Presentation on the topic of environmental monitoring. Presentation on the topic of monitoring. Comparison of observational programs in Russia and EU countries

  • 14.03.2020

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2 Theses of the speech on this issue are based on the materials of the report of the Head of Roshydromet A.I. Bedritsky “On pollution monitoring environment carried out by Roshydromet and on the use of monitoring results structural divisions Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, subordinate federal services and Agencies” at a meeting on April 17, 2009 of the Advisory Council under the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

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3 On the powers and responsibilities in the field of environmental pollution monitoring Bodies state power RF - establishment of the procedure for the implementation of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring); - formation state system monitoring the state of the environment and ensuring the functioning of such a system. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - participation, in the manner established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, in the implementation of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) with the right to form and ensure the functioning of territorial systems for monitoring the state of the environment on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" - "environment - a set of components natural environment, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects, as well as anthropogenic objects”; - "components of the natural environment - land, bowels, soils, surface and ground waters, atmospheric air, vegetation, animal world and other organisms, as well as the ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-Earth outer space…”; - “state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) is carried out ... in order to monitor the state of the environment, including the state of the environment in areas where sources of anthropogenic impact are located and the impact of these sources on the environment, as well as to meet the needs state, legal and individuals in reliable information necessary to prevent and (or) reduce the adverse effects of changes in the state of the environment "Water Code of the Russian Federation (Article 39), Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air" (Article 23), Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Wastes" ( Article 12) Oblige the owners of the relevant objects to conduct observations (monitoring) of the state of the environment in the zone of influence of these objects

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General organizational structure information support in the field of the environment

4 Public authorities Russian Federation State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Branches of the economy Population State reports on the state of: 1. Environment 2. Mineral resource base 3. Water resources 4. Land resources 5. Forest resources 6. Fish resources Registers of natural resources State reports: 1. On the state public health 2. On the sanitary and epidemiological situation Reports and information: 1. On the actual state and expected changes in the parameters of the weather and climate system 2. On adverse factors (including pollution) of the natural environment that affect the economy, security of the population and sustainability of ecosystems State report on the state of protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies Assessment and forecast of the state of natural resources, objects of flora and fauna and sustainability of ecosystems A,C Assessment and forecast of the state of public health B,C Assessment and forecast of the state natural-climatic system and air pollution environmental components (atmospheric air, soils and surface waters) C Assessment and forecast of the state of protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies B, C, D A Certain types of natural resources, sources and levels of anthropogenic impacts, objects of flora and fauna Analytical and prognostic services Rosprirodnadzor, Rosnedra, Rosnedvizhimost, Rosvodresursy, etc. B Man and his environment (social and hygienic monitoring) Analytical and prognostic services Rospotrebnadzor C Parameters of the weather and climate system, quality parameters of environmental components under anthropogenic impact44 Analytical and prognostic services Roshydromet D Natural and technogenic emergencies Analytical and prognostic services EMERCOM of Russia, RAS, Rostekhnadzor 4 State of seismic activity, technical safety in economic sectors and emergency preparedness EMERCOM of Russia, RAS, Rostec supervision 3 Physical, chemical and other parameters of near-Earth space, atmospheric air, surface waters and soils environment, its pollution Roshydromet, other departments and subjects of the Russian Federation, enterprises 2 Food quality and drinking water, the state of the living and working environment, the state of natural focal infections, etc. Rospotrebnadzor, Rosselkhoznadzor ENVIRONMENTAL OBSERVATION SYSTEMS TARGETS OF OBSERVATIONS INFORMATION PRODUCTS 1,2,3,4 1,3,4 1,2,3 1,3

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5 Air quality monitoring settlements Basically, the principles of building measuring networks in countries European Union and Russia are identical. Placement of observation points - residential and industrial areas, areas of major highways. * - 2 times less in cities with a relatively low level of pollution

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6 Controlled impurities (mandatory program) (compared to EU Directive 2008/50/EC of 21.05.2008) -* - determined in Moscow and St. Petersburg +) - in individual cities under a special program The total number of measured impurities in Russia reaches 38 ingredients Monitoring of atmospheric air quality in settlements

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In the future, the EU plans to expand the mandatory observation program to 12 impurities. In the EU, for urban agglomerations with relatively high level pollution - continuous measurements using automatic gas analyzers. In Russia, automated observation systems are not widely used due to limited resources. Such systems, created at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, fully function only in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Cherepovets. Atmospheric air quality monitoring in settlements The most widely used methods are sampling for sorption tubes and liquid absorbers with subsequent analysis in 154 accredited laboratories. The complete observation program provides for 4 single sampling per day - at 1.00, 7.00, 13.00 and 19.00.

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Comparison of observational programs in Russia and EU countries

8 Surface water quality monitoring

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The principle of forming an observation network in the EU countries (1 point per 1000 sq. km of the country's territory) does not take into account the specific conditions of Russia, 75% of whose territory is not subject to intense anthropogenic impact.

9 Surface water quality monitoring Network density is comparable to the EU criteria for the European part of the country, where the population per unit area is comparable to the European average (10-40 people per sq. km). For automatic telephone exchanges (0.1-3 people per sq. km), the network density is an order of magnitude or more lower than the EU criteria. About the main problems of environmental pollution monitoring carried out by Roshydromet - the existing infrastructure of the observational network requires significant expansion and development; - instrumentation and technical equipment of the observation network needs to be radically upgraded; - technologies for collecting, processing and presenting information on environmental pollution require significant development;

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10 The legal framework needs further development, which so far hinders the effective implementation of the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the obligations of enterprises to monitor environmental pollution. At present, territorial systems for monitoring the state of the environment of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local networks observations of enterprises make up no more than 10-15% of the Roshydromet network. Main directions of development The solution of the listed problems is envisaged in the project of the All-Russian Target Center of Roshydromet “Modernization and development of the environmental pollution monitoring system for 2010-2112”. Thus, in 25 cities, air pollution monitoring will be organized using automatic gas analyzers and measurement of fine dust fractions (RM 10 and RM 2.5). The number of cities in which observations of the content of ground-level ozone in the atmospheric air are monitored will increase to 40. A widespread transition will be made from a reduced (3 times a day) to a full (4 times a day) program for the selection and analysis of atmospheric air samples. It is planned to create 26 new observation points for the quality of surface waters, and at 28 points their categorization has been increased (at 5 points - from 2nd to 1st, at 10 - from 3rd to 2nd and at 13 - from 4th to 3rd ).

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11 It is planned to re-equip 5 observation stations for transboundary transport of pollutants with measuring instruments that meet international requirements. The laboratory and analytical base will also undergo significant modernization. In 21 regional centers of Roshydromet, it is planned to introduce modern technical means and technologies for collecting, processing and presenting data on environmental pollution. Required amount of financing of the program (budget of assumed obligations) in 2010-2012. amounts to 921.68 million rubles, including: - 503.48 million rubles - for capital investments; 78.8 million rubles - for R&D; 339.40 million rubles - for other needs. Simultaneously with the solution of the issues of financing the TCP, it is necessary to adopt a new normative act regulating the procedure for organizing and implementing state environmental monitoring (the project was submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia on March 3, 2008). additional observation points for pollution of surface waters of categories 1 and 2, expansion of the network and programs of observations on lakes and reservoirs (lakes Baikal, Ladoga, Onega and others, Ust-Ilimsk, Tsimlyansk and other reservoirs). According to preliminary estimates, this requires 17.5-18 billion rubles.

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12 Key policy preconditions for development The importance of using monitoring results for environmental protection is emphasized in the outcome documents of the Kyiv Conference of Ministers of the Environment of the UNECE region, which defined pollution monitoring as “a practical tool for developing environmental policy, setting goals, preparing strategies and activities aimed at reducing pollution, as well as to assess progress in achieving the goals set and the effectiveness of environmental measures. Implementation this approach provided for by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r, which adopted as one of the target indicators of the Concept for the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 “reduction in the number of cities with high and very high levels of pollution of at least 5 times." The indicators and target indicators of a number of projects for the implementation of the Main Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2012 (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1663-r) include: - reduction in the number of cities with high and very high levels of pollution from 170 in 2008 to 160 in 2010 and 135 in 2012; - reduction in the share of cities where the average annual concentrations of one or more pollutants in the atmospheric air exceed the MPC, in the total number of cities where regular observations are carried out, from 85% in 2008 to 82% in 2010 and 80% in 2012.

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13 Thank you for your attention!

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14 On the use of the results of monitoring of environmental pollution carried out by Roshydromet Thank you for your attention!

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15 Preliminary analysis of the results of environmental pollution monitoring obtained in 2008 shows that in general, in most regions of the country, there is a stabilization or a slight decrease in the levels of surface water pollution compared to 2007. Similar trends are also characteristic of atmospheric air pollution in many cities of the country. At the same time, in some cities of the country there is some increase in pollution levels, associated primarily with the continued growth of the vehicle fleet. On changes in the levels of environmental pollution in 2008 compared to 2007. To a large extent, the noted changes are due to a decrease in cases of accidental environmental pollution. In 2008, the number of accidents, accompanied by the release of pollutants into the environment, decreased compared to 2007 from 77 to 55. In 2008, there were no accidents associated with the release of radioactive substances into the environment. The radiation situation remained stable, the content of anthropogenic radionuclides in the atmospheric air, soils, surface waters of land and seas remained at the 2007 level.

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16 Organizational and structural diagram of environmental pollution monitoring carried out by Roshydromet Roshydromet (formation and maintenance of the observation network; scientific, methodological and metrological support of the observation network; collection, generalization and analysis of data; preparation and presentation of materials with an assessment of the levels of environmental pollution in the country maintenance of sections of the Unified State Data Fund on the state of the environment, its pollution) Monitoring of chemical pollution of the environment

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17 Monitoring of radioactive contamination of the environment Carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the USSR of February 4, 1961. At the first stage, its main task was to assess the radiation situation on the territory of the country as a result of global radioactive fallout caused by “atmospheric” nuclear tests. Subsequently, this type of monitoring made a decisive contribution to the assessment of the levels of radioactive contamination of the environment caused by radiation accidents at the Mayak plant in the South Urals, the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the disposal of radioactive waste in the waters of the Arctic and Far Eastern seas, etc. The main tasks at the present time are: - participation in the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2006 No. 297); - implementation of obligations under the Intergovernmental Agreement on the exchange of radiation monitoring data between the Northern European countries (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2002 No. 133); - clarification of the radiation situation within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Overcoming the consequences of radiation accidents for the period up to 2010"; - creation of the Unified State automated system control of the radiation situation within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Ensuring nuclear and radiation safety for 2008 and for the period up to 2015".

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18  - nuclear power plant; - ROO ●– aerosols ●– fallout Monitoring of radioactive contamination of the environment As of 01.01.2009, there are: 1308 points for measuring the exposure dose rate of gamma radiation; 49 stations for sampling radioactive aerosols; 407 radioactive fallout sampling points; 45 surface water sampling points and 10 sea water sampling points for Sr-90 analysis; 31 stations for sampling sediments and 15 stations for sampling river water for tritium determination. Sample analysis is performed in 40 radiometric laboratories. Analytical information Operational data

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19 Monitoring of chemical pollution of the environment Implemented since 1972 (Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On strengthening the protection of nature and improving the use of natural resources") The composition of the observation network as of 01.01.2009

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Monitoring of chemical pollution of the environment

20 Requirements for the organization of observations: GOST "Rules for air quality control in settlements"; GOST "Rules for water quality control in reservoirs and streams"; GOST “Nature protection. Soils. General requirements to the control and protection against pollution. Specialized (*) types of observations are carried out according to international programs.

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21 Prediction of unfavorable meteorological conditions for the dispersion of impurities (NMC) in accordance with Art. 19 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air” Monitoring of atmospheric air quality in settlements In 2008, warnings about the occurrence of NMU for 318 cities were transmitted to city administrations, control and supervision authorities, as well as to 3132 enterprises to implement measures to reduce pollutant emissions. The reliability of transmitted warnings about the occurrence of NMPs is on average 94-97%, because it is determined by the reliability of short-term (1-3 days) forecasts of meteorological parameters.

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Surface water quality monitoringGeneral list of indicators to be determined

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Surface water quality monitoringCategories of observation points and factors determining their establishment

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Monitoring of Marine Pollution As of 01.01.2008, 90% of 320 observation stations were located in the coastal waters and territorial sea, which are characterized by high levels of anthropogenic pressure (housing and communal services, industrial and agricultural activities). Due to limited resources and specialized vessels, annual targeted observations at stations on the high seas, on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation have been discontinued. They are carried out as a companion for complex expeditions. Regular monitoring of bottom sediment pollution, which is included in the standard EU program, is carried out at no more than 10% of the stations.

24 Monitoring of surface water quality National requirements for the formation of an observation network, “tying” observation points to background and transboundary areas of water areas, the location of large settlements and enterprises, the outlets of large and medium-sized rivers and the mouths of polluted tributaries of large reservoirs and watercourses, etc. , do not contradict the approaches of the EU and take into account the specific features of the territory of Russia. Section "Pollution" unified system Information on the Situation in the World Ocean (ESIMO) Yearbook of Sea Water Quality by Hydrochemical Indicators

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Surface water quality monitoringSpecialized Observation Network

25 Indicators determined in bottom sediments

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Monitoring of surface water quality Observation programs at sites of different categories

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27 In accordance with the legislation, the immediate provision of information on environmental pollution by the territorial bodies of Roshydromet is carried out when levels of pollution are identified that “had, are having, may have negative impact on the environment”, as well as in conditions of “accidental” pollution. The specific procedure for the interaction of federal executive authorities and the use of monitoring results is regulated by the “Temporary Regulations on the Procedure for Interaction between Federal Executive Authorities in Case of Accidental Emissions and Discharges of Pollutants and Extremely High Environmental Pollution” (registration No. 946 of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated September 11, 1995). Currently new edition this document, adjusted to clarify the functions of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and subordinate federal agencies and services, was submitted by Roshydromet to the Ministry on March 5, 2009. In the opinion of Roshydromet, the adoption of this document will significantly improve the efficiency of using monitoring information in the event of high pollution levels and in conditions of man-made accidents. With regard to the use of monitoring results on the “chronic” nature of pollution, the following legal norms apply in this area:

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28 On the use of the results of environmental pollution monitoring carried out by Roshydromet - “information on the state of the environment, its change, obtained during state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring), is used by state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities for development of forecasts of socio-economic development and adoption of appropriate decisions, development of federal programs in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation, target programs in the field of environmental protection of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and environmental protection measures” (Article 63 of the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”); - annual state reports on the state and protection of the environment of the Russian Federation should serve as "the basis for clarifying priority areas and directions of environmental activities, as well as programs aimed at improving the environmental situation in the Russian Federation" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 24.01.1993 No. 53). Consolidated analytical information prepared by Roshydromet based on the results of the annual data compilation is submitted to the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources for use in the preparation of the above State reports.

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The work was done by Zakozhurnikova Olesya Pupil of the 10th grade of the secondary school No. 13

Environmental monitoring

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The relevance of environmental monitoring

All over the world there is an increased public interest in the state of the natural environment. And this is understandable: we have entered the 21st century in the conditions of a global ecological crisis. The deterioration of the ecological situation on Earth in general and in many industrial countries in the second half of the 20th century led to a revision of the ecological concepts of nature conservation, the search for new effective methods assessment of environmental pollution and the state of biota at all levels of its organization.

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Environmental monitoring and its purpose

Ecological monitoring is a system of regular long-term observations in space and time that provides information about the state of the environment in order to assess the past, present and future forecast of environmental parameters that are important to humans. The monitoring system itself does not include environmental quality management activities, but is a source of information necessary for making environmentally significant decisions.

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The relevance of public monitoring of the natural environment

In the Russian Federation, monitoring functions are performed by various departments that are not related to each other. This leads to duplication of efforts, reduces the effectiveness of the entire monitoring system and makes it difficult for both citizens and government organizations to access the necessary information. Therefore, in 1993, it was decided to create the Unified State Environmental Monitoring System (EGSEM), which should combine the capabilities and efforts of numerous services to solve the problems of integrated monitoring, assessment and forecasting of the state of the environment in the Russian Federation.

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Currently, work on the creation of the EGSEM is at the project stage.

This makes the problem of monitoring the quality of the natural environment quite relevant. Under these conditions, every person should be able to study the state of the natural environment, therefore, to research work must join with early age, developing the skills to assess the quality of the environment and thereby laying the seeds for the future of public, people's monitoring.

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Purpose and hypothesis of the work

The purpose of the work is to get acquainted with bioindication as an accessible and reliable method of monitoring, to learn how to use this method to assess the quality of the environment of one's life. I suppose that the determination of the state of the natural environment with the help of indicator organisms, despite the availability of the method, is a rather complicated study.

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Object and subject of work

The object of the educational search is the method of monitoring and assessing the state of the natural environment with the help of indicator organisms. Subject of study: a population of indicator plants - young pines growing on the ecological path in the area of ​​"School Hill".

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Stages, tasks, methods and predicted result of the work:

Stage I - search and selection of scientific information on the topic "Bioindication - an accessible and reliable method of environmental monitoring of the natural environment (September - October 2009); Stage II - writing an abstract on the topic: "Bioidification as a set of methods for searching for information about an ecosystem", defining the research problem (November 2009 - December 2009); Stage III - the choice of the object and subject of the study, the study of the methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the natural environment for coniferous trees, familiarity with the results of similar practical work in previous years (January - February 2010); Stage IV - implementation of own observations in nature (April - May 2010); Stage V - registration of the results of the work on the topic "Assessment of the state of the pine population on the "School Hill" (May 2010); Stage VI - preparation of a presentation on the topic of work, placement of some practical research materials on the school website (June 2010).

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"Bioidification as a set of methods for searching for information about an ecosystem" (abstract part)

The abstract contains four chapters that reveal the role of environmental monitoring as a multi-purpose information system for the state, society and individual. The main part of the abstract is devoted to explaining the essence of biomonitoring, its methods, advantages and disadvantages. In addition, in this part of the work, you can get acquainted with the variety of indicator organisms as objects of monitoring.

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Having completed the abstract, I was convinced that bioindication plays an important role in a complex-targeted system of environmental monitoring, since under specific environmental conditions this method is the most accessible and reliable. A community, by the speed of development, structure and well-being of which one can judge the general state of the environment, including its natural and artificial changes, is called an indicator community.

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Live indicators

Bioindicators are living organisms, by the presence, condition and behavior of which one can judge the degree of changes in the environment, including the presence of pollutants. For research, lower and higher plants, microorganisms, different kinds animals (mink, otter, rodents, etc.). Lichens and mosses are especially sensitive indicators of air pollution.

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used as indicator organisms.

Bacteria Algae, mosses, ferns Invertebrates (ciliates, crustaceans, mollusks). By wild plants, one can judge the nature and condition of the soil, because the habitat of plants is determined by such soil properties as moisture capacity, structure, density, temperature, oxygen content, nutrients, heavy metals and salt.

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Benefits of bioindication

Live indicators have significant advantages, sometimes eliminating the use of expensive and time-consuming physical and chemical methods to determine the degree of contamination. external environment. They summarize all, without exception, biologically important data on pollutants, indicate the rate of ongoing changes, the ways and places of accumulation of various kinds of toxicants in ecosystems, and also make it possible to judge the degree of harmfulness of certain substances to wildlife and humans. While the instruments of measuring stations determine only those substances for which they are intended.

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Bioindication methods

To assess the significance of environmental factors on living organisms, there are many methods of bioindication. Scientists have developed such methods as: comparison of populations with universal standards; comparison of the magnitude of the impact of the factor with the average values ​​of this parameter for the area under consideration; assessment of the degree of contamination by the composition of bionts; biotesting or the use of biological test objects under controlled conditions to identify and evaluate the action of factors.

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Conclusions on the abstract

Emphasizing the importance of bioindication studies, it should be noted that bioindication involves the identification of already existing or ongoing environmental pollution by the functional characteristics of individuals and the ecological characteristics of communities of organisms. Gradual changes in the species composition are formed as a result of long-term poisoning of ecosystems, and they become apparent in the case of far-reaching changes. species composition indicator organisms serves as a final characteristic of the toxicological properties of the medium for a certain period of time and does not give its assessment at the time of the study.

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Assessment of the state of the pine population on the "School Hill" (practical study)

The practical part of the work substantiates the relevance of local phytomonitoring in the recreational area of ​​the village of Cheremukhovo, introduces the methodology and results of a visual assessment of the quality of the natural environment by the indicator plant - pine.

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The relevance of local phytomonitoring in the recreational area of ​​the village of Cheremukhovo

One of the alarming phenomena of recent years in the life of the forest is the drying up of tree crops. This the new kind destruction of forest ecosystems is called "environmental stress". The reason for the "ecological stress" of trees is a whole complex of natural and anthropogenic conditions. Trees that have undergone "environmental stress" are in crisis. This crisis manifests itself in them in anomalies and disorders of growth and development. The ecosystem begins to degrade and eventually dies. The degradation of forests in various regions of the world has led to the expansion and deepening of bioindicative studies. The purpose of these observations is to identify the causes of forest drying out according to the indicator manifestations of trees.

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"School Hill" - a place for educational research

"School Hill" is one of the most attractive objects located on the ecological path in the recreational area of ​​our village. For many years, the hill has been a favorite vacation spot for schoolchildren both in winter and summer. From the top of this hill you can see the whole village, at a glance. It was from here that school graduates remembered the image for the rest of their lives. small homeland. For more than 8 years "School Hill" has been a place for educational excursions and exploration of the nature of the native land.

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The purpose of my practical work

Evaluation of the population of pines growing on the territory of the "School Hill" and identifying the dynamics of the state of trees for 7 years, as an indicator of the ecological well-being (ill-being) of the natural environment.

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Stages, tasks and methods of practical work

Stage 1 (March 2010) - familiarization with the methods of visual assessment of the state of a coniferous tree, traditionally used on ecological excursions; Stage 2 (April and June 2010) - approbation of methods for phytotesting of pine as an indicator plant; Stage 3 (May 2010) - generalization of the results of bioindication of pines on the territory of the "School Hill", performed by students of grade 11A; Stage 4 (June 2010) - a comparative analysis of the results of phytotesting of the pine population in dynamics over the past 7 years and the formulation of conclusions

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Results of phytomonitoring and conclusions on them

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Result #1. Short description methods for assessing the condition of coniferous trees.

During excursions along the ecological trail, we study pine populations at different sites using the “Visual examination of the condition of indicator plants” method. The author of this technique is Vinokurova NF. Its essence lies in the fact that pine plants are sensitive to both atmospheric and soil pollutants.

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Visible signs of plant damage are not only drying and necrosis of pine needles, but also other signs:

crown thinning due to premature dropping of needles; dryness and lifelessness of the bark; red-brown dry top; the appearance of resin on the branches and trunks in the foliar region of the crown; tortuosity of a woody stem.

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To determine the severity of the "environmental stress" that woody vegetation suffers, we use a scale of visual assessment

The scale was compiled in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules in the forests of the Russian Federation. The author of the methodology “Assessment of environmental pollution according to the state of pine needles” is V. I. Erokhin (1987). The peculiarity of this technique is that for the study, pine needles of the previous year, taken in different places(from different young trees of the trial site).

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Phytotesting algorithm:

We select several young pines and examine their needles on the shoots of the previous year. We count the needles of one or two such shoots. We tear off the needles with signs of drying out from these shoots. We examine them for drying out of the needles, using the rating scale: Grade 1 - no dry areas; Grade 2 - the tips of the needles have dried up; Grade 3 - a third of the length of the needles has shrunk; Grade 4 - the entire needle is yellow or most of it is dry.

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Needle drying classes

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4

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We tear off the needles with signs of necrosis from the same shoots. We examine them for necrosis, using the rating scale: Grade 1 - needles without spots; Grade 2 - needles with a small number of small spots; Grade 3 - needles with numerous black and yellow spots, small and large.

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Needle necrosis classes

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We draw a conclusion about the state of immunity of pine trees and the degree of pollution of the natural environment in a particular area, comparing the data obtained with the average values. The described methods of pine bioindication complement each other in the most optimal way, and allow assessing the state of plant immunity and the quality of the environment.

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Result #2. Assessment of the immune state of the population of young pines in the area of ​​"School Hill"

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1. Visual assessment of pine populations on different test sites of the ecological trail made it possible to determine the Shkolnaya Gorka area as the most unfavorable

The visible signs of this trouble are the following damage to trees: Many trees have thinned their crowns (under young pines we observe prematurely shed green, but dry needles). On young branches, dryness and lifelessness of the bark is diagnosed by changing its color. Some plants are characterized by a red-brown dry top (red-brown necrosis of the needles led to the development of pine side branches). Resin appeared on the trunks in the foliated area of ​​the crown. This feature is most pronounced in this population of pines. The tortuosity of the woody stem in some older pines is a sign of a viral disease they suffered in the past.

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2. Statistical analysis of data obtained in the course of our own research on the territory of the School Hill

Phytotesting was carried out in 2 pines. Needles examined - 314 (100%) Needle shrinkage was - 8% Necrosis was diagnosed in 11% of needles Immune dysfunction of needles on the shoots of the first year of life in these pines was - 19%

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According to the inventory of waste disposal and storage facilities in the city and 439 settlements of the Astrakhan region, more than 440 waste dumps were identified, of which about 300 were unauthorized, 7 waste landfills, including 6 solid waste landfills and 1 industrial waste landfill. The total area of ​​land occupied by landfills is 634 hectares, by landfills - 65 hectares. Of the total number of unauthorized dumps in Astrakhan, there are 91 dumps. The total area of ​​land occupied by unauthorized waste dumps is 182.4 ha, incl. in Astrakhan - 63.0 ha.
Unauthorized landfills contain household solid waste, waste from dwellings generated by the population, industrial consumption waste similar to household waste, street garbage, selectively construction waste and scrap metal.
The amount of waste accumulated at authorized landfills is 282.2 thousand tons, unauthorized - 47.7 thousand tons, at landfills for solid waste and production waste 2677 thousand tons.

Ecological monitoring of the environment p.
spread out on one of the picturesque corners of nature, in the delta of the Volga River. Our region attracts with its beauty and fish riches. With the onset of spring, people come to us with tents from different cities to relax and go fishing. And it is very important that each of us learn to appreciate this beauty, to protect it, to increase the wealth of the region.
The ecological problems of my village are the same as everywhere else. First of all, this is the pollution of the village. From early spring to late autumn in the vicinity of the village you can see not only beautiful flowers, but also entire garbage dumps. The villagers throw their waste anywhere: behind houses, on the banks of the river, on the roads.
Another problem is water pollution from household waste. Each person uses water in everyday life for various purposes: for drinking, cooking, washing, washing. At the same time, it pollutes the water with various substances.

1. Epigraph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. Main sources of environmental pollution
Astrakhan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 9
3. Main sources of environmental pollution
Volodarsky district. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 - 12
4. Main sources of environmental pollution
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-14
5. My attitude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fifteen
6. List of used literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
On the territory of the city of Astrakhan, 30.8 thousand tons of waste have been accumulated at unauthorized dumps. In the Pravoberezhnaya part of the city, a tense environmental situation has again been created due to the lack of space for the disposal of solid industrial and domestic waste. A similar situation in the next 1-2 years may develop in the Left-bank part of the city, since the existing solid waste landfill, located in the village.
Privolzhsky district, can accept waste until 2006.
An unfavorable ecological situation has developed with the disposal of liquid sewage and
sewage from cesspools
parts of the city currently located on the sludge (drain) maps of the southern treatment facilities for biological sewage treatment. At this time, their liquidation and the construction of drain pumping stations are required in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations.
The main sources of air pollution are industrial, transport and domestic emissions.
Every year, the industry and transport of the Astrakhan region emit about 200 thousand tons of pollutants into the atmosphere. This means that, on average, up to 200 kg of pollution falls on one inhabitant of the region. A significant part of emissions into the atmosphere of the region (about 60%) is accounted for by the enterprise
In order to protect people and other organisms from the effects of pollutants, maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) of pollutants in the natural environment are set.
In the balance of household and drinking water supply, the share of surface waters is 100%. Reserves of fresh groundwater on the territory of the Volodarsky Settlement Municipality have not been explored.
The quality of the Volga water below the Volgograd reservoir and watercourses that form the Volga delta depends on the degree of pollution of the waters discharged into the downstream of the Volgograd hydroelectric complex.
In 2002, according to the data of the AC GMOS, the waters of the
, according to the state of which this branch was classified as a crisis environmental situation (grade 2 out of 5) or a very high degree of environmental distress (grade I out of 3).
The territories are characterized by pollution of water resources, depletion of fish stocks, general salinization of soils (mounded territory).
Modern physical and geological processes in the territory (erosive activity of rivers, flooding of the territory with flood waters, flooding with groundwater,
phenomena and others) require the implementation of special engineering measures
Presentation on the topic

"Ecological monitoring of the environment
Made by 11th grade student
secondary school "
Leader: geography teacher
year 2013

Bernard Nebel. Science of the environment (In 2 volumes), M .: Mir,

2. Information agency
K.V. Protection and transformation of nature. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986.
4. Ecology, environment and man / ed. Yu.V. Novikova. Publishing and trading house
, Moscow, 1998
Main sources of air pollution




The main sources of pollution of water bodies -
Housing and communal services in Astrakhan, maritime transport
In the region, there is a low quality of return waters discharged into open water bodies by enterprises -
nature users
. The most frequently observed excess for such ingredients as ammonium nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, petroleum products, iron, copper. Discharges from 26 enterprises, 43 sewage and water treatment plants, 4 fish farms, 6
118.5 thousand tons of pollutants entered the atmosphere from stationary sources, including 9.2 thousand tons in Astrakhan.
The main pollutant of the air basin of the region is the enterprise LLC “
”- its emissions are 102 thousand tons or 86% of the regional volume. The increase in gross emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere at the enterprise LLC “
” by 3.2 thousand tons compared to 2002 due to an increase in the volume of formation gas processing.
Sources of technogenic emissions into the atmosphere on the territory of the municipality "Volodarsky Settlement" are heating boiler houses, motor vehicles and service facilities, industrial and food enterprises, road repair and construction service facilities.
noise and other impact are passing through the territory municipality car roads located in the residential area of ​​the village, transformers,
electrical substations
Sources of pollution of surface and groundwater are sites of industrial enterprises with unorganized collection
industrial storm
effluents, berthing facilities and river fleet, cesspools on the territory of populated areas, sewage and sewage disposal facilities (filtration fields), manure storage sites.
Environmentally hazardous facilities are located in
water protection
zone of the Churka River and within the boundaries of residential development, the asphalt concrete plant SE OA "
", the production base of JSC"
» (fish cannery
), production area VCh 2349 PS of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
Most of production facilities, which have a negative impact on the state of atmospheric air, is located in the residential area of ​​the village. Volodarsky. Sanitary protection zones
industrial sites
are mostly unorganized, residential development is located within the boundaries of the SPZ.
The magnitude of the atmochemical load on the territory of the municipality reaches 14.0 tons of emissions / km
per year, which is much higher than the regional average.
The source of water for water supply to the population of the municipality "Volodarsky Village Council" is Churka Avenue at the fork of the river.
. Before being supplied to consumers, water is treated at water treatment facilities located in the village. Kozlovo.
Main sources of environmental pollution
Main Geophysical Observatory named after Voikova annually conducts research on air measurements with the help of the Federal State Meteorological Service "Roshydromet" in 260 cities of Russia. According to the results of the research, a so-called priority list of cities with the highest level of air pollution is compiled. Compared to last year, the "black list" has changed significantly. Our closest neighbors fell into it: Volgograd, Stavropol, Rostov-on-Don, and the capital of the Southern federal district was in the top ten of this list. As we were assured in the regional center for hydrometeorology, Astrakhan is not yet in danger of being blacklisted. Of course, our region cannot be classified as one of the cleanest cities, but our situation is quite stable. Over the past five years, the level of air pollution has not changed significantly and even has a downward trend for some pollutants. Air quality control is systematic.
Close your eyes and imagine this picture: you are on the shore clean river, on a green lawn, inhale the aroma of fresh air, run barefoot to the river and, clinging to it with your lips, eagerly drink tasty cool water. Now open your eyes, look around and tell me where you can see this in reality. Our rivers, lawns, forests, air have experienced such a pernicious influence of civilization that it is time to sound the alarm. A reasonable person will no longer risk drinking from a river or lake, or walking barefoot along the shore. Mountains of garbage, landfills, trees with garlands plastic bags- that's the beauty of the surrounding nature.
It's amazing how we survive in such conditions. After all, air and water contain such an explosive mixture of heavy metals and other components harmful to health, which exceeds all conceivable and unthinkable norms. Even while staying in the tourist areas of our native country, we are disappointed, as "Civilization" is doing its "dirty deed" here too.
Why is humanity so careless? There is a feeling that the majority lives according to the principle "and after us even a flood." How many terrible mistakes have been made, how many global catastrophes have occurred. And it doesn't teach us anything.
The environmental work that is being carried out now is only a pitiful semblance of a necessary activity. But it's not difficult - to live in harmony with nature, to respond with gratitude and care for her gifts.
You can't let people
sent to their own
destruction of those forces of nature,
which they were able to discover and conquer.
Cut down forests - plant young growth, consume water - clean the rivers. In practice, it turns out that we spit into the well, from which we ourselves drink. As a result, we have a high mortality rate, a low level of health, a lack of elementary culture among a large percentage of the population (where I live, I litter there). And it's getting harder and harder to fix the mistakes that have been made every year. To clean only a few meters of a reservoir, so much money is needed that it would be enough to build a one-story house. There is not enough nature of the master's hand, which would save, protect from technological "monsters".
Do not move away from your mother - nature, otherwise the "prodigal children" will have nowhere to return. Let the ecological alarm sound in everyone's heart. Start fighting for survival today. Together we can do a lot, but only together.
My attitude.

Sources of environmental pollution
Volodarsky district.
Pollution of the natural environment of the Astrakhan region, including the territory of the municipality "Volodarsky Settlement", is due to its physical and geographical position in the lower reaches of the Volga River, which is an accumulator of pollution coming from overlying territories.
The main volume of pollutants (up to 99.0%) enters the region with the transit runoff of the Volga waters. A significant contribution to the pollution of surface waters of the river. Volga, its branches and channels, incl. and located on the territory of the Volodarsky district, is introduced by a regional factor: insufficiently cleaned sewerage is discharged into surface watercourses. wastewater, polluted
industrial storm
drains from the sites of enterprises, the territory of settlements.
According to the territorial planning scheme of the Astrakhan Region (YURGTS, 2006), the ecological situation in the Volodarsky District as a whole is assessed as tense.
“There is such a firm rule. I got up in the morning, washed myself, put myself in order
And immediately put your planet in order.
Back in the old days folk wisdom derived a formula for the relationship of human behavior in relation to water. Among the people, this relationship is defined by the proverb: "Do not spit in the well, it will come in handy to drink water." It reflects the dependence of future consequences on the current consequences of polluting water. We must remember that there will always be a need for clean water, so that later we don’t have to regret our actions, we must conserve water and prevent its pollution today.
We, students, to help our village, organize subbotniks: we clean the territory of the village of the school. We help veterans on the river bank, we plant trees in spring.

Monitoring (from the English monitoring - tracking, tracking) is a system of observations, assessment and forecast of the environment. The term "monitoring" appeared shortly before the Stockholm UN Conference on the Environment (June 5-16, 1972). The principal scheme of monitoring was proposed by Academician Yu.A. Israel.

Bioecological monitoring Bioecological (biological, sanitary and hygienic, sanitary and toxicological) monitoring includes observations of: the state of the environment; the degree of pollution of natural objects with harmful substances; the impact of these pollutants on humans and biota as a whole (the totality of flora, fauna and microorganisms); for the presence in the environment of allergens, pathogenic microorganisms, dust; for the content in the atmosphere of oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, heavy metals; for the content of water bodies, the degree of their pollution, etc.

Geoecological monitoring Systemic geoecological (natural-economic) monitoring consists in monitoring: changes in ecological systems (bogeocenoses); for the productivity of biogeocenoses; behind the dynamics of mineral reserves, water, land and plant resources;

Biospheric monitoring Global biospheric monitoring aims to: control the state of the environment on a global scale, observe global background changes in nature, predict possible changes in the biosphere and the entire geographic envelope as a result of economic activity person.

Biospheric monitoring The objects of biospheric monitoring are: radiation balance, atmospheric transparency and its anthropogenic change, world balance and pollution of the World Ocean, large-scale changes in the biochemical cycles of elements and substances (CO 2, O 2, N, P, S, H 2 O, etc. .), energy exchange of the geographic shell with space, world migration of animals (including birds, insects) and plants, climate change on the planet.

Biosphere monitoring In order to conduct background observations around the world, a network of biosphere reserves is being created, on the territory of which production activities that pose a danger to all living things are prohibited. Currently, more than 230 biosphere reserves have been created in 62 countries of the world.

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Formation and maintenance of the functioning of an additional (regional) network of state environmental monitoring on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Speaker: Head of the State Institution "Khanty-Mansiysk Central Hydrometeorological Service" Nadezhda Viktorovna Tochenova Compiled by: Head of the Monitoring Department - Volkovskaya Olga Mikhailovna

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Khanty - Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra S = 534.8 thousand km2, of which 152.3 thousand km2 (or 28.5%) are occupied by licensed subsoil areas and are actively subjected to industrial exploitation. The hydrographic network belongs to the Kara Sea basin. The river network of the territory of the Autonomous Okrug is formed by the Ob and Irtysh (the length of which is 1165 and 244 km, respectively) and 12 of their tributaries, as well as many small rivers. The total number of rivers in the Autonomous Okrug is about 30 thousand. Administrative - territorial division: 16 cities, the largest - Surgut and Nizhnevartovsk (more than 200 thousand people), Nefteyugansk (more than 100 thousand people). The administrative center is the city of Khanty-Mansiysk with a population of more than 50 thousand people. *

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State observation network 1 PNZ, 26 GKhP, 2 M-2 precipitation, 12 M-2 snow cover, 11 radioactive contamination control points

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Economic indicators I place - in oil production; I place - for the production of electricity; 1st place - in terms of tax receipts in budget system; II place - in gas production; II place - in terms of investment in fixed assets

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The concept of environmental safety (approved by the order of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra dated April 10, 2007 n 110-rp) development of economic activities based on energy-saving and environmentally cleaner technologies; conducting activities that contribute to the conservation or increase of biological diversity in ecosystems; environmental education and education of the population; creation of a regional monitoring network as an operational information and analytical system for observing the dynamics of indicators characterizing the state and development of the natural environment; ensuring rational and safe nature management, providing for rational use non-renewable natural resources and their deep processing, as well as the sustainable use of renewable natural resources and measures for their reproduction; improving the quality and increasing the life expectancy of the population by ensuring a safe state of the environment as an essential condition for the life, health and well-being of current and future generations of residents, as well as improving the demographic situation in the Autonomous Okrug; reduction of the level of hazardous impact of natural and man-made factors on the population and the territory of the Autonomous Okrug, as well as on neighboring territories; protection and restoration of natural ecological systems on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug in order to maintain their life-supporting functions for the population, ensure their integrity, ability to self-regulate and preserve biological diversity.

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Regional network of observations of the state of the environment Basic Additional State Regional Local (GU "Khanty - Mansiysk (outside the licensed (at the licensed TsGMS") sites) Water - 26 posts Water - 111 points Water - 1929 points Air - 1 posts Air - 7 posts Air - 1027 points Bottom - 111 points Bottom - 1878 points Snow - 18 points Snow - 1027 points Soils - 1654 points

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Filling the databases of the State Fund Sampling frequency: surface water 4 times a year (main hydrological phases) bottom sediments 1 time a year (summer-autumn low water) soil 1 time a year (September) snow 1 time a year (March-April) atmospheric air 2 times a year (June, September) The total number of measurements of the quality of natural environments entered into the unified database for 2005-2008 is more than 592,000 In the first quarter of 2009, 15,723 measurements of pollutants from surface water and snow cover were entered into the unified database

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Local environmental monitoring Due to the presence of a large number of licensed areas Organized to track the dynamics of the state of the components of the natural environment under the influence of the oil and gas complex at the local level Provides the bulk of systematic observations of the quality of the components of the natural environment

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Functioning of the regional environmental monitoring system Roshydromet (Gosfond) Ob-Irtysh UGMS GU "Khanty-Mansiysk TsGMS" Base (State) Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Law "On the comprehensive target program of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra" Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Ugra in 2005-2010" Decree No. 302-p "On approval of requirements for determining the initial contamination of environmental components, designing and maintaining local environmental monitoring within the boundaries of licensed subsoil plots on the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Department of Protection environment and environmental safety of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Licensees of Roshydromet: State Institution "Khanty-Mansiysk TsGMS" JSC "NPTs Monitoring" FGU "TsLATI in the Ural Federal District" in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug x plots)

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Achievements of the Department of Environmental Monitoring of the State Institution "Khanty-Mansiysk Central Hydrometeorological Medical Service" - the laboratory for monitoring atmospheric air pollution was expanded in terms of sampling and analyzing snow cover for 16 components; - a laboratory of soils and bottom sediments was opened with the analysis of samples for 17 and 14 components, respectively. In November 2007, the OMOS laboratories were accredited taking into account the expanded scope of activities.

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Achievements of the Department of Environmental Monitoring of the State Institution "Khanty-Mansiysk Central Hydrometeorological Medical Service" The additional volume of work performed for the period 1-3 quarters of 2008 increased by 113% compared to the same period last year: water - 347 samples 6540 determinations, bottom sediments - 101 samples 1345 determinations , air - 651 samples 651 determinations, snow - 27 samples 350 determinations, soil - 29 samples 493 determinations.

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The policy of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra in the field of environmental monitoring Aimed at the interaction of various structures of all levels of government A great merit belongs to the curator of our service - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Khanty - Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra on subsoil use and fuel and energy complex Vladimir Ivanovich Karasyov

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Participation in major projects of employees of the State Institution "Khanty - Mansiysk TsGMS" - the development of the Subpolar Urals, the construction of the Altai gas pipeline; - EU TACIS "Monitoring and warning system for radiation control in the basin of the Ob and Irtysh rivers; - in holding an international environmental action"Save and Preserve"; - in holding congresses of ecologists of the oil regions of the Russian Federation. - in the preparation of the draft complex target program of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra "Improvement of the environmental situation in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra in 2011-2015."

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Threat of closure of the regional network - atmospheric pollution observation points (PNZ) With the onset of global financial crisis there is a real threat of closure of regional PPPs. * the district funding for the functioning of the PNP has been terminated; * federal funding is not possible due to a significant reduction in the volume of budget allocations allocated to Roshydromet for 2010 and subsequent years. Currently, the State Institution "Khanty-Mansiysk TsGMS" does not have funds for the maintenance of the PPP.