Presentation on the topic of cbd architecture. The project "My land-Kabardino-Balkaria". The most important requirements of etiquette

  • 04.04.2021


  1. To deepen and expand knowledge about their small homeland, to cultivate international feelings.
  2. To educate a careful, sensitive attitude towards nature, native land.
  3. Work on the development of attention, logical thinking.

1. Organizational moment.

Beloved land, my native land,
I greet you and sing.
Blossom, grow strengthen peoples' friendship
And show us
Everyone how to do it

2. Stop "Nature".

1. What plants are there in Kabardino-Balkaria?

Trees: beech, hornbeam, linden, plane tree, birch, maple, ash, oak, aspen, alder.

Conifers: spruce, pine, fir, larch, Caucasian cedar.

Shrubs: honeysuckle, joster, elderberry, buckthorn, dogwood, hawthorn, euonymus, wild rose.

The rarest plants listed in the Red Book: Bortkevich's snowdrop, yew berry, Faude birch, hop hornbeam.

2. Name the animals of the forest.

  1. Bear, wolf, wild boar, lynx, bison, Caucasian tour, series, red deer, roe deer, otter, mink, fox, weasel, marten, badger, hare.
  2. Animals listed in the Red Book: bison, Caucasian bearded grouse, eagle, golden eagle, bustard, red-breasted goose, swan.

3. Name the rivers of the republic.

Glacial feeding rivers: Malka, Urukh, Cherek, Terek, Baksan, Chegem.

Spring rivers: Nalchik, Urvan, Black River, Kakhun, Kurkuzhin.

Lakes: Blue lakes, Tambukan lake is healing, (healing sludge is taken to the resorts of Nalchik, Kavminvod, St. Petersburg), Kamennomostskie lakes.

The longest river in the republic

Malka– 210 km.

3. Stop "City".

1. What cities of the KBR do you know?

There are 8 of them: Nalchik, Cool, Tyrnyauz, Nartkala, Maisky, Baksan, Terek, Chegem.

2. What do you know about Nalchik?

Nalchik (translated as a horseshoe) is an all-Russian resort, there is a State University - KBSU, a drama theater named after. A. A. Shogentsukova, theater of Russian drama, monuments to Betal Kalmykov, Sosruko, factories.

4. Stop "Etiquette".

1. What peoples inhabit our republic?

45.5% - Kabardians, 35.1% - Russians, 9% - Balkars, 10% - other nationalities: Koreans, Jews, Turks, Armenians, Ossetians.

2. What do you know about etiquette?

Hospitality is a national feature of the Caucasian peoples. An excerpt from a poem by Khabas Shogenov “Such is the Kabardian custom”:

The mountaineer has food and drink for the guest,
Any shelter without distinction,
And if with good -
You are always desired.
This is the Kabardian custom.

Foreign traveler J. Longworth noted: “There are three qualities that make “a person famous and glorify him in the Caucasus: courage, eloquence and hospitality, or a sharp sword, a sweet tongue and forty tables.”


The Circassians have a favorite guest.
Happiness comes with a guest.

The most important requirements of etiquette:

  1. Humility, tolerance, indulgence.
  2. Polite and courteous attitude towards parents.
  3. Respectful attitude towards elders.
  4. chivalrous attitude towards women.

Song "Adygs" performed by 3. Tutov.

5. Stop “Poetry”.

– What poets of Kabardino-Balkaria do you know?

Nalchik is a large resort center. There are excellent conditions for vacationers here. The resort, together with the city park, owns a quarter of the city territory in the greenest and most beautiful part of the city, which is still in the middle 19th century was famous under the name Atazhukinsky garden. Nalchik is a large resort center. There are excellent conditions for vacationers here. The resort, together with the city park, owns a quarter of the city territory in the greenest and most beautiful part of the city, which was known as Atazhukinsky garden in the middle of the 19th century.

The relationship of man with nature is an important and delicate matter: it severely punishes us for any mistake. Even in the old days, many foreign travelers spoke highly of the ability of the Circassians to combine their culture with environment. New times, of course, have largely changed the traditional way of life. But even today the streets of our villages and cities, wide and well-groomed, are traditionally full of greenery and flowers. The relationship of man with nature is an important and delicate matter: it severely punishes us for any mistake. Even in the old days, many foreign travelers spoke highly of the ability of the Circassians to combine their culture with the environment. New times, of course, have largely changed the traditional way of life. But even today the streets of our villages and cities, wide and well-groomed, are traditionally full of greenery and flowers.

Nalchik at night. The night wind blowing from the side of the mountains brings coolness and purest air in the summer, infused on the snowy peaks of the Rocky Range. The night wind blowing from the side of the mountains brings coolness and purest air in the summer, infused on the snowy peaks of the Rocky Range.

A favorite place of rest for citizens and guests of the republic is the floodplain of the Nalchik River. A cascade of lakes, mountain rivers, cable cars leading to forested peaks attract many people here. A favorite place of rest for citizens and guests of the republic is the floodplain of the Nalchik River. A cascade of lakes, mountain rivers, cable cars leading to forested peaks attract many people here.

Since ancient times, the Circassians have revered folk song choreographic art as sacred. Many enthusiasts are engaged in its revival. On the theater stage and in the squares, you can see ensembles consisting of singers, dancers and performers on unique instruments. And the skill of such folklore ensembles as "Kabardinka", "Balkaria", "Kavkaz", "Bzhamiy" has received a calling in many countries of the world. Since ancient times, the Circassians have revered folk song choreographic art as sacred. Many enthusiasts are engaged in its revival. On the theater stage and in the squares, you can see ensembles consisting of singers, dancers and performers on unique instruments. And the skill of such folklore ensembles as "Kabardinka", "Balkaria", "Kavkaz", "Bzhamiy" has received a calling in many countries of the world.

The culture of our peoples is part of a social civilization, and we are all equally responsible for the beauty and well-being of the planet. Circassian music, poetry, products of our masters are famous far beyond the Caucasus. Also known are the traditional etiquette of the Circassians and Adet Balkars, fidelity to this word, their high sense of responsibility for honor. The culture of our peoples is part of a social civilization, and we are all equally responsible for the beauty and well-being of the planet. Circassian music, poetry, products of our masters are famous far beyond the Caucasus. Also known are the traditional etiquette of the Circassians and Adet Balkars, fidelity to this word, their high sense of responsibility for honor.

In many parts of the world famous Kabardian horses and Karachai sheep bred in the foothills and mountains of the Central Caucasus are famous. In many parts of the world famous Kabardian horses and Karachai sheep bred in the foothills and mountains of the Central Caucasus are famous.

“He who has a horse has wings” - this is how the Circassian proverb says. For a person who has heard at least a little about the Caucasus, a Circassian is, first of all, a rider on a hot horse. The Kabardian horse breed is one of the most famous in the world. Even in the documents of the 16th century, talking about the fact that the Circassian horse was famous in the most distant lands and was an export item. “He who has a horse has wings” - this is how the Circassian proverb says. For a person who has heard at least a little about the Caucasus, a Circassian is, first of all, a rider on a hot horse. The Kabardian horse breed is one of the most famous in the world. Even in the documents of the 16th century, talking about the fact that the Circassian horse was famous in the most distant lands and was an export item.

For long distances, for difficult campaigns and fights, an unsightly-looking, but extremely powerful shoe is indispensable. Legends tell of his loyalty and endurance. They say that the Sholokh horse, even when wounded, will surely deliver the rider home and only after that will he allow himself to fall down dead. For long distances, for difficult campaigns and fights, an unsightly-looking, but extremely powerful shoe is indispensable. Legends tell of his loyalty and endurance. They say that the Sholokh horse, even when wounded, will surely deliver the rider home and only after that will he allow himself to fall down dead.

Alpine tourist bases and camps of Kabardino-Balkaria are fertile places for rest and recovery of health. Here you can go skiing, take part in climbing a hard-to-reach peak, hiking in picturesque places. Here you can take unique baths, undergo a course of treatment with healing waters. Alpine tourist bases and camps of Kabardino-Balkaria are fertile places for rest and recovery of health. Here you can go skiing, take part in climbing a hard-to-reach peak, hiking in picturesque places. Here you can take unique baths, undergo a course of treatment with healing waters.

Of the eight five-thousanders of the Caucasus, seven, led by the highest peak in Europe, Elbrus, are in our republic. Of course, there are legends about the royal Elbrus, which the Circassians call the Mountain of Happiness. According to ancient beliefs, the peaks of this mountain are the abode of the immortal gods who control the fate of people. and the sound of chains. So says the legend. And the real first climber to the famous peak was in 1829 the Kabardian Kilar Khashirov.

No matter how beautiful the mountains are, they are not only beauty, but also the danger of avalanches and the harsh climate. Therefore, hardened people live here, always ready to help anyone, and if you get here, you will have good impressions not only when you remember the beauty of the wild, but here you will find reliable friends. No matter how beautiful the mountains are, they are not only beauty, but also the danger of avalanches and the harsh climate. Therefore, hardened people live here, always ready to help anyone, and if you get here, you will have good impressions not only when you remember the beauty of the wild, but here you will find reliable friends.

Here, near the top, the summer is short. Such that snow can fall in the middle of summer. But the bowels of the earth store eternal warmth, and it comes to light as hot springs, which in legends are called beauty's tears; mourning the death of a titan turned into a mountain. Nearby is a source of ice water. Such is nature. Here, near the top, the summer is short. Such that snow can fall in the middle of summer. But the bowels of the earth store eternal warmth, and it comes to light as hot springs, which in legends are called beauty's tears; mourning the death of a titan turned into a mountain. Nearby is a source of ice water. Such is nature.

Each mountain gorge has its own unique features. The mountain of happiness, Elbrus, leads to the main peak of the Caucasus and Europe, the Baksan Gorge. At the foot of the mountain there are not only tourist bases and climbing camps, but also a health resort. Mountain air heals without medication. Each mountain gorge has its own unique features. The mountain of happiness, Elbrus, leads to the main peak of the Caucasus and Europe, the Baksan Gorge. At the foot of the mountain there are not only tourist bases and climbing camps, but also a health resort. Mountain air heals without medication.

Geography of the KBR Grade 9 -5-

geography teacher MKOU "Secondary school with. Malakanovsky" Prokhladnensky district of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

Methodical development lesson on the topic:

« State structure of Kabardino-Balkaria" ( slide1).

Goalsand tasks(slide 2 ) :


To continue the formation of concepts about the state structure of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

To deepen and expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about the history of the formation of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.


1. Develop memory, attention, logical thinking, the ability to analyze, generalize, systematize and draw conclusions.

2. To form the ability to express your thoughts clearly and clearly.


Cultivate a sense of patriotism.

The target audience: 9th grade students.

Equipment:computer, projector, screen, map of Russia, administrative map of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

Lesson type:obtaining new knowledge about the state structure of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

Class type:combined.


    Repetition of known concepts with students and acquaintance with new ones. graphic terms and concepts.

    Formation of knowledge and skills when working with the administrative map of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and Russia.

form of control: test control.

Geographic nomenclature: districts: Baksansky, Zolsky, Leskensky, Maysky, Prokhladnensky, Tersky, Urvansky, Chegemsky, Chereksky, Elbrussky; cities: Nalchik, Baksan, Prokhladny, Maisky, Nartkala, Terek, Tyrnyauz, Chegem; Anzoriy village.

(slide 3)


1. General information:

Kabardino - Balkar Republic - subject Russian Federation;

2. From the history of statehood.

3. Administrative - territorial division.

Lesson progress

(slide 4)

1. General information:

-Kabardino - Balkar Republic - a subject of the Russian Federation.

Kabardino - Balkar Republic - a subject of the Russian Federation , possessing in its entirety state power - Legislative, executive and judicial.

Chapter R Republic - the president, elected for five years. The first President of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic V.M. Kokov was elected in 1992. ChapterwithYU .BUT. Kokov.

Parliament (legislature) , elected for five years, consists of one chamber. Previously, the parliament consisted of two chambers, each of which had 36 deputies. Currently, 18 deputies are working on a professional basis.

Executive power is vested in the government headed by the prime minister. The official languages ​​are Russian, Kabardian and Balkar.

    From the history of statehood.

(slide 5)

Long before it was included in the Russian Empire, Kabarda had its own statehood. So, in 1739, as a result of the Russian-Turkish wars and in accordance with clause 6 of the Belgrade Peace Treaty between Russia and Turkey, Kabarda was included in Russia. But in 1774 According to the Kyuchuk-Kainarji Treaty between Russia and Turkey, Kabarda was included in Russia.

(slide 6-7)

In the 19th century, after the Caucasian War, Kabarda, which occupied 14.4% of the total area of ​​the North Caucasus (approximately 46.2 thousand km²), lost not only its independence, but also its name. In the political and administrative division of tsarist Russia, Big and Small Kabarda and five mountain communities were listed in the Terek region. Kabardino-Balkaria was called the Nalchik District (1858).

(slide 8)

On January 20, 1920, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a decree on the formation of the Mountain Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Kabarda and Balkaria became part of the independent national administrative districts.

Soon Kabarda seceded from the Mountain Republic , and on September 1, 1921, the Kabardian Autonomous Region was formed as part of the RSFSR, and in January 1922. - Kabardino-Balkar Autonomous Region.

(slide 9)

In pre-revolutionary Kabarda, there was no intra-regional administrative-territorial structure, and the administrative-territorial structure of Kabardino-Balkaria in 1922 was based on the general state of the productive forces of Kabarda and Balkaria, the size of their territory, population, national composition, past economic development, features of the geographical location of different parts of the territory.

(slide 10)

Five districts were formed in the Kabardino-Balkar Autonomous Region: Nalchik, Urvan, Malo-Kabardinsky, Baksan and Balkar.

At the same time, a kind of grassroots administrative unit was singled out in the Balkar Okrug - a society that had the right of succession. This reflects the specifics of the geography of settlement Balkar people, the originality of its historical, political and socio-economic situation in the past. So, according to the 1921 census, 12 societies were distinguished in the Balkar district:

Baksanskoye (Urusbievskoye), Chegemskoye, Upper Balkaria, Lower Balkaria, Bylym, Bezengi, Khulamskoye, Yanikoy, Belorechenskoye, Khabaz, Kashkhatau and Kendelen. Societies such as Bylym (the village of Kochkartash and the village of Bylym) Yanikoy, Belorechenskoye, Khabaz, Kashkhatau and Kendelen, were territorially limited to the boundaries of the settlements.

(slide 11-12)

In 1936, the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Region was transformed into the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (KBASSR). When establishing its administrative-territorial regions and boundaries, in addition to the national composition of the population, the features of economic life and the presence of a certain integrity of the territory, population density, and industrial gravitation were taken into account, which ultimately resulted in the economic unity of the selected areas.

(slide 13)

So, instead of the former districts and societies in the republic, 11 districts were allocated: Primalkinsky, Tersky, Urukhsky, Kurpsky, Baksansky, Nalchiksky, Urvansky, Chereksky, Chegemsky, Elbrussky, Nagorny.

    Administrative - territorial division.

(slide 14)

New stage post-war development is determined not only by the need to restore the economy destroyed by the Nazi occupation, but also by the possible prospects for the deployment of production forces. In the administrative-territorial structure of the Soviet state during the years of the planned economic system, the district was defined as a grassroots administrative unit. This made it possible, in the conditions of centralization of power in the country, to conduct a tough administrative and economic policy on the ground. Consequently, in the republic, as well as in the country as a whole, the district became increasingly important. In this regard, changes were made to the administrative-territorial division of the republic. Some areas have become more compact, which has identified opportunities for operational management of the economy. Yes, in 1944. there were 15 districts in the republic - Prokhladnensky, Primalkinsky, Maysky, Tersky, Kurpsky, Urvansky, Nalchiksky, Kubinsky,

Baksansky, Zolsky, Nagorny, Elbrussky, Chegemsky, Khulamo - Bezengisky, Chereksky.

The collapse of the USSR and the formation of a new state, the Russian Federation, determined the modern administrative and territorial structure of the republic. On March 10, 1992, the Supreme Council of the KBASSR decided to transform it into the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

Administrative - territorial structure - division of the territory of the state (region, republic) into parts, in accordance with which the system is built and operates local authorities authorities.

Changing the boundaries of administrative-territorial units (districts, districts of cities) is referred by the prevailing legislation to the competence of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. However, according to the Constitution, they must take into account the opinion of the population of the respective territory.

July 1, 1994 An agreement was signed on the delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction and the mutual delegation of powers between the state authorities of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

How did the state formation of Kabardino-Balkaria begin to have its own higher authorities state power and administration, its Constitution; the territory and status of the republic cannot be changed without their consent. The Republic has the right to enter into direct relations with foreign states, to conclude agreements with them on economic, cultural and other issues.

Kabardino-Balkaria is in charge of the state structure,

legislation, administrative-territorial structure, etc.

In connection with the change in the status of the republic within the Russian Federation and the transition to a market economy, some changes have occurred in its administrative-territorial division. Yes, 1995. the administrative-territorial unit was restored - the Elbrus region. The city of Tyrnyauz is defined as the regional center. The district was created at the expense of the territories of the Tyrnyauz city executive committee and the Baksan district. In 2003, Leskensky district separated from Urvansky district.

(slide 15)

Currently, Kabardino-Balkaria consists of 10 districts: Baksansky, Zolsky, Leskensky, Maysky, Prokhladnensky, Tersky, Urvansky, Chegemsky, Chereksky, Elbrussky and has three urban districts: Nalchik, Baksan, Prokhladny. Maisky, Nartkala, Terek, Tyrnyauz, Chegem are cities of regional subordination. The administrative center of the Leskensky district is the village of Anzoriy.

(slide 16)


Municipalities of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Administrative center

Population, thousand people

Territory (thousand sq. km.)

Number of rural settlements

Number of rural settlements

Total in the republic















with. Zalukokoazhe



with. Anzorey


with. May




40 1,5

Administrative-territorial structure of Kabardino-Balkaria in the period from 1920-1936.

How many districts were there in the republic in 1944? What were they called?

How many districts are there in the republic at present?

(slide 18-19)

Map work. Sign the numbers for the following Municipalities of the KBR.

(slide 20)


Working with the map: be able to name and show municipalities Republic.

Textbook: pp.-5-9, questions p. 9.

Prepare a message about the districts - the neighbors of their settlement.


Buraev R.A. Economic and social geography of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Textbook for grade 9 educational institutions. - Nalchik, 2010

Traveling around Kabardino-Balkaria

Pedagogical project for older children preschool age

2. Subject:
3. Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity”, “Health”, “Physical culture”
4. Type of project: educational, creative, playful.
5. Relevance of the topic:
6. Purpose of the project: formation tolerant attitude towards the peoples of Kabardino-Balkaria, their way of life and culture, acquaintance with the sights, nature of the KBR
7. Project objectives:
- To introduce children to plants and animals living on the territory of the KBR
- Introduce outdoor games and artistic creativity of the Kabardino-Balkarian people
- To cultivate a humane attitude towards nature.
- To form a strong conviction of the importance of a peaceful existence with all peoples
8. Age of project participants: children 5-6 years;
9.Duration of the project: 3 months;
10. Main forms of project implementation:
- reading fiction;
- conversations;
- presentations on the topic;
- finger games;
-outdoor games;
- productive activity.
11. Provision of the project:
1. Logistics: demo material, Handout, illustrations, books, albums, elements of costumes, a model of Mount Elbrus, the Red Book of the KBR, a collection of fairy tales of the KBR, etc.
12. Principles of project implementation:
-Accounting age features pupils of the preschool educational institution;
- Coordination of pupils' activities;
-Continuity of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family.
13. Result after project implementation:
- children are familiar with the peoples living in the KBR, their way of life and traditions
- can independently organize Kabardian outdoor games, follow the rules.
- have an extended understanding of applied arts, folk holidays, music, clothing, etc. peoples of the KBR
- show a strong interest in creating layouts
- have an idea about plants and animals listed in the Red Book
- with pleasure reflect the acquired knowledge in artistic creativity
14. Product of project activity:
- Exhibition of works of children's creativity "My land of Kabardino-Balkaria"
- a collection of fairy tales, proverbs and sayings of the Kabardian people
-Presentation "National costume"

15. Presentation of the project:

Literary and musical entertainment "My Kabardino-Balkaria"
Long-term plan for the implementation of the pedagogical project
"Traveling around Kabardino-Balkaria"
Project participants:
Pupils of NShDS No. 7 in Baksan educators, parents, music director


1. Conversation “The beauty of Elbrus”
2. Presentation “The Beauty of Elbrus”
3. Reading the Kabardian fairy tale “Mosquito and Oak”

1. Reading A. Mityaev “The most important thing”
2. Acquaintance with the outdoor game “Lord of the Hole”
3. Homework for parents “Message about mountain animals”
4. Game “Reportage” (report about mountain animals)

1. A conversation about the animals of Elbrus, listed in the Red Book.
2. Registration of the Red Book of the CBD
3. Drawing “Eared hedgehog”
4. Discussion of Kabardian proverbs about friendship.
5. Working with the Elbrus layout

1. Listening to folk Kabardian music.
2. Didactic game“Keyhole” (Elbrus animals)
3. Presentation “ Vegetable world Elbrus”
4. Working with the Elbrus layout (ferns, crocuses)
5. Replenishment of the Red Book of the CBD


1. Drawing “Birch Radde”
2. Making birches for the layout.
3. Outdoor game “Under the cloak”
4. Presentation “Lakes and waterfalls”, work with a layout (river, source)
5. Relaxation “In the mountains”

1. Consideration of the encyclopedias “Baksan Gorge”, “Animals of the KBR”
2. Reading the Kabardian fairy tale “One Hundred and One Cunning”
3. Presentation “ Women's clothing ”, decoration of the dress.
4. Relaxation exercise “Quiet Lake”

1. Construction from waste material"Snowdrops"
2. Reading the Balkar fairy tale “Lazy Shabula”
3. Talk about the national holidays of the KBR (spring solstice - navashkhe jad)
4. Presentation “Women's hats” (pya)

1. Watching the film “Kabardian dances”
2. Application “Women's hats”
3. The mobile Balkar game “Cranes-Cranes”
4. Discussion of Kabardian proverbs about labor
5. Reading the Balkarian fairy tale “Bouncer Mosquito”, making scenery and costumes for staging


1. Presentation “ Men's clothing
2. Examining daggers
3. Manual labor“chasing dagger”
4. Literary and musical composition “Red Book”
5. Relaxation exercise “Flying high in the mountains”

1. Reading the fairy tale “The Dove and the Ant”
2. Drawing illustrations for Kabardian and Balkar fairy tales, making a book of fairy tales.
3. The mobile game "Top"
4. Handmade “Caps for girls”

1. Conversation “Coat of arms and flag of the KBR”
2. Manual labor, trimming “Flag of the CBD”
3. Dramatization of the Balkar fairy tale “Komar-bouncer”

1. Reading I. Mazin “Let's be friends”
2. Entertainment “Wreath of Friendship”
3. drawing “Gift to a friend from Kabardino-Balkaria”
4. Completion of work with the Elbrus layout, design of albums, books, the Red Book of the KBR

You will find the necessary materials for the project in the section “Note to the educator , Abstracts lessons”:
Summary of conversations with children “The beauty of Elbrus”
Visual activity “Eared hedgehog”
Synopsis of GCD“Lakes and waterfalls of the Elbrus region”
Kabardino-Balkarian fairy tales for children
Introduction to fairy tale "Bouncer Mosquito"
“Photo album” :
To the project “Traveling around Kabardino-Balkaria”

You should know it!!! federal district Southern Economic Region North Caucasian Official language Russian, Kabardian, Balkar President Arsen Kanokov (since September 2005) Prime Minister Andrey Yarin (since June 2006)

Flag of the KBR KABARDINO-BALKARIA (Kabardino-Balkar Republic), in the Russian Federation, is located in the North Caucasus. Area 12.5 thousand km; population 896.9 thousand people (2005), urban 58.9%; Kabardians, Balkars, Russians. 8 districts, 7 cities, 7 urban-type settlements.

Emblem of the KBR Emblem of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic was adopted on July 21, 1994. It is an image of a golden (yellow) eagle in a scarlet (red) shield field; the eye of the eagle is azure (blue, cyan). On the chest of the eagle there is a small crossed shield, at the top is a silver (white) image of a two-headed mountain in an azure (blue, light blue) field, below is a golden (yellow) shamrock with oblong leaves in a green field.

President of the KBR Arsen Bashirovich Kanokov was born on February 22, 1957 in the village of Shitkhala of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. In the years - Deputy Permanent Representative Kabardino-Balkarian Republic under the President of the Russian Federation. In December 2003 he was elected as a deputy State Duma On September 27, 2005, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin submitted Arsen Kanokov's candidacy to the Parliament of Kabardino-Balkaria for conferring on him the powers of the President of the Republic. September 28, 2005 at an extraordinary meeting of the legislative body of Kabardino-Balkaria for the approval of Arsen Kanokov as President of the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic

Natural Resources Mineral Resources The Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, which occupies an area of ​​only 12.5 thousand square kilometers, has significant reserves of minerals. Potential predicted oil resources in the KBR are estimated at 96 million tons. 5 oil fields have been discovered. The state balance includes two deposits of gypsum (Baksanskoye and Bedykskoye). The Bezengi deposit of feldspar raw materials, according to the results of preliminary exploration, is suitable for the production of fine and coarse ceramics. Facing stones of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic are represented by different hardness and color scheme breeds. Malka pink granites, Lechinkay and Kazganchi tuffs have been studied and developed in detail. Eldzhurta gray granites, Bezengi diabase porphyrites (green), Khulamsky keratophyres (gray, pink, green) received a preliminary assessment as a promising facing raw material. The Khakayuk perlite deposit has been explored in detail for the production of expanded perlite sand, perlite concrete and expanded clay concrete. In the zone of development of Cretaceous deposits, represented by limestones, marls, clays and sandstones for the production of high-grade cement. The hydro-mineral resources of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic are represented by mineral, thermal and fresh underground waters. Thermal waters of the Aushiger deposit, according to preliminary data, can also be used for balneological purposes. The mud of Lake Tambukan, used for many years for balneological purposes in the resorts of Kavminvod and Nalchik, can also be used in the production of medicinal ointments and preparations on an industrial scale. The republic also has iron ores with natural alloying additives of the Malkinskoye deposit, polymetallic deposits of Chochu-Kulakskoye and Tyzylskoye, gold ore manifestations and coal on Malkinskaya and Baksanskaya squares.