GOST for registration tz tz env. Stages of implementation of research and env. Russian military standards for research and development

  • 28.07.2020





Product development and production system

for production


Official edition

Form Standards

GOST 15.016-2016


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-2015 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and GOST 1.2-2015 “Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for developing, adopting, updating and canceling.

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State unitary enterprise"All-Russian Research Institute for Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering" (VNIINMASH)

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of October 25, 2016 No 92-P)

4 Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated March 14, 2017 N? 135-st interstate standard GOST 15.016-2016 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from September 1, 2017


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet ()

© Sgandartinform, 2017

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced. replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST 15.016-2016

1 area of ​​use............................................... ....one

3 Terms and definitions .......................................................... ..2

4 Abbreviations................................................... ........3

5 General provisions............................................... .....3

6 Requirements for the construction, content and presentation of the TOR .............................................. 4

6.1 TOR for R&D ....................................................... .........4

6.2 Requirements for issuing TOR for R&D ..............................................15

6.3 The procedure for agreeing and approving the TOR for R&D .............................................. 15

6.4 The procedure for making changes to the approved TOR for R&D ..............................................15

7 TOR for the R&D component ....................................................... ..sixteen

7.1 Requirements for the construction, content, presentation and execution of the TOR for the component

OKR................................................. ........sixteen

7.2 The procedure for agreeing and approving the TOR for the R&D component ..............................16

7.3 The procedure for making changes to the approved TOR for the R&D component ............... 17

8 TOR for R & D for the development of KIMP .............................................. 17

8.1 Requirements for the construction, content, presentation and execution of the TOR for R&D for the development

KIMP................................................. .......17

8.2 The procedure for agreeing and approving the TOR for R&D for the development of KIMP ............... 18

8.3 The procedure for making changes to the approved TOR for R&D for the development of KIMP .......... 19

9 TK for research. TPr.EP.TP and other types of work ....................................................19

and on the component part of the R&D ....................................... 20

GOST 15.016-2016


System for the development and production of products


Requirements for content and design

System of products development end launching into manufacture. technical assignment. Requirements to contents and form of presentation

Introduction date - 2017-09-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes requirements for the construction, content, presentation. registration, order of coordination and approval terms of reference to carry out research and development work in the field of mechanical engineering and instrumentation products.

2 Normative references

8 of this standard, normative references to the following interstate standards are used:

GOST 2.001-2013 Unified system for design documentation. General provisions GOST 2.102-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.103-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Stages of development GOST 2.105-95 Unified system for design documentation. General requirements for text documents

GOST 2.116-84 Map of technical level and product quality

GOST 2.118-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Technical proposal GOST 2.119-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Draft design GOST 2.120-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Technical design GOST 2.301-68 Unified system for design documentation. Formats GOST2.601-2013 Unified system for design documentation. Operational documents GOST 3.1001-2011 Unified system of technological documentation. General provisions GOST 3.1102-2011 Unified system of technological documentation. Stages of development and types of documents. General provisions

GOST 14.201-83 Ensuring the manufacturability of product design. General requirements GOST 15.012-84 System for the development and production of products. patent form

GOST 19.201-78 Unified system of program documentation. Technical task. Requirements for content and design

GOST 27.003-90 Reliability in engineering. Composition and general rules for setting reliability requirements

GOST 34.602-89 Information technology. A set of standards for automated systems. Terms of reference for the creation of an automated system

GOST 16504-81 State product testing system. Testing and quality control of products. Basic terms and definitions

Official edition

GOST 15.016-2016

GOST 19433-68 Dangerous goods. Classification and marking GOST 21964-76 External influencing factors. Nomenclature and characteristics GOST 28934-91 Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means. The content of the section of the technical task in terms of electromagnetic compatibility

Application - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards *", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1 terms of reference (TOR): The original technical document for the work that establishes the requirements for the product being created (its MF or KIMP) and technical documentation on it, as well as the requirements for volume. the timing of the work and the form of presentation of the results.

3.2 customer: Enterprise (organization, association or other entity economic activity). according to the application or contract, the development (modernization), production (or) supply of products, including scientific and technical ones, is carried out.

3.3 developer: Enterprise (organization, association, legal or individual), carrying out the development of products in the prescribed manner.

3.4 product: Any item or set of items of production to be manufactured at the enterprise, the number of which can be calculated in pieces or copies.

3.5 radio electronic means: Technical means intended for transmission and (or) reception of radio waves, consisting of one or more transmitting and (or) receiving devices or a combination of such devices and including auxiliary equipment.

survivability: The property of an object, consisting in its ability to withstand the development of critical failures from defects and damage under an established system of maintenance and repair. or the property of an object to maintain limited operability under impacts not provided for by the operating conditions, or the property of an object to maintain limited operability in the presence of defects or damage of a certain type, as well as in case of failure of some components.

(GOST 27.002-69. Explanation of the term "Reliability"]

3.7 draft design (ED): A type of project design documentation for a product containing fundamental design solutions that give a general idea of ​​​​the design and operation of the product, as well as data that determine its suitability for the intended purpose.

3.6 technical design (TP): A type of project design documentation for a product containing final technical solutions that give a complete picture of the design of the product being developed and includes the data necessary and sufficient for the development of working design documentation.

technical proposal: A set of design design documentation. which should contain technical and feasibility studies of the feasibility of developing product documentation based on the analysis of the technical specifications and various options for possible product solutions, a comparative assessment of solutions taking into account the design and operational features of the developed and existing products, as well as patent research.

(GOST 2.103-2013, paragraph 4.10]

3.10 working design documentation (RKD): A set of design documents. intended for the manufacture, control, acceptance, delivery, operation and repair of the product.

GOST 15.016-2016

3.11 lead contractor: An enterprise (organization, association) that performs work on the creation of a product (complex, system), coordinates the activities of the performers of the components of this work and is responsible for the performance of the work as a whole.

4 Abbreviations

8 of this standard, the following abbreviations apply:

ESKD - a unified system of design documentation;

ESPD - a unified system of program documentation;

ZIP - spare tool and accessories;

CD - design documents (documentation);

KIMP - components for cross-industry use:

IGU - Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification;

ND - regulatory documents:

NIO - research organization:

R & D - research work:

OKR - experimental design work;

ONTD - reporting scientific and technical documentation;

OS - environment;

RKD - working design documentation;

SI - measuring instruments;

MF - component;

TD - technical documentation:

TK - terms of reference;

TP - technical project;

TPR - technical proposal;

ED - operational documentation:

E8T - electronic computers;

EP - preliminary design;

ERI - electrical radio products.

5 General provisions

5.1 The ToR is an integral part of the contract (agreement) concluded between the customer of the work (hereinafter referred to as the customer), the head contractor, the performers of the SC work, the contractors for the development of KIMP.

When developing technical specifications, information about similar products contained in various databases is taken into account.

5.2 The customer approves the TOR. The development and approval of the TOR is carried out by the customer or developer. based on the status of the customer, source of financing and market conditions.

The development, approval and approval of the TK in the case of initiative development is carried out by the developer in the manner prescribed by him.

In case of initiative development, at the discretion of the developer, individual requirements and the order of presentation of the TOR can be excluded or combined.

5.3 The agreed and approved TOR is binding document for customer organizations, the main contractor (executor) of the work (SC work, work on the development of KIMP).

To confirm individual product requirements, including safety, health and environment, as well as assessment of the technical level of products. TK can be sent by the worker or the customer for expertise (conclusion) to third-party organizations. Decisions on the received conclusions are made by the developer and the customer before the approval of the TOR.

5.4 When performing work on the creation of products that involve the use of funds computer science, the development of mathematical, information-linguistic and software can be separated into a separate (independent) part of the work. In this case, the development and execution of technical specifications for the midrange work is carried out taking into account the requirements of GOST 19.201 and GOST 34.602.

5.5 If necessary, a metrological examination of the TK can be carried out.

GOST 15.016-2016

5.6 TK is designated as an annex to the contract (agreement). Its accounting (registration), storage, modification and transfer are carried out as an integral part of the contract.

6 Requirements for the construction, content and presentation of the TOR

It is not allowed to include in the TOR requirements that contradict the current legislator*

compliance and mandatory requirements of standards and technical regulations.

The TOR should provide for the implementation of all mandatory requirements of standards and technical regulations that apply to these products, and indicate the form provided by law for confirming the conformity of products to these requirements.

Assessment of the technical level and quality of products based on the card of the same name according to GOST 2.116:

Forecast of the development of requirements for this product for the expected period of its release:

Compliance with the requirements of the countries of intended export, taking into account the forecast of the development of these requirements;

Safety and availability of the effective use of products by disabled people and elderly citizens (for the relevant products provided for by the legislation of the states - participants of the IGU);

Requirements for the disposal of defective products, products with expired shelf life, outdated, obsolete and waste products. to the disposal of hazardous waste.

The TOR for R&D may consist of sections arranged in the following order:

Name, OKR code. basis, performer and deadlines for the implementation of R & D:

The purpose of the ROC. name and designation of the product;

Technical requirements for the product;

Technical and economic requirements;

Requirements for types of security;

Xyryu requirements. materials and KIMP;

Preservation, packaging and labeling requirements:

Requirements for educational and training facilities (if necessary);

Special requirements:

Documentation requirements:

Stages of R&D implementation;

The procedure for the implementation and acceptance of the R&D stages.

ToR for R&D can be supplemented with annexes.

Depending on the features of the product being developed (modernized), the conditions of its use and operation, it is allowed to introduce other sections into the TOR for R&D or exclude sections that are not necessary.

The specific number, content of sections and subsections of the TOR for R&D is determined by the customer based on the requirements of this standard, taking into account the specifics and features of the product being created, the conditions for its use and operation.

If it is necessary to clarify individual requirements of the TOR in the process of performing R&D, the stage of R&D should be indicated. where these requirements are specified.

6.1.2 In the section “Name, OKR code. basis, performer and deadlines for the performance of the R & D ”indicate the name, code of the R & D and the full name of the document (documents) on the basis of which (which) the R & D should be carried out. the number and date of its (their) approval, the performer and the deadlines for the completion of the R & D.

ROC and MF ROC assign the same ciphers, which are kept until the end of the ROC or its termination. For MF ROC, if necessary, additional (additional) ciphers are installed.

6.1.3 In the section “R&D execution chain. name and designation of the product” indicate the purpose of the R&D (set the generalized results of the R&D to be achieved), the full name, designation (if any), purpose and scope of the created (modernized) product, and, if necessary, the place of the created product in the system.

GOST 15.016-2016

In the case where a multi-purpose product is being developed, indicate its main purpose and tasks to be solved, as well as the proposed options for using the product.

If necessary, the section provides information on that. that this product is created:

As a base with modifications (complete sets):

Instead of previously created products (reflecting the advantages of the developed products over analogues) or indicate the absence of an analogue.

Section 8 may also indicate (if any) scientific and technical achievements and inventions. on the basis of which the product is being developed and the functioning of its main MFs is ensured.

6.1.4 In the section "Technical requirements for the product" indicate the requirements, characteristics, norms, indicators and other parameters that determine the purpose, performance. conditions of operation and use of the product. The section may consist of the following subsections:

Product composition;

appointment requirements;

Requirements for electromagnetic compatibility (for radio-electronic means);

Requirements for survivability and resistance to external influences:

reliability requirements;

Ergonomics, habitability and technical aesthetics requirements;

Requirements for operation, storage, ease of maintenance and repair;


Safety requirements;

Requirements for standardization, unification and cataloging;

Manufacturability requirements:

Structural requirements.

If it is necessary to state specific requirements, it is allowed to introduce other subsections.

The requirements in each subsection are arranged depending on their degree of importance, nature, and are formulated as follows. to exclude the possibility of their ambiguous interpretation.

The nominal values ​​of the quantities that determine the quantitative requirements, characteristics (parameters), norms and indicators of the product and the conditions of its use, give permissible deviations. In the case of specifying the largest and (or) smallest allowable values ​​of quantities, the limits of permissible errors in their measurements (estimation) should be indicated. In the subsection "Composition of the product" list the main SC of the product or provide requirements for the composition of the product, and also indicate (if necessary) the purpose of the SC.

For products with several modifications (delivery or use options) that differ in the number of SCs. the composition of each modification (complete set) must be indicated.

It is allowed to finally determine the composition of the product during the development stage of the draft (technical) design. In the subsection "Appointment requirements" establish:

Characteristics (parameters) that ensure that the product performs its functions under specified conditions of use, including taking into account emergency situations, as well as norms and quantitative indicators that determine the effectiveness of the product (spatial limits of work, accuracy of operations, readiness for work, etc.) .);

Technical characteristics (parameters) of the product that ensure the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to it (power, sensitivity, efficiency, load capacity, etc.). if their values ​​for any reason (for example, environmental safety) should be limited or normalized;

The order and methods of interaction with conjugated objects, parameters of influences (signals). coming to the mating objects from the product being created or coming to the product being created from the mating objects, the need to exchange information and ways to exchange it. as well as requirements for autonomy of application (if necessary);

Probabilistic-temporal and other characteristics and indicators that determine the intended use of the product being created, or indicators whose values ​​​​must be normalized for safety reasons (ready-to-use time, continuous or cyclic operation time, etc.).

If the values ​​of the specified characteristics (parameters) can be set only taking into account specifications use of the product, then when specifying the requirements, these conditions must be unambiguously or within limited limits defined.

GOST 15.016-2016

If the values ​​of the indicators that determine the main technical characteristics (parameters) of the product in accordance with its intended purpose are indicated only in this subsection of the TOR. then in other subsections these indicators may be referred to without repeating their meanings. Subsection 8 "Design requirements" establishes a set of requirements for the design of the product being created, the observance of which ensures the compliance of the product with its intended purpose and the specified quality level in the process of creation, production and operation, and indicate:

Basic design requirements for the product and its midrange (overall, mounting and connecting dimensions; mounting method; control adjustment margins);

Requirements for the structural suitability of the product for conservation;

Type of execution (container, block, monoblock, etc.);

Requirements for the design of the product, for developing it as a base and adaptability of the product design for further modernization;

Requirements for the complex miniaturization of the radio-electronic equipment of the product;

Requirements for the procedure for borrowing previously developed SC products and using SC and KIMP included in the product catalog in accordance with the national legislation of the IGU member states in this area:

The mass of the product (if necessary) and restrictions on the weight of individual or withdrawn MF products;

Requirements for the adaptability of the product design to the control of technical characteristics during production and operation.

If the product planned for development must have several modifications (delivery or manufacturing options), then the basic design is determined in the TOR and the composition of each modification (configuration) is given. 8 subsection "Requirements for electromagnetic compatibility" establish requirements. ensuring their electromagnetic compatibility, noise immunity, as well as requirements that provide protection against electromagnetic radiation of natural and artificial origin. including the stability of the functioning of radio-electronic means in the conditions of a change in the environment for the propagation of such radiation. subsection 8 "Requirements for survivability and resistance to external influences" establishes requirements that ensure the ability of the product to perform its functions under the influence of OS, mating and other objects, as well as in case of possible damage and in emergency situations. The nomenclature, characteristics of external influencing factors and the content of the requirements for durability are established taking into account the requirements of GOST 21964. In the subsection, depending on the type and purpose of the product, requirements are established regarding:

Restoration and maintenance of product performance after operational damage;

The impact of climatic conditions (fluctuations and limit values ​​of temperature, air humidity and atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, atmospheric condensed precipitation, aggressive media, dust, water, etc.);

Resistance to mechanical loads (vibration, shock, twisting, wind, etc.);

Wear resistance (including the abrasive action of sand and dust, the effects of snow, icing, etc.);

Resistance to the influence of external physical fields (magnetic, electric);

Resistance to detergents, fuel, oils, biological factors;

Schematic, constructive, production, technological and operational support for survivability. 8 subsection "Reliability requirements" in accordance with the procedure and rules regulated by GOST 27.003. install:

Nomenclature and values ​​of reliability indicators;

Failure criteria [or a specific expression (value) of the "output effect" for products, the reliability requirements for which are established using the "efficiency retention factor" indicator] and limit states, in relation to which reliability indicators are set:

GOST 15.016-2016

Quantitative values ​​of indicators of the assigned resource, service life, storage period (include if necessary);

Requirements for design, production and operational methods of ensuring reliability under specified conditions and operating modes;

Requirements for the reliability of mathematical and other types of software, including the metrological reliability of MI (include if necessary);

General requirements for methods for assessing (controlling) the compliance of a product with specified reliability requirements at various stages life cycle;

The number of products allocated for reliability testing. and an indication to that effect. What tests can combine tests for reliability.

The need to develop methods for accelerated reliability testing and requirements for them. In the subsection "Ergonomics, habitability and technical aesthetics requirements" * establish:

Ergonomic requirements for the organization and means of activity of a human operator (to the distribution of functions, algorithms for the work of operators, methods for solving tasks, spatio-temporal organization of operations performed, activity cyclograms, efforts required for control and maintenance, work and rest schedule, means of displaying information , workplace organization, etc.). as well as the order and sequence of taking into account ergonomic factors at all stages of creating a product and training equipment for it;

Requirements for the product in terms of habitability (to the conditions of life and activity), containing the norms and requirements for physical, chemical, biological and socio-psychological factors that ensure the preservation of the health and performance of personnel:

The requirements of technical aesthetics that determine the compositional integrity, informational expressiveness, rationality of the form and culture of the production performance of the product being created, including: stylistic conformity of the form to the modern level of technology development, consistency and proportionality of the form and volumetric-spatial structure of the product, color matching and product finishing. The subsection "Requirements for operation, storage, ease of maintenance and repair" establishes the requirements:

to workers and limit conditions operation, during and after which the product should not be destroyed, keeping its parameters within the established norms with a given level of deviation of values;

to operating conditions;

To the duration of continuous or cyclic work;

To operate the product in emergency situations;

To the system of means of operational (objective) control;

To the number, composition and qualifications of service personnel:

To the information and reference system for the operation, maintenance and repair of the product;

To the types (calendar, by resource, by technical condition), frequency and scope of maintenance, control of technical condition and repair;

To the convenience of repairing the product in the conditions of repair enterprises (bodies) and in operating conditions:

To the convenience of assembly and disassembly of the product during maintenance and repair;

Accessibility to individual MFs for maintenance and repair without dismantling other MFs;

To exclude the possibility of incorrect assembly and incorrect connection of cables, hose * govipr .. as well as other personnel errors during operation, maintenance and repair;

To the composition of the instruments. SI and devices for maintenance and repair, assembly and disassembly of the product;

To ensure the degree of automation of remote monitoring of the technical condition of the product (if necessary);

To the types and composition of spare parts kits. as well as to the consumption rates of spare parts;

To the conditions of storage in open areas, under sheds, in storage facilities, as part of a mothballed facility:

* For individual products, habitability requirements can be set in a separate subsection.

GOST 15.016-2016

To the frequency and duration of control (if necessary) of the technical condition, maintenance during storage (re-preservation, training);

To the terms of storage of the product in various conditions and types of technical condition;

To necessary costs materials, means of labor, labor intensity and time for maintenance, repair and storage of the product being created. The subsection "Transportation" establishes the requirements that determine the suitability of the product for transportation, and indicate;

Hazard class according to GOST 19433 (if necessary);

Types of transport by which transportation can be carried out;

The required number of vehicles for the transportation of the product, the possible number of transported products by one unit of transport (if necessary);

Indicators of transportation of the product by each type of transport (range, speed, duration of transportation, number of loadings, reloads, unloadings, etc.) and weight and size characteristics of the product;

Conditions of transportation (including restrictions on climatic conditions), the possibility of transportation in a state ready for operation as part of a more complex product, parameters of permissible mechanical effects (static, dynamic loads, pressure drops during depressurization of cargo compartments aircraft), the need to protect the product from external influencing factors during transportation, as well as the requirements for the safety of transportation (explosive, fire safety of transportation, failure of systems, movement of the working bodies of the product during transportation);

Sequence, scope of work, duration of preparation of the product for transportation, human resources and funds involved in preparing the product for transportation, security measures during loading and unloading operations;

The order of placement and methods of fastening the product on the vehicle and the number of necessary handling equipment, fixtures and fastening materials, the admissibility of using product structural elements as fasteners;

The sequence, scope of work, human resources, means and duration of bringing the product into working condition after transportation;

Special requirements for the product during transportation (exclusion of polluting effects on the environment; permissible overloads and other parameters of the air transportation process; the need and frequency of mandatory checks during transportation).

Specific types of vehicles, containers, equipment and fixtures necessary to ensure the transportation of products, specified transportation indicators and other parameters of this subsection are determined at the stage of ES (TP) and set at the stage of development of the RKD in the "Operation Manual", developed in accordance with GOST 2.601. coordinated with the authorities of supervision (control) over the safety of transportation and the relevant customers (by type of transport support). In the "Safety requirements" subsection, requirements are established that characterize the design and technical features of the product being created, ensuring the safety of personnel, local population, mating and other closely spaced objects, as well as operating systems at all stages of the product life cycle:

The safety of personnel and the public from the effects of electrical voltage, moving parts, thermal (light) exposure, high-frequency, radiation, electromagnetic fields, toxic vapors and gases, vibrations, acoustic noise, etc., as well as special technical and medical and technical requirements for personnel safety.

Explosion safety and fire resistance of the product, its SCh, their coatings and materials, including those used in the operation and repair of the product:

To the personal protective equipment included in the product;

To the means of blocking and signaling;

Protection of the product from self-activation and damage when exposed to static electricity and overloads (under specified conditions);

Criteria for the dangerous state of the product;

Safe removal of personnel during the operation of the product (indicate if necessary).

The subsection establishes requirements for environmental safety and disposal, destruction and (or) disposal of the product, waste from it and disposal of hazardous waste. indicating:

Sources of environmental pollution in the composition of the product during its operation (storage);

GOST 15.016-2016

Composition and quantitative values ​​of polluting influences, harmful physical factors (radii of the zone with the concentration of substances (level harmful effects) not higher than the maximum permissible * and (or) the power of the release, the intensity of the impact);

Criteria for extremely high pollution of the environment (levels of harmful physical factors) due to failures (damages, accidents) of the product (with an acceptable probability of not more than a given one) and measures (means) to reduce (eliminate) possible environmental consequences;

Requirements for the protective devices (equipment) included in the product that reduce environmental risk:

Rules for the operation (application) of the product (with and without protective devices) that ensure its environmental safety and are included in the developed ED;

Requirements “to the composition and characteristics of technical means (systems, equipment, devices) for monitoring the environmental friendliness of the product, methods and frequency of monitoring polluting effects (the level * of harmful physical factors) of the product during its operation (storage), emergency situations;

Requirements for the maximum possible recycling of the product, substances and materials at the end of the shelf life (resource) and storage;

Requirements for the production and disposal of products without the use or side release of toxic substances;

Requirements for the disposal of technological waste (materials not embodied in the product). by-products obtained in the technological process of manufacturing the product, waste energy carriers (water, air, gas, special media);

Requirements for the disposal of waste and products.

Compliance with the requirements for environmental safety and disposal should not be carried out at the expense of deteriorating the characteristics of the intended use of the product and reducing its readiness for its intended use. It is allowed to include organizational and technical measures aimed at meeting the requirements for environmental safety and disposal of the product in the TOR. The subsection "Requirements for standardization, unification and cataloging" establishes requirements aimed at achieving the goals of standardization and cataloging.

The subsection should be in two parts, establishing;

Requirements for standardization and unification;

cataloging requirements. Subsection 8 "Requirements for standardization and unification" establishes quantitative requirements for standardization and unification of the product, including compatibility requirements, ensuring an increase in the efficiency of the intended use as part of complex products. The subsection "Catalogue requirements" sets out the requirements in accordance with the national legislation of the IGU member states in this area. In the subsection "Manufacturability requirements" set the requirements for production. operational and repair manufacturability, ensuring the achievement of the specified quality indicators of the created product at minimal cost for its manufacture, maintenance and repair, as well as the requirements of technological rationality of system, circuit and design solutions.

In the subsection, if necessary, establish the requirements for the technological independence of products created using ERI and EWT of foreign production, which must be ensured:

In products subject to single-piece production. - by purchasing the required amount of foreign-made ERI and EWT for research and testing, completing in the process of developing and manufacturing a prototype product, providing repair enterprises, creating safety stocks for the period of product use;

In products subject to mass production - by subsequent replacement of foreign-made ERI and EWT within the established timeframes with domestic counterparts.

Manufacturability requirements are set in accordance with GOST 14.201.

If necessary, the subsection establishes the requirements for the use of unified and standard equipment, technological equipment in the process of manufacturing the product, as well as in the process of its operation and repair.

6.1.5 In the section "Technical and economic requirements", the requirements are established, the fulfillment of which will ensure the development of a product that meets the condition of the economic feasibility of its creation according to the criterion "efficiency-cost".

GOST 15.016-2016

Establishment of limit values ​​for the cost of development, production and operation of the product. as well as the labor intensity of serial production and maintenance during operation are carried out on the basis of the results of the TPR (if it was carried out) and (or) on the basis of the performance of other works and studies in which the cost and labor intensity are justified (using interdepartmental and departmental methods of forecasting and determining the cost and labor intensity at various stages of the product life cycle).

The section indicates:

The limit value of the cost of performing OKRetall*i. at the discretion of the customer, the limit values ​​​​of the cost of individual stages of R & D:

The limit value of the cost of construction of objects, measuring instruments, control, registration and other means and equipment necessary for testing prototypes of products;

The limit value of the cost of construction of new (reconstruction of existing) production facilities for the organization of mass production of products;

Estimated cost of the product life cycle in mass production;

Limiting labor intensity of manufacturing a product in mass production;

The limiting value of the normative complexity of maintenance of the product during operation;

Cost limits capital construction customer facilities or the cost of re-equipment, reconstruction of existing facilities that ensure the operation (functioning) of products (included at the discretion of the customer);

The marginal average annual cost of operating the product and maintaining it during long-term storage.

The section (at the discretion of the customer) establishes the annual output of products in mass production (approximately), the estimated duration of the operation stage and the requirements for the lead contractor (executor) to conduct a feasibility study of the feasibility of creating a product and comparing it with analogues developed and (or) in operation. Among the indicators of the feasibility study, the following are established:

Cost and duration of preparation and development of serial production;

Estimated cost of the life cycle of the product, including the cost of performing R & D and mass production (if necessary - the estimated cost of confirming compliance);

The complexity of development, production, mass production and maintenance during operation:

Economic feasibility of developing and putting into production this product:

> comparative technical and economic characteristics, reflecting the advantages of the developed product compared to the best domestic and foreign products of a similar type (increased reliability, survivability, improved manufacturability, operation) with an approximate assessment of the technical and economic effect expected from these advantages;

Technical and technical and economic feasibility of the customer's requests for the supply of products (according to technology, labor intensity of manufacturing the product, scarce raw materials and materials, if possible, supplies of KIMP, in terms of the amount of necessary capital investments).

6.1.6 In the section "Requirements for the types of support", requirements and standards for the types of support for the product are established to achieve the specified efficiency in the process of its application and operation. The section should consist of subsections:

Requirements for regulatory and technical support;

Requirements for metrological support;

Requirements for diagnostic support;

Requirements for mathematical, software and information-linguistic support.

At the discretion of the customer, the section may also include other groups of requirements for the types of support for the product being developed (for example, to navigation support).

* If necessary, from the general costs, costs that are not separate components of R&D (costs for regulatory and technical support, testing of prototype products, metrological examination), which are justified by the party (customer or head contractor (executor) R&D | offering allocation of costs.

GOST 15.016-2016 In the subsection "Requirements for regulatory and technical support)" establish:

Requirements for the timing and content of work on regulatory and technical support:

Requirements for the formation of an electronic catalog of the product being created:

The procedure and rules for providing R&D participants with regulatory documents on standardization and catalog information.

Note - Works * ** on regulatory and technical support (in terms of work on standardization and unification of the SC. KIMP and materials of the product being created) include:

Analysis of the existing fund of RD for standardization in order to assess its capabilities for regulatory support of the stages of the life cycle of the product being created:

Examination of newly developed programs, plans and normative documents according to the standardization of SC. KIMP and materials of the created product (if necessary):

examination of technical specifications for SC R&D "(R&D for the creation of SC. KIMP. materials, as well as used in the development, operation and application of equipment, technological equipment, testing, control, etc.). carried out with the chain of determining the feasibility of creating new products and including them in the product catalog in accordance with the national legislation of the IGU member states in this area.

8 of this subsection provides a list of normative documents on standardization, which the RKD must comply with. TD. ED and other ONTD. developed by the R&D process. If necessary, the list of standards (with a large volume) can be drawn up as an annex to the TOR. In the subsection "Requirements for metrological support" establish:

Quantitative values ​​of indicators of the metrological support of the product (MF of the product): technical (indicators of measurement accuracy and reliability of measurement control, duration and frequency of parameter measurements, weight and size indicators of measuring instruments and measurement control in accordance with GOST 16504, etc.) and technical and economic (labor intensity. cost, etc.);

Requirements for the methods (methods) of measurement and measurement control of the parameters and characteristics of the product (ensuring the required accuracy and (or) reliability, reliability, speed, ease of hardware implementation, certification of measurement methods, degree of automation and unification, etc.]):

Requirements for the measuring system (measuring control system) for completing the product (purpose and tasks to be solved, type of measuring instruments and measuring control used, acceptable values ​​of metrological support indicators, degree of measurement control automation, methods of interaction and information exchange, etc.);

Requirements for measuring instruments and measuring control for completing the product, and in the absence of the necessary measuring instruments - metrological and operational characteristics of measuring instruments to be developed for completing the product:

Requirements for metrological, electrical, informational, structural and operational compatibility of the system (means) of measurement and measurement control with the product:

Requirements for methods and means of verification and repair of measuring instruments (the possibility of verification and repair by the customer's metrological services, the consistency of the frequency of their verification with the frequency of product maintenance);

Requirements for metrological support for testing a prototype product:

Requirements for the organization of metrological examination at the stages of R&D for the creation of a product;

Requirements for the program of metrological support for product development (tasks of metrological support at the stages of the life cycle, deadlines for their completion, types of reporting, composition of performers). metrological support of R&D. In the subsection "Requirements for diagnostic support" establish:

Quantitative values ​​of indicators of technical diagnostics [technical condition monitoring: reliability indicators (conditional probabilities of undetected and false failures (malfunctions) *** of the product, conditional probabilities of undetected and false failures (malfunctions) e MF of the product with an accuracy to which the place of failure (malfunction) is determined , conditional probability of erroneous prediction of safe operation] and technical and economic indicators [specific costs for technical diagnostics (technical condition monitoring), average labor

Some of the above works can be carried out within the framework of R&D or TPR. prior to this ROC.

** In order to issue a conclusion on the feasibility of creating new products, the performer of the SC R&D (in agreement with the head performer of the R&D) engages the organization (enterprise) to which the corresponding nomenclature is assigned, and (or) the cataloging center of the customer.

**" The requirements for the indicated indicators are also set in the subsection "Requirements for metrological support" in relation to measuring control technical condition of the product.

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capacity and duration of technical diagnostics (technical condition monitoring)], as well as the characteristics of technical diagnostics [depth of failure search, completeness of technical diagnostics (technical condition monitoring), etc.);

Requirements for adaptability to technical diagnostics (testability) of the product [quantitative values ​​of indicators of adaptability to technical diagnostics (testability)], requirements for the introduction of built-in technical diagnostics (technical condition monitoring) into the product design, requirements for the number, location and availability of interface devices with external technical means diagnostics (technical condition control, etc.);

Requirements for the nomenclature of diagnostic (monitored) parameters and their characteristics (nominal, permissible values, input points, control points, etc.);

Requirements for the means of technical diagnostics (control

technical condition);

Requirements for methods and rules of technical diagnostics (technical condition monitoring). subsection 8 "Requirements for "mathematical, software and information-linguistic support" establish:

Requirements for software (composition and structure of general and special software, requirements for the development and justification of technologies for the interaction of components of general and special software, requirements for the development and justification of algorithms and calculation methods, for the reliability, accuracy and time of solving problems, memory resource, sensitivity and limits of change of input data, modularity and flexibility of software; standards for adaptation to the composition and state of computing facilities, the possibility of using previously developed elements of software);

Software requirements (requirements for general software, programming of functional tasks, programming tools, metrological certification of software and the use of selective programming technologies, the procedure for debugging, testing and putting programs into operation, for the use of standard programs) should be set taking into account the requirements of the ESPD standards;

Requirements for information and linguistic support (requirements for the composition and structure of databases (files, arrays) of the information used, information carriers, classification and coding systems for information and the principles of its formalization, storage, updating, control and delivery of information, organization of information exchange).

The subsection also establishes requirements for ensuring the security of information in terms of:

Requirements for “software to ensure the security of information processed, stored and transmitted via communication channels, including the security of cataloging database information;

Development (application of existing) software tools and methods for protecting information processed and stored in a computer product or transmitted via communication channels from unauthorized access;

Requirements for certification of developed software and methods of information protection.

6.1.7 In the section "Requirements for raw materials, materials and KIPM" establish;

Requirements for KIMP. group, repair kits for spare parts and accessories and other purchased products, liquids. lubricants, paints and materials (products, substances);

Requirements for the use in the creation (modernization), manufacture and operation of products of materials and KIMP;

Restriction of the nomenclature (types, grades, standard sizes) of the used raw materials, materials (including operational ones). KIMP and other purchased products;

The possibility of using and (or) restrictions on the use of scarce and precious materials (metals) and alloys, the procedure for their accounting;

Requirements for the physicochemical, mechanical and other properties of certain types of raw materials and materials that determine the quality of the product.

6.1.8 In the section "Requirements for conservation, packaging and labeling" establish;

Preservation requirements, taking into account the terms and conditions of storage of the product (SPTA kits) in open areas, under sheds, in storage facilities, as part of a mothballed object, complex, etc. (including the need for conservation before packaging, the possibility of using it during conservation

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ation of universal equipment or the need to develop and manufacture special equipment, methods and means of conservation);

Packaging requirements (including the type of packaging, packaging materials used), packaging method, possible packaging options depending on the terms and conditions of storage and transportation;

The number of products packed in one consumer and (or) transport packaging:

Requirements for the marking applied to the product and packaging (place of application, method of application, requirements for the quality of the marking, the content of warning and indicative inscriptions), including automatic identification of the product (bar coding).

6.1.9 In the section "Requirements for training aids" establish:

A list of educational and training facilities (complex and specialized simulators, models, models, educational stands, posters, etc.). which should be developed (including according to separate TOR) to study the product, develop professional skills, maintain and repair the product:

Design requirements for complex and specialized simulators. the degree of imitation of the real situation of operation, the principle of operation, size, weight, etc.;

Requirements for models, layouts, stands, educational and technical posters (colors, sizes, albums or wall posters, etc.);

Stages, procedure and terms of development, manufacture, presentation of training aids for acceptance tests and their delivery to the consumer.

By agreement between the customer and the head performer (executor) of the R&D, the list of training aids to be developed can be specified at the stages of performing the EP or TP.

6.1.10 In the section "Special requirements" establish:

Requirements for the type and composition of special equipment and tooling necessary to ensure the operation and maintenance of the product;

Requirements for special repair and technological equipment intended for completing repair bodies in order to ensure the repair and maintenance of the product in working condition during operation;

Requirements for the development of means for ensuring testing and modulating the product, including means for simulating, objective control and providing tests for durability, electromagnetic compatibility, noise immunity, immunity from electromagnetic radiation;

Requirements for product testing methods during development, mass production and during the warranty period of its operation, the need to develop its mathematical model;

Type of export version of the product (if necessary):

Requirements for patent purity and patentability of the product and its SC.

6.1.11 In the "Documentation Requirements" section, the requirements for the documents of the developed product (complex, system) are established in accordance with the ESKD standards, including:

Requirements for design documentation in accordance with GOST 2.001, GOST 2.102 and GOST 2.103;

Requirements for design documents that are developed and applied in in electronic format, according to ESKD standards:

Requirements for technological documentation in accordance with GOSTZ.1001 and GOST 3.1102;

Requirements for software documentation in accordance with GOST 19.201.

6.1.12 Section 8 "R&D implementation stages" indicate the names of the mandatory stages, and, if necessary, independent reporting sub-stages and a specific list of work performed at each stage (sub-stage).

8 the list of works performed at the stages (sub-stages) of R&D should include the following works:

Carrying out phased patent research (checking the fulfillment of the specified requirements for patent purity and patentability of the product and its SC);

Analysis of the ND fund and measures for the regulatory and technical support of the creation of the product in accordance with the requirements set forth in;

Examination of the design and design documentation for the implementation of the specified requirements of the level of standardization and unification. ergonomics, etc., indicating the place of its holding, the completeness of the documents submitted for examination, as well as organizations (enterprises) performing the examination;

Assessment of product compliance with specified reliability requirements [accuracy of assessment and methods of its implementation (calculation, calculation-experimental or experimental) are set by the customer];

Assessment of compliance with the given requirements for ergonomics, habitability and technical aesthetics;

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Assessment of compliance with the specified requirements of radio-electronic means, survivability and resistance to external influencing factors;

Checking the fulfillment of the specified requirements for the transportation of the product by various types of vehicles;

Carrying out (clarification) of a feasibility study of the feasibility of continuing the development of a product and a comparative assessment of its similar products, including those under development;

Carrying out calculations and analysis of the fulfillment of specified technical and economic requirements and presenting their results to the customer, as well as reasonable recommendations for reducing the cost of testing, mass production, operation and repair of products;

Development of problem setting and justification of solutions for mathematical, software and information-linguistic support in accordance with the specified requirements;

Verification of design margins and approbation of standards during tests on the main parameters of the product, including in modes exceeding the operating conditions specified by VTZ (included at the discretion of the customer).

In the same section, the deadlines for completing the stages (sub-stages) of the R & D are indicated. R&D in general (their beginning and end) and the performers of the work.

6.1.13 In the section "Procedure for the implementation and acceptance of the R&D stages" indicate:

Rules and procedure for the implementation and acceptance of the R&D stages. as well as the procedure for the implementation and acceptance of independent reporting sub-stage R&D:

List of documents and initial data for performing R&D;

The need to develop, manufacture and test mock-ups (models) of the product at the stages of EP and TP. their list and quantity, the need to develop RCC and other technical documentation for them. coordination of programs and test methods with the customer;

The number of prototypes of products required for all categories and types of tests:

Place (organization, enterprise) for testing prototypes of products and training aids (included by decision of the customer);

The nomenclature or type of means of operational support for testing. ZIP. composition and completeness of documentation. presented for testing;

The procedure for developing, coordinating and approving a joint work plan for the implementation of R & D (a single end-to-end plan, network schedule, schedule or other planning document);

The procedure for developing, agreeing and approving a stability assurance program, a metrological assurance program, a reliability assurance program, an ergonomic assurance program;

The procedure for the development, approval and approval of the "Instructions for the transportation of the sample";

The procedure for developing, agreeing and approving an action plan for cataloging;

The order of development, coordination and approval of the program (programs) of work on standardization. developed (developed) in accordance with the procedure set out in (if necessary);

The main co-executors [to be specified in accordance with the joint decision of the customer and the main contractor (executor) of the R&D);

Requirements for the supplier's warranty obligations and confirmation during the R & D process of fulfillment of the specified requirements by the results of tests, calculations and other reporting documents);

Composition, number of sets and distribution list of ONTD. presented at the end of the R&D and R&D stages in a chain;

The procedure for developing a report on latent studies, as well as a latent formulary for a product in accordance with GOST 15.012;

Requirements for the development of design documentation in accordance with the requirements of ESKD standards:

The need for development and requirements for the development of repair documentation;

Requirements for the development of ED in accordance with GOST 2.601;

Requirements for conducting a feasibility study of the results of the completed R&D;

The procedure for considering the EP (TP). as well as a list of organizations to which the ES (TP) should be sent for review (approval), if their consideration is carried out without appointing a commission of the customer.

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6.1.14 The appendices of the kTZDRO may include a patent research report*, a list of standards. used in the creation of the product, reference materials, restrictions on use special materials. KIMP and other purchased products, as well as materials necessary for product development (drawings, diagrams, calculations).

6.2 Requirements for the formulation of TK and R&D

6.2.1 The TOR for R&D must be drawn up in accordance with the general requirements for text documents in accordance with GOST 2.105 on A4 sheets in accordance with GOST 2.301. without frame, main inscription and additional columns to it.

Schemes, drawings and tables are allowed to be performed on A4 sheets. AZ. A2. Numbers of sheets (pages) should be put in the upper right corner of the sheet (above the text).

6.2.2 The title page of the TZ OKR is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.105 in the form. given in Annex A (Form 1).

The registration number is put down by the head performer (executor) of the ROC.

6.2.3 On the last sheet of the TK of the ROC, after the main text of the document, the signatures of the developers of the TK on the ROC and the coordinating signatures of other organizations (enterprises) provided for in 6.3 are placed. The form of the last sheet of TOR for R&D is given in Appendix A (Form 2).

Visas of other interested parties (subdivisions of the R&D lead contractor or the customer, including those carrying out departmental control), if they are necessary on the document, are placed on the last sheet of the TOR for R&D at the bottom after the approval signatures in a copy that remains with the approval organization (enterprise).

6.2.4 According to the decision of the customer, the TOR for R&D may be drawn up in two or more parts based on ease of use, scope and other reasons. The most important information and characteristics of the product can be grouped into one of the parts of the TOR or drawn up as a separate application to the TOR.

The second and subsequent parts may include the content of any section (sections) of the TOR for R&D in whole or in part. In the introductory part of the second and subsequent parts of the TOR, the R&D indicates the purpose of each part and the requirements regulated in it.

6.2.5 The title page of the second and subsequent parts of the TOR for R&D is drawn up in accordance with Form 3 of Appendix A.

Signatures of the developers of parts of the TOR for R&D and approval signatures provided for in 6.3. are placed on the last page of the relevant part of the ToR in accordance with form 2 of Appendix A.

6.2.6 Approval of parts of the TOR for R&D by the customer and their coordination with the head contractor (executor) R&D is carried out by signing the title page of only the first part of the R&D TOR by officials under the headings “Agreed”. "Approved" in accordance with the requirements specified in 6.2.2.

6.2.7 After approval of the TOR for R&D, the responsible person of the customer certifies the title pages of the second and subsequent parts of the TOR for R&D under the heading “Approved by the customer. Correct" in accordance with form 3 of Appendix A.

6.3 The procedure for agreeing and approving the TOR for R&D

6.3.1 Coordination of TOR for R&D with interested organizations (enterprises), as a rule. carried out by the developer. The TOR is approved by the customer, and in the case of initiative development, by the developer.

6.3.2 TOR for R&D must be agreed upon:

With the head performer (performer) of R&D (R&D stage):

With the performer of the mid-range R & D - by the decision of the customer:

With other organizations (enterprises) - by the decision of the customer.

6.4 Procedure for making changes to the approved TOR for R&D

6.4.1 Changes to the approved TOR for R&D, the need for which was identified in the process of performing R&D. issue an addendum. The Supplement to the Technical Specifications for R&D is developed, agreed upon and approved in the same manner and at the same level as the main document.

"A report on patent research included in the appendices to the TOR of non-R&D. can be prepared by the customer's R&D when developing the TOR. by the lead contractor (executor) in the process of performing R&D. technical proposals preceding this R&D (with additions by the customer's R&D, if necessary), or another organization (enterprise) on behalf (task) of the customer.

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By decision of the customer, it is allowed not to coordinate the addition to the TOR with organizations (enterprises) to which this change does not apply.

6.4.2 An addendum to the TOR for R&D should consist of an introductory part, which indicates the reason for the release of the addendum and the changeable sections specified in 6.1.1.

In the amendable sections of the addendum, under the appropriate headings (“has”, “should be”), the numbers and content of the amended and new items of the TK on the R&D or the numbers and content of the canceled items are given.

It is allowed in the supplement to give all the points of the TK with the preservation of their numbering.

6.4.3 The title page of the addition to the TOR for R&D is drawn up according to the rules established in 6.2.2. In this case, under the name of the document indicate:


supplement number

If the TOR for R&D consists of several parts, then the title page also indicates the part number. in which the addition is made.

"Supplement_to the part".

addon number part number

6.4.4 After the release of the addendum, on the title page of the TK for R&D under the name of the document, make a note:

"Act in addition".

supplement number

6.4.5 When making changes to the approved TOR for R&D, the deadlines for performing work by stages are subject to revision only if it is necessary to redo the already completed part of the work or change the scope of work.

7 TK for the R&D component

7.1 Requirements for the construction, content, presentation and execution of the TOR for a composite

part of ROC

7.1.1 The construction and presentation of the TOR for the R&D MF must comply with the requirements established in 6.1. The content of the sections and subsections of the ToR is determined by the lead R&D contractor.

7.1.2 The requirements of the TOR for the SC R&D should ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of the TOR for the R&D. in which it is included, and take into account the specific conditions for the use of SC in the product as a whole.

The deadlines for completing the stages of the R&D mid-range and the R&D mid-range as a whole (if they are not specified in the ToR for the R&D) must be set in relation to the criteria for performing the R&D.

7.1.3 Terms of reference for the SC R&D should be drawn up in accordance with the requirements set forth in 6.2.1-6.2.3, with the exception of the location of the approving and agreeing signatures.

The form of the title page of the TK for the midrange of the R & D is given in Appendix A (form 4).

On the last sheet of the TOR on the R&D center, after the main text, the signatures of the developers of the TOR and the coordinating signatures of other organizations (enterprises) provided for in 7.2 are placed (similarly to form 2 of Appendix A).

7.2 The procedure for agreeing and approving the TOR for an R&D component

7.2.1 Terms of reference for the midrange of R&D are coordinated by other organizations (enterprises) and approved by the head performer of the R&D.

7.2.2 Terms of Reference for MF R&D must be agreed upon:

With the customer or, at his discretion, with the customer's R&D:

With the performer of the midrange R&D;

With other organizations (enterprises) by the decision of the customer or by the decision of the chief R&D contractor. agreed with the customer.

The executor of the SC R&D, in agreement with the head executor of the R&D, engages, when agreeing on the TOR for the SC R&D, an enterprise (organization) admitted to conduct an examination in accordance with the requirements. set out in

7.2.3 The level of the customer’s officials who agree on the TOR for the R&D SC (the customer, the customer’s research and development department) is established by the customer upon approval by the head executor of the R&D department * the List of SC R&D for which the TOR should be issued to their performers. In some cases, the need to agree on the TOR for the R&D mid-range with the customer is indicated directly in the TOR for the R&D.

Terms of reference for the development of educational and training facilities must be agreed with the customer.

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The TOR for the SC R&D is submitted for approval to the customer after it has been agreed with all interested enterprises (organizations).

7.2.4 Terms of reference for the SC R&D must be signed by officials of the organizations (enterprises) specified in 7.2.1. Under the heading "Agreed":

on the title page - in accordance with Appendix A (form 4);

on the last page - after the signatures of the developers of the TOR for the SC R & D - by officials of other coordinating organizations (enterprises) and services.

The approval of the TOR for the SC R&D can be formalized as a separate document (letter, protocol). In this case, in the TOR under the heading "Agreed" make a link to this document.

7.2.5 The term for consideration and approval of the draft TOR for the SC R&D should not exceed 15 working days from the date of its receipt.

7.2.6 Disagreements that have arisen between the lead R&D contractor and the coordinating organizations (enterprises) when agreeing on the TOR for the R&D midrange. allowed by a joint decision no later than 10 working days after its receipt.

7.2.7 The approved TOR for the R&D mid-range must be issued by the head R&D contractor to the R&D mid-range performer no later than one month before the start of the R&D mid-range.

7.3 The procedure for making changes to the approved TOR for the R&D component

7.3.1 Changes to the approved TZN of ROC. the need for the introduction of which was identified in the process of performing the R&D. issue an addendum. Supplement to TKZna SC ROC is developed, agreed and approved in the same manner and at the same level as the main document.

By agreement with the customer, it is allowed not to coordinate the Supplement to TK with organizations (enterprises) to which this change does not apply.

7.3.2 The rules for issuing an addendum to the approved TOR for the SC R&D are similar to those set out

7.3.3 Accounting and circulation of technical specifications for the R&D SC is carried out in the manner established by the head R&D contractor in agreement with the customer.

8 TOR for R & D for the development of KIMP

8.1 Requirements for the construction, content, presentation and execution of the TOR for R&D

for the development of KIMP

8.1.1 The construction and content of the TOR for R&D for the development of KIMP must comply with the requirements. established in 6.1. taking into account the specifics and features of the product being created, the necessary clarifications of the names of individual sections and subsections provided for in this section.

It is allowed, depending on the features of KIMP, to exclude individual sections and subsections, as well as to clarify their content.

8.1.2 In the section "Name, R&D code and the basis for performing the R&D" indicate the name. OKR code and the full name of the document on the basis of which the OKR should be carried out. approval date.

8.1.3 In the section "The purpose of the R&D and the name of the product" indicate the purpose of the R&D. functional purpose and name of the developed product, its prospects, a brief description of the scope and the expected technical level of the developed product.

Section 8, if necessary, indicates which manufactured products can be replaced by a newly developed product.

8.1.4 Section "Technical requirements for the product" The subsection "Composition of the product" is provided, if necessary. In the "Requirements for the purpose" subsection, the parameters of the product and their norms, measurement modes, as well as limit values ​​for pre-existing operating modes are set. The subsection "Requirements for electromagnetic compatibility" is provided, if necessary. In the subsection "Requirements for survivability and resistance to external influences", the requirements for mechanical, climatic and special influences are established.

The characteristics of external influencing factors are set in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21964 and standards for KIMP of specific groups (types).

If necessary, the characteristics of external influencing factors are specified taking into account the features of operation and application of the product being developed.

GOST 15.016-2016 8 subsection "Reliability requirements)" establish reliability indicators, nomenclature and their specific values, which must comply with the requirements of standards for KIMP of specific groups (types). Subsections "Requirements for ergonomics, habitability and technical aesthetics" and "Requirements for operation, storage, ease of maintenance and repair" are provided, if necessary. 8 of the "Transportation" subsection indicate the type of vehicles, the need and methods of fastening during transportation, climatic conditions during transportation, special requirements for the product during transportation (protection against impacts during loading and unloading, etc.). The subsection "Safety requirements" is provided if necessary. subsection 8 "Requirements for standardization, unification and cataloging" establish quantitative and qualitative indicators for standardization and unification of the product, the procedure and rules for performing work on cataloging the product. In the subsection "Manufacturability requirements" indicators of production manufacturability are established. The subsection "Design requirements" establishes the requirements for the overall, installation and connecting dimensions of the product, methods of its fastening, design, weight, climatic version, etc.

6.1.5 In the "Technical and economic requirements" section, the limit cost of the R&D, the estimated annual need for products (submitted by the customer) after the end of the R&D, and their estimated price are set.

8.1.6 The section "Requirements for the types of collateral" is provided, if necessary.

6.1.7 The section "Requirements for raw materials, materials and KIMP" is provided, if necessary.

8.1.8 In the section "Requirements for conservation, packaging and labeling" establishes the requirements for preservation, packaging of the product, packaging options depending on the conditions of storage and transportation. as well as the requirements for the marking applied to the product (place of application, requirements for the content and quality of the marking).

8.1.9 Sections "Requirements for training aids" and "Special requirements" provide, if necessary.

8.1.10 In the section "R&D performance stages" indicate the list of works performed at the R&D stages. established taking into account those stated in 6.1.12. including:

The name of the mandatory stages of R&D and, if necessary, the specific scope of work for the stages of R&D:

Deadlines for the implementation of the stages (if they are not established in the contractual documents).

6.1.11 In the section "Procedure for the implementation and acceptance of R&D", taking into account the procedure set out in 6.1.13, indicate:

Procedure for acceptance of R&D;

The composition of the documentation presented for acceptance;

R&D performers - the lead contractor and R&D co-executors (if any), including the enterprise where prototypes of the product are manufactured and the enterprise where tests are carried out:

prospective manufacturers serial products(if necessary).

8.1.12 In the appendices of the KTZ, a map of the technical level is given, why patent research, a list of ND. used in the performance of R&D for the development of KIMP. as well as (if necessary) tables, graphs, diagrams, calculations, a list of reference and information and other technical materials and documents necessary for the implementation of R&D.

8.1.13 TOR for R&D must be drawn up in accordance with the general requirements for text documents established in GOST 2.105. on sheets of A4 format according to GOST 2.301 without a frame, main inscription and additional columns to it. Numbers of sheets (pages) are put down in the upper right corner of the sheet (above the text).

The form of the title page of the TK for R&D is given in Appendix A (form 5). On the last sheet (page) of the ToR, after the main text, the signature of the ROC performer is placed.

8.2 The procedure for agreeing and approving the TOR for R&D for the development of KIMP

8.2.1 TOR for R&D for the development of KIMP is approved by the R&D customer.

8.2.2 TOR for R&D must be agreed upon:

With the head performer (performer) R&D;

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With other organizations (enterprises) - by decision of the R&D customer (including those involved in the examination of the TK in accordance with the procedure provided for in

8.2.3 TOR for R&D for the development of KIMP must be signed by officials of organizations (enterprises) specified in 8.2.1 and 8.2.2.

8.2.4 The term for consideration, approval, approval of the draft Terms of Reference for R&D for the development of KIMP and issuance by the customer to the R&D lead contractor should not exceed 20 working days from the date of determining the lead contractor in the competition.

8.3 Procedure for making changes to the approved TOR for R&D for the development of KIMP

8.3.1 Changes to the approved TOR for R&D for the development of KIMP. the need for the introduction of which was identified in the process of performing the R&D. issue an addendum.

8.3.2 Supplement to the technical specifications for R&D is developed, agreed and approved in the same manner and at the same level as the main document.

It is allowed not to coordinate the addition to the TOR with organizations (enterprises) to which this change does not apply.

8.3.3 Supplement to the technical specifications for R&D should consist of an introductory part and variable sections. The introductory part indicates the reason for the release of the supplement.

8 changeable sections indicate the name, numbers and content of the changed and new items of the TK or the numbers and content of the canceled items.

8.3.4 The title page of the addition to the TOR is drawn up in the same way. as the title page of the TK, indicating under the name of the document:


supplement number

8.3.5 After the release of an addendum to the ToR, the title page of the ToR for R&D under the title of the document makes a note:

"Acts with add-on_".

supplement number

8.3.6 Accounting and circulation of technical specifications for R&D is carried out in the manner established by the head R&D contractor and agreed with the customer.

8.3.7 When changes are made to the approved TOR for R&D, the deadlines for performing work at these stages are subject to revision in agreement with the customer.

9 TOR for research, technical development, EP, TP and other types of work

9.1 The requirements for the construction, presentation and execution of the TOR for R&D are basically similar to the corresponding requirements for the TOR for R&D in terms of R&D.

9.2 Requirements for the presentation and execution of the TOR for the TPR. EP. TP are basically similar to the relevant requirements of the technical specifications for R&D in terms of their concern.

9.3 TOR for different kinds works not specified in 9.1 and 9.2, depending on the specifics of the work, may include sections or part of sections of the TOR for R&D. as well as additional sections at the discretion of the customer.

The construction of the outlined design of these TK is similar to the construction, presentation and design of the OCD TK.

Standard forms of title pages (last page) TOR for R&D and for the component part of R&D

When filling out the TK forms in typewritten or manual way, the interlinear text is not reproduced.

GOST 15.016-2016


position, head executor (executor)

signature, initials, surname in _*_20 G.

position, client

signature, initials, surname "_" _20 G.


OKR. R&D. TPR. tp.ep

product designation

Valid with add-on"_

supplement number

’ Indicate when compiling the TOR in two or more honors.

” Indicate when issuing additions to the TOR.

GOST 15.016-2016


position, organization of the TK developer

signature, initials, surname "_ _20


position, chief executive

signature, initials, surname


position, other organizations coordinating TOR

signature, initials, surname »_20 f.

GOST 15.016-2016




signature, initials, surname


name, code, registration number

product designation

the second and subsequent parts of the TE

Works with add-on’_

supplement number

' Indicate when issuing additions to this part of the ToR.

GOST 15.016-2016

title page tz on midrange




position, customer (NIO of the customer)

signature, initials, surname "_ __20 G.

signature, initials, surname

signature, initials, surname


position, performer of the ROC component

signature, initials, surname



name, code

designation of the component part of the product

Valid with the addon "_

supplement number

"Indicate when issuing additions to maintenance.

GOST 15.016-2016




position, chief performer of R&D

position. customer (Customer's NIO)

signature, initials, surname

signature, initials, surname


name, OKR code

registration number

Valid with add-on*_

aopol number


position, other organizations coordinating the TOR signature, initials, surname k_b_20 G.

* Indicate when issuing additions to the TOR.

GOST 15.016-2016

UDC 006.05:006.354 MKS 01.100.01

Key words: terms of reference, development work, product, component of the product, customer, lead contractor, performer, technical proposal, draft design, technical design

Editor 8.A. Sivolapov Technical editor 8.N. Prusakove Proofreader I.A. Koroleva Computer layout A.N. Zolotareva

Handed over to the set 16.02.2017. Signed and stamped 04/16/2017. Format 60-64^ Typeface Arial. Uel. to lay down. l. 3.72. Uch - over. paragraph 3.37. Circulation 200 copies. Zach. 616.

Based on electronic version provided by the developer of the standard

Published and printed by FSUE STANDARTINFORM, 123996 Moscow. Garnet lane.. 4. m [email protected](o ru

GOST RV 15.203-2001


Product development and production system

For production





Basic provisions

Official edition




1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute for Standardization (VNIIstandart) of the State Standard of Russia INTRODUCED by the Mechanical Engineering Department of the State Standard of Russia

2 ADOPTED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Standard of Russia of December 25, 2001 No. 579-st

3 INSTEAD OF GOST V 15.203-79, GOST V 15.204-79 on the territory of the Russian Federation

This standard cannot be fully partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the State Standard of Russia

1 area of ​​use

3 Definitions and abbreviations

4 General provisions

5.1 Stages of R&D (SC R&D)

5.3 Stage of development of the technical project

5.4 Stage of development of working design documentation for the manufacture of a prototype product VT

5.5 The stage of manufacturing a prototype of the VT product (a prototype of the MF product of the VT) and conducting preliminary tests

5.6 The stage of state testing of a prototype of a VT product (interdepartmental testing of a prototype of a MF product of VT)

5.7 Stage of approval of working design documentation for the organization of industrial (serial) production of VT products

5.8 Requirements for the procedure for the development of working design documentation for the creation of VT products (SC VT products) for wartime

Appendix A List of documents developed during the organization and implementation of R&D (SC R&D)

Appendix B Scheme of the relationship between the stages of R&D and the stages of the components of R&D according to the time of their implementation

Appendix B Contents draft design

Annex D Contents of the technical project

Appendix D Standard forms of documents developed in the process of performing R&D (SCHOKR)

Appendix E Bibliography

GOST RV 15.203-2001


System for the development and production of products




Basic provisions

Introduction date 2003-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to development work and R&D components for the creation (modernization) of systems, complexes, samples military equipment and their components (hereinafter referred to as BT products and components of VT products) performed in the interests of the defense capability and security of the Russian Federation in accordance with applicable law.

This standard specifies:

ROC groups;

Stages of OKR;

Requirements for the implementation of R&D (SC R&D);

The procedure for the implementation, acceptance of the stages of R&D (SC R&D) and R&D (MC R&D) as a whole and the implementation of their results;

Functions of the main participants in development work and their relationship;

The main composition of the documents developed in the process of performing R&D (SC R&D), and the general rules for their execution.

The provisions of this standard are subject to application by organizations, enterprises and other business entities located on the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the form of ownership and subordination, as well as federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation participating in the implementation of R&D (SC R&D) in accordance with applicable law.

By agreement with the customer of the AE, if necessary, regulatory documents can be developed and applied that specify the provisions of this standard, which apply to certain types of AE, taking into account their specifics.

GOST 2.102-68 ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.106-96 ESKD. Text Documents

GOST 2.119-73 ESKD. Preliminary design

GOST 2.120-73 ESKD. Technical project

GOST 2.501-88 ESKD. Accounting and storage rules

GOST 2.503-90 ESKD. Rules for making changes

GOST 2.902-68 ESKD. The procedure for checking, agreeing and approving documentation

GOST R 2.903-6 ESKD. Rules for the supply of documentation

GOST RV 2.905-7 ESKD. Rules for the implementation of design and technological documentation for a special period

GOST RV 8.560-5 State system ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Military measuring instruments. Testing and type approval

GOST RV 8.570-8 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological support for testing weapons and military equipment. Basic provisions

GOST RV 8.573-000 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological examination of samples of weapons and military equipment. Organization and procedure

GOST RV 15.002-000 SRPP. Military equipment. Requirements for quality systems of enterprises producing defense products

GOST R 15.011-6 SRPP. Patent research. Content and procedure

GOST V 15.110-1 SRPP VT. Reporting scientific and technical documentation for research, advance projects and development work. Basic provisions

GOST V 15.201-83 (TK)

GOST V 15.205-79

GOST V 15.206-4 SRPP VT. Reliability programs. General requirements

GOST V 15.208-2 SRPP VT. A single end-to-end plan for creating a sample (system, complex) and its (their) components. Basic provisions

GOST RV 15.209-5 SRPP. Military equipment. Restrictive lists of products and materials permitted for use in military equipment. Procedure for development and application

GOST RV 15.210-001 SRPP. Military equipment. Testing of prototype products and prototype repair samples of products

GOST V 15.211-8 SRPP VT. The procedure for developing programs and methods for testing prototypes of products. Basic provisions

GOSTV 15.213-9 SRPP VT. Design guidelines. Basic provisions

GOST RV 15.1 215-2 SRPP. Military equipment. Organization and procedure for conducting technical expertise in the process of product development

GOST V 15.301-0 SRPP VT. Setting up the production of products. Basic provisions

GOST V 15.307-7 SRPP VT. Testing and acceptance of serial products. Basic provisions

GOST V 29.00.002-84

GOST RV 29.08.001-6 System of standards for ergonomic requirements and ergonomic support. Ergonomic expertise. Basic provisions, programs and methods

GOST 25549-0 Fuels, oils, lubricants and special liquids. Chemotological map. Procedure for drawing up and approval

GOST RV 50859-96

GOST RV 50934-96

GOST RV 51540-9 Military equipment. Terms and Definitions

3 Definitions and abbreviations

3.1 In this standard, the following terms apply with their respective definitions.

3.1.1 Experimental design work (R&D) - a set of works on the development of design and technological documentation for a prototype VT product, the manufacture and testing of a prototype (pilot batch) of the VT product, performed during the creation (modernization) of the VT product according to the tactical and technical assignment state customer (customer).

3.1.2 An integral part of development work (SC R&D) is a part of R&D carried out according to the terms of reference of the head R&D contractor or the tactical and technical specifications of the customer in order to solve individual independent tasks of creating (modernizing) the VT product (component of the VT product).

3.1.3 Stage (sub-stage) R&D (SC R&D) - a set of works, characterized by signs of their independent targeted planning and financing, aimed at obtaining certain final results for the development, verification and confirmation of the compliance of the characteristics of VT products (component of VT product) with the established requirements and to be accepted by the customer.

3.1.4 Modernization of VT - a set of works carried out in order to improve individual performance characteristics and quality indicators of the VT product through a limited change in its design.

3.1.5 Material and technical acceptance of a prototype VT product (component of VT product) - acceptance by the customer representative office of a prototype VT product (component of VT product) and a set of documentation prepared for submission to state (interdepartmental) tests.

3.1.6 Military equipment (VT) - according to GOST RV 51540.

3.1.7 Complex (system) VT - according to GOST RV 51540

3.1.8 A sample of military equipment is a product of military equipment designed to perform combat missions or tasks of technical, rear or other types of support for troops independently or as part of a complex (system) of military equipment.

3.1.9 Component part of the sample (complex, system) VT - an independent part of the product VT, designed to perform certain technical functions as part of the sample (complex, system) VT, which is a set of assembly units and (or) parts, united by a common structural (schematic) ) solution.

3.1.10 A component product of intersectoral application - a VT product designed to perform certain technical functions as part of VT products or their components, created not for a specific VT product according to independent sets of design and technological documentation and not subject to changes in the process of creating a VT product, in which it is applied.

3.1.11 A prototype of the VT product is a VT product manufactured in the course of the R&D according to the newly developed working design and technological documentation for verification by testing the compliance of its parameters and characteristics with the requirements of TTZ (TK) for R&D and the correctness of the adopted technical solutions, as well as for the decision the issue of the possibility of adopting a BT product into service (supply, operation, use for its intended purpose) and putting it into production.

3.1.12 Batch of prototypes of the VT product - a set of prototypes of the VT product manufactured over a specified period according to the same design and technological documentation.

3.1.13 Model - a simplified reproduction on a certain scale of a VT product or its component part, on which individual characteristics of the product are examined, and the correctness of the adopted technical and design solutions is assessed.

3.1.14 Model - a product that reproduces or imitates the specific properties of the created product or its component and is made to test the principle of their operation and determine individual characteristics.

3.1.15 Experimental sample - a VT product manufactured to verify and justify the main technical solutions, parameters and characteristics in order to ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of the TTZ (TOR) for the performance of R&D (SC R&D).

3.1.16 VT software means a program (set of programs) containing special algorithms for solving assigned tasks.

3.1.17 State contract (contract, contract) for the performance of R&D (SC R & D) - a contract (agreement) concluded by the customer of the R&D and the main performer of the R & D (the main performer of the R & D and the performer of the R&D SC) and providing for the obligations of the parties and their responsibility for the performance of the R & D ( MF ROC).

3.1.18 Tactical and technical assignment for the performance of R&D (SC R&D) - the original technical document approved by the R&D customer (SC R&D) and establishing a set of tactical and technical requirements for the created VT product, as well as requirements for the content, volume and timing of the R&D.

3.1.19 Terms of reference for the implementation of the R&D SC - the original technical document approved by the head R&D contractor and establishing a set of technical requirements for the created component of the VT product, as well as requirements for the content, volume and timing of the R&D SC.

3.1.20 Directive technological documentation - a set of technological documents that establishes the only acceptable technological methods, techniques, methods that ensure the achievement of specified requirements for a specific product, which determines the main directions of technology and organization of production of the product.

Note - The directive technological documentation contains a route technological process for the main methods of obtaining blanks, processing, assembly and testing, a list of special technological equipment, instructions on the specifics of the organization of production, requirements (indicators) of directive labor intensity, a list of metrological support measures in the production and testing process indicating selected control system option

3.1.21 Reporting scientific and technical documentation - according to GOST B 15.110.

3.1.22 Intellectual property is the exclusive right of individuals or legal entities on the results of intellectual activity, implemented in accordance with the current legislation and the contract for the performance of these works.

3.1.23 State customer - a federal executive body that carries out orders for the development, production and supply of military equipment in the interests of the defense capability and security of the Russian Federation.

3.1.24 R & D customer (customer) - an authorized body of the state customer, carrying out orders for R&D.

Note - In the contract documentation, if the R&D contains components, the R&D lead contractor is referred to as the customer in relation to the R&D contractor, and the R&D customer is called the general customer.

3.1.25 Representation of the customer - a representative office of the Ministry of Defense of Russia or another federal executive body at the enterprise (association, organization).

3.1.26 Research organization of the customer - a research institute, research and testing center, design and technology center, a separate design bureau, a test site of the Ministry of Defense or another state customer, which is assigned the corresponding nomenclature of military equipment or a certain type of activity.

3.1.27 Lead R&D executor - an enterprise (organization, association) that has entered into a state contract with a state customer (customer) for the performance of R & D, coordinating the work of performers of the R & D midrange and responsible for the R & D as a whole.

Note - If there are no performers of the R&D SC in the R&D, the lead R&D performer is called the R&D performer.

3.1.28 R&D SC contractor - an enterprise (organization, association) that has concluded a contract with the lead R&D contractor or a customer for the performance of the R&D MC and is responsible for the implementation of the R&D MC.

3.1.29 Prototype manufacturer of the VT product - an enterprise (organization, association) that performs work on pre-production and manufacture of a prototype of the VT product according to the working design and technological documentation developed in the course of the R&D.

Note - The manufacturer of the prototype of the VT product can be the lead performer of the R&D (executor of the SC R&D) or independent enterprise(manufacturer of serial products).

3.1.30 Manufacturer of serial VT products - an enterprise (organization, association) that manufactures and supplies serial VT products on orders from a state customer.

3.1.31 Leading research institute by type of technology (activity) - a research, design, design, technological organization, which is assigned the status of an industry leading organization for certain types of activity by the federal executive body.

3.2 The following abbreviations apply in this standard:

VVT - weapons and military equipment;

RF Armed Forces - Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

VT - military equipment;

ESKD - Unified system of design documentation;

ESPD - Unified system of program documentation;

ESP - a single end-to-end plan;

ESTD - Unified system of technological documentation;

ZIP - spare parts, tools, accessories and materials;

KD - design documentation;

KIMP - a component product of intersectoral application;

MVK - interdepartmental commission;

ISS - interdepartmental coordinating council;

ND - normative document;

NII - research institute;

NIO - research organization;

NTD - regulatory and technical document;

NTO - scientific and technical report;

NTS - scientific and technical council;

OIS - objects intellectual property;

OKR - experimental design work;

ONTD - reporting scientific and technical documentation;

QCD - department of technical control;

OTT - general technical requirements;

PD - program documentation;

ПЗ - representation of the customer;

PM - program and methods;

RKD - working design documentation;

RUK - design guidelines;

SIVN - military measuring instruments;

MF ROC - an integral part of the ROC;

TD - technological documentation;

TK - terms of reference;

TP - technical project;

TTZ - tactical and technical task;

TU - technical conditions;

ED - operational documentation;

EP - preliminary design.

4 General provisions

4.1 Functions of the main participants of the ROC (MC ROC)

4.1.1 The state customer (customer) of the R&D (hereinafter referred to as the customer), in order to organize and ensure the timely and high-quality implementation of the R&D, performs the following functions:

Assigns ROC code and index to the VT product;

Approves and issues TTZ to the head performer of the R&D for the performance of the R&D;

Determines the list of TTZ (TK) for the implementation of the SC R & D, subject to approval (agreement) with the customer;

Agrees on the price for R & D and concludes a contract with the lead R&D contractor (if necessary, with the performer of the R & D mid-range) for the performance of the R&D (R&D mid-point);

Carries out control over the implementation of R & D (if necessary - for the mid-range R & D);

Accepts the stages of R&D and R&D as a whole, evaluates the technical level and effectiveness of R&D results;

Participates in preliminary tests of prototypes of VT products;

Organizes and conducts state testing of prototypes of VT products; - approves the design documentation for the implementation of industrial (serial) production of VT products;

Makes decisions on the implementation of the R&D results, including on the adoption (supply, operation) of military equipment products, inclusion in the unified catalog of supplies of the RF Armed Forces. on setting up the production of VT products;

Carries out control over the use of the funds allocated for the implementation of the R&D by the head executor of the R&D;

Defines the order of further use material assets manufactured or acquired in the course of R&D, including prototypes of BT products;

Carries out control over the fulfillment of requirements for the protection of state secrets both at individual stages of R&D, and R&D as a whole.

4.1.2 The lead R&D performer performs the following functions:

Agrees TTZ for the implementation of R & D;

Prepares contract documentation, justifies the price for R & D and concludes a contract for R&D with the customer;

If there are component parts in the R&D, it performs the functions of the customer in relation to the performers of the R & D mid-range;

Develops, coordinates with the executors of the SC R&D, approves and issues to the executors of the SC R&D TOR for the performance of the SC R&D;

Agrees on the price for the R&D midrange, concludes contracts with the performers of the R&D midrange for the performance of the R&D midrange;

Prepares and sends to the customer Required documents for state registration and accounting of R&D and OIP;

Carries out the implementation of R & D, including the development of the necessary design documentation, TD, PD and ED, manufacturing and testing of prototypes of VT products;

Ensures compliance of the performed works, manufactured prototypes of VT products with the requirements of state standards, TTZ (TK), technical documentation and contract terms;

Organizes and conducts preliminary, as well as other, stipulated by the technical documentation, testing of prototypes of VT products;

Participates in state tests conducted by the customer;

Develops, coordinates with interested organizations and approves a single end-to-end plan (network schedule or other planning document) for the creation of a VT product;

Develops and implements measures to protect state secrets when performing R & D;

Coordinates and controls the performance of work by the executors of the SC R&D at all stages of the implementation of the MC R&D;

Agrees with the customer on license agreements for the use of intellectual property in R&D, is responsible for presenting to the customer R&D results that do not violate the exclusive rights of third parties;

Summarizes and prepares the stages of R&D and R&D as a whole provided for in the TTZ and the contract ONTD, submits it to the customer for acceptance on time;

Accepts the stages of MF ROC and MF ROC as a whole;

Provides the customer (his representatives) with the necessary conditions for monitoring the work performed both at individual stages and in the R&D as a whole;

Prepares, in accordance with the established procedure, documents for the inclusion of the developed BT product in the catalog of supplies for the Armed Forces;

Provides the customer with a calculation of the actual (updated) estimated cost of the R&D stages after they are completed.

4.1.3 The performer of the R&D component performs the following functions:

Coordinates with the head R&D contractor (if necessary - with the customer) the TOR (TTZ) for the implementation of the R&D midrange;

Prepares contract documentation, substantiates the price for the R&D midrange and concludes a contract with the lead R&D contractor (if necessary, with the customer) for the performance of the R&D midrange;

Participates in state tests conducted by the customer (if necessary), and in interdepartmental tests conducted by the head R&D executor;

Performs the same functions as the head performer of the R&D and part of the R&D midrange.

4.1.4 The manufacturer of the prototype of the VT product (component of the VT product) performs the following functions:

Prepares contract documentation, justifies the price and concludes a contract with the lead R&D contractor (SC R&D) for the manufacture of a prototype of a VT product (an integral part of a VT product);

Agrees on the price and concludes contracts with suppliers of components and materials for the manufacture of a prototype of the VT product (an integral part of the VT product);

Carries out the preparation of production, including the preparation of means of production, testing and control;

Provides testing of the manufactured prototype of the VT product (component of the VT product);

It performs the same functions as the executor of the SC R & D in terms of manufacturing a prototype of the VT product (an integral part of the VT product).

4.1.5 The R&D of the customer (as decided by the customer) performs the following functions:

Participates in the development of the draft TTZ (TOR) for the implementation of R&D (SC R&D), issues opinions on the STTD for individual stages of R&D (MC R&D) or R&D (MC R&D) as a whole;

Participates in the coordination of documents developed in the process of performing R&D (SC R&D);

Provides military-scientific support for ROC (SC ROC);

Participates in the acceptance of the stages of R&D (SC R&D) and (or) R&D (MC R&D) as a whole;

Takes part in state (interdepartmental) testing of prototypes.

4.1.6 The relationship between the lead contractor of the R&D (executor of the R&D SC), the manufacturer of the prototype of the VT product (an integral part of the VT product) and the PZ with them, as well as the functions of the PZ when performing the R&D (SC R&D) establish the Regulations on the military missions of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the requirements of this standard.

4.2 Development teams

4.2.1 To achieve a unified organizational and methodological procedure for the implementation of development work, the following R&D groups are established:

I - R & D for the creation (modernization) of VT products, performed according to the customer's technical specifications * in accordance with the requirements of this standard;

II - R&D for the creation (modernization) of the components of VT products, carried out according to the TOR of the head R&D contractor * *, compiled on the basis of the customer's technical specifications for R&D group I, in accordance with the requirements of this standard;

III - R&D for the creation of components for cross-industry use, developed for use in military equipment, carried out in accordance with GOST B 15.205 and other regulatory documents establishing the procedure for their creation, agreed with the customer of the VT.

4.2.2 The basis for the performance of R&D group I is the state contract for the performance of R&D (hereinafter referred to as the contract), concluded between the customer and the head contractor of the R&D. The basis for the performance of the R&D component (R&D group II) is the contract for the performance of the R & D mid-range, concluded between the lead R & D contractor (customer) and the R & D mid-range performer.

Note - If the requirements of the standard relate to development work related to any of the R&D groups (groups I and II), then the text of the standard uses the generalized expression "R&D for the creation of a VT product".

4.2.3 The main initial technical documents for the performance of R&D and SC R&D, which are an integral part of the contract, are:

TTZ of the customer for the performance of R&D (assigned to group I of R&D according to 4.2.1);

ToR of the lead R&D performer (for the R&D midrange assigned to the group II of the R&D according to 4.2.1).

The procedure for the development of TTZ (TK) for the implementation of R&D, assigned to groups I and II of R&D for the creation of VT products, is in accordance with GOST V 15.201.

The list of documents developed during the organization and implementation of R&D (SC R&D) is given in Appendix A.

4.3 Requirements for the implementation of R&D (SC R&D)

4.3.1 For technical guidance R&D (SC R&D) appoint the chief (general) designer of the VT product, the chief (general) designer of the component part of the VT product and the chief technologist of the project of the VT product (SC of the VT product) (hereinafter referred to as the chief technologist of the project). It is recommended to appoint a chief technologist of the project from among the leading specialists of the technological services of the head R&D contractor or the manufacturer of the prototype of the VT product, and, if necessary, from among the leading specialists of the leading research institutes for technology and materials science. It is allowed, if necessary, to appoint deputies of the chief (general) designer in other areas of work.

The Council of Chief Designers and Chief Technologists may be created for the technical management of the R&D on the creation of complex VT products, on the proposal of interested organizations.

4.3.2 The chief (general) designer and (or) the chief contractor of the R&D (executor of the SC R&D), in accordance with the current regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, are responsible for ensuring the required technical level, justifying and meeting the deadlines for the creation of VT products, the completeness and sufficiency of their development , for the quality of documentation, high-quality execution of concluded contracts at each stage of the R & D (R & D), for the quality and completeness of the products supplied to the customer.

The chief (general) designer performs his functions, exercises rights and is responsible to the customer in accordance with the Regulations on the general designer.

4.3.3 The chief (general) designer of the product (SC of the product) VT and the chief technologist of the project (other deputies), insofar as they are concerned, are responsible for:

For the completeness of the implementation of R & D (SC R & D) as a whole, ensuring compliance of the work performed, the prototype of the VT product manufactured with the requirements of state standards, the customer's TTZ, technical documentation, as well as tactical technical specifications and terms of the contract;

For the sufficiency of theoretical and experimental study of design and technological solutions for the creation of VT products (SC products of VT) and for the compliance of their scientific and technical level with the requirements defined by the Technical Specifications (TR);

For the quality of the working design, technological (directive and working - for the manufacture of a prototype of the VT product), program, operational documentation;

For the high-quality implementation of all activities provided for by the work planning documents for the implementation of R & D in general and the R & D mid-range, as well as measures to eliminate the shortcomings identified in the performance of the R & D ( R & D mid-range);

For the quality and completeness of manufactured prototypes of VT products (prototypes of MF products of VT);

For planning, coordination and control of work to identify and solve fundamental design and technological problems associated with the creation and production of developed VT products (MF VT products).

4.3.4 To ensure its own work, the lead R&D contractor concludes (if necessary) contracts with R&D mid-stream performers.

The lead R&D performer draws up and agrees with the customer a list of R&D components for which TORs must be issued to their performers, including those based on their own developments. This list indicates with whom the TOR should be agreed on by the customer (the customer, the customer's research and development organization, the PP).

Note - TOR for the creation of SIVN must be agreed with the organization of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, appointed as the head of metrological support for weapons and military equipment.

4.3.5 The R&D lead contractor is obliged to provide the performers of the R&D component parts with design guidance documents and other initial data necessary for the implementation of the R&D midrange. A specific list of documents and initial data is determined in the TTZ (TK).

4.3.6 In order to ensure the timely completion of the R&D and R&D stages as a whole, as well as to control the execution of work at the stage of developing a draft design, as a rule, a single end-to-end plan for the creation of a VT product (MF product VT) or a network schedule or plan is developed. -schedule, or other planning document (hereinafter referred to as the joint work plan) for the implementation of R & D (including the implementation of the mid-range R&D) in accordance with GOST B 15.208.

An agreed and approved joint work plan for the implementation of R&D (RC R&D) is mandatory for all organizations and enterprises participating in R&D (RC R&D).

The joint work plan also indicates a list of components of the VT product, the working design documentation of which is assigned the letter "O 1" to organize their putting into serial (industrial) production until the completion of the R&D for the creation of the VT product as a whole, if this is established in the TTZ and the contract for performing OKR.

The expediency of working out the working design documentation for the assignment of the letter "O 1" to the SC of the VT product and their advance production is determined by the R&D customer.

Note - For the indicated midrange products of the VT, the letter "O 1" is assigned only if there is a completed act of interdepartmental tests, reflecting their positive results.

4.3.7 To resolve issues that arise during the creation of military equipment and related to the organization of various ministries and departments, an interdepartmental coordinating council may be formed. The order of formation, the tasks and functions of the ISS, the duties and rights of the members of the ISS are determined by the regulation approved in the prescribed manner.

Note - By mutual agreement between the customer and other federal executive authorities, the MCS can be created permanently or temporarily (intended to resolve issues on a specific R&D).

4.3.8 In order to ensure that at all stages of R&D (SC R&D) the requirements of reliability and ergonomics of the created VT product, the lead R&D contractor (executor of MC R&D), if specified in the TTZ (TOR), develops a reliability assurance program in accordance with the requirements of GOST V 15.206 and industry-specific ND, an ergonomic support program in accordance with the requirements of GOST B 29.00.002, as well as other programs for ensuring the indicators and characteristics of VT products specified in the TTZ (TOR) (safety, testability, resistance to influencing factors, etc.) in accordance with the requirements of the current ND for specific types of VT. The main activities provided for by these programs are included in the joint work plan for the implementation of R & D. Working documents for end-to-end planning may be developed in stages in relation to specific stages of the implementation of R & D (SC R & D).

When performing R&D (SC R&D), the metrological support of tests must comply with the requirements of GOST RV 8.570.

Note - If necessary, for the implementation of programs on reliability, ergonomics, quality assurance and others, the lead R&D executor develops a program of work on modeling (physical and mathematical) at all stages of the R&D and SC R&D with the establishment of methods for their implementation that ensure the unity of the results obtained, the methods used and software and hardware.

4.3.9 In order to ensure that at all stages of R&D (SC R&D) the requirements of TTZ (TOR) to ensure the possibility of subsequent modernization of the created VT product, the lead R&D contractor. (executor of the SC R&D) develops a set of interrelated organizational and technical measures that ensure a gradual increase in the efficiency of the product at the stage of operation.

4.3.10 In the process of R&D (SC R&D), a set of experimental works (prototyping, modeling, testing) is carried out, necessary to confirm and verify the selected design and layout, design and technological and technical solutions, as well as reliability and other requirements for a prototype VT products (prototype of SC VT products), its assembly units.

In the R&D process, work should be provided for docking the developed sample with the object for which it is being developed, carried out jointly with the enterprise-developer of this object, if this requirement is specified in the TTZ.

4.3.11 The need, terms for the development, manufacture and testing of mock-ups (models), their list and number are established in the TTZ (TOR) and the contract. If during the R&D process (SC R&D) it is necessary to develop, manufacture and test additional mock-ups (models) of prototypes of VT products, a list of them must be developed by the lead R&D contractor (MC R&D performer) and agreed with the customer (R&D chief contractor).

4.3.12 Models (models) are made, as a rule, according to draft design documents and technological documentation with the most simplified technology design. It is allowed to manufacture them according to the working design documentation.

Testing of layouts (models) is carried out according to the approved programs and methods of the lead R&D performer (R&D MC performer).

The need for coordination of programs and methods with the customer (PZ) or the lead contractor of R&D (for mid-range R&D) and the participation of PZ in testing mock-ups (models) is determined by the customer or the head performer of R&D and PZ with the performer of mid-range R&D (for mid-range R&D) in TTZ (TK) and contract.

The results of tests of mock-ups (models) are drawn up in an act (protocol), one copy of which is sent to the PP at the head performer of the R&D (executor of the SC R&D).

Documentation on technical, software, information, mathematical, linguistic, methodological, ergonomic, organizational support of software products is developed in accordance with the requirements of the current ND. The list of ND in the performance of a specific R&D mid-range is determined by the performer of the R&D mid-range, coordinates it with the PZ under it and with the lead R&D performer.

The procedure for transferring copies of design documentation developed in the course of R&D to other organizations (enterprises) must comply with the requirements of GOST R 2.903.

4.3.14 At the stage of preliminary design, if there are construction objects and structures in the composition of the VT product being developed, within the time limits stipulated by the joint work plan for the R&D, the R&D lead contractor must issue design organization terms of reference agreed with the customer (initial data) for their design and construction.

The customer and the lead R&D contractor review, approve project documentation for the construction of facilities and structures and accept them in accordance with the requirements of the RD for the design and construction of buildings and structures for the Russian Ministry of Defense (or other state customer).

4.3.15 Technical expertise during the performance of R&D (SC R&D) is carried out at the suggestion of the customer (PP) or the main contractor of the R&D (executor of the R&D MC).

Requirements for the conduct of technical expertise are established in the TTZ (TOR) for the implementation of R&D (SC R&D).

The organization and procedure for conducting technical expertise must comply with GOST RV 15.1.215, GOST RV 8.573, GOST RV 29.08.001, Recommendations and industry regulations.

4.3.16 When performing R&D (SC R&D), patent research is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 15.011.

4.3.17 When performing R&D, based on the requirements of the TTZ (TOR), they carry out activities (perform work) for cataloging the products under development, including:

Development and coordination with the customer (PP) of the lists of components of the VT product to be included in the catalog of supplies for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Introduction of requirements for cataloging in the RUK and in the TOR for the development of new MF products for VT;

Preparation in the prescribed manner of catalog descriptions.

Cataloging works are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the governing and regulatory documents approved (agreed) by the customer in the prescribed manner.

4.3.18 Safety requirements for products, works and services for the environment, life, health and property, to ensure technical, electromagnetic, informational and other types of compatibility, interchangeability of products, uniformity of methods for their control and uniformity of labeling, established by state standards, as well as other requirements, including information security requirements, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts, are mandatory for all interacting parties involved in the creation, production and operation of weapons and military equipment. The requirements of state military standards, military industry standards are mandatory in accordance with their scope and scope. The customer and the head R&D contractor are obliged to include in the contracts mandatory requirements for the compliance of CT products (works and services) with the requirements of state standards and other regulatory documents.

4.3.19 The lead R&D executor (executor of the R&D SC) organizes the fulfillment of the requirements for the protection of state secrets in the process of performing the R&D (RC R&D) in accordance with GOST RV 50934, the requirements of TTZ (TK) for R&D (RC R&D) and the current legislation.

4.3.20 When performing R&D (SC R&D) in the cases provided for by the legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on the confirmation of conformity of products with the established requirements, a set of measures and works is carried out to certify the created VT products and their components in accordance with the rules and in the manner established in the relevant certification systems.

The main activities and work on certification of VT products are included in the joint work plan for the implementation of R&D (SC R&D).

4.3.21 The performance of R&D (SC R&D) must be ensured by the quality system in force at the head R&D contractor (executor of R&D MC) in accordance with the requirements of GOST RV 15.002 and (or) other RD for specific types of VT agreed with the customer.

4.3.22 Disagreements between the customer and the lead R&D executor and the R&D MC executor arising on the implementation of the R&D (ROC MC) are resolved in the prescribed manner in accordance with applicable law.

4.4 Requirements for the completion of ROC (SC ROC)

Approval of the act of completion of the adjustment of the design documentation on the comments of the IAC;

Fulfillment of the requirements of the joint decision on the approval of the act of the IAC, the implementation of which is entrusted to the head performer of the R & D (executor of the SC R & D);

Transfer to the customer of the ONTD provided for in the TTZ and the terms of the contract;

Submission in accordance with the established procedure of an application for the inclusion of military equipment in the catalog of supplies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Submission of catalog descriptions of the VT product and its components to be included in the catalog of supplies, and assigning them national nomenclature numbers in the prescribed manner;

Approval of the working design documentation intended for the manufacture of the VT product (MF product VT) in peacetime and in war time, if it is provided for by the requirements of the TTZ (TK), with the assignment of the letter "O1" to it.

4.4.2 Suspension or rescheduling of the R & D (R & D) at any stage, the customer draws up a technical decision agreed with the lead R&D contractor (R&D MC), with subsequent adjustment of the technical specifications (TOR) and contract documentation. The procedure for terminating a suspended ROC (SC ROC) must comply with applicable law.

4.4.3 A prototype of the VT product, which has undergone state tests and has been preserved after them, is used in accordance with the decision of the customer. A prototype of a component of a VT product that is not directly installed in a prototype of a VT product is used in accordance with the decision of the customer.

4.4.4 Upon completion of the R&D (SC R&D), the lead contractor of the R&D (SC R&D) with the participation of the PZ, before issuing the acceptance certificate of the R&D (SC R&D), conducts an inventory of the material assets created or acquired under the contract, and prepares proposals to the customer on the procedure their further use. The decision on the procedure for the further use of these values ​​is made by the customer, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the contract.

The lead R&D contractor (R&D MC contractor) must submit to the customer (R&D chief executor) a calculation of the actual (updated estimated) cost of R&D (R&D MC) within the timeframes stipulated in the contract.

4.4.5 After the completion of the work established for the R&D stages (RC R&D), an acceptance certificate for the R&D stage (RC R&D) must be issued, the form of which is given in Appendix A (Table A. 1, subparagraph 49), which is a document confirming the completion of the stage and transition to the next stage of the ROC (SC ROC). The approved act of acceptance of the R&D stages (R&D MF) is the basis for calculations for the R&D stages (R&D MF).

4.5 Requirements for information about ROC (RC ROC)

4.5.1 R&D and SC R&D assign ciphers that are retained until their completion, as well as the index of the VT product (an integral part of the VT product).

4.5.2 All ROCs, as well as OIP created within the framework of ROCs, are subject to registration. Submission of information about R&D and OIP for registration by the head R&D contractor is carried out in the manner established by the customer on the basis of current legislation and GOST B 15.110.

4.5.3 Registration and accounting of R&D (SC R&D) is carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

4.5.4 Composition, content and rules for issuing STD for R&D (SC R&D) - according to GOST B 15.110.

4.5.5 The number of STTD sets for R&D (RC R&D) and their distribution must be specified in the TTZ (TOR) or contract for R&D (RC R&D).

4.6 Requirements for the protection of state secrets

4.6.1 When carrying out work on the conclusion of contracts for the performance of R & D (SC R&D), as well as in the course of the implementation of R & D (SC R&D), their participants must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of state secrets and the requirements of regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities for ensuring the protection of information from foreign technical intelligence and its leakage through technical channels.

4.6.2 In order to ensure that at all stages of the R&D (SC R&D) the requirements of TTZ (TK) for the protection of state secrets about the created product of VT after receipt of the TTZ (TK) before the start of specific activities included in the R&D (SC R&D), the head contractor R&D (R&D MC performer) analyzes possible channels for leaking information about the VT and R&D product (R&D MC) and develops organizational and technical measures to close them for each of the R&D stages (R&D MC). The results of this work are drawn up in the form of an action plan to ensure the protection of state secrets during R&D (a separate section in the joint work plan for the implementation of R&D), which is agreed with the customer, approved by the lead R&D executor and communicated to the executors of the R & D SC in the part that concerns them.

4.6.3 The completeness of compliance with the requirements of the TTZ (TK) and measures to protect state secrets is evaluated and reflected in the ONTD (NTO) in accordance with the requirements of GOST RV 50934.

4.7 The procedure for the implementation of the completed R&D (SC R&D)

4.7.1 The results of the completed R&D (SC R&D) are implemented in accordance with the requirements and tasks of federal programs for the development, creation and production of weapons and military equipment and the tasks of the state defense order.

4.7.2 The completed R&D is considered implemented if at least one of the following provisions is met:

Adopted for service (supply) with inclusion in the established order in the catalog of supplies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and put into production in accordance with the requirements of GOST V 15.301 new (modernized) VT products (MF VT products);

Adopted for service (supply) and put into operation unique (single) BT products developed for the intended purpose;

VT products intended for production only in wartime in accordance with the decision of the Government or the customer were adopted (supply), as well as preparation for production in accordance with GOST B 15.301 and verification of documentation for wartime in accordance with GOST RV 2.905;

Additions were developed to the working design and technological documentation for wartime adopted for service (supply, operation) of VT products, intended according to decisions of the Government or the customer for production in peacetime and wartime, as well as preparation for production in accordance with the requirements of GOST B 15.301 and verification additions to the RKD for wartime in accordance with the requirements of GOST RV 2.905;

New (modernized) components of VT samples (systems, complexes) developed according to the customer's TTZ, which are in service (supply), were put into production;

New (modernized) technologies, algorithms and programs have been developed for the intended purpose and introduced into the VT.

The R&D MF is considered to be implemented under the condition that the R&D MF is implemented, which includes this R&D MF, or if its results are used independently or in another product.

5 The procedure for performing R&D (SC R&D)

5.1 Stages of R&D (SC R&D)

5.1.1 When performing R&D (SC R&D), the following stages are established:

Development of a draft design;

Development of a technical project;

Development of working design documentation for the manufacture of a prototype of the VT product;

Production of a prototype of a VT product (a prototype of a MF product of VT) and conducting preliminary tests;

Carrying out state tests of a prototype of a VT product * (interdepartmental tests of a prototype of a MF product of VT);

Approval of working design documentation for the organization of industrial (serial) production of VT products.


1 Depending on the nature and complexity of the VT products being created, the degree of preliminary study of materials for the scientific and technical products created in the course of R&D, it is allowed not to perform as part of the R&D (SC R&D) the stage of developing an electronic signature or the stage of developing a TP, if this is provided for in the technical specifications for R&D ( TK for midrange R&D) and stipulated by the terms of the contract.

2 In the absence of one of the stages (EP or TP) inherent in R&D (SC R&D), the work related to these stages must be carried out at one of the stages of work performed, i.e. in the absence of EP - at the stage of development of the TP, and in the absence of TP - at the stage of ES development.

3 It is allowed, when upgrading the VT product, not to carry out the stages of development of ES and TP, if this is provided for in the technical specification (TOR) and the contract. This means, among other things, the modernization caused by the replacement of the obsolete element base and KIMP with new ones, without changing the circuitry and design solutions, or modernization based on unified designs and standard circuitry.

4 For prototypes of VT products with long deadlines for completing each stage, it is allowed to divide such stages into independent reporting sub-stages, which should be reflected in the TTZ (TOR) and the contract for the implementation of R&D (SC R&D). The name of the sub-stages and the procedure for their acceptance are determined in the TTZ (TOR) and the contract for the performance of R&D (SC R&D).

5 For complex systems (complexes, samples) of VT, by decision of the customer and the head R&D contractor, it is allowed to plan testing of individual prototypes of VT products and their components in such a way that they are subjected to interdepartmental and state tests as part of products of a larger structure.

6 It is allowed, in agreement with the customer, to separate the work on the development of technological documentation and preparation of production for the manufacture of a prototype of the VT product into an independent stage of R&D (SC R&D), which should be reflected in the TTZ (TOR) and the contract.

7 If the tests for type approval of the SIVN are not combined with the state testing of a prototype of the VT product, then these tests for the SIVN are planned and carried out in accordance with GOST RV 8.560.

8 It is allowed, in agreement with the customer, to carry out scientific-theoretical and experimental research and work on the selection and determination of optimal characteristics, conditions (modes) of operation, development (verification) of circuit and design solutions of individual components of the VT product as a whole to use their results in the development of EA , TP and RKD.

5.1.2 The stages (sub-stages) of a specific R&D (SC R&D) should be defined in the TTZ (TOR) and the terms of the contract for its implementation, taking into account the requirements given in 5.1.1. At the same time, the development of design documentation and technical documentation for a prototype VT product intended for the manufacture of a VT product in wartime (if provided for in the TTZ), as a rule, is carried out in parallel with the development stage of the RKD for the manufacture of a prototype VT product in peacetime.

The development of documentation for wartime for complex BT products, as a rule, is carried out under a separate contract after they are put into service.

5.1.3 A diagram of the relationship between the R&D stages and the R&D mid-range stages in terms of their execution time is given in Appendix B.

5.2 Stage of development of a preliminary design

5.2.1 The ES development stage is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the TTZ (TOR) for R&D (SC R&D) and the joint work plan for the implementation of R&D (MC R&D) (if it was developed) in order to establish the fundamental (design, circuit, technological, etc.) ) decisions on the VT product, giving a general idea of ​​the principle of operation and (or) the design of the VT product and its components, the fulfillment of the requirements specified in the TTZ (TR) for their combat and operational characteristics, as well as the possibility of manufacturing in industrial conditions.

5.2.2 At the stage of development of the electronic product, options for the VT product are worked out and considered, while analyzing the data, materials and results of previous studies and the latest achievements of science and technology, including foreign analogues.

5.2.3 When performing the ES, the documents listed in Appendix A (Table A.1, subparagraphs 3-17 and Table A.2, subparagraphs 3-15) should be developed. The main content of the EP is given in Appendix B.

5.2.4 The set of documents for the ES performed in the process of R&D (SC R&D) includes design documents in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.102

GOST R 15.201-2000

Group T52


System for the development and production of products


The procedure for developing and putting products into production

System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical designation. Procedure of product development and launching into manufacture

For the text of Comparison of GOST R 15.201-2000 with GOST R 15.301-2016, see the link.
- Database manufacturer's note.

OKS 01.040.01
OKSTU 0015

Introduction date 2001-01-01


1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute for Standardization (VNIIstandart) of the State Standard of Russia

INTRODUCED by the Scientific and Technical Department of the State Standard of Russia

2 ADOPTED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated October 17, 2000 N 263-st


4 REVISION. August 2010

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to national economic products for industrial purposes (hereinafter referred to as products) and establishes the procedure for its development and production.

The standard establishes the main provisions for the development of technical specifications (TOR), design and technological documentation, acceptance of development results, preparation and development of production, testing of prototypes of products and products manufactured during the development of production, as well as confirmation of their compliance with mandatory requirements. The requirements of this standard, if necessary, can be specified in other standards and methodological documents of different scopes.

The standard does not apply to civil ships.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 2.124-85 Unified system for design documentation. The procedure for using purchased products

GOST 15.311-90 System for the development and production of products. Starting production according to the technical documentation of foreign companies

GOST R 15.000-94 System for the development and production of products. Basic provisions

GOST R 15.011-96 System for the development and production of products. Patent research. Content and procedure

GOST R ISO 9001-96 * Quality systems. Quality assurance model for design, development, production, installation and maintenance
* Valid until December 15, 2003
GOST ISO 9001-2011

GOST R ISO 9001-2001 * Quality management systems. Requirements
* From November 13, 2009, GOST R ISO 9001-2008 is valid.
On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST ISO 9001-2011 applies, hereinafter in the text

3 Definitions

3.1 This standard uses terms with the corresponding definitions for , as well as the following:

3.1.1 national economic products: Products designed and manufactured to meet the needs of the national economy, population and exports.

3.1.2 industrial and technical products: Products intended for use as means of industrial and agricultural production.

3.1.3 mandatory requirements: Requirements established by state standards and other regulatory documents based on the legislation of the Russian Federation to ensure the safety of products, works and services for the environment, life, health and property, technical and information compatibility, interchangeability of products, uniformity of control methods and uniformity of labeling, as well as other mandatory requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.1.4 competitive basis: The principle of distribution of orders for the development (production) of products, which consists in the use of competitive selection based on the results of tenders (competitions).

3.1.5 work organization model: According to GOST R 15.000.

3.1.6 work organization module: According to GOST R 15.000.

3.1.7 state supervision bodies: Federal executive authorities supervising the implementation of mandatory requirements.

4 General provisions

4.1 This standard considers the following stages and types of work of the product life cycle, established by GOST R 15.000:

- stage "Development", type of work "Experimental design work (R&D) for product development";

- part of the "Production" stage, type of work "Putting into production".

4.2 Certain types of work on the development and production of products, characterized by a target orientation, organizational completeness, a certain sequential order of execution and planning, the presence of certain performers, are combined into work organization modules that meet the requirements of GOST R 15.000 in composition and content.

4.3 Depending on the availability of targeted product development programs, the presence or absence of a customer, the nature of the relationship between business entities, the development and production of products is carried out according to the following work organization models:

1 - creation of products under state and municipal orders, as well as other orders financed from the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - under the state order);

2 - creation of products by order of a specific consumer (interested organizations, societies, commercial structures);

3 - initiative development of products without a specific customer at the commercial risk of the developer and manufacturer.

The work organization model is chosen based on the possibility of ensuring the necessary product quality, compliance with mandatory requirements and competitiveness of products during their implementation.

4.4 State orders are placed on a competitive basis, taking into account the qualifications of the contractor, in accordance with the current procedure for organizing the procurement of goods, works and services for state needs.

4.5 When creating products for the state order and the order of a specific consumer, they conclude an agreement (contract) for the work performed, drawn up in the prescribed manner, and develop a TOR for the work performed.

In the contract and (or) TK, if necessary, indicate the regulatory documents regulating the procedure for performing work, and documents defining the mandatory rules and requirements for products.

If necessary, the agreement (contract) indicates a set of work organization modules that ensure the fulfillment and confirmation of mandatory requirements, as well as the requirements established by laws and regulations of state supervision bodies.

4.6 Based on the initial requirements of the customer (if any), the product developer conducts the necessary research, development and technological work, paying special attention to ensuring the following requirements:

- safety, health protection and the environment (including their persistence during product operation);

- resource saving;

- established for the conditions of use of products values ​​of indicators that determine its technical level;

- resistance to external influences;

- interchangeability and compatibility of components and products in general.

4.7 The decision to develop products on an initiative basis is made taking into account the conditions of the sales market.

4.8 Development and production of products in the general case provides for:

1) development of technical specifications for development work (R&D);

2) conducting R & D, including:

- development of technical documentation [design (CD) and technological (TD)],

- production of prototypes,

- testing of prototypes,

- acceptance of R&D results;

3) putting into production, including:

- production preparation,

- development of production:

production of the installation series,

qualification tests.

The stages of a specific R&D (an integral part of the R&D), as well as the procedure for their acceptance, must be defined in the ToR for the R&D (an integral part of the R&D) and the agreement (contract) for its implementation.

4.9 At all stages of the R&D (an integral part of the R&D) and when the products are put into production, the performers ensure that the mandatory requirements are met.

The achieved indicators, their compliance with the requirements of the TOR for R&D (an integral part of the R&D) are evaluated upon acceptance of the stages and are reflected in the protocols (acts) of testing prototypes of products and the acts of acceptance of the R&D and R&D stages as a whole.

4.10 The relationship of the developer (manufacturer) with the state supervision bodies is determined by the current legislation.

4.11 In accordance with their rules, submit documents confirming compliance with mandatory requirements to the state supervision bodies.

The composition of these documents is established by the relevant state supervision body.

4.12 Products of intellectual labor obtained in the process of creating and putting products into production and being objects of intellectual property protection are used in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5 Development of terms of reference for R & D

5.1 The basis for the performance of R & D is the TOR approved by the customer, and the agreement (contract) with him. Another document containing the necessary and sufficient requirements for product development and mutually recognized by the customer and the developer can be used as a TOR.

Requirements for the analysis of the agreement (contract) are given in 4.3 GOST R ISO 9001.

In the case of proactive product development, the basis for performing R&D is the TK approved by the management of the developer enterprise (or a document replacing it), based on the results of product market research, as well as patent research in accordance with GOST R 15.011.

When developing technical specifications, the developer takes into account information about similar products contained in databases (all-Russian and regional) created in the State Standard of Russia on the basis of catalog sheets products.

5.2 It is recommended to indicate technical and economic requirements for products in the TOR, which determine its consumer properties and efficiency of use, a list of documents requiring joint consideration, the procedure for submitting and accepting development results.

The TOR provides for the implementation of all mandatory requirements that apply to these products.

The ToR indicates the form of confirmation of conformity of products to mandatory requirements provided for by law.

The TOR is recommended to take into account the interests of all possible consumers.

The specific content of the TK is determined by the customer and the developer, and in case of initiative development - by the developer.

It is not allowed to include in the TOR requirements that are contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation and mandatory requirements.

5.3 It is recommended to include the following provisions in the ToR:

- forecast of the development of requirements for this product for the expected period of its release;

- recommended stages of product modernization, taking into account the forecast for the development of requirements;

- compliance with the requirements of the countries of intended export, taking into account the forecast of the development of these requirements;

- maintainability characteristics;

Possibility of replacement of spare parts without application of industrial technology;

- availability and safety of the effective use of products by disabled people and elderly citizens (for the relevant products provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

5.4 TK is developed and approved in the manner prescribed by the customer and the developer.

Other interested organizations (enterprises) may be involved in the development of technical specifications: a manufacturer, a trade (intermediary) organization, an insurance organization, a design organization, an installation organization, etc.

5.5 To confirm certain requirements for products, including safety, health and environmental requirements, as well as to assess the technical level of products, the technical specification may be sent by the developer or customer for examination (conclusion) to third-party organizations. The decision on the received conclusions is made by the developer and the customer before the approval of the TOR.

5.6 At any stage of product development, with the consent of the customer and the developer, changes and additions can be made to the TOR or a document replacing it that do not violate the conditions for fulfilling the mandatory requirements.

6 Development of documentation, production and testing of prototypes of products

6.1 The development of design and technological, and, if necessary, program documentation for products is carried out according to the rules established by the standards unified system design documentation (ESKD), the Unified System of Technological Documentation (ESTD) and the Unified System of Program Documentation (ESPD).

General requirements for design management - according to 4.4 GOST R ISO 9001.

The rules for the development of technical documentation for materials and substances are established by the developer, taking into account the current state standards, the specifics of the product and the organization of its production.

6.2 In the process of developing documentation for the selection and verification of new technical solutions that ensure the achievement of the main consumer properties of products, laboratory research, bench and other tests, as well as finishing tests of experimental and prototype products under conditions that simulate real operating conditions (consumption) can be carried out , while taking into account the patent and legal aspects of the economic use of these technical solutions.

For certain types of products or their components, testing of prototypes can be carried out under operating conditions (including at enterprises - consumers of products).

The scope and content of the tests necessary to prevent the production of unfinished products that do not meet the technical requirements are determined by the developer, taking into account the novelty, complexity, features of production and use of products, and customer requirements. At the same time, tests must be carried out for compliance with all mandatory requirements.

The need to develop, manufacture and test layouts (models), experimental and prototype products, their list and quantity are determined in the TOR and the agreement (contract) for R&D (an integral part of R&D). This does not exclude the possibility of carrying out such work by the developer, if their need is revealed later, while the TOR and the agreement (contract), with the consent of the customer, make appropriate changes.

Requirements for control and testing procedures are established in accordance with 4.10-4.12 GOST R ISO 9001.

6.3 For repairable products in the agreement (contract) and TOR for R & D, it is advisable to provide for the development of repair documentation intended for the preparation of production, repair and control of products after repair.

6.4 To confirm the compliance of the developed technical documentation with the initial requirements and selection best solution(if there are options) produce prototypes (pilot batches) of products, if the products are supposed to be mass-produced (with an expected constant demand). For non-serial production of products, head samples are also made.

When creating a single product, the prototype products, as a rule, are subject to sale to the customer (unless otherwise stipulated in the contract and TOR for R&D).

6.5 Testing of prototype products

6.5.1 To evaluate and control the quality of the results obtained at certain stages of R&D (R&D component), prototypes (pilot batch) of products (head samples* of products) are subjected to control tests in the following categories:

- preliminary tests carried out for the purpose of preliminary assessment of the compliance of a prototype product with the requirements of the TOR, as well as to determine the readiness of a prototype for acceptance testing;

- acceptance tests carried out in order to assess all the characteristics of the product defined by the TOR, to verify and confirm the compliance of the prototype product with the requirements of the TOR in conditions as close as possible to the conditions of actual operation (application, use) of the product, as well as to make decisions on the possibility of industrial production and sale products.

* Leading product samples are development objects that simultaneously act as the first samples of non-serial and small-scale products sold to the customer under special delivery conditions.

6.5.2 If there are mandatory requirements for products that are subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity (certification) in the future, the results of acceptance tests of products in terms of mandatory requirements carried out in laboratories (centers) accredited in the prescribed manner can be used to obtain confirmation of conformity in accordance with the established rules.

The place for testing prototypes of products is determined by the developer together with the manufacturer of serial products (if the functions of the developer and manufacturer are performed by different enterprises and there are no specific test conditions established by the state supervision authorities).

6.5.3 When creating products according to the work organization model 1 (4.3), state acceptance tests are carried out, according to models 2 and 3 - acceptance tests with the participation of the relevant state supervision bodies and other interested organizations.

For component parts of products developed according to the TOR of the main R&D contractor, independent acceptance tests are carried out with the participation of interested organizations. The ultimate goal of these tests is to assess compliance with the requirements of the TOR according to which they are developed, and to determine the possibility of installing components in a prototype product intended for its preliminary testing.

6.5.4 The prototype samples of non-serial products are subjected to acceptance tests in order to resolve the issue of the admissibility of their use for their intended purpose, and for repetitive non-serial products - and to resolve the issue of the advisability of putting the products into non-serial production.

6.5.5 The prototype products are tested according to the rules of this standard, taking into account the features established for it in the relevant regulatory documents.

6.5.6 Preliminary testing of products is organized by the R&D contractor.

State acceptance testing of products (model 1 to 4.3) is organized by the state customer, unless otherwise stipulated by the agreement (contract).

Acceptance tests of products according to work organization models 2 and 3 according to 4.3 with the participation of interested bodies and organizations specified in 6.5.3 are organized by the developer.

Acceptance testing of prototypes of product components (developed according to the TOR of the head R&D contractor) with the participation of interested organizations is organized by the head developer for the creation of products. In other cases, testing of prototypes of product components is organized by their developer.

In the case of R&D during initiative development (without a specific customer), acceptance tests are organized by the developer.

The organizer is responsible for conducting the tests.

6.5.7 Preliminary and acceptance tests are carried out according to the relevant test programs and methods (hereinafter referred to as test programs), developed and approved by the party, responsible for conducting these tests.

Test programs are developed on the basis of the requirements of the TOR, design documentation using, if necessary, standard programs, standard (standardized) test methods and other regulatory documents regarding the organization and conduct of tests.

The test program includes:

test object,

purpose of testing

scope of tests

conditions and procedure for testing,

logistics of testing,

metrological support of tests,

test reporting.

The test programs include lists of specific checks (tasks to be solved, assessments) that should be carried out during tests to confirm compliance with the requirements of the TOR with links to the relevant test methods. The program and methodology for acceptance testing of prototypes of products must, in addition, contain a quality check of working design and operational documentation (including draft specifications for industrial production of products) to make a decision on the suitability of documentation in industrial production.

The test methodology includes:

evaluated characteristics (properties, indicators) of products;

conditions and procedure for testing;

methods of processing, analysis and evaluation of test results;

used means of testing, control and measurement;


Test methods used to determine the conformity of products to mandatory requirements, if they are not typical standardized methods, must be certified in the prescribed manner and agreed with the relevant state supervision bodies.

6.5.8 Tests are carried out after checking the readiness of test sites (laboratories, testing centers, etc.) to ensure technical requirements, safety requirements and after appointing responsible specialists for all work in preparing and conducting tests, evaluating product characteristics with established measurement accuracy and registering their results.

6.5.9 To conduct acceptance tests, as a rule, a commission is appointed that controls the completeness, reliability and objectivity of the test results, as well as the completeness of information, compliance with the test deadlines and documenting their results. With the consent of the organizations concerned, it is allowed to conduct tests without appointing a commission, but with the assignment of its functions and duties to the relevant services of the organization conducting the tests, which should be reflected in the TOR and (or) agreement (contract) for the implementation of R&D.

6.5.10 By the beginning of the tests, the measures for their preparation should be completed, providing for:

- availability, suitability and readiness at the place of testing of means of logistics and metrological support, guaranteeing the creation of conditions and test modes corresponding to those specified in the test program;

- training and, if necessary, certification of personnel admitted to testing;

- appointing a committee relevant organizations(enterprises) and their services (if no commission is appointed);

- timely submission to the test site of a prototype product with a set of design, regulatory, reference and other documentation provided for by the test program.

6.5.11 During the testing process, the progress and results of the tests are documented in the form and within the time limits specified in the test program.

In justified cases, tests may be interrupted or terminated, which is documented.

6.5.12 The specified and actual data obtained during the tests are reflected in the protocol (s).

6.5.13 In the test reports, texts relating to checks of mandatory requirements should be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the conformity assessment rules.

6.5.14 Tests are considered completed if their results are formalized by an act confirming the implementation of the test program and containing an assessment of the test results with specific precise wording reflecting the compliance of the tested prototype product with the requirements of the TOR.

Upon completion of acceptance tests, prototypes or samples of an experimental batch are considered to have fulfilled their functions. Their further use (as units of non-serial production), disposal or destruction are determined by a special decision that meets the current legislation.

6.5.15 State supervision bodies determine the degree of compliance of products with mandatory requirements during acceptance tests and issue a final conclusion based on the test results, which is reflected in the act or in a separate documented conclusion.

7 Acceptance of product development results

7.1 The results of product development are evaluated by the acceptance committee, which includes representatives of the customer, developer and manufacturer. Experts from third-party organizations can participate in the work of the commission, and for products for which mandatory requirements are established, state supervision bodies (or the conclusion of these bodies is submitted).

If there is a customer, his representative is appointed chairman of the commission. The composition of the commission is formed and approved by the customer or, with the consent of the customer, the developer.

7.2 The acceptance committee conducts acceptance tests of prototypes (pilot batches) of products in accordance with 6.5.

At the request of the customer or in accordance with the rules for assessing compliance with mandatory requirements, testing can be entrusted to a specialized testing organization (testing center) or the manufacturer, if this is stipulated in the TOR for R&D (agreement, contract).

In carrying out acceptance tests, regardless of the place of their conduct, the manufacturer and the state supervision bodies are entitled to take part, which must be informed about the upcoming tests one month before they begin.

All state supervision bodies, determined by the current legislation for these products, either participate in acceptance tests, or give opinions on the test results.

In the absence of a representative of the state supervision body or his opinion, it is considered that the state supervision body agrees to accept the development or is not interested in it.

7.3 The developer submits to the acceptance committee the TOR for the implementation of R & D, draft technical specifications (TS) or standard technical specifications (if their development is provided), design and (or) technological documents requiring joint consideration, a patent research report, other technical documents and materials, required by law, confirming the compliance of the developed products with the TOR and the agreement (contract) and certifying its technical level and competitiveness. The acceptance committee, as a rule, is also presented with prototypes of products, and if their manufacture was not provided for, a prototype or a single product created as part of the R&D.

7.4 Based on the results of the acceptance tests and consideration of the submitted materials, the commission draws up an act in which it indicates:

1) compliance of samples of the developed (manufactured) products with the requirements specified in the TOR, the admissibility of its production (delivery to the consumer);

2) the results of assessing the technical level and competitiveness of products, including in the patent and legal aspect;

3) the results of the evaluation of the developed technical documentation (including the draft specifications);

6) comments and suggestions for the improvement of products and documentation (if necessary);

7) other recommendations, comments and suggestions of the acceptance committee.

The act of the acceptance committee is approved by the customer.

The approval of the act of the acceptance committee means the end of development, the termination of the TOR (if it does not apply to further work), the coordination of the submitted TS, technical documentation.

7.5 In the act of the acceptance committee, with the consent of the relevant state supervision authorities, the requirements of 4.9, 4.10, 5.2, 6.5.15, 7.2, 8.3 may be reflected.

8 Preparation and development of production (putting into production) of products

8.1 Preparation and development of production, which are the stages of putting products into production, are carried out in order to ensure the readiness of production for the manufacture and release (delivery) of newly developed (modernized) or previously produced by another enterprise products in a given volume that meets the requirements of design documentation.

8.2 The basis for putting into production is an agreement (contract) concluded with the customer for the purchase from the supplier (manufacturer) of products manufactured within the established period.

In the absence of a specific customer, the basis is the decision of the supplier's management at their own commercial risk.

8.3 By the time the products are put into production, the results of acceptance tests must be recognized by the state supervision authorities (6.5.15, 7.2).

8.4 The manufacturer accepts from the product developer:

set of CD and TD letter O or higher;

special means of control and testing;

a prototype product (if necessary) in accordance with the terms of use of scientific and technical products specified in the agreement (contract) for R & D;

documents on the coordination of the use of components in accordance with GOST 2.124;

conclusions on the examinations carried out (including metrological, environmental, etc.);

a copy of the acceptance test report;

documents confirming the compliance of the developed products with mandatory requirements.

8.5 At the pre-production stage, the manufacturer must perform work to ensure the technological readiness of the enterprise for the manufacture of products within the time specified by the contract (agreement) in the specified volumes, in accordance with the requirements of the design documentation and the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the following main works:

- development of TD (or adjustment of the received TD) for the manufacture of products for delivery, control and testing;

- testing the design for manufacturability, taking into account the ESTD standards;

- conclusion of agreements (contracts) with suppliers of components and materials and license agreements with copyright holders for the use of industrial and intellectual property;

- preparation and submission to the territorial bodies of the State Standard of Russia of a product catalog sheet in the prescribed manner;

- other jobs.

Preparation of production is considered complete when the manufacturer of products has received all the necessary documentation, developed (worked out) technical specifications for the manufacture of products, tested and debugged the means of technological equipment and technological processes, trained personnel involved in the manufacture, testing and control of products, and established readiness for mastering production products.

8.6 At the stage of development of production, perform:

- production of the number of units of production of the pilot series (the first industrial batch) established by the agreement (contract) or other document in accordance with the requirements of the design documentation (letter O or higher), finalization of the developed technological process for the production of products according to TD (letter O or higher);

- qualification tests;

- further testing (if necessary) of the design for manufacturability;

- approval of design documentation and TD with the assignment of the letter A.

8.7 During the period of putting into production, the manufacturer (supplier) conducts all necessary work for the subsequent mandatory certification of products by law.

8.8 The production of products according to the technical documentation of foreign companies is carried out in accordance with GOST 15.311, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

8.9 In order to demonstrate the readiness of the enterprise to release products that meet the requirements of the design documentation, to verify the developed technological process that ensures the stability of product characteristics, as well as to assess the readiness of the enterprise to release products in the amount determined by the agreement (contract), qualification tests are carried out.

8.10 Qualification tests are carried out according to the program developed by the manufacturer with the participation of the product developer and agreed with the customer (if any). The program specifies:

- the number of units of products subjected to testing and verification based on their complexity, cost, reliability and other factors necessary for reliable assessments;

- all types of tests corresponding to the periodic tests specified in the TS, as well as other tests and checks to achieve the goal of qualification tests;

- test site.

It is allowed not to include in the program of qualification tests the verification of certain requirements of the design documentation, which cannot change during the work on putting into production.

8.11 Qualification tests are organized and ensured by the manufacturer (supplier) of products. Qualification tests are carried out by a commission, which includes representatives of the manufacturer, product developer, developers and suppliers of components and, if necessary, state supervision bodies and others. interested parties(for example, insurance companies, public organizations Consumer Protection, etc.).

8.12 Testing is documented in test reports, which reflect the actual data of inspections, inspections, controls, measurements and other data that must be signed by members of the commission and persons participating in a particular type of testing.

8.13 The results of qualification tests are considered positive if the product (installation series) passed the tests on all points of the qualification test program, the technological equipment of production and the stability of the manufacturing process were positively assessed for the possibility of producing products in the given volumes corresponding to the DD, as well as TD.

Positive results are documented in an act that indicates:

- compliance of products with mandatory requirements and design documentation, results of consideration of materials submitted to the commission, results of selective control of the technological process of manufacturing (assembly) of products (parts, assembly units) at workplaces;

- recommendations on the establishment of benchmarks for established industrial production (if necessary);

- assessment of the manufacturer's readiness for the production of serial products for the implementation of the agreement (contract) and the readiness of design documentation, TD for approval in the prescribed manner with the assignment of the letter A;

- recommendations on the possibility of supplying products from among those manufactured in the process of mastering production (with the obligatory notification of consumers about this and the sale of such products only with their consent and after carrying out acceptance tests in the prescribed manner).

8.14 Delivery of products during the development of its production is allowed, if the manufacturer can confirm the compliance of this product with mandatory requirements.

Units of production of the installation series are not classified as commercial products, as a result of which the quality control department only controls them, and acceptance for delivery - only at the request of the consumer.

8.15 With positive results of qualification tests, the development of production is considered completed.

APPENDIX A (informative). Bibliography


R 50-605-80-93* System for the development and production of products. Terms and Definitions
* The document is the author's development. Behind additional information refer to the link. - Database manufacturer's note.

PR 50-718-94* Rules for filling out and submitting product catalog sheets
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. PR 50-718-99 are in force. - Database manufacturer's note.

Electronic text document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:

official publication
Development and staging system
products for production:
Collection of national standards. -

M.: Standartinform, 2010

TK for R&D GOST, issued for development work, is the most important component government contract. When developing it, GOST and standards as a tool for technical control should be applied by all interested bodies and subjects of the Russian Federation involved in the development.

Requirements for the construction, content, presentation and design of TK

The terms of reference for the state development work consist of the requirements approved by GOST RF.

OKR includes the stages:

  • creation, approval of a preliminary design (EP) and / or tactical and technical assignment (TTZ);
  • execution of relevant documents;
  • production of a prototype product and product testing;
  • registration and acceptance of documents for the release of products on a large scale.

The terms of reference are developed on the basis of the TTZ or EP issued by the customer or his representative. It is issued in accordance with GOST RF on A4 format. A separate paragraph specifies the conditions for maintaining the safety of state secrets regarding the work performed.

stage number Stage name Main tasks and scope of work
Development of technical specifications for R&D Drawing up a draft TK by the customer. Development of the draft TOR by the contractor. Establishment of a list of counterparties and coordination of private TK with them. Coordination and approval of TK.
Technical proposal (is the basis for adjusting the TOR and performing a draft design) Identification of additional requirements for the product, its technical characteristics and quality indicators that cannot be specified in the TOR: - elaboration of research results; – study of scientific and technical information; - preliminary calculations and clarification of the requirements of the TOR.
Preliminary design (serves as the basis for technical design) Development of fundamental technical solutions: – selection of basic technical solutions; – development of structural and functional schemes of the product; – selection of the main structural elements.
Engineering design The final choice of technical solutions for the product as a whole and its constituent parts: – development of schematic diagrams; – clarification of the main parameters of the product; - Carrying out the structural layout of the product and issuing data for its placement at the facility; – development of draft specifications (technical specifications) for the supply and manufacture of the product.
Development of working documentation for the manufacture and testing of a prototype Formation of a set of design documents: - development of a complete set of working documentation; - its coordination with the customer and the manufacturer of serial products; – verification of design documentation for unification and standardization; - production of a prototype; - tuning and complex adjustment of the prototype.
Preliminary tests (without the participation of the customer) Checking the compliance of the prototype with the requirements of the TOR and determining the possibility of presenting it for testing: - bench tests; - preliminary tests at the facility; - reliability tests.
Tests with the participation of the customer Assessment of compliance with the requirements of the TOR and the possibility of organizing production.
Development of documentation based on test results Making the necessary clarifications and changes in the documentation. Transfer of documentation to the manufacturer.

For R&D, one of the key parameters is time, which in turn depends on the following groups of factors:

organizational: planning, control, coordination, personnel, finance;

· scientific and technical: technical equipment, depth of research work.

It is clear that by reducing the time spent on R & D, we increase the overall economic efficiency project (Fig. 3.4.).

Rice. 3.4. Impact of R&D project timing
on its commercial result

The main methods for reducing the development time of a new product:

1. R&D organization:

ensuring close communication between marketing and R&D services;

· parallel implementation of research and development processes;

Improving the quality of expertise;

prioritization of time control over cost control.

2. Control:

Orientation to management by objectives (MBO - Management By Objectives);

· strengthening of cooperation, improvement of corporate culture;

· professional development of personnel;

staff motivation.

3. Resources:

· Improvement of the material base of R&D;

· improvement information support R&D:

– introduction of special information systems for documentary support of research and development processes (Lotus Notes);

- the use of special computer systems for project management (Microsoft Project).

Application of CAD (CAD tools). A computer-aided design system is such software with which you can perform all the design work. Currently, there are many varieties of CAD: for the design of structures (bridges, buildings, etc.), electrical circuits, hydraulic or gas networks, etc. With the help of CAD, you can not only draw the design of the object being designed, but also carry out the necessary engineering calculations: strength, hydrodynamic, calculations of currents in electrical networks etc.

4. Product:

a clear R&D strategy - the better we imagine what should be the output of the design and development process, the better the result of this process will be;

· elaboration of a larger number of options in the R&D phase;

· minimization of changes after the R&D phase.

The last two approaches mean the following. As you know, in personnel management there are different styles of leadership, for example:

· democratic;

· permissive, etc.

Manager innovative project should be flexible enough to manage the team in different styles at different stages of the project. At the stage of research, the most appropriate is the democratic style of management, i.e. considering and taking into account all points of view, making a decision only after agreement, using persuasion rather than instructions, etc. What does this give? Generally speaking, this of course slows down the R&D process, but if at this stage we consider the maximum number of product options in terms of their advantages and disadvantages, then the chance of making a mistake that will be revealed at the R&D stage or, even worse, at the pre-production stage, is very decreases. Thus, it is better to spend more time on R&D than to lose much more time and money in case of discovering some error in the product at the subsequent stages of the innovation process.

At the OKR stage, an authoritarian management style is required. As soon as there is certainty with the product in terms of its design, functionality, etc., then you need to stick to the decisions made. If the manager begins to take into account all points of view and endless disputes, alterations, etc. begin, then the project runs the risk of dragging on indefinitely, which will lead to the exhaustion of money and the cessation of all work, which cannot be allowed in any way - this will be regarded as a personal failure of the manager.

3.4. Preparation of serial production of new products

Preparation of production at a serial manufacturing plant is final stage part of the innovation life cycle that precedes the introduction of a new product or service to the market. Preparation of production in organizational terms is a process no less complicated than R & D, because. almost all departments of the plant are involved in its implementation. input information for preparation of production is a set of design documentation and a marketing assessment of the production program for a new product. As noted above, usually pre-production goes through two stages: small-scale production and in-line production.

Small-scale production is necessary in order, firstly, to create a small batch of products to perform trial marketing, and, secondly, to work out the production technology in order to solve various problems that may arise at the stage in-line production a.

Direct preparation of production includes the following types of work:

Design preparation of production (PPC);

Technological preparation of production (TPP);

Organizational preparation of production (OPP).

The purpose of the checkpoint is to adapt the design documentation of the R&D to the conditions of a specific production of the manufacturer. As a rule, R&D design documentation already takes into account the production and technological capabilities of manufacturers, but the conditions for small-scale and mass production have significant differences, which leads to the need for partial or even complete processing of R&D design documentation. Thus, the checkpoint involves working mainly with design documentation.

The following main tasks are solved in the CCI process:

development of the product for manufacturability;

· development of technological routes and processes;

development of special technological equipment;

Technological equipment of production;

· technical support for the production of a trial batch and in-line production.

The task of the CCI is to ensure the complete technological readiness of the plant for the production of new products with the specified technical and economic indicators:

high technical level of production;

required level of product manufacturing quality;

· minimal labor and material costs at planned production volumes.

OPP Functions:

planned: calculations of equipment loading, movement material flows, release at the development stage;

Providing: personnel, equipment, materials, semi-finished products, financial resources;

· design: designing sites and workshops, planning the location of equipment.

Just like in the case of R&D, key parameter pre-production process is time. To reduce the time for this work, special software is used for:

Improvement of design documentation;

preparation technological systems and equipment;

production planning;

· coordination of the work of different departments involved in the preparation, etc.

In general, we can say that the more automated and computerized an enterprise is, the less time is spent preparing it for the release of new products.

3.5. Funding for innovation
activities and analysis of financial
efficiency of the innovation project

Sources of financing for innovation activities can be divided into two groups: private investors and public investors. Most Western European countries and the United States are characterized by an approximately equal distribution of financial resources for R&D between public and private capital.

Private investors include:


financial and industrial groups;

venture funds;

private individuals, etc.

State (budgetary) sources of financing of innovation activities that exist in Russia are presented in Fig. 1. 3.5.

Rice. 3.5. State (budgetary) sources of financing of innovation activity in Russia

The main organizational forms of innovation activity financing accepted in the world practice are presented below in Table 3.4. As can be seen from the table above, the available forms of financing of innovation activities for individual enterprises are equity and project financing.

Table 3.4.

Organizational forms of financing innovation

The form Possible investors Recipients of borrowed funds Benefits of using a form Difficulties in using the form in the conditions of our country
Scarce funding Governments of foreign states. International financial institutions. Enterprises and organizations of the Russian Federation Government of the Russian Federation Possibility of state regulation and control of investments Non-targeted nature of financing. Growth of external and internal public debt. Increase in the expenditure side of the budget
Equity (venture) financing commercial banks. Institutional investors (technoparks, business incubators, venture funds) Corporations. Enterprises Variability in the use of investments by the enterprise Non-targeted nature of investments. Work only in the securities market, and not in the market of real projects. High level investor risk
Project finance Governments. International financial institutions. commercial banks. domestic enterprises. Foreign investors. Institutional Investors Investment project. Innovation project Target nature of financing. Distribution of risks. Guarantees of states - participants of financial institutions. High level of control Dependence on the investment climate. High level of credit risks. Unstable legislation and tax regime

Project financing in world practice usually means this type of financing organization, when the income received from the project implementation is the only source of repayment of debt obligations.

If venture (risk) capital can be used to organize the financing of scientific activities at any of its stages, then the organizer of project financing cannot take such a risk.

Innovative venture business admits the possibility of failure of the funded project. As a rule, in the first years, the project initiator is not responsible to financial partners for spending funds and does not pay interest on them. For the first few years, venture capital investors are content with acquiring a stake in a newly established firm. If an innovative firm begins to make a profit, then it becomes the main source of remuneration for risk capital investors.

Funds invested in innovation are one of the forms of investment, therefore, all financial instruments created for the analysis of investment projects are applicable to an innovative project. However, when comparing the financial analysis of investment in industrial capacity and in R&D, the following difference can be noted. Financial information in a decision to build a plant, for example, is more reliable than for most science and technology projects, especially in the early stages. On the other hand, innovative projects have the advantage that they can usually be terminated with less financial loss.

In the process of developing an innovative project, there are certain “checkpoints”:

decision on the development of a complete set of working documentation;

decision on the production of a prototype;

decision to create a production base.

In the case of a positive decision, appropriate financial resources are allocated at each “control point”. Therefore, before moving on to the next phase of the project, it must be re-evaluated using the methods of financial analysis. At the same time, the purpose of the analysis is to reduce the economic and technical uncertainty of the project, i.e. risk reduction. Financial analysis also plays a very important role in the preparation of a business plan, because. one of its key sections is Financial plan". The data from this section have a decisive influence on the process of making a decision on financing an innovative project.

For the financial evaluation of an innovative project, the following system of indicators is most often used:

The integral effect

profitability index;

the rate of return;

payback period.

3.5.1. integral effect

The integral effect E int is the difference between the results and investment costs for billing period, given to one, usually the initial year, that is, taking into account the discounting of results and costs.


T r - accounting year;

D t is the result in t-th year;

З t – investment costs in the t-th year;

– discount factor (discount factor).

The integral effect also has other names, namely: net present value, net present or net present value, net present effect, and in the English literature is referred to as NPV - Net Product Value.

As a rule, the implementation of R&D projects and pre-production stretches for a significant period of time. This necessitates a comparison cash investments produced at different times, that is, discounting. Given this circumstance, projects that are nominally the same in terms of costs may have different economic significance.

For R&D, the typical discounting time is the project start time, while for a project involving production, usually all revenues are discounted at the start of mass production, and costs at the start of investment.

When choosing a project for financing, experts give preference to those that have the highest value of the integral effect.

The innovation profitability index has other names: profitability index, profitability index. In English literature, it is referred to as PI - Profitability Index. The profitability index is the ratio of income to investment costs as of the same date. The calculation of the profitability index is carried out according to the formula:

P - profitability index;

D t - income in period t;

З t is the amount of investment in innovation in period t.

The above formula reflects in the numerator the amount of income given by the time the implementation of innovations began, and in the denominator - the amount of investment in innovations discounted by the time the investment process began. Otherwise, we can say that two parts of the payment stream are compared here: income and investment.

The profitability index is closely related to the integral effect: if the integral effect E int is positive, then the profitability index P > 1, and vice versa. When P > 1, an innovative project is considered cost-effective. Otherwise (P< 1) – проект неэффективен.

In conditions of a severe shortage of funds, preference should be given to those innovative solutions for which the profitability index is highest.

Let's take an example of the difference between the integral effect and the profitability index. Suppose we have two innovative projects.

Table 3.5.

Comparison of integral effect and index
project profitability

As can be seen from Table 3.5, the projects do not differ from the point of view of the integral effect. However, judging by the profitability index, the second project is more attractive. Thus, if an investor has a choice between projects where he invests 100,000 and 50,000, and receives 110,000 and 60,000 as a result, then it is obvious that he will choose the second project, because. where investments are used more efficiently.

3.5.3. Rate of return

The rate of return Ep is the discount rate at which the amount of discounted income for a certain number of years becomes equal to investment investments. In this case, the income and costs of the innovation project are determined by reduction to the estimated point in time.


The rate of return characterizes the level of profitability of a particular innovative solution, expressed as a discount rate at which the future value cash flow from innovation is reduced to the present value of investment funds. The rate of return also has the following names: internal rate of return, internal rate of return, rate of return on investment. In English literature, this indicator is called the internal rate of return and is referred to as IRR - Internal Rate of Return.

The rate of return is defined analytically as such a threshold value of profitability, which ensures that the integral effect calculated for the economic life of innovations is equal to zero.

The value of the rate of return is easiest to determine from the graph of the dependence of the integral effect on the size of the discount rate. To do this, it suffices to calculate two values ​​of E int for any two values ​​and construct a dependence in the form of a straight line passing through two points corresponding to two calculated values ​​of E int. The desired value of Ep is obtained at the point of intersection of the graph with the abscissa axis, i.e. Ep = at E int = 0. More precisely, the rate of return is defined as a solution to the algebraic equation:


which is found using special numerical methods implemented in software used for financial analysis, such as Project Expert software.

It is clear that the higher the rate of return of the project, the more likely it is to receive funding.

The value of Ep found by calculation is compared with the rate of return required by the investor. The issue of making an investment decision can be considered if the value of Ep is not less than the value required by the investor.

Abroad, the calculation of the rate of return is often used as a first step. quantitative analysis investments and for further analysis, those innovative projects are selected, the internal rate of return of which is estimated at a value of at least 15-20%.

If the initiator of the innovation acts as an investor, then the decision to invest, as a rule, is made based on restrictions, which primarily include:

internal needs of production - the volume of necessary own funds for the implementation of industrial, technical, social programs;

· the rate of bank deposits (in the case of reliable banks such as Sberbank) or the yield on government securities;

Bank loan interest

conditions of sectoral and intersectoral competition;

the risk level of the project.

The management of an innovator company is faced with at least one investment alternative - to invest temporarily free funds in bank deposits or government securities, receiving a guaranteed income without additional high-risk activities. The rate of bank deposits or the yield of government securities is the minimum allowable value of the project's rate of return. This value can be obtained from official sources - the average returns on bank deposits and government securities are regularly published in specialized publications. Thus, the price of capital is defined as the net return on alternative investment projects.

If funds for the project are supposed to be obtained from a bank, then the minimum level of the project's rate of return should not be lower than the loan rate.

As for the influence of competition on the determination of the internal rate of return, when setting the rate of return on average profitability values, it must be commensurate with the scale of production. This is due to the fact that the average industry profitability can be higher than the production profitability of the innovator. Sometimes large companies will deliberately lower their prices in order to generate a sufficient amount of profit with significant sales volumes.

Investors who decide to finance innovative projects take into account the level of risk as a premium on the expected rate of return. The amount of this allowance can vary within very wide limits and depends to a large extent both on the nature of the project and on the personal characteristics of those who make investment decisions. Table 3.6 below. contains information that can be relied upon in determining the investor's expected return.

Table 3.6.

The dependence of the rate of return
investment project on the level of risk

Investment groups Expected return
Replacement investments - subgroup 1 (new machinery or equipment, vehicles etc., which will perform functions similar to the equipment being replaced) Capital price
Replacement investments - subgroup 2 (new machinery or equipment, vehicles, etc., which will perform functions similar to the equipment being replaced, but are technologically more advanced, their maintenance requires highly qualified specialists, the organization of production requires other solutions) Capital price + 3%
Replacement investments - subgroup 3 (new auxiliary production facilities: warehouses, buildings that replace old counterparts; plants located on a new site) Capital cost + 6%
New investments - subgroup 1 (new facilities or equipment associated with the main production, with which the previously manufactured products will be manufactured) Capital price + 5%
New investments - subgroup 2 (new facilities or machines that are closely related to existing equipment) Capital cost + 8%
New investments - subgroup 3 (new facilities and machines or takeovers and acquisitions of other firms that are not related to the existing technological process) Capital price + 15%
Investments in research and development - subgroup 1 (applied R&D aimed at certain specific purposes) Capital price + 10%
Investments in research and development - subgroup 2 (fundamental R&D, the goals of which are not clearly defined and the result is not known in advance) Capital price + 20%

3.5.4. Payback period

The payback period To is one of the most common indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of investments. In English literature, it is referred to as PP - Pay-off Period. In contrast to the indicator “payback period of capital investments” used in domestic practice, it is based not on profit, but on cash flow, bringing the funds invested in innovation and the amount of cash flow to the present value.

Payback period formula, where:

Z - initial investment in innovation;

D - annual cash income.

Investing in market conditions is associated with significant risk, and this risk is greater, the longer the payback period of investments. Both market conditions and prices may change too significantly during this time. This approach is invariably relevant for industries that have the highest rates of scientific and technological progress and where the emergence of new technologies or products can quickly devalue previous investments.

Finally, the focus on the “payback period” indicator is often chosen in cases where there is no certainty that an innovative project will be implemented, and therefore the owner of the funds does not risk entrusting investments for a long period.

Thus, investors prefer projects with the shortest payback periods.

3.5.5. Main characteristics of an innovative project

Among the characteristics of an innovative project, which are most often considered when performing a financial analysis, the following can be distinguished:

the sustainability of the project;

· sensitivity of the project in relation to change of its parameters;

The break-even point of the project.

The sustainability of the project is understood as the limiting negative value of the analyzed parameter, at which the economic feasibility of the project implementation is preserved. The project parameters used to analyze its sustainability include:

· capital investments;

· volume of sales;

· current expenses;

macroeconomic factors: inflation rate, dollar exchange rate, etc.

The stability of the project to a change in the analyzed parameter is calculated based on the condition that if the project parameters deviate by 10% for the worse from the nominal values, the integral effect remains positive.

Sensitivity to parameter change is also determined from the condition that the analyzed parameter changes by 10% towards a negative deviation from its nominal value. If after that Eint changes insignificantly (less than 5%), then innovative activity considered to be insensitive to changes in this factor. If there is a significant change in E int (more than 5%), then the project is recognized as risky for this factor. For parameters with respect to which a particularly high sensitivity of the project has been identified, it is desirable to conduct an in-depth analysis in order to more accurately predict their changes during the implementation of the project. Such an analysis would make it possible to possible problems, plan appropriate actions, provide for them the necessary resources, i.e. minimize project risk.

In addition to sustainability and sensitivity analysis, the break-even point of an innovative project is also often determined. It is determined by the volume of sales of products at which all production costs are covered. This parameter obviously reflects the degree of dependence of the project results on marketing risks - errors in determining demand, pricing policy and competitiveness of the new product.

Currently, financial analysis is carried out, as a rule, using special software. For example, the Project Expert product, which is widely used in our country, allows you to carry out all the analyzes described above, as well as perform many other operations that require a special training course. The output of the Project Expert software is a ready-made business plan, drawn up in accordance with the standards accepted in our country.

* Commercial development of research organizations in Russia. - M.: SKANRUS, 2001, S. 231-237.

* Commercial development of research organizations in Russia. - M.: SKANRUS, 2001, S. 321-237.