Business plan for a massage parlor. Directions for expansion and scaling. General description of the business plan

  • 25.11.2020

Massage is popular for its healing and relaxing effect, as well as its ability to relieve tension. It is indicated for people who experience pain in the back, neck, joints, have disorders in the nervous system, have headaches or have been injured. In addition, the now popular trend on healthy lifestyle life stimulates the demand for massage.

Massage parlor is a popular type of business that does not require significant financial investments. The massage services market is inextricably linked with medical services. According to BusinesStat research, in 2018, an increase in the number of medical appointments, including massage appointments, was expected. In addition, the share paid services in the medical sector is constantly growing, which means that the population is ready to spend money on maintaining their health.

In million-plus cities with a population of up to 4 million people, up to 40 massage establishments are open. With the right organization of the business, you can get a stable income.

The amount of initial investment is 685 000 rubles.

The break-even point is reached On the second month of work.

Payback period 11 months.

Average net profit 90 298 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Let's define the main options for opening a massage parlor:

  • Massage room in the existing salon. This opening option is possible with limited initial investment. Most often, massage rooms are rented by existing specialists and themselves provide services by appointment;
  • A full-fledged massage studio with a wide range of services and hired masters.

This business plan considers the option of opening a massage studio a wide range, which will employ highly qualified specialists in various fields.

Studio services:

  • Classic general massage;
  • Back massage;
  • Massage of the face and neck-collar zone;
  • Relaxing massage.

Over time, you can introduce an additional list of services, such as: anti-cellulite massage, Thai massage, different kinds body wraps, sports massage, Japanese massage, etc.

Opening hours of the institution: 10:00-21:00 daily, admission is by appointment.

The greatest demand for massage services is observed in winter and spring, in the summer, as a rule, sales fall, as people go on vacation and postpone body care for the colder season.

3. Description of the market

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

The full payroll calculation with the bonus part and insurance premiums for 24 months is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

All data are calculated based on the fact that the salon will start operating in March, providing 4 types of services. The average prices for each type of massage are indicated, later you can expand the range. According to the neutral forecast, the payback of the project will come on the 11th month of operation, and the positive cash flow will begin to arrive in the second month after launch. The profitability of the business is 33%, which is quite competitive in today's realities. The average monthly profit of the project is 90,298 rubles, which means that, given the relatively small initial investment, the project is profitable.

Detailed sales plan, investment efficiency calculation and forecast of key financial indicators represented in the financial model.

8. Risk factors

What risks await you during and after the launch of the project?

  • Difficulties in finding highly qualified personnel. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to search for personnel using various resources, offer personnel favorable conditions;
  • The risk of dishonest work of a massage therapist (recording clients at home, for example). It is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for the client after the procedure, so that he does not have a desire to go to a specialist at home;
  • High competition. To reduce risks, you should pay attention to the quality of massage, high level of service, convenient location, favorable prices;
  • Reducing the solvency of the population. Here you will be helped by constant monitoring of market conditions, the introduction of new promotions and offers.

In Soviet times, the concept of "massage" was perceived exclusively as a method of treatment, since this service was officially available only in medical institutions. Now everything has changed dramatically. Numerous massage studios, beauty salons, sports and fitness clubs, just private individuals offer their services to relieve stress and restore patients' energy through relaxation massage. The reason for the "great and pure love" of businessmen for this service sector lies on the surface - financial gain. The massage business does not require significant start-up investments and pays off in an “indecently” short time. With proper organization of the case, the funds spent will be returned in three to four months. A special “thank you” from entrepreneurs to the Ministry of Health - no licenses or permits are required for relaxation and cosmetic massages. The exception is manual therapy, but this is a completely different story, now we will consider an approximate business plan for a massage parlor.

Descriptive part of the massage parlor business plan

Choosing a room for a massage parlor

The choice of a meeting place with future clients depends on the social orientation of the massage establishment. If the salon will be focused on patients who really need a massage according to medical indications, then the geographical position fades into the background. Such clients will go to "their" specialist "even to the ends of the world." But stubborn statistics "draws" a completely opposite picture - 70% of visitors go to massage parlors not for the sake of treatment, but to relax, "stretch the bones" and have fun. A logical conclusion suggests itself - place salons in residential and elite areas.

Large establishments are economically disadvantageous. According to experts, it is not advisable to have more than five massage therapists in one institution. It is better to disperse them throughout the city in small salons. In order for the staff and customers to feel comfortable, the salon area should be within 70-100m². This quadrature will include reception, administrative and directly massage rooms. Most often, each massage therapist is allocated a separate room, which, according to sanitary standards, must be at least 8 m². But now the simultaneous massage of two patients at once (for example, friends-girlfriends or wife-husband) is in fashion. Then the room can be made more spacious - up to 12m².

And one more thing - experience shows that a modern, always busy client is too lazy to take every extra step, so it is advisable to equip the salon on the first floor of the building.

Preparing the premises and equipment

Any massage room, in addition to the massage room itself, must have a bathroom. Also, a discerning client will not refuse to take a bath after relaxation procedures. Sanitary standards require special weekly processing of the cabinet, so it is advisable to cover the walls with washable wallpaper or tiles, and the floors with tiles.

The salon begins with the reception. Decorate it with a solid sofa and a solid table. It will cost you thirty thousand rubles. Rooms (one or more) are equipped with massage tables (up to 15 thousand per table) and two or three couches (up to 4 thousand apiece). If your business plan includes field service, get also a folding portable couch. Do right choice Sellers of medical equipment stores will help you.

Convenience in the work of the massage room will add a cabinet or a special rack for improvised devices and cosmetics. It will have to pay another 10,000.

Of the necessary attributes, we single out a set of soft high-quality towels. Determine their number yourself, based on the daily average flow of visitors. But keep in mind that there should always be a supply (let's say 1 extra towel for 3-4 clients). For daily washing, we recommend installing a washing machine.

From Supplies Let's focus on special oils - the main component of a quality massage. Olive oil is most often used for standard massage, while essential oils are added for combined or relaxing methods. 100 ml of base oil is enough for 4-5 sessions. When adding one drop of essential oil to the base oil, a bottle of the latter is enough for 100 procedures.

Personnel search

It is no secret that a good specialist, for whom there is consumer demand, is the key to the successful operation of the company. Finding a good massage therapist is not an easy task. The information component comes to the fore. There are legends about "cool" massage therapists, the presence regular customers coupled with positive feedback speaks for itself. Usually such "bison" practice independently. You can lure this specialist, first of all, with a good salary and fabulous working conditions. Try to use the gift of personal persuasion and influence on a potential employee of relatives and relatives.

Another option for finding a wizard is through ads in the tools mass media. But here the problem of lack of information and time arises in the selection of applicants, and the risk of getting a "pig in a poke" increases. To reduce this risk, you can install probation or arrange a trial exam for applicants.

The "narrow profile" of the future employee is undesirable. He must certainly master the basis of various massage techniques, starting with oriental methods and ending with European ones. After all, a simple restorative massage is no longer enough for current clients - give them variety and some kind of “zest”. The desire of the master to constantly improve his knowledge base and skill level, the desire to explore “new horizons”, for example, SPA procedures or yoga massage, is welcomed.

The salary of a massage therapist depends on the number of clients served and the agreed percentage of the cost of the services provided. Usually the share is from 30 to 50%, and the number of patients in shifts for good masters reaches 7-8, for weaker specialists - up to 4 people.

The profitability of the salon can be increased if you organize work in two shifts, as well as practicing field service.

In the expenditure side, it is necessary to provide for the costs of the administrator and accountant with a salary of each in the region of 10 thousand rubles. If desired, at first you can independently cope with these functions.

Finding Clients

Despite the rapid development of mass media, expensive advertising of massage establishments in the media does not justify itself. And the greatest effect is achieved from the proven "grandfather" method - the so-called "word of mouth". High-quality work done with a soul evokes the most flattering reviews distributed by satisfied customers among acquaintances, friends, neighbors, colleagues ... Additional attention can be earned by a catchy sign with the original name. It will be useful and inexpensive publicity stunt distribution of leaflets with concise text and stickers in public places.

The financial part of the massage parlor business plan

Experts consider the massage business as one of the best options for investing capital. The profitability of salons is estimated at 20-30%, and the payback period ranges from 3-4 months (with successful marketing) to one year.

It is desirable to coincide with the opening by the beginning of spring, when, on the eve of warm weather, citizens begin to think about their appearance. In summer, a decline in attendance usually follows, and in the autumn-winter period, the demand for massage stabilizes and averages out.

In the first month of work, the daily load of the salon, according to experts, ranges from 5 to 8 people. In the next 2-3 months, the predicted number of visitors will increase to 7-10. The maximum attendance of the salon for two workplaces with 3-4 masters working in shifts reaches 15 people per day. With the right approach, this mode of operation can be reached three months after opening.

The duration of a classic massage varies from 20 minutes to one hour, and a relaxation massage - up to an hour and a half. The break for the rest of the master between sessions is laid in the region of 20 minutes.

According to salon owners, about 70% of patients prefer relaxation and anti-cellulite programs. Thai techniques, yoga, qigong are also in fashion. The number of massage offers is constantly growing, so it is important to keep a "hand on the pulse."

Business expansion is possible in several directions: this is the opening of a spa facility, a massage and beauty salon or a recreation and relaxation center equipped with a sauna and a swimming pool.

Ticket price

Here is a financial calculation of a massage parlor with a rented room of 70m². Salon with four massage therapists working in shifts on 2 massage tables with a share of 40% of the order.

One-time opening costs:

  • Repair in the premises - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Installation of a signboard and distribution of leaflets - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Buying a phone - 500 rubles. and connection - 9 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of a massage table - 8 thousand rubles, furniture - 40 thousand rubles, a washing machine - 10 thousand rubles, towels - 2 thousand rubles.

Dear visitors, below is an example of a massage parlor business plan with economic calculations prepared in Excel. Calculations and document prepared by specialists with extensive experience in planning and made in such a way that you rely on this document could draw up their own project for the development of the enterprise and hand it over at the place of demand.


Purpose: opening a massage studio in a city with a population of over 500 thousand people.

Objectives: organization of a massage parlor-studio "Exotic Asia", providing health massage services for clients with an average and above average income in a new residential area of ​​the city.

Initiator of the project

The opening of the massage parlor is planned to be financed by credit funds and savings of the founder - a former administrator of a beauty salon, who has established connections with professional massage therapists and a small private client base.

Investment costs

The volume of financial investments for the opening of a massage studio is planned in the amount of 600 thousand rubles. The main amount will be allocated for cosmetic repairs of the premises (to bring it into line with all the requirements of supervisory authorities), as well as for the purchase of equipment. In addition to investment costs, it will be necessary to cover the losses of the first two months of work in the amount of 70,000 rubles. Working capital costs (consumables, towels, bathrobes, etc.) are not significant.

The main amounts of investments by cost items:

  • Registration of individual entrepreneur, production of a seal, cash settlement - 15,000 rubles.
  • Making a guarantee to the lessor of the premises - 45,000 rubles.
  • Cosmetic repairs in accordance with the requirements of the SES - 70,000 rubles.
  • Obtaining permits to open a salon from Rospotrebnadzor, SES and fire inspection- 50,000 rubles.
  • Development, production and placement of a sign on the facade of the building - 20,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment (massage tables and chairs), appliances, furniture and decor items - 325,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of consumables - 60,000 rubles.
  • Starting advertising costs - 15,000 rubles.

The massage salon opens in a non-residential building with a separate entrance on the fourth (mansard) floor of a retail and office building. The building is equipped with comfortable elevators, using which customers will get to the 3rd floor to the entrance with a staircase to the attic leading directly to the salon. A floor below in the same building is a fitness center (including a yoga room).

Within walking distance from the newly opened massage parlor there is one universal beauty salon, which provides therapeutic and wellness massage services. In addition, there are two medical institutions in the area, which also provide massage rooms. Prices in all the above organizations are at the average level in the city.

Project financing

To open a massage parlor, the savings of the business founder in the amount of 400,000 rubles and 200,000 rubles of a consumer loan issued for a period of 5 years at 23% per annum without collateral will be used. An additional 70,000 rubles of savings will be used to cover the losses of the first 2 months of the massage parlor.

Project payback

Given the input data when opening a massage parlor, the following indicators of profitability and payback were calculated:

  • IRR - 313% per annum;
  • simple payback period - 12 months;
  • discounted payback period - 13 months;
  • NPV - 11,433,000 rubles;

Calculations were made for a period of 10 years with annual inflation of 10% per annum.

Suppliers and contractors

The main suppliers of consumables, towels, bathrobes, disposable sheets, etc. will be the wholesale companies of the city, which provide cumulative discounts for regular customers. The purchase of consumables will be individual entrepreneur- business founder

Equipment, furniture and appliances for the studio will also be purchased in stores and wholesalers in the city. Preference will be given to products Russian production, which will facilitate the further maintenance of machinery and equipment and their repair.

The renovation of the premises will be carried out by construction company, which already has experience in preparing premises, taking into account the requirements of the SES and other supervisory authorities.

List of services provided

The massage salon will specialize in Asian techniques. The list of services provided will include:

  • Classic Thai massage (1 hour);
  • Classic Balinese massage (1 hour);
  • Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage, 4 hands massage, Shirodara procedures and other varieties of Indian techniques (1 hour);
  • Local massage: neck, back, legs, abdomen, etc. (20-30 min.);
  • Anti-cellulite massage (45 min.).

In addition, next to the reception desk, there will be a sale of creams, aroma oils, candles and other products for home skin care and aromatherapy.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

The total amount of initial investments in the opening of a massage parlor will be 600 thousand rubles. Key cost areas are presented below:

The work is planned according to the following schedule:

Production plan

The general layout of the premises for a massage salon-studio is shown in the figure:

After climbing the stairs, clients of the massage parlor will enter the hall with a total area of ​​7.6 sq. m., where they will be met by the administrator. There will be wardrobes for outerwear and shelves with changeable shoes for visitors.

Next, customers will enter the waiting area, located in a room with a total area of ​​24 sq. m. workplace administrator, upholstered furniture and a TV set of the waiting area, as well as a small area intended for staff recreation will be fenced off on the right side of the room.

Three rooms with an area of ​​18.3, 18.4 and 18.4 sq.m. with adjoining bathrooms will be given over to the workplaces of massage therapists (two massage tables per cabinet). Each room will be decorated in one of the styles: Indian, Thai and Balinese, where massage services will be provided in the appropriate techniques.

According to SES requirements at least 8 sq.m. should be allocated for each workplace of a massage therapist. area, and in a room with two working specialists - at least 12 sq.m. In this room, all requirements will be met. In the future, it will be possible to organize one more (third) workplace in each of the offices.


The massage tables and chairs purchased for the studio will be Russian-made. This will significantly reduce the cost of both the acquisition and subsequent repair of equipment.

To create additional comfort for clients of the massage salon, it is planned to purchase a TV with a diagonal of at least 81 cm, as well as a kettle and a set of dishes for preparing hot drinks. The coffee machine will be provided for rent (free of charge) by a company that delivers coffee beans, tea and other consumables for making drinks.

Salon working hours

Since the manicure studio will work in a residential area of ​​the city, the opening hours are scheduled daily from 09.00 to 22.00 without days off and lunch breaks. The main flow of customers is expected in the morning hours (after yoga classes in the fitness center on the floor below), lunch and evening hours, as well as on weekends and holidays.

The working day of the salon will last 13 hours. Therefore, it will be necessary to organize the work of two shifts of employees (6 massage masters and 1 administrator in each).

Manufacturing process

The on-duty administrator will be responsible for keeping records of clients, their meeting and seeing off, cash settlements. In addition to the above functionality, the duties of the administrator will include the sale of related products for skin care and aromatherapy, the preparation of hot drinks for customers and staff. Cleaning of the premises will be outsourced - employees of a third-party company who come 3 times a day will carry out daily washing of floors and bathrooms, and on a weekly and monthly basis - wet cleaning of cabinets, window sills, etc., plus washing windows. Additionally, an agreement will be concluded with the laundry for the regular washing of towels, bathrobes, etc.

Direct customer service will be handled by Foreign citizens(who speak Russian at a basic level), invited to work from India, Indonesia and Thailand. All employees have issued work visas and are tax residents, so payroll taxes for such employees will be similar to taxation for Russian citizens.

The duties of foreign specialists will include cleaning the workplace after the end of a massage session with each client, preparing for the next session.

The production process of the massage salon-studio will consist of the following main parts:

  1. Pre-registration of clients for a massage by phone or through social networks and instant messengers, as well as direct contact with clients "from the street" to the salon if the masters have free time.
  2. Obligatory reminder to clients about the time of recording on the eve of the day of services and two hours before they begin (duty of the salon administrator).
  3. Direct provision of services selected from general list, by foreign masters.
  4. Payment for a massage at the reception desk (cash and bank transfer), the possible purchase of related products.
  5. Sign up for the next session.

In order to create the most comfortable conditions in service - in addition to the cash desk, a bank terminal will be installed at the reception desk to enable customers to pay for services with bank cards.

Cost of services and fixed costs

Given the specifics of massage parlor services (a high share of expenses for the wages of masters and other employees), the cost of consumables will not be significant - about 5% of the price list. Basically, these will be: massage oils, creams (depending on the type of massage), disposable sheets, disposable underwear, etc.

The personnel remuneration fund (fixed part) will amount to 107,000 rubles per month. At the same time, bonuses from the volume of work performed (variable part) will be 35% of the total revenue (from 5% for each studio administrator to 30% for massage therapists). At the same time, individual bonuses will be calculated based on the volume of services rendered by a specific specialist.

In addition to wages, a significant share of the total costs will be occupied by rent, payments for security and utilities- 45,000 rubles per month, payment for the services of an accountant and a cleaning company (outsourcing) - 25,000 rubles. All other costs (maintenance cash register, appliances, tea, coffee, etc.) will total 13,000 rubles.

Tax payments (UST) will be charged based on the amount of income minus expenses (15%).

Marketing plan

Competition and location

The massage salon will be located in a new residential area of ​​the city, where business and elite class housing prevails. Within walking distance there is 1 beauty salon, where services of wellness massage and 2 medical facilities are provided. However, none of them provide massage services performed in Asian techniques (Thai, Balinese, Ayurvedic) - here the organized business has no competitors within the area.

The salon assumes an average price level in the city, an extended work schedule (until 22.00), a narrow specialization in wellness massage using Asian techniques. Services are intended for a general audience potential clients living in the area, as well as for visitors shopping and office center and a fitness club located on the floor below.

Assortment and prices

Prices for the services of a massage parlor are calculated at the level of the average for the city. Main competitive advantages studios will be - attraction of foreign masters (specialists in national massage techniques), quality of services provided, organization of comfort during procedures (aromatherapy, availability of a bathroom in each room, provision of towels and bathrobes, viewing entertainment programs on TV, reading magazines, providing hot drinks while in the waiting area).

Planned sales shares by types of services provided:

  • Thai classical massage - 25%;
  • Balinese classical massage - 25%;
  • Ayurvedic massage - 25%;
  • Local massage - 15%;
  • Anti-cellulite massage - 10%.

Prices for services will directly depend on the time of the procedure; classic programs and anti-cellulite massage - 800 rubles for 1 hour, local types of massage - from 300 rubles. in 20 minutes. For customers purchasing subscriptions for 5 and 10 sessions, discounts of 10 and 20% are provided, respectively.

Planned sales volume

The average check in the salon (including discounts on subscriptions) will be about 700 rubles for 1.5 hours of stay (massage + time for taking a shower before and after, rest in the waiting area). With 70% workload of the working time of each master (6 clients per day), the daily revenue is planned in the amount of 25,200 rubles, which, per month, will be about 750,000 rubles per month.

The need for massage parlor services does not have a pronounced seasonality. Dynamics of demand for massage services is presented below:

An increase in demand for massage services is observed in the spring months with a peak in March and April, a slight decline in the summer and autumn months.

Thanks to the presence of a client base of an individual entrepreneur - the founder of a business, as well as the planned hiring of foreign specialists with experience in Russia, it is planned to receive 60% of the estimated revenue in the first month of work with a further 10% monthly increase. Planned indicators of revenue volumes in the first year of the salon's operation are presented in the graph:

SWOT analysis

In order to most accurately position the massage parlor, a SWOT analysis was carried out for the business being opened.


  • Experience of the project initiator administrative work in a beauty salon;
  • Attraction to work in the salon of foreign specialists with extensive experience in this field both abroad and in Russia;
  • The absence of direct competitors in the microdistrict in the provision of massage services with an emphasis on Asian national techniques;
  • The location of the massage studio in a new residential area, with business and elite class housing already built and under construction.

Weak sides:

  • Lack of experience of the project organizer in running their own business;
  • Competition from universal beauty salons and medical institutions as the provision of substitute massage services (therapeutic, etc.).

Possible difficulties that can complicate business development:

  • Possible opening of similar massage parlors in the microdistrict;
  • Staff rotation (loss of part of the client base due to the departure of foreign specialists to their homeland).

Opportunities for further business development

  • Expansion of staff and increase in the number of services provided by installing a third massage table in each of the rooms (+3 potential jobs).

Advertising strategy

From the point of view of attracting clients of the microdistrict, the emphasis will be on outdoor advertising(production of a banner on the facade of the building). During the first two months of work, special promo coupons for a discount on the first visit to the massage parlor will be printed, for the distribution of which it is planned to attract promoters.

By the forces of the director of the salon - an individual entrepreneur with the involvement of working time administrators of the studio will organize the attraction of potential customers in in social networks and messengers. It is supposed to cooperate with several fitness and yoga centers of the city for the exchange of client base, mutual placement of promotional materials.

To attract and retain regular customers, the sale of subscriptions for 5 and 10 massage sessions will be organized at a discount of 10% and 20%, respectively. Since there are no plans to make subscriptions personalized, their owner will be able to transfer them one-time to his friends and acquaintances, which will have a positive effect on the influx of new visitors. It is also planned to produce gift cards.

organizational plan

Business registration and taxation

To organize a business, the project initiator will register as an individual entrepreneur. As a taxation scheme, the choice was made in favor of the simplified system (UST). Since the rent and payroll of employees will be the main amount of total income, a tax calculation option of 15% of income minus expenses was preferred.


The total number of staff of the massage parlor (including an individual entrepreneur in the position of director of the studio) will be 15 staff units.

At the same time, 6 massage masters and 1 administrator will provide services per shift (work schedule 2 in 2 days).

The business organizer will be entrusted with the functions of the director, accounting and cleaning services will be provided by employees of the outsourcing company. A contract for the provision of laundry services will also be concluded.

The staffing of the massage parlor is shown in the table:

Subordination scheme within the staff of a massage studio:

Financial plan


When calculating the payback of a massage parlor, the following assumptions were taken into account:

  • Annual inflation - 10% per annum;
  • Income tax - 15% of the amount of income minus expenses (STS);
  • Deductions calculated from the wage fund - 34.2%.

Project financing

Investment costs for opening a massage parlor will be covered by the savings of an individual entrepreneur, as well as funds issued by a bank at 23% per annum for 5 years of a consumer loan. The debt to the bank is planned to be repaid monthly by annuity payments.

Project payback indicators

Key performance indicators of the massage parlor opening project:

  • IRR - 313% per annum;
  • simple payback period - 12 months;

    The main risks of the project include:

    • A decrease in the population's income - the transition to an economy mode most often leads to the rejection of the types of services of beauty salons (massage in particular). The influence of this factor is reduced due to the location of the salon in a new microdistrict with a predominant development of business and elite class housing.
    • Personnel rotation - the departure of foreign specialists to their homeland can lead to the “leaving” of a certain part of the client base, accustomed to the services of a particular master. The influence of this factor is planned to be reduced by retaining experienced specialists through high level bonus component in wages, official registration of employees in the state with the provision of all social benefits.


    The considered business plan for opening a massage parlor attracts with a quick return on investment, a short period before reaching the break-even point and minimal initial investments.

    The obtained indicators of profitability allow the project initiator to attract funds from potential investors or bank credit resources.

Which are in demand at any time: peaceful and military, crisis and economic recovery. How to open massage parlor? If earlier massage rooms could be opened exclusively at medical institutions, today even permission from the Ministry of Health to open such an institution is not required (if we are not talking about manual massage). It is enough to familiarize yourself with the requirements, correctly draw up a business plan for a massage parlor, choose a room, hire good specialists - and you can get decent income. It is proven by statistics that only a third of visitors enter the salon on the advice of doctors. The rest come to have fun, relax, take care of their figure or face.

How to open a massage parlor: the first steps

A new business begins with the fact that they make up a business plan for a massage parlor. Start with a description of the essence of the project. This is also important for inspectors, but, most importantly, the presentation on paper will help the entrepreneur understand which salon is more profitable to open, how to organize its work. Masseurs can do several types of regular relaxing massage.

A business plan for a massage parlor may include spa treatments, exotic techniques (Thai, Japanese, Chinese, etc.). Experienced entrepreneurs say that salons where they arrange relaxing couples procedures, for example, for a husband and wife at the same time, are very popular. The more services the salon provides, the more investments will be required, but they will pay off faster.

What services can the salon offer?

  • Regular (classic) massage.
  • Relaxing techniques.
  • Rejuvenating treatments.
  • Solarium.
  • Romantic programs for two.
  • Services of a cosmetologist (if there is a license).

The types of services depend not only on the desire of the businessman, but also on potential customers. An expensive salon in a residential area or campus will not pay off, a simple establishment located in an elite city block is unlikely to be in demand. Therefore, in the first section of the massage parlor business plan, you should carry out:

  • analysis of the already existing market of services;
  • analysis of possible locations of the cabin;
  • analysis of the specifics of the clientele.

Market analysis

What does it take to open a massage parlor? What preliminary work should be done? Before opening, you should study well how many salons are located in the district, what services they provide. You can find information on the Internet, collect information about competitors or interview visitors to salons, residents of the microdistrict. It has been noticed that people who want to receive a therapeutic (medical) massage do not choose the location of the office, but a specialist.

Those who visit such establishments for cosmetic purposes or just for pleasure usually choose nearby points. The wealthiest clients prefer exotic species massage along with the complex additional services, fashionable environment, romantic atmosphere. Young people often choose procedures for two. Not very rich people (especially women) of middle age do not chase after the situation, wanting to get the maximum of services at affordable, not very high prices.

This is why a massage parlor business plan should take into account the location and the needs of potential customers. You should immediately think about how high the prices will be, what is the salary of a massage therapist. The first should not be higher, and the second - lower than that of competitors.

Rental and preparation of premises

Thinking about how to open a massage parlor, you should not take much risks. To get started, you can simply rent a room in a clinic, hairdresser or residential building. Only after making sure that the business is profitable, you can buy your own premises. Before opening, prepare an office. Important: sanitary standards require at least 8-10 square meters per client.

It is good if there is an opportunity for each master and client to equip a separate closed office. However, today couples massage is becoming more and more in demand, so you will have to arrange rooms for the simultaneous work of two masters. According to the norms of SES, they should be from 12 square meters. m. The cabin provides space for the administrator, dressing, shower, reception.

The floors, walls, ceilings of the cabin must be made of modern, easy to clean, but poorly flammable materials: these are mandatory conditions for the SES and the fire inspection.

Furniture and equipment

A common mistake: When writing a business plan for a massage parlor, some entrepreneurs forget to include all the necessary furniture in it. You will need chairs and sofas for clients and staff to relax, a table for the administrator, furniture for the pool, shower room, tea room. It’s good if all the furniture is made in the same style: it’s easier to create the desired interior.

If the masters do not have separate offices for work, then you will have to buy portable partitions or screens. It is important to consider lighting: twilight sets you on a romantic wave, relaxes, and it is likely that the client will want to extend the procedure.

List of the most necessary equipment

Equipment for a massage room will depend on what types of massage will be provided in the room. The minimum set consists of:

  • medical couches (one for each separate room);
  • massage tables;
  • cabinets for storing cosmetics, oils;
  • cabinets for storing towels and linen;
  • cabinets for cleaning equipment (this is a requirement of the sanitary inspection);
  • towels, sheets;
  • cabinets for dressing gowns and staff clothes;
  • wardrobe or hangers for clients.

More recently, only medical institutions provided massage services. But now beauty salons, massage studios, fitness clubs are also doing this. Consider opening your own massage parlor. First you will need to draw up a business plan for a massage parlor, where all income and expenses will be calculated in detail. In the article, we will consider how to open a massage parlor from scratch and give an example of a business plan with calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a massage parlor

Required documents

If you are just starting to do business, then registering as an individual entrepreneur without education legal entity quite suitable. In addition to the registration itself, you need to obtain a number of permits: from the SES, the fire service and other authorities. The table below shows Required documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity.

Form of business organization Benefits of using Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to create a massage room where you will be the main master and plan to recruit employees
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (800 rubles);
  • certified application by a notary in the form No. P21001;
  • an application for the transition to UTII or an application for the transition to the simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open a massage parlor for borrowing and scaling the business, and also if you want to sell the business.
  • application in the form No. Р11001;
  • charter of LLC;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • an application for the transition to UTII or an application for the transition to the simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default).

By law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

Patent for IP Used to create a massage room where you will be the main master (or up to 15 people)
  • application for a patent in the form of the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 18, 2014 No. ММВ-7-3/589;

Approximate list of documents:

  • Purchase and sale/lease agreement.
  • Conclusion of SES, sanitary passport.
  • Contract for deratization with disinfestation.
  • Conclusion on fire safety.
  • Waste collection agreement.
  • The presence of a book of reviews and suggestions in the room.
  • Documents for settlement and cash services: registration certificate of KKM, passport of the version of KKM, magazine of the cashier-operator, etc.

In the list of species economic activity choose OKVED 93.04 (Physical and recreational activities). This group includes: activities for the purpose of improving physical condition and providing comfort, for example, activities of Turkish baths, saunas and steam baths, solariums, spas with mineral springs, weight loss and weight loss salons, massage parlors, centers physical education etc. Let's add a letter from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2005 N 03-1-03/19/13 "On the taxation of services for physical therapy
« When performing wellness massage as part of physical culture and health activities (OKVED code 93.04), a license to provide medical activities is not required».

A license is required if you practice therapeutic massage(Do not confuse massage and therapeutic massage! Physical culture and health activities are aimed at working with healthy people, and medical activity is aimed at working with patients. The first is controlled). Under current legislation, medical massage may only be performed by individuals with an average medical education. Even a doctor with an average higher education legally does not have the right to do it. To do this, he must undergo advanced training in the center. medical workers and get a license. The license is issued by Roszdravnadzor and requires confirmation every 5 years. Medical activity is registered under OKVED codes:

  • 85.14 - Other health protection activities.
  • 85.14.1 - Activities of paramedical personnel.

Licensing when opening a massage parlor (93.04) is not required.

Master Class " Crisis in the market of massage services«

In the video lesson, Galina Love tells how to create a profitable massage business in the form of a presentation.

Massage parlor business plan: finding a space

Before looking for a place for a future massage parlor, you need to decide on a group of clients that the business will be focused on. If the client needs a massage for medical reasons, the location of the building/room will not be particularly important. Practice has shown that people in this case are looking for a good specialist even if it is far away.

But if the business is focused on clients who come to the massage parlor for pleasure, then the premises should be closer to residential areas or sports complexes.

The ratio of goals of massage parlor clients

To create maximum convenience for customers, the premises must be found on the ground floor. SES standards provide for about 8 m² per person. The ideal option is to allocate a separate room for each massage therapist. But it is possible to organize the work of several (more often than two) specialists in one room with an area of ​​approximately 12 m².

Now, more and more often, two people began to come to massage (for example, couples, girlfriends). Therefore, the demand for a massage procedure for two people at the same time is increasing.

The calculation of the area of ​​​​the massage room is based on the number of employees plus the reception and administration. On average, a presentable salon will require 60-100 m². According to experts, it is not advisable to open a massage parlor with more than five jobs. It is better for a beginner to open 2-3 small salons instead of one large one.

Approximate costs:

  • Repair of the premises - 150,000 rubles (one-time payment);
  • Rent monthly - 70,000 rubles.

Total - 220,000 rubles in the first month.

It is easier to open a massage room in existing sports facilities: sports clubs, bath complexes, beauty salons. Firstly: these organizations already have a sanitary and fire certificate. And secondly, in these complexes there is already a relatively stable traffic of visitors, some of whom will be interested in the services of a massage therapist.

At the first stage of the massage business, you can not rent a massage room, but provide services to clients at their home or office. The challenge lies in building a sustainable customer base.

Massage parlor business plan: equipment and repairs

The first task for a massage parlor is to equip it with a bathroom, a relaxation bath. The floors and walls of the offices are covered with non-slip high-quality tiles of a well-known company. Washable wallpaper can be used instead of tiles. Walls and floors will be treated weekly with special solutions.

In the medical equipment store you can buy:

  • massage tables;
  • couches - basic (2-3) and portable (1), they are necessary when serving clients at home;
  • sofa;
  • reception desk;
  • racks;
  • cabinet for cosmetics (located directly in the massage room).

Visitors should be provided with clean towels. With 15 visitors per day, 20 clean towels are needed. It is advisable to purchase a washing machine in which they will be washed.

  • Massage table - 8000 rubles / piece.
  • Towels - 2000 rubles / 20 pieces.
  • Couch - 3500 rubles / piece.
  • Washing machine — 9000 rubles
  • Furniture - about 45,000 rubles.

Total: 67500 rubles.


A very important factor in the success of this business is an experienced staff. The business plan for a massage parlor includes the costs of finding and maintaining it. There are two possible schemes for the work of massage therapists in the salon:

  1. Shift work is the work of 2-3 foremen in shifts.
  2. Under the order - only after the individual order of the client, the massage therapist comes to the office.

Finding a professional massage therapist is not an easy task. You can try to lure professionals from other salons. Another option is to view ads on the Internet. Assessing a candidate's professionalism at once is usually not easy, for this it is necessary to collect information about the reviews of his past clients.

The salary of a massage therapist will be 30-50% of total cost services. An experienced massage therapist serves 9 people per shift, a beginner - no more than four.

You will also need an administrator and an accountant with a salary of 10,000 rubles each. At first, you can perform their functions yourself, significantly saving on wages.

Payroll calculation:

  • The salary of an accountant and administrator is 20,000 rubles.
  • The salary of massage therapists (4 people) is about 145,000 rubles at a rate of 40% of the cost of the service.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 3000 rubles.

Only 168,000 rubles.

Finding Clients

Word of mouth is the most effective way in this case. That is why from the very beginning of its work it is necessary to pay close attention to the quality of services. In addition to advertising, a well-made sign will also help. Inexpensive additional means of finding customers - distributing flyers and leaflets, advertising at bus stops, in newspapers, on special boards. Advertising in the media is much more expensive and, in the case of this business, is not very effective.

The payback of the massage business

Let's try to determine the approximate payback of the business. In the first month of the massage room, 5-8 visitors will come per day. In the following months - 7-10 people. Session time:

  1. Classic massage - 20-60 minutes.
  2. Relaxing standard massage - up to 1.5 hours.
  3. Back massage - about 15-20 minutes.

The break between sessions is usually 0.5 hours. An office for 2 workplaces and with 3-4 specialists, when fully loaded, is able to serve up to 15 clients per day. Typically, such a stream is reached after 3 months of continuous operation.

Relaxation and anti-cellulite (especially) programs are in the greatest demand (up to 70%) among clients. This should be taken into account when opening a massage parlor. Especially fashionable now: qigong, yoga, Thai techniques.

The profitability of the massage business is 25-30%. Payback is usually achieved in a year, with a successful start - in a few months.

Directions for expansion and scaling

You can also expand your business into other areas. Three areas of business expansion:

  1. Massage and cosmetology salon with an experienced beautician.
  2. Relaxation and recreation center with swimming pool and sauna.
  3. SPA-salon with various SPA-procedures.

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine site

Business Profitability

(4 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(5 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(4 out of 5)
The massage business is profitable business. Location is one of the key success factors. The second success factor is hospitality and quality of services, since it is through this that you can make repeat sales and create a loyal customer base. The profitability of the business is 25-30% and payback ~ from 3 months. Unlike a therapeutic massage parlor, setting up a simple massage parlor does not require a license.