Igor mann marketing without money. Igor Mann: About the right marketing. What to do and how to do

  • 28.10.2019

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© Shagabutdinov R., Bezuglov E., 2017

© Edition in Russian, design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2017

This work only confirms the well-known proverb that a book is the best gift, even for a triathlete. I would call it a kind of encyclopedia of a modern and maximally healthy lifestyle - a storehouse of relevant and useful life hacks.

Very interesting thoughts on prioritization, on organizing your time. “As with anything, the hardest part here is getting started, and the best workout is practice,” the authors write. Yes it is. Both in life and in sports. A significant part of the book is devoted to the accumulation of energy and ways to deal with its useless waste.

I was surprised that many of the tips turned out to be very close to me. I agree with most of the points. The authors and I think in a similar way! I also agree that time on airplanes should be spent with benefit, and compression should be put on, and healthy food should be prepared for oneself (including snacks).

Sports on trips and business trips are a way to switch and shake yourself up.

Daytime mini-sleep, media detox, books instead of endless social networks, subscriptions, messengers, lack of notifications on the phone are a must in our crazy hectic time. The main thing is to be able to switch off, to find this Zen in yourself.

All information is laid out on the shelves, accessible and understandable. Thank you Renat and Eduard! This is quality work.

Irina Shadrina,

TV presenter, journalist, triathlete

In December 2016, Igor Mann and I talked on new year holiday MIF and signed the first copies of our book "Business Hack for Every Day". Igor gave me a great idea: to write a book "Fitnesshack", to continue the series of "hacker" publications with a book about health, energy and sports.

I was and continue to be amazed at Igor's talent for generating so many great ideas. He seemed to foresee a great interest in the topic of energy (in my seminars and webinars, listeners are most often interested in this aspect), and thanks to this, the book that you are now reading has turned out.

Igor, thanks!

So, I sketched out a plan, discussed it with Igor, began to collect life hacks ... But soon I realized that life hacks alone would not be enough for us to cover all the issues. So the book is “overgrown” with tips, basic rules, reviews and much more that will help you be 100% charged and show results in work, sports and life. Basically, we provide the most concise and capacious information on different topics, but there are extended recommendations and background information in the book. We have also tried to provide links to the best books so that you can delve deeper into issues that interest you personally.

The book consists of three large parts: "Energy", "Health" and "Sport". They intersect, and often one section follows from another.

The Energy part contains tips and tricks to help you stay energized and productive all day long—until evening, not until 4:00 pm. It doesn’t matter if you are a leader, an athlete, a specialist, a housewife, a driver – this section will help you save your attention and energy, work and rest 100%.

From the Health part, you will learn what and how to do to improve the quality of life and keep it alive. high level. Physical activity is one of the most accessible and important ways to achieve this. And so in the "Health" section there are recommendations for running, swimming, training in fitness centers and at home. If you have not yet started playing sports or just started, but you have questions, this part of the book will help you first of all.

At the same time, sections about running and swimming, for example, are also in the “Sports” part. Contradiction? Replays? No. The “Sport” part is for amateur athletes, those who exercise not only for health, but also participate in amateur competitions, want to run, swim or drive fast and improve their results. If you are one of those amateurs, I am sure you will find a lot of useful information in the last part of the book, which will help you improve your results while avoiding injury.

You can read the book in its entirety or refer to the section that you think is most relevant. In addition, in the future you will be able to use the book as a reference to find answers to questions (for example, do I need insoles for running with flat feet? What are the steps to take on the way to the first marathon? What are the risks of participating in a marathon? ?How to maintain and transport the bike?and so on).

This book is for those who:

Always tired and wants to find energy for all his activities;

Plans to start playing sports and does not know where to look for answers to his many questions;

Strives to get rid of excess weight;

Engaged in amateur sports and wants to achieve the best results without injury.

For the last three years, I often catch myself thinking that everyone is running somewhere, swimming, driving ...

The laziest and most unathletic friends do not flinch at the mention of such "terrible" words as cadence, BCAA and IPC, and freely talk about the benefits of middle altitude in preparing for a marathon and the advisability of using caffeinated carbohydrate gels from the first kilometers of the distance.

The healthy lifestyle wave covers us headlong, and this is undoubtedly good, but in the muddy waters of the information ocean, you can not only get lost (which is not so scary), but also “choke” on unreliable data (but this is already life-threatening).

Many of us move forward by trial and error. This path has the right to exist, but it is definitely not the most rational. It is much easier, safer and more efficient to use the experience and advice of people who have already “swimmed” themselves and have seen other pioneers, and, most importantly, know many aspects of amateur (and professional) sports outside of their positions in in social networks, but through the study of hundreds of publications in the scientific literature.

When I received the offer to co-author the book you will be reading, I didn't hesitate for a second. Renat Shagabutdinov is one of the strongest runners in the country, who went through this path before my eyes and continues to develop. In addition, by the nature of his activity, Renat is aware of all the most relevant publications. He also has a large scale of thinking, is corrosive and meticulous in a good way, and this necessary qualities to write a book. These factors make me a happy contributor and you a happy reader. After reading our book, you will train safer, more efficiently and free up a huge amount of time for family and the main activity, which is very, very important for all sports fans!


The book was written in information purposes. The authors and the publisher have tried to provide reliable, useful information so that you can enjoy sports and lead healthy lifestyle life. However, be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any training plan and dietary changes, as well as before taking medications, supplements, or sports nutrition. The authors and the publisher are not responsible for the negative effects caused by the use of the methods and programs outlined in the book.

If we talk about marketing, then I am a marketer, and the whole theory should be very practical, cynical and applied. Why a marketer and not a marketer? In my opinion, marketers should be called those who are engaged in theory: scientists, professors, researchers. For practitioners, the English word marketer would be a good fit. That's why I use it. At the intersection of what I know about marketing, I created an approach that I called "mannketing". And I would like to talk with you about what is most important for a marketer to consider in their work.

Mannketing's idea

If you studied professional marketing, read Philip Kotler, Jean-Jacques Lambin, Roger Best, etc., then you probably remember the thick 500 - 600 - 800 page textbooks. In my opinion, of all of them, it is important to remember and understand literally the main points that can fit on one slide.

So, what is the most important thing in marketing?

Company brand. This is the first thing you should invest in. When we created the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber brand, we initially thought of calling the publishing house something else. We went through a bunch of options, but since Misha Ivanov and Misha Ferber were consultants at that time, the idea came up to name it so that the company would be very similar to a consulting one. In other words, a name that speaks of our personal responsibility for what we do.

Work with clients. The biggest trouble with Russian marketing is that we think we can attract customers, work with them, retain and return, but in reality we are not. Russian marketers know very few marketing tools (in fact, there are more than 5,000 of them). More than 50% of specialists do not know what AIDA is (this is the simplest communication model). And when they use some tools, it is not a fact that they do it effectively.

Let's take, for example, offer, most effective tool attracting customers in the B2B market. I ask: how do you rate its effectiveness on a 10-point scale? I hear in response: 5-6 points. How would you rate yours on a 10-point scale? Surely the same. In other words, you obviously do not modify it. And so with all marketing tools - packaging, business card, layout, catalogue, price list...

Marketing Complex. These are the “four Ps” that everyone knows very well - price, sales channels, communication channels, promotion. Here, the big trouble with Russian marketing is that we know and remember what the “four Ps” are, but we don’t try to look inside these concepts. Take the product: it would be great if companies could create blue oceans, blockbusters or bestsellers. Or they would be able to combine a product with a service so that they could not be compared with competitors. Take a cue from operators mobile communications: compare their rates is unrealistic!

Points of contact. These are the moments when a customer comes into contact with your company: business card, commercial offer, website, social networks, employees, etc. They can be rated as “wow!”, “normal” or “sucks”. I have not yet seen a single company where all points of contact would be “wow!” or "fine". Pick up your business cards and turn them over. What do you see? Cards with contacts on one side and a blank sheet on the other? Cards with contacts in Russian on one side and contacts on English language- On the second? All this is "sucks". Cards with selling text, text - "lure"? This is what "wow!" There may be five reasons to work with you, your advantages or something else - there are a lot of options.

If you can recognize the "average" or "sucks" of your touchpoints and try to create a wow business card, wow sales pitch, wow website, that will be your first major win on the road to proper marketing.

Marketing research and analysis. I feel sorry sometimes Igor Berezin- an undoubted guru in marketing research and analysis in Russia - because his topic is not in demand. It is rare that a company in Russia really digs into the topic of competitor research, analyzes the market. The trouble with Russian marketing is that it is purely intuitive and not based on facts.

"What's up now". By this title, I mean my impressions of a trip to Bangladesh in March 2012 for the International Marketing Summit. What trends did I hear there:

  • Strategic marketing - learn to think strategically and far ahead, considering all possible options;
  • Internet marketing is the future (four directions: websites, e-mail marketing, social networks, mobile world). On this important topic, I created two seminars (with Vitaly Myshlyaev, director of our consulting company LeadMachine). Below are maps for them;

(click on the picture to enlarge it)

  • Innovation. They can be divided into changes, innovations and real innovations. Either option increases the efficiency of your business.

  • Internal marketing - employees are more important than customers. If in the West a chain is built according to the degree of importance: employees -> clients -> shareholders, then in Russia: shareholders -> clients -> employees.
  • Customer orientation or customer mania. This is a possible marketing killer: you don't have to attract customers, fight to keep them. If you love them, they will continue to buy from you and recommend - recommend - recommend you to others.
  • Marketing without a budget.

  • Important little things. The power of small things is that there are many of them. Sometimes small things can help make big money.

Purchases and sales. Do not be surprised, this is not a mistake - indeed, sometimes in companies they refer to marketing. And sometimes marketers have to do completely non-marketing things - planning, budgeting, reporting and control. It takes a lot of time, is a terrible headache and few people know how to do it professionally. But it is necessary and important.

What to do and how to do

I have a huge number of maps like Mannketing. Thanks to them, I have the answer to almost any question. I see the future of marketing as follows: someday all information will be taken from the market, transferred to maps and digitized. Well, there is still some room for creativity. You will hire a marketer, set a task for him, and he will open the corresponding card and show: “We will do this!”

If “what to do” and “how to do” is theory, then application is the most important and difficult. At the summit I mentioned Philip Kotler joked: “We need to introduce another element of the marketing mix, which begins with “P” - pray ( pray - translation from English.). And when you've done your whole routine, don't forget to pray for it to work." Certainly unpredictable. external environment greatly affects our work, and at the very last stage, something can go wrong. Therefore, you need to try to calculate all possible scenarios as much as possible. Be realistic and don't take your situation as a reference.

Fifteen Mann Map

I want to show you one of my cards that I am most proud of. If it could be revealed at a detailed level, there would not be enough space on the screen and you would not be able to see anything. One of the main goals of marketing is increase in turnover(in addition to bringing the product to market and increasing brand awareness). And I want to show with this card what can be done to increase sales, turnover in any commercial company. You won't need segmentation and differentiation. Marketing research and analysis is also not needed. From all marketing theory, you need to be able to use five levers: points of contact, positioning, team, customers, marketing mix.

(click on the picture to enlarge it)

Points of contact. We have already discussed this topic in detail above.

Positioning. In my opinion (if simply, simply), this is your company's answer to the question "Why Us, and not one of Our competitors?" At trainings, top managers always answer me this question who is into what much. But in your company, every employee should know the answer, and it should bounce off their teeth. The response must contain the name of your company. Here is a personal example of the “response” of my company: “Mann, Ivanov and Ferber Publishing House – we do our best useful books that allow you to earn more – and live better. Do you want me to recommend some books?

Team. Hire more sellers in the company's staff - and you will have more turnover. But this is an extensive path. The intensive way is when every employee of the company sells. It's not very easy to create, but it really works. When in a consulting project with a Kaliningrad bank we included the “every employee sells” approach, according to the calculations of the bank’s deputy chairman who oversaw this marketing area, this could help the company save about 20% of the marketing budget. The technology is described in detail in my book Marketing Without a Budget.

What does MOTO employee mean? That it should be over motivated, trained, trained, equipped. Ideally, it's good to hire self-motivated people, but if there are none on the horizon, the whole motivation system is at your disposal: individual / team, moral / material, stick / carrot, unexpected / expected. 99% Russian leaders in these four directions are not very strong. Basically, they focus on material motivation and the whip, forgetting about the rest.

Train your employees - they should be interested in increasing turnover. Otherwise, people with very low productivity will work in the company.

Speaking about the team, it is important to note that the “right” heads of marketing and sales departments are needed - they are the ones who represent the success or failure of the company. Napoleon said: "An army of rams led by a lion will defeat an army of lions led by a ram." That's why I always say that one of effective ways increase sales - change the heads of the marketing and sales department.

Clients. I want to give a couple of tips on how to work with your client base. My BBDH model is a kind of checklist by which you can check yourself regarding sales: are you doing it more, faster, more expensive, more often? For example, in a bookstore I'm set to sell "more", in consulting - to sell "more expensive". But behind your BBDH there must be some value that you create for the client. For example, "sell more often" I would call marketing aerobatics. Look at the packaging of the shampoo. Company « Procterand Gamble" increased her sales due to what she wrote in the annotation “Apply to the head. Wash away. Reapply if necessary." Shampoo sales have doubled. And I don't understand why mineral water producers still don't do this. They could have quadrupled their sales this way a long time ago. A person needs to drink about 2 liters of water per day, so on a 0.5 liter bottle I would simply write: “To be beautiful and healthy, buy and drink three more bottles of water.”

Marketing Complex. Let's dwell on prices, sales channels and promotion.

Prices. To increase turnover through price, you can do three things:

1. Do not fall in price. How often do you condescend to discounts, realizing that a client can go to a competitor? Don't give a discount. I advise you to read the book by Alexander Derivitsky "School of Sales". In it, the author writes about 450 typical customer objections and how to deal with them.

2. Create value. Let famous designers, popular photographers, popular authors, etc. work with you.

3. Use different pricing tricks. Write to the client "the price is 100,000 rubles", and you will be left without a buyer. Why? Because the word “price” is associated with the client with the word “expensive”. Because a pessimist will see a million in the written zeros. How to improve the situation? To get started, you can simply put a separator and replace the word "price" with the word "cost". It is even better to replace “cost” with “total” and replace extra zeros with verbal designations. It turns out “only 100 thousand rubles.”. You can smile as much as you like, but if 3-5% of your customers are affected by this, it's a win.

Sales channels. Thanks to one of my demanding clients, I made a map with 35 sales channels. In my opinion, an exhaustive list. I made 23 test questions for him. It turned out simple circuit: you choose a channel, ask yourself verification questions - and understand whether this or that sales channel suits you or not.

Promotion. I know that there are over 5,000 offline promotion channels and over 240 online. When I give a B2B marketing seminar and ask the audience to write the marketing tools to attract and retain customers - no one leaves for 30 points.

Tools can be classic, new or revolutionary. How many of you know the revolutionary NPS (Net Promoter Score) marketing tool? Not many people who. But this is a tool that bounces off the teeth of any Fortune Global 500 CEO. How many of you know what retargeting is? This is another revolutionary tool that is familiar to everyone in America, and in Russia - to one person out of 500. I am really amazed by the instrumental illiteracy of Russian marketing specialists. I understand that many executives reading this text are not directly related to marketing. But then they should be struck by the passivity of their marketers, who do not come to them and say: “Chief, I just found out about a new revolutionary tool that we must definitely use. It turns out that there is sensitive marketing and directional sound technology! I tested it - cool!

And when people ask me if Russian marketing is far behind foreign marketing, I really want to say “forever”. But I don't want to be a pessimist. Marketers themselves, who do not want to improve professionally, are partly to blame for this situation, and universities are partly to blame. When a university program does not allocate a single semester for Internet marketing in five years, this is nonsense. When people don't read business books and aspire to professional growth- this is a catastrophe. As said Peter Drucker: “Marketing and innovation are the most important functions in a business. It is they who create profit, everything else is a cost.” In Russia, marketing is still a cost, and this situation needs to be changed. A marketer must be useful, must create his own system of knowledge and work according to the scheme “I know what to do; know how to do; I take it and do it!

Igor Mann's speech was recorded at a meeting of the Executive.ru Discussion Club

Photo source: Freeimages.com

In Marketing Without a Budget, you will find 50 effective marketing tools that you can use when you have a limited marketing budget (or none at all).

Who Should Read the Book of Marketing Without a Budget

The book Marketing Without a Budget is written for:

  • For owners and managers of companies.
  • For commercial directors.
  • For marketers.

Igor Mann — About the author

Igor Mann - the most famous marketer in Russia, speaker, author, publisher. Author of ten books. Among them: "Marketing for 100%", "Marketing without a budget", "Points of contact", "Number 1". After the release of "Marketing at 100%" he began to be called "Russian Philip Kotler". Almost all of Igor's books become bestsellers. Currently, Igor is a marketing consultant and partner of the Power of Mind group of companies.

Marketing Without a Budget - Book Review

Chapter 1. Business Development

"Top 5" is a list of five (maximum seven, minimum three) most important tasks for the week. Make a table. Opposite each case, indicate the contractor and the deadlines for implementation. This form allows you to see exactly what to expect from marketing in a given period of time. Neither you nor your employees will have the question: “What have we been doing for a whole week?”;

"90 days". This includes all the most important tasks that you must complete within three months. Include only key events in the list - be able to evaluate cases by significance and filter out unnecessary ones. The main thing is that the planned can be carried out;

marketing mix. Compare your firm with competitors' firms on five dimensions: product, price, sales channels, promotion, personnel. Give an assessment on a ten-point scale. Draw conclusions on which positions you are inferior to competitors, and which, on the contrary, distinguish you favorably. Strive to catch up and overtake - get ahead;

competitor assessment. It is not enough to subjectively compare your company with others, you need to constantly monitor the situation and collect information about the players in the market. You can do this in different ways: browse websites and publications, use the services of a “mystery shopper”, communicate with journalists, attend competitor events, hold conferences… But remember: competitors also remember you and accumulate important information, so try to prevent information leakage!

the introduction of "chips". Pay attention to any little things that will attract customers to the company or product. Write down as many "chips" as possible, quickly implement them and "skim the cream"! You can arrange a competition among employees and reward the one who offers more effective options;

– search for points of contact. Under them understand the moments when the client comes into contact with your company. For example, points of contact can be considered a store sign, business cards, slogans, souvenir products… Make the list as complete as possible and decide which items from the buyer's point of view can be considered the most important. Think about what points are important for business - they need to build the fastest and most effective contact;

Mystery Shopper Reception. The mystery shopper can both evaluate competitors and operate within your firm. It can be very useful to check your organization and see it through the eyes of customers. Ask colleagues from other firms, acquaintances - and be sure to explain to them the action plan (what and from whom to ask, what to look at, etc.).

Chapter 2 Sales

clarification of the reasons for "non-purchase". Ask all employees why people don't buy your product. Analyze each reason and make a list of counterarguments. You could even produce a Q&A pamphlet that anticipates customer objections. For best result coordinate your argument with the most loyal customers;

storytelling. People are very fond of stories - to tell and listen. It is worth playing on this love: a product passed through the prism of history will be remembered much better. Arrange a competition again and announce to employees about the collection of interesting stories. Work out the structure of the materials: the buyer's problem and its specifics - the solution - the advantages that the buyer receives - the conclusion. Weed out stories that make customers look bad, remove unnecessary details, and then bring all the stories into the system;

price list design. Print the cover, follow the logic of the presentation of the price list. The text should be easy to read. If abbreviations are used, they should be explained. Consider design. Make sure that your price list stands out among a million similar ones: play with the format, color, paper texture - you are not limited in creativity! Especially when it comes to such an important point of contact with the buyer;

sales assignment to each employee. When absolutely everything is sold in a company, this is a huge plus. Distribute business cards not only to account managers, but also to people from other departments, even couriers and drivers. It is not necessary to focus on the position, customers should see the name of your company as often as possible. Employees must also have promotional materials and product samples. Each person has friends, acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances - let employees not from the sales department promote the goods and services of the company to all these people;

expansion of connections. To begin with, remember that no act of communication should be free, so if you have a chance to make new connections, take it. Maintain existing contacts, remind yourself (especially on holidays!). You never know in advance when this or that acquaintance will come in handy;

sales day. Decide which day of the week you want to promote the product. Familiarize employees with the rules of this "marathon" and be sure to create a prize fund to increase motivation;

product testing. When you give customers the opportunity to use your product for a while, it increases loyalty. As a result of a test drive, a person gets acquainted with the product and can see its advantages not in words, but in deeds;

meetings with clients. And not for the purpose of making a sale, but simply to show a sign of attention. The client will certainly be surprised by your visit, but he will be pleased with your openness and desire to discuss the situation. Ask the client questions about the product, find out if he is satisfied with your work. Listen to all the comments, take on board the proposed ideas and be sure to thank the person for the conversation;

personal involvement in sales. If you are the head of the company, take the trouble to go to the store as a salesman at least once a month. Even for a few hours. You will not only find out what is actually happening at this point of sale, but also show the class to other employees;

building a customer base. Collect all information about buyers and people who cooperate with you. Stay tuned for regular updates - there is nothing worse than outdated data. The accumulated knowledge will allow selling exactly what people need, what meets their needs.

Chapter 3. Pricing

Price is the first thing buyers pay attention to. Two tools will help make it optimal:

- adjusting prices. It is not enough just to calculate the price based on the cost and markup. In order for sales to be made, it is important to use some tricks. Do not round prices (instead of 600 rubles it is better to write 580 rubles), create a choice (when one product is available for 600 rubles, and for 350, and for 100 - but it is important to justify such a spread), describe the product beautifully (a detailed justification of the benefits product encourages people to buy it), etc.;

- calculation. Calculations should show the client that his monetary contribution will pay off. Here you should be as careful as possible, because even a small mistake in the numbers will undermine your credibility. It is important for the client to see where and how you got this or that number, so do not violate the logic of the calculation and be ready to answer questions and explain the data.

Chapter 4

Roughly speaking, the problem is in the minds: the company will be customer-oriented only if all the staff are. Ready to change the way you work? The following tools will come to the rescue:

creating rules for working with buyers. Does your company have values, mission and service principles? Most of the time, employees can't articulate where their company is heading - but that statement shouldn't apply to you. Make sure that your employees clearly know and follow the stated standards;

- Creation of a customer-oriented product. To do this, you should look at it from the buyer’s point of view and understand what may not suit people in the product. Why it is inconvenient, what needs to be removed, what accompanies the product… Always strive to make it better! And be sure to keep in touch with buyers;

– the desire to make all processes in the company convenient for customers. It's for the customers, not the employees. People value simplicity, they don't like to waste time. It is also important for customers to be polite and feel comfortable. You will be talked about when people see that you put their interests ahead of yours;

- Service improvement. Try answering a few surveys: “What can be done to improve the service during the week? Months?”, “How does our company present an ideal service?”, “Which employees should provide it?” Always act as if your next customer is a mystery shopper;

- making "non-sale" calls. This is another way to earn loyalty, however, it is worth recognizing that customers still perceive such calls with distrust. But still, it is important to carry them out, since a call may well lead to a personal meeting or an order from the interlocutor. Take an interest in customer problems, clarify whether he is satisfied with the cooperation, whether there are any questions related to the product, etc.;

– use of capital letters in the documentation. Get in the habit of writing the words "customer", "client", "buyer" with capital letters - this technique contributes to the suggestion that all these people are really important to you. So even non-customer-oriented employees will begin to change their attitude;

- Addressing customers by name. People like to realize that their names are remembered and addressed not just in the abstract, but personally. The main thing here is to understand the preferences of customers. So, someone should be addressed only by their first name and patronymic, and someone is already tired of correcting the wrong pronunciation of their last name. Be careful!

– Availability 24 hours a day. Round-the-clock work is the bonus that will bring you a significant increase in sales. To do this, you need to define a duty schedule, set up call forwarding to employee numbers or a call center, and develop a website if your company still doesn’t have one. Be sure to call back if the client leaves a message on the answering machine, and think over the text that he will hear when dialing;

connection to 8-800. This free line gives customers the impression that your company is large and solid, it is possible to cooperate with it.

Chapter 5

– association with another firm – joint marketing. This technique reduces production costs and expands client base. You can combine a lot: ideas, space, advertising, products... But before you cooperate, check the integrity of organizations, deal only with the best and most worthy. Your partners and their offers should not irritate buyers. Try also to keep the cooperation long - more than six months;

- presence of business cards. We have already said that all employees of the company should have them. Pay attention to the design and the information it contains. A business card is obliged to serve you - that is, to sell;

- Based on customer reviews. Get feedback from customers, partners and leaders public opinion extremely important. It is reviews, not commercials people tend to trust. Therefore, insist that customers write reviews and do it “on the spot”, that is, immediately after contact with your organization (while positive emotions are still strong). Reviews should be as complete as possible, but at the same time take up no more than a page. It is advisable to indicate who specifically left them, as well as confirm the text with quantitative results. Moreover, testimonials are the backbone of storytelling;

- Creation of competent advertising texts. They should be written in simple language, without clericalism and grandiloquence. Give preference to short sentences, divide the text into paragraphs, watch for hyphenation, spelling and punctuation. Avoid adverbial phrases and professionalisms that the reader may well not know. Provide evidence in numbers, watch for repetition, respect citation laws, and use “no” and “not” as little as possible. Think about emotionality - very often emoticons and a humorous description of the situation in the text turn out to be quite useful;

- visual presentation of information. This refers to visualization, when any data is depicted as a diagram, drawing or map. This technique reduces the client's time by several times, which he spends on reading. text message;

- positioning your company as an expert. There are many ways to show that you are an expert. For example, speak at conferences, collect materials for books or brochures, write articles and reviews, make forecasts, organize seminars. At the same time, try to get around your competitors and always put a copyright icon!

- Answers to frequently asked questions. It is not enough to write in the promotional material the opening hours of your company. It is much more efficient to arrange this information as an answer to the question “When can I contact you?” Answer only those questions that you are really asked, do not try to invent non-existent ones. Answers should be clear and simple, if necessary, they can be divided into categories of clients. The main thing is to allow buyers to ask questions constantly and update information;

- Making the most of your resources. So, nothing can stop you from advertising on a window, on a company car, ordering a sign, leaving your business cards everywhere, posting ads ... There are many ways, it remains to understand which one is right for you and will attract your customers;

- spending the day open doors. It is necessary to set a date and invite existing and potential clients visit your office or shop. It is very important to think over the theme of this event and develop options for entertaining guests. You may want to read presentations to the audience or have a Q&A session. In any case, after the end of the event, call or write to customers and express your gratitude. But pay attention to two points. First, Monday and Friday are not better days for open doors. And secondly, people are very fond of receiving gifts, so give visitors your souvenirs (pen, notepad, magnet, etc.).

Chapter 6

The Internet provides an excellent opportunity to contact customers at any time of the day, and if you are still not on social networks, it is not surprising that the level of sales in the company leaves much to be desired. Activity can manifest itself in different ways:

- blogging. Its advantage is that employees can post informal information, one that is not usually placed in official documents. Recordings can also be discussed - leave comments, which will already create a dialogue with readers (here, however, it is worth taking care of moderation). A blog shows customers that you are open and up to date. You can update it at least every day - you get a kind of diary of your company. And if you started blogging, don't abandon it, clients will not appreciate such a move. Use visualization, always stay in touch, hold contests and polls, ask readers for help, etc.;

- usage emails. They must have a signature, including the name of the sender, position, phone number, website and blog address of the company, office address, as well as special offer(That's what will sell). Make sure that the signature is small and does not load the mail. All data indicated in it must be up-to-date (links and phone numbers are working);

- distribution. This technique is called e-mail marketing, and it's not spam! Subscribers have the full right to unsubscribe from the mailing list, and to those who exercised this right, you should not send anything else. It is very good if one employee will sign the mailing lists, because it is much more pleasant for the recipient to realize that he is dealing with a real person, and not with a robot;

- creating a group in social networks. Moreover, such a group may well replace the company's website. The main thing here is to respond to comments in a timely manner and constantly update information. Write about your promotions, publish news, upload photos and videos. All this will not require any money, but with proper organization, it will bring a powerful response from the audience. Be active on several social networks at the same time and post links to other sites in each, introduce the ability to subscribe to the newsletter.

Chapter 7. Employees

Forgetting about the staff is an unforgivable mistake, because these people bring money to your company. There are also several tools here:

- showing interest in their own employees. It is they who can give you a lot of new ideas, so you should ask their opinion on how to improve the work of the company. Don't stop people from approaching you as a CEO, encourage people to brainstorm, run contests with prizes. Prizes, even intangible ones, are very motivating, and the more valuable they are, the more people will respond to the idea of ​​the contest;

- The holding of trainings. It is not necessary to invite someone from outside for this. Employees themselves can educate others and talk about the intricacies of sales. Be that as it may, people in your company should always learn and move forward, because there is nothing worse than stagnation, including in the minds. If some employees work in other cities, record the training for them on video - everyone should have access to it. And, of course, lead by example and speak for yourself!

- creating a library. Books are a source of knowledge, and you must have them. Think about what might be important and interesting to employees, and purchase business literature. Ask people what they learned from books, what ideas they found most effective, and what they think can be implemented in the company. Create a small reading circle where everyone can express their point of view. The topics of the books should be broad. The narrower the specialization, the fewer employees will be interested in it;

- encouraging humor and Have a good mood. When people are happy, they succeed, so an optimistic mood should always be maintained in the office. Do not be afraid of jokes, allow employees to bring a holiday to workdays. Let them use stickers with funny messages, send funny letters to each other ... Tell jokes yourself! Smiling plays an important role in the workflow, and even statistics confirm that companies that laugh more often increase sales.

Chapter 8

- getting to know the editors of publications you are interested in. This is a very useful connection that is really worth making. Tell these people about your business, share the news. Be useful to the editor, and he will certainly be useful to you. At least the fact that they can place material about you in the publication - and this is already a lot;

- maintaining a column in the publication. Both parties will benefit from such cooperation. The main thing is to do your job competently (not a single editor, for example, will miss direct advertising). When your articles are published in magazines and newspapers, you automatically begin to be perceived by readers as an industry expert. Of course, it is difficult to constantly stay interesting and write new materials, but the result is worth the effort. It is better to give articles to friends or clients before printing, and after agreement with the editor, texts can be posted both on the website and in social networks;

– speaking at conferences, round tables, etc. All that is needed for this is constant monitoring of city events. It is not so difficult to become a speaker at them if your topic of speech fits the topic of the conference. Participation in it will bring you new acquaintances and give you the opportunity to express yourself and your company. It is important to take into account the rules of the event, not just to broadcast monotonously, but to provide listeners with practical advice. Do not get carried away with stories about personal successes, but quickly get to the point. The best way to tell about you is your business card (which by this time has probably become ideal). Do not give direct advertising, mention your company in passing, without focusing on purpose. Be sure to listen to the other participants, ask questions, and answer those that are posed to you. Also remember that the title of the speech should attract listeners. And never repeat exactly the words written on the slides of the presentation (which, by the way, should in no case be drawn out - ten slides are enough)

Video by Igor Mann Marketing without a budget

Igor Mann

Marketing without a budget. 50 working tools

4th edition.

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© I. B. Mann, 2010

© Design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2013

* * *


I have been involved in guerrilla marketing for 16 years, teaching and consulting. Thousands of people have gone through my seminars, my book on low-budget marketing has already gone through seven reprints ... In a word, it is very difficult to surprise me with new techniques in the field of low-budget marketing.

Igor succeeded.

While I was reading the book No Budget, I wrote out ideas for myself - and filled out a page and a half with specific techniques that can be implemented tomorrow and that will bring profit to me or my clients.

Fifty ideas presented in the book relate to different areas: marketing, advertising, sales, PR, customer loyalty, organization of work in general. However, they have one common denominator: they are ways to significantly increase your profits, which can be implemented quickly - and implemented on a small budget or no budget at all.

As the French say, "the devil is in the details": many good ideas fails to implement due to the fact that some important details are not taken into account. Therefore, it is especially valuable that Igor gives not only the idea in general terms, but also those details and details that often determine whether the implementation will be successful or unsuccessful.

Sometimes I am asked what is the best way for a marketer to invest small amounts, one or two thousand rubles, so that the effect is maximum. My usual response is: good books, it pays for itself the fastest.” The book you are holding in your hands is an excellent collection of simple recipes that allow you to raise profits at almost no cost - would quickly pay for its cost even when it was sold at 9,900 rubles. Now it promises to be a great investment.

If you are a small business owner or marketing director for a larger firm, this book should be in your library. Dot.

Alexander Levitas,international business coach and consultant,guerrilla (low budget) marketing expert,bestselling author of "More Money From Your Business"www.levitas.ru

Crisis of 2008

who gave me the time to write this book.

We didn't have money, so we had to think.

Ernest Rutherford

The idea to write a book about marketing (almost or completely) with no money came to me a long time ago, back in 2003, when I wrote my first book, Marketing 100%.

Working with marketing in the absence of a budget is a very interesting and useful experience. During my career, I have had to do marketing five times with little or no budget.

Industry crisis. Liquidity crisis. Management crisis, crisis, crisis... But the crisis was not always the cause.

For example, when we launched the Mann, Ivanov, and Ferber publishing project in 2005, our marketing budget for the first year was $400. And nothing, we have already made our first 100 million rubles.

An interesting fact from marketing theory: among the 5,000 marketing tools, there are several dozen almost or completely free.

In other words, you pay nothing (or practically nothing) when you use them.

But you get the effect.

About them - effective and little-known - and will be discussed in this book.

Here I tell how to get it done. How to run it. How it works. How to get the fastest and most effective return from such tools.

And they will work for you both now and later.

While working on this book, I realized what the problem is with many business books. There are too many ideas out there. It is not clear to the reader what to take. The authors promise in their books two hundred ideas, a thousand ideas ... What to grab onto?

I have selected for you several dozen proven recipes that will definitely help you (of course, there are many more ideas in the book).

If you and your team work only two months for 24 working days (I don’t know about you, but I usually work on Saturdays), by implementing at least 48 tools in your company, you will definitely improve your marketing and business, increase sales and recognition of your company and its solutions, significantly improve the relationship with your customers.

This book first of all written for owner, shareholder or top manager companies (small and medium business) who is interested in knowing what marketing tools to use when there is little or no budget, or simply does not want to spend money on marketing.

I hope that, despite your busy schedule, you will find a couple of hours to scan the course book and, among dozens of tools, find those that will help your business.

Then (in most cases) you need to give a clear instruction to your employees: assistant, deputies, marketers or commercial director - to use, implement this or that tool.

And enjoy the results.

Here's what it looks like structure of each chapter.

Purpose (what you can get using this tool).

Complexity of implementation (difficult, medium difficulty, simply).

Cost (cheap or free).

Who to entrust.

Terms of "manufacturing" (for what period of time it is possible to make each tool work for the benefit of the company).

As a matter of fact ("non-theoretical" description of the tool).

How it works in practice (how I used this tool - I tried to mainly use my experience; if I succeeded, it will work for you: I'm not Coca-Cola or Apple).

Important (what to pay attention to).

"Chips" (interesting helpful tips, which improve the efficiency of using the tool).

Experts (to whom to turn for outside help).

Implementation plan (how to take the first steps to introduce the recommended tool into the company's practice).

The knowledge in this book is yours competitive advantages. You pay for them and they are yours. Use them: others don't have them.

It would be great if, using the Top 5 and 90 Days tools (read about them in the book), you could start moving forward at the rate of one idea a day.

You can implement most of these techniques in a year if you use my weekly " Good year(stickers for it are attached to this book).

Choose first what you can do quickly (what you think is the easiest in terms of implementation).

If something is not clear to you, if you want to add something, argue, thank the author or scold the book, then you can send an email with the heading “ Feedback. Without money" at the address - I will definitely answer you quickly.

And of course, I and my Marketing Machine partners are at your disposal (see Appendix 2 24 Hour Marketing and Consulting Lunch Reception).

Write - we will help.

Marketingly yours,Igor Mann

A short (very short) dictionary of professionalism terms

This book does not use much scientific terms.

All little-known words explained right away.

Possible exceptions are below.


An employee of the company who "drives" - leads the process or program.


This term has thousands of definitions (one hundred of the most interesting I collected in the book "Marketing for 100%"). My favorite: "Marketing is about acquiring and retaining customers."

According to the rules of the Russian language, you can say both "marketing" and "marketing". I recommend pronouncing this word with the accent on the first syllable - "marketing". Why? See the book Marketing 100%.

Targeting a potential client.


Marketers are marketing practitioners, marketing managers, marketing directors, brand managers, heads of marketing departments. I don't like the word "marketer". For me, a marketer is a marketing theorist.


The work that is done after something has been invented.

One of my bosses used to say, "If you do a fall-up, you're a hero."

Introduction. How marketing should work

The expectations of top managers, shareholders and owners of companies from marketing (from marketers) are sometimes such that I simply marvel.

Come up with a new bestseller product.

Double your market share.

Open up new markets.

Book Reviews

There are many books out there that teach WHAT a marketer should do in a given situation, and almost no one teaches HOW to do it. This book is about HOW to connect marketing theory With real life commercial enterprise and achieve success in doing so. This book should be given to newly minted marketing specialists along with a diploma of higher education.

The genre, the manner in which Igor's book is written is a revelation... it teaches, advises, recommends... the book is doomed to success and will find an appreciative readership.

This book is of great applied value not only for marketing managers, but also for middle managers. Marketing like in this book needs to be known and dealt with right now. Are you sure that you are doing everything correctly and as efficiently as possible? Not? Then pick up a book and a pencil, read, take notes, and you will gain confidence.

If you are starting to practical activities in the field of marketing, the proposed publication will help to do this quickly and efficiently. For professionals, this book is an occasion to evaluate their own experience: achievements and mistakes. In general, we can talk about a successful attempt to systematize a large number of practical advice on effective work in marketing. This is the most expensive knowledge that is usually sold in the form of professional advice. For you, they are designed in the form of a book. Read it, you won't regret it.

This book is about how to succeed in the professional field: prioritize correctly, use your time to the maximum and achieve results. Reading it at the beginning career path, you can bypass many of the "rake" of professional development. For the established specialist, this book will be a golden lesson in the analysis of the past and a source of new ideas and alternative solutions. This book is a ticket to the professional arena; this book is 10 years of experience.

Very often, when you read a book on marketing, you get the feeling that it was written about some other life. This book immediately immerses you in a familiar, well-known environment. It seems that the author works somewhere near you, knows your problems and, most importantly, has experience in solving them. The information and advice contained in the book can really suggest the right course of action in a real situation, and they can be immediately put into practice.

This book is a great career-building tool for a marketing manager. Light, without professional jargon, the language fascinates so much that from the very first pages you begin to apply the advice that the book is filled with to your work. Not only a beginner, but also an experienced marketer, as well as a sales manager, teacher, consultant will find a lot of useful things here. Your boss hopes that you will not let go of this book. Read. Try. Be 100% like that.

Amazing book! She is amazing in two ways. First, this unique example such a wide coverage of all aspects of the activities of a marketer, and not at the level of dry theorizing, but at a practical level, with vivid, lively examples. I am sure that there will not be a single marketer, regardless of work experience, who, reading I. Mann's book, would not exclaim, more than once: “Oh, how great! Why haven't I done this yet!?" The second amazing thing is the almost hypnotic urge to take immediate action. Most often, looking through a book on marketing, we think: “It is curious, we should somehow…” We close the book and forget it forever.