Calendar planning for physical education Matveev fgos. Working programs on physical culture. Forward bends from a seated position

  • 04.05.2021

The working program of extracurricular activities in volleyball for students in grades 5-7 was developed on the basis of the textbook “Extracurricular activities. Volleyball: a guide for teachers and methodologists / G.A. Kolodnitsky, B.C. Kuznetsov, M.V. Maslov /, - M .: Education, 2011, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard LLC 2010
System physical education in our country has many years of experience in the formation and is aimed at solving the main socially significant tasks: strengthening the health of the population, physical and motor development and education of high moral qualities.

The work program of the optional course "OFP - SPECIAL COURSE!" for students in grades 7-11 is compiled in accordance with the Federal Basic Curriculum, the Mandatory minimum content of education for schoolchildren in the field of physical culture, as well as the "Comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11" by V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich. (M.: Education, 2016). The program in its content is physical culture and sports, in terms of its functional purpose it is special, in terms of the form of organization it is extracurricular. The duration of the program is 1 year.

The features of the general educational general developmental program "Volleyball" are that it takes into account the specifics of additional education and covers much more people who want to go in for this sport, making feasible demands in the learning process. It provides an opportunity to play basketball from scratch for those children who have not yet started to take part in the volleyball section at school, as well as attention to the issue of raising a healthy lifestyle, a comprehensive approach to raising a harmonious person.

Target audience: for grade 11

The working program of the course of extracurricular activities "Favorite Game" was developed on the basis of:
- "Comprehensive program of physical education of students in grades 1-11 of educational institutions" edited by V.I. Lyakh, A.A. Zdanevich (2010), approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
- An exemplary program in physical culture, the author's program of T. S. Lisitskaya, L. A. Novikova. (2012) study guide"Extracurricular activities. Volleyball: a guide for teachers and methodologists / G.A. Kolodnitsky, V.S. Kuznetsov, M.V. Maslov. - M .: Education, 2011, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard LLC 2010

Target audience: for grade 5

Chess is not only a game that gives children a lot of joy and pleasure, but also an effective effective means of their mental development, the formation of an internal plan of action - the ability to act in the mind.

The physical education program for grade 7 was developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of the main general education(Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education. - M .: Education, 2012);
- with the recommendations of the Work Program on Physical Culture
- the curriculum "Working program of physical education for students of the 7th grade" (V. I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich. - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2010);
- with the author's program "Working program program for physical culture of students in grades 1-11" (V. I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich. - M .: Education, 2010)

Target audience: for grade 7

The work program is based on the program of basic general education. Physical Culture 5-9 grades. Authors: A.P. Matveev, (collection Work programs. Physical culture. Grades 5 - 9: educational and methodological manual / subject line of textbooks by A.P. Matveev. - M .: Education, 2012. - p. 23 - 45. (second generation standards

Target audience: for grade 5

The physical education program for grades 10-11 has been developed in accordance with:

  • with the recommendations of the Exemplary Program for Physical Education (Exemplary Program for Physical Education. Grades 10-11. - M .: Education, 2011);
  • with the author's program "A comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11" (V. I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich. - M .: Education, 2010):
  • the federal law"About physical culture and sport".
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", art. 32 "Competence and responsibility of an educational institution" (p. 67);

Target audience: for grade 10

The requirements of the second generation standard, an exemplary program of primary general education and the main provisions of the Concept of the content of schoolchildren's education in the field of physical culture (A.P. Matveev, 2001). When creating the program, the needs of modern Russian society in a physically strong and capable younger generation, able to actively engage in various forms of a healthy lifestyle, use the values ​​of physical culture for self-education, self-development and self-realization, were taken into account. The program reflects the objectively established realities of the modern socio-cultural development of society, the conditions for the activities of educational institutions, the requirements of teachers and methodologists on the need to update the content of education, the introduction of new methods and technologies in the educational process.

aim The physical education curriculum is to form the basics of a healthy lifestyle among primary school students, develop interest and creative independence in conducting various forms of physical education. The implementation of this goal is ensured by the content of the subject of the discipline "Physical culture", which is the physical culture (motor) activity of a person, focused on strengthening and maintaining health, development physical qualities and abilities, the acquisition of certain knowledge, motor skills and abilities.

The implementation of the goal of the curriculum correlates with the solution of the following educational tasks:

- strengthening the health of schoolchildren through the development of physical qualities and increasing the functionality of life-supporting body systems;

- improving vital skills and abilities through teaching outdoor games, physical exercises and technical actions from basic sports;

– formation of general ideas about physical culture, its significance in human life, role in health promotion, physical development and physical fitness;

– development of interest in independent physical exercises, outdoor games, forms active rest and leisure;

- training in the simplest ways to control physical activity, individual indicators physical development and physical fitness.

The basic result of education in the field of physical culture in elementary school is the development by students of the basics of physical culture activities with a general developmental focus. Mastering the subject of this activity contributes not only to the active development of the physical nature of those involved, but also to the formation of their mental and social qualities of the individual, which largely determine the formation and subsequent formation of the universal abilities (competences) of a person. The universality of competencies is determined, first of all, by their wide demand by each person, by an objective necessity for performing various types of activities that go beyond the scope of physical education.

The number of universal competencies that are formed in elementary school in the process of mastering the subject of physical activity with a general developmental focus by students includes:

- the ability to organize one's own activity, to choose and use means to achieve its goal;

- the ability to actively engage in collective activities, interact with peers in achieving common goals;

- the ability to convey information in an accessible, emotionally vivid form in the process of communication and interaction with peers and adults.
The place of the subject in the curriculum

The work program of basic primary education in physical culture is compiled in accordance with the number of hours specified in the Basic plan of educational institutions of general education. The subject "Physical Education" is studied in elementary school for at least 405 hours, of which in grade I - 99 hours, and from grades II to IV - 102 hours annually.
Value orientations of the content of the subject

The content of the subject "Physical culture" is aimed at educating highly moral, creative, competent and successful citizens of Russia, capable of active self-realization in social and professional activities, skillfully using the values ​​of physical culture to strengthen and long-term preservation of their own health, optimize labor activity and organization of a healthy lifestyle.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a subject

Upon completion of the study of the course "Physical Education" in elementary school, certain results should be achieved.

Personal results:

- the formation of a sense of pride in their homeland, the formation of the values ​​of a multinational Russian society;

- the formation of a respectful attitude to a different opinion, history and culture of other peoples;

- development of motives learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of the doctrine;

- development of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom;

- the formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

- development of ethical qualities, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people;

– development of cooperation skills with adults and peers, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations;

- the formation of a safe, healthy lifestyle;

Metasubject results:

- mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, the search for means of its implementation;

- the formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways achieving results;

- the formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

- definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it; ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others;

– willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation;

- mastering the basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect the essential connections and relationships between objects and processes.
Subject Results:

– formation of initial ideas about the importance of physical culture for strengthening human health (physical, social and psychological), about its positive impact on human development (physical, intellectual, emotional, social), about physical culture and health as factors of successful learning and socialization;

- mastering the skills to organize health-saving life activities (daily routine, morning exercises, recreational activities, outdoor games, etc.);

– formation of the skill of systematic monitoring of one’s physical condition, the magnitude of physical activity, health monitoring data (body length and weight, etc.), indicators of basic physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility)

- interaction with peers according to the rules of outdoor games and competitions;

- performing the simplest acrobatic and gymnastic combinations at a high quality level, characterizing the signs of technical performance;

– performance of technical actions from basic sports, their application in game and competitive activities.
Planned results

By the end of elementary school, students should be able to:

- plan physical exercises in the daily routine, use the means of physical culture in spending your rest and leisure;

- to state the facts of the history of the development of physical culture, to characterize its role and significance in human life;

- use physical culture as a means of promoting health, physical development and physical fitness of a person;

- measure (learn) individual indicators of physical development (length and weight of the body) and the development of basic physical qualities;

- provide all possible assistance and moral support to peers in the performance of educational tasks, show a friendly and respectful attitude when explaining mistakes and ways to eliminate them;

- to organize and conduct outdoor games and elementary competitions with peers, to carry out their objective refereeing;

– comply with the safety requirements for the places of physical culture classes;

- organize and conduct physical culture classes with different target orientation, select physical exercises for them and perform them with a given load dosage;

- characterize physical activity in terms of heart rate;

– perform the simplest acrobatic and gymnastic combinations at a high quality level;

– perform technical actions from basic sports, apply them in game and competitive activities;

– perform vital motor skills and abilities in various ways, in various conditions.





IClass(68/99 h)

Knowledge about physical culture

Physical Culture. Physical culture as a system of various forms of physical exercises to improve human health

Physical Culture. What is physical culture

Physical culture as a system of various physical exercises, hardening, outdoor and sports games, tourism. The relationship of physical education withhealth,

Disclose concept « Physical Culture".

characterize main forms of activities (for example, morning exercises, hardening, physical education lessons, sports sections, games during leisure, hiking)

physical development and physical fitness.

Disclose the positive impact of physical education on improving health, improving physical development and physical fitness

How did exercise come about?

Main content lines. Linking exercise to vital modes of movement ancient man. The value of physical fitness for the life of an ancient person.

What is taught in the classroom

physical education

Main content lines. Sports included in school curriculum: gymnastics, athletics, sports games (basketball, volleyball, football), cross-country skiing, swimming.

Tell about the main ways of transportation of ancient people, explain the importance of running, jumping and climbing in their life.
Call sports included in the school curriculum

Define sports according to their characteristic technical actions

Walking, running, jumping, climbing, crawling, skiing, swimming as vital means of human mobility

Who is moving. How animals move

Main content lines. The variety of movements in the animal kingdom. Methods of movement performed with the help of different parts of the body.

Call the main ways of movement of animals.

determine, What parts of the body are used to move.

How does a person move

Vital ways of human movement (walking, running, climbing, etc.)

Find common and distinctive features in the movements of humans and animals

Explain on examples the importance of running, jumping, climbing, swimming, skiing for the life of every person.

Ways of physical activity(5 h)

Independent games and entertainment .

Outdoor games. Clothes for games and walks.

Main content lines Importance right choice clothing for physical education.

Selection of clothes depending on weather conditions.

Tell about the right selection of clothes for games and walks in the fresh air, depending on the weather conditions.

Outdoor games.

Main content lines. Outdoor games, their importance for physical development. Independent organization and conduct of games, distribution into teams using the simplest counting rhymes.

Explain favor of mobile games.

Use outdoor games for organizing active recreation and leisure.

To choose for outdoor games of the driver and team captain.

be distributed on commands with the help of counters.

self-study . Setting up a daily routine. Performing the simplest hardening procedures, sets of exercises for the formation of the correct posture and the development of the muscles of the body, the development of basic physical qualities; conducting wellness classes in the daily routine (morning exercises, physical education minutes)

Daily regime. What is the daily routine

Main content lines. Daily routine as a plan of the main things scheduled for the day. Drawing up an individual daily routine according to the model.

Disclose the importance of daily routine for human life.

Highlight main business, define their sequence and timing during the day.

Compose individual daily routine, using a sample.

Morning work-out.

Main content lines. Morning exercise and its importance for the human body. The main parts of the human body. Morning exercises.

Disclose the importance of morning exercises, its positive effect on the human body

Call the main parts of the human body that are involved in exercise.

Call exercises included in the complex of morning exercises.

Fulfill morning exercises.

Physical education minute

Main content lines. Physical education and its importance for the human body. Exercises included in the complex of physical exercises.

Tell about the importance of physical education, its positive effect on the body.

Fulfill exercises included in the complexes of physical minutes (sitting on a chair; standing still, etc.).

Personal hygiene

Main content lines. Personal hygiene, its basic procedures. Relationship between personal hygiene and human health

Tell about personal hygiene, its basic procedures and importance for human health.

Posture. What is posture

Main content lines. Posture. The main signs of correct and incorrect posture

Define posture, as the habitual position of the body when a person is standing, sitting or moving.

Call the main signs of correct and incorrect posture.

Posture exercises.

Main content lines. Exercises for the formation of correct posture. Their difference from other physical exercises. Exercises with objects on the head (standing against the wall and in movement). Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the body (without objects and with objects).

Call physical exercises for the formation of correct posture.

Define purpose of each group of exercises.

Call rules for performing exercises to form the correct posture.

Demonstrate correct performance of exercises for the formation of posture.

Ski race. Skiing; descents

Skiing. Basic skier's stance.

Main content lines. Technique for performing the main stance of the skier in place and when descending from a gentle slope.

Describe technique for performing the main rack, explain in which cases it is used by skiers.

Demonstrate the technique of performing the basic stance of a skier when moving and descending from small gentle slopes

Stepping step.

Main content lines. Simulation exercises for mastering the technique of stepping and sliding steps. Walking skiing without poles

Demonstrate stepping skiing technique.


Sliding step.

Main content lines. Gliding skiing without poles

Demonstrate gliding step skiing technique.

Fulfill a learned way of skiing in the conditions of play activity.

Ski clothing.

Main content lines. Rules for choosing clothes for ski training. Possible injuries during ski training and the main causes of their occurrence

Skier commands.

Correctly to choose clothing and footwear for skiing, depending on weather conditions.

Dress for ski training, taking into account the rules and safety requirements.
Fulfill organizing

Main content lines. Organizers: “Ski on your shoulder!”; "Ski arm in arm!"; "Ski to the leg!"; "Get on your skis!" Movement in a column with skis on the shoulder and with skis at hand

commands while standing still and while moving.

Move on skis in a column in compliance with disciplinary rules.

Organizing commands and tricks . Combat actions in line and column; execution of military commands

Building exercises. Buildings

Main content lines. Combat teams: "Stand in one line!"; "Equal!"; "Right!"; "Left!"; "Attention!"; "Step march!"; "Stay where you are!" Combat formations: in a column one at a time, in a column two at a time, in two lines. The value of drill exercises for physical education. Rules for performing combat exercises.

characterize drill exercises as joint actions of students necessary to prevent injuries in physical education lessons.

Explain and demonstrate command execution technique.

Call construction methods and making a difference them among themselves.

Call rules for performing combat exercises.

Starting positions.

Main content lines. Basic starting positions (racks, stops, squats, squats, lying positions). The value of starting positions for performing physical exercises.

characterize starting positions as different body postures from which exercises are started.

Call basic starting points.

Fulfill basic starting positions (racks, stops, squats and squats, etc.)

Walking and running as vital ways of human movement

Basic modes of transportation. Easy ways to get around

Main content lines. Walking and running are the most common modes of human movement. Common features and differences in technology

Find differences in the technique of walking and running from other ways of human movement (for example, jumping, somersaults, etc.)

Define common features and differences in walking and running technique.

doing walking and running.

Difficult modes of transportation. How to change movement speed

Main content lines. Difficult ways of walking and running (for example, sideways, backwards). Causes that cause difficulties in performing various modes of movement. Change in walking and running speed.

Fulfill complex modes of movement (walking or running backwards, walking or running sideways).

Define causes of difficulties in performing complex modes of movement.

Explain the ability to change the speed of movement in running and walking due to the frequency of steps.

Demonstrate change in the speed of movement when running and walking.

Carrying out health-improving classes in the daily routine (morning exercises).

How to make a complex of morning exercises.

Main content lines. The correct sequence of morning exercises. Self-compilation of a set of morning exercises.

Explain the importance of physical exercises included in the morning exercises.

Define the sequence of exercises for self-compilation of a complex of morning exercises.

Compose on one's own

a set of morning exercises.

Compose and regularly update an individual complex of morning exercises from previously learned exercises according to the model.

Independent games and entertainment. Organization and holding of outdoor games (on sports grounds and in sports halls)

Outdoor games.

Main content lines. Rules and game actions of outdoor games for general physical development (“Fifteen”, “Hunters and ducks”, “Burners”), for improving the technique of skiing (“Who will ride further”, “Hunters and deer”, “Oncoming relay race”), to consolidate skills in complex modes of movement (“Troika”, “Fish”, “Crayfish”, “Rooster Fight”), to develop basic physical qualities (“Do not fall into the swamp”, “Wolf in the ditch”, “Shot in the sky” , "Talking", "Owl", "Do not stumble", "Throw - catch", "Penguins with a ball", "Who is faster").

Call game rules and fulfill them during the game.

Fulfill game actions in the conditions of educational and game activities .

Ready playgrounds for outdoor games in accordance with their rules.

manifest courage, will, determination, activity and initiative in solving variable problems that arise during the game.

Simulate game situations.

regulate emotions in the process of gaming activity, be able to to rule them.

Communicate and to interact with peers in a game environment

Development of positive personality traits and consolidation of the implementation of the rules of interaction in the conditions of gaming activities


Physical Improvement (61/95 h)

Physical culture and recreation activities . Complexes of physical exercises for morning exercises

Main content lines. Morning exercises performed in a certain sequence: for sipping, to increase breathing, for the muscles of the arms, torso, back, abdomen, legs, jumping exercises, exercises to restore breathing.

Demonstrate technique for performing morning exercises, define direction of their impact.

Fulfill morning exercises, observe execution sequence

exercise and prescribed dosage.

Complexes of exercises for morning exercises No. 1, 2, 3.

Complexes of physical education

Main content lines. Physical education exercises sitting on a chair, standing near the table, for the fingers. The correct sequence of performing exercises in the complexes of physical exercises and their optimal dosage

Fulfill sets of physical education exercises for the prevention of fatigue of large (torso) and small (fingers) muscle groups.

Exercises for the prevention and correction of posture disorders

Main content lines.

Exercises with objects on the head and their purpose. Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the body with an object on the head, standing against the wall; with an object on the head in motion; without items; with items. Their purpose

Fulfill exercises included in the complexes of exercises for the prevention and correction of posture.

Observe sequence in their implementation and a given dosage

Sports and recreation activities. Gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics. Organizing commands and techniques. Combat actions in line and column; execution of military commands

Main content lines. Organizing commands performed while standing still and when moving: “At ease!”, “Equal!”, “Attention!”, “Step march!”, “In place!”, “Group, stop!”.

Building in a line and column according to landmarks. Rebuilding from line to column and back in ledges. Jump turns on commands: “Jump to the left!”, “Jump to the right!”

Fulfill organizing teams at the direction of the teacher.

Observe discipline and clear to interact with comrades when performing drill exercises (for example, during formation in a line and rebuilding from a line into a column; when moving in formation, etc.).

Acrobatic exercises. Rests, sit-ups, grouping exercises, rolls

Main content lines. The main types of gymnastic racks: the main rack; hand stand on the belt; stand legs apart; knee stand. Technique for doing it right.

The main types of gymnastic stops: emphasis crouching; emphasis lying; kneeling emphasis; emphasis in gray hair on the heels. Technique for doing it right.

The main types of seds are: sed legs apart; sitting with the angle of the arm forward; sitting with the corner of the hand behind the head. technique for their implementation.

The main types of squats are: squat hands on the belt, squat hands to the sides, squat hands up, squat hands forward, squat hands behind the head. technique for their implementation.

The main types of lying positions: on the stomach, on the back, on the left side, on the right side. Learn the techniques for doing them.

Technique for performing a roll in a group on the back. Technique for performing grouping from a standing position and grouping from a supine position.

Call the main types of racks, stops, sedov, etc.

Demonstrate the technique of performing learned racks, squats, stops, squats, lying on your back, rolling on your back, grouping from a standing position and lying on your back.

Fulfill fragments of acrobatic combinations made up of well-mastered acrobatic exercises. For example: moving from a supine position to a prone position and vice versa; grouping in the supine position and rolls forward, backward in grouping; from the position in the group, the transition to the supine position (with help); from a squat roll back with grouping and back (with help).

Acrobatic combos

Main content lines. Fragments of acrobatic combinations made up of well mastered acrobatic exercises.

Fulfill acrobatic combinations of previously well-mastered applied exercises in the conditions of educational and gaming activities.

Applied gymnastic exercises. Movement on the gymnastic wall.

Main content lines. Technique for performing climbing on the gymnastic wall in a horizontal direction to the right and left sides. The technique of climbing the gymnastic wall in a vertical direction up and down.

Demonstrate the technique of performing the learned methods of climbing on the gymnastic wall.

Overcoming an obstacle course with elements of climbing, climbing and crawling

Main content lines. Technique for overcoming obstacle courses, including: crawling on the side, back, in a plastunsky way; climbing on the gymnastic wall; jumping over a floor beam and a gymnastic bench; jumping on a hill of mats with subsequent jump; walking and running in simple and complex ways.

Demonstrate the technique of exercises learned to overcome artificial obstacle courses.

Confident overcome obstacle courses in standard, game and competitive conditions.

Technique for overcoming obstacle courses, including mastered motor actions

Athletics. Running exercises: high hips, jumping and accelerating, changing direction

Main content lines. Running technique with high hips; running with the transition to alternate jumps on the right and left legs; running with acceleration; running with a changing direction of movement (snake and in a circle)

Demonstrate the technique of performing the learned running exercises in standard conditions (not changing).

Fulfill learned running exercises in game and competitive activities.

Jumping exercises: jumping on one leg and on two legs in place and moving forward

Main content lines. Jumping technique: on the spot (on one and two, with turns to the right and left); with advancement forward and backward (push one and two); left and right side (push two); in length and height from a place (two pushes)

Demonstrate the technique of performing learned jumping exercises under standard conditions.

Ski race. Skiing

Main content lines Technique for performing the main stance when moving and skiing down small gentle slopes. Stepping step technique. Sliding technique step.

Demonstrate skier's main stance.

Demonstrate the technique of performing a sliding step in the process of passing the training distance.

Demonstrate technique for performing learned methods

skiing in conditions

gaming activity.

Mobile and sports games . Based on the material of gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics: game tasks using combat exercises, exercises for developing attention, strength, dexterity and coordination of movements

Main content lines. Game tasks using drill exercises such as: "Get up - disperse"; "Change of places".

Participate in mobile games.

manifest interest and desire demonstrate their physical capabilities and abilities, the technique of performing mastered motor actions.

Outdoor games: “At the bear in the forest”, “Crayfish”, “Troika”, “Rooster fight”, “Owl”, “Catch-up tag”, “Climbers”, “Snake”, “Don't drop the bag”, “Parsley on bench”, “Walk silently”, “Through a cold stream”, etc..

manifest resourcefulness in solving game problems that arise in the process of outdoor games.

manifest goodwill, restraint and respect for opponents and players of their team in the process of playing activities

jumping, running, throwing and throwing; exercises for the development of coordination of movements, endurance and speed

Main content lines. Outdoor games:« Do not stumble", "Fifteen", "Wolf in the ditch", "Who is faster", "Burners", "Fish", "Tag in the swamp", "Penguins with a ball", "Quickly in places", "To your flags" , “Just on the target”, “Third extra”, etc.

manifest positive personality traits in the process of gaming activity (courage, will, determination, activity and initiative).

On the material of ski training: relay races in skiing; exercises for the development of endurance and coordination of movements

Main content lines. Outdoor games: “Hunters and deer”, “Oncoming relay”, “Day and night”, “Get in the gate”, “Who will ride longer”, “In tow”, etc.

Based on sports games. Football: hitting a stationary and rolling ball

Main content lines. Hitting the inside of the foot (“cheek”) on a stationary ball from a place. Hitting with the inside of the foot (“cheek”) on a motionless ball from one and two run-up steps. Passing the ball in pairs and triples (at a distance of 2-3 m).

Demonstrate learned football techniques

Fulfill learned techniques of playing football in standard and variable (game) conditions.x

Basketball: passing and catching the ball

Main content lines. Passing and catching with two hands while standing in place of a low-flying ball. Passing and catching with two hands the ball flying at chest level. Throwing the ball with two hands from below while standing still.

characterize and demonstrate basketball techniques

Fulfill learned techniques of playing basketball in standard and variable (game) conditions.

Mobile games of different nations

Main content lines. National Games. Reflection in them of the traditions and cultural values ​​of their people.

be interested culture of their people, take care of their traditions, rituals, forms of behavior and relationships.

Accept active participation in national games, turn on in competitive activities in national sports.

General developmental physical exercises. Based on the material of gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics: development of flexibility, coordination of movements, formation of posture, development of strength abilities

Main content lines. Gymnastic exercises for the development of major muscle groups and physical qualities. Their correct independent implementation by students.

Fulfill at home general developmental exercises for the development of basic physical qualities.

Reproduce the required (specified according to the sample) dosage of physical activity.

On the material of athletics: development of coordination, speed, endurance, strength abilities

Main content lines. Athletics exercises for the development of the main muscle groups and physical qualities. Their correct independent implementation by students.

Based on ski races: development of coordination, endurance

Main content lines . Ski training exercises for the development of major muscle groups and physical qualities. Their correct independent implementation by students.

Develop physical qualities through physical exercises from basic sports.

Demonstrate increase in results in terms of development of basic physical qualities.

A.P. Matveev. Approximate work program grades 1-4


8th grade

Physical culture (basic concepts). Physical culture and health-improving direction as the most massive direction associated with the strengthening and preservation of health, the organization of active recreation and leisure. Its purpose, objectives, main content.

Forms of occupations by improving physical culture. Their place and time in the mode of the school day and school week.

Sports direction as a direction associated with the preparation of a person for competitive activity. Its purpose, objectives, main content. competitive action.

Physical training as a training process for the development of physical qualities, providing high sports achievements in the chosen sport.

Types of physical training (general physical training, technical training, special physical training).

Applied direction of physical culture as a direction associated with the preparation of a person for the upcoming activity, including the development of professional activity. Its purpose, objectives, main content. The main forms of applied physical culture classes. Their content and focus

Harmonious physical development. Ideas of harmonious development among different peoples. The variability of these ideas in different historical eras. Coefficient of harmony. Determination of the harmony of one's own physique. Standard indicators of a harmonious physique

Sports training as a unity of physical, technical and psychological training of an athlete. Its purpose and content

Adaptive physical education as a means of active inclusion in the public life of people with disabilities. Its role and significance both for people with disabilities themselves and for society as a whole. Therapeutic physical culture as an effective tool that accelerates the treatment of chronic diseases, the restoration of body functions after illnesses, surgeries and injuries.

Its role and significance in the life of modern man

Physical culture of a person. Posture correction as a purposeful process of bringing its shape in line with established standards. Types of posture disorders. The main signs of posture disorders and their causes. Genetic conditionality of body type. The possibility of its correction in physical education classes.

Physique as an external form of the human body, depending on the ratio of the height and weight indicators of its main parts.

Parameters of the main parts of the body in the adolescent period of development with an optimal physique and methods for measuring them.

Safety requirements for classes held at home.

Massage and its history. The connection of massage with strengthening health, with the restoration of the body after hard mental and physical work. Modern types of massage and their purpose. Hygienic rules for massage procedures. Characteristics of the main methods of restorative massage

8th grade

Sports training as a long-term process, including training sessions (training sessions) with a purposeful development of physical qualities and improvement of the technique of competitive actions; its purpose and purpose. Forms of lesson planning in the system of sports training.

Planning of training sessions in the system of independent sports training.

Self-observation of the state of the body during training sessions in the system of sports training according to the indicators of a functional test performed at the beginning of a training session and after its completion; in terms of well-being during the session itself

Individual features of physical development and physical fitness as a factor of heredity and human life.

Classification of physical activity modes and rules for their use depending on the tasks and forms of organization of classes.

Increasing physical load depending on the dynamics of training cycles efficiency indicators. Characteristics of indicators of physical fitness of students of the VIII grade

Physical Improvement

Physical culture and health-improving activity.

Exercises to prevent fatigue associated with prolonged work at the computer. A set of exercises to maintain physical and mental performance. A set of exercises for overweight. A set of exercises for overweight using exercises that include the work of the main large muscle groups. Gymnastics for the eyes. A set of exercises to prevent eye fatigue and improve visual acuity.

Gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics.

Acrobatic exercises: Acrobatic combos. Rules for self-compilation of acrobatic combinations. Technique of previously learned exercises intended for self-compilation of individual acrobatic combinations (boys, girls).

Improving the technique of previously learned acrobatic exercises. Long somersault with a running start (young men). Headstand and handstand, push by one (young men). Technique of headstand and handstand, force (young men). Technique of somersault back at point-blank standing legs apart (young men).

Vaults: The technique of performing the vault by bending the legs through the gymnastic goat.

Exercises on the balance beam(girls): Technique of previously learned exercises on the balance beam, intended for self-compilation of individual gymnastic combinations (girls). Technique of turning on toes in a semi-squat on a balance beam (girls). Improving the technique of previously learned beam exercises.

Exercises on the gymnastic crossbar(boys): Technique of previously learned exercises on the gymnastic crossbar, intended for independent compilation of individual gymnastic combinations (boys). Swinging technique on the gymnastic crossbar (boys). Kip-up technique on the gymnastic crossbar (young men). The technique of jumping forward, bending over from the gymnastic crossbar (young men). Improving the technique of previously learned exercises on the gymnastic crossbar.

Exercises on parallel bars(boys): Gymnastic combination technique on parallel bars (boys).

Exercises on uneven bars(girls): Technique for performing gymnastic combinations on uneven bars (girls).

Athletics. Planning training sessions in the process of improving the technique of sprinting and developing special speed qualities. Planning training sessions in the process of improving the technique of running for medium and long distances and developing special endurance. Planning training sessions in the process of improving the technique of a high jump with a run-up by the "stepping over" method. Planning training sessions in the process of improving the technique of the long jump with a run. Planning training sessions in the process of improving the technique of throwing a small ball at a distance

Running exercises: Improving sprinting technique: low start technique followed by acceleration. Improving the technique of sprinting: the technique of high-speed distance running. Improving sprinting technique: finishing technique in sprinting. Improving the technique of running for medium and long distances: the technique of a high start with subsequent starting acceleration. Improving the technique of running for medium and long distances: the technique of uniform running over a distance. Improving the technique of running for medium and long distances: the technique of finishing in running for medium and long distances.

jumping exercises Improving the technique of the high jump with a run-up by the "stepping over" method. Run-off technique. crossing the bar, landing. Improving the technique of the high jump with a run-up by the "stepping over" method. Run-off technique. crossing the bar, landing. Improving the technique of the long jump. Run-off technique. flight, landing. Exercises for the development of jumping ability (explosive strength).

Ball throwing. Improving the technique of throwing a small ball at a distance. Technique of takeoff, throw, braking after the throw.

Ski race. Improving the technique of skiing with previously studied ski moves. Improving the technique of transition from one ski course to another. Improving the technique of descents and ascents by previously studied methods

Sport games.

Basketball : Improving the technique of previously studied methods of playing basketball. Turning technique with the ball in place. The technique of snatching and knocking the ball from an opponent. Technique for intercepting the ball during a pass. Technique for intercepting the ball while dribbling. : rapid attack, positional attack. Technical and tactical actions in defense when the opponent attacks the basket: safety net. Exercises for the development of special physical qualities of a basketball player. Playing basketball by the rules

Volleyball: Improving the technique of previously studied methods of playing volleyball. The technique of passing the ball from above with two hands forward. The technique of passing the ball from above with two hands above you. The technique of passing the ball from above with two hands back. Jumping ball technique. The technique of receiving the ball with two hands from below. Technical and tactical actions in defense. Exercises for the development of special physical qualities of a volleyball player. Playing volleyball by the rules

Football: Improving the technique of previously studied football techniques. The technique of hitting the ball with the inside of the foot. Technical and tactical actions in defense and attack (when performing free kicks). The technique of hitting the ball with the middle of the instep of the foot. Technical and tactical actions in defense and attack (when performing free kicks). Exercises for the development of special physical qualities of football players. Playing football by the rules

Applied-oriented physical activity.

At treasure-oriented physical training

Improving the technique of previously learned applied-oriented exercises (running, jumping, climbing, etc.)

Overcoming obstacles (gymnastic horse) by jumping sideways with support on the left (right) hand, divergence together when meeting on a narrow support (gymnastic beam), rope climbing in two and three steps (boys), etc. (see Standards 5 -9 cells). Improving the technique of previously learned applied-oriented exercises (in running, jumping, climbing, etc.) Improving the technique of previously learned applied-oriented exercises (in running, jumping, climbing, etc.)

General physical training

Physical exercises from the basic sports, focused on the development of basic physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility, agility. Physical exercises of a general developmental orientation, providing an increase in the functional and adaptive properties of the main body systems


Knowledge about physical culture

The graduate will learn:

    consider physical culture as a cultural phenomenon, identify the historical stages of its development, characterize the main directions and forms of its organization in modern society;

    characterize the substantive foundations of a healthy lifestyle, reveal its relationship with health, harmonious physical development and physical fitness, the formation of personality traits and the prevention of bad habits;

    understand what doping is, disclose the basics of anti-doping rules and the concept of fair sport, be aware of the consequences of doping;

    reveal the basic concepts and terms of physical culture, apply them in the process of joint physical exercises with their peers, state with their help the features
    performance of the technique of motional actions and physical exercises, development of physical qualities;

    develop the content of independent physical exercises, determine their direction and formulate tasks, rationally plan the regime of the day and the study week;

    be guided by the rules of injury prevention and preparation of places of employment, the correct choice of shoes and uniforms depending on the time of year and weather conditions;

    be guided by the rules for providing first aid for injuries and bruises during independent physical exercises.

    characterize the goal of the revival of the Olympic Games and the role of Pierre de Coubertin in the development of the modern Olympic movement, explain the meaning of the symbols and rituals of the Olympic Games;

    to characterize the historical milestones in the development of the national sports Movement, the great athletes who brought fame to Russian sports;

    to determine the signs of the positive impact of physical training on health promotion, to establish a relationship between the development of physical qualities and the main body systems.

Ways of motor (physical culture) activity

The graduate will learn;

    to use physical culture, sports games and sports competitions for organizing individual recreation and leisure, strengthening one's own health, increasing the level of physical condition;

    make up complexes of physical exercises of a health-improving, training and corrective orientation, select an individual load, taking into account the functional characteristics and capabilities of one's own body;

    classify physical exercises according to their functional orientation, plan their sequence and dosage in the process of self-study to improve health and develop physical qualities; independently conduct classes on teaching motor actions, analyze the features of their implementation, identify errors and eliminate them in a timely manner;

    test indicators of physical development and basic physical qualities, compare them with age standards, control the features of their dynamics in the process of independent physical training;

    interact with peers in conditions of independent learning activities, assist in organizing and conducting classes, mastering new motor actions, developing physical qualities, testing physical development and physical fitness.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    keep a diary on physical activity, include in it the execution of plans for independent physical exercises of various functional orientations, data on monitoring the dynamics of individual physical development and physical fitness;

    conduct physical education classes using health-improving walking and running, skiing and hiking trips, ensuring their health-improving orientation;

    carry out restorative activities using bath procedures and wellness massage sessions

Physical Improvement

The graduate will learn:

Perform sets of exercises to prevent fatigue and overstrain of the body, increase its performance in the process of labor and educational activities;

    perform general developmental exercises that purposefully affect the development of basic physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and coordination of movements);

    perform acrobatic combinations from among well-mastered exercises;

    perform gymnastic combinations on sports equipment from among well-mastered exercises;

    perform athletics exercises in running and jumping (in height and length);

    perform movements on skis in various ways, demonstrate the technique of sequential alternation of them in the process of passing training distances (for the snowy regions of Russia);

    perform descents and braking on skis from a gentle slope using one of the studied methods;

    perform basic technical actions and techniques of playing football, volleyball, basketball in the conditions of educational and gaming activities;

    perform test exercises to assess the level individual development basic physical qualities.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    perform sets of exercises of therapeutic physical culture, taking into account the existing individual disorders in terms of health;

    overcome natural and artificial obstacles using a variety of climbing, jumping and running methods;

    refereeing in one of the sports being mastered;

    fulfill test standards for physical fitness.

8th grade

Control exercises





Shuttle Run 4x9 m, sec

Run 30 m, seconds

Run 1000 m, min

Run 60 m, seconds

Run 2000 m, min

Standing long jump

Pull-ups on the high bar

Flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis

Forward bends from a seated position

Lifting the body for 1 min. from a prone position

Cross-country skiing 3 km, min

Cross-country skiing 5 km, min

Without regard to time

Rope jump, 25 sec, one

Distribution of study time by hours- leave the desired class

8th grade

1. Knowledge about the physicalculture

2. Ways of physical activity

3. Physical improvement

3.1. Physical culture and recreation activities


3.2. Sports and recreation activities


3.2.1. Gymnastics

3.2.2. Athletics

3.2.3. Ski race

3.2.4. Sport games. Basketball

3.2.5. Volleyball

3.2.6. Football

3.3. Applied-oriented physical activity


3.3.1. Application-Oriented Physical Training

3.3.2. General physical training


8th grade

Lesson topic

Knowledge about physicalculture(4 hours)

Physical culture in modern society

Comprehensive and harmonious physical development.

sports training

Adaptive physical culture

Conducting self-study for posture correction and physique.

Restorative massage

2. Ways of physical activity (3 hours)

Organization and conduct of independent sports training.

Physical education planning

Organization and conduct of independent sports training.

Physical education planning

3. Physical improvement (98 hours)

3.1. Physical culture and health-improving activity (14 hours).

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes and physical education breaks (moving changes)

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes and physical education breaks (moving changes)

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes and physical education breaks (moving changes)

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes and physical education breaks (moving changes)

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes and physical education breaks (moving changes)

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes and physical education breaks (moving changes)

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes and physical education breaks (moving changes)

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes and physical education breaks (moving changes)

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes and physical education breaks (moving changes)

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes and physical education breaks (moving changes)

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes and physical education breaks (moving changes)

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes and physical education breaks (moving changes)

The choice of exercises and the preparation of individual complexes for morning exercises, physical education minutes and physical education breaks (moving changes)

3.2. Sports and recreation activities (64 hours).

Section: Gymnastics (10 hours)

Safety briefing in gymnastics lessons.

Compliance with safety and hygienic rules when preparing places for classes, choosing equipment and clothing for conducting physical education classes in a sports hall.

Acrobatic exercises and combinations

Acrobatic exercises and combinations.

Exercises and combinations on the balance beam (girls)

Exercises and combinations on the gymnastic crossbar (boys)

Exercises and combinations on the balance beam (girls)

Exercises and combinations on the gymnastic crossbar (boys)

Exercises and combinations on parallel bars (boys).

Exercises and combinations on uneven bars (girls)

Exercises and combinations on parallel bars (boys).

Exercises and combinations on uneven bars (girls)

Exercises and combinations on parallel bars (boys).

Exercises and combinations on uneven bars (girls)

Section: Athletics (16 hours)

Running exercises.

Low start followed by acceleration

Running exercises. Speed ​​running distance

Running exercises.

Finishing in sprint.

Running exercises.

High start followed by starting acceleration

Running exercises.

Even distance running

Running exercises.

Finishing in running for medium and long distances.

Jumping exercises. High jumps with a running start using the "step over" method

Jumping exercises. High jumps with a running start using the "step over" method

Jumping exercises.

Long jump

Jumping exercises.

Long jump

Jumping exercises.

Long jump

Jumping exercises.

Long jump

Throwing a small ball

Throwing a small ball

Throwing a small ball

Cross-country skiing (10h)

Skiing with previously learned skiing

Skiing with previously learned skiing

Skiing with previously learned skiing

Skiing with previously learned skiing



Transition from one ski course to another.

Climbing, descending, turning, braking

Climbing, descending, turning, braking

Section: Basketball (12 hours)

Technical actions: turns with the ball in place.

Technical actions: passing the ball with one hand

Technical actions: passing the ball in oncoming traffic

Technical actions: snatching and knocking the ball from the opponent

Technical actions: interception of the ball during the transfer

Technical actions: interception of the ball during the dribbling

Technical and tactical actions when attacking the opponent's basket

Technical and tactical actions when attacking the opponent's basket

Technical and tactical actions when attacking the opponent's basket

Technical and tactical actions when attacking the opponent's basket

Game by the rules

Game by the rules

Section: Volleyball (12h)

Technical steps:

Technical steps:

Technical steps:

Technical steps:

Technical steps:

Technical steps:

Technical and tactical actions

Technical and tactical actions

Technical and tactical actions

Game by the rules

Game by the rules

Game by the rules

Football (4h)

technical actions.

Hitting the ball

technical actions.

Hitting the ball

technical actions.

Hitting the ball

Game by the rules

3.3. Applied-oriented physical activity (20 hours)

3.3.1 Applied-oriented physical training (5 hours)

Applied Oriented Exercises

Applied Oriented Exercises

Applied Oriented Exercises

Applied Oriented Exercises

3.3.2. General physical training (15h)

General physical training Physical exercises from basic sports: gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics

General physical training Physical exercises from basic sports: gymnastics with the basics of acrobatics

General physical training Physical exercises from basic sports: athletics

General physical training Physical exercises from basic sports: cross-country skiing

General physical training Physical exercises from basic sports: cross-country skiing

General physical training Physical exercises from basic sports: cross-country skiing

General physical training Physical exercises from basic sports: cross-country skiing

General physical training Physical exercises from basic sports: basketball

General physical training Physical exercises from basic sports: football

General physical training Physical exercises from basic sports: volleyball


Educational and methodological support the subject "Physical culture" includes

    The physical culture program of A.P. Matveeva (Physical culture. Work programs. Subject line of A.P. Matveev's textbooks. Grades 5-9: a guide for teachers of general educational institutions / A.P. Matveev. - 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 20 .. . … With.;

    Matveev A.P. Lessons of physical culture. Guidelines. Grades 5-7 / A.P. Matveev. M. : Enlightenment, 2014. - 80 p.;

    Matveev A.P. Lessons of physical culture. Guidelines. Grades 8-9 / A.P. Matveev. M. : Enlightenment, 2014. - ... p .;

    textbooks on physical culture for educational institutions for grades 5-9. - specify the output



Evaluation of the effectiveness of the process of physical education is carried out on the basis of identifying assessments of the physical fitness of students, technical fitness of students, theoretical preparedness.

When grading, the following requirements are met:

An individual approach, when each student is given the opportunity to prove himself in conditions that best suit the characteristics of his physical development, physical fitness, and health status;

The specificity of the criteria, when the current assessment correlates with a clearly formulated task set by the student;

Publicity of the assessment, when the student is informed about the assessment in a timely manner and a brief explanation of it is given.

The work program includes the following types of control:

Preliminary control is carried out to determine the ability of students to master physical exercises and fulfill the standards of the curriculum.

Operational control (during the lesson) allows you to evaluate any components of the program material (homework, oral answer, warm-up, the quality of the performance of motor actions or their elements, victory in an educational game or relay race, etc.) for the operational management of students' activities at each lesson.

Current control(according to the results of several lessons) involves a control to determine the effectiveness of mastering the topic being studied (for example, a long jump from a run for a result, a 60-meter run for a result, etc.).

Staged control– state control over a relatively long period of time, reveals the main trends in the process of physical education at its relatively long stages (quarter, trimester, half a year).

Final control used to determine the final results for the year. Allows you to evaluate the current system of lessons, compare the results with the planned ones and obtain data for adjusting the planning of the physical education process for the next academic year.

Knowledge about physical culture (1 section)

Assessing the knowledge of students, they take into account their depth and completeness, the argumentation of the presentation, the ability to use knowledge in relation to specific cases and practical exercises.

The mark "5" is given for the answer, in which the student demonstrates a deep understanding of the essence of the material, logically presents it, using examples from practice, his own experience.

A score of "4" is given for an answer that contains small inaccuracies and minor errors.

Grade "3" students receive for the answer, which lacks a logical sequence, there are gaps in the material, there is no proper argumentation and the ability to use knowledge in their experience.

Grade "2" - poor understanding and knowledge of theoretical and methodological material.

The following can be used to assess knowledge. methods:

Poll method is used orally and in writing in the pauses between the exercises, before and after the tasks. It is not recommended to use this method after significant physical exertion.

Programmed Method is that students receive cards with questions and a fan of answers to them. The student must choose the correct answer. The method is economical to conduct and allows the survey to be carried out frontally.

Very effective method knowledge test is demonstration of knowledge students in specific activities. For example, the presentation of knowledge of exercises for the development of strength, students accompany the implementation of a specific complex, etc.

Methods of motor (physical culture) activity (section 2)

Grade "5" - the student demonstrates a complete and varied set of exercises aimed at developing a specific physical (motor) ability, or a set of exercises for morning, athletic or rhythmic gymnastics, can independently organize the place of the lesson, pick up equipment and apply it in specific conditions, control the course assignments and evaluate them.

Score "4" - there are minor errors or inaccuracies in the implementation of independent sports and recreational activities.

Grade "3" - makes gross mistakes in the selection and demonstration of exercises aimed at developing a specific physical (motor) ability. Experiencing difficulties in organizing places of employment, selection of inventory. Satisfactorily controls the progress and results of the task.

Grade "2" - the student does not possess the ability to carry out various types of physical culture and recreational activities.

Technique of possession of motor actions (skills, skills) (section 3)

Score "5" - the motor action was performed correctly (in a given way), exactly at the proper pace, easily and clearly.

Score "4" - the motor action was performed correctly, but not easily and clearly enough, there is some stiffness of movements.

Score "3" - the motor action was performed mostly correctly, but one gross or several minor errors were made, which led to uncertain or tense performance.

Score "2" - the motor action was performed incorrectly, with gross errors, uncertainly, indistinctly.

Main methods motor actions possession technique assessments are observation, challenge, exercises and combined methods.

open observation method is that students know whom and what the teacher will evaluate. Covert observation is that students know only that the teacher will observe certain types of motor actions.

Call as an assessment method is used to identify the achievements of individual students in mastering the program material and to demonstrate to the class samples of the correct execution of a motor action.

Exercise method is designed to test the level of proficiency in individual skills and abilities, the quality of homework.

essence combined method consists in the fact that the teacher, simultaneously with the knowledge test, evaluates the quality of mastering the technique of the corresponding motor actions.

These methods can be applied both individually and frontally, when a large group or class as a whole is evaluated at the same time.


Topic name

Scheduled date

Reason for adjustment

Corrective actions

Actual date

Signature of the Deputy Director for OIA


1 as part of the subject "Physical Education" in a secondary school. When planning work in grades 5-9 for the next academic year, Enlightenment is necessary. Matveev A.P. Physical Culture. 1. Enlightenment ... thematic planning of the system of training sessions (lessons) and The book contains a detailed calendar-thematic planning. Physical Culture. 1 class. The work program and the system of lessons on the EMC Perspektiva .. The work program according to the textbook of A. P. Matveev. UMK Perspective. The work program of the teacher (class teacher) grades 1-4 The work program of the subject. "Physical Culture". 6th grade. At the lessons of physical culture in the 6th grade, the main tasks are solved. Calendar thematic planning for physical culture ... "School of physical education classes 1-4 grades" V.I. Kovalko - M.: VAKO,) thematic planning with the definition of the main types. 2) rational and appropriate organization of physical lessons ... E Authors, textbook title Class Publisher. 10 Lyakh V.I. Physical culture 1-4 Enlightenment. 11 Matveev A.P. Physical culture 1 Education Subject line of A.P. Matveeva 1 4 classes. - Benefit. Planned results. Thematic planning. 1 class. Calendar-thematic planning of physical education lessons in grades 3-4 DOC calendar-thematic planning (grade 6) ... Physical education lessons are held both in the gym and in the open air ... Imitation exercises: ski moves studied in 1 -4 classes; transitions with ... Matveev, A.P. Physical culture grade 1 [Text]: methodical Aug in physical culture. for 1-4 grades. compiled on the basis of: work programs//subject line. textbooks A.P. Matveeva Educational and thematic planning. in physical culture. Class 4. The basis of the curriculum for students in grades 1-4 of educational institutions. A.P. Matveeva, 1999) and the Educational Program in Physical Education. Thematic planning of physical education lessons in grade 4 THEMATIC PLANNING MATVEEV 1-4 CL LESSONS PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical education, grade 3. Expanded thematic planning in physical culture (Grade 3). of the year and on the basis of the curriculum for students in grades 1-4 of educational institutions .. of the program "Physical Education" under the general editorship of A.P. Matveev in ... Final lesson Aug Calendar-thematic planning (physical education, grade 1) on the topic:. GEF. New planning with badminton class 1 according to Matveev. educational goals/ tasks of the student in the lessons: The work program of the subject. "Physical Culture". Grade 4 ... One of the main tasks of the lessons is to provide further ... Calendar thematic planning for physical education for students 4 ... V.I. Lyakh. Textbook for students in grades 1-4 of elementary school.. A.P. Matveev Buy book "Physical culture. Grade 2 Lesson planning. The system of lessons according to the textbook A.P. Matveev. UMK Perspektiva "(Patrikeev Program on the subject "Physical Education" for students. Formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate. THEMATIC PLANNING. Characterize the main forms of classes (for example, morning exercises, hardening, physical education lessons, classes in class. Work program and technological maps lessons according to the textbook ... The program contains a detailed thematic planning of the system ... to work according to the textbook by A.P. Matveeva Physical culture. Grades 1-4 The manual presents lesson plans for physical education. Lesson planning was developed in accordance with the programs: A.P. Matveeva, UMK. Prepared exam answers. Physical Culture. Grade 9 The book contains thematic lesson planning for the entire academic year, the Work Program, thematic planning of physical education lessons in grade 1 (99 hours). Published:57 - Khrapov Oleg classes. Program on the subject "Physical Education" for students. education of schoolchildren in the field of physical culture (A.P. Matveev, ... morning exercises, hardening, physical education lessons, classes in the classroom. The system of lessons according to the textbook A.P. Matveev - The manual proposes the development of physical education lessons for grade 2 ,. and the means of achieving it, in a word, to plan their activities classes / A. P. Matveev. M .: Education, Thematic planning The development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation directly. development of the training course, course content, thematic planning 5-7, 8-9 Subject line of textbooks by A.P. Matveev Grades 1-4: a guide for teachers... Matveev A.P. Physical culture: textbook for grade 2 of elementary school Expanded thematic planning in physical culture

2 (4. curriculum for students in grades 1-4 of educational institutions .. the program "Physical Education" under the general editorship of A.P. Matveev in ... Thematic planning of physical education lessons in grade 4: a system of lessons according to the textbook A. P For example: thematic planning, Veraksa Advanced search The manual proposes the development of lessons in physical culture for grade 1, classes: a manual for teachers of educational institutions / A.P. Matveev Thematic planning in physical culture; class Work program according to Egorov V.V. for grades 1-4. programs of the 2nd generation of authors A.P. Matveev, V.I. Lyakh and A.A. Zdanevich Includes health lesson, grades 1-4 Physical education Grade 1. Work program and system of lessons on teaching materials Perspective.. For example: thematic planning, Veraksa Advanced search Grade 1: textbook for general education institutions / AP Matveev - M grades: manual for teachers of general education institutions / A. P

Thematic planning World around 4th grade Pleshakov - Svetlana. Folder Thematic planning Grade 4 `School of Russia`. 27622318032 Work program on the world around 4th grade (Pleshakov A.A.).

Annotation to the work program in physical culture, 1st grade of the Federal State Educational Standard. The work program was developed on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education

Annotation to the work program in physical culture grade 2. The work program for the 2nd grade in physical culture was developed on the basis of the "Federal Comprehensive Program of Physical Education" under

Annotations to the work programs on physical culture Grade 1 The work program on "Physical culture" (subject area "Physical culture")

Physical culture 2. Workers VI Lyakh Physical culture. The subject line of V.I. Lyakh. Grades 1-4: / V.I. Lyakh. 3rd ed. - M .: Education, 2013 Program for the course "Physical Education" Lyakh V.I.

February 19, 2013. Russian language: Proc. for 8 cells. general education institutions / M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L. A. Trostentsova. Moscow: Enlightenment. 3234059583 12 Apr 2013. Thematic planning in Russian

November 1, 2013. Calendar-thematic planning in the Russian language (grade 3) on the topic: Planning in the Russian language grade 3 (Ramzaeva). 701758802015253 Russian language, Grade 3, Kuzichkina N.I. 1. Calendar

This manual contains lesson plans for physical education for the 1st grade of secondary schools. Lesson planning developed in. 15258953526996 Contents. Lesson planning of physical education lessons.

CENTER FOR ART AND AESTHETIC AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Edition of life safety and physical culture "Organization of physical education lessons using the teaching materials of the Prosveshchenie publishing house" Comprehensive development

The use of ICT in the classroom in elementary school. Currently I teach in the 2nd grade under the program "Perspective Primary School".

March 9, 2013. Thematic planning of the MHK grade 11 (34 hours). Grade 9 103615954661 24 Sep 2011. Thematic planning for MHK 10 11 classes

Formation of general ideas about physical culture, its significance in human life, role in health promotion,. Tarnopolskaya R.I., Mishin B.I. “Physical culture... Calendar-thematic planning.

Culture Annotation to the work program on physical culture for grade 5 for the 2015-2016 academic year The importance of studying the subject of physical culture at school is due to its cognitive and health-saving

September 15, 2013. 5th grade. 2013-2013 academic year. Fine Arts teacher: Sevastyanova L.S ... educational - thematic planning for fine arts Grade 5 according to GEF. art for grade 1 under the program of B. Nemensky.

The work program of the school of Russia in the Russian language Ramzaev grade 4 at high speed and without waiting. The work program of the school of Russia. 309506892718 This thematic planning is designed for 136

ANNOTATION to the work program on physical culture for students of grades 5-9 (FSES) The work program on physical culture is developed in accordance with the main provisions: federal state

PHYSICAL CULTURE 4 EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program for the subject of physical culture for grade 6 (basic level) was compiled on the basis of: - Order No. 1089 dated 05.03.

For students in grade 8 subject. 105 hours a year, 3 hours a week, are allotted for his teaching. Physical culture detailed thematic planning for a comprehensive program for grades 1-11. (V.I. Lyakha,

September 7, 2013. Textbook “Social Science. Grade 11”, A.I. Kravchenko, E.A. Pevtsova, 2007. Thematic planning was made by - Rudaya Natalya Vladimirovna ... Work program on social science 6-9 cells. This.

The archive contains 5 books: a perspective plan for the first junior group (87 pages). Golitsyna N.S. Classes in kindergarten. Prospective and scheduling of work with children from 1 to 3 years old p. program

Calendar-thematic planning in mathematics (Grade 3) on the topic: Individual learning. Posted on 14.03.2013-7:19 - Tkachenko Olga. 1869680408 Designs shown: 1-10, 1 2 3.. World around.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Suburban secondary school" "APPROVE": Director / Smirnova O.N. / Order of 2015. Physical Education Work Program

Program in the sports and recreation area: "Sports games" for students of the 7th grade for the 2018-2019 academic year. Teacher Ignatova Elena Nikolaevna of the first qualification category Quantity

Annotation to the work program in geometry Grade 7 In connection with the Federal Basic Curriculum subject"Geometry" is introduced as a mandatory component. The goals of studying geometry are: - mastering

THE PROGRAM OF INTRODUCTION TESTS OF A PROFESSIONAL DISCIPLINE IN THE DISCIPLINE "PHYSICAL EDUCATION" (form of conducting: interview) 49.03.01 "Physical Education" for admission in the areas of training:

Explanatory note The program of the entrance test in the subject "Physical Education" was developed to determine the degree of readiness of applicants for the successful development of the main educational program

Thematic planning Content lines Number of hours Activity ... Proverbs and sayings about the alphabet and the benefits of reading Lesson 12 (script 2, with ... note The program is based on the GEF primary

June 7, 2013. Material from the Thematic Planning section - Work program in the Russian language, grade 3, T.G. Ramzaeva Methodical. 37817101931552 thematic planning of Russian language lessons in grade 3

The work program of the subject Physical culture 3d class for the 2018 2019 academic year Teacher primary school Korsakova Natalia Viktorovna Nizhnevartovsk, 2018 Explanatory note Working

August 21, 2013

April 8, 2013. Calendar-thematic planning in social studies (Grade 10) on the topic:. This work program in social studies is addressed to. Textbooks, ed. L.N. Bogolyubov, N.F. Vinogradova and others.

Homework grades 10-11 1. Physical culture as part of human culture. 2.Physical culture in modern society. 3.Physical education in the life of a student 4.Physical education in

Control standards and tests in physical culture for primary school students grades 1-4 (based on the federal comprehensive program of physical education for students: authors V.I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich

Work program in physical culture (name of the subject) for grade 3a Level of study of the subject basic (basic, profile) Program implementation period 1 year Full name teachers Efimova Maria

Explanatory note to the work program for physical culture in grades 1b, 1c, 1d (basic level) The work program for the subject "Physical culture" was developed on the basis of:

Calendar thematic planning mathematics Moro 2nd grade Russian school fgos in this section .. Calendar thematic planning mathematics Moro 2nd grade Russian school fgos. In .doc format: yes;.

GEF" in the online store prices, discounts. Buy. 5-9 grade. Work programs. Subject line of textbooks Geeks, 2013 472410821 In grades 1-2, students should develop interest

2. Content section. 2.1 The program for the formation of universal. The system of conditions for the implementation of the PEP in accordance with the requirements of GEF 136-147. The curriculum of primary general education and the plan for extracurricular ...

Municipal budgetary educational institution Khotkovskaya secondary school 1 APPROVED by the Director of the school / Maslakov S.M. Work program on physical

Annotation to the work program Grade 5 The physical education program for Grade 5 was developed in accordance with: - with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of the main general

ANNOTATION TO THE WORKING PROGRAM on physical culture in the 7th grade The place of the subject in the structure of the main educational program. Based on the Model Programs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, containing the requirements

Annotation to the work program for students of grades 1-4 (initial stage of education) teacher of physical culture Kuznetsova V.A. The program of primary general education of the subject "Physical

Software and methodological support of the educational program Basic education Educational areas: physical culture, art, technology Subject of teaching materials Program (name, author) Grade 5 program

Explanatory note physical education grades 1-4 This program compiled on the basis of the work programs “The subject line of textbooks by A.P. Matveev. 1-4 classes. Handbook for teachers of educational institutions”,

Annotation to the work program in algebra Grade 7 In connection with the Federal Basic Curriculum, the subject "Algebra" is introduced as a mandatory component. The goals of studying mathematics are: - mastering

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Malozinovievskaya basic school" Work program on physical culture for grade 3 for the 206-207 academic year Compiled by: Ershov E.M. Physical education teacher

Municipal formation city of Krasnodar Municipal budgetary educational institution municipality city ​​of Krasnodar secondary school 35 APPROVED decision of the teachers' council

Book: The world around. Grade 3 Textbook for educational institutions. In 2 parts. Part 2. GEF.

Additional entrance examinations of a professional orientation, for Crimeans entering the Sterlitamak Institute of Physical Culture (branch) UralGUFK for training in educational programs

Teaching Materials for Physical Education of the Prosveshcheniye Publishing House. New approaches to teaching the subject within the framework of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard "The goal of modern education, one of priorities society and state education

"Reviewed" Head of the ShMO / Nosova E.P. / Protocol _1 of "30" _08_2011 "Agreed" Deputy. director for water resources management of the MOU secondary school r. Pinerovka village / Akolzina E. A "30" 08 2011 "Approve" Director of MOU secondary school r.

EXPLANATORY NOTE The physical education program for students of the mini-football educational school is aimed at promoting the improvement of the health of students and, on this basis, ensuring normal physical

Grade 5 The work program is based on the Exemplary Program of Basic General Education, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education on the basics of life safety. The program complies

June 27, 2013. Now you are watching - Work program on technology grade 10. work program on teaching literacy grade 1 school 2100. 07838323717728 2 hours per week. Calendar-thematic planning

Annotations to the work programs in the Russian language grade 5 The work program in the Russian language for grade 5 was compiled using materials from the Federal State Educational Standard

MUSHTSHLL BUDDETARY GENERAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF THE CITY DISTRICT OF TOLYATTI tsey Adopted by the Pedagogical Council Minutes b from g I approve f Kozyreva e WORKING PROGRAM on physical culture Compiled

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Babkinskaya secondary school" (MBOU "Babkinskaya secondary school") AGREED APPROVED minutes of the meeting by order

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program on physical culture for grades 10-11 is based on the federal component state standard general education in physical culture, approved


Danilov A.A., L.G. Kosulin. History of Russia, XIX century: textbook. for grade 8. History of Russia: Grade 8 / Comp. K.V. Volkov. M. WAKO, 2011 .. A secret society is an illegal organization that has set its goal. Groups