What is the specialty of pharmacy? All about the profession of a pharmacist. Salary and career prospects

  • 13.09.2020

How to become a pharmacist, and what basic knowledge do you need to master in school to get this profession? We invite you to talk about professional features pharmacists in more detail.

Often young people, choosing a particular profession, have a vague idea about it. For example, how can you find out what you really do pharmacist standing behind the pharmacy counter? By and large, the judgment about this profession arises on the basis of what he saw, what "lies on the surface."

After all, most people do not have the opportunity to look into the office premises of pharmacies, pharmaceutical laboratories or pharmacological factories. This is the "holy of holies", where access to ordinary people is closed, since such institutions manufacture / sell drugs that not only save people's lives, but can also harm their health (naturally, if used incorrectly / excessively).

How to become a pharmacist, and what basic knowledge do you need to master in school to get this profession? We invite you to talk about the professional features of pharmacists in more detail.

Who is a pharmacist?

Throughout the history of civilization, mankind has been looking for means to combat pain and disease. The first evidence of the existence of medicines is the ancient Egyptian papyri of the 17th century BC. The properties of natural medicines are known from scientific papers ancient healers: Hippocrates, Theophrastus, Dioscorides, Galen, Avicenna and other ancient scientists who found healing in the environment natural environment by studying the composition and properties of plants/minerals.

Pharmacology, as a science, got its name from the ancient Greek φάρμακον "medicine, poison" and λόγος - "word, doctrine", which translates as "doctrine of poison". Since the thirteenth century, pharmacology has been singled out as an independent section of the science of medicine: from that time pharmacists began to manufacture and sell medicines, and this happened in Italy. In Russia, the pharmacy business appeared only under Ivan the Terrible, and the development of the pharmaceutical industry, in fact, began only in the eighteenth century.

Modern pharmacology studies many different areas and is divided into the following disciplines:

  • Theoretical pharmacology;
  • Nanopharmacology;
  • Pharmacognosy;
  • Doseology;
  • Toxicology;
  • Pharmacogenetics and other sciences.

This division of directions is due to the significant amount of knowledge that has been accumulated by the centuries-old history of pharmacology and continues to increase today.

The responsibilities of a pharmacist vary greatly depending on where they work. So if this pharmacy worker(pharmacist), then his duties will include:

  • consultation of buyers and dispensing of medicines;
  • storage and display of medicines;
  • generating demand for medical preparations;
  • control over the quality of drugs sold in the pharmacy.

If the pharmacist works in a research institute or pharmaceutical laboratory, then his duties will be to:

  • development of new drugs and improvement of already known drugs;
  • work on drug manufacturing technology;
  • the manufacture of medicines.

By the way, contrary to popular belief, official duties of a pharmacist does not include the selection of medicines. He can only act as a consultant who will talk about the pharmacological properties of medicines and can offer an analogue of the drug, if the pharmacy does not have a medicine recommended by the doctor.

What personal qualities should a pharmacist have?

The profession of a pharmacist is similar to the profession of a doctor - a specialist's mistake can cost a person his life, because, as Paracelsus said, the medicine differs from poison only in the dose. Therefore, a person who has chosen this profession must have such personal qualities as:

To fulfill a dream and become a pharmacist, while studying at school, you need to pay great attention chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics. In addition, it must be understood that this profession requires constant readiness for learning and improving knowledge.

Benefits of being a pharmacist

A huge advantage of this profession is the fact that pharmacists today do not have to worry about employment - the specialty of a pharmacist is one of the ten most sought-after professions in modern market labor. The country has a huge number of pharmacies, warehouses of pharmaceutical products, laboratories, factories, research institutes of various forms of ownership involved in the development, production and sale of medicines.

At the same time, despite the fact that the profession of a pharmacist has a long history, this profession can be safely called profession of the future. And all because people got sick, get sick and, unfortunately, will get sick. This means that humanity will experience the need for the manufacture and sale of medicines for more than a dozen years.

Average level wages pharmacist ranges from 15-42 thousand rubles, depending on the region and the form of ownership of the enterprise. Although these numbers can be much higher, depending on the position held.

Disadvantages of being a pharmacist

When choosing a profession that helps people take proper care of their health, you need to take into account your own state of health. For example, if there are allergic reactions to certain components of drugs, the pharmacist will not be able to manufacture them, as this can harm him.

Taking into account the work schedule of Russian pharmacies (half of which work around the clock), one must be prepared for a busy working rhythm and irregular working week. It is especially difficult for pharmacists to work during epidemics. Not only does the flow of buyers at this time increase many times over, but also the probability of infection with various infectious diseases in daily contact with them.

AT pharmacies quite often sick and aggressive people come who can react negatively even to the most innocent remark of a specialist. And you need to have tremendous patience to smile politely and politely answer when you are provoked to be rude or forced to run from one rack to another in search of the cheapest analogue of a particular drug.

Where can you get a job as a pharmacist?

The profession of a pharmacist can be mastered at a medical college, where there is a corresponding department, and continue education at a university on the job, if there is a desire to improve qualifications or engage in scientific activities in the field of research and development of medicines.

It is also possible, upon graduation from school, to immediately enter a specialized institute, where there are such areas of training as pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical technology and pharmacy.

Which medical university choose? It all depends on the intentions and capabilities of the applicant. For example, if it is important to simply gain professional skills and job prospects in your hometown, then it is best to choose the nearest educational institution to your place of residence.

If in the future you plan to conduct scientific activities or apply for a leadership position in international company, then it is best to get an education in one of the leading specialized universities in Russia, which include:

Image sources: pharmpersonal.ru, flogia.ru, mislife.ru, betamax-russia.ru

Who is a pharmacist or pharmacist, and what is the difference between them? What is the difference between a pharmacist and a pharmacist? What is the difference between a pharmacist and a pharmacist? We recommend to read:

In Russia, a pharmacist is understood as a specialist with a secondary pharmaceutical education who has graduated from a college or college. We recommend reading:

In Russia, a pharmacist is understood as a specialist with a higher education who has graduated from a higher educational institution. A pharmacist, unlike a pharmacist, has the right to borrow leadership positions For example, being a pharmacy manager.

In Europe, everything is quite the opposite than in Russia, and the pharmacist performs the function of a pharmacist's assistant, and the pharmacist is a specialist with a higher education and a master's degree.

In Russia, there is such a tradition that in pharmacies there is not much difference between a pharmacist and a pharmacist. As a rule, a pharmacist and a pharmacist perform the same functions and duties, i.e. are employees of the "First Table" and directly interact with pharmacy customers, advise, sell goods and medicines. Also, the duties of a pharmacist and pharmacist may include maintaining merchandising and pharmaceutical order in a pharmacy.

What are the requirements for hiring a pharmacist and pharmacist?

Most important requirements- this is the presence of professional education, it is also good if the applicant has experience working in pharmacies. It is mandatory for a pharmacist or pharmacist to have a certificate giving the right to pharmaceutical activity, which is issued after graduation and is valid for a period of five years.

What educational institutions (universities) train pharmacists and pharmacists? Where can I get a profession (education) as a pharmacist or pharmacist?

What personal qualities of an employee are needed to work as a pharmacist or pharmacist? What qualities of an employee are not acceptable when working as a pharmacist or pharmacist?

The work of a pharmacist and pharmacist is related to people's health, so the first and most important quality is responsibility, literacy and attentiveness. Since pharmacy employees deal with money, honesty is also needed. Hot temper, ignorance, inattention and rudeness are completely unacceptable

When we arrive at the pharmacy, we are greeted by women in white coats standing behind the counter. It is probably surprising to many how soon they find the required drug. Indeed, a pharmacist who is this is an employee who easily navigates thousands of drugs. The work of a pharmacist is relatively calm, but requires the ability to communicate with people and higher education.

The nuances of the profession

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To becoming a pharmacist is not enough just to get a degree. This specialist needs to constantly develop in his chosen field: every pharmacist strives to improve his qualifications, which is confirmed by documents on passing certain tests, which he is charged with taking almost every year.

There are several types of pharmacists:

  • researcher . Works in laboratories and studies the activity of harmful microorganisms in order to find a way to neutralize them through the use of drugs;
  • salesman . Works directly with the clientele, prepares funds according to their orders, in addition, takes into account the quantity of goods sold;
  • manufacturer . Collaborates with laboratories and research centers of large companies;
  • distributor . He takes an active part in establishing links between manufacturing companies and pharmacy chains.

A pharmacist can choose one of the narrow specializations as the field of his activity - for example, pharmacology, in which they analyze drugs made from materials of plant or animal origin. In addition, the pharmacist can make his own preparations and evaluate their properties by conducting appropriate chemical experiments.

This profession involves a good level of income, the possibility of personal and career development. However, not every specialist will be accepted as an employee.

It is vital for a pharmacist to have among his personal qualities the following:

  • patience . Pharmacy customers are not always friendly and patient. Sometimes they can defend their own opinion to the point of being hoarse and insolent to the seller, so the latter must tune in a certain way and be, regardless of the circumstances, correct and friendly;
  • attentiveness . Nobody needs irresponsible pharmacists, because here we are talking about the life and health of people. Having shown criminal negligence in the preparation of a medicinal product, the pharmacist risks not only losing his place, but also being accused of harm caused to the buyer;
  • mathematical mindset and ability to concentrate. In some cases, it is necessary to select a replacement for a drug that is not available. For this reason, the pharmacist will have to think instantly so as not to delay visitors.

Those pharmacists who work in production must study the rules for operating equipment and world standards for biotechnological processes. In addition, you will need to familiarize yourself with the rules for the analysis and certification of products.

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A pharmacist is a specialist who manufactures, researches and sells medicines. More often than not, this position is held by women. Such a professional should know:

  • how drugs work;
  • how to take them correctly;
  • what are the side effects and contraindications to their use;
  • how to make prescription drugs, etc.

Consumers are interested in who the pervostolnik is - this is a person who works in a pharmacy at the cash desk, advises customers and sells medicines.

History of the pharmacist profession

Pharmacology is the science that studies the creation of medicines. The task of the research is to calculate the dosage of the drug, taking into account many factors (age, physiological characteristics, etc.) and launch its mass production. If you are interested in who a pharmacist is, this is a person who:

  • works with medicines;
  • knows the properties, chemical composition of funds;
  • can prepare a medication according to a doctor's prescription or independently (based on studies of the chemical composition of medicinal substances and their effects on the patient's body).

The beginning of pharmacology is the use of medicinal herbs in the distant past to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation. Medicinal plants have been used since Ancient Greece where various decoctions were used for this purpose. Since that time, people have studied the effects of herbs on the body and used the knowledge gained to fight diseases.

In 1231 in Europe, the pharmacy for the first time separated from the hospital and became an independent structure. Since that time, people began to conduct scientific research in order to study the healing properties of plants.

In the 18th century people began to think about mass production medicines and medical preparations. This was the beginning of the rapid development of pharmacology as a science: many new drugs appeared that were used to treat dangerous and common diseases of that time.

Pharmacology today, like all medicine, continues its development and is looking for new ways to treat diseases. Therefore, specialists in this field are in demand in the labor market. They can find a place for themselves in a pharmacy, scientific and research centers, etc. Experienced professionals tend to engage in own business and create your own network of pharmacies.

Who are pharmacists?

The profession of a pharmacist is one of the stable and sought-after positions in Russia. Pharmacists are specialists with a higher or secondary pharmaceutical education who can engage in pharmaceutical activities (sell drugs, manufacture them according to a doctor's prescription, etc.).

Most of the specialists are engaged in the sale of medicines and work in pharmacies or hospitals as a pharmacist or pharmacist. The rest is employed in enterprises, analytical laboratories and research institutes for the manufacture of medicines, etc.

Professions of a pharmacist and their descriptions

Pharmaceutics is a science associated with the production and technological processes for the manufacture of various medicines. In this way, specialists determine the desired dosage (formula) of drugs (taking into account the age category of patients, the mode of application and the type of drug administration) and launch it into mass production.

After graduating from college, a person receives the profession of a pharmacist. The career ladder of a specialist in this field can be represented as follows:

  • pharmacologist;
  • pharmacist;
  • pharmacist.

The duties of a pharmacist include:

  • knowledge of medicines (names, properties, effects on the body, methods of application, contraindications for use, etc.);
  • sale of medicines to customers (if necessary, the ability to choose an analogue of the medicine);
  • preparation of funds according to a doctor's prescription (this task is rare);
  • ensuring proper storage conditions for medicines, etc.;
  • accounting for the receipt and consumption of medicines, compiling work reports, etc.

A specialist of this profile should not advise patients and prescribe certain drugs to them. Therefore, buyers should not seek advice from a pharmacist: self-treatment and taking medications that are not prescribed by a doctor can lead to unnecessary expenses, in the worst case, to health problems.

A pharmacist-pharmacist is a person with a higher education who can manage a pharmacy. Its tasks are to evaluate the quality of medicines, set prices for them, engage in their production, look for ways to wholesale the supply of medicines (including from foreign countries), etc. Its mission is to provide people a wide range medicines. More often, pharmacists tend to work in the scientific field to develop new drugs, vaccines, etc. The pharmacist does not prescribe drugs (does not engage in medical activities), his goal is to prevent the misuse of the medication.

A pharmacologist (or pharmacist) studies drugs, their properties and benefits, can prescribe drugs to patients: other doctors turn to him for advice on the advisability of taking a particular drug for patients (or for finding an alternative route of treatment). Such a person wants to know everything about new drugs.

Advantages and disadvantages of the specialty

Any activity implies the presence of pros and cons of the profession. This also applies to the position of pharmacist. The advantages of the specialty include:

  • an interesting job that allows you to reveal your potential (and engage in self-development), move up career ladder;
  • demand for the profession;
  • decent pay and working conditions;
  • stability;
  • work experience and age of the employee are a plus.

The profession of a pharmacist has the following disadvantages:

  • irregular working hours (night shifts);
  • daily communication with a large number of different buyers (often older people);
  • liability (an error in issuing a prescription drug can cost the patient a life).

Specialists directly involved in the manufacture of drugs may have harmful conditions labor (to work with substances that adversely affect human health), therefore, a system of reduced working hours has been developed for them and benefits are provided.

How difficult is the job of a pharmacist?

Pharmacology is a progressive science: new drugs appear every day, the names and actions of which the specialist needs to know. Pharmaceutical business implies a large amount of theoretical knowledge, constant study new information desire to engage in research activities, etc.

The work of a pharmacist is simple: for normal activities, he needs professional knowledge, attention and patience (when working with difficult customers), the desire for professional growth, etc. The pharmacy employee is responsible for the drugs sold. Therefore, the employee must clearly understand the properties of each drug, be able to select similar drugs, carefully dispense prescription drugs, be focused during the working day, etc.

Who is a qualified pharmacist for?

The characteristics of a pharmacist include a specialist with a good memory, subject-effective thinking, a high level of concentration (during many hours of work), a penchant for scientific research, and developed communication skills.

The profession is suitable for people who have a penchant for the exact sciences (especially biology, chemistry), able to work with a large amount of information. Such specialists are accurate, pedantic and responsible.

What personal qualities should a pharmacist have?

To work with drugs, a person must have a special character. Personal qualities pharmacist include:

  • a responsibility;
  • punctuality;
  • accuracy;
  • patience and perseverance;
  • productivity;
  • performance;
  • good memory;
  • concentration of attention (including a long working day).

To become a pharmacy employee, you need to have a desire to help people. Medicines are a specific product that you need to know well. Taking contraindicated medications can cause death.

Pharmacy worker requirements

When hiring, the manager puts forward professional requirements for the future employee. The pharmacist must:

  • know the physical and chemical properties of medicines and the rules for their storage;
  • choose the right analogue for the drug you are looking for;
  • know Latin;
  • be able to maintain clarity of thought during a long working day;
  • handle a large amount of information;
  • Communicate tactfully with different customers.

Often, concessions are made to young specialists and they are willingly accepted with a diploma of specialized secondary education. New employees work under the strict guidance of the head of the pharmacy.

Responsibilities of a pharmacist

If necessary, a specialist in this profile should be able to provide first medical care and always respect medical confidentiality. Other duties of a pharmacist working in a pharmacy:

  • sale of medicines (including checking prescriptions for medicines that are not dispensed without a doctor's prescription);
  • communication with customers and selection of similar drugs;
  • keeping records of income and expenditure of funds;
  • preparation of certain types of medicines (according to a doctor's prescription);
  • proper storage of drugs;
  • preparation of working reports.

Specialists involved in research activities and the production of drugs should have in-depth knowledge of the drug manufacturing process, look for effective ways to treat various diseases, etc.

How to become a pharmacist?

Thinking about your future profession is at the beginning of the 9th grade. This makes it possible to prepare for final school exams and entrance examinations in secondary and higher educational institutions. To become a pharmacist, one should clearly understand the future direction of activity, and in accordance with this, choose an educational institution.

Where to study as a pharmacist or pharmacist and how much?

After grade 9, you can enter the appropriate medical college or school with a degree in pharmacy. The training will last about 3-4 years.

A pharmacist in higher educational institutions is trained after grade 11 for 5-6 years. The choice of passing the exam depends on the requirements of the chosen university. More often, schoolchildren take exams in the Russian language, chemistry and biology. Some institutes require the delivery of physics or social studies.

List of higher educational institutions offering training in the specialty "Pharmacy":

  1. Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov (Moscow State University).
  2. First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenova (Sechenov University).
  3. Russian National Research Medical University. N. I. Pirogova (RNIMU).
  4. St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University (SPCFU).
  5. Novosibirsk State Medical University (NSMU).

Career prospects

A pharmacist who has received a secondary specialized education must constantly improve his qualifications in order to move up the career ladder. While working in a pharmacy, he can study at a higher educational institution in absentia.

A specialist with a diploma from a higher educational institution can count on the position of head of a pharmacy (pharmacist) or manager in a medical warehouse. With ambition, desire and professional experience, he can start his own business selling medicines and medical products.

Career Options

Professional growth pharmacists are quite limited. Many after graduation work in private or public pharmacies as a salesperson. More ambitious ones achieve the position of head of a pharmacy or engage in scientific activities in laboratories or research institutes.

Where can pharmacists work?

If you are interested in where pharmacists work: in pharmacies, hospitals, analytical laboratories, research institutes, pharmaceutical factories and enterprises engaged in the production of medicines, in state regulatory bodies, etc.

Demand for the profession

The demand for the profession of a pharmacist is quite high. This is due to the growth of the pharmacy business (which brings good income). On the other hand, this is due to the constant development of medicine, ongoing research work, etc.

The work of a specialist in this profile is considered stable. Professional growth is limited.

How much do pharmacists earn in Russia?

In Russia, pharmacists are paid an average of 25-35 thousand rubles. In large cities, the salary can reach up to 40 thousand rubles. and higher. To this it is worth adding bonuses when fulfilling the sales plan, etc.

I guess you won't deny the fact that there is promising professions in Russia, the profession of a pharmacist is one of such professions. The fact is that every year, working in your specialty, you only increase the amount of your knowledge. Naturally, every day, week, or month, new drugs appear and you will need to know what it is called and what it treats. In addition, the profession of a pharmacist can be studied at a medical university, or rather, at a technical school, college or college.

Naturally, a doctor does not fall into the category of a profession for men, but despite this, male pharmacists can be seen in pharmacies.

Honestly, this work as simple as any salesperson's job. For example, you can compare the work of a pharmacist with the work of an auto parts salesman. There are a lot of goods and you always need to know which part will fit a particular car.

In this situation, everything is exactly the same, except that people will consult with you and want to get medical advice, because they understand that you are a doctor by profession. Even though you are not a doctor, you can help with advice.

Notable members of the profession

Profitability of the Pharmacist Profession

This work is in demand and relevant in our time. All people get sick and all people go to pharmacies. This cannot be avoided, especially since with our legislation, modern pharmacies will exist for hundreds of years.

In this regard, you need to understand that you have growth prospects and this job is quite calm, since you work in one place, with clients, without any stress. Most of all this work will do women who want to provide for their families.

Naturally, in our time, round-the-clock pharmacies have begun to appear, which means that many women will have the opportunity to work in shifts.

Ordinary people are used to thinking that a pharmacist is a person who works in a pharmacy dispensing prescription or generic drugs. In fact, this worker must know much more than the rules of working at the cash register. The profession of a pharmacist implies the skills of preparing, selecting and differentiating medicines. The representative of the profession is freely oriented in the components of the compositions, the features of their purpose and application, interaction with other medicines. The education of a pharmacist allows you to work not only in pharmacies, but also in the production of products, in scientific laboratories and specialized commercial organizations.

Who are a pharmacist and a pharmacist?

Pharmacists are an employee with a specialized secondary education. He can sell drugs and prepare the simplest of them according to the developed recipe.

To get a specialty, you need to graduate from a pharmaceutical school or a medical college in the chosen direction. Certified employees become pharmacists, assistant pharmacists. In the absence of senior management, they can temporarily manage a retail outlet and, only in rare cases, a state pharmacy.

The profession of a pharmacist is the highest step for a pharmacist. Such an employee has a higher specialized education and qualifications, the level of which equates him to medical positions. Representatives of the profession occupy leadership positions in pharmacies, become technologists and analysts at production processes. They can conduct theoretical or practical scientific work.

The specifics of the direction and its nuances

When deciding to unlearn a pharmacist, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the features of work in this area. This will allow you to avoid mistakes in choosing a direction and understand whether it is possible to limit yourself to secondary specialized education in order to achieve your career goals. In particular, one must understand that a person who has studied at a pharmacological university is no different from a pharmacist with a secondary specialized education. To start independent activity as a pharmacist, he needs to undergo an internship in the chosen profile, master a number of postgraduate programs and receive a certificate.

A pharmacist in Russia can obtain the highest degree of qualification in one of the following areas:

  • management and economics – retail and wholesale medicines, organization and control of the work of pharmacies;
  • technology and chemistry - such a specialist is engaged in the manufacture of medicines, assessing their originality and quality by conducting chemical experiments;
  • Pharmacognosis is the analysis of drugs based on natural raw materials of plant or animal origin.

Pharmacology is constantly evolving, the list of drugs and chemically active substances is constantly updated. Therefore, it is not enough to study to be a pharmacist and limit yourself to the knowledge acquired in educational institution. In order to always keep up with specialized science, it is recommended to study highly specialized literature, attend developing courses and seminars. Many pharmacies additionally train their employees, but this is not the responsibility of each organization.

Types of pharmacists and the specifics of their work

The education that pharmacists receive allows them to work in a variety of fields. If necessary, a specialist of one profile can additionally listen to a narrowly focused program and expand the scope of activities. Every few years, an employee needs to improve their skills and receive a certificate for further work in the area of.

The description of the profession of a pharmacist depends on its direction:

  • seller - a graduate of a school or university who sells or dispenses medicines to customers, prepares them according to a medical prescription, keeps records of the receipt and consumption of goods, fills out current documentation and replenishes the institution's stocks;
  • researcher - a laboratory worker who investigates the activity of pathogenic organisms and is looking for drug ways to deal with them;
  • distributor - an employee of a pharmaceutical company who provides the relationship between the drug manufacturer and the pharmacy and often performs the duties of a sales representative;
  • manufacturer - an employee of a laboratory or research center of a company that creates and produces medicines.

Today, there are training programs of various profiles that help technically savvy workers acquire additional skills. Quite often, such seminars are held by pharmaceutical companies themselves in order to train employees in the specifics of handling specific types of medicines or types of raw materials.

Advantages and disadvantages of the specialty

Considering the pros and cons of the profession, it must be borne in mind that in the case of pharmacists of the lower and higher levels, they will differ significantly. The first category of employees should study less and have lower chances for significant career growth, but they are guaranteed a decent salary and demand for services.

Benefits of being a pharmacist:

  • good level of remuneration;
  • career opportunities in scientific, industrial and administrative fields;
  • men and women of different ages can work as pharmacists;
  • to get a job, it is not necessary to have experience in the field, a certificate and an internship are enough to get a good position;
  • unlike other medical profiles, such education can be obtained in absentia.
  • The main disadvantage of the profession is that you need to communicate with a variety of citizens, sometimes not very pleasant. However, this applies only to pharmacy employees.
  • Often, pharmacists work full time, they are forced to go to night shifts and processing.
  • Significant physical and emotional stress add to the negative.
  • We must not forget about the level of responsibility of the employee.
  • Incorrectly selected drugs or an error in dosage in the manufacture of the composition can cost the health of the client.

Pharmacy worker requirements

At first glance, the professional skills of a pharmacist can be acquired in the process practical work, but get a job in a pharmacy without a diploma of specialized education impossible. The employee must have a good memory for specifications medicines, knowledge of Latin and the rules for maintaining reporting documentation are required.

Here are a few more requirements for a pharmacist working in a pharmacy:

  • attentiveness, the ability to concentrate on important things even after many hours of shift;
  • knowledge of the culture of communication, patience and willingness to explain technical points to visitors in an accessible language;
  • mathematical mindset, the ability to draw logical conclusions and analyze information;
  • the ability to quickly find a replacement for a drug that is not available.

When working in production, pharmacists require additional knowledge in the field of equipment operation rules. They are additionally trained in the world standards of the biotechnological process, the rules for the analysis and certification of products. Pharmacists who plan to start their own pharmacy business are advised to learn the basics legal regulation relations in this area, the principles of marketing and advertising.

How to become a pharmacist?

Having figured out what kind of profession - a pharmacist, you need to decide on the direction of activity and choose the right educational institution. This will affect the list of exams taken or USE indicators, the list of disciplines studied, specialization, employment opportunities and career growth.

Where to study as a pharmacist or pharmacist and how much?

When deciding where to get an education, one must take into account one's own strengths. The highest degree of qualification will require deep learning biology, chemistry and other exact disciplines. In secondary specialized institutions, programs are much simpler, but they are not always easy for people with a humanitarian mindset.

How many years to study depends on a number of factors:

  • after 9 classes, you can enter a secondary specialized educational institution and receive a diploma in 3 years and 10 months;
  • after 11 classes, studying at a specialized college or school takes 2 years and 10 months - the graduate receives a diploma in pharmacist;
  • in universities, pharmacists are trained for 5 years in the full-time department and 5.5 years in the correspondence department.

How much you will have to study as a top-level pharmacist after graduating from a secondary specialized institution does not depend on grades and level of knowledge. Most often, and in this case, you have to fully master the entire curriculum and none of the items count.

High-quality higher education in the profile is provided by many state universities. The most prestigious of them are the Sechenov First Medical University, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow State University, Pirogov Medical University.

To become a pharmacist, you must have good knowledge in Russian language, chemistry and biology. Some universities require a high USE score in physics. Additional tests in the direction are rarely carried out.

Where can pharmacists work?

Not always workplace a pharmacist is a pharmacy. Pharmacists with high level knowledge is in demand in research institutes, where they develop new drugs and test them. They can also cooperate with pharmaceutical factories, collect and pre-process medicinal raw materials. Today, state regulatory bodies and analytical laboratories are increasingly in need of pharmacists. A specialist with a diploma of a senior pharmacologist can be accepted into a company that sells medicines.

Salary and career prospects

The demand for pharmacists and pharmacists is growing every year due to the emergence of new factories, the opening of pharmacy chains, and the development of companies-distributors of foreign products. The salary of a specialist in each case is different. AT outlets it often depends on the business qualities of the employee.

How much do pharmacists earn in Russia?

Statistics from 2012-2017 show that the profession of a pharmacist is becoming more and more profitable and prestigious. Even young specialists without work experience can count on 20-25 thousand rubles at the very start of their career. Within a few months, these figures can rise by 30-50% if the job description is strictly followed.

As of October 2017 average earnings a lower-level pharmacist is 30-40 thousand, depending on the city. Pharmacists receive 35-50 thousand rubles. When combined trading work with an administrative figure can reach 70 - 90 thousand rubles. Data on the salaries of employees of laboratories, industries and commercial firms have a wide range. In some organizations, they amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Salary as of 29.02.2020

20000-90000 ₽

35000-90000 ₽

Career Options

Depending on where the representative of the direction can work, there are a number of career development schemes. Pharmacy employee goes from consultant trading floor and a pharmacist-pharmacist to the head of the department, deputy director and head of the outlet.

Sometimes, even without higher education, pharmacists can count on high administrative positions at their place of work. But for this they must serve on it for at least 5 years.

Engaging in scientific activities also promises good prospects. An ordinary employee of a research institute, if he has the necessary qualities, is able to become the head of a project, department, and even a laboratory. The fastest careers are in the pharmaceutical business. In a commercial company, even a young specialist can count on rapid promotion. But he must be prepared for the need to constantly improve his skills and knowledge.

Making a choice in favor of pharmacy as a future field of work, one must take into account not only the prospects of the direction. A dynamic and interesting profession will quickly get bored if you treat it only as a way to make money. This area of ​​medicine is able to give opportunities only to true enthusiasts and lovers of their craft.