The people called the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. Tankograd in the flesh. ChTZ: from giant to lame dwarf. Deputy Head of Production Department

  • 16.11.2019
Number of employees 7.6 thousand people Parent company Uralvagonzavod Website Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant at Wikimedia Commons

Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant(until October 6, 1941 - Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant im. I. V. Stalin, until June 20, 1958 - Kirov Plant of the People's Commissariat of Tank Industry in Chelyabinsk, from November 10, 1971 to October 1, 1992 - Production Association "Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant named after V. I. Lenin") is a machine-building enterprise for the development and production of wheeled and tracked road-building equipment (bulldozers, pipelayers, front-end loaders, minitractors), internal combustion engines, spare parts and other high-tech engineering products. It was popularly known under the popular name "Tankograd".

The number of employees is more than 7,600 people. The production area occupied by the enterprise is 1.2 million m 2 .

The operator (owner) of the enterprise is Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant - Uraltrak LLC.

History of ChTZ [ | ]

Before the war [ | ]

The construction of a tractor plant in Chelyabinsk was envisaged by the first five-year plan for 1928-1932 adopted by the Fifth Congress of Soviets of the USSR. On May 29, 1929, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a resolution on the construction of a tractor plant in the Urals. The production capacity of the plant was planned at the level of 40 thousand tractors per year. The American tractor Caterpillar 60 was chosen as the prototype of the first tractor. The construction of the plant was carried out with the involvement of specialists from the USA and other countries. The design of the plant was carried out by the architectural firm Albert Kahn Incorporated from Detroit (USA), which had previously designed the Stalingrad Tractor Plant (and before that, before the Great Depression of 1929-1933, Ford plants and others automobile factories USA) by the famous American architect Albert Kahn (1869-1942). From the Soviet side, the design was carried out by architects A. S. Fisenko, V. Shvetsov and A. Velichkin. The construction was carried out by the Traktorostroy trust, established in 1929. In March 1930, the head of the trust organized the Chelyabinsk Tractorplant design bureau in Detroit, and by June 1, 1930, a master plan for the plant was developed based on the draft design of the Leningrad Design Institute GIPROMEZ. The bureau consisted of 40 specialists from the USSR and 12 from the USA. At the end of 1930, construction was under threat due to various kinds of difficulties that had arisen, in connection with which a resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks was adopted “On the progress of the construction of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant”, control over the implementation of which was entrusted to Shvernik N.M.

Plant during the Great Patriotic War[ | ]

In October 1941, ChTZ, together with seven enterprises partially and completely evacuated to Chelyabinsk, formed a tank-building plant, later unofficially referred to as "Tankograd". In particular, the Kharkov Motor Plant No. 75 and the Leningrad Kirov Plant were completely evacuated here, in connection with which, on October 6, 1941, the plant was renamed "Kirov plant of the People's Commissariat of the tank industry in the city of Chelyabinsk"(plant number 100). From August 1942, the production of T-34 tanks began, in February 1943 - self-propelled artillery mounts, in September 1943 - heavy IS tanks. AT short time the plant became one of the main arsenals of the front, during the war years it was produced: 18 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns; 48.5 thousand tank diesel engines; 17.7 million ammunition blanks.

The enterprise created 13 types of new tanks and self-propelled guns, 6 types of tank diesel engines, in particular the V-2 modification. For the first time in the world practice of tank building, the assembly of heavy tanks was put on the conveyor.

During the war, the plant was awarded the Red Banners of the State Defense Committee 33 times for winning the All-Union competition. Two banners were left to the team for eternal storage.

After the war [ | ]

October 2002 - a prototype DET-320 tractor with an engine from the Yaroslavl Motor Plant was assembled.

ChTZ as part of Uralvagonzavod[ | ]

As part of UVZ, the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant should become one of the main enterprises for the production of civilian equipment, in particular, road construction. A division of heavy engineering will be built on the basis of ChTZ.

The largest export contract was the supply of 100 B-10M bulldozers to the Ministry of Water Resources and Land Reclamation of Turkmenistan, designed to clear the beds of irrigation canals in the Kara-Kum desert.

In Russia, ChTZ completed a major contract for the supply of 300 units of specialized engineering equipment for the regional fire and chemical stations of the Federal Forestry Agency; machines were delivered to a number of oil and gas corporations.

The presence of a large number of contracts allowed ChTZ to resume hiring workers for the first time in recent years.

ChTZ today [ | ]

Today [ clarify] ChTZ offers the consumer:

Curious facts[ | ]

ChTZ has manufactured more than 1,268,000 tractors over 80 years of operation. They moved about 350 cubic kilometers of soil. They could cover the entire surface of the moon with a layer of three and a half centimeters. And in order to transport the soil removed by ChTZ equipment, a railway train with a length of 135.5 million kilometers would be required. The ChTZ machines themselves traveled around the planet for about 90 billion kilometers - that is, 600 distances from the Earth to the Sun.

The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant was built during the first five-year plan. On May 29, 1929, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the construction of a tractor plant in the Urals with a production capacity of at least 40,000 tractors per year was issued.

In 1933 - the year of launch - ChTZ gave the country the first 1650 tractors. Already in 1936, 29 thousand cars were produced. In 1937, the tractor plant began to produce a tractor with a diesel engine. Chelyabinsk tractor builders became pioneers of the Soviet lung compressorless transport diesel industry.

The new plant has taken a leading position among engineering enterprises countries. The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant had a vast territory, spacious workshop buildings, conveyors, excellent line equipment, specialized machines, and fixtures. New technologies and layout of workshops were designed for the production of tractors, tens of thousands of machines. All this created an excellent basis for organizing the mass production of tanks.

On June 19, 1940, the Central Committee of the Party and the country's government decided to organize the production of "KV-type tanks" designed by the Leningrad Kirov Plant at ChTZ.

Already in 1940, a tank department was created at ChTZ to prepare for the production of KV tanks and a special design bureau, which, in addition to Chelyabinsk specialists, included a group of seconded Leningraders headed by Izhevsky and Mirkin. In August of the fortieth year, a prototype of the KV tank and a complete set of drawings arrived from the Kirov Plant. All components of the KV tank were manufactured at ChTZ, and on December 31, 1940, an experimental assembly of the first Ural-made tank was carried out. At the same time, the construction of a special building for the assembly of tanks began in Chelyabinsk.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Urals became the main arsenal of the Red Army, taking a leading position in supplying the army with weapons and equipment. It provided 40% of the entire military industry of the country: its factories supplied 60% of medium and 100% of heavy tanks; every second projectile fired by Soviet artillery at the enemy was made of Ural steel.

On June 30, 1941, the State Defense Committee was formed. His first resolution stated: "Immediately start rolling special steel grades for ChTZ tank production at the Ural and Siberian plants; transportation of all cargo for ChTZ ... to be carried out on a par with urgent military cargo."

Since July, the rhythm of work has changed dramatically in the workshops of the tractor plant, and the restructuring of production has begun. Duration work shift extended to 11 o'clock. Increased specific gravity military products in the third quarter of 1941.

A turning point at the plant occurred in the autumn of 1941, when equipment and personnel from evacuated enterprises began to arrive at ChTZ.

On September 12, the State Defense Committee adopted a resolution on the evacuation of the Kharkov diesel engine plant to the Urals. The first echelons with equipment and people left Kharkov for the east on September 17, followed by more than 60 trains.

On October 6, 1941, by decision of the State Defense Committee, the evacuation of the tank production of the Leningrad Kirov Plant began. On the same day, by order of the People's Commissar of the Tank Industry of the USSR, ChTZ named after Stalin was renamed the Kirov Plant Narkomtankprom in the city of Chelyabinsk. I.M. was appointed its director. Saltzman.

Several more plants were moving to the Urals, to Chelyabinsk, to ChTZ: the Kharkov Machine-Tool Plant named after. Molotov, the Moscow machine-tool plant "Red Proletarian", the plant of grinding machines, the shops of the plant "Dynamo" ... Later, in 1942, the Stalingrad Tractor Plant im. Dzerzhinsky and Voronezh plant rubber paranitic products.

In October 1941, a tank department was created at the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant, which included the mechanical shops MX-2, MX-4, MX-5, SB-2, SD-2, a procurement and normal shop.

By high-speed methods, 17 new workshops were built and put into operation at the plant, with a total area of ​​100,000 sq.m. In the shortest possible time, the installation of equipment for these workshops was carried out. On the move, “from the wheels”, often in the cold, among the snowdrifts in the wastelands, they unloaded the equipment and then, in sometimes unfinished premises, they put machines on the foundations, put them into action, and then erected the walls of the workshops and built the roof.

In parallel with the re-equipment of the shops, work continued on the production of tanks. We started with units per day, and soon brought up to 12-15. The specialists of the plant sought constant improvement and reduction in the labor intensity of manufacturing tanks. If on May 1 1941 . combat vehicles had 23.453 parts, then by September 1 1941 . the number of units was reduced to 11.647, and by the end of the year to 9 thousand. Already in the fourth quarter of 1941, in comparison with the third quarter, the production of heavy tanks "KV" increased by 5.5 times, and compared to the first half of 1941 - by 17 times.

All the main workshops moved to the barracks position. In the cold, somehow heated by steam from three locomotive boilers, the workshops of the plant and in the open air in the boxes of new buildings, people worked sixteen to eighteen hours, and sometimes twenty. Systematically lacking sleep and malnutrition, they worked with full dedication of energy and did not leave their places until they completed two or three norms per shift. Everything for the front! Everything for the Victory! These words made up the essence and meaning of the life of the plant during the war years.

From November 1941, the production of tractors and artillery tractors, shells, mines, and air bombs was completely stopped at ChTZ. The plant was freed from the supply of castings, stampings and forgings to all external consumers. From now on, all his workshops, thousands of people, equipment, had to switch only to the production of heavy tanks.

Each plant, each enterprise is like a person. Each has its own face, its own handwriting, its own character. During the merger of factories, the interests and destinies of entire teams collided, different views on the course of production and methods of work collided.

Kharkov engine builders, formally ceasing to be an independent plant, have completely retained the structure and technological interconnection of their workshops, their management, production and engineering personnel, their motor manufacturing technology, technical documentation, part numbering, shop codes and even their own rates and prices. Due to their "autonomy" and the specifics of diesel production, the engine builders did not have any complicated relations with other teams of the plant.

It was more difficult when the Chelyabinsk tractor builders merged with the staff of the Leningrad Kirov Plant. From the technical and organizational side, Chelyabinsk and Leningraders had a different approach to business. This was determined by the specifics of the production of each of the teams.

Leningraders were famous for the fact that any task was up to them. The government entrusted this plant with many complex tasks. The changing range of products, their relatively small production, for the most part, did not require serious technological preparation of production from the Kirov people. Where it was possible to forge manually, spending many times more time on it than it would take for stamping, they forged it, because making a stamp for a small batch of parts was unprofitable, long and expensive.

In Chelyabinsk, everything was the opposite. Here for many years in a row they produced the same products. Their release was measured in thousands of pieces per year. On the tractor, behind the special machines were operators - workers who knew how to process parts in only one operation assigned to them. Here they are accustomed to serious preparation of production, to the design and manufacture of special devices, tools, models and stamps.

The dispute between the two factories was decided by life itself in favor of the people of Chelyabinsk. The production of tanks in small batches, as was the case in Leningrad, could not continue. In addition, the plant was replenished with thousands of new untrained people who could only be entrusted with the most simple, dissected operations. Beginners could not read the drawings, like highly qualified Leningraders, they did not know how to set up the machine, they needed equipment and preparation of the workplace.

So, in the harsh years of the war, Tankograd was born - the most powerful plant for the production of heavy tanks in the city of Chelyabinsk. This city, which did not exist on the map, became the largest research laboratory.

In early November 1941, the Ural Plant for the production of heavy KV tanks was established. In addition to CHKZ, it included the Ural Heavy Machinery Plant, the Ural Turbo Engine Plant (No. 76) (Sverdlovsk), and later the armored plant No. 200 (today the Chelyabinsk Plant named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze). At the same time, I.M. Zaltsman and Zh.Ya. Kotin.

Due to the circumstances, the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant turned out to be the location of several large design bureaus.

The joint design team consisted of the Leningrad SKB-2, which at the beginning of the war was joined by SKB-1 specialists involved in the development of gas turbine engines, and part of the artillery designers. Already in Chelyabinsk, it was replenished with workers from the tractor and local tank design bureaus. The design bureau of the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant, following the Leningrad model, became known as SKB-2.

Director of the plant during the war I.M. Saltzman noted that the decisive role in the success of Tankograd was played by the highest concentration of scientific and technical personnel, as well as the presence of numerous scientific design departments in the structure of the plant.

spring 1942 . by order of the People's Commissar of the Tank Industry of the USSR V.A. Malyshev, an experimental tank-engine plant of the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry No. 100 was created on the basis of the ChTZ Experimental Plant and the Kharkov Machine-Tool Plant named after. Molotov. The resulting plant included design and research divisions. By the same order, the new structure was entrusted with "management of experimental design topics at the factories of the People's Commissariat, development, manufacture and refinement of designs for tanks, their units, tank weapons and engines."

Soon another very strong reinforcement was received: the design bureau of the Military Academy of Motorization and Mechanization, headed by the famous military engineer A. I. Blagonravov, was relocated to Chelyabinsk. Here, scientists in uniform were developing planetary turning mechanisms for heavy tanks.

At the end of 1943, Experimental Plant No. 100 was separated from the ChKZ. The actual head of this plant from the moment of its creation until the end of the war was Zh.Ya. Kotin. After leaving ChKZ Zh.Ya. Kotin, N.L. became the chief designer of the head plant. Spirits.

The third design bureau was the diesel Specialized Design Bureau (SKB-75), headed by I.Ya. Trashutin and his deputies Ya. E. Vikhman and M. A. Meksin. In Chelyabinsk, it was replenished with specialists in the engines of the tractor plant.

The Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant also had other powerful reserves - scientific and design institutions.

One of them is NII-48. The following figures speak of his creative potential. At the end of 1943, two academicians, one corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, four doctors and 10 candidates of sciences worked here.

NII-48 was based in Sverdlovsk, and the Specialized Tank-Building Design and Technology Institute (8GSPI) in July 1941 . was evacuated directly to Chelyabinsk. It was created long before the war in Leningrad and was called the Spetsproekt Institute until 1937.

During the war years, this institute directed a significant part of its efforts to help the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant. According to his projects, old workshops were rebuilt and new ones were erected, conveyors and production lines were created. An invaluable help was the normals developed by the institute in the field of drawing facilities, parts and assemblies of tanks, unification of tools, fixtures, dies, and technological documentation.

In November 1941 . in Chelyabinsk, the laboratory of electrothermy (LETI), headed by Professor V.P. Vologdin, arrived, which was engaged in steel hardening by high-frequency currents (HFC). Under his leadership, a high-frequency workshop was built at ChKZ, where HDTV installations were installed. The workshop was launched in August 1942. The introduction of hardening technology for a number of critical parts of tanks, such as final drive gears, piston pins, cylinder liners, which were previously carburized, consuming a lot of fuel, made it possible to reduce the heat treatment time of parts from 70 hours to 37 seconds.

It is obvious that the best minds of the country were concentrated and united by a common goal in the People's Commissariat of the tank industry as a whole and at its main plants. This explains the fact that new workshops, productions, conveyors and production lines appeared from scratch in an unprecedentedly fast time.

As early as June 25, 1941, Sergey Nesterovich Makhonin, chief engineer of ChKZ, arrived in Chelyabinsk to organize the production of KV tanks in a conveyor belt. He managed, relying on the pre-war developments of Chelyabinsk residents and the experience of his native Kharkov plant No. 183, to create a conveyor in Chelyabinsk. In September 1941, assembly shop No. 2 was put into operation, and in early October the first tank rolled off the assembly line. However, due to the disruption in the supply of allied plants, it was not possible to establish the proper rhythm of its work. Two months after the launch, the conveyor was stopped by order of Zh.Ya. Kotin, and KV tanks began to be assembled in the same way as earlier in Leningrad - on stands.

The production of V-2 diesels at Chelyabinsk Kirovsk was originally built according to the Kharkov model - the flow-conveyor principle. It was deployed in the workshops of tractor engines and in a large building erected at one time for the production of gas generators. Serial production began 35 days after the arrival in Chelyabinsk of the first of the 26 echelons of the Kharkov Plant No. 75. In December 1941, the engines were already assembled from parts made in the Urals, and fully engine production was deployed by the end of the first quarter of 1942.

In May 1943, the engine plant reached a stable output of 50 diesel engines per day, or 1,500 per month. This pace was maintained until the end of the war.

The most high-tech production of the motor plant, as in the 30s, was the workshop fuel equipment. Thanks to the combination of the experience of mass production of Chelyabinsk residents and the advanced technologies of Kharkov Plant No. 75, the production of fuel equipment was brought up to 100-110 sets per day. This covered the needs of not only the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant.

July 15, 1942, appointed People's Commissar of the Tank Industry I.M. Zaltsman, arrived at ChKZ and announced the decision to launch the production of T-34 tanks in Chelyabinsk in order to make up for the losses from the shutdown of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant.

The assembly line of the T-34 tank at the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant decided to deploy in place of the main tractor conveyor - in the mechanical assembly shop. This was accomplished in 33 days. The production assembly of the T-34 began on August 22, 1942.

By the end of 1943, the plant provided a daily output of 20 T-34 tanks and 10 heavy vehicles.

Design support for the serial production of medium tanks in Chelyabinsk was entrusted to N. L. Dukhov. The Kirovites also contributed to the improvement of the design of the T-34.

So, at the beginning of 1943, the ChKZ Design Bureau developed a new filter for cleaning the air entering the engine - the Multicyclone. Thanks to its use, the quality of air purification was improved and energy consumption was significantly reduced. Later, the drawings of the "Multicyclone" were sent to all factories to organize their independent production.

In the same 1943, Chelyabinsk designers completed experiments with new T-34 rollers, the tires of which were made from profiled rolled products with minimal processing. This gave huge savings in labor costs and metal, so that the Chelyabinsk design and technology, by order of the People's Commissariat of July 24, was proposed to be immediately introduced at all factories producing thirty-fours.

In the report of the design bureau of tank production ChKZ for 9 months 1943 . there is also the development of the T-34 commander's cupola and the installation of a viewing device on it, the creation of improved oil coolers, the installation of an imported radio station, and much more ...

"For the exemplary fulfillment of the government's task to improve the design and improve the combat qualities of the T-34 tank" N.L. Dukhov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

And in March 1943, he was awarded the State Prize only for improving the design of heavy tanks.

Under the leadership of this talented designer, the production of a new heavy tank IS-2 was mastered. At the end of October 1943 . IS-2 was adopted by the Red Army. The new tank combined the mobility of the T-34 with more powerful weapons and armor. He became the main one in the guards heavy tank regiments of the breakthrough.

For the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant, 1944 was a special year. It was necessary to combine the production of tanks "IS" with the release of "T-34". Moreover, with a gradual reduction in the production of T-34 tanks, the production of IS tanks should have increased. After several months of bench assembly of IS tanks, in August 1944, the world's first conveyor of heavy tanks was put into operation. As a result, the factory cost of a heavy tank was reduced by more than one hundred thousand rubles (from 343 thousand rubles at the beginning of production to 234.4 thousand rubles in the first quarter 1945 .), and only slightly exceeded the cost of the medium tank T-34-85.

In August 1944, the Chelyabinsk designer M.F. Balzhi proposed the design of a new machine - the IS-3 tank.

On December 30, 1944, I.V. Stalin authorized the production of this tank by the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant.

In addition to the perfect anti-shell form of the hull and turret, the tank had many other innovations. For the first time on a serial domestic tank, a commander's aiming control system appeared. Optical instruments made it possible to confidently fire at the maximum distances for a tank battle: 2000- 2500 m . The V-2 engine had the same power as its predecessor in the IS-2 tank, but thanks to the new cooling system, it consumed less power for self-service. Moreover, the savings amounted to tens of hp. Starting the engine in winter was facilitated by the presence of a coolant heating boiler.

J.Ya. Kotin called the correspondence competition between Soviet and foreign tank design bureaus a "war of wits." In the West, this was also called the "armor war."

In 1944-1945. the Soviet mind completely outplayed Western armor. Such machines as the IS-2 and IS-3, in 1944-1945. not a single army in the world had. Not a single foreign design bureau or plant has managed to achieve such an excellent combination of the highest combat effectiveness, low cost and manufacturability in production. At the end of 1944 and the first months of 1945. It was the Chelyabinsk heavy tanks Isa and St. John's wort (the so-called self-propelled artillery mounts ISU-122 and ISU-152) that broke through the solid defensive wall of German cities with their armor and monstrous 122-mm and 152-mm shells. This is a huge merit of designers, engineers, technologists and workers of the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant.

AT 1945 . the plant already operated 150 production lines, which produced up to 80% of all the necessary parts and assemblies for tanks, self-propelled guns and diesel engines. For the first time in world practice, at the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant, when casting large steel parts, sand molds were replaced by metal ones (casting parts into a chill mold). For the first time at the plant, heat treatment of parts with high-frequency currents was applied, manual welding of tank hull armor was replaced by automatic welding.

During the evacuation, the 15,000-strong team of the pre-war Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant was replenished by 7,500 Leningraders, 3,000 Kharkovites and a thousand Muscovites. In addition, 10 thousand people from various regions of the country were mobilized. AT 1942 . 2050 people evacuated from the Volga arrived at ChKZ. In 1943-44 gg the number of people working at the plant exceeded 44 thousand people. But at the turn of 1941-42, there was a serious shortage of labor at the plant, since the creation of a tank plant required a very sharp increase in the number of workers. Neither the mobilization of the able-bodied urban population for the enterprise, nor the mass patriotic movement of women and youth for the transition to production, nor the return of pensioners to work could solve the main economic problem - ensuring the fulfillment of production tasks. To do this, it was necessary to master the equipment, mass production techniques, introduce systematic technical training - after all, 67% of the workers newly admitted to the plant had no qualifications. This percentage included workers from Central Asia and Kazakhstan, who joined the team of tank builders

To successfully complete the task of technical training of personnel in wartime conditions, such forms of mass education were used, such as: brigade and individual apprenticeships, Stakhanov schools of excellence, technical training courses for machine workers with a break from production, schools of combined professions, courses for adjusters, controllers, crane operators , etc. To successfully solve the personnel problem, the plant management used various measures. Already in the second half of 1942, socialist competition began for the exemplary organization of mass technical education. The winning team was awarded challenge Red Banners and cash prizes. In the best workshops, competitions were organized between the leaders of technical education with daily summing up. In October 1942, at the initiative of the foreman of the workshop of normals G. Falkovsky, schools of additional specialties were organized. Already in November, there were 18 such schools at the plant. In the fourth quarter of 1942, the plan for technical education at the plant was fulfilled by 136.8%. So, by the end of 1942, the organizational period in the technical training of the workers of Tankograd was completed.

The year 1943 ended with a radical change in the work of industry. If in the first period of the war the growth of production was carried out due to the additional saturation of the enterprise with equipment, an increase in the length of the working day, the commissioning of new shops, then in subsequent years it was due to an increase in labor productivity, the technical culture of the enterprise, the further development of creative initiative and the activity of the masses. It was in 1943 that the process of stabilization of personnel took place, their turnover sharply decreased and the main emphasis was placed on improving the skills of workers. In 1943, conferences, meetings on technical training, the creation of mobile technical libraries, talks and lectures on the most important issues of technology. In 1943 they improved their qualifications and were trained in the system production and technical training more than 21 thousand, in 1944 - 18 thousand tank builders. Technical studies led to an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in the cost of production, the development of an initiative of innovators and inventors, an increase in Stakhanovists and shock workers at the plant. By the beginning of 1945, they accounted for 97.9% of the total number of pieceworkers.

Labor heroism during the Great Patriotic War was a mass, widespread phenomenon. In the very first months of the war, a patriotic movement unfolded at our plant. Its scope was enormous, its forms of manifestation varied. Thus, the Stakhanov movement of the two hundred was filled with new content, it covered all the shops of the enterprise. Now tractor builders worked for themselves and for a comrade who had gone to the front. Workers and employees, engineers and technicians at meetings held in the first days of the war made promises to redouble their efforts.

The resolution of the rally of workers and employees on June 24, 1941, noted that on the initiative of the Stakhanovites Vorzov and Kudrin, who undertook to give more than two norms, all the workers of the machine shop followed this example.

With renewed vigor, the movements of the three-hundred, five-hundred, thousandths unfolded at the plant. Especially after it became known about the remarkable labor initiative of the milling machine operator of the Nizhny Tagil plant D.F. Bosogo, who in February 1942, having taken the Stakhanov watch in honor of the anniversary of the Red Army, worked out a daily norm of 1480%.

But here it should be noted that the first millenniums appeared at the Chelyabinsk Tank Plant as early as September 1941. True, the records of the Stakhanovists V. Novgorodov and M. Stogniy were single, and only in April 1942, during the All-Union Competition of Tank Industry Enterprises, did it result in movement and gain wide scope.

On April 26, 1942, the turner of the normal shop, Komsomol member Grigory Yekhlakov exceeded the shift rate by 1018%, Zina Danilova - by 1340% ... The factory newspaper "Our Tractor" in the May Day issue reported: "During the scraping of suspensions that require precision processing, locksmith G. Salo completed the daily task by 1391%. Turner I. Gudim gave 1008% of the norm. Komsomolets V. Panin, undertaking to break his record, which exceeded 1700%, completed the task by 2482%. Other forms of competition were closely related to the movement of the millenniums: the development of related professions and multi-machine service.

During the implementation of the May program of 1942, a competition for the title of "Noble Master of the Plant" was born at the plant. This was due to the need to raise the authority of the master, as a direct organizer of production. The conditions of the competition were developed, according to which the title was awarded to the master only if all the employees of his section performed a daily task of at least 110%.

This movement began actively in machine shops. At the sites, they began to create cadres of multi-machine operators, in which technical training provided effective assistance, an hourly competition was introduced. All these measures increased labor productivity: on the first day of the competition, the team of foreman S. Pavlov completed the daily task by 119.8%, the change of foreman P. Gorlov - by 130%. A month later, 900 Komsomol members out of 1085 production Komsomol members were involved in the competition, of which 786 people completed the task by 110% daily.

During the war years, the competition of the Komsomol youth brigades was born, fighting for the title of "front-line". A prerequisite for such teams was the rhythmic implementation of the plan. Members of the front-line brigades, as a rule, did not leave their jobs until the task was completed.

AT In Tankograd, the movement of front-line brigades began on the initiative of the Komsomol member of the normals shop A. Pashnina on October 6, 1942. Her "front" brigade named after N. Gastello, consisting of 20 people, worked for 50 skilled workers. Each girl serviced 2-3 machines, and Anya herself, with a norm of 320 parts, milled 1300 or more. The girls fulfilled the norm by 120 - 130%, later increasing it to 210%. The initiative of A. Pashnina was picked up, and already in December 1942 there were 67 front-line brigades at the plant, and in January 1944 there were 8,356 people in 1175 front-line brigades.

In October 1942, members of the "front" youth brigade of Alexander Salomatov decided not to leave the factory until the monthly plan was fully completed. Every day they performed their shift task by 300-360%. They worked 18-20 hours a day, slept at the machines. The initiative of A. Salomatov's brigade turned into a mass movement of workers to help the fighting Stalingrad.

The front-line brigade of Vasily Gusev glorified itself with high dedication. The guys, due to the introduction of rationalization proposals, increased output to 435%, performing 4-5 norms per day. Gusev's brigade won the All-Union competition of front-line brigades. She was twice awarded the challenge red banner of the Central Committee of the Komsomol and the people's commissariat of the tank industry.

In October 1943, 712 Komsomol youth brigades competed at the plant, uniting 60% of young production workers. Of these, 656 brigades were awarded the title of front-line. Brigades of V. Tsaplinsky, A. Sadikova, J. Wolf, V. Berezin, A. Kutyina, A. Pashnina systematically completed tasks by 200-300%. The names of 68 best foremen of the front-line brigades were included in the Plant's Book of Honor.

In 1943, significant changes took place in the competition of the Komsomol youth brigades, as well as in the competition as a whole. Increasing emphasis was placed on quality indicators in the work. The Decree of the State Defense Committee of March 29, 1943 "On Improving the Quality of Tanks and Engines" played a decisive role in this. Soon after its release at the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant, a competition for the title of "Excellent Worker in Production" began. It was initiated by the Stakhanovites of shop "180" A. Levoshko and V. Yudakov, who completed the task 200% without marriage.

The patriotic movement of youth for quality indicators in work was constantly enriched. On the basis of mastery of technology and the introduction of rationalization proposals, it was possible to reduce the number of workers with higher labor productivity.

The initiators of the movement to release the workforce in Tankograd were the Komsomol youth brigades V. Toporishcheva, M. Rashevskaya and L. Shumkova. In the brigade of M. Rashevskaya, it was decided to leave instead of 14 people - 9. The reserve was found thanks to the advance preparation of the tool, blanks, compaction of the working day. Brigade V. Toporishcheva, having released 4 people, six of them completed the task by 200-220%.

In the socialist competition for increased output, rationalization work and inventions aimed at finding and using all internal reserves, saving metal, fuel, electricity, and improving the organization of labor have acquired particular importance. In total, during the war years, more than 17.5 thousand proposals were introduced at the plant, which resulted in savings of 77 million rubles.

Tankograd gave the front: 18 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, 48.5 thousand tank diesel engines, 85 thousand sets of fuel equipment, 17.5 million ammunition blanks.

The plant team during the All-Union competition of enterprises Narkomtankoprom 33 times won the challenge Red Banner of the GKO (State Defense Committee). Two banners were left to the plant for eternal storage.

The motherland highly appreciated the labor exploits of the tankers, awarding the plant with the Order of the Red Star (1944), the Order of Kutuzov, I degree (1945), the design bureau for engines - the Order of Lenin (1945), the pilot plant - the Order of Lenin (1944).

Thus, thanks to the smart and courageous thought of talented designers, the high technical erudition of technologists, the heroic work of workers, the plant successfully coped with one of the main tasks of the defense industry, managing to organize large-scale production of tanks, self-propelled artillery mounts, tank engines, thereby contributing to ensuring superiority. armed forces of the USSR over Nazi Germany.

June 1, 1933 is considered the birthday of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, one of the largest Russian industrial associations producing high-tech engineering products. It was on this day that the first "Stalinets" S-60 with a capacity of only sixty horsepower left the production line of the plant. From that moment on, anywhere in our vast country, the solution of important technical and technological tasks could not do without the participation of machines created at this illustrious enterprise. In 1936, Chelyabinsk tractors perfectly showed their capabilities when passing along the Snow Crossing route in Yakutia, having successfully covered more than two thousand kilometers along hard-to-reach terrain in minus 50 degrees. These vehicles did not fail during the Pamir crossing on the territory of the Turkestan military district, when the path ran through high-mountain points at the level of four thousand meters.

The draft design of the ChTZ was drawn up by the spring of 1930 at a special design bureau in Leningrad. Realizing that the construction of an enterprise of such a level as the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant is possible only with the use of all the accumulated world experience, the country's leadership decided to carry out the final revision in the United States. In Detroit, the center of the American autotractor industry, the design bureau "Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant" was created. Twelve American and forty Soviet specialists made many changes to the original sketches. Instead of the planned twenty separate buildings, it was decided to establish three workshops: mechanical, forging and foundry. To be able to change production facilities, the reinforced concrete supporting structures of the buildings were replaced with metal ones. Later, during the war years, this made it possible to quickly switch to the production of tanks at the plant. On June 7, 1930, the ChTZ master plan was completed, and by August 10, the workshops were laid.

Tractors S-60

The first builders met with great difficulties: there was no equipment, housing and medical care. There were not enough materials, and by the end of 1930, construction funding had sharply decreased. Of the 43,000 workers who arrived here in 1930, 38,000 left by the end of the year. The construction was in danger of collapse. However, on May 11, 1931, I.V. Stalin declared that the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant was under special supervision of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. After that, the construction of the plant went at an accelerated pace. In 1932, an extensive installation of production equipment began, the supply of which was attended by three hundred and seven companies from the USA, Germany, France and England, as well as more than one hundred and twenty domestic factories. In general, the share of Soviet equipment amounted to more than forty-three percent. What was done in three years was amazing. The endless field has turned into a growing city. Where recently there was only dirt, there were brick houses and huge workshops, there were asphalt roads. In the factory district there was a factory-kitchen, a club, a cinema and a training center.

The first tractors manufactured by ChTZ im. Lenin, worked on naphtha fuel, and only after a significant reconstruction in 1937, the enterprise launched the production of new diesel engines. Vehicle, created on the basis of the S-60, but with a capacity of five horsepower more than its predecessor. Already in May of the same year, the S-65 became the winner of the World Paris Exhibition, having received a well-deserved Grand Prix diploma from its organizers. The serial production of these economical machines was launched at ChTZ on June 20, 1937, thanks to which the enterprise became a pioneer in the domestic tractor industry, producing diesel tractors. In total, from 1937 to 1941, the plant produced about thirty-eight thousand S-65 tractors.

The S-65 tractor is the first domestic diesel tractor with an M-17 engine with a power of 65 hp. A working model of a tractor at the parade of rarities produced at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant.

The prototype of the S-60 tractor was the American Caterpillar-60 of the same company. The main purpose of the tractor was to work with trailed agricultural machines and drive stationary devices. Due to heavy losses, the Red Army at the beginning of the war withdrew most of the S-60 and S-65 tractors from Agriculture. They were used to tow large caliber guns, in particular the 152 mm ML-20.

In 1939, the company expanded its product range, having simultaneously mastered the production of a tractor for artillery S-2 or Stalinets-2. Its power was already one hundred and five horsepower. On March 30, 1940, the Chelyabinsk plant celebrated a new achievement: the 100,000th tractor rolled off its assembly line that day. Meticulous extras calculated that the total capacity of all the machines produced by the enterprise up to this point was six million horsepower, which is approximately equal to the capacity of ten DneproGES.

Transport tractor S-2 "Stalinets-2"

There were S-2 tractors on all fronts, the largest number on the South-West. They carried 85 mm anti-aircraft guns, as well as medium and heavy artillery systems, including 203 mm howitzers and 280 mm mortars. They were used with efficiency in the evacuation of medium and light tanks. By September 1, 1942, there were about nine hundred C-2 tractors in the army. They were carefully protected, since there were no factory deliveries of spare parts since 1942. There was a case when the gearbox of the C-2 driver broke down, and in order not to abandon the car, he drove one hundred and thirty kilometers in reverse to his unit. Unfortunately, not a single such military tractor has survived to our time.

The expectation of war hovering in the air required a reorientation of production, and in 1940 ChTZ carried out intensive research and preparation for the production of heavy tanks (KV type) together with the designers of the Kirov Plant in Leningrad. At the same time, a fuel pump for the engines of T-12 bombers was being prepared for production. The first tank was accepted at ChTZ by the state commission on the last day of 1940.

The beginning of the Nazi invasion and their rapid advance across our territory in 1941 forced the country's leadership to carry out an urgent evacuation of all large enterprises deep into the USSR, in particular to the Urals. The main production shops and specialists of the Kirov Plant were transferred to Chelyabinsk from Leningrad in the shortest possible time. Production was deployed on the territory of ChTZ. Later, the Kharkov Motor Plant and five more enterprises evacuated from territories already occupied by the enemy were attached to it. On the move, in the cold, among the snowdrifts, people unloaded the equipment, immediately put the machines on the foundations and put them into action. Only then walls were erected around the equipment and a roof was built. In the shortest possible time, seventeen new workshops were built and launched. As a result, on the site of the former Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, the largest machine-building plant for the production of military equipment and weapons under the conditional name "Tankodrom" was created.

Officially, from October 6, 1941, the enterprise became known as the Kirov Plant of the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry. Even after the end of the war, for twenty years, Chelyabinsk residents produced their products under the brand name of the Kirov Plant.

The production of tanks was started from one or two per day, but soon this number was brought up to twelve or fifteen. All workshops worked according to the barracks position. In cold rooms, people worked for sixteen to eighteen hours, systematically malnourished and sleep deprived, with full dedication of strength. No one left their seats until they completed two or three norms per shift. Truly, the essence and meaning of the life of the plant team became the words: “Everything for the front! Everything for the Victory! The specialists of the enterprise managed to put on stream the assembly of heavy tanks IS-1, IS-2, IS-3 and KV. The Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant slowly became the main military supplier of the country, producing the latest and greatest military equipment, without which it would be simply impossible to resist such a well-trained and equipped enemy as the German army. ISs represented all the best that domestic heavy tank building could offer. They harmoniously combined speed, armor and weapons. Lighter than the heavy tanks of the Germans, with thicker armor and a more powerful gun, they knew no equal in maneuverability. After the ISs appeared on the battlefields, the command of the Third Reich forbade its tankers to contact them in open battle.

In addition to heavy tanks, the plant produced the most famous and widely used T-34s, as well as SU-152s (self-propelled guns). In total, during the war, the Tankodrome produced and sent to the front eighteen thousand self-propelled artillery mounts and tanks of various types, eighteen million blanks for ammunition and forty-nine thousand diesel engines for tanks. Despite the tense situation, the engineering minds of the enterprise worked fruitfully, which during the war created thirteen new types of self-propelled guns and tanks, as well as six types of diesel engines for these combat vehicles. For selfless work and outstanding achievements, the plant staff for the entire war period was awarded the Red Banner of the State Defense Committee thirty-three times as the winner of the All-Union competition. Two banners were even left at the enterprise for eternal storage. On August 5, 1944, for merits in the development and production of new types of equipment and invaluable assistance to the army, the plant was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the Order of Lenin. The Design Bureau of the plant received the second Order of Lenin for achievements in the development and production of tank diesel engines on April 30, 1945.

At the end of the war, the work of the enterprise again entered a peaceful course, and on January 5, 1946, the plant produced its first post-war brainchild, the Stalinets-80 or S-80 tractor, which already used a closed cab. From mid-July 1946, the enterprise launched mass production of this machine, indispensable for the post-war reconstruction of the economy, which was subsequently widely used not only in the development of fallow virgin lands, but also during the construction of the largest and most large-scale facilities. Soviet Union. By the way, of the entire fleet of machines that performed earthworks during the construction of the Volga-Don Canal, ChTZ tractors accounted for more than half of the available equipment and completed most of the work.

Stalinets-80 or S-80

The S-80 had good traction, a large power reserve and improved performance. The versatile design was designed to different types works: agricultural, road, construction. The tractor was used as a bulldozer, a rooter, there was even a swamp version with wide tracks. Rightfully deserving the title of people, the S-80 tractor was used to create canals, plowing fallow lands, and restoring the economy. It was used until the mid 1970s.

Historical for the Chelyabinsk Tractor is the day of June 20, 1958, when the company finally returned to its original name. By that time, the plant was already mastering the production of the new T-100 machine, which in 1961 won the gold medal of the international exhibition. The T-100 tractor (popularly nicknamed "weaving") was distinguished by a high level of comfort for the sixties inside the cab, it had a soft seat, lighting, and forced ventilation. A number of machines of this type are still in operation. The tractor was produced by the enterprise until 1963, when its improved model T-100M (108 horsepower) was introduced into production, which was also awarded the highest international award in 1968.

Tractor T-100

By 1964, ChTZ had already produced twenty-two models of the T-100M tractor, among which a significant part was occupied by machines with increased productivity and reliability for working in swampy areas, permafrost zones, and also on sandy soils. And in January 1961, the Chelyabinsk plant launched into mass production completely new type diesel-electric tractors DET-250, with a capacity of three hundred and ten horsepower and subsequently awarded three times with medals at international exhibitions (in 1960, 1965 and 1966).
DET-250 is designed to work as a bulldozer or ripper. In addition, the equipment of a drilling crane machine, a pit drill, a trench excavator can be attached to the tractor. The only tractor in the world (except DET-320) with an electromechanical transmission. This is due to the fact that at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant they could not organize the production of machines with a hydromechanical transmission, and a mechanical one was recognized as inexpedient. Despite being overweight, the low efficiency and a complex cooling system, the electromechanical transmission of the DET-250 tractor has certain advantages over the hydromechanical transmission in cold climatic zones.

Without stopping the production of tractors, at the end of the sixties, a major reconstruction of the enterprise and its complete re-equipment began in accordance with the new requirements of the time and preparations for the manufacture of tractors of the new generation T-130. On May 26, 1970, the construction of new capacities and work on the reconstruction of ChTZ received the status of an All-Union Komsomol construction site. And already on January 22, 1971, the plant received another award, the Order of Lenin, for excellent performance in fulfilling the tasks of the five-year production development plan. It was on the basis of this plant that on November 10, 1971, the first production association in the history of Soviet engineering was created, ChTZ im. Lenin”, which united four more production branches.

Tractor T-130

The T-130 tractor is a deep modernization of the T-100. These machines deserve an ambiguous assessment. Compared to tractors of a similar class, they were easy to maintain, repair and inexpensive. However, the design of the T-130, "rooted" in the thirties, is seriously outdated. The mechanical transmission complicated the control, the levers and pedals vibrated strongly, the semi-rigid suspension did not allow the engine to realize the inherent traction potential, and the life of the side clutches turned out to be very short.

On May 31, 1983, on the anniversary of its establishment, the enterprise received the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and on June 1, on the square in front of the plant, the first-born ChTZ and the first domestic tracked vehicle S-60 were installed on a pedestal. By the golden date, the plant's specialists also timed the release of the world's first heavy-duty tractor T-800, used for dismantling rocks in especially difficult conditions, where explosives are powerless. November 3, 1984, was a significant day for ChTZ, when the millionth tractor with the company's marking rolled off the production line. And September 1988 was marked by another unusual achievement: the Guinness Book of Records for the most high performance and gigantic dimensions, the bulldozer-ripper T-800 was brought in.

Bulldozer-ripper T-800

The T-800 is the largest tractor produced in Europe. A total of ten were produced. Traction power at face value is seventy-five tons, maximum up to one hundred and forty, engine power is more than eight hundred horsepower. The total weight of the T-800 is more than a hundred tons. The giant was baptized at the construction of the South Ural nuclear power plant and during the reconstruction of Magnitogorsk. The machine performed tasks where no other equipment could function in principle. When trying to deliver the T-800 for diamond mining in Yakutia, the platform of Aeroflot's most powerful Antey aircraft fell apart, unable to withstand its weight. Subsequently, the tractor was delivered by the Mriya superliner.

Started in 1992 new stage in the life of ChTZ. First, on April 30, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to privatize it. Then, on October 1, the production association, by decision of the shareholders' meeting, became JSC URALTRAK. But three and a half years later, on April 27, 1996, the same meeting decided to change the name to Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant OJSC. A difficult situation in the country, wrong financial policy, despite the demand for the company's products on the market, led in 1998 to the recognition of ChTZ as bankrupt and its complete reorganization. However, the legendary enterprise managed to survive, after the changes made, a new machine-building giant appeared on the market, called ChTZ-Uraltrak LLC.

Annually improving the produced the lineup machines, the plant's products are constantly awarded honorary titles and awards. At the exhibition held on September 25, 2000 in the city of Ufa international importance"URALSTROY - 2000" ChTZ tractors received a gold Cup of the 1st degree. And two years later, at the end of July 2002, the country's first regional shopping center ChTZ-URALTRAK LLC opened in Perm.
The celebration of the seventieth anniversary of the plant on June 1, 2003 was held in a solemn atmosphere, when a whole column of cars proceeded from the gates of the enterprise for viewing by the townspeople, in which all models of tractors produced at different times by the enterprise were presented. Both the S-65, which has already become a legend, and later modernized brands of tractors participated in the parade of tractors. Among the samples of military equipment one could see both the "old man" T-34, and the BMP-1 and T-72 that are in the arsenal of the modern Russian army. The column that followed along the main street of Chelyabinsk gave the city residents the opportunity to see with their own eyes engineering vehicles, wheeled and small-sized vehicles produced by the plant. Subsequently, this most interesting exposition was installed on a prepared demonstration site, which was visited by several tens of thousands of residents and guests of the city in a few days.

ChTZ's products have also received recognition abroad, and some models of vehicles are exported. July 25, 2003 for the contribution to the strengthening of friendly economic relations between Vietnam and the Russian Federation, the President of this Socialist Republic decided to award the staff of the plant with the Order of Friendship. In May 2009, ChTZ-URALTRAK became the “Best Russian Exporter of 2008” among machine-building enterprises, confirming this title a year later.

Some models of tractors, created at ChTZ, have repeatedly become diploma winners of a competition well-known among domestic manufacturers called "100 the best goods Russia": in December 2004, the DET-320 model was awarded this honor, in December 2010 - the T13 tractor and the PK-65 loader, and in 2011 - the B-8 bulldozer. In addition, the company itself was awarded for high quality manufactured products. Another evidence of recognition of the plant's authority was the election of General Director of ChTZ V. Platonov to the post of head of the committee of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in July 2006.


Bulldozer B-8

It is curious, but the good "deeds of the enterprise for the benefit of mankind" were also noted by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, who in June 2008 decided to award ChTZ with the Order of the Holy Prince Dmitry Donskoy.

Obtaining a European quality certificate for one of the equipment models produced by the enterprise (B11 bulldozer) in June 2009 and a labor protection certificate in June 2010 opened the way for ChTZ to the EU market with the possibility of organizing joint production. The result of fruitful cooperation with Italian partners was the foundry mini-factory launched in September 2010. And in January of the same year, the enterprise began testing the latest bulldozers using the GLONASS satellite navigation system.

Bulldozer B11

In March 2011, the Uralvagonzavod corporation acquired a controlling stake in ChTZ (63.3%), which, in total with the shares already owned by this enterprise, amounted to about 80%. The agreement between UVZ and ChTZ was rightfully called the "Deal of 2011". The main direction of production of the plant as part of UVZ was the production of civil road construction equipment. Thus, today ChTZ is one of the largest production associations in Russia, which can offer Russian and foreign consumers not only high-quality tractors, bulldozers and engineering machines, but also high-capacity pipelayers, vibratory rollers, loaders and diesel engines, as well as diesel engines. generator sets and diesel-hydraulic stations, spare parts for tractors own production, mini tractors and utility vehicles. In recent years, the plant's products have become familiar not only in the former Soviet republics, but also in sixteen foreign countries, including Eastern Europe, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates and many others. Large export orders for foreign countries, as well as internal orders from Rosleskhoz, oil and gas corporations, finally allowed the enterprise to solve all financial problems and resume hiring for the first time in many years.


The fate of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant is inextricably linked with the history of the country. Built in record time and becoming a symbol of the labor enthusiasm of the first five-year plans, ChTZ in the 30s of the 20th century had no analogues either in Europe or in America. During the Great Patriotic War, the labor prowess of the workers of Tankograd ensured the technical superiority of our tanks over enemy combat vehicles. It is impossible to imagine the post-war restoration of the country without Chelyabinsk tractors. The Ural heroes worked at all the largest construction sites in the USSR. Powerful machines with the ChTZ emblem can be found on all continents - from the deserts of Africa to the endless snows of Antarctica, and they always carry out their service with honor.

The largest in the world

The 1930s will remain in the history of our country as a time of unprecedented industrial development. Of great importance for the country was the creation of a domestic tractor industry, the flagship of which was ChTZ.

On May 29, 1929, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the start of the construction of a tractor plant in the Urals." It was not by chance that Chelyabinsk was chosen as the place for its construction: the coal mines of Kopeisk could provide the future giant plant with cheap fuel, ChGRES with the necessary energy, and the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, which was being built at an unprecedented pace, with iron and coke. The location of the city on the Trans-Siberian Railway made it possible to significantly reduce transportation costs when delivering tractors to the eastern regions of the country. Plus, the oldest industrial region - the Urals - is a qualified workforce.

In November 1929, by order of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR, it was approved that the future ChTZ should become the first plant in the country for the large-scale production of caterpillar tractors and produce 40,000 vehicles a year. Neither in Europe nor in America was there at that time a tractor production of such a level.

Master plan from Detroit

By the spring of 1930, a design bureau specially organized in Leningrad had completed preliminary design enterprises. The country's leadership understood that the construction of an enterprise of such a level as ChTZ was possible only with the use of all the advanced experience accumulated by that time in the world tractor industry.

It was not possible to agree on the provision of technical assistance with the leadership of the American company Caterpillar: the demands put forward were unacceptable, the negotiations reached an impasse. Then the Soviet representatives decided to create in Detroit a special design bureau "Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant", where 40 Soviet and 12 American specialists worked together on the general plan of ChTZ. Given the latest achievements in the field of tractor construction, significant changes have been made to the initial draft design. We decided to create three buildings: mechanical, foundry and forging - instead of 20 separate workshops. Another important innovation is the replacement of reinforced concrete supporting structures of buildings with metal ones. Thanks to this, the spans in the buildings were expanded, which made it possible, if necessary, to change production facilities. It was this that made it possible for the plant at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War to switch to the production of tanks as soon as possible and fully confirmed the correctness of the decisions made.

On June 7, 1930, the ChTZ master plan was ready. And already on August 10, in Chelyabinsk, a foundry, forging and mechanical assembly shops were laid down in a solemn atmosphere.

Traktorostroy begins

The first builders of ChTZ faced very big difficulties: lack of equipment, housing and qualified medical care. Staffing in 1929 - 1930 - only 60 percent, high turnover, lack of funds ...

On April 30, 1931, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted a resolution "On the progress of the construction of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant." It said that "... the timely completion of the construction and launch of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant is one of the most important tasks facing the national economy of the USSR." We outlined specific measures to provide the construction site with personnel and building materials. The resolution specifically noted that the work of all party, Soviet and trade union organizations Urals will be judged "... by the degree of their active assistance successful completion construction and start-up of ChTZ".

On May 11, 1931, the leaders of Chelyabtraktorostroy were received by I.V. Stalin, who declared that "... the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks will in no case allow the construction of a world giant to be disrupted."

At the industrial site of ChTZ, a movement for an accelerated pace of work has unfolded. If in 1931, shock workers at the construction site accounted for 57 percent of the total number of workers, then on the eve of the launch of the plant - almost 90. The high pace of construction made it possible by 1932 to move on to the extensive installation of production equipment.

307 firms from Germany, USA, France and England took part in equipping ChTZ with equipment. More than 120 factories of the USSR produced machine tools and mechanisms for ChTZ. The share of domestic equipment was more than 40 percent. "The entire working class of the USSR is responsible for the launch of ChTZ! .." - under this motto, an all-Union competition for early fulfillment of orders for the plant unfolded.

World recognition

On May 31, 1933, at 15:40, to the jubilant exclamations of thousands of those gathered, the first S-60 tractor assembled on the ChTZ conveyor left the gates of the mechanical assembly building to the factory yard. The next day, June 1, 1933, the ceremonial launch of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant named after Stalin took place.

What was done in just three years was amazing. The bare field has turned into a growing city. Where until recently there was impassable mud, there were huge workshops, brick houses. Asphalt roads, a factory-kitchen, a cinema, a club, and a training center were built in the factory microdistrict.

In May 1937, the International Exhibition "The Art and Technology of Modern Life" opened in Paris. The ChTZ-S-60 and diesel S-65 tractors presented in the Soviet pavilion were awarded the "Grand Prix" - the highest award of the exhibition.

On March 30, 1940, less than seven years after the start-up of the plant, the 100,000th ChTZ tractor rolled off the assembly line.

And tomorrow there was a war...

As early as the beginning of 1940, the plant was instructed to start mastering the production of heavy KV tanks developed at the Leningrad Kirov Plant. All the preparatory work was then completed, and on December 31, 1940, the first tank was assembled at ChTZ. Before the start of the war, 25 KV-1 vehicles were made.

As early as July 1, 1941, the workshops and sections of the plant, engaged in the manufacture of parts for KV, switched to work in two shifts of 11 hours. All regular and additional holidays have been cancelled. If from the beginning of the year until July 1, 1941, the share of military products in the production program of ChTZ was only 13.1 percent, then from July 1 to October 1 it increased to 42.8 percent, and from October 1941 it rose to 92.7 percent. percent. The plant was to master the large-scale production of tanks and tank engines.

The situation on the fronts worsened. On October 6, 1941, by order of the People's Commissar of the Tank Industry of the USSR, the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant named after Stalin was renamed the Kirov Plant of the People's Commissariat for Tank Industry in Chelyabinsk.

In September - October 1941, the evacuation of two huge enterprises to Chelyabinsk began - the Kirov Plant from Leningrad and the Kharkov Diesel Engine Plant No. 75 from Ukraine.

There were no precedents either in domestic or in world practice when such giant plants with their many thousands of teams were “removed from the foundation” in a matter of days, loaded onto trains, and after a short time, production was launched practically from wheels over many thousands of kilometers, in another end of a vast country.

Kharkov Motor Plant No. 75 was evacuated under the bombing of Nazi aircraft just a week before German tanks entered the city. In an even more difficult situation, the Kirov Plant was evacuated. In October-November 1941, all seats on planes leaving Leningrad surrounded by the Nazis for the mainland were given to the workers and specialists of Kirovsky, who were then urgently sent by rail to Chelyabinsk. Over 15 thousand workers of the plant and their families were sent to the Urals. The main staff of the leading tank workshops created at ChTZ was staffed by workers and specialists from the Kirov Plant.

By January 1942, 29,850 people arrived at the plant. 8 thousand of them were placed in the city, 17 thousand - in factory houses, 3800 people - at evacuation centers - in the FZU, the factory club and school No. 52 (now No. 48). Living conditions were incredibly difficult. But all everyday problems in those days faded into the background. Tanks were the main concern of everyone who worked at the plant. The front demanded: "Give me the tanks! Hurry! Immediately!"

During 1941, the production of heavy KV tanks increased 5.5 times. This was achieved by increasing the average monthly output per worker, since even after the arrival of specialists from Leningrad and Kharkov in Chelyabinsk, there was a catastrophic shortage of workers. According to the plan for the 1st quarter of 1942, about 40 thousand people were supposed to work in the workshops of the plant, but in reality there were only 27,321 of them. In order to fill the personnel shortage, women and teenage children were attracted to the plant.

In mid-November 1941, by a special decree of the State Defense Committee (GKO), the production of tractors, artillery tractors, shells, mines and bombs was stopped at the plant. From now on, all workshops, thousands of people, equipment - had to switch only to the production of heavy tanks. The legendary Tankograd was born.

Everything for "thirty-four"

On July 4, 1942, the Kirov Plant in Chelyabinsk was entrusted with an extremely urgent task: simultaneously with the production of heavy KV tanks, to organize the mass production of medium tanks T-34. Production capacity the plant did not expand. On the same equipment, in the same workshops, two completely different combat vehicles were to be made. Since August 1942, the monthly production of KVs was set at 150 units, and the production of T-34s had to constantly increase: 100 units in August, 300 in September, and already 350 in October. The plant was, as it were, divided into two independent productions. Here, independent workshops were to appear for the production of heavy vehicles and separately for medium tanks, and mixed production was to be organized in some workshops.

History did not know such examples that within just one month the entire production cycle of an enterprise would be rebuilt on a new machine. It was considered technically impossible. But it was necessary for the Victory, and the tankers did it.

The plant was about to undergo a major reconstruction. A new machine shop to provide heavy and medium tanks with parts and components of the undercarriage. On the site of the former main tractor assembly line, a medium tank assembly workshop was organized - the SB-34 workshop. From small-scale technology, still preserved in some areas, it was necessary to move on to mass production technology.

In a matter of days, 1200 additional machines had to be installed and about 700 moved from shop to shop. It was necessary to design and manufacture several thousand types of stamps, models, fixtures, tools, and train thousands of people to work on a new machine. Already on July 22, 1942, the designers issued working drawings of the "thirty-four" parts, and four days later each workshop received specific tasks for the range of parts that it should produce ...

ISs in a series - ahead of schedule

In mid-September 1943, the State Defense Committee set the task for the plant: without reducing the achieved volume of assembly of military vehicles, to establish the production of completely new heavy IS tanks.

These vehicles, developed in the Tankograd Design Bureau, harmoniously combined armor, speed and armament. ISs were almost 10 tons lighter than German heavy tanks, while having thicker armor and a more powerful gun, they had better maneuverability, maneuverability and adaptability to field repairs. Without stopping production at the plant, many workshops were reconstructed, organizing new sections and lines. More than 600 engineers and technicians were developing the technology of the new machine, people practically did not leave their jobs. And the impossible became possible again: on the night of October 31, 1943, the serial production of IS tanks began ahead of schedule.

In August 1944, for the first time in the world, a conveyor for the assembly of heavy tanks was launched at ChTZ!

The German command forbade its tankers to engage in open battle with our ISs. The Ural tanks won the duel with the tanks of fascist Germany thanks to the bold thought of the designers, the selfless work of the workers, and the engineering skills of the technologists of Tankograd. Through their heroic efforts, the plant in the shortest possible time reached an unprecedented rate of production of combat vehicles.

During the war years, thirteen models of tanks and self-propelled artillery mounts were produced in Chelyabinsk. In total, 18,000 combat vehicles, 48,500 tank engines, 85,000 sets of fuel equipment, 17.5 million ammunition blanks were manufactured, and many other defense orders were completed.

On peaceful tracks

Tankograd started thinking about civilian products as early as 1943. There were stubborn battles on the fronts, and in Chelyabinsk a group of designers, on their own initiative, was already working out the concept of a promising machine. On May 15, 1944, by order No. 320 of the People's Commissar of the Tank Industry, the plant was officially instructed to develop an 80 hp agricultural tractor.

The first post-war S-80 tractor was assembled at ChTZ in January 1946, eight months after the end of the war. The transfer of the tank plant to the production of tractors again required a serious reconstruction of the enterprise, the first stage of which was completed only by 1948. ChTZ was supposed to ensure the annual supply of more than 10 thousand S-80 tractors to the national economy of the country. By the end of 1948, an average of 20-25 tractors per day began to leave the main assembly line of the plant.

After the war, deliveries of Chelyabinsk cars abroad began. In 1949, the first 194 tractors were shipped to Poland, Czechoslovakia and other countries. By the mid-50s, ChTZ equipment was already being sold to all countries of the socialist camp, as well as to Finland, Sweden, Austria, India, Burma, Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan, and Brazil.

On April 30, 1956, the first sample of the DET-250 diesel-electric tractor, which had no analogues in the world, was assembled. On May 1, it was demonstrated on Revolution Square during a festive demonstration in Chelyabinsk. The upgraded DET is still being produced today; it was and remains the fastest bulldozer in the world.

In the late 60s - early 80s, the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant experienced a rebirth: it was undergoing a radical reconstruction in order to put into production a new family of promising industrial tractors of the T-130 type.

In 1984, the millionth tractor of the ChTZ brand was assembled. The peak of production of industrial tractors was reached in 1988, when 31,700 machines rolled off the assembly line of the enterprise.

Market test

The new time, which started after the perestroika announced in 1985, set ChTZ tasks that he had not yet had to solve. It was about whether the plant will be able to survive in market realities.

In the late 1980s, the plant went through a conversion, tank production was completely curtailed. Mastering the production of mini-tractors and consumer goods could not compensate for the lost volumes.

The USSR collapsed, market reforms began in Russia. ChTZ was one of the first large machine-building enterprises to carry out corporatization. In 1992 state enterprise the production association "ChTZ named after V.I. Lenin" was transformed into joint-stock company. But the hopes of tractor builders for an early prosperity did not come true. A sharp decline in the volume of production and work among traditional consumers of Chelyabinsk equipment - builders, land reclamators, in the mining and other industries of the former Soviet Union caused a landslide drop in the production of tractors. And not only at ChTZ: the entire domestic engineering industry experienced difficult years. The crisis of the mid-90s for the tractor giant turned into bankruptcy, the very existence of ChTZ was called into question.

The arrival of a team of managers under the leadership of the bankruptcy trustee, and now the general director Valery Platonov, without exaggeration, became a new starting point in the history of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. For several years, a lot of work has been done to revive ChTZ. The team of V. Platonov managed not only to save the legendary plant, not to destroy the integrity of the production complex, but actually turn it into efficient business, to create conditions for the dynamic development of a new enterprise - ChTZ-Uraltrak LLC.

On the rise again

Over the past few years, a number of new models and modifications of engineering machines of the ChTZ brand have been created. Factory designers and marketers try to quickly respond to changing market demands. Serial production of B-10M2 tractors with a modular final drive, remote bogie axle and hydromechanical transmission has begun. in great demand consumers use a new, more powerful bulldozer B-12 with a traction class of 15 tons. The B-11 tractor was created with a modern design, improved cab ergonomics and a lining made of composite materials. At the plant of powerful tractors, along with the production of a new diesel-electric bulldozer DET-320, as well as a self-propelled repair module based on a small tractor "Uralets". The production of wheeled vehicles, the front loaders of the Proffi family, started two years ago, is actively developing. And this is not the whole list of new products that have already become commercial products.

The production of diesel engines for armored vehicles is growing at the engine plant. The contract between Uralvagonzavod and India for the supply of 300 T-90 tanks was carried out only thanks to the 1000-horsepower V-92 engine created at ChTZ. New diesel engines developed by the plant's designers for Chelyabinsk and Nizhny Tagil tractors are being prepared for serial production.

Today, ChTZ - Uraltrak - is no longer just a tractor plant, but an industrial association for the production of a wide range of road construction equipment, engines, spare parts and other high-tech products. For the first time in recent history work began on the technical re-equipment of production, the development of flexible technologies, new modern equipment is being purchased.

ChTZ's property complex includes 160 enterprises, including more than 20 subsidiaries operating in a single technological cycle with the parent company. In total, more than 20 thousand people work here. Over the past three years, the complex of ChTZ enterprises has been demonstrating a steady growth trend. If in 2005 the volume of sales (including VAT) amounted to 8.76 billion rubles, in 2006 - 11.66 billion, then in 2007 - more than 16.8 billion rubles (44 percent higher than in 2006) .

Stable growth in production volumes and, as a result, improvement financial condition ChTZ ensured in 2007 a twofold increase in tax payments to the budgets of all levels (1.9 billion rubles).

3,160 engineering vehicles (tractors) under the ChTZ brand were sold in 2007 - 1.55 times more than in 2006. The sales figure is the best in five years.

ChTZ again supplies equipment to far abroad countries, including the countries of Eastern Europe, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mongolia, the United Arab Emirates and others. Tractor builders managed to return their products to all the republics of the former Soviet Union: the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation named ChTZ the winner of the competition "The Best Exporter of Russia to the CIS Countries".

On June 1, 2008, the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant will celebrate its 75th anniversary. The staff of the enterprise meets the anniversary year with good results, clear prospects and confidence that the modern generation of Chelyabinsk tractor builders will be able to be worthy of the glorious name of ChTZ.

(household waste compactor)


    Power up to 1350 horsepower


    To manufactured equipment (including caterpillars and rollers for spare parts for tractors T-130, T-170 and T-170)

  • Factory production potential

    The production potential of the plant provides a full technological cycle for the creation of engineering machines: from procurement to assembly and testing. Widely used at ChTZ modern technologies: heat treatment in an inert gas environment, sheet bending, machining on CNC machines and machining centers, robotic welding, plasma, laser cutting metal, etc.

    The divisions of the plant use the equipment of the leading machine tool plants in Russia, the CIS, Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Japan, Italy, Poland, Romania, Hungary, etc.
    The association includes a foundry, forging, pressing and welding, mechanical assembly and other plants.

    ChTZ dealer network

    In certain segments of the Russian market, such as bulldozers and pipelayers of the most popular classes, ChTZ consistently holds a leading position. Hundreds of machines are exported annually. In addition to the CIS countries, over the past few years, equipment with the ChTZ brand has been supplied to 16 non-CIS countries.

    Having an extensive dealer network in Russia and the CIS countries, as well as a system of its own warehouses for finished products and spare parts in the regions from Sakhalin to St. Petersburg and the Krasnodar Territory, ChTZ ensures the efficient operation of the manufactured equipment throughout the entire period of its use in any region.

    Our achievements

    Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant has a certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2001

    • award
    • award
    • award
    • award
    • award

    Also, the enterprise has many medals, cups, certificates and diplomas received for achieving high results in recent years.

    ChTZ is especially proud of state awards. 12 tractor builders were awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

    History of ChTZ URALTRAK


      These were caterpillar tractors Stalinets-60 (S-60) with a capacity of 60 horsepower, running on naphtha fuel. Since its launch, Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant has been the main manufacturer of powerful caterpillar tractors in Russia.

      Wherever problems of national importance were solved, where the front line of the battle for the new took place, ChTZ machines worked and are still working.


      Our tractors withstood the most difficult test, taking part in two grandiose expeditions: "Snow Campaign" - passing two thousand kilometers through the harsh February Yakutia at a temperature of minus 50 degrees, and the Pamir crossing at an altitude of 4 thousand meters in the Turkestan military district.

      May 1937

      At the World Exhibition in Paris, the S-65 tractor was awarded the highest award - the Grand Prix diploma.

      June 20, 1937

      Serial production of the Stalinets-65 (S-65) tractor with a capacity of 65 horsepower with a diesel engine has begun. We were the first in the country to master the production of fuel equipment for diesel engines. ChTZ became a pioneer in the Soviet tractor diesel industry.


      ChTZ mastered the production of military equipment - the Stalinets-2 (S-2) artillery tractor with a capacity of 105 horsepower.

    • War years


      Tractor builders carried out experimental work on mastering the production of heavy KV tanks designed by the Leningrad Kirov Plant and the 12-plunger fuel pump "TN-12" for aircraft engines heavy bombers. On December 31, 1940, the first Chelyabinsk tank was accepted by the state commission.

      March 30, 1940

      The 100,000th tractor rolled off the assembly line. The total capacity of the produced Chelyabinsk tractors was equal to 6 million horsepower or ten Dneproges.

      During the Great Patriotic War, ChTZ was renamed the Kirov Plant of the People's Commissariat of Tank Industry in the city of Chelyabinsk and, together with seven enterprises partially or completely relocated to Chelyabinsk, was a tank plant, later called Tankograd by the people. In an unprecedentedly short time, the plant became one of the main arsenals of the front: 18 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, 48.5 thousand tank diesel engines, 17.7 million ammunition blanks.

      Tankograd created 13 types of new tanks and self-propelled guns, 6 types of tank diesel engines. For the first time in the world practice of tank building, the assembly of a heavy tank was put on the conveyor.

      During the war, the plant was awarded the Red Banners of the State Defense Committee (GKO) 33 times for winning the All-Union competition. Two banners were left to the team for eternal storage.

      August 5, 1944

      The plant was awarded the Order of the Red Star for outstanding services in organizing the production and development of new types of tanks, self-propelled artillery units and tank diesel engines, as well as for equipping the Red Army with them.

      The plant was awarded the Order of Lenin for special merits in the creation of new models of heavy Soviet tanks and artillery self-propelled units (plant of the People's Commissariat of Tank Industry).

      April 30, 1945

      The plant was awarded the Order of Lenin for outstanding services in the creation and improvement of tank diesel designs (Design Bureau for Diesels of the Kirov Plant of the People's Commissariat of Tank Industry).

      July 18, 1945

      The plant was awarded the Order of Kutuzov, I degree, for outstanding services to the Motherland in the creation of new designs of heavy tanks, self-propelled artillery units and tank diesel engines, as well as for organizing their mass production and equipping the Red Army with them.

    • Postwar years

      January 5, 1946

      The first post-war "Stalinets-80" (S-80) with a closed cabin was assembled, and on July 12, 1946, its mass production began. This machine has found wide application in various sectors of the national economy: for example, during the construction of the Volga-Don navigable canal, more than half of the earthworks were carried out by our tractors. ChTZ machines were widely used in the plowing of virgin and fallow lands.

      The sands of the Kara-Kum and the ice expanses of Antarctica. ... On all continents of the planet, a tractor with the ChTZ emblem is truly a jack of all trades - it works on the construction of new roads, cities and hydroelectric stations, on laying oil and gas pipelines, on draining swamps and watering deserts.

      June 20, 1958

      The plant was returned to its historical name - the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. S-100 tractor is being serially produced. This car
      awarded the gold medal of the international
      exhibitions in 1961.

      January 1961

      A diesel-electric tractor DET-250 with a capacity of 310 horsepower was put into mass production. He has three gold medals at various international exhibitions: 1960, 1965, 1966.

      October 9, 1963

      The first production tractor T-100M with a capacity of 108 horsepower rolled off the main assembly line. In 1968 on international exhibition he was awarded a gold medal. To increase labor productivity, improve the reliability and durability of tractors when working in various climatic conditions (swamps, sands, permafrost, etc.), modifications of the basic model have been developed and introduced into mass production. So in 1964, the plant produced 22 variants of the T-100M tractor.

      At the end of the 60s

      Under the conditions of the current production of industrial tractors T-100M, its radical reconstruction and technical re-equipment began to start production of T-130 tractors. On May 26, 1970, the construction and reconstruction of the ChTZ was declared the All-Union shock Komsomol construction site.

      January 22, 1971

      The plant was awarded the Order of Lenin for the great success achieved by the staff of the enterprise in fulfilling the tasks of the five-year plan for the development of the production of powerful caterpillar tractors.

      November 10, 1971

      The first production association "Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant named after V.I. Lenin" in the field of tractor and agricultural engineering of the USSR was created.

      August 6, 1982

      On the northern slope of Elbrus at a height of two kilometers, where the high-mountain front of the Great patriotic war, an obelisk is installed, at the base of which are parts of the S-60 tractor, which was used as a military tractor.

      May 31, 1983

      The plant was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for a great contribution to equipping the national economy with powerful caterpillar tractors and services in the Great Patriotic War.

      June 1, 1983

      By the golden anniversary of ChTZ, the first S-60 tractor, the first Soviet tracked vehicle, was installed on a pedestal on the pre-factory area, and the world's first heavy-duty energy-saturated domestic tractor T-800 with an 820 horsepower engine was assembled, designed to develop especially heavy frozen and rocky rocks without explosion.

      November 3, 1984

      The plant manufactured the millionth tractor with the ChTZ brand.
    • perestroika

      March 1988

      Tractor builders have begun production of the T-170 tractor, equipped with a modernized diesel engine. This year, the plant reached its maximum productivity in the production of tractors: 31.5 thousand vehicles rolled off the conveyors.

      September 1988

      Tractor T-800 is listed in the Book of Records

      January 1989

      Started serial production of the tractor

      December 30, 1990

      The first production tractor Т10 with hydromechanical transmission was produced.
    • Factory of the 21st century

      September 25, 2000

      At the international exhibition "URALSTROY - 2000" (Ufa), ChTZ's products were awarded with a gold Cup of the first degree.

      June 01, 2002

      Serial production of the T10 tractor has begun.

      July 20, 2002

      A prototype of the T3 tractor of a modular design has been prepared.

      July 25, 2002

      The first regional shopping center was opened - RTC LLC "CHTZ-URALTRAK" in Perm.

      October 2002

      A prototype DET-320 tractor with an engine from the Yaroslavl Motor Plant was assembled.

      December 18, 2002

      A quality certificate (Certificate of sample testing) of the bulldozer B - 10.02 was received at the EEC Certification Center (Germany).

      June 01, 2003

      ChTZ-URALTRAK LLC is 70 years old. On the day of the anniversary, a column came out of the gates of the plant under its own power, in which the whole range of tractors, wheeled and special machines, mini equipment was presented. It was really a parade of samples that the factory had ever produced. The "veteran tractor" also took part in the parade - S-65 of the 1937 issue, DET-250 tractors, bulldozers based on the T-170 tractor. The military theme was represented by the legendary tanks T 34 and KV, vehicles in service with the Russian army - T-72 and BMP-1. The modern range of models was represented by a family of engineering vehicles based on the T10M tractor. Wheeled equipment was also demonstrated: a VK-24 vibratory roller, a PK-5 loader, a BK-1 bulldozer, a small-sized Uralets tractor and engineering vehicles based on it. Promising samples were represented by a bulldozer based on a T3 tractor. The column solemnly marched along the central street of the regional center to the demonstration site and for several days residents and guests of Chelyabinsk could admire the equipment. Thousands of citizens warmly welcomed the passage of the column. Over 15,000 people visited the exposition during three days.

      July 01, 2003

      Serial production of the T10M tractor and units based on it has been mastered. ChTZ awards - Vietnamese Order of Friendship /

      July 25, 2003

      By the decision of the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant-Uraltrak was awarded the Order of Friendship for its active work in strengthening friendly and economic relations between the two countries - the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Russian Federation.

      August 2004

      The first batch of B10M.6000 bulldozers with hydromechanical transmission was shipped to the consumer.

      December 2004

      Tractor DET-320 becomes a laureate of the competition "20 best goods of the Chelyabinsk region" and a diploma winner of the competition "100 best goods of Russia.

      March 2005

      The first bulldozer B12 with a hydromechanical transmission, a YaMZ engine, a remote oscillating axis of the undercarriages and a planetary final drive was shipped to the consumer. According to the standard size, the bulldozer belongs to the class of 15 tons of thrust.

      February 2006

      The first wheel loader PK-46 with a carrying capacity of 4.6 tons was shipped to the consumer. produced by ChTZ. The series of loaders is the most advanced development of domestic mechanical engineering thanks to the experience of leading Russian designers in this industry, as well as the use of components and components from well-known European manufacturers.

      July 2006

      CEO ChTZ Valery Platonov headed the committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and became a member of its presidium.

      November 2006

      Designed new representative wheel front loaders ChTZ: PK-30 with a load capacity of 3 tons.

      March 2007

      Start of production of a new model of bulldozer B11. For the first time at ChTZ, high-strength plastic was widely used for the manufacture of cladding panels. Along with proven design solutions (hydromechanical transmission, new suspension of caterpillar trucks and planetary final drives), the bulldozer is equipped with a comfortable hexagonal cab with increased visibility and improved working conditions for the operator.

      May 2007

      At the ChTZ Powerful Tractor Plant, they started assembling the DET-400 tractor with vector-injection electric machines.

      Fall 2007

      A new member of the ChTZ:PK-65 wheel loader family with a payload capacity of 6.5 tons has been developed and manufactured.

      January 2008

      As part of the creation of the Ural Armored Holding, the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant acquired a 100% stake in the Vityaz Ishimbay machine-building company, the only Russian manufacturer of floating caterpillar transporters.

      June 2008

      By decision of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant was awarded the Order of the Holy Prince Dmitry Donskoy. Such a prestigious award was given to ChTZ for good deeds for the benefit of people.

      December 2008

      Bulldozer-ripping unit B11.6000EN, manufactured by ChTZ-URALTRAK, was recognized as a laureate of the competition "100 Best Goods of Russia".

      June 2010

      ChTZ-URALTRAK received a certificate of conformity for work on labor protection. The presence of a safety certificate is a mandatory condition that enterprises from the EU countries set for their potential partners. Having this document, ChTZ can organize joint production with them on its territory.

      June 2010

      ChTZ-URALTRAK won the competition for the title of "Best Russian exporter 2009” in the industry - mechanical engineering.

      September 2010

      At ChTZ, a foundry mini-plant is being prepared for launch - an ultra-modern automatic molding line IMF (Italy) - a joint project of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant and Vertex-Transstal (VTS).

      December 2010

      Tractor T13 with attachments and wheel loader PK-65 were awarded diplomas all-Russian competition commodity producers "100 best goods of Russia". In addition, the T13 tractor received the title of "Novelty of the Year". The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant was also awarded "for the production of high quality products."

      July 2013

      ChTZ-URALTRAK LLC confirmed the certificate of conformity of the quality management system to the requirements of GOST ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 90001-2008) received earlier.

    We are working
    for common success

    We are all united by a common goal

    1. To make ChTZ - URALTRAK LLC an exemplary enterprise
    2. Become the main manufacturer of tractor equipment in Russia and neighboring countries
    3. Provide your customers with competitive products at an affordable price
    4. Guarantee a high quality of life for every employee
    5. Provide high level deductions for social needs of society

    Quality policy of ChTZ-URALTRAK LLC

    An integral part of the overall business policy of ChTZ-URALTRAK LLC is the Quality Policy, aimed at creating and ensuring the quality of defense and civilian products, and meeting consumer requirements to the fullest extent possible.


    Our mission:

    • Ensuring the production of engineering equipment and defense products that meet the requirements and expectations of consumers, based on improving the efficiency of business processes and quality management system processes.

    Our strategy:

      Preservation of existing and development of new markets for our products.

      Increasing the competitiveness of manufactured products and ensuring a stable level of their quality, reliability, safety and technological processes its manufacture.

      Creation and development of new types of competitive products in accordance with the expectations of the Customer and consumers at optimal costs.

      Compliance with the requirements and conditions of contracts with the Customer. Reducing risks in the execution of the state order.

      Maintaining and improving the quality management system at all stages life cycle engineering equipment and defense products in accordance with the requirements of GOST ISO 9001, GOST RV 0015-002.

      Improving the effectiveness of measures to ensure the quality of products, the prevention of deviations from the specified requirements.

      Reducing unproductive costs when performing work on orders (contracts).

      Ensuring a decent quality of life for the Company's employees through efficient and productive work.

    Methods for solving problems in the field of quality:

      Systematic training and improving the competence of personnel in the field of quality, fostering a sense of responsibility of employees for the quality of manufacturing products, motivating personnel in order to disclose their creativity and engaging in a continuous improvement process.

      Constant analysis of current and future requirements and expectations of consumers, their satisfaction with our products in accordance with the requirements technical regulations, interstate and national standards.

      Regular evaluation (self-assessment) of own performance and improvement opportunities and improvement opportunities to achieve strategic goals.

      Making decisions that do not contradict the Policy and Quality Objectives.

      The management of ChTZ-URALTRAK LLC takes responsibility for the implementation of the Quality Policy, ensuring that it is understood and supported by all employees of the Company.

    The quality of work of each employee is the effective work of society! We work for common success!


    The enterprises included in JSC "Scientific and Production Corporation "Uralvagonzavod" form the largest machine-building complex and carry out production activities with an understanding of responsibility for the impact on environment. Continuous reduction and prevention of negative impact on the environment is an essential element of the strategy that ensures the sustainable development of the corporation.

    The top management of the enterprises included in JSC Scientific and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod assumes the following obligations:

    • In the process production activities ensure compliance with the requirements of international, federal, regional, local legislation and other regulations related to the environmental aspects of the company's activities;

    • Ensure the maximum possible disposal of previously accumulated and newly generated waste in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment;

    • Upgrade existing general plant treatment facilities to reduce the discharge of pollutants into water bodies;

      Develop measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere;

      Develop and implement measures to improve the energy efficiency of production;

      Develop and take actions to prevent emergency and other emergency situations with negative impact on the environment;

      Reconstruction and modernization of the main production, develop measures using the available best available technologies to reduce emissions of pollutants into the air;

      Constantly improve the system environmental management to improve environmental performance;

      Provide the environmental management system with the resources necessary for its operation and continuous improvement;

      To increase the competence of personnel in the field of environmental protection and the environmental management system for the effective participation of employees in achieving environmental goals;

      Ensure effective interaction with contractors to ensure environmental safety during work at the production sites of enterprises that are part of JSC Research and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod;

      To maintain the system of responsibility of each employee of the enterprises belonging to JSC "Scientific and Production Corporation "Uralvagonzavod" for the implementation of environmental requirements and standards established by law and adopted by the Corporation.

      The top management of the enterprises included in JSC "Scientific and Production Corporation "Uralvagonzavod" takes responsibility for fulfilling the obligations assumed.

    Vacancy Requirements Wage

    Head of Personnel Motivation Bureau

    • Higher economic Education;
    • work experience of 3 years;
    • Development of proposals for the introduction of progressive forms of remuneration and labor incentives, analysis of the effectiveness of the application of existing systems of personnel motivation;
    • Development of local regulations on personnel motivation, including bonuses, the establishment of slimming surcharges and allowances.

    FROM 35 000 RUB/MONTH

    Process Engineer

    • Higher education in the specialty "Technology of mechanical engineering";
    • Experience from 1 year;
    • knowledge of the design of parts, systems and methods for designing technological processes.

    FROM 12 000 RUB/MONTH

    Production preparation engineer

    • work experience is desirable
    • Control over the provision of production with components, materials, timely execution of technical documentation.

    FROM 12 000 RUB/MONTH

    Deputy Head of Production Department

    FROM 35 000 RUB/MONTH

    Deputy Head of Production Preparation Department

    • Higher technical education;
    • work experience on leadership position from 3 years;
    • Management of production and economic activities of the workshop;
    • Machining, welding and assembly skills.

    FROM 35 000 RUB/MONTH

    Chief Specialist of PDU

    • Higher economic or accounting education;
    • work experience
    • Business Order Planning
    • WIP accounting and analysis
    • calculation of the standard working capital;
    • setting the WIP standard for production units.

    FROM 22 000 RUB/MONTH

    Chief Production Engineer

    • Higher technical education;
    • 5 years of experience in a managerial position;
    • Managing the technical services of production;
    • Definition of technical policy and direction of technical development of production technical training production, its efficiency and reduction of production costs.

    FROM 60 000 RUB/MONTH

    Lead pre-production engineer

    • Secondary special education
    • work experience is desirable
    • Development of production programs and shift-daily tasks.

    FROM 13 000 RUB/MONTH