Where can I find a babysitter? How to choose a nanny for a child: a psychologist answers questions from parents How to find a good nanny for a child

  • 17.08.2020

Our regular columnist told us why she needs a babysitter, despite the fact that her native mother I didn't mind taking care of my granddaughter. You can read about it in the column "Grandmother or babysitter: 4 myths that I want to debunk right now."

"Letidor" asked Nuria to tell in more detail how the search for a nanny for baby Safira went and what, based on her own experience, she can advise other parents.

Nuria Arkhipova

Finding a nanny is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. As soon as I decided to take an assistant, several questions arose in front of me at once:

1.** Where to look:** on the Internet or through an acquaintance?

2.** Which nanny is better:** a woman aged (40-50 years old) or a young one (under 30)?

3. How important availability of pedagogical education at the nanny?

4. Does the fact matter? the presence of the nanny's own children? Does this fact affect the attitude towards pupils? Or is it more important to find a person who just loves children?

5.** How to pay:** every day, once a week or monthly? Which do you prefer: hourly or daily?

6. And despite the fact that I have done more than one job interview in my life, I thought: what to look for when hiring a nanny?

7. The state of health of the future nanny: is it necessary have a medical certificate?

8.** How to control the work of a nanny**?

Where to look for a nanny

Despite the fact that I was extremely determined, I can not deny that I was not tormented by vague doubts. After all, it is normal to worry and worry about your children.

Initially, the search for a nanny was carried out with the help of specialized recruitment agencies, of which there are many on the market today. I settled on one of the most popular sites specializing in just a service for the selection of nannies. On it, there were filters by criteria, and an interactive map showing nannies in the district, and the presence of reviews from former employers. In addition, on the site you could immediately get acquainted with the age, education, experience, find out what kind of work schedule suits them and whether it matches your preferences.

True, an independent search for a nanny on the site is not a free service: to find a nanny, you need to pay 1290 rubles.

It seems to me that the money is lifting, and it is possible to spend it in order to get full access to the database and passport data of applicants. So, with the question of where to look, we figured it out.

Babysitter's age

As for age, I considered at least 40 years.

It seems to me that a younger nanny, especially if there are children of their own, who may still be small, will be more distracted by their children. A woman over forty has sufficient life experience, is more responsible, as a rule, has adult children and experience in raising them.

I decided that the upper age limit is strictly 55 years.

Children grow fast enough, you will not notice how the child is one year old, and he will start walking and then running. Therefore, the nanny should be, in my opinion, a woman active enough to, if necessary, run after the child.

And in general, quick reaction and mobility, as you yourself understand, are very important when it comes to babies - before you have time to look around, everything that was found nearby is dragged into your mouth.

The presence of pedagogical education

While the child is small (1-3 years old), in my opinion, pedagogical education is not a necessity. Desirable, but not required. But a teacher will not interfere with a three-year-old child.

But what is needed for a baby is the presence of a medical education in a nanny.

She should know how to lower the temperature, what medicines to stop the first symptoms of a cold, in general, she can distinguish when the child is naughty, and when he is harmful because he gets sick. Such a nanny knows everything about complementary foods: when and what can be introduced, she will quickly understand if the child has an allergy to something.

Another great bonus, in my opinion, is the skills of professional massage for children under one year old.

It is very important to do gymnastics and massage with kids - this has a great effect on both physical and emotional development.

Nanny has own children

Having children of my own, in my opinion, nice bonus for a woman, because it means that she has her own maternal experience.

In some reviews on the Internet, I saw advice that it is imperative to be interested in the marital status of the nanny, whether she has children, how old they are, what they do, where they live. In general, find out how she took place as a mother.

But it seems to me that a woman's wealth as a mother has nothing to do with her professional skills.

For me, having children is not a priority. If a woman loves children, knows how to get along with them, has extensive experience in caring for babies, which is confirmed by the positive recommendations of previous employers, has a medical and / or pedagogical education, then the absence of her own children will not be a reason for me to refuse her work.

How to make payment

On the site, each nanny-applicant has a tariff in the “Payment” column.

average price in Moscow today it is 300 rubles per hour. You can find cheaper - 150 rubles per hour, and more expensive - 350-450 rubles per hour.

You can choose a nanny with accommodation - here everyone proceeds from what is convenient for him. For me, hourly pay and a nanny who lives not so far from us turned out to be an excellent solution to all problems: she comes at the agreed time, spends a certain number of hours with the child and leaves.

By the way, you can arrange in advance with the nanny help with the housework and the execution of some assignments. Of course, I am against the fact that the nanny does household chores to the detriment of taking care of the child - it is more important for me that the baby is under constant supervision. But sometimes I still give her some orders.

It is also worth talking to the nanny in advance about overtime, possible overnight stays and feeding the child. How the child will eat is a very important question. You must think through everything in detail, because cooking a baby takes time. Yes, and an aptitude test would be nice to hold for a potential nanny if you want the child to eat not from cans.

We have solved this problem by itself: we have a grandmother who is a responsible chef who monitors the quality of dishes. But the nanny cooks and feeds Safira at the same time - that was my condition when applying for a job.

What to look for when hiring a nanny

At an interview with a nanny, you need to pay attention to EVERYTHING: how she behaves, how she talks, how she is dressed, how correct her speech is, how she smells.

Despite the fact that our nanny is by and large coming, she comes to our house every day. She spends several hours with Safira and with those who are currently at home.

You need to understand that by hiring a nanny, you get a new family member who will be with you and your baby for quite a long period of time. Therefore, be attentive to the smallest details.

Even if everything suits you - age, education, experience, recommendations - but you feel that something is wrong, that your soul is not lying, then it is better to refuse and continue the search.

At the interview, do not be shy to ask for certificates, diplomas and other documents. Ask for recommendations and be sure to call the numbers that the potential nanny will provide you. Meticulously find out everything, including the family situation: with whom he lives, what he does. If a woman does not live alone, but, for example, with children and grandchildren, you can ask why she does not deal with them.

But something else is more important: children of preschool and school age often get sick, the nanny will in this case be a constant source of infections for your child. You need it? I think no.

So that marital status A potential nanny is just as important as her skills and education.

Having a medical certificate

Having a medical book is a must! I'm sure you understand why. AT kindergarten and the school teacher will not be allowed to go to the children for a cannon shot if he does not have a medical permit, appropriate tests and all possible vaccinations.

If you fear that her certificate is invalid or bought, offer to go get tested and see a doctor together.

You can find a babysitter:

  • through acquaintances;
  • through an agency
  • viewing advertisements in newspapers such as "From hand to hand" or on the Internet;
  • giving their announcements to the press or the Internet;
  • posting their ads on poles.

The first way to find a babysitter is considered the safest. But it has a number of problems.

There may be no acquaintances, or it is possible, as a result of a long search, to find a nanny through acquaintances, as unpredictable as a nanny found through an ad.

In any case, the choice will be small. It is unlikely that you will be offered more than 5-6 applicants. The nanny herself will definitely feel her "exclusivity" too.

If you are lucky and the nanny is from your immediate environment, for example, a friend of your mother, then it will probably be much safer for you to leave the child for the first time, but serious ethical problems may arise later. What to do, for example, if after a week or two of work you realize that the nanny does not suit you? How can I say this to the nanny herself, who recommended the nanny to the person? Who will recommend a new nanny to you now?

If you have taken a long-time acquaintance as a nanny, you will inevitably have to divide between friendly informal relations with the nanny and formal ones. What will you face if it turns out, for example, that the nanny does not communicate with your child in the way you would like? She doesn’t hit him, of course, and doesn’t even yell at him, but, let’s say, she soothes a 2-year-old baby with candy too often or feeds him despite his protests, because she believes that this is the only right upbringing? Or maybe she just reads less to the child than you would like? Or does he rest and drink tea too often while the child is alone in the room? To some, these problems may seem like a trifle, but for YOU they can be serious.

It is my deep conviction that a good nanny is a neutral nanny who is able to follow your instructions exactly, even if they do not always seem correct to her. She, of course, can and should express her opinion in contentious issues, but after discussing the situation with you, she should act as and only as YOU see fit, because she is raising YOUR child. Sometimes, it is very difficult to achieve such a relationship with a well-known person with whom a certain relationship has already developed. The most pleasant person for you in all respects may not meet your expectations at all as a nanny for your child. That's how it often is with grandmothers. If you're not lucky, then you're not lucky. Unfortunately, according to the reviews of my friends, they are not lucky enough often.

I don't know if I wanted to have a close friend as a nanny. I, unfortunately (or fortunately), did not have to make such a decision. There was simply no suitable nanny among my acquaintances.

According to the acquaintance of the nanny, it was scary to take a stranger. What to do? So you want someone qualified to solve your problem for you. That's what I thought, and that's why I started calling agencies.

At first I decided that I needed a nanny for only 2-3 hours a day. I was informed that in this case, the nanny must have a very large hourly rate. At current prices, this is 1-1.5 dollars per hour. With such a small number of hours, rather the latter than the former. I figured it was about $80 a month and agreed. Another 40 dollars would have to be given to the agency. In some agencies it was necessary to immediately go and sign an agreement, in others it was enough to give your consent by phone and describe in more detail what kind of nanny I want to have. I really don't like to leave the house once again, so I limited myself to verbal instructions in several agencies, and waited. I must say, a lot of time passed before they called me and said something like this: “We have a nanny with a higher pedagogical education, very good and kind, she is 45 years old, she raised her two children and she lives 40 minutes from you. She has 3 years of experience in a family with a child of 2. Of course, she would like to work full time, but she is ready to consider your offer. If you want, we can come to you and talk." Of course, I tried to get more information about this nanny and others who were also offered to me. But the subsequent characteristics, as a rule, did not differ either in originality or in details. Perhaps I would have found out more information at a personal meeting, but not to host ALL potentially suitable nannies, and even their managers! I also did not want to go five times a day to agencies. I wondered how the agency vets nannies. I was told that they are looking at documents, medical certificates and recommendations. I thought that I myself can look at documents and certificates, but such a check is unlikely to suit me. The recommendations of strangers are also unlikely to help me. In any case, there were very few offers.

Then I decided that perhaps the whole point is that good nannies want to work all day and make good money, and I decided to change the approach. Stayed for the whole day. I was told that in this case we can talk about the rate, which is generally cheaper. That it costs at least $250 a month for an eight-hour work day. Plus at least half of the nanny's rate - to the agency. I agreed. The proposed nannies, according to the description, did not differ from the previous ones. I got lost. And in order to better feel the situation, I decided to try to probe the market on my own.

I decided that with all the other equal conditions, after all, it is more convenient, both for the nanny and for us, when the nanny does not have to travel to the child through the whole city. In this case, you can pay less, and the nanny will bring fewer infections, and she will start the working day not exhausted by the crush in transport. Taking "From hand to hand", I selected suitable nannies, taking into account the ad itself and the nanny's place of residence (by phone number). By the way, not a single agency has ever offered me a nanny closer than 30 minutes by transport from us.

The texts of the ads in newspapers, as a rule, are no different from the descriptions that I used to be given in agencies. Even if something, in comparison with the information from the agency, was still missing, then everything was cleared up from the very first words during a telephone conversation with the applicant.

In total, I made at least 20 calls that time. Having personally spoken with, I received much more information about them than the agency could give me. This gave me enthusiasm. I thought that without intermediaries I was even better off. I can do the preliminary negotiations myself. However, I did not like any nanny again. Of course, I imagined the nanny much better after talking with her personally on the phone. However, all the same there was a feeling that the person is absolutely unfamiliar. Any documents and recommendations in our time can be arranged. With a competent approach, a professional scammer will be able to deceive both a private person and any agency to which the nanny also, in fact, comes from the street. Unfortunately, the agencies only promise to check the nanny, but in reality they do not go beyond the banal verification of documents. I can do the same, but I, as a person with a personal interest, will at least do it as conscientiously as possible.

Some of the nannies I might have liked lost interest when they found out that I had no cottage in the country, no cook, no housekeeper, and no plans to travel abroad. Others I didn't like. The most unpleasant thing is that I felt myself in the role of a petitioner. The first and main issue that we discussed was money. Many did not even try to find out anything about the child. They asked if we needed to cook, what kind of apartment we had, who else would be in the apartment except for the child, and even if we had a microwave.

I asked the nanny to tell about myself. As a rule, nannies were quite talkative. By listening carefully to the nanny, one could get a lot of facts to think about both from the experience of her previous work and about her family. Correct, competent speech was also a big plus for me. After talking long enough, even with the initial appearance of well-being, I often found something that did not suit me at all. One, for example, proudly informed me that she was a very agreeable woman. In the former family, where she received 400 dollars with a 12-hour working day every other day, where there was also a housekeeper and a cook, a 4-year-old girl was constantly fed cervelat for breakfast. As a result, the girl had constipation. But this nanny did not complain about the housekeeper who bought the wrong products to the girl's parents! From this story of hers, she breathed endless showdowns in the kitchen. "Poor child," I thought.

Time passed, and I did not even have the slightest desire to invite at least one nanny for a personal meeting. There was only horror: "How can I leave a child to a complete stranger!" The decision of the issue was postponed, fortunately, I didn’t have a job yet, and I managed quite well on my own. In extreme cases, you can always resort to the help of friends. But one day it happened that on Thursday I was offered a job that I was supposed to go to next Tuesday: can you imagine what a nightmare? I, of course, again called back on "From hand to hand." With the same result. There was no point in contacting the agency. Obviously they wouldn't have found anything for me over the weekend. Then I remembered the advice of one friend, printed ads, put a one-year-old child on a sled, and at the first snowball we went to hang these ads around the microdistrict ...

When we got home, there were already three rings on the answering machine. No newspaper can boast of such promptness. All Friday and Saturday we answered calls non-stop. Payment was assigned a minimum - 1500 rubles per month. Full load with a child, up to 40 hours per week. The duties also included: daily wet cleaning, cooking for the child, and ironing for us. The child suffers from severe allergies, and this imposed additional problems and responsibilities. Despite much more modest conditions than I planned before, conversations with potential nannies were fundamentally different from those that I had before. These nannies were interested in working, moreover, it was with me. It was they who called me. Otherwise, they were no different from the professional women from the newspaper. There were good ones and bad ones, there were those who were not satisfied with the payment or conditions, there were those who were satisfied with everything, and they previously suited me. In the latter case, I recorded their phone number and brief comments about our conversation. Name, age, education, profession, experience, having children of their own, general impressions. Two days later, I went through my lists again and called only three nannies. I asked to visit them for an acquaintance: "Can I do it right now? In 15-30 minutes?" Having visited the nannies at home (in neighboring houses), looking at their families, documents, I was much more confident in their reliability than if the nanny had been recommended to me by the agency. I came to the nanny unexpectedly. It is unlikely that in such an extraordinary situation, some fraudster would have had time to seriously prepare for the visit. As a result, we spent Sunday and Monday together with the chosen nanny (two more were in reserve), and on Tuesday she was already working herself, and I went to work. My constant arrivals at unexpected times gave me the opportunity to make sure that everything seemed to be in order. It was a pensioner with a higher education. She lived with her husband across the yard from us. She raised her three children. She worked with us for a year. Everything was fine, even perfect, if not for her husband, because of whom we parted a year later. By the way, I also saw my husband from the very beginning. Problems arose after the nanny started working for us.

But it was easier for me. I understood the main thing. Agencies deliberately inflate the salary of a nanny. They are waiting for convenient customers. Of course, there is nothing easier than finding a nanny for a lot of money. And yes, your commissions are higher. While new Russians live in the world: but to raise or lower wages is my personal business and a matter of circumstances. I can imagine how many calls there would be if I indicated a salary, for example, $ 250 per month, as I planned at the beginning. Called, for sure, and all the local professionals who could be found through the agency and through the newspapers. But we even find ourselves in the middle class with difficulty. Why pay so much when everything suits you anyway?

When I was looking for a new nanny, I already, without hesitation, went to glue ads. To avoid an insane number of calls, I immediately indicated in the ad the age of the child, the duties of the nanny (including housework) and her salary - 2000 rubles per month (inflation per year). There were enough calls, but there were no more unnecessary arguments about, for example, that we plan to pay too little. I didn't have to repeat the same thing over and over again. Those who were not satisfied with something simply did not call. It is their right to look for a more suitable employer. And we found in our own entrance a girl of 23 years old who absolutely suits us.

From the first time we refused hourly pay. It turned out to be beneficial both for us (in general, maybe no less, but everything is predictable) and for the nanny (monthly guaranteed income). As for the first time, it was immediately stipulated that only the upper limit per week is not standardized and is regulated, no more than 40 hours. But it may be 3 o'clock today, but 12 tomorrow. Everything else, for example, work on Saturday - for an additional fee. Such a strange schedule required my work. But it turned out to be the most optimal, because, subsequently, we never had problems with late arrivals. All responsibilities were discussed and written down. Since this autumn, our child has been going to kindergarten, but the nanny is still working with us.

The most important advantage of our nannies is that they were decent women, they both valued their work. And, therefore, they did everything that they were asked to do as they were asked. Which is exactly what we needed. The nannies may not have had any of the latest techniques, but they honestly read what I asked, showed cards, played games that I left. I did not see how they did it, but I saw the impact on the child. I saw with what mood the child with the nurse remains. To be honest, I myself do much less with a child. A nanny-governess in one bottle, this may be good, but, in my opinion, except for cases of immersion in the language environment, it is unreasonably expensive. When the child grew up, our nanny simply took the child to developmental classes.

Tiring, of course, looking for a nanny on your own. A week of non-stop answering calls. But you also have to negotiate with managers in the agency. However, once I found a decent nanny in 3 days, I no longer panic at the prospect of a new search. I'm calm. I know that the nanny will be found one way or another. This is reflected in my relationship with nannies. Ordinary nannies, nothing special. And tolerable shortcomings, of course, showed up over time in both of them. But I compare my situation with the situation of my friends and understand that no excesses and only the second nanny in two years at a very moderate pay is a good result in itself.

Good luck with your nanny search!

The realities of our modern life are such that many parents face a responsible task - to hire a nanny for their child. It doesn't matter if you go to work, need free time to study, or you need a nanny occasionally to take a break from household chores. In any case, in order to find a good nanny, you have to make a lot of efforts - look through more than one profile, conduct more than one interview and, relying on your intuition, choose the best of the candidates.

The most reliable way to hire a qualified, experienced nanny is to contact a domestic staff recruitment agency. Choose a trusted agency with a license and experience. When concluding an agreement with an agency, pay attention to what guarantees are provided to you, what responsibility the agency bears in case of an unsuccessful selection of a candidate, on what conditions the replacement will be carried out.

The agency will provide you with detailed profiles of applicants who have already been verified by the agency and have passed the initial selection. You get a guarantee that the certificates and documents provided by the nanny will be genuine. Moreover, some agencies provide psychological testing household staff on the subject of mental health, and for nannies and governesses - the ability to work with children.

In the agency, first of all, they will offer you to decide on the requirements for the work schedule and qualifications of the nanny. Babysitters come with accommodation, i.e. are next to the child around the clock, day and night stay, hourly nannies.

It is easiest to find a full-time nanny, for example, from 8 to 5 daily on weekdays, it is more difficult to find a nanny for a non-standard or irregular work schedule. In addition, the hourly pay of a nanny is more expensive than a full-time salary. The qualification of a nanny depends on education, length of service and work experience. As a rule, it is preferable for babies up to a year to choose a nanny with a medical education, and older children with a pedagogical education. Although we advise you not to get hung up on this, and first of all, look for a sensitive, patient, decent woman who loves her job and children.

The duties that the nanny will have to perform are negotiated individually based on your wishes and the consent of the nanny. Usually, the direct duties of a nanny include: looking after the child during the day, bathing, feeding, preparing children's meals, maintaining order in the children's room, walking in the fresh air, developing activities and games, instilling various skills, reading books, accompanying children to circles and sections. If the nanny is required to perform any women's work around the house, then stipulate this in advance, because not everyone will agree to such conditions. Most likely, you need a housekeeper already.

The duration of the selection of a candidate for a position depends on the number of priority criteria for you, the scale of your requirements, as well as the proportionality of the payment that you are willing to pay. Try to clearly formulate your wishes, taking into account reality. You must understand that it will be difficult to find a nanny with a higher pedagogical education, knowledge foreign languages and agree to combine the work of a nanny with the duties of a housekeeper.

If you like a babysitter, you can take her to probation(from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the agency) to make sure your choice is correct. And only after that the contract is concluded. The services of good agencies are not cheap, and the salary of a nanny through an agency will be higher than the average market. You can try to find a nanny on your own, through acquaintances (not a bad option) or through advertisements. But be prepared that the search for a nanny can stretch out and cost you extra nerves. Be vigilant, beware of scammers, conduct an initial interview on neutral territory.

When applying for a job, do not forget to require medical certificates and identity documents, registration and work book. Without knowledge of psychology and subtle intuition, it will be difficult for you to understand at the very first interview what kind of person is in front of you, because the applicant will try to show himself with better side. Ask questions, inquire about the reason for leaving the previous job, if possible, call the former employer.

Trust your intuition and sooner or later you will find your perfect babysitter.

24.10.18 36 114 8

And how much does her job cost?

My son is one and a half years old. During this time I have hired three nannies.

Camilla Gazieva

Young mom

I met the first one in the game room. Friends helped with the second. To find the third - the best - I selected resumes for two weeks, conducted interviews and organized trial days. Now I know how to look for a nanny that will suit the child and the whole family.

This article will come in handy if you are hiring an employee - and not negotiating with relatives, and are looking for a babysitter - and not with accommodation.

Hello, America

What amount to expect

Nanny is expensive. Prices depend on the city, qualifications and experience.

On the Helper service for the selection of domestic staff and the Avito website, you can set selection criteria and analyze prices. The average price in Moscow is 200-350 R per hour, cheaper in the regions: Perm - 150-170 R, Rostov-on-Don - 100-200 R. Most low prices in Makhachkala: 70-100 R per hour.

It is more profitable for a nanny to work full time in one family. So she earns more, does not waste time moving between families and has a stable work schedule. If the nanny will work for you full working week- 40 hours and more - then you can agree to reduce the price per hour. If you hire a nanny for half a day or less, then the price per hour can go up.

13 $

I pay my nanny an hour if she works more than two hours

My friends in Moscow have a nanny working 11 hours a day, five days a week. When the nanny worked part-time, they paid her 300 R per hour. After leaving for a full day, we agreed to reduce the hourly rate to 250 R. They pay about 55,000 R per month.

I pay my babysitter $15 an hour if she works two hours and $13 an hour if she works more.

Width="1920" height="1812" class=" outline-bordered" style="max-width: 960.0px; height: auto" data-bordered="true"> In St. Petersburg, nanny rates revolve around 300 R per hour. Cost limits can be set

How to know how much you can pay

When I found out how much a nanny cost in my city, I sat down at the table of income and expenses. On the one hand, I could go to work and receive a salary, on the other hand, part of this salary would go to a nanny.

It is important to consider that the child and the nanny need time to adapt. I suggest budgeting for babysitting a week or two before you need to go to work.

When we hired the nanny, I wasn't working, so we could only afford ten hours a week. I used this time to find a part-time job. Then a nanny for a son cost $ 10 per hour. I found a job for 15 hours a week at $20 an hour. Therefore, we increased the babysitter's employment to twenty hours a week.

Babysitting expectations

Expectations are ideas about what kind of person you want to see next to the child and what role he will play in the family. This will help determine the requirements for the nanny and her responsibilities.

A nanny can act as a caregiver, au pair or play companion for the child. It is important to determine what exactly your family needs. By themselves, these expectations will not form and, moreover, will not be filled.

Who can be a nanny in a family

caregiverCares for the child, teaches him self-care, conducts developmental classes and teaches discipline. Such a nanny may not agree to additional cleaning duties at home, even when the child is sleeping.
Au pairHelps the family to cope with all household chores, including child care. But the baby is not her only concern. You should not expect from her the ability to invent games, expressively read poetry and sing lullabies.
Play CompanionThis is a nanny for 2-4 hours a day who plays, walks, looks after, but does not perform the functions of teaching, discipline, toilet training or independent sleep


Cares for the child, teaches him self-care, conducts developmental classes and teaches discipline. Such a nanny may not agree to additional cleaning duties at home, even when the child is sleeping.

Au pair

Helps the family to cope with all household chores, including child care. But the baby is not her only concern. You should not expect from her the ability to invent games, expressively read poetry and sing lullabies.

The next step is to submit a job ad that details what you want from a nanny. In advertisements, parents often write quality characteristics, for example: responsible, active, calm, kind, affectionate.

But all people understand such qualities in different ways. Someone thinks that a “calm” nanny does not show emotions, does not rejoice with the child and does not have fun. For some, this means that she will not panic in a stressful situation and will quickly find a solution to the problem. And a "good" nanny is a nanny who doesn't forbid anything? Or who is attentive to the experiences of the child? I recommend deciphering the characteristics through actions in the declaration so that there are no ambiguous interpretations.

I decided that our nanny should be:

  1. Affectionate - does not scold the child for tears, hugs, carries in her arms.
  2. Active - invents games, runs with the baby in the park, dances, sings.
  3. Caring - observes the regime, knows the habits of the child.

babysitting duties

The list of duties is important for the nanny and the employer. Our first nanny didn't clean up toys and left dirty dishes. I was upset, but she was sure that this was simply not part of her duties.

My friend worked as a family companion during their holiday abroad. When she asked about the responsibilities, she got a very vague answer like "Spend time with the children, practice languages ​​and sports with them." And two weeks later, it turned out that by "spend time with the kids," the parents meant a strict schedule of daily classes, not a floating schedule. These are all unspoken expectations of parents. It will be easier for everyone if you initially specify what exactly the nanny should do in the family.

If you have determined that you need a nanny-assistant, then it is worth describing her duties based on this role.

Be realistic about your to-do list. I use this rule: I don’t expect from the nanny what I don’t do myself. If I'm alone with my son all day, then I don't have time for general cleaning, so I don't demand this from the nanny either.

A nanny may be very eager to get a job, so she will agree to any list of duties. But there is a risk in this: she will get tired and not pay enough attention to the baby or quickly burn out emotionally.

It is important for me that the nanny has the strength and desire to smile at the baby, fool around with him and play hide and seek. To check that the nanny can handle the load, it is important to discuss everything at the beginning of her work: how the day went, what difficulties were, how tired she was. This will help to adjust responsibilities and build trust.

Here is a list of duties of a nanny who worked 20 hours a week for our family:

  1. Follow the routine.
  2. Feed.
  3. Play with the baby and create conditions for independent play.
  4. Read at least once a day.
  5. Walk at least once a day.
  6. Put on daytime sleep.
  7. Clean up after the child.
  8. Do small household chores (put dishes in the dishwasher and then unload it, sweep, fold clothes from the dryer).

Requirements for a nanny

I divided the requirements for a nanny into mandatory and desirable. I started my search for a nanny with those characteristics that were most important to me.

Examples of mandatory requirements for a nanny

RequirementWhy is it important
own familyI have maternal experience. May help avoid emotional burnout faced by nannies
Work experience or your childrenKnows the basics of childcare, can create safe conditions for a child at home and on the street, knows games and developmental techniques. Don't waste time learning
Looking for a permanent jobFrequent change of nanny is inconvenience for you and stress for the child
Higher or secondary specialized educationProfile education is important if there is no work experience or if you want the nanny to work with the child according to early development methods and know what manuals and materials are needed to organize classes
I do not smokeSmoking is bad for your health. See a doctor to quit smoking
RecommendationsReferences from employers you can call. They will help save time during the interview and trial day.
Medical education, first aid coursesFirst aid courses will teach you what to do if a child chokes or burns his hand with boiling water, and how not to harm him before the ambulance arrives
Good physical shape and absence of chronic diseasesWorking with a young child can be difficult if you have pressure or back problems. But not all chronic diseases will be an obstacle for the nanny if she knows how to take care of her health and what kind of stress will not harm her.
Not afraid of dogs, no allergy to petsWe have dogs, and because of this, there were problems with the nannies twice. Now I immediately ask about allergies and fears
Literate RussianSo that the baby does not learn new words with the wrong stress or pronunciation
Medical certificatecosts 9730 R, - 8858 R.

Such analyzes are regularly taken by employees who care for the sick or children. Tests detect infections that pose a danger in close household contact and the fact of drug use

Certificate of no criminal recordTo avoid hiring a former criminal. If the nanny is a citizen of Russia, a certificate can be obtained at public services
Russian citizenship or legal migration statusA nanny can be deported if she is not a Russian citizen and does not have a work permit. Even if the nanny has everything in order with the migration documents, it can be difficult to get a certificate of no criminal record. Searching through an agency does not guarantee that a foreign nanny will not suddenly leave home. Sometimes it happens that the nanny gets sick relatives or children in another country, and she leaves without warning either the agency or the family

own family

I have maternal experience. May help avoid burnout experienced by nannies

Work experience or your children

Knows the basics of childcare, can create a safe environment for the child at home and on the street, knows games and developmental techniques. Don't waste time learning

Looking for a permanent job

Frequent change of nanny is inconvenience for you and stress for the child

Higher or secondary specialized education

Profile education is important if there is no work experience or if you want the nanny to work with the child according to early development methods and know what manuals and materials are needed to organize classes

Smoking is bad for your health. See a doctor to quit smoking

Good physical shape and absence of chronic diseases

Working with a young child can be difficult if you have pressure or back problems. But not all chronic diseases will be an obstacle for the nanny if she knows how to take care of her health and what kind of stress will not harm her.

Not afraid of dogs, no allergy to pets

We have dogs and because of this, there were problems with the nannies twice. Now I immediately ask about allergies and fears

Literate Russian

So that the baby does not learn new words with the wrong stress and pronunciation

Medical certificate

To be sure that the nanny will be able to cope with the duties and not infect the child infectious diseases. The nanny may already have medical book and fluorography, or you can just look for a candidate who is ready to pass medical checkup at the hospital of your choice before going to work. In this case, you are responsible for the costs. In Moscow, in the laboratory "Invitro", the package of analyzes "My Healthy Nanny" costs 9730 R, in the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology - 8858 R.

Such analyzes are regularly taken by employees who care for the sick or children. Tests detect infections that pose a danger in close household contact and the fact of drug use

Russian citizenship or legal migration status

A nanny can be deported if she is not a Russian citizen and does not have a work permit. Even if the nanny has everything in order with the migration documents, it can be difficult to get a certificate of no criminal record. Searching through an agency does not guarantee that a foreign nanny will not suddenly leave home. Sometimes it happens that the nanny gets sick relatives or children in another country, and she leaves without warning either the agency or the family

Where and how to look for a nanny

I searched for a nanny through acquaintances, ad sites and social networks. Haven't tried agencies. Each method has pros and cons.

Search through friends- it is reliable, because there are recommendations from people you know well. It's free, but can take a long time, as good nannies rarely get fired.

While you may be close friends, your idea of ​​the perfect nanny may differ. And there is also a risk of spoiling relationships with friends if the nanny is not to your liking. "Whom did you advise me?" - "What are you, it's the best babysitter in the world!"

Search in in social networks can be free. In parent groups, families sometimes try to find a job for their nanny if they no longer need her. You can make a post about finding a nanny yourself. In a post in a group, you do not need to indicate all the requirements and responsibilities, because it is long and boring to read - no one will master this post to the end, and it will be lost in the feed. It is better to post a photo of the child or the whole family to attract attention, and indicate the age of the child, employment and place of work.

How to advertise for a babysitter on social media

Long text

Post with a photo of a child or family to grab attention

Detailed description of responsibilities

Briefly about the child, responsibilities, place, so as not to tire the group members

Salary posted immediately

Discuss salary in person

Impersonal screaming appeal: “Looking for a nanny!!! Urgently!!!"

Reach out like a human, because this is not an ad site: “Experienced moms, please help in finding a nanny for my child”

After that, you will have to constantly monitor the Internet, respond quickly and take into account that recommendations in groups may be from people you do not know. This method may not be suitable if you have recently lived in this city. When we started looking for a nanny, we had just moved, so searching through social networks did not work for us: we simply didn’t know anyone in the city yet.

Through recruitment agencies search reliably, because they will check everything for you: a medical certificate, migration documents and a certificate of no criminal record. If you don't like the nanny or if she quits, the agency will offer a replacement during the term of the contract. His services cost 50-100% of a nanny's monthly salary. In Moscow, it will cost an average of 25-50 thousand rubles. Some agencies set a lower limit on the cost of selection, for example, 50% of the monthly salary, but not less than 25 thousand rubles.

The agency conducts an initial selection and sends resumes of candidates that meet your requirements. Through an agency, you can find a nanny faster than when looking for yourself, because you do not waste time checking documents and references. But you will still need to conduct an interview and trial day.

Sites with classified ads There are a lot of candidates, but the selection of resumes and verification of documents can take a long time. The advantage is that you can place an ad yourself and choose only from those who respond to the vacancy.

To do this, write an ad by which the candidate can easily understand whether he suits you or not.

How to write an ad

There is no specifics about the time and timingI am looking for a full-time nanny from 9 to 18, starting on September 10
Only qualitative characteristics: kind, responsibleKnows how to notice and sympathize when a child is sad. Do not shame the baby for tears. Not late
Too long list of requirements, no requirements at allTurn on mandatory requirements. Desirable requirements to be discussed at the first telephone interview. A full list of requirements can scare off candidates or narrow down choices.
No job description other than the standard "baby care"Prepare children's food, walk twice a day, play, conduct developmental activities (read, draw, sculpt), teach them to use the toilet. Household help: clean up after the baby
No salary: “We discuss payment individually”Monthly salary 60 thousand rubles. Processing is paid - 150 R per hour
Place of work not specified10 minutes walk from metro station "Molodezhnaya"

There is no specifics about the time and timing

Only qualitative characteristics: kind, responsible

Knows how to notice and sympathize when a child is sad. Do not shame the baby for tears. Not late

Too long list of requirements, no requirements at all

Enable required requirements. Desirable requirements to be discussed at the first telephone interview. A full list of requirements can scare off candidates or narrow down choices.

No job description other than the standard "baby care"

Prepare children's food, walk twice a day, play, conduct developmental activities (read, draw, sculpt), teach them to use the toilet. Household help: clean up after the baby

No salary: “We discuss payment individually”

Monthly salary 60 thousand rubles. Processing is paid - 150 R per hour

Place of work not specified

10 minutes walk from metro station "Molodezhnaya"

How to conduct an interview

I had 13 phone calls and 5 face-to-face meetings to find a nanny who is now with us. First, I found out if the schedule, salary and place of work were suitable. Then I was invited for an interview in a cafe near my house. I prepared for the meeting: I made a plan for a story about our family and prepared questions.

Ask the nanny to bring copies of documents to the meeting. If the required documents are not available, then do not consider the candidate further.

I composed questions based on a list of requirements, responsibilities and a description of the ideal image of a nanny. The interview took 40-60 minutes. I did all the interviews in ten days to make it easier to remember and compare the candidates. At each meeting, I took notes about my impressions.

What documents did I ask the nanny for:

  1. Passport or a copy of the passport - you need to look at all pages.
  2. Medical certificates, certificate of no criminal record.
  3. Diploma or copy.
  4. Employment book or a copy.
  5. Letters of recommendation with contacts of employers you can call.
  6. Agency contract.
  7. Migration documents.

Here are the questions I asked at my nanny interview.

Questions about requirements and responsibilities:

  1. Tell us about yourself, your family, children.
  2. What kind of education?
  3. Where did you work before becoming a nanny?
  4. Are there any chronic diseases and contraindications?
  5. Do you smoke?
  6. What is the hardest thing about working with children for you?
  7. What do you know about first aid?
  8. Driving license and car?
  9. Tell us about working in a previous family.
  10. Why quit?
  11. Describe a working day in a previous family.
  12. What games were played?
  13. How did you put the baby to sleep and feed?
  14. When should you call your parents?
  15. How do you feel about video surveillance?

Questions about proximity to the ideal image:

  1. The baby is crying because I left. What will you do?
  2. The baby does not want to eat. How do you persuade?
  3. The child hit his head and you see blood. Your actions?
  4. On the playground, the kids quarrel over a toy. How do you do?
  5. A nanny from a neighbor's house asks about our family. What will you answer?
  6. How will you react to the tantrum?
  7. What do you feel when the baby cries?
  8. How did you understand that the child became attached to you?
  9. The kid hit you. How will you react?
  10. The child is angry because it is not possible to assemble the pyramid. What will you do?
  11. The kid got scared new toy. What do you think?

Arrange a trial day

The trial day is part of the interview, but I think it should be paid. On this day, I assessed the candidate's skills in practice. She paid attention to how the nanny gets to know her son, reacts to dogs, what she plays with the child and what she asks about life.

My son is not afraid of strangers, but gets upset when I leave. So I watched to see if the babysitter could distract the child while I warmed up dinner in the kitchen. At the end of the day, I asked the nanny if it was difficult for her and what could help her quickly adapt to our family.

How I Evaluated Babysitter Trial Day

I do not recommend working without a contract. But if you make such a decision, it is still worth discussing pay, overtime, vacation, sick leave and forfeit if you suddenly decide to refuse the services of this nanny. If the nanny works full-time for the family, then you can, for example, agree to pay 50% of the salary during your or her vacation.

When discussing the schedule, discuss working days and hours, work during federal holidays and weekends. Agree on how much notice you and the nanny will give each other before a change in schedule or a breakup.

Tell the nanny in detail about the rules and prohibitions in your home. Answer all her questions, such as how the nanny will eat at your place, can she use her home phone, and how often can she use her mobile. It is also worth immediately discussing what equipment she can use at home when you are not there: a TV, a computer, a washing machine, a dishwasher.

Tell the babysitter if you will leave money for small expenses for her during walks. If you have cameras at home, then ask the nanny to write a receipt stating that she knows about video surveillance. Secret video surveillance is against the law.


  1. It is important to understand your expectations from the nanny in order to formulate requirements and responsibilities.
  2. A trial day is a mandatory part of the selection. It needs to be paid.
  3. Give the nanny and child a week or two to adjust.
  4. Always sign a contract.
Late and didn't notifyArrived five minutes early
Didn't ask about lifeAsked about the child's life
Didn't say hello to the childGreeted the child. Asked about baby's habits

Before leaving maternity leave, every mother has to think about where to find a nanny for a child in Moscow. Today, there are many Internet services that allow you to find a nanny in Moscow without intermediaries. In our article, we have prepared an overview of the 5 most popular online resources. In addition, you can contact the agency for the selection of nannies in Moscow. We have tried to collect detailed information about 5 such agencies for you.

Do you plan to return to work before the end of maternity leave? Grandparents can not give the baby a lot of time? Do you need a helper to care for and educate a tomboy? Then, it's time to look for a nanny.

And it is better to do this in advance in order to weigh all the pros and cons, meet with several candidates for this position, and see how comfortable the child is with a new person. It is important to provide a son or daughter with proper care, upbringing, and also not to go beyond the family budget.

What should a nanny be like?

First you need to determine for yourself what kind of nanny you want to find for your child. You need to pay attention to a number of criteria:

1. Age. When choosing a nanny for a child, you should consider whether a woman of retirement age can cope with a 3-5-year-old tomboy, and a young student with a baby or a child elementary school. At the same time, the services of a student will most likely cost you less, and a grandmother with experience will become loving person which will ensure proper supervision of the baby. If you want to choose the best option, then a middle-aged nanny will do.

2. Education. If you are planning to find a babysitter, it is desirable that she has medical education. For older children, it is recommended to select personnel with a pedagogical or psychological education.

3. Appearance. When looking for a nanny and conducting a subsequent interview, pay attention to appearance educator. After all, the child will seek to imitate the person who is next to him.

4. Conversational speech. Of course, there is nothing wrong if the nanny speaks with an accent, in the case when the child has already learned to speak and he has a speech. If we are talking about looking after a baby and toddlers up to 3-5 years old, then it is better to look for a person who has the correct pronunciation.

5. Knowledge of languages. Today in Moscow you can find a nanny for a child with knowledge of foreign languages, which will be an additional plus.

6. Ability to cook. This criterion is not the main one. However, during the day, the child will need not only to be swaddled or changed, but also fed, and therefore it is better to find out if your assistant can take full care of the baby.

7. Willingness to help you around the house. If you plan that the nanny should do some housework, then this should be agreed in advance.

8. Availability of medical certificates. Do not forget to check not only passport data, but also documents on the state of health in order to reduce the risks when hiring a stranger.

9. Requested salary. When submitting a request or conducting an interview, specify how much you are willing to pay for services.

11. Free time. Specify in advance whether the nanny will be able to be with your child all day or she is only interested in hourly work due to being busy at school or at her main place of work.

12. Bad habits. Agree, you would hardly want the nanny to smoke. So don't forget to clarify this question right away.

13. Neatness. It should be understood that, as far as the nanny can take care of herself, she will provide such care to the child, and will leave such “order” in the house.

14. Ability to find mutual language with baby. See how comfortable the baby is with the new caregiver.

15. Having citizenship. When planning to find a nanny without intermediaries, you can save money if you invite a person without Russian citizenship to work. In doing so, you need to make sure that there are all Required documents to work and live in Russia, so that your nanny can fulfill her duties throughout the entire term of the contract.

16. Willingness to sign a contract. Remember that all data about the person will be entered into the contract, which will become a guarantee of security. In addition, in the contract you can specify all the requirements for an employee.

Where to find a nanny for a child in Moscow?

At first glance, finding a nanny in Moscow is not so difficult, because you can:
Post ads around your home. This method will allow you to find a nanny for a child without intermediaries in your area. However, there is a significant risk that your assistant will not only be without specialized education and work experience, but also turn out to be a scammer.

Ask friends and acquaintances. If one of them has already applied to a recruitment agency, then take an interest in their impressions, find out the coordinates.

Post a job online. Today, there are many sites that help you find a nanny in Moscow without intermediaries by posting ads from parents and questionnaires from job seekers. There you can quickly recruit staff.

Contact an agency for the selection of nannies in Moscow. The best option there will be an agency for the selection of domestic staff, whose employees will help you quickly decide on the choice of a nanny and provide all the documents confirming the contract.

Whatever way you choose to find a nanny in Moscow, you need to understand that none of them is ideal and does not guarantee a quick and error-free choice. Therefore, you should hire a nanny for a trial period so that you have the opportunity to refuse her services if necessary.

Agencies and online services for finding nannies: are there any guarantees?

To begin with, we note that it is quite convenient to search for a nanny on special online services or agencies, because there:

Many offers
Qualified and verified personnel
Convenient search form
Quick order of specialist services
At the same time, in order to assess whether it is really convenient to look for and hire a nanny for a child through services and agencies, it is necessary to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of such sites and companies. So let's take a look at some of them.

Nanny recruiting agencies in Moscow

If you have not yet decided where to find a nanny for a child, then you can contact one of the agencies that have convenient ways to order staff on Internet sites:

Agency Alconti
It will help you quickly find a nanny for a baby or an older child. This can be a one-time service or babysitting for 6-12 months. A contract is concluded for long-term services, which is a guarantee of the fulfillment of a number of duties by the hired person. You can order a nanny here from 200 rubles per hour. Discounts up to 75% for long-term contracts.

Recruitment agency "Nanny Service"
Help you find a nanny with special skills. It can be a babysitter, a teacher for older children, a governess and a tutor, family psychologist. The staff will help to cope with the task of educating and educating children of any age. The cost of services is from 300 rubles per hour.

Agency Leader-Prestige
Provides recruitment of verified personnel. Upon admission to the agency, all documents are verified, the candidate for the position is interviewed by a psychologist. This provides additional guarantees that a professional will deal with the baby. The cost of services is from 250 rubles per hour.

Agency Lecons
Offers long-term babysitting. You can recruit staff with different skills. The cost of services will be from 3000 rubles per day.

Nanny Agency "At Your Service"
Offers to conclude a contract with the staff for a period of 6 months. The cost of services is from 250 rubles per hour. When applying online client can get a 5% discount.

You can find a nanny in Moscow without intermediaries in the online service

Do you want to compare prices for domestic staff services or add your own requirements to the candidate? Then you should use the services that host ads from job seekers and employers. Among them are:

Service Helper
It is a convenient platform for finding the right employee. The site has a filter with which you can set search parameters: age, price, education. You can find a nanny not only in Moscow, but also in other cities and regions of Russia. The average price of services is 200-250 rubles per hour.

Website Our Nanny
It is a convenient platform for finding a nanny without intermediaries. To search for a suitable candidate, you must register to go to Personal Area. Then you can make a selection by city, age, occupation, list of services, price.

Site Best of Babysitters
It offers to search not only by your city, but also by place of residence, and even by index, which makes it possible to select personnel who live in your area. At the same time, you can make a selection by age, occupation, employment, price for services. If necessary, you can call a nanny for an hour, who lives literally in your house.

Nanny Moscow website
Helps to quickly find a nanny in Moscow. The site is also focused on several other Russian cities. To search, you fill out an application with your details, which will allow the manager to quickly contact you if you want to order services or cannot decide on a suitable candidate.

Service Arina Rodionovna
This is a platform for placing private ads. Here you can find a nanny from those already offered on the site or place your own request for staffing, indicating your terms of cooperation.

Myths about the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a nanny through agencies and online platforms

To begin with, it should be noted that the myths about the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a nanny for a baby on the Internet can both incline you to a decision to use only this method of recruiting personnel, and cause you a certain fear for your baby. The most common myths are:

Myth 1. In agencies, all employees have experience and specialized education. This statement is true in 95% of cases. However, there are also organizations that do not thoroughly check all the documents of those who leave their job search forms.

Myth 2. The agencies employ amateurs, accepted into the staff by acquaintance. Due to high competition, such companies are unlikely to exist for a long time, so the probability that you will get irresponsible staff through a nanny agency in Moscow is 3-5%. But such a possibility exists, therefore, as they say, "trust - but verify."

Myth 3. A nanny hired through an agency treats her work mechanically. It depends primarily on the person himself, so do not think that a nanny hired through an agency will not give the child proper attention, but will put her work on stream.

Myth 4. Agency staff strives to become a member of the family. Of course, no one wants family affairs to become the property of a stranger. So it’s worth just discussing this point in advance with the staff who will be hired.

Myth 5. Only those who cannot find a suitable job post their resumes on the Internet. For many, the care and upbringing services sector is a part-time job, but this does not mean that a person cannot realize himself. Rather, he simply sees in himself the potential to be in time and do more. If we are talking about a nanny who is hired for the whole day or with accommodation, then you should not think that all profiles are posted from losers. After all, modern realities are increasingly focusing us on the Internet.

Myth 6. Staff search services have inflated tariffs and salaries. If you view profiles on resources without intermediaries, you will be able to discuss the salary of staff in a personal meeting. In addition, additional costs are specified in the rules of the Internet site or agency, so everyone can familiarize themselves with them.

As you can see, the myths themselves are quite contradictory. At the same time, those who are looking for a nanny in Moscow should not have prejudices regarding those candidates to whom they decided to entrust their child. It is better to study the proposals on your own, and then conduct an interview to determine how competent the candidate is in matters of education, and also whether he is really right for you.

So how do you choose a nanny?

If you want a babysitter to become a mentor, educator, a person who can really take care of the baby, you must:

1. Choose a nanny in a convenient way for you.
2. Conduct an interview.
3. Check documents.
4. Take care of the minimum control.
5. Clarify recommendations and reviews.
6. Look at how the child reacts to a new person in his life.
Undoubtedly, it is also important to trust your intuition when choosing a nanny. Indeed, in agencies and on Internet sites there are many offers for the provision of babysitting services. So you don't have to approve the first person you see to be your child's guardian. After all, it is important that the nanny be an example and authority, able to replace parents and other relatives in some matters. And let the process of finding a worthy candidate take longer than you expected. After all, you want the best for your child.