Upgrade food facilities. Reconstruction and modernization of food. Service maintenance of food equipment gigamash

  • 11.05.2020

Despite the difficulties in organizing state support for milk producers, dairy owners find opportunities to increase processing volumes and reduce the cost of their products. This may be the construction of a new or modernization and expansion of existing production.

We will consider some features of the modernization of existing production.

We are aware of cases where good intentions to modernize all or part of production ended temporarily s mi and financial losses without achieving end result or even lead to a deterioration in the quality of products.

"Modernization" can begin and take place out of their best intentions. The initiator may be the management of the enterprise. Or their own employees can turn to management - competent, well-trained, who have worked in this industry for many years, who perfectly understand the technological processes, with a proposal to increase production volumes and product quality by acquiring new, more productive equipment, instead of the old one, without changing anything fundamentally, according to principle - "cheap, but cheerful." An additional argument in their favor will be that it was they who wrote and agreed technical task for the construction of existing production, corrected the mistakes of designers and their technologists.

But, as it turns out later, knowledge of the features of a working production cannot be a guarantee of successful modernization. There are reasons for this. In-house employees have accumulated vast experience in overcoming the problems associated specifically with this production. But they may not have experience working in similar but different plants with a different set of manufacturing errors.

Modernization can take place not only by a simple scheme of replacing equipment with a known technology with a more productive one, but also by purchasing a set of equipment with production technologies that were not previously used at this enterprise. In the latter case, the healthy optimism of employees may be misplaced.

A new line is selected, ordered, received, assembled, set up, but the quality or quantity of the product is not up to standard. To the question of management: “why does it work badly?” competent employees do not have a clear answer.

Or a new set of heavy equipment is purchased in an empty room next to the main production and installed there. After some time, cracks appear on the walls of the building. The belated calculation of the weight of the equipment and the capabilities of the supporting structures of the building confirms the guesses - the supporting structures of the building and the foundation are overloaded and an irreversible process of destruction of the building has begun.

It is difficult to admit that, but all the mistakes were laid at the very beginning when deciding to upgrade on our own.

"Own forces", having no practical experience in designing other similar industries, based on knowledge from textbooks of an indefinite year of release, empirically or on a whim select equipment for a new site without taking into account the technological reserve, draw up new technological schemes that they have never tested, without the necessary redundancy . A problem point initially included in the project can lead to a halt of the entire technological cycle without the possibility of bypassing it.

The main problem of any production is the selection of qualified employees. When modernizing on our own, the question arises: who will work with the new equipment, who will train them and where, who is responsible for the quality of training, how are employees reserved for their dismissal or illness?

After upgrading on our own, the question of documentation and support arises:

  • where will the set of instructions for the entire assembled line come from,
  • how to maintain guarantees for equipment purchased at retail, but independently assembled in a technological chain, where are the boundaries,
  • how to service the entire line, what is his schedule and who will do it,
  • to whom to file claims for a discrepancy between the declared performance of the equipment or line, if you installed them yourself?

The management of the enterprise, before starting the modernization "with its own forces and employees", must assess all possible risks and be prepared for "unforeseen" costs. The main thing is that this risk does not end with hiring a competent design and installation organization that will eliminate all errors, which will probably be the most expensive way out of the situation.

Our company can carry out all work on the modernization of production on a turnkey basis, from pre-project inspection to the release of a trial batch of products, after which it will take over the service for the agreed warranty period.

If the desire to do everything “on our own” is irresistible, then we can offer our many years of experience and knowledge to carry out pre-project design, as a result of which the management will understand where the problem points of future production are, see the approximate composition of equipment and technological piping, estimate the cost, and the project itself will allow with minimal time s at the cost of starting modernization.

Modernization of food production and factories

Automation of the production process as a whole, as well as its individual elements, is an important condition for the production of competitive goods in all industries. The use of automated process control systems makes it possible to achieve an improvement in the quality of the manufactured product and an increase in productivity while reducing labor costs. Automated control able to bring the company to a new level of profitability.

STP LLC will design an automated process control system of any complexity, mount it at the facility and carry out commissioning works. Highly qualified workers will automate the operation of individual pieces of equipment, industrial units and the entire production complex. Our specialists have extensive experience in installation and commissioning automated systems using the most modern devices and technologies.

As primary funds industrial process control uses various devices, sensors and controllers from leading world and domestic manufacturers. Among the partners-suppliers of our company are such enterprises as Siemens, Omron, Danfoss, ARIES.

Technological process control based on the collection and processing of information from the primary elements of the automated process control system is carried out using software based on Step7, CxOne, Supervisor. The used function of visualization of production operations allows to improve the quality of control.

Accounting and systematization of controlled values ​​of technological parameters are made automatically. For this, computer programs based on 1C:Enterprise are used.

Technical process visualization panel

In conditions constrained by operating equipment, without interrupting the production process, we can dismantle old equipment and mount new equipment within a limited time frame with minimal time losses for stopping production.

Buy equipment from our company

When buying equipment, a guarantee is provided for it. Our company performs post-warranty service. We are engaged in the installation of equipment, as well as its pre-start debugging and carry out the necessary test tests of the installations.

At the request of the customer, it is possible to change technical features bottling lines for wine and vodka products that will meet the conditions of a particular production process.

In the International industrial academy(Moscow) On November 28-30, 2011 the International Conference "Modernization Food Industry in solving the problems of food security in Russia. business representatives, government agencies, controlling organizations, investment companies and scientific institutions gathered to discuss the priorities regarding the modernization food production and develop a unified strategy.

The conference was organized by:

· Ministry Agriculture RF;

· Association of branch unions of agrarian and industrial complex "ASSAGROS";

· International Industrial Academy.

You can't survive without modernizing the agro-industrial complex

Accelerated technical modernization for the meat industry - necessary condition survival. According to E. Skrynnik, Minister of Agriculture Russian Federation, The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia attaches great importance to both the definition of the main guidelines for the branches of the agro-industrial complex, and their technical and technological re-equipment.

“Modernization is the most important component of the system for ensuring food security in Russia,” emphasized G. A. Gorbunov, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian Food Policy and the Fisheries Industry.

V. A. Butkovsky, Rector of the International Industrial Academy, drew the attention of those present to the state of the technical base of the processing industries - it is such that it is impossible to do without the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of existing industries, as well as the construction of new, highly efficient food enterprises based on innovative technologies, and this requires a favorable investment climate. According to his estimates, in general, more than half of food enterprises have a need for investments for modernization, despite the active inflow of funds into the industry in recent years - more than 200 billion rubles. annually.

“Modernization of agro-industrial production should solve one of the main problems today - increasing the competitiveness of national producers,” said S. N. Seregin, Deputy Director of the Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the role of the state should be strengthened. This is also evidenced by foreign experience. Analytical estimates show that in order to prevent a decline in production and in order to further develop the industry, it is necessary to governmental support at the level of 80–90 billion rubles. annually".

Accession to the WTO is the driving force behind modernization

The meat sector of the agro-industrial complex has just begun its renewal. Investments in poultry farming have borne fruit - this industry was the first to reach the bar of internal self-sufficiency. The second should have been pig breeders, but life has made its own adjustments. From now on, meat processors will have to solve difficult issues that have accumulated over the years of reforming the economy in very difficult conditions. Now the industry will be influenced not only by internal factors, but also by macroeconomic processes, the most important of which, of course, is Russia's accession to the WTO. As you know, one of the main requirements of this community to its members is the rejection of customs and tariff regulation and a severe restriction of direct state assistance to agricultural producers.

“Pork production is at risk due to the abolition of customs duty for the import of meat and its reduction to 5% for the import of live pigs under the WTO,” said S.V. M. V. Lomonosov.

In such conditions, the investment attractiveness of the meat sector is reduced, which makes its products less competitive on the world market. On the other hand, WTO conditions, like Customs Union encourage Russian manufacturers to increase their competitiveness.

“The complexity and scale of the tasks facing the agro-industrial complex require a new quality of management at all levels of the complex, the targeted allocation of funds from the state budget within the framework of sectoral programs,” said S. N. Seregin, “and only the concentration of joint efforts on priority areas on the basis of private-public partnership can provide a solution to industry problems and reduce Russia's import dependence.

Modernization is a food security factor

According to S. N. Seregin, at present, the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex show a steady development trend. Statistics show that in 2010 the production index was 106.4%, investments in the food industry reached 142.2 billion rubles, specific gravity unprofitable enterprises decreased to 24.9%.

Russia began to export food products and raw materials for them: in 2010, 42 thousand tons of meat (in the form of raw materials and products) were sold in the amount of $36.2 million. This does not mean that our country has reached the level of self-sufficiency (in 2010 . was imported food and agricultural raw materials in the amount of 36.4 billion dollars). In 2011, 6–6.5 million tons of meat raw materials were required to achieve the criteria for food security in Russia, and by 2020 the required volume of meat resources will increase to 9–10.5 million tons, and at least 85% of this amount will have to be produced within the country.

A. B. Lisitsyn, Director of the All-Russian Research Institute of the Meat Industry named after V.I. V. M. Gorbatova, analyzing the possibility of producing such a volume of meat products, identified the main factors for the growth of food production: internal (development of the raw material base, industry science, market infrastructure, modernization of production, formation of modern development institutions, growth in real incomes of the population) and external ( protectionist state policy to protect the national agri-food market, favorable conditions for accession to the WTO, participation in the international division of labor, stimulation of the export of agricultural raw materials and food).

Long-term modernization scenarios, according to A. B. Lisitsyn, can be as follows:

1. Modernization from above. In this case, the main investments will be made at the expense of public funds. As a result, economic growth may reach 1-2% per year, and GDP per capita - 25-30 thousand dollars.

2. Cardinal shifts in the economy. They can occur as a result of reforming the political system, carrying out fundamental changes in the economic and social spheres. Then GDP per capita will probably grow to 35-36 thousand dollars.

3. Modernization from below. This option assumes gradual evolutionary development, liberalization of the economy and business activity business.

New directions - new opportunities

In the meat industry, A. B. Lisitsyn identified two promising areas: biotechnological and nanotechnological. According to experts' forecasts, by 2030, 50% of all agricultural products will be produced in the world using biotechnology. For the meat industry, this means an improvement technological characteristics raw materials, their formation during the life of animals, reducing the duration of the technological process, the possibility of directed accumulation of nutrients that promote health.

We must not forget that new technologies are also risks. Therefore, when introducing them, it is necessary to strengthen the control of production safety. In EU countries, the manufacturer of meat products is obliged to trace the origin of the raw materials with which he works. In Russia, restricting the entry of low-quality products to the domestic market after joining the WTO will be governed by the requirements provided for in technical regulations(HACCP system, traceability of origin, safety indicators), as well as those that apply to traditional products in national standards (GOST).

Another task for meat product manufacturers is to reduce losses during storage, processing and transportation. According to A. B. Lisitsyn, at present, up to 3.3% of the mass of meat raw materials and up to 6.3% of meat products are lost only as a result of shrinkage. And if we also count the damage from the fact that technologies for processing by-products of slaughter have not been introduced at primary processing enterprises, then the numbers of losses in the meat industry will increase many times over.

“Modernization of industry,” says A. B. Lisitsyn, “is not only the development and implementation of new equipment, it also includes other areas: the organization of an integral system (along the entire chain of processing, transportation and storage of raw materials and finished products a) quality and safety control; creation of new generation products based on biotechnologies and nanotechnologies; introduction of end-to-end technologies with a closed processing cycle and reduction of raw material losses, as well as nutrient-saving technologies; providing all products with packaging that preserves its quality and safety; formation of a modern infrastructure for transportation and logistics, as well as a social catering system”.

Are there practical examples?

Yu. F. Ovodkov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Ryazan region, cited data confirming that agricultural producers need state support right now. According to the programs for the development of the food and processing industry of the Ryazan region adopted by the Ministry, in 2011 total amount According to preliminary estimates, investments in this industry amounted to 1,800 million rubles, and the volume of livestock and poultry production reached 79.6 thousand tons (in live weight). Eight mega-farms are already operating in the region and seven more large livestock enterprises are being built. In total, 19 projects are being implemented on Ryazan land. investment projects. As a result, by 2014 it is planned to increase the production of livestock and poultry up to 108 thousand tons in live weight.

Thus, state support is necessary for our food industry so that its products can adequately compete on foreign market and that the consequences of joining the WTO do not lead to the collapse of the industry. The business community and authorities should act together, because food production is the most important factor in state food security.

APK News 06.02.2017 1054

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Ryazan Region

At the leading enterprises of the food and processing industry in the region, work continues on the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production.

AT LLC Agromolkombinat "Ryazansky" in 2016, an automatic filling and packaging line (Czech Republic) was installed for packing and packing loose cottage cheese into bags with a capacity of 420 kg / h, work is underway to automate existing production, introduce modern technologies for water purification for technological purposes, modernize the boiler room, compressor room. On the production facilities LLC Agromolkombinat Ryazanskiy, the Finnish dairy company Valio, in October 2016, placed an order for the production of ultra-pasteurized whipping cream with a fat content of 36%, which is used in the confectionery, baking industry and in public catering.

In 2016 in with. Turnovo, Shilovsky district, the construction of a new workshop for the production of long-term storage UHT milk was completed with the installation of a technological line with a capacity of 70 tons of finished product per day. have been expanded warehouses for the storage of finished products, a warehouse for storing supplies and packaging materials with an area of ​​720 m² was built, and capacities for engineering loads were increased.

In 2016 at the dairy in Vakinskoe Agro LLC Rybnovsky district mastered the newly introduced facilities for the production of milk and cream in a PET bottle. The technology for the production of pasteurized milk and cream was developed. Also in 2016, work was continued on the implementation of the second stage of the dairy plant's development prospects - an increase in milk processing up to 120 tons per day.

Trade and production complex "Synergy" in July 2016, the investment project “Construction of a deboning, packaging and storage facility for meat products” with a volume of 9000 tons/year of semi-finished products was implemented. As a result of the implementation of the above-mentioned project, new deboning, packing, packaging shops were created at the enterprise, an expedition-refrigerator was installed for storing meat products with different temperature regimes with a one-time storage capacity of more than 250 tons. Production workshops are equipped with high-tech equipment of imported and Russian production. The operated equipment allows to produce 50 tons of finished products per day. A new range of products has been mastered at this production - pork and beef in cuts, as well as products in marinade.

In the first half of 2016, a slaughterhouse for IP Timakova G.A. was put into operation in the Ryazhsky district. with a capacity of 0.40 thousand tons per year.

Ryazankhleb JSC continued modernization with automation production processes. The 2nd line for the production of small-piece products was put into operation. The vehicle fleet has been renewed, a methane gas filling complex (manufactured in Argentina) has been purchased. Today, the company, while maintaining the traditional recipe of basic products (Nareznoy, Borodinsky, Darnitsky long loaves), is developing its product line, focusing on the trend of demand shifting towards a variety of tastes and healthy nutrition (buckwheat buns, 8 cereals buns) .

OJSC "Novomichurinsky Khlebozavod" in 2016 increased the production of durable products by 25%.

RUDO-SOFT DRINKS LLC in 2016 developed new line non-carbonated soft drinks based on oatmeal with the addition of natural fruits, berries, and Jerusalem artichoke syrup. The range of fruit and cereal desserts without sugar with the addition of Jerusalem artichoke syrup and various fillings has been expanded.

The capacities of implemented investment projects are being developed in the region LLC "ASTON Starch - Products" for the production of starch products and JSC "Ryazanzernoprodukt"- a large flour mill.

JSC "Ryazanzernoprodukt" expands the range of packaged baking flour with various quality characteristics. At the beginning of 2016, the production of 6 types of flour with a new packaging design was launched, including two types of products: special grinding flour for batter and self-rising.

Thanks to such systematic work to modernize production, food and processing industry enterprises of the region increased production and sales of their products by 1.4 billion rubles compared to 2015, reaching a final figure of 44.1 billion rubles.