Criteria for evaluating groups business game. Criteria for assessing the level of operational intelligence based on the results of a business game. Conducting a lesson in the form of a business game

  • 06.03.2020

For participation in the business game, the student is awarded points in accordance with the criteria presented in the table.

Criterion name Evaluation scale (in points)
Innovativeness of an entrepreneurial idea 0 to 10
The degree of development of the business plan 0 to 5
Self-presentation of team members and the results of their work 0 to 5
Team activity during group work -3 to +3
Argumentation of answers in order to protect the competitiveness of the created products (services, technologies -3 to +3
The activity of the team as an opponent when discussing the options of other teams -3 to +3
Non-compliance with the rules: the game team by the speaker -3 -1
Total -12 to 29

Criteria for evaluating participation in the training

For participation in the training, the student is awarded points in accordance with the criteria presented in the table.

The transfer of points to a five-point rating scale is presented in the table.

Criteria for evaluating the implementation of a practical task (case study)

Questions for self-preparation for practical exercises

Topic 1. Goals and objectives of project management at the present stage

1. The concept and types of projects. Main parameters of projects

2. Project participants.

3. Principles of project management.

4. Project management methods.

5. Formation of the idea of ​​the project.

6. Feasibility study. Project business plan.

Topic 2. Project cycle. Project environment

1. Concepts life cycle and project phases. The general structure of the project life cycle.

2. The concept and purpose of milestones and milestones in the project. Building the life cycle of the project.

3. External and internal environment of the project.

4. Project participants. Project administration.

5. Requirements for projects.

6. Evaluation of the quality of the project.

7. Stages of the project management process. The concept of processes in project management.

Topic 3. Organization of work at the stage of project development

1. Reasons for the emergence of a business idea. Starting a business idea.

2. Concept development investment project.

3. Research of investment opportunities and formation of an investment strategy.

4. Rationale for investment. Using methods of analysis and forecasting in the course of project development.

5. Development of a business plan for the project.

6. Preliminary project plan.

Topic 4. Project Planning

1. Goals, purpose and types of plans.

2. Work breakdown structure. Documenting the project plan.

3. Network planning.

4. Calendar planning.

5. Resource planning.

6. Estimated planning. The order of development and composition of design and estimate documentation.

Topic 5. Key processes for the execution, control and completion of projects

1. Principles for determining and assigning resources. Project resource management.

2. Works and procedures that make up the content of the execution processes.

3. Methods for monitoring the progress of work on the project, analysis of intermediate results of work.

4. Monitoring of project work. Analysis of project results.

5. Commissioning works. Acceptance into operation of completed objects.

6. Closing the contract. Project exit.

Topic 6. Managing the content and organization of the project

1. The concept of “project management structure. Types of project management structures.

2. The sequence of development and creation organizational structures project management.

3. Change management.

4. Quality assurance of the project.

Topic 7. Management financial flows and project cost

1. Methods and sources of project financing.

2. Organization of project financing.

3. Types of budgets. Budgeting.

4. The procedure for developing estimates. Project cost planning.

5. Control over the execution of the budget.

Topic 8. Project-oriented management

1. The concept of project-oriented management. Purpose and advantages of project-oriented management.

2. Objects of management in a project-oriented organization.

3. Types and types of organizations that use project-oriented management.

4. Communication of project-oriented management with corporate management.

Topic 9. Legal aspects preparation and development of an investment project

1. Types and tasks of design firms.

2. Types of contracts.

3. Organization of contract tenders.

4. Regulation of the logistics of the project.

Topic 10. The human factor in project management

1. Interaction of project participants. Examples of determining the composition of project participants.

2. Project manager. Project team.

3. Composition and functions of the project team members. Formation and development of the project team.

4. Management and leadership. The main styles of behavior of leaders.

5. Project personnel management. Psychological aspects of project personnel management.

Topic 11. Investment attractiveness of the project

1. The concept of the investment climate and the parameters characterizing it.

2. Domestic and foreign methods for assessing the investment climate at the macro, meso and micro levels.

Topic 12. Project management standards. Project software support

1. Project management standards. Standards and norms as the basis for the interaction of project participants. Examples of current standards in UE.

2. Criteria for evaluating project management professionals.

3. Software support for projects.

Evaluation criterion Evaluation scale Formed competencies
The quality of the task. The student correctly defines the concepts under consideration; demonstrates deep knowledge of theoretical material. The presentation of the material is clear and precise, logically built, various points of view and their personal assessment are given. Shows mastery of all necessary competencies disciplines. 2 points
Argumentation, originality of the proposed solutions. Shows the development of all the necessary competencies of the discipline. 2 points PC-3, PC-4, PC-5, PC-7, PC-13, VK-4
Ability to navigate non-standard situations. Shows the development of all the necessary competencies of the discipline. 2 points PC-3, PC-4, PC-5, PC-7, PC-13, VK-4
Ability to correctly apply regulations. Shows the development of all the necessary competencies of the discipline. 2 points PC-3, PC-4, PC-5, PC-7, PC-13, VK-4
Clarity, completeness and quality of documentation. Shows the development of all the necessary competencies of the discipline. 2 points PC-3, PC-4, PC-5, PC-7, PC-13, VK-4
The maximum number of points in the development of all competencies 10 points PC-3, PC-4, PC-5, PC-7, PC-13, VK-4

Terms of submission independent work:

1. Independent work on module 1 in terms of solving problems is presented after passing through topic No. 4.

2. Independent work on module 1 in terms of preparing reports is provided immediately after passing the relevant topic of the practical lesson, which, according to general rule should correspond to the topic of reports.

3. Independent work on module 2 in terms of preparing a package of documents necessary for state registration, should be presented after the passage of topic No. 9.

4. Independent work on module 2 in terms of preparation and organization business game presented after studying the topic number 10.

Criteria and conditions for certification:

The final form of control is a test.

The knowledge of students in the test is evaluated on a scale: "passed", "not passed". The basis for determining the assessment is the volume and level of assimilation by students of the material provided for work program discipline, compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. Criteria for assessing knowledge are established in accordance with the requirements for professional training, based on existing curricula and programs, taking into account the nature of a particular discipline, as well as future practical activities graduate.

Criteria and scale for assessing competencies in the test

Evaluation criteria Evaluation scale Tested competencies
According to the results current control the student scored at least 60 points (without participating in the offset procedure); knows the program material; competently, logically, reasonably and essentially sets it out, does not allow significant inaccuracies in the answers to questions, performs without difficulty practical tasks(with participation in the offset procedure) credited
Based on the results of the current control, the student scored less than 25 points (without participating in the offset procedure); does not know the program material, makes significant mistakes, performs practical tasks uncertainly with great difficulty (with participation in the offset procedure). not credited VK-4, 9; OK-3; PC-3, 4, 5, 7, 13, 16


a) basic literature:

1. Belov V.A. Civil law. General part: textbook, T. 1. Introduction to civil law / V.A. Belov. - M.: Yurayt, 2011. - 521 p.

2. Legal entities in civil law: legal entities in Russian civil law (commercial and non-commercial organizations): organizational and legal forms / edited by V.N. Litovkin, O.V. Gutnikov.- M.: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government Russian Federation, 2014 .– 1024p.

3. Chirkin, Veniamin Evgenievich. Legal entity of public law / V.E. Chirkin. - M.: Norma, 2013. - 352 p.

4. Ruzakova, O.A. Civil law. Tutorial [Electronic resource] / Ruzakova O. A. - M .: Eurasian Open Institute, 2011 .– 567 p. – ().– Access to the text of the electronic edition is possible through the Electronic Library System "University Library Online" .– ISBN 978-5-374-00430-4 .-

5. Ivanova, E.V. Civil law of Russia: Full course: textbook / E.V. Ivanova. - M. : Knizhny Mir, 2011. - 816 p. -( graduate School). - ISBN 978-5-8041-0464-2; The same [Electronic resource]. - URL:

Normative and other acts

6. The Constitution of the Russian Federation // Russian newspaper. -2009. -№7.

7. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part One) dated November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ // - Consultant Plus legal system. VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

8. the federal law dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs» // – reference-legal system “ConsultantPlus”. VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

9. Federal Law of 04.05.2011 No. 99-FZ "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities" // - legal system "ConsultantPlus". VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

10. Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On non-profit organizations» // – reference-legal system “ConsultantPlus”. VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

11. Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint-Stock Companies” // – reference legal system “ConsultantPlus”. VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

12. Federal Law of 08.12.1995 No. 193-FZ "On Agricultural Cooperation" // - reference legal system "ConsultantPlus". VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

13. Federal Law of 08.05.1996 No. 41-FZ "On production cooperatives" // - reference legal system "ConsultantPlus". VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

14. Federal Law of October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" // - reference legal system "ConsultantPlus". VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

15. Federal Law of February 25, 1999 No. 40-FZ “On the Insolvency (Bankruptcy) of Credit Institutions” // - Reference Legal System “ConsultantPlus”. VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

16. Federal Law of 08.02.1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies” // - reference legal system “ConsultantPlus”. VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

17. Federal Law No. 115-FZ dated July 19, 1998 “On the Peculiarities of legal status Joint-Stock Companies of Employees (People's Enterprises)" // - reference legal system "ConsultantPlus". VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

18. Federal Law of October 29, 1998 No. 164-FZ “On Financial Leasing (Leasing)” // - reference legal system “ConsultantPlus”. VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

19. Federal Law of 14.11.2002 No. 161-FZ “On State and Municipal Unitary Enterprises” // - reference legal system “ConsultantPlus”. VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

20. Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ “On public associations» // – reference-legal system “ConsultantPlus”. VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

21. Law of the Russian Federation of 07.07.1993 No. 5340-1 "On Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation" // - reference legal system "ConsultantPlus". VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

22. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 18, 1993 No. 351 “On the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation” // - reference legal system “ConsultantPlus”. VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

23. Federal Law of December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Implementation of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control” // Consultant Plus legal system. VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

24. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 3, 2004 No. 739 “On the powers of federal executive bodies to exercise the rights of the owner of federal state property unitary enterprise» // – reference-legal system “ConsultantPlus”. VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

25. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2002 No. 319 “On the authorized federal executive body that carries out state registration of legal entities, peasant (farm) farms, individuals as individual entrepreneurs” // – reference legal system “ConsultantPlus”. VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

26. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 No. 438 “On the Unified state register legal entities" // - reference-legal system "ConsultantPlus". VersionProf. – [M., 2016]. – Electron. text. Dan. – Last updated 05/22/2016.

b) additional literature:

27. Civil law: Workshop. Part 1 / Under. ed. N.D. Egorova, A.P. Sergeyev. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Prospekt, 2001. - 176 p.

28. Ivanova E.V. Civil law of Russia. Full course. Textbook [Electronic resource] / Ivanova E. V. - M .: Knizhny Mir, 2011 .- 816 p. - (High School) .- Access to the text of the electronic edition is possible through the Electronic Library System "University Library o№li№e" .- ISB № 978-5-8041-0464-2 .- .

29. Sergeeva, O. Norms regulating the relations of creation and registration of a legal entity [Electronic resource]. - M.: Book laboratory, 2010. - 44 p.

30. Zykova I.V. Legal entities: Creation, reorganization, liquidation / - 2nd ed., Revised. and additional - M.: OS -89, 2007. - 256 p.

31. Zykova, I.V. Legal entities: creation, reorganization, liquidation / I.V. Zykova.- M.: OS-89, 2005.- 256 p.

32. Legal entities. Responsibility for violation of obligations / Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Rep. ed. T.E. Abova. - M.: MZ-PRESS, 2004. - 271 p.

33. Protection of the rights of citizens and legal entities in Russian and foreign law (problems of theory and practice): collection of articles and abstracts of graduate students and young scientists. - M.: MZ PRESS, 2002. - 160 p.

34. Semenikhin V.V. All about non-profit legal entities. M.: GrossMedia, ROSBUKH, 2014. 394 p.

35. Gabov A.V. Reorganization and liquidation of legal entities: scientific and practical commentary on articles 57 - 65 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (item-by-article). M.: IZiSP, INFRA-M, 2014. 203 p.

36. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Legal entities: article-by-article commentary to chapter 4 / E.V. Badulina, K.P. Belyaev, A.S. Vasiliev and others; ed. P.V. Krasheninnikov. M.: Statut, 2014. 524 p.

37. Borisov A.N. Commentary on Chapter 4 of Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "Legal Entities" (item-by-article) // ATP ConsultantPlus. 2014.

38. Borisov A.N. Commentary to the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" (item-by-article). M.: Yustitsinform, 2014. 286 p.

39. Panov A.B. Administrative responsibility of legal entities: monograph. M.: Norma, 2013. 192 p.

40. Enforcement of acts of courts and other bodies in relation to legal entities (organizations and entrepreneurs). Problematic aspects: collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference, June 4 - 8, 2012, Voronezh / Z.M. ogly Ali-zade, D.B. Simon, L.V. Butko and others; resp. ed. A.O. Parfenchikov, D.Kh. Valeev. M.: Statut, 2013. 352 p.

41. Scientific and practical commentary to the Federal Law "On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services certain types legal entities" (item-by-article) / E.S. Bespalova, A.A. Vostrikova, V.R. Iskhakov and others; edited by V.Yu. Panchenko. Moscow: Prospekt, 2012. 160 p.

42. Baranova A.N., Guseva T.A., Churyaev A.V. Forced liquidation of legal entities: a scientific and practical guide // ATP ConsultantPlus. 2011.

43. Kurbatov A.Ya., Pirogova E.S. Limitation of legal capacity and legal capacity of legal entities - debtors in the framework of insolvency (bankruptcy) cases // SPS ConsultantPlus. 2011.

44. Grishaev S.P. Business partnerships as legal entities // SPS ConsultantPlus. 2014.

45. Gruzdev V.V. Agreement on the property separation of a legal entity // Lawyer. 2014. No. 24. P. 4 - 8.

46. ​​Grishaev S.P. Production cooperatives as legal entities // SPS ConsultantPlus. 2014.

47. Kuznetsov A.A. Body of a legal entity as its representative // ​​Bulletin of economic justice of the Russian Federation. 2014. No. 10. P. 4 - 31.

48. Dolinskaya V.V. Bodies of a legal entity: problems of doctrine and modern legislation (on the example of joint-stock company) // Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. 2014. No. 11. P. 64 - 71.

49. Khabrieva T.Ya. Modern approaches to the classification of legal entities (to the 90th anniversary of V.E. Chirkin) // Journal of Russian Law. 2014. No. 10. P. 5 - 16.

50. Shitkina I.S. Reform of Russian corporate legislation: analysis of novelties introduced into Chapter 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "On Legal Entities" (lecture within the framework of the training course " Business Law") // Entrepreneurial Law. Appendix "Law and Business". 2014. No. 4. P. 2 - 20.

51. ConsultantPlus: Analytical review of September 25, 2014. A legal entity may have several managers acting without a power of attorney (Federal Law of 05.05.2014 No. 99-FZ) // SPS ConsultantPlus. 2014.

52. Beketova K.A. Theoretical and practical aspects of the study of the status of local governments as legal entities of public law // Government and local government. 2014. No. 10. P. 15 - 19.

53. Darkina M.M. Judicial form of protection of the rights and interests of individuals and legal entities // Modern lawyer. 2014. No. 4. S. 21 - 30.


1. State automated system Russian Federation "Justice".

2. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

3. Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus.

4. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

5. Russian newspaper

6. State Registration Chamber

7. UFSGRCC in Neftekamsk http://ufs.№

8. UFSGRCC for the Republic of Belarus

9. Information system "Single window of access to educational resources" (

10. University library online. (http://www,

11. Electronic catalog of the BashSU library (http://www,

12. Electronic reading room at the base software BiblioTech (http://www

13. Scientific electronic library Elibraru (http://www,

14. Electronic library system Publishing house "Lan" (http://www,

15. Electronic library system EAST VIEW "Publications in social sciences and humanities" (http://www

16. Electronic library system EAST VIEW "Bulletin of Moscow State University" (http://www,

17. University Information system Russia (UIS RUSSIA)

18. (http://www, E-library dissertations of the RSL (


9.1 General guidelines preparation for lectures and practical (seminar) classes

A student of the National Philosophy of BashSU needs to remember that the quality of the education received to a large extent depends on the active role of the student himself in the educational process. The student should be aimed at maximizing the assimilation of the material presented by the lecturer; after the lecture and during specially organized individual meetings, the student can ask the lecturer questions of interest to him.

It is important to be involved in research activities. The process of formation of young scientists is directly dependent on the degree of their participation in it, i.e. from previous development creativity and research skills. The student can benefit greatly from participation in ongoing scientific and practical conferences because they provide access to the discussion of the most pressing problems of science. Student preparation and publication is encouraged and encouraged scientific articles. Annually, collections of student papers are published at BashSU NF.

Regular work of student scientific circles is organized. Participation in their work allows the student to develop his oratory, hone his professional skills, deepen knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, learn and develop the art of conducting discussions on topical topics.

Preparation for practical exercises

Seminars, along with lectures, are a form of classroom training. During the seminar, the teacher interviews students on the questions asked for this lesson. Questions are announced by the teacher at the previous seminar and, as a rule, they should coincide with the questions contained in this educational and methodological complex, but the teacher can give some other questions related to the topic of the seminar and indicate: what students should pay special attention to when preparing for the next lesson.

Preparation for the seminar requires, first of all, the study of the recommended normative and monographic works, their abstracting, preparation of reports and communications. This is especially true when using new forms of education: seminars, conferences, colloquia, etc. Recently, viewing lectures by teachers using various audiovisual equipment has become increasingly common.

Students should prepare answers to all questions in advance at home, in the library and in the reading room. questions asked seminar session. A special notebook should be kept with records of answers to the questions of the seminars. It is advisable, when preparing an answer, not to be limited to the material of one textbook, but to use scientific articles from journals, collections of articles, monographs.

In the process of organizing work, teacher consultations are of great importance, during which many problems of the course under study can be solved, complex issues can be clarified.

A student answering a question in a seminar should do so, as a rule, without resorting to any notes or textbooks. The answer should be as complete as it is required to adequately cover the issue.

Apart from oral polls students in seminars, the teacher conducts written test papers, testing and use other forms of control and assessment of students' knowledge, including within the framework of independent work.

Students' responses to seminars, performance of tests, preparation of reports, abstracts are taken into account by the teacher when summing up the total number of points for a certain period.

Independent work

Independent work is an integral part of the educational process. Of course, the extent to which a student approaches self-development, reading educational and scientific literature will depend on the level of his professional training - professional suitability.

The criteria for assessing independent work within the framework of the point-rating system are aimed primarily at enhancing the independent study of the discipline in addition to lectures and seminars. The number of points for each discipline is set in accordance with the technological maps.

Educational technologies

Creative problem tasks unlike traditional ones, they require students not to simply reproduce information, but to be creative, since they contain an element of uncertainty in their conditions and, as a rule, have several (sometimes countless) “correct answers”. Often the "correct answer" is unknown to the teacher. Examples of such tasks are: drawing up a document (contract, act, agreement), preparing a speech on a specific issue, playing a role in simulation games, discussing a debatable issue.

The problem task is the content, the basis of any interactive technique. Around him, an atmosphere of business-oriented communication of all participants in the educational process, including a teacher or invited specialist, is created. Such a task (especially practical, simulating professional activity) gives meaning practical training motivates students.

business game organized and conducted by the department civil law and process. The essence of the business game is to simulate by students the procedure for state registration of legal entities during their creation, reorganization or liquidation with all its inherent regulation, with the distribution of procedural roles, and the adoption of all necessary decisions.

In the course of organizing and conducting a business game, the following goals are set and achieved:

- mastering the stages and procedures of state registration of legal entities by students;

– development of skills in the legal assessment of the initial actual legal situation, including, in particular, the analysis of the materials of documents, the current procedural and substantive legislation, the study judicial practice, development of a legal position, adoption of a procedural decision;

- instilling skills practical implementation powers of professional subjects of civil circulation;

– determination of the level of theoretical training of students in academic discipline"Legal Persons in Civil Law".

The acquisition by students of the skills to give qualified legal opinions and consultations during the state registration of legal entities.

4th year students of the direction "Jurisprudence" take part in the business game. As a rule, the coverage of students during the organization and conduct of a business game is about 10 people in each of the study groups of the course, since 2-3 games are usually played in one group in order to cover all students as much as possible.

It should be emphasized that all other students who are not directly involved in the business game take an active part in all preparatory and organizational activities aimed at preparing the process, are its attentive viewers, evaluate the progress of the process, note shortcomings, and later participate in discussions of the results. educational process, which are held in practical classes in the academic discipline "Legal entities in civil law".

Brainstorm is one of the most popular methods of teaching and group work. The purpose of the first stage is to offer as many answers to the question as possible. This stage does not involve discussion, criticism, evaluation of proposals. Therefore, this method works very well at the very beginning of the problem resolution process, or in the event that the process has reached a dead end.

It is important to correctly formulate the problem in the form of a question, so that students generate their proposals by answering this question (for example, “What are the main directions for improving civil legislation in the field of regulating the activities of state corporations?” The role of the teacher is great in brainstorming. He can also participate in generating sentences (and even should do this if students suddenly stop. But, most importantly, he must record all sentences. It is desirable that all sentences be written down on a poster or blackboard and be constantly visible to all participants in the brainstorming session. The teacher himself or one The teacher may ask students to repeat or clarify their wording for a more accurate and concise record, but in no case should he distort the meaning of the sentence, insist on his own version of the wording.He also should not insist, force students to generate ideas.

The second stage of brainstorming is discussion, classification, selection of promising proposals. Sometimes all the students involved in the process of solving the problem are even divided into two groups - generators of ideas (carry out the first stage) and critics (carry out the second stage). The second stage involves the discussion and evaluation of ideas, it can be carried out in small groups, using various forms of discussion and methods of discussing problems.

Small group work provides all students with the opportunity to act, practice the skills of cooperation, interpersonal communication (in particular, possession of active listening techniques, developing common solution, resolving disagreements). Group work should be used when it is necessary to solve a problem that is difficult to cope with individually, when students have information, experience, resources for mutual exchange, when one of the expected learning outcomes is the acquisition of teamwork skills.

Role-playing games along with creative tasks and work in small groups, they are the main technique in interactive classes. In a role-playing game, students are invited to "play" another person or "play" a certain problem situation. Similar names (imitations, business games, modeling) are also used to designate methods of this type. To participate in such role-playing games as one of the observers, if possible, invite other teachers, specialists in this category of cases.

When preparing for a role-playing game, first of all, it is necessary to determine the expected learning outcomes (for example, “After conducting this role-playing game, students will be able to collect a package of documents necessary for state registration, liquidation of legal entities”, etc.).

Active teaching methods include: problem lecture , lecture with pre-planned mistakes, educational discussion; independent work with literature; workshop.

9.2 Plans of seminars (practical) classes and guidelines for them

A role-playing game that imitates real professional activity (business game) is a gaming educational technology that is a simulation of a problematic professional situation, the solution of which is achieved in the process of role-playing interaction of participants, according to the rules, with the formation of teams of players and a “group of experts”, in accordance with the plot, according to a certain scenario and subsequent evaluation of the decision made.

The situation being played should involve the ambiguity of decisions, contain an element of uncertainty, which ensures the problematic nature of the game and the personal participation of students.

Business games developed on specific situations introduce students to the sphere professional activity, being a powerful incentive to intensify independent work on the acquisition professional knowledge and skills, as well as the ability to solve non-standard professional tasks.

Interactive interaction occurs during the entire business game, since decisions are made mainly collectively. At the same time, everyone solves his own separate task in accordance with his role and function. Students acquire social skills, develop communication skills, critical thinking, to make professionally competent decisions.

Practical skills acquired during the game often allow avoiding mistakes that occur during the transition to independent work.

Thus, the business game performs the following functions:

1) educational - generalization and consolidation of knowledge on the topics covered in the course, development of labor skills;

2) developing - development of logical, critical, analytical, creative thinking, activation of mental activity of students;

3) educational - formation sustained interest to future profession, professional self-identification.

The effectiveness of a business game largely depends on the characteristics of its organization and conduct.

The structure of the business game:

1. Theme and purpose of the game.

2. Problem(s) to consider and solve during the game.

3. Plot (area of ​​reality conditionally reproduced in the game).

4. Scenario.

5. Rules of the game.

6. Roles (distribution and acceptance of roles by participants).

7. Game actions as a means of implementing roles.

This structure determines the stages of the business game: preparatory and motivational-orienting, basic and reflexive-evaluative.


At these stages, there is:

1. Determining the location of the lesson using the technology of a business game in the educational process.

The use of business games in the learning process is most effective when completing a topic (s) to identify the teacher's degree of mastering the material by students, control and evaluate knowledge, and analyze the depth of understanding of the topic.

2. Determining the topic, the purpose of the business game, drawing up a plan for the upcoming lesson. When choosing a topic, it is necessary to take into account that the material used in the game has a practical outlet for professional activities.

3. Development of business game technology:

Description of the situation and problem, the solution of which must be found in the game;

Determining the stages of the game;

Determining the time frame for each of the game stages and the game as a whole;

Selection of criteria that determine the completion of each of the stages and the entire game as a whole;

Description of the sequence of actions of the participants;

Determining the order of formation of teams of players with the distribution of roles between them, including "groups of experts";

Depending on the technology of the game, the distribution of roles can be both within teams and between them.

The task of the "group of experts" is to evaluate the actions of the participants in the game. The “Group of Experts” can be chosen from among the successful students who can competently evaluate the game, and/or invited persons (employees and teachers of ITMO University and other universities, specialists from specialized organizations, experts in their field);

Development of an "Evaluation Card" for the work of a "group of experts", which prescribes the criteria for evaluating the actions of game participants (individually or in a team as a whole);

Possible criteria for evaluating the actions of game participants:

Compliance with the rules and regulations on time;

Student activity;

Use of additional materials;

The quality and effectiveness of the decisions made, their reasoning;

Mutual assistance, the level of interpersonal relations in the team;

Achieving the goal(s) of the game;


Each criterion is evaluated either by points (for example, from 1 to 5), or by the fact of fulfillment (“+” or “-”). It is necessary to determine the order of summing up the results of the game on the basis of the completed "Evaluation Cards".

Choosing the format of interaction between participants;

Determination of the motivation system for participants (system of fines and rewards);

Preparation of material support (software and technical means), the choice of audience for the lesson;

Determining how to evaluate the results of the game.

4. Communication to students of the topic and purpose of the business game.

5. Informing students about the technology of conducting a business game and the rules for its conduct.

Business game rules:

Take an active part in the course of the game;

Within the team, take into account the opinion and position of each player;

Observe the culture of communication and tact;

Do not change the course of the game;

Adhere to the technology of the game.

6. Formation of the composition of teams, distribution of roles.

7. Familiarization of students with the specifics of roles, focusing on the fact that everyone should follow their role exactly.

Ways to present roles to players:

Verbal description in free form of possible actions, rights and obligations of players;

In tabular form, a list of actions and their results;

In graphical form, an algorithmic representation of the behavior of the players, corresponding to a specific professional activity and its results.

8. Motivating students to actively participate in the game.

9. Self-preparation of students for the game within their role (if necessary).


At this stage, the implementation of the business game takes place. It includes the following steps:

1. Before the start, the teacher once again focuses the attention of students on the rules of the business game.

2. Students play their role, correct their actions in response to the actions of other participants during the game, provide a solution to the problem.

3. The teacher (leader of the game), if necessary, voices additional tasks and questions, and also analyzes, evaluates, corrects the actions of the participants if their actions do not correspond to the goals and scenario of the game, while not helping them make decisions.

4. The "Group of Experts" monitors the progress of the game, after which they evaluate the effectiveness of the work done, the achievement of goals and objectives, as well as the solution to the problem. Fill out the "Scorecard" for the team or for each player.


At this stage, the game ends and the results are summed up. It includes the following steps:

1. Ordering, systematization, evaluation and analysis of the obtained solutions together with students.

2. Comparison of the goals of the game with the obtained educational results.

3. Formulation of conclusions about the effectiveness of the work done, monitoring the knowledge and skills of students on the topic of the game, including taking into account the results obtained from the "Group of Experts".

4. Self-assessment of students about participation in the game, analysis of acquired professional knowledge and skills, development of personal qualities.

5. Self-assessment of the teacher about the conduct of the game, the achievement of the learning goals.

Additional sources of information:

1. Pedagogical technologies: study guide for students of pedagogical specialties / under the total. ed. V.S. Kukushina. - Ed. 4th, revised. and additional Rostov n / a: Publishing Center "Mart", Phoenix, 2010. - 333 p.

2. Polat E. S. Modern pedagogical and Information Technology in the education system: textbook for students. higher textbook institutions / E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkin. - 3rd ed., erased. — M.: Academy, 2010.



Senior Lecturer, Department of Management Psychology, Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus

The task of increasing the professionalism of managerial personnel, the formation of their organizational culture determines the need for research into decision-making mechanisms and training of managers in methods optimal choice. important role in this process belongs to methods active learning(MAO), among which the central place is occupied by a business game (CI).

DI is a means of modeling various conditions of professional activity by searching for new ways of its implementation. It imitates various aspects of human activity and social interaction, and is also a method of effective learning, since it removes the contradictions between the abstract nature subject and the real nature of professional activity. DI develops systemic thinking of a specialist, including a holistic understanding of not only nature and society, but also himself, his place in the world. It teaches collective mental and practical work, forms the skills of social interaction and communication, the skills of individual and joint decision-making. Thus, DI- one of the few opportunities to significantly improve the efficiency of the educational process at the university. The relevance of the practical development of DI is based on the need to move in the shortest possible time to a new quality level of teaching that meets international standards.

The works of others also played an important role in the development of the theory and practice of DI. They developed the principles of DI, identified the main features this method training, the classification and requirements for the design of DI are described.

In particular, several stages of designing DI are singled out, one of which is the stage of developing a system for evaluating game activity. described the requirements for the design of DI, among which the development of criteria for the optimality of game results occupies an important place. An important feature of CI, therefore, is the presence objective evaluation the results of gaming activity, which is provided by clear evaluation criteria and quantitative indicators on several scales. As noted, the absence of evaluation criteria is an indicator that the teaching method is not a business game, but belongs to another category of teaching methods, for example, role-playing, game design, etc. . In addition, objective criteria for evaluating the results of the game make it possible to carry out a diagnostic function and determine the level of optimality of decisions made by each participant in the game process.

At the Institute of Civil Service of the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, in the educational process for the training and retraining of management personnel, DIs are widely used to teach individual and group decision-making under conditions of uncertainty. However, when choosing a game model, we found that more a Some of the games that model important socio-psychological phenomena in economic systems do not contain clear criteria for evaluating results in their description. And some games turn out to be sensitive to the peculiarities of the cultural and organizational environment and the mentality of a certain category of managers. In particular, this applies to games developed in other countries. There was a need to adapt DI to the conditions of our organizational environment and develop criteria for evaluating the performance of players, taking into account the specifics of the game situation.

To develop criteria for evaluating the results of CI on the adoption management decisions we chose the game "By the lake", described in several sources. The motivation for choosing this game is due to the fact that it crystallizes many socio-psychological phenomena inherent in human-controlled economic systems. It makes it possible in artificially created laboratory conditions to see those features of the leading activity and behavior of other people that are hidden from a person by everyday life, a variety of situations. In addition, it gives participants feedback and the opportunity to realize the peculiarities of one's own behavior and the behavior of other people, manifested in joint activities.

The game was first described in 1991, but in that version it was aimed not so much at taking into account the socio-economic characteristics of controlled systems, but at teaching how to maximize the profit of each enterprise through joint activities. In 2000, the game was modified, they singled out psychological factors that affect the results of the game, such as features of altruism, selfishness, operational intelligence, probabilistic forecasting, etc. The game acquired the features of a socio-psychological model of managerial decision-making. It turned out to be important that it drew attention to the psychological component of controlled systems.

Brief description of the game

The game action takes place in a certain economic system, consisting of 8-16 enterprises located on the shore of the lake. Making products requires a lot of water, which enterprises take from the lake. The treated water is discharged there. Each of the enterprises (characters in the amount of 8-16 people participate in the game, acting as directors of enterprises) monthly makes one of five management decisions, corresponding to a card of a certain color:

- discharge of untreated wastewater (green card);

- waste water treatment (red card);

- re-profiling of enterprises (orange card);

- application of penalties to players who pollute the water (purple card);

- rewarding those who clean up wastewater (blue card).

The game is played for 48 cycles, each cycle symbolizes one month of the enterprise's work. Thus, in this model situation, the management process is carried out by the players during 4 “game years”.Each decision corresponds to an assessment in the form of profit or loss received in a given month.

According to the modification, the purpose of the enterprise is formulated by the participants themselves after receiving the introductory instruction. Decisions are made anonymously, informing only the host.

The game provides for the possibility of interaction between participants through communication at a meeting. Players can thus implement various strategies: make decisions on their own or enter into various advisory agreements that can be violated for personal gain.

Development of criteria for assessing operational intelligence based on the results of DI

Earlier publications did not contain a description of the criteria for evaluating the decisions made by the players, it was proposed to conduct a discussion of the results of the game in a qualitative way, watching the video recordings of the meetings. introduced quantitative assessments of the performance of game participants, but they were not sensitive enough to changes in the game situation and did not take into account such an indicator as the latent period of operational thinking.

The purpose of this work was to develop criteria for evaluating the decisions made by DI participants based on the following provisions:

- the assessment of operational intelligence should be based on the criterion of rationality / irrationality of the actions carried out by the manager, which is reflected in the achievement of the goal of the activity on the profit of the managed enterprise (indicator of its viability);

- the assessment of operational intelligence should be based on a criterion that reflects the degree of approximation of the leader's actions to the "optimal" (author's) decision-making model;

- assessment of operational intelligence should include an indicator of time about and the duration of the manager’s awareness of the objective contradiction of the problem situation (latent period of operational thinking), i.e. the moment of transition from actions that increase the contradiction to actions that eliminate the conflict (“smooth out”) of the problem situation.

To calculate the criteria for assessing operational intelligence and confirm their reliability, a sample of 471 people (162 women, 309 men) was formed - managers of various levels of the managerial hierarchy, who underwent retraining at the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The following indicators were calculated:

1) coefficient of rationality of actions(Kratz.). It was calculated as the ratio of the points scored by the test subjects in the game to the maximum possible number of points (1):


Kratz - the coefficient of rationality of actions, calculated for a particular participant in the business game; profit- the profit of a particular participant in the business game; profit max- the maximum possible profit.

2) selection optimality coefficient(Copt). It was calculated by the absolute deviation of the decisions made by the subject from the “optimal” model, as if this group strategy had been used by the participants from the very beginning of the CI, and took into account the index of the subject’s orientation to social interaction optimum degree of expression. The calculations took into account the number of subjects in a particular group (2).


Copt - coefficient of optimality of elections; Co., So, Fo- respectively, the number of constructive, encouraging and punishing actions in the "optimal" model; S Ton, S Wn, S FROMn, S Fn- respectively, the number of constructive, destructive, encouraging and punishing decisions made by the subject for CI; S On - the number of refusals of the subject from using the common resource;m- the number of subjects in the group.

3) coefficient of the latent period of operational thinking(Com). This formula, as one of the indicators, included the number of the cycle in which the subject last made destructive choices (3):


Kom - coefficient of the latent period of operational thinking, calculated for a particular participant in the business game; No. Green- number of the cycle in which the release of environmentally harmful impurities into the source was carried out by the subject for the last time; S W n - the sum of destructive decisions made by this subject for the entire period of the business game.

This coefficient made it possible to estimate the duration of the formation of an adequate image of the problem situation in the subject, his awareness of its contradiction and the restructuring of thinking to search for a new mode of action.

The product of all the coefficients gave the resulting indicator - integrative coefficient of the level of development of operational intelligence (4).

Koi \u003d Kratz * Kopt * Kom


Koi - integrative coefficient of operational intelligence, calculated for a particular participant in the CI; Krats - the coefficient of rationality of actions, calculated for a particular participant in the CI; Copt is the coefficient of optimality of choices, calculated for a particular participant of the CI; Kom - the coefficient of operational thinking, calculated for a particular participant in the CI.

The reliability of the calculated coefficients was determined on the basis of the analysis of the correlation relationship with the effectiveness of the solution by the subjects of the spatial-combinatorial operational problems of the "maze" type (, . The solution of operational problems is traditionally used to determine the ability of the subjects to operational thinking and finding the shortest path to the goal.

The results of the correlation analysis made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

exists a general mechanism in solving various problematic tasks, which allows finding the shortest way to eliminate the mismatch between the initial and target states of the control object ( p≤0.05);

the most important period that determines the effectiveness of further actions is the initial stage of perception and assessment of the problem situation, on which the understanding of the relationship between the data and the desired result is carried out ( p≤0.01);

One of the significant components of operational intelligence is the ability to form a generalized image of an object by abstracting from specific actions and analyzing one’s own decisions from the point of view of their rationality on the way to the goal ( p≤0.05).

The relationship between Koi and the time for solving all operational tasks ( p ≤0.05). This relationship confirms that the integrative coefficient for assessing the level of operational intelligence calculated by us can be recognized as reliable, allowing diagnosing the subject's ability to find the optimal solution in a problem situation.

Evaluation scales were developed on the basis of standardization of primary estimates using the normalization procedure (table).

Table - Levels of Operational Intelligence

Value ranges



Below the average


Above average



≤ 0,14

0,15 – 0,35

0,36 – 0,56

0,57 – 0,77

≥ 0 ,78


≤ 0,18

0,19 – 0,38

0,39 – 0,58

0,59 – 0,77

≥ 0 ,78


≤ 0,6

0,61 – 0,75

0,76 – 0,87

0,88 – 0,95

≥ 0 ,96


≤ 0,15

0,16 – 0,36

0,37 – 0,56

0,57 – 0,75

≥ 0 ,76

Thus, our study made it possible to enrich the business game as a tool for assessing the level of operational intelligence and typical features of the adoption of managerial decisions by each subject in a problem situation. This diagnostic procedure is not an end in itself, but only an intermediate step for optimizing the process of teaching managers to make decisions and developing their operational intelligence.

Based on the results of the study, a computer version of the CI “At the Lake” was developed, which retained all the advantages of the original version, but reduced the processing time for its results. Thanks to this, each participant in the game receives indicators on the monitor screen that characterize the degree of optimality of their actions. An algorithm has also been developed that makes it possible to determine for each listener, using a combination of calculated coefficients, the type of management decision-making strategy he prefers and to identify factors that make it difficult for him to form an adequate image of an object and impede information efficiency.

A person living in the modern world is included in complex dynamic systems that have such features as variability and uncertainty. In such conditions, he has to make decisions, which are often intuitive, based on patterns. Sometimes decisions are made by "trial and error", which often exacerbates the situation even more. Making managerial decisions is an important skill that is formed during training. One of the main methods of teaching and developing this skill is CI. However, DI allows not only to carry out the learning function, but also diagnostic, and, to some extent, prognostic. To do this, it must be based on a clear and sound system evaluations of game results.

The result of this study was the developed criteria for assessing the level of operational intelligence based on the results of the DI "At the Lake", which can be used to diagnose the ability of managers to make prompt optimal decisions under conditions of uncertainty.

List of sources used

1 Gallyamov, games - effective tool active learning / . - Vladivostok, 19s.

2 Zavalishina, genetic analysis of operational thinking: dis. … Dr. psikhol. Sciences: 19.00.01 / . – M.: 1985. – 397 p.

3 Kremen, M. A. To the question of the definition of the concept of "operational intelligence" / // Adukatsiya i vyhavanne. - 2006. - No. 8. - S. 47-49.

4 Flint, active learning: textbook. allowance / , . - Minsk: Acad. ex. under the President of the Rep. Belarus, 2000. - 133 p.

5 Flint, management decisions in a situation of uncertainty (business game): study guide / , . - Minsk: Acad. ex. under the President of the Rep. Belarus, 2007. - 35 p.

6 Platov, games: development, organization, implementation / . - Novosibirsk, 1991. – 192 p.

7 Platov, management technologies / . – M.: Delo, 2006. – 384 p.

8 Pushkin, thinking in large systems / . Moscow: Energy, 1965. 375 p.

6.3. The practice of conducting and criteria for evaluating business games.

To study the practical experience of conducting a business game, we provide instructions for conducting a business game "Commodity Exchange", which is designed to teach students how to conduct operations on the stock exchange, practical application theoretical knowledge obtained in the study of the subject "Exchange business", "Agricultural markets", etc.

þ Business game "Commodity Exchange".

The purpose of this game - assemble a whole product from components (1,2,3) and then sell it to the organizer of the auction.

Evaluation criterion: the winner of the game is the player who has the largest amount of game currency in his hands at the end of the game.

1. The audience is divided into teams. Each team receives an initial interest-free loan of 500 units. game currency.

2. The business game consists of three stages: direct tender, exchange, reverse tender.

3. A direct tender consists in the sale by the organizer to the participants of components (12 stages). The sale is carried out on the basis of applications submitted by the teams. The application must be properly completed, otherwise it will be invalidated. The application is submitted text down. Application time is 30 seconds from the end of the previous tender.

If the prices for the product are the same or only one bid is submitted, then the tender stage has not taken place. Three failed tenders - the end of the game. For one tender, no more than one component of each type for one of the teams can be sold.

The initial price of components: "1" - 100 units, "2" - 125 units. and "3" - 150 units. game currency. When conducting tenders, the participating teams can take an unlimited loan from the bank at a rate of 25%.

4. After the end of the direct tender, a exchange where teams can redistribute components. For participation in the exchange, the organizer charges a fee of 50 units. game currency. The duration of the exchange is no more than 15 minutes.

Summarizing. The teams need to repay the initial grant loan, repay the bank loans and pay interest on them. The remaining amount of game currency determines the rating of the team.

A kind of business game is a competition. They prepare for the competition for at least a month, an algorithm is given and role participation is explained, but the role of the teacher is minimal.

It is necessary to intensify the preparation for this process (to program the results of the preparation (including control). In this case, the following points should be taken into account:

1) The jury should be people with a sense of humor;

2) It is desirable that the jury does not include interested persons;

3) The conduct of the competition must be without breaks (the presenter must be prepared for unpredictable situations).

Evaluation of the stage of the competition can be carried out depending on the number of its participants, the complexity of the stages, their content, quantity, in accordance with the maximum score for each competition. The Jury assigns scores and then calculates the sum of the scores or, most commonly, the average score for each contest and the sum of the scores for all contests.

Possible roles in the student team can be: director, scholar, dresser, artist, assistants (5 tips for the leader).

It is important that during the game, encouragement is provided for the winners, in particular, it can be: the prize of the department, branch of the department; faculty prize; Team Veterans Award. The possibility of receiving a prize creates enough strong motivation to the effective participation of students in the game. Since any game involves the presence of excitement, the presence of a prize creates exactly this excitement.