Activities to improve the skills of hotel staff. Methods of training and advanced training of employees of hotel enterprises. Staff in uniform at the hotel

  • 27.04.2020

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240 rub. | 75 UAH | $3.75 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Abstract - 240 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

Polyakov Vladimir Vladimirovich The content and methodology of intra-company professional development of hotel workers on the technology of tourist service: Dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.08: Moscow, 2002 157 p. RSL OD, 61:02-13/781-X


Chapter 1

1.1. Foreign experience in advanced training of hotel staff 10

1.2. Organizational and methodological principles of managing the system of internal professional development of hotel workers

1.3. Criteria for assessing the level of qualification of hotel staff 50

Chapter 2. Methodological base for in-house professional development of hotel workers 80

2.1. Structural model of in-company advanced training of hotel workers using tourist service technology 80

2.2. Methodological base for advanced training of hotel workers on the technology of serving tourists 88

2.3. Experimental - experimental work and its results 118

Conclusion 134

Bibliography 138

Introduction to work

The relevance of research. In recent years, the tourism industry in Russia has been developing rapidly. The development of tourism and the hotel industry is inextricably linked. A modern hotel is an enterprise that employs people of different specialties, different educational levels. The more good hotels there are in Russia, the faster the inbound and domestic tourism will revive. Hotels, as a means of accommodation, occupy one of the main places in the formation of a tourist product. Accordingly, the higher the quality of service in the hotel, the higher the guarantee of the provision of services at the level of world standards, the higher the competitiveness of the Russian tourist business in foreign markets. In recent years, the requirements for the quality of service, comfort of hotels among Russian citizens have sharply increased, which now have the opportunity to compare living conditions in our and foreign hotels.

Every hotel manager - whether it is a huge five-star palace or a modest, cozy small hotel - strives to ensure that the guest has the best hotel experience for many years to come.

Among the many conditions that determine the effectiveness of tourism and hotel business, high quality services, the leading place is occupied by professional competence, constant professional development of personnel in the technology of serving tourists. Personnel work- this is the selection, placement of personnel, professional development, advanced training, etc. - require the constant attention of hotel managers. Highly professional specialists are the basis and guarantee of the hotel's image. The task of timely assessment and effective professional development of employees in terms of tourist service technology determines relevance this study.

However, the analysis of the literature on the issues of personnel training at
hospitality enterprises, as well as the practice of development and
implementation of specific projects based on Moscow hotels revealed
limited approaches, means, methods and lack of

systematized developments on the part of institutions involved in
additional professional education, according to this

issues, and the potential of organizational learning on Russian enterprises hospitality is still not fully used. Need systems approach to improve the professional skills of hotel workers in the technology of serving tourists based on the use of new methods and forms, on the one hand, and the lack of systematic, scientifically based approaches to the organization and content of advanced training in the real conditions of an existing hospitality enterprise, on the other hand, determined problem our research.

Purpose of the study consist in the development of the content and methodology for improving the professional skills of hotel workers according to the technology of serving tourists.

Object of study is an intra-company professional development of hotel workers on the technology of serving tourists.

Subject of study. The content and methodology of in-house advanced training of hotel employees according to the technology of serving tourists (on the example of the Kosmos hotel).

Research hypothesis suggests that the increase

The professional qualification of hotel employees in terms of tourist service technology will become effective if:

S determine the qualification requirements for hotel staff;

* to model and methodically substantiate the structure, content and methodology for improving the professional skills of hotel workers according to the technology of serving tourists;

S the content of professional training of hotel employees on tourist service technology will include special knowledge on room service, information and telecommunication systems in hospitality, the basics of marketing, pricing technology in hospitality, legal issues of hotel activities, psychology and ethnopsychology, ensuring the safety of hotel services.

Research objectives:

    To analyze the initial reasons that led to the need to create an in-house approach to improving the skills of service personnel in the hotel business.

    Develop criteria for assessing the level of qualification of hotel staff.

    To substantiate the structural model of in-house professional development of hotel workers using the technology of tourist service.

    To develop and experimentally test the content, forms and methods of in-house professional development of hotel workers according to the technology of serving tourists.

Methodological basis of the study there were works: B.C. Ledneva, V.A. Kvartalnova, (the concept of the content of continuous education, its essence, reasons for its creation), V.D. Chepika (directions of reforms in the system of tourism education), I.V. Zorina (problems of certification training, methods of career planning in tourism), E.V. Moshnyagi (using foreign experience in the formation of the education system in tourism Russian Federation), E.N. Garanina, T.S. Eliarova, A.V. Filatova (formation of professional skills

service of tourists in the process of training hospitality managers), I.V. Magidova (pedagogical foundations for professional development of hospitality workers), V.S. Ledneva, A.V. Petrovsky, (problems of adult education), A.K. Markova (problems of professional learning), Yu.N. Kulyutin (features of the psychology of adult education), V.V. (pedagogical technique in the context of educational technology).

Research methods. In accordance with the purpose of the study, theoretical and empirical methods were used.

Theoretical methods: analysis of pedagogical, economic, special literature on the research problem, analysis of the results of diagnostic tests, questionnaires of staff and tourists of the Kosmos hotel.

Empirical research methods: observation, diagnostic testing, questionnaires, interviews, surveys.

Experimental research was carried out in the hotels "Cosmos" and "Tourist". 324 employees of various services took part in it, 752 questionnaires were analyzed for the effectiveness of the proposed training methods and the use of professional skills acquired as a result of training, motivation for learning from service personnel, as well as 518 tourist questionnaires to analyze the quality level of services provided by the hotel, efficiency the work of individual departments involved in servicing the established image of the enterprise during the experiment. An expert assessment of the proposed course programs was received.

Research stages

The study was carried out in three stages:

Stage I (1998 - 1999) - the state of the problem of regulatory and organizational support for the activities of groups of workers engaged in servicing tourists in a hotel was studied; the experience of creating and improving the professional qualifications of employees was analyzed

hotel complexes in Russia and abroad, as well as educational institutions that train personnel for the hospitality industry; a set of provisions that form the basis for improving the professional qualifications of hospitality workers at various levels has been determined; the topic of the study was identified, the goals, objectives, experimental base, subject and object of the study were determined.

    stage (1999-2000) - the period of development and experimental testing of a structural model for in-house professional development of hotel workers in terms of tourist service technology, as well as a mechanism for introducing the developed model into the practice of the Cosmos Hotel.

    the stage (2000-2001) consisted in summing up the results of the work, processing the experimental data, clarifying the conclusions, supplementing and processing the previously proposed materials and testing them in the professional development system for the employees of the Cosmos Hotel.

Scientific novelty research consists of:

S determination of the initial conditions and reasons for the need to improve the professional skills of service workers according to the technology of service on the basis of the enterprise;

S development of a structural model for in-house professional development of hotel workers using tourist service technology, revealing the purpose, content and organization of the process;

S substantiation of the criteria base for assessing the level of qualification of the hotel staff on the basis of service quality criteria;

S in determining the organizational and methodological principles of managing the system of in-house advanced training of hotel workers, which allow organizing the learning process on a personality-oriented, creative basis.

Practical significance research lies in the fact that on the basis of the developed packages of programs of the relevant courses: "Technology of hotel service", "Fundamentals of hospitality", "Technology of reception and accommodation of tourists", a number of teaching materials and manuals for individual advanced training courses for hotel workers: “Collection of trainings on hotel service”, “Workshop on training “Lodging touch” for employees of the porter service”, the structural model proposed by the author for in-house professional development of hotel workers using tourist service technology can be used in as a model for training the service personnel of hotels operating on similar service technologies to the Kosmos hotel. The research materials can be used as the basis for the formation of new qualification requirements for the service personnel of hotel enterprises. The criteria proposed by the author for assessing the quality of tourist service can be used by hospitality enterprises to form a system of standards for service technology.

The following is submitted for defense:

    Methodically substantiated criteria base for assessing the level of qualification of hotel staff

    Structural model of in-company professional development of hotel workers according to the technology of tourist service.

    A package of programs for the relevant courses: "Technology of hotel service", "Fundamentals of hospitality", "Technology for the reception and accommodation of tourists", a number of methodological materials and manuals for individual advanced training courses for hotel workers: "Collection of trainings on hotel service", "Workshop on

“Lodging touch” training for porter service employees, which is part of the structural model for training service technology employees. Testing and implementation of research results.

Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the hotels "Cosmos" and "Tourist", as well as on the basis of the Institute of Tourism Technology and the Institute of Additional Education of the Russian international academy tourism. The course and results of the research at various stages were discussed at International and All-Russian conferences on the problems of tourism development. The proposed methods are used by the Cosmos Hotel to train the staff of the reception and accommodation service.

Foreign experience in advanced training of hotel staff

This paragraph will analyze and summarize the foreign experience of professional development of hotel staff, as well as the experience of creating and using educational and methodological support to improve the skills of workers in tourist service technology in various countries.

Currently, tourism is an actively developing and highly profitable industry. All over the world, investments in tourism are paying off. "The tourism industry is a large independent economic complex consisting of groups of industries and enterprises whose functions are to meet the diverse and ever-increasing demand for various types of leisure and entertainment in their free time." Among the components of the hospitality industry, educational institutions of the tourism profile play an important role, supplying the tourism market with qualified personnel, which are one of the key success factors for hotel enterprises. Most hotels today do not consider it expedient to save on staff training and spend from 38 to 50% of their income for this purpose.

In the world there are now a huge number of educational institutions that train specialists for the tourism industry. However, there are not so many educational institutions and schools involved in advanced training of hotel workers.

Due to the fact that the tourism industry is international in nature, there has recently been a desire to integrate various educational institutions of the tourism profile. different countries. Many European tourism business schools are shaping their many programs for the future versatile hospitality worker. There is an intensive exchange of teaching staff. Programs are being created to support the industrial training of teachers and students in various countries. The international orientation of students and employees contributes to the quality and professionalism of the hospitality industry.

In all the variety of theories and phenomena of the living practice of training specialists for the hospitality industry, there have been and remain schools that are the most powerful "civilization". Their leading importance in the world today is undeniable, and the impact on the development of the theory and practice of training specialists for the hospitality industry is the greatest. And although there is no need to blindly follow the conclusions of the theorists of those schools and the recommendations of their practitioners, it is certainly necessary to know their ideas, developed by decades of experience in training personnel for the hospitality industry.

This analysis not the first of its kind. Famous works: V.A. Kvartalnova, I.V. Zorina, E.N. Moshnyaga, and others who in different years trained abroad or simply adopted foreign experience in training specialists for the tourism industry. This analysis, compiled mainly on the basis of internships for RMAT teachers, is somewhat different from the previous ones. It exhibits the following characteristic features:

we refer only to the experience of such educational institutions that are engaged in advanced training of hotel workers in the field of hospitality technology;

When choosing objects of analysis, we took into account the following factors:

a) a long tradition of hospitality;

b) the development of a market economy;

c) proximity of cultural traditions to Russian ones;

d) applicability of business management systems (models) in Russian conditions;

e) identity in understanding the concept of hospitality

In accordance with these requirements, we selected the following countries to analyze the experience of improving the skills of hotel workers in terms of service technology:


The greatest attention was paid to studying the experience of the Lausanne School of Hotel Management, the French Institute of Management in the field of hotel, restaurant and tourism, the International Institute of Hotel Management, Johnson and Wales University (USA).

So, let's move on to the analysis and generalization of the experience of training and advanced training of specialists in the hotel, restaurant industry and tourism in France. In the beginning, we analyze the features of the organization of training.

The first feature is that the basis of vocational training is the system of hotel and restaurant management and only a small part of the courses, disciplines and programs relates to purely tourist activities implemented in hotel complexes as additional service(booking places on transport, organizing visits to entertainment events, ordering excursion services, etc.). The same features apply to the advanced training system.

In conditions when the hotel industry itself is turning into centers and bases for the main stay of customers, it is natural that educational institutions for the training of personnel and retraining of hotel and restaurant personnel focus on the formation of the qualification skills of students (students) in the main technology of future work: a hotel industry specialist, restaurant business specialist. At the same time, the training is structured so that the student at the end of the training becomes a generalist. As for the advanced training system, it is also built in such a way that employees involved in the tourist service sector receive the widest possible range of knowledge and skills in technologies related to the service.

Another feature: the organization of the hotel and restaurant industry and tourism in the country. On the example of hotels, the following circumstance can be noted. In France, there are more than 20 thousand hotels of various profiles and levels of service. This figure fixes only hotels of tourist destination. About 15 thousand hotels are combined into large hotel complexes such as "Akkord", "Pullman", numbering over 100-150 objects. Hotel chains, as a rule, organize their own closed training centers, the purpose of which is to improve the skills of personnel only for enterprises that are part of their own network. In the course of training, standards and qualification skills are developed, the need for which is caused only by the requirements of the hotel and restaurant industry, characteristic of this chain. The programs take into account General requirements, classification and service standards, resulting from the rules "rationing and classification procedure for hotels of tourist destination", adopted in France in 1986.

Privately owned hotels are usually small. The composition of the attendants is 6-8 people. To train the staff of this type of hotels, the owners use the services of lyceums and colleges that are part of the local territorial government. These educational institutions are under the methodological guidance of the Ministry of National Education, independently, taking into account the needs of their partners - customer enterprises from among the existing clientele, prepare draft training programs, which then undergo competitive testing at the territorial level and are approved by the Ministry of National Education. The Ministry of Labor gives an opinion on the conformity of programs as an expert assessment qualification requirements to professional professionals.

Organizational and methodological principles of managing the system of internal professional development of hotel workers

In this paragraph, the relationship will be substantiated and the degree of dependence of the effectiveness of in-house training and organizational aspects of managing the personnel development system will be shown. Based on the analysis, organizational and methodological principles for managing the system of in-house professional development of hotel workers will be identified, which will form the basis for building a structural model.

The basis for building a system of advanced training on the basis of a hotel enterprise should be the personal, creative development of each employee. In this regard, it is of great importance to diagnose the level of motivation of each employee engaged in servicing tourists to achieve a high level of professionalism. The motivational sphere of professionalism, despite the many foreign and domestic developments, remains an unexplored problem today. The range of opinions regarding the definition of the level of motivation of employees, individual motivational factors, and even in the definition of the conceptual apparatus is quite wide. However, no one today denies the great importance of motivation in raising the level of professionalism of staff. Many pedagogical technologies, methods and forms of work with personnel as part of advanced training may turn out to be ineffective if you do not pay attention to the motivational sphere. In-company advanced training allows paying special attention to the study of the motivational sphere of each employee, thereby forming the necessary pedagogical environment favorable for the effective development of personnel as part of advanced training. Therefore, we considered it necessary, on the basis of an analysis of existing theories of motivation, as well as on the basis of practical research conducted in the dissertation, to highlight the main organizational and pedagogical principles of managing the system of advanced training of hotel workers, which are necessary condition increasing the effectiveness of the application of the content and methods of advanced training of service personnel.

To begin with, let's define the conceptual apparatus that we will use in the analysis. Motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to activity, set the boundaries and forms of activity and give this activity an orientation focused on achieving certain goals. Alternatively, motivation can be defined as a process that begins with a physiological or psychological lack or need that activates a behavior or creates an urge to achieve a particular goal or reward. Needs are something that arises and is inside a person, which is general enough for different people, but at the same time has a certain individual manifestation in each person. Finally, this is what a person seeks to free himself from, since, as long as the need exists, it makes itself felt and “requires” its elimination. People can try to eliminate needs, satisfy them, suppress them, or not respond to them in different ways. Needs arise consciously or unconsciously whenever the physiological or psychological balance is disturbed. A motive is something that causes a person to act in a certain way. The motive is located “inside” a person, has a “personal” character, depends on many external and internal factors in relation to a person, as well as on the actions of other motives that arise in parallel with it. The motive not only induces a person to action, but also determines what needs to be done and how this action will be carried out. There are the following categories of motives: Primary motives.

To date, there is no consensus on how to classify the various human motives, but it is recognized that some of them are innate and have a physiological origin. Such motives are called differently - physiological, biological, innate or primary. In this paper, the latter term is used. The most common known primary motives are hunger, thirst, avoidance of pain, sex, and maternal instinct.

Common motives

When classifying, common motives are not always singled out in a separate category. Nevertheless, such a category turns out to be necessary, since there are a number of motives that are, as it were, in an intermediate zone between primary and secondary motives. To be included in this category, motives must be innate, but not determined by physiology. While primary motives tend to reduce stress or stimulation, general motives drive a person to increase stimulation. Therefore, sometimes such motives are called "stimulating". For example, motives such as curiosity, desire to manipulate, activity, affection are best suited to this category. Understanding common motives is essential to understanding human behavior, especially in organizations. Common motives are more important for organizational behavior than the primary ones.

Structural model of in-company advanced training of hotel workers using tourist service technology

The structural model of professional development of hotel workers in terms of service technology includes: the initial causes that influence the formation of the content and methods of professional development of employees in terms of service technology and the organizational and methodological principles and conditions for improving the skills of employees identified by us in the previous chapter. Features of the organization of the advanced training system at a particular hotel enterprise. Graphically, the developed model is shown in Scheme 1.

The conducted practical studies have shown that for the most qualitative formation of professional service skills, it is also necessary not only to research and apply an effective methodological base, but also to encourage staff to improve their professional development. The organization of the advanced training process in a hotel can be represented as follows (Scheme 2). The essence of the model is that when developing the goals, content and methods of forming professional skills, we proceeded from the psychology of motivation for achieving high results of professional activity, which we analyzed in Chapter 1. An analysis of the results of experimental work showed that the effectiveness of employee training is determined by many factors : first of all, talent and the abilities required to perform professional tasks, then a special style of activity (the so-called "cognitive styles"). However, it was found that the potential motivation of staff to improve existing professional skills should be updated by situational stimuli. -. Structural model of professional development of hotel workers on the technology of tourist service

The structural model highlights the main factors influencing the need to create a system of in-house training:

the rapid development of new service technologies related to information systems, new cleaning equipment, etc.

the need for prompt adjustment of the content and methodology for improving the skills of employees, depending on changes in the conditions of internal and external environment enterprises;

the need for continuous professional development by the whole team due to the discreteness of production and the integrity of the consumption of hotel services;

the need for an individual approach to improving the skills of each employee in the formation of the didactic basis of the courses;

a significant impact of intra-company motivation of employees, corporate culture on the effectiveness of the application of advanced training methods.

In addition, according to the goal (this is shown in Scheme 1), the structural model of advanced training of hotel workers using tourist service technology is focused on the provision of quality hospitality services by staff, and, therefore, takes into account the criterion base of quality service.

The model also takes into account the motivation of staff to improve professional skills. Motivation of employees is updated by situational stimuli, therefore, when organizing an in-house system of advanced training, it is necessary to pay special attention to the problems of studying the motivational sphere of professionalism of employees. The model of internal professional development also assumes that the formation of content is a continuous process. The factors influencing the formation of the content of in-house advanced training of employees in the technology of serving tourists are:

S the development of new technologies, the use of which is necessary for the implementation of quality services for tourists;

S change in the external conditions for the functioning of the hotel enterprise: competitive environment, consumer characteristics, relationships and requirements of contact audiences;

S development of new educational technologies in the foreign and domestic system of advanced training of employees;

S change in the qualitative composition of employees;

change in production model hotel services. Communication and reflection are singled out as metaprocesses in the model. Communication as a flow and exchange of information of all kinds and in all directions predetermines the quality of contacts and connections in the entire model, which not only arise due to it, but also influence it. Feedback is the most important component formation of effective content and methods for improving the skills of employees in service technology. Highly developed communication processes are characterized by many types of feedback. In the practice of internal professional development, there are various difficulties in the field of communication that affect the effectiveness of the application of the proposed content and methods of professional development. Monologue modes instead of dialogue modes, problems of acceptability of information and its reliability are just a few of the symptoms of the presence of communication barriers in the organization of an internal system of advanced training. Reflection, unlike learning, is a metaprocess of complex learning. In a psychological sense, reflection is a state of anxiety that arises under the influence of questioning "absolute" truths, speculative models, constructive principles of the surrounding reality, knowledge, values, direct and indirect consequences, etc. Communication and reflection are, in fact, meta-processes in the system of advanced training, which, in principle, have no end and cannot be completed. That is why we tried to schematically depict the cyclicity of these processes on the model with arrows.

The sub-processes of this model can, on the one hand, proceed smoothly and consistently, on the other hand, be circular. At the same time, they are easily combined, giving different results each time.

The most important factor in the effective operation of the enterprise is timely and high-quality training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, which contributes to a wide range of their theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities. Due to their high educational and professional training, employees get the opportunity to technologically “see” much more than their immediate duties. Egorshin A.P. Personnel Management. 2nd ed. N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2000. 624 p. , Ismaev D.K. International hotel industry, based on foreign publications. Service quality management, revenue management, marketing, personnel management, technological requirements for the design and decoration of hotel enterprises. - M.: NOU "Luch", 1998. 180 p. , Walker J. An Introduction to Hospitality. Moscow: Unity, 1999. 463 p.

In connection with the allocation of the hotel industry as an independent industry, the need for professional workers hotels. The hotel business requires special skills and comprehensive professional training. Efficiency technological process for the reception and service of hotel guests depends, first of all, on a clear organization of work and the quality performance of their duties by the staff. To improve the quality and culture of service in hotels, it is necessary to pay more attention to the training and retraining, and advanced training of staff.

To ensure compliance professional knowledge and skills, professional training and training of personnel, advanced training are necessary. Personnel training ensures that professional knowledge and skills correspond to the modern level of production.

Training includes four main aspects:

Professional training,


staff retraining,

additional professional education.

The goal of any training is to learn how to interpret phenomena environment in such a way as to best navigate in it and accordingly adapt their behavior in this environment.

Personnel training is carried out on the basis of calculations of the need for personnel of a certain profession and qualification. Personnel training is the process of acquiring theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities in the scope of requirements qualification characteristic entry level qualifications.

Personnel training, depending on the level of education, is carried out by:

1) primary - vocational education - schools, schools of working skills;

2) secondary vocational education - technical schools, colleges;

higher - vocational education - institutes, universities, academies;

additional postgraduate education - postgraduate studies, doctoral studies.

In St. Petersburg, such educational institutions train personnel for the hospitality industry, such as:

1. State educational institution middle vocational education"Petrovsky College";

2. St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics;

3. St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance;

4. St. Petersburg State University;

5. Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship and others.

In these educational institutions, much attention is paid to the following disciplines: management in the tourism industry; management in hotel service; product technology Catering; economics, accounting and control in the tourism industry, etc.

Vocational training is targeted, specifically directed training, final goal which - providing the enterprise with a sufficient number of employees whose professional qualities fully correspond to the production and commercial goals of the enterprise. Personnel training is required in cases where: an employee comes to the enterprise; an employee is appointed to a new position or entrusted with a new job; the employee does not have enough skills to perform his job; there are serious changes in the economy of the enterprise or in the external environment. Purposeful professional development of personnel depends on the completeness, accuracy and relevance of existing or received information.

Advanced training is a constant process of updating knowledge.

Advanced training consists in deepening professional knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of training.

The advanced training management system is based on the following principles:

Planned, systematic and continuous expansion of knowledge;

Frequency and mandatory training;

Differentiation of curricula and programs by categories of workers;

Ensuring the educational process.

The main requirements that ensure the effectiveness of the development of training programs are as follows:

learning needs motivation, people need to understand the goals of learning;

conditions conducive to learning should be created;

if the skills acquired in the learning process are complex, then this process should be broken down into successive stages.

Retraining of personnel means the training of qualified workers in order to change their professional profile to achieve compliance of personnel qualifications with production requirements.

Retraining of personnel with the help modern methods using various technical means learning forms systemic thinking, develops the ability to make independent decisions, a high degree of independence, activity, the desire for self-development. Usage active methods training during retraining of personnel contributes to the development of people's abilities to qualitatively and effectively perform the tasks assigned to them.

Researchers identify two main models of personnel training:

On-the-job training. Theoretical course in vocational schools and practical training at the enterprise;

Off-the-job training in specialized vocational schools and training centers.

It is advisable to organize training in special blocks of disciplines: management, marketing, sales, finance, new methods accounting etc. All of these disciplines should be focused on the hospitality industry.

The problem of retraining personnel and improving their qualifications comes to the fore due to the constant obsolescence of the total amount of knowledge and the depreciation of previous specialized knowledge, which is caused by scientific and technical progress, as well as the natural loss of knowledge. Proceeding from this, professional development of personnel can be defined as a process of improving theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to improve the professional skills of employees, mastering advanced equipment, technology, labor organization, production and management.

Professional development has a positive impact on employees. By improving their qualifications and acquiring new skills and knowledge, they become more competitive in the labor market and receive additional opportunities for professional growth both inside the company and outside it.

graduate work

1.3 The level of qualification of hotel employees, forms of its improvement and the impact on the quality of service

It can be noted that the place of the reception and accommodation service in the hotel is certainly huge; the fate of the organization itself will depend on it. But due to the fact that in Russia there are no clear rules defining the requirements and the need to apply certain international standards, the hotel business in Russia does not always correspond to both quality indicators and declared prices. Therefore, it is necessary to develop both a regulatory framework and a system for monitoring the fulfillment of requirements for hotel service. In addition, not all hotels provide quality services also because the staff themselves do not always have the necessary skills in work and necessary knowledge which also needs to be adjusted.

In general, the issue of qualification has been rather difficult to solve lately, since it is based on the problem of creating the necessary working conditions, on the one hand, and on the other, it is necessary to follow the existing requirements. Unfortunately, there are no requirements for the appearance of students entering the department of hotel and restaurant business. Yes, they cannot be - each person is free to choose his own education at will, but when hiring, it is extremely necessary. Appearance, pretty features, youth - these are the main requirements for hotel staff, as they must attract visitors not only with their knowledge, but also with their appearance. The problem is that not everyone with diplomas in their specialty fits this list, and if you don’t follow it, then what quality indicators can you talk about. And even if this is unprofessional, many managers invite young men and women to work who have nothing to do with the hotel or restaurant business, but at the same time are the owners of youth, beauty and taste. As for their education and qualifications, this problem, as is commonly believed, can be solved - you can easily train a person if he wants to work. But on the other hand, in many hotels (including Don-Plaza), there is a high turnover of personnel, since the requirements for personnel are high, and there is simply not enough qualifications for their implementation.

In fact, if you look at foreign partners, it turns out that the system of norms that provides an opportunity to profitably maintain both the image and maintain the level of competitiveness in the hotel business is the competence of the staff. If a porter, then he must know all the institutions, cultural places and places of recreation of any level in the city, if the reception and accommodation manager, then a polyglot, if a cook, then only at the highest level, and this applies to hotels of the most different levels.

In our country, only a number of hotels follow these rules and not all of them have 5 *. And those who have, far from all meet the high requirements.

The problem of providing services in our country is very acute and just like the problem of the level of education and qualifications of personnel. On the one hand, this is due to globalization and open borders - it is necessary to comply international standards, otherwise all domestic services will be crowded out foreign analogues. On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the requirements for personnel are a relatively recent phenomenon and therefore some time must pass for the society itself to realize what quality is and how to provide it.

And if we consider that in Russia there are a huge number of promising, tourist and economically diverse regions, then the hotel business is not only a promising direction in business, but also an important industry in education. The development of the service sector, tourism, restaurant and hotel business are interrelated industries that will provide the country's budget with fairly high profits, and the population quality service, and therefore it needs to be developed, starting with the education system and ending with the system of advanced training for already established employees.

Qualification of an employee - the degree of professional training, expressed by the level of training, experience, knowledge and skills necessary to perform a particular type of work. The qualification of an employee is established in the form of a rank or category.

Advanced training - training due to a change in the nature and content of the work of specialists in their positions, obsolescence of knowledge.

Factors affecting the need for training:

the dynamics of the external environment - the world around us is constantly changing, new technologies appear, new requirements for personnel, new political and political economic conditions and the organization (in particular the hotel) must be ready for such changes and prepare the staff itself for them;

change in strategy - throughout the entire period of the hotel’s existence, it cannot retain everything that was old that was originally laid down, it is necessary to carry out some reorganizations aimed at making a profit, and therefore, the strategy will be lured towards reorientation of activities and the staff must respond flexibly to the fact that management adds or vice versa limits their functions in connection with the reorganization;

the creation of a new structure, new activities - the development of new markets, this is the key to success today. There is not a single organization that could stay afloat by offering only one product - there must always be a choice, both for the consumer and for the staff - whose activities can be multifunctional, which will ensure career or further employment;

analysis of the level of compliance with the requirements of workplaces, the qualities of employees occupying these places - constant testing, advanced training courses, various checks in direct working conditions.

Forms of advanced training:

Depending on who conducts the advanced training program, there is a distinction between the advanced training of employees in the company (intra-company) and outside it (external). Training activities that are planned and implemented for employees of their own company are called internal, or intra-company, advanced training. It does not matter where exactly these events are held. Professional development outside the firm (external). It is carried out in educational institutions. special shape external enhancement qualification is inter-firm professional development;

depending on the nature of the connection with practical activities, further training is distinguished at the workplace and advanced training outside the workplace. Off-the-job training forms (seminars, courses, colloquia, etc.) are assigned the tasks of systematically reviewing certain areas and development trends, stimulating initiative and generating new ideas, practicing behavior and obtaining information about the impact typical behaviors. Typical forms of professional development in the workplace are: directed transfer of experience, creation of preparatory jobs (for example, places for assistants, apprentices), planned and systematic job changes, systems of transfers from one position to another (which is often a prerequisite for employment leadership positions), assigning special tasks and granting rights to represent the company outside, discussing current work problems;

depending on the degree of organization of the process of advanced training, organized and unorganized advanced training are distinguished. Along with the organized form of advanced training, the unorganized, or so-called independent, form of advanced training has a certain significance;

depending on the content of activities for professional development, advanced training is distinguished in professional field, practicing behavior, problem-oriented advanced training. Problem-oriented training activities are carried out depending on the appearance of problems in the company, for example, with an increase in the percentage of rejects or with the introduction of a new technological process. These activities are often an integral part of large-scale concepts of organizational change (organizational development);

depending on the target groups, they distinguish advanced training for managers, general advanced training of company employees (technical specialists and specialists economic departments firms, foremen, young employees going for promotion) and open training programs (for all employees without restrictions, which can even be calculated for members of their families.

Thus, we can conclude that the development of staff qualifications, on the one hand, is a problem of the organization itself, but on the other hand, it can also be attributed to the problems of the state itself, since there are quite a few places and programs for developing the qualifications of representatives of the hotel business, their improvement which should be organized by both educational institutions and government bodies responsible for recreation and tourism, as well as quality services to the population. In addition, modern society is on the verge of colossal changes, when the main goods and the basis of production will be the service. Already today there are a number of states that are switching to innovative technologies, abandoning the usual production and occupying their economy with the service sector. The result of this development is the fact that society is again divided into developed, developing and catching up, and this in the age of globalization can adversely affect general principles development of the economy throughout the world, and therefore threatens us with new global economic crisis. And if Russia does not switch to this system in time, it will turn out that within the framework of our state the hotel business is far behind and it can be replaced by foreign analogues.

But there are a number of hotels that not only meet international requirements, they strive to show by their example the importance and necessity of developing this industry. And in this work, it is necessary to find out whether the Don-Plaza hotel belongs to such hotels.

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The development of professional qualifications of specialists in the field of hotel business is a change, improvement of its professional value orientations, personality orientation, organizational, communicative, perceptual-gnostic, expressive qualities. AT modern conditions high level the development of professional qualifications of specialists in the field of hotel business is associated with the ability to perform the changed social functions, readiness to transform the sphere of their professional activity, to professional and creative activity. Professional training programs are developed and implemented both by the company itself and with the help of external organizations. One of the most effective methods of staff training is training. Training is active learning aimed at the formation of skills; they can be carried out both for employees of a certain level (top management, heads of departments, etc.), and for all categories of employees (they set out the main corporate programs or programs aimed at developing abilities). Corporate training is fundamentally different from training in business education, which is aimed at laying down general ideas about the main areas and ways of doing business. In the daily practice of hotel companies, there is no need (especially time) to acquaint employees with the basics, history, development reviews different approaches, models and methods of work. Ordinarily, an organization can only afford to take its employees off work and send them to training for a short period of time. Typical training duration is one to five days. To plan training in a company, order a course, make a list of trainings, you need to know their classification. Company management and HR managers usually divide trainings in a way that is more convenient for work, and do not look for strict classification. Let's name some variants of how the types of trainings are distinguished in organizations: Topics. Common training topics for hospitality businesses are: Time Management, Elements of a Successful Meeting, Effective Listening, Carrying Luggage, Writing Techniques, Telephone Skills, Appearance and Dress, Skills Sales”, “Question Technique”, “Feedback Principles”, etc. By dividing trainings by topics, you can clearly define the subject area of ​​work. However, to organize and conduct effective training, choosing a topic is not enough. You need to know exactly who the training is for. Members. A typical division of participants is according to their position in the organization: ordinary employees, line managers, middle managers, top management. Accordingly, the trainings are divided. This division complements the thematic one. As a result, we get the following description of the training: “Course in the history of French wines for food service workers” or “Training on the skills telephone conversations"room-serves" services" i.e. room service. The next training approach is much less common. It consists in highlighting the level of problems to the division of the needs of the organization, the response to which this training is:

  • - situational (individual) level refers to those needs that are associated with the skills of specific employees or managers of the organization. To solve problems of this level, it is enough to train specific people and develop their skills. For example: housekeeping skills, luggage carrying skills, basics of effective listening, etc.;
  • - the system level refers to those needs that are not limited to learning individual employees and related to the interaction within the company. For example: conflict management, time management, etc.;
  • - the strategic level refers to those needs that are not limited to either the training of individual employees or interaction in the company, but relate to the organization's development strategy, its position in the socio-economic environment. For example: corporate culture development, strategic planning.

Personnel training in the hotel business is continuous: employees of all levels improve their skills throughout the entire period of their work in hotels. So, hotel companies pay special attention to training their employees, in the department for training and development of personnel, two priority areas have been developed - professional training and training focused on the personal growth of an employee. The hotel has created special programs (Specialized courses) for ordinary employees on following directions: culinary skills, bartender and waiter art, principles of work of employees of the reception and service department, standards of work of employees economic department. Hotel middle managers are regularly trained in the basics of management, conflict management, time management, etc.

Managers of middle and junior levels are offered the Master of Management program, following which an employee can receive a supervisor certificate.

The Radisson SAS Hotel has developed a special training cycle for middle managers: “I am a leader and mentor. my strengths and weak sides", "My appearance, manners, style of behavior - a role model", "Responsibility. Control. Consequences of Behavior”, “Employee Rewarding. Statement of approval", "Issuance disciplinary action". Each training, designed for 60-90 minutes, includes interactive discussions, discussion of specific situations, role-playing games.

A special place in the policy of any hotel is occupied by advanced training and training of senior managers. Typically, top managers do internships in leading five-star hotels and well-known restaurants abroad.

Hotels are creating a special two-year Excelerator training program for senior executives that directly introduces the work of all departments and prepares employees for a potential general manager position. Hotel employees who have been trained under the Specialized courses and Excelerator programs receive international Edexcel certificates.

Hotels usually hold corporate trainings that are mandatory for all employees. They are mainly aimed at studying service standards, customer communication skills, protocol and etiquette features, etc. national characteristics guests. The hotel, with the participation of the company, has developed its own employee training system, which takes into account the psychology of human relations as much as possible. One of the tricks in this system is to have the employee say his name at least twice in the process of communicating with the guest. Working with focus groups showed that in this case, the employee will be able to establish the most trusting relationship with the guest.

Trainings are conducted both by the heads of departments and their own trainers, as well as by specialists invited from abroad.

Radisson SAS has the opportunity to use the resources of its corporation, which has Training Center Radisson SAS Management School, which organizes professional development training for hotel chain employees. Hotel managers take part in the work of this school, and Western specialists come to Astana.

Knowledge foreign language maids and porters in our hotels are not required, but practice suggests that some minimum knowledge is still necessary to communicate with customers. Therefore, now in many high-class hotels it is customary to invite an English teacher who works with all categories of employees, teaching staff the set of phrases necessary for work. In hotels, due to the increased flow of tourists from Italy, China and Germany for certain categories employees organized classes for the study of Italian, Chinese and German.

In hotels, trainings are often held with psychologists, the purpose of which is to learn how to get away from conflicts, keep a smile on your face during long working hours. After all, the most common complaint of customers in high category hotels is unsmiling staff.

The most promising employees are sent for retraining or advanced training in specialized educational institutions (at the expense of the hotel). Those who successfully passed the exams are issued certificates or state-issued certificates, depending on the number of study hours.

Professional development programs for hotel employees are developed jointly with specialized educational institutions. great attention when planning classes, it focuses on the problems of personnel management, service standards in the hotel industry, and the psychology of communication with customers.

Professional development of specialists is systematically carried out by the hotel and restaurant complex "Rixos President Hotel Astana" created by a division of the training center.

Among the working materials of the center:

  • - models of training courses, for example, in-depth study of the economics of the hospitality industry, management of enterprises in the service sector, marketing and advertising, foreign economic activity in the hotel business, real estate economics, commercial activities in the hotel industry, the basics of management, information and computer systems in the hospitality industry and restaurant business and etc.;
  • - experience in solving various professional tasks and problems; enterprise development management; formation of a foreign language hearing and pronunciation skill; activation cognitive activity; organization of personality-oriented pedagogical process; creation of a system of economic education: implementation of different levels of differentiation; application of game design in manufacturing process, the formation and development of a creative personality with an environmentally oriented worldview; organization of research in the natural and cultural environment of their region; study of traditional folk culture; organization of leisure activities for clients; formation of communicative competence and many others;
  • - author's programs and experience in their implementation;
  • - pedagogical concepts of teaching managerial activity.

The following facts testify to the growth of the professional qualifications of the Rixos President Hotel Astana specialists: in the period from 2003 to 2007, 267 hotel business specialists were certified for the highest category, trained according to the materials described above and submitted their generalized professional experience to the data bank.

Thus, the benefits of training are, namely, the impact on staff:

  • - increase job satisfaction;
  • - help to increase safety and hygiene;
  • - contribute to the growth of staff morale;
  • - allow employees to reach the level of an experienced worker in the shortest possible time;
  • - increase the psychological flexibility of the staff. Management impact:
  • - increase profits;
  • - contribute to the growth of the level of management;
  • - maximize the use of resources;
  • - reduce losses;
  • - reduce the number of complaints;
  • - increase cash flow;
  • - assist in the recruitment of staff;
  • - reduce staff turnover;
  • - help with consistent planning. Impact on the educator:
  • - facilitates the work of the training manager if the staff is well trained;
  • - the training manager receives fewer complaints from the board and guests;
  • - the trainee develops his own management skills. Impact for all groups:
  • - increases productivity;
  • - increases guest satisfaction;
  • - growing income
  • - the influence of the company is growing;
  • - the prospects of personnel are expanding. The trend of convergence between the processes of developing professional qualifications and the transformation of professional activity is confirmed by the repeated, after several years, submission of materials on professional experience to the information bank of modules. The presented information reflects purposeful changes in the professional activities of specialists in the hotel business over the past period of time, allows us to draw conclusions about the depth and systematic comprehension of subjective experience in the context of the changing theory and practice of the hotel business.

The solution in practice of such complex problems as, for example, the implementation of a personality-oriented approach to students, the formation of a speech culture, the organization of research activities of specialists in the field of hotel business, is unthinkable without professional and personal improvement, a systematic understanding of the experience of solving a problem (many subproblems), professional interaction, cooperation in their solution, including with methodologists and scientists. This is confirmed by the facts of repeated training of groups of specialists in the field of hotel business at internship courses at their request. Re-training of the former trainees according to new curricula, taking into account a deeper understanding of the problem they are solving, with mandatory analysis, expert assessment of the experience gained in solving the problem, conducting workshops, micro-teaching trainings, productive activities in finding, designing new ways to solve sub-problems, partial their approbation with subsequent correction of activity gives a significant increase in professionalism and competence, contributes to the accumulation of experience in activities aimed at professional and personal improvement, contributes to the formation of the position of specialists in the field of hotel business as a self-conscious subject of their professional and personal development, the formation of readiness for the transformation of professional activity.

The professional and creative activity carried out, inextricably linked with professional and personal improvement, brings satisfaction to the specialists in the field of hotel business. They feel more comfortable in their profession. They are aware of the need to form a value attitude towards their own development.

Specialists of the hotel business "Rixos President Hotel Astana" manage to set realistic, personally significant learning objectives, adjust them if necessary, have and implement their own training plan within the framework of the general one, analyze its process and results, determine the factors and conditions that contribute to and hinder effective achieving a result; the promotion of hotel business specialists through the stages of theoretical research and understanding of their professional activities has one of its results a specific product in the form of a modular reflection of interrelated components of professional experience, a holistic model of generalized professional experience, the concept of professional activity, etc.; another important result is the readiness of specialists in the field of hotel business for reconstruction, transformation of the existing professional activity on a certain theoretical and methodological basis, the implementation of reflection of professional and creative activity, the observed convergence of the processes of development of professional qualifications and the transformation of professional activity as a result of cognition, research of subjective professional experience with the help of a special intellectual tool (modular information reflection technology) according to a specially organized advanced training program; the information array of the bank of information modules is replenished annually, the number of users is growing, the circulation of the bank's information is carried out, the quality of materials received by the bank and, accordingly, received by users is improved; growing professional qualifications students. Training and development programs must become an integral part of the learning process to meet the needs brought about by technology and the changing workforce. These programs require significant investment in technology to be applied effectively. However, the result may be the achievement of the main goal of training - the coincidence of the interests of the individual and the enterprise.