The most profitable business in the country. Business in agriculture: ideas, first steps. Quail farm in the country - a business for risky

  • 18.09.2020

And again about making money in a crisis. This time we are considering options for earning money on our land, and this is by no means farms, but relatively small household plots or cottages. In no way do I pretend to be a complete coverage of all possible options - on the contrary, I hope that there will be many more additions from readers: for the benefit of everyone who is interested in this issue.

So, your piece of land. What can be squeezed out of it, besides growing food for our own needs? To begin with, we divide the areas of activity according to the principle crop production and animal husbandry(including the bird). Both summer residents and residents of the private sector can deal with the first, while the second can be done mainly only by the private sector.

So, crop production. Two directions can be distinguished here: the cultivation of products directly and the cultivation of seeds and seedlings. The second direction is often more profitable.

Potato. Second bread. And if the first bread (grain) is profitable to grow only on hundreds and thousands of hectares, then potatoes can be grown on several tens of acres. Especially in the northern regions, where, apart from potatoes, little grows at all. The technology is simple: we plow, plant, spud, dig, sell: if there is nowhere to store, we sell in the fall, if there is, it is more profitable in the spring. Incomes are certainly small, but they themselves with potatoes. In the south, there is another technology: we plant early, early ripening varieties, dig up and sell young early potatoes, then we plant them on the same site again and harvest the second crop late in the fall - for storage and for sale.

Tomatoes. Where I live now is a traditional way of earning. For some, the entire site is built up with so-called "booths" - film greenhouses with a width of 6 meters and a length of 10. They are made of wooden slats or metal structures, covered with foil in early spring, some put stoves, wood-burning or gas. Those who have their own transport carry the harvest directly to Moscow to sell, the rest are given to resellers. Tomatoes bear fruit from late May until late autumn. The profitability of this business can be judged by the fact that "tomatoes" usually do not work anywhere, they are engaged only in their own business, usually with their whole families. The volume of plantings is several thousand roots per plot of 12-14 acres.

Early vegetables and herbs. They go very well in spring and early summer. Of course, you need a greenhouse, preferably a stationary one made of polycarbonate with heating.

Flowers. In a crisis, of course, not the most necessary plants, but in many cases one cannot do without them. Therefore, they will still be in demand. Here it is appropriate to note that it is best to do what the soul lies in, what you know and know how to do well. If you don’t like to grow tomatoes, you won’t make money on them at all possibilities, and flower lovers manage to make money even on such a product that is not very popular.

And again tomatoes, this time seeds. I know a guy who does this professionally, grows dozens of varieties, collects them all over the world. And he sends it out by mail to everyone, of course, not for free. It is worth saying here that any business requires a professional approach, even growing a banal potato: planting a bucket and collecting a bucket - this happens to beginners, alas. To achieve commercial success in any business, you need to learn how to do it better than anyone, or at least better than many. Dry the seeds from a couple of tomatoes and advertise - who will buy them from you? It takes several years to work, create an assortment, client base, guarantee quality - only then will success come. Of course, not only tomato seeds are in demand, this is just an example.

Strawberry. In many places grown with big profit, especially early. But you will get even more profit. if you grow and sell varietal seedlings of strawberries. This is of course more difficult than just growing a berry, but also more profitable.

Seedling generally. Many plants are grown from seedlings, such as tomatoes, peppers, cabbages, many flowers, etc., while many people do not have the opportunity to grow seedlings, but need them. Seasonal, but quite profitable earnings.

Mushrooms. Growing has its own characteristics, but it is quite affordable, and the products are in demand. Favorable conditions - a warm basement, where you can grow all year round. Seasonally - in the greenhouse. The simplest and most proven technology is the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. Mushrooms are more difficult, the preparation of high-quality compost is required. These are the mushrooms that everyone knows and loves. Little-known varieties - you need to first study the sales market, most likely these are restaurants.

seedlings. Along with seedlings - very profitable business, however, requires a certain base, knowledge, training. Perhaps the simplest is grape seedlings. Even in a summer cottage, 30-50 varieties can be placed. Every autumn we cut chibouks, further actions in any grower's guide. Every spring we sell on the market. Of course, everything should be neat: a tag on each bush, color photos of bunches, planting instructions.

With tree seedlings it is more difficult, but the profit can be very significant. Those who buy seedlings from nurseries and then sell them in markets earn relatively little. Of course it's better to grow your own. I read an article about a family in the Homestead Farm that had established the cultivation of seedlings of fruit trees with a closed root system on their plot. Such seedlings can even be sent by mail. So they have a record for years ahead.

Well, that's probably all about plants. Now animal husbandry. Perhaps the most accessible and widespread here is poultry farming.

Direct rearing of poultry for meat and egg production is currently low-profit due to the high cost of feed. However, the trend is that the cost of poultry meat and eggs will grow at a faster pace, so it is worth doing this now. You can increase profitability either by growing your own feed (corn, chickpeas, root crops, greens) or by using paddocks - if possible.

But the greatest benefit, of course, comes from the production hatching eggs and young birds. A hatching egg is 10 or more times more expensive than a food egg, and even more expensive than a chicken. The price of course depends on the breed. Appreciated meat breeds with a good return per feed unit. For example ducks, geese, turkeys. Always in the price of egg-laying breeds of chickens. In recent years, quails have been actively bred. But to engage in decorative and exotic species I do not advise birds now - interest in them will fade away.

rabbits far fewer birds are common, however, amateur rabbit breeders often achieve very good results in their business. Again, it is very profitable to sell young animals to those who simply raise rabbits for meat. Often this is done by summer residents in the summer season.

bees- Lots of hobbyists do it. Honey and other bee products are always valuable.

Recently actively bred goats. A goat is much smaller than a cow, so less food and trouble is required, and less room. And a thoroughbred goat gives milk up to 5 liters per day, which is quite enough for a family. Experienced goat breeders believe that it is more profitable to keep several goats than one cow. Plus, the goat gives valuable fluff. If you take the matter seriously and keep a few goats, you can sell milk and its products, as well as thoroughbred kids.

Well, about fattening pigs everyone knows that in our places in the villages, many do this, because there is simply nothing else. True, African plague has been raging in recent years, if you find yourself in a quarantine zone, everything has flown by: animals will be destroyed, compensations are meager.

Cow— at present, this is generally a feat! The old people no longer have the strength to keep cows, the young do not want or do not consider it profitable. I can’t say how profitable it is to keep cows, but judging by the fact that our markets have enough sellers of homemade milk, sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese, this is not a loss-making business. Although, of course, not everyone can do it.

Well, I can't ignore worms, because he recently started. These quiet and inconspicuous animals actually bring great benefits. In fact, soil fertility is their merit. Millions of worms process biological residues into humus, which plants feed on. And mineral fertilizers kill worms, the earth becomes dead and it is necessary to apply them again and again to maintain productivity.

Worms are unpretentious, they process plant residues, manure and droppings, kitchen waste, etc. They can bring considerable income, it is not without reason that worm farms grow all over the world like mushrooms after rain. What can worms give? Lots of. Firstly, it is an excellent fertilizer, ten times more efficient than compost. You can use it for yourself, and with large volumes of production - sell it. Worms biomass is an excellent high-protein feed, primarily for poultry, but also for fur-bearing animals, pigs and cows. Worms are willingly bought by fishermen, holders of aquariums. Worms are natural food for pond fish. Keeping worms is one of the few cases where junk waste is turned into income. The process of growing worms is simple, there are many technologies, you just need to choose the right one.

Country business as a profitable and convenient line of business

Before revealing all the secrets and options for a dacha business, let's define the main advantages of this business area. Let's give ourselves an incentive to take further action.

1. Self-realization

Do you like growing flowers or is your vegetable harvest getting richer every year? Or are you good at making garden figures, the presence of which on the site literally transforms it? Why not use your hobby as a source of income? Many novice summer residents will be happy to purchase both one and the other.

In the conditions of a summer cottage, you can do many things that cannot be organized in a city apartment. For example, to equip a carpentry workshop and a mini sewing workshop. From any professional quality or hobby, you can draw a great business idea. The main thing is that the work is pleasant and gives pleasure.

2. Freedom of action

Business in the country does not imply the presence of a direct boss and tough labor discipline. You set your own work schedule. Moreover, this type of income can be both additional, in free time from the main job, and the only source of income.

3. Economy and convenience

Business in the country, if we consider it in the vein of a business of production, will significantly save on renting premises and utility bills.

And the convenience lies in the independent adjustment of production volumes. Focusing on demand, you can buy raw materials and manufacture products.

Well, the last thing you should pay attention to: country business will do anyone. A pensioner, a mother on maternity leave, a student or a schoolboy - everyone can find themselves. We will consider earning options both in a general way and by gender.

3 areas of dacha business

So let's get started. For most people, a dacha is an opportunity to grow various vegetables, fruits and herbs. Let's start with this.

Cultivation of crop products for sale

First you need to decide on the type of crops. It depends on the climatic conditions. For example, in the south of the country you can grow vegetables all year round. The harsh northern conditions will not allow this to be done even in greenhouse conditions.

So, what can be grown in the country for sale:

  • vegetables - greenhouse and ground;
  • greens;
  • fruits - if climatic conditions allow it;
  • seedlings;
  • flowers;
  • mushrooms.

You can sell the grown products both on your own and by concluding an agreement with the relevant companies involved in the purchase of the crop. Contracts for direct deliveries of products to shops and retail outlets will not interfere either.

Today, many people follow a healthy diet. Accordingly, the number of specialized stores that are happy to purchase crop products is also growing. Participation in various specialized exhibitions will also help.

Growing mushrooms is considered more costly, but also more profitable. This process requires additional equipment and specially equipped premises. To grow mushrooms, you must also enlist the support of the relevant services in the form of permits.

If the size of the summer cottage allows, you can start growing seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs. But patience is needed here: a tree must be cultivated for several years so that it is suitable for sale.

A good option for business would be the cultivation of phyto-products. Small plantations of several medicinal plants will allow year-round rent finished products pharmaceutical companies. The price also includes grass seeds for planting.

Animal husbandry as a profitable business in the country

Raising animals is a long and costly business, but very profitable. You can sell not only the livestock itself, but also by-products: milk, eggs, meat, offal.

The most profitable areas of animal husbandry in a summer cottage are

  • breeding birds and rabbits;
  • pig and sheep breeding.

Poultry farming can even be singled out as a separate line, since, based on feed costs and poultry maintenance costs, this path is the most profitable.

You can engage in both growing adult birds and mastering the hatchery business. To do this, stock up on eggs and special incubators. Large poultry farms will tear off young chicks "with arms and legs."

As for the cultivation of adult birds, then special attention should be paid to geese. Not only poultry meat is valuable, but also eggs, feathers, down, fat and offal.

In one group with animal husbandry, we include beekeeping and dog breeding. Both require specialized knowledge to manage, but the end result is worth it.

Honey always remains a valuable product that can be sold both independently and through a retail network.

Demand for dogs of expensive breeds will always be. This is especially true for watchdogs. big dogs. A city apartment is not suitable for this line of business, and country aviaries will help to grow a couple of individuals in order to obtain offspring from them. It will take about a couple of months for the puppy to adapt "in society", after which you can wean him from his mother and transfer him to the client.

In addition to selling puppies, you can engage in the exhibition business. If a dog has an excellent pedigree, external and physical data, then you can earn good money by participating with it in various exhibitions. Yes, and a puppy from such a dog will want to buy many dog ​​breeders.

Rent rent strife

If apartments are rented out, why not do it with a dacha? Couples in love or those who want to arrange a corporate party in nature will accept this idea with a bang. Especially if the cottage is located in a picturesque place and is fully landscaped.

In the summer, those who want to spend their holidays in the fresh air will love the cottage, and in winter, the house can come in handy for the January holidays.

Continuing the theme of animals: you can equip a mini hotel for cats and dogs. Often their owners do not know where to place their pets during a short absence.
And the territorial location of the cottage near the city will allow organizing a training ground for dogs on the site.
Do not forget about the bath, which every self-respecting summer resident has. It can also be rented out by the hour.

Country business for women: 4 profitable directions

Women can be offered the following options for profitable self-realization in the country:

1. Any handmade direction

Think about what you like to do and what can bring in a good income from it. Embroidery, knitting, weaving, handmade soap, jewelry, decoupage - everything can be used. The main thing is to find your customers and do what you love. Someone will say that all this can be done at home. Yes, but in nature the environment itself contributes to more productive creativity.

2. Mini-studio in the country

The previous frivolous activity can develop into a large-scale action. The latter will require both financial investments and registration of its activities. But there are plenty of ideas for implementation: clothes, bedspreads, curtains!

Moreover, you can take on everything at once, or specialize in the production of a single line. For example, maternity clothes or bedspreads with a designer pattern. Animal lovers will be able to make our little brothers happy with new costumes and accessories.

This idea of ​​​​a production business will be an excellent solution for employees of large ateliers. If you are tired of working for your uncle, and the clientele of the atelier appreciates you as an employee, then you can open your own business.

3. Cooking in a country house

Since an additional refrigerator and a professional oven will not interfere with the production of cakes and pies to order, country conditions for such a business are the best fit. The main condition for creation is the presence sanitary book and the ability to not only bake delicious cakes and decorate them beautifully.

4. Country food preparations

Processing of vegetables and fruits, their conservation and freezing - such products will always be in demand. You can organize a mini workshop for the production of hard cheeses or smoked meats. In the direction food products you can also go for a walk. And country conditions only contribute to profitable production.

Country business for men: another attractive four

Men in the country, too, will not be offended. For them, we have prepared the following options for a summer cottage business:

1. Garden landscape

Many people think about the beautiful design of their site, but not everyone can bring ideas to life. If the neighbors are staring at your homemade ducks and ponds, then why not take the talent out of the territory? You can earn money by making garden figures and lanterns, small ponds and pools, wooden structures in the form of gazebos, benches and tables.

2. Country workshop

Another good activity for men. You can craft anything. This direction can also be called a business on unnecessary things. Many people throw away bad things. It can be both old furniture and failed appliances.

Do you like to give things a second life? Tell people about it. And there will be no end to customers. You can return the repaired thing to its owner, or you can take it to specialized thrift stores.
Another variation is to give the old thing a completely new look. For example, a motor from an idle moped will be a great addition to an old bike.

3. Garage in the country

Many use the garage as a car repair shop. We can do the same. If you understand the device of the car, then you may well offer services for its repair. Tire service and antifreeze manufacturing will continue the dacha automotive theme.

4. Everything for the garden

And, of course, if we are talking about a dacha, you can not get around the garden theme. You can make everything: from shovels and rakes to greenhouses.

Dacha startup

In conclusion of the article, I would like to suggest one of the new areas of business production: the cultivation of leeches. Hirudotherapy is gaining momentum. People willingly go for the help of leeches. Alternative medicine centers are growing by leaps and bounds.

Leeches are grown in specialized factories that are available only in large cities. Visit clinics that offer leech treatment services and ask them if it would be more profitable for them to buy treatment material locally than to buy it from another city.

If it was possible to agree, you can proceed to the implementation of the plan. Dacha conditions are the best suited for growing leeches. It is necessary to obtain a permit to operate, purchase necessary equipment, create conditions for growing and you can master new sphere business.

Summing up

A person with an entrepreneurial streak will always find a basis for doing business. Beginners in business should pay close attention to their cottage. Believe me, it hides many ways to generate income.

There are a lot of interesting and cost-effective ideas for starting your own business. Despite the modern variety of information, many rural residents do not even suspect what enormous opportunities are hidden in the provinces.

Far from the variety of urban offers, more opportunities to expand faster and more efficiently, it is easier to achieve the first profit. The village has several original ideas, which will allow you to implement business on the ground, With minimum investment in 1-2 thousand rubles. This may be a service for selling berries or fruits from your garden, selling flowers, selling seedlings.

In 2017

Today, there are business ideas and start-ups that differ from the standard proposals that are being implemented in rural areas today.

Business Startup Ideas for Car Owners

The most common option for own business for car owners is a private cab or a local taxi. In the countryside, this is a great way to move at affordable prices, because the transport interchange in any village or village is not very developed. Be sure to take into account that the cost of the trip and monthly earnings should cover gasoline-gas, as well as the depreciation of the car.

Such a business will be most effective in the area in which there are not only rural residents, but also urban summer residents. To implement this idea, you need to put up ads in the village, create ads on Internet resources and repair the car, waiting for a call from customers.

If you have a car, you can take orders from neighbors, the elderly, the elderly for foodstuffs and engage home delivery of goods, for a small percentage. Often in demand are products such as clothing, household chemicals, products, conservation, etc.

The most profitable ideas in agriculture

The most effective and cost-effective ideas for starting your own business in rural areas are fishing and livestock farms. If there is a pond or a small lake on the territory of a summer cottage, a private house, it would be a great idea to breed fish.

Perhaps in the future it will be possible to offer customers not only fresh fish, but also frozen, salted, smoked.

  • In the absence of a pond, pond, lake, you can do breeding animals, for example, large cattle . Initially, you will need to have 5-6 thousand rudders for the purchase of several young individuals (goats, pigs, calves, etc.)
  • Creation of an apiary- breeding and growing bees, collecting honey is always an effective and cost-effective business, because 1 kg of honey costs at least 700-800 rubles. Sales can be established not only to individuals, but also to shops, food bases, boarding houses, etc. To start the development of such a business, you will definitely need to learn the basics of breeding bees.
  • rose business or any other flowers (lilies, hyacinths, snowdrops) requires 2-4 thousand rubles of investments for planting material, fertilizers. Greenhouse arrangement for a start requires 2 thousand rubles of costs, agricultural technology will cost 3-5 thousand rubles. Initially, you will need to negotiate with flower shops (bazaars, spontaneous markets or hand-made sales), ads on the Internet, and the creation of groups on social networks.
  • Directly start growing strawberries will require from 5 to 7 thousand rubles of costs for planting material and fertilizers, but the payback will be visible in the first year of growing strawberries. However, if you do such a thing not seasonally, but constantly, in winter, strawberries in greenhouses require artificial pollination. To do this, it will be necessary to invest at least 10 thousand rubles.

Business on agricultural land

Regardless of the type of activity chosen, in a region separated from the city, constant work will be an important factor. The resulting profit will be the key to the development of new areas of activity or the expansion of an existing type of income.

On the farm land ideas you can start growing and subsequently selling turkeys, chickens or quails. In addition to poultry meat, you can also sell eggs, down, feathers for the production of pillows. Today, the cultivation of pheasants is of great relevance. For breeding poultry, initially you will need to have 3-4 thousand rubles to buy young animals. The arrangement of the territory for growing will cost 10 - 12 thousand rubles (poultry house, paddock for walking, food, etc.).

Among the common business ideas in rural areas, no less relevant are options for breeding and selling mushrooms, both fresh and pickled, salted or dried. Oyster mushrooms, champignons, porcini mushrooms, as well as medicinal shiitake mushrooms are offered for cultivation today.

Despite the fact that there seem to be apples in every yard, they are used in the sales market in great demand. Therefore, the business of growing and selling apples will require no more than 2-3 thousand rubles for the purchase of mature trees, and will also give payback and the first profit in the first year. The profit can be spent on buying trees to expand the garden.

Along with the cultivation of fruits and berries, potatoes are in no less demand, because today even many summer residents have refused to grow them on their own.

Among the original interesting ideas to develop your own business, you can consider wormwood cultivation. This idea is best suited for those who have their own land in the private sector. Wormwood will bring considerable profit almost immediately, because it can be sold not only in pharmaceutical companies, homeopathic pharmacies, as well as those involved in the production of alcohol. Wormwood is one of the main components of the creation of the absinthe drink. Among all existing plant species, the only one sold is Wormwood or Artemisia absinthium. Average, from 1 hectare, you can get at least 3 thousand dollars for the sale of culture.

Business from scratch

Few are ready to start a business from scratch, because this is a risky undertaking that requires some expenses and, of course, a lot of effort to work.

  • For those living in the village there is an opportunity to create their own business selling frozen berries and fruits. Natural products are always needed and many city dwellers try to purchase it from private traders who do not use GMOs and various pesticides. The product can be sold through posted ads on modern resources on the Internet. Ask relatives and friends to create a "word of mouth" chain, create social media groups and announcements, etc. Initially, you will need 3-4 thousand to buy a garden or shrubs, packing bags, and you will also need to purchase a new or used freezer (at least 5-6 thousand rubles).

A quick payback, no more than 2 years is demonstrated by the following ideas for small business in the countryside:

  • Breeding, selling or renting horses. Business requires some investments, horses require constant care, initial costs, more than 50 thousand to buy a horse.
  • Are very popular, namely the process of their breeding and subsequent sale. Rabbit meat is dietary, and modern consumers are increasingly thinking about healthy eating and taking care of their own health. Rabbits give birth every year, and after reaching the age of 4 months, they can already be considered a commodity for sale. Rabbit meat costs 400 rubles, one rabbit weighs 1.5 - 2 kg, which means that the rabbit will cost 600-800 rubles, with the cost of feeding and arranging 2 thousand rubles for 5 rabbits.
  • Pig farming has always been considered profitable(1 kg of meat - 300 rubles, fat - 250 rubles), making a profit. A pig is a non-waste animal, it is completely sold for meat, lard, offal, heads, etc.
  • No less popular than apples and strawberries, sea ​​buckthorn is in demand in the food market! It is not difficult to create a sea buckthorn garden: one seedling costs 1000 rubles, 2-3 seedlings are enough for a start. Profit per hectare planted can be approximately 1000 euros. Sea buckthorn will be profitable only 2-3 years after planting.

Although there are many ideas for those who are looking for what kind of business to open on the land, each of them has pros and cons.

Registration of business in agriculture: procedure, documents, advice

The most acceptable option for developing your first business and accumulating start-up capital is to rent land in farmland or villages. This process is specified in the civil code, but for this, the tenant will need proper paperwork.

Leased land can be:

  • Land for agricultural use;
  • Lands of water and forest fund;
  • Lots that include real estate or proposed construction, etc.

The following lands are officially considered agricultural land:

  • arable lands, plantations, hayfields, pastures;
  • forest belts, land under outbuildings and yards, etc.

Cultivation and breeding of fish, crayfish implies the need to lease the lands of the water fund, which will include the necessary water area for breeding fish, crayfish, creating sports entertainment companies, etc.

In this case, on the rented coastal strip it is strictly forbidden:

  • Create gardens, vegetable gardens, plow the land;
  • Apply herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals;
  • Graze cattle;
  • Erect, auto repair shops;
  • Organize waste dumps.

To do business in the village, you can buy land or use a summer cottage (if any). But if it is planned to lease land, the following documents should be prepared in advance for the village council to sign the lease agreement:

  • A self-written statement;
  • Passport and TIN code (copies);
  • Lease contract;
  • Calculated payment.

The use of land outside the prescribed purpose threatens the tenant with termination of the contract.

A selection of ideas on video

The material below is interesting in that it has received the largest number of views and ... dislikes. The audience criticized almost every one of the ideas described.

Each business idea is a certain activity, "sharpened" for earnings. But you can always combine business with pleasure - do what you love in the country and have additional income. Let this not become the main income, but there is always an opportunity to minimize the standard dacha expenses due to the fact that the dacha itself will now pay for its own development!

the site offers to consider some businesses that have become an excellent help for many in financial terms. Some of them will be familiar to you, because sometimes, in our articles, we mention the possibility of earning money from country products, but the rest of them will give you reason for new thoughts and calculations.

Cottage for rent

It often happens that for some reason our activities in the country temporarily stop.

There can be a lot of reasons, for example, the birth of a child and lack of time, or even a long business trip. And, in this case, the dacha is idle and accumulates expenses, because you still have to pay for the land, as well as some utilities and security. Therefore, our first proposal is no longer even a business idea, but a cost-saving option.

Giving for rent is a great option to reset expenses, and with the right solution to the issue, and earn some money. You can rent out your cottage to neighbors who plan to grow more vegetables or fruits this season, or to friends who enjoy spending time in nature. Of course, for this you need to find people who will not only cover stable summer expenses, but also maintain order in the territory. A prerequisite for renting should be garden care, weed removal, fertilization and other points that will prevent the summer cottage from becoming unusable during your absence.

Highly important point the income remains. If you are the owner of a large dacha with residential building, as well as a pool and a bathhouse, you can generally make good money, because every weekend, as well as some weekdays, the cottage can receive guests who will pay not only for electricity and water, but also for the rent you set.

In this case, it is advisable not to chase big money, but to rent out the house, bathhouse and surrounding area only to stable companies of people who will not damage your property.

Bath for rent

In a little more detail, we decided to talk about how you can make money on a country bath. At one time, you invested a lot of money, but you use it a maximum of several times a week.

You can change the approach and make good money in the bath, especially if you have a modern version of it.

The most important thing for a bathhouse that can be rented out is a small distance from the city limits, a natural massif, and good workmanship. Further, only marketing and your personal desire to earn. Today, there are a lot of people who want to “hide” away from people and relax to the fullest, especially with a bathhouse, near which there is a green garden, a cool pool, a barbecue, a place to relax.

Such a bath can be profitable at any time of the year, you just need to correctly orient it to the client. But the most important thing is not to forget about providing a bath. It must be clean here, the bath must be warmed up at the exact time and to the required temperature, the supply of firewood must not run out, the client must be satisfied, because only then will he pay money.

Many today immediately build bathhouses with an eye on earnings, and this is a very profitable enterprise, because all expenses are beaten off in just a year. Another plus is that the bath that brings money is yours personally, where you yourself can take a great steam bath at any time!

An addition to earnings can be the sale of everything you need for a bath - brooms, tubs, hats, beer, water, barbecue, dishes for a more serious feast, etc.

Growing fruits, vegetables and herbs for sale

Several times by us this topic was affected, we even talked in detail about growing greenery in the country. But if you approach the dacha and, in general, from the side of earning money on everything that is grown, then the approach needs to be somewhat changed.

It just so happened that you can’t earn big money at a medium-sized dacha. Yes, you can bargain for something for your own security and reduce summer expenses, but it’s too difficult to replace the basic income with the funds received. At the very least, it will be necessary not only to hope for a harvest of apples or early strawberries, but to invest in development, the cultivation of industrial varieties, equipment, and fertilizers.

You can make money in the greenhouse! For example, here you can grow early tomatoes and cucumbers, greens and other crops. But in view of the fact that enough people are engaged in such activities, it will be possible to find a sales market, but there is no way to win with the price.

It is possible to grow something unique in a greenhouse, such as expensive spices, but this is also not an option to quickly reach good earnings.

A greenhouse for flowers is a great solution. But even before you provide the conditions for the flowers that you decide to grow, you need to decide where and how much the flowers can be sold. Only at first glance it seems that flowers are needed everywhere and always, and that they will be bought up perfectly. But check for yourself, every point selling fragrant and beautiful plants has had its own suppliers for a long time.

It’s also not bad, because mushrooms grow quite quickly, giving the summer resident a serious harvest. But they also require special care, so you will need to prepare for such a summer cottage business, and be sure to provide mushrooms with everything necessary requirements.

You can talk about making money in a greenhouse for a long time, but we want to briefly summarize. Earnings are real, but only under certain conditions:

  • The greenhouse should work year-round so that you get a harvest not only in spring and summer. This will have a positive effect on demand, because you will always have the goods, as well as on profits. You can earn a little from one harvest, but if the harvest is constant, then the profit will increase significantly;
  • In addition to year-round cultivation, quality assurance is essential. Equipment, high quality seedlings and seeds, fertilizers, special substrates, constant watering, lighting and compliance with other requirements for each individual crop;
  • But the most important thing is the amount of the crop. It is necessary not only to correctly calculate future harvest, which is almost impossible to do exactly, but also initially work with large territories. On 10-12 squares, even the most modern greenhouse, you will not earn money. Approaching industrial volumes, everything becomes much more real.

You can also make money on fruits and berries that you pick just a few buckets per season, but this will be one-time money, and it simply cannot be attributed to the profit of a business idea. You need to be serious about growing crops for sale, and then any business idea will bring you closer to a positive result.

How to grow fresh herbs (video)

How to make money from a smokehouse in the country

Here everything is much easier, of course, if you work efficiently and only with fresh products!

Business on smoked meats - interesting job if you have mastered the art of marinades and smoking. There are a lot of smokehouses in the dachas, but almost everywhere the work takes place at the level of amateurs. Summer residents smoke meat and fish only for themselves, without even trying to enter the market. In view of this, there is an opportunity to settle down a little and try to prepare products for sale.

Another problem is already further from the competition, it lies in the complex documentation. Such activity is entrepreneurial and must be formalized, but the most main enemy entering the market - Sanepidnadzor or Rospotrebnadzor.

We think that here you already need to resolve the issue on your own, but we just give an idea and even guarantee that in any region of the country you can find a buyer for high-quality smoked meats.

Shops, market points, restaurants and cafes, private consumers, neighbors and acquaintances, relatives - they are all ready to pay for tasty and fresh.

Moreover, the business idea is also good because the price tag for products is quite high, and often more than 100% is thrown on top of the cost price, and this is quite a lot. And only the product for a good marinade and high-quality firewood will need to be written off as an expense. Naturally, there are still initial costs for building a smokehouse and equipment. storage facilities, shipping and wages for your assistants, but such an expense is present in almost any business.

Quail farm in the country - a business for risky

You can make great money on quails and quail eggs, but there are certain “buts” that make this venture risky.

  • Firstly, it is not so easy to sell eggs and quail meat, although everyone around says that such a useful product is being sold very well.
  • Secondly, caring for quails is not easy and very expensive, and therefore the question should be approached only if you have studied the business and are serious about it.
  • And, thirdly, quails are quite vulnerable and demanding birds. Any serious epidemic can mow down a large part of the farm in just a couple of days, and this is just a huge expense!

But if everything is done correctly, then the income can be notable. The first money will appear in one and a half to two months, when the hens begin to give eggs, and the young quails will be ready to “migrate” to restaurants or to your customer’s home table. But the same rule applies here as with growing crops in a greenhouse. It is difficult to make money from a small number of quails and quails, hundreds and thousands of small birds are needed for serious profits, and this is already a large poultry farm in the country.

Cultivation and sale of mushrooms

Before you take this business idea positively or negatively, we recommend that you read our articles on growing mushrooms, which describe in detail the methods and requirements for the same oyster mushrooms and champignons. It is possible to deal with more exotic, rather than industrial grades, but this is much more difficult, even technically.

The sale of grown mushrooms can even become the main income if you have a place in the country for the construction of special greenhouses, well, or ready-made greenhouses. Remember that different varieties of mushrooms have different requirements and are often complex. This includes temperature, ventilation, humidity, and lighting. In addition, a lot of top dressing, feeding, special substrates for planting mycelium.

But if you are ready to embark on such a difficult task, please find a market and become an entrepreneur. It's not that hard. Mushrooms grow well, in terms of their sale, no one has yet had problems, the main thing is only to establish a cost that is beneficial for everyone.

Organization of a seedling nursery in the country

In this section, we want to include not only seedlings, but also spring garden seedlings, which can also be transformed into cash.

If the cottage has several greenhouses that are equipped with everything necessary for growing seedlings, this is a huge plus. Such greenhouses will give you the opportunity to grow seedlings not only for your own garden, but also for sale. In a small area, you can grow several thousand bushes of tomatoes, peppers, cabbage and other crops, which you can sell at the right time even to summer neighbors. If the area allows, the volume can be significantly increased.

It's about seedlings. But you can also switch to more serious and larger vegetation, for example, seedlings for ornamental and berry bushes, fruit trees. It will require a lot more space, and, accordingly, labor, but each seedling will be able to bring more profit. Current varieties that can produce a crop in a few years are in great demand, and finding a market for young shrubs and trees is quite simple!

Apiary in the country - a great business

It is very difficult to become a beekeeper just at will, because you will need to undergo special training, practical and theoretical, re-read a lot of literature and communicate with experienced people. But such a business idea is worth it, because bees in the country are useful and monetary. We will not talk about all the advantages of installing several bee hives in the country, but we will indicate a serious profit that is possible already in the first season.

It is clear that in order to open a business, it will be necessary to prepare a place, buy families, special equipment and feed, but if you approach the issue of apiary in the country thoroughly, then in the first year you can recoup your costs by 2-3 times. Yes, it is very difficult, and there are many pitfalls that will not make it so easy to develop in such a business, but if you set yourself goals, then they are quite achievable.

It is easy to find a sales market, because honey is bought by the population just fine. You can sell honey to relatives and neighbors, offer it to sellers on the market at a slightly reduced price, or certify own production and sell honey under their own brand. But it is much more complicated and more expensive in terms of initial investments. However, you will always have useful honey for yourself and for sale, and for this it is enough to start with just 5-7 hives in the country.

There are a lot of business ideas in the country, and we have already pointed out the main ones. Next, we will talk about less popular, but also quite profitable. True, we will do this quite briefly.

What else can bring profit in the country

In fact, there are hundreds of such business ideas. Everyone earns as best they can, because in addition to summer expenses, we also have our own needs, which should be covered somehow. What will help us do this?

  • Breeding worms in the country. Quite interesting, especially since the initial costs are not that high. You will not need special buildings or expensive tools, only the creation of a place for families to live, the purchase of "starting material", as well as special feeds and supplements;
  • Breeding rabbits in the country. A very simple and interesting thing! The only negative is the low resistance of animals to diseases, and therefore you will have to spend money on vaccinations. In terms of feed and growth rate, you can get quite serious money from rabbits. They eat a lot, but the food is inexpensive, and they grow quickly enough;
  • Earnings from poultry. At the moment, not the most good business idea, since large poultry farms have long covered the demand of the population. But given the fact that among us there are many lovers of natural poultry, and not vitamin ones from supermarket shelves, then you can try the business. The only problem - high price feed and market. Otherwise, everything is quite simple, especially considering the fact that there are many special breeds of poultry that are aimed at eggs or meat, and grow and develop very quickly. The same can be said about ducks and geese, although here the specifics of cultivation and marketing are slightly different;
  • A bit from livestock to production. We will immediately offer Construction Materials- stone, brick decorative blocks. All this is not so difficult with the use of special equipment. Yes, these are considerable costs, but the cost of each unit of finished products is about 2 times lower than the market one. You can save for your own construction, as well as sell ready-made materials even in a summer cottage cooperative, because all summer residents are constantly building something;
  • Sawmill. A great solution for a summer residence if you can afford to invest in woodworking equipment. Demand for lumber is skyrocketing today, but in order to break into the market, you need to meet the standards and show high quality;
  • Pressing fuel briquettes. There are separate topics about the production of fuel briquettes, but here we just remind you that you can earn some money on such an activity.

Paving slabs, decorative concrete products, the production of wood concrete and SIP panels, the creation of country furniture, the production of homemade wine from grapes and apples, the production of cages, pens, and other outbuildings - this is still a small percentage of ideas that are generally available. Therefore, you just have to think about what you are more prone to, write a business plan and move on to action.

But remember, before you start a business, be sure to study its direction, write a business plan, find a market. In general, only correct and serious attitude will lead to profit and pleasure.

Vacation It is freedom for soul and body. But, a person often experiences calmness and pleasure only in the first week of the prescribed rest, and then ... Money (vacation pay) begins to decrease exponentially, and the first pay according to the plan is not at all soon. A person begins to save, infringe on his desires, which unequivocally leads to an absolutely ruined vacation.

How to fix the situation? A lot of city dwellers go out of town to their summer cottages for the summer. Yes, your vegetables from the garden, fresh air, silence, natural beauty - you can’t list all the delights of country life! But, the money problem reaches with its tentacles even there, which brings gloom, anxiety, puzzlement.

It turns out that it is in the country that men have more opportunities to open a mini-business than in the city. Find a profitable business to your liking and skills, so that the family income not only does not dry out, but is also qualitatively replenished. Below are the brightest ways of seasonal small business, which have long been tested in practice and showed excellent results.

Seasonal business in the country - no taxes

It is this slogan that attracts millions of people to use such a profitable government ploy for their own benefit.

The organizer of a mini-business in the country will not need:

  1. Register as individual entrepreneur in the fiscal services at the place of residence;
  2. Set up a private company and pay taxes.

In the event that a person just on a summer vacation decided to earn extra money with his own skills and talents, then such activity is not considered taxable income.

The main criteria for a mini-business in the country

What to do to earn money in the country? The question is urgent, serious and does not accept a momentary solution. Everything should be carefully considered, analyzed, calculated.

An indicative list of questions that need to be answered before starting to organize your own mini-business in the country:

  1. What do you love and do in your spare time the most? (Answers in the form: watch TV, read a newspaper, smoke, eat - are not considered).
  2. Based on the characteristics of your hobby, you should consider what dimensions of the territory should be equipped in your own yard in order to provide enough space for placing and using the necessary work equipment and other devices for the activity, as well as where to receive expected customers.
  3. Is your job in demand in the area? In other words, it is necessary to evaluate the market for finished products or services. Will there be demand for those products of production (goods or services) that you, as Self employed, get ready to produce and put up for sale.
  4. Which initial capital need to invest in a mini-business organization? Quite often, this issue is not even considered, since a person who has been passionate about some business for a long time and has planned to earn income from his favorite activity already has everything that is necessary to complete this work.

Having received answers to all of the above questions, the future mini-entrepreneur will be able to clearly imagine the external organization of his mini-business, estimate the number of interested buyers, and also calculate the expected profit from his business venture.

That, in fact, is all that a man needs to organize a private mini-business in the country during his vacation.

Advantages of a private business in the country

The main characteristics of mini-entrepreneurship in this case include the following aspects:

  1. Mini-business in the country brings income to the family budget! And even if you don’t have to rely on significant financial replenishment, then you will successfully earn money for mini-pleasures, which means you can enjoy your vacation perfectly!
  2. The organization of a private enterprise in the country is a sure prerequisite to feel the "taste" of the promotion of a personal business. It is quite possible that luck will inspire you so much that even after returning to a city apartment, there will be a desire to realize the idea of ​​entrepreneurship in a new city format.
  3. Psychological pleasure from the fact that your hands do something necessary for people. After all, the demand for products or services is sufficient and people thank you for the manufactured product.

In a word, hurry up to organize a business in the country to catch the Star of Luck by the tail and never let go again!

Business ideas in the country for men's hands

What can a man really produce in a country house in order to find a sales market and make a profit? Actually, there are no restrictions on the choice - what the soul lies more in, that's what you need to do!

Gardening is profitable!

Vegetables, herbs, and fruits are grown in the garden plot. But, often the area of ​​​​the site is not used rationally, but there are places in the adjacent garden area that are not even planted and only a weed grows stronger on them. Try to take a critical look at your garden and apply masculine strength and skills to modernize the entire gardening process.

What needs to be done first?

  1. Ensure watering. A must for the gardening business! Perhaps you want to equip a drip irrigation system (lay a network of small diameter pipes around the garden with branches for each plant bush) or install a submersible pump in a well with a hose directed to the garden. There are enough options - choose the best solution for your site.
  2. Use herbicides on the site (weed killers) or weed the weeds that have appeared in time at the thread stage.
  3. Control the period of plant development and stop the appearance of pests in time - spray with special means.

There are only three most important events in backyard agronomy - but the effect will be visible for sure. Remember, greens eaten by pests will not be bought. Appearance products is a guarantee of its profitable sale.

Green business

Housewives need spicy greens all year round, and in summer there is a special demand for these products. On a 2x2m plot, try sowing dill or other spices. From such an area, in a month, more than 50 green bunches can be removed several times a week.

Of course, it’s probably not worth selling spicy greens among summer residents like you. After all, each of them has his own garden, where the same greenery grows. But if a country cottage is not far from the city (that is, it’s really possible to get there by bus or have your own personal transport), then it will be quite profitable to take fragrant green goods to the market for residents of high-rise buildings.

At the summer cottage, you can sow parsley, cilantro, basil, grow onions and other spicy plants for sale on greens. The peculiarity of these plant crops is that they practically do not need care (weed a couple of times and water as needed in the evening). Those. the green plant itself grows and brings you income.

If you put such a business on stream and get agreement to accept spicy greens for sale at least in several large supermarkets, then you can safely increase the area of ​​crops to several tens of acres.

A good alternative to growing spicy greens will be phyto-products: planting medicinal herbs. If you are a supporter healthy lifestyle life, respect the green pharmacy, understand herbs and their beneficial properties, know many recipes for the preparation of various natural medicines, tinctures and similar preparations - this is just the thing for you. The demand for alternative medicine products is always several times higher than for analogues of pharmacological products. People have long understood that herbs do not harm, unlike medicines, which "treat one organ and harm another."

It is on phyto-preparations that, if desired, you can create a powerful business platform, especially since only dried plants are sold and used in recipes, and this is quite relevant not only for summer sales, but all year round.

High Yield Vegetables

In the case when the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden of a country cottage is significant (well, at least up to 50 acres) - you can aim at planting vegetables for sale. To harvest at least 50 kg of tomatoes per day, you need to plant at least 10 acres of these plants. Moreover, choose varieties with different fruiting periods (early, mid-early, medium). Under the middle-late and late varieties, you do not need to occupy a large area, because. they begin to ripen only in September, and for seasonal vacationers, September is already a working month in the city. This rule applies to vegetables such as cabbage, tomatoes, sweet peppers, which can really be planted and wait for the harvest for 2 months of vacation.

There are several ways to sell vegetable products:

  1. Take it out to the city market. This requires personal transport. The level of income will decrease due to the purchase of fuel and lubricants for cars.
  2. Negotiate the sale of products in bulk directly on the site. You can search for buyers via the Internet or place an ad in the local press. They will come, pick up the products and pay in cash.

All ideas in agribusiness will suit those economic men who love gardening and have good experience in growing vegetable products. If there is no passion for crop production, then you should not even think about a garden business. Still not a worthwhile result.

Mushrooms grow - finances grow

Growing mushrooms for sale is a more painstaking business than growing horticultural crops. Here are more secrets and binding rules:

  1. Be sure to purchase high-quality mushroom mycelium in a specialized store (champignons, oyster mushrooms or other types);
  2. Carefully read the information on the preparation of the substrate (sand mixture) for growing mushrooms;
  3. Take into account all the factors of the humidity-climatic regime of growing mushrooms (ambient temperature - not lower than + 20C, humidity - more than 80%, lighting - at least 8 hours a day).

Mushrooms is a special kind of living organisms. They do not belong to the class of plants, but they are not representatives of the animal world, of course. The first harvest of mushroom products after laying the seed material can really be obtained in a month and a half. The sale is carried out either independently or by direct deliveries to the city's supermarkets, but at wholesale prices.

Fast animal husbandry in the country

Traditionally, growing meat products takes more time than a couple of months of vacation. But, today it is quite easy to get around this rule. Choose young broiler-type poultry. It can be ducks, chickens, turkeys. It will take only about 2 months to grow such living creatures to the optimal weight mass and put them to slaughter.

If you want to get high-quality meat products, then you should take into account that young broilers need to be fed 2 times more than ordinary birds. And the walking area for them must also be reduced by 2 times. In other words, create conditions in which the bird will eat heavily and move little (i.e., get fat).

How to prepare poultry carcasses for sale?

There is a way to donate plucked and butchered carcasses in live weight. In this case, the down and feather remain in your family, and the wise hostess uses it to sew pillows. Also, poultry by-products (heart, liver, etc.) will remain at home. Recycling and preserving for the winter is a great help!

So, when growing livestock in the amount of 20 chickens in 2 months, you can sell finished products weighing about 40 kg. And for yourself, leave two large down pillows and 10 half-liter cans of canned chicken offal.

Smoked meat business at home

Several times more expensive income can be obtained if the same 20 pieces of poultry carcasses are smoked in a home smokehouse. Any man can make a mini-smoking unit (information + detailed video tips are on the Internet!). At a price per kilo, smoked meat is 2-3 times more expensive, so even despite the fact that in the process of cooking smoked meats slightly lose weight, it will pay off handsomely at the time of sale.

If you have built a high-quality smokehouse, then until your living creatures grow up and gain the desired weight, you can apply the principles of simple commerce: buy pork ribs, lard on the market - smoke these products in your own smokehouse - and sell the same product on the market, but already 2-3 times more expensive.

A home mini-smoker is used to cook not only meat, but also fish, mushrooms, vegetables, and fruits. Actually, steam treatment "with smoke" of any products is tasty, appetizing and profitable!

Bees love only men's hands

There are, of course, among experienced beekeepers and women. But, for some reason, there are several times more male beekeepers. Organize a small apiary in your country house (about 3 pieces of evidence) - this will not require large cash investments, and the income can actually be received 2 times per season in full.

What to buy:

  1. Evidence, and for each bee house - a bee colony.
  2. All the necessary equipment for beekeeping: frames, gloves, preparations for feeding and disinfecting evidence, tools for downloading honey.

Where to place the evidence? An ideal place is near flowering fields of buckwheat (we will get buckwheat honey), near linden (linden honey), in meadows (forbs), in a flowering garden. Outside the city in the country suitable places there is plenty.

Honey should be pumped out no more than 2 times per season: at the beginning of summer (after linden blossoms), and at the end of September - beginning of October (final pumping out of honey and preparation of the bee colony for winter). If necessary, you can also perform the August honey collection. The business of selling honey is the easiest and financially richest. And besides money capital, the bees will give you and your family health, beauty and good mood with their work.

Always remember that bees are peaceful creatures. They can not stand panic, sudden movements, fuss. If all actions are performed smoothly and gently, then even without a special beekeeper costume it is easy to do without the bites of these buzzing beneficial insects.

Carpentry business

The organization of such a business will require skills and talent in carpentry. The tool is there, the desire to engage in your favorite hobby is also there. And the demand for such work in suburban holiday villages is more than sufficient.

The skill of the carpenter is always held in high esteem. How not to admire such household items made of wood, such as benches, tables, chairs, etc.

Carpenter's price list:

  1. Repair of damaged furniture (chairs, tables, sofas, etc.);
  2. Production of various pieces of furniture to order (wooden hangers, kitchen sets, stools, etc.);
  3. Production of holders for garden tools, restoration of wooden fences, hedges, benches, etc.

As an addition to carpentry, you can try to master the skills of furniture upholstery (restoration). And if there are Creative skills, then figurines, figurines, wood paintings will enjoy great attention of buyers. But, here a matter of taste plays a special role and not always creative masterpieces immediately find their connoisseurs. And therefore, you should not immediately count on a large income from the sale of such creations (how lucky!).

Auto business in the country

If a male driver, in addition to driving skills, also has car repair skills, then a great idea is to organize a small car workshop in the country for car repair.

Are you good with cars? Offer your help to those auto-colleagues who do not understand anything in automotive technology except the specifics of driving a vehicle.

What is realistic to do in an ordinary home garage:

  1. Tire fitting;
  2. Change of engine oil and partial repair of the engine itself;
  3. Repair and replacement of some parts, gaskets, rings, etc.;
  4. Provision of auto-tuning services (partial car painting, glass tinting, car surface decoration with various stickers, etc.);
  5. Services of cargo-passenger road transportation at various distances.

Today, a car is no longer a luxury, but not every driver will be able to perform even simple repairs to his car. The demand for the services of an experienced and knowledgeable auto repairman is always sufficient. It is easy to view the tariffs for repair operations on the websites of car services in your area, so as not to sell too cheap, but also not to scare away customers with space prices.


The article lists only a few of the most popular types of commercial mini-activities in the country for a man. There are, of course, many times more options to find additional income during your summer vacation.

In the presented video, there are suggestions that are described in the article, and there are those that were not mentioned. In any case, the rationalizing male mind will be able to see profitable ideas for itself, improve and modify them according to own conditions+ skills, complement and earn good money! One has only to want - and the opportunity will always be found! We bring to your attention a brief announcement of the types of mini-businesses for summer cottages to view again here: