Professional standard sister hostess. Job description of a sister-mistress. Standards for a nurse in a polyclinic

  • 31.03.2020

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a housewife, a sample of 2019/2020. should include the following sections: general position, duties of a hostess sister, rights of a hostess sister, responsibility of a hostess sister.

Job description housewives belongs to the section Qualification characteristics health worker positions".

The following items should be reflected in the job description of the hostess:

Responsibilities of a housewife

1) Job responsibilities. Supervises the work of nurses and cleaners to keep the premises clean and tidy medical organization(subdivisions), provides the serviced subdivision with household equipment, overalls, hygiene items, stationery, detergents, bed and underwear for patients. Makes a change of bathrobes, towels for employees of a medical organization. Draws up requests for the repair of premises, equipment, inventory and supervises its implementation. Provides power supply units (buffet, canteen) with equipment, utensils and monitors their correct labeling and use. Maintains accounting records.

Sister mistress should know

2) Sister-mistress in the performance of their official duties should know: expiration dates of linen and equipment used in a medical organization (division); methods of sanitizing inventory; conditions of operation and storage of inventory; forms of accounting and reporting documentation and rules for filling them out; rules for compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime in a medical organization (subdivision); internal labor regulations; labor protection rules and fire safety.

Qualification requirements for a housewife

3) Qualification requirements. Secondary (complete) general education and additional training in the direction professional activity no requirement for work experience.

The job description of the hostess sister is a sample of 2019/2020. The duties of a housewife sister, the rights of a housewife sister, the responsibility of a housewife sister.

In connection with the entry into force of amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2016, which regulate the procedure for the application of professional standards by employers, the application of existing professional standards has become mandatory, including the application by medical organizations of the professional standard for junior medical workers (order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated January 12, 2016 N 2n).
The medical organization is a state budgetary psychiatric institution with 428 junior medical staff; personnel at the current moment must have documents on education in accordance with the requirements of this professional standard. As part of the estimated and standard costs for financial support fulfillment of the state task, funds are not provided for the training of medical workers, including junior medical personnel.
Targeted subsidies for advanced training of medical workers, in accordance with normative documents, are issued for the category of paramedical workers, doctors, specialists and employees. That is, junior medical personnel cannot be trained at the expense of these funds. Funds from income-generating activities in the institution are insignificant and will not be able to cover the cost of training all nursing staff.
Should the institution train its employees, or is it the responsibility of the employee himself?
Is there any official document about this?
Is it possible to take vacant positions nursing staff of workers who do not have a certificate of professional training in order to train them later?

After considering the issue, we came to the following conclusion:
In the above situation, the employer has the right to be guided by the requirements of both the professional standard and the qualification guide approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 23, 2010 N 541n. Therefore, if the education of workers meets the requirements of the handbook, additional training of medical workers is not necessary.
The legislation does not provide for the obligation of the employer to pay for the training of already hired employees whose qualifications do not meet the requirements of professional standards. Such workers shall be trained under the conditions and in the manner determined by collective agreement agreements, employment contracts.

Rationale for the conclusion:
1. In accordance with part two of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a professional standard is a qualification characteristic, necessary for the employee for the implementation of a certain type of professional activity, including the performance of a certain labor function.
According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws with the performance of work in certain positions, professions, specialties, the provision of compensations and benefits or the presence of restrictions, the name of these positions, professions or specialties, and qualification requirements they must comply with the names and requirements specified in the qualification reference books approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, or the relevant provisions of professional standards.
As you can see, the specified norm of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation implies that the employer has the right to choose which of the documents named in this norm to apply if the same position is included both in the qualification directory and in the professional standard (clause 5 of the information of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation on the application of professional standards, sent by letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 04.04.2016 N 14-0 / 10 / V-2253, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 06.07.2016 N 14-2 / ​​OOG-6465, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 12.02.2016 N 09-PG-MON-814, Ministry of economic development RF dated 10/17/2013 N 22405-OF / D26i "According to draft orders of the Ministry of Labor of Russia", response from the portal "Onlineinspektsiya.RF").
As medical workers compensation is provided (for example, reduced work time) and benefits, and engaging in medical activities is associated with certain restrictions (the need for a specialist certificate, etc.), the qualification requirements for the positions of these workers must comply with the requirements specified in the qualification reference books or in professional standards (part two of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Ministry of Health and social development RF dated 23.07.2010 N 541n approved the section of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the positions of managers, specialists and employees "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare". In accordance with this order, the following qualification requirements for the positions of junior medical personnel are established:
- "Younger nurse in nursing" must have an initial vocational education in the specialty "Nursing" without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education, additional training in the direction of professional activity without presenting requirements for work experience;
- "Nurse" - secondary (complete) general education without presenting requirements for work experience.
- "Sister-mistress" - secondary (complete) general education and additional training in the direction of professional activity without presenting requirements for work experience;
Also, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of January 12, 2016 N 2n approved the professional standard "Junior medical personnel" (hereinafter referred to as the professional standard). In accordance with clause 3.1, clause 3.2 of the professional standard, the following requirements are imposed:
- "Junior nurse for patient care" must have secondary general education and vocational training for the position "Junior nurse for patient care"; secondary vocational education in the specialties "Nursing", "Medicine", "Obstetrics" - educational programs for the training of qualified workers (employees) for the position of "Junior Nurse for Patient Care".
- "Sanitary" - secondary general education, vocational training for the position of "Sanitary".
The professional standard "Mistress Sister" is not currently accepted.
Thus, in the above situation, the employer has the right to be guided by the requirements of the qualification handbook when establishing qualification requirements for the positions of junior medical personnel.
Note that in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2016 N 584 professional standards in terms of the requirements for qualifications necessary for an employee to perform a certain labor function established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive authorities, applied, including by state and municipal institutions stage-by-stage on the basis of the plans for organizing the application of professional standards approved by these organizations, taking into account the opinions of the representative bodies of employees. The implementation of the activities of these plans must be completed no later than January 1, 2020 (see also Information mail of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education of March 10, 2017 N 122 "On topical issues of the application of professional standards").
However, N 584 does not provide for state institutions any additional cases of applying professional standards in comparison with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This normative act only establishes the need for this category of employers to take measures aimed at ensuring that their employees meet the requirements of professional standards in cases where they are mandatory for use in accordance with the law in terms of the requirements for the qualifications of employees. This Decree does not exclude the right of institutions to choose the application for the same positions of the requirements of professional standards or qualification reference books, established by part two of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Therefore, in our opinion, despite the introduction of the professional standard "Junior medical personnel", which establishes other requirements for the positions of junior medical personnel than those established by the qualification directory, government agency has the right to be guided by the qualification handbook approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 23, 2010 N 541n.
2. The need for employee training (vocational education and vocational training) and additional professional education for their own needs is determined by the employer. In cases stipulated by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to conduct vocational training or additional vocational education for employees, if this is a condition for the employees to perform certain types of activities (parts one and four of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Neither the Russian Federation nor other regulatory legal acts provide for the obligation of the employer to pay for the training of already hired employees whose qualifications do not meet the requirements of professional standards. Accordingly, such workers are trained on the terms and in the manner determined by the collective agreement, agreements, labor contract (part two of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, letters of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 04.04. RF").
In fairness, we note that representatives of Rostrud also express the opinion on this issue that advanced training in this case should be carried out at the expense of the employer (answer 1, answer 2, answer 3, answer 4 from the portal "Onlineinspektsiya.RF").

Prepared answer:
Legal Consulting Service Expert GARANT
Verkhova Nadezhda

Response quality control:
Reviewer of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
Komarova Victoria

The material was prepared on the basis of an individual written consultation provided as part of the Legal Consulting service.


Mistress Sister Job Responsibilities. Supervises the work of nurses and cleaners to keep the premises of the medical organization (subdivision) clean and tidy; provides the serviced unit with household equipment, overalls, hygiene items, stationery, detergents, bed linen and underwear for patients; for the repair of premises, equipment, inventory and controls its implementation, provides power supplies (buffet, dining room) with equipment, utensils and monitors their correct labeling and use. Maintains accounting records

Must know: the expiration dates of linen and equipment used in a medical organization (department); methods of sanitizing inventory; conditions of operation and storage of inventory; forms of accounting and reporting documentation and rules for filling them out; rules for compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime in a medical organization (subdivision); internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety. Qualification requirements. Secondary (complete) general education and additional training in the direction of professional activity without presenting requirements for work experience.

Requirements for vocational education and training of an employee educational institution in the presence of general education not below average (complete) General Requirements to practical work experience - not required Special conditions for admission to work passing preliminary and periodic medical examinations(examinations) in the prescribed manner personal medical book

« Economic activity in the health care unit rational organization workplace and own work Obtaining information on the standards of economic activity of the department of the medical institution Conducting an economic detour and examination of the sanitary and technical condition of the premises and equipment of the department Identifying malfunctions of sanitary equipment, the need for repair Aesthetic design of the premises of the department of the medical institution winter period preparation of the premises of the department for disinfection measures (disinfection, disinfestation, deratization) monitoring the implementation of requests for the repair of premises, communications, equipment

“Economic activities in the HCI unit Ensuring labeling, storage of spare keys from all premises of the department in the prescribed manner Ensuring free access to emergency exits in the department Ensuring the safety and working condition of fire fighting equipment Compliance with labor protection and safety Interaction with the administration of the department (head of the department or head nurse ) in case of emergencies, etc. filling in the established documentation

"Material support of the HCI unit" obtaining information and determining the needs of the department (office) of the HCI in soft and hard inventory Coordination with the head of the department and the head nurse Receiving work clothes and means from the warehouse personal protection for the medical staff, changing gowns, towels for employees, receiving soft and hard equipment from the warehouse in accordance with the equipment list and providing storage, providing a power supply unit (buffet, canteen) with equipment, utensils, labeling soft and hard equipment, monitoring the operation of the soft and hard equipment of the department

“Material support of the health care facility unit” receiving and issuing linen and other soft equipment to the offices (department) ensuring the supply of linen in the offices (department) organizing (implementing) the systematic washing of medical gowns of employees, linen used in the offices (department) monitoring the quality of washing, safety, darning and conformity of marking upon receipt of linen from the laundry room delivery of bedding to chamber disinfection receipt and storage of clean bedding

“Ensuring the accounting and safety of the material and technical assets of the HCI department Interaction with members of the inventory commission, accounting department and other services of the HCI on inventory issues Keeping records of soft and hard inventory and equipment, ensuring its safety and monitoring the condition of ensuring the availability of inventory numbers on equipment, soft and furniture household inventory subject to material accounting identification of soft and hard inventory unsuitable for further use. drafting a damage report material assets in the department of health care facilities preparation of soft inventory for write-off in the prescribed manner

“Ensuring the accounting and safety of the material and technical assets of the HCI department; compiling inventory records; preparing incoming and outgoing documents on material assets registered in the department and submitting them to the accounting department; stopping all operations for receiving and dispensing material assets during the inventory; status and assessment of the property of the branch by members of the inventory commission; comparison of inventory data with the actual availability of property; comparison of inventory data with data accounting

“Organization of the work of cleaners and nurses of the HCI unit Basic arrangement of cleaners and nurses in agreement with the head nurse of the department Determination of the scope of work for cleaners and nurses taking into account regulatory requirements and staffing work ensuring safe working conditions for cleaners and nurses (ward, pantry, bath attendants, escort nurses, etc.) providing junior staff with overalls and personal protective equipment adequate to the type of work performed providing junior staff with labor tools, disinfectants and detergents for sanitation work

"Organization of the work of cleaners and orderlies of the health care facility unit; monitoring all types of cleaning of the general and auxiliary premises of the department; monitoring the work of junior staff in the collection, storage, and disposal of waste in the department, in accordance with the hazard category; monitoring compliance with internal labor regulations and job duties." cleaning women and nurses of the department maintaining documentation of the established form


Product name Number of items per bed Service life in years Underwear and bed linen for patients Sheet Duvet cover Diaper Pillowcase top Mattress Feather pillow Woolen blanket

The Ministry of Health recommended not to reduce the wages of nurses transferred to the position of cleaner. Letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated February 7, 2018 N 16-3/10/2-705 "On the transfer of junior medical personnel to office cleaners."

Certification of junior medical personnel

According to the Order of July 23, 2010 N 541n "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare", as well as the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of January 12, 2016 N 2n "On approval of the professional standard "Junior medical personnel" in all In healthcare institutions, the qualifications (certification) of junior medical personnel are assessed for compliance with the requirements of the professional standard for their work functions.

Compulsory professional standard "Junior medical personnel"

The need for qualification certification junior medical staff dictates article 195.3 Labor Code Russian Federation. This article states that professional standards are mandatory for execution only in the part where the qualification requirements necessary for the performance of labor functions are defined. The rest of the professional standard is advisory in nature. AT professional standard (download document in pdf format) qualification requirements are defined, and junior medical staff must comply with them: a junior nurse (brother) for patient care, an orderly.

What to be guided by if the employee has not passed the certification?

Termination of the employment contract: If during the assessment of the qualifications of a junior honey. personnel, it turns out that the labor functions performed by them do not meet the requirements for the qualification of the professional standard, then the employment contract with this employee may be terminated on the basis ofparagraph 3, part one, article 81 of the Labor Code . It is important to keep in mind that the termination of the contract occurs on the basis of:

    inconsistency of the employee with the position held,

    inconsistency of the employee with the work performed due to insufficient qualifications.

Transfer to office cleaner : If the employee only cleans the premises, then he can be transferred to the position of a cleaner. To do this, the employer makes changes to staffing. The same is true if the organization there is a reduction the number and staff of employees: junior staff,according to the third part of Article 81 of the Labor Code , the position of the cleaner is offered.

What requirements should junior medical personnel meet?

According to the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development dated January 12, 2016 No. 2n “On approval of the professional standard “Junior medical personnel”, these specialists can have one of 2 qualification categories: 2nd and 4th.

Nurse(2 qualification category) must ensure the sanitary maintenance of wards, specialized rooms, the movement of material objects and medical waste, and care for the body of a deceased person. He must have a secondary general education and undergo vocational training for the position of "Nurseman". He must be able to provide first aid, disinfect care items, equipment, inventory and medical devices. Conduct pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices.

Must know the requirements of infectious safety, observe the sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime when transporting material objects.

Junior nurse for patient care (4 qualification category ). These specialists must have a secondary general education and vocational training for the position of "Junior Nurse for Patient Care"orsecondary vocational education in the specialties "Nursing", "Medicine", "Obstetrics" - educational programs for the training of qualified workers (employees) for the position of "Junior Nurse for Patient Care".

Labor duties of house cleaners and their salary

If the orderly was transferred to the position of a cleaner, then it is forbidden to assign the labor functions of a nurse to him. The cleaner should only clean office premises, according to the job description, in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of November 10, 1992 N 31 .

Nursing staff training


The title of the position is misleading for many, but it is in vain to think that this profession is not serious. The hostess has a great deal of responsibility.

The hostess sister belongs to the category of technical employees. The profession of a housewife can be described as follows: organization and control of order in medical institutions. She can perform her duties in a hospital, clinic, department. Having decided to become a housewife, it is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements for the vacancy. Although the job description is freely available, each medical institution has the right to supplement it with its own rules.

Given the full degree of responsibility assigned to a person with this position, there is a special holiday date on the calendar. Day of the hostess is celebrated on April 26.

The job description of the hostess includes the following sections:

  • the place of the sister in the structure of the medical staff, qualification requirements;
  • responsibilities;
  • rights;
  • responsibility.

Nurses are higher in the rank of hostess, and orderlies, cleaners, and laundry specialists are lower. The professional standard implies the presence of a secondary or complete general education and additional training in this specialty. Work experience is not required. The position involves the performance of the duties of a housewife:

  1. Supervises the work of cleaners, nurses.
  2. Manages household inventory.
  3. Provides the department assigned to it with hygiene items, overalls (boot covers, mask, gowns), stationery, detergents.
  4. Hands over dirty linen to the disinfection department.
  5. Provides sanitation for patients.
  6. Follows appearance patients (so that the clothes correspond to the sex and height of the patient).
  7. Changes bathrobes.
  8. Provides towels to medical staff.
  9. Responsible for the suitability of the premises for receiving patients (applications for repairs, purchase of equipment).
  10. Monitors the dining room (dishes, equipment, labeling of power supply items).
  11. Fills out reports on the work done, maintains various documentation.

The position of a housewife involves filling out applications for repairs

The rights of a housewife include:

  1. Request information from management that is necessary for the performance of duties.
  2. Participate in the commission for the write-off of unusable equipment.
  3. Give instructions to junior medical staff.

The sphere of responsibility of the hostess is to preserve the property, material assets entrusted to her for the purchase necessary equipment. For non-compliance or violation of the rules specified in the signed employment contract, the employee bears administrative and criminal liability.

How to become a housewife

When applying for a job in this position, special education is not required, it is enough to take training courses for a hostess sister. But with a diploma in hand higher education or at least a secondary special one, there are more chances to get a job. Vocational training can be taken at the centers of additional vocational education. So, in the city of Rostov-on-Don, there is an Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of the Southern Region. The next enrollment is March 2018.

The International Center for Vocational Education in Moscow provides an opportunity to get this profession to everyone. Course duration - 280 hours, about 2 months, distance learning. The cost is 4000 rubles. The courses are intended for persons with intermediate or complete, vocational education. At the end, a course of lectures and a video lesson are issued.

There are many similar courses, but to choose the right one, make sure that students receive a certificate upon completion of their studies state standard with the qualification "Sister-hostess".

What qualities do you need to have

People in this position need to interact a lot and productively with others, this is part of her duties. You need to have organizational skills. The hostess may have about 20 people under her supervision (it is impossible to know the exact number, each hospital has an individual internal structure).

Sister-hostess solves organizational issues

A good housewife should:

  • have well-developed communication skills;
  • know what stress resistance, endurance are, since the work is hard, requires physical and moral strength;
  • be careful, considerate and restrained.

Transfer of the mistress's sister to the wardrobe

Many are interested in how the transfer of the mistress sister to the housekeeper takes place. This happens with technological or organizational change labor, which is in accordance with the right of the employer.

The castellan is an employee who is responsible for the issuance and safety of overalls and linen. If the hostess does not agree, she is transferred to a position lower in rank and size wages, then she will be dismissed under clause 2 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with the payments due to her.

Hostess sister salary and vacancies

Not all medical institutions have this vacancy. To establish the position of a housewife, you need at least 40 beds per department, and 10 doctors, if we are talking about an outpatient clinic (polyclinic).

Where there are vacancies now, and the average salary of a hostess sister, depending on the country:

  1. Russia - salary 11,376 rubles (Psychiatric Hospital named after N.N. Bazhenov, GBU RME "Perinatal Center", Samara Clinical Blood Transfusion Station).
  2. Ukraine - salary 5500 UAH. (Medical Investment and Development Group, medical Center Verum, dental clinic Clovadent).
  3. Belarus - salary 550 Bel. rub. (hospital named after E. V. Klumov, institution of oncology and medical radiology named after N. N. Aleksandrov, Psychoneurological boarding house for the elderly and disabled No. 3 in Minsk).

To receive accurate information about the availability of vacancies and the amount of salary, you should contact the medical institution. It is not necessary for a hostess to work in polyclinics: many medical and preventive sanatoriums are also looking for specialists in this field.