysgraphia is a partial specific writing disorder.

Etiology of dysgraphia.
The question of the etiology of dysgraphia is still debatable. Many scientists (M. Lamy, K. Lonay, M. Sule) note a hereditary predisposition. They believe that this is due to the fact that children inherit from their parents a qualitative immaturity of the brain in its individual areas. This immaturity manifests itself in specific delays in the development of a particular function. But most researchers studying the etiology of dysgraphia note the presence of pathological factors affecting the prenatal, natal and postnatal period. The etiology of dysgraphia is associated with the impact of biological and social factors.
Functional reasons may be related to the impact of internal (for example, long-term somatic illnesses) and external (incorrect speech of others, lack of speech contacts, bilingualism in the family, insufficient attention to the speech development of the child by adults) factors that delay the formation of mental functions involved in the process of reading.
Dysgraphia is often caused by organic damage to the areas of the brain involved in the writing process (alalia, dysarthria, aphasia). Writing disorders are very common in children with MMD, ONR, ZPR, ZRR, ADD.
Thus, both genetic and exogenous factors (pathology of pregnancy, childbirth, asphyxia, a "chain" of childhood infections, head injuries) are involved in the etiology of dysgraphia.

Speech symptoms of dysgraphia.
With DYSGRAPHY, children of primary school age hardly master the letter: the exercises they performed, dictations contain many grammatical errors. They don't use capital letters, they don't use punctuation, they have terrible handwriting. In middle and high school, the guys try to use when writing short phrases with a limited set of words, but in the spelling of these words they make gross mistakes. Often, children refuse to attend Russian language classes or complete written assignments. They develop a sense of their own inferiority, depression, in the team they are isolated. Adults with this defect have great difficulty writing a greeting card or a short letter, they try to find a job where you do not have to write anything.
In children with dysgraphia, individual letters are incorrectly oriented in space. They confuse similar letters: "Z" and "E", "P" and "b" (soft sign). They may not pay attention to the extra stick in the letter "Sh" or the "hook" in the letter "Sh". Such children write slowly, unevenly; if they are not in the mood, then the handwriting is completely upset.

Non-verbal symptoms of dysgraphia.
In dysgraphic children, the lack of formation of many mental functions is noted: visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, auditory-pronunciation differentiation of speech sounds, phonemic, syllabic analysis and synthesis, lexical and grammatical structure of speech, memory disorders, attention, successive and simultaneous processes, emotional and volitional sphere.

The mechanism of dysgraphia.
To understand the mechanism of development of dysgraphia, I will start from afar. It is known that we have at least three types of hearing. First rumor - physical. It allows us to distinguish between the noise of leaves and rain, summer thunder, the buzzing of a bee, the squeak of a mosquito, as well as urban sounds: the rumble of an airliner, the clatter of train wheels, the rustling of car tires ...
The second variety is musical hearing. Thanks to this, we can enjoy the melody of our favorite song and the beautiful music of great composers.
Finally, the third kind - speech hearing. You can have a good musical and very unimportant speech ear. The latter allows you to understand speech, to capture the subtlest shades of what was said, to distinguish one sound from another. In case of insufficiency of speech hearing, similar consonances are not distinguished, addressed speech is perceived distorted.

If a child has impaired speech hearing, then it is understandable that it is very difficult for him to learn to read and write. Indeed, how can he read if he does not clearly hear sounding speech? He is also unable to master the letter, because he does not know what sound this or that letter stands for. The task is further complicated by the fact that the child must correctly capture a certain sound and present it as a sign (letter) in the fast flow of speech he perceives. Therefore, teaching literacy to a child with defective speech hearing is a difficult pedagogical problem. And you need to learn, because the distortion of one or two sounds changes the meaning of the word. Compare, for example, the words "daughter-point", "coal-angle", "stick-beam", "cup-Sasha". Replacing a dull sound with a sonorous sound, a hard sound with a soft sound, a hissing sound with a whistling one, gives the word a new content.

Along with speech (phonemic) hearing, people have a special vision for letters. It turns out that just seeing the world around us (light, trees, people, various objects) is not enough to master writing. It is necessary to have a vision for the letters, allowing you to remember and reproduce their outlines. This means that for full-fledged learning, a child must have satisfactory intellectual development, speech hearing and special vision for letters. Otherwise, he will not be able to successfully master reading and writing. It is no coincidence that psychoneurologists and speech therapists, when meeting with a poorly performing schoolchild, carefully study the content of his notebooks, handwriting, and the features of his speech. Often a child's poor academic performance is explained not by the state of his intellect, but by the presence of specific writing disorders, which I am talking about. Of course, only a specialist can recognize such disorders.

What area of ​​the brain is "responsible" for writing? It turns out that the center of speech in most people is in the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere of the brain "manages" object symbols, visual images. Therefore, peoples whose writing is represented by hieroglyphs (for example, the Chinese) have a better developed right half of the brain. Writing and reading among the inhabitants of China, unlike the Europeans, will suffer from malfunctions on the right (for example, with a brain hemorrhage).

The anatomical features of the central nervous system explain the facts known to doctors of good drawing abilities in dysgraphics. Such a child hardly masters the letter, but receives commendable reviews from the drawing teacher. This is as it should be, because in this child the more "ancient", automated area of ​​the right hemisphere is in no way altered. Disagreements with the Russian language do not prevent these children from "explaining" with the help of a drawing (as in ancient times - by means of images on rocks, birch bark, clay products).

Speech therapists sometimes pay attention to the "mirror" nature of the letters of patients. In this case, the letters are turned to the other side, as in the image in the mirror. Example: "C" and "Z" open to the left; "Ch" and "R" are written in the opposite direction with the prominent part ... Mirror writing is observed in various disorders, but the doctor in such a phenomenon is looking for overt or hidden left-handedness. Searches and often finds: mirror flips of letters - salient feature lefties.

There are five forms of dysgraphia:

1. Articulatory-acoustic form of dysgraphia.
Its essence is as follows: A child who has a violation of sound pronunciation, relying on his incorrect pronunciation, fixes it in writing. In other words, he writes as he speaks. This means that until the sound pronunciation is corrected, it is impossible to correct the letter based on pronunciation.

2. Acoustic form of dysgraphia.
This form of dysgraphia is manifested in the replacement of letters corresponding to phonetically close sounds. At the same time, in oral speech, the sounds are pronounced correctly. In writing, letters are most often mixed, denoting voiced - deaf (B-P; V-F; D-T; Zh-Sh, etc.), whistling - hissing (S-Sh; Z-Zh, etc.). ), affricates and components included in their composition (CH-SCH; CH-TH; C-T; C-S, etc.).
It also manifests itself in the incorrect designation of the softness of consonants in a letter: “letter”, “loves”, “hurts”, etc.

3. Dysgraphia on the basis of a violation of language analysis and synthesis.
This is the most common form of dysgraphia in children with writing disorders. The following errors are most typical for her:

 omissions of letters and syllables;

 permutation of letters and (or) syllables;

 omission of words;

 writing extra letters in a word (it happens when a child, speaking while writing, "sings a sound" for a very long time;

 repetition of letters and (or) syllables;

 contamination - in one word syllables of different words;

 continuous spelling of prepositions, separate spelling of prefixes ("on the table", "on the step").

4. Agrammatic dysgraphia.
Associated with the underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech. The child writes agrammatically, i.e. as if contrary to the rules of grammar ("beautiful bag", "fun day"). Agrammatisms in writing are noted at the level of words, phrases, sentences and texts.
Agrammatical dysgraphia usually manifests itself from the 3rd grade, when a student who has already mastered the literacy begins to "close" to the study of grammatical rules. And here it suddenly turns out that he cannot master the rules for changing words according to cases, numbers, genders. This is expressed in the incorrect spelling of the endings of words, in the inability to coordinate words with each other.

5. Optical dysgraphia.
The basis of optical dysgraphia is the insufficient formation of visual-spatial representations and visual analysis and synthesis. All letters of the Russian alphabet consist of a set of the same elements ("sticks", "ovals") and several "specific" elements. The same elements are combined in different ways in space, and form different alphabetic characters: i, w, c, u; b, c, d, y...
If the child does not catch the subtle differences between the letters, then this will certainly lead to difficulties in mastering the outline of the letters and to an incorrect representation of them in writing.

The most common mistakes in writing:
- omission of elements of letters (due to underestimation of their number): L instead of M; X instead of W, etc.;
- adding extra elements;
- omissions of elements, especially when connecting letters that include the same element;
- mirror writing letters.

What you need to pay special attention to:

1. If your child is left-handed.

2. If he is a retrained right-hander.

3. If your child attended a speech therapy group.

4. If the family speaks two or more languages.

5. If your child went to school too early (learning to read and write unjustifiably earlier sometimes provokes the occurrence of dysgraphia and dyslexia.) This happens in cases where the child has not yet become psychologically ready for such learning.

6. If your child has problems with memory, attention.

7. Mixing letters by optical similarity: b-p, t-p, a-o, e-z, d-y.

8. Errors caused by impaired pronunciation, the child writes what he says: leka (river), suba (fur coat).

9. With impaired phonemic perception, the vowels o-y, yo-yu, consonants r-l, y-l, paired voiced and deaf consonants, whistling and hissing, sounds c, h, u. For example: tynya (melon), cranberry (cranberry).

10. Omissions of letters, syllables, underwriting of words. For example: prta - school desk, moko - milk, cheerful (cheerful).

The measures of early prevention of dysgraphia include the purposeful development in the child of those mental functions that are necessary for the normal mastery of the processes of writing and reading.

I would like to pay special attention to such a problem as dysorphography, manifested in a persistent inability to master spelling skills (despite knowledge of the relevant rules).

The main difficulties are the detection of orthograms and the solution of spelling problems. Orthograms with unstressed vowels in the endings of words are especially difficult.
Dysorphography is a special category of specific writing disorders that expresses the relationship between words in a sentence.
With dysorphography, it is also noted "... a persistent inability to master the syntactic rules in writing, i.e. punctuation." (A.N. Kornev).

Is it possible to effectively help children with dyslexia and dysgraphia?
Yes, such children are quite capable of mastering reading and writing if they persevere. Some will need years of study, others months. The essence of the lessons is the training of speech hearing and letter vision.
Who can teach a child to read and write?

Mom and dad are unlikely to succeed, they need the help of a specialist - a qualified speech therapist.
Classes are held according to a certain system: various speech games are used, a split or magnetic alphabet for folding words, highlighting the grammatical elements of words. The child must learn how certain sounds are pronounced and what letter this sound corresponds to when writing. Usually, a speech therapist resorts to oppositions, "working out" how hard pronunciation differs from soft, deaf - from voiced. Training is carried out by repeating words, dictation, selecting words according to given sounds, analyzing the sound-letter composition of words. It is clear that they use visual material that helps to remember the lettering: "O" resembles a hoop, "F" - a beetle, "C" - a crescent ... Strive to increase the speed of reading and writing.
A few tips for parents:

2. Do not force the child to rewrite homework many times, this will not only harm the child's health, but also instill uncertainty in him, and also increase the number of errors.

3. Praise your child for every achieved success humiliate as little as possible.

A few words about handwriting.
The handwriting of a dysgraphic is an expression of all his difficulties. As a rule, two types of handwriting stand out quite sharply in dysgraphics: one is small, beady and "beautiful"; the other is huge, clumsy, clumsy, "ugly". So, in this case, there is no need to chase beauty, it will come by itself. As experience shows, just clumsy and huge letters are what the child should eventually come to and work on. This handwriting is his real face, the face of an honest first grader who wants and can learn (our first grader, by the way, can be 10 or 16 years old, we are talking about the psychological age of learning to write).
So, DOWN with the beaded chain of letters, LONG LIVE to sweeping handwriting, for the entire line, and maybe one and a half!

Everything is quite simple here. For some time (usually two to three weeks is enough for this) in a notebook. EVERY DAY, a paragraph of text from any work of art or exercise from a SMALL SIZE textbook is copied into the CELL. The text, which is VERY IMPORTANT, is rewritten BY CELLS, ONE LETTER IN A CAGE, THE LETTER SHOULD OCCUPATE THE ENTIRE CAGE!
The psychological preparation of the child for classes is also important here. In an unfavorable psychological atmosphere, classes "under pressure", there may be no results. The volume of text, I emphasize again, should be small, for a child under ten years old it may be only one line a day, but as it should, clearly rewritten. The overall goal is to prevent the slightest disgust, fatigue, even dissatisfaction with yourself!

There are tricks to choosing stationery for dysgraphics.

Massaging the pads of the fingers is important for the proper functioning of the brain when writing. I recommend this to all speech pathologists. Therefore, it is good if the place of the "grip" of the writing object (pen or pencil) is covered with ribs or pimples.
But even better, if it is convenient for the student to hold this same pen, then the handwriting will soon stabilize. And for this, the body must be trihedral. Such pens and pencils for dysgraphics with a triple section for the support of three holding fingers are produced, for example, by Staedtler. There are trihedral pencils and felt-tip pens from Centropen.
Unfortunately, it has not yet been seen that both "conveniences" are combined: both the triangle and the pimples. So buy a "pimple" pen and a triangular pencil.

I would also like to note that the stationery, which has some features, will be the subject of a little pride of the child in front of classmates, which can at least slightly smooth out school failures.
Girls often like to buy pens with multi-colored, shiny, etc. paste, since they are allowed to write with them (at music lessons, labor, etc.). So let it be better for the dignity of the pen in the eyes of the child to be a beautiful, colored, unusually shaped body than a colored gel, from which ripples in the eyes and in the notebook. When buying a pen, check how it writes to see if the ink passes to the other side of the page.
Gel pens are considered the most suitable for dysgraphics (pressure is felt), but in the first grade they will most likely be banned from use: they often leak, freeze, and deteriorate. Therefore, at home, even for the smallest, it is useful to play a medieval copyist - to train to write with a pen and ink (if the parents do not know how, then you can ask your grandparents). "Pen" writing forms the correct position of the hand relative to the surface of the paper. At the same time, however, there is a fascinating opportunity to smear and smear the notebook, table, nose, knees, etc. in ink, so be careful.

to help you overcome dysgraphia

I want to warn you that these exercises do not eliminate the problem, but they will help parents in overcoming dysgraphia, they will help the speech therapist in working on the defect.

1) Exercise "Proofreading".
For this exercise, you need a book, boring and with a fairly large (not small) font. A student every day for five (no more) minutes works on the following task: crosses out the given letters in a solid text. You need to start with one letter, for example, "a". Then "o", then consonants with which there are problems, first they also need to be asked one at a time. After 5-6 days of such classes, we move on to two letters, one is crossed out, the other is underlined or circled. The letters should be "paired", "similar" in the mind of the student. For example, as practice shows, most often difficulties arise with the pairs "p/t", "p/r", "m/l" (similarity of spelling); "g / d", "u / u", "d / b" (in the latter case, the child forgets whether the tail from the circle is directed up or down), etc.
The pairs necessary for working out can be set when viewing any text written by your child. When you see the correction, ask what letter he wanted to write here. More often than not, everything is clear without explanation.
Attention! It is better if the text is not read (therefore, a boring book is needed). All attention must be concentrated on finding the given appearance of the letter, one or two, and work only with them.

2) Exercise "Write aloud."
An extremely important and irreplaceable technique: everything that is written is spoken aloud by the writer at the time of writing and the way it is written, with underlining, highlighting weak parts.
That is, "More-Yo O-din ch-rez-you-cha-Y-but important-y-y-y-yom" (after all, in fact, we pronounce something like "LOOKING FOR ADIN EMERGENCY IMPORTANT PREYOM"). The example is simpler: "There was a jug WITH MILK ON THE TABLE" (a jug with malak was melting on the steel).
By "weak beats" here we mean the sounds to which, when uttered in fluent speech, the speaker pays the least attention. For vowels, this is any unstressed position, for consonants, for example, a position at the end of a word, such as "zu*p", or before a deaf consonant, such as "lo*shka". It is also important to clearly pronounce the end of the word, since it is difficult for a dysgraphic person to complete the word to the end, and often for this reason the habit of "putting sticks" is developed, i.e. add at the end of the word an indefinite number of squiggle sticks, which, upon a cursory glance, can be mistaken for letters. But the number of these squiggles and their quality do not correspond to the letters of the end of the word. It is important to determine if your child has developed this habit. However, regardless of whether it exists or not, we are accustomed to the sequence and gradual pronunciation, we pronounce each recorded word!

3) "Look and see" (punctuation for dysgraphics and not only).
Material for work - collections of dictations (with commas already set, and check that there are no typos).
Task: carefully reading, "photographing" the text, explain the setting of each punctuation mark aloud. It is better (for middle and older ages) if the explanation sounds like this: "The comma between the adjective" clear "and the union" and ", firstly, closes the adverbial turnover "...", and secondly, separates the two parts of the compound sentences (grammatical bases: the first "...", the second "..."), connected by the union "and"".

4) "Missing letters".
Performing this exercise, it is proposed to use the hint text, where all the missing letters are in their places. The exercise develops attention and confidence in writing skills.
For example:

To __ something, n__ m__ gl__ be __ and __ e__ and about t__ m, o__ y Lariosik __ to __ the hall_ i n_ ed __ those __. Ни в к__ем __л__ч__е н__ м__ж__т б__т__ н__ ст__ро__е Петлюры ин__ел__иг__н__н__й ч__л__ве__ в__об__е, а д__ен__льм__н, п__д__и__ав__ий ве__сел__й на с__мь__ес__т п__ть ты__я__ и п__сы__а__щи__ __ел__г__а__мы в __есть__ес__т тр__ с__ов__, в ч__ст__о__ти... М__ши__ным ма__ло__ и к__ро__и__ом на__лу__ш__м об__аз__м б__ли с__аза__ы и най-турсов кольт и Al_shin brown_ing. Lariosik, p__d__b__o Nikolka, s__su__il __uk__v__ and p__m__ga__ __maz__va__b and __k__dy__at__ all in d__in__u__ and __y__o__th hard_to__rob__u __z-__od ka__am__l__. __аб__та __ы__а сп__шн__й, иб__ каж__ому п__ря__оч__ому ч__ло__е__у, у__а__тво__авш__му в рев__лю__и__, о__ли__но и__в__ст__о, __т__ о__ы__ки пр__ __с__х вл__ст__х __ро__схо__ят от __ву__ ча__ов т__и__ц__ти __ин__т __о__и до __ести час__в п__тн__дца__и м__ну__ ут__а з__мо__ и от д__ен__дца__и ч__со__ но__и до __етыр__х __тра ле__о__. В__е __е ра__от__ з_-д__рж__ла__ь, бл__го__а_-я Лариосику, к__то__ы__, з__ако__я__ь с __с__ро__ст__ом де__ятизар__дн__го п__сто__ета с__с__ем__ Кольт, вл__ж__л в __у__ку __бой__у не т__м __онц__м и, __т__б__ в__та__ит__ е__, __он__до__ил__сь зн__чи__ел__но__ ус__л__е и __ор__до__но__ к__ли__е__т__о м__сл__. Кр__м__ то__о, пр__изо__ло в__ор__е и н__ожи__а__но__ пр__пя__ст__и__: к__ро__к__ со в__о__ен__ым__ в н__е ре__ол__ве__ам__, п__го__а__и Николки и Ал__кс__я, ше__ро__ом и __ар__о__ко__ __а__ле__н__ка А__ек__е__, к__р__б__а, в__ло__е__на__ в__у__р__ __ло__м пар__фи__ов__й __ум__ги и с__а__уж__ п__ в__е__ __в__м __бл__п__е__на__ ли__ким__ __оло__ам__ __ле__т__и__е__ко__ __з__ля__ии, н__ __ро__еза__а в ф__рто__к__.

5) Labyrinths.
Labyrinths well develop large motor skills (hand and forearm movements), attention, continuous line. Make sure that the child changes the position of the hand, not the sheet of paper.
You can find various labyrinths here or here

Dictation must be written! Only in a special way.

1. Extremely slow!
At the initial stage of eliminating dysgraphia, a dysgraphic applicant should spend at least an hour on writing a 150-word dictation. Why so long? This is evident from the following points.

2. The text is read in its entirety. You can ask what spelling / punctogram this text is. Your ward is unlikely to answer, because he has already decided that this is "not for him", so remember and slightly point to them yourself, find out if the concepts of "unstressed vowels" and "participial / participle turnover" are known.
Then the first sentence is dictated. Ask the student to name the number of commas in it, try to explain them. Do not insist, prompt, encourage the attempt to give the correct answer. Ask to spell one or two difficult spelling (or just long) words. Only later (after two or even three or four readings).

3. The sentence is dictated in parts and recorded with the pronunciation aloud of all the features of pronunciation and punctuation

Learning vocabulary words

The material can be found in a separate article "How to work with vocabulary words", which will be published in a week.

What can't be done?

Children with dysgraphia tend to have good visual memory. Therefore, in no case should they be offered exercises where it is required to correct the mistakes that were originally made. Performing such exercises can have a detrimental effect (due to the same visual memory) on students who have the skill of literate writing.
DO NOT OFFER CHILDREN TO CORRECT MISTAKES, TEACH THEM NOT TO MAKE MISTAKES. The essence of correcting dysgraphia is to eradicate the very idea that these same mistakes can be made when writing. The text with errors once again shows the child that mistakes are possible, even, perhaps, useful in some way. Let's forget about it...

1. The article "Wandering through the Tsarskoye Selo halls, or thirty bleeding wounds of dysgraphics". Author Ananyeva Elizaveta Isaevna from St. Petersburg. Psychologist, works in correctional orphanage, and the children adore her, one of her most beloved and successful professional "children" - game program prevention and correction of dysgraphia.

Wandering through the halls of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, you are surprised to learn that A. S. Pushkin was not at all a brilliant student. He didn't do well in math. He did not have time at all! .. But for some reason he was not expelled from an elite educational institution. They gave him the opportunity to get an excellent education, find true friends, become what he became: a great poet, whom we admire and are proud of.

But that was in the nineteenth century.

And what would happen now with such a "disharmonious" child? No high school would have kept him. His parents were busy and poor people. Time and money to search private school with a personal touch and good attitude they might not be able to find children. Sasha, who was diagnosed with dyscalculia (inability to learn to count), could have ended up in an auxiliary school. Subsequently, he became a bookbinder and bound the collected works of Gnedich, Ryleev and his other former friends.

Somehow, in a reputable magazine, a small message slipped that one of the leading architects of France prefers to hire former dysgraphics (that is, those who were not able to learn to write correctly without special help) in his firm.

He is convinced that such people are generators of ideas and have an original vision of space.

But this is in France.

In Russia, such a person could never become a certified architect. And an artist too. He will not be able to write an essay without errors.

With dysgraphics, we generally get funny. Speech therapists work with them only in elementary school. And that's not with everyone. And when the time comes to go to the fifth grade, literacy deteriorates catastrophically for some children. Even among those who were not particularly worried about the Russian language. I studied myself calmly for a solid three or even a weak four.

And in high school as in a foreign country: teachers are all different, each has its own character and its own requirements.

A fifth-grader runs, as if through a maze, and is nervous - what Maria Ivanovna will be dissatisfied with today, for which Veronika Petrovna will scream, and how not to fall under the hot hand of Nikolai Fomich, generous to twos.

And if our fifth grader is an emotional child, then neurosis begins in him. And here, as they say, where it is thin, it breaks there. And it is quite possible for him to subtly, just in a competent letter.

And then Classwork such a student, after checking by the teacher, begins to resemble the most cruel scenes of modern thrillers. The teacher's red pen sometimes leaves bloody wounds in 30 places. Terrible sight!!!

Once, the methodologist Mr. Pushkina recommended that teachers not shred the body of student work with red ink, but paint over the mistake with a white “stroke”, without putting any mark. Let the growing person look at the gaps that have formed, and think for himself, rummage in the textbook and in the dictionary, consult with his parents. And then he fixes everything.

If he is too lazy to do this, then you can educate him by traditional methods: deuces, red marks, remarks. It turned out that many students did not wait for red marks, they themselves corrected their mistakes. And their literacy gradually improved. True, teachers have more cases. After all, they had to check the same work 2 times.

And if in notebooks it is still red-red, what to do? First of all, calm the child and relieve stress. The best way is with creativity. After all, dysgraphics are most often creative people.

Zoya Vasilievna Matyushina, a speech therapist with thirty-five years of experience, works with dysgraphic teenagers, teaching them... to write poetry.

First, she teaches them to love poetry by reading what she loves. Then - shows that the harmony of the verse consists of alternating stressed and unstressed syllables, which stand in lines strictly one after another, like soldiers on parade. And the rhyme, as if right-flanked, closes each line-line.

Rechecking these simple rules from verse to verse, the guys stop skipping vowels, start putting dots at the end of sentences, and then try to write poetry themselves. It turns out well.

The children write wonderful stories too.

First, children draw with both hands at the same time the seabed, or winter, or forest. This is to improve interhemispheric coordination.

Or draw on the cells under my dictation of deer, men, aliens. Then at home they write a story about a drawn hero. Actually a story about yourself.

I ask the most interesting works to be arranged and stored in my album. He's getting fatter and fatter. After all, they are so creative! So vulnerable and so talented.

These dysgraphies.

Note about: So what should a conscientious teacher do with dysgraphies?

1) Do not pay attention to their "illiteracy", work with the guys only about creativity and content? And then what about control, final essays, exams and other still mandatory procedures, followed by organizational conclusions? Spit on them? But if only one teacher spit on all these exams, then the guys will be left with deuces and re-examinations in the Russian language, and if everyone spit, then one of the foundations of the existing education system will collapse - the need for everyone in all subjects to eventually evaluate and the dependence on these assessments of further child's life plans.

2) Send the child to a speech therapist and expect that these classes will help correct the situation in other lessons? And if there is no speech therapist at school, and parents are not able to pay for additional classes? Then what, to become a "speech therapist" for this child and deal with him individually? When? After the lessons - for what money, and there will not be enough time for all the "dysgraphics". During lessons? But then you need to change the entire organization of the lesson, since in fact you will have to implement different training programs for the children in the same room at the same time.

3) Start teaching lessons "in Matyushinsky way." But is this approach useful and meaningful for all children? And where can a teacher learn to work "in the Matyushinsky way"? How many teachers will be drawn to work in this way? After all, the proposed approach in a sense destroys the existing experience of the teacher, the traditional foundations of his work, laid down many years ago at the university, and then by long practice?

2. Dmitry Pisarenko's article "Read later than walk" from the newspaper "Arguments and Facts. Moscow" dated March 2, 2005.

Moscow scientists are sounding the alarm: 50-60% of high school students are illiterate. These teenagers will no longer be able to skillfully master the profession.

Even 20 years ago, it was believed that the population of the Soviet country, and even more so its capital, had 100% literacy. True, our literacy criteria were not the same as in the rest of the world. To be able to fold letter to letter, write your last name and read it - that's all the merit. While UNESCO in 1958 gave its own definition of a literate person: one who is able to express his thoughts harmoniously and, in accordance with the requirements for his native language, is able to write a short autobiography, is considered such.

The capital gave up the title of the most intellectual city a long time ago.

“Now Russia is in 28th place in terms of reading literacy. This is the data of the last large-scale study, it was conducted among 15-year-old schoolchildren from 32 countries,” says the director of the Institute of Developmental Physiology, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Mariana Bezrukikh. “Three parameters were evaluated: the ability to find information in the text, interpret it and give an assessment.I note that at the age of 15 the reading skill must be fully formed: a person chooses a profession and a university for admission.Only 3% of our high school students received the highest mark of 5 points. 18% earned a point! They are able to understand only the simplest text and no more. But that's not all. It turned out that we have children who completed the task below 1 point! And their 9%. So, we have 27% of teenagers who are not able to somehow interpret, retell and analyze what they read.These are functionally illiterate people.They will not be able to master a profession, understand job or any other instructions, follow given, even the simplest. It's a ballast for society."

Let's continue with the arithmetic. If we add 29% of those who received 2 points as a result of testing to 27% of "ballast" (it was necessary to learn the information in an explicit form, without allegory), then it turns out that we have more than half of potentially illiterate young people. All these sad statistics are also true for Moscow: the capital has long since given up the title of the most intellectual city.

Where did this abundance of illiterate schoolchildren come from? The Institute of Developmental Physiology conducted its own study - this time among schoolchildren with difficulties in learning to write and read in the lower grades of Moscow. Scientists have come to the conclusion that lagging behind children are not stupid at all, just the methods and pace of learning do not correspond to their capabilities.

It is mistakes in teaching that Maryana Bezrukikh explains the increased illiteracy of high school students: “In the early 90s, the intensity of learning increased dramatically. Parents dreamed that their child would become a child prodigy, and methodologists developed their recommendations. For example, a child should read at a speed of 120-140 words per minute. But this also does not correspond to the physiological capabilities of the child, and most importantly - to the characteristics of information perception. The mechanisms for reading aloud and silently are different. In practical life, reading to yourself is more useful, but this skill is not taught at school!"

The intensity of training has resulted in the fact that the "Primer" is now completed in 2-2.5 months, while earlier it took at least a year. But the skills of writing and reading cannot be formed quickly: this is the base of literacy that must be laid slowly. Another innovation of the 90s: teachers began to require parents to bring reading and writing children to the first grade. Parents are trying: the child is not yet three years old, and he is forced to read. This is pointless and dangerous: children who are taught to read very early develop the wrong reading mechanism. Even as adults, they hardly perceive texts.

“The mechanisms for the formation of reading and writing skills mature in a child no earlier than by the age of 5-6, both teachers and parents should remember this,” advises Bezrukikh. early age letters are perceived only as symbols, they are no different from the image of a house or a chicken. Another elementary school fallacy - the need to teach calligraphy - creates additional problems. Our descendants will write less and less with a pen. And, probably, it is more expedient to teach children to write in semi-printed letters - it's easier and easier. Have you noticed that children 5-6 years old before school are very fond of signing drawings in block letters? Then the children come to school, and they are forced to draw long and tedious hooks without lifting the pen from the paper. It turns out with difficulty. The natural process of the formation of written speech is torn apart.

Alas, there are still schools where teachers with a stopwatch in their hands measure the speed of reading. And they bring children to severe neurosis, to stuttering. By the way, the number of neurotic children, according to scientists, is growing. AT primary school they come to about 20%. How much for high school? Much depends on what will be required of them.

3. Ananiev BG Analysis of difficulties in the process of mastering reading and writing. Izvestia APN R.- SFSR1950.-Vol.70

4. Levina R.E. Writing disorders in children with speech underdevelopment. - M., 1961

5. Sadovnikova I. N. Written speech disorders in younger schoolchildren. - M., 1983