Safety briefing log. Safety briefing log: fill it out correctly. Journal of registration of water instruction

  • 12.11.2019

At each enterprise, regardless of its complexity and danger production process safety training should be given to workers. After receiving necessary knowledge the worker is obliged to put his signature in a specially designed briefing register, the form of which must comply with GOST. After the end of the journal, it is handed over to the archive of the organization, and stored there.

Logging and control

If the employer does not have a briefing log, it entails an administrative penalty in the form of a fine. And in case of harm to health or death of an employee at work who has not been instructed, it provides for criminal liability.

Control over the maintenance and status of the journal should be carried out daily by the immediate supervisor of the unit. The deputy director for labor protection, or the head of the safety engineering service, is responsible for the correct design and its content. Who, according to his official duties, must check the journal at least once a month, and put in it the appropriate entries about the presence or absence of violations. Such a check should be made once a quarter CEO company or his deputy of the appropriate qualification.

If the company is not large, and there are no branches, then the supervision of the maintenance of such a journal falls entirely on the first head.

Responsible persons for the design of the magazine

The preparation and organization of the briefing is carried out by the following persons:

What are the types of coaching

Familiarization with the rules of labor protection and safety in the organization, depending on the period and topics, are divided into the following types:

  • introductory, held once when registering a new worker for production. Or when transferring from one specialty to another. This type of training usually involves conveying information to the instructed person in his profession or position. If the employee refuses to undergo such training, for whatever reason, the employer has every right to refuse him employment;
  • target, is carried out if the worker is issued orders for the performance of certain works that are not related to his main profession. This can be work to prevent or eliminate an emergency, eliminate significant violations identified during the audit, as well as work carried out outside the territory of the enterprise;
  • unscheduled, implemented during breaks in work for more than two months, if the work is associated with hazardous factors, then more than a month. And also when familiarizing with accidents and accidents that occurred at the enterprise itself, or other organizations. Such briefings are carried out to prevent such cases;
  • secondary, is carried out with the entire group of people who have passed the primary knowledge. This briefing is carried out in order to refresh knowledge through repeated training, which should be held at least once every six months. For professions associated with harmful and dangerous working conditions, secondary briefing is carried out once a quarter;
  • familiarization with safety in the workplace.

When conducting all types of briefings, a note is made in the journal about the type of training, and the signatures of the instructor and the instructed person are put.

Formation of a safety briefing log

Registration of such a registration document should be carried out in accordance with the regulatory legal acts on labor protection. What later, will help to avoid conflict situations between the employer and inspection bodies, as well as to minimize the risks of receiving an administrative penalty.

For the correct formation of the briefing log, it is necessary to purchase the required form of the provided sample, after which the following information should be displayed on the title page:

The instruction book itself must contain the following information:

  • date of behavior of acquaintance (day, month, year);
  • date and year of birth of the supervised employee;
  • surname, name and patronymic of the employee;
  • position or occupation of the worker. If the employee is seconded, then the name of the organization in which he is employed and the data of the certificate of training in the profession are indicated;
  • type and topic of instruction;
  • surname, name and patronymic official who conducts the training;
  • signatures of the person who conducted the training and the employee who completed the training;
  • period of work in this unit;
  • factors that lead to instruction. Such information is indicated during unscheduled familiarization;
  • information about the person who issued the work permit or permission to perform specialized work;
  • the date the permit was issued;
  • paintings of persons who issued the permit and received it.

When filling out the book, you must specify all the information provided by the form.

If some column cannot be filled due to lack of necessary information, it should contain a dash. If this requirement is not met, the regulatory authorities may make a remark, as well as require the employer to bring the guilty person to disciplinary responsibility.

Responsibilities of an employee and manager

Every worker in an organization has their own safety responsibilities. When performed, the employee will be able to save not only his life, but the life of the entire team.

The direct duties of an employee to comply with health and safety requirements include:

  • implementation of normative legal acts on labor protection and other legislative documents, in case of dangerous or harmful production works;
  • timely learn issues related to the safe conduct of the labor process. This process must be recorded in the prescribed protocol;
  • get acquainted with working conditions directly at the workplace;
  • pass exams on safety issues to confirm their knowledge.

In turn, the first head of the company, in order to reduce the level of accidents and injuries, must observe the following nuances:

  • carry out activities related to the organization of training for employees;
  • provide internships for newly arrived employees at the enterprise;
  • inform subordinates about changes in production processes;
  • limit the admission of employees who have not passed the required briefing to perform their job duties;
  • to test the knowledge of the team regarding safety issues in the workplace;
  • provide workers with the necessary amount of personal and collective protective equipment (PPE and SKZ);
  • inform subordinates in advance about the likely risks that may entail their health.

In connection with the increase in the level of injuries at enterprises of all industries, special attention is paid to labor protection and safety. Therefore, timely briefings can significantly reduce the accident rate and the growth of industrial injuries in the workplace. And also to protect the head from the stipulated fines and punishments.

In contact with

The sample download that we will offer below is used in a variety of fields. In production, at the factory, when applying for a job, even for students, such briefings are given. The document under consideration includes subsections - this may be Fire safety, rules for handling equipment and reagents (for example, in computer science, chemistry, physics lessons). AT general view- this is the name for a whole group of departmental documents that relate to the field of labor protection.

The legal requirement to keep a safety log applies to every employer. He must be present at the production site, in the office and when new work is carried out on other equipment. The fact that the employee is aware of the safety rules is marked in the form, which is confirmed by his personal signature. The form of this form must comply with GOST.

Important! After filling out the journal, it must be handed over to the archive, where it is stored permanently.

Particular attention is paid to maintaining, filling out and storing such a document in hazardous industries, where there is a risk of injury and injury. If an introductory, repeated and other types of briefing is not carried out with an employee, and he is injured or even killed, the employer will face a large fine and even criminal liability. Of course, it is important to register that the briefing has been completed; for this, in 2017, as in previous years, you need a signature from the employee in the journal. It is also important to observe the frequency of briefings and the rules for maintaining the journal itself.


There are several types of instruction:

  • Introductory. It is held with everyone who comes to work. The safety engineer or directly the head if the company is small is responsible for this. Its essence is to conduct an explanatory conversation with a beginner, familiarity with the instructions. It is carried out exclusively individually. The results of its implementation are entered in the journal.
  • Repeated. The need for its implementation is spelled out in the law. It is required to conduct it every 6 months, regardless of the direction of the company. Such a need arises to update the data of the initial briefing. It can be held unscheduled if it is required to familiarize employees with new data. This type of training is collective in nature, and only an authorized person conducts it.
  • Target. Such study of instructions is narrowly focused. The main goal is to dedicate an employee to the specifics of the implementation of a particular task. They are carried out at construction sites, factories or when transferring to a new site. This briefing is required for elimination, it is individual.
  • Unscheduled. It does not apply to the training plan that is fixed at the enterprise. It is practiced by introducing new scheme work, the introduction of other equipment and the launch of an additional technological process.

Important! In some cases, unscheduled briefing is associated with systematic violations of TB or. Sometimes it is carried out at the request of higher authorities.

Lead control

The head of the department checks the TB log daily, regardless of whether there were new entries or not. This is the first degree of control. And also the head of the labor protection department is responsible, he must check its execution. In his official duties, such a form of control is listed as monthly. Moreover, the journal must contain his visa, regarding the presence or absence of violations of reference.
Even the CEO has to check the magazine once a quarter. This stage of control is the last. If each responsible person knows how the document must be filled out correctly and controls its maintenance, there will be no problems with the inspection bodies and penalties.

Responsible person: compilation and maintenance

Control is assigned to many levels, but only one is involved in compiling and maintaining. An example of a magazine can be found below and downloaded in Word format (Word) for free.

Forms that are the same for all structural divisions of the enterprise are stored in one place and with one person - an engineer for labor protection and safety. AT small companies such duties are assigned to any other employee, as issued.
The responsible person is obliged to keep a log in accordance with the following rules:
  • numbering of all pages;
  • firmware certified by management;
  • the presence of the signature and seal of the head;
  • for reference, a stationery book with an A4 spread is used;
  • the working field consists of 12 line graphs;
  • if the entry is very long, then multiple lines are allowed;
  • dashes are put in empty columns;
  • cover and paper must be durable, as the document is designed for long-term use and permanent storage.

Important! Large enterprises most often order such forms from a printing house, although they can be printed according to the example given.

Contents of the safety journal: sample download

  • record number;
  • the date;
  • FULL NAME. the employee who is being briefed;
  • date and year of birth of the trainee;
  • indication of the profession and position. In some cases, the briefing may take place for an employee of another organization. In this case, it is imperative to enter data regarding the details of the service certificate or order, which is the basis for the employee to be in the briefing;
  • type of training provided. If the goal is repeated or extraordinary, the reason for holding should be indicated;
  • FULL NAME. the one who conducts the training;
  • the signature of the person for whom the training was carried out and the one who carried it out. It is very important that the autograph of both one and the second be affixed with an indelible pen;
  • if necessary, data on the number of shifts and the date of the internship are entered.

Important! Based on the specifics of the enterprise, the structure of the journal may differ somewhat. One general rule- it needs to be filled.

What does the journal on TB regulate?

Keeping it is the norm of the law, but many companies have elevated the filling of the form in question into the category of formal. For them, this is a way to relieve themselves of responsibility. At the same time, maintaining it and conducting regular briefings makes much more sense and imposes certain obligations. This applies to both the employee and the employer.

Employee Responsibilities:

  • comply with the requirements set out for hazardous work. This applies both to work at a construction site and in cultural institutions, offices;
  • undergo training according to the schedule of the employer, fix it in the journal by affixing a signature;
  • undergo training at the workplace, whether it is a workshop or an office;
  • confirm knowledge in the field of occupational health and safety.

Employer Responsibilities:

  • carry out the required activities to conduct TB training;
  • take on-the-job training arrangements;
  • provide the required information regarding the safety of all types of work performed in full;
  • do not allow those who have not been instructed to work;
  • regularly monitor the knowledge of employees in the area under consideration;
  • inform employees about the likely risk of conducting a particular operation in their workplace.

Administrative responsibility

Recently, cases of violation of safety rules, which lead to accidents, have become more frequent. This explains the close attention to the conduct and fulfillment of their obligations by employers. For violation of the rules provided by law, a fine is due:

  • the head of the enterprise - 110-130 thousand rubles;
  • safety engineer - 15-25 thousand rubles;
  • repeated violation of 200 thousand rubles or suspension of activities for 3 months;
  • for an official in case of repeated detection of 35-40 thousand rubles, in parallel with a ban on conducting similar work for 1-3 years;
  • if the detected violations led to the death of a person - criminal liability.

Maintaining a TB journal at school

Interestingly, such journals should also be filled in educational institutions. They concern lessons in which there is a risk of injury and injury:

  • physical Culture;
  • chemistry, physics;
  • computer science - specifically work for a PC;
  • work.

For schoolchildren, instruction is limited to explaining the rules of conduct with a particular projectile, technical device and reagent. A similar journal is often kept in the classroom.


The safety journal is not a formality, but a tool in the hands of the employer, which will provide appropriate working conditions. Its execution, maintenance and storage is the responsibility of any employer operating in the country in a legal field.

Occupational safety at the enterprise is a priority for any organization. And such activities are carried out in several directions. After all, it is necessary to ensure that employees are informed about safety rules, conduct briefings, ensure electrical safety and take comprehensive fire-fighting measures (making up, among other things, a regulation on labor protection in the organization).

Each of these areas of labor protection involves the maintenance of appropriate records and protocols. This allows you to check the correct execution of these functions and fairly deal with cases of worker injuries.

More instructions on labor protection by profession and type of work in 2018 are given.

What magazines on labor protection should be at the enterprise?

Regulations in the field of labor protection provide for the maintenance of several journals. Each of them reflects information about the implementation of security measures.

These logs should be specified in more detail:

  • Journal of accounting and registration of briefings of the introductory type. This is an initial briefing that is performed in all cases when a new employee is hired (a document regulating introductory briefing on labor protection, sample 2018 can be downloaded for free);
  • Journal of accounting and registration of other types of briefings that are carried out in the course of work activities. These are targeted briefings, unscheduled, repeated briefings;
  • Journal of accounting and registration of developed instructions in the field of work safety (you can find out what the register of instructions for labor protection is);
  • Book of accounting and registration of instruction in the field of fire safety;
  • It is necessary to keep records and registration of training sessions. The book should reflect the results and dates of the implementation of the relevant activities;
  • Each enterprise must have the right amount of fire extinguishing equipment. This number is determined by fire regulations. And all the specified means of extinguishing fire are subject to accounting and registration in a special book;
  • The stages of control over the safety of working conditions are subject to mandatory accounting and registration. The book should reflect the accounting of the first and second steps;
  • Inspections carried out by regulatory authorities should be taken into account and recorded.

In some cases, organizations may develop and maintain other records. This is the right of every subject. Such books depend on the characteristics of the company and the number of employees.

You can familiarize yourself with how the action plan is being drawn up to improve working conditions and labor protection for 2018.

Journal of primary briefing on labor protection

This book reflects information about the initial briefing before starting specific work. It should indicate the dates of the events, indicate the person who conducted the briefing and the person in respect of whom it was carried out.

In addition, the essence of the event, that is, the norms that were brought to the attention of the employee, is subject to mandatory reflection.

In more detail, the issue of drawing up a document regulating the OSMS at the enterprise (a new sample of 2018) is in the article at the link.

Sample register of occupational safety training

Training activities should be carried out regularly. When starting a new equipment or upgrading a production line, training is provided in all such cases.

Accordingly, all training activities should be recorded and reflected in a separate book. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the date of completion of the training, its results. It is important to include information about who hosted the event and for whom it was hosted.

And about what duties a labor protection specialist has in an organization, it is written.

Journal of registration of instruction on labor protection

The form this document also implies the presence of several columns, which indicate the performed event. From the content of the book it should be clear what kind of briefing took place.

In addition, it is necessary to reflect official position performer and instructed person. It is recommended to indicate the title of the position and personal data in full, without abbreviations. This will give greater clarity and will eliminate claims from the side of the inspectors.

Journal for the issuance of instructions on labor protection

Registration of labor protection instructions is carried out on large enterprises with a large staff. Each group of workers and individual employees have their own instructions that determine their activities.

Therefore, the issued instructions are subject to reflection and registration in a special book. It indicates the person who issued the instruction and the persons who received it. The fact of extradition is certified by the signatures of both persons. In this case, the date of issue must be indicated.

Journal of issuance of labor protection certificates sample

A labor protection certificate is issued to employees who have undergone special training. At the same time, after training, a knowledge test is mandatory. If the exam is successfully passed, the employee receives the specified labor protection certificate.

Their issuance is taken into account and reflected in a special book. Which should contain columns reflecting information about the date of issue and participants in the event

Workplace briefing log (sample)

In domestic labor relations a special place is occupied by the labor protection system. The main goal of this institution is the effective implementation of the right of each employee to safe work. One of the mechanisms for achieving this task is the appropriate training of employees, the fact of passing which is reflected in the logbook of the briefing at the workplace.

Occupational Safety and Health

By general rule established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the enterprise is obliged to train its employees safe work. The main means of achieving this goal are briefings.

About all the facts of employee training responsible person should make an entry in the briefing log at the workplace.

It is important to note that the company does not have the right to allow workplace persons not instructed in safety when performing official duties.

You should also pay attention to the normative regulation of the Procedure for training in labor protection, developed by the Ministry of Labor of Russia together with the Ministry of Education of Russia in Resolution No. 1/29 of 13.01.2003.

Education safe conditions labor, as well as the reflection of these circumstances in the relevant forms, the following persons have the right to:

  • labor protection engineer;
  • another employee endowed with such a right by the order of the head of the organization.

Safety Journal

The current system of domestic regulations in the field of labor protection directly prescribes the obligation of enterprises to record in the relevant journals the actual conduct of employee briefings.

This reflection is the only appropriate and acceptable evidence that the enterprise has fulfilled its obligations to train employees in safety.

Clause 6.1 of GOST 12.0.004-2015 determines that training in safe working conditions is carried out, as a rule, at the workplace.

In the same GOST, the official form of the briefing registration log at the workplace was approved. You can download it from the link or using the ATP "Consultant Plus".

The official form of the safety journal

Please note the following before completing this form:

  • entries must be made by hand, since each sheet contains data on the training of several employees;
  • All entries must be confirmed by the signatures of the briefing participants.

It should be noted that Rosstandart, which approved the above-mentioned GOST, did not develop a sample briefing journal at the workplace.

Given the high degree of importance of the presence and correct maintenance of the described form, the absence of an example of the formation of a journal can lead not only to errors in its design, but also to fines provided for by domestic legislation.

To fill this gap and minimize possible errors, we will give a sample of the briefing log at the workplace.

A sample of filling out a safety journal

The described document begins with a cover designed to display information about the enterprise and its structural unit. The design of this part of the journal ends with an indication of the period of its maintenance. Reflection of other information on this page is not provided by law.

The following pages of the safety briefing log are used to enter specific training data, as follows:

  • dates of instruction;
  • Name of student and instructor;
  • year of birth of the employee;
  • his profession and position;
  • the type of briefing and the reasons for its implementation;
  • participants' signatures;
  • information about the employee's internship.

All necessary sections are reflected in the provided sample safety log.

The employer should flash and number such a magazine.

Another name for this journal is the register of instructions on labor protection at the workplace. About what it looks like, what types of briefings and how to register in it, and we will talk today.

How to issue a magazine on safety and labor protection

It is issued in the form of a stationery book of A4 format. The cover of the journal contains the name of the organization, the name of the department (if any), as well as the start and end dates of the journal. The journal form itself is contained in GOST 12.0.004-90 and is freely available. For your convenience, we provide a form of this magazine right here, and below is a link so that you can download magazine on safety and labor protection(sample).

Workplace log
Compiled in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90, Appendix 6.

Types of briefings recorded in the journal

Must contain records of the following types of briefings at the workplace: primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted.

Primary briefing held again for everyone accepted employees immediately before admission to work. The purpose of this briefing is to learn safe techniques and methods of work at a particular workplace.

Re-briefing on labor protection at the workplace is carried out at least once every six months (or three, if we are talking about hazardous conditions labor). The purpose of this briefing is to remind employees of the basic safety rules in the workplace, as well as to sort out those that have arisen in the past (if any).

Unscheduled briefing carried out in several cases, for example, if:

  • new labor protection rules were introduced;
  • it was changed technological process(new equipment was installed);
  • there was a break in work lasting more than 60 days (and for work with increased danger - 30);
  • instructions were received from the supervisory authorities.

And finally target briefing carried out before one-time work that is not part of the duties of employees. This can be business trips or work to eliminate accidents.

How to fill out a health and safety journal

The left side of the safety and labor protection journal sheet is filled in intuitively simply: the date of the briefing, the surname and initials of the instructed, his position. As for the type of briefing, we considered them a little higher, along with the reasons for their conduct. Do not forget to affix the signatures of both parties, and check for the presence of the instructing person.

It also contains columns for registration of internships in labor protection. These columns indicate the number of shifts in which the internship was carried out, as well as the signatures of the trainee and the person responsible for admission to independent work.

In conclusion, we would like to remind you that some employees of your organization do not need to sign this journal. Read more about this in our other article. Good luck!