Who is in group 1 for electrical safety. Which employees need electrical safety teams? Electrical safety briefing - frequency

  • 30.06.2020

Electricity in offices and in production is faced not only by maintenance and repair personnel, but also by non-electrotechnical personnel, who are assigned the first electrical safety group. Before starting their duties, this category of employees is briefed.

Who is assigned 1 EB group

Personnel who do not serve electrical installations, but who in their work have the risk of receiving any degree of electric shock, are qualified as non-electrotechnical. These include:

  • administrative workers who are not involved in the maintenance, repair and installation of electrical equipment;
  • office workers using electrical appliances (lamps, kettles, microwave ovens) and equipment (computers, printers, scanners, faxes) in their work process.

Note! The group assignment is recorded in a special briefing log for non-electrotechnical personnel.

Types of briefings

Electrical safety training is required upon employment. In addition, there are other types of similar events, which can be found in the table below.

Types of briefings

IntroductoryTakes place on the day of employment. General safety issues are touched upon, instructions on labor protection are studied. The newly hired employee is introduced to the norms, rules approved at a particular enterprise
PrimaryCarried out directly at the workplace, taking into account responsibilities accepted employee. The same type of briefing is provided for when transferring from unit to unit (from department to department), as well as for business trips. There is a more in-depth study of the documents considered during the introductory briefing. Employees study their production (job) instructions more carefully, as well as the rules for using electrical appliances and equipment that they will encounter in the performance of their duties
Repeated (or periodic)For non-electrotechnical personnel, the frequency of re-briefing is 1 year
unscheduledRequired if there are changes to current instructions on labor protection and electrical safety, or a new technical documentation, rules and standards.
Conduct unscheduled briefing on electrical safety to non-electrotechnical personnel and in such cases:
when replacing or upgrading office equipment;
if the employee violated the electrical safety instructions, and this could lead to injury, fire, accident or failure of the electric instruments and equipment;
with a break in work for more than 2 months.
This event can also be held at the request of the supervisory authorities (as a rule, these are collective classes).

Additional Information. Targeted briefing applies to workers admitted to electrical installations, but does not apply to non-electrotechnical personnel.

All types of briefings for the first group of ES (except for the introductory) are carried out by the heads of subdivisions (departments) or persons approved by order. When hiring, the safety engineer (or the employee responsible for this function) is instructed.

Instruction program

For briefings for the 1st group on electrical safety, a specially developed standard program is used. It takes into account all topics, the study of which will ensure labor safety when using electrical receivers and equipment operating under voltage.

General requirements for ES

This section explains in general terms what electrical safety is, what measures are taken to protect against electric shock, arc, e / m field, stat. electricity. Instruct personnel on how to properly use electrical appliances and apparatus in order to prevent improper handling of them. Focus on the fact that faulty equipment and electrical wiring become sources of ignition.

The rules of the order and modes of work of the company are also studied here. Familiarize trainees with the basic steps in providing first aid to a victim of electric current.

EB rules

In this topic, they deal with issues affecting dangerous factors of production: touching live parts under voltage, grounding or insulation failure, sparking and fire. Emphasize how important it is to follow these safety rules:

  • preliminary familiarization with the instructions for using e-mail. device;
  • checking the serviceability of the plug and socket before connecting the device to the network;
  • actions in case of sudden breakdown of the apparatus or device under voltage;
  • compliance with the rules fire safety and ability to use primary means quenching.

Other issues may be raised, taking into account the specifics of the work of non-electrical personnel.

Important! The instructor must be aware that violation or non-compliance with the rules entails administrative responsibility.

EB requirements in the process of work

Conducting a briefing for group 1 on electrical safety, they talk about the need for the following actions:

  • checking cables, wires, el. devices for external damage;
  • checking the integrity of switches, sockets, plugs;
  • the need to ensure the availability of fire extinguishing equipment and personal protection against smoke;
  • exclusion of touches to e-mail. appliances with wet hands;
  • prevention of falling devices and mechanical impact on them;
  • danger of touching bare or damaged wires that are energized;
  • the need to make sure that all wires and cables do not come into contact with oily, damp and hot surfaces;
  • the consequences of self-adjustment or repair of a faulty device.

The briefing explains the importance of following these rules in the workplace. Failure to do so may result in fire or electric shock.

The effect of current on the human body

This section is also important, as it helps to understand the degree of risk of death if the elementary rules of EB are not followed. The staff is explained the nature of the current and the physiology of a living organism capable of passing electricity through itself.

Every place where equipment is energized is considered life-threatening. At the same time, not only current can affect a person, but also static electricity, an arc and an electric / magnetic field. The degree of damage can be different and depends on individual factors: the parameters of the circuit itself, environment, physiological processes in the body and the condition of the skin.

During the briefing, the nature of each action of the e-mail is explained. current on a living organism:

  • thermal - burns, heating to high temperatures of organs that are in the path of the current;
  • e / lytic - causes the decomposition of liquids (including blood);
  • mechanical - when heated, a pressure jump is provoked in the vessels and tissues; under the influence of electric / dynamic forces there is an involuntary contraction of the muscles;
  • biological - internal processes are confused, tissues are excited and irritated.

They also distinguish the direct action of the current, when only muscle tissue is in the way. Particular attention is paid to reflex excitation affecting the central nervous system, as a result of which many vital organs are seriously damaged.

Note. When studying the effect of electricity on living organisms, one should be aware that it does not pass without a trace and is classified as a serious injury.

Classification of injuries

Even non-electrotechnical personnel with the first group must be able to distinguish between injury and electric shock. They are classified into local, general and electric shock.


These injuries include damage to some parts of the body, as well as violations of the integrity of tissues provoked by current or arc. They are divided into:

  • covering burn;
  • surface el. signs;
  • skin plating;
  • mechanical damage;
  • electrophthalmia (eye lesions).

The degree of injury depends on the strength of the current that the victim has come into contact with.


In this case, the entire body is affected, this is manifested by convulsive muscle contractions. The degree of impact of electric shock can be different:

  1. barely perceptible convulsive contraction;
  2. muscle contractions are accompanied by severe pain, but without loss of consciousness;
  3. there is a loss of consciousness, but the heart and breathing continue to function;
  4. complete lack of consciousness, failure in respiratory and cardiac activity;
  5. cardiac arrest and lack of breathing.

Electric shock does not necessarily end in death unless cardiac arrest occurs. But serious disorders in the functionality of many organs can manifest themselves in a few hours or days.

electric shock

Electric current excessively irritates the nervous-reflex system of the body. At the same time, contractile movements of the muscles, acute pain and a pressure jump are observed. These symptoms do not last long, and then the reverse reaction occurs: the pressure drops, the pulse quickens, breathing weakens, the nervous system is inhibited.

The body can be in a state of shock for several minutes or days. Then the affected person either gradually recovers or dies. It all depends on a combination of many factors that are explained during the briefing.

Step voltage

The program of instructive training on electrical safety for non-electrotechnical personnel also addresses this issue. You need to know what e-mail spreading is. current on the surface of the earth in order to take the necessary measures in time.

The correct actions of the personnel are important, depending on its location, on the place of the circuit. During the briefing, they teach how to move correctly in short steps without taking their legs apart. It explains why it is impossible to jump out of the step voltage zone, and also points out the mortal danger in case of a fall.

First aid

At this stage of the briefing, it is told about complex measures to provide emergency assistance to a person who has received an email. trauma. Explains the importance of timeliness and the correct procedure for personnel. The instructor teaches to assess the condition of the victim, and also conducts practical classes on the technique of artificial respiration and chest compressions.

The order of the briefing

All non-electrotechnical personnel at each enterprise are mandatory instructed by the management on the rules of electrical safety in order to assign 1 group and further admission to the performance of their duties using email. instruments and apparatus.

For non-electrotechnical personnel, an employee with an electrical safety clearance group of at least 3rd, who is authorized by order of the enterprise, has the right to conduct instruction.

The ordinance also states:

  • list of professions with the first group of ES;
  • instruction program;
  • training log form.

For newly hired employees, the instruction on electrical safety for non-electrotechnical personnel is combined with an introductory OT or with what is carried out at the workplace.

Information about the briefing is recorded in the Registration Journal with the obligatory signature of the instructed person in it. As a result of the classes, an oral check is made to consolidate the topics studied. After that, 1 EB group is assigned (with a corresponding entry in the Journal).

Note! The frequency of repeated briefings for workers with group one is 12 months. This order does not depend on whether there will be unscheduled classes with an instructor during one year.


Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Vasilievskaya basic comprehensive school"


n. Vasilyevsky

About assigning a group I on electrical safety for non-electrotechnical personnel

In accordance with paragraph 1.4.4. Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers, approved by order of the Ministry of Energy Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 6 in order to ensure the safety of non-electrotechnical personnel and, Intersectoral rules on labor protection (safety rules), approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of January 05, 2001 No. 3 and the order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2000 No. 163


1. Appoint a person responsible for conducting briefings and assigning to the staff of the Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution "Vasilyevskaya Basic General Education School" (hereinafter referred to as the educational organization) groupsIelectrical safety specialist of the Department of Education, Youth Policy, physical education and sports administration of the Verkhovsky district / full name / (as agreed) -IVelectrical safety group.

2. Appoint a substitute responsible for electrical facilities educational organization head of household /full name/.

3. Approve:

program of briefing for assignmentIelectrical safety groups for non-electrotechnical personnel (Appendix 1);

list of positions related to non-electrical personnel with a groupI(Appendix 2).

4. Carry out assignmentIelectrical safety groups by conducting a briefing, which should be completed with a knowledge test in the form oral questioning and, if necessary, checking the acquired knowledge of skills in safe ways of working and first aid in case of electric shock.

5. Register the registration of the assignment of group I for electrical safety in the register of the assignment of group I for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel when hiring employees and annually (Appendix 3). A certificate of knowledge testing for group I is not issued.

6. Familiarize / full name / with the order of the employees of the educational organization against signature.

7. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.

Director A.A. Semiokhin

Acquainted with the order:

"____" ____________2017 ________________ /full name/

"____" ____________2017 ________________ /full name/

"____" ____________2017 ________________ /full name/

"____" ____________2017 ________________ /full name/

"____" ____________2017 ________________ /full name/

"____" ____________2017 ________________ /full name/

"____" ____________2017 ________________ /full name/

Attachment 1

to the order of MBOU "Vasilyevskaya

basic general education


instructing non-electrotechnical

personnel per group I on electrical safety

The program is designed to train the staff of the Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution "Vasilyevskaya Basic General Education School" (hereinafter referred to as the educational organization) in the basic provisions on safety measures when using electrical equipment or electrical receivers switched on for a voltage of 220 V.

1. General information:

- information about the electric current,

The effect of electric current on a person,

In what cases can an electric shock occur to a person,

2. Types of effects of electric current on the human body:






Electric shock.

3. Dependence of the degree and depth of electric shock:

From the strength of the current

From the condition of the room

From individual human properties,

From the time a person is under the influence of electric current.

4. Technical measures of protection against electric shock:

timely repairs and Maintenance electrical facilities,

Timely testing of the state of insulation of electrical wires,

Grounding (grounding) of electrical equipment,

Timely grounding test,

The use of only tested and serviceable means of protection,

Application of fencing of current-carrying parts and hazardous areas.

5. Organizational measures to protect against electric shock:

Training and briefing of non-electrotechnical personnel on electrical safety,

Appointment of responsible persons for electrical facilities,

Ensuring proper maintenance of electrical equipment,

Maintenance of electrical facilities by personnel trained and certified by Rostekhnadzor.

6. Actions to provide first aid to a person in case of electric shock

Ways to free a person from the action of electric current:

Rendering first aid to the victim.

7. Responsibility for violation of electrical safety requirements.

8. Familiarization of the employee with the instruction on labor protection for assignment of the 1st electrical safety group for non-electrical personnel IOT-01-2012

Director of the educational organization A.A. Semiokhin

Responsible for electrical facilities /full name/

Deputy Responsible for Electricity /full name/


    The effect of electric current on a person

A feature of the action of electric current on a person is his invisibility. This feature determines the fact that almost all working and non-working places where there is electrical equipment (portable electrical receivers) under voltage are considered dangerous. In each such place, the danger of electric shock to a person cannot be considered excluded. An electric current, as well as an electric arc (lightning), static electricity, and an electromagnetic field can affect a person.

The human body is a conductor of electric current, and the current flowing through his body can cause a variety of effects on various organs, including the central nervous system.

The most important condition for electric shock to a person is the path of this current. If vital organs (heart, lungs, brain) are in the path of the current, then the danger of fatal injury is very high. If the current passes in other ways, then its effect on the vital organs can only be a reflex. In this case, the danger of fatal injury, although it remains, but its probability is sharply reduced.

Current flows only in a closed circuit. Therefore, there is both an input point (section) of the human body and an output point of electric current. There are an innumerable number of possible current paths in the human body. However, the following are typical:

Hand - hand;

Hand leg;

Leg - leg;

Head - hand;

Head - leg.

The most dangerous are the "head - arm" and "head - leg" loops, when the current can pass not only through the heart, but also through the brain and spinal cord.

Passing through the human body, an electric current can produce thermal, electrolytic, mechanical, biological effects:

The thermal effect of the current is manifested in burns of certain parts of the body, heating to high temperatures of blood vessels, blood, nervous tissue, heart, brain and other organs that are in the path of the current, which causes serious functional disorders in them;

The electrolytic effect of the current is expressed in the decomposition of organic fluid, including blood, which is accompanied by significant violations of their physico-chemical composition;

The mechanical (dynamic) effect of the current is manifested in the occurrence of pressure in the blood vessels and tissues of the body when the blood and other fluids are heated, as well as the displacement and mechanical tension of the tissues as a result of involuntary muscle contraction and the impact of electrodynamic forces;

The biological effect of current is manifested in irritation and excitation of living tissues of the body, as well as in violation of internal bioelectrical processes occurring in a normally functioning organism.
An electric current passing through the body irritates living tissues, causing a response in them - excitation. If the current passes directly through the muscle tissue, then the excitation manifests itself in the form of involuntary muscle contraction. This effect is called direct. However, the action of the current can be not only direct, but also reflex, i.e. through the central nervous system.

In this case, when the current passes through the human body, the central nervous system can give an inappropriate executive command, which leads to serious violations of the activity of vital organs, including the heart and lungs.

In living tissue (in muscles, heart, lungs), as well as in the central and peripheral nervous system, electrical potentials (biopotentials) constantly arise. External current, interacting with biocurrents, can disrupt the normal nature of their impact on human tissues and organs, suppress biocurrents and thereby cause serious disorders in the body up to its death. The variety of action of electric current on the body leads to various electrical injuries. Conventionally, all electrical injuries can be divided into local and general.
Local electrical injuries include local damage to the body or pronounced local violations of the integrity of body tissues, including bone tissues, caused by exposure to electric current or an electric arc.

The most typical local injuries include electrical burns, electrical signs, skin plating, mechanical damage, and electrophthalmia.

An electrical burn (integumentary) occurs, as a rule, in electrical installations up to 1000 V. At a higher voltage, an electric arc or spark occurs, which causes an arc electric burn.

An electric arc causes extensive burns to the human body. In this case, the defeat is severe and often ends in the death of the victim.

Electrical signs of current exposure are sharply defined gray or pale yellow spots of a round or oval shape on the surface of the human body.

Metallization of the skin - penetration into the upper layers of the skin of particles of metal that has melted under the influence of an electric arc. Such cases occur during short circuits, disconnection of circuit breakers under load. In this case, splashes of molten metal under the action of the resulting dynamic forces and heat flow scatter in all directions at high speed, hitting the usually open parts of the body - the face, hands.

The affected area of ​​the skin has a rough surface. The victim feels pain from burns on the affected area and experiences skin tension from the presence of a foreign body in it. Mechanical damage is the result of sharp involuntary convulsive muscle contractions under the influence of current passing through the human body. As a result, ruptures of tendons, skin, blood vessels and nervous tissue can occur. Joint dislocations and even bone fractures may also occur. Electrophthalmia occurs as a result of exposure to a stream of ultraviolet rays (an electric arc) on the membrane of the eyes, as a result of which their outer membrane becomes inflamed. Electrophthalmia develops 4–8 hours after exposure. In this case, there is redness and inflammation of the skin of the face and mucous membranes of the eyelids, lacrimation, purulent discharge from the eyes, spasms of the eyelids and partial loss of vision. The victim experiences a headache and a sharp pain in the eyes, aggravated by the light. In severe cases, the transparency of the cornea is impaired.
Prevention of electrophthalmia during the maintenance of electrical installations is ensured by the use of goggles or shields with ordinary glass. Depending on the outcome of the impact of current on the human body, electric shocks can be divided into the following five degrees:

I - convulsive, barely perceptible muscle contraction;

I I - convulsive muscle contraction, accompanied by severe pain, without loss of consciousness;

III - convulsive muscle contraction with loss of consciousness, but with preserved breathing and heart function;

IV - loss of consciousness and impaired cardiac activity and respiration;

V - lack of breathing and cardiac arrest.

An electric shock may not lead to the death of a person, but cause such disorders in the body that may appear after a few hours or days (appearance of cardiac arrhythmia, angina pectoris, absent-mindedness, weakening of memory and attention).

There are two main stages of death: clinical and biological death.

Clinical death (sudden death) is a short-term transitional state from life to death that occurs from the moment the activity of the heart and lungs ceases. In a person who is in a state clinical death, all signs of life are absent: there is no breathing, the heart does not work, painful stimuli do not cause a reaction of the body, the pupils of the eyes are sharply dilated and do not react to light. However, during this period, life in the body has not yet completely died out, because. tissues and cells do not immediately undergo decay, and viability is maintained. The brain cells that are very sensitive to oxygen starvation are the first to die. After some time (4–6 min.), there is a multiple decay of brain cells, which leads to irreversible destruction and virtually eliminates the possibility of reviving the body. However, if before the end of this period the first medical aid is provided to the victim, then the development of death can be stopped and a person’s life can be saved.

Biological death is an irreversible phenomenon, which is characterized by the cessation of biological processes in the cells and tissues of the body and the breakdown of protein structures. Biological death occurs after clinical death (7–8 min.)

The causes of death from electric current can be: cessation of the heart, respiratory arrest and electric shock. The effect of current on the heart muscle can be direct, when the current passes directly through the region of the heart, and reflex, that is, through the central nervous system. In both cases, cardiac arrest or fibrillation may occur. Cardiac fibrillation is a chaotic contraction of the fibers of the heart muscle at different times, in which the heart is not able to drive blood through the vessels. The cessation of breathing usually occurs as a result of the direct effect of the current on the muscles of the chest involved in the breathing process.

Electric shock is a kind of severe neuro-reflex reaction of the body in response to excessive irritation with an electric current, accompanied by deep disorders of blood circulation, respiration, metabolism, etc. In shock, immediately after exposure to an electric current, the victim enters a short-term phase of excitation, when he reacts sharply to the pain that has arisen, his blood pressure rises. This is followed by a phase of inhibition and exhaustion of the nervous system, when blood pressure drops sharply, the pulse drops and quickens, breathing weakens, and depression occurs. The state of shock lasts from several tens of minutes to a day. After that, either death of a person or recovery can occur, as a result of active therapeutic intervention.

2. Step voltage

The step voltage is caused by the spreading of electric current over the earth's surface in the event of a single-phase ground fault of the overhead line wire, etc.

If a person stands on the surface of the earth in the zone of spreading of electric current, then voltage will arise along the length of the step, and an electric current will pass through his body. The magnitude of this voltage, called step voltage, depends on the width of the step and the location of the person. The closer a person stands to the place of the circuit, the greater the magnitude of the step voltage.

The size of the dangerous zone of step voltages depends on the magnitude of the voltage of the power line. The higher the voltage of the overhead line, the larger the danger zone. It is considered that at a distance of 8 m from the place of the short circuit of an electric wire with a voltage above 1000 V, there is no dangerous step voltage zone. When the electrical wire voltage is below 1000 V, the step voltage zone is 5 m.

To avoid electric shock, a person should leave the step voltage zone in short steps, without lifting one leg from the other.

In the presence of protective equipment made of dielectric rubber (boots, galoshes), you can use them to exit the step voltage zone.

It is not allowed to jump out of the zone of step tension on one leg.
In the event of a person falling (on his hands), the magnitude of the step voltage increases significantly, and therefore the magnitude of the current that will pass through his body and vital organs - the heart, lungs, brain.

3. Measures for personal electrical safety

During operation, the following electrical safety rules must be strictly observed:
- turn on the electrical equipment by inserting a serviceable plug into a serviceable socket;

Do not transfer electrical equipment to persons who do not have the right to work with it;

If during work a malfunction of electrical equipment is detected or the worker feels the effect of a current, work must be stopped immediately and the faulty equipment must be handed over for inspection or repair;

Turn off electrical equipment during a break in work and at the end of the work process;

Before each use of protective equipment, the employee is obliged to check its serviceability, the absence of external damage, they must be clean, dry, with an unexpired expiration date (according to the stamp on it);

Do not step on electrical wires and temporary wiring cables laid on the ground;

Strictly comply with the requirements of posters and safety signs.

4. Providing first aid to victims of electric current

One of the most important provisions of first aid is its urgency. Therefore, such assistance can and should be provided in a timely manner by those who are close to the victim.

First aid sequence:

Release from the action of electric current and assess the condition of the victim;
- determine the nature and severity of the injury, the greatest threat to the life of the victim and the sequence of measures to save him;

Perform the necessary measures to save the victim in order of urgency (restore airway patency, perform artificial respiration, external heart massage, etc.), in the absence of a pulse on the carotid artery, strike the sternum with a fist and proceed to resuscitation;

call an ambulance medical care or a doctor, or take measures to transport the victim to the nearest medical facility;

Maintain the victim's basic life functions until the arrival of a medical worker.

The release of the victim from the action of electric current is carried out by turning off the part of the installation that the victim touches. If it is impossible to turn off the installation, then to separate the victim from current-carrying parts or wires, use protective equipment, a rope, a stick, a board or some other dry object that does not conduct electric current. You can pull the victim by the clothes (dry), while avoiding touching the surrounding metal objects and parts of the body that are not covered by clothes.
To isolate hands, the caregiver should wear dielectric gloves or wrap their hands in dry clothing. You can also isolate yourself by standing on rubber mat, a dry board or any non-conductive electric current, bedding, clothing, etc. When separating the victim from live parts, it is recommended to use one hand.

If an electric current passes through the victim into the ground, and he convulsively squeezes the current-carrying element in his hand, you can interrupt the current by separating the victim from the ground (pull him by his clothes, putting a dry object under the victim).

After the release of the victim from the action of electric current, it is necessary to assess his condition.

Signs of determining the condition of the victim:

Consciousness (clear, disturbed, absent);

Skin color (pink, pale, cyanotic);

Breathing (normal, disturbed, absent);

Pulse (good, bad, absent);

Pupils (narrow, wide).

If the victim is unconscious, breathing, pulse, the skin is cyanotic, the pupils are dilated, then it can be considered as being in a state of clinical (sudden) death. In this case, it is necessary to immediately start resuscitation and ensure that a doctor (ambulance) is called.
If the victim is conscious, but before that he was unconscious, he should be laid on dry objects, unfasten his clothes, create an inflow fresh air, warm the body in cold weather or provide coolness on a hot day, create complete rest by continuously monitoring the pulse and breathing, call a doctor.
If the victim is unconscious, it is necessary to observe his breathing and, in case of respiratory failure, ensure the implementation of resuscitation measures.

In case of a lightning strike, the same assistance is provided as in case of electric shock.

If the condition of the victim does not allow him to be transported, it is necessary to continue to provide assistance.

Most effective way artificial respiration is a mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose method.

To carry out artificial respiration, the victim should be laid on his back, unfasten clothing that restricts breathing.

After that, the assisting person is located on the side of the victim’s head, throws his head back (putting his hand under his neck) and performs mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration (with the victim’s nose closed).
If the victim has a well-determined pulse and only artificial respiration is needed, then the interval between breaths should be 5 s (12 respiratory cycles per minute).

In the absence of not only breathing, but also a pulse, they take 2 artificial breaths in a row and proceed to an external heart massage.

If assistance is provided by one person, he is located on the side of the victim, puts the palm of one hand on the lower half of the sternum (stepping back two fingers above its lower edge), raises his fingers. He puts the palm of the second hand on top of the first across or along and presses, helping by tilting his body. When pressing, the hands should be straightened at the elbow joints.
Pressing should be carried out with quick jerks, so as to displace the sternum by at least 3-4 cm, the duration of pressing is not more than 0.5 s, the interval between individual pressures is 0.5 s.

If the revival is carried out by one person, then for every two breaths he produces 15 pressures on the sternum. With the participation of two people in resuscitation, the ratio "breathing - massage" is 2:5.

If the injured person has no pulse on the carotid artery, the work of the heart can be restored by striking the sternum with a fist, while the arm should be bent at an angle of 90 °. Before hitting the victim, it is necessary to free the chest from clothing, unfasten the waist belt, cover the xiphoid process with two fingers, and only then strike the sternum. It is impossible to strike at the xiphoid process or in the region of the collarbones.

After cardiac activity is restored, cardiac massage should be stopped immediately, but if the victim's breathing is weak, artificial respiration continues. When full spontaneous breathing is restored, artificial respiration also stops.

If cardiac activity or spontaneous breathing has not yet recovered, but resuscitation is effective, then they can be stopped only when the victim is transferred health worker.

Resuscitation may be terminated if the victim shows signs of biological death:

Drying of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye (the appearance of a herring shine);

Deformation of the pupil with careful compression of the eyeball with fingers;

The appearance of dead spots.

When providing assistance to the victim, one should not touch the burned areas of the skin with their hands or lubricate them with ointments, oils, sprinkle with baking soda, starch, etc. It is impossible to open burn blisters of the skin, remove mastic, rosin or other resinous substances adhering to the burnt place.
For small first and second degree burns, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the burned area of ​​the skin. If pieces of clothing are stuck to the burned area of ​​the skin, then a sterile bandage should be applied over them and the victim should be sent to a medical facility.
In case of severe and extensive burns, the victim must be wrapped in a clean sheet or cloth without undressing him, covered warmly and kept calm until the doctor arrives.
The burnt face should be covered with sterile gauze.

In case of eye burns, it is necessary to make cold lotions from a solution of boric acid and immediately refer the victim to a doctor.

5. Features of the operation of portable power receivers

A portable power receiver is a power receiver that can be manually moved to the place of use for its intended purpose, and the connection to the power source is made using a flexible cable, cord, portable wires and temporary detachable or detachable contact connections.
Portable power supplies include:

Portable electrical receivers in industrial installations (electric welding installations, electric pumps, electric fans, electric furnaces, electric compressors, isolation transformers and other auxiliary equipment);

Household portable electrical receivers (washing machines, refrigerators, electric heaters, vacuum cleaners, electric kettles, etc.);

Manual electric machines and power tools (electric drills, electric hammers, electric planes, electric saws, grinders, electric soldering irons, etc.);

Manual electric luminaires (luminaires with incandescent lamps, fluorescent luminaires, luminaires in fire hazardous areas, luminaires in hazardous areas, etc.).
Portable electrical receivers, as electrical products, in accordance with GOST Occupational safety standards system “Electrical products. General requirements security” according to the method of protecting a person from electric shock are divided into five protection classes: 0; 01; I; II; III.

Class 0 includes products that have at least basic (working) insulation and no elements for earthing, unless these products are classified in class II or III.

Class 01 includes products that have at least basic (working) insulation, an element for grounding and a wire without a grounding conductor for connection to a power source.

Class I includes products that have at least basic (working) insulation and an earthing element. Where a Class I product has a wire for connection to the power supply, this wire must have an earthing conductor and a plug with an earthing contact.

Class II includes products with double or reinforced insulation and no elements for earthing.

Class III includes products that do not have either internal or external electrical circuits with a voltage not exceeding 42 V.

Depending on the category of the premises according to the level of danger of electric shock to people, portable power receivers can be powered either directly from the mains, or through isolation or step-down transformers.

Metal housings of portable electrical receivers above 50 V AC and above 120 V DC in rooms with increased danger, especially dangerous and in outdoor installations must be grounded, with the exception of double-insulated electrical receivers or powered by isolation transformers.

Power tools, manual electric machines (EI, REM) must comply with GOST of the system of labor safety standards “Hand-held electric machines. General safety requirements and test methods ”and according to the type of protection against electric shock, they are divided into products of I, II or III protection class.

Group II personnel must be allowed to work with portable power tools and hand-held electric machines of class I in rooms with increased danger.

Connecting auxiliary equipment (transformers, frequency converters, circuit breakers, etc.) to the electrical network and disconnecting it from the network must be carried out by electrical personnel with group III operating this electrical network.
In rooms with increased danger and especially dangerous, portable electric lamps must have a voltage of no higher than 50 V. When working in especially unfavorable conditions (wells, metal tanks, basements, etc.), portable lamps must have a voltage of no higher than 12 V.
Power tools and hand-held electric machines of class I in rooms without increased danger, as well as in rooms with increased danger, must be used using at least one of the electrical protective equipment (dielectric gloves, carpets, coasters, galoshes). In especially dangerous rooms, these tools and machines are not allowed to be used.
Power tools and hand-held electric machines of class II and III are allowed to be used in especially dangerous rooms without the use of electrical protective equipment.

Before starting work with hand-held electric machines, portable power tools and lamps, you should:

Determine the class of the machine or tool according to the passport;

Check the completeness and reliability of fastening parts;

Make sure by external inspection that the cable (cord), its protective tube and plug are in good condition, that the insulating parts of the body, the handle and covers of the brush holders, and protective covers are intact;

Check the clarity of the switch;

Perform (if necessary) RCD testing;

Check the operation of the power tool or machine at idle;

Check the condition of the ground circuit for a class I machine.

It is not allowed to use hand-held electric machines, portable lamps and power tools, with related auxiliary equipment that have defects.

When using power tools, hand-held electric machines, portable lamps, their wires and cables should, if possible, be suspended. The power tool cable must be protected from accidental mechanical damage and contact with hot, damp and oily surfaces.

If any malfunctions are detected, work with hand-held electric machines, portable power tools and lamps should be stopped immediately.

To maintain good condition, conduct periodic tests and checks of hand-held electric machines, portable power tools and lamps, auxiliary equipment, the director appoints responsible worker, having a group not lower than III.


to test the knowledge of employees on electrical safety, to assign 1 tolerance group

    The magnitude of the voltage dangerous to human life and health.

    What factors determine the degree and depth of electric shock?

    How should electrical wiring be arranged when laying it above 2 m from the floor level?

    How should electrical wiring be arranged when laying it below 2 m from the floor level?

    How does the depth of electric shock depend on the magnitude of the voltage?

    List the effects of electric current on the human body.

    List ways to free a person from action from the action of electric current.

    List the organizational measures to protect a person from electric shock.

    List the technical measures to protect a person from electric shock.

    List dielectric protective equipment.

    The frequency of checking dielectric protective equipment.

    The frequency of pressing in the region of the heart during the revival of a person.

    The frequency of artificial breaths during resuscitation of a person.

    Duration of one pressing in the region of the heart.

    The duration of resuscitation in case of electric shock.

    What are your actions in case of detection of a malfunction of electrical equipment, electrical appliances, electrical wiring?

    How does the depth of electric shock depend on the magnitude of the voltage?

    What to do in case of electric shock to a person?

    The frequency of training and testing the knowledge of personnel in electrical safety with the subsequent assignment of 1 tolerance group?

    What electrical safety tolerance group is assigned to non-electrical personnel?

    Who is authorized to conduct electrical safety training for non-electrical personnel?

    Is it possible to repair faulty equipment by personnel with the first clearance group?

Questions and answers

to test the knowledge of employees on electrical safety, to assign 1 tolerance group.

1. The magnitude of the voltage dangerous to human life and health.

Answer: 42V.

2. What factors determine the degree and depth of electric shock?


- from the strength of the current,

- from the condition of the room (dry, damp)

- from the psychological state of a person (cheerful or irritable),

- from the individual characteristics of a person,

- from the time a person is under the influence of electric current.

3. How should electrical wiring be arranged when laying it above 2 m from the floor level?

Answer: open.

4. How should electrical wiring be arranged when laying it below 2 m from the floor level?

Answer: in channels under plaster or metal pipes.

5. How does the depth of electric shock depend on the magnitude of the voltage?

Answer: The higher the voltage, the greater the depth of electric shock.

6. List the types of effects of electric current on the human body.


- thermal - burns of 1,2,3 degrees, charring

- light - dazzle with partial or total loss vision,

- chemical - leads to a change in the composition of the blood,

- mechanical - leads to rupture of muscles and tendons,

- biological - the nervous system is paralyzed,

- electric shock - suspension of vital organs - heart, liver, lungs, etc.

7. List the ways to free a person from the action of an electric current.


- disconnection of the knife switch, plug connector,

- pulling away the injured using dielectric means of protection,

- pulling away the affected person using materials that do not transmit electric current,

- cutting current-carrying wires with an ax with a wooden handle.

8. List organizational measures to protect a person from electric shock.


- properly arranged electrical equipment and wiring,

- training of personnel in electrical safety,

- mandatory grounding of all equipment,

- ensuring proper maintenance of electrical facilities,

- Appointment of persons responsible for electrical facilities,

- providing employees with means of protection against electric shock.

9. List the technical measures to protect a person from electric shock.


- maintenance and timely repair of electrical equipment,

- timely testing of the condition of the electrical wiring insulation,

- timely (annual) grounding test,

- use only tested means of dielectric protection.

10. List the dielectric means of protection.


- dielectric gloves, galoshes,

- dielectric mats, stands, current-insulating tools.

11. Frequency of checking dielectric protective equipment.


- gloves, galoshes - 1 time in 6 months,

- mats and coasters are not tested.

12. The frequency of pressing in the region of the heart during the revival of a person.

Answer: 55-60 times per minute.

13. The frequency of artificial breaths during the resuscitation of a person.

Answer: 0.5 seconds.

14. Duration of one pressing in the region of the heart.

Answer: 8-10 times per minute.

15. Duration of resuscitation in case of electric shock.

Answer: until the arrival of an ambulance or until signs of life.

16. What are your actions in case of detection of a malfunction of electrical equipment, electrical appliances, electrical wiring?


- notify management

- call an electrician or emergency service.

17. How does the depth of electric shock depend on the magnitude of the voltage?


- the higher the voltage, the greater the depth of the lesion,

- voltage up to 42V AC and 110V DC do not cause damaging factors.

18. What are your actions in case of electric shock to a person?


- release the victim from the action of electric current,

- provide first aid,

- call an ambulance,

- report the incident to management.

19. Frequency of training and checking the knowledge of personnel on electrical safety with the subsequent assignment of 1 tolerance group?

Answer: at least once a year.

20. What electrical safety tolerance group is assigned to non-electrical personnel?

Answer: the first group of electrical safety approval.

21. Who is authorized to conduct electrical safety training for non-electrical personnel?

Answer: a person from electrical personnel with qualification group in electrical safety not lower than the third group.

22. Is it possible to repair faulty equipment by personnel with the first clearance group?

Answer: no, repairs are carried out only by specially trained personnel.

Annex 2

to the order of MBOU "Vasilyevskaya

basic general education


positions related to non-electrotechnical personnel with group I

1. Administration:

Director of an educational organization

2. Teaching staff:

Educational organization teachers

3. Maintenance and technical staff:

Head of the household,


auxiliary worker,

Working on complex service buildings and structures,

office cleaner,

Wardrobe attendant,


Gas boiler operator


Deputy Responsible for Electricity
____________________ /___________________/
signature F.I.O.

Annex 3

to the order of MBOU "Vasilyevskaya

basic general education


accounting for the assignment of group I for electrical safety

non-electrotechnical personnel

Sheet 1


accounting for the assignment of group I for electrical safety to non-electrotechnical personnel

Organization _________________________
Division _______________________

Started "___" ______________ 201 __
Finished "___" ______________ 201 __

Sheet 2





Job title


the date



the date








Numbered, laced: ____________________ sheets

Responsible for electrical _______________ _________________
(signature) (surname, initials)

  • electrotechnical;
  • electrotechnological;
  • non-electrotechnical.


It includes:

  1. Administrative staff. For example, Chief Engineer, shop manager, etc. These are employees who are responsible for planning and organizing work related to electrical equipment.
  2. Operational, repair and operational repair services of the enterprise. These include personnel involved in various switching, admission of workers to jobs, and supervision of their activities. If they have special training, they can participate in the elimination of accidents, various malfunctions at the facility, and they also have the right to provide assistance to employees involved in repair work at the factory.
  3. Profile specialists of departments. This category includes engineers, electricians, welders, electricians, etc.

For electrical personnel, there are several electrical safety groups - from the second (primary) to the fifth (the 5th electrical safety tolerance group gives the right to independent work without restrictions).


This includes the following categories of personnel:

  • if in control technological process the main component is electrical energy (for example, electric welding, electric arc furnaces, electrolysis, etc.);
  • using manual electric machines, portable power tools and lamps;
  • other employees for whom job description established knowledge of POT.

It can be:

  1. Administrative and technical employees, that is, managers and specialists whose work is associated with operational and technical maintenance, performance of adjustment, repair and installation work in settings.
  2. Operational staff who ongoing maintenance and plant management. They are engaged in inspection, preparation of workplaces, operational switching, admission, supervision of other workers, performance of tasks within the framework of the current operation of the equipment.
  3. Operational maintenance workers. These employees are specially trained to operate the installations assigned to them.
  4. Repair workers who are responsible for maintenance, installation, testing, adjustment of equipment.


This category includes all other employees, during the work of which it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of electric shock (the specific list of positions is determined by the order of the employer). For example, a secretary working at a computer.

Persons included in this category are assigned 1 electrical safety group. That is, they must have the minimum knowledge of electrical engineering and safety regulations that is necessary to perform the work entrusted to them without risk to health and life.

Electrical Safety Groups

This classification allows the worker to perform various works in electrical installations, and also determines the level of his training.

Workers are usually divided into five categories.

The 1st electrical safety group is assigned to non-electrical workers. Their work is not related to work with electrical installations.

Groups 2 to 5 are assigned to electrical personnel. The levels of knowledge that employees should have are described by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n (as amended on February 19, 2016) “On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 12, 2013 No. 30593) and the Order Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 6 “On Approval of the Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 22, 2003 No. 4145).

First, initial, tolerance group

It applies only to non-electrotechnical personnel. Before starting work, employees in this category must be instructed. Responsible for its implementation is a specialist with a category of electrical safety not lower than the third.

After the worker will be trained, an entry about this is made in a special journal. A citizen gets acquainted with her under a personal signature. The instructor also puts his signature in the journal.

Second tolerance group

Assigned to employees who are not directly related to electrical installations, but who use an electric tool when performing work, where electrical safety is important.

Third tolerance group

A specialist who has been assigned the 3rd electrical safety clearance group receives an electrical safety clearance up to 1000 volts. This gives the right to independent work or the opportunity to work in a team that works with electrical installations over 1000 volts. In this case, an appropriate explanation must be indicated in his certificate.

Fourth tolerance group

This category of persons has an electrical safety permit to work on installations with a voltage of over 1000 V. An employee with such a right can be responsible for electrical engineering and train young employees.

Fifth tolerance group

As a rule, it has engineering and technical personnel. This is the highest category, the presence of which gives permission for the management and disposal of tasks on equipment under any voltage and the performance of the duties of the head of the electrical facilities.

Where they rent for an electrical safety group

Passing the exam for groups 2-5 of electrical safety clearance takes place in the division of Rostekhnadzor, which conducts training and certification of employees.

Training is carried out in the direction from the enterprise, in which it is necessary to indicate:

  • the position of the employee;
  • his work experience in this position;
  • required clearance level.

Some organizations have their own standing committee. She takes exams and submits a draft order for the assignment (or improvement) of qualifications to the management. The committee must include:

  • chairman with electrical safety approval 5 (at voltages above (up to) 1000 V) and 4 (at voltages only less than 1000 V). As a rule, this is the person responsible for the electrical part;
  • vice-chairman;
  • secretary;
  • at least 3 committee members.

After passing curriculum and successfully passing the exam, employees are assigned categories of electrotechnological personnel (from 2 to 5). The corresponding mark is made in the certificate, the form of which is presented in Appendix No. 3 to the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2013 No. 328n. The certificate is valid until the change of position.

Duration and price of education

Applications for training are accepted by licensed training centers. We will show in the table the time it will take to study, and the estimated cost.

Tolerance group academic hours price, rub. Terms of obtaining permission, working days
2 to 1000 V 72 From 4700 7
3 to 1000 V 72 From 4700 7
3 up to and over 1000 V 40 From 5700 7-10
4 to 1000 V 72 From 4700 7-10
4 up to and over 1000 V 40 From 5700 7-10
5 up to and over 1000 V 40 From 5700 Up to 7

After training, students will know everything that, according to the norms, is required for the corresponding category of admission.

When is the surrender to the electrical safety group

The exam is held:

  • after the expiration date of the previous certification. Validity of certification for electrical safety up to and above 1000 V: for engineering personnel - 3 years, and for working personnel - 1 year from the date of certification;
  • when moving within the organization to another position that differs in the specifics of performance official duties;
  • when changing jobs.

After checking the knowledge of the employee (upon successfully passing the exam), a protocol is drawn up and a certificate of the established form is issued.

Hello. I have a question about assigning 1 electrical safety group to non-electrical personnel. Our company rents office and warehouse premises. The lessor is responsible for the electricity supply under the contract and he also serves it. Our staff includes office and warehouse employees, as well as category B drivers, one electric stacker. The staff has a labor protection specialist with the 4th electrical safety group with the right to inspect. There is no electrical staff. Is it possible to get by with the instructions on electrical safety included in the briefings on labor protection at the workplace?
Thanks a lot!
Ekaterina Evgenievna

Expert answer:

Ekaterina Evgenievna, good afternoon!
Need assignment to employees of group I on electrical safety determines the head of the organization, based on an analysis of working conditions. The answer to the question about rules for briefing on the assignment of group I in electrical safety can be found here (question dated August 02, 2017).
Electrical personnel are employees who operate electrical installations. The definition of the concept of "electrical installation" is given in the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated 13.01.2003 N 6 "On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers." Employees related to electrical personnel, as well as electrical technological personnel, must have an appropriate electrical safety group, depending on their job duties .

This requirement is set out in clause 2.4 of the Labor Protection Rules when operating electrical installations approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 N 328n. You wrote that there are warehouse employees on staff. If this is, for example, the driver of an electric forklift, then according to Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2003 N 28 " On approval of the Intersectoral rules on labor protection at road transport"Persons with electrical safety group II can drive an electric forklift. But there are no such requirements for a car driver. An electrical safety group for electrical personnel is established based on the results of testing knowledge of the rules for the installation of electrical installations, the rules for the technical operation of electrical installations and other regulatory and technical documents.

It happens like this: The head of the organization approves the list of positions and professions of electrical personnel, who need to have an appropriate electrical safety group, and also appoints a commission of at least 5 people by order. The chairman of the commission must have an electrical safety group V for consumers with electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V and a group IV for consumers with electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V only. As a rule, the chairman of the commission is appointed responsible for electrical facilities. All members of the commission must have an electrical safety group and pass a knowledge test in the commission of the state energy supervision body. Currently, this body is Rostekhnadzor. It should be noted that the knowledge testing of employees of organizations, the number of which does not allow the formation of commissions for knowledge testing, should be carried out in the commissions of Rostekhnadzor bodies.

Every subject entrepreneurial activity, which involves in the operation of the electrical installation, is obliged to carry out organizational arrangements with personnel. Mandatory control is carried out when working with electrical equipment:

  1. A work permit is issued, an order with a list of works that are assigned to specific employees during the current operation of electrical installations.
  2. Work permit issued.
  3. The process of work execution is supervised.
  4. The following processes are formalized: break, transfer of an employee to another workplace, completion of work.

Who has the right to assign 1 group?

Employees belonging to the category of electrical personnel have the right to assign group 1 to non-electrical personnel for electrical safety. At the same time, they must be assigned at least group 3 for electrical safety up to 1000V.

The first group can be assigned:

  • technical personnel who carry out cleaning in electrical rooms;
  • employees who work with power tools;
  • auxiliary workers who do not belong to the category of electrical personnel.

If a group is assigned by a person who has at least group 3 for electrical safety up to 1000V, then for this business entity there is no need to collect a commission, but an appropriate entry should be made in the register of group 1.

When assigning the first group to non-electrical personnel certificates are not issued. Such activities should be at least once a year.

It is worth noting that the heads of departments in which electrical equipment is used must have a group no lower than that of their subordinates. This is due to the fact that their position provides for the implementation of technical guidance and control over employees working with electrical installations.

Organization of plant operation

Each business entity by order appoints a person responsible for organizing the operation of electrical installations. He will be instructed to:

  1. Organize the document flow, which concerns all issues related to the operation of electrical equipment.
  2. Organize the process of personnel training, regular briefings and testing of acquired knowledge. Only then will they be granted access to independent work with electrical equipment.
  3. Monitor compliance with safety regulations both at local facilities of the organization, and during the sending of employees on business trips, as well as regarding employees who arrived from other enterprises.
  4. Ensure timely maintenance and repair of electrical installations.
  5. Monitor the consumption of electrical energy by equipment, take actions aimed at its rational use.
  6. Carry out systematic monitoring of the use of personal protective equipment by employees, the availability of fire extinguishing tools and equipment at the facilities.
  7. Provide conditions for the admission of specialists to the facilities for connecting and adjusting new electrical equipment, as well as for the reconstruction and modernization of old installations.
  8. Respond in a timely manner and prevent the occurrence emergencies. If necessary, take measures to replace equipment that has become unusable.

Employees of commercial and government organizations are required to undergo an internship and receive the first group in the following cases:

  1. Until the moment when the head orders them to work independently.
  2. During a break in work for a period of 1 year.
  3. When moving to another facility or to another position, which is somehow connected with the operation of electrical installations.

The assignment of the first group to non-electrical personnel is carried out by the method of briefing, after which the knowledge gained by them is checked. For example, a survey is made or the skills acquired during the training are tested in practice.

Mandatory processing first aid for victims of electrical discharge. After conducting a knowledge test of non-electrical personnel, responsible persons draw up a protocol.

It should be noted that all professions and positions that need to be assigned to the first group are determined management of the organization. Also, by order of the chief, a person is appointed responsible for the assignment of the first group.

View of the main section

The main section of the journal has tabular form, which contains following columns:

  1. Serial number.
  2. Name of the employee.
  3. The name of the department in which he will perform professional duties.
  4. Occupied position or profession.
  5. Date of assignment of the first group (previous).
  6. The current date the first group was assigned.
  7. Signatures of the verifier and verifier.

The assignment log of the first group must in without fail be sealed. To do this, it is customary to use a pattern-breakable indicator seal (it is licensed and holographic).

In accordance with GOST 31282-2004, such a seal is intended for one-time use and is placed to detect the fact of unauthorized access to the accounting register. Before starting work with such a journal, the responsible person must fill out the title page and make a certification note.

It is mandatory to indicate the number of the seal in the corresponding column, since without this the accounting register will not be considered sealed.

Registration procedure

The registration process for this account includes several stages:

  1. The head of a commercial or state organization issues an order. With this document, the head appoints the employee responsible for electrical safety. The order also indicates a list of professions and positions to which the first electrical safety group should be assigned. Without fail, the document reflects the program of the upcoming briefing and the rules for providing first aid to the victims.
  2. The responsible person draws up a journal for assigning the first group to non-electrical electrical safety personnel. All pages of the accounting register must be numbered and stitched. On the last page, the ends of the lacing must be sealed with a square of paper, on which the seal of the organization and the signature are placed responsible person and leader.
  3. Once a year, the first group is assigned.

In the event that a business entity does not work in the field of production, and all its contact with electrical equipment is reduced to the presence of a switchboard, meter, lighting systems and portable electrical equipment with voltage up to 380V, then it does not need to appoint a responsible person.