I'm happy quotes. What does it mean to be a happy person What does it take to be happy

  • 08.04.2020

The secret of happiness is in the contact of souls.

Happiness is there, you just need to look for it. Maybe happiness is sitting here in our garden, nestled between green leaves and fragrant tomatoes. Or maybe just open a couple of jars, get some interesting spices and melt the butter in a pan. Or maybe happiness is in the eyes of a loved one, and you just need to look into them, turn on the music, join hands and dance. Happiness is not something that can be mastered. And of course, you don't have to chase after him.

Happiness comes from the ability to stop and see. See for real. Happiness is not somewhere else. It's right in front of you.

Now I will always live with you :)

Happiness can be found even in dark times if you do not forget to turn to the light.

Albus Dumbledore

Happiness is needed by everyone and in every home… Life, after all, it is given only once… Bright thoughts to you. May the sun always shine in your soul! :)


People are only as happy as they are free from comparisons and judgments.

Yesterday happiness came to me. It was dressed in autumn, it smelled of colorful rains and, for some reason, gingerbread. We sat in the kitchen, I treated him to hot tea, and it added petals of fallen stars dried in August to it. Then it sat on my windowsill and sang softly. It sang about the light, about the important, about the beloved, about what silently lives in the heart and makes the hands tender, it sang about the laughter of people, like a warm amber wind, and about the dew-wet paths leading to what everyone is looking for. . We spent the whole night together. It either sat on the shoulder like a bird, or lay on its knees like a soft purring cat. And in the morning it got ready to go, apologized, promised to look into the light, then threw a rainbow painted with children's dreams on its thin shoulders, and flew out the door. But I'm glad, because turning on the threshold, it told me that it was coming to you. Meet.

Cat on her knees, a pack of marmalade

Well, what do we, stupid, still need to be happy ?!

Well, what went for people with "happiness" for fun?

Personally, my happiness is a book, tea and a cat!

The main thing is to breathe correctly)

Breathe Happiness...

Breathe good...

“Well, what else can I tell you? ...Be happy!!!

Don't wait for happiness to come, step on it yourself ツ

The biggest challenge of your journey is to make one person happy every day. And that person is always you.

When I see that people rejoice at the smell of fresh pastries, rush home for dinner, fry potatoes or make dumplings together, I am convinced that the world is based on simple happiness.

It is a habit, a good habit - to strive every day to be happy!

There is something great in every minute. For example, happiness...

Wealth, like happiness, cannot be acquired directly. Both are by-products of serving people. Henry Ford

Happiness must be drunk fresh - it cannot be postponed!

And trouble can wait!

Romain Rolland

And happiness is to buy wallpaper, have a family, be patient.

And happiness is two in the kitchen, drinking tea and smearing jam on bread.

And happiness is not Rome and Cuba, not a bunch of clothes, not entertainment.

And happiness - too dear lips, a cozy house and tea with cookies.

Happiness is contagious. The happier you are, the happier those around you are.

The time for happiness is now.

Many are looking for happiness... But happiness can be found when you make someone else happy. The nature of love is not to take, but to give....

Happiness is when the house is light, cozy, warm, clean and calm. And so it is in the soul.

There are two ways to become happy: improve reality or lower expectations.

Being happy is very important, because it is in this state that we can easily create what we need.

Men need to know that if a woman is happy, her children, parents, husband, friends, dog and even cockroaches will be happy.

Happiness will come to everyone. And not necessarily on the night from Wednesday to Thursday. Not necessarily in February or July. Not necessarily good weather. But surely, all of a sudden...

Happiness is when everything that should happen happens.

Were you happy today?

Not yet.

Then hurry up. This day is ending!

There is as much happiness in life as you can see...

Happiness is more likely to enter the house where a good mood always reigns.

Happiness does not need to be sought - it must be.

Happiness is always closer than you think...


Happiness, it is in everything: in a sunny bunny, in the wind, in the grass, in the smell of cinnamon and apple, in cocoa under the covers on a cold evening; it is hidden in the smell of a puppy, in mother's calls, in salty sea water, in a bright and clear sky (there it is limitless), in summer dawns, in school bags and scribbled notebooks, in children's laughter, in the most cherished memories ... it is everywhere, it is needed just take a look.


You ask yourself: “How can I be happy if I am unhappy?”. Indeed, you cannot command feelings, but you can command thoughts, words and deeds. Do something simple, give free rein to good thoughts, speak kind words, act as if you are happy, even if you do not have an internal feeling of happiness.

Gradually, the inner joy of the soul will win, it will break through.

365 reflections of the Rebbe

Being happy does not mean that everything is perfect for you, it means that you have learned to see through imperfections.

Let everyone be sure to get a happy ticket to a happy life!

Only thoughts make a person unhappy or happy. By controlling his thoughts, he controls his happiness.

I'm interested in excitement. I am interested in absolute merging with the cosmos at the everyday level. If I kiss, then I am not at that moment. If I sing a song, I am not at that moment. This is what interests me. I'm looking for where there's the least distraction. Where are the least bunnies around. I don't want to waste my energy. If we take the kissing analogy again, there are people who kiss and think - I still need to call this today, do this, this and this. And so uninteresting. If I do something, I want to be all there. I've come to the point where I want undiluted happiness.

Boris Grebenshchikov

Great happiness often grows out of a small seed of joy...

Happiness is not squeezed into a given framework, it is infinite, like the air we breathe.

Happiness is increased by sharing it with others.

There is as much happiness in life asyou can spot it.

As we age, we lose many important qualities. And one of them is the gift of being happy just like that. To catch small pleasures on a hook and look at them with delight for a long time.

You can be happy at any time of the year. Happiness is generally such a special fifth season that comes, not paying attention to dates, calendars and all that. It is like eternal spring, which is always with you, behind the thin glass wall of the greenhouse.

We pack our bags and move to Happiness...

And are you happy? At this particular moment, are you doing what you would like to do more than anything in the world? R. Bach

The great science of living happily is to live in the present.

You can't put off happiness for the future need to be happy now.

What are you looking for? Happiness, love, peace of mind. Do not go looking for them on the other side of the earth, you will return disappointed, upset, hopeless. Look for them on the other side of yourself, in the depths of your heart. Dalai Lama.

People are constantly inventing problems for themselves. Why not make yourself happy?

Happiness is where you are - where you are, there is happiness. It surrounds you natural phenomenon. It's just like the air, just like the sky.

Happiness is contagious. How

the happier you are, the happier

those around you.

Happiness happens when you are in tune with your life, in such harmony that whatever you do is joyful.

Everyone has the right to be happy on their own terms.

Remember, happiness doesn't depend on who you are or what you have. It depends entirely on what you think.

Happiness is a property of character. Some have it in their nature to wait all the time, others constantly look for it, and others find it everywhere.

Happiness does not like to get used to it, Happiness loves to be treasured...

All the happiness that exists in the world comes from wanting happiness for others. All the suffering that exists in the world comes from the desire for happiness for oneself.

To become happy, you need to get rid of everything superfluous. From unnecessary things, unnecessary fuss, and most importantly - from unnecessary thoughts.

It's wonderful to be someone's happiness! .. :)

The main thing is to feel happy, what the rest will say - it doesn't matter.

My highest happiness, my complete satisfaction, consists in reading, walking, dreaming, thinking. David Hume.

You don't need anything to be happy.

You need something to be unhappy.

Look, I'm perfectly happy. My happiness is a challenge. Wandering through the streets, through the squares, along the embankments along the canal - absentmindedly feeling the lips of dampness through the holey soles - I proudly carry my inexplicable happiness. Centuries will roll by - schoolchildren will miss the history of our upheavals - everything will pass, everything will pass, but my happiness, dear friend, but my happiness will remain - in the wet reflection of the lantern, in the careful turn of the stone steps descending into the black waters of the canal, into the smile of a dancing couple, in everything that God surrounds so generously with human loneliness.

Life is given for happiness!

To be happy man, you need to be able to achieve your goals, maintaining good relations with people, your reputation and without sacrificing inner harmony. Christophe Andre / psychiatrist, psychotherapist.

The secret of happiness is attention to each other. The happiness of life is made up of individual minutes, of small, quickly forgotten pleasures from a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment and countless small but kind thoughts and sincere feelings.

A happy person is very easy to recognize. He seems to radiate an aura of calmness and warmth, moves slowly, but manages to do everything, speaks calmly, but everyone understands him. Secret happy people simple is the absence of tension.

In happy moments, smile from the bottom of your heart.

Everyone froze.

Time stopped.

Quiet. Happiness is coming ;)

Expectation happy days sometimes it's much better than these days.

I always feel happy. You know why? Because I don't expect anything from anyone. Waiting is always a pain... Life is short... So love your life... Be happy... And smile... Listen before you speak... Think before you write... Before you write how to spend money, earn money... Before you pray, goodbye... Before you hurt, feel... Before you hate, love... Before you die, live!

William Shakespeare

I have committed the most terrible sin of all possible sins. I wasn't happy. Borges

Being unhappy is a habit. Being happy is also a habit. The choice is yours.

Sometimes we find it hard to be happy simply because we refuse to let go of what makes us sad.

A happy person is one who does not regret the past, is not afraid of the future, and does not climb into someone else's life.

Happiness knocked on every door. It gave hope to all people: sad and cheerful, depressed and laughing, energetic and devoid of imagination. Happiness said: “Listen, look for me not around you, but inside yourself!”. Most people did not understand the language of happiness. They expected happiness to enter their lives with a drum roll, but happiness loves silence! It is hidden and manifests itself almost imperceptibly in the curves of life and in the simple details of every day...

I always feel happy.

You know why?

Because I don't expect anything from anyone.

Sometimes all you need to be happy is to stay at home, treat yourself to delicious treats and just spend the whole day in a warm bed.

The best gratitude for me was when I answered my client’s question: “So why do you want to get married?”, I heard her wise answer, which came to her during our work and which plunged me into a little shock.

“Now I’m really happy, but I still want to get married! Tatyana laughed. - I continue to want to get married, but not the way I wanted before. Now this is a completely different desire, more conscious and filled with meaning.

Just yesterday, I wanted to get married rather because of longing and pain in my soul. I wanted someone to take pity, caress and just love me. Over time, I stopped feeling sorry for myself and realized that my life is my choice.

Perhaps for some, these words will seem empty and hackneyed, but for me they are very important now.

When my friend, meeting me after a long separation, yelled: “Oh, Tanya, how you have changed! Fell in love, or what? ”, I realized that she was right. I really fell in love, but not with a man, but with myself, with the world, with life. She didn't believe me. She was even offended, saying that I had become secretive, mysterious and did not tell her anything.

And I have nothing more to say. I really just became happy. I really became just more attentive to the little things and to the gifts of God. Now I enjoy walking alone with a smile on my face and bright thoughts.

I am glad when the bus arrives on time, and lately I rarely stand at the bus stop for a long time.

I glow like a summer sun when I see a green traffic light and I say to myself: “Thank you, Lord. I'm always lucky. There is always a green light on my way.”

I love to set the table for my beloved and have breakfast with a full table setting, albeit alone for now.

I thank God for my mother who bought the wrong apples that I love, but I still appreciate her for remembering that I love apples at all. And it helps me to be grateful and appreciate what I have.

I adore my little sister, who was given to me by God and who always knows how to surprise me. Even when we argue, I see her bright soul, and I like to communicate with her even more.

I appreciate my kitten, which I can’t teach to go to the tray, for helping me become more tolerant and stronger. Because he teaches me to show love anyway, even when they did it to you.

I do not like my soul in my nephew, who is not just smart beyond his years. He is a very wise child. And often his phrases like: “We don’t get offended in our family! Only the weak stomp behind! Do not return evil for evil! And thanks? You forgot to say thank you! help me become wiser and more enlightened. He brings up in me not only the ability not to be offended, but also to respect all men in his face.

I am immensely grateful to our neighbor, who continues to teach me about life and always inserts her signature phrases into our everyday conversation. But she also teaches me to hear myself and have my own opinion.

I respect and appreciate my boss, who is not always satisfied with my work, and sometimes can scold me. But he has many good qualities. And he also teaches me to be myself, to appreciate myself, to praise myself when others do not. In general, he helps me get up from my knees when they put you down on them. And I become even stronger and continue to thank him for it. He is a big guy. He pays me well and I love my job.

And I also forgot to say about my beloved friend, who understands and supports all my undertakings. Which is not only interested, but also takes an active part in my life.

And now I'm happy just like that. Communicating, meeting, reconciling and cursing, I am still happy.

All this brings me joy. Life brings me joy.

And I have no idea how to explain it to other people.

How to talk about the importance of happiness and peace of mind. Self love and joy in life. A lot has been written, everything has long been known and the phrases are all beaten, but people continue to envy, get angry and be unhappy.

I don't know how it got to me. But believe me, three months ago I was different.

And now love and joy have become much more valuable to me, and not resentment and anger, criticism and neglect. Now I am a light man. I am like a good fairy who gives joy, loves and thanks everyone.

What about getting married? Oh yes. Why do I want to get married now?

I understand that a man who will be next to me should not make me happy. He will help me move towards my dreams, towards my goals, towards God. We will, like two halves of one whole, help each other move forward, and not interfere, as happens in modern families!

Among successful people who have made a career and seem to have achieved everything that one can dream of, there are not so many who can call themselves a truly happy person. Already many times the most different people it was said that happiness is not in money - then what is it?

Happiness Criteria

As a rule, when asked what, people give standard answers. For some, this is a family, children, a loved one. For another - good job, for the third - health, etc. etc. Analyzing the answers, we can conclude: a person is happy when he feels good. It's hard to be happy when you're sick, lonely, when you don't like your job. This is the case when being determines consciousness - you feel good when everything is in order with you.

But the reverse situation is also possible, when it is consciousness that determines being. A person chooses his path, focusing on his most cherished goals and desires. It is this path, following it, that makes him truly happy.

It is important to understand that the true goals and aspirations are determined by the human soul. The soul will never strive for money, fame - it is not interested in it. The soul loves to create, so many people choose creative professions and professions associated with the ability to create something, explore.

Personal growth is very important for the soul. Hence the desire of many people to overcome, to reach new horizons. Cross the ocean, conquer the mountain peak, achieve some kind of success - but not for the sake of success as such, but precisely for personal growth. A person is happy when he succeeds, when he does what gives him pleasure. On the way, he may have many obstacles and difficulties, but they are perceived not as another misfortune, but as a challenge, as an opportunity to overcome himself once again.

A person is happy when the soul is happy

True happiness is possible only when the soul is happy. Why do so many people choose this or that hobby for themselves? Because it gives them the opportunity to feel happy, to get away from the routine of ordinary uninteresting things. The soul is interested in a lot of things - it will be equally pleased to look at postage stamps and display a new variety of tomato, admire the stars through a telescope and collect a perpetual motion machine in the garage.

When is a person unhappy? When his soul finds no application for his talents. When she wants to do one thing, but her interests are unceremoniously pushed aside and forced to do something completely different. Maybe she will try to express herself in a new field, to create within the framework that has been set for her, but the result will not be the same at all.

How to be happy

First of all, believe in yourself, that you can still change. After that, determine your true values, your true calling. Outline the paths to achieve the desired life situation - and go to it, regardless of any difficulties.

The most important thing is that this path itself will bring joy. The soul is happy not only when the goal is achieved, but also on the way to it. This is the secret of true happiness - to be who you are, to go where you want to go. Do not change yourself, your dream, and life will be truly happy.

Whoever you meet on your life path- thank him for participating in your destiny. Whether it was an episode or a lifetime, no person comes into the life of another by accident.

If you have real friends, no matter how life beats you, they will always make you laugh.

And I closed the gates to my soul.
Some people just don't understand me.
I am often told that I am beautiful.
I would exchange beauty for happiness ...

There is not a single problem that does not carry gifts. Everything that happens has a purpose and a reason; in everything that happens there is a lesson that enriches life.

Weak people All their lives they try to be no worse than others. Strong at all costs need to become the best.

If I only did what people want me to do, they would still ride carriages.

And it's never too late again
Start all life, start all the way
And so that in the past - not a word,
Not a groan would be crossed out.

No matter how you water the cucumbers, they will not become eggplants!

No matter how many words of wisdom you read, no matter how many you say, what good are they to you if you don't put them into practice?

No one can blame me for anything. I don't owe anything to anyone except my parents, who gave me life. With the rest, I can be as I see fit, or not be at all. This is my life.

Happiness is a beautiful goal to strive for every day. The feeling of happiness is not something we achieve and then strive to keep. It is a series of decisions that we make every day. Start developing a positive outlook and live the way you feel is right. Also, spend time with positive people, connect with others, and keep your body and mind healthy. However, keep in mind that some mental illnesses, such as depression, can hinder your path to happiness if not treated by a psychologist or psychiatrist.


Create a positive mindset

    Express gratitude for all the good things in your life. Gratitude for what you have can change your life. This will help you focus on what is going well, making you less likely to feel dissatisfied with life. Take 1-2 minutes to enjoy the pleasant moments. Also, thank people when they do something nice for you.

    • Keep a special diary or every day list 3-5 things for which you are grateful.
    • The gratitude list can include: “my cat”, “favorite job”, “best friend I can call at any time”, “comfortable bed”, “delicious food”.
    • When you feel down, go back to your gratitude list to make yourself feel better.
  1. Replace negative thoughts with positive self-talk. Negative thoughts keep us from feeling happy, but thinking can be changed. When you see a negative thought, question it. Then replace it with a positive or neutral thought. Also, say positive affirmations to yourself throughout the day.

    • Let's say you caught yourself thinking, "I'm so ugly." You can replace this with the words: "I can not be ugly, because everyone is beautiful in their own way," or: "I am unique, and this makes me beautiful."
    • Use positive affirmations such as "I can do it", "I'm good enough", "If I try, I'll already be successful".

    Advice: talk to yourself the same way you would talk to your best friend. For example, if a friend of yours messes up a presentation at work, you're likely to say something like, “That kind of thing happens sometimes. You'll do better next time."

    Praise yourself at least once a day. Concentrate on what you are doing well by giving yourself regular compliments. Highlight your best features, celebrate your talents, and recognize your accomplishments. This will help you treat yourself in a positive way.

    • Say, "This outfit looks great on me," "I did a great job with this presentation," "I'm such a great writer," or, "I love that I'm so responsive."
  2. Stop comparing yourself with other people. Each person has their own path, so it is unfair to measure your success by looking at what others have achieved. Don't worry about what other people are doing. Better compare yourself to the person you were in the past. This will help you see how you are improving.

    • For example, don't worry if you think all of your friends have made significant progress in career ladder. And your time will come. Better compare your progress with what it was last year.
  3. Look for something positive when you face an obstacle. Difficulties and failures are part of life, and no one is immune from them. When faced with a problem, do your best to see something positive in it. This will help you cheer up in the moment and learn from your experience.

    • For example, let's say you lost your job. This is a really difficult experience, but you can focus on it as an opportunity to change your profession.

    Option: sometimes in life there are very painful experiences, such as the death of a pet. It is not necessary to look for something good in such situations. Take time to grieve and express your emotions - this will help to put them in the past.

    Engage awareness to focus on the present moment. If you dwell on memories of the past and worries about the future, it can negatively affect your mood. Mindfulness will help you focus on the present moment to avoid overthinking. Here are some ways to be more mindful:

    • meditate for 10 minutes;
    • use all five senses;
    • perform only one action at a time;
    • focus on keeping calm and equanimity.

    Be the best version of yourself

    1. Live according to your personal values. If you ignore your core beliefs, you will feel overwhelmed and conflicted. Identify Your Personal Values: Make a list of things that are important to you, determine when you have experienced true happiness, and decide what you really want out of life. Then align your lifestyle with your values ​​to become the person you want to be.

      • For example, perhaps you value helping others and being creative. To live up to these values, one may choose to become a nurse and draw as a hobby. It is also possible to make conscious decisions not to hurt other people.


      Dr. Adam Dorsey is a licensed psychologist in private practice in San Jose, California. He specializes in working with successful adult clients, helping them resolve relationship problems, cope with stress and anxiety, and make their lives happier. In 2016, he gave a TEDx talk about men and emotions that became very popular. He is one of the founders of Project Reciprocity, international program at Facebook. Currently consults for Digital Ocean, assisting its security team. He received his degree in clinical psychology in 2008.

      Licensed psychologist and TEDx speaker

      Decide what you want to achieve in life - some people call it purpose. Adam Dorsey, a licensed psychologist, says, “The most enduring form of happiness is creating a meaningful life. Take time to realize the purpose of your life or move towards it if you do not know what it is. Personal values ​​and strengths are a good guideline for determining your purpose.» Try online quizzes or take strengths and calling courses.

      Do at least one activity every day that brings you pleasure. This will help you enjoy life more. Make a list of activities that make you happy. Then add these items to your daily schedule. So you can get more joy out of life and become best version myself.

      • For example, take up a hobby, hang out with friends, play a board game, take your pet for a walk, take a hot bath, read a book, watch a movie, go to a concert, or try a new recipe.
      • If there's something you've always wanted to do, don't delay! For example, take a drawing class or watch online classes to learn how to dance.
    2. Identify your strengths to gain self-confidence. It's easier to feel happy when you're proud of who you are, and identifying your strengths can help with that. Make a list of your talents, skills, and knowledge. Then review it regularly so you don't forget how amazing you are.

      • To strengths may include things such as the ability to decide math problems write beautifully, sing or win in athletics. In addition, you may have good people skills, analytical skills, or critical thinking skills. Likewise, you may be very creative or have the ability to work collaboratively with other people.
    3. Work on your weaknesses to overcome them. Everyone has their weaknesses, so don't be upset about yours. If your weaknesses bother you, work on them by learning new skills or trying something new. Most likely, over time, you will be able to improve yourself.

      • For example, let's say you have a hard time with public speaking. You can join the Toastmasters club or take improv classes to improve your skills.
      • Or maybe you're unhappy with your fitness level. To increase it, you can develop a training program and follow it.
    4. Express your emotions, don't hold them back. Feelings are extremely important, so don't try to hide them. If you ignore your emotions, it will only increase them. Instead, choose a healthy way to blow off steam. Here are some options:

      • talk to someone;
      • keep a diary;
      • get creative;
      • play sports.
    5. Spend money on experiences, not things. Buying what you really want is great, but this happiness will not last long. Impressions will bring you more joy than things, so spend money on entertainment or travel. To get more pleasure, do it with people dear to you.

      • For example, you can choose to play mini golf instead of a new shirt.
      • At the same time, it is worth purchasing the necessary things, such as a computer for study or a cleanser to keep the skin clean. Don't feel guilty about buying these things.

    Create a support system

    1. Surround yourself with positive people. It can lift your spirits. Find out who in your environment excites you, and then spend more time with those people. Offer one-on-one meetings, correspond with them, and arrange company meetings.

      • Don't feel compelled to cut off negative friends or family members. Better to just spend more time with your positive friends and relatives.
    2. Connect with other people to feel part of the community. People need community, so being around others will make you feel happier. Focus on communicating with others. To do this, maintain relationships with them, find mutual language and empathize with them in difficult times.

      • For example, look for common interests with people, even those who at first glance are completely different from you. Perhaps you both enjoy reading, nature, or the same series.
    3. To find friends, join a club or society related to your interests. If you want to expand your social circle, join a club or visit various events to spend time with other people. Look for a club that reflects your interests. Then get to know the people you meet there to make friends with them.

      • For example, you might look for a science fiction book club or a drawing group.

      Advice: for development friendly relations it takes time, so don't worry if you don't connect with people the first time. Keep going to clubs or meetings and eventually you will make friends.

    Take care of your mind and body

    1. Sleep at least 7-9 hours every night to have a good rest. Feeling tired can negatively affect your mood. It also makes it harder to live life to its fullest. To be guaranteed to feel your best and fall asleep easier, keep a sleep schedule. Also, stick to your evening routine.

      • For example, take a warm shower, change into pajamas, and read a chapter of a book while lying in bed.
    2. Eat a healthy and balanced diet to saturate the body. Nutrients provide energy, so good nutrition improves well-being. Eat fresh foods, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates to stay healthy. Also, cut out processed foods and sugary snacks because they only provide empty calories.

      • Lean proteins include chicken, fish, turkey, tofu, nuts, and meat substitutes.
      • Complex carbohydrates are found in foods such as starchy vegetables and whole grains.
    3. go in for sports for half an hour every day Have a good mood and body health. Exercise releases endorphins that make us happy. In addition, arguing gives energy and improves well-being. Choose physical activity that you enjoy so that it is easier for you to do it every day.

      • For example, walk, run, dance, visit gym, join a sports team or go swimming.