How to open mfo. How to open microloans for the population. Step-by-step instruction. Organizational requirements for a microfinance organization

  • 23.11.2019

Microfinance institutions usually provide small payday loans. That is, a person in this case takes a small amount for a very short period, which is usually no more than one month. This offer is used in great demand, it's no secret that many people do not have enough of their wages, and no one has yet canceled unforeseen expenses. At the same time, there is a certain wave of negativity towards MFIs when, due to financial illiteracy, people fall into a debt hole. In fact, it is important to explain everything from the very beginning. Yes, in part there are very high interest rates, but you should take into account such advantages as the possibility of receiving a small amount, quick consideration of the application and loyalty to the client. Even an unemployed person, a student or a pensioner can receive money from an MFI. Microloans are also issued to persons with a bad credit history. In other words, not a single bank will operate under the conditions offered by MFIs. Therefore, there is a natural need for such services. Against the background of various crises, MFIs are sometimes the last option that can solve the financial problems of the consumer.

We will deal with the system of work of MFIs. In fact, everything here is extremely simple and does not imply any difficulties. Lending to clients here takes place on the basis of microloan agreements. The latter, in turn, refers to loans, the amount of which is not more than one million rubles. In practice, microloans are usually issued for an amount not exceeding ten thousand rubles, and this is definitely beneficial to both parties. Naturally, all loans in this case are issued for a very short period of time with minimal interest.

For the MFI owner, the benefits are also obvious. First of all, this is a high profit, because compared to banks, MFIs have very high interest rates and an extremely short payback period. That is, even with a solid amount of non-performing loans, you can get a stable profit. Thanks to this, even very large investments can be returned. Such a business has been actively developing in recent years, so it is likely that the number of MFIs will only increase every day.

As for interest rates, there are also a number of things to consider. For example, you need to carefully study Federal Law No. 230, which states that interest here stops accruing after they reach three times the size of the loan. That is, if the borrower received 10 thousand rubles from the MFI, then, taking into account the amount of the loan, you can receive from him with interest no more than 40 thousand rubles. At the same time, the repayment period of a consumer loan should not exceed one year. This, by the way, can also be said to clients who mistakenly think about “predatory” interest in MFIs - they are actually not that big, and they act within reasonable limits.

Separate as if it should be said about cases of delay in microloans. Here, too, there are limits and they are stipulated by the current legislation. If the microcredit is already overdue, then the interest on it cannot be more than twice the loan amount. For example, if the borrower did not return 10 thousand rubles on time, then no more than 30 thousand rubles can be demanded from him. As a result, we see that entrepreneurs have their own limitations and they must be taken into account when calculating potential profits and compiling an MFI business plan.

As we can see, even with the introduction of legislative norms, the numbers still remain impressive. It is known that sometimes the most problematic borrowers after months still repay the debt with a huge overpayment. In the end, not all people want to spoil their credit history and participate in litigation. As a result, the owners of MFIs have been working successfully for many years and receive guaranteed profits.

We will discuss below how to best arrange a business. The only thing that can be mentioned here is that it is better to register such a company in the video of LLC or JSC. However, there are no fundamental requirements in this regard, so each entrepreneur decides for himself how exactly his company will work. In order not to be unfounded, further we will tell in detail about how best and faster to issue an MFI.

Legislative requirements for MFIs

Before registering a microfinance organization, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with their types. Depending on the format in which the MFI operates, there are different requirements for the initial data and directly for the registration process. So, in order to clarify the picture in detail, we will consider the features of MFIs in accordance with their types.

Microfinance Company (MFC)

In this case, the size of the authorized capital must be at least 70 million rubles - the provision for this appeared at the end of 2015 (established by Federal Law No. 407). It turns out that the amount is quite impressive, but it has its advantages. Initially, it should be taken into account that the heads of microfinance organizations opened before 2016 had to decide by the end of March 2017 what type they belong to and, if necessary, increase the amount of the authorized capital to the required amount. The name of such an organization must contain the phrase “microfinance company”, and its legal form must also be indicated. In the case of the IFC, it means raising funds from individuals who are not founders. At the same time, the amount of such investments should be at least one and a half million rubles - if the amount is less, then the regulators may have certain questions. That is, here it is also necessary to carefully control the process and prevent any violations of the law. At the same time, the possibilities in this case increase markedly. In other words, the IFC is a kind of bank model, which also allows making deposits and providing loans on mutually beneficial terms. Only in the case of the IFC, everything is somewhat simpler and at the same time has limitations. At the same time, in comparison with the IWC, everything here is much more complicated, especially since the latter option is becoming more common in Russia.

Microcredit Company (MCC)

In this case, everything is definitely simpler and does not oblige the entrepreneur to comply with many requirements. There are no special conditions for registering an MCC, and therefore it is possible to register an MCC as an LLC with a minimum authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles. True, here it must be taken into account that the issuance of loans is the main activity of the ICC, therefore, without more significant investments, the organization simply will not be able to work. In addition, according to Federal Law No. 151, the founders must make a joint decision on transactions, the amount of which is more than ten percent of the authorized capital. That is, if a client wants to take out a loan for at least 1,000 rubles, then with a book value of property of 10,000 rubles, all the founders will have to get together. So for optimal performance It is better for the MCC to deposit at least 500 thousand rubles on the balance sheet - this will allow the company to work stably and for many years.

True, when registering an ICC, several minor features must be taken into account. For example, there are also legal requirements that should be followed. The fact is that in the name of this company it is important to use the phrase “microcredit company”. Moreover, here it is also necessary to indicate its organizational and legal form (LLC, as indicated in our case). As with any LLC, it is important that the name is unique and one of a kind.

As an addition, let's say that in the case of the ICC, it is much easier to work. At the very least, microfinance companies are not regulated as strictly as banks. Such companies are not required to license, create reserves and make mandatory insurance contributions to specialized funds. This, in fact, explains the widespread use of MFIs, especially since they are registered extremely easily and quickly. Registration of these institutions, in fact, consists only in registering a legal entity and obtaining the status of an MFI. Therefore, any entrepreneur with a relatively small capital would better follow this path and save valuable time.

Object security

It is natural that the MFO office should be well guarded, because quite large amounts of money will be stored here during the further conduct of activities. It is important to have an alarm system that will prevent any encroachment of criminals. Naturally, the MFI office must be equipped with video surveillance. Before choosing a suitable office for work, you must first consult with representatives of security structures. The fact is that there are a number of requirements for the premises in which MFIs operate. After making sure that there is security in a particular office or there is the possibility of arranging it, you can safely draw up a legal address.

Documents required for registration of MFIs

So, registration of an MFI is possible only as a legal entity, that is, an individual entrepreneur does not have the right to engage in such activities. According to Russian law, an MFO can operate in the format of an LLC, a fund, an NPO, a partnership, a business entity, and a non-profit partnership.

In the event that the registration of an MFI is done in the form of an LLC, then the following package of documents must be submitted to the IFTS:

  • an application for registration of a legal entity, which is drawn up in the form P11001 (as we said above, the name of the company must contain the phrase "microfinance company" or "microcredit company";
  • The Charter of the MFI, which is made in two copies (the Charter indicates the amount of the authorized capital, which must correspond to the type of the selected company);
  • the decision of the sole founder, or the protocol of communication of the meeting of the founders of the LLC (by the way, there is a requirement for such - this is the absence of an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for crimes committed against state power or for economic crimes);
  • confirmation that you have paid the state duty for registration (it is now 4,000 rubles);
  • documents confirming the presence of a legal address (a copy of the certificate of ownership of non-residential premises, or a letter of guarantee).

It should be noted that an application for the transition to a separate tax regime is not required here, since all microfinance organizations operate on a common taxation system.

The Charter of the MFI contains the following information:

  • a list of proposed activities;
  • a point in which all transactions made in the amount of more than ten percent of the value of the property of the enterprise are preliminarily approved;
  • the body that is responsible for developing the rules for issuing loans;
  • the procedure on the basis of which the data of persons influencing the decisions of the MFI are disclosed.

To register an MFI, you can use several options for submitting documents: personally visit the tax office, send all forms by mail, or do everything through an official representative. If you submit the above documents through a representative, then you need to prepare a power of attorney to carry out registration actions. When drawing up this document, the application P11001 is certified by a notary - this is also required when sending all papers through the mail.

Registration of a company is usually carried out within three days. If everything is in order, then the tax authorities issue the USRIP record sheet to the applicant in the P50007 format. Also, one copy of the Articles of Association is issued and a certificate of registration of the legal entity on the appropriate account is provided.

Entering MFIs into the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Documents from the tax office alone are not enough here, since at this stage only entity. In accordance with Federal Law No. 151, an MFO begins to have special rights and obligations only when information about it is entered in the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

To register an MFI in the register of the Central Bank, it is necessary to collect a package of the following documents:

  • a statement that information has been entered in the register of MFIs;
  • a copy of the Charter and the decision that the MFI is registered;
  • a copy of the order, which refers to the appointment of the director of the enterprise;
  • information about the legal address of the company;
  • information about the founders of the company;
  • certificate of no criminal record from the founders and heads of MFIs;
  • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 1500 rubles;
  • MFI internal control rules.

The application and information about the founders of the company are filled in in accordance with the forms of appendices 1 and 2 - they are made in accordance with the Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated March 28, 2016 No. 3984-U (it can be found in the public domain). Data on the entry of information about the organization into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by the Central Bank is requested from the tax already independently.

The collected documents are submitted to the territorial banking unit, which interacts with the subjects of financing. Information about these institutions is available on the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Registration in this organization takes place within thirty working days, starting from the date of submission of documents. Once an MFI is included in the register, it can already conduct its activities.

Registration of an MFI step by step

Let's now describe the entire MFI registration process more briefly:

  1. We study the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the activities of microfinance and microcredit organizations and decide which option is more convenient for us.
  2. We choose the legal form for registration of the company. In most cases, LLC is used for this.
  3. We clarify what requirements are imposed on the premises for the organization of its protection. It is possible that the initially chosen address is not suitable for these purposes (at least a reliable signaling is needed).
  4. We register the company with the tax authorities.
  5. We submit documents for entering the company into the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

After successfully completing the above procedures, you can safely begin to conduct activities.


There is another series additional requirements, which are required to comply with the founders of MFIs. We list below the responsibilities of such organizations.

In particular, MFIs must report quarterly to the mega-regulator. This is done through the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation through Personal Area.

It is necessary to report to Rosfinmonitoring. The bottom line here is that MFIs should develop and implement measures aimed at preventing the legalization of money obtained by criminal means. It is also related to the fact that MFIs must prevent the financing of terrorism. In other words, the company must identify all customers who carry out transactions with money. In addition, disclosure of the list of affiliates is also required here.

As mentioned above, the development and application of rules for granting microloans is important. All items of such rules should be available on the Internet. They are usually posted on the MFI website or on third-party Internet resources.

Like banks, MFIs submit information about borrowers and loans to the Credit Bureau. When working with borrowers, company representatives are required to comply with the law on consumer credit (FZ No. 353 of December 21, 2013), which regulates the form of the contract, limits penalties and stipulates other points. That is, everything must be in accordance with existing laws - it is important to carefully study them before starting activities, so as not to face penalties.

It is important to keep in mind that MFIs do not set rates randomly. Limits, as a rule, are announced by the Central Bank. At the same time, their average value depends on the specific category and type of loan. Market realities are also taken into account. At the same time, an MFI cannot deviate more than one third from the average total cost of a loan.

Also, when opening an MFI, one should remember about the legislation in the field of advertising. Moreover, all fines will be imposed on the legal entity and, therefore, their size can reach millions of rubles.

In general, we can say that the business of issuing microloans is quite troublesome and requires detailed consideration of existing laws. To conduct business legally, you need to constantly resort to the help of an experienced lawyer. Owners of MFIs should carefully study all the laws, one way or another related to their activities, and only then it will be possible to start registering a company.


You should not think that all the difficulties in registering an MFI are something unsolvable and out of the ordinary. In fact, everything here is relatively easy and the registration of an MFI, like its work, is much easier than opening a large manufacturing enterprise. So there should not be any particular reason for concern, especially since most officials are more or less loyal to such companies. If you look, there are no particular difficulties in registering an MFI, but it is better to contact experienced lawyers for this. Probably, after all, most owners of such companies use the services of professionals here - it is both more convenient and faster. After all, the work of an MFI should already include the occasional assistance of lawyers, for example, when the company encounters loan defaulters. For anyone who wants to protect themselves from mistakes in advance, we still recommend using the experience of proven specialists - they, in turn, will be able to solve many problems without much difficulty and, as a result, save you from serious fines. So in the event that you already definitely intend to register an MFI and you have enough money for this, then you can safely go towards this goal and achieve positive results.

micro status financial organization can only be obtained by a legal entity. An individual entrepreneur is deprived of such an opportunity. Another necessary component of the status of a microfinance organization is the entry of information about the microfinance organization into State Register microfinance organizations. Thus, a legal entity created and entered in the state register of microfinance organizations in accordance with the established procedure acquires the status of a microfinance organization from the date of entering information about it in the specified register.

Our specialists provide step-by-step legal support for the registration of a microcredit company of one of the types of microfinance organization. Below you can find a list of our services. We are located in the city of Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan), but we provide services throughout Russia. More about the cost of services and the list required documents You can find out by e-mail [email protected] website

You can get oral or written advice on organizational issues of opening a microcredit company in the territory Russian Federation.

Our specialists have many years of experience in providing legal support to microcredit companies. Provide the most complete, accurate and prompt advice.

Step-by-step legal support for a microcredit company

Registration of a microcredit company with the tax authorities of the Russian Federation.

Service cost 18500 r.

At this stage, our specialists will provide you with the necessary advice on choosing the legal address of the microcredit company, check the name of the microcredit company, prepare recommendations on the selection of the founders of the microcredit company and the sole executive body.

The creation of an MCC begins with the registration of a legal entity. Before opening an MCC, it is necessary to check the conformity of the founders of the microfinance organization and its sole executive body qualification requirements established federal law dated 02.07.2010 No. 151-FZ. Firstly, the requirements for the founder(s) of a microfinance organization are the absence of a criminal record for a crime in the field of economic activity or a crime against state power. Secondly, the following persons cannot be the sole executive body of a microfinance organization:

  • persons who performed the functions of the sole executive body of financial organizations at the time these organizations committed violations, for which their licenses to carry out the relevant types of activities were canceled (revoked), or violations for which the said licenses were suspended and the said licenses were canceled (revoked) ) due to non-elimination of these violations, if less than three years have passed since the date of such cancellation (revocation). At the same time, for the purposes of this Federal Law, a financial organization means a professional participant in the securities market, a clearing organization, Management Company investment fund, mutual investment fund and non-state pension fund, specialized depository of investment fund, mutual investment fund and non-state pension fund, joint-stock investment fund, credit organization, insurance organization, non-state Pension Fund, trade organizer;
  • persons in respect of whom the period during which they are considered subject to administrative punishment in the form of disqualification has not expired;
  • persons who have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for crimes in the field of economic activity or crimes against state power.

At the first stage, U-Peter Consulting specialists will prepare the necessary documents for you:

  • Charter of a microcredit company in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 2, 2010 N 151-FZ "On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations".
  • Protocol (decision) on the establishment of a microcredit company.
  • Application Form No. Р11001
  • Order on the appointment of a director.
  • Appointment letter for an accountant.

Required documents and information about the founder(s) and the sole executive body for the preparation of documents for the tax authorities:

  • TIN of the founder(s) of the MCC
  • Passport details of the founder(s) of the MCC
  • Position of the head of the ICC
  • TIN of the sole executive body
  • Passport data of the sole executive body
  • contact number
  • Legal address
  • Letter of guarantee from the landlord (at the conclusion of the lease agreement)
  • Name of the legal entity: LLC Microcredit Company "____________".

In accordance with paragraphs. 5 p. 1 art. 6 of the Federal Law of 02.07.2010 N 151-FZ "On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations" in entering information about a legal entity into the state register of MFOs may be in the event that the register contains the full and (or) abbreviated name of the MFO, including the full or abbreviated company name that coincides with the full and (or) abbreviated name, including the full or abbreviated company name of the legal entity that filed an application for entering information about this legal entity in the specified register, or confusingly similar to it, provided that that the relevant information about the microfinance organization was entered in the unified state register of legal entities earlier than the information about the legal entity that submitted the application. Thus, a decision should be made on the choice of the full and (or) abbreviated name of the legal entity, taking into account the information contained in the register of MFIs and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. According to part 5 of article 4 of Law No. 151-FZ, the information contained in the register of MFIs is open and publicly available. The register of MFOs is posted on the official website of the Bank of Russia in the Internet information and telecommunications network.

In addition, in accordance with paragraph 13 information letter Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated December 13, 2007 No. 122, the question of similarity to the point of confusion of designations is a matter of fact and general rule may be resolved by the court without the appointment of an examination. At the same time, when determining the identity or similarity to the point of confusion of company names, the courts use, among other things, the Guidelines for checking the declared designations for identity and similarity, approved by Rospatent Order No. 197 dated December 31, 2009 (hereinafter - the Guidelines). In accordance with the Guidelines, a designation is considered confusingly similar to another designation if it is associated with it as a whole, despite their individual differences. The assessment of the similarity of designations is made on the basis of the general impression formed, including taking into account unprotected elements. At the same time, the formation of a general impression can occur under the influence of any features of the designations, including the dominant verbal or graphic elements, their compositional solution, and others. According to clause 4.2 methodological recommendations the similarity of verbal designations can be sound (phonetic), graphic (visual) and semantic (semantic). It should be noted that paragraph of the Methodological Recommendations determines that if a verbal designation consists of protectable and non-protectable elements, then the identity and similarity of the protectable elements are taken into account during the examination.

In accordance with paragraph 10 of part 1 of Article 12 of Law No. 151-FZ, a microfinance organization is not entitled to use the full and (or) abbreviated name, including the full and (or) abbreviated company name, which coincides or is confusingly similar to the full and (or) ) the abbreviated name, including the full and (or) abbreviated company name, of a microfinance organization or other financial organization, information about which was entered in the unified state register of legal entities prior to the state registration of the relevant microfinance organization. At the same time, this prohibition does not apply to microfinance organizations that use the full and (or) abbreviated name, including the full and (or) abbreviated company name, which coincides or is confusingly similar to the full and (or) abbreviated name, including the full and (or) abbreviated corporate name of microfinance or other financial organizations affiliated with them.

In connection with the foregoing, a decision should be made on the choice of the name of the Company, taking into account the above information, as well as the norm on affiliation established by paragraph 10 of part 1 of Article 12 of Law No. 151-FZ.

Entering information about the microcredit company in the register of microfinance organizations of the Bank of Russia.

Preparation of documents for entering information about a microcredit company into the state register of microfinance organizations.

Service cost 35500 r.

Entering information about the legal entity into the register of MFIs is the next step in registering a microcredit company. This stage is also briefly called the registration of MFIs with the Central Bank or the registration of MFIs in the register. The procedure for entering information about a legal entity in the state register of microfinance organizations is established by Bank of Russia Directive No. 3984-U dated March 28, 2016 “On the procedure for maintaining the state register of microfinance organizations by the Bank of Russia, the application form for entering information about a legal entity in the state register of microfinance organizations, the form of information on the founders (participants, shareholders) of a legal entity, the form of a certificate on entering information about a legal entity in the state register of microfinance organizations and the procedure for its re-registration, forms of applications for changing the type of microfinance organization and operating in the form of a microfinance company or operating in the form of a microcredit company, the form and procedure for submitting documents and information confirming the existence of own funds(capital) and sources of origin of funds contributed by the founders (participants, shareholders)”.

Microfinance organizations submit to the Financial Market Access Department of the Bank of Russia the following documents:

  1. an application for entering information about a legal entity in the state register of microfinance organizations, signed by the head of the legal entity or a person authorized by him, indicating his last name, first name, patronymic (if any), place of residence and contact numbers;
  2. copy constituent documents legal entity;
  3. a copy of the decision to establish a legal entity;
  4. information about the address (location) of the permanent executive body of the legal entity, at which communication with the legal entity is carried out;
  5. a copy of the decision on the election (appointment) of the governing bodies of the legal entity, effective on the day the documents are submitted to the Bank of Russia;
  6. information about the founders (participants, shareholders) of the legal entity;
  7. original certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record for members of the board of directors (supervisory board), members of the collegial executive body, sole executive body of a legal entity, founders (participants, shareholders) having the right to dispose of 10 or more percent of the votes attributable to voting shares (shares ), constituting the authorized capital of a legal entity, which is issued by an authorized state authority and the date of issue of which does not exceed three months before the date of its submission;
  8. internal control rules developed in order to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in accordance with Federal Law No. 115-FZ dated August 7, 2001 "On countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing terrorism";
  9. a copy of the document on the appointment of a special official responsible for the implementation of the internal control rules for combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
  10. proof of payment state duty for entering information about a legal entity in the state register of microfinance organizations;
  11. an extract from the register of foreign legal entities of the respective country of origin or another document of equal legal force confirming legal status founder (participant, shareholder) - a foreign legal entity (for legal entities with foreign founders (participants, shareholders).

Sample application for entering information about a legal entity in the state register of microfinance organizations and information about the founders (shareholders, participants) of a legal entity

The above documents are sent to the Bank of Russia at the address of the Financial Market Admission Department by registered mail (package) with a description of the attachment and a return receipt at the address: 107016, Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, house 12.

For entering information about a legal entity into the state register of microfinance organizations, a state fee of 1,500 rubles is charged. The fee can be paid in cash or non-cash (through the settlement account of the microcredit company). The fee paid in cash may be credited if a payment document is submitted confirming the fact of payment of the state fee by a legal or authorized representative of a legal entity containing in the column "Reason for payment" an indication that the payment of the state fee is carried out on behalf of the taxpayer, and the expenditure cash warrant or other document confirming the issuance of funds to the representative of the legal entity for the payment of the state fee at the expense of the legal entity's own funds.

Preparation of notifications to the Bank of Russia, self-regulatory organization, credit history bureaus and the Federal Financial Monitoring Service.

Service cost from 10000 r.

The Bank of Russia maintains a unified register of self-regulatory organizations in the financial market. Thus, this register includes three organizations that carry out self-regulation of the activities of microfinance organizations (the so-called SRO MFIs): In accordance with Article 7.2 of Federal Law No. 151-FZ of 02.07. 90 (ninety) days following the entry of information about the legal entity into the state register of microfinance organizations.

  1. Union "Microfinance Alliance "Institutions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses";
  2. Self-Regulatory Organization Union of Microfinance Organizations "Unity";
  3. Self-Regulatory Organization Union of Microfinance Organizations "Microfinance and Development".

In addition, according to Article 16 of Federal Law No. 151-FZ dated July 2, 2010, microfinance organizations are required to provide information necessary for the formation of credit histories of legal entities and individuals, including individual entrepreneurs in relation to borrowers in at least one credit history bureau included in the state register of credit history bureaus in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 218-FZ of December 30, 2004 "On Credit Histories". Thus, according to Part 3.1 of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 218-FZ dated December 30, 2004, microfinance organizations are required to submit all available information regarding borrowers to at least one credit history bureau included in the state register of credit history bureaus, without obtaining consent to it. performance.

Only after receiving an SRO certificate and an agreement with the BCI, a microfinance organization has the right to start issuing loans.

Creation of a website for a microcredit company and filling it with the necessary content.

Service cost negotiable in agreement with the customer.

Preparation of documents in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of August 7, 2001 No. 115-FZ "On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism" and regulations of the Bank of Russia in the area of ​​AML/CFT:

5.1. Development of internal control rules to combat the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

5.2. A practical guide for accounting for employees of a microcredit company undergoing AML/CFT/CPF training in accordance with the requirements of Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3471-U dated December 5, 2014 "On the requirements for the training and education of personnel in non-credit financial institutions".

Price from 5500 r.

5.3. A practical guide for registering the results of work in the Personal Account on the portal of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service in accordance with the requirements of Bank of Russia Directive No. 3484-U dated December 15, 2014 "On the procedure for non-bank financial organizations to submit to the authorized body the information provided for by the Federal Law "On Counteracting Legalization (laundering) proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism".

Price from 4500 r.

5.4. Practical guide for documentation procedures for appointing a special official of a microcredit company responsible for the implementation of internal control rules in order to counteract the legalization of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Price from 5000 r.

For a microcredit company, repeated violations of the requirements of Federal Law No. 115-FZ of August 7, 2001 "On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism" over the course of a year entail exclusion from the state register of the Bank of Russia. Also, for failure to comply with the requirements of the legislation on combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism, article 15.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses establishes administrative liability of up to 1,000,000 rubles.

Preparation of documents for the provision of microloans in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 353-FZ of December 21, 2013 “On Consumer Credit (Loans)” and Federal Law No. 151-FZ of July 2, 2010 “On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations”.

6.1. Documents of a microcredit company for providing consumer loans to individuals, developed in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 151-FZ of July 2, 2010 "On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations", Federal Law No. 353-FZ of December 21, 2013 "On consumer credit (loan)”, Directives of the Bank of Russia No. 3240-U dated April 23, 2014 “On the tabular form of individual terms of a consumer credit (loan) agreement” and the Basic Standard for a Microfinance Organization to Perform Operations in the Financial Market, approved. Bank of Russia dated April 27, 2018 No. KFNP-12:

  1. Rules for granting microloans.
  2. Microloan application.
  3. Information about persons who have a significant (direct or indirect) influence on decisions made by the management bodies of the microcredit company.
  4. Individual conditions of the consumer loan agreement.
  5. Schedule of payments under the consumer loan agreement.
  6. General terms consumer loan agreements.
  7. Information on the date of acceptance for consideration of the application of the Borrower (individual) for the provision of a consumer loan.

Price from 12500 r.

6.2. Documents of a microcredit company for issuing loans secured by real estate, developed on the basis of the Federal Law of July 16, 1998 N 102-FZ "On Mortgage (Pledge of Real Estate)" and the Basic Standard for Microfinance Organization Operations in the Financial Market, approved. Bank of Russia dated April 27, 2018 No. KFNP-12:

  • Real estate pledge agreement.
  • Real estate loan agreement.
  • Information about the conditions for granting, using and returning a consumer loan.

Price from 14500 r.

6.3. Documents of a microcredit company for providing secured loans Vehicle(cars and special equipment):

  1. General conditions of the loan agreement.
  2. Information about the conditions for granting, using and repaying a loan.
  3. Individual conditions of a consumer loan agreement secured by a vehicle.
  4. The act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle.
  5. Vehicle return.

Price from 12500 r.

Preparation of documents in accordance with the basic standards for microfinance organizations.

7.1. A practical guide on the basic standard for protecting the rights and interests of individuals and legal entities - recipients financial services provided by members of self-regulatory organizations in the financial market uniting microfinance organizations, approved by the Bank of Russia on June 22, 2017 (effective from July 1, 2017).

9500 r.

7.2. A practical guide to the basic risk management standard for a microcredit company, approved. Bank of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2017 (entered into force on January 27, 2018).

The cost of the practical guide 28500 r.

Preparation of documents for the microcredit company to comply with the requirements of the Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”, including the registration of the microcredit company for special registration in Federal Service on supervision in the field of communications, information technologies and mass communications (register of personal data operators).

Preparation of a standard package of documents for personnel office work microcredit company:

  1. Internal labor regulations.
  2. Staff schedule.
  3. The order of acceptance to work.
  4. Labor contract with a credit manager.
  5. Job description credit manager.
  6. Employment contract with the director.
  7. Director's job description.
  8. Employment contract with an accountant.
  9. Job description of an accountant.
  10. Regulations on the organization of the protection of confidential information constituting the company's commercial, banking and official secrets, together with an approval form with a list of persons with access to commercial secrets, and an order on the introduction of a commercial secret regime and approval of the Regulations.

Service cost 5500 r.

At all the above stages, our specialists will provide you with the necessary legal assistance. Payment step by step.

For those who wish to transfer the management of document management under Federal Law No. 115-FZ to our specialists (outsourcing), we can offer subscription services. about tariffs of subscriber service.

MFI registration in 2018

Entry in the register of MFIs (IFC, MCC). Do I need a license to organize a microfinance organization? How to enter an MFI in the register of the Central Bank? Can an MFI not only issue loans, but also accept investments from citizens and entrepreneurs? Do MFIs need to join the SRO? Which SROs are legitimate? These questions are answered by expert Olga Mikheenko (Audit Prof company).

How to open an MFI

First you need to register a company. I will not describe this procedure, you can do it yourself, but you need to take into account all the special requirements for the Charter of the MFI. including through Multifunctional centers, which are designed to make life easier for people when receiving public services. The only thing worth mentioning in this regard is that MFIs do not know how to apply the "simplification" system. This prohibition is spelled out in the Federal Law of November 2, 2013 No. 301-FZ “On Amendments to Certain legislative acts RF”, according to which paragraph 3 of Art. 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, containing a list of organizations that do not have the right to apply the simplified taxation system, was supplemented by microfinance organizations.

After the company is registered, loans cannot be issued yet. You need to get the status of an MFI. By law, a license for microfinance activities is not required. But this does not mean that MFIs can operate without supervision. The regulator is the Central Bank, it is in the Central Bank that the MFI is obliged to obtain a number in the unified register. Only after the company is entered in the register, it acquires the status of an MFI.

How to register an MFI with the Central Bank (get a number in the register of microfinance organizations)

Basically, you can do it yourself. The following documents are required to register an MFI:

A copy of the certificate of state registration (OGRN)

Copy of constituent documents

Decisions on election (on appointment) officials and management bodies of a legal entity, containing:

Information from the founders of the legal entity

Information about the legal address

Applications for entering information about a legal entity in the state register of microfinance organizations

Copies of the decision to establish a legal entity

You can outsource this work to a third party. Audit Prof specializes in registration and maintenance of MFIs, so we can do it all for you. In the future, registration of MFIs is planned to be transferred to the SRO level. That is, before obtaining a number in the register, the SRO will analyze the package of documents. This is reported by representatives of the Central Bank at specialized conferences. But for now it's in the plans.

How to come up with the name of an MFI and check it for originality

The name of the MFI should not be identical so as not to mislead consumers. Therefore, before submitting documents for registration with the Central Bank, you need to check the name. The rules are as follows - who first introduced the name, he retains it. You can check the name on the website of the Central Bank.

The title cannot be reserved. One of the reasons for refusal to register an MFI may be the name already in the register.

Our company specializes in supporting the business of MFIs, it is impossible to guarantee the receipt of a number in the registry 100%, because during the preparation of documents, someone may already take the name indicated in the documents.

As a piece of advice, it is better to abandon the phrases "quick money", this is the most common option, the original name will be helped by companies specializing in the creation and promotion of brands.

What requirements does the Central Bank impose on MFIs?

IFC in the process of obtaining the status of IFC confirm to the regulator the presence of equity capital in the amount of at least 70 million rubles. MFCs can accept loans from individuals and carry out remote identification of clients, which allows them to develop their business online. They can issue 1,000,000 rubles per person as loans to individuals, and 3,000,000 rubles to entrepreneurs. All other companies are automatically included in the MCC, such companies will have to include the phrase "microcredit organization" in the name, they do not need to confirm their own capital, and they also do not need to be assessed by the Central Bank for the status of the MCC. They will be able to issue individuals up to 500,000 rubles per borrower, 3,000,000 rubles per entrepreneur. It is impossible to accept funds from individuals, from legal entities, including from the founders of the company.

It must be remembered that the law establishes the minimum amount of loans from individuals - 1.5 million rubles. Investments in the IFC are not insured by the state, therefore they are considered risky for unqualified investors, in other words, for ordinary citizens who do not understand the intricacies of investing in various instruments. The amount of investment has not changed, IFCs can attract citizens' savings in the amount of 1.5 million, as in previous years, before the introduction of legislative innovations.

MFIs must submit quarterly reports to the mega-regulator. This is done on the website of the Central Bank through a personal account. Audit Prof assists in the preparation and submission of reports. Contact us!

It is required to submit reports to Rosfinmonitoring, MFIs are required to develop and implement measures to prevent the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism. That is, it will be necessary to identify persons who are in service, carrying out transactions with funds, and disclose the list of affiliated persons. Including, but not limited to.

In addition, it is necessary develop and apply in practice the rules for granting microloans. The rules must be available on the Internet. Either on the MFI website or on a third-party resource. And also in places of issue of loans.

Like banks, MFIs are required to submit information about borrowers and their loans to the Credit Bureau. In relations with borrowers, MFIs, like banks, must comply with the law on consumer credit (loan), which regulates the form of the contract, limits penalties and penalties, and so on.

MFI rates cannot set arbitrarily. There are certain limits - the Central Bank announces the average value of TIC called for different categories and types of loans. When forming the average TIC, market realities are taken into account. An MFI may not deviate more than one third from the average total cost of a loan. You need to remember about the law on advertising. Fines are currently proposed by lawmakers to be increased to 1 million. In general, we can say that if it seems to someone that the business of issuing microloans is not particularly troublesome and has no framework, then these people are mistaken. If you conduct business legally, observing all norms and laws, then there will be enough work. And playing "in the dark" without registering MFIs currently means grossly violating the law. Black creditors are promised to be dealt with at the level of the Security Council. Their activities are suppressed by the police, the Prosecutor's Office, social organization "People's Front", Self-Regulatory Organizations, Ombudsman, Central Bank. Channels for the exchange of information about illegal market migrants are being created. It can be said with certainty that the task of ridding the market of black offices that introduce themselves as MFIs and at the same time do not have a registry number is task No. 1 for the microfinance market.

Re-registration of MFOs - in connection with the division of the market into MFCs and MCCs, it will be necessary to change the name of the company, including the phrase "microcredit company"

MFIs can do this on their own, or they can entrust it to specialists. Necessary:

1. Prepare documents for registration of changes in the name of a microfinance organization for the Federal Tax Service.

2. Notify the Central Bank of Russia about the change in the name of the MFO

After adding the words “microfinance company” to the name of the MFI, the Central Bank must be notified of these changes.

The deadline for notifying the Central Bank of a change in the name of an LLC is 30 days from the date of registration of the changes with the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

In addition, it will be necessary to amend the Charter of the MFI, this should not be forgotten either. And inform partners about the name change.

Recorded by Julia Siebert

LLC "Audit Prof"

Microfinance organizations in Russia do not have the most best reputation. At the mention of the word “MFI”, associations often arise with predatory interest, fraud and collectors acting on the verge of legal framework. However, it would be unfair to say that the state does not control this sector of the financial market at all. In fact, the situation here is changing for the better every year, so if you are interested in how to open an MFI, read our article.

What is an MFI

MFI is an acronym for "microfinance institution". MFO does not apply to banking organizations, although it also issues loans (credits) and attracts investments at interest. The main clients of microfinance organizations are individuals who, for various reasons, find it difficult or impossible to obtain a bank loan. These are the unemployed, students, pensioners, people with bad credit history.

But well-to-do citizens who urgently need a small loan for a short period of time also become clients of MFIs. Why short? Because, unlike annual bank interest, interest on MFI loans is calculated in days. For example, until 2017, a rate of 1.5-2% per day was considered normal, and in terms of annual interest, it turned out that the borrower overpaid by 7-8 times.

Law No. 230-FZ dated July 3, 2016, since 2017, has established interest limits on microloans:

  1. If the repayment term of a consumer loan does not exceed one year, then interest stops accruing after they reach three times the amount of the loan. For example, if the borrower received 10,000 rubles, then you can demand from him to return no more than 40,000 rubles, taking into account the loan amount itself. Such accrual of interest is allowed for loan agreements that have not yet expired.
  2. If the loan is already overdue, then the interest on it cannot exceed twice the size of the loan. That is, from the borrower who did not return the received 10,000 rubles on time, you can demand no more than 30,000 rubles.

But even with such restrictions and a high risk of non-repayment of disbursed amounts, the creation of an MFI often turns out to be a very profitable business.

In the organizational and legal sense, MFIs are commercial organization, which can be registered in the form of LLC or JSC. Our free service for filling out registration documents allows you to do this only for limited liability companies, so we will tell you how to open an MFI in this format.

Organizational requirements for a microfinance organization

Before talking about the procedure for registering a microfinance organization, you need to figure out what types of them exist. The fact is that, depending on the type of MFI, different requirements are established for the size of the authorized capital and for the name of the organization.

In this table, we have indicated the main differences between the types of microfinance organizations, and their complete list is available in the document developed by the Central Bank.

Microfinance Company (MFC)

Microcredit Company (MCC)

The amount of own funds (authorized capital) - not less than 70 million rubles

There are no special requirements for the authorized capital, so registration is possible with a minimum amount for an LLC - 10,000 rubles.

The name must contain the phrase "microfinance company" and an indication of its organizational and legal form

The name must contain the phrase "microcredit company" and an indication of its organizational and legal form

It is allowed to attract funds from individuals who are not founders in the amount of at least 1.5 million rubles

It is possible to attract funds for any amount only from individual founders of the MCC

The provision on such a significant amount of the authorized capital (70 million rubles) for registering an MFI as a microfinance company was introduced not so long ago - by law No. 407-FZ of December 29, 2015. All microfinance organizations already registered before 2016 had to decide by the end of March 2017 what type of MFI they belong to, and, if necessary, bring their capital to the required amount.

As for microcredit organizations, although the Central Bank has not established a special amount of authorized capital for them, it is clearly not worth registering an MFI with an amount of 10,000 rubles.

First, issuing loans is the main activity of the MCC, and without initial cash investments the organization simply cannot function. Secondly, Law No. 151-FZ of July 2, 2010 “On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations” establishes that the founders must approve all transactions larger than 10% of the book value of the property. It turns out that with the minimum possible authorized capital for an MCC (10,000 rubles), the founders will have to meet to approve all loans with an amount over 1,000 rubles, which, of course, is very problematic.

In reality, when registering a microfinance organization and starting its normal operation, it is required to deposit at least 500 thousand rubles.

Documents for registration of MFIs

A microfinance organization can only be registered as a legal entity. Individual entrepreneurs are not allowed to engage in such activities.

Please note: from April 29, 2018, in the application for registration, the applicant must indicate his email address. Documents confirming the fact of registration (the USRIP or Unified State Register of Legal Entities, charter with the IFTS mark, tax registration certificate) are sent by the inspectorate not in paper form, as before, but in electronic form. Paper documents, in addition to electronic ones, will only be available at the request of the applicant.

If the registration of an MFO takes place in the format of a limited liability company, then a standard package of documents is submitted to the IFTS:

  1. Application for registration of a legal entity in the form. The corporate name of a microfinance organization must contain the phrase "microfinance company" or "microcredit company" (required by Article 5 of Law No. 151-FZ).
  2. MFI in two copies. The charter must indicate the size of the authorized capital, which must correspond to the type of microfinance organization (MFC or MCC).
  3. or . Law No. 151-FZ imposes a requirement on the founders-individuals and the head of the MFO - the absence of an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for crimes against state power or in the economic sphere.
  4. Confirmation of payment for registration of MFIs in the amount of 4,000 rubles.
  5. Documents for the legal address (a copy of the certificate of ownership of non-residential premises or). The law does not impose any requirements on the premises of an MFI, but given that cash is stored in it, the object, of course, must be put under protection. We recommend that you check with the security companies in advance what conditions for the organization of the premises must be observed.

The inspectorate will not accept an application for switching to a special tax regime, because microfinance organizations work only on the general taxation system. When applying through a representative, you must additionally prepare a power of attorney for registration actions.

Options for filing documents for registration of MFIs are standard:

  • personal visit of the founders to the tax office;
  • by mail;
  • through a representative
  • certified by electronic signature.

When submitting documents by mail or by proxy, an application in the form P11001 must be certified by a notary.

Registration of MFI in tax office is carried out within three working days, excluding the days of submission and receipt of documents. If everything is in order, then the IFTS sends the applicants the USRIP record sheet in the form No. P50007, one copy of the charter and a certificate of tax registration in electronic form.

Entering MFIs into the register of the Central Bank

On receipt of documents from the IFTS, the registration of an MFO does not end, for the time being it is just an ordinary legal entity. According to Law No. 151-FZ, a microfinance organization receives special rights and obligations only after entering information about it in the register of the Central Bank.

Registration of MFIs in the register of the Central Bank takes place in a declarative manner, the package of documents includes:

  • an application for entering information into the register of microfinance organizations;
  • a copy of the charter and decision on registration of the MFO;
  • a copy of the order appointing the director;
  • information about the legal address;
  • information about the founders;
  • certificate of no criminal record of the founders and heads of MFIs;
  • a document confirming the payment of a fee for 1,500 rubles;
  • internal control rules.

The application and information about the founders are filled out in the form of appendices 1 and 2 to the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 28, 2016 N 3984-U (available in the public domain). Information on entering information about the organization in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is requested by the Central Bank from the tax authorities on its own.

Documents are submitted to the territorial offices of the Bank of Russia for interaction with microfinance entities (contacts can be found on the website of the Central Bank). Registration of MFIs in the register of the Central Bank takes place within 30 working days from the date of submission of documents. After being entered in the register, the organization can start its microfinance activities.

Registration of MFI step by step

And now briefly on the steps on how to open an MFI ( step-by-step instruction):

Step 1. Study the requirements of the Central Bank for the activities of microfinance and microcredit companies and decide what type of MFO you will register.

Step 2. Choose the legal form of your organization. If this is an LLC, then documents for registration can be prepared free of charge in our service.

Step 3. Specify what requirements for the organization of the premises must be met in order to transfer the object under protection. It is possible that the originally chosen legal address is not suitable for this.

Step 4. Register the organization with the tax office.

Step 5. Submit documents for entering the MFO into the register of the Central Bank.

Do you have any questions about the MFI registration procedure? Get a free consultation from specialist registrars in your region.

  • Which franchise to choose
  • Business registration
  • "Underwater rocks"
  • What documents are needed
        • Similar business ideas:

According to experts, the microfinance industry remains attractive for investment, despite the fact that the demand for loans has slightly decreased compared to 2013-2014 (the "golden time" of MFIs). The people still need fast loans what is called paycheck to paycheck. Even all the crisis phenomena that are observed in the country do not interfere with the development of this business. Many large network players, having saturated the capital market to the limit, are already mastering the regions to the fullest ...

About microfinance organization

It is worth saying that before 2014 it was much easier to open your own MFI, and in general, it was much easier for such a business to exist. Everything changed after the Central Bank assumed control over the activities of microfinance organizations. Regulatory requirements intensified (the so-called mega-regulator was created) and “weak” and not entirely honest MFIs began to close in the country of mass.

Which franchise to choose

Interest in this industry on the part of small businesses is due to the fact that the process of opening an organization looks quite simple. If you don’t want to deal with all issues on your own and climb into an “incomprehensible market”, please, you can purchase a ready-made business model. So, today there are dozens of proposals for opening an MFI under a franchise agreement (for example, "Master Money" or "Home Money"). In fact, only three main components are required from an entrepreneur: 1 The desire to engage in this business 2. The room where the office will be located (can be rented) 3. Capital to start the business. Everything else, including the "paperwork" for registration of MFIs, staff training, marketing and other issues, is taken over by the main enterprise or the franchisor. Naturally, franchising involves some dependence on the main enterprise, but, you see, the chances of success increase dramatically.

Business registration

The activities of MFOs are regulated by Federal Law No. 151-FZ “On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations”. It describes in detail the basic requirements and rules for the functioning of such organizations. So, according to the law, a microfinance organization can issue loans to the population only up to 1 million rubles, no more. Registration of an MFI is essentially no different from opening a regular LLC (IP is not suitable in this case). Registration takes place in the same IFTS (tax). However, in order for the work of an MFI to be considered legal, it will also be necessary to join the state. register of microfinance organizations. This procedure goes through the Ministry of Finance. To enter the register, you will need to provide the following documents: application, certificate of State registration a legal entity, constituent documents, a decision on the establishment of an organization and on the approval of constituent documents, a decision on the approval of the organization's management bodies, a certificate of the address of the organization, information about the founders, payment of state duty. If you start work without entering the register (that is, by simply registering with the Federal Tax Service), then this threatens a fine of 30 thousand rubles. in accordance with Article 15.26.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Loans can be issued to persons aged 18 to 6 years, subject to the provision of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Maximum amount the loan from most organizations is 15,000 rubles. The average interest on a loan is 2% per day.

How much money do you need to invest to open a microfinance organization

The law does not prohibit opening with minimal investment (this is not for you to open a bank). In fact, you can start work "from scratch" with an authorized capital of 10,000 rubles. However, it is worth considering important point. The fact is that each transaction in the amount of 10% or more of the book value of assets is subject to mandatory approval at the general meeting participants. In other words, if you have a capital of 10,000 rubles, then you will have to approve each loan for 1,000 rubles. and more. Not an option! Therefore, market players recommend starting a business with a minimum capital of 500,000 - 700,000 rubles. This amount will be enough not only to repair the premises, register an LLC, but also to create the very “airbag” and increase the capabilities of the organization. Most often, areas in office centers, in the central part of the city. The average size of the premises is 25 - 35 square meters. m. The rent, depending on the region, is 20 - 50 thousand rubles. per month. The office of a microfinance organization is being equipped with furniture and office equipment (printers, computers, fax machines, telephones), expendable materials and office. Of the staff, first of all, account managers, a lawyer, a debtor manager, security officers and an accountant are required. The approximate wage fund is 100 - 150 thousand rubles. per month.

How much can you earn in microfinance organizations

If you issue an average of 20 loans per day in the amount of 3000 rubles. at 2% for 14 days, then in a month you can earn about 250 - 300 thousand rubles. Of these, “net” (minus rent, wages and advertising expenses) get 100 - 150 thousand rubles. This is taking into account the fact that 15 - 20% of the issued loans will not be returned on time and sold to collectors. If 700 - 900 thousand rubles were spent on opening an MFI, then the investments pay off in less than a year.

"Underwater rocks"

There are two main risks in conducting such activities: 1. High administrative responsibility (fines, constant control by the state, the introduction of new laws) 2. The risk of non-repayment of loans. If the first point is difficult to deal with, but the second is quite real. The problem of collection of overdue debts, perhaps, is the very "stumbling block" that stands in the way of building profitable business on loans. Because finding a client and issuing loans is not so difficult (due to the general economic situation in the country). It is much more difficult to repay the loan and the interest earned. Therefore, the opening of an MFI should be accompanied by a clear study of all documents related directly to working with loans. A competent lawyer in the state is a vital necessity. To reduce the risk of non-repayment of loans, it is necessary to introduce a serious block for dealing with overdue debts. What methods can help here:

  • High-quality initial consultation on the repayment of the loan at the stage of its provision.
  • Elaboration of a system of reminders of overdue debt. You can use cheap SMS, as well as hire a special person who will deal with calling debtors.
  • Implementation of a system of work with debtors who have financial problems.
  • Implementation of a system of work with responsible borrowers (providing additional bonuses, lowering interest rates, etc.)

At the same time, it is recommended to limit the period of self-collection of debts to 1 month. This period is enough to understand the real cause of the loan default problem. In the future, such debtors must be transferred to a collection company - specialists in debt collection. There are enough advantages from working with collectors: 1. You save money on maintaining your own debt collection service. 2. Transfer some of the negative aspects of your work to a third-party organization 3. Collectors are professionals in this field, so debt collection from them is much more efficient.

Step by step business plan: where to start

Opening a financial institution is better to start with detailed business a plan in which you need to calculate what capital investments you will need, how much money you will need to spend on providing loans, how much it will take to purchase equipment, rent, wages staff and advertising company. Then you will need:

  • register a business
  • obtain the status of an MFI;
  • choose an office space;
  • recruit staff:
  • organize an advertising campaign.

What equipment is needed for MFI

For MFIs, the same equipment and inventory is suitable as for a regular office. You will need: computers and office equipment, computer tables, chairs, telephones; shelves or rack. All costs will cost no more than 100,000.

What documents are needed

An MFI can only be registered as a legal entity. To do this, you will need: a decision to establish an MFI as an LLC, the charter of the organization, documents on the payment of the State Duty, an order to appoint a director with the duties of chief accountant. The main OKVED code is 64.92.7 - “Microfinance activities”. When submitting documents on registration with the IFTS, you can choose the simplified tax system or OSN. In addition to registration and obtaining the status of a microfinance organization, no additional documents are required.