Medical examination when applying for a job. Medical examination for a driver's certificate in the traffic police of a new sample. Private and public clinics

  • 25.03.2021

Medical checkup- this is a mandatory procedure not only for those who are already employees of a company or enterprise, but also for those who are just planning to get a job.

The main purpose of this event is to find out whether the work performed will harm the employee, and whether the employee will harm other colleagues or clients.

Also, physical examination is designed to detect early signs occupational diseases or predisposition to them.

This procedure allows employers to keep statistics and control the level of health of the team as a whole. In addition, incidence rates help to plan preventive measures, ultimate goal which is to improve the quality of working conditions.

According to the current legislation, a person who does not have all the necessary certificates does not have the right to start work. Failure to fulfill this obligation should be punished both by the employee and, in particular, by the employer, who endangers three groups of people at once: employees, potential employees, customers.

A person cannot arbitrarily refuse to undergo a medical examination.

Choosing a medical facility: list of powers

Everyone knows firsthand that an examination in a state clinic can not only take up to 10 days of your life, but also have a very bad effect on the nervous system and attitude towards budgetary organizations in general.

Private clinic

It is because of all the above inconveniences that more and more private clinics are opening up at such a speed. There are usually no queues, the staff is always polite and courteous, the instruments are sterile and disposable, the results can be ready on the day of delivery, but ... you will have to pay a tidy sum for all this.

Many agree to this in order to save their time and nerve cells, but there is one more catch: not all private medical institutions are authorized to issue fitness certificates.

But there is good news, the ban applies only to tests that are taken at the state sanitary station, and there are not so many of them, and not everyone needs to take them (food industry, work with children).

A mental health certificate (rarely required, usually for working with children) can only be obtained from a government agency.

All blood tests, including tests for antibodies to HIV and hepatitis B and C, can be taken at any clinic that has official registration and certifies all its answers with a seal.

State polyclinic

The state polyclinic has the right to take almost any analysis and issue any kind of professional suitability opinion (except for a certificate from a psychiatrist). The advantage of public hospitals is the relatively low cost of examinations.

The downside is that not all clinics have stationary laboratories that accept and process blood and biomaterials. Usually, all sampling is carried out on site, and the same private laboratories carry out the verification. It takes more time.

The procedure for passing a medical examination

Since a medical examination is the responsibility of both future and current employees (Article 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and the employer, the latter should instruct the former in such a way that the potential employee has a complete understanding of which doctors he needs to go to, which clinic he should go to apply, and what tests are mandatory for delivery in order to obtain the desired position.

The procedure for passing a medical examination when applying for a job is as follows:

  1. Applicant for a position receives all the necessary information and full instruction.
  2. Further, he acquires or receives at the enterprise or organization a form for passing a medical examination(Different organizations may require different forms to be completed).
  3. Having received everything you need, you need to take your passport and a referral for a medical examination with you.
  4. Further, you need to contact the reception of the polyclinic and get your outpatient card.
  5. How to visit doctors, you can also ask at the reception, but according to the law, your local therapist should be the first and last doctor. He will tell you how best to organize the passage of the commission and after, certify all the results and issue an opinion on whether your health level is suitable for working in the position you are interested in.
  6. If the survey includes tank crops, then pay attention to the fact that the results must be stamped not only in the medical book, but also in the template form. In the absence of at least one such seal, the therapist does not have the right to issue a conclusion and work permit.
  7. After receiving the conclusion you can go to the one who sent you to the examination (nurse or personnel department) and hand over all the documents received. It is best to make a copy of the health book and certificate.

List of required doctors and tests

As mentioned above, each profession has a certain list of mandatory tests and doctors that a future employee must visit. But there are those items that are mandatory and, therefore, the same for all positions and ages.

This is a basic list of specialists that everyone should visit when applying for a job.

These are the doctors whom we are obliged to visit 1-2 times a year without reminders, but, unfortunately, we do this only forcibly:

  1. Therapist. He will direct you to the necessary specialists and write his expert opinion on the compliance or non-compliance of the level of physical and mental (if necessary) health of the position.
  2. Gynecologist and surgeon (for women and men respectively). It is highly desirable to visit these doctors with preventive visits twice a year, but before hiring - this trip is not voluntary, it is mandatory. Identification of diseases in the "male" or "female" part in the early stages allows you to cope with them in 87% of cases.
  3. Fluorography is a must for everyone. This requirement has a solid basis, given the current statistics on the incidence of tuberculosis. The Ministry of Health monitors the record keeping of fluorographic examinations very carefully, therefore, both you and the doctor (nurse) risk incurring criminal liability for trying to buy the results.

The nuances of issuing a conclusion

It should be noted that not all employers are used to cooperating with private clinics yet, therefore, they are reluctant to accept certificates from “private workers” for fear of unreliable information.

The best way out for someone who is about to start undergoing an examination is to immediately ask the employer directly about whether he will accept opinions from a doctor from a private medical institution.

It should be noted that mere tests that have not been reviewed by the therapist are not grounds for admission. That is, if you use the services of a private clinic, then you have two options for obtaining an opinion: contact a doctor in the same clinic or bring the results to your therapist at the registration address.

Who should pay and how much?

According to the Labor Code, the employer must pay for the mandatory items in the survey. In addition, he does not have the right to choose additional tests without paying for them.

Even if the enterprise agrees to pay the costs, the employee has the full right to refuse those examinations that are not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

As regards cases where the employer is self employed, then, most likely, he will not pay for the inspection procedure. This is usually due to the fact that the standard list of studies is free.

Applicant for workplace it should be remembered that all additional tests must be paid by the employer in full. The refusal of the employer to conclude an agreement without passing optional examinations is a direct violation of the Law.

Consequences and liability for the lack of a medical examination

According to article 5.27.1. 3., the absence of a sanitary book or medical examination (as well as an overdue medical examination) among employees entails an administrative penalty. The penalty imposed on the offender, which is individual, is 15-25 thousand rubles, while a legal entity is obliged to pay it in the amount of 110-130 thousand rubles.

Category of persons who must undergo a medical examination

Some professions require only the presence of fluorography and the conclusion of a therapist based on a superficial collection of the patient's history. But there are a number of work positions that can only be occupied by people who have passed a full inspection. This category includes all those who work with children and food.

Children's institutions workers

Educators, nannies, teachers, and even technical staff of children's institutions must undergo a full medical examination. even if they are not in direct contact with children. This is due to the fact that children are at risk of various viral and respiratory diseases.

transport workers

Public transport is a place of accumulation of large masses of people. In a day, several thousand people can visit one fixed-route taxi different people. And, unfortunately, not all of them are healthy.

Medical examination of the driver or other attendants serves to ensure that he does not infect any of the passengers and that his health is strong enough to withstand the constant impact of microorganisms and viruses that are spread by airborne droplets.

Catering workers

The fastest and the right way to infect a person with some kind of disease - to place bacteria on his mucous membrane. In this case, penetration and spread occurs almost instantly, and it is very difficult to stop this process.

It is for this reason that catering employees must undergo mandatory medical examinations. In addition, they include not only a standard list of tests and examinations, but also a conclusion from the laboratory tank about the absence of Escherichia coli or other viruses that can be transmitted through tactile contact.

A person who does not have certificates and conclusions should not be allowed not only to cook, but also to serve food.

Trade employees

Again, working with people requires special care, therefore, a medical examination, which includes a complete check-up of the body (a laboratory tank is not a mandatory criterion), must be carried out before going to work and beyond, within the time limits specified by law.

This segment includes both employees Food Industry, and the seller of manufactured goods and services. Any human contact is associated with a certain level of harm to health. Yes, in some areas it is lower, while in others it is over the top.

food industry

Employees of the food industry (absolutely everyone, from technical staff to managers) undergo a full medical examination, including tests for hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, salmonellosis and other infectious diseases, an examination by a dermatologist, gynecologist and surgeon (for women and men respectively).

Each employee is required to have a sanitary book with seals from the sanitary station and bacteriological laboratory.

The employer has the right to allow a person to work only after the final medical examination and the entry of all test results in the employee's sanitary book.


Workers of water utilities, pumping stations, and reservoirs have a huge responsibility to water consumers. Therefore, the admission of an employee without a medical examination is strictly prohibited and criminally punishable.

A virus that has entered the water can cause an epidemic in a matter of days, therefore, each employee is required to undergo a full examination and listen to a lecture at the station's sanitation.


There are no special exceptions in the order of medical examination for minors. The only difference is that they usually do not need to be examined by a cardiologist. In all other respects, they have the same obligations to society.

On your own and on your own initiative no one passes primary or other medical examination, they give him a referral. The enterprise or company issues a form that indicates the personal data of the employee, his position, the nature of the examination (primary or regular), and the name of the institution that will carry out the procedure.

The employee comes with this form and passport to the named institution and undergoes an examination, after which he receives a medical certificate.

Which doctors should be visited?

The list of doctors for a professional examination, the appointment of which is necessary for admission to work, does not differ in length and is sometimes combined with the delivery of tests. At the same time, only in some cases of primary medical examination, a doctor from this list can be excluded. This is due to the nature of the work. For example, not everyone needs to be seen by an ophthalmologist.

So, on the way to a medical certificate will be:

Required tests

Passing a preliminary medical examination involves donating blood (taken right there, from a vein), donating feces and urine (the worker brings them with him in special containers for donating biomaterial, which can be bought at a pharmacy). The test result is usually ready in a day., and their validity period coincides with the validity period of the medical examination itself - this is one year.

Where to get a medical examination?

Hypothetically, any clinic can conduct a medical examination, but it must have a license to provide this service. Employers prefer to deal with specialized medical centers who deal exclusively with medical examinations.

Their advantage is that all doctors are gathered here, and the examination takes from half an hour to an hour. Among the shortcomings is the paid nature of the provision of services.

IMPORTANT: The employee himself, as a rule, does not have to choose a place where he can undergo a preliminary medical examination - the direction indicates the institution with which the enterprise has an agreement.

What information does a health certificate contain?

There are two forms of medical certificates that an employer needs: 086 / y and 001GS / y. Let's take a look at their features.

Let's start with the fact that the medical certificate 086 is outdated, and now, although they require it, they do not have the right to do so under the law. It contains data on the passage of all the doctors that we talked about above.

New certificate 001 concerns information from a psychiatrist and narcologist. Not all employers care about how the employee is doing with vision and hearing, if there are no visible deviations.

Information about drug or alcohol addiction and diseases such as schizophrenia, epilepsy is a necessity. Therefore, a medical certificate of form 001 is required for admission to all institutions.

How long is valid?

Both forms medical examination certificates, both old and new, are valid for one year from the moment of their receipt (according to order No. 984 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation).

ADVICE: A year later, even if you have not been ill and continue to work in the same place, you must undergo a secondary examination. It is usually easier and faster.

Useful video

Watch a video about the features of passing a medical examination when applying for a job:


Of course, initially the availability of health certificates is a bureaucratic moment in our country. However, it has good goals both for the employer - his employee will provide services properly, and for the citizen himself - few people voluntarily go to preventive examinations every year.

In general, the passage of medical examinations by working people is a guarantee safe life and timely detection of medical problems. Therefore, it is worth spending an hour a year to be sure of your health.

Many professions are associated with dangerous or harmful factors that negatively affect a person's life. Some people do not have the opportunity to learn a particular craft at all for health reasons. To prevent industrial accidents and to prevent occupational diseases, a mandatory periodic medical examination. Consider the rules of its organization and determine the persons responsible for this.

Legislation on the medical examination procedure

The employer is fully responsible for labor safety. The law imposes on him the obligation to timely organize the passage of a medical examination when hiring or during the period labor activity. The following legal documents govern this obligation:

  • TK RF.
  • Order of the Federal Ministry of Health of 2004 establishing a list of dangerous and harmful production work which require periodic medical examinations of employees.
  • Order of Rosminzdravmedprom, which contains information on the category of employees subject to mandatory medical examination, indicating its frequency.
  • Industry papers ( sanitary rules and standards).

The Labor Code obliges employers to organize a medical examination for an employee who must comply with the requirements medical control. Violation of the rules by an employee or employer can lead to administrative liability. A periodic medical examination not passed on time will result in the removal of the employee from execution official duties. Moreover, if it is the fault of the employer, then the duration of downtime will be paid. Otherwise, the person will be left without wages.

The concept and goals of a medical examination

A medical examination is a set of measures and interventions that are aimed at diagnosing pathological conditions in a person and preventing the risks of developing occupational and other diseases. Periodic procedures are carried out in order to monitor the health of employees and reduce industrial injuries. For each, there are deadlines in which the employee is required to see a doctor.

Periodic physical examination pursues and timely response to changes in health status. It is thanks to such events that it is possible to recognize the development at the initial stages and begin timely treatment. The results of the survey may prompt the employer to transfer the employee to a less hazardous area of ​​production. The verdict of the medical commission ultimately either confirms the fact that the employee is fit to perform his duties, or, conversely, does not allow him to do so.

Prerequisites for medical examination

Conducting periodic medical examinations is carried out at a certain time, which depends on the degree of danger of production factors and their type of harmfulness. It is possible to determine whether an employee is affected by any adverse conditions using the appendix to Order No. 302n.

Classification of dangerous and harmful production factors

Group of factors



Mixes and chemical substances, which are measured in the air of the working area and on human skin. These include substances of a biological nature obtained by chemical synthesis (vitamins, antibiotics, enzymes)


Pathogenic microorganisms, producers, spores and living cells, pathogens of infections and epidemiological diseases


Vibroacoustics, microclimate, non-ionizing and ionizing radiation, light environment

Severity of labor

Physical static and dynamic load, movement in space, working posture, weight of the load being moved and lifted manually

Labor intensity

Hearing stress, active monitoring of the production process, density of sound and light signals, stress on the vocal apparatus

Under the influence of at least one of the listed factors, a periodic medical examination should be carried out at least once a year.

Today, when applying for almost any position, it is necessary to undergo a preliminary medical examination. And this is not at all a whim of the employer. Preliminary and periodic medical examinations in addition to employees exposed to hazardous and harmful factors, workers pass:

  • treatment-and-prophylactic and children's institutions;
  • Food Industry;
  • trade;
  • Catering;
  • waterworks.

Mandatory inspection is carried out in order to protect the population from the emergence and spread of dangerous diseases.

Referral for medical examination

Preliminary and periodic medical examinations are regulated by Order No. 302n. In the first case, before being hired for a certain position, the employer issues a referral to the applicant, which contains data on the enterprise, the intended position and the nature of harmful or hazardous production factors (if any). The list of specialists and laboratory and functional studies that a future employee needs to undergo is established in accordance with the List of Works and Harmful Factors. The medical examination is considered completed if all prescribed procedures are completed. At this stage, a medical opinion is formed, which allows or prohibits the employee from taking a certain position. It is important to understand that in the event of a negative decision of the medical board, an employment contract cannot be concluded with the applicant.

Periodic medical examinations of employees are carried out within the time limits specified in the List of Works and Harmful Factors. Two months before the next medical examination, the employer is obliged to issue a referral to the employee. The employee undertakes to appear at the specified time.

Organization of periodic medical examinations

Before sending employees to a medical facility for a medical examination, the employer has to do several things. First of all, you need to make a list of the contingent of workers. This is normative act enterprise, containing information about the professions of employees who are subject to preliminary or periodic medical examination. A sample of the established form for this document is not provided, but a list of data has been developed that should be indicated in it:

  • the position of the employee according to the staff list;
  • name of harmful or type of work.

This may also include Additional Information at the discretion of the employer. The list of contingents is approved once, until any changes occur at the enterprise (new jobs, improvement or deterioration of working conditions, reorganization). The finished document is sent to Rospotrebnadzor.

Name lists of persons are developed annually two months before the agreed date of the medical examination. It must indicate the length of service precisely in the conditions of the declared production factor. It should be noted that the passage of a periodic medical examination is carried out at least once every 2 years in a medical institution and once every 5 years in the center of occupational pathology. The lists are compiled separately.

Issue of the order

The company concludes an agreement with a medical institution, where employees will undergo regular medical examinations. After agreeing on the terms, surveys are drawn up, with which it is necessary to familiarize the employees. Each person from the surname list confirms the fact of informing with a personal signature. At the same time, the employee may be issued a referral for a periodic medical examination.

The need for planned preventive measures is confirmed by the issuance of an order, which is drawn up in an arbitrary form. Consider the approximate content of this document:

Order "On Periodic Medical Examination"

In accordance with Art. 212, 213, 266 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation,


  1. Approve the lists of employees who are subject to mandatory medical examination in 2016. A schedule of preventive measures and a list of employees is attached.
  2. Send the employees specified in the list to the medical institution "City Polyclinic No. 2" in accordance with the established schedule for undergoing a medical examination.
  3. The heads of departments and subdivisions should not allow the specified employees to perform their official duties until the examinations have been passed.
  4. Heads of departments and divisions to acquaint employees with the order under the signature.
  5. Control over the execution of the order is assigned to Ivanov I.V.

After that, the full name of the director, his personal signature and applications with a surname list of persons who need to appear at the medical institution for medical examination are indicated. Order for periodic medical examinations - binding document, which is compiled on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Order of the Federal Ministry of Health No. 302n.

The frequency of inspection for certain professions

As already mentioned, health monitoring of employees is carried out under the condition that the latter work in hazardous and hazardous industries, regularly visit clinics and representatives of professions who in one way or another come into contact with a large number of people. Mandatory periodic medical examinations are required for employees:

  • Food industry, food trade, public catering - twice a year, tests for infectious diseases and STDs are performed, as well as an analysis for the carriage of staphylococcus and other bacteriological studies. Once a year, fluorography, a consultation with a therapist and laboratory tests for the presence of helminths are prescribed.
  • Children's preschool, school and secondary professional, medical institutions - examination for the presence of STDs, infectious diseases and bacteriological studies are carried out up to 4 times a year. A general therapeutic commission with the passage of fluorography and laboratory tests is required once a year.
  • Pharmacies and non-food trade - once a year, an examination by a dermatovenereologist, a therapist, fluorography and laboratory tests are shown.
  • Communal services for the population and swimming pools - 2 times a year are examined for the presence of STDs and 1 time per year they undergo a standard medical examination. Vaccination against diphtheria is required.

It is worth noting that the number of examinations, regardless of profession, includes such procedures as fluorography, a blood test for syphilis, bacteriological studies for STDs, an examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist. For women, a visit to the gynecologist is mandatory.

Medical examination of persons working in hazardous and hazardous industries

Depending on the category of hazardous factors, the deadlines for employees to pass the mandatory one should be taken into account that, regardless of the length of service and profession, the following persons are subject to an annual examination:

  • under 21;
  • employed in the Far North region (including in areas equated to them) from another locality;
  • working on a rotational basis.

Consider the frequency of medical examination depending on the working conditions (profession).

Medical examination for employees of hazardous (dangerous) production

Types of work (production), profession

Explosive fire

1 time per year

Using and carrying weapons

1 time per year

emergency services

1 time per year

Service electrical installations (over 42 VAC, over 110 VDC)

1 time in 2 years

In areas remote from honey. institutions

1 time per year

Work on machines and equipment with moving parts

1 time in 2 years

Underground and high-altitude works

1 time per year

Land transport management

1 time in 2 years

Underwater work in a gaseous environment (at normal pressure)

1 time in 2 years

Do not forget that there is a professional periodic medical examination, which is necessary to pass in the center of occupational pathology once every five years.

Medical examination before the start of the working day (shift)

Some employees, who are responsible for more than their own lives, undergo a small physical examination daily. This includes workers employed in hazardous and hazardous industries. Purpose: to control the state of health after labor day and fixing complaints about well-being. Drivers of all ground vehicles, as well as pilots, undergo periodic medical examinations at work. This time is included in the composition of the working day (shift) and takes 15 minutes at the most, unless, of course, there is a suspicion that the employee's condition is deteriorating. Procedures include measurement of pulse, pressure, general assessment of health status and reactions. Periodic medical examination of drivers without fail includes a check of clarity of consciousness. In the presence of alcohol or drug intoxication (which is confirmed or denied by express tests if necessary), the employee is removed from the flight. General malaise, pressure drops can also become a medical withdrawal from the performance of labor duties.

The legislation made it mandatory to pass a pre-trip check of the condition of drivers for each enterprise or individual entrepreneur. Every employee in vehicle, which belongs legal entity undergoing a medical examination. The doctor or paramedic decides on the admission of the employee to work. Conclusion honey. personnel must be strictly observed.

Who pays?

In order for an employee to undergo a periodic medical examination, it is required to pay for preventive procedures. Who bears the cost of the medical examination? When hiring and carrying out labor activities, the costs of a medical examination are borne by the employer. This rule is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 213). The enterprise is free to independently choose a medical institution. Before concluding a contract with an organization, you should make sure of the following points:

  • the organization is licensed;
  • in the list of services and works in the appendix to the license, it is noted that the institution has the right to conduct medical examinations or an examination of professional suitability;
  • has all the necessary specialists on staff;
  • owns the required equipment;
  • provides services at the address specified in the license.

It is also necessary to clarify the procedure for examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist. Often additional visits to dispensaries are required to obtain mental and physical health certificates. The cost of services is determined based on the number of required consultations and studies.

Even if the applicant does not find a job after passing the medical examination, the employer does not have the right to demand reimbursement of expenses. Deductions from wages or self-payment for preventive examinations are unlawful in relation to the employee. The employer is obliged to bear all expenses and, in addition, to keep the employee's salary for the duration of the medical examination within the average daily wage.

Periodic medical examination is an important event that allows timely diagnosis of occupational and socially dangerous diseases. Procedures are performed primarily in the interests of the employee. Both the employer and the employee should comply with the requirements of the law on passing medical examinations. Violations result in significant administrative fines.

One of the most popular and common documents when applying for a job is a personal medical (sanitary) book. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for strict measures for the safety of the health of citizens.

The presence of this document makes it possible to judge the professional suitability of the employee, the absence of diseases, infections and viruses, according to the results of examinations. Also, the presence of a medical book serves as a guarantee that the employee is not a carrier of a dangerous disease that poses a threat to the life and health of society.

Medical book

Shared medical records into 3 categories according to the number of necessary tests and examinations:

  • for those employed at work in wholesale and retail stores of industrial goods;
  • for trade in products, work in public catering, public services and education;
  • for medical workers.

What it is

Personal medical book - government-issued strict reporting form. You can't buy it at an office supply store. The form of the form, the rules for issuing and accounting for which were approved by Rospotrebnadzor in order No. 402 dated 05/20/2005.

By law, the execution of an employee's medical book the employer is required to. He must pay the invoice:

  • form of a medical book and a hologram;
  • for hygiene education;
  • study guides.

The worker then goes to a medical institution serving the organization. However, in practice, in order to get a job, you have to draw up a book yourself.

What documents are required for registration

When the medical book is issued for the first time, when contacting an authorized federal service institution to provide such a service will require:

  • passport;
  • application of the established form;
  • 3x4 photo;
  • paid invoice;
  • vaccination certificate;
  • certificate of registration and absence of HIV infection for foreign workers.

Purpose of obtaining

Registration by an employee of a medical book and sending him to undergo professional examinations prevents the occurrence and spread of infectious and occupational diseases. The head of the enterprise is primarily responsible for the absence of a book from employees. When hiring a new employee, the employer must be completely sure that his health will allow him to perform professional duties.

Conducting examinations and research analyzes allows doctors to detect the disease in a timely manner and, if necessary, begin treatment. If the disease is associated with an infection, pathogenic microorganisms are detected, the patient is not allowed to work until he is completely cured.

Where is issued

Responsibilities for recording and issuing medical books assigned to the Centers of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the regions. After filling in all the necessary data, the employee is sent for examination to specialists. Provides necessary tests. If, after passing the medical examination, he receives a conclusion on professional suitability, he is sent for hygienic training and certification.

A medical commission can be passed free of charge at a polyclinic at the place of residence or in budgetary hospitals with polyclinic departments. Obtain certificates from narcologists and psychiatrists in the respective dispensaries. visit dental clinic. For women, contact your local antenatal clinic. This process usually takes a long time.

Most often they turn to commercial accredited CGE medical institutions. Having paid the necessary package of services, you can immediately do a medical examination, hygiene training and get a medical book.

Before contacting such an institution, it is imperative to find out whether it has permission from the regional Center to issue this document.

The heads of many organizations interested in the employee receiving a book without leaving the workplace conclude an agreement with a medical institution to conduct an on-site medical examination. After holding events and paying bills, medical books issued and registered at the Hygiene Center.

Medical checkup

On the basis of the legislation, in order to conduct an inspection in an institution accredited by the federal service, on a permanent basis, a a commission of doctors of various specializations headed by an occupational therapist.

Regardless of the type of activity, all employees must undergo an examination in fluorographic rooms once a year! When passing a medical examination, this certificate is provided in the first place.

The exact list of doctors depends on the field of activity:

Employees of enterprises producing and trading industrial goods and utilities:

  1. They need to visit a dermatologist-venereologist, take tests and smears for sexually transmitted diseases, a clinical blood test.
  2. Get a referral from a therapist. According to the results obtained, the therapist may prescribe additional examinations.
  3. The vaccination certificate must contain a mark on vaccination against measles (once) and current vaccination against diphtheria, which must be done once every 10 years.

Teachers, kindergarten teachers, catering and food production workers, grocery store sellers:

  1. In addition to a dermatologist, they should be examined by specialist doctors: an otolaryngologist, an infectious disease specialist, an occupational therapist, a narcologist and a psychiatrist.
  2. Visit the dental office to carry out, if necessary, a sanitation procedure - treatment of teeth, gums, removal of foci of infections.
  3. For women, a mandatory examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist is required. Women over the age of 40 are required to undergo an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands. Such a diagnosis should be done every 2 years.
  4. The physical examination also includes diagnostic studies and laboratory tests: general clinical and biochemical blood tests, tests and samples for venereal diseases, urinalysis, scraping for helminth eggs, additionally - tests for dysentery, enterobiasis, typhoid fever, staphylococcus aureus.
  5. You need to take an electrocardiogram.

Employees employed in medicine, in addition to the above, must be tested for viral hepatitis and HIV infection.

At the place of inspection, it is issued medical outpatient card. It contains all the information on the inspection.

After examination, she remains in medical organization. The medical examination is considered passed after the examination of the patient by all specialists and the delivery of all tests.

If the employee undergoes an examination in the direction of the employer, the medical examination is carried out exactly according to the points indicated in the direction. Therefore, sometimes there is a need to be examined additionally. For example, a surgeon, an ophthalmologist or a cardiologist.

Based on the results of the medical examination, conclusion on professional suitability for certain work. The document is being drawn up in 2 copies. It is signed by the chairman of the commission - a general practitioner. Document certified by the seal of the medical institution. The first copy of the conclusion is issued to the patient, the second remains in the institution.

Sample certificate of professional suitability

The validity period of the inspection is 1 year.

Hygiene training and testing

After successfully passing the examination and receiving a conclusion from the therapist, the employee goes to hygiene training. Training in basic sanitary skills helps to improve the culture of production and occupational health. The person gains more knowledge about healthy way life and their application in practice.

Training provided by licensed organizations educational activities or directly at enterprises where there are specially trained employees.

Training includes topics:

  • personal hygiene;
  • causes of poisoning;
  • sanitary requirements and regimes at enterprises;
  • infectious diseases and their prevention.

Hygiene training is carried out face-to-face in the form of seminars, trainings or briefings. Correspondence form of study is also provided teaching materials. Information and materials for study are presented on the websites of the regional Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

You can also pass a control test for knowledge of sanitary legislation on the center's website remotely.

The hygienic certification mark must be certified by a hologram on the 28th page of the book. Valid for 2 years.

The exception is cases where you have to change the specifics of the work. In this case, it is required to pass a new certification and obtain a hologram corresponding to new profession. AT medical book you can make a mark on several valid certifications. This makes it possible to work in combination.

Video on how to get a medical book.

If a person changes his place of work, the book can be extended on the basis of the records in it about the relevant analyzes, conclusions and hygienic certification. There is also an additional page in the sanitary book, where marks are made about the transition to work in another organization.

Cost of services to make a book

Making a medical book requires money. The cost of the form itself is 150 rubles. The price of full-time training in the center is 700 rubles. Tutorials to pass through the correspondence system will cost from 70 to 110 rubles. The price depends on the profession and field of activity of the applicant. Certification costs 200 rubles, a hologram - 500 rubles.

The cost of the medical examination is set by the medical institution.

Representatives of some professions are required to issue a medical examination when applying for a job. The main task is to determine whether the applicant for the position has contraindications, as well as to identify infectious or viral diseases that are dangerous to others. The list of specialists who are required to start work only after a medical commission is quite wide. We tell you who needs to arrange a medical examination, how much money you have to spend and why you can’t refuse to visit doctors.

During employment, some specialists are required to issue an initial medical examination. This requirement is set out in Labor Code(Article 213). A visit to the doctors will fix the condition of a potential employee and determine the restrictions on duties. They are different for each position. For example, for a teacher, poor vision is not critical, while a visually impaired driver may be denied employment.

Under Russian law, a preliminary medical examination must be completed when applying for a job:

  • employees under 18;
  • specialists working in a dangerous, harmful environment, at risk to life (for example, rescuers) or in the Far North;
  • shift workers;
  • driving cars, official, public and any other type of transport;
  • judges;
  • specialists in trade, the food industry, including production and catering establishments, the service sector;
  • plumbing personnel;
  • doctors, nurses and other health workers;
  • educators, teachers, teachers, teachers of educational institutions of all levels and their technical staff.

Note that this list refers to the primary medical examination. Some specialists visit doctors annually, once every 2 years or twice a year. Some, such as drivers of passenger vehicles, are required to undergo a brief examination before each shift. This is also enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

List of doctors and tests

Passing a medical examination when applying for a job means attending an examination of doctors from a certain list, undergoing a fluorography, an electrocardiogram, and also taking tests. It is quite possible to do everything in 2 days if the necessary specialists are in place. On the first day, a person takes tests, ECG and fluorography, visits doctors according to the list. In the second, he takes the results of the tests, FLG and visits the therapist for a final conclusion.

List of doctors for medical examination:

  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist (ear-nose-throat);
  • neurologist or neuropathologist;
  • surgeon;
  • dermatologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • expert in narcology.

Mandatory tests:

  • blood;
  • urine.


  • fluorography;
  • electrocardiogram.

For individual specialists, the list varies slightly. A complete list of doctors is given by the therapist based on the direction of the employer (the profession the patient is applying for will be indicated there). Medical Commission(this role is played by a therapist) based on the results of the examination, gives a certificate of compliance with the position. Data on the examination are entered into the citizen's medical book.

List of documents

A medical examination of this kind is quite simple to document (at least for the applicant). The head of the organization issues a referral for an initial medical examination to the specialist whom he plans to employ. Sometimes such a document indicates a specific state clinic, but in most cases the employee can choose a commercial clinic. In the direction indicate the profession for which the "patient" applies.

First you need to visit a therapist who will issue a list of doctors. The employee must always have:

  • passport;
  • policy;
  • SNILS;
  • medical book;
  • health passport (for the public sector).

Everything documenting- records and seals in a medical book or health passport - are made by doctors. The task of the employee is to quickly move from office to office and transfer documents to specialists.

When the examination is completed, the therapist writes a conclusion. There are several options: stamps in the medical book, marks in the health passport or a separate certificate. In many budget organizations medical check-ups are so well established that medical institutions themselves transfer everything Required documents without burdening employees with them.

The employer issues a referral for a medical examination to the candidate for the position

How long is a medical examination certificate valid?

The certificate of successful completion of the medical examination remains valid for 1 year from the date of issue. But if the document is prepared in accordance with the form 0-86 U (for minors, applicants to universities or secondary vocational schools), its validity will be only 6 months.

Note that when finding employment in a new place, which also requires a medical examination, you will have to visit the doctors again, even if the year has not yet expired. There are no exceptions, since the law requires employers to send new employees for an initial medical examination. Departure from this principle would be a violation of the law.

Survey frequency

We figured out how to pass a medical examination for employment in new organization. That is, the so-called primary inspection. Then you will have to visit doctors periodically. The frequency of visits is tied to the profession:

  • twice a year - food industry, food sales, cafes, restaurants, canteens, bars, laundries, beauty salons;
  • annually - kindergartens, schools, colleges, technical schools, universities, pharmacies and non-food trade, dangerous and harmful institutions;
  • 1 time in 2 years - workers of electrical installations and machine tools with moving elements.

The cost of a medical examination when applying for a job

Where to get a medical examination for getting a job? Most often, when preparing a referral, the head indicates a specific clinic, budget or commercial. Government agencies indicate budgetary institutions, commercial - private, if they have an agreement. If there is no clear indication, you can contact the commercial clinic where all the necessary specialists work and take the necessary tests.

In state and commercial clinics, the cost of a medical examination when applying for a job is about 3,500 rubles. The amount depends not only on the status of the clinic, but also on the list of specialists for a particular position. In private institutions, most likely, the price will be higher, but the conditions for passing are more comfortable.

Usually, the employee undergoes a medical examination at his own expense, and then the employer compensates him for all costs. Therefore, it is important to keep and transfer all checks and receipts to the accounting or human resources department. Compensation occurs in 2-3 months, it is forbidden to refuse to pay an employee for a medical examination.

Registration of a medical examination will take 1-2 days

Sanctions for refusing to undergo a medical examination

The only sanction that threatens for refusing to visit doctors is denial of employment. No penalty or penalty is foreseen. However, the employer must refuse to sign labor contract with such an expert.

Employer's responsibility

If an organization or individual entrepreneur employs an employee without an initial medical examination, they will face a fine, regardless of the reasons for the misconduct. Individual entrepreneurs will pay from 15 to 25 thousand rubles, organizations - from 110 to 130 thousand. If the employer has not compensated for the costs of visiting doctors, the citizen must apply to the court within 3 months (from a direct refusal or when the victim found out that his rights are not respected).


Several categories of employees are required to issue a medical examination during employment. These are those professionals whose work is related to interaction with other people or hazardous conditions. The list of doctors and tests directly depends on the position. It is prescribed by the therapist at the first visit to the patient. The average cost is 3500 rubles. The employer must pay or reimburse all costs.