How to start a bike rental business. Business plan: bike rental as a profitable business. Where to open a bike rental point

  • 28.09.2020

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Writing a business plan for a bike rental company is becoming a very hot topic for many entrepreneurs. The popularity of this 2-wheeled vehicle is due to its practicality, convenience and mobility. In addition, riding on it has a beneficial effect on the body. Unfortunately, not every person can boast of having their own bike, but there are a lot of people who want to ride it. Taking into account all these points, businessmen have a desire to open a bicycle rental. Such a business will not only give pleasure to fans of riding, but also allow you to make good money.

Drawing up a bike rental business plan

Despite the fact that bike rental is a seasonal business, it is very profitable. The main activity is the rental of bicycles. The most suitable period for this is from mid-spring to mid-autumn. During this time, it will be possible to return the invested funds and get a decent profit. This requires:

  1. Business registration. The first step is to register the business in order to be able to pay all taxes. This will require permission from the city authorities.
  2. Bicycle purchase plan. It is very important that the equipment is of high quality. This will allow customers to enjoy the ride, and not worry that at any moment the hair can break and injure them. It is not necessary to purchase expensive models. Today you can find reliable "iron horses" that will pleasantly surprise you with price and quality. You can also provide for the rental of scooters, gyro scooters, roller skates and seats for children, which are mounted on the trunk of a bicycle.
  3. The target audience. It is necessary to clearly understand for whom bicycles are purchased - for children, students or adults. Another important point that should be taken into account when developing a business plan is the location. It is about where customers will ride and what roads they will drive on.
  4. Personnel selection. Bicycle rental requires the following staff: rental representative, PR manager, equipment repair mechanic, security guard, accountant.
  5. Room rental. After acquiring bicycles and hiring staff, you need to start choosing a business premises. Less expensive will be a small room located near the parking lot, where it will be possible to place “iron horses”.
  6. Advertising. One of highlights is to attract customers. To do this, you need to take care of good advertising. A great idea is to organize a spectacular show, during which professionals will perform tricks on bicycles. This will not only interest people, but also demonstrate to them the excellent quality of your equipment.

The cost of starting and maintaining a business

The main part of the costs when starting a bike rental will be the purchase of equipment and advertising. The entrepreneur will have to invest about 400 thousand rubles in his business. These funds will be spent on:

  • purchase of bicycles;
  • purchase of equipment, inventory, tools and equipment;
  • rental of premises for storage of all of the above;
  • renting a plot for a rental shop.

In terms of running costs, these include:

  • employee salaries;
  • rent of premises and land;
  • payment of taxes;
  • bike repair costs.


The main part of the profit will be brought directly by the rental of bicycles, which are issued on bail. As a last resort, the client can leave a passport or any document that proves his identity. Rental payment by the hour. For example, the cost of 1 hour is 100 rubles, and 2 hours - 200 rubles. If the client broke vehicle, he is obliged to redeem it or pay the full cost of repairs. Additional income includes advertising, organizing bike quests, excursions and bike tours. The average monthly profit from such a business can reach 120 thousand rubles, of which about 60 will be spent on expenses. In total, the net profit will be from 60 thousand rubles per month.

Payback period

The profitability of the bike rental business is high - in the range of 45-55%. In this case, the payback period is 3-6 months. Bicycle rental is a new, interesting and sought-after type entrepreneurial activity, thanks to which you can not only make good money, but also involve people in the management healthy lifestyle life. Such a business is socially significant.

It is necessary to take into account possible force majeure, breakdown of equipment, etc. To cover unforeseen expenses in the first year of operation, set aside some part of the earned funds to the stabilization fund. This will avoid unexpected financial troubles.

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An entrepreneur who decides to open a bike rental business needs to have up-to-date information. To simplify the task before him, we analyzed the activities of bike rentals in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan and, based on the opinion of experts, have collected in this article the main points that an entrepreneur who decides to open a bike rental in 2017 should know.

Organization of bike rental: where to start?

Having decided to go into a bike rental business, an entrepreneur must. For the type of business, registration as an individual entrepreneur or opening an LLC is suitable. If you do not plan to create a large network of bike rentals, then it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur. Documents for the form of ownership are much easier to issue. IP does not require complex accounting and falls under a simplified taxation system.

The entrepreneur then has to choose OKVED codes. Suitable for the type of business:

  • 71. 40. 4 Rental of inventory and equipment for leisure and recreation.

The group includes services for the rental of sports equipment, including bicycles. The business does not require a license, however, to open a bike rental, you must obtain permission from the city administration.

At the rental point itself, the following documents should always be available:

  • Book of complaints and suggestions.
  • Rules for skating and conditions for renting a bicycle.
  • Safety Journal.

If the issuance is carried out on the basis of the building, a consumer corner should be organized.

Where is the best place to rent a bike?

Having dealt with the documents, the entrepreneur should think about choosing a place to open a point on the basis of which bicycle rental will operate.

Suitable for organizing a business:

  • Embankments.
  • resort centers.
  • Parks.
  • Squares or groves.

Bicycle rental does not require a specialized room. All you need is space to store your equipment. To do this, you need a small room, ranging in size from 20 square meters. m. It must answer SES requirements and fire safety. The delivery of bicycles can be carried out directly next to the place of their storage or located at some distance from it. However, in this case, you will have to take care of the delivery of equipment to the point and you will need additional expenses for rent. For this reason, it is better to organize a bike rental point near the place where they are stored.

The rental price depends on the city and proximity to the center. The average cost of rented space in Moscow parks is 1,400/sq. m., in St. Petersburg - 1000/sq. m., in Kazan - 800/sq. m.

The place where the opening of the rental is planned should have a high attendance. Bicycles must be allowed in the surrounding area. It is desirable that there is a cycle path that separates the skiing area from pedestrians.

When choosing a location, you should take into account the proximity of competitors. The further they are, the better. Their complete absence is considered ideal.

The chosen place is to be rented.

To increase the amount of monthly profit, you can provide services for the delivery of bicycles to a place named by the client. This will incur an additional charge.

What will it take to open a bike rental, and how much will it cost?

The entrepreneur will need to purchase equipment. The rental must have bicycles of different models.

You will need to purchase:

  • Mountain.
  • Highway.
  • Baby.
  • Women's.

A wide range of equipment is required so that the rental point can please every visitor, because customers of different ages and preferences will contact it. Experts advise not to buy more than 2 bikes of the same model.

Equipment should be purchased in autumn or winter. This time is not the season for buying bikes, and manufacturers significantly reduce the price.

You should not buy cheap models. They will break faster and will not be in demand among rental visitors. It is better to buy less expensive equipment for the same money. It will last longer and bring more profit. For the normal functioning of the rental at first, about 15 bicycles will be required. Over time, the range should be expanded.

Buying a bike for rent should be approached carefully. It must be a quality model.

When buying a bike, you should pay attention to:

  • frame size . 18-20 inches is considered optimal.
  • The metal the bike is made from . It should weigh little, but at the same time have high strength.
  • The presence of rear shock absorbers .

They have wheels of increased reliability and have a comfortable low frame.
The price of one reliable bike for adults is about 25,30 thousand rubles, and for children - about 15 thousand rubles. In total, the purchase of equipment for bike rental will require about 400 thousand rubles. Buying bikes from one manufacturer, you can get a significant discount and help with delivery.

We draw up a business plan for opening a bike rental - profitability and payback periods

To open a bike rental business, an entrepreneur will need about 500 thousand rubles.

Costs to open a bike rental (average):

The average cost of renting a bike is 150 rubles per hour or 500-800 rubles per day. Usually customers take a bike for 1 - 3 hours. Renting for a day is interesting only for visitors who are going to go hiking. About 50 people use bike rental services every day. The number of visitors depends on the weather. On very hot and rainy days, their number decreases. As summer draws to a close, bike rentals become more popular. The monthly profit of the average rental is about 150 thousand rubles . Net profit in this case will be equal to 90 thousand rubles. With this level of profit, the business is able to pay off in 6 months.

The profitability of rental is at the level of 55%.

P \u003d P / (OPF + OA),

where P- balance sheet profit, OPF– average price of the main production fund, OA- the average price of current assets.

Business falls under the simplified taxation system. From the earned profit, the entrepreneur will have to give the state 6%. If it is at the level of 150 thousand rubles, then you will need to pay a tax in the amount of 9 thousand rubles.

Risks associated with the organization of bike sharing

The bike rental business comes with risks, these include:

  • Bicycle theft . However, you can protect yourself from this as much as possible. An agreement is concluded between the tenant and the landlord, in which all disputed points are discussed, the full name and place of residence are entered. In addition, a photocopy of the tenant's documents is made. In some rentals, tenants are asked to leave original documents or a large amount of money on bail. In most cases, this is enough for the rental company to return the rented equipment.
  • Bicycle breakdown . This nuance should be discussed in the agreement concluded with the client when issuing the equipment. Experts advise the owner of a bike rental to take responsibility for the breakdown. In most cases, it is not the fault of the client. Rarely bikes are broken on purpose. Removing liability from the tenant will help reduce the amount dissatisfied customers to a minimum and increase the prestige of rental in the eyes of visitors.
  • Late return of equipment . This nuance should also be spelled out in the agreement. A client who fails to comply with the stipulated conditions must be fined. Its amount must be specified in the agreement.
  • Tenant injury . To protect yourself from liability, the agreement should contain a clause stating that all responsibility for possible injuries while riding lies with the client. However, a safety briefing must be conducted with the tenant before equipment is released. This should be noted in the appropriate log. At the time of issuing the bike, both parties must make sure that it is in good condition.

All risks cannot be predicted. However, by protecting himself from the majority as much as possible, the entrepreneur can count on making a profit without surprises.

What else not to forget when opening a bike rental?

The entrepreneur must be aware of the need to repair equipment. Bicycles periodically become unusable. Buying new ones is too expensive. It is much easier to repair existing ones. To do this, you will need to hire a special person who will repair the equipment. Size it wages must be at least 15 thousand rubles. However, having a specialist permanently on site is not always beneficial. The cost of a repairman's salary will pay off only if the entrepreneur plans to create a large network of bike rentals. If you plan to open 1 - 2 points, it is much cheaper to conclude an agreement with service center or have a specialist for a “deal” to invite at the place of breakdown.


An entrepreneur should not forget about the seasonality of the business. Usually bike rental makes a profit only in summer. AT resort towns it starts functioning in April and ends in September-October, but there is still a downtime period. To ensure income at this time, on the basis of a bike rental, you can organize the rental of other types of equipment.

In the summer you can issue:

  • Accessories for cycling.
  • Roller Skates.
  • Skateboards.
  • Scooters.

AT winter period you can rent:

  • Snowboards.
  • Konkov.

However, for the rental additional equipment funds are required to purchase it.

Bike rental staff

Work in a bicycle rental must be carried out in shifts. At first, the business owner can work independently. In this case, you only need to hire a salesperson who will take the shift. Salary must be at least 15 thousand rubles. Over time, you can hire an additional person.

In addition to the employees involved in the issuance of equipment, an accountant will be required. Its tasks include managing financial matters and reporting. It is not necessary to hire a part-time person. It is enough if the accountant deals with bike rental 1-2 times a week. His salary must be at least 5 thousand rubles.

The main ways to promote bike rental are:

  • Outdoor advertising next to the bike rental site.
  • Distribution of flyers.
  • Creating a group in social networks or your own website.
  • Advertising in the media.

The opening of the rental can be accompanied by a cycling festival, where you can organize competitions or a cycling race with small prizes. On Citywide Health Days, equipment rental should be free of charge. This will attract more customers and increase profits.

Everyone has their own hobby. Someone loves online games, someone likes to go on vacation to the sea, others collect stamps. And if your favorite thing also brings earnings, then that's great!

I have three hobbies: hiking, photography and cycling. One fine day I decided to open a bike rental. So to say, two in one: and for the soul - to teach people to healthy recreation and sports, and to earn money.

Now about the main thing. The first costs were as follows:

1) Opening IP. I prepared all the papers myself, the state duty is 800 rubles. Then you have to pay for the year Pension Fund 20727.53. This figure is for 2014. Plus income tax.

2) Rent of premises. I was looking for a room for a long time, but I found it on the main street of the city, not far from the park. Square area 15, rent 8,000 per month, entrance from the yard, located in the basement.

3) Buying bicycles. Decided not to skimp on quality. I bought Mongoose brand bicycles in the amount of 8 pieces for 13,500 rubles. Total: 108,000 rubles

The season started in April and ended in October. Much in this business depends on the weather, if it rains, then no one will go to the rental, but here you can’t guess. Gradually, bicycles wear out and it is necessary to monitor them, carry out repairs, and it is better to be able to do it yourself, otherwise it will cost a pretty penny. There is a small minus that the season is not all year round, and the rent of the premises must be paid constantly. It is possible as an option to arrange a skate rental, but for this you need to flood the skating rink nearby. Another option is to rent skis and snowboards, but these are more expensive investments, at least for me.

The first season worked averagely, but next year Bicycles are running out! For a year I bought a tandem bike (not in great demand, everyone is probably afraid, but the image of the company!) And roller skates. I plan to expand!

The most important thing is to leave a good impression on customers. And then it will start working for you word of mouth", and the money will flow in a stream. Several times I used Biglion to expand my audience. With their help, I attracted new users of my bike rental, although for this I had to make 50% discounts.

If we talk about profit, then on a good day it reaches 4000 rubles, given that there are only eight bicycles. The first year I worked for a business, now I work for myself.
In addition to renting, I repair bicycles, you don’t even have to look for customers to come. I also opened a rental shop, and I take goods on the EBAY website: bike racks, gloves, cycling computers, helmets, glasses, etc.

And do not forget to get help from the employment center for business development. It is necessary to register with them before opening a company, provide a business plan and receive 58,000 rubles for development. There are a few additional conditions: you must not officially work anywhere, provide a report on the money spent and employ one person.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

It would seem that the times when people willingly rented expensive machinery and equipment are long gone. However, there are still opportunities to make money on such services. The main thing is to choose the right niche. For example, a large number of people are fond of cycling, but not all of them are ready for one reason or another to purchase a two-wheeled vehicle. A good bike is not cheap - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. To store it, you need a lot of space, which is quite difficult to find in a small apartment, especially in the cold season.

The cycling season starts from April-May and lasts until September-October. That is, 4-5 months a year your bike should be stored in appropriate conditions (an uninsulated balcony is not suitable for this). Therefore, many cyclists in large and small cities prefer to rent bicycles: it is much easier, more convenient and more profitable.

When choosing bikes for your rental shop, follow the rule: “bigger is not better”. For a small town, 10-15 bicycles will be enough. For a city with a population of about a million people, 15-20 bicycles will be enough for the first time. With high demand, you will always have time to buy the required number of bicycles. Give preference only to high-quality and relatively expensive models. Savings from buying cheap bicycles for 3-5 thousand rubles are imaginary, as they quickly fail. The cost of a good bike for adults starts from 10 thousand rubles, and for children - from 3 thousand rubles.

Earn up to
200 000 rub. a month, having fun!

2020 trend. Intelligent entertainment business. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

The range should include bikes exclusively for cross-country riding (cross-country) with a frame of 18 and 20 inches (these frames are suitable for people of average height), bikes with rear shock absorbers, dirt and street bikes, children's and women's bikes. For the first time, the number of bicycles of each type can be no more than two. It is best to buy equipment in winter - out of season, manufacturers and wholesalers make them big discounts. Keep in mind that if you want to sell your bikes at the end of the season, you won’t be able to get much for them: after active use and numerous breakdowns, they will significantly lose value.

Most people rent bikes for one, two or three hours. Rent a bike for the whole day. And quite occasionally they rent bicycles for a couple of days or more (for example, for bike trips). In addition to the bikes themselves, you can also rent cycling accessories, gloves, helmets, pumps, child seats, etc.

In addition to the costs of buying bicycles, protective equipment, accessories, consider the cost of renting a rental office. It should be large enough in area, as the bicycles themselves, the necessary equipment, equipment, and repair tools will be stored here. By the way, Maintenance is another significant cost item. Bicycles for rent often break down. The most common failures are tire punctures, broken shifters and even frames. As a rule, the cost of spare parts to replace a failed part is paid by the client. However, you will carry out the repair yourself. If you don't have necessary knowledge and skills, you will have to hire a mechanic. Do not be afraid that he will sit without work: almost every returned bike will need to be put in order.

Another serious problem of rental shops is theft. As a rule, a contract is concluded with the client, where the data from his passport is entered. Some car rental owners even take driver's licenses as collateral. However, fraudsters often present stolen or forged documents. And then it's almost impossible to find them. These risks also need to be considered. Possible losses are partially compensated by the deposit. But it is not equal to the full cost of the bike. At best, this is only a third of the original price (for example, a deposit of 3 thousand rubles for a bicycle worth 10-12 thousand rubles). In addition, customers will always prefer to rent a bike where no deposit is required.

Not only customers can steal, but also employees of your rental point. Unscrupulous employees rent bicycles “unofficially”, taking all the money for themselves. Therefore, if you are not sure about the staff, the best option to protect against fraud is to work yourself.

In one season, you can not only return all the money invested in the business, but also get a good profit. The payback period of a bike rental business and the amount of profit depends on two main factors: the weather and the location of your rental shop. Bicycles are not used in hot weather in great demand. True, it is impossible to influence the weather factor, unfortunately. Unlike place. Ideally, it is advisable to look for a room in an area with high traffic, where there are good conditions for skiing (for example, city parks, groves, gardens, etc.). Check if bicycles are allowed in these areas (for example, they are prohibited in many parks).

Ready-made ideas for your business

The cost of renting a bicycle is from 100-150 rubles per hour of rental or from 500-800 rubles per day, depending on the region. Monthly profit, excluding the cost of paying wages to employees, can amount to 50-100 thousand rubles.

Bicycle rental points are open, as a rule, from 9-10 to 20-21 hours (in resort towns until 22-23 hours). Most customers are on weekends and in the evenings on weekdays. During the morning and afternoon hours weekdays children's bicycles are in the greatest demand. In the future, it will be possible to think about expanding the range and offer for rent electric cars for children, scooters, skateboards and roller skates, and in winter time- snowboards, skates, skis.

2853 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 412857 times.

Profitability calculator for this business

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City bike rental is a seasonal business with small investment and turnovers. Most people are ready to ride a bike from May to September as a hobby and do not use this means of transportation as a replacement for transport. In Russian cities, there is no infrastructure that would allow you to move comfortably along the streets. So expect big profit from one bike rental point is not worth it. However, it is still possible to make money like this in the summer season. We tell you how to start a bike rental business, how much investment is required and where is the best place to open.

To understand whether it is worth opening a bike rental, you should first assess the potential level of demand for this service. The fact is that Russian cities are poorly adapted for cyclists. You can ride relatively comfortably only in recreation parks, on the embankments and in tourist areas. It is the visitors of these zones that will be potential rental customers.

Suppose there is a free zone where there are many potential clients. How to start creating a bike rental? First of all, you need to buy bike park, at least 10-15 units. It is desirable that the point has a choice of several models. This way you are more likely to attract more customers.

Bicycle rental is a fairly profitable seasonal business.

Next, you need to choose a specific location. If the point is in the open air, it must be agreed with the local authorities. Usually this direction is supervised by departments of trade and leisure in the municipal administration. You will need to provide a diagram of the installation of a non-stationary object, indicate the number of bicycles and the time of work. The administration will issue a permit that is valid for several years.

Another option is to open indoors. It is important that it is also located in the zone of accumulation of potential customers. It is not required to coordinate this option with the administration, provided that the bicycles are stored indoors, that is, they do not occupy part of the street.

Investment volume

Most of the funds to open such a business will have to be spent on the creation of the park. Urban bike sharing will be in great demand if it includes several models of bicycles:

  • standard with foot brake;
  • urban;
  • mountain / sports;
  • chopper bikes;
  • children's;
  • highway;
  • tandems;
  • electric bikes.

Theoretically, you can do without special categories and buy a dozen of the same models, but customers will like it less. Renting a bike is in most cases an entertainment, so the monotony of models will not allow the client to enjoy the choice and experience the new sensations of riding an electric bike or tandem.

The average cost of a standard bike now is - 25 thousand rubles. You should not buy models for 5-7 thousand rubles. They look unattractive and break quickly. In the end, the cost of their repair will be more than the profit. Individual models will cost much more (electric, road, bikes). For a fleet of 15 bikes, you will need an average of 400 thousand rubles. Some stores offer a discount for bulk orders, so don't miss the opportunity to save big.

Rental points must be equipped with spare parts and tools for the repair/maintenance of bicycles. It will cost much less - an average of 10 thousand rubles. If the point will work in the open air, you will need a stretch awning from the rain, as well as a parking lot to which bicycles need to be attached with locks. This is another 30 thousand rubles.

Thus, the volume of investments in the opening of a bicycle rental in the open air will be approximately 450 thousand rubles. For a point in the premises, you need to add rent to the starting investment. If financial opportunities allow, you can invest in advertising and promotion through social networks.

Good place for bike rental - park, promenade, tourist area

Estimated Profit

How much does it cost to rent a bike and what profit can an entrepreneur expect? The price of bicycle rental depends on the region and rental place, but in most cases it is set quite high. It is especially expensive to rent a bicycle in the resort tourist area. Here, for 5-6 hours of use, a cyclist will pay at least 1 thousand rubles.

The price list is set according to the rental time:

  • 1 hour - from 100 rubles;
  • 2 hours - from 150 rubles;
  • 3 hours - from 250 rubles;
  • 4 hours - from 300 rubles;
  • 5 hours - from 400 rubles;
  • 6 hours - from 500 rubles;
  • day (8-9 hours) - from 800 rubles.

A rental with a fleet of 15 bicycles, having handed over all the bicycles for 1 day, can earn at least 12,000 rubles per day. If you work for 4 months (120 days), you can theoretically earn 1.5 million rubles. That is, to recoup investments in 3 times. It is likely that the level of demand will still be less, for example, on rainy days. But even 60% of the maximum - 864,000 rubles - is a very good result.

Purchase of equipment

A bike rental business plan should include a list of models and the number of copies of each model. Buying bikes is a very responsible step. They should be reliable, comfortable and beautiful. If the entrepreneur is poorly versed in the features of this vehicle, you need to get advice from specialists. Preferably in several stores, on cycling forums and manufacturers.

The easiest option to create a bike park for rent is to buy all the models you need in a sporting goods store. But it is likely that here each model will be presented in 1-2 copies, and the cost will include a high trade margin.

It is more profitable to study the range of trusted online stores and place an order in bulk. So the price of each bike will be lower, the delivery of the entire batch in bulk will also save resources.

Bicycle rental registration

In order not to create problems with government agencies and the traffic police, you should officially register the bike. Such business is allowed to be carried out by individual entrepreneurs and LLC. It is more profitable to register a small rental point as an individual entrepreneur - fewer reporting documents. A special license for this type of activity is not needed, but if the rental is located outdoors, a municipal permit is required.

Street bike rentals are non-stationary shopping facilities. Their placement must be agreed with the local administration. To do this, contact the department of trade or leisure (usually in the department of the economy, but in each region the structure of government is different). To obtain a permit, you need:

  • layout of the object (a map of the area with a marked object, the dimensions are indicated);
  • application (written on the spot).

The issuance of a permit takes 15 working days. To open a point in May, you need to contact the administration in late March or early April. If the opening of a non-stationary facility is approved, the administration will add bike sharing to the scheme and issue a permit. This document will save the entrepreneur from all possible problems with traffic police and other inspection bodies.

To open a bike rental, you need to obtain permission from the municipal administration.

Choosing a taxation system

Best for this line of business simplified tax regime(STS) in the variation "6% of income". The reason is that bike rental incurs almost no cost that could reduce the taxable income base.

2 more convenient options - imputed tax and patent taxation. Bicycle rental falls into the category " Domestic services» (since they include any rental, including bicycles). UTII and PSN are convenient in that they do not need to be counted and tied to income received. It is enough to pay a fixed amount established by the state. These taxation regimes impose restrictions on the number of employees, but for bike sharing this is not so significant (the number of employees is unlikely to exceed 5 people).


Bicycle rental falls under the OKVED "Rental of inventory and equipment for leisure and recreation." Now his number is 71.40.4 , but before opening, do not forget to check the current code. The numbers sometimes change, but the names almost always remain the same.

Where is the best place to open a rental point

A good location is one of the main secrets of the success of a bike rental. The place should be lively, visible and conducive to cycling. Parks and embankments, tourist and resort areas with reduced car traffic are ideal. The desire to rent a bike very often arises spontaneously. This fact must be used to your advantage.

To attract more customers, you need to identify yourself with a bright sign or pavement sign. It is necessary to stand close to the place of skiing, but at a small distance, so as not to interfere with the movement. It should be convenient for customers to approach, inspect bikes, leave and arrive. Some places municipal administration does not agree. Choose places where there is no heavy traffic of cars (or it is completely prohibited), there are no emergency exits, intersections. Also, the point should not interfere with pedestrians.

Road bike rental is more specific. It is better to place it in close proximity to the highway, sports stadiums and tracks, that is, to the place of accumulation of potential customers.

How to keep your business and customers safe

An important question for bike rental: how to ensure the safety of property? There are several serious threats. First, bike theft must be prevented. Sometimes customers simply do not return the rented bike. This is rare, but it does happen. To prevent theft, a rental agreement is concluded with each client or a deposit is taken from him. The second option is more convenient, but there is a problem.

It is unprofitable to use money as collateral: a small amount of up to 5 thousand rubles will not protect against theft (a bicycle costs much more), and potential customers do not carry a large amount (covering the cost of property 20-25 thousand) and will not leave it at the box office. A more acceptable collateral would be a passport, driver's license, or other valuable document. In addition, it can be used to identify the identity of an unscrupulous client.

For rental, you can buy the same bike models, or you can create a diverse bike park

All property must go through an inventory, and the time of its delivery and arrival is noted in a special journal. good decision will be put a rental logo, a special indelible mark or even a tracking sensor on all bikes(it will be quite expensive). It is not profitable to steal such bicycles, as they are too conspicuous.

The second side is customer safety. Before renting a bike, you need to make sure that customers are able to ride it and will handle it carefully. It is advisable to conduct safety briefings for clients and suggest simple routes. You can not rent bicycles to drunk people and people in a state of drug intoxication.

The most effective advertisement

A good location may not be enough to attract the right number of customers. Try to use social networks: now many people are actively looking for goods and services through them. You can register accounts for free, and promote for relatively little money. All publications provide a geolocation tag and contact numbers.

work well outdoor advertising. Put up ads and posters in the area where potential customers are concentrated (city center, tourist areas, museums, stops public transport), as well as along cycle routes. It will cost quite inexpensively, but will attract many customers.

Franchises and bike sharing

Bicycle rental franchise implies bicycle sharing - a system for sharing bicycles. The principle of operation is quite simple: the client takes a bicycle from an automated station in one part of the city, rides to the place he needs and leaves it at another station. In Russia, bike sharing is not yet so common, it works only in large cities.

Investments in opening such a business will be significantly larger, exceeding 1 million rubles. The high cost is justified by expensive automated stations (they work autonomously, without an operator on site) and a large number of bicycles (at least 5 at each station). The profitability of this business is in question, because in the minds of most Russians, the bicycle remains a means of entertainment, not movement around the city.


Bicycle rental - profitable option seasonal business in the field of entertainment. To open it, you will have to spend an average of 450 thousand rubles, most of which will be spent on buying bicycles. The location of the rental point must be agreed with the local administration. Active outdoor advertising and promotion through the Internet will help to attract more customers. With the right promotion for the season, it will be possible to earn 1.5 million rubles.