The head waiter is the administrator of the trading floor job responsibilities. Duplication of duties of the administrator of the hall (head waiter). The maitre d' is the manager of the restaurant

  • 23.05.2020

The head waiter is responsible for coordinating the work of the staff in the restaurant hall. If the chef is the main person in the kitchen, then the head waiter, like an orchestra conductor, manages all the numerous waiters and bartenders, looks after the hostess (guest meeting service), controls the quality of service and cash discipline Responsible for the order in the hall.

With all the conflicts that the waiters cannot cope with, the maitre d' is dealt with, therefore, people with the appropriate qualities are taken to this position.

What requirements must a maitre d' meet?

  • It must be a sober and reasonable person;
  • having great life experience, sense of justice, diplomatic talent and tact;
  • thoroughly versed in all the details of the restaurant;
  • decisive and psychologically stable, able to take responsibility in any difficult conditions, to take over the management of the restaurant in the absence of the director.

At the same time, the head waiter often replaces ordinary waiters if there are not enough workers, and the restaurant has an influx of visitors. The head waiter (on an equal footing with the chef) is the second person in the restaurant after the director. If, as a rule, men are taken to the place of the chef, then a woman can also occupy the position of head waiter, provided that she has the qualities listed above. She must obey unquestioningly all the staff, up to the guards.

Often the most devoted and experienced staff establishments that have “grown up” from the position of a waiter. Having received the position of head waiter, the employee either reaches the peak of his career, or opens own establishment: cafe or small restaurant.

It is important to note that a random person in this business cannot become a maître d'. The hall manager is a person who wholeheartedly loves his restaurant, his job, ready for any processing. In this position, you do not have the right to get sick, look bad, allow yourself to be distracted by extraneous topics and conversations, or be loaded with personal problems and moods. The head waiter is the face of the restaurant, so he must be impeccable, otherwise he will not gain the respect of the employees.

The head waiter is the link between the management of the restaurant and the rest of the employees, he knows the most effective methods team leadership. He knows his people and understands their worries and problems, knows how to motivate them, understands when it is necessary to meet the employee halfway, and when it is necessary to be stricter and not allow them to shirk from work.

The profession of maitre d' is very relevant, in demand and highly paid. Therefore, your education-related expenses will be reimbursed as soon as possible.


For friends!


Initially, the term "head waiter" (from French maître d "hôtel - hotel owner) was used in France to refer to the owners of inns at postal stations. Travelers did not stay here for a long time, but only stopped to rest and dine. The head waiter took them. He seated visitors in the dining room at the common table, took their orders and handed them over to the servants in the kitchen, counted them in. The head waiter took special care of distinguished guests: he served them personally, advised wine.

Now the maître d' is the hall manager of a restaurant or cafe, often at a hotel. He manages a team of waiters and sometimes security.

Description of activity

During the whole working day, the head waiter is in the restaurant hall. He meets visitors at the entrance to the restaurant, helps them to accommodate in the hall. With his behavior and attitude towards guests, he creates for them good mood, provides a pleasant atmosphere and reputation of the institution. The maitre d' is well acquainted with the menu and wine list of his restaurant or cafe, so he can advise visitors on some dish or brand of wine. He must know the technology of cooking, the order of their serving. In order to adequately receive foreign visitors, this employee must speak a foreign language (English) and take into account their national characteristics and eating habits. The maitre d' not only organizes meals for visitors directly in the restaurant, but also in the hotel rooms, and also holds festive receptions and banquets.

Head waiters usually work in shifts. For example, from 7.00 to 16.00 or from 15.00 to midnight. There are also night shifts. You have to work on weekends and holidays.

Often a uniform is provided for the maître d'. It must be impeccable, shoes must be polished. The name and surname of the employee are clearly written on the badge.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

Before the opening of the restaurant, the headwaiter must instruct the waiters on the order of work for the coming day and their readiness for work.

The main duty of the maitre d' is to provide efficient and cultured customer service. He meets restaurant visitors, helps them choose places, advises them on menu issues and entrusts further service to the waiters. Throughout the day, the head waiter monitors the cleanliness of the halls, table setting and window dressing and bar counters.

He must carefully monitor that the employees perform their duties qualitatively and observe discipline. The maitre d' examines the claims arising from customers, takes measures to prevent and resolve conflicts.

In addition, he must check the checks issued and the settlements made with visitors.

The maitre d' takes orders for a restaurant holiday events, banquets and develops a plan for their implementation.

At the end of his shift, the head waiter must monitor the cleaning of the halls, the delivery by the waiters of the proceeds to the cashier. In a special journal, he writes down the orders of the authorities for the head waiter of the next shift.

The duties of the head waiter also include work to improve the skills of staff and conduct training sessions with new employees.

Features of career growth

Career growth as a head waiter is possible after receiving additional education. In large hotels and restaurants there are positions of a head waiter. There is an opportunity to rise to the director of the restaurant.

Employee characteristic

maitre d' must do everything to ensure that guests have a positive impression of the restaurant. Therefore, first of all, he should be neatly dressed, combed, and smell from him should be pleasant. Female maître d's should not wear too much jewelry.

Among the visitors of the restaurant can be found too demanding and fastidious. The head waiter must find an approach to anyone, so he must be able to understand people at a glance, be attentive, polite and charming. He needs to be not only professionally literate, but also a culturally enlightened, erudite person.

Since the head waiter controls all the work of the staff, he will need organizational skills, a quick response to non-standard situations, as well as experience in other positions in the restaurant business will not be superfluous.

The head waiter must have a good memory in order to easily answer the visitor's questions about the menu, the composition of the dishes and the prices for them. He also needs to have good physical endurance, because he spends the whole shift on his feet.

The maitre d' (hall administrator) manages everything

the process of serving visitors to the restaurant, in his work he is guided job description approved by the director. The head waiter must have a higher specialized education, know a foreign language, and have work experience in this field. Professional knowledge headwaiter should be on high level, he should know:

rules of etiquette, forms and basics of organizing banquets, gala evenings and events;

table setting and service techniques; cooking technology and rules for serving dishes; wine brands.

The maitre d' must be able to operate cash registers. All this knowledge helps him competently manage the restaurant staff. In accordance with the job description, the head waiter:

supervises the work of the doorman, cloakroom attendant, cleaners commercial premises, service workers, linen workers, bartenders, bartenders and waiters;

Organizes the work of waiters, draws up a schedule for their exit to work, appoints a foreman or a senior shift, determines the work area I (number of tables) for serving visitors;

controls the order of receipt by waiters of dishes and table linen in the service and linen, its exchange and delivery;

Controls the correct table setting in the trading floor, readiness for opening, for which, before the start of service, he conducts briefings with waiters and outlines a work plan for this day, gets acquainted with the menu and price lists, issues invoice forms for reporting, writes down their numbers, and also checks cleanliness retail premises, lobby, dressing room, toilet rooms and readiness to serve restaurant visitors, monitors compliance with personal hygiene rules and wearing uniforms by staff.

During the working day, the head waiter must be in the restaurant hall. He meets guests and helps them in choosing a place, entrusting further service to the waiter. Its task is to ensure a clear link between production and trading floor, control over the correctness of the release and serving of ready-made dishes, over the observance of prices and trade rules when serving restaurant guests. In case of violation of the rules of service by the waiter (calculation, rudeness), the head waiter has the right to reprimand him or remove him from work, reporting the misconduct to the director of the restaurant. If the visitor did not like the ordered dish, its taste, then the head waiter has the right to return it to the corresponding production workshop and demand a replacement.

At the end of the working day, the head waiter controls the cleaning of all rooms, monitors the correct delivery of clean dishes, table linen received under the report, and the delivery of proceeds to the cashier by waiters. The head waiter conducts safety measures commercial equipment, dishes, cutlery and table linen, as well as things forgotten by visitors. Waiters, cloakroom attendants must immediately hand over these things to the head waiter, and he registers them in a special book and reports to the director.

I. General provisions
1. The administrator of the hall is directly subordinate to the director of the restaurant
2. In his work, he is guided by the instructions and rules that determine the work of the restaurant, internal regulations, orders and instructions of the director and this job description.
3. Appointed and dismissed by the director of the restaurant.
4. Is the organizer and manager of work in the halls of the restaurant. Waiters, bartenders, hostesses, dishwashers, cleaners of commercial premises are subordinate to him.
5. Must have a secondary special or higher education, work experience in enterprises Catering, team leadership skills.

II. Responsibilities.
The main responsibility of the administrator is to provide effective and cultural service to visitors, to create comfortable conditions for them. To do this, the administrator of the trading floor must:
1. Timely ensure the preparation of the restaurant halls:
check the quality and timeliness of cleaning commercial premises;
check the condition of equipment, furniture, interior items of the trading floor;
- inspect appearance service personnel;
– arrange the arrangement of waiters in the halls, taking into account their practical skills and knowledge;
- spend necessary briefing shift waiters with an analysis of the mistakes made on the previous working day, familiarization with the features of work for the current day, with orders and instructions from the management.
- meet the visitors of the restaurant, invite them to the table and, if there are no waiters at the moment, take the order or instruct another waiter to take the order.

2. Know the menu (culinary characteristics, exit rates and product prices).
3. Know the plan of turnover on the trading floor and ensure its implementation.
4. Monitor the observance by waiters of the rules for serving dishes, drinks, and the quality of service. Do not allow visitors to abuse alcoholic beverages.
5. Monitor the correctness of settlements with visitors and timely delivery of letters of guarantee by bank transfer to the accounting department. Sign bills for waiters.
6. Compile menus for banquets, after agreeing them with the head of production or his deputy.
7. Provide practical assistance in the work of waiters, give them the necessary recommendations for serving visitors.
8. Check the availability of dishes and drinks included in the menu until the end of the working day.
9. Immediately resolve issues that arise conflict situations in trading floors. Statements and wishes of visitors on service issues should be brought to the attention of the restaurant director.
10. Ensure the coherence of the work of the trading floor and the production of the restaurant, the timeliness of receipt finished products waiters from the production workshops and the restaurant bar.
11. take part in the organization of work to improve the business skills of waiters. Constantly carry out educational and educational work with the staff of trading floors, aimed at strengthening labor and production discipline, ensuring a high culture of service.
12. It is good to know the job descriptions of employees of trading floors.
13. Monitor the observance by the employees of the halls of safety regulations, sanitary standards, fire prevention measures; service standards.
14. Every day before and after work, sign the cash tape and check the counters, participate in the transfer of the shift of cashiers and sign the transfer certificate.
15. After the closing of the restaurant, monitor the delivery by the waiters to the cashier of advance amounts and proceeds for a given day, the delivery of crockery and cutlery to the service room, and the timely departure of all service personnel.
16. Monthly draw up a schedule for the employees of the trading floor to go to work, keep a time sheet.

III. Rights.
The hall administrator has the right to:
1. Take part in the selection of personnel for work in the trading floors of the restaurant.
2. Suspend from work waiters, bartenders and other employees of trading floors who are not dressed according to the established uniform and have an untidy appearance, as well as employees who have committed gross violations labor discipline informing the director of the restaurant about this.
3. Monitor the release and clearance of ready-made dishes from production, demand the replacement of poorly prepared dishes.
4. Require restaurant visitors to comply with the established rules of conduct in public catering establishments, not allow persons in a state of intoxication, soiled clothes, dressed in tracksuits, pajamas, bathrobes, etc. to enter the restaurant.
5. Make proposals to improve the organization of work, to improve the working conditions of employees, to encourage them or to impose disciplinary sanctions.

IV Responsibility.
The hall manager is responsible for:
- for the behavior of the staff of trading floors, the quality of customer service;
- for failure to fulfill their duties listed in this job description, as well as orders of the director of the restaurant;
- for the fight of dishes, damage to the property of the restaurant caused during work, for improper storage and operation material assets;
- for non-compliance by the restaurant staff with sanitary and fire regulations and the Internal Regulations.

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Preface to job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Document approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic check this document produced at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Maitre d'" belongs to the category "Specialists".

1.2. Qualifications- basic higher education (bachelor, junior specialist) in the direction of training "Food Technology and Engineering" (specialty "Food Technology"), advanced training and work experience in catering establishments: for a bachelor - at least 1 year, for a junior specialist - at least 2 years old

1.3. Knows and applies:
- the current legislation of Ukraine, regulating entrepreneurial activity;
- regulatory legal acts and documents from state regulation functioning of catering establishments;
- requirements for ensuring the sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population;
- categories and types of standards, other regulatory and technical documentation for certification of the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;
- rules and technical methods of customer service;
- rules of international etiquette;
- technique and specifics of servicing foreign consumers;
- basic rules of etiquette and table setting;
- basic merchandising, technological, sanitary indicators of product quality;
- technology for the manufacture of culinary products, drinks;
- rules for serving dishes, culinary products, drinks;
- features of design and serving of national, branded and ordered dishes, dishes of foreign cuisines;
- service order for solemn events and other special events, as well as individual contingents of consumers;
- the procedure for registration of accounting and reporting documentation, accounts;
- forms of settlement with consumers, including credit cards;
- scientific basis for the management, regulation and coordination of the activities of low-skilled workers;
- basics labor law;
- bases of the organization and regulation of work;
- systems and methods for assessing the work of service workers;
- basics of management, economics;
- office work;
- 1 - 2 foreign languages international communication within the conversational minimum;
- rules and norms of labor protection, fire protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene.

1.4. The maitre d' is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The maitre d' reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The head waiter directs the work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The head waiter during his absence is replaced by a duly appointed person who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Manages customer service process.

2.2. Meets and places customers in the hall.

2.3. Accepts and draws up an order for servicing solemn events, organizes their holding.

2.4. Provides a guarantee of food safety.

2.5. Supervises the work of waiters, barmaids, cashiers, doormen, cloakrooms, musicians, artists, and other employees of the hall.

2.6. Draws up work schedules for the specified employees, distributes them according to changes and jobs, taking into account rational forms of labor organization and saving time.

2.7. Supervises timely and qualified service by waiters to consumers, settlements with them.

2.8. Monitors the availability of menus, price lists, price tags in the halls.

2.9. Controls the correct design and quality of dishes, culinary products, drinks that are dispensed from production workshops and buffets.

2.10. Takes meter readings of electronic cash registers.

2.11. Issues official forms of accounts, registers.

2.12. Checks the correct filling of registers, maintaining a cash register, compiling and timely submission of reports.

2.13. Examines customer complaints and makes decisions on them.

2.14. Studying the needs and requirements of consumers.

2.15. Prepares proposals for the introduction of competitive types of services and an additional range of dishes, culinary and confectionery, drinks and purchased goods in accordance with the needs of consumers in the region.

2.16. Participates in the development of interior design of halls, advertising, music programs uniform models work clothes preparing special menus.

2.17. Carries out control over the correct operation of trade, technological and refrigeration equipment, furniture, jukeboxes, musical equipment, electronic cash registers.

2.18. Monitors compliance by employees with the rules of safe work, fire protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene.

2.19. Evaluates the work of employees, conducts training and consults employees in order to improve their skills.

2.20. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.21. Knows and complies with the requirements of normative acts on labor protection and environment, complies with the norms, methods and techniques safe execution works.

3. Rights

3.1. The maitre d' has the right to take action to prevent and remedy any irregularities or inconsistencies.

3.2. The head waiter has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The head waiter has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his duties. official duties and exercise of rights.

3.4. The head waiter has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The maitre d' has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The head waiter has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his duties and instructions of the management.

3.7. The head waiter has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The head waiter has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of its activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The head waiter has the right to get acquainted with the documents defining the rights and obligations of the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The head waiter is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the rights granted.

4.2. The head waiter is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The maitre d' is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The head waiter is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal normative documents organizations (enterprises/institutions) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The maitre d' is liable for offenses committed in the course of its activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The head waiter is responsible for causing material damage organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The head waiter is responsible for the misuse of the provided official powers and use them for personal purposes.