Pedagogical project "Amazing Lego Journey". Lego construction project "Lego fairy tale" project (senior group) Lego construction project for kindergarten

  • 21.06.2020

Natalia Ivanova

Relevance of Lego-constructors:

1. are an excellent tool for the intellectual development of preschoolers, providing integration educational areas(Speech, Cognitive and Socio-communicative development);

2. allow the teacher to combine education, upbringing and development of preschoolers in the game mode (learn and learn in the game);

3. form cognitive activity, contribute to the education of a socially active personality, form communication and co-creation skills;

4. combine play with research and experimentation, give the child the opportunity to experiment and create their own world where there are no boundaries.

Today, LEGO constructors are actively used by pupils in various kindergartens in their play activities.

Project idea: to make LEGO-construction a guided process, to expand the content of the design activity of preschoolers, through the introduction of new generation constructors, and to involve parents in joint technical creativity formed the basis of our Lego project.

Objective of the project: the introduction of LEGO design in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Project objectives: 1) ensure the purposeful use of LEGO constructs in the educational process of the kindergarten:

2) Organize purposeful work on the use of LEGO-constructors in the preschool educational institution for design, starting from the MIDDLE GROUP

3) Raise the educational level of teachers by teaching LEGO technology.

4) Raise parental interest in LEGO building through the organization active forms work with parents and children.

5) the child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint design, technical creativity, has the skills to work with various sources of information;

6) the child is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with the failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately shows his feelings, including a sense of faith in himself, tries to resolve conflicts;

7) the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in different types research and creative and technical activities, in the construction game and design;

8) the child knows different forms and types of creative and technical games, is familiar with the main components of the LEGO constructor and FUN S BOT;

9) the child is quite good at oral speech, is able to explain a technical solution, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech statement in a situation of creative, technical and research activities;

The main forms and methods of educational activities:

Construction, creative research, presentation of their models, competitions between groups;

Verbal (conversation, story, briefing, explanation);

Visual (showing, working according to instructions);

Practical (assembly of models);

Reproductive method (perception and assimilation of ready-made information);

Partial search (performance of variable tasks);

Research method;

The method of stimulating and motivating activities (game emotional situations, praise, encouragement.

Conclusion: the introduction of LEGO - construction in the educational process of kindergarten, will create favorable conditions to familiarize preschoolers with technical creativity and the formation of initial technical skills

LEGO-construction begins at the age of three: children of the second younger groups are offered the LEGO DUPLO constructor. Children get acquainted with the main details of the LEGO DUPLO constructor, ways of fastening bricks, children develop the ability to correlate the results of their own actions in constructing an object with the model.

AT middle group(from 4 to 5 years old) children consolidate the skills of working with LEGO constructor.At this age, preschoolers learn not only to work according to the plan, but also independently determine the stages of future construction, learn to analyze it. A form of work is added - this is design by design. Children freely experiment with building materials.

In the older group (from 5 to 6 years old), constructive creativity is rich in content and technical diversity, preschoolers are able not only to select details, but also to create designs according to a model, scheme, drawing and their own design.

AT preparatory group(from 6 to 7 years old) the formation of the ability to plan your building with the help of LEGO - the designer becomes a priority. Particular attention is paid to the development of children's creative imagination: children design according to their imagination according to the proposed topic and conditions. Thus, buildings become more diverse and dynamic.

Construction- one of the favorite types of children's activities. Distinctive feature such activity is independence and creativity. As a rule, the construction ends with a play activity. Created by LEGO-buildings, children use in role-playing games, in theater games, use LEGO-elements in didactic games ah and exercises, in preparation for teaching literacy, familiarization with the outside world. So, sequentially, step by step, in the form of a variety of game, integrated, thematic activities, children develop their design skills, children develop the ability to use diagrams, instructions, drawings, develop logical thinking, communication skills.

The implementation of the project is significant for the development of the education system, as it contributes to:

Ensuring work within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Formation of the image of a children's educational institution;

Satisfaction of parents in educational services DOW;

Raising the professional level of teachers;

Participation of teachers in competitions of various levels;

Participation of pupils of the preschool educational institution in the festivals of robotics.

Related publications:

"Lego-construction" in the middle group. In our kindergarten, a competition was held on the theme "Lego-construction", in all age groups Oh.

lego project If a child has not learned to create in childhood, then in life he will only imitate and copy ”L. N. Tolstoy. Project type by target.

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Lego organized educational activities - designing in the second junior group "House" Lego Organized Educational Activities - Construction in the Second junior group Topic: "House" Purpose: communicative formation.

Construction work report “It's easier to be able to do everything with Lego! It's easier to get smart with Lego! (for parents) Construction is the most interesting and exciting activity, it is closely connected with the sensory and intellectual development of the child.

Project type: long term

Project participants: children of the preparatory group, parents, educators

Project relevance This project relevant in that it reveals the world of technology for the older preschooler. More than any other activity, LEGO building sets the stage for children's technical development.

Objective of the project:

Ø create favorable conditions for the development of primary design skills in older preschoolers based on LEGO-construction.


Ø A number of educational, developmental and educational tasks are set in the LEGO design classes:

to develop preschoolers' interest in modeling and design, to stimulate children's technical creativity;

Teaching design according to a model, drawing, a given scheme, according to a plan;

form the preconditions learning activities: the ability and desire to work, perform tasks in accordance with the instructions and the goal, bring the work started to the end, plan future work;

Improve the communication skills of children when working in pairs, teams

develop fine motor skills of the hands, stimulating general speech development and mental abilities in the future.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten №3 Erudite»

Project for

In the preparatory school group for children 6-7 years old


Developed by the educator 1 qual. categories

Seksenova Alla Mukhitovna

Surgut 2016.

Type of project : long-term

Project participants:children of the preparatory group, parents, educators

Project relevanceThis project is relevant in that it reveals the world of technology for the older preschooler. More than any other activity, LEGO building sets the stage for children's technical development.

Objective of the project:

  • create favorable conditions for the development of primary design skills in older preschoolers based on LEGO-construction.


  • a number of educational, developmental and educational tasks are set in LEGO-designing classes:
  • develop preschoolers' interest in modeling and design, stimulate children's technical creativity;
  • to teach designing according to a model, a drawing, a given scheme, according to a plan;
  • to form the prerequisites for educational activities: the ability and desire to work, perform tasks in accordance with the instructions and the goal, bring the work started to the end, plan future work;
  • improve the communication skills of children when working in pairs, teams
  • develop fine motor skills of the hands, stimulating general speech development and mental abilities in the future.

Preparatory stage:

  1. Explore the variety of types of amusement parks, recreation areas.
  2. Analyze the types and purpose of attractions that are usually found in parks (children's, family, extreme attractions)
  3. To study the schemes for building models of attractions.

Practical stage:Cognitive and creative

1. Designing models selection of designer parts

2. Model building

3. Discussion of the movement of the model

The final stage:

  • combining models into a single idea, creating a plot, playing with buildings, exhibition of works
  • Develop design skills and abilities, the ability to analyze an object, highlight it characteristics, the main parts, to establish a connection between their purpose and structure.
  • To improve the communication skills of children when working in pairs, teams, distribution of responsibilities.
  • To form the prerequisites for educational activities: the ability and desire to work, perform tasks in accordance with the instructions and the goal, bring the work started to the end, plan future work.

Project Implementation Plan


Topic name

Number of hours




Introductory lesson. Introductory lesson "LEGO-constructor", familiarity with the details, method of fastening, building by design

Selection of constructor parts for building a Ferris wheel model

Design according to the model and scheme of the Ferris wheel model

Discussion of the movement of the "Ferris Wheel" model and its programming

Selection of parts for building a model "Jump"

Designing a model according to the model and the "Jumping" scheme

Discussing the movement of the "Jumping" model and programming it

Selection of constructor parts for building the "Sun" model

Design according to the model and scheme of the "Sun" model

Discussion of the movement of the "Sun" model and its programming

Setting up an amusement park

Testing a working amusement park model and demonstrating the model


Project organization

1. Research (watching videos and information on the Internet, own knowledge): we analyzed the types and purpose of attractions that are usually found in parks (children's, family, extreme attractions) and chose 3 attractions, the models of which we will build from the constructorLego building fischertechnik(The Ferris wheel is a family attraction, "Jumping" is an extreme attraction, "Sun" is a children's carousel).

2. Practical stage:designing models of attractions (studying the instructions from the kitLego construction fischertechnik, selection of parts of the designer, building a model, discussing the movement of the model and programming it).

3. Demo stage: Testing a working amusement park model and demonstrating the model.

Conclusion: The work on the project proved that the use of the design skills that children have acquired in the legoconstruction classes not only contribute to the creation of an amusement park model, but can also be useful to us in our future adult life.

Planned results of project development

  • There will be interest in self-manufacturing buildings, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in the design and assembly of structures, cognitive activity, imagination, fantasy and creative initiative.
  • Design skills and abilities will be formed, the ability to analyze an object, highlight its characteristic features, main parts, establish a connection between their purpose and structure.
  • The communication skills of children are improved when working in a pair, team, distribution of duties.
  • The prerequisites for learning activities will be formed: the ability and desire to work, perform tasks in accordance with the instructions and the goal, bring the work started to the end, plan future work.

Children will be introduced to:

  • about the details of the LEGO constructor and how to connect them;
  • about the stability of models depending on its shape and weight distribution;
  • on the dependence of the strength of the structure on the method of connecting its individual elements;
  • about the relationship between the form of a structure and its functions.

Description of educational activities

Throughout the creation of the project, children build not only on the basis of showing the method of attaching parts, but also on the basis of an independent analysis of the finished sample, which allows students to show independence in solving creative problems. Graphic models are used for work.

When creating structures, children first analyze a sample or a construction scheme, find the main parts in the building, name and show the details from which these parts of the object are built, then determine the order of construction actions. Each child participating in the work on the proposed task expresses his attitude to the work done, talks about the progress of the task, about the purpose of the structure.

After completing each individual stage of work, we check with the children the correct connection of the parts, compare with a sample or diagram.

Depending on the topic, goals and objectives of a particular lesson, the proposed tasks can be performed individually or in pairs. The combination of various forms of work contributes to the acquisition of social knowledge by children about interpersonal interaction in a group, in a team, there is training, the exchange of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Ways to determine the effectiveness of classes

are evaluated based on how well the child has successfully mastered the practical material which had to be mastered. In this regard, twice a year, diagnostics of the level of development of constructive abilities are carried out.

Diagnostics of the level of knowledge and skills in LEGO design

in children 6-7 years old.

Child development level

The ability to correctly design crafts according to a model, scheme

Skill right

design a craft


The child independently builds a building using a sample, a diagram, acts independently and with virtually no errors in the placement of structural elements relative to each other.

The child independently develops an idea in its various parts (the name of the object, its purpose, structural features). Independently working on the building.


The child makes minor mistakes when working on a model, scheme, correctly selects the details, but assistance is required in determining them in a spatial arrangement.

The theme of the building is determined by the child in advance. The design, the method of its construction is found through practical tests, the help of an adult is required.


The child's idea is unstable, the theme changes in the process of practical actions with details. The created structures are fuzzy in content. The child cannot explain their meaning and method of construction.

Creative project on LEGO design "Electric snowmobile"

Lebedeva Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education
Place of work: GBPOU SO Northern Pedagogical College, kindergarten "Solnyshko"
Material include theoretical basis design technologies and an example of a project using LEGO construction, made by a child of an older preschool age.

The development of children's cognitive interests largely depends on how much the child is involved in their own creative search, the discovery of new knowledge, and research activities.
The project method is a creative approach to the organization of learning, in which knowledge is based not on memorizing selected information, but on an independent search and development of the child's interests.
Classification of projects used in the practice of preschool educational institutions:
By composition of participants (children, parents, employees);
By implementation period: short-term; average duration; long-term;
By target setting;
By topic.

Main types of projects used in the practice of preschool educational institutions:
group ("Jam Day");
individual ("My furry friend");
complex (“Let's help nature”).
Project types:
role-playing, gaming;
information - practice-oriented;
Pedagogical significance of projects
In the process project activities teacher acts as a facilitator cognitive activity children, and not just a carrier of ready-made knowledge.
The project method allows an active, creative teacher to effectively integrate the content of educational areas, successfully solve program problems in the process of diverse, interesting, rich activities.
Features of project activities in the preschool educational institution
The peculiarities of project activities in kindergarten are that the child cannot yet independently formulate the problem, determine the idea, therefore, in the educational process of the preschool educational institution, project activity is in the nature of cooperation, in which children, teachers, parents take part.
A preschooler cannot be an author, organizer of project activities. He needs the help of adults who are able to understand his interests. In the course of solving the tasks set, the adult helps the child find means and ways to achieve the goal. Relying on the help of adults, children are looking for a solution to the problem through questions to parents, joint analysis of Internet resources, reading educational literature, observations. Together they are engaged in productive activities: they draw, make, compose, design.
Conditions necessary for the successful implementation of project activities
Taking into account the interests of the child.
Activities without coercion.
Themes from the immediate environment. The problem situation should be understandable.
Providing independence and supporting children's initiative.
Unobtrusive involvement of parents in joint work on the project, creating an atmosphere of joint creativity with the child.
Compliance with the principle of consistency in the work on the project.
Achievement of the goal jointly with the teacher.

Educational areas in preschool educational institutions do not exist in a "pure form". Their integration always takes place, and with the help of LEGO construction, it is easy to integrate cognitive development, which includes technical design with artistic and aesthetic development (when we talk about creative design), with social and communicative development and with other educational areas.
In pedagogy, LEGO technology is interesting because, based on integrated principles, it combines elements of play and experimentation. LEGO games are a way of exploring and orienting a child in the real world, space and time.

Kindergarten pupils took part in the development of projects on environmental theme"Environmental engineer" through design.

Objective of the project:
Creation of a modern educational environment for the formation of the child's potential, ensuring the creation of a situation of success through the use of lego-design technology in the integration of educational areas of preschool education.
1. Create psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the integration of educational areas and ensure the continuity of the educational process aimed at developing the abilities, competencies and creativity of pupils using LEGO technology - design;
2. To create a single social and educational space, including a preschool educational institution and a family, aimed at supporting and developing cognitive initiative, social and creative activity of preschool children;
3. Contribute to the formation of engineering thinking of the younger generation;
4. Identify opportunities in the development of children;
5. To form an active parental position on the basis of productive cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family.

Stages of project implementation.

Stage I - value-oriented.
Identification of problematic situations in the immediate environment. Brainstorming to find ways, ways to solve a problem.

Stage II - constructive.
Conducting master classes for children on the use of Lego technology, Acquaintance with models already created by mankind on the identified problem, analysis of their acceptability and effectiveness.

Stage III - practical.
Joint activities of teachers and children. Independent design according to the plan, schemes, drawings. Discussion, testing, reflection, transformation.

Stage IV - presentation.
Holding presentation events, Lego exhibitions, exchange of experience between preschoolers.
The presentation of the project took place on the basis of a kindergarten for children of 3 age groups.

Stage V - rewarding participants and winners.

I present the project "Electrosnowmobile", designed jointly with the teacher.

The creator of this project became the winner at the regional robotics festival:

Thus, technical design is the embodiment of an idea from the details of a Lego constructor. With its help, the formation of primary ideas about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world is ensured. And the method of projects is the first step for immersion in the environment of creativity and knowledge; early diagnosis of the child's abilities; experimentation and early inventions.

Design in the Federal State Educational Standard is defined as a component of the mandatory part of the program, a type of activity that contributes to the development of research and creative activity of children, as well as the ability to observe and experiment.

GEF emphasize the need to ensure the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of preschool education, involves the development of new educational models, which should be based on educational technologies that comply with the principles:

Variability and diversity of the content of educational programs;

The unity of developing, educational and educational goals and objectives in the joint and independent activities of an adult and a child;

Accounting for the leading activity of a preschooler - games.



Ministry of General and vocational education Sverdlovsk region

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Pyshminsky urban district

"Chernyshovsky Kindergarten"


Pedagogical Council Head of MBDOU PGO

MBDOU PGO "Chernyshovsky Kindergarten"

"Chernyshovsky Kindergarten" ____________ A.V. Evdokimova/

"___" __________________ 2015 "___" _________________ 2015

Protocol No.


Lego construction as a means of developmentcreative activity of children" on this topic:

"Ural courtyard"

Performer: Pecherkina A. A. Position: educator 1 KK


parent committee

Protocol #__

from "__" ______________ 2015

With. Chernyshovo, 2015

Explanatory note

Today, society needs socially active, independent and creative people capable of self-development. Innovative processes in the education system require new organization systems as a whole. Particular importance is attached to preschool education.

In recent years, the social status of preschool childhood has changed significantly. Due to the requirements of the new time, this period has become the most important stage of public education, no less significant than the school stage. One of the primary tasks of modern preschool education is the development of the personality of the child, his cognitive and creative abilities, which form the basis of active knowledge of the world around him.

The formation of motivation for the development and learning of preschoolers, as well as creative cognitive activity, are the main tasks that the teacher faces today within the framework of educational standards. These difficult tasks, first of all, require the creation of special learning conditions. In this regard, special importance is given to design.

Design in the Federal State Educational Standard is defined as a component of the mandatory part of the program, a type of activity that contributes to the development of research and creative activity of children, as well as the ability to observe and experiment.

GEF emphasize the need to ensure the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of preschool education, involves the development of new educational models, which should be based on educational technologies that comply with the principles:

Variability and diversity of the content of educational programs;

The unity of developing, educational and educational goals and objectives in the joint and independent activities of an adult and a child;

Accounting for the leading activity of a preschooler - games.

At its core, Lego construction refers to innovative technologies and has a wide educational potential. Activity with the Lego constructor, as with didactic material, is so attractive and emotionally colored for the child that it is often considered as a constructive-play activity, which does not contradict age characteristics children.

The game is the most important companion of childhood, the leading activity of a preschooler. Lego construction allows children to learn by playing and learning through play. In the course of educational activities, children become builders, architects and creators, while playing, they come up with and implement their ideas.

Lego construction is a unique tool for the exciting, comprehensive development of children, revealing the potential of each child and, due to its pedagogical versatility, serves as the most important means of developmental education.

The use of the Lego constructor allows children to develop:

Creative potential;

Cogitative and communicative abilities;


Knowledge about the surrounding world;

Attention, memory, thinking, ability to concentrate;

Elementary mathematical representations.

Starting with the construction of simple figures, the child improves his skills, seeing his successes, becomes more self-confident and moves on to a more complex stage of learning. Games with "Lego-constructors" act as a way of research and orientation of the child in the real world, space and time. The constructor helps to bring your ideas to life, build and fantasize, working enthusiastically and seeing final result expanding our understanding of the world around us. The experience gained by a child in the course of Lego construction is indispensable in terms of the formation and skills of exploratory behavior.

It is important to offer children more often such design tasks that would make them think and invent. And if the child's activity is creative, it makes him think, become attractive and allows him to discover new possibilities in himself, and this is a strong and effective incentive for Lego-designing classes.

Project passport

Objective of the project:

Objective of the project:

Creation of a modern educational environment for the formation of the child's potential, ensuring the creation of a situation of success through the use of lego-design technology in the integration of educational areas of preschool education.

Creation of a mechanism for the mental and creative development of preschoolers, teachers and parents through the use of technologyLego constructionin the educational process of preschool educational institutions in the integration of educational areas.

Project objectives:

  1. To create psychological and pedagogical conditions conducive to the integration of educational areas and ensuring the continuity of the educational process aimed at developing the abilities, competencies and creativity of pupils by means of LEGO design technology.
  1. To create a single social and educational space, including a preschool educational institution and a family, aimed at supporting and developing cognitive initiative, social and creative activity of preschool children.
  1. Contribute to the formation of engineering thinking of the younger generation through the implementation of the project "Ural Compound».

Methodological support

Perspective-thematic plans (Appendix 1)

Lesson notes (Appendix 2)

Card file of educational and didactic games (Appendix 3)

Model sample file (Appendix 4)

Advice for parents (Appendix 5)

Project type

educational and playful

Project implementation timeline

Long term ( 1.10.2015 - 31.03.206)

Project participants

Children (6-7 years old), teacher, parents of preschoolers

Stages of project implementation

The first stage is preparatory

1.10.15 - 31.10.15

Study, generalization of methodological literature on Lego design

Development of long-term planning on the subject of the project

Creation - "Lego Center" in the group for the implementation of the project

Development of a card file of samples, schemes from the LEGO constructor

Second stage main

1.11.15 - 29.02.16

Acquaintance of children with terminology, features of the parts of the Lego constructor

Implementation of the project, in accordance with the long-term plan

Organization of independent and joint play activities of children

Informing and involving parents in joint project activities

Development of diagnostic tools

The third stage is creative

03/01/16 - 03/31/16

Summarizing the experience of working on the project

Participation in competitions

Open events for parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions

Project resources


In the daily routine of kindergarten and at home for children


Educational literature, Internet resources, children's literature


Audio recordings, video recordings, computer, digital camera

Artistic and visual means

Photos of samples, illustrations, images of schematic drawings

Product of children's activity

Exhibition creative works children from the Lego constructor "Ural Compound".

The result of the teacher's activity

Systematization of work on Lego design with children within the framework of the preschool educational institution

The development of creative activity in preschool children and during joint activities with parents

The activity of parents in the implementation of the project

The social orientation of the project lies in the close interaction of children, parents and teachers of a preschool educational institution.

The prospect of further development of the project.

In the future, it is planned to continue to introduce and improve the system of work on the project, to promote the development and implementation of new technologies and techniques in working with pupils. Develop long-term planning for work with children on legoconstruction for senior preschool age, continue to acquaint children with the varieties of the Lego constructor, and develop interaction with social partners. Continue work on self-education, share experience with colleagues and publish materials on this topic, take an active part in various competitions and exhibitions.

Project work technology

Project implementation period1.11.2015 – 31.03.2016

Lego construction work is carried out in direct and joint educational activities with children. The topics of direct educational activities are developed in accordance with the age of children, the calendar and thematic plan.

In work with children of senior preschool age, mainly game, plot and integrated forms of educational activity are used. Learning takes place indirectly, in the process of activities that are exciting for pupils. In the group of senior preschool age are applicable:

Types of GCD

According to the scheme

Modeled after

By my own design

On cards with models

Forms of work with children

Creation of joint buildings


Various games

Production of items for games, educational and research activities

Creating layouts

Project activity

Cognitive research activity


Exhibition design

productive activity

Applied methods

Visual and practical


Problem situations

Sample analysis


Game tricks

Didactic games for the development of attention, thinking, memory

surprise moments

game plot

Basic principles of teaching children



Individual approach to each child

The effectiveness of forms of interaction

Directly educational activities on Lego design are carried out in a playful way:

Children during the game examine the details of the designer, highlighting sensory features;

In accordance with the idea and theme, crafts are made from details;

Use buildings to organize games in joint activities.

This project systematizes and presents the work on organizing educational activities with the Lego constructor.

The presented project is technological, as it traces purposeful systematic work with children in close cooperation with all participants in the educational process. This project is promising both for working with gifted children and children with weak constructive skills in productive activities.

Working with parents and social partners

family and preschool- the two most important institutions for the upbringing and development of the child. Their functions are different, but for a full-fledged meaningful course of childhood, it is necessary to unite the efforts of parents and educators.

Effectively organized cooperation will give impetus to building interaction with the family on a qualitatively new basis, which implies not just joint participation in the upbringing of the child, but also an awareness of common goals, a trusting attitude and a desire for mutual understanding, will form the prerequisites for joint activities of children and parents, will make them real partners. At the same time, this will allow the teacher to adjust his own work based on the interests of the family, without experiencing difficulties in contact with parents.

Involving parents in joint activities plays an important role in the upbringing of the younger generation.

The kindergarten and the family should strive to create a single space for the development of the child.

This project involves the rallying of parent-child relationships. Very often, the whole family joins children's activities with pleasure, there is a real business cooperation between children and parents. During the implementation of the project, it is planned to build new buildings together, design albums, organize photo shoots, as well as use joint games of children and parents as a means of communication, and much more. Project work gives them new topics for conversation and joint activities.

As a result of project activities, children learn to work according to the model, analyze and read schematic drawings. Children share their achievements in a group, and parents certainly have confidence in their children - active creators who are able to achieve their goals. As a result of joint activities, children have become more independent, enrichment of ideas about the world around them is being formed, observation and curiosity of preschoolers have increased.

Expected outcomes of child-parent relationships:

Growth in attendance at events within the walls of a preschool institution,

Trusting relationship,

The growth of pedagogical competence of parents,

Full communication with the child in the family circle.

Main steps of project implementation

The first stage "Preparatory"


To identify the initial level of development of constructive abilities of preschoolers at the beginning of the project

Studying the opinions of parents, generalization and analysis of the data obtained; setting goals and objectives of the project

Diagnostics includes

Systematic monitoring of the free activity of children, its focus on independent design

Observation and evaluation individual characteristics, manifestations of constructive activity of preschoolers


Complex development teaching materials on the implementation of the project in the educational process.

Acquaintance of children with the Lego constructor, enrichment of knowledge about this type of constructor, parents' interest and active interaction.

In the process of acquaintance, the level of parents' awareness of the benefits of the constructor in the development of the child, the need to include Lego construction in the educational process, its educational versatility, and attractiveness for the child was revealed.

In the course of communication with parents, a trusting relationship was established. (Application)

The second stage is the main"Project implementation"


To test the effectiveness of the developed content of the project within the framework of the program "From Birth to School" aimed at developing the constructive abilities of preschool children

Types of project implementation activities

Organization of directly educational activities in accordance with the developed calendar and thematic plan

Organization of regime moments using the Lego constructor and literary material

Active involvement of parents, specialists of preschool educational institutions and social partners within the framework of the project theme

The third stage "Assessment"

Stage 3 creative - final


To identify the level of development of constructive abilities of children of senior preschool age, to show the dynamics at the end of the project

Conduct a reflection of the work done, outline development prospects

Diagnostics includes

Systematic monitoring of the free activity of children, its focus on independent action

Observation and evaluation of individual characteristics of the manifestation of constructive activity of preschoolers

Individual conversations with children

Data analysis by complex criteria

Showing your child's interest in building

Features of the design process

The attitude of the child to the help of an adult (educator, parents) in the process of construction

The attitude of the child to the result of construction and its assessment

Expected results of the project:

  • accumulation of positive experience of interaction between the family of teachers of preschool educational institutions;
  • increasing the pedagogical competence of parents;
  • formation of interest in children's Lego design;
  • active participation of parents in the life of their child.

Intermediate results:significantly increased the interest of parents to participate in various projects, exhibitions within the framework of preschool educational institutions. The parents of the group purchased Lego construction sets for their children, which influenced the creation of new creative works in the family circle and in the presentation of their work at kindergarten exhibitions: “The whole family loves Lego - mom, dad, me!”.


  1. E.V. Feshin "Lego - construction in kindergarten" Sphere 2012
  2. Emelyanova I.E., Maksaeva Yu.A. “Development of giftedness of preschool children by means of legoconstruction and computer-game complexes” Linka - Press Moscow 2011 p.131.
  3. M.S. Ishmakova "Design in preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard "Mask" 2013.
  4. L.G. Komarov "Building from LEGO" Link - Press Moscow 2001
  5. Scientific and methodological journal "Preschool education" No. 12 2014
  6. Scientific and methodological journal "Preschool education" No. 5 2014
  7. Scientific and methodical journal "Kindergarten from A to Z" No. 1 2014
  8. Scientific and methodological journal "Preschooler" methodology and practice of education and training No. 5 2014, pp. 48 - 50.

Internet resources:








Annex 1. Perspective-thematic planning.





1. Introductory lesson “History of Lego. Lego blocks»

Give an introduction to Lego. Briefing on the rules of conduct when working with Lego-constructor.

2. Design by design.

3. "Bridge over the river Pyshma"

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give general description. Develop creativity and independence.

4. Design by design.

To learn how to build a bridge, accurately connect building parts, superimpose them on top of each other.


5. "Farmer's House"

Form generalized ideas about houses. Learn to create buildings with ceilings, make them durable. Develop the ability to highlight parts (walls, floor, roof, window, door). To acquaint children with the life of the inhabitants of the village. Introduce the concept of foundation.

6. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.

7. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.

8. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.


9. "Truck"

Learn to create the simplest model of a truck. Highlight the main parts and details

10. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.

11. "Water transport"

Teach children to build water transport according to the scheme. Develop fine motor skills of hands, design skills.

12. Free design on the theme "Gifts for friends"

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.


13. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.

14. "Sea animals"

Learn build children according to the proposed schemes, instructions, taking into account the methods of attaching parts; convey the features of objects using the LEGO constructor.

15. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.


16. Zoo

Learn to complete assignments. Develop an eye, design skills, fine motor skills of hands. Teach children to build all one craft.

17. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.

18. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.


19. "Let's fly to the moon"

Continue to learn how to work with the LEGO constructor, create buildings according to your own design and certain conditions. Repeat the rules for working with the constructor.

20. Design by design.

To teach in advance to think over the content of the future building, to name its theme, to give a general description. Develop creativity and independence.

21. Final lesson "Fantasy"

Develop children's fantasy and imagination. To develop the ability to transfer the form of an object by means of a constructor. Strengthen bonding skills. Learn how to plan work.

Appendix 2


Appendix 3. Card file of educational and didactic games

Children of this age are already engaged in cards, building more complex buildings.

The purpose of games is to develop speech, be able to work in a team, help a friend, develop thinking and memory.

Name of the game

Purpose of the game


Game progress

name and build

Fix the names of the parts of the LEGO constructor; learn to work in a team

Lego set

The teacher gives each child in turn a part of the designer. The child names it and keeps it. When each child collects two parts, the teacher gives the task to build one building from all the parts, come up with a name for it and tell about it.

LEGO gifts

Develop interest in the game and attention

The playing field, little men by the number of players, a dice (one side with the number 1, the second with the number 2, the third with the number 3, the fourth - a cross (we skip the move)), LEGO gifts

Children distribute little men among themselves. Put them on the playing field. Roll the die one by one and move the little men clockwise. The first person to go through the whole circle wins, and the child chooses a gift for himself. The game continues until all the gifts have been sorted.

Don't take the last die

Develop attention, thinking

Tower board

Two children are playing, who take turns removing one or two bricks from the tower. Whoever shoots the last one loses.

Remember the location

Develop attention, memory

Lego-constructor set, boards for all players

The teacher builds some kind of building from eight (no more) parts. For a short time, the children memorize the design, then the teacher removes it, and the children try to build the same one from memory. Whoever does it right wins and becomes the leader.

Build without opening your eyes

Learn to build with your eyes closed, develop fine motor skills, endurance

Board, designer kits

In front of the children are the board and the designer. Children close their eyes and try to build something. Whoever gets the building more interesting is encouraged.

fish, animal, bird

Develop memory, attention

Lego brick

The teacher holds a Lego brick in his hands. Children stand in a circle. The teacher walks in a circle, gives all the children in turn a brick and says: "Fish." The child must say the name of any fish, then gives another and says: “Bird” or “Beast”. Anyone who makes a mistake or repeats is out of the game.

Appendix 4

Model Sample File

Appendix 5

Diagnostic card in the preparatory group


Names all the details of the designers

Build more complex buildings

Builds according to the pattern

Builds according to instructions


Builds with creativity

Works in a team

Uses substitute items

Project work

Indicators of children at the beginning of the project

Children's performance at the end of the project

Child 1

The use of LEGO constructors in the organization of the educational process makes it possible to introduce children to creativity, which makes it possible for children to show initiative and independence, the ability to set goals and cognitive actions, which is a priority in the light of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and fully corresponds to the tasks of developmental education. Promotes the development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination, communication skills, the ability to communicate with peers, enrichment of vocabulary, the formation of coherent speech.



Lego and us project.

Type of project according to the target setting - information - practice - oriented

Project type by duration - long

Implementation period - December 2016

Project type by the number of participants - group

Participants - educators, children, parents.


The relevance of the introduction of LEGO-construction into the educational process of preschool education is due to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the formation of a subject-spatial developing environment, the demand for the development of a broad outlook of a preschooler and the formation of the prerequisites for universal learning activities. LEGO design in the Federal State Educational Standard is defined as an activity that contributes to the development of research and creative activity of children, the ability to observe and experiment.

The use of LEGO constructors in the organization of the educational process makes it possible to introduce children to creativity, which makes it possible for children to show initiative and independence, the ability to set goals and cognitive actions, which is a priority in the light of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and fully corresponds to the tasks of developmental education. Promotes the development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination, communication skills, the ability to communicate with peers, enrichment of vocabulary, the formation of coherent speech.

Educational areas in kindergarten do not exist in a "pure form". Their integration always takes place, and with the help of LEGO construction, it is easy to integrate cognitive development, which includes technical design with artistic and aesthetic development, and creative design with social and communicative development and other educational areas.

Project idea : to make LEGO-construction a guided process, to expand the content of the design activity of preschoolers, through the introduction of new generation constructors, and to involve parents in joint technical creativity formed the basis of our Lego project.

Objective of the project : the introduction of LEGO design in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.


1. To form primary ideas about design, its significance in human life;

3. Develop productive (design) activities: ensure that children master the basic assembly techniques;

2. To involve in scientific and technical creativity: to develop the ability to stage technical task, collect and study necessary information, find a specific solution to the problem and financially implement their creative plan;

4. To cultivate a value attitude towards one's own work, the work of other people and its results;

5. To form cooperation skills: work in a team, in a team, small group(paired with).

6. Ensure purposeful use of LEGO constructs in the educational process of the kindergarten:

7. Raise the educational level of teachers by teaching LEGO technology.

8. To increase the interest of parents in LEGO construction through the organization of active forms of work with parents and children.

Planned results of the project implementation:

1) the child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint design, technical creativity, has the skills to work with various sources of information;

2) the child is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with the failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately shows his feelings, including a sense of faith in himself, tries to resolve conflicts;

3) the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various types of research and creative and technical activities, in building games and design;

4) the child knows different forms and types of creative and technical games, is familiar with the main components of the LEGO constructor; is able to identify, distinguish and name the details of the designer

5) the child is able to design according to the conditions set by adults, according to a model, according to a drawing, according to a given scheme, and independently build a scheme. Be able to work according to the given instructions

6) the child speaks well enough, is able to explain a technical solution, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech statement in a situation of creative, technical and research activities;

The main forms of work with children:

1. Model building - offering children samples of buildings made from parts building material and designers.

2. Construction according to conditions - without giving children a model of construction, drawings and methods of construction, determine only the conditions that the building must meet and that emphasize practical purpose.

The main methods and techniques of educational activities:

Construction, creative research, presentation of their models, competitions between groups;

Verbal (conversation, story, briefing, explanation);

Visual (showing, working according to instructions);

Practical (assembly of models);

Reproductive method (perception and assimilation of ready-made information);

Partial search (performance of variable tasks);

Research method;

The method of stimulating and motivating activities (game emotional situations, praise, encouragement.

Project implementation model:

Presentations, poems, coloring pages

Compilation fiction by Lego construction

Summaries of classes, conversations, leisure and entertainment;

Scheme cycle.

Resource support of the project:

1. Lego is a corner.

2. Visual material:



Posters, illustrations, plot pictures, coloring books.


1. Folders-sliders "All about Lego"

2. Conversations with parents "LEGO construction through the organization of active forms of work with children"

3. Consultations for parents "The value of LEGO - construction in the development of children in preschool";

4. Memo for parents "Play Lego at home"

5. Photo exhibition "We play LEGO"

Stages of work on the project

I stage. Preparatory

1. Choice of topic, its relevance;

2. Drawing up a work plan for the project;

3. Creation of conditions for the implementation of the Lego and Us project;

4. Accumulation of information and materials on the topic of the project:

Selection of fiction on the topic of the project;

Preparation of visual illustrative material (diagrams);

Audio recordings;

5. Development of abstracts, conversations, cognitive and creative activities;

6. Launching the project (watching cartoons with stories about the creation of the LEGO constructor, conversations, reading fiction)

II stage. Basic


Conduct form


Week 1

Conversations: 1. "Children of the world play with LEGO."

2. "Amazing - in the history of LEGO."

3. What does it mean

word- LEGO

4. “What LEGO sets do you have at home?

Activate the constructive imagination of children;

Create conditions for mastering the basics of design;

D / I “What is superfluous?”

develop attention and memory.

D / I "Build without opening your eyes"

We learn to build with our eyes closed, develop fine motor skills of hands, endurance.

D / I "Hello, it's me!", "I give you a smile"

To form the ability to convey with the help of figurative language means, emotional states;

Develop communication skills.


"Russian stove" from the fairy tale r. n. With. "Swan geese"

Continue to acquaint children with the design possibilities of various parts used to shape different objects (oval part, semicircle, etc.);

To form a sense of symmetry and the ability to correctly alternate colors in their buildings;

"Viewing schemes for legoconstruction"

Develop the ability to analyze a sample - to highlight functionally significant parts in it (edges, base, name and show the details of the designer from which these parts are built.

2 weeks

Viewing presentations and educational cartoons on the topic: “The history of the creation of LEGO”, “Who is Ole Kirk Christiansen?”, “The transformation of plastic”.

Formation of motivation for the development and learning of preschoolers, as well as creative cognitive activity.

The game "Whose team will build faster"

We learn to build in a team, to help each other;

Develop interest, attention, speed, fine motor skills of hands. On a walk


"Winter town"

To consolidate the acquired design skills;

Develop creativity and independence

Construction "Bridge"

Learn to build a bridge, following the rules of connection, using a model of construction. To consolidate the ability to create strong buildings, observing the rules for connecting bricks.

Virtual tour of the sights of the city.

To acquaint children with the history of the formation of the Yugorsky bridge across the Ob River. Raise love and pride in their homeland.

3 week

Reading and memorizing poems about LEGO

Help children collect information about the LEGO constructor.

coloring lego coloring pages

Role-playing games with the LEGO constructor: LEGO Heroes, Autolady

Design "Bird feeder"

Strengthen skills, build according to schemes;

Learn to build a feeder from a Lego constructor;

Distribute Lego pieces correctly.

D / I "Find the same detail as on the card"

fix the names of Lego-constructor parts;

Examination of illustrations, a story about wintering birds;

Consolidate children's knowledge, develop attention

Construction "Wintering Birds"

To consolidate the skill of designing birds;

Cultivate a positive attitude towards nature.

4 week

Riddles with LEGO

Develop mindfulness, ingenuity, logical thinking

Role-playing games with the LEGO constructor: Police, LEGO city

To give children the basic concepts of a winter landscape, to remember the features of city buildings;

To develop the ability to transfer the form of an object by means of a constructor. Examination of illustrations, diagrams.

Construction "Christmas toys"

Develop children's imagination and imagination;

Strengthen the skill of fastening parts;

Learn to build more complex buildings

"Winter Holiday - New Year"

Examination of photographs, paintings, illustrations;

Tell the children about the New Year traditions of their country, as well as introduce them to the traditions of other countries.

Construction "New Year's round dance"

"Herringbone beauty all the guys like it."

Consolidate the acquired skills;

Develop imagination, creativity;

Evoke positive emotions.

III stage. Final.

Analysis of the effectiveness of work on the project "Lego and us"

Lego building work enables preschoolers to enter a world of social experience. Children develop a single and holistic view of the objective and social world.

Construction is closely related to the sensory and intellectual development of the child: visual acuity, perception of color, shape, size are improved, thought processes (analysis, synthesis, classification) are successfully developing.

The child acquires the skills of a work culture: he begins to keep order in the workplace, distribute time and effort in the manufacture of models (each lesson has its own theme) and, therefore, plan activities.

The LEGO constructor is used both in the joint activities of an adult and children, and in the independent activities of children, not only within the framework of GCD, but also during leisure activities, holidays, in project activities;

The basis of the educational process using LEGO technology is the game - the leading type of children's activity.

Thus, the use of gaming techniques with the help of LEGO brings variety to the learning and development process, makes it more vivid, dynamic, develops constructive creativity, imagination and, of course, fine motor skills.

The implementation of the project is significant for the development of the education system, as it contributes to:

* Ensuring work within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard;

* Formation of the image of a children's educational institution;

*Satisfaction of parents in the educational services of preschool educational institutions;

*Improve the professional level of teachers.

List of used literature:

1) Brofman V - Papa Carlo School of Architecture: a book for children and adults. - M .: "LINKA - PRESS", 2001. -144 p.: illustration.

2) Davidchuk, A.N. Development of constructive creativity in preschoolers / A.N. Davidchuk. – Ed. 2nd, add. M., "Enlightenment", 1976.

3) Komarova, L. G. Building from LEGO (modeling of logical relations and objects real world by means of the LEGO constructor) / L. G. Komarova. - M.: "LINKA - PRESS", 2001. - 88 p.: ill.

4) Kutsakova, L.V. Design and artistic work in kindergarten: Program and notes of classes / L. V. Kutsakova. - M.: TC Sphere, 2009. - 240 p.

5) Luss T.S. “Formation of skills of constructive-playing activity in children with the help of LEGO: A guide for teachers-defectologists. - M.: Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2003. -104 p.: ill. - (Correctional pedagogy).

6) Feshina E.V. "Lego construction in kindergarten": A guide for teachers. -M.: ed. Sphere, 2011.