What about utility bills? What is included in utilities: a list. The overall breakdown includes

  • 02.09.2020

Utilities are represented by activities through which citizens are created comfortable conditions residence. The list of provided utilities is necessarily displayed in the contract between residents and housing and communal services, management company, HOA or other responsible body. However, not every person has such a copy of the house, so many people ask a completely logical question, what is the responsibility of the house manager and what exactly do you need to pay for.

Over the past few years, some changes have been made to Russian legislation regarding the sphere of public utilities. According to government regulations, utility providers can be either entity, or individual entrepreneur. This person is responsible for acquiring the necessary resources, carrying out the agreed work, and the serviceability of all communication systems.

According to the latest changes, the right to use public services has:

  • The owner of an apartment or other residential premises with his family;
  • Citizens who received housing from the cooperative;
  • Residential tenants in an apartment building;
  • Premises tenants apartment building.

Key Points

First of all, it should be noted that is included in the list of provided utilities:

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Communication nameExplanation
Cold water supplyRound-the-clock supply by the central or intra-house network in the quantity and quality appropriate for domestic needs. If there is no water supply system, there must be a water supply to the street column.
Hot water supplyRound-the-clock supply through the central water supply network.
Sewer drainageRemoval of domestic wastewater through the house and central sewer system. Most of the existing premises of an apartment building are equipped with such systems.
Power supplyUninterrupted round-the-clock supply of electricity in sufficient volumes
Gas supplyRound-the-clock supply through the gas supply network. Implementation of supply using gas cylinders is acceptable.
HeatingSupply of heat energy through centralized networks, as well as heat supply systems with the support of the proper temperature regime during the heating season.

Of course, utilities cannot include an item that does not actually apply to a particular house. For example, if there is no sewerage system or hot water supply, they should not be included in the payment and, accordingly, are not included in the contract with the management company.

Obligations of management companies and housing and communal services

General household needs, which are satisfied by management companies, housing and communal services and other relevant structures, are also included in the item of expenses for utilities. Every resident should know what exactly he pays for and whether he gets what he pays for. To utilities general purpose includes:

Additionally, there may be other items that are included in the contract individually. If you need to find out exactly what these additional utilities are and what else they include, you can contact the management company or housing and communal services. Often such a need arises among citizens who are too vigilant or in cases of dishonest performance by the governing bodies of their duties.

Current regulations

The changes that have affected the rules for the provision of public services include not only the separation of duties by points, but also the procedure for calculating and paying for receipts. Apart from heating, the payment is divided into a common house payment and an individual one for each apartment owner. Receipts also come separately.

Innovations have also affected the normative coefficients. This was done in order to encourage citizens to install individual meters in apartments. The principle turned out to be very simple: for those who have the technical ability to install a meter, but did not do so, they introduced an increased standard for all types of utilities. Further, for the same category of the population, the tariff was increased every six months by ten percent to the limit mark of sixty percent. In other words, a further refusal to install meters is fraught with an overpayment of sixty percent already two years after such an innovation, which was approved back in 2013.

The only advantage of this change is the fact that this percentage overpayment is aimed at saving energy and improving the efficiency of existing systems.

Improper fulfillment of the terms of the contract

If the management company still requires payment in full from the tenants, taking into account all the relevant tariff increases, but at the same time fulfills its obligations in bad faith or does not fulfill it at all, then the law provides for certain actions. For example, if the garbage is not taken out on time, the local area is not cleaned, there are no lamps in the entrance and the windows are broken, then this and other violations should be recorded by the relevant act. It can be compiled by any tenant of this house, together with two neighbors and the chairman of the homeowners association.

It should be borne in mind that the date when the act was signed will serve as the reference period for the provision of low-quality utilities. In case of violations and mass dissatisfaction of residents, it is necessary to prepare a collective complaint with specific claims. The complaint must contain the last names, first names, patronymics, addresses of residence and signatures of each tenant participating. Such a document is submitted to the management company or housing and communal services. The complaint should clearly indicate the date by which the tenants require the deficiencies to be corrected. You must keep a copy of it for yourself.

Further, a similar letter is sent to the Housing and Utilities Department of the settlement with a request to take appropriate measures and bring violators to justice. This is done if the first complaint had no effect. Further, if the second option did not work, you should go to court.

Not every citizen knows exactly what is included in the list of utilities. Let's figure out what amenities each person can count on Russian Federation in 2020.

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And we will determine how users pay for resources supplied by management companies or homeowners associations.

Thanks to public services, citizens can count on comfortable living.

And the list of such services is spelled out in the agreement that was drawn up between the owners of apartments and housing and communal services, management companies or HOAs.

But not everyone has a sample contract on hand, and therefore the question often arises of what exactly the governing body should do and what it is worth paying a fee for.

After all, often because of their ignorance of legal norms, citizens do not know about their rights, available benefits. As a result, they overpay.

General aspects

If you know what exactly we are paying for, you can argue the recalculations of payment for housing and communal services, competently draw up plans for a private house during the construction works etc.

Housing and communal services provide services of 2 types - communal and housing. Both of them increase the comfort of living for people.

Such companies must guarantee the uninterrupted provision of amenities. Citizens, in turn, must pay them in a timely manner.

Basic concepts

Housing and communal services are services that are designed to provide citizens with basic benefits.

If your apartment is not connected to all such communication systems, you can express your wishes for improvement of conditions to authorized persons of the relevant authorities.

Yes, and government agencies can not refuse such requests. Mandatory objects in a residential area:

  • shower, bath, sink, which has a serviceable faucet;
  • a heating system that works without interruption (electrical appliances are not taken into account);
  • European power supply and sockets;
  • sewer system.

Who is a mandatory payer

The obligation to pay fees for the provision of utility services is spelled out in.

It is indicated when it occurs in a certain circle of people. Must pay:

Only registrants are charged. The legislation does not provide for accrual to persons that actually live in an apartment.

The exception is cases when consumers wish to pay for services on a voluntary basis. But in this case, it is desirable to conclude an appropriate agreement between such a person and the owner.

If there is no such device, then the amount is determined on the basis of the resource consumption standard per tenant (or per square meter).

It refers to the obligation of citizens to install common house metering devices (ODPU) in all apartment buildings.

So you can determine the exact volume of resource consumption in a particular apartment.

What else could be

Not every service provided by the management company is mandatory. There are optional, when a person can choose from 2 one at his discretion. These include the supply of hot water and gas.

You can also select both services. To additional services, which citizens have the right to choose independently, include:

  • cable TV;
  • radio (if it is not used by residents, then they write a statement about disconnection);
  • intercom.

But citizens cannot but pay for the elevator and the garbage chute, since they are located on the common house territory. Another thing is if they are faulty.

Then a lawsuit is filed or a lawsuit is submitted and appropriate evidence of the provision of poor-quality services is provided.

Emerging nuances

Consider how utilities are paid by tenants and legal entities.

When paying rent

When a property is rented out, an agreement is drawn up between the owner and the tenant. In such a document, it is worth prescribing who is responsible for paying utility bills.

If there is no such item in, then all bills for services will come in the name of the owner of the apartment.

Therefore, the payment clause in the contract will allow the landlord to protect himself from unscrupulous tenants.

There are 3 possible actions:

Landlords include the cost of housing and communal services in the amount of rent by the tenant The latter will pay the owner, and he will already repay the accrued amounts for the consumption of resources. This method is trusted
The tenant pays the bills on his own And the owner transfers the amount only for accommodation in accordance with the drawn up contract. Plus - there will be no overpayment. How much a person spends (of the same water), he will pay for so much. And the landlord thus does not have to bother about paying utility bills. This option is convenient if a long rental period is expected.
Services are paid by the tenant, but this is not mentioned in the agreement In this situation, the owner should monitor how such an obligation is fulfilled by the tenant


  • In our case, this concept defines a complex of relationships related to the implementation of the operation of a dwelling with filling it with utilities. In other words, what, how much and at what point in time will a particular person living in a particular residential building receive. In general, in order to reveal the category considered in the article, we need to determine what housing is all the same. So, in accordance with Art. 15 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, a residential area is an isolated room, which is real estate and is suitable for permanent residence citizens (meets the established sanitary and technical rules and norms, other requirements of the legislation). Accordingly, residential premises are divided into types:
  • 1. Residential building, part of a residential building.
  • 2. Apartment, part of an apartment.
  • 3. Room.

Considering the entire set of residential premises, we can say that they provide a housing stock, in other words, this is the totality of all residential premises located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Depending on the form of ownership, the housing stock is divided into:

  • 1. Private housing stock.
  • 2. State housing stock.
  • 3. Municipal housing stock.

It should be noted that the residential premises include premises for auxiliary use, designed to meet citizens' domestic and other needs associated with their living in residential premises, with the exception of balconies, loggias, verandas and terraces. In this case, the floors are technical, basement, basement, etc. In addition, there may also be an apartment plot - a land plot adjacent to a residential building with direct access to it.


Considering the foregoing, it can be concluded that housing services are services provided by an enterprise (executor) to maintain and restore the proper technical and sanitary and hygienic condition of buildings, structures, equipment, communications and public utilities. In apartment buildings, housing and communal services are provided associations of homeowners (housing-construction cooperatives) or management companies, with direct management, it is possible to provide housing and communal services by the residents themselves. It should be noted that housing and communal facilities should be understood as objects of external improvement of the territory of cities and towns. settlements in the form of green spaces, city roads and elements of their improvement, pedestrian and bicycle paths, engineering protection facilities, street lighting, sanitary cleaning facilities, as well as equipped sites, parking lots, plots, devices and structures located in the local area. In the process of maintaining and restoring the proper technical and sanitary and hygienic condition of buildings, structures, equipment, communications and utility facilities, the contractor is actually engaged in their operation. Currently, there are winter (autumn - winter) summer (spring - summer) periods of operation. In accordance with these periods of operation, the operating organizations carry out routine maintenance in terms of surveying buildings and their operational control in the field of elements of buildings and structures.


In accordance with the periods of operation, the organization in charge of buildings and structures identifies faulty and damaged elements of buildings and structures. Are faulty damaged elements of buildings those elements that cannot meet the relevant operational requirements. In turn, the performance indicators of a building are a set of technical, space-planning, sanitary-hygienic, economic and aesthetic characteristics of a building that determine its performance. Further, an enterprise that is engaged in the operation of buildings is obliged to take into account physical wear and tear, which defines itself in accordance with GOST R 51929 - 2002 and includes itself in the form of an indicator that characterizes the change in the technical condition of the building compared to the original state as a result of the impact of natural and climatic factors of human activity. At the same time, in some cases, obsolescence of a building can be taken into account, which characterizes the degree of non-compliance of the main parameters that determine living conditions, the volume and quality of services provided with modern requirements.


In accordance with the data received, as a result of spring-autumn surveys, it forms defective statements and prepares repairs to buildings. Repair of a building is a complex of operations to restore the serviceability or operability of a building and restore its resource or its resource. constituent parts. Distinguish Maintenance and overhaul of the building. The current repair of a building includes (structures, equipment, communications, housing and communal facilities) - repairs performed to restore the serviceability or operability of a building (structures, communications, housing and communal facilities), partial restoration of its resource with the replacement or restoration of components limited nomenclature in the amount established by the regulatory and technical documentation. Capital repairs of a building (structures, equipment, communications, housing and communal facilities) - repairs performed to restore the resource of a building (structures, equipment, communications, housing and communal facilities) with the replacement or restoration of any components, including basic ones. Overhaul consists in the replacement and restoration of individual parts or entire structures and engineering - technical equipment buildings in connection with their wear and tear and destruction. The composition of the overhaul also includes works that are related to the current repair, but performed in connection with the production of a major overhaul. It should be noted here that there is a security and maintenance repair - it is carried out in dilapidated houses that cannot be demolished in the near future. In accordance with the above, the enterprises involved in the operation actually maintain the building, and this is a range of services for maintenance, cleaning, diagnostics, testing and inspection of the building (structures, equipment, communications, housing and communal facilities) and technical supervision of its condition. At the same time, these enterprises, within the framework of the maintenance of the building, carry out Maintenance residential building - a set of works to maintain the good condition of the elements of the building and the specified parameters, as well as its operating modes technical devices(VSN 58-88(p)).

Incident Handling

On the basis of all these works, the enterprise that maintains the building forms both the current repair of buildings and the capital one, on the basis of the corresponding defective statements. For the effective implementation of building maintenance, full scheduling of building maintenance is necessary. This type of service includes - a set of operations for receiving, registering, recording consumer applications for the provision of housing and communal services and monitoring their execution. As a result of dispatching, the accident rate and the elimination of the accident rate of buildings are revealed. In this case, this is due to a set of priority operations and measures to immediately eliminate accidents and malfunctions, maintain and restore the conditions necessary for the life support and safety of consumers. In addition, the service for the maintenance of residential premises also includes such a service as sanitary cleaning of the housing stock and adjacent territories, i.e. maintaining and restoring the proper sanitary and hygienic condition of the housing stock and adjacent areas. This also includes a service for the maintenance and care of green spaces in adjacent territories - namely, sowing lawns, arranging flower beds, paths and playgrounds, preparing sites for gardening, harvesting, planting trees and shrubs, as well as caring for them in adjacent territories.


In this case, we have provided a list housing services. At the same time, there are also utilities. Utilities - is the provision of services of cold water, hot water, sanitation, electricity, gas and heating. These types of services provide comfortable living conditions for citizens in residential premises. Currently, current legislation does not include garbage collection as a public service. The composition of the utilities provided to the consumer is determined by the degree of improvement of the apartment building or residential building, which means the presence in the apartment building or residential building of in-house engineering systems that allow the consumer to provide the following utilities:

  • cold water supply - round-the-clock provision of the consumer with cold drinking water of proper quality, supplied in the required volumes through the connected network to the residential premises or to the standpipe;
  • hot water supply - round-the-clock provision of the consumer with hot water of proper quality, supplied in the required volumes through the connected network to the dwelling;
  • sewerage - removal of domestic sewage from a dwelling through an attached network;
  • power supply - round-the-clock provision of the consumer with electrical energy of the proper quality, supplied in the required volumes through the connected network to the residential premises;
  • gas supply - round-the-clock provision of the consumer with gas of proper quality, supplied in the required volumes through the connected network to the residential premises, as well as the sale of domestic gas in cylinders;
  • heating - maintenance of comfortable conditions in a dwelling heated by an attached network.


In accordance with the concepts presented by us, everything that we have stated above is precisely a complex of housing and communal services. In this case, these two types of different services cannot coexist separately and provide appropriate living conditions in a particular residential area. In accordance with this, the performers of housing and communal services, as a rule, also act as their producer or intermediary. Accordingly, in this case, the performer of all types of services and carries out their accrual in accordance with the volume of provision of these types of services. As a rule, when accruing, advanced hardware software complexes with the use of information - computers.

see also

  • Housing and communal services - Housing and communal services



  • - GOST R 51929-2002: Housing and communal services. Terms and Definitions
  • - State standard Russian Federation GOST R 51929-2002 "Housing and communal services. Terms and definitions"
  • - "Some articles on the topic of housing and communal services"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Housing and communal services" is in other dictionaries:

    Housing and communal services- reliable and sustainable supply of cold and hot water, electricity, gas, heating, wastewater disposal and treatment, maintenance and repair of residential buildings, adjacent territory, as well as landscaping of the territory of the settlement ... Official terminology

    housing and communal services- Contractor's services for maintaining and restoring the proper technical and sanitary and hygienic condition of buildings, structures, equipment, communications and housing and communal facilities, removal of household waste and supply ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    housing and communal services- 3.1 housing and communal services: Actions or activities of the contractor to maintain and restore the proper technical and sanitary and hygienic condition of buildings, structures, equipment, communications and housing and communal facilities ... ...

    GOST R 51617-2000: Housing and communal services. General specifications- Terminology GOST R 51617 2000: Housing and communal services. General specifications original document: 3.1 housing and communal services: Actions or activities of the contractor to maintain and restore proper technical and sanitary ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    MDS 13-11.2000: Methodology for calculating the solvent ability of the population for housing and communal services- Terminology MDS 13 11.2000: Methodology for calculating the solvent ability of the population for housing and communal services: monthly average per capita income actual cash income, including wages, bonuses, permanent allowances, funds for ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Electricity supply, water supply and sanitation, gas supply, heat supply services brought to the consumer in the dwelling. Utilities: create comfort of living; contribute to the implementation of life support and maintenance ... ... Financial vocabulary

    GOST R 51929-2002: Housing and communal services. Terms and Definitions- Terminology GOST R 51929 2002: Housing and communal services. Terms and definitions original document: 12 emergency maintenance of the building [structures, equipment, communications, housing and communal facilities]: Complex of priority ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

The housing and communal services system is one of the key economic sectors in the country. It covers a large industrial and technical complex. The demand for his services and products is always high. Let's take a closer look at the features Housing and communal services. Decryption abbreviations will also be indicated in the article.

General information

The housing and communal services system includes public, residential buildings, transport, operational and other facilities. All of them form a complex socio-economic complex. The state of infrastructure facilities and directly the living environment of citizens depends on the effectiveness of its activities. Utilities - what is it? It is primarily an independent economic sphere. Its key task is to meet the needs of citizens and organizations in services through which normal working and living conditions are provided.


Housing and communal services (HCS)- an area in which many topical issues are being addressed. Many of them worsen with the onset of cold weather. In what directions does it work Housing and communal services? Decryption This acronym speaks for itself. The key directions of this sphere is the provision of the main resources of the population and organizations - electricity, water, heat. In some regions, the situation is rather complicated. The most acute supply problems are in the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, Magadan Region, Kamchatka, and Primorye. Only 60% of the fuel was delivered to some regions. The aging of funds is another urgent problem in housing and communal services. What is physical wear and tear is known in every region. All these problems require immediate solutions.

Housing and communal services of the city of Moscow

Despite the fact that the capital region is considered the most prosperous in the country, there are also key issues related to the financing of housing and communal services. What is the lack of money for the industry? This is primarily a lack of operational equipment, overalls for workers, low salaries. Nobody wants to work for little pay. Accordingly, the industry employs predominantly unskilled workers. According to officials, the permanent deficit at the moment is about 700 million rubles. Funds that citizens transfer in the form of rent can only cover cost of utility services. At the same time, this amount does not include the costs of maintaining and maintaining engineering and communication networks. That is why the industry operates only in emergency mode. Money for preventive actions simply no.

Financial problems of housing and communal services

What is indebtedness for the sector in question? It represents the source of a chain of non-payments that are present in almost all industries. The key reasons for the difficult situation with debt are:


Territorial authorities are not always able to fulfill their obligations. This has led to widespread administrative coercion of performers and contractors in violation of applicable law. The control over the production and provision of quality services to citizens, the validity of the established tariffs, has significantly decreased. Insufficient funding explains the lack of interest in the formation of homeowners associations. The inability to fulfill budgetary obligations, the lack of transparent and effective procedures for setting and adjusting tariffs make the sector unattractive for private investors. This indicates the presence of a systemic crisis both in the industry itself as a whole and separately in the regions. The solution of the problems that have arisen is possible by applying the program-target method.

Ways out of the crisis

The main work on the formation of a problem-solving program falls on Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services RF. First of all, it is necessary to improve the composition and structure of financial relations within the industry with the requirements of a market economy. It should be said that some of the activities began back in 1997. So, in the late 90s, the process of transition from free or almost free provision of housing and communal services and the provision of housing to paid by citizens, in accordance with the quality, was launched. The main objectives of the events are:

Sector conversion

Having outlined the directions for reforming the housing and communal services, the government has developed the following ways to achieve its goals:

  1. Improving the structures of management, control and operation.
  2. Transition to contractual relations, development of competition, providing the end user with the opportunity to influence the quality and volume of services, the introduction of a system of competitive selection of service organizations.
  3. Improvement of calculation schemes, establishment of increased rates for excess living space, differentiation of payment in accordance with the location of the object and the quality of housing.
  4. Decrease with the subsequent termination of appropriations from the budget, elimination of cross-subsidization.
  5. Improving the system of social protection of citizens. It involves the streamlining of existing benefits, strengthening the individual focus of allocated funds.
  6. up to economically justified indicators determined through the competitive selection of service organizations.

Social protection of the population

It consists in preventing regional bodies and structures of territorial self-government from:

  1. Restraining the improvement of the subsidy program for low-income families.
  2. Unreasonable deterioration in the quality of services in comparison with those provided for in the contract of employment.
  3. Imposition of unreasonably high tariffs.


Housing and communal services is considered one of the most costly economic sectors. Heat and electricity, water, and other resources are wastefully consumed here. farms are often unable to cover the costs with established tariffs and norms. At the same time, the pricing policy in the sector under consideration acts as a regulatory mechanism between producers, users and the municipal budget. The latter provides financing for the most costly areas of the industry. As a basis pricing policy should act as a set of measures aimed at stimulating producers to reduce losses, and consumers, in turn, to rational use resources. today is carried out in accordance with the tariffs. The standards are calculated at cost and established profitability. General rules the definitions of these indicators are subject to the corporate interest of the manufacturer. Tariffs are set by the local administration. housing and communal services however, it does not provide adequate control over the actual consumption of resources and cannot issue invoices for excess use. The consumer, in turn, cannot refuse to pay and allocate volumes that really should be included in the tariff and cost. The existing payment scheme, therefore, does not allow taking into account the costs that the manufacturer actually bears, the volume of actual consumption and the loss of the product during its transportation and receipt.

Tasks of tariff regulation

An effective analysis of rationing and pricing procedures should be based on the ratio of the established level of producers' costs and the volume of consumption of a particular resource. The existing problems are due to the imperfection of the current regulatory framework. At the same time, gaps are present at the federal, regional and local levels. The tariff regulation scheme is designed to ensure the implementation of investment and production programs approved for the coming period. Its functions include:

  1. Stimulation of housing and communal services enterprises to reduce costs while improving the quality of services.
  2. Creation of conditions for attraction of investments.
  3. Ensuring the formation of the required amount of financial resources.
  4. Accounting for the creation of competitive relations in some sub-sectors of housing and communal services.
  5. Formation of mechanisms to reduce the politicization of pricing processes.

Planning, calculation and accounting methodology

Financial department of housing and communal services must find a compromise between terms of reference, the need for money and the solvency of the population. The basis for determining tariffs is the Methodology for planning, calculating and accounting for tariffs. It was developed to ensure the unity of the classification and composition of costs, the calculation of the cost at enterprises that carry out different kinds activities in the housing sector. The regulatory framework is the Regulation, approved by government decree No. 522 of 08/05/1992, amendments to it, as well as other legal acts. The methodology is intended for use by organizations different types activities: operation of housing stock, sewerage and water supply, electricity, heat supply, sanitary cleaning of settlements, bath, hotel, laundry services, etc. Services in each area of ​​housing and communal services act as objects of calculation.


It acts as one of the key stages in determining economically justified prices. Cost planning is necessary both for natural monopolists and for those organizations that get the opportunity to conclude service contracts on a competitive basis. In the latter case, the cost is included in the tariff, which is the starting one during the event. Planned expenses for each item are set in accordance with:

  1. Analysis of actual costs and their dynamics in the coming period.
  2. Using regional and industry norms for types of costs.

The following groups of factors should be taken into account in the planning process:

  1. Reducing the size of the cost: the use of an anti-cost mechanism, resource-saving measures, and so on.
  2. Increasing the cost: determining the degree of inflation, the introduction of technological operations that improve the quality of service.

The planned cost per unit of service is determined by dividing the total estimated costs by the expected volume of services in kind. Loss / profit from sales is determined as the difference between the proceeds in current prices without VAT and costs in accordance with the law (standards).

Additional tasks

To improve the efficiency of the organization of the sector, the LCD provides that the management of an apartment building is designed to provide safe and favorable conditions for citizens, the proper maintenance of common property, the resolution of issues related to its use, as well as high-quality service by housing and communal services organizations. At the address of the location, the owners must choose one of the management methods:

  1. Directly by the owners of the apartments.
  2. HOA, a specialized consumer cooperative.
  3. managing organization.

The corresponding decision is made at the general meeting.


In the 90s in Russia, the population covered about 4% of the operating costs of housing and communal services. The rest of the expenses were compensated by budgetary funds. In the process of transition to a market economy, it became obvious that such a financing system was inefficient. In this regard, there is an urgent need to reform the sector. By Decree of the President No. 425, the Concept of Transformations was approved. In accordance with it, the following tasks were set:

  1. Ensuring living conditions for citizens that meet standards.
  2. Reducing the costs of service organizations. This, in turn, was supposed to help reduce tariffs while maintaining the quality of services.
  3. Mitigation for citizens of the consequences of the transformation of payment calculation schemes during the transition of the sector to the break-even mode.

As practice has shown, the process of reforming housing and communal services at the territorial level is proceeding rather slowly. Locally, there is a gradual increase in tariffs. By 2007, household payments covered about 80% of the industry's costs. After the transition to full payment for housing and communal services, budget obligations are provided only for a part of the costs related to the provision of benefits and subsidies. Meanwhile, the current state of the communal infrastructure remains unsatisfactory. The industry faces the following challenges:

The development of housing and communal services is slow and difficult. Difficulties are caused primarily by the neglect of the industry, the presence of contradictions in financial relations process participants. Experts consider it justified the decision to gradually increase tariffs for the population so that over time they reach the level established for legal entities. However, a clear protection mechanism for low-income families is needed. At the same time, experts note that the originally set deadlines for the transition to 100% payment by citizens of operating costs are not justified. Due to high inflation, the need to strengthen social protection of the population, it is proposed to reduce the maximum allowable share of citizens' own expenses for paying for housing and communal services from 22 to 18%. At all levels of government, it is necessary to be more actively involved in solving the problems of the industry, without shifting them to the population, investors and the market.