Jobs that are in demand right now. The most promising professions of the future. Chats by profession

  • 11.03.2020

Job opportunities in Russia are endless. Today, highly qualified specialists in the field of industry and construction, medicine and education, science and law are in great demand among employers.

Trends in the modern world are changing at an unprecedented pace, and therefore some professions are in great demand these days.

IT sphere


We live in a world of computerization, innovation and information technologies. Computer technology has become an integral part of our lives.

Programmers and webmasters occupy a leading position among the most sought-after workers. The virtual network will firmly hold the leading position for many years to come.

Nowadays, IT professionals are at the peak of popularity. They are needed in any sphere of production and services. Every enterprise or organization needs professional programmers, whose work is recognized as one of the most highly paid.

Development of a new software for their own needs, considerable attention is paid to almost every firm, company, organization. Here, qualified employees develop new programs to protect all available information that is stored in working computer databases.

Thanks to information technologists, their knowledge and skills, the horizons of the commercial sphere are expanding, enterprises are making big profits, developing and improving.

The medicine

Many modern applicants prefer medical professions. Today they occupy one of the first places in the ranking of popular specialties. The medical profession never goes out of style. Many young surgeons, oncologists, gynecologists, cardiologists give all their strength and energy in their work and put their knowledge into practice.

The demand for doctors in Russia is confirmed by the opening of new medical centers that carry out diagnostic, preventive, and health-improving activities.

Dentists are extremely popular. We can confidently put ourselves in the hands of an experienced dentist who will do everything possible to ensure that our smile is no worse than Hollywood and will help to gain confidence in ourselves and our beauty.

The nursing profession is in demand throughout the country. These people come to our aid in difficult moments of life, provide exorbitant assistance to people with disabilities, help to regain health after a serious illness or injury.

bank workers

Financial graduates, as well as young people who graduate from higher education institutions to study business and banking, easily and quickly find work throughout the country. The number of banks in our time is constantly growing, therefore, specialists in this field are simply needed. Large banks and their branches provide excellent working conditions for young professionals, offering high wages for their work and the opportunity to have a good rest during their holidays.



The prestige of legal professions is growing every year. Lawyers, barristers, notaries are in demand today by our society, like many previous years. Professional reputation plays a huge role in resolving many contentious issues, both among legal entities and individuals.

Professionalism, knowledge of laws, regulations and documents allows experienced lawyers to easily find work, carrying out their activities competently and efficiently, showing respect and sympathy for clients, acting thoughtfully and honestly.

Lawyers are representatives of one of the enlightened strata of our society.


The origins of psychology date back to ancient times. Despite the fact that psychology is a controversial subject, an increasing number of the population uses the services of psychologists. Our everyday life associated with constant stress, nervous overload, psychological stress. Psychologists in educational institutions, companies, organizations, and enterprises are no longer news. They help to solve many problematic situations in personal life or on the labor front.

Psychology is one of the most demanded professions in Russia.



Logistics profession has become one of the most needed these days. Today there is a glut of the manufacturing market with products. To manage its flows, the help of qualified logisticians is required. The demand for representatives of this profession is growing every year, and in the near future it will only increase. .


Humanity has been dealing with ecology for many, many years. In our days of natural disasters, gas pollution, industrial development, this profession has become one of the most sought after. Many large cities in Russia suffer from air pollution, which subsequently leads to various undesirable consequences that adversely affect the health of people, both adults and children.

The work of environmentalists is aimed at intensifying the fight against such factors, they take a number of preventive measures, which include reducing the adverse impact on environment. The demand for professionals in this category is increasing.

Working specialties

Our existence is unthinkable without builders, tilers, carpenters, electricians. Today, these specialties are more in demand and popular than ever. We build private houses and cottages, equip summer cottages and suburban areas. Here you can not do without workers. Working specialties are among the first and most necessary for each of us.

Technical specialties

Technical workers are in demand today more than ever. The modern world is inextricably linked with mining natural resources as well as the search for alternative energy sources. Here, chemists come to the rescue, who have become one of the most sought-after professions in our time, because the future of the country lies precisely with such highly qualified specialists. Professionals in this field are highly paid specialties, and the need for them in the Russian Federation is growing every year.

The country's economy is developing at a steady pace, and the demand for industrial and residential premises is constantly increasing. This suggests that the need for specialists in the field of architecture and engineering is constantly growing. Graduates of higher educational institutions of this direction enjoy considerable attention from leaders construction companies and organizations that need the help of engineering workers.

The manufacturing automation and construction industries are at the peak of their development, in need of well-trained specialists.

Foreign language specialists


Close cooperation of Russian specialists with foreign partners requires knowledge foreign languages for free communication and business relations. Linguists and translators occupy a leading position in the top ten most demanded professions.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is becoming mandatory for work in many modern companies.

Service sector

The service sector is in high demand.

None of us can do without the help of hairdressers, cosmetologists, tailoring specialists, without managers of hotel complexes. The demand for service specialists is confirmed by our way of life, because they help to solve simple issues in our busy and hectic lives.

Considering that the entertainment industry is at the top of its popularity, it cannot do without service personnel. Adults can entrust their children to an experienced worker entertainment center while they themselves shop in supermarkets or enjoy relaxing in a cozy cafe or bar.

Today I started work on a list of all existing Internet professions, which I am going to talk about in more detail in separate articles.

I can't imagine my life without . Remote is the future! None successful company today can not do without its own website, and many modern projects are fully online.

Therefore, there are more and more various vacancies that do not require binding to any place and office.

List of all Internet professions

At this stage, the list is not yet quite correctly and logically formed. We work every day to make it as accurate and categorized as possible.

Work with writing and text processing

Chats by profession

Friends, we thought about it and decided that it would be useful to make separate chats in Telegram for different specialties. So that you can share experiences, share useful information, look for employers and so on.

Join and be useful to each other.

Want to know which professions earn the highest salaries? And why exactly are they? We provide a rating of highly paid professions in 2019.

The rankings of highly paid professions change every year and differ from country to country. For example, in the US, surgeons and anesthesiologists earn the highest salaries, $230,000 to $270,000 a year, according to the Department of Employment. Medical workers in the US, they earn higher salaries than financial analysts and IT specialists. And in our country, unfortunately, a doctor is rather a vocation. In 2018, the mayor of Moscow announced that the average salary of a doctor in the capital is 134 thousand rubles. But the doctors themselves only laughed at the statistics and said that they had never seen such salaries in their lives.

How do we rank? It is not always possible to objectively measure income in a profession. If we consider the level of income of different specialists, then we note that in a number of professions there are single representatives who receive disproportionately more money than others. The income of top stylists is 300-400 thousand rubles a month, and the average salary of a qualified hairdresser in Moscow is 50 thousand rubles. There are not so many stars in professions. Professional football players, singers, actors, founders and CEOs of companies. The chance of getting into their ranks is so small that when calculating income, it is important not to focus on these rare birds, but for an average specialist. We analyzed the average salaries in each profession at the end of 2018, according to Superjob, and HeadHunter.

The highest paid professions in Russia in 2019 (ranking)

10th place. Dentist. A doctor who deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the teeth, oral cavity and maxillofacial area. Dental surgeons and orthopedic dentists are considered the highest paid. The average salary of a dentist in Russia is 70,000 rubles. Private clinics are higher than public ones. The maximum salary in Moscow reaches 350,000 rubles.

9th place. Obstetrician-gynecologist. A doctor who treats gynecological pathologies, diseases that prevent the conception and bearing of a child, controls the condition of the mother and the unborn child before childbirth and the process of childbirth itself. Reproductologists are especially popular. They deal with infertility problems in both men and women. The average salary of a gynecologist: 80,000 rubles. Maximum for a reproductologist in a commercial medical center in Moscow - 500,000 rubles.

8th place. Drilling engineer / drilling foreman. Organizes and controls the process of drilling wells for the extraction of minerals. The engineer evaluates the risks associated with drilling: the possibility of collapse, environmental damage, employee safety. You can study as a drilling engineer after grade 11, for successful work you need to study chemistry, physics and mathematics. The average salary in the country is 90,000 rubles. Maximum - 180,000 rubles.

7th place. Risk manager. Specialist in risk assessment in the financial sector. Works in banks, insurance companies and enterprises in the energy sector. Its tasks include risk assessment based on past statistics and current conditions. Based on his research, he can prevent the economic and financial losses of the company. This is a hired specialist who is needed in big business. Average salary: 100,000 rubles. Maximum - 350,000 rubles.

6th place. IOS and Android developers. Programmers who create applications for smartphones, tablets and other portable devices on two popular platforms - iOs and Android. All commercial organizations no, no, and they are thinking about creating their own mobile application. And while the demand for developers greatly exceeds supply, their average salaries fluctuate around 140,000 rubles, and the maximum is about 240,000 rubles. You can learn mobile development on the Internet, in Russian and foreign online courses.

5th place. Big data analyst. A programmer who works with large data arrays of varying degrees of fragmentation and structure. Working with big data opens up previously inaccessible opportunities in a variety of areas - now Big Data analysis is widely used in IT, marketing, banking, public administration, agriculture. Therefore, the average salary of a Big Data specialist is 140,000 rubles. And the maximum is about 250,000 rubles.

4th place. Civil Aviation Pilot. A very attractive profession, especially considering that it does not require higher education. But the competition among pilots is also high, so to get the position of the first pilot will require at least 150 flight hours, experience and international certification. The average salary of the first pilot, captain of an aircraft in Russia is 150,000 rubles. Maximum - 650,000 rubles.

3rd place. SAP Consultant. A kind of ERP consultant who implements IT automation in medium and large enterprises. For a SAP consultant, you need to have a higher IT or economic education, know English and, preferably, German. All vacancies require at least 1 year of SAP implementation and maintenance experience. Average salary: 160,000 rubles. Maximum - 350,000 rubles.

2nd place. Java/Ruby programmer. Another narrow specialists who develop high-load systems, web applications and different kinds programs in Java or Ruby programming languages. Far from all Russian IT universities master these popular languages ​​in the world, therefore, in order to master them, you need motivation, perseverance and the ability to learn on your own. The average salary of a Java and Ruby programmer is 160,000 rubles. Maximum - 470,000 rubles.

1 place. Vessel captain. A very romantic and responsible profession. The captain is responsible for passengers, cargo and for the safety of the ship itself. The captains of ships and ocean liners earn the most. Their average salary is 185,000 rubles, and the maximum is 500,000 rubles. But in order to become a captain, it is not enough to study at the maritime academy, you will first have to work as a navigator or assistant captain, gain experience as a navigator, and only then get the coveted helm.

Please note that this list does not include top managers and executives. There are only narrow specialists here, who are still lacking in the labor market, and their salaries are higher than the national average. In abundance, of course, various types of "IT people", medical specialties and employees with increased responsibility - pilots and captains. And, as you can see, there are no humanitarian specialists.

Highly paid professions in Moscow

Moscow boasts the highest salaries in the country. And the gap in salaries is so great that a dentist in Moscow receives 120-150,000 rubles, and in Ryazan 30-40,000 rubles. In Moscow, the same specialists are in demand as in Russia as a whole, except for extractive professions. High salaries for IT specialists, managers different levels, civil engineers, narrow medical specialists and bank employees. And, of course, one cannot but say about civil servants. The average salary of a State Duma deputy in 2018 amounted to 348 thousand rubles. Therefore, if you want to serve the people, get parliamentary immunity and at the same time earn that kind of money, then you can become an official. This officially requires only a completed secondary education.

Highly paid professions in St. Petersburg

Most of all in St. Petersburg, as well as in the whole country, earn financial directors, sales directors and heads of IT departments. And from the specialists of non-management positions, again IT-specialists, marketers, financial analysts. After grade 9, you can get in-demand working professions - an administrator in the tourism business or an electrician. The average salary for these specialists in St. Petersburg is 50,000 rubles. Masters of working specialties, provided that they work "for themselves", have no upper salary limit. A qualified plumber, gasman, electrician, when fully loaded, can earn 200-300 thousand rubles a month.

Highly paid professions for girls (for women)

Girls, according to Russian law, cannot work in dangerous military professions and hazardous industries. The most suitable and highly paid professions for girls at the moment include: marketer, flight attendant / stewardess, PR manager, private psychologist, realtor, lawyer, accountant. Although the girls make excellent technical specialists - engineers and programmers. For example, employees of IT companies believe that a software tester / QA engineer is a job that women do more successful than men because it requires perseverance and full concentration of attention.

Highly paid professions for men

In addition to IT specialists, pilots and captains, which we have already mentioned, engineering specialties are traditionally considered male - design engineer, production engineer - and harsh professions in the extraction and processing of raw materials. The highest level of salaries in the country today is in the oil and gas industry. This is due to the fact that mining is carried out in harsh natural conditions. Go on a business trip to nuclear icebreaker, installing a new drilling rig or refining diamond ore, while harder, can be more profitable than working in an office from 9 to 6.

Highly paid professions for the next 5-10 years (promising professions)

The labor market is similar to the market for goods and services. The specialist is a commodity. If at the moment the number of specialists in the industry is not enough to cover the demand of employers for them, in other words, they are in short supply, then the profession is in demand and highly paid.

Why are there so few specialists? Most often because the industry is developing at a rapid pace, and the education system is lagging behind - it does not have time to prepare a qualified professional for the tasks of the employer. The current boom in the IT field is due to the fact that universities do not train enough IT specialists, including those of a level insufficient for an employer. For example, you can become a programmer or an information security specialist at a university or college, but at the same time, a person can grow to the level of a devOps engineer, game designer or Big Data analyst only on their own due to their strong-willed and intellectual competencies. Therefore, HR-ry hunt for such professionals.

Another reason for high salaries may be the "limitlessness" of vacancies, that is, the demand for this specialist not only in Russian market labor, but also abroad. This category includes all the same programmers, athletes, pilots, captains of ships. Russian employers must provide a professional with a salary, if not at the level of European or American, then not much lower, otherwise the employee will have a desire to move to a foreign company. Such a situation developed in aviation in February 2018, when experienced pilots began to leave for Asian countries, because salaries and demand for their specialty are higher abroad. Aeroflot was forced to raise the salaries of pilots flying the Boeing 777 and Airbus A320 to the declared 650,000 rubles.

Highly paid professionals who will be in demand in the next 5-10 years are:
✔ IT specialists
✔ Financial analytics
✔ Specialists in mining and chemical industry

However, remember that the shortage of specialists in a certain field may stop, and the level of salaries will decrease. Therefore, choose a profession to your liking and interests, so that you want to develop in it. Then you will definitely find a job that will bring financial well-being.

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Choosing a profession is a difficult task that can affect your entire future life path. To somehow make it easier, I offer you a list of the highest paid and most in-demand professions. You will find out who earns the most, who is worth studying for in the coming years and what professions will be needed, even if a crisis suddenly breaks out in 2019.

Most highly paid professions in Russia

In mid-2018, the portal did a study on which professions in Russia are now the most paid. The result is predictable:

  1. Programmers and system administrators. In Moscow, the average wage for these professions - 100-110 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg - 80 thousand rubles, and in the regions - 60-70 thousand rubles;

  2. Business Development Managers. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the average salary in the profession is 70-80 thousand rubles, and in the regions - 60-70.

  3. Internal auditors. Those who work on business processes within an organization. In Moscow, they receive up to 110 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg on average - 90 thousand rubles, and in the regions - about 40.

  4. Real estate agents. The official salary is small, even in Moscow. But with commissions, about 100 thousand rubles come out in the capital and St. Petersburg, 40-50 - in the regions.

  5. Marketing and advertising specialists. Marketers can receive up to 110 thousand rubles in the capital. In St. Petersburg, a little less - 70-80 thousand rubles. In the regions they are valued much less - 30-40 thousand.

  6. lawyers and economists. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, representatives of these professions can count on a salary of up to 100 thousand rubles, and in the regions - 30-40 thousand.

The Ministry of Education and Science reports that the number of vacancies in the field of economics and jurisprudence is declining every year - a reason to think for those who want to be a lawyer and economist.

These are the most profitable professions in the country. Based current trend In the development of large and medium-sized companies, there is no reason to believe that the situation will change dramatically in the next 10-15 years. Except that some professions will arise and become more relevant in the future.

The lowest-income occupations included cleaners, waiters, loaders, storekeepers and salesmen. Their salary is up to 40 thousand rubles, regardless of the region.

10 most in-demand professions in the coming years

Let's talk about the most promising professions in 2019-2021. The main criteria will be:

  • Income level.

  • Difficulty of learning.

  • Number of vacancies.

It turns out the following list of professions.

1. Sellers. It is they who open our TOP of the most demanded professions. I don't mean sellers in Pyaterochka or Magnit near your house. Now the profession of a seller of goods and services is called "sales manager". This is a person who sits in an office and sells to individuals or legal entities goods/services.

This is the most demanded profession in the Russian market. About 200,000 vacancies, one way or another related to sales, are published across the country every month.

How much you can earn: the average level of wages in the country is actively growing. For the year rose from 35 to 45 thousand rubles. And that only counts as salary. There are many more awards.

How long will it take to study: with training in sales everything is very difficult. You can learn basic things, work with clients and stress resistance in a few months. But it is much more difficult to professionally master all sales techniques and learn how to talk to people correctly. Growth time from beginner to intermediate specialist is six months. To a real pro - 3-5 years of active development and work on oneself.

In the near future, the profession of a salesperson will still be relevant. It is one of the most undervalued professions among both employers and employees.

Gradually, Russian business comes to the point where it is impossible to get good seller for little money. Anyone who really knows how to do something has to pay dearly.

2. Accountants. No matter how trite it may sound, but with the development of business, the need for good accountants is growing. Who will be able to correctly carry out all operations, agree with banks that there is no need to block accounts, and explain to them that there is no black bookkeeping in the company.

Immediately after sales, in terms of the number of vacancies published in all sources, accountants are in second place. This is due to the fact that many people want to get in small company remote accountants.

How much you can earn: the average salary in the country is 50,000 rubles. A novice specialist in the regions receives 20-25 thousand rubles a month. A professional who has worked in an organization for several years - 40-45 thousand in the worst case scenario.

How long will it take to study: despite the complexity of the profession, to learn accounting enterprises (in a separate direction) can be in a few months on any courses.

In the near future, the profession will remain just as popular. Recently, many companies are opening and working via the Internet, and this is an opportunity to work from home with any company.

3. Production engineer. According to the head of Rostrud, this is the most demanded profession in Russia at the moment. The market lacks qualified personnel.

Compared to the two previous professions, the dynamics of salaries in the profession of process engineer is plus or minus stable. This suggests that despite the crisis, enterprises are ready to pay their specialists the required amount.

How much you can earn: newcomers to the profession receive 20-40 thousand rubles, depending on the region and the specifics of the work. Immediately after training, it is difficult to rely on high salary. But a good specialist with experience has the right to count on a rate of 40-60 thousand rubles. The best specialists receive more than 80 thousand rubles, but the number of vacancies is minimal.

How long it will take to study: this is not a profession that you can really get in the courses. The best Moscow institutes have training courses, but they take at least 1 year. Better get higher education in this area for 3-4 years or secondary special in your region, and then already - a qualification in a higher educational institution as you work.

In the near future, this profession will still be relevant in Russia simply because there is a shortage of qualified personnel in the country. It will take several more decades before this niche is completely filled.

4. Builders. The construction niche does not stand still, especially in Russia.

How much you can earn: The average salary of builders in Russia is 37 thousand rubles a month. Handymen receive 15-20 thousand rubles. Narrower specialties - from 40 and above.

The highest average wages for builders in the Magadan region are 140,000 rubles a month.

How long will it take to study: Most construction workers received a secondary specialized education. If you leave after the 9th grade and go to a technical school, then only 3-4 years of study - and you can work.

In the near future, the profession will remain relevant. And this applies to both civil engineers and ordinary, ordinary performers. The higher you climb career ladder in this niche, the higher your salary will be.

On average, the level of costs in the construction industry is gradually falling. This is due to a reduction in the number of jobs and the transition of laborers and unskilled specialists to construction sites.

5. Sphere of IT-technologies. IT cannot be ignored. Simply because all professions in this area are in great demand. Programmers, content creation and promotion managers, designers, etc. - the labor market in this area is really huge.

How much you can earn: the range of salaries in the niche is huge. True, it starts with a minimum of 30 thousand rubles and ends with 200 thousand, but this is far from the limit. VIP-specialists who can not only write code, but also supervise the work from creation to sale of the product are highly valued.

How long will it take to study controversial issue. The sphere requires both professional training at the university and continuous improvement of skills. 5-10 years is a normal time to get to high level. It is because of the long training that this industry is only in 5th place.

In the near future, this area will not go anywhere. It is actively developing. New tasks appear in business, new programs are needed for them, industries related to IT are being created. Everything is developing rapidly, and high technology is at the forefront. The most popular Internet professions are concentrated in the IT field, allowing you to work and earn money without leaving your home.

One of the main advantages in IT is being in demand abroad. Designers, programmers, testers, developers and similar professions are needed abroad. And there is even an opportunity to work from Russia in the Western market. Large companies willingly go towards specialists.

6. Translators. Only taking into account the fact that the Asian market is now being actively developed, and companies need employees who know not only banal English, but also Chinese.

How much you can earn: a novice translator, even if he works not in a company, but on a freelance basis, can earn up to 40,000 rubles. An experienced translator who knows not only English and Western European languages ​​can earn up to 80,000 rubles in salary and at least half of the salary as part-time jobs.

How long it will take to learn: languages ​​can be learned on your own, it's true. But it is better to work with experts. Either at a university, or with tutors and native speakers. The first method will require 4-5 years of training, and the second - a huge financial investment.

In the near future, the profession of a translator will remain relevant. The expansion of production and the globalization of the world suggests that language barriers in the future will only interfere with business and economic relations.

The main reason for the relevance of the profession is that there are really few good marketers. And the market is not yet ready to provide more opportunities for development in the profession.

How much you can earn: the average salary of a marketer in the regions is 40-50 thousand rubles. In Moscow, this figure is 2 times higher. And there is a real hunt for experienced specialists. I know that the best specialist in the settings niche advertising campaigns paid 100,000 rubles for an hour consultation.

How long does it take to learn: Marketers in general are one such profession that doesn’t necessarily require professional training. Simply because the university will not give as much knowledge as you can get later, in the course of studying the material and profession. There are many courses that allow you to enter the profession in a couple of months. And it will take 4-5 years to improve and reach a good level.

In the near future, the profession will remain relevant. New companies will be opened all the time, and they will need employees who can promote goods and services.

8. Electronics repair. The profession is more about private business.

How much you can earn: repairing electrical equipment is an expensive pleasure. Private business brings about 30-40 thousand rubles in the regions, and 3-4 times more in the capital.

How long it will take to learn: you can learn and fill your hand on your own. The main advantage of learning to repair is that there are a huge number of guides on the Internet for self-repairing devices. And if the hands grow from right place, this is a matter of a couple of months and a couple of ruined devices.

In the near future, this profession will remain relevant. As a type of private business, the repair of equipment will do just fine if you approach the issue correctly.

9. Electrician. This profession looks strange on our list, but good electricians make good money and are in demand both on industrial enterprises as well as in private business.

How much you can earn: the average salary of an electrician is 40,000 rubles. At the same time, the salary depends on the category and qualifications. Additionally, you can always earn yourself, on private orders.

How long will it take to study: This profession requires special training and education. Secondary special, immediately after the 9th grade - and already at the age of 20-21 you can comprehend the profession.

In the near future, this profession will still be relevant. As long as there is electricity, people who know how to work with it will be needed.

10. SMM specialists. This is a banal and pop profession of 2019. There are few good specialists, training materials that really give real knowledge are even fewer. Therefore, I consider this profession relevant, despite the active PR throughout the Russian Internet.

How much you can earn: the range of salaries in SMM is very large. Beginners receive from 1 to 10 thousand rubles per month of work with one company. Specialists receive up to 100 thousand rubles for the same amount of work.

How long it will take to study: SMM specialists study in a few months, they fill their hands in about the same amount.

In the near future, this area will be filled with young professionals. But there will be few qualified personnel on the market. Although the number of vacancies is declining, VIP employees who remain among the best are still valued.

The most demanded professions in Russia for men

Now let's talk about the most sought-after professions exclusively for men (women can also, but this is not according to the canon). Just a short list:

  • Blacksmith.

  • Joiner.

  • Plumber.

  • Crane operator.

  • Beekeeper.

These, at first glance, are not the highest paid professions. But their main advantage is that they will remain in demand in any economic situation, if you approach things wisely.

The most demanded professions for women

And now let's also talk about the activities of women:

  • Cosmetologist.

  • Economist (most often an accountant).

  • Teacher.

  • Personal nanny.

  • HR specialist.

These are not the highest paid professions, but you can always find a job and build a personal business.

How to choose a profession

There are two interesting trends in the Russian labor market:

  • There are too many average specialists, but very few professionals.

  • The number of workers is significantly reduced.

From this I venture to draw two simple conclusions:

The most profitable professions in Russia will remain at their level without significant changes. Salaries for mid-level specialists will gradually decrease, but the salaries of top specialists, on the contrary, will increase. There will be a big hunt for VIP employees (the best in their niche).
Salaries for working specialties requiring professional training (such as a turner, welder) will gradually increase. There is a shortage of qualified personnel, this will be especially noticeable if the economy changes course in the direction of development own production(which is highly likely to happen in the next 7-10 years).

I strongly advise against choosing a profession based solely on the level of income in a niche. Simply because it will be at the same level for several years, and inflation will gradually reduce real wages. If you do not plan to become a top specialist in the field of programming, marketing, law or economics, then it is better not to go into these professions.

Good afternoon! Today we want to talk about the most popular and highly paid Internet professions.

Many, thinking about remote work via the Internet, do not know what profession there is. The main criteria are usually the level of income, the duration of training and the complexity of the work itself. And below I propose to get acquainted with the 10 highest paid and most in-demand professions in freelancing. It will be about how much time it will take to study, how much specialists earn and what prospects there are within the profession. And I hope this information will help you make a decision.


The profession of a programmer is still the most highly paid both in Russia and abroad. Today, IT specialists are highly valued, it is almost not difficult to find a job.

Very often American and European companies are looking for good specialists in the IT field in Russia. In this case, it becomes possible to work abroad and for a lot of money, the specialist is issued a work visa and provided with housing.

60-120 thousand rubles, depending on the specialty

Terms of study: welcome specialized education The profession is difficult, and it takes a long time to study.

Outlook: are not limited. With an increase in work experience, opportunities in the profession also grow - from salary increases and work for large companies before working abroad (in Europe and America).


It is also a very sought-after profession with a large number of directions, prospects and opportunities for earning.

The profession is divided into many specializations. Only in the field of creating websites, there are many different areas: landing pages, blogs, websites for companies, etc. And in each such direction there will always be specialists who work only within the framework of their specialization.

Average monthly salary: 30-40 thousand rubles.