How to close an IP through the MFC: step by step instructions. Is it possible to close an IP in the MFC? Step-by-step instruction Close SP through my documents

  • 01.06.2020

Each individual entrepreneur at any time may decide to terminate his activities and liquidate the established business.

The reasons for liquidation can vary from changed personal circumstances to a court injunction against entrepreneurial activity.

Regardless of the owner’s motives, you can close an IP both independently and through centers public services. Since 2007, multifunctional centers (MFCs) have been organized in the Russian Federation, freeing citizens from the need to run around the authorities for certificates and permits. Now you can solve a lot of civil law issues, which is called "one-stop shop".

The procedure for closing an IP through the MFC

Previously, many entrepreneurs were forced to turn to intermediary organizations that help collect a package of documents and formalize the liquidation of a business. With the advent of the MFC, the procedure for closing an IP has become much easier, so that small businesses no longer need to pay money for the services of intermediaries. In fact, the multifunctional center assumes all intermediary duties between the entrepreneur and the state control bodies.

Package of documents

The process of liquidating an enterprise begins with the collection of the necessary papers:

  1. Application for the closure of the IP. This is a form P26001, in which you need to indicate: full name, TIN, registration number individual entrepreneur(OGRNIP), address Email, contact phone number, note about the notification method. And you also need to indicate the person who will receive the package of documents after the completion of the procedure and put his signature.
  2. Power of Attorney for the MFC (a standard document drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation, allowing an MFC employee to make requests, process information, change the status of an enterprise, etc.).
  3. Passport and copies of all its pages.
  4. TIN of the entrepreneur with a copy.
  5. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  6. A power of attorney for a third party, if the documents are not submitted personally by the entrepreneur.

In some cases, a closing businessman will have to take additional steps.

If the activity of the enterprise was carried out using a cash register, then the KKM must be deregistered by providing a registration card and a passport of the device to the tax service.

For licensed activities, it is necessary to surrender the license, close the bank account of the enterprise.

Submission Options

There are several ways to submit documents to the MFC.

The first– to appear in person at the department of the multifunctional center. If the personal presence of the entrepreneur for some reason is impossible, you can send a package of documents by registered mail, but you need to draw up an inventory of the attachment.

You can use the services of a trustee or an intermediary organization and not waste time at all on the procedure for liquidating an individual entrepreneur.

IMPORTANT!If an entrepreneur wants to use the services of an intermediary when closing his activities, then he will have to pay for a notarized power of attorney in the name of the selected person.

Another way to submit documents to the MFC is to scan the collected documents and upload them through the resource on the MFC website (if such a service is supported in the chosen center). When submitting documents through the Internet portal, the head of the closing organization must certify his application with an electronic signature.

Application processing time

The procedure for liquidating an individual entrepreneur through a multifunctional center will take up to eight working days. For comparison: if you close business activities directly through the Federal Tax Service, the processing time of the application will be reduced to five days.

The reason for the increase in the waiting period is as follows: the duty of the specialist of the center is only to accept and prepare a package of documents. Further, the application is sent all to the same Federal Tax Service, where the IP closing is registered.

ATTENTION!If an individual entrepreneur has not provided a certificate from the Pension Fund to the MFC, the Federal Tax Service, in turn, will send a corresponding request, which may extend the processing of the application.

IP closing fee

Like any legally significant action, the liquidation of an individual entrepreneur is subject to state duty.

The amount of the state duty for closing an IP for 2018 is 160 rubles.

You can pay the state fee at any office of Sberbank or on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. With the help of the "Payment of state duty" service, you can generate and print a receipt for payment without leaving your home.

How to close an individual entrepreneur with debts through the MFC

MFC employees do not check the debts of a closing enterprise. Therefore, the specialist of the center in any case will accept the package of documents and initiate the registration procedure.

That is why the Federal Tax Service does not welcome the appeal to intermediary services MFC. The tax service is obliged to accept each package of documents sent by a state organization and conduct an appropriate check on it, which adds paperwork to employees.

Closing problems may begin later, at the stage of checking the Federal Tax Service:

  1. Tax debts. The most unpleasant situation for an entrepreneur, since the law obliges to pay off tax debts before the liquidation of the business begins.
  2. Debts to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, employees or creditors. All these debts are not grounds for refusing to close the organization. However, an individual entrepreneur should remember that all unpaid debts of an individual entrepreneur are transferred to an individual. BUT Pension Fund and Foundation Social Security have the right to collect debts through the courts, as well as former employees enterprises.

Possible reasons for refusal to accept documents

The situation when an employee of a multifunctional center refuses to accept documents for processing is a rather rare occurrence.

Several reasons for not applying:

  • absence of a receipt for payment of state duty;
  • incorrect execution of a power of attorney for a representative; lack of power of attorney;
  • the presence of errors, misprints, other differences between the data of documents and information about the entrepreneur in the Unified State Register;
  • violation of the registration regulations in extra-budgetary funds;
  • incomplete or incorrectly executed package of documents.

Other nuances of closing an IP through the MFC (pros, cons)

For the convenience of citizens, MFCs are equipped with an electronic queue system, a preliminary appointment by phone and via the Internet has been introduced. Thus, the time spent on the transfer of documents to a specialist ranges from 15 minutes to half an hour.

In many localities, an extended working day of the center is practiced - until 20:00. The head of the enterprise does not need to break away from business in the middle of the working day.

The multifunctional center is designed to ensure that the citizen has the opportunity to solve several bureaucratic tasks at the same time. The center's specialists advise in detail the citizens who have applied at each stage of paperwork.

IMPORTANT!The liquidation of your business can be executed not only at the place of registration of the owner, but also in any region of Russia. The procedure for submitting documents in this case is no different from the standard one.

Politics government agencies social security provides for strict selection of personnel (for example, one of the conditions is the mandatory higher education), so every citizen can count on high level service and courtesy of the staff.

Perhaps the only drawback of service in a multifunctional center is the fact that its employees are narrow specialists. Consequently, they may not always be able to provide detailed advice on any specific third party requirements.

An individual entrepreneur has the right to terminate his activity as a business entity at any time. This procedure can be carried out independently or you can seek help from specialized companies. One of these is the MFC - a multifunctional center. This method appeared not so long ago, so few people can answer the question of how to close an IP through the MFC. Let's take a closer look at this procedure.

How MFCs work

The name "multifunctional center" was chosen for a reason, because this institution really performs many functions, and not only opens or closes an individual entrepreneur through the MFC.

A distinctive feature of such centers is the principle of "one window", in accordance with which they successfully operate. Thanks to this, the time of forced communication between citizens and businesses is reduced, and the provision of any service is concentrated in one place at all stages, from filing an application to issuing the results of the decision of the executive body. Thanks to this approach, the number of documents required from the applicant is significantly reduced.

In the MFC, the most transparent process is possible in the provision of any service, there are no queues and the terms are reduced. Also, citizens can get advice on any business issues from qualified professionals.

All this in general greatly increases the comfort of citizens receiving state and municipal services.

A complete list of services provided by MFCs can be found on the websites of these organizations. However, you need to take into account the region of residence, since the list of functions depends on this. Currently, MFCs are developing quite actively, expanding the list of services and introducing pilot projects.

Why is IP closed?

There must be some grounds for the liquidation of the IP. Often they can be:

  • entrepreneur's decision
  • death of an individual;
  • cancellation of documents that allow you to live on the territory of the Russian Federation permanently or temporarily;
  • a court decision presupposing the deprivation of the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity;
  • bankruptcy.

The procedure for closing an IP through the MFC

Whether it is possible to close an individual entrepreneur through the MFC is still being discussed at specialized forums; in many regions of Russia they already provide such a service, but it is not always necessary to rush to take advantage of this offer.

The fact is that the tax service does not approve this type of application for deregistration of individual entrepreneurs. This body of executive power prefers independent control without the participation of intermediaries.

In order to process the documents and publish on the website of the state control an extract from the register, which confirms the suspension of the activity of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, in case of contacting the MFC, it will take 8 working days. It is noteworthy that the centers do not check the debt of the entrepreneur and payments to insurance funds, since this procedural point is not spelled out in the legislation.

Consider the steps that must be taken to close the IP through the MFC.

Application preparation

First you need to fill out an application for the liquidation of a business. To do this, use the form P26001. This document is considered the main one and should include the following information:

  • Contact phone and email;
  • a note about the person who will receive a package of documents upon completion of the liquidation procedure - this can be either a personal contact or via e-mail;
  • signature.

Collecting a package of documents

To carry out the procedure for closing an IP through the MFC, it is necessary to collect the following documents:

  • standard power of attorney at the MFC;
  • TIN, passport, as well as copies of these documents;
  • application form P26001, which was mentioned earlier;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a notarized power of attorney (required if the documents are submitted by a third party).

Payment of duty

Those wishing to terminate entrepreneurial activity must pay a mandatory state duty, the amount of which is 160 rubles. This can be done at any bank branch or online on the website of the tax authority.

It is also important to close all IP accounts in the bank. But it is not necessary for the entrepreneur to notify the regulatory authorities about this.

If in the course of doing business you have used cash machine, it must be deregistered. To do this, you need to provide a CCP passport and a registration card that was issued by the tax service when registering.

Submission of documents to the MFC

After everything Required documents, including a receipt for payment of the state duty, are collected, all this must be transferred to the state body, in this case, to the MFC specialist. It should be noted that when choosing this option, the review process may be slightly delayed, since the duty of the center's specialists is only to accept the documents.

In the future, they are redirected to the tax authority, where registration actions are carried out.

There are several ways to submit documents to the MFC:

  • personally;
  • using the help of third parties (it was previously indicated that this requires a notarized power of attorney);
  • registered letter;
  • through the organization's website.

Due to development and accessibility information technologies advanced businessmen are increasingly choosing the latter option, which does not require trips to the other end of the city, waiting for their turn, and generally leaving the premises.

Obtaining documents on termination of registration

As a rule, the tax office reviews documents within 3 working days; when contacting the MFC, the whole process takes about 8 days. Individual entrepreneurs issue a USRIP record sheet, which confirms the implementation of the relevant registration action.

Why MFC may be denied

Not always everything turns out correctly and ideally, which also applies to the process of liquidating an individual entrepreneur through the MFC. There are certain circumstances due to which an individual may be denied a service:

  • incomplete list of required documents;
  • incorrect procedure for registering individual entrepreneurs in extra-budgetary funds;
  • unpaid state duty;
  • differences in the data specified in the submitted application and in the Unified State Register;
  • lack of a notarized power of attorney when submitting documents through an intermediary.

If the refusal is due to other reasons, then the individual entrepreneur has the right to appeal the decision through the court.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Thanks to the emergence of a queuing system using electronic coupons, the waiting time has been significantly reduced, and this is perhaps the main plus of the MFC. Other benefits of the centers include:

  • fast service;
  • the ability to solve several issues at the same time;
  • consulting service at all stages;
  • high level of customer service;
  • convenient work schedule.

The main disadvantage of the work of the MFC is that some of their employees are specialists in a number of individual issues, and therefore cannot always advise in all areas.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to close an individual entrepreneur in the MFC is not only in the affirmative, but also in many respects advantageous. However, it is advisable to consult directly with an employee of the MFC, who will tell you about all the features and stages of liquidation of an individual entrepreneur through such an institution.

How to close an IP: Video

If you need help of a reference and legal nature (you have a difficult case, and you don’t know how to draw up documents, the MFC unreasonably requires additional papers and certificates or refuses at all), then we offer free legal advice:

  • For residents of Moscow and Moscow Region -

You can close the IP through the MFC by contacting:

  • to the “My Documents” subdivision at the place of permanent or temporary registration of the entrepreneur;
  • to any other branch of the center operating on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, in which the businessman is registered.

Step 1. We prepare documents

You need to submit to the MFC:

1) Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

2) Application for termination of activity in the status of an individual entrepreneur in the form No. P26001 ()

The form can be completed manually or using a computer. The procedure for filling out an application is approved by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6 / [email protected]

Please note: the form must be signed in the presence of an MFC employee. If the documents are submitted through an authorized representative, then the signature of the individual entrepreneur on the application must be notarized.

3) Receipt confirming the payment of state duty.

At the initiative of the applicant (if the individual entrepreneur had employees), the following is additionally submitted:

4) A certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, indicating that the entrepreneur has submitted individual personalized information regarding his employees (form SZV-STAZH, accompanied by an inventory of EFA-1).

Note: if this document not submitted, the tax authority will receive information from the FIU upon an interdepartmental request in electronic form.

Step 2. Payment of the state duty

According to paragraphs. 7 p. 1 art. 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation state duty for termination by an individual economic activity as an individual entrepreneur is 160 rubles.

You can pay the fee at the terminal located in the premises of the MFC.

Step 3. Contacting the MFC

Multifunctional centers accept applicants on a preliminary or in the order of a "live" electronic queue.

You can make an appointment in advance:

  1. Through the site "" (if such a service is provided in the region of circulation). You must first register on the State Services Portal.
  2. By a single phone hotline MFC or the contact number of the selected branch of the center.

It should be noted that the branches of the MFC interact with the registering Federal Tax Service only within one subject of the Russian Federation.

Thus, if an entrepreneur who has a permanent residence permit in one constituent entity of the Russian Federation (for example: the Omsk region) decides to close the IP while temporarily staying in another city - outside his region (for example: Moscow), then apply for termination of activity to the local MFC will not work.

But it is possible to close the IP in the Multifunctional Center of your region remotely - through an authorized representative, having issued a notarized power of attorney for him to perform the necessary actions.

Step 4. Obtaining a finished USRIP record sheet

Upon submission of the application and required documents executive The MFC will issue a notification receipt to the citizen, which will indicate the approximate date of receipt of the finished USRIP record sheet in the form No. P60009.

In some regions, MFCs inform the applicant about the readiness of documents via SMS.

You can also track through the local website "My Documents" by the receipt number, if such a service is implemented in the region of application, or by calling the hotline (the contact number of the department that accepted the documents).

The term for closing the IP through the MFC is about 8 working days. Of these, 5 days are allotted for the procedure for deregistration of individual entrepreneurs in the registering inspection, and a few more days take the transfer of documents to the department of the Multifunctional Center.

If an authorized representative of an individual receives a finished USRIP record sheet, he must present a notarized power of attorney.

How to close an individual entrepreneur with debts in the FIU

Regulatory legislation does not prohibit the closure of an individual entrepreneur in the presence of arrears in insurance payments.

Termination of activities in a situation where the entrepreneur is not able to pay the arrears on contributions can be called forced. However, in this case, it is worth closing the IP at least in order to stop a further increase in debt, since contributions will be accrued regardless of financial condition businessman.

But you need to understand that the fact of deregistration of an individual entrepreneur does not relieve an individual from obligations to repay the debt to the PFR, this is the full property responsibility of the entrepreneur.

The exception is the amount of unpaid insurance premiums for which the limitation period has expired - three years.

The debt on contributions must be paid off within 15 days from the date of removal of the IP from the registration register and making an entry in the USRIP (clause 5 of article 432 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If the debt is not paid on time, a recovery will be made in court.

Refusal to deregister an individual entrepreneur

The reasons why the applicant may be denied the closure of the IP are listed in Art. 23 of the law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ, for example:

  • mandatory documents are missing or incomplete, including if an interdepartmental request to the FIU revealed a failure to submit information regarding employees;
  • incorrectly completed application;
  • the documentation is addressed to the wrong registration authority;
  • the state duty did not enter the budget;
  • the application was signed by an unauthorized person.

Free legal advice

You have been denied a service, and you think that the refusal is unlawful? Do you have another difficult legal situation or issues that require legal assistance (not necessarily related to the MFC)?

Call and get a FREE legal consultation!

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  • Free number for Russian regions -

Today, the government of our country has created excellent conditions for individual entrepreneurs to open their activities, as well as to terminate them. There are many ways to terminate an IP today. But one of the most convenient is the way that allows you to close the IP through the MFC. Therefore, we will devote our article to a detailed analysis of the closure of the business entity mentioned above in this way.

The task of multifunctional centers is to assist people in carrying out a variety of procedures. Today, there are MFCs in all regions and in almost all settlements. Therefore, citizens of a particular region can go to the official website of their territorial MFC and get acquainted with the services that it provides. In different regions, services may be different, since at the moment the centers are in the active stage of their development.

Step-by-step instructions for closing an IP

In order for a businessman to officially close his own activity, you will need to follow several steps:
1. An application is being written for the liquidation of the IP.
2. State duty is paid.
3. Insurance premiums are paid.
4. The entrepreneur is deregistered in the FIU, his cash register is also deregistered.
5. Debts to the state budget are extinguished. A delay of 15 days is allowed.
6. Documents are submitted to the tax office. In this case, this procedure will be performed by the MFC.
7. The entrepreneur receives a document confirming the fact that the liquidation of the IP through the MFC was successful.

Preparatory stage before closing

At the preparatory stage (that is, two months before liquidation), the business owner will need to warn his employees in writing about the closure of the IP, as well as inform the employment center about this.

We collect documentation

The list of documents for closing a business may differ slightly in different cases, as it depends on the conditions for the formation of the case and its specifics. However, the list of main documents will include the following official papers:
- passport (original);
- application for closing activities (form Р26001);
- a receipt confirming the payment of state tax.
In some cases, additional steps will be required, such as:
- issuance of a license to conduct activities;
- closing a business bank account;
- Cancellation of registration of the cash register.

Closing a bank account

It is not difficult to close an IP bank account. This procedure will take some time. To do this, a businessman will need to perform several actions:
1. In a bank, a businessman will need to personally write an application for closing a current account.
2. Specify the amount of money remaining in the account.
3. Specify the limit provided for cash balances.
4. In order to obtain information on the balance of funds and the amount of the limit, the entrepreneur should request a statement on the balance of funds from the bank in advance.
On the day the application is received, the bank closes the IP account, and transfers the balance of money to another account or gives it to the owner in cash.

We pay the state duty

You can pay the state tax in any bank. In 2017 and 2018, its amount is 160 rubles. Also, payment can be made through the website of the tax office. Select the tab "Payment of state duty" on the official web resource.

We submit documentation to the MFC

When submitting documentation to the MFC for the termination of business activities, a businessman should be aware that the multifunctional center does not require debt repayment. Therefore, the list of documents will be small. It will be necessary:
- write an application for termination of IP;
- pay the state tax;
- provide a passport and its copy;
- provide TIN;
- provide a power of attorney from a businessman to a representative involved in closing the case;
- prepare a power of attorney from a businessman at the MFC.

The final stage of liquidation

After receiving an application from an entrepreneur, the MFC begins the process of its registration. It lasts 5-7 days. After that, an entry on the liquidation of the case will be made in the USRIP, and the entrepreneur will receive a document with the corresponding entry.
Important! Documents on the closure of activities must be kept by the entrepreneur for at least 4 years, so that in the event of an inspection by regulatory authorities, the fact of termination of the business can be confirmed.

Reasons for refusal to liquidate the case

Having learned about the activities of a multifunctional center, businessmen are often interested in whether it is possible to close an individual entrepreneur through the MFC? Yes, you can! However, there are times when the MFC refuses to provide services for the closure of IP. Here the reasons may be different:
— lack of a power of attorney from the intermediary involved in the liquidation of the business;
- the absence of the fact of payment of the state duty;
- lack of some documentation;
- differences were found in the data of the entrepreneur with the data of the state register.
The businessman has the right to challenge the decision to refuse the MFC to provide the service by appealing it in court.

Positive and negative aspects of closing private activities in the MFC

The work of the MFC, in comparison with other options for liquidating a business, has a number of advantages that are favorable for citizens of the Russian Federation:
1. Thanks to electronic coupons, you can forget about many hours of queues. Now the waiting time to terminate the IP through the MFC will be no more than 15 minutes.
2. Employees of the MFC resolve issues promptly.
3. Clients of the Center can solve several issues at the same time.
4. Customers are served at a high level.
5. Consultation at any stage of cooperation is allowed in the Center.
The negative side of cooperation with the MFC is the cases when its employees do not have information on solving some specific tasks. As a result, they are unable to provide specific advice. This is due to the fact that the tax inspectorate has a negative attitude towards the service of deregistration of a business through the MFC, preferring to carry out full monitoring of the process of liquidation of activities on its own.

Video about the closure of IP

Reading time: 4 min

Today, in order to register as an individual entrepreneur (IP), it is not at all necessary to personally visit the IFTS. One option is to submit documents through the MFC. We figure out how to do it right, and what is required for this.

IP registration methods

In 2020, there are four ways for individuals to choose from, allowing them to register as an individual entrepreneur. Here is a list of the main ones:

  1. Personal visit to the IFTS- this option requires the most labor and time, since often one inspection works for the city, where you can open an individual entrepreneur. Accordingly, the applicant will have to spend time and effort on the road and waiting for his turn.
  2. Online registration through the tax website inspection or- in this case, all the necessary documents can be sent to the IFTS in in electronic format. However, to use this method, you will need to advance (EDS).
  3. Contacting the multifunctional center- this institution acts as a kind of intermediary between the registering tax office and citizens. In the case of applying to the MFC, the applicant does not need to personally visit the IFTS, since in this case the Center's employees will independently send all the necessary documents to the addressee.
  4. Using the help of specialized organizations- all issues related to the opening of an individual entrepreneur can be entrusted to professionals who provide such services on a paid basis. You can also contact a notary with such a request. This method is the most convenient, but the most expensive.

There is also a 5th option - the bank will do all the work for you, you don’t even have to leave your home. For example:

  1. Tinkoff Bank will independently issue an IP for you, and a bank employee will bring all the documents home. It will also offer free of charge: 2 months of a current account, online accounting and a business card to the account. The service is free, and the application is submitted electronically, without paying a fee.
  2. Point Bank will also do everything independently and free of charge. They will help you choose OKVED and determine the taxation system, prepare and send an application for tax. Promise to manage up to 7 days. There are different tariffs (starting from 0 rubles per month), online accounting, a free salary project, online cash registers and other useful services.

Pros and cons of registering an individual entrepreneur through the MFC

As you know, the main purpose of the creation of the MFC was to unload state institutions from numerous appeals of citizens on a variety of issues. This also includes the submission of documents for opening an IP. This registration option has its advantages and disadvantages.

Main pros:

  1. The presence of a large number of MFC offices throughout Russia. Regardless of the place of residence and registration, any citizen can find the nearest center and submit papers. Even if it is in a different region. For example, in Moscow there is only one registering IFTS, and there are more than 100 MFCs.
  2. In some centers, documents for registration of IP are submitted without payment state duty.

It is impossible not to mention a number of cons that are inherent in the procedure when contacting the MFC:

  1. the inability to get detailed advice on all issues related to filling out documents for individual entrepreneurs. Therefore, situations often occur when documents from the IFTS are returned back due to incorrect filling;
  2. together with the registration papers, it will not be possible to apply for a simplified taxation system (STS), if a citizen wants to switch to this system. This MFC service is not provided;
  3. not all MFCs send papers to the IFTS in electronic version. This means that the applicant will have to pay a state fee;
  4. a longer registration period compared to the period for registering an individual entrepreneur directly in the INFS.

Opening an individual entrepreneur in the MFC without paying state duty

As noted above, in some cases, citizens can submit papers for opening an IP without paying a fee. This possibility arises if The MFC sends documents to the IFTS electronically.

It should be noted that not all MFCs accept documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs, and even fewer use them. electronic order interdepartmental interaction. Therefore, when contacting the MFC, where it is not possible to send papers to electronic format , the citizen will have to pay a state duty.

In accordance with sub. 6 paragraph 1 of Art. 333.33 for the registration of individuals as an individual entrepreneur, a fee of 800 rubles is charged.


  1. First of all, you need prepare a package of documents, which is required to open an IP (the list is available below).
  2. Then you need to select the nearest branch of the MFC, call there and clarify two main points:
    • whether it provides IP registration services (not all Centers perform such tasks);
    • whether documents are sent to the registration authority in electronic format (as already noted, the need to pay a fee depends on this).
  3. The next step will be implementation to the selected MFC. This can be done in several ways:
    • via the Internet (in many regions of the Russian Federation there are “My Documents” centers, on the website of which a preliminary appointment is made in the “Electronic Reception” section);
    • by phone;
    • personal visit to the MFC office. At the terminal, you need to take a ticket in electronic queue and expect.
  4. Needed at the appointed time come to the center and provide a full package of papers. You can apply for opening an IP either independently or through your official representative. In the latter case, it will be necessary to issue a power of attorney in advance.
  5. Next you need wait for the end of the registration process and receive the USRIP record sheet confirming the successful completion of the procedure state registration as an individual entrepreneur (this form was approved by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2016 No. MMV-7-14 / [email protected]).

Do not forget, if the MFC does not transfer documents to the IFTS electronically, then the applicant will also need to pay a state duty.

It should be borne in mind that the details for paying the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur will differ depending on the method of filing papers. When contacting the MFC, the payment must go to the settlement account of this organization, and when visiting the IFTS in person, to the account of the tax authority. That is why it is necessary to make sure in advance (before depositing money) that the selected center provides IP registration services.

Finding out the details for transferring the state duty is quite simple. A convenient option is to use a special service of the Federal Tax Service, designed to generate payment documents. The MFC settlement account is displayed automatically when you select the type of payment and the corresponding option for processing the service (the number is written in brackets).

List of documents

To register as a sole trader, to an individual You will need to provide the MFC employee with the following documents:

  • pre-prepared application form. Its form was approved by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2012 No. MMV-7-6 / [email protected](Appendix No. 13);
  • identity card (passport);
  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state fee (required if the MFC does not send documents to the IFTS electronically);
  • TIN ( an identification number taxpayer). Subject to availability.

Registration deadlines

In the case of registration of IP through the MFC, the period of this procedure will be slightly delayed. So, when applying to the IFTS, the entire registration process may take no more than 3 days (the period is set at the legislative level), while submitting documents through a multifunctional center, this period may increase to 7 days.