Presentations for elementary school. Children's electronic presentations and clips

  • 02.08.2020

Annotation to the material

Russian Language Presentation for Grade 2- an ideal tool for conducting a modern lesson within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard in elementary school. Using an electronic manual in a lesson allows you to solve much more tasks in the same 45 minutes in a lesson and perform much more interesting tasks, which leads to an increase in literacy among students.

The optimization of the educational process makes teachers look for new approaches in teaching their subject. The way out in this situation was the use of electronic visual aids. Uitelu primary school it is difficult to create several multimedia products for lessons every day. We offer download presentations on the Russian language and abstracts of an open lesson for grade 2 according to the Federal State Educational Standard for teaching materials "School of Russia" (Kanakina, Goretsky), "School 2100" (Buneev, Buneeva, Pronina), "PNSh" on all topics that are defined by these programs.

presentations for the most various themes in the Russian language lesson they become an assistant teacher of the 2nd grade. No need to draw intricate diagrams on the board, no need to constantly change pictures and attach them to the board with magnets or buttons, no need to make visual aids in the evenings, spending personal time on this. It is much easier to download notes and a presentation on the Russian language for grade 2 and go to the lesson knowing in advance that all expectations will be achieved, since the children will like the material and attract their attention.

In a Russian language lesson, a presentation in grade 2 can be used both to explain new material, and to consolidate it or students work independently. Children like to edit texts, do tests while sitting at the computer. This does not distract them from the educational process, but only makes it clear that Russian grammar can be taught in different forms, but one must always write correctly and mistakes are unforgivable.

We live in an age of exciting discoveries. let the kids see them the best sides at a modern open lesson in the Russian language with a presentation on the Federal State Educational Standard. It will not be boring to study with such a teacher. His students will definitely love the great language that Pushkin was proud of, in which Leo Tolstoy wrote. This language is given to us by all parents and it has to be learned.

Verb - presentation

The presentation "Verb" can be used by a teacher in grade 2 in a Russian lesson that will open the study big topic about this part of speech. On the first slides of multimedia development, students repeat the knowledge about the verb that they received in grade 1. Someone forgot the questions, someone the meaning of the part of speech, so the slides have ...

Composition on the painting Bouquet of flowers, butterfly and bird - presentation

The presentation was created to help grade 2 students write an essay based on the painting by F. P. Tolstoy “A Bouquet of Flowers, a Butterfly and a Bird”. On the this lesson students will not only describe beautiful picture, the author of which is Tolstoy, but also to develop spelling vigilance, observation, the ability to work with a literary word. Painting "Bouquet of flowers, butterfly and...

The number of verbs singular and plural - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Number of Verbs" introduces students in the 2nd grade at the Russian language lesson with a new category that words denoting actions have. Getting acquainted with the singular and plural verbs, students will put questions to words, determine the difference in the grammatical meaning of words, learn to determine the time and designate in a notebook (singular and plural ....

Verb tense - presentation

The presentation on the topic “Verb tense” will allow you to learn a new topic in the Russian language lesson in grade 2 in the form of an exciting journey. In order to determine which country you will travel to in the lesson, you will have to guess the crossword puzzle. keyword, which after guessing all the words in the grid, will become a word - a verb. Passing from...

The future tense of the verb is simple and complex - presentation

The presentation on the topic “Future tense of the verb” for the Russian language lesson in the 2nd grade according to the Federal State Educational Standard examines the formation of a simple and complex form of the future tense of words denoting the action of an object. The lesson is proposed to be conducted in the form business game in detective agency"Want to know everything". During the lesson, students, like real detectives, will ...

Parts of speech - presentation

The presentation on the topic “Parts of Speech” introduces students in grade 2 to groups of words in Russian that are united by common grammatical features. This material can be used both when studying the topic in the 2nd grade according to the EMC "School of Russia", and for repeating knowledge in the 3rd grade according to the same program or for the EMC ...

Particle spelling NOT with verbs - presentation

A presentation on the topic "Spelling a particle not with verbs (with words denoting actions)" will help to study new material at the Russian language lesson in the 2nd grade. Together with the multimedia development, there is a detailed lesson plan that can be used for the TMS "PNSH" (for an integrated lesson of the language and literary reading). On the slides of the interactive...

The presentation "Noun" can be used in grade 2 in the lesson of consolidating knowledge after studying the entire topic. The material of the multimedia manual is clearly structured and presented in accordance with the requirements of the program, therefore it can be recommended for teaching materials "School of Russia", "Planet of Knowledge", "PNSh". The lesson of the Russian language with a presentation on the topic "Noun" will be held in ...

Presentation Singular and plural nouns

The presentation on the topic “Singular and Plural Nouns” contains practical and theoretical material for a Russian lesson, in which students will get acquainted with a new grammatical category. Together with the study of the number of nouns, students repeat the topic "Spelling of unstressed vowels." In multimedia development, a number of tasks are proposed that are aimed at systematizing knowledge ...

adjective - presentation

The presentation will introduce students of the 2nd grade in the Russian language lesson to what an adjective is and learn to find it in sentences, texts, among a group of words that answer different questions. The material given in the development can be used to conduct an open lesson of the Russian language with a presentation on the Federal State Educational Standard on the topic "Adjective name" ...

Adjective as a part of speech - presentation

The presentation on the topic “Adjective as a part of speech” is recommended as a visual electronic aid for a Russian language lesson in the 2nd grade of the Educational Institution “School of Russia” (Kanakina, Goretsky). The lesson is built in the form of an opening, in which a new part of speech will be studied. When meeting with an adjective, the main questions of the topic are considered: Questions on ...

Presentation Singular and plural adjectives

The presentation on the topic “Singular and plural adjectives” was made by the primary school teacher Markina N.V. Its development is an excellent visual material for the Russian language lesson in grade 2 when studying the topic of the teaching materials “School of Russia” (Kanakina). Using the example of tasks, students get acquainted not only with the concept of the number of adjectives, but also ...

Adjectives close and opposite in meaning - presentation

The presentation on the topic “Adjectives close and opposite in meaning” introduces students to the use of synonyms and antonyms in speech, which denote the features of objects. This development compiled for the textbook Zelenina, Khokhlova, however, there are no restrictions in order not to use it in the Russian language lesson on the teaching materials "School of Russia" (Kanakin). All...

Relationship of an adjective with a noun - presentation

A presentation on the topic “Relationship between an adjective and a noun” for a lesson in grade 2 will allow students to understand that in Russian these words are related both in meaning and in form. At the beginning, students are introduced to how the adjective, being in connection with the noun, enriches the text. On the slides...

Homonym words - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Homonyms" was developed by a primary school teacher for a Russian lesson in grade 2, in which students will get acquainted with words that sound the same, but have completely different meanings. Beautiful dynamic animation attracts the attention of second-graders and allows you to deeply imbue the topic. For example, the presentation, students replenish their vocabulary, ...

Separating soft and hard sign (b, b) - presentation

The presentation on the topic “Dividing soft and hard signs”, made on 22 slides, is an excellent accompaniment for a Russian language lesson in grade 2 to consolidate the learned material. Students will learn, working from presentation slides and a textbook, to distinguish why in some words it is necessary to write a separating ъ, and in others a separating ь. ...

Paired voiced and voiceless consonants - presentation

The presentation on the topic “Paired voiced and deaf consonants” can be used in the Russian language lesson as a simulator when consolidating the knowledge learned in the lesson or when checking the ability of students to correctly write the letters of voiced and deaf consonants in the lesson. This development contains a lot of didactic material that a student of grade 2 can independently perform, ...

Presentation Word, sentence, text

A presentation on the topic "Word, sentence, test" introduces students in grade 2 to the basic units of speech in the Russian language. You can use the development of 11 slides to conduct a lesson on the teaching materials "Planet of Knowledge". After checking homework and spending a minute of calligraphy (letter I, syllables with this letter and words), students proceed to work ...

Presentation Learning to write correctly

Presentation for the lesson of the Russian language in the 2nd grade according to the program "School of the XXI century" edited by Vinogradova beautiful name"Learning to write correctly." In the lesson, students repeat the spellings that were studied earlier, learn to find them in the words of the text and select test words for dubious spellings. On the example of the material collected in the presentation ...

Entertaining Russian language - presentation

The presentation on the topic "Entertaining Russian" presents a variety of tasks that will arouse interest in children in any lesson in grade 2 or during extracurricular activities. Exercises belong to the entertaining grammar section. The presentation proposed the following types of work for students in grade 2: The game "Collect the words" Solving the crossword puzzle ...

Presentation Synonyms

A presentation on the topic "Synonyms" is a superbly executed electronic resource for working in a Russian language lesson in grade 2. Properly selected exercises will teach children to build beautiful texts using these words in their speech. The development slides are filled with texts in which students will look for these words. In addition, there is a lot of illustrative material, so ...

Antonyms - presentation

The presentation introduces schoolchildren to another secret of the Russian language - antonyms. The topic using this manual is studied in grade 2. Together with a ready-made resource on 18 slides, a teacher can also download an outline of an open lesson that complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, so it can be used to work on the Zankov system or another teaching method. How...

Unstressed vowels at the root of the word - presentation

A presentation on the topic “Unstressed vowels at the root of a word” will teach you the correct spelling of letters in words in which mistakes are sometimes made. This work is best downloaded for a Russian language lesson in grade 2, where children will get acquainted with the topic. The author offers not exercises to perform, but grammatical tales, on the basis of which ...

Dictionaries - presentation

The presentation introduces grade 2 students to special books called dictionaries. There are no fairy tales and poems, there are no small and big stories. But in these thick editions, all the words of the Russian language were hidden. And they are located so not just like that, but in a strict order, which is defined for them in advance. In these...

Vocabulary - Presentation

A presentation on the topic “Vocabular words” is a Russian language simulator for grade 2 for practicing the spelling of words that cannot be checked, but you can only remember their spelling. It is not easy for a younger student to memorize a number of words, so it is necessary to practice writing as often as possible so that vocabulary dictations can be written without errors in a year ....

Suffix - presentation

The presentation was created to help the teacher, who will introduce the 2nd grade students in the Russian language lesson in the 2nd grade with the suffix as a significant part of the word. Schoolchildren will determine its location in words, find out the meaning, learn to highlight it graphically. It is recommended to download the manual for the teaching materials "School of the 21st century", although there is no strict attachment of this material to ...

Presentation Prefix, suffix, root

The presentation provides material for the verification work in Russian in grade 2, which will test the ability of schoolchildren to determine the root, suffix, prefix in the word and form new words using significant parts of the word. The material can be used in lessons on any teaching materials (School of Russia, School 2100, PNSh). Electronic development...

Presentation Prefix

The presentation on the topic “Prefixes” is a superbly done work of the teacher for the Russian language lesson in the 2nd grade. The selection of material is fully consistent with the age of the younger student. The work will arouse interest in studying an important topic, its design will fill the lesson with a mood of creativity and a desire to discover something new. Even the rule will be remembered without much effort, because ...

Presentation Prepositions and prefixes

The presentation is designed to form in schoolchildren the ability to distinguish prepositions from prefixes. It is not easy to cope with such a task in a Russian language lesson in grade 2, but it is possible, especially since there is wonderful material in the form of an electronic manual. You can also download the lesson summary technological map) to work with UMK PNSh. AT...

Presentation Spelling of the suffix EK, IK

The presentation will teach grade 2 students to distinguish when the suffix IK is written in Russian in words, and when EK. In addition, children will perform a number of other tasks that will form their writing skills. The Russian language keeps many secrets. It is not easy to remember all the spellings, but you will have to do it, otherwise there will be no dictation ...

Presentation Root word

The presentation considers the topic of the lesson "The root of the word." The material was selected for the Russian language lesson, which will take place in the 2nd grade. Acquaintance with related words and repetition of the material studied in grade 1 will take place together with Dunno, whom elementary school students love to help with assignments. The slides of the electronic manual are filled with practical tasks by doing which...

End - presentation

The presentation was made to introduce students in grade 2 to a new part of the word - the ending. This tricky part is not always at the end of a word. Sometimes it may be absent altogether, which makes it difficult for schoolchildren to identify. In order to avoid mistakes when parsing words by composition, this lesson will solve the following important ...

Presentation Pronoun

The presentation introduces students in grade 2 to the topic of the lesson "Pronouns as a part of speech." These are special words that we use instead of nouns, so it is necessary to learn not only to use them, but also to find them in sentences, recognize them by ear, and see them in texts. Pinocchio himself will help to learn difficult material, which appears on every slide, ...

Presentation Composition The rooks have arrived

The presentation will serve as a visual material to help you write an educational essay based on Savrasov's painting "The Rooks Have Arrived" in a Russian language lesson in 2nd or 3rd grade. Writing creative work for younger students is quite difficult. Not only do you need to express your thoughts, it is necessary to present the material according to a certain plan, adhering to a certain structure of the text, and ...

Extracurricular activity with a presentation

The presentation proposes an extra-curricular event on the Russian language and reading for grade 2 on the topic "On the roads and paths of the language." You can download the development for conducting subject events during the week of elementary school. It will be interesting to play during the elective, class hour. Students are offered several interesting exercises: to form a chain of words; install...

Proper and common nouns - presentation

The presentation contains many interesting material for conducting a Russian language lesson in grade 2 on the topic “Proper and common nouns”. The multimedia work (without an abstract) was compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard with a focus on the textbook by Kanakina, Goretsky, so those who work with the School of Russia teaching materials can download it. The e-guide will...

Word composition - presentation

The presentation can be used to consolidate the topic "Word Composition" in the Russian language lesson in grade 2. It is recommended to download the manual for free for any teaching materials, both for working with younger students in the classroom, and for additional classes, in order to repeat how the word parsing order is carried out. In the work on separate slides there is ...

Presentation Uniform spelling of roots in single-root words

The presentation teaches spelling vigilance. At the Russian language lesson, students should get an idea of ​​the uniform spelling of roots in single-root words. It is the knowledge of this rule that will allow you to avoid many mistakes when in weak position the sound sounds unclear and needs to be checked. The topic is studied according to the textbook Zelenina (UMK School of Russia), for the lesson on which ...

Presentation Words native and borrowed

The presentation reveals the richness of the Russian language to 2nd grade students. At the lesson, students will get acquainted with the original words of the Russian language and borrowed ones, determine the ways of their entry into our speech and the need for use. Of particular interest to younger students is the conversation about the meaning of borrowed words, since quite often they sound in speech ...

Presentation Polysemantic word - language

The presentation reveals all the meanings of the polysemantic word language. The work can be downloaded for a Russian language lesson in grade 2 when studying the lexical meaning of words that have several meanings. The multimedia resource is quite voluminous. It is made on 36 slides. In one lesson, it is not at all necessary to acquaint students with the content of the entire work. You can use it...

Presentation Polysemantic words

The presentation will allow students to find out which words are called polysemantic and gain in practice a huge amount of knowledge on this topic. You can download an interactive manual, made on 8 slides, to get acquainted with new material in the Russian language lesson in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade of a general education school for any teaching materials. The grant is for...

The meaning of the word is presentation

The presentation will allow you to understand what the lexical meaning of the word is and what each student already knows about this topic. This material is studied at the Russian language lesson in the 2nd grade, therefore, for younger students, many interesting tasks for repetition, examples, exercises were given in the development so that they could expand their ...

Presentation Word and sentence - units of speech

The presentation will continue to form the concept of the word and the sentence as the main units of the Russian language among the students of the 2nd grade. You can download the material to work with any UMK. To conduct a lesson, students are offered a number of tasks that will serve to consolidate previously studied material, study new ones and form spelling vigilance. A moment of cleansing this time...

presentation noun

The presentation "Noun" is a visual material in the Russian language in the 2nd grade for studying the topic on the teaching materials "School of Russia" or "School 2100". In this lesson, students will learn to find the words of this part of speech in sentences and texts on questions and in meaning, learn to compose phrases with nouns according to ...

Presentation Animate and inanimate nouns

The presentation presents material for work in the Russian language lesson in the 2nd or 3rd grade when studying the topic "Animate and inanimate nouns". You can download an electronic resource prepared taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for those who work on any teaching materials. On 22 slides there is material that will accompany the entire lesson. A moment of cleansing...

Presentation Compound words

The presentation introduces students to a huge number of complex words. In this Russian language lesson in grade 2, all the attention of schoolchildren will be directed to memorizing these words, but paying attention to their spelling, to the connecting vowels that are used to connect two roots into a single construction. You can download the manual for any UMK (PNSh, ...

Phraseologisms - presentation

The presentation will introduce schoolchildren to groups of stable phrases in our language, which are called phraseological units. At the Russian language lesson in the 2nd grade, students will not only get acquainted with new theme, but also learn how to use phraseological phrases in their speech, learn their meaning. You can download a multimedia manual without a lesson summary, so you can adapt the resource for ...

Paired consonants - presentation

The presentation was made for conducting a Russian language lesson in the 2nd grade on the topic “Paired paired consonants in the root of words”. On the example of selected exercises, difficult tasks, students will learn the spelling of unclear-sounding voiced and deaf at the root or at the end of a word. You can use the material to work with any manual, as the resource has been compiled ...

Presentation Phrase

The presentation will tell grade 2 students what a phrase is, how to find it in a sentence, how to compose according to a model with a given word or from pictures. You can download the development of the Russian language lesson for free for any teaching materials. It is not so easy for younger students to figure out how words are related to each other and what kind of ...

Obsolete words - presentation

The presentation will tell schoolchildren about why obsolete words appeared in the Russian language. The material is very interesting. It can be downloaded and used when conducting lessons in 2nd or 3rd grade. The information provided will be useful for extracurricular activities or in preparing students for subject Olympiad. You can download the presentation along with the finished abstract. Begins...

Presentation Single-root words, Grade 2

The presentation is filled with material that will help schoolchildren learn the topic "Single-root words" in the Russian language lesson in grade 2. In addition, in this lesson, students will learn to recognize related words in texts, identify the root in them, and find a common meaning. The multimedia manual is made on 23 slides. There are many interesting tasks for the attention of schoolchildren: ...

Finding test words in a group of cognate words - presentation

The presentation will form the ability to find test words among the proposed group of related words and correctly write unstressed vowels in a weak position. Downloading an electronic resource is offered along with a ready-made summary of the Russian language lesson in grade 2. The lesson begins with practicing the skill of writing vocabulary words. Then comes the study of the topic of the lesson. Students must learn to check...

Related words - presentation

Presentation "Related Words" presents electronic simulator, which will allow you to check the ability to identify single-root words and find the extra in the proposed series. You can download the manual for independent work of students at home or in the classroom. You can also work on slides when fixing a topic in a general lesson. Each slide has 4 words. Three of them...

Vocabulary - presentation

The presentation offers entertaining material for vocabulary work in grades 1-2, although this work most teachers use it successfully throughout the entire primary school education (grades 1 to 4). Riddles are offered on 76 slides. Their answers are dictionary words. The riddles are arranged in such a way that the answers go ...

Working with vocabulary words - presentation

The presentation offers excellent material for working on vocabulary words using mnemonic techniques. You can use the work in any elementary school class. You can work with it in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. Having studied the techniques, students themselves will be able to memorize the spelling of unverifiable words without any problems, and this will improve literacy and save you from ...

Presentation Word Signs Items

The presentation contains information on the topic "Words signs of objects." This material is studied at the Russian language lesson in the 2nd grade. However, the manual is universal, as its content was clearly drawn up schemes, tables, diagrams. You can also download an electronic resource for a Russian language lesson in grade 3 or 1, for conducting speech therapy classes, ...

The basis of the word is presentation

The presentation offers material for conducting a Russian language lesson in grade 2 on the topic "The basis of the word." The manual can be used to study the topic on any teaching materials. Schoolchildren can also work with this resource at home, wanting to repeat the material that was studied in the lesson with the teacher. The work consists of 16 slides. Initially offered...

Word hyphenation rules - presentation

The presentation introduces students to the rules for transferring words from one line to another. The material can be downloaded both for the Russian language lesson in the 1st grade and for work in the 2nd grade. The interactive manual is presented in two parts, which makes it possible to use it in several classes. On the pages of the electronic manual there is ...

Rhyme - presentation

The presentation talks about rhyme, which must be observed by everyone who decides to write poetry. Only this time we have before us not the development of a teacher, but a small project of a 2nd grade student, which he prepared for a Russian lesson. The topic is not easy, it is studied according to the textbook by Kanakina (School of Russia). Artyom, most likely, was helped by his parents to arrange the slides....

Text, title - presentation

The presentation will help to get acquainted with the topic, what is the text and why does it need a title. The allowance is small, as is the contingent of students for whom it is designed. The topic will be studied at the Russian language lesson in the 2nd grade. It was planned to conduct a lesson on the teaching materials "Perspective", although it can also be used for other programs. Work begins...

Learning to compose a text - presentation

Presentation for the Russian language lesson in grade 2 you are on the topic "Learning to compose a text." Together with the electronic resource, it is also proposed to download the author's summary of the lesson of the teacher Alferova T. G., developed according to the textbook by Vinogradova. The lesson assumes not only the acquisition of skills in compiling texts from paragraphs and key words, but ...

Types of texts. Reasoning - presentation

The presentation will help in introducing students to the types of texts. In order for the children to like the lesson of the Russian language in the 2nd or 3rd grade and remember it, and to easily assimilate the material, we suggest downloading additional tasks, as well as a ready-made summary for the teacher. This kit will help you be productive. The topic will not be difficult, because ...

Text plan - presentation

The presentation will help in studying the topic "Learning to plan the text." The speech development lesson in elementary school always requires additional training. We suggest downloading the resource and using it when teaching 2nd grade students how to work with texts (EMC "21st century"). Traditionally, the lesson begins with a minute of calligraphy. Students are encouraged to repeat the writing of connections ...

Prepositions - presentation

The presentation was made for the Russian language lesson in the 2nd grade, where the topic "Prepositions" is to be studied. A colorful manual can be downloaded along with a set of additional material that will be useful to the teacher. Ready summary offers detailed descriptions all stages of the lesson, the cards will allow you to organize individual work with individual students, Handout You can use it if you have free...

Description Text - Presentation

A presentation with a summary of the Russian language lesson was developed to study the topic "Text description". The manual was made by a teacher working in the 2nd grade with the teaching materials "School of the 21st century". You can also download the manual for other programs, since the topic is studied not only in grades 2, but also in grades 3-4. Using the proposed material, it is proposed ...

Silent consonants - presentation

The presentation will help in studying the topic "Unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word." A manual for elementary school was compiled, the author did not indicate the teaching materials, therefore, it is proposed to download the resource for Russian language lessons in grades 2-3. The lesson begins with an immersion in the autumn theme. Since it is present in the design of the pages, it will also ...

Double consonants - presentation

The presentation is offered to get acquainted with the spelling of words with doubled consonants. The material for the Russian language lesson is selected taking into account the age of younger students. You can download the finished manual for lessons in grades 3 - 2 on any teaching materials. There are diverse tasks on 17 slides that will help you study the topic and replenish your vocabulary with thematic ...

Parts of a word - presentation

The presentation introduces students to the parts of the word. The study of the material is designed for grade 2. The topic is interesting, but it requires a careful approach to study so that students remember the rules for writing individual parts and avoid mistakes. We recommend downloading the resource to make the Russian language lesson as interesting and productive as possible. During the course, students will...

Words Denoting Objects - Presentation

Finished presentation will be an excellent accompaniment to a Russian language lesson in grade 2. Together with the development, it is proposed to download the material for holding a calligraphic minute with the students on a separate sheet, which the teacher can print for individual use. It is thought out to carry out vocabulary work to study the spelling of the words birch and telephone. Lots of work to be done and learning new things.

Consonants - presentation

The presentation will help you figure out what features the consonant sounds of the Russian language have, how they differ from vowels, and what groups they are divided into. This topic is important, it is studied in the lessons in both 2nd and 1st grade (EMC "School of Russia" and others), therefore tutorial can be downloaded for both classes and organizations ...

The main members of the proposal - presentation

The presentation will help the teacher organize the acquaintance of 2nd grade students in the Russian language lesson with the main members of the sentence. To make it interesting for everyone, so that the theoretical material can be easily assimilated, we suggest downloading a ready-made manual. And it will also help to diversify the work of students when studying the topic, because on each of the 15 pages there are favorite fairy-tale heroes, which...

Meaning of suffixes - presentation

The presentation for the Russian language lesson on the topic "The Meaning of Suffixes" will be used in grades 2-3 (EMC "Primary School 21st Century"). The development is a full-fledged support of the training session for the organization of work with schoolchildren. Moving from slide to slide, the teacher offers new tasks. This has a positive effect on the motivation of younger students, enhances ...

Emphasis - presentation

The presentation simply and clearly shows the role of stress in the words of the Russian language. Grade 2 students are offered a job with a small but very interesting benefit. On its pages there is a lot of illustrative material. All pictures represent unusual pairs of words that are spelled the same, but pronounced differently and have completely different meanings, because in ...

Separating soft sign - presentation

The presentation will help you understand the spelling of the dividing soft sign in the words of the Russian language. In addition, the attention of 2nd grade students is also drawn to the spelling of words in which this letter is an indicator of softness. The teacher is also invited to download for use a ready-made summary and an application for the lesson, which will help you figure out how to work with multimedia ...

Olyaka's presentation - presentation

The presentation will help to conduct a speech development lesson in grade 2, in which schoolchildren will work on writing a teaching presentation on the "Olyapka" questions. The text is offered to those who work with the EMC "School of Russia" (textbook by Kanakina). In addition, the resource can be used to organize additional classes with schoolchildren if you are working with a different study guide....

Statement Katok - presentation

The presentation is proposed for conducting a teaching lesson on the development of speech on writing a presentation on the topic "Rink". The download of the resource is offered to those who work in the Russian language lesson with the textbook by Kanakina (EMC "School of Russia"). The manual is made on 20 pages. There is a narrative text that students will have to read at the very beginning of the lesson. The following are a variety of...

Swallow Educational Presentation - Presentation

The presentation will help to conduct a teaching presentation lesson in grade 2. For a written retelling, the text of "Swallows" according to L. Tolstoy is proposed. This story is familiar to many schoolchildren, which will facilitate the work, but those who hear it for the first time will cope with the tasks, because after the preparatory work done, the children will easily start writing ...

Outline of the Long-tailed Robbers - Presentation

The presentation is proposed for the lesson in which the training presentation is planned. The material can be downloaded for a Russian language lesson in grades 2-3 without any restrictions on teaching materials. The teacher prepared the text "Long-tailed robbers." it short story about how a hare saved her little hare from forty and people helped her when they saw flying ...

Presentation Sinichka - presentation

The presentation was made for a lesson in the development of speech, in which schoolchildren will write a teaching presentation "Titmouse". The manual is not tied to any educational complex, nor is it limited by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, so it can be downloaded for conducting Russian language classes with students in grades 2-3. Children are offered text for ...

Presentation Presentation Bear Family

The presentation was made for a lesson in the development of speech in grade 2. In Russian, schoolchildren will write a presentation on the topic "Family of Bears" based on an excerpt from Skrebitsky's story "A House in the Forest". You can download the manual for everyone, not paying attention to the CMD. 12 slides present material for organizing consistent work with text. First...

Presentation Assignments in Russian

The presentation presents a number of tasks in the Russian language that can be offered to students in grade 2 in any teaching materials. With the manual, students can work both under the guidance of a teacher and at home. Download resource offered for organization individual work, to work out individual topics, to repeat the material. On 16 slides selected exercises to perform ....

Presentation Composition Winter fun

The presentation will help in writing a teaching essay in grade 2 based on a picture on the topic "Children's Winter Fun". The manual can also be downloaded to work with students in grades 3-4 on any teaching materials used in Russian schools. There is a picture in development, based on which students will perform creative written work. AT...

Composition based on the picture of Moose - presentation

Presentation offers auxiliary material to conduct a speech development lesson on writing a training essay based on Stepanov's painting "Moose". You can download the manual for grade 2. The teacher will not have to look for additional material for the lesson to tell about the artist, because one of the pages of the resource is devoted to getting to know his biography and work. Dedicated to...

Composition First snow - presentation

The presentation will help to reveal the theme of the essay “First Snow”. You can download a manual with a ready-made summary not only for Russian language lessons in grades 2-3. You can work with the manual at home when you need to independently prepare a creative thematic work about the first snowfall. Colorful illustrations will help you focus, on which falling snowflakes fascinate and...

Educational essay Spring - presentation

The presentation will be useful to those teachers who will write a teaching essay on the topic “Spring” with students. The manual provides a lot of material for work. Also, the teacher can download a ready-made abstract, which describes in detail all the stages of the Russian language lesson in the 2nd grade (EMC "School of Russia"). Completed manual on 13 slides. Bright pictures...

Sounds and letters - presentation

The presentation can be used in Russian language lessons as an additional material when consolidating and repeating knowledge in the 2nd grade on the topic "Sounds and Letters". At a general lesson, you always want to diversify the activities of schoolchildren in order to prevent overwork, so we recommend downloading a manual that diversifies the forms of work of younger students, will allow them to plunge into ...

Crosswords in Russian - presentation

AT interactive presentation a crossword puzzle is offered for memorizing vocabulary words of the Russian language. You can use the manual at any stage of the lesson, diversifying the activities of students in grade 2. You can download the resource for any UMK. It is not necessary to give him a lot of time in the lesson, you can work with the manual after the lessons or in supportive classes. In front of students...

Spelling ChN, ChK, ShchN - presentation

The presentation introduces children to how words with ChN, ChK, SchN are spelled correctly in Russian. This rule is studied in the 2nd grade for any teaching materials, so each teacher for a thematic lesson can download a manual that offers a number of tasks for mastering new knowledge. Help children understand the rules of writing, teach how to make ...

Presentation Noun gender

A presentation by an elementary school teacher was developed to study the topic "Gender of nouns" in grade 2. The manual can be downloaded for any teaching materials, since it is not specified by the author and the tasks are not tied to a specific textbook. A bright little book immediately attracts the attention of children. They want to work with heroes who...

Picture vocabulary dictation - presentation

The presentation offers thematic pictures for writing picture dictionary dictations. You can download the manual for Russian language lessons in grades 1, 2, 3 and use as needed. With one slide, the teacher can work as long as it takes to master the spelling of vocabulary words by all students. It is useful to advise parents to work at home with children on ...

Russian language quiz - presentation

The presentation was prepared by L. V. Korchagina for the Russian language quiz in the 2nd grade. The manual can be downloaded both for lessons and for accompanying extracurricular activities. It is interesting to have a game-competition between children during the subject week and during the holidays at the school camp. No one will be disappointed, because the tasks are interesting, entertaining,...

Where words are stored - presentation

The presentation on the topic “Where are words stored” introduces children to various dictionaries of the Russian language. The manual can be downloaded for conducting thematic lessons in grades 2-3. Schoolchildren will be interested in viewing these slides with the librarian at the library hour. Such a story would also be appropriate for book week or other extracurricular activities....

Presentation Key words

The presentation was made for the consecration of the topic "Support words". It can be considered with students of grade 2 in a rhetoric lesson or a lesson in the Russian language, reading, literature. The topic of the lesson is presented on 12 slides. First, students are invited to get acquainted with the emergence of rhetoric as a special science, and then travel a little ancient world and find out what's different...

Alphabet - presentation

The presentation offers additional material for the Russian language lesson in grade 2 when summarizing or consolidating the topic "Alphabet". Students have already met this concept when they were first graders, but repetition will bear fruit, since then the children will have to work with dictionaries, so you need to be able to navigate quickly in thick reference books in order to find the right word ....

Acquaintance with the concept of spelling at the root - presentation

The presentation introduces students to the concept of spelling. It assumes familiarity with checking and writing difficult places in the root where you can make a mistake. Download the manual is offered for Russian language lessons in grade 2. The use of teaching materials is not indicated, so the teacher himself determines the presence of this development in his classroom. The finished presentation is...

Minutes of calligraphy (Grade 2) - presentation

The presentation offers material for holding penmanship minutes in the 2nd grade at Russian language lessons. The teacher can use the resource at his own discretion in the classroom with any teaching materials from grades 1 to 4. Children will be interested in working according to the proposed scheme. Not only that, each time new tasks are given for writing one letter ...

Capital letter - presentation

The presentation will help children figure out when a capital letter is used in Russian in words - proper names: animal names, people's names, surnames, geographical names. Download the manual is offered to work with students in grade 2. On 16 slides there is material for studying the topic. Most of the lesson will be devoted to spelling the capital letter in nicknames, so...

Spelling minute - presentation

Presentation offers interesting tasks for conducting spelling minutes at the Russian language lesson. The manual can be used to change the forms of activity with students in grades 1-2. You can download the manual for any teaching materials, since this is not a study of the topic, but separate entertaining tasks that should be in the teacher's piggy bank, both for use on ...

Phonetic analysis - presentation

The presentation was made to teach the rules of phonetic analysis. The allowance can be used from the 2nd grade. At Russian language lessons in grades 3-4, the teacher can also work with the resource if the students have forgotten the procedure for conducting or formalizing the analysis. The development is done with hyperactive links. The first page offers a general plan: ...

Warped Text - Presentation

The presentation offers a number of tasks in the Russian language for teaching schoolchildren how to work with deformed text. The manual can be downloaded for elementary school teachers for grades 1-2. Also, the resource can be used by speech pathologists who work with students individually. On the development pages, there is a titmouse test. Offers are given in random order. With animated effects...

Types of texts - presentation

The presentation is offered to get acquainted with the topic "Types of texts". The material was carefully selected for the Russian language lesson in grades 2-3. Given that we have younger students in front of us, the teacher picked up interesting tasks that corresponded to their age. Along with computer development, it is proposed to download a number of applications. It is worth paying attention to the finished summary, in ...

Types of speech - presentation

The presentation will help to introduce students to the types of speech. The use of the manual is designed for 2nd grade. You can download to study the topic on the teaching materials “School of Russia (textbook by Kanakina, Goretsky). Electronic resource will be used at the very beginning of the school year, so the author suggests that you get acquainted with the book, according to which you will learn Russian. Children first...

Changing nouns by numbers - presentation

The presentation will help to consider and understand how nouns change by numbers. At the Russian language lesson, students are invited to learn how to distinguish the singular from the plural, correct errors in finished texts, and select words for a given rule. Downloading the resource along with a summary and cards for distribution to schoolchildren is offered to teachers who work with teaching materials...

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Slides captions:

MBOU secondary school No. 39 Dzerzhinsk Lesson - training in grade 2 on the topic: "Root spellings" Presenter: Zoteeva N.A.

Root - the definition of the root (look at the memo)


The topic is important, because 1. We hear ... 2. We write ...

Goals: Consolidate ... Evaluate ... Tasks: Be able to see and correct mistakes Explain the spelling of words Exercise self-control

I want to know more! I know the material well, but I can do better! While I'm in trouble! Mount Diplomas

Spelling training. If you want to be literate - learn to think!

Explain familiar spellings: ska. ka mr. hello ser. tse kapus. snowy. co. ntse m. rskoy m.

Choose a test word v..yes.. senny adj.. tit x op .. sho What spelling unites these words? good autumn flight

Pair f p b c f d w t s h k d

Test yourself

Guess the words! kl, uf galupka plow pryshk, and maros sn, ishk, and What spelling unites these words?

Check yourself! beak hiking frost dove jumping snowballs

Find the "extra" word. Prove that this word is “superfluous” heart honest tasty joyful tasty

Wait. terribly interesting. t happy. forest. nitsa t t Open the picture! terrible interesting

Moscow is the heart of our Motherland. It is a big and beautiful city. maskwa is the heart of our country. This is a balsha and a crumbly gore.

Individual work level 1 (weak): Flower, ladder, sat, starry, sad holiday. Level 2 (intermediate): Boys joyful narot with kankami sonorously cuts the summer. Level 3 (strong): Ball wound hall ... hall, with a bone in the booth hall ... hall. The cat under the snow sat ... deeds and instantly settled ... deeds.

Self-esteem 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 difficulty importance mood

Lesson summary What are the three rules that teach you how to correctly write letters at the root of a word?

Reflection I see dangerous places in words and know how to check them. I want to know more! I don't always see a dangerous place in a word. I can do better! I'm having a hard time, I need help!

Vocabulary work plant ... waters, shaft ... nk, s ... september, city ... d, s ... old, ... once, m ... two, for ... c, t ... comrade, r ... sunok, fast ..., d ... December, s ... pog, s ... va z ... waters, shaft ... nk, s ... september , city ... d, s ... ldat, ... once, m ... two, for ... c, t ... comrade, r ... sunok, fast ..., d .. .kabr, s...pogi,

Let's check ourselves What is a spelling? What is a spelling? In what part of the word can we solve the spelling problem? In what part of the word can we solve the spelling problem? What spelling do you know? What spelling do you know? Where is the dangerous place for a vowel sound? How to check it? Where is the dangerous place for a vowel sound? How to check it? Where is the dangerous place for a double consonant? How to check it? Where is the dangerous place for a double consonant? How to check it? What are the dangerous combinations at the root? How to check if a root has an unpronounceable consonant? What are the dangerous combinations at the root? How to check if a root has an unpronounceable consonant?

creative work- She has big eyes. She eats mice and voles. - The owl lives in the forest. - Paws are short, powerful, with curved sharp claws. - A bird nests on top of a tree trunk. - She has big eyes. She eats mice and voles. - The owl lives in the forest. - Paws are short, powerful, with curved sharp claws. - A bird nests on top of a tree trunk.

Corrector's work Fox galas On the morning dawns in the evening dawns, all the fox inhabitants serve piles of galas. The black-tigers are playing, the jays are squeaking, the thrushes are singing with ringing galas. Beetles and grasshoppers creak. Orioles will blow with a flute. At the morning dawns in the evening dawns, all fox residents serve piles of galas. The black-tigers are playing, the jays are squeaking, the thrushes are singing with ringing galas. Beetles and grasshoppers creak. Orioles will blow with a flute.

Subject: Russian language

Subject: Russian language

The target audience: for 2nd class

This resource Designed for 2nd grade students. UMK any.
The presentation is designed to work in one or more classes. On slide 2, topics are given for repetition and systematization. The work is carried out on the control buttons.
The resource can be used for individual, group, correctional work in the classroom or at home.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for grade 2

This resource is intended for 2nd grade students. UMK any.
The presentation is designed to work in one or more classes. On slide 2, topics are given for repetition and systematization. The work is carried out on the control buttons.
The resource can be used for individual, group, correctional work in the classroom or at home.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for grade 2

This resource is intended for 2nd grade students. UMK any.
The presentation is designed to work in one or more classes. On slide 2, topics are given for repetition and systematization. The work is carried out on the control buttons.
The resource can be used for individual, group, correctional work in the classroom or at home.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for grade 2

Dictionary words, like the multiplication table, must be known by heart. That's just the multiplication table is placed on half a notebook page, and dictionary words make up a huge dictionary: they must be taught and taught, often returning to the same word.

The resource was developed in MS Office PowerPoint 2010 for 2nd grade students. EMC "School of Russia".

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for grade 2

The interactive game "Unstressed vowels" in Russian was created for students in grades 1-4, any teaching materials. The game can be used at the stage of study or repetition in the course of individual or group work. Work with the presentation is carried out by the control buttons. The resource was made in MS Office PowerPoint 2010. The presentation was voiced.

Purpose: improving the knowledge and skills of students on the topic "unstressed vowels, tested by stress."
Objectives: increasing the effectiveness of learning the Russian language; development of mental operations; cultivating interest in the subject.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for grade 2

The presentation is intended for the Russian language lesson at the teaching and learning complex "School of Russia". Students read the question. When clicked, an image appears. Pupils write down the word, by the second click they check whether they wrote it correctly.

Russian language presentation for grades 3-4 UMK program Harmony. The Parts of Speech simulator can be used for individual, frontal, pair and independent work with class. It will help students learn the eight...

Vocabulary "Monday"

Presentation for the Russian language lesson Grade 2 (EMC "Perspective"). Children will get acquainted with the interpretation and etymology of the word "Monday", learn the composition of the word and how to use it, phraseological units, sayings. While working with new...

Thinking about the past tense of a verb

The presentation and summary of the lesson in the Russian language are intended for the 3rd grade of the EMC "Harmony". The lesson consolidates and generalizes students' knowledge on the topic "Past tense of the verb"

Simulator - Cases

The test can be used to test knowledge of cases at home, in the classroom. The test was created in a template for creating computer tests, so turn on macros when working! Press Esc when exiting.

Analysis of the Russian language lesson.

In this work, an analysis of the Russian language lesson on the topic: "Selection of single-root words" is given. This presentation reveals the subject and meta-subject connections in the lesson. The work was used at the pedagogical council for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Learning to write a summary

Presentation of the connected text - the new kind work for first graders. The presentation developed the order of work on the text: acquaintance, conversation on the content, then a plan is proposed in the form of small detailed questions that require ...

Dictionary work "Vegetables, berries, fruits" 3kl

The work presents the types of work with vocabulary words: guess riddles, distribution into groups (vegetables, berries, fruits); generalization (call in one word); find a mistake in the riddle (rules of proper nutrition, i.e. wash before ...

Hard and soft consonants

Presentation for grade 1 EMC "School of Russia" to the textbook by V.G. Goretsky develops the ability to distinguish between soft and hard consonants in a word, generalizes knowledge about the designation of softness and hardness of consonants in writing.

Unstressed vowel at the root of a word

The presentation is aimed at students of the 1st grade, allows in a playful way to teach children the rules for writing an unstressed vowel at the root of a word, includes examples of selecting test words, contains entertaining material, poems and pictures.

Touching the grass with hooves

The presentation contains an acquaintance with the text of the description of the subject based on the work of Yu. Yakovlev "Moose". Using the presentation helps to develop students' figurative representations using the description of an elk as an example, as well as enrich vocabulary, develops curiosity, encourages ...

Guests from the planet "SA" How do words grow? (word - "garden")

What words can be obtained from the word - "garden"?

It is not for nothing that the proverb is said (game) Suffix (Russian)

The name of the presentation is “Spelling of the combinations ZhI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU, CHK-CHN” The presentation is intended for Russian language lessons. This lesson is a journey through the stations, where children learn how to spell letter combinations in a playful way. In the presentation...

Dictionary word "swamp" (Grade 3)